Early Weather Scientists

Long ago, weather was a Observing the Sky mystery. People thought the gods made many discoveries. He was especially skilled in made the weather. The ancient astronomy. Astronomy is the Greeks believed the god Zeus sent science that studies outer space. lightning bolts to the earth when he Galileo’s work helped us to got angry. People believed the myths understand how the sun, moon, because they had no other way to and planets move. understand weather. No one knew how to measure heat, cold, or wind. In 1564, was born in Italy. He was interested in many things. He could paint and play music, but he also loved science. He solved the mystery of how to measure heat and cold. He did this by making the firstthermometer . His work and his life led others to study science, too. Later, Galileo’s student made the firstbarometer . A measures air pressure. High pressure often means dry, sunny weather. Low pressure often means wet weather and storms.

  Years passed. Not much progress was made It works over a wide range of Today’s Weather Scientists in the study of weather. Then, Gabriel Daniel temperatures. Best of all, in a Today, there are many ways for Fahrenheit was born in 1686. His parents both , mercury gives exact people to get weather reports. Often, died when he was young. He had to work hard measurements! they watch meteorologists give reports as a shopkeeper to make enough money to live. Fahrenheit marked two on television. But meteorologists However, his real passion was science. points on his new thermometer. don’t just report the weather. They Fahrenheit knew that earlier The temperature where saltwater need to know how to study and were flawed. Thetemperature changed with froze was marked at 0°F. His body predict it before it occurs. That way, air pressure on Galileo’s thermometer. Other temperature was marked at 100°F. we can prepare for different types of designs had problems, too. Fahrenheit found a Between those two, freshwater weather. We can take precautions if way to make the thermometer more accurate. froze at 32°F. It boiled way up a storm is brewing. We can plan a Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit He decided to use mercury. Mercury swells at 212°F. At last, people could weekend trip to the beach if sunny with heat. It shrinks as it gets colder. record and compare temperatures days are ahead. Mish Michaels is an It rises and falls at a steady rate. accurately. important television meteorologist. Her career is filled with awards for her work in weather. At 212°F freshwater boils. At 32°F freshwater freezes into solid ice.

Mercury forms into droplets like these at room temperature.