THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2016 Tel 052 617 2500 email:
[email protected] Vol 21 Issue 16 Aerobics with Celine Age 50 + On Your Toes Fethard Road LifeEasyCovLifeer •PCoverensions Clonmel Guaranteed Life Cover Mon@7 Lumpup Sumto €2Inves5,000tments Tues@7 *NoMedical
[email protected] Busines*NoHsTealransactedth Questiowithns all T: 086 1657684 leading Insurance Companies. Follow Aerobics with Celine on Facebook John Carew Investments Ltd. “StAnne’s”, The Quay,Clonmel Tel: 052 6127627 Challenge yourself! John Carew Investments Ltd. is regulated by the Central Bank Of Ireland Locals offer feedback on what the River Suir means to them Great turnouts and lively RiverSuir catchment, in- sion on theSuir into water cide with publicconsulta- discussions were the order cluding at Newcastle Com- qualityand other natural tions by the Office of Public munity Hall, Golden water issues, and explore op- Works (OPW) on the Catch- of the day at the recent Community Hall, Anner portunities that the Suir and ment Flood Risk Assessment community meetings on Hotel Thurles, Cahir House its tributaries can provide and Management (CFRAM) ‘what does the River Suir Hotel, FethardCommunity local communities. s tudy. means to you?’. Hall, and Kildalton College These meetings were or- The meeting in Newcastle P i l tow n . ganised by the Local Au- openedwith apresentation Locals came together at six The evening meetings thority Waters and by Dr. Fran Igoe whO gave the locations throughout the aimed to Open out the discus- Communities Office to coin- background to anew ap- proachtO themanagementof our natural waters, which in- clude rivers, lakes, ground- ENJOYING THE FESTIVAL water, estuaries, thecoast and wetlands.