Development Control Board

Councillor D E Hunnisett (Chairman) Councillor R S L Perfitt (Vice-Chairman) Councillor S H Brown Councillor J Burrell Councillor S P Butterfill Councillor B Garden Councillor T A Maddison Councillor C S McLean Councillor D J Mote Councillor D T Nicklen Councillor A J Oakley-Dow Councillor V Oguntope Councillor T Oliver Councillor M I Peters Councillor L J Reynolds Councillor Mrs R F Storey Councillor R A S Jones

A meeting of the above Committee will be held on

Thursday 18 March 2021 at 5.00pm

Details of how to access the meeting will be published along with this agenda on the Council’s web site or can be obtained by contacting Democratic Services.

Strategic Director (Internal Services) 10 March 2021

Civic Centre, Home Gardens, , , DA1 1DR Tel: 01322 343434 INTRODUCTION The function of the Development Control Board is to consider planning applications and also to take enforcement action against breaches of planning control and related matters.

AGENDA LAYOUT Reports on a planning application describes the application site, the proposed development, any relevant planning history, responses from those who have been consulted on the application along with any other comments received, and, lastly, a report on the main planning issues relevant to the application. The reports also contain a recommendation to the Board Members, generally either for refusal or approval. The recommendation appears at the beginning and at the end of each report. There is a narrative by the Planning Officer of his/her consideration and the reason for refusal, or the conditions to be attached to an approval, are set out at the end of the report.

UPDATE The main agenda is printed some time before the Board meeting. The Update is a document which is prepared the day before the meeting and circulated to Members. It provides information about applications to be considered at the meeting which has emerged since the agenda was printed. This could include further comments from interested parties, recent changes to the application and amendments to the recommendation. Copies of the Update are made available to the public.

THE MEETING The Chairman and Vice-Chairman sit on the dais at the front of the Council Chamber. Planning Officers sit on their right and a legal representative and the Committee Co-ordinator usually sit on their left.

The Chairman may take agenda items in an order which reflects the degree of public interest.

The Chairman will propose each item and invite Members to indicate if they would like to discuss. If an item is not proposed for discussion, the Chairman will ask Members to vote in accordance with the Officer recommendation. However, those items where a member of the public has registered to speak against the Officer recommendation will be discussed by the Board. There will be no need for public speakers to address the Board if the speaker was going to support the Officer recommendation.

For items for discussion, the Planning Officer will usually make a presentation, describing the proposal, outlining the main planning considerations and concluding with the recommendation. Where a request to speak has been made by 12 noon on the designated date, and granted, the Chairman will invite speakers to sit in a designated area equipped with microphones. Where the Officer’s recommendation is to allow the application, the objectors will have the opportunity to speak first, followed by any supporter. The reverse order will apply in cases where the Officer’s recommendation is that the application be refused. Each speaker will be allowed three minutes to make their points.

Members or Officers may clarify any points with the speaker(s) before Members consider the application. Thereafter, no public speaking will be allowed and the speaker(s) will be asked to return to the public gallery.

The Chairman has the discretion to curtail or extend speaking in individual cases if it is considered appropriate.


Where a meeting is held virtually all participants will be sent an electronic invitation with details of how to access the meeting. The meeting will be live streamed on YouTube. Public speaking will be permitted in accordance with the Public Speaking Protocol (limited to 3 minutes or no more than 400 words in length to be submitted in writing in advance of the meeting).

SITE MEETINGS If it becomes apparent during the Board’s deliberations on an application that the Board cannot fully appreciate the impact of a proposal without seeing the site first, Members may decide to defer the application so that a site meeting can be held. If agreed, the item will not be discussed further at this meeting.



Thursday 18 March 2021

Viewing this meeting on YouTube

This meeting may be viewed on YouTube by clicking on, and opening, the link below:


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of interest from Members including the terms(s) of the Grant of Dispensation (if any) by the Audit Board or Managing Director.

3. Confirmation of the Minutes of the meeting held on 17 (Pages 3 - 6) December 2020

4. References from other committees

5. Urgent Items The Chairman will announce his decision as to whether there are any urgent items and their position on the agenda.


6. 20/01143/VCON (Pages 7 - 12) Gizem, 18 Street, Swanscombe, Kent. DA10 0BN Proposal The variation of Condition 3 attached to Permission DA/06/01224/COU (Use as Hot Food Take-away) to allow an extension of opening hours from 07.00hrs - 21.00 hrs Monday to Saturday with no Sunday Trading.

Recommendation Approval.

7. Confirmation of Tree Preservation Order 5 2020 Ferndell (Pages 13 - 24) Avenue Bexley Kent ITEMS FOR INFORMATION IN PUBLIC

8. Development Control Monitoring (Pages 25 - 30)

9. Decisions Taken Under Delegated Powers (Pages 31 - 86)

Page 1 Supplementary Information


Item 7 Gizem, 18 Swanscombe St, Swanscombe 20/01143/VCON

Kent Highways have commented on the proposal as follows:

“The proposed extension of operating hours are unlikely to cause highway safety concerns. The Swanscombe Street junction has the provision of double yellow lines to deter inappropriate car parking within the area, and safeguards the junction. The use of the site is already operating and extending the hours outside of the peak hours on the highway network does not cause any capacity issues in this case. Therefore, I do not believe there are any highway safety or highway capacity reasons for refusal on this variation of condition.”

Comment: Given the comments of Kent Highways I do not consider that the proposal will have any additional detrimental impact on highway safety to warrant a refusal of the application.

Page 2

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MINUTES of the meeting of the Development Control Board held on Thursday 17 December 2020 at 5.00 pm

PRESENT: Councillor D E Hunnisett (Chairman) Councillor L H K Edie Councillor B Garden Councillor T A Maddison Councillor C S McLean Councillor D J Mote Councillor A J Oakley-Dow Councillor T Oliver Councillor M I Peters Councillor L J Reynolds


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Brown, Burrell, Butterfill, Oguntope, Perfitt, and Mrs Storey.

The Board Chairman, Councillor Hunnisett, welcomed Mrs Jane Lynch to her first meeting of the Board. Mrs Lynch had recently been appointed as Interim Development Manager to replace Ms Sonia Collins, who has been appointed as the new Head of Planning Services.

The Chairman also reported that the Board Vice Chairman, Councillor Ian Armitt, had resigned as a Member of the Council for personal reasons.

He informed Members that Councillor Armitt was a long standing Councillor and Member of the Board and that his judgement and good sense when dealing with difficult applications and issues would be missed in the future.

The Chairman asked that the best wishes of the Board be passed to Mr Armitt and his wife on this new phase of their lives.

Arising from this Councillor Hunnisett requested that the Board nominate a Member to assist with the conduct of the meeting.


That Councillor Mote assist the Chairman with the conduct of the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest received.





That the minutes of the Development Control Board held on 12 November 2020 be confirmed as a correct record of that Meeting.


It was reported that there were no matters referred to the Board for consideration.


The Chairman confirmed that there were no urgent items for the Board to consider.


The Board was reminded that at the meeting held on 12 November 2020 it deferred consideration of a report, on an application for the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of 258 flats (Use Class C3) with associated parking, cycle storage, landscaping and amenity space at this site, to allow further discussion between the Developer and Officers to address concerns raised by Members relating to the Application.

Accordingly, the Board received a report on the Application which had been amended and addressed the issues identified by the Board when originally deferring the application.

The Chairman introduced Mr James McArthur who spoke in support of the Application.


That the Application be approved subject to:

1. The Conditions Reasons and Informatives set out in the Report;

2. The completion of a satisfactory S106 agreement, as detailed in paragraph 137 of the report to secure financial contributions, affordable housing, and specific matters to mitigate the impacts of the development;

3. The addition of drawing numbers to conditions 2, 16 and 17 of the approval; and,

4. The delegation to the Development Manager the Authority to make minor amendments to Conditions that may be required before the Planning Decision is issued 2 Page 5 Agenda Item 3 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL BOARD


194. 20/00411/FUL 26 - 28 WESTGATE ROAD, DARTFORD, KENT. DA1 2AN

The Board received a report on an application which proposed the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of a three storey building for a mixed use development comprising retail floor space and eight, 2 bedroomed apartments at this site.

The Chairman introduced Ms Jayne Denny, who spoke opposing the application, and a presentation made on behalf of Mrs Tracey Dixon supporting it.

Members’ attention was drawn to the update circulated.


That the application be approved subject to the Conditions, Reasons and Informatives set out in the report, and incorporating the amendments to conditions 2 and 34 as detailed in the Update Document.


The Board considered a report on an Application for the erection of a one bedroomed dwelling with associated parking and landscaping.

The Chairman introduced Mrs Emma Gregson who spoke in support of the Application and Mr Robert Johnson who spoke against it.

Members’ attention was drawn to the update circulated and to a suggested amendment to the additional Condition proposed therein.


That the Application be approved subject to;

1. The Conditions Reasons and Informatives set out in the Report, and;

2. The additional Condition 12 set out in the Update document and amended to read:

“12. Before occupation the dwellings shall comply with the Building Regulations Optional Requirements and shall meet Part M4(3) Wheelchair User Dwellings. Evidence of compliance shall be notified to the building control body appointed for the development in the appropriate Full Plans application or Building Notice to enable the building control body to check compliance.



12 In accordance with the requirements of Policy DP8 of the adopted Dartford Local Plan.”


The Board received a report which detailed the performance of the Development Management section compared with national performance indicators.

Sonia Collins, Head of Planning Services, reported that a new, additional, enforcement officer had recently been appointed and that this appointment should alleviate heavy work - loads in this area.


Members received, for information, a report on the decisions taken by Officers under delegated powers for the period 29 October to 1 December 2020.


That the report be noted.


Councillor Hunnisett reported that this was the last Board meeting of the calendar year and took the opportunity to wish all Members and Officers a pleasant Christmas and a happy, fruitful and safe New Year.

The meeting closed at 7.15 pm


4 Page 7 Agenda Item 6


18 March 2021

Reference: 20/01143/VCON Officer: Mrs B Lidster

Location: Gizem 18 Swanscombe Street Swanscombe Kent DA10 0BN

Proposal: Variation of Condition 3 attached to Permission DA/06/01224/COU (Use as Hot Food Take-away) to allow an extension of opening hours from 07.00hrs - 21.00 hrs Monday to Saturday with no Sunday Trading

Applicant: Mr Ranbir Sandhu

Agent: Barron Edwards Ltd/Mr James Barron

Parish / Ward: Swanscombe And / Swanscombe


Approval of Variation of Condition


(1) No. 18 Swanscombe Street is a small bakery/takeaway located at the junction of Swanscombe Street and Sun Road in an area made up mainly of terraced housing with little or no off street parking. To the opposite corner of Sun Road there is a public house.

(2) Planning permission was granted for the change of use of the premises to a hot food takeaway in 2007 under reference DA/06/01224/COU. Condition 3 of that permission restricts the hours of use to 8am to 5pm Mondays to Saturdays and no working on Sundays or Bank Holidays.


(3) The proposal is for the variation of condition 3 of the 2006 permission to increase the hours of use to 07:00 to 21:00 Mondays to Saturdays with no opening on Sundays or Bank Holiday i.e. an additional 1 hour in the morning and an additional 4 hours in the evening.


(4) 06/01224/COU Change of use of property from retail shop (Class A1) to Hot food takeaway (Class A5) - Approved

(5) 03/00555/COU Change of use of property from retail shop to takeaway - refused on the grounds of potential traffic generation which would interfere with the free-flow of traffic on Swanscombe Street and Sun Road.

(6) 03/00280/COU Change of use of property from retail shop to takeaway - refused on the grounds of potential traffic generation which would interfere with the free-flow of traffic on Swanscombe Street and Sun Road.

Agenda Item 6 Page 8


(7) Swanscombe and Greenhithe Town Council - No observations, but ask that all neighbouring properties are consulted prior to the decision of the application.

(8) Kent Highways - No comments to make on the proposal.

(9) Environmental Health Services Manager - Based on the information received they have no adverse comments or objections in relation to the proposal but remind the owner to ensure that noise generated from the premises is kept to a minimum so as not to cause a disturbance to residents in nearby properties. If complaints are received as a result of the changes, then Environmental Protection will review these on a case by case basis under the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The owner confirmed that he intends to serve fish and chips from midday until 9pm and will be using a new fryer attached to the existing extraction system.


(10) Twenty two letters of representation have been received, 16 letters in support with six raising objections. A summer of their comments is as follows:

- There isn't enough parking in this road as it is; - Environmental impact on the area as there is already rubbish being left from the bakery in the street and this would only get worse with rubbish and food waste being left in the street; - The noise levels would increase as would the number of people hanging around; - There is no need for any further takeaways in the area as we have already have one Chinese, one Indian and 2 kebab shops; - The bakery/hot food takeaway closes at around 4 pm we feel that this is already adequate; - Will cause chaos and anti-social behaviour; - The parking could also cause accidents as people park on the double yellow lines and on the corners; - We have seem people using the alley nearby to urinate when they are waiting in the queue which is disgusting when approached they give a mouthful of abuse; - Similar proposals have been declined in the past; - The premises are situated on a main road and also now a main bus route which causes congestion; - Small groups of youths gather outside, after using the premises, smoking drugs; - Smell of fat; - There are enough take-aways in Swanscombe & do not need another; - It is good for the community to have hot food in the evening as well; - Very good for the whole community - it is needed at present; - It would be very convenient for them as staff of the local GP often order food from that premises and would help staff who work late.


(11) The Dartford Core Strategy 2011, the Dartford Development Policies Plan 2017 and the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2016 form the Dartford's Development Plan and the application should be determined against this unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

(12) Adopted Dartford Core Strategy adopted 2011

(13) Adopted Dartford Development Policies Plan 2017 DP1: Presumption in favour of sustainable development Page 9 Agenda Item 6

DP3: Transport Impacts of Development DP5: Environmental and Amenity Protection

(14) Dartford Local Plan to 2037 - Draft Document February 2021 (The policies in the draft Plan are now a material consideration in the determination of planning applications but currently carry only limited weight) S1: Borough Spatial Strategy M16: Travel Management M2: Environmental and Amenity Protection

(15) Dartford Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document 2012

(16) The NPPF is also a material consideration.


Key Issues

(17) The use of the premises for a hot food takeaway was granted in 2007. There was some doubt as to whether this permission had been implemented as a result of comments from neighbours. However after doing some research and asking for additional information from neighbours and the Environmental Health team, I am satisfied, that on the balance of probabilities the takeaway permission was implemented.

(18) As the use is already established I consider that the key issue is the impact of the extended hours on neighbours and any issues regarding highway safety.

Impact on neighbours

(19) Under the 2006 planning permission, a takeaway use has already been considered to be an acceptable use of the premises. Whilst some neighbours have made reference to noise, disturbance and anti-social behaviour from users of the takeaway, there have been no recorded complaints regarding this to either Environmental Health or Planning Enforcement. Given the lack of any complaints I would suggest that the takeaway use has not caused any significant harm to neighbour's residential amenity.

(20) The location of the premises is within an area of mixed uses with a public house opposite, a shop along the road as well as a veterinary practice. The environment is a fairly busy one.

(21) The revised opening time of 7am is likely to attract the breakfast trade in an already busy area with roads beginning to get busy for the morning commute. I also consider that closing at 9pm Monday-Saturday does not seem unreasonable with a number of takeaways and public houses in the area closing much later in the evening.

(22) It is not proposed to open on Sundays and Bank Holidays and so this part of condition 3 would not be varied. This is when the area would generally be much quieter especially first thing in the morning.

(23) The objectors make reference to the smells coming from the property. However Environmental Health have not raised any concerns in this regard. There was an approved extraction flue back in 2007 with filters. Any issues with odours will be regulated by Environmental Health who could take action is necessary.

Highway safety and amenity:

(24) Objectors make reference to problem parking in the area. There is no off-street parking for customers and so any car parking would need to be on-street. I am aware that Swanscombe Street and Sun Road (which this premises is on the corner of) is already heavily parked. However, it is notable that the extended opening hours would largely impact on evening parking Agenda Item 6 Page 10

and traffic, largely after rush hour when traffic levels would be reduced and on-street parking already at full capacity. This is therefore likely to result in people needing to park further away from the application site for short periods of time. Parking demand would therefore be dispersed in my view having a limited and diluted impact on local roads. As such, I do not consider that there would be any demonstrable harm on highway safety and amenity as a result of the additional hours of use. I have however, requested comments from Kent Highways in light of the neighbours' concerns regarding parking and congestion in the area and will report them in the update to the meeting.

(25) In terms of inconsiderate or dangerous parking, this is unfortunate but I do not consider that this could necessarily be linked to an extended opening for the takeaway. Motorists should comply with traffic regulations in regards to this and any infringement is for Parking Services to enforce.

(26) The proposed opening hours are not, in my opinion, unreasonable. I note that the Government are encouraging extended hours for businesses such as this given the current economic uncertainty.


(27) I have considered the application in the light of the Human Rights Act 1998. I am satisfied that my analysis of the issues in this case and my consequent recommendation are compatible with the Act.


(28) Due regard has been had to the Public Sector Equality Duty, as set out in Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010. It is considered that the application proposals would not undermine objectives of the Duty.


(29) Whilst this is a slight increase in opening times, in my opinion they would not have any demonstrable or harmful impact on neighbours or highway safety and amenity such as to warrant a refusal of the application.


Vary Condition Conditions:

01 The use shall not be carried out outside the hours of 07:00 to 21:00 hours Mondays to Saturdays with no working on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

01 To avoid unreasonable disturbance in terms of noise and activity to nearby residents in accordance with Policy DP5 of the adopted Local Plan.

02 The ventilation system approved under reference DA/07/00694/CDNA shall subsequently be maintained as such.

02 To safeguard the noise environment of the surrounding locality and prevent harmful odour in accordance with Policy DP5 of the adopted Local Plan.

Page 11 Agenda Item 6

Application No:: 20/01143/VCON

Address : Gizem 18 Swanscombe Street Swanscombe Kent DA10 0BN

Date: 4 March 2021 Scale: Not to Scale

Page 12

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WARD: Joydens Wood

1. Summary

1.1 To seek authority to confirm a Tree Preservation Order.


2.1 That, for the reasons detailed in the report, Tree Preservation Order No. 5 2020 - Ferndell Avenue Bexley Kent, be confirmed.

3. Background and discussion

3.1 The trees in question are located within a verge to the north of Ferndell Avenue, adjacent to 58 Summerhouse Drive and 53 Briar Road. The land upon which the trees are situated is owned by the Council. Some of the branches of the identified trees overhang the aforementioned residential properties.

3.2 Last year, the Council became aware of a tree that had been felled close to the trees the subject of this TPO. A number of requests had also been made to the Council by residents of properties adjacent to the trees the subject of this TPO, for works to reduce/remove the trees. A local Ward Member requested that these trees should be considered for protection under a Tree Preservation Order.

3.3 In response to this request and concerns about works to the trees being undertaken, Officers instructed the Council’s Tree Consultant to visit the site to assess the health, retention span, prominence and value of the trees as part of a Tree Evaluation Method for Preservation Orders (TEMPO) assessment. Photographs of the trees were taken from the surrounding area. The Planning Officer has subsequently visited the site.

3.4 A provisional tree preservation order (TPO) was made under TPO 5 2020 on 21 December 2020 covering four sweet chestnut trees within the verge owned by the Council. A number of objections have been received from local residents and as such, consideration of whether the TPO should be confirmed, is a matter for the Board.

4. Response from consultation

4.1 Notice of making the temporary TPO was sent to Power Networks Ltd and the owners of 58 Summerhouse Drive and 53 Briar Road, requiring the submission of objections or other comments to


be submitted to the Council by 5 February 2021.

4.2 Objections were received from two local residents as well as a petition from local residents with 11 signatures, all in opposition to confirmation of the TPO. A summary of the comments is set out below:

a) the Council should have carried out a wider consultation for the TPO as the trees affect more properties; b) the trees are causing cracks to the flank wall of no. 3 Ferndell Avenue and 58 Summerhouse Drive; c) damage to fence panels along boundary of 58 Summerhouse Drive; d) the height of the trees and spread of branches is ‘grossly excessive’ leading to a reduction in light to properties close by and impacts on their ‘Right to Light’ and their Human Rights; e) the Council has failed to deal with excessive growth over the years; f) the TPO should be revoked and the trees should be kept in a well maintained manner with annual cutting back; g) the length of the roots are under-mining the foundations of dwellings in the vicinity, exposing the properties to risks of cracks in walls, leading to instability of the buildings; h) the trees should be topped and pruned in a way that ensures daylight to properties in the vicinity; i) the last time the trees were trimmed back was the beginning of 2019 as there were low hanging branches; j) the concern is that because of the TPO, the trees will be neglected; k) there are potholes in the road due to the trees which they had to fill at their own expense because the road is unadopted; l) some of the trees were always trimmed by a local resident until a few years ago; m) the trees are over 100ft high and so do need checking by a tree expert on a regular basis so that any damage to properties is prevented; n) only a minimal amount of pruning has taken place by DBC over the years; o) desire to be able to switch off lights within their property if trees are trimmed back to reduce carbon footprint; p) these trees have been encouraged to grow in height and width in an un-managed manner; q) “the Council owes all of us a duty of care and under the 1832 Prescription Act, where our Right to Light established in excess of 20 years is clear.” r) All objections should be read in full by Members of the DC Board and read aloud by the chairman of the meeting; s) All objectors should be allowed to speak at the meeting; t) the branches of these 4 trees trespass over their property.


Parliament never intended that any TPO should take precedence over any trespass; u) “the Branches over-hang with leaf droppings that fill 20 to 25 brown wheelie bins every year, which we have to pay DBC to empty.”

5. Consideration

5.1 National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) Note – Tree Preservation Orders and trees in a conservation area states that local planning authorities can make a Tree Preservation Order if it appears to them to be ‘expedient in the interests of amenity to make provision for the preservation of trees or woodlands in their area’. When deciding whether an Order is appropriate, authorities are advised to take into consideration what ‘amenity’ means in practice, what to take into account when assessing amenity value, what ‘expedient’ means in practice, what trees can be protected and how they can be identified.


5.2 In terms of amenity, this term is not defined in law so authorities need to exercise judgement when deciding whether it is within their powers to make an Order. Orders should be used to protect selected trees if their removal would have a significant negative impact on the local environment and its enjoyment by the public. Before authorities make or confirm an Order they should be able to show that protection would bring a reasonable degree of public benefit in the present or future.

5.3 When considering whether trees should be protected by an Order, authorities are advised to develop ways of assessing the amenity value of trees in a structured and consistent way, taking into account visibility, individual, collective and wider impact and other factors such as nature conservation or response to climate change. Although the NPPG notes that the latter two considerations would not be sufficient on their own to warrant the making of an Order.

5.4 In terms of visibility, the trees are prominent features within the immediate and wider area. They form a soft boundary to Ferndell Avenue and a green backdrop to the properties fronting Summerhouse Drive and Brier Road. The trees can be seen for some distance along Summerhouse Drive – one of the main roads through Joyden Wood. In this respect they contribute significantly to the character and appearance of the area. If the trees were to be removed or their health harmed by way of excessive cutting back, it is my view that this would have a significant negative impact on the local environment and amenity.

5.5 The NPPG advises that public visibility alone will not be sufficient to warrant an Order. The particular importance of an individual tree or


of groups of trees should be considered in detail by reference to its or their characteristics including: size and form; future potential as an amenity; rarity, cultural or historic value and contribution to, and relationship with, the landscape.

5.6 It is my view that the trees add significantly to the character and appearance of the area, complementing the large wooded area of Joydens Wood to the west of the four TPO trees. Members may be aware that Joydens Wood is designated as Ancient Woodland and so has historical significance. This makes it all the more important to preserve mature trees within the housing adjacent to this woodland in order to maintain the link between the two, which in my view is critical to the character of the area.

5.7 I have not identified any particular nature conservation value for these trees, nor that they have any demonstrable benefit to climate change. As such these factors have not contributed to my conclusion that the trees should be protected by a TPO.

5.8 The Council’s Tree Consultant visited the land to provide arboricultural advice on the appropriateness of placing a TPO on these trees. He carried out a Tree Evaluation Method for Preservation Orders (TEMPO) assessment - a systematised assessment tool for TPO suitability. This assesses the trees against various criteria including: condition and suitability; retention span; relative public visibility; ‘other factors’ such as the collective value as a group of trees and lastly, expediency. The trees are scored against each of the criteria with an overall score giving a strong indication of whether the tree(s) are suitable for a TPO and what type – individual, group, area or woodland. An overall score of 12 or more would indicate that the trees are worthy of a TPO or TPO defensible. In this case, the TEMPO score for these trees was 15 indicating that the TPO is defensible. It is also worth noting that had the trees scored one additional point, the TEMPO score would have indicated that the trees ‘definitely merit a TPO’.

5.9 The TEMPO assessment notes that the condition of the trees is fair with lower branches removed and previous crown reduction leaving wounds. The expected retention span of the trees is 20-40 years and notes, as set out above, that the trees are clearly visible to the public from surrounding roads. The assessment notes under ‘other factors’ that amenity is enhance by the close proximity of the trees to one another. In terms of expediency, which is explored in more detail below, the assessment notes the perceived threat from works to the trees from neighbouring properties.

5.10 In summary in respect of amenity, it is my strong view that the trees contribute significantly to the character and appearance of the area to the benefit of the environment and the public. Individually, the trees


are of sufficient health with a suitable retention span to justify their preservation.


5.11 In terms of expediency, the NPPG notes that although some trees or woodlands may merit protection on amenity grounds it may not be expedient to make them the subject of an Order. For example, it is unlikely to be necessary to make an Order in respect of trees which are under good arboricultural or silvicultural management. However, it may be expedient to make an Order if the authority believes there is a risk of trees being felled, pruned or damaged in ways which would have a significant impact on the amenity of the area. However, it is not necessary for there to be immediate risk for there to be a need to protect trees. Authorities can also consider other sources of risks to trees with significant amenity value. For example, changes in property ownership and intentions to fell trees are not always known in advance, so it may sometimes be appropriate to proactively make Orders as a precaution.

5.12 Although the trees are on Council-owned land, there is significant pressure from adjacent property owners to carry out works to cut back the canopy of the trees and reduce their height. Without adequate protection, such works, if carried out, could be significantly harmful to the long-term health of the trees. A TPO would allow the Local Planning Authority to formally consider the appropriateness of any works in consultation with a qualified Tree Consultant. The Council as the landowner might not otherwise prioritise the health of the trees over the requests of the adjacent landowner. Cutting back of branches that hang over adjacent land will be controlled with a TPO. At this point, it is worth noting that the TPO does not prevent good arboricultrual practices for the maintenance of the trees. Indeed the removal of dead wood and branches is exempt from the TPO and can therefore be carried out without first applying to the local planning authority, subject to a 5 day notice.

5.13 As such, it is considered that a TPO is the best way of protecting the trees from excessive cutting back that may harm the health of the trees. It will also act as a deterrent for any future removal of the trees without Council consent.


5.14 Local residents have raised a number of concerns as set out above which I will address below.

5.15 Residents are concerned that the trees block light from their garden, and properties. They consider that the trees affect their ‘Right to Light’. On this latter point, Members should be clear that the law


surrounding a ‘Right to Light’ falls to be considered under separate legislation and should not have any bearing on the consideration of this TPO. In terms of a loss of light to adjacent properties, this is an unavoidable consequence of having large trees in or adjacent to rear gardens. This should not however, prevent good tree specimens from being protected by a TPO. I consider that in this case, the amenity value of the trees and the value they add to the character and appearance of the area outweighs the individual concerns of the residents who have objected.

5.16 There is also concern that the trees drop a lot of debris in the rear gardens and a fear that the trees might fall and damage property. Although clearing up leaves and other tree debris from gardens can be a nuisance to some individuals, I do not consider that this should prevent the protection of trees which offer a high amenity value. The potential danger from trees falling can be prevented with good tree maintenance.

5.17 Local residents allege that the trees are causing cracks in houses, damage to fence panels and potholes in the road. I have asked the Council’s tree consultant to comment on these assertions. He states:

“Based on the photos supplied by the residents, in my opinion I see no hard evidence to prove that the trees are the sole cause of the leaning fence and cracks….potential subsidence can never be ruled out when living near to trees, whatever the species. However, based on the supplied photos the fence appears to have been present for some time and it is not uncommon for the fence posts to rot off at ground level, which appears to have happened in the photos. As for the cracks…, I note the wall is rendered which again can naturally degrade and become cracked, although it is not clear if the cracks are just superficial surface ones or are deeper into the sub-course.

From a TPO perspective, in the absence of any evidence to prove the trees are contributing towards the alleged damage, I see no reason not to confirm the TPO. If the residents feel that the trees are the cause of the problem then appropriate evidence is to be produced by suitable qualified consultants/engineers…..”

No evidence has been provided by local residents to substantiate their claims of damage to property and/or the road and as such, these assertions should not be a factor in the confirmation of this TPO. However, as noted by the Tree Consultant, if the residents wish to make a case for works to, or removal of one or more of the trees based on damage to property or the road, it is possible that with suitable evidence those works would be justified. In that case, the residents would be encouraged to submit an application for consent to carry out works to a TPO tree(s) supported by evidence from the relevant experts.


5.18 There is general concern that the Council as the landowner has not maintained the trees sufficiently over the years. I have no evidence to substantiate these claims but should note that this is not relevant to the consideration as to whether the TPO should be confirmed in this case other than to note that our Tree Consultant finds that the trees are of sufficient health to be worthy of a TPO. There is also no reason to assume that the TPO would result in less tree maintenance.

5.19 If residents wish to apply to the local planning authority for works to the trees then they can do so, even if they are not the landowner. The Council as landowner is subject to the same application requirements. The process of applying to the Council (as local planning authority) is simple with no fee payable to the Council. TPO applications are usually processed within 6-8 weeks. The proposed works would be considered carefully by our Tree Consultant and the Planning Officer and if consent is given, the works can commence. It would then be down to the Council and the local residents to negotiate when and how this happens. In summary, this TPO would not prevent works to the trees as long as they do not harm the health of the trees or the amenity value of the area.

5.20 The comment in respect of branches ‘trespassing’ on their property is assumed to be referring to overhanging branches from the trees. As noted above at 5.19, if residents wanted to apply to the local planning authority for branches to be trimmed back then they can easily do so with consideration given to their concerns as well as the impact on the health of the tree.

5.21 Local residents are concerned about the level of consultation that was carried out for this TPO. Members should be reassured that Officers have written to all persons that the legislation requires us to. Once these concerns were brought to our attention, Officers did consider displaying a site notice at the site. However, this is not standard practice for newly made TPOs. In addition, we had received the petition from local residents and it was considered that a wider consultation was not therefore necessary as there was clearly already a wider awareness of the TPO. At this time of Covid risk, visits to sites to display site notices are only being carried out in exceptional circumstances.

6. Conclusions

6.1 A TPO is an appropriate way of ensuring that any works to the protected trees are monitored by the Council, to allow for a professional and objective opinion on the works requested and to ensure that any work undertaken to a tree is acceptable from an arboricultural point of view. This can also ensure that there would be


no detrimental impact on the long term health of the tree or its visual amenity value, taking into account any health and safety issues.

6.2 Without the protection of the TPO the trees could be removed at any time and/or works carried out to the trees that may have a harmful effect on their health. I am therefore of the opinion that the TPO should be confirmed for the wider public benefit. My view is that, for the reasons set out above, the trees individually merit protection as opposed to being protected under a group or area TPO.

7. Relationship to the Corporate Plan

7.1 Not applicable.

8. Financial, legal, staffing and other administrative implications and risk assessments


I have considered the application in the light of the Human Rights Act 1998. I am satisfied that my analysis of the issues in this case and my consequent recommendation are compatible with the Act.

Financial Implications None Legal Implications The confirmation of the TPO can be challenged in the High Court (within 6 weeks of the notice of confirmation), under section 288 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. On the grounds that the TPO is not within the powers of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 or the requirements of the 1990 Act or Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation)() Regulations 2012 have not been met.

Staffing Implications None Administrative Implications None Risk Assessment No uncertainties and/or constraints

9. Appendices

9.1 Appendix A – TPO Plan.


Documents Date File Ref Report Section and Exempt consulted Author Directorate Information Category


Application 21st December TPO No. 5 Emma Eisinger Development N/A File 2020 2020 01322 343600 Management Planning Services

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7 map with the permission of the Controller 1 1 of Her Majestys Stationery Office Tree Preservatio3n Order No 5/2020 © Crown Copyright 2020 Ferndell Avenue Bexley Kent 5 5 8 Unauthorised reproduction 2 8 Infringes Crown Copyright and Date 18/12/2020 May lead to prosecution or civil Proceedings Dartford Borough Council 100025870 2020 Map Produced By: tclark On: 18/12/2020 09:44 AM X:\Data_Store\Departmental_Data\Regeneration_Directorate\Development_Control\Tree_Presevation_Orders\01_Project_Files\2020_05_20201218.mxd 550700 550800




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! Page 24

This page is intentionally left blank Page 25 Agenda Item 8

Development Management Section Quarterly data to December 2020

The graphs on the following pages set out key performance indicators for the section:

Planning applications

 No. of applications received and decided  % of major applications decided in 13 weeks (or with agreed target dates)  % of minor and other applications decided in 8 weeks (or with agreed target dates)


 % of all appeals dismissed


 No of complaints received – Categories 1, 2 and 3  No of cases closed and on hand

Agenda Item 8 Page 26





201 200



185 184

178 Received

170 162

157 Decided

150 148



0 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20

Figure 2 - Major Applications Decided in 13 weeks/EoT (%) Target - 70% National Average 88%(jul-sept 20) 120

100 100 93 89 86 83 80

67 DBC Perform ance 60

DBC Target

40 Top Quartile

20 No. Decided 13 8 8 4 6 5




Dec-19 Sep-20 Sep-19 Dec-20

Page 27 Agenda Item 8

Figure 3 - Minor Applications Decided in 8 weeks/EoT (%) Target - 85% National Average 85% (jul-sept 2020) 90 83 80 80 73 70 69 67 70 60 DBC 50 Performance DBC Target 40 Top Quartile 30 24 20 16 20 15 11 10 10 0 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20

Figure 4 - Other Applications Decided in 8 weeks (%) Target - 89% National Average 90% jul-sept 2020) 160

145 140 140 142

125 120 122

100 102 93 94 91 90 87 89 80


40 DBC Perform ance DBC Target

Top Quartile

20 No.Decided




Dec-19 Dec-20

Sep-19 Sep-20

Agenda Item 8 Page 28

Figure 5 - Outstanding Planning Applications and Total Outstanding Applications 500

450 445

400 383 374 374 350 327 330 Total 300 Outstanding

259 250 Outstanding 220 225 203 200 196 180




0 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20

Figure 6 - Percentage of Appeals Dismissed Percentage dismissed

No. of decisions 120

100 100 100

83 78 80 75



20 14 10 6 5 2 0 2




Sep-19 Dec-19 Sep-20 Dec-20

Jul-Sept Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun 20 Jul-sept 21 Oct-Dec 19 19 19 21 No. of 0 2 1 1 1 0 applications for costs Successful 0 0 0 1 1 0 applications

Page 29 Agenda Item 8


Figure 7 Enforcement Complaints Received


70 68

60 61 56 55 50 51 Category 1 45 Category 2

40 Category 3

30 Total






Dec-20 Dec-19

Sep-19 Sep-20

Figure 8 Enforcement Cases Outstanding Categores 1-3


250 245 226 212 200 199 207 188 150 No. of Outstanding Cases 100





Dec-20 Sep-19 Dec-19 Sep-20


Category 1 – high priority, any unauthorised development that causes immediate and irreparable harm in the locality, e.g., damage to a listed building, felling of protected trees. Category 2 – medium priority, unauthorised development that causes some harm to the locality, but not to the extent that Category 1 applies, e.g., complaints relating to use of land for the storage of vehicles, erection of a domestic outbuilding, extension of a residential curtilage. Category 3 - low priority, inconsequential breaches of planning control that cause little or no harm to the locality or local residents, e.g., the erection of fences or outbuildings within lawful domestic curtilages, minor variations from approved plans. Agenda Item 8 Page 30

Performance monitoring: Key issues

 The number of applications submitted remained high for the October- December quarter. The COVID 19 pandemic has not slowed the submission of applications significantly and there remains a steady flow. However, the percentage of decisions on minor applications made within time fell below the Council’s target, possibly as a result of the lower number actually determined. The percentage of major and other (mainly householder) applications determined within time remained above Council targets.

 The number of outstanding planning applications monitored for government statistics and reported here is 259 and rose again as the Country entered further Covid related restrictions. This reflects the additional number of applications received earlier in this year, which created a backlog following the first period of restrictions, but also reflects reduced staff resources over the period and then further restrictions preventing site visits and slowing working practices. As site visits have not been undertaken, except in exceptional circumstances for the early part of this year this trend of an increased number of outstanding cases is likely to continue. The total number of applications outstanding is 445 which includes submissions for conditions, TPOs, non-material amendments, consultations by other authorities and bodies. All of which can take a significant amount of officer time. This total number therefore gives a better indication of workload and applications outstanding.

 There were 5 appeal decisions in the quarter, all of which were dismissed.

 The number of new enforcement complaints has increased during the pandemic period and the number of outstanding enforcement cases has increased, which partly reflects the complexity of some of the outstanding cases which cannot be closed quickly and also the impacts of the pandemic and difficulties with undertaking site visits.

 As well as the 245 outstanding Category 1-3 cases there are also cases which are subject to on-going monitoring. For instance this may apply to a use which may be intermittent or where a planning application has been submitted, following a decision the case will either be closed because there is no longer a breach or they will be re- categorised as Categories 2-3 and enforcement action will be progressed. This has the consequence of reducing the number of cases closed but ensures that cases are followed up.


DELEGATED LIST OF APPLICATIONS DETERMINED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS Excluding Ebbsfleet UDC Applications Date Report Compiled: 3-Mar-2021 Period for Report: 02/12/2020 to 03/03/2021

Plan Ref 20/01285/PDE Date Issued 02/12/2020 Location 35 Burnham Road Dartford Kent DA1 5AY Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Burnham Decision Prior Approval Required and Refused; Not permitted development

Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01225/FUL Date Issued 02/12/2020 Location Camelot Pescot Avenue Kent DA3 7NA Proposal Erection of a single storey side extension Ward Longfield, & Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/00772/FUL Date Issued 02/12/2020 Location 1 Woodward Terrace Horns Cross Greenhithe Kent DA9 9DD Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Stone Castle Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01387/OBB Date Issued 02/12/2020 Location Nurstead Hill Farm Nurstead Lane Longfield Kent Proposal Consultation on application reference 20201139 for the removal of conditions 3, 4, 6 and 10 attached to planning permission reference number 20200052 for the change of use from agricultural land to provide a touring caravan site for 10 pitches within Gravesham Borough Council Ward Outside Borough Boundary Decision Observations made; Consider visual impact of removing conditions relating to boundary planting and external lighting, on the character and appearance of the Green Belt and wider locality Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01456/OBB Date Issued 02/12/2020 Location 16 Copseside Hartley Kent DA3 7DU Proposal Consultation on an application for erection of small ground floor rear extension with glazed roof and steps and enlargement of rear door to kitchen within Council Ward Outside Borough Boundary Decision No Objection Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger

Page 1 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01217/FUL Item 9 Date IssuedPage 32 03/12/2020 Location 8 Ightham Close Longfield Kent DA3 7AW Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 16/00453/VCON Date Issued 04/12/2020 Location Mill Pond Development Site Mill Pond Road Dartford Kent DA1 1BW Proposal Application for Variation of condition 1 of planning permission DA/15/00625/REM in respect of changes to blocks C and D and site plan base Ward Town OLD Decision Approval of Variation of Condition - Minor material amendments that do not compromise the quality of the development or impact on flood risk Officer Sue Wright Plan Ref 20/01214/CDNA Date Issued 04/12/2020 Location North Kent College Oakfield Lane Dartford Kent DA1 2JT Proposal Submission of details relating to archaeology pursuant to condition 4 of planning permission DA/18/01351/FUL for demolition of the existing buildings and erection of a college building comprising 2,836 sqm of educational floor space and the provision of associated infrastructure including drainage works, open space, fencing and landscaping Ward Princes Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01219/CDNA Date Issued 04/12/2020 Location North Kent College Oakfield Lane Dartford Kent DA1 2JT Proposal Submission of details relating to building recording (condition 3) and construction method statement (condition 6) pursuant to planning permission DA/18/01351/FUL for demolition of the existing buildings and erection of a college building comprising 2,836 sqm of educational floor space and the provision of associated infrastructure including drainage works, open space, fencing and landscaping Ward Princes Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01235/FUL Date Issued 04/12/2020 Location Himalayas Pescot Avenue Longfield Kent DA3 7NA Proposal Provision of two new windows on the 1st floor westward gable Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01280/PDE Date Issued 04/12/2020 Location 121 Main Road Longfield Kent DA3 7PQ Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 2 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01228/TPO Date IssuedPage 33 04/12/2020Agenda Item 9 Location 12 St Ronans View Dartford Kent DA1 1QD Proposal Application to reduce height of Oak tree from 11m to finished height 9m and remove 1 branch as per diagram overhanging neighbours garden and reduce height of Sycamore tree from 9m to finished height 6m subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1987 Ward Brent Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01245/FUL Date Issued 04/12/2020 Location 26 Wayville Road Dartford Kent DA1 1RL Proposal Conversion of integral garage to habitable room with associated alterations to front elevation Ward Newtown Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01254/CDNA Date Issued 04/12/2020 Location Littlebrook Power Station Rennie Drive Dartford Kent DA1 5PT Proposal Submission of details relating to ecology pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission DA/20/00041/VCON for provision of a new 400kV substation Ward Bridge Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01411/LDC Date Issued 04/12/2020 Location 33 Faesten Way Bexley Kent DA5 2JB Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed dormer window in rear elevation in connection with providing additional room in the roof space Ward Joydens Wood Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01185/CDNA Date Issued 04/12/2020 Location Former The Foresters 235 High Road Wilmington Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to external materials (condition 8) pursuant to planning permission DA/19/00585/FUL for demolition of The Foresters Public House and erection of 6 No. dwellings (Class C3) with associated access, parking and landscaping Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/01166/CDNA Date Issued 04/12/2020 Location Former The Foresters 235 High Road Wilmington Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to Biodiversity Method Statement (condition 3), details of boundaries with holes for hedgehogs (condition 12) and the installation of bat and bird boxes and details of how the development will enhance biodiversity (condition 13) pursuant to planning permission DA/19/00585/FUL for demolition of The Foresters Public House and erection of 6 No. dwellings (Class C3) with associated access, parking and landscaping Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Richard Elder

Page 3 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01183/CDNA Item 9 Date IssuedPage 34 07/12/2020 Location Former The Foresters 235 High Road Wilmington Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to Construction Management Plan (condition 5) pursuant to planning permission DA/19/00585/FUL for demolition of The Foresters Public House and erection of 6 No. dwellings (Class C3) with associated access, parking and landscaping Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/01184/CDNA Date Issued 07/12/2020 Location Former The Foresters 235 High Road Wilmington Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to tree protection measures (condition 6) pursuant to planning permission DA/19/00585/FUL for demolition of The Foresters Public House and erection of 6 No. dwellings (Class C3) with associated access, parking and landscaping Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 19/00770/FUL Date Issued 08/12/2020 Location 102 Gore Road Kent DA2 6LY Proposal Erection of a rear extension, including extension of the roof to accommodate rooms in the roof space. Creation of additional parking provision Ward Brent Decision Application Permitted Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01236/CDNA Date Issued 08/12/2020 Location Electricity Sub Station Adjacent 205 London Road Stone Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to Dormouse Method Statement pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission DA/19/00731/FUL for construction of a new Electricity Switch House and associated works including new access road and fencing Ward Stone Castle Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01021/FUL Date Issued 09/12/2020 Location National Westminster Bank 12 High Street Dartford Kent DA1 1DD Proposal Removal 1 No. existing external ATM and backing plate. Infill aperture left by removed ATM to match existing wall specification. Reinstate stonework - geology, colour and texture of stonework to match existing. Paint to match existing finish. Ward Town Decision Application Permitted Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01203/FUL Date Issued 09/12/2020 Location 52 Broomhill Road Dartford Kent DA1 3HT Proposal Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Heath Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell

Page 4 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01226/FUL Date IssuedPage 35 09/12/2020Agenda Item 9 Location 80 Fulwich Road Dartford Kent DA1 1UT Proposal Erection of a single storey side and rear extension Ward Newtown Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01248/P3O Date Issued 09/12/2020 Location First, Second And Third Floors 26 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent DA1 1HD Proposal Application under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for change of use from office (Class B1A) to residential (Class C3) to form 7 self-contained flats Ward Town OLD Decision Prior Approval Required and Refused; Ambiguity with regard to the authorised use and failure to provide any off street parking provision Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/01182/VCON Date Issued 09/12/2020 Location Lola's Cafe 6 The Parade High Street Swanscombe Kent DA10 0AJ Proposal Application for variation of condition 2 (opening hours) of planning permission DA/13/00080/COU to change opening hours to 7am-9pm Monday- Saturday and 9am-4pm Sunday Ward Swanscombe Decision Approval of Variation of Condition - No additional detrimental impacts Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/00933/FUL Date Issued 09/12/2020 Location Barclays 24 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent DA1 1HD Proposal Removal of 2 No external ATM and removal of 1 No night safe Ward Town Decision Application Permitted Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01329/PDE Date Issued 09/12/2020 Location 41 Eynsford Road Greenhithe Kent DA9 9HB Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01330/PDE Date Issued 09/12/2020 Location 27 Ash Road Dartford Kent DA1 2RL Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Princes Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 5 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01307/TPO Item 9 Date IssuedPage 36 09/12/2020 Location 9 Ferndene Longfield Kent DA3 7HJ Proposal Application to fell 1 No. Larch tree subject to Tree Preservation Order No.3 1966 Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01244/FUL Date Issued 10/12/2020 Location 684 Princes Road Dartford Kent DA2 6JG Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Brent Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01246/FUL Date Issued 10/12/2020 Location 20 Chartwell Lane Longfield Kent DA3 7AY Proposal Erection of side and rear single storey extension Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/00727/FUL Date Issued 10/12/2020 Location Maxmor House Sandpit Road Dartford Kent DA1 5BU Proposal Sub division of the existing B8 storage and distribution warehouse to provide 2 x B8 storage and distribution units with provision of ancillary office space over the ground and proposed first floor mezzanine within the additional unit together with associated alterations to elevations to provide new windows, doors and external staircase and parking and servicing arrangements. Ward Burnham Decision Application Permitted Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/01323/TPO Date Issued 10/12/2020 Location Vimy Drive And Shiers Avenue Bridge Development Dartford Kent DA1 5HN Proposal T1 to crown raise one oak tree up to 3.5m (rear of 46 Vimy Drive; T11- to the London Plane tree (adj 31 Shiers Avenue). Raise crown over footpath up to 4m to match the opposite side of the crown; T12 to the Lime tree (Shier's Avenue), reduce the height by up to 2.5m and the lateral branches by up to 2m ending up with a well shaped balanced crow T13 (rear of 2-10 Vimy Drive) to crown raise the Oak tree up to 3.5m to maintain clearance over footpath and neighbouring shed; T14 (rear of 2-10 Vimy Drive) to reduce the whole crown by up to 1.5m; all subject to Tree Preservation Order No.4 1996 Ward Joyce Green OLD Decision Consent for TPO Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01324/TPO Date Issued 10/12/2020 Location Goodman Walk And Muir Drive Bridge Development Dartford Kent DA1 5HN Proposal Application for T9 (Goodman Walk) to remove 6 dead and dying variety of trees. To reduce the lateral branches (Muir Drive) of T10, that are overhanging the neighbouring property by 1.5m to shape and balance overall crown all subject to Tree Preservation Order No.4 1996 Ward Joyce Green OLD Decision Consent for TPO Officer Steven Bell

Page 6 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01325/TPO Date IssuedPage 37 10/12/2020Agenda Item 9 Location Stones Avenue Bridge Development Dartford Kent DA1 5HN Proposal Application for groups T7 and T8 (13 Pleached Lime trees) to prune back to main frame maintaining formal pleached appearance subject to Tree Preservation Order No.4 1996 Ward Joyce Green OLD Decision Consent for TPO Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01326/TPO Date Issued 10/12/2020 Location Hyde Grove Bridge Development Dartford Kent DA1 5HN Proposal Application for T5 and T6 to two Silver Birches (Hyde Grove) reduce the height by up to 2.5m subject to Tree Preservation Order No.4 1996 Ward Joyce Green OLD Decision Consent for TPO Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01327/TPO Date Issued 10/12/2020 Location Cameron Drive And Birdswood Avenue The Bridge Development Dartford Kent DA1 5HN Proposal Application for T2 to the pair of Maple trees (Cameron Drive) reduce the crown 2.5m from height and up to 1m from the lateral branches; T3 to the Lime tree (Birdswood Avenue), Reduce crown by 2.5m from the height and up to 1m from lateral branches; T4 to reduce the height for the Lime (Birdswood Avenue) by up to 2m subject to Tree Preservation Order No.4 1996 Ward Joyce Green OLD Decision Consent for TPO Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01400/NONMAT Date Issued 10/12/2020 Location 9A Avenue Longfield Kent DA3 7HS Proposal Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/20/00482/FUL to change the approved two garage doors to single garage door Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Approval of non-material amendments Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01256/CDNA Date Issued 11/12/2020 Location North Kent College Oakfield Lane Dartford Kent DA1 2JT Proposal Submission of details relating to Remediation Strategy and Verification Plan (condition 5) pursuant to planning permission DA/18/01351/FUL for demolition of the existing buildings and erection of a college building comprising 2,836 sqm of educational floor space and the provision of associated infrastructure including drainage works, open space, fencing and landscaping Ward Princes Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/00845/FUL Date Issued 11/12/2020 Location 310 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent DA1 1LH Proposal Provision of additional vehicle crossing onto A225 Ward Princes Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 7 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01302/NONMAT Item 9 Date IssuedPage 38 11/12/2020 Location UCC Coffee Riverside Way Dartford Kent DA1 5BS Proposal Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/20/00700/VCON in respect of realignment of fence line around sub-station and kiosk. Ward Town Decision Approval of non-material amendments Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/01080/FUL Date Issued 11/12/2020 Location 12 Chichester Road Stone Kent DA9 9JT Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension and alterations and enlargement of roof to provide additional rooms in the roof space Ward Stone Castle Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/00846/COU Date Issued 14/12/2020 Location 1 Priory Hill Dartford Kent DA1 2BD Proposal Conversion of a single dwelling into 2 No Flats (Comprising 1 x 2 bed & 1 x 1 bed flats) incorporating erection of a second floor rear extension Ward West Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01259/FUL Date Issued 14/12/2020 Location 6 Calvert Drive Dartford Kent DA2 7GA Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Maypole & Leyton Cross Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01406/CDNA Date Issued 15/12/2020 Location Plot E10 Edisons Park Bridge Close Dartford Proposal Submission of details relating to BREAAM final certificate pursuant to condition 9 of planning permission DA/16/00696/REM for Reserved matters for erection of 3 No. buildings to provide 7 No. industrial units Ward Stone Castle Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01073/LDC Date Issued 16/12/2020 Location Rowhill Lodge Rowhill Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7QH Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed outdoor swimming pool and associated patio Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Abigail Lavery

Page 8 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01279/FUL Date IssuedPage 39 16/12/2020Agenda Item 9 Location 42 King Edward Avenue Dartford Kent DA1 2HY Proposal Erection of a single storey rear/side extension, first floor front extension and provision of external insulation (revisions to previously approved planning permission DA/20/00122/FUL) Ward West Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01310/LDC Date Issued 16/12/2020 Location Pescot House Main Road Longfield Kent Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed change of use of East and West Wings of Pescot House from two dwellings into a single dwelling house internal alterations and change of use of East and West Wings of Pescot House from two dwellings into a single dwelling house Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 17/01133/FUL Date Issued 18/12/2020 Location 15 - 23 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent DA1 1EW Proposal Erection of mechanical plant equipment on roof and first floor elevation (resubmission of previously approved planning permission DA/16/01439/FUL). Siting of an Oil Drum Ward Town OLD Decision Application Permitted Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/00682/FUL Date Issued 18/12/2020 Location Radar Cottage Sandbanks Hill Darenth Kent DA2 8EH Proposal Demolition of existing dwelling, removal of storage container and caravan, and erection of detached dwelling and associated parking and amenity space provision Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01507/EDCCON Date Issued 18/12/2020 Location Ebbsfleet Green Primary School Ackers Drive Weldon Ebbsfleet Valley Kent DA10 1AL Proposal Consultation on an application for the discharge of condition 7 attached to planning permission reference no. EDC/20/0051 relating to CCTV and External Lighting within Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Ward Ebbsfleet Decision No Objection Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01233/COU Date Issued 18/12/2020 Location Millbrook Garden Centre Station Road Southfleet Kent DA13 9PA Proposal Erection of a canopy and cabin for use as a hand car wash and valeting service Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Steven Bell

Page 9 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01341/EDCCON Item 9 Date IssuedPage 40 18/12/2020 Location Phase 3 Ebbsfleet Green Northfleet West Sub Station Southfleet Road Swanscombe Kent Proposal Consultation on application for the approval of reserved matters (siting, design, external appearance and landscaping) pursuant to conditions 2 and 19 of outline planning permission reference EDC/16/0045 for the erection of 2 no. dwellings within Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Ward Ebbsfleet Decision No Objection Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01377/EDCCON Date Issued 18/12/2020 Location Northfleet West Sub Station Southfleet Road Swanscombe Kent Proposal Re-Consultation on submission of Reserved Matters of siting, design, external appearance and landscaping, pursuant to Conditions 2, 19, 26, 36 and 43 of outline planning permission EDC/16/0045 for Phase 2c development of 126 residential units including details of streets, buildings and structures, materials, open space, car parking, noise and drainage within Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Ward Ebbsfleet Decision No Objection Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01403/ADV Date Issued 18/12/2020 Location 2 Masthead Close Dartford Kent DA2 6QF Proposal Display of 1x Red Flag Cabinet sign to the facade of the building facing Capstan Court; 1x directional illuminated Totem (3050 x 1350mm) at site entrance from Masthead Close; 1x vinyl covering to existing post mounted sign at site entrance on Crossways Boulevard A206. Ward Stone Castle Decision Consent for Advert. Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01538/EDCCON Date Issued 18/12/2020 Location Ebbsfleet Green Primary School Ackers Drive Weldon Ebbsfleet Valley Kent DA10 1AL Proposal Consultation on an application for the discharge of condition 6 attached to planning permission reference no. EDC/20/0051 relating to details of extraction and treatment of cooking fumes within Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Ward Ebbsfleet Decision No Objection Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01402/PDE Date Issued 21/12/2020 Location Milestone House Milestone Road Dartford Kent DA2 6DN Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Stone House Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 10 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01076/FUL Date IssuedPage 41 21/12/2020Agenda Item 9 Location Flats 24 A-F West Hill Dartford Kent DA1 2EP Proposal Replacement of all existing windows to all elevations with new UPVC double glazed windows and replacement of all flat entrance doors with new Composite Permadoors Ward Town Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01301/FUL Date Issued 21/12/2020 Location 52 Birchwood Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7HE Proposal Demolition of existing rear conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Joydens Wood Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01195/TPO Date Issued 21/12/2020 Location 2 Murray Drive Stone Kent DA2 6FS Proposal Application for 1 No. London Plane tree (T8), Reduce crown volume by 30% (finished height at 20- 22m), remove deadwood and crossing branches, remove ivy; 1 no. Holly tree (T8a), fell and grind/ reinstate with soil and seed subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1998 Ward Stone House Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01037/LDC Date Issued 21/12/2020 Location The Oast House Hook Green Road Southfleet DA13 9NQ Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed siting of a residential mobile home within the curtilage of the existing dwelling, to be used ancillary to the dwelling house Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/01467/NONMAT Date Issued 21/12/2020 Location 25 Gainsborough Avenue Dartford Kent DA1 3AS Proposal Application for a non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/20/00870/FUL in respect of proposed roof and window alteration Ward West Hill Decision Approval of non-material amendments Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01338/TPO Date Issued 21/12/2020 Location 32A Stonehill Woods Park Old London Road Upper Ruxley Sidcup Kent DA14 5AS Proposal Application for crown reduction as per marked up photograph of 1 No. Ash tree subject to Tree Preservation Order No.16 1983 Ward Joydens Wood Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 11 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01492/EDCCON Item 9 Date IssuedPage 42 21/12/2020 Location Former Croxton And Garry Site Tiltman Avenue Greenhithe Kent Proposal Consultation on an application for the discharge of condition 13 attached to planning permission reference no. EDC/19/0161 relating to the Contaminated Land Assessment within Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision No Objection Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger Plan Ref 20/01404/TDA Date Issued 21/12/2020 Location Land At Princes Road Outside 2 Olive Road Dartford Proposal Application of determination pursuant to Part 16 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the proposed installation of a new 20.0m column supporting 6 no antennas, together with ground-based equipment cabinets and ancillary development Ward Princes Decision Application Withdrawn Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01462/CDNA Date Issued 21/12/2020 Location McDonalds Restaurant Bean Road Greenhithe Kent DA9 9HY Proposal Submission of details relating to noise and disturbance management plan pursuant to condition 12 of planning permission DA/20/00140/FUL for provision of a new drive thru lane, ground floor extension to building with new drive thru booths, new site access/egress, with the re-arrangement of the car park, a new patio area, bin store and sub station Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger Plan Ref 20/01412/PDE Date Issued 21/12/2020 Location 6 Elm Road Horns Cross Greenhithe Kent DA9 9DL Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Stone Castle Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01116/FUL Date Issued 22/12/2020 Location 18 Heath End Road Bexley Kent DA5 2AH Proposal Erection single storey glass roof canopy on the rear elevation and construction of a raised platform to rear of property (part retrospective) Ward Maypole & Leyton Cross Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell

Page 12 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01261/FUL Date IssuedPage 43 22/12/2020Agenda Item 9 Location 16 Waterstone Way Stone Kent DA9 9TU Proposal Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of two storey rear extension Ward Stone Castle Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01287/FUL Date Issued 22/12/2020 Location 17 Louvain Road Horns Cross Greenhithe Kent DA9 9DY Proposal Erection of a front storm porch and new bay window Ward Stone Castle Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01275/FUL Date Issued 22/12/2020 Location 297 Knights Manor Way Dartford Kent DA1 5SH Proposal Erection of a rear conservatory Ward Temple Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01366/FUL Date Issued 22/12/2020 Location 2 Rowlatt Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7PS Proposal Conversion of the attached garage to a part-time games room & part-time garage with rear door & window replaced by bi-fold doors Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01210/FUL Date Issued 22/12/2020 Location 3 Stanley Road Swanscombe Kent DA10 0HZ Proposal Erection of a detached garage Ward Swanscombe Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01405/PDE Date Issued 22/12/2020 Location 148 Attlee Drive Dartford Kent DA1 5DZ Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Temple Hill Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 13 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01353/FUL Item 9 Date IssuedPage 44 22/12/2020 Location 41 Salmon Road Dartford Kent DA1 5JB Proposal Provision of replacement windows with windows and frame in white upvc Ward Temple Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01238/FUL Date Issued 22/12/2020 Location 7 Tollgate Road Dartford Kent DA2 6BS Proposal Provision of a dormer window in rear elevation and roof lights in front elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Stone House Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01540/NONMAT Date Issued 22/12/2020 Location 47 Shepherds Lane Dartford Kent DA1 2NL Proposal Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/20/00572/FUL in respect of amendments to roof lights and the provision of internal glazing with external wall finish to be render and brick. Ward West Hill Decision Approval of non-material amendments Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01319/FUL Date Issued 22/12/2020 Location Birdswood Rowhill Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7QQ Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01320/TPO Date Issued 22/12/2020 Location 28 Pincroft Wood Longfield Kent DA3 7HB Proposal Application for G1. Ash tree- Fell subject to Tree Preservation Order No.12 1982 Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01354/FUL Date Issued 22/12/2020 Location 1 Kemsley Close Greenhithe Kent DA9 9LS Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension with demolition of existing conservatory, first floor front extension with terrace, porch extension, floor plan redesign and all associated works including additional windows in flank elevations at ground floor level Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 14 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01243/FUL Date IssuedPage 45 22/12/2020Agenda Item 9 Location 156 Summerhouse Drive Wilmington Kent DA2 7PD Proposal Erection of a part two/part single storey side, rear and front extension Ward Joydens Wood Decision Application Permitted Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01534/NONMAT Date Issued 22/12/2020 Location 97 North Road Dartford Kent DA1 3ND Proposal Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/20/01187/FUL in respect of alterations to rear ground floor doors, rear flat roof extended across rear to form small overhang, house to be smooth rendered and painted white where not shown as face brickwork Ward Heath Decision Approval of non-material amendments Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01361/FUL Date Issued 23/12/2020 Location 14 Clayton Croft Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7AU Proposal Erection of a two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and front porch Ward Maypole & Leyton Cross Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01376/FUL Date Issued 23/12/2020 Location 60 Essex Road Longfield Kent DA3 7QL Proposal Erection of a rear conservatory Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01253/CDNA Date Issued 23/12/2020 Location Cheers Dental Practice 23 High Street Swanscombe Kent DA10 0AG Proposal Submission of details relating to sound insulation and noise reduction methods pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission DA/17/01833/COU for change of use of ground floor dental surgery (Use Class D1) to self-contained studio flat (Use Class C3) incorporating single storey rear infill extension and erection of a detached building to provide dental surgery, with associated parking provision Ward Swanscombe Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01475/PDE Date Issued 23/12/2020 Location 12 Bondfield Walk Dartford Kent DA1 5JS Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Temple Hill Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 15 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01306/FUL Item 9 Date IssuedPage 46 23/12/2020 Location 195 Summerhouse Drive Bexley Kent DA2 7PH Proposal Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Joydens Wood Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01304/FUL Date Issued 24/12/2020 Location 21 Admirals Walk Greenhithe Kent DA9 9QP Proposal Erection of detached summerhouse (retrospective application) Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01482/EDCCON Date Issued 29/12/2020 Location Former Croxton And Garry Site Tiltman Avenue Greenhithe Kent Proposal Consultation on an application for the approval of Reserved Matters for Phase 1b (matters relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline planning permission reference EDC/17/0110 as varied by EDC/19/0161 for the erection of 78 dwellings together with associated infrastructure including details of a surface water drainage scheme, finished site and floor levels, noise attenuation and mitigation measures, ecological enhancement and heritage interpretation within Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision EDC - Raises Concerns; Concerns about parking and quality of living space Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger Plan Ref 20/01450/EDCCON Date Issued 29/12/2020 Location Former Croxton & Garry Tiltman Avenue Greenhithe Kent Proposal Consultation on erection of 2no. four storey buildings to provide 22no. dwellings and associated landscaping within Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision EDC - Raises Concerns; Deterioration of the appearance of the street elevation fronting Tiltman Avenue Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger Plan Ref 20/00484/LDC Date Issued 05/01/2021 Location 12 Hartley Road Longfield Kent DA3 7PE Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed conversion and use of existing garden log cabin for dog grooming Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Withdrawn Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01509/PDE Date Issued 05/01/2021 Location 53 James Road Dartford Kent DA1 3NE Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Heath Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 16 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01385/LDC Date IssuedPage 47 05/01/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 8 Barnfield Close Longfield Kent DA3 7HP Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed alterations from hip end to gable end for provision of dormer windows in rear elevation and roof lights in front elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01375/EDCCON Date Issued 05/01/2021 Location Northfleet West Sub Station Southfleet Road Swanscombe Kent Proposal Re-Consultation on an application for approval of condition 18 attached to planning permission reference EDC/16/0045 relating to submission of a detailed Affordable Housing Strategy (Phase 2C) within Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Ward Ebbsfleet Decision No Objection Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01042/CDNA Date Issued 05/01/2021 Location Former Magistrates Court Site/Probation And Witness Support 1A & 1C Highfield Road Dartford Proposal Submission of details relating to collection of waste and refuse pursuant to condition 10 of planning permission DA/19/01698/COU Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01439/LDC Date Issued 05/01/2021 Location 22 Hesketh Avenue Dartford Kent DA2 6NP Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed dormer window in rear elevation in connection with providing additional room in the roof space Ward Brent Decision Permission Required; Roof height increased Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/00084/CDNA Date Issued 05/01/2021 Location Greendore 12 Main Road Longfield Kent DA3 7QZ Proposal Submission of details relating to external materials pursuant to condition 6 of planning permission DA/19/00602/FUL and DA/20/00015/VCON and condition 4 of 20/00639/VCON for erection of a single 3-bed dwelling with associated works including access, parking and landscaping in side garden of No.12. Alterations to parking and vehicular access for No.12 Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil

Page 17 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01428/P3O Item 9 Date IssuedPage 48 06/01/2021 Location Offices Suites Cliffside Court West Hill Dartford Kent Proposal Application under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for change of use from office suites (Class B1a) to 2 studio residential flats (Class C3 dwellinghouse) Ward West Hill Decision Prior Approval Approved Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01389/FUL Date Issued 07/01/2021 Location 49 Orchard Close Longfield Kent DA3 7JP Proposal Demolition of existing single storey side/rear extension and erection of new single storey side/rear extension Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01409/TPO Date Issued 07/01/2021 Location 22 The Green Darenth Kent DA2 6JS Proposal Application to reduce height (pollard) to line as marked on plan to 1 No. Sycamore tree subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1995 Ward Bean & Village Park Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01433/TPO Date Issued 07/01/2021 Location 4, 5 And 6 The Hollies Longfield Kent DA3 7HU Proposal Application to cut back overhanging branches from neighbours trees (Hornbeams) (4 and 6 The Hollies) as per sketch plan, also cut back branches (Hornbeams) 1.5m from extension in 5 The Hollies subject to Tree Preservation Order No.s 6 1973 and 12 1995 Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01435/TPO Date Issued 07/01/2021 Location 17 Sedley Southfleet Kent DA13 9PE Proposal Application to crown reduce dominating Oak tree by 2.5m so crown spread no less than 9m and height no less than 15m subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1964 Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01349/CDNA Date Issued 07/01/2021 Location Cheers Dental Practice 23 High Street Swanscombe Kent DA10 0AG Proposal Submission of details relating to external lighting pursuant to condition 12 of planning permission DA/17/01833/COU for change of use of ground floor dental surgery (Use Class D1) to self-contained studio flat (Use Class C3) incorporating single storey rear infill extension and erection of a detached building to provide dental surgery, with associated parking provision Ward Swanscombe Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Matthew Apperley

Page 18 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01495/DEMCON Date IssuedPage 49 07/01/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 81 Summerhouse Drive Bexley Kent DA5 2EF Proposal Application for prior notification pursuant to Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 Schedule 2, Part 11 of proposed demolition of 2 bed vacant bungalow Ward Joydens Wood Decision Demolition Refusal; The proposal is not considered to be permitted development Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01430/TPO Date Issued 07/01/2021 Location 58 Darenth Park Avenue Darenth Kent DA2 6LX Proposal Application to raise crown over road to 6m an over footpath by 2.5m on trees, 0023, - Low canopy overhanging pavement and roadway of Latham Close, 0024 - Low canopy overhanging pavement, 0028 - Low canopy overhanging pavement and roadway of Latham Close and reduce 0028 by 2m all over, reduce 0023 by 1.5m all over subject to tree Preservation order No.1 1995 Ward Bean & Village Park Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01493/CDNA Date Issued 07/01/2021 Location Zone B (orbital) Prologis Littlebrook DC2 Shield Road Dartford Kent DA1 5UR Proposal Submission of details relating to BREEAM Post-construction Assessment - Final Certificate and BREEAM Interim Certificate - Design stage pursuant to condition 2 (in part) of planning permission DA/16/01022/REM for erection of a Use Class B8 unit with associated parking and service yard Ward Bridge Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01355/TDA Date Issued 07/01/2021 Location Junction Lawson Road/Burnham Road Dartford Kent Proposal Application of determination pursuant to Schedule 2 Part 16 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the proposed 1520m Phase 8 Monopole C/W wraparound Cabinet at base and associated ancillary works. Ward Burnham Decision Prior Approval required and Granted Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01470/CDNA Date Issued 07/01/2021 Location Mill Pond Development Site Mill Pond Road Dartford Kent DA1 1BW Proposal Submission of details relating to CCTV cameras pursuant to condition 4 of planning permission DA/15/00625/REM and 16/00453/VCON for 154 x 1 bedroom, 192 x 2 bedroom and 54 x 3 bedroom apartments (400 units in total), with 2,582 sq m of non-residential uses comprising office uses (Class B1), retail, financial and professional services, restaurant, café and drinking establishment uses (Class A1/A2/A3/A4); and non-residential institutions/community and assembly and leisure uses (Class D1/D2), plus 359 car parking spaces, cycle parking and other associated infrastructure works Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger

Page 19 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01424/CDNA Item 9 Date IssuedPage 50 07/01/2021 Location McDonalds Restaurant Bean Road Greenhithe Kent DA9 9HY Proposal Submission of details relating to travel plan pursuant to condition 9 of planning permission DA/20/00140/FUL for provision of a new drive thru lane, ground floor extension to building with new drive thru booths, new site access/egress, with the re-arrangement of the car park, a new patio area, bin store and sub station Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger Plan Ref 20/01115/TPO Date Issued 08/01/2021 Location Junction Of Capability Way/Park Cliff Road Greenhithe Kent Proposal Application to reduce the crown spread of one London Plane (T180) subject to Tree Preservation Order No.3 2008 by up to 2m adjacent to the building and 1m on the opposite side as shown on submitted photo

Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Consent for TPO Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01491/CDNA Date Issued 08/01/2021 Location Unit 8 Rennie Drive Dartford Kent DA1 5FD Proposal Submission of details relating to BREEAM post-construction assessment and BREEAM interim certificate: design stage pursuant to condition 4 (in part) of planning permission DA/16/01024/FUL for erection of a detached building for Use Class B1(c)/B2/B8 use with ancillary office space, plus associated parking spaces and service yard, landscaping and earthworks Ward Bridge Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01501/CDNA Date Issued 08/01/2021 Location Littlebrook Power Station Phase 2 Rennie Drive Dartford Kent DA1 5PT Proposal Submission of details relating to post field archaeology (Condition 21) and heritage interactive boards (Condition 22) pursuant to planning permission DA/19/01515/FUL for redevelopment of site to provide Class B8 (storage and distribution) uses and ancillary B1 uses with associated access, servicing, parking, landscaping, works to flood defence and riverside enhancements Ward Bridge Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01485/CDNA Date Issued 08/01/2021 Location Littlebrook Power Station Phase 1 Rennie Drive Dartford Kent DA1 5PT Proposal Submission of revised details relating to heritage interpretation pursuant to condition 9 of planning permission DA/18/00457/FUL for redevelopment of the Site to provide class B8 (storage and distribution) uses and ancillary class B1 uses with associated access, servicing, parking and landscaping and riverside enhancements. Ward Bridge Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell

Page 20 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01334/FUL Date IssuedPage 51 08/01/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 8 Ashwood Place Bean Kent DA2 8BD Proposal Erection of a single storey front extension and new windows to right-hand side elevation Ward Bean & Village Park Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01458/TPO Date Issued 11/01/2021 Location Communal Area Adj 19 And 21 Watermans Way Greenhithe Kent DA9 9GJ Proposal Application for G1 - Sycamore. 2 no. mature Sycamore stems one of which is multistemmed at approximately 0.5m located directly to rear of No.21 Watermans Way & No.1 Eliza Court Close, Ingress Park - Reduce upper canopy of tree group by approximately 30%. Lateral branch end reduction of approximately 2.5m. Manage regrowth from newly created branch end stubs on 3 year cycle. All works in keeping with previous tree management for this woodland area. G2 - Sycamore. 4 no. mature Sycamore stems two of which are multistemmed, located directly to side of No.19 Watermans Way, Ingress Park - Reduce upper canopy of tree group by approximately 30%. Lateral branch end reduction of approximately 2.5m. Manage regrowth from newly created branch end stubs on 3 year cycle. All works in keeping with previous tree management for this woodland area subject to Tree Preservation Order No.11 1990

Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01558/PDE Date Issued 11/01/2021 Location 137 Wilmot Road Dartford Kent DA1 3BJ Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward West Hill Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01454/PDE Date Issued 11/01/2021 Location 135 Brent Lane Dartford Kent DA1 1QU Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Brent Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01432/TPO Date Issued 11/01/2021 Location 26 Tyndal Way Dartford Kent DA1 5SQ Proposal Application to cut branches overhanging into 25 Tyndal Way as per annotated photos .subject to Tree Preservation Order No.4 1996 Ward Bridge Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 21 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01446/TPO Item 9 Date IssuedPage 52 11/01/2021 Location North Of 1 -10 Axtane Close Sutton At Hone Kent DA4 9BT Proposal Application for T1 Walnut - Remove snapped lodged branch, crown reduce whole crown by approximately 2m subject to Tree Preservation Order No22 1983 Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01363/FUL Date Issued 12/01/2021 Location 10 Denver Road Dartford Kent DA1 3JS Proposal Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of a single storey rear extension and associated works Ward Heath Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01342/TPO Date Issued 12/01/2021 Location 39 Darenth Park Avenue Darenth Kent DA2 6LX Proposal Application reduce the overall height of the tree to approximately 3m of 1 No. Lime tree subject to tree preservation order No.1 1995 Ward Bean & Village Park Decision Consent for TPO Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01468/LDC Date Issued 12/01/2021 Location 3 Paper Mill Lane Dartford Kent DA1 5BF Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed dormer window in rear elevation, window in gable end and roof lights in front elevation in connection with providing additional rooms on the roof space Ward Burnham Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01337/TPO Date Issued 12/01/2021 Location 23 Stonehill Woods Park Old London Road Upper Ruxley Sidcup Kent DA14 5AS Proposal Application to remove 3 No, trees subject to Tree Preservation Order No.16 1983 Ward Joydens Wood Decision Consent for TPO Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01484/CDNA Date Issued 12/01/2021 Location Littlebrook Power Station Phase 2 Rennie Drive Dartford Kent DA1 5PT Proposal Submission of details relating to pocket park pursuant to condition 9 of planning permission DA/19/01515/FUL for redevelopment of site to provide Class B8 (storage and distribution) uses and ancillary B1 uses with associated access, servicing, parking, landscaping, works to flood defence and riverside enhancements Ward Bridge Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell

Page 22 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01381/CDNA Date IssuedPage 53 12/01/2021Agenda Item 9 Location Unit AA Butterly Avenue Questor Wilmington Kent DA1 1JG Proposal Submission of details relating to remediation verification report pursuant to condition 6 of planning permission DA/19/01434/COU for change of use of land and buildings from plant and tool hire depot to vehicle hire and sales depot (sui generis), including vehicle parking, cycle parking, 4 No. lighting columns, jet wash screens and self-bunded fuel tank Ward Princes Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01474/LDC Date Issued 12/01/2021 Location 12 Bondfield Walk Dartford Kent DA1 5JS Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed erection of a front entrance porch Ward Temple Hill Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01296/FUL Date Issued 13/01/2021 Location 18 The Crescent Greenhithe Kent DA9 9EP Proposal Erection of outbuilding to be used for ancillary purposes to provide garden room/gym/ home office and occasional sleeping accommodation (retrospective application) Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Application Permitted Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01200/FUL Date Issued 13/01/2021 Location 18 Priory Gardens Dartford Kent DA1 2BE Proposal Erection of a part two/part single storey rear extension Ward West Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01445/TPO Date Issued 13/01/2021 Location Ingress Lodge Gatehouse View The Avenue Greenhithe Kent DA9 9XQ Proposal Application for T1 horse chestnut, to reduce the height and the lateral branches over the garden by up to 2m back to good growth points subject to Tree Preservation Order No.11 1990 Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01208/ADV Date Issued 13/01/2021 Location 53 High Street Dartford Kent DA1 1DS Proposal Display of 4 externally illuminated fascia signs, 1 No. non-illuminated fascia signs, 1 painted sign and 1 externally illuminated hanging sign Ward Town Decision Consent for Advert. Officer Jas Bansil

Page 23 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01429/TPO Item 9 Date IssuedPage 54 14/01/2021 Location Alley Between Livingstone Hospital And St Ronans View East Hill Dartford Kent DA1 1SA Proposal Application for T2 Scots pine as per attached sketch plan and reduce by 20-30%, lift where necessary and prune all sides to balance crown subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1987 Ward Brent Decision Application Withdrawn Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01388/FUL Date Issued 18/01/2021 Location Third Floor Banks Place Market Place Dartford Kent DA1 1EX Proposal Installation of new windows at third floor level on the northern side wall and the rear eastern wall Ward Town Decision Application Refused - Harmful impact to the town centre revitalisation aims. Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01401/CDNA Date Issued 18/01/2021 Location Former The Foresters 235 High Road Wilmington Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to contaminated land assessment (condition 4) pursuant to planning permission DA/19/00585/FUL for demolition of The Foresters Public House and erection of 6 No. dwellings (Class C3) with associated access, parking and landscaping Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/01476/LDC Date Issued 18/01/2021 Location 3 Barton Road Sutton At Hone Kent DA4 9EA Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01512/NONMAT Date Issued 18/01/2021 Location Former Littlebrook Power Station Phase 2 Rennie Drive Dartford Kent DA1 5PT Proposal Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/19/01515/FUL in relation to changes to the site layout, building design, car parking, gate houses, external shelters and external plant/equipment with associated landscaping alterations Ward Bridge Decision Approval of non-material amendments Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01186/CDNA Date Issued 18/01/2021 Location Former The Foresters 235 High Road Wilmington Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to boundary enclosures (condition 14) pursuant to planning permission DA/19/00585/FUL for demolition of The Foresters Public House and erection of 6 No. dwellings (Class C3) with associated access, parking and landscaping Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Richard Elder

Page 24 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01211/FUL Date IssuedPage 55 18/01/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 36 Briar Road Bexley Kent DA5 2HN Proposal Demolition of existing detached garage and erection of a two storey side extension Ward Joydens Wood Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01212/FUL Date Issued 19/01/2021 Location 71 Devon Road Sutton At Hone Kent DA4 9AA Proposal Erection of a single storey side extension, demolition of porch and re-location of front entrance and alterations to roof from hip end to gable end for provision of dormer windows in front and rear elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01420/CDNA Date Issued 19/01/2021 Location 76 Birchwood Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7HG Proposal Submission of details relating to construction management plan pursuant to condition 4 of planning permission DA/18/00508/FUL for demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a detached two storey house with single storey rear element, detached double garage and new front and side boundary wall and gates Ward Joydens Wood Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01421/CDNA Date Issued 19/01/2021 Location 76 Birchwood Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7HG Proposal Submission of details relating to surface water drainage pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission DA/18/00508/FUL for demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a detached two storey house with single storey rear element, detached double garage and new front and side boundary wall and gates Ward Joydens Wood Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01410/CDNA Date Issued 19/01/2021 Location 76 Birchwood Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7HG Proposal Submission of details relating to levels of land pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission DA/18/00508/FUL for demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a detached two storey house with single storey rear element, detached double garage and new front and side boundary wall and gates Ward Joydens Wood Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Abigail Lavery

Page 25 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01167/VCON Item 9 Date IssuedPage 56 19/01/2021 Location Former The Foresters 235 High Road Wilmington Kent Proposal Demolition of The Foresters Public House and erection of 6 No. dwellings (Class C3) with associated access, parking and landscaping (varied to increase the footprint of houses 1 to 3 to provide 3 x 3 bed houses, additional front ground and first floor windows and amendments to construction materials to houses 1 to 3 and amendments to windows of houses 4 to 6). Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Application permitted Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/01630/EDCCON Date Issued 20/01/2021 Location Land At London Road And West Of Craylands Lane Craylands Lane Swanscombe Kent Proposal Consultation on an application for the partial discharge of condition 26 attached to outline planning permission reference no. EDC/18/0027 relating to a contaminated land closure report for plots 28 - 33 and plots 90 - 100 within Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision No Objection Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger Plan Ref 20/01434/TPO Date Issued 20/01/2021 Location 12 The Gables Longfield Kent DA3 7LR Proposal Application to crown lift lower branches of 1 No. Ash tree overhanging number 18 Longfield Ave boundary to 7m subject to Tree Preservation Order No. 11 1982 Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01499/TPO Date Issued 20/01/2021 Location 19 The Laurels Longfield Kent DA3 7HH Proposal Application for T1 Sycamore - Dismantle complete tree subject to Tree Preservation Order No.3 1966 Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01390/FUL Date Issued 21/01/2021 Location 10 Woodward Terrace Horns Cross Greenhithe Kent DA9 9DD Proposal Conversion of garage to additional habitable space for the main house (retrospective application) Ward Stone Castle Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01036/CDNA Date Issued 21/01/2021 Location 7 New Barn Road Longfield Kent DA3 7LQ Proposal Submission of details relating to landscaping pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission DA/19/01591/FUL for demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a 5 bed two storey detached dwelling (revisions to previously approved planning permission DA/19/00290/FUL) Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Abigail Lavery

Page 26 of 56 Plan Ref 20/00752/FUL Date IssuedPage 57 21/01/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 28 Gloucester Road Dartford Kent DA1 3DJ Proposal Provision of a raised patio area (retrospective application) Ward West Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 19/01731/CDNA Date Issued 21/01/2021 Location Acacia Hall High Street Dartford Kent DA1 1DJ Proposal Submission of details relating to parking bay demarcation (condition 14) pursuant to planning permission DA/18/00185/FUL Ward Brent Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01352/FUL Date Issued 21/01/2021 Location 30 Larch Road Dartford Kent DA1 2LF Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension, two storey side extension and part of first floor extension Ward Princes Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 21/00004/OBB Date Issued 21/01/2021 Location 105 Heath Road Crayford Kent Proposal Consultation on an application for two storey side extension incorporating partial conversion of garage to habitable room with Bexley London Borough Ward Outside Borough Boundary Decision No Objection Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/00381/FUL Date Issued 21/01/2021 Location 7 New Barn Road Southfleet Kent DA3 7LQ Proposal Erection of a detached garage & front boundary wall and access gate and provision of hardstanding to create driveway to front of property Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 19/01150/CDNA Date Issued 22/01/2021 Location Acacia Hall High Street Dartford DA1 1DJ Proposal Submission of details relating to planting scheme adjacent to rear boundary of The Vicarage pursuant to condition 48 of planning permission DA/18/00185/FUL Ward Brent Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil

Page 27 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01449/FUL Item 9 Date IssuedPage 58 22/01/2021 Location 96 Brent Lane Dartford Kent DA1 1QX Proposal Erection of front porch canopy and bow window Ward Brent Decision Application Permitted Officer Ray Hill Plan Ref 20/01488/PIP Date Issued 22/01/2021 Location Land Rear Of 165 - 173 Hawley Road Dartford Kent Proposal Application for Permission in Principle for residential development of land for a minimum of 1 dwelling and maximum of 9 dwellings Ward Princes Decision Permission in Principle Refused; Unacceptable in principal owing to the disbenefits of harm to the character and appearance of the area and harm to residential amenities, lack of outside amenity space and highway safety and amenity symptomatic of an overdevelopment of the site Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger Plan Ref 20/01575/NONMAT Date Issued 22/01/2021 Location 176 Shepherds Lane Dartford Kent DA1 2PW Proposal Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/19/01315/FUL in respect of provision of crown roof to the rear over the ground floor rear extension and amended roof lights Ward Heath Decision Approval of non-material amendments Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01130/CDNA Date Issued 22/01/2021 Location Acacia Hall High Street Dartford Kent DA1 1DJ Proposal Amended details in relation to part of Condition 15 pursuant to planning permission DA/18/00185/FUL in respect of proposed amendment to concrete facing blocks changing the design of the blockwork supporting walls relating to the river offtake structure Ward Brent Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01365/FUL Date Issued 25/01/2021 Location 230 Summerhouse Drive Bexley Kent DA2 7PB Proposal Demolition of existing conservatory and garage and erection of a single storey rear and side extension with enclosure of porch Ward Joydens Wood Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01481/LDC Date Issued 26/01/2021 Location 55 Howard Road Dartford Kent DA1 1XS Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed dormer window in rear elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Newtown Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 28 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01504/FUL Date IssuedPage 59 26/01/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 27 Park Cliff Road Greenhithe Kent DA9 9FY Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01557/LDC Date Issued 26/01/2021 Location 106 Shepherds Lane Dartford Kent DA1 2NN Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed dormer window in side roof slope and roof lights in front and rear roof slopes in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward West Hill Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01358/FUL Date Issued 26/01/2021 Location 63 Squires Way Wilmington Kent DA2 7NN Proposal Alterations to roof from hip end to gable end for provision of dormer windows in front and rear elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Joydens Wood Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01530/CDNA Date Issued 26/01/2021 Location Block Of Lock-Up Garages And Land At Gilbert Close Swanscombe Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to code of construction plan pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission DA/19/01464/FUL for demolition of lock up garages and erection of a mix of 14 flats (10 x 2 bed and 4 x 1 bed) and 2 x 3 bed houses, including new access drive, off-street parking, bin & cycle storage and communal garden areas; New off street parking and additional parking spaces for the allotments to the North West of the site. Ward Swanscombe Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01408/FUL Date Issued 27/01/2021 Location 10 The Chenies Wilmington Kent DA2 7NP Proposal Partial demolition of existing garage and erection of single storey side extension Ward Joydens Wood Decision Application Permitted Officer Ray Hill Plan Ref 20/01487/FUL Date Issued 27/01/2021 Location 57 Pinewood Place Dartford Kent DA2 7WN Proposal Demolition of existing rear conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Maypole & Leyton Cross Decision Application Permitted Officer Ray Hill

Page 29 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01088/FUL Item 9 Date IssuedPage 60 27/01/2021 Location Highfield Farm Road Southfleet Kent DA13 9PD Proposal Demolition of redundant dairy sheds and erection of an agricultural building for the storage of agricultural machinery and a light workshop in association with the farm use. Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01415/FUL Date Issued 27/01/2021 Location 12 Oakwood Rise Longfield Kent DA3 7PA Proposal Demolition of existing attached garage and erection of a single storey side/front extension Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Ray Hill Plan Ref 20/01215/FUL Date Issued 27/01/2021 Location 10 Oakfield Place Dartford Kent DA1 2SX Proposal Demolition of existing garage, erection of a single storey side and front extension and extended hardstanding to driveway Ward Princes Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 21/00071/CDNA Date Issued 27/01/2021 Location Littlebrook Power Station Phase 2 Rennie Drive Dartford Kent DA1 5PT Proposal Revised submission of details relating to pocket park pursuant to condition 9 of planning permission DA/19/01515/FUL for redevelopment of site to provide Class B8 (storage and distribution) uses and ancillary B1 uses with associated access, servicing, parking, landscaping, works to flood defence and riverside enhancements Ward Bridge Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01398/FUL Date Issued 27/01/2021 Location 2 Masthead Close Dartford Kent DA2 6QF Proposal Provision of 2m high metal palisade fence around part of the perimeter of the rear of the site to include 4 lockable pedestrian gates and 2 lockable vehicular gates; 6 exhaust ducts for ventilation to new machinery and equipment; 1x2m separation container associated with an internal wash pad Ward Stone Castle Decision Application Permitted Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01596/TDA Date Issued 28/01/2021 Location Junction Joyce Green Lane/Bob Dunn Way Dartford Kent Proposal Application of determination pursuant to Schedule 2 Part 16 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the installation of a new 18.0m column supporting 6 no antennas, together with ground-based equipment cabinets and ancillary development thereto Ward Bridge Decision Prior Approval required and Granted Officer Steven Bell

Page 30 of 56 Plan Ref 20/00437/FUL Date IssuedPage 61 28/01/2021Agenda Item 9 Location Adjacent 37 Capel Place Wilmington Kent DA2 7PU Proposal Erection of a two storey 4 bedroom dwelling with off street parking for two vehicles, bicycle storage for 5 and with associated amenity space. Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Application Refused - Inappropriate windfall development, harm to residential amenity and visual amenity, contrary to policies DP2, DP5, DP6, DP7, DP8 and CS1 and CS10 Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 21/00011/CDNA Date Issued 28/01/2021 Location Block Of Lock-Up Garages Rear Of Keary Road Swanscombe Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to window details of first and second floor east facing elevation pursuant to condition 6 of planning permission DA/19/01472/FUL for erection of a mix of 6 flats (4 x 2 bed and 2 x 1 bed) including new access drive, off-street parking, bin & cycle storage and communal garden areas together with additional parking spaces for the allotments to the rear of 111-125 Keary Road Ward Swanscombe Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01034/FUL Date Issued 29/01/2021 Location 21 Roseberry Gardens Dartford Kent DA1 2NX Proposal Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension, two storey side extension, retention of garage (to be used as store / study) Ward West Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01631/PDE Date Issued 29/01/2021 Location 44 Sussex Road Dartford Kent DA1 1SH Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Brent Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01554/LDC Date Issued 29/01/2021 Location 2 Kenwyn Road Dartford Kent DA1 2TH Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed erection of a single storey rear extension and conversion of integral garage into habitable room with associated alterations to front elevation

Ward Burnham Decision Permission Required; Permitted development rights removed and conversion of garage prevented by condition Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 31 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01542/TPO Item 9 Date IssuedPage 62 29/01/2021 Location Car Park Rear Of The Dell Greenhithe Kent Proposal Application for G1, pair of ash trees directly overhanging the garage located in the rear courtyard of number 20 Ingress Park Avenue. To reduce the lateral branches overhanging the building back to good growth points by 1.5m-2m subject to Tree Preservation Order No.11 1990 Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01566/TPO Date Issued 29/01/2021 Location Along St Ronans View Dartford Kent DA1 1QD Proposal Application for T1 - T3 Holm Oaks - To be crown lifted to 2.4m over footpath and grassed area; T2 Holm Oak - Reduce over extended lateral, growing over adjacent car park, is reduced by approximately 3m or to a suitable growth point; T1 - T3 Holm Oaks - Remove deadwood subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1987 Ward Brent Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/00891/FUL Date Issued 29/01/2021 Location Pheasants Field St Margarets Road Darenth Kent Proposal Demolition of existing stable block and erection of a stable block and barn store, with an associated hardstanding area. Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01639/PDE Date Issued 29/01/2021 Location 8 Eskdale Close Darenth Kent DA2 6LA Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Brent Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01537/FUL Date Issued 29/01/2021 Location 35 Burnham Road Dartford Kent DA1 5AY Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Burnham Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 32 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01198/FUL Date IssuedPage 63 01/02/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 320 Dartford Road Dartford Kent DA1 3EZ Proposal Demolition of garages and outbuildings and erection of a two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, enlarged basement, front porch, alterations to windows and front bay windows and provision of raised decking at rear of property (revisions to previously approved planning permission DA/18/00006/FUL) Ward West Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01539/ADV Date Issued 01/02/2021 Location Robinson Jackson Estate Agents 22 Market Street Dartford Kent DA1 1EZ Proposal Display of new illuminated signage to estate agent at ground and first floors including replacement fascia signage Ward Town Decision Refusal of Advert - Detrimental impact to visual amenity. Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01510/ADV Date Issued 01/02/2021 Location Beaux Beauty Salon 68 High Street Swanscombe Kent DA10 0AH Proposal Display of 1 No. non-illuminated fascia sign Ward Swanscombe Decision Consent for Advert. Officer Ray Hill Plan Ref 20/01452/FUL Date Issued 03/02/2021 Location 94 Wilmot Road Dartford Kent DA1 3BD Proposal Raising the height of roof on an existing ground floor rear extension and internal works Ward West Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/00192/FUL Date Issued 03/02/2021 Location 142 Birchwood Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7HG Proposal Alterations to garage to include alterations and insertion of doors and windows to ground floor and new rear dormer windows in association with the conversion to garden room at ground floor Ward Joydens Wood Decision Application Permitted Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01567/TPO Date Issued 03/02/2021 Location 17 Squires Way Wilmington Kent DA2 7NN Proposal Application for 1 No. Oak tree (T1) to crown reduction of approximately 2.5 metres, to include the lower branches and to remove all dead wood (the lower branches will be trimmed back by 2.5 metres, in line with the rest of the reduction and the finished height would be around 12.5 - 16.5 metres) subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1957 Ward Joydens Wood Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 33 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01346/CDNA Item 9 Date IssuedPage 64 03/02/2021 Location Cheers Dental Practice 23 High Street Swanscombe Kent DA10 0AG Proposal Submission of details relating to external materials pursuant to condition 6 of planning permission DA/17/01833/COU for change of use of ground floor dental surgery (Use Class D1) to self-contained studio flat (Use Class C3) incorporating single storey rear infill extension and erection of a detached building to provide dental surgery, with associated parking provision Ward Swanscombe Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01348/CDNA Date Issued 03/02/2021 Location Cheers Dental Practice 23 High Street Swanscombe Kent DA10 0AG Proposal Submission of details relating to bin stores pursuant to condition 9 of planning permission DA/17/01833/COU for change of use of ground floor dental surgery (Use Class D1) to self-contained studio flat (Use Class C3) incorporating single storey rear infill extension and erection of a detached building to provide dental surgery, with associated parking provision Ward Swanscombe Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01350/CDNA Date Issued 03/02/2021 Location Cheers Dental Practice 23 High Street Swanscombe Kent DA10 0AG Proposal Submission of details relating to storage of bicycles pursuant to condition 14 of planning permission DA/17/01833/COU for change of use of ground floor dental surgery (Use Class D1) to self-contained studio flat (Use Class C3) incorporating single storey rear infill extension and erection of a detached building to provide dental surgery, with associated parking provision Ward Swanscombe Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01579/PMA Date Issued 03/02/2021 Location First, Second And Third Floors 43 High Street Dartford Kent DA1 1DJ Proposal Application under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class M of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) as to whether prior approval is required for change of use of first, second and third floors to residential (Class C3) to provide 6 residential units comprising 5 x studio flats and 1 x 1 bed flat and associated building operations Ward Town Decision Prior Approval Required and Refused; The cumulative floor space of the existing building changing use would exceed 150square metres and because the building is on article 2(3) land Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01559/FUL Date Issued 03/02/2021 Location 34 Burnham Road Dartford Kent DA1 5AL Proposal Removal existing rear kitchen window and insertion of a glass box window Ward Burnham Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 34 of 56 Plan Ref 20/00741/FUL Date IssuedPage 65 03/02/2021Agenda Item 9 Location Tudor Court Green Street Green Road Dartford Kent DA1 1QF Proposal Erection of a detached outbuilding Ward Brent Decision Application Permitted Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01570/LDC Date Issued 03/02/2021 Location 21 Keith Avenue Sutton At Hone Kent DA4 9HH Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed alterations to roof from hip to gable for provision of dormer window in rear elevation and roof lights in front elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01571/TPO Date Issued 03/02/2021 Location Tesco Express Petrol 115 Dartford Road Dartford Kent DA1 3EN Proposal Application for G1 - Crown lift to give a ground clearance of 2.5m. Cut back branches to give a maximum clearance of 2m from the adjacent property of no 74 Devonshire Avenue subject to Tree Preservation Order No.2 2020. Ward West Hill Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 19/00145/CDNA Date Issued 04/02/2021 Location Neptune Slipway Pier Road Greenhithe Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to flood defence crest level pursuant to condition 8 of planning permission DA/15/01660/VCON for erection of a detached 4 bedroom house with associated parking involving demolition of existing buildings on the site Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Sonia Collins Plan Ref 20/01031/FUL Date Issued 04/02/2021 Location Monarch Autos 164 Milton Road Swanscombe Kent DA10 0LX Proposal Erection of an extension and roof alterations to enlarge the workshop and to provide customer waiting area. Ward Swanscombe Decision Application Permitted Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01282/FUL Date Issued 04/02/2021 Location 20 Brent Lane Dartford Kent DA1 1QW Proposal Provision of wheelchair access to the rear of the property with the introduction of a flank wall accessible ramp, and raised rear decking area, raising the fence line to achieve a height of 1800mm above the decking Ward Brent Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell

Page 35 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01309/FUL Item 9 Date IssuedPage 66 04/02/2021 Location Cheers Dental Practice 23 High Street Swanscombe Kent DA10 0AG Proposal Erection of a single storey extension to existing dentist surgery, erection of a detached 1 bed live/work unit to the rear, with associated parking, bin and refuse storage Ward Swanscombe Decision Application Withdrawn Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/00798/FUL Date Issued 04/02/2021 Location 2 Church Field Wilmington Kent DA2 7EJ Proposal Erection of an attached two storey, 2 bedroom self-contained annex to side of property and relocation of detached shed and garage Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Application Permitted Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01126/FUL Date Issued 04/02/2021 Location 24 Foxwood Road Bean Kent DA2 8BH Proposal Erection of a single storey side extension, single storey rear infill extension, conversion of existing integral garage into habitable room with associated alterations to front elevation Ward Bean & Village Park Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01535/FUL Date Issued 04/02/2021 Location 14 Fourier Grove Dartford Kent DA1 5SW Proposal Erection of a rear conservatory Ward Bridge Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/00632/FUL Date Issued 04/02/2021 Location 15 Salisbury Road Dartford Kent DA2 6GY Proposal Erection of a rear conservatory and detached storage shed (retrospective application) Ward Stone House Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/00893/FUL Date Issued 05/02/2021 Location The Exchange Red Street Southfleet Kent DA13 9QH Proposal Raising of ridge and eaves height, erection of a part single/ part two storey rear/side extension Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 36 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01331/FUL Date IssuedPage 67 05/02/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 10 Edwin Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7DJ Proposal Provision of a dormer window in rear elevation and roof lights in front elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Application Withdrawn Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01500/FUL Date Issued 08/02/2021 Location Ashmeads 20 Fawkham Avenue Longfield Kent DA3 7HF Proposal Erection of a first floor side extension Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01584/TPO Date Issued 08/02/2021 Location 5 East Wing Chapel Drive Dartford Kent DA2 6FL Proposal Application to repollard 1 No. Ash tree to previous points subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1998 Ward Stone House Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01581/TPO Date Issued 08/02/2021 Location 11 Chapel Drive Dartford Kent DA2 6FF Proposal Application to fell to ground level 1 No. Sycamore tree subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1998 Ward Stone House Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01017/FUL Date Issued 08/02/2021 Location Preston Nurstead Lane Longfield Kent DA3 7AN Proposal Erection of a two storey side and single storey rear extension Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01120/OUT Date Issued 08/02/2021 Location 25 Chave Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7ED Proposal Outline application with all matters reserved (except access) for erection of 3 bedroom bungalow and detached single garage Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Application Refused - Inappropriate windfall development, harm to visual amenity, contrary to policies DP2, DP6, DP7, DP8 and CS1 and CS10 Officer Abigail Lavery

Page 37 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01525/TPO Item 9 Date IssuedPage 68 09/02/2021 Location 30 Summerhouse Drive Bexley Kent DA5 2HP Proposal Application to Crown lift to give a maximum ground clearance of 5.5m and reduce overall crown by 2- 3m to just above previous reduction points within the crown of 1 No. Silver birch tree subject to Tree Preservation Order No.3 1971. Ward Joydens Wood Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01472/CDNA Date Issued 09/02/2021 Location Abbott Murex Site And Part Mill Pond Land To South Lower Hythe Street Dartford Kent DA1 1BN Proposal Submission of details relating to electric vehicle charging points pursuant to condition 29 of planning permission DA/16/01601/FUL for erection of 6No blocks of between 3 and 8 storeys comprising a total of 403 dwellings (164 x 1-bed, 234 x 2-bed and 5 x 3-bed) together with basement and surface parking for 449 vehicles and 696 bicycles; plus amenity space, play areas, public open space and associated infrastructure works. Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger Plan Ref 20/01160/FUL Date Issued 09/02/2021 Location 83 Water Mill Way Sutton At Hone Kent DA4 9BE Proposal Demolition of existing detached garage and erection of a single storey detached annex Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Application Permitted Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/00276/FUL Date Issued 10/02/2021 Location Creswick Nurseries Dartford Road Sutton At Hone Kent DA4 9HY Proposal Installation of 6 boreholes (3 extraction and 3 absorption) to link to water source heat pump and mains heating infrastructure (The plant room will be installed in existing boiler building and this is subject to a separate LDC application) Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Application Withdrawn Officer Chris Peters Plan Ref 20/01589/FUL Date Issued 10/02/2021 Location 84 Brent Lane Dartford Kent DA1 1QS Proposal Erection of a wooden fence to the height of 3 metres at the rear of property (retrospective application) Ward Brent Decision Application Permitted Officer Ray Hill Plan Ref 21/00019/PDE Date Issued 10/02/2021 Location 87 Wentworth Drive Dartford Kent DA1 3NQ Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Heath Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 38 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01318/FUL Date IssuedPage 69 10/02/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 37 Caspian Way Swanscombe Kent DA10 0LB Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension, and conversion of garage to habitable room Ward Swanscombe Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01611/CDNA Date Issued 10/02/2021 Location Littlebrook Power Station Phase 2 Rennie Drive Dartford Kent DA1 5PT Proposal Submission of details relating to riparian life saving equipment pursuant to condition 11 of planning permission DA/19/01515/FUL for redevelopment of site to provide Class B8 (storage and distribution) uses and ancillary B1 uses with associated access, servicing, parking, landscaping, works to flood defence and riverside enhancements Ward Bridge Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 21/00014/PIP Date Issued 10/02/2021 Location Land Adjacent Orchard Terrace Elizabeth Street Stone Greenhithe Kent Proposal Application for Permission in Principle for residential development of land for a minimum of 1 dwelling and maximum of 3 dwellings Ward Stone Castle Decision Permission in Principle Refused; Unacceptable in principle owing to the disbenefits in relation to windfall development, potential ecological impacts and highway concerns.

Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01601/LDC Date Issued 10/02/2021 Location 33 Keith Avenue Sutton At Hone Kent DA4 9HH Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed hip to gable roof alterations and for provision of a rear dormer window, roof lights in front elevation, window in gable in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Ray Hill Plan Ref 20/01272/FUL Date Issued 10/02/2021 Location 54 Miskin Road Dartford Kent DA1 2LS Proposal Erection of a detached Granny Annexe ancillary to the main house Ward West Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Ray Hill Plan Ref 21/00006/CDNA Date Issued 10/02/2021 Location River Mill Primary School Central Road Dartford Kent DA1 5XR Proposal Submission of details relating to external lighting impact pursuant to condition 16 of planning permission 19/01655/VCON for erection of a 2 form entry primary school with associated access and landscaping

Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell

Page 39 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 21/00032/CDNA Item 9 Date IssuedPage 70 10/02/2021 Location Littlebrook Power Station Phase 1 Rennie Drive Dartford Kent DA1 5PT Proposal Submission of details relating to riparian life saving equipment pursuant to condition 18 of planning permission DA/18/00457/FUL for redevelopment of the site to provide class B8 (storage and distribution) uses and ancillary class B1 uses with associated access, servicing, parking and landscaping and riverside enhancements Ward Bridge Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01478/TPO Date Issued 11/02/2021 Location Hazelwood Rowhill Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7QQ Proposal Application for the following arboricultural works: fell and remove the stumps of the following trees - T9 (Cherry); T11 (Cedar of Lebanon); G10 (7 no. Lawson Cypress); G24 (3 no. Holly). All trees will be replaced on completion of the development works. Trees T9, G10 and T11 will be replanted with standards to heavy standards as an instant screen is desired subject to Tree Preservation Order No.5 1978

Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Consent for TPO Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01378/CDNA Date Issued 11/02/2021 Location UCC Coffee Riverside Way Dartford Kent DA1 5BS Proposal Submission of details relating to closure of existing means of access pursuant to condition 12 of planning permission DA/20/00700/VCON for erection of a replacement warehouse building and ancillary offices Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/01527/CDNA Date Issued 11/02/2021 Location Land South Of St Marys Road Stone Kent DA9 9AG Proposal Submission of details relating to ecological enhancement scheme pursuant to conditions 22 of planning permission DA/17/02082/FUL and 21 of DA/19/00575/FUL for erection of a five storey building comprising 24 affordable shared ownership dwellings and erection of 3 No. apartment buildings comprising 70 No. residential units Ward Stone Castle Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger Plan Ref 20/01585/FUL Date Issued 11/02/2021 Location 28 Shepherds Lane Dartford Kent DA1 2NU Proposal Demolition of existing detached garage and rear bay window, erection of a single storey rear extension, front porch, connection of linked garage to house and render to external walls, garage conversion to habitable accommodation, alteration to front elevation bay and staircase window, new boundary wall and widened vehicle cross over (revisions to previous application) Ward West Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Abigail Lavery

Page 40 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01339/FUL Date IssuedPage 71 11/02/2021Agenda Item 9 Location Darent Valley Hospital Darenth Wood Road Darenth Kent DA2 8DA Proposal Installation of a 2nd Oxygen storage facility (VIE, Vacuum Insulated Evaporator). Incorporating Oxygen storage tanks, Oxygen vaporising equipment, and associated security fencing (retrospective application)

Ward Bean & Village Park Decision Application Permitted Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01399/CDNA Date Issued 11/02/2021 Location UCC Coffee Riverside Way Dartford Kent DA1 5BS Proposal Submission of details relating to delivery and servicing plan (condition 17) and management plans (condition 18) pursuant to planning permission DA/20/00700/VCON for erection of a replacement warehouse building and ancillary offices Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/01529/CDNA Date Issued 11/02/2021 Location McDonalds Restaurant Bean Road Greenhithe Kent DA9 9HY Proposal Submission of details relating to enhancement of biodiversity pursuant to condition 13 of planning permission DA/20/00140/FUL for provision of a new drive thru lane, ground floor extension to building with new drive thru booths, new site access/egress, with the re-arrangement of the car park, a new patio area, bin store and sub station Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger Plan Ref 21/00058/DEMCON Date Issued 12/02/2021 Location Wilmington Hall Farm Broad Lane Wilmington Kent DA2 7AG Proposal Application for prior notification pursuant to Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 Schedule 2, Part 11 of proposed demolition of an open sided structure with curved roof Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Prior Approval required and Granted Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01284/CDNA Date Issued 12/02/2021 Location 53 Watling Street Dartford Kent DA1 1RW Proposal Submission of details relating to tree protection pursuant to condition 10 of planning permission DA/19/01043/FUL for demolition of the existing dwelling and existing structures and the erection of a three storey apartment building containing 5 apartments (2 x 2 bed and 3 x 1 bed), erection of 4 x 3 bedroom dwellings, widening of existing vehicle access and the construction of an access road, parking, amenity space (private and communal) and landscaping Ward Newtown Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Richard Elder

Page 41 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01564/EDCCON Item 9 Date IssuedPage 72 12/02/2021 Location Phase 4 Former Northfleet West Sub Station Southfleet Road Swanscombe Kent Proposal Consultation on an application for the discharge of condition 18 attached to planning permission reference no. EDC/16/0045 relating to Affordable Housing Strategy within Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Ward Ebbsfleet Decision No Objection Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01266/CDNA Date Issued 12/02/2021 Location 53 Watling Street Dartford Kent DA1 1RW Proposal Submission of details relating to External Materials Schedule pursuant to condition 6 of planning permission DA/19/01043/FUL for demolition of the existing dwelling and existing structures and the erection of a three storey apartment building containing 5 apartments (2 x 2 bed and 3 x 1 bed), erection of 4 x 3 bedroom dwellings, widening of existing vehicle access and the construction of an access road, parking, amenity space (private and communal) and landscaping Ward Newtown Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/01396/CDNA Date Issued 15/02/2021 Location 9A Fawkham Avenue Longfield Kent DA3 7HS Proposal Submission of details relating to surface water drainage pursuant to condition 4 of planning permission DA/20/00482/FUL for erection of a detached single storey double garage with associated alterations to driveway Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01603/LDC Date Issued 15/02/2021 Location 10 Teesdale Road Dartford Kent DA2 6LJ Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed alterations to roof from hip end to gable end for provision of dormer window in rear elevation and roof lights on front elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Brent Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01622/TPO Date Issued 15/02/2021 Location New Barn House New Barn Road Longfield Kent DA3 7JF Proposal Application to cut lower branches to height of 2 metres of 1 No. Yew (T6) tree subject to Tree Preservation Order No.2 1965 Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 42 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01197/FUL Date IssuedPage 73 15/02/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 86 Hayes Road Horns Cross Greenhithe Kent DA9 9DW Proposal Erection of a two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and alterations to roof from hip end to gable end for provision of dormer window in rear roof slope in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Stone Castle Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01606/LDC Date Issued 15/02/2021 Location 36 Heath End Road Bexley Kent DA5 2AH Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed dormer window in rear elevation and roof lights in front elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Maypole & Leyton Cross Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01382/CDNA Date Issued 15/02/2021 Location 9A Fawkham Avenue Longfield Kent DA3 7HS Proposal Submission of details relating to external materials pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission DA/20/00482/FUL for erection of a detached single storey double garage with associated alterations to driveway Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 21/00166/NONMAT Date Issued 15/02/2021 Location Phase 3B Land East Of Lowfield Street Dartford Proposal Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/19/00830/REM to amend the wording of condition 6 to exclude the units that do not fully comply with Part M4(2) Ward Town Decision Approval of non-material amendments Officer Sonia Collins Plan Ref 20/00246/COU Date Issued 16/02/2021 Location 1 Mead Road Dartford Kent DA1 2RH Proposal Change of use of lower ground floor from retail to residential flat (retrospective application) Ward Princes Decision Application Refused - Contrary to policies CS10, CS17, DP5, DP7 and DP8 and the Housing Windfall SPD (2014). Disbenefits outweigh benefits Officer Ray Hill Plan Ref 20/01444/FUL Date Issued 16/02/2021 Location 16 Chatsworth Road Dartford Kent DA1 5AT Proposal Erection of a single storey rear infill extension and enclosing of existing porch Ward Burnham Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell

Page 43 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01604/LDC Item 9 Date IssuedPage 74 16/02/2021 Location 35 Faesten Way Bexley Kent DA5 2JB Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed dormer window in rear roof slope in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Loft extension to rear of existing dwelling.

Ward Joydens Wood Decision Permission Required; Total volume of roof alteration exceeds 50 cubic metres Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01295/FUL Date Issued 16/02/2021 Location 6 Richardson Close Stone Kent DA9 9QG Proposal Erection of a first floor extension over garage and conversion of rear part of garage to habitable room Ward Stone Castle Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 21/00167/NONMAT Date Issued 16/02/2021 Location Land East Of Lowfield Street Dartford Kent Proposal Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/8/01557/VCON to amend the wording of condition 47 to exclude the units that do not fully comply with Part M4(2) Ward Town Decision Approval of non-material amendments Officer Sonia Collins Plan Ref 20/01555/LDC Date Issued 17/02/2021 Location 28 Havelock Road Dartford Kent DA1 3HX Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed alterations to roof from hip to gable for provision of dormer window with Juliette balcony in rear elevation and roof light in front elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Heath Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 21/00061/NONMAT Date Issued 17/02/2021 Location 12 Elstar Mews Greenhithe Kent DA9 9WU Proposal Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/20/00821/FUL to amend the sizes of the velux windows proposed Ward Stone Castle Decision Approval of non-material amendments Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01460/FUL Date Issued 17/02/2021 Location 7 Studley Crescent Longfield Kent DA3 7JL Proposal Erection of a first floor side extension and modifications and pitched roof over existing garage Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Ray Hill

Page 44 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01369/FUL Date IssuedPage 75 17/02/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 13 Starling Close Longfield Kent DA3 7NP Proposal Erection of a first floor side extension, pitched roof canopy over existing porch and front of garage and conversion of rear part of garage to habitable room Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01615/CDNA Date Issued 17/02/2021 Location North Kent College Oakfield Lane Dartford Kent DA1 2JT Proposal Submission of details relating to external materials pursuant to condition 8 of planning permission DA/18/01351/FUL for erection of a college building comprising 2,836 sqm of educational floor space and the provision of associated infrastructure including drainage works, open space, fencing and landscaping

Ward Princes Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01441/FUL Date Issued 17/02/2021 Location 5 Birch Close Longfield Kent DA3 7LH Proposal Provision of dormer window in rear elevation and roof lights in front elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space, alterations to rear windows and doors, demolition of existing detached garage and car port and erection of a detached garage and internal alterations Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Ray Hill Plan Ref 20/01455/FUL Date Issued 17/02/2021 Location 140 Shirehall Road Hawley Kent DA2 7SN Proposal Erection of a single storey rear/side extension Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/00689/FUL Date Issued 18/02/2021 Location Land Adjacent 2 Cotton Lane Stone Kent Proposal Erection of two pairs of 3 bed semi-detached houses, with associated car parking, bicycle and bin storage and relocation of vehicular access drive Ward Stone Castle Decision Application Refused - Unsustainable windfall development. Intrusive and incongruous design. Inadequate parking / manoeuvring space provision and inadequate vehicular access. Officer Matthew Apperley

Page 45 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/00313/VCON Item 9 Date IssuedPage 76 18/02/2021 Location Land Adjacent The Lodges (Gantry Place) Cotton Lane Stone Kent Proposal Erection of 16 No. 4 bedroom houses in four terraces and erection of a multi-use community building with access roads and ancillary works and use of land to the west as outdoor camping ground and recreational space for Scout Groups, Duke of Edinburgh activities and youth related activities (incorporating variation of condition 2 of application reference DA/16/01553/VCON to provide dwellings with larger gardens by relocating garages and parking provisions, lowering of the dormers, and to provide plots 1, 4, 5, 8, 9,12, 13 and 16 with side access and additional flank elevation windows). Ward Stone Castle Decision Application permitted Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01137/FUL Date Issued 18/02/2021 Location 121 Shepherds Lane Dartford Kent DA1 2PA Proposal Demolition of existing rear conservatory and erection of front porch, two storey side extension and part two/part single storey rear extension and conversion of existing garage into habitable rooms incorporating its attachment to the main house Ward West Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01391/CDNA Date Issued 18/02/2021 Location 133 Main Road Sutton At Hone Kent DA4 9HQ Proposal Submission of details relating to external materials (condition 4) and boundary treatments (condition 7) pursuant to planning permission DA/19/01301/FUL for demolition of existing dwelling and garage and erection of 2 No. 4 bed semi-detached dwellings with integral garages, associated parking, refuse store and landscaping Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01392/CDNA Date Issued 18/02/2021 Location 133 Main Road Sutton At Hone Kent DA4 9HQ Proposal Submission of details relating to landscaping (condition 5) pursuant to planning permission DA/19/01301/FUL for demolition of existing dwelling and garage and erection of 2 No. 4 bed semi- detached dwellings with integral garages, associated parking, refuse store and landscaping Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01393/CDNA Date Issued 18/02/2021 Location 133 Main Road Sutton At Hone Kent DA4 9HQ Proposal Submission of details relating to electric vehicle charging points (condition 10) pursuant to planning permission DA/19/01301/FUL for demolition of existing dwelling and garage and erection of 2 No. 4 bed semi-detached dwellings with integral garages, associated parking, refuse store and landscaping Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Abigail Lavery

Page 46 of 56 Plan Ref 20/00468/CDNA Date IssuedPage 77 18/02/2021Agenda Item 9 Location Halo Site Albion Road Dartford Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to surface water drainage pursuant to condition 4 of planning permission DA/19/00949/FUL for erection of an industrial building for B2 (General Industrial) Use Class, including ancillary offices (Mezzanine), servicing areas, access roads, car parking and landscaping Ward Bridge Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01464/FUL Date Issued 18/02/2021 Location 30 Hazel Road Dartford Kent DA1 2SE Proposal Erection of an attached single storey house in side garden including driveways (dropped kerb) and parking spaces, refuse and bicycle storage and landscaping Ward Princes Decision Application Refused - Inappropriate windfall development, harm to residential amenity and visual amenity, contrary to policies DP2, DP5, DP6, DP7, DP8 and CS1 and CS1 Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01370/CDNA Date Issued 18/02/2021 Location 133 Main Road Sutton At Hone Kent DA4 9HQ Proposal Submission of details relating to construction management plan pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission DA/19/01301/FUL for demolition of existing dwelling and garage and erection of 2 No. 4 bed semi-detached dwellings with integral garages, associated parking, refuse store and landscaping Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/00856/FUL Date Issued 19/02/2021 Location 122A Knockhall Chase Greenhithe Kent DA9 9EN Proposal Alterations to an existing MOT Garage Structure to provide for trade and storage facilities and erection of a detached building to house Class 7 MOT bay, car workshop and industrial workshop within Class B2 Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Application Permitted Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01498/LBC Date Issued 19/02/2021 Location 15 High Street Dartford Kent DA1 1DT Proposal Application for Listed Building Consent for structural improvement to rebuilding out of plumb gable (as necessary) and prevent further lateral movement, including the introduction of lateral restraint devices.

Ward Town Decision Consent for LB Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01273/LDC Date Issued 19/02/2021 Location 145 Brent Lane Dartford Kent DA1 1QU Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed use of property as a children's / young adults residential home for up to 4 residents for supported living within use class C3(b) Ward Brent Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Abigail Lavery

Page 47 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01207/FUL Item 9 Date IssuedPage 78 22/02/2021 Location Temple Hill County Youth Club Temple Hill Square Dartford Kent DA1 5HX Proposal Erection of single storey extensions to the north & south elevations. Alterations to existing roof (including increase in height), windows, doors, openings. New wall finishes and windows/doors. Ward Temple Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01407/ADV Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location DPD Littlebrook DC2 Shield Road Dartford Kent DA1 5UR Proposal Display of 8 x non illuminated flex face signs, 2 x non illuminated totem signs and 1 x non illuminated free standing sign Ward Bridge Decision Consent for Advert. Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01469/FUL Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location 1 Roseberry Gardens Dartford Kent DA1 2NX Proposal Conversion of garage to habitable room, demolition of existing rear conservatory and erection of a part two/part single storey rear extension Ward West Hill Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01621/TPO Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location Land In Front Of 9 The Oaks Stone Dartford Kent DA2 6PF Proposal Application cut back two trees overhanging 9 The Oaks back to boundary as per site plan and annotated photos with cut marks subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1998 Ward Stone House Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01623/TPO Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location Land In Front Of 10 The Oaks Stone Dartford Kent DA2 6PF Proposal Application cut back two trees overhanging 10 The Oaks back to boundary as per site plan and annotated photos with cut marks subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1998 Ward Stone House Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01340/EDCCON Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location Land Off Castle Hill Drive Ebbsfleet DA101PB Proposal Consultation on reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erections of 4 dwellings, together with associated parking and amenity space pursuant to planning permission DA/12/01451/EQVAR within Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Ward Ebbsfleet Decision No Objection Officer Steven Bell

Page 48 of 56 Plan Ref 21/00040/CDNA Date IssuedPage 79 22/02/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 2 Murray Drive Stone Kent DA2 6FS Proposal Submission of details relating to replacement tree planting pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission DA/20/01195/TPO for 1 No. London Plane tree (T8), Reduce crown volume by 30% (finished height at 20-22m), remove deadwood and crossing branches, remove ivy; 1 no. Holly tree (T8a), fell and grind/ reinstate with soil and seed subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1998 Ward Stone House Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 21/00021/TPO Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location 3 Garrow Longfield Kent DA3 7JN Proposal Application for T1. Mature Black Pine -(A) remove lowest limb overhanging driveway back to source (approx 200mm at base of branch), (B) reduce limb directly above A and the driveway by approx 1.5m - 2m to a suitable live secondary growing point, (C) reduce remaining extremely lateral branches overhanging the driveway at approx 2/3rds the height of tree by approx 1.5m to blend in with remaining crown sections to live secondary growing pints, (D) remove all significant deadwood and hung up branches from the remaining crown overhanging driveway: T2. Dead/severely declining Ivy covered Ash tree stem-fee to near ground level both subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1988 Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01044/CDNA Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location Car Park Rear Of Two Brewers 33 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to programme of archaeological work pursuant to condition 4 of planning permission DA/19/00748/FUL for erection of a 5-storey building comprising 14 no. apartments (6 No. 1- bed and 8 No. 2-bed), with 3 No. car parking spaces, bin and cycle store (part approval) Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01045/CDNA Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location Car Park Rear Of Two Brewers 33 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to construction method statement pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission DA/19/00748/FUL for erection of a 5-storey building comprising 14 no. apartments (6 No. 1- bed and 8 No. 2-bed), with 3 No. car parking spaces, bin and cycle store Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01046/CDNA Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location Car Park Rear Of Two Brewers 33 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to eastern and south eastern wall pursuant to condition 6 of planning permission DA/19/00748/FUL for erection of a 5-storey building comprising 14 no. apartments (6 No. 1- bed and 8 No. 2-bed), with 3 No. car parking spaces, bin and cycle store Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil

Page 49 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01047/CDNA Item 9 Date IssuedPage 80 22/02/2021 Location Car Park Rear Of Two Brewers 33 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to glazing and ventilation strategy pursuant to condition 7 of planning permission DA/19/00748/FUL for erection of a 5-storey building comprising 14 no. apartments (6 No. 1- bed and 8 No. 2-bed), with 3 No. car parking spaces, bin and cycle store Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01048/CDNA Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location Car Park Rear Of Two Brewers 33 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to telecommunications infrastructure pursuant to condition 8 of planning permission DA/19/00748/FUL for erection of a 5-storey building comprising 14 no. apartments (6 No. 1- bed and 8 No. 2-bed), with 3 No. car parking spaces, bin and cycle store Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01049/CDNA Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location Car Park Rear Of Two Brewers 33 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to electric vehicle charging pursuant to condition 9 of planning permission DA/19/00748/FUL for erection of a 5-storey building comprising 14 no. apartments (6 No. 1-bed and 8 No. 2-bed), with 3 No. car parking spaces, bin and cycle store Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01051/CDNA Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location Car Park Rear Of Two Brewers 33 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to surface water drainage pursuant to condition 11 of planning permission DA/19/00748/FUL for erection of a 5-storey building comprising 14 no. apartments (6 No. 1-bed and 8 No. 2-bed), with 3 No. car parking spaces, bin and cycle store Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 20/01443/NONMAT Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location Land Rear Of Former Unwins Site Victoria Road Dartford DA1 5AJ Proposal Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/17/01477/FUL in respect of addition installation of photo voltaic panels onto the roof. Ward Town Decision Approval of non-material amendments Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 21/00008/TPO Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location 5 Langafel Close Longfield Kent DA3 7PL Proposal Application for T1 Yew: keep a part of the tree as a historical landmark, leaving the main stem as a monolith at 4 metres above ground level subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1961 Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 50 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01620/TPO Date IssuedPage 81 22/02/2021Agenda Item 9 Location Burnt Oak House, Lucky Stones And Wood At Great Mount Cottage Rowhill Road Wilmington Kent DA2 7QQ Proposal Application to carry out various works as per schedule to trees T1-T14 in Burnt Oak House, tree T19 in Lucky Stones and trees T21 and T22 land at Great Mount Cottage subject to Tree Preservation Orders No.3 1964 and 5 1978 Ward Wilmington, Sutton-at-Hone & Hawley Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01013/CDNA Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location Former Car Park Rear Of Two Brewers 33 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to maintenance plan to manage voids pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission DA/19/00748/FUL for erection of a 5-storey building comprising 14 no. apartments (6 No. 1- bed and 8 No. 2-bed), with 3 No. car parking spaces, bin and cycle store Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 21/00036/TPO Date Issued 22/02/2021 Location Outside 7-11 Jepson Drive Stone Kent DA2 6FR Proposal Application to reduce Cedar by approx 20% to give a crown height of 22m and diameter of 10m subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1998 Ward Stone House Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 21/00082/TPO Date Issued 23/02/2021 Location 23 The Green Darenth Kent DA2 6JS Proposal Application to remove lower growths below the main trunk division, crown reduce to 6 metres diameter and a 2 metre reduction in height of 1 No Sycamore tree subject to Tree preservation order No.1 1995 Ward Bean & Village Park Decision Consent for TPO Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 21/00079/PDE Date Issued 23/02/2021 Location 81 Brent Close Dartford Kent DA2 6DH Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Stone House Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 21/00193/LDC Date Issued 23/02/2021 Location 2 Masthead Close Dartford Kent DA2 6QF Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed use for vehicle repairs including car body repairs and paint spraying Ward Stone Castle Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Steven Bell

Page 51 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 20/01379/CDNA Item 9 Date IssuedPage 82 23/02/2021 Location UCC Coffee Riverside Way Dartford Kent DA1 5BS Proposal Submission of details relating to photovoltaic panels pursuant to condition 15 of planning permission DA/20/00700/VCON for erection of a replacement warehouse building and ancillary offices Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/01505/FUL Date Issued 23/02/2021 Location 20 Holly Road Dartford Kent DA1 2QT Proposal Erection of a two storey side and single storey front extension Ward Princes Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01466/FUL Date Issued 23/02/2021 Location 37 Almond Road Dartford Kent DA2 6BD Proposal Erection of a two storey rear and side extension Ward Stone House Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01270/FUL Date Issued 23/02/2021 Location 10 Bradbrook Drive Longfield Kent DA3 7BF Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension and enclosure of car port to form gym Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01335/FUL Date Issued 24/02/2021 Location 3 Fairlawn Crescent Greenhithe Kent DA9 9YG Proposal Erection of a single storey rear extension to enclose car port with new garage door facing street Ward Stone Castle Decision Application Refused - Harmful to highway safety and amenity and appearance of the property and visual amenities of the area Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01602/LDC Date Issued 24/02/2021 Location 32 Hedge Place Road Greenhithe Kent DA9 9LH Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed dormer window with Juliette balcony in rear elevation and additional roof light in front elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Stone Castle Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Ray Hill

Page 52 of 56 Plan Ref 21/00043/TDA Date IssuedPage 83 24/02/2021Agenda Item 9 Location Mast Galleon Boulevard Crossways Business Park Dartford Kent Proposal Application of determination pursuant to Schedule 2 Part 16 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the proposed telecommunications upgrade comprising proposed 20.0m High EE/H3G Phase 8 streetpole on concrete base and associated ancillary works. Ward Stone Castle Decision Prior Approval required and Granted Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 21/00097/PDE Date Issued 24/02/2021 Location 41 Brent Close Dartford Kent DA2 6DD Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Stone House Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01461/FUL Date Issued 24/02/2021 Location 14 Whitehill Road Longfield Kent DA3 7QS Proposal Erection of a first floor rear extension and provision of a dormer window in rear elevation and roof lights in front elevation in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01050/CDNA Date Issued 24/02/2021 Location Car Park Rear Of Two Brewers 33 Lowfield Street Dartford Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to external lighting pursuant to condition 10 of planning permission DA/19/00748/FUL for erection of a 5-storey building comprising 14 no. apartments (6 No. 1-bed and 8 No. 2-bed), with 3 No. car parking spaces, bin and cycle store Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 21/00010/LDC Date Issued 24/02/2021 Location 29 Grosvenor Crescent Dartford Kent DA1 5AP Proposal Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed alterations to roof from hip to gable for provision of a rear dormer window, front rooflight and window in gable end in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Burnham Decision Planning Permission not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster

Page 53 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 21/00053/PDE Item 9 Date IssuedPage 84 24/02/2021 Location Glenhaven 36A Shenley Road Dartford Kent DA1 1YE Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Newtown Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01260/FUL Date Issued 24/02/2021 Location 47 Northdown Road Longfield Kent DA3 7QN Proposal Part removal of existing attached garage and erection of a single storey side/front extension Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01605/FUL Date Issued 24/02/2021 Location 1 Western Terrace Dartford Kent DA1 3AY Proposal Erection of a single storey side extension Ward Heath Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01640/FUL Date Issued 24/02/2021 Location 2 Meadow Way Dartford Kent DA2 6AB Proposal Erection of a porch and single storey front/side extension Ward Stone House Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 21/00068/PDE Date Issued 24/02/2021 Location 3 Banbury Villas Hook Green Road Southfleet Kent DA13 9NF Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Prior Approval Not Required Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01546/CDNA Date Issued 24/02/2021 Location McDonalds Restaurant Bean Road Greenhithe Kent DA9 9HY Proposal Submission of details relating to archaeological evaluation pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission DA/20/00140/FUL for provision of a new drive thru lane, ground floor extension to building with new drive thru booths, new site access/egress, with the re-arrangement of the car park, a new patio area, bin store and sub station Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Mrs Emma Eisinger

Page 54 of 56 Plan Ref 20/01397/CDNA Date IssuedPage 85 25/02/2021Agenda Item 9 Location 9A Fawkham Avenue Longfield Kent DA3 7HS Proposal Submission of details relating to landscaping pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission DA/20/00482/FUL for erection of a detached single storey double garage with associated alterations to driveway Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Abigail Lavery Plan Ref 20/01541/FUL Date Issued 25/02/2021 Location 17 Beacon Drive Bean Kent DA2 8BE Proposal Demolition of existing brick built garden storage area and erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Bean & Village Park Decision Application Permitted Officer Mrs B Lidster Plan Ref 20/01515/OUT Date Issued 25/02/2021 Location Foj House 32 The Brent Dartford Kent Proposal Outline application (with all matters reserved) for erection of a single dwelling at the bottom of the garden

Ward Newtown Decision Application Refused - Inappropriate windfall garden land development. Intrusive and incongruous impact on character and appearance of the area; detrimental impact on highway safety and amenity; and detrimental impact on residential amenity Officer Matthew Apperley Plan Ref 20/01451/CDNA Date Issued 01/03/2021 Location Land Rear Of Former Unwins Site Victoria Road Dartford DA1 5AJ Proposal Submission of details relating to external equipment installed on the roof pursuant to condition 25 of planning permission DA/17/01477/FUL in respect of erection of a single building comprising 5 No B1 (business), B2 (general industrial) and B8 (storage or distribution) use units with ground and mezzanine floor levels (total floor space 6922 sq m) with associated new access road, landscaping and parking Ward Town Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Richard Elder Plan Ref 20/00929/NONMAT Date Issued 01/03/2021 Location Acacia Hall High Street Dartford Kent DA1 1DJ Proposal Non-material amendment to planning permission DA/18/00185/FUL in respect of alterations to design of retaining wall to adjoining Vicarage and replacement of timber trellis with planting to form screen and amendment to condition 47 Ward Brent Decision Approval of non-material amendments Officer Jas Bansil Plan Ref 21/00098/NONMAT Date Issued 01/03/2021 Location Sunny Meadows (formerly Colt Lodge) 9 New Barn Road Longfield Kent DA3 7LQ Proposal Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission DA/18/01430/FUL (amended by DA/19/01246/NONMAT) for amendments to the elevations as built Ward Longfield, New Barn & Southfleet Decision Refusal of non-material amendments; Changes go beyond what can be considered to be non material Officer Abigail Lavery

Page 55 of 56 Plan RefAgenda 21/00073/CDNA Item 9 Date IssuedPage 86 01/03/2021 Location Neptune Slipway Pier Road Greenhithe Kent Proposal Submission of details relating to external materials pursuant to condition 10 of planning permission DA/20/00207/VCON for erection of a detached 4 bedroom house with associated parking involving demolition of existing buildings on the site Ward Greenhithe & Knockhall Decision Approval of Details for Conditions Officer Steven Bell Plan Ref 20/01593/FUL Date Issued 01/03/2021 Location 32 Shiers Avenue Dartford Kent DA1 5FQ Proposal Provision of roof lights in roof slopes and window in gable in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space Ward Bridge Decision Application Permitted Officer Ray Hill Plan Ref 21/00052/PDE Date Issued 01/03/2021 Location 36 Park Road Dartford Kent DA1 1SY Proposal Determination pursuant to Schedule 2, Part 1 (Class A.1 (g) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required for the erection of a single storey rear extension Ward Newtown Decision Prior Approval Required and Refused; Would cause harmful overshadowing and overbearing Officer Samantha Mitchell Plan Ref 20/01440/FUL Date Issued 02/03/2021 Location 23 Childs Crescent Swanscombe Kent DA10 0EA Proposal Erection of a single storey rear/side extension Ward Swanscombe Decision Application Permitted Officer Samantha Mitchell

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