April 22, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E551 Originally from Cincinnati, Paul graduated HONORING RAY HACKETT ON HIS you.’’ This approach has earned Ray access from the University of Dayton and served as RETIREMENT FROM THE NOR- to readers of all stripes in eastern Connecticut an officer in the U.S. Army. He helped C.J. WICH BULLETIN and garnered their respect, even if disagreeing McLin of Dayton begin his long time career in with his reporting or his opinions. the state legislature, ran for Congress himself HON. JOE COURTNEY When Ray Hackett steps down this month in 1968, and served six years as Chairman of OF CONNECTICUT from the Norwich Bulletin, eastern Connecticut the Montgomery County Democratic Party. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will lose an irreplaceable asset—a reporter C.J.’s daughter Rhine McLin remembers that and editor who embraced the coverage of all Wednesday, April 22, 2015 ‘‘Paul understood people and he understood 64 towns in the Second Congressional District, politics.’’ Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today the diversity of our urban, suburban, and rural Paul considered C.J. one of his political to honor a legendary journalist in eastern Con- communities, and the politics and policy mentors along with legendary state House necticut, Ray Hackett. After 40 years in jour- issues that animate discussions in our diners Speaker Vern Riffe and U.S. Senator John nalism, the past 27 years at the Norwich Bul- and at our kitchen tables across our region. Glenn. John Glenn remarked that Paul ‘‘did letin in Connecticut, Ray is retiring this month Ray leaves a significant journalistic footprint in great work as a civic activist through so many from the profession he has loved. eastern Connecticut that will not be matched years’’ and that he and Annie Glenn had no Ray’s life journey included completing two for a long time. Even in an era of a 24 hour better friend. tours for the Army in Southeast news cycle, he represents a journalistic ethos Asia during the Vietnam War and being marked by integrity in pursuit of impartial truth. Paul served as Trustee of Wright State Uni- awarded the Bronze Star when he was 19. I ask my colleagues to join me in saluting versity and on the Board of Advisors at Ohio Ray does not talk about his military service Ray Hackett on an illustrious career and wish- State’s John Glenn College of Public Affairs. often, but his experiences have helped shape ing him the best in a well-earned retirement. Few have had as many successes as Paul his reporting and influenced our region’s con- f and the secret to Paul’s success was his abil- science on the treatment of veterans returning ity to bring people together. I ask my col- home from war. Ray’s account of the first time HONORING ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE leagues to share in the memories of the ex- he visited the Vietnam Memorial Wall in DAY traordinary service of Paul Tipps and extend Washington, accompanied by his daughter, to our most sincere condolences to all of Paul’s see the names of his fallen comrades is mov- HON. LEONARD LANCE family and friends. ing and unforgettable. OF NEW JERSEY Ray’s first experience in journalism was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f spending ten years on radio, including time Wednesday, April 22, 2015 with Armed Forces Radio and Television. He HONORING THE LIFE OF CLIFFORD joined the Norwich Bulletin in 1988, covering Mr. LANCE. Mr. Speaker, I submit the fol- BELL the city hall beat. Ray was promoted to serve lowing: as City Editor from 1994 to 2000 and moved Whereas, the State of Israel has flourished HON. to the opinion page in 2000, serving as Edi- to become the preeminent democracy in the torial Page Editor and focusing on politics. Middle East and today celebrates 67 years of OF As the influence of his political punditry independence; and Whereas, Israel has been a dedicated part- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grew, Ray became increasingly tapped as a ner to the United States, working with our Na- moderator for political debates for races up Wednesday, April 22, 2015 tion and other allies to build peace collabo- and down the ticket. As a debate moderator, ratively and work toward common interests Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to he became known for asking tough, thoughtful and goals including the safety, security and honor the life of Mr. Clifford Bell, my friend questions which gave the voters of eastern freedom of all people around the world; and Connecticut much needed answers. He also and former colleague and a beloved member Whereas, Our Nation must continue to pro- connected candidates directly with the public of the Buffalo community. A public servant, tect, strengthen and promote our close friend by broadcasting editorial board meetings with Mr. Bell served for twelve years as a member and ally Israel as we strive to achieve greater all candidates during election cycles. of the Buffalo Common Council and chaired stability in the Middle East and around the Ray’s numerous honors include being the Economic Development Committee. world; and named the three time GateHouse Media Edi- A model citizen, Mr. Bell worked for 50 Whereas, At 67, despite tremendous chal- torial Writer of the Year in 2009, 2011, and years in the dry cleaning business and then lenges, Israel demonstrates continually that 2013. He won awards in 2008, 2012, and joined the Small business Development Cen- principle and motivation are transforming 2013 from the Connecticut Society for Profes- ter for the Buffalo State College. His commit- forces allowing Israel to thrive; now, therefore, sional Journalism for editorial excellence. Ad- ment to local business does not end there, be it ditionally, Ray was awarded First Place for the however, as he also personally led a delega- Resolved that the Honorable LEONARD Dear Governor project in 2010 from both the tion to France for the Mayor of Buffalo where LANCE, the Honorable PETER ROSKAM, the New England Newspaper & Press Association he discussed international trade while rep- Honorable and the Honorable and the Managing Editors resenting five local businesses. LEE ZELDIN, Members of the House of Rep- Association. Mr. Bell’s dedication to the community ex- resentatives and co-chairmen of the House In my view, one of Ray’s accomplishments tends far beyond his political and economic Republican Israel Caucus, join Israel in cele- outshines even these honors bestowed by his endeavors as he also was an active member bration of its Independence Day. colleagues—the dedicated push he made to of various community groups. Mr. Bell has bring U.S. Army Captain and Waterford native f been a member of The Luther Church of Our Arnold ‘‘Arnie’’ Holm’s remains home to Con- HONORING THE LIFE AND Savior for over sixty years where he has held necticut. Captain Holm was killed in action in ACHIEVEMENTS OF SUSIE WILSON a number of various positions. Vietnam in 1972, and his body never recov- Mr. Bell has also chaired the Martin Luther ered. Working with Holm’s friend Bill Cavalieri HON. King Celebration for 30 years, delivering in- and his widow Margarete Holm, Ray kept up credible performances at Shea’s Performing OF CALIFORNIA the drumbeat in the media to find Holm’s re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Arts Center in Buffalo, and has been the re- mains and return them for proper burial. Dec- cipient of over one hundred awards including ades after their passing, Holm’s remains were Wednesday, April 22, 2015 the New York State Governor’s Martin Luther discovered in 2011 at a helicopter crash site Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, King Senior’s Award for his advocacy of civil in the central highlands of Vietnam. In a fitting along with my colleagues the Honorable ANNA rights and community work. final chapter to this story, my office was noti- ESHOO and the Honorable MICHAEL HONDA, to Mr. Speaker, thank you for allowing me a fied this week that the headstone marking the honor the life and achievements of a distin- few moments to honor the life of Clifford Bell. grave of Holm and his two comrades was in- guished member of our community, Susanne I ask that my colleagues join me in applauding stalled at Arlington National Cemetery. (‘‘Susie’’) Wilson. She has been a long- Mr. Bell’s outstanding history of service to the Ray has said that his inspiration as a jour- leader in the Santa Clara Valley as City of Buffalo and the people of the Western nalist has always been to ‘‘think like a reader’’ both a public official and a community advo- New York community. and ‘‘never forget, they all don’t think like cate. Susie served as a member of the San

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:12 Apr 23, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K22AP8.008 E22APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 22, 2015 Jose City Council from 1973–1978. She also dedicated to increasing women’s participation WTO commitments. Similarly in Peru, the served as Vice-Mayor of San Jose from 1976– in the political field, designed to achieve U.S.-Peru Free Trade Agreement went into ef- 1978, she was a member of the Santa Clara equality for all women. Susie is also a mem- fect in 2009 and contained some of the County Board of Supervisors for District 1 ber of the American Association of University strongest environmental protection and con- from 1979–1991; serving as Chairperson in Women, a leading voice promoting equity and servation provisions ever included in a trade 1982, 1986, and 1990. education for women and girls. pact. Implementation, however, has faced con- Susie also served as Chair of the Valley It is evident by the many roles that Susie stant efforts to roll back progress. Transit District Board, and was the first has taken on, that she is a vital member of the These two examples do not necessarily woman to become President of the Associa- Silicon Valley community and an inspiration for demonstrate a lack of commitment to enforc- tion of Bay Area Governments. She was a women and men alike. Thus, it is our privilege ing our trade agreements. They do, however, founding member in 1974 of California Elected to honor her as a significant person in the demonstrate that enforcement resources have Women for Education and Research 19th Congressional District. We would like to not kept pace with the scope and complexity (CEWEAR), as well as past President and life take this occasion to thank Susie for her many of our trade agreements. As a result, we have member. In 1990, she became a member of gifts and contributions to the community of not been able to extract the full value of our the Valley Medical Center Foundation Board San Jose. agreements to the disadvantage of our busi- of Directors, and has also served as its Presi- f nesses and workers. Looking ahead, some dent. Susie has been a champion of social Trans-Pacific Partnership countries will need justice, and one of her important accomplish- CONGRATULATING DR. RITA RICE significant capacity building and technical as- ments was her success as Chair of the YWCA MORRIS sistance if they are to meet their new commer- Villa Nueva Capital Campaign. Villa Nueva is cial, environmental, and labor obligations. a 63-family residential housing unit for low-in- HON. BRAD R. WENSTRUP The STRONGER (Supplemental Trade Re- come families, which houses transitional and OF OHIO view, Oversight, Noncompliance and General affordable housing, mostly for single mothers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Enforcement Resources) Act of 2015 would and their kids. To honor Susie, the building create an Enforcement Fund to support trade Wednesday, April 22, 2015 was named in her honor when it opened in and development agencies for a narrow set of 1993. Mr. WENSTRUP. Mr. Speaker, today I rise uses relating to the enforcement and imple- As a long-time distinguished volunteer of the to congratulate Dr. Rita Rice Morris on her mentation of our trade agreements. This fund YWCA, a scholarship has also been named in twelve years of service to Shawnee State Uni- would follow the precedents of the Migratory her honor, the ‘‘Susanne B. Wilson Scholar- versity. Bird Conservation Fund, the Sport Fish Res- ship Award,’’ which is given each year to a Dr. Morris, the longest-serving president in toration & Boating Trust Fund, and others that young woman from one of the YWCA pro- the storied history of Shawnee State Univer- rely on a small portion of related tariff revenue grams. For almost 40 years, Susie Wilson has sity, is leaving behind a distinguished record to fund a multi-agency effort. been the driving force behind the YWCA of of invaluable contributions to the institution, During the last five fiscal years, the United Silicon Valley. Susie’s belief in the YWCA’s the community, and most importantly the stu- States has averaged $442 million in anti- mission of empowering women and eliminating dents. dumping and countervailing duties (AD/CVD) racism makes her a fearless and tireless ad- During her tenure, Dr. Morris led the univer- that go to Treasury’s General Fund. The En- vocate to raise support, both morally and fi- sity through a period of unprecedented growth forcement Fund would receive a small fraction nancially, for the YWCA. Since 1999 she has in enrollment, academic programming, and of our annual AD/CVDs—never to exceed $30 been CEO of WKW Mechanical Contractors, student services. Not constrained by the walls million with a maximum transfer of $15 million Inc. and a sole proprietor of a governmental of Shawnee State, she oversaw the growth in annually—for the enforcement and implemen- consulting firm called, Solutions by Wilson, partnerships and community support in Ports- tation of our trade agreements. which she started in 1991 after she retired mouth and the region. Under the legislation, certain U.S. agencies from the Santa Clara County Board of Super- Importantly, Dr. Morris touched the lives of would be authorized to use Enforcement Fund visors. young people by improving access to higher resources for the enforcement of current and Susie Wilson has a superb record of com- education at Shawnee State University. Her future FTAs, the implementation and enforce- munity service as well as service to San Jose twelve-year presidency shepherded in a period ment of WTO obligations to which the U.S. is State University. Susie served as a lecturer of record-breaking growth in both enrollment a party, capacity building focused on effective during the 1980’s; and in 1994, she was the and degree attainment. implementation and compliance with FTA first visiting professor for the ‘‘Leader in Resi- As Dr. Morris departs, Shawnee State Uni- commitments (with priority given to environ- dence’’ program at San Jose State University, versity is a pioneering institution in new and mental and labor commitments), and the moni- teaching a senior seminar in the ethical issues innovative programs, including game design toring and evaluation of U.S. capacity building of politics. and digital simulation. efforts to ensure investments are spent wisely. Susie also served as the Alumni Steering We are all grateful for Dr. Morris’ strong Importantly, none of the funds could be used Committee for the Political Science Depart- leadership at Shawnee State and in southern for negotiating new trade agreements. The ment, and has been a member of the Spartan Ohio. Again, I congratulate Dr. Rita Rice Mor- STRONGER Act would also establish a set of Foundation since 1982, and was the Founda- ris on her presidency, and I wish her the very requirements enabling continuous oversight tion’s past President from 2004–2006. She best in her future endeavors. and improvement in our trade capacity build- has also lent regular support to the Don f ing investments. Edwards lecture series. Susie was one of the f founders and participants of the ‘‘Walk for THE STRONGER ACT OF 2015 Women of Sparta,’’ the largest fundraiser by SAN JACINTO DAY women for women athletes, which raised over HON. $1 million for women athletic scholarships. OF OREGON HON. GENE GREEN She has also been active in the Spartan Foun- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS dation, a key fundraising organization of San Wednesday, April 22, 2015 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jose State University, and also served on the Wednesday, April 22, 2015 executive committee and board of directors. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, as trade Susie also received the prestigious Tower agreements have evolved to more accurately Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Award from the university for the 1995–96 reflect international commerce, they’ve be- I rise today to commemorate one of the most academic year. come more complex. This complexity limits important events in Texas history. Yesterday, Susie has also done work for numerous or- U.S. ability to simultaneously oversee, imple- on April 21, Texans celebrated the 179th anni- ganizations, such as: the United Way, the Boy ment, and enforce these agreements. For in- versary of San Jacinto Day. Scouts of America, and Cambrian Park United stance, in 2001, China joined the World Trade On that day in 1836, approximately 900 Methodist Church, the church she has at- Organization (WTO). Nearly 15 years later, as Texian and Tejano volunteers overpowered a tended for more than 30 years. outlined in the 2014 Special 301 Report, Chi- larger professional Mexican army of conscript Susie was a founding member of the Na- nese laws still call for mandatory intellectual soldiers, after defeats at the Battles of Goliad tional Women’s Political Caucus, a multipar- property transfers from U.S. firms to Chinese and the Alamo. These outnumbered volun- tisan, multicultural grassroots organization parties—laws that are inconsistent with their teers succeeded because they were fighting

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