IT v i


' A dead volcano is forgotten, a live volcano advertises itself forcibly and efficiently STEAMER TABLE. Is it essential or not to Interest greatest possible number of pen- Trem Francisco: f. the 8n you doing In Ventura Ian. 22 .j," pie In what are and Coptlo Jan. 22 your ability to minister to their Do you believe or not that Tor Dan rranclco: 4. wants? Sierra Jan. 22 ,,, the judgment of other business men America. Maru Jan. 2'J .j. who advertise consistently In the nam Vancouver! J. Cvenlnu Bulletin Is wise, and are "J Evening - Miinna , Kelt. I you still of the opinion that the pub- through live newspa- - For Vancouver: A Bulletin llclty se.cured ,M low era ...... Foil. 0 '. pers cannot be of service to yout

t, .J, j. .;. .j. .;. f. ,;. -. .5. .;. .J, .;. .J, ,. . .. '2:30 O'CLOCK EDITION .

" Vol. IX 3594 12 PAGES-nONOfjU- lilJ. rKltKITOIlY OF . SATURDAY. .IANUAKV 19. 1907-- 12 I'AGES 1'kiob 5 Ukxth Crowds Hurry To Witness Lava. Plow; MIMII Counting Scott Is IP FLOW OF LAVA Daily -- HttVINn HI Hill rs MI Going To Railway Cost At May Accept Commission BIGGER AND BETTER Compliments Exchanged On Education By Milverlon And Special to Tht Bulletin Fonnosa Board KAMUELA, Hawaii, Jan. 19. Fron, the best information that I can get, Gear Kingston: the present flow starts from Keokeo, thi exact spot from which started the Disaster flow of 1887. Exactly twenty years ha.e elapsed between the two flows. WILMOT VHEDCNBERG. Hoolt icsIkiipiI miiiia-M- i' THE IJCW YORRTNTY.. Jan. 19 The James bus iik COMMII FORMED TO MOYIiTOSIir ASIDE roWLER, Ind.,' Jan. 19. A colli- f Kllicl plaulnlliill on Island number killed In the Kingston disaster the FLOW INCREASING sion took place here today on the Ulg id Maul, to tiiku effect Immediately. STUDY OUR SCHOOLS Inter-Islan- INTEKLOCUTOKY DECREE Is placed at 700 and the seriously In- The Company received the following dispatch this morning: Four road. Seventeen persons were .Mr jured at COO. Seoit Kllii'l lo accept .i HILO, Hawaii, Jan. 19, 11:30 a. m-.- Kapua flow reported bigger and bet killed and many Injured. law,lll vessels are stranded In tin 1""'11"" "I"1 lliiniiliilii Iron Winks ter than before. Puuki flow broke out again at top. harder. M'H Hh representative In Formosa lie PHOMINCNT EDUCATORS ARE WILLIAM M'KAY. ATTORNEY FOR M'CANDLESS AT- LOCOMOTIVE EXPLODXD - vlll linvo elnuyo of thu election of tint ELCCTEU TO ACTIVE MEM TEMPTS TO PREVENT LANAI DE SOTO, Kans., Jan. 19. A SantJ w- two mi 11m for wlikh oontuiclH wore in- - DCHSHIP AT MEETING MATTER GOING TO THE Fe railway locomotive exploded here LAST NIQHT SUPREME COURT today. It demolished a bridge and EXCURSION FOR VOLCANO wrecking train. Three men were kill Is Shah It Ih iimlci'Htooil that Mm place of Theie was u rather warm session In ed. CommlHsiouer of Public Instruction .liuli;o Do Holt's court this morning which wax left uicimt by the renlKiia V lieu the motion of-- lie Attorney (leli-- r Hon of (' I,. Wllillt has beep ofleieil lo ON nil's llcpnt Uncut for it ti extension of - LEAVES - I, Tonne) I'etk. 111.- raHliIci of the TWO STEAMERS time In wlih li to iili- mi answer lo thu I'll Ml National Hank, but that IVck has bill III ecpill) In the l.annl matter Of nut et ma. I. Ida as to wbel'i-o- r ill for hearliiK. Deputy Attorney den-t-r- 15,000 Persia Nearly half I he people of but by no he will accept the prntTcicil honor weie means hulls Mlherlou ami JiiiIku Hear, attor- were lit the Inter-lstali- wharves this crlmliuitcly lucky oi not. When he ilecllued to iiiiiouk the ones ney for'.McCaudless, urKUeil respect- luomluK to sen the Manila l.o.i mid tin? who weru to mailer, Klleme Ik In It able make thu tilp. Thu ively for anil thu mojlon, mid TEHERAN, 19. Mo- the This - ucnlnst Persia, Jan. Kluau leave for tin- Volcano excursion. crowd KtiHid by and watched. hammed Alimlrza was today crowned hell rrailKlit Willi KlKlilllcnnci', iik he Incidentally look occasion to tell thu t.els were not In utldeiice mid theie1 Thu Milium I .oil was thu II 1st to sail, Cli.ih of would of coiiiKD hao denied the re Court what they thoiiKlit of lliu meth- was simply u Jolly, happy ctowil koIiii: IcnWiiK ut 111 on Homeless pint had them been nolhlliK In II. It her wharf o'clock, ods practiced by one another. uwny and snyliiK Kood-b)- lo those In Vrobablu dial he that It woult time to thu inliiulo, and carried elKhl) dear, In addition, mined the C'ouit ?. SSLflsV TtUB'1' Ml who Kolm' The school teachers passe not be the thliiK him to uerti clitht niters, Captain Sluicison, that the Interlocutory ilecieo In Mm y piopcr for nlM' by no Hie (Atteclutrit Prru Special Calltl went means the smallest nor who Ik without mi) doubt y out iiil IliltiK about the. befotu the favorite matter mid the order allow Inn thu Tor-lltor- malter quietest part ot the ciowd mnl kisses CINCINNATI, Ov Jan. 19. Floods he had uolllled the (oernoi of bis (Continued on Page 2.) lo lake appeal to the Supieuiu along the Ohio are doing widespread ..I Tl.c Mourner Mini! will leave IhiJ iIccIkIoii iik to whether lie would ac- Com I be set aside. damage. Fully 15.000 people hive rll ul iiiiiiii .Monilu) on a Hpochil ex- cept thu coimnlKHlou or not., on motion of tin- - Attorney been driven fronj Jheir homes. 1 cursion In (lie volcanic Hows. Klut will Pick recently becalm ltitoiu.led In (leiierul's Department. Jinti;u Do , Iliit Mop at Milill anil, pick iii mmo mailers by his npKilut-men- t BONDER! granted an Interlocutory ileciee In fa- rc an vvoid has been rrtt'lvi'd hero as chairman of tho commission vor or .McCmidless, the Attorney (Ion-end'- s t lint llicn nu ovi'i' I Oil people on that which thu CUIc falbi'icil They wonder at nothing over In the new camp of Wonder except the Department Is still keeplni; tho Inland who lrli Ions u'n cnil which Iiiik for lis object a sliuly richness of their ore, and they have made so many rich strikes In a short matter open In the Circuit. Court In lu-r- . space of even being upon Steamer JAMES SCOTT ' of eiliicatlonal affulrH. time that these are gradually looked as ordinary, ouler to pioscivo thu Territory's 'I In- - Claudlnc will I u I, ! an excursion Has Resigned as Manager of Kihel to Tho coiiimlsslon held a iiiccIIiik last rvery-da- occurrences. rlitlits in case of IokIiik out In thu Su limn llilo iiiiiiii row and llit-- will io. go to Formosa for Honolulu nlKht at orKiinlzed and select-ei-i Although this mining district Is now only about six months old premo Court. With this In view. u 'ft Mini lo her Iron Works Hh ere of shipping grade has already been opened up In more than thirty dif- filed n mollon to inn. active membership, as follows: extend the Tin- - Miiiiii.i Uia leaves on lu--r I.. T. Peck, chairman; C. Pet ley ferent places, and all authorities concur in the opinion that WONDER will time for answering the bill Hi equity to lil'i on Tut'Mlny mid so niaiiy liau cenlly closed by the lion Winks, uit-- t Home, pilnclpnl- - of thu Kauieliaineha be the scene of the next big excitement and will rival Coldfield for rich ten ila.vs alter thu Supremo Court shall r Sunk - thi-- j wealth-producin- Was it'art-i- l lo make tin- w excursion afli-- inn eonipli tod will lciiialn KcIiooIh, Kecrelury, Claieucu II. Cooko, ness and capabilities. The ore Is there In IMMENSE hr.vo rendered Its decision. Tills was thai al noon today sliitcioom hail In tin iMlamln aa thv loFliknt ropro- who Ih one of the Oaliu Colleen tril QUANTITIES. tit i matter which came up for hearing hi u IIIIimI mill llu-i- i woie ninny uppll-i.itlnii- Hl'lllallU'. lees; A. V (IrlliUhs. principal of turn). for matt less iiccomiuodiitloii. .Mr. Seott lias inailc n BlKiinl Hiircvsa ColleKe; llcnrj, principal of Wonder Silver Star Deputy Attorney (ienuriil Mil vei toll DOVER. Eng., Jan. 19. The steamer 'I hi' Kluau Ik Iji almost thu same Hhape of Jliu iiiauaKoniviit of Kllicl mnl It Ik St. I.oiiIh Collecu; llov Mux, Mackin Is surrounded by producers of high grade ore. A massive npirnred for tho Turrltory and JudKO Vaderland collided with and sunk the lor iiccommodiitlons mid the Volcano iiinlorxtcMiil that tlio illrccloia of tho tosh, principal of tho Itoyat School; ledge runs almost the entire length of Wonder Sliver Star's two claims Hear for the complainant. Tho argu- steamer Naworth Castle today. Three rufimcil to itccopt Ida rcsls-iiutlo- - House will he ciovvdcil to lhi door. torimratlon KdKni- Wood, inlnclpal of tho Normal (which endllne) and Is intersected by a highly mineralized cross-vei- on ment was n heated one. Gear inform-oi- l are missing. Hut Iiiik acci)itcd Scolt thu School, Professor Scott, pilnclpnl of the north end of Silver Star No. 1 claim. Mining experts agree that at the thu Cotitt that be thoiiKlit thu action lieu- potnii. Thu plantation la In but thu IIIkIi School; i:. A. Mott-Smlth- , Intersection of these two enormous veins will be found a mineral deposit of ol the Attorney Oenei ill's Department Abraham Lincoln lluckley has COFFEfi SHOP iTiiiii Ih AT3FL0W lor ronillllon ocr befoiu. It who tome jears ami was In charRo of fabulous richness. Surface assays of $80 per ton are readily obtainable from wt,'. unfair ami tricky and that thu to Chief of Detectives Taylor not known who will tako Mr. ScottV on December 24 ho mid Many T. Mills icrclvcd a letter fioln thu Department of IMueallon; Mrs. I,. this valuable property, and all Indications point to this fine value being members of that department weio that Frantt place iih manager, hut It Ik hoped tho I,. .MtCanillcss, who ;nl'ty of uupiofcBslouiil Mil-v- i UouvoIh stole n purse lontnlutiiK $C0, .1 Koiia friend who sa,vs that an enloi-- i formerly taimht at trebled at depth. conduct. illicctoiH will him. lit to inako u Ki'iKiral thu IllKli School, Miss thu Hon rcBMimlcd only mostlv In Kold, from a lady In a Jap-t'.ne- IhIiik -- liijiiiliebu of lull. The company is officered by some of Goldfield's most successful and that they hail nilvaiico of thu who Iiiimi uorki-i- l on King Itmli'il a colTeo shopit the edge of tin) nii'ii inlnclpal nf tho Kaaliiiinmm School; enterprising mining operators, whoso names alone are a guarantee of hon- ailcpled thu tactics practiced by Jmltja store stnet. Tluiru with liliu III IiiIiikIhk thu pinpiMly to wore a of papers iitul a pair of lava How mnl Is itoltiK a lushing busi- Miss I'nulcr, prliul)al of thu Kaiu est, progressive and capable management. (Uar nml Link McCanillcss, mnl ho number ness. ItH incHi'llt htiilo of told. lanl School; ami W. T. Rawlins, thu III t Klit there was no occasion for tho spectacles also In the HupreHeutiitlvu-elect- . A Small Allotment of Stock at 2ff eenta ot'.ei- - side to squeal. purse. Thu latter have been recovered Thu active membership will consist The company Is receiving subscriptions for a limited amount of treas (Irnr lntcrinsed his motion to sot IS ol fifteen members; that Ih, one more ury stock at 25 cents a share, the proceeds to be used for the active devel- nslue thu Interlocutory decree and thu MM to be elected besides the nbovc-nien- - opment of the property. Prospective subscribers must send us their orders order allowing an appeal to tho e Do not get away fl forty-liv- e let care Hutu d. rurthcrmoie, alsiut at once, so that they may participate in the first allotment. Court. Woi.l received tills iiioinliiK by llin associate members will be chosen JiiiIku De Holt llnnlly continued from you when you have Kluau Ktalea that Hie jilt at Kllauca Ih anioiiK Ihosu ho ale Interested In ed- both motions, that nf the respondents papers of value to be kept. one iiiaxa of lire ami that the KlKlit In I ucational matters. C. CO., Inc., an that of thu complainant, until next We have safe deposit box- tho fluent which Iiiik cwr been KOeii W. COX & Tupiday However, In order that. In Members, Mining Exchange, es for rent for four dol- 'u from tbeio A cleat many peopli have SUGAR San Francisco & Tonopah (Continued on Page 2) bookeil on the Kluau up mnl will hIiiji Suite 243-24- Monadnock Building, lars a year and upward. over at the Voliano I Inline, InkliiK thu SAN FRANCI8CO, Cal., Jan. 18. San Francisco, California. There Is no danger of loss Manila li.i back at Iloiiiiapu on Hun- - BEETS: 88 analysis, 8s. 9d. Parity, MACHINE-MAD- E POI by fire or burglary. la 3.82 cents. Previous quotation, 8s. Delivered in thoroughly cleansed con- P tainers to any part of the city. The Henry Waterhonse I.ailles ami misses- - sweaters from LEAVE ORDERS AT $2.2!; n flesh HHhortuieiit at Whitney The Money You WELLS-FARG- O OFFICE Trust Company, Ltd. Clothes A MaiHh'H. KING ST. Received Christmas as a Once Too Honest Materials Help In Life Often For All Parts a man Is careless In the bestowal of fjo to make The Thompson line of sK'JMsssW his valuable document and the thief choes famous. (in the night carries away that which To be correctly clothed wilt make may make the lawful owner poor in- PRICES $4.00, $1.50 4 $5.00. friends and unlock doors everywhere. deed. THIS SHOULD NOT BE SPENT The time is past when education was Such unfortunate contingencies may rOOLISHLY. WHY NOT TAKE INNERSOLE SOLID OAK SOLE an a guar- be guarded against by securing a LEATHER passport and THAT CASH AND INVEST IT IN A antee of at least moderate prosperity. box In our f vault- - COUNTER-BE- ST SOLE LEATHER FURNI- Nowadays a man is measured by his Trie price Is nominal $5.00 per year DURABLE ARTICLE OF THREAD WAXED LINEN HEMP clothes as much as by his knowledge. and you are furnished with a key TURE. SEE HOW MUCH YOU CAN DUCK Society and business life demands of Also there Is a private room for your GET TOR IT AT THE 8TORE8 OF BOTTOM FILLING-FINES- T CORK Its members the observance of a cer- benefit when ypu wish to examine OUTER SOLE" ROCK OAK SOLE tain code In clothes. your papers. LEATHER Good taste counts for more than STITCHING BEST SILK THREAD money In this matter, and good taste SHANK THOMPSON'S STEEL Is always assured In Correct Clothes ARCH for Men, bearing the label of ALFRED Hawaiian Trust HEELS BEST SOLE LEATHER BENJAMIN & CO. Company, Ltd. Manufacturers' Shoe Co,, Limited, Sf iOvmfiMiy fhrMen- THEKASHOO.LTD.. vwJNkvv MADE IN NEWVODV'. Fort 8t. Uonolul". J. HOPP & CO. TELEPHONE MAIN 25. DIuHOP OT. ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING. Fort .Street jfiJMca COR. FORT and HOTEL 6TRCCT8.


M,4tsWuM. . ntw&sQljlrfto 11f'rrtisf'"':k'f!'ic .'' 4,,-i- .', Bl J ti aJl W AU. w..fto.jUUu. tA .sfci. .ik- - V i Mrs. J. S. l)w, J. a. 1w, .Mrs. I). .1. iNTEUMNCE Head, 1". H. Ilolilnson, W. M, Campbell Siill'I'l.NS J H. Slinrp, A!. H. Itoblnson, Airs. Al. Are ycu having a little private mon- H. Nichols. H. Altnlin, K. Parker, A. DEPARTED. ey panic of your own? If so, don't try MOVING S. Webber, S. Al. Crehore, I Pctile, to borrow SELL SOMETHING, and Friday, January 18. Airs. James Iole, (1. 1 replenish your purse, A Le. Jnmei Baby Bulletin want Cnstle, George Castle., Nor. S. S. Slldrn, Christiansen, for ad. will act as your broker In the mat Ocean Island, 10 p. m. WEEK LY CA L R N OA It ter. Slmr Claiidlne, Parker, for Maul It will no longer be necesesi-- y to ports, Laupahochoe and llllo, i Cheat the doctor, no to WnllH. VIONUA ellmb atalrn to nee our snlendld ttork wm p m Pacific Stated, Carriages Itlnl. open Wednesday and B.itiil Jay iwn ikm January 19 (1 Saturday, N.ati.n tlnii.l iniiuli. of hooks. We are moving Into down IUIWDAV Slmr Klnau, Frrunan, for Volcano Well Co. machine- - ct.ilrs quarters on Honolulu Chapter Mark Matter rnif.o deliver Points Hotel St. between excursion, in SO n m innilo ikjI to part or tho city. That's right, five there are others, VIIUMHHt)Ar mi) fort and Bishop. In addition to our Slmr. .Manna ljtxt, SIiiutjoii, for Vol- Have .urn seen the piolty urniy of i but these are the Important ones for Hawaiian Escort H. C. Hlghton GoCarts regular line of standard books In seta' cano excursion, 10 n in ' 8:45 a. m. idilrl walMB and swoateis at Whllnoy'you and your eyes: Honolulu Corrlmandery Ctcort i WHEN we aie titling out an old book shop. ' Hlghton c:30 a. m. A Kinnll tottngc uinl some you frown or cqulnt In looking Here will be sold old, new and out - i -.r furnished r, - TO-DA- Y Hawaiian First Degree nl((.'l furnished rooms at llnulclca at an object; sets, or single volumes In any LdUK UI f UflQSin,HOI To NEW 7:30 p. m. i Folding I .uuti .no for rent. your eyes show an Intolerance language. Whitney & Marsh arc showing .i . of light; Prevent Sale Of NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. mUMDAT Also library furnishings, etc. Honolulu Chapter Royal Arch. new lino of white nnli shirt wulsti, they tire, ache, smart or wa 'iImi In white Jup. Hllk. terj Visitors always welcome, This tract HONOLULU RAPID TRANSIT S. 'II)AV Alwuvs flu- - latest lu inllllnory nt I objects swim or become dim; LAN"D COMPANY. Carts - Pacific Second. Notice Is hereby ghen thu mi- .Mist Power's inllllnory pnrlois, lloston you have frequent headaches; Although tho that Survey Department Ih meeting of thu stockholders of hATHIIDAV liitlliliiiK, Fort Htioot ; These are a few of the points that Inoko mid can no now work jliual undeitako jtho Honolulu Ilnpld & Land Seventeen teachers of the nubile point to the need of glasses, points nor finish Transit Wm, C. Co,, otcn that which is already - All visiting members of tba schools of Hoiiiiliiln left tenia) on the to us. Lyon Ltd, Company will bo held nt the Picsl- d that point In piogress, Its Inactivity will not en- order are cordially Invited to 'dent's olllcu, room 1109, Stnugcnwnld excursion to tin' volcano tirely tlo tho hnnds of Commls-alone- r meetings ot local lodge. offscliiaegerGo,. Hotel St. bet. Fort and Bishop. Lnnd lliilldlng, In thu city of Honolulu, Assistant Pa) master ThomnH Dunn ft Thero Is somo N. SANFflRII. Pratt. still land County of Oaliu, Territory of llnwi'l!, of tho Xuvul Station Inst night became ie -- that has nlrcndy been survoyoil Limited, ') The Weekly Edition of the Evening that on .Monday, the 28tb day of January, the hopp.v father of u daughter. BOSTON BUILDING, FORT STREET, j Bulletin give a complete summary of can bu disposed of. A of of 1907, at the hour of II a. in., for tho HARMONY LODGE, No. I. stockholders tliv Over May & CO. inn nw or me nay. Tho first land that will bd placed on I, O. O. F. hearing unit consideration of tho an- K'my. and B;thcl Sts. Rapid Transit & IjuuI Co. will bu held thu market, probably, Is Alown tho nual leports of tho officers and such Meets every Monday evening at 7:10 on .Monday, January lis, at !i u in. tinct. This parcel has already been I A hay a other business as mar come before lu O. O Y. Hall. Fort street, in ro In foal has strujed ficitn suriujed mill cut up. Tho La ml Com- I the meeting. K It HHNDllY. Secretary ho residence of Mr. It. A. loon, .Mi- missioner Is now only waiting for thu Ily order of Hoard of 0 A. SIMPSON", N a lium vulle). Reward for return o nttlon of tho road Jury the Directors. which Is to p. TiiiHLtfN, All visiting bro'heri very cordially name. pass on matter of u road to tho unonai: u tj Secretary. lullcd. No Ioiik bctwicu courses when M Alewa tract to glo access to tho land Honolulu, Jnnuary 18th, 1907. )ou IiiikIi at tho (.'illcrioii. IIiih.v men Culman, The Jury tho went over lino of tho .'!5!H MYSTIC LODGE, No. 2, K. f P. served pnimptly and tho meal iiwli pioposcd road some lime since, but bus , .lau. 19, 21,.22.,23h2, 2G, 2. oni z: tot yet concluded Its work in Meets every Tuesday evening tbu mat at III tho matter of C. W. Awlifonl H. ler. nro 20 oVlork In K. ot IClntr Hawaiian Curios Thero still soinu questions to ft P. Hall, the Iliter-lMluti- TeleBrapli Coinpaliv, itrtft. Vlsltlnr brothers cordially In. be decided. Tho Jury will meet again WANTS to uttenil. Builders' the ilefeudniit lias llled notice of with a at 3:.10 .Monday afternoon to listen to a s wi:iim:it. c o itiuual of tii)ieal, and Jewelry liny piotests that may liae to FOR RENT. 1' NALDItON. it S SneliH' HpeeliilH for next week In icnko tu tho opening up of tho road. In k Small furnished cottage and nicely fur- Hardware v.oiiIcmi ilreHH koiiiIh, k1ooh, C'tirKOtM Alter the matter has been finally do nished ut IJutiJcleu Lawn, cor. Mid liedHpieadH are all at blK h:h1iii; s looms OAHU LODGE, No. 1, K. f We have the most com- rlded mid a load selected to gliu P. priced. See ail. on pane (1. Richards and Hotel Sts. plete line of locks, hing- to tho tract, thu Commissioner who honi-x- t 3594-- w Meits every Friday evenlrg at es, window .Mon are UkiIcIiik for will olfer tllo lots for sale. catches and a kIioiiIiI 1064 Fort St. K. P. Hall, 3D. Mem- loot ear koc the famous Another tract which can bu disposed Kins street, at 7: H. LOST. bers of Mystic I.oiUe, No. 2, Vm. Thompson Hue of slmtH at .Manufne-lurcif- c' Culman, c' without further notion on the part OTHER BUILDER'S No. 8. anil visiting Shoe Co See nil on Hist pane. of survey Hakn-Ia- Lodce, tho Department Is thu Hay lu foal from of brothers cordially Invited. HARDWARE A Hoclill dame will be Khi'll ut tho niaio residence tract, or the greater part of It. It. A. Mnnoa Valley. Howard. General Business. KnhllUiilaiil hall on Kul-n-l street, l,on, Thero aru threu parcels of land In this 3594-1- It. GOSLING. C C 7 IjiiIIcs In city. We supply at o'clock free. Tho trnct. Two of them been survey- a. s. khnway, s. the Woods, Hudson, flllc, huo k it sultaGle goods any Home Rule iiilnlet eluh will furnish EXCURSION FOR VOLCANO ltlchaidsou, ed mid can bu put on tho market. The for liiislilughnm, Ilcsslnger, KENNEDY'S building from an elegant the music 1'etrle, Ilaei, third one Is still unsiirvcyed, ami this TOUR TO LOUISIANA HONOLULU LODGE 811, I.,P. O. E. .Maria Ilaretu, plaintiff ncnlnst W1I-- ' (Continued from Pane 1) Johnstone, Angus (3), Kennedy (3), will to FIELDS mansion down to a poul- ' liuo wait until tho Survey Do. Ham KiuMko et al. In u petition for 'kipper of thu lutcr-lslain- l Meet, was llldgood, Owens, Pails, Winters, Wlch-nu- partmcut Is In iiimoiiiiti Lodge no oik, it p o. i: try house. funds once nioio and idineasiireinent of ilower, has llled liorton tho IiiIiIko mid looked us huppy as nreciiwoll, Perkins, llutcliln.i, cm get to work ngaln. llllo, Hawaii, Jan. IS. C. C. Ken- it III moot hi n, their ball mi Kins urn '111 of costs In the through her u king as he took out Ills essel with u Hill. Hind. Wright. Ilosmer, Illuck-ma- nedy, or tho Wnliikeu Mill Company, Fort stieet uvory Friday evening. SAMPLES ON DISPLAY. Resides tho two tracts mentioned, iittornoy, V. 0. Achl. whlsllo to tell thu Klmiii that lie would ll.illey, Jack l.ueas, Love, .Misses thero nru u largo number or llttlu who loft rir Now Ol leans on Noveni ltv order of the 12. It. Ouult, 17 The serike In the Hall of the Goijiel bu waiting when slio at tho Curium, Ambriise, Alow bray, Tor-iltor- y her last, relumed to llllo ufler an ' HAItUY If. SIMPSON", anlod pieces of land scattered about thu Mission on Fort sheet, npixislte the fceone of the How. HoKenliuuei, Uximls, AUCorrlston, II interesting and valuable trip. Ills vis- Societury. which have been surveyed but Club Stnliles this evening at ":'M Tho Manna l.oa did not have Its full iSMter, 15. Sutter. AliCnrthy, rtani. hao nover been put up for tale or it was madu primarily lu thu Interests II. 12. MUItUAY, K.H. Lewers&Cooke.Ltd. of tho o'clock Is open to thu public and all mo hhniu of thu ladles hut h.ul enough Keuuedv, AliCamlless, Mrs. Hemciiway, base. Tho Land Commissioner will different plantations for thu pur pose or cordlull) Invited moil to make up. and If they do not NlrH S. Johnson, Allts Wluno, take theso up and offer to dlsjioso or Investigating tho. methods or Wm. M'KINLEY LODGE No. 8, K.ef P. AQENTS, - loading In thu matter ot Allan T. Bottom liaxe a good tlmo on the way up It will s"',a S'older, Allss .1. Hurt- them while ho Is walling for survejii canu employed lu Louisiana. ley, vs. Vof U. O The story Meet every Saturday evening at trustee, Wlllliun A. Hull, Jiuliw nol bo the fault Pniser IVIel. 1l,,iwell, Miss Hnrtwell, Allss Urleti, ol tho moru Important tracts, often lopeated heio has f:30 o'clock In K. ot V. Hall, King Itobliison today Krantud an order bus plans on foot ijul will keep oerv-- j M' Hlanehard. Allss Leslie, Allss Al Altogether, bo will hum uiirtf been to the effect that canu loading In - Visiting brothers cordially In-I- to January 23 the tlinu for ill onu busy from i"i, time they get out.' AteAndiews, .MUs llutcliliis, Allss Iy ,ciiaiigh to l;eoi him moderately busv Louisiana costs about four cents per rlmt ton, to attend. Iiik n bill of exceptions. kldo Dluniond Head till thuy return. . j Miss Iloden. Allss Hotele. Airs uK. ttny f .UHpoai,,,; f nI1(1 ,j. whereas here It costs nine cents. c c Ileckley "And Hint Is light," said i ii wolf, Purser of the Klnau rcjioitj The Klnau made a record this morn' '''.n. hooii. .miss near, jhsh wreiei, djtloti to tbu regular routine work or about Air. K. A. JACOUSQN, K. It. . the follonlnt; on on Ha- Mis. C. Airs. Ilergstrom. iH Kennedy, "but tho way thut they work siiKur hand Itnr. roinlni- - tti from linr r.n-ul- run hi J. Hiitchlns, ,s t,moi. W,ici. consldeinble. H.ikahm, :!7G2; thero Is so from way waii: Iiupahoehop, mi,. ,., i ...l ,..i ,i ...... Tin. KlllilH's passengeis weio: different the that 140, 1SU0; tlOdO; cuOO; "' wo work hero that a comparison can HONOLULU AERIE F. 0. 2. Take Photos Kukalaii, llamakiia, lUlous us well us extia blankets and "r, S"'11',11'; ' (lla',l'1"'lo1r'1 " l'linuliaii, 19,000; hardly bo drawn. What thuy do Punaliiu, r.00. mattresses for Hie largo number or - ' S' "" not Heets on 2nd and 4th WEDNHS , . , . upend lu lifting tbe It has been learned that tbu tnjuiy lllLiiiinii-oii-f"- .uiinti. vtiiiL-fin- If 19 thuy spend In cutting. DAY ot li.sscngers, and getting away again evenings each month at 7:30 Of to Air. Cnssldy was caused by a full Sihmldt, i:. S. Smith, H. J Waterman, Wo saw thu canu loaders at work 011 k'clock In IC of P. Hall, King Volcano within an hour after sliu had arrived etreL from u step). ulcler. Air. Cassldy Is still C (1 Ilartlett. (1. J. ONelll, Jus. tho llosirvo Plantation utter wo hud Visiting Eagles are Invited tr at The luter-lslau- Company deserves ut tho Queen's Hospital under treat- Haughtou. II. 11. H.islon. It. Valentine, visited tbe Cora Plantation, which Is Uad. wuj In which they hail' ment and KottlnK iiIoiik nicely. credit for the O. II. Whittle), Do Witt (llbsoii, Irai I'bout ninety miles from Now Orleans. DAM McKEAOOE, W.P. died the exclusion, In OoIiiE to the Volcano? Don't thoimh the Wells, W W. Hall, Allss (llllette, Alix' Tho cnne-Iouile- tiro excellent ma- H. T. MOORE. W. 8ocy. fowt of who to go and Photo-Suppl- y minds soiiu wished I II to take a koduk. Honolulu F.. U Cutting, AlUs I. Cook, Allss chines and work well but Hhen overy We have a few kodaks to rent, couid not secure accommodations, they HAWAIIAN TRIBE 1, I. O. M. Co. have u few to rent, as well ltlchardson, Allss W AhreiiB, Airs. C. lourth row Is cleaned and the cane put N. It do not. Great was tnken that besides a fresh supply of films, ufc a fresh supply of lllms, etc. The caie J dsoii. Miss H C l.)oiis. Airs. Into neat bundles by tho cutters. Thu there should he room for all the ex George Markham Has .Meets every second mid fourtli weather Is Just picture tak-ill- ilssell, Allss Miss A. Allltch, cane Is left free or leaves, so that tbu etc. rlitlit for cursionists without any crowding lllssell. FRIDAY of each month In I O, O. F. Mr N. Walklns, Airs J Al. Little, Airs. 111011 or thu machines doing tho load- Karly this morning people who had Narrow Escape Hall. j Hxipilslte loulu and Inuliula J. 11. Portions. .Mis. it. Itetdrord, .Ma- From ing have nothing to do but to pick tho The weather Is Just right for hats. waited till the last minute began to Visiting brothers cordially Invited tn Fans, baskets, Drebdeu buiuenlr post- ster Kcldioid, Miss Oliard, Mis. Hodlek, bundles up. Thuio lu Louisiana cane-cuttin- g crowd the olllce. asking for tickets attend. picture taking and you have the als (hand-jialnte- bnibses pot- Allss Certz, Allts A Alacfurlune, Airs. Jail Sentence costs fifty cents a ton, while and They were told that until tho Klnau B. V. TODD, Sachem. chance of your life. tery. Hawaii & South Sens Curio Co., Lauz, Mrs. II (1. Noounii, Allss Al. hero It costs about twenty cents. Hero cumo In and thu exact number which Geoigu Atarkhiim. Well n wo A. E. MUItPHY. C. of It. Youuk luillilltiK'. .Mats and Immlio'i Grace, Allss II, C. Smith. AIUs S. Ale (na stilp tbu cuuo twlcu while thoiu could bu accommodated could bo lentil llbro. Lain, AIIrs Lycctt, N. K. Hedge, l".H(,t' I'olltlclan, koclallst and in ninny they do not strip at all. Anybody can use a kodak ed from Admiral Ileckley, tin moro tick DAMIEN COUNCIL No. E83, Y. M. I. It's Fnuik Halter, n hackilrhor, was nr Klanip, J. Frnnkel, E. C. Smith. O. 8, oilier ways, whs'iiIIovvcmI to go with u "I was accompanied on my trip by els would bu bold. so simple. rested lust nUht while under thu Webber, II. II. Anderson, Allss F. Alolr, comparatively small flue, when the na- 11. Deacon. Wc! reached Nuw Orleans Meets every second Wed- and fourth of liquor. Ho hud Intimated When thu KL'iau arrived it was do L. Molt, H. Illshop, K. Wilcox, W. ture of tho offense is considered, by In four iluys fr6m Sim Francisco by nesday of each month at San Antonio without crowding Judgu 1 nun-tn- tided that any thirty A. Ccsiv-e- r, Whitney ibis morning uHur lie thu Santa Fo. By wa)-- of Incident, wo Hall. Visiting brothers cordially In- his Intention of shufrilng off this l AtcDougall, Allss vou moru than bad been booked up to that nuil y vited to attend. coll. An empty tuvnlvcr was found Allss I jovr, Allss II. l,ow, F. W. been round guilty of poisoning crossed over lo Mexico at El Paso. tlmo could bo of. .1 , two dogs F. W. WEI2D, Preg. In his pocket. taken rare Then Wood, J. S. Donagho, Alostcr Dow-- belonging to out. of his nelgl: courtesy was shown us by thu E. V. 10DD. Secy. Tho Catholic Church of Our I.ady of ecrunihlo commenced for thu tickets. Miss A, Judd, Allss Al, Alos3iuan, Mlsi bors. Hu was oi tiered to pay $100 to Louisiana planters wo met. Professor many moru HI011I11, tho .Mount, Kalulunl (Kullhl-uka)- ; In There were than thirty F. Lynch, A. Humberg.U. W. Wnldron, Iho Tenltoiy lu tho way ot a lino, who used to bo In Hawaii, Is who wished to go li.ul stu-tio- n cbaiKo of Itov. Father Clcmont: hut the limit G. ltodlek, L I Cutting, P. C. Hall, C. and to pay tho costs of thu trial, now conducting the experimental pluccd and HONOLULU PHOTO Jnn. 20, Feust or tho Holy been, It was adhered to L. King. C. G. Halleutyne, F. A. Potter, amounting to $3.40. Ih Now Orleans and has a class of Begin Right closely, u Name of .losus: 11 a. in., mass, ser- and ns result theio is certalu W. J. JctTcrs, J. A. Wilder, D. H. Judgo Whitney was not at all bock lads raising cane and making sugar to of Don't start the New mon, collection, Sunday school. bu a pleasant tilp and plenty Illteiicock, Air. Ljber. W. Slnglohursl, ward lu stating what ho thought of n with a miniature mill, small vacuum SUPPLY CO. room Year wrong, merchants, The following freight arrived on tho for all. Geo. Angus, Judge C. man who would do maIi a trick as pan and bo on. Thu work Is very in- Perry, II. Curler, i Klmiii took 150 passengers coubM-eie- d but have your delivery wa- Klnau this morning: 5000 bricks, 72. The au.l Allss Al. Illuck, Allss H. D. Short. Allss and stated that he teresting und Is thoroughly well con- FORT thu buvy of pretty girls was present In gon repainted and repair- STREET packages mud press, 40 cords fire wood, Dodge, U C. Howhilid, C. T. Fltts, J. S. that If ho had given Alurkham a ducted. co. ed at once. We'll begin the 40 hags cnbbnge, 24 empty kegs, J lull fot Admiral Hockley was In his Heed, Allss Al G. bcntenco of hIx months in Jail ho "In onu respect tho mills thero aio ' beer llordeu, Alls. II. II try- g:-- en It 1 element and was rushing around g, would not 1iyo him more ahead of ours In work right, end right horses, IS hogs, dog, 10 bundles Cox, Airs. H. J. Ixird, .Frunk Ann-Uron- than hero Hawaii. They ing to sou t hut one every- hu and charge only what's empty bags, 18 bundles hides, 38 bales over) had F. C. Smith, H. O. White, Alrj. duborved. 0:i account of tho fact aru beautifully kept and aiu clean tu thing they dcMicd wna r. right. empty bottles, 5 crates chickens, S and that there II. James, Allss Haton, Allss Al. that others bcldu thu guilty party lemarkablu degrou. They aro not us nothing which could Inteifuro with tho would Biiffor If giv- well equipped packages coin, 1C9 packages Btindrleo. Schmidt, Airs. A. L. Soule, Miss 11. liiii.rlsoiiment was mechanically but I must pleasures of tho Iiitcr-Ulan- en, tho Judgo gavo All. Scott, an UnglUh artist, now trip. Tho Alllfs, Al. J Hlsbell, U. Curtwrlght, Jr., tho sentence as confess that I did lipt smell u sour cilice foice was present Ilia iloc'i told above. spot 'Hawaiian Carriage lbltlng these Islands, lu speaking of at Dr. W. G. Rogers, S. 11. Deiby, Allss about any of them. tho ship's olllcurB all tho assist tbu recent uruntloii. savs tlmt hn r.iB'vli'B Jumcs, Allss A. Dow, Allss Al. Dow. "Labor illmculliuti? I do not think wl,lc c"ul11 1)0 tu ordor thuy Manufacturing Company, cullB to mind a lectuto he listened to)l'"co l"slrcd II. II. Williams, Allss Fltziuorrls, Allss that have any very bad ones. to thu of thu buck-bon- boiiio ears ngo, wherein tho lecturer, hurry departure vessd, II. Morgan, Airs. I G. A1ARU They rely on negro labor as their 427 QUEEN ST. TEL. Quick Aluishall. V. H. CHIUSa MAY MAIN 47. a very man, gavo to Mid tho Klnau got iivvny much sooner Tenney, Tho negroes aro faithful work- P. O. BOX 193. scientific warning T. S. Hall, II. II. Jiiugclaus. " than anyone expected. ers ond can bo 011 C, W. ZEIGLER Manager thu world to bownro of tho year 1907 W II. Mclneiuy, W. J. Nell, Dr. L. T BE ABLE TO relief for Just so Lunch Chewing gum was anions the s lunch woik. as a year lu which great seismic tll:v Aleuts, Allss K. Cioss, Allbs Al. Deano, Thcro aro other races or on board ami u great many of course, but tho negro 1b No waits between turbances would occur. Allss Ingeisoll, J. H. Castle. F. II. Dam the main stay. courses tliosu-vvh-o on Flist Methodist Episcopal Church. weio board had taken on, A. V. Louis.-.- GET AWA MONDAY Thu color lino is rigidly enforced nml ICE when you lunch here; yet Gear. J. !. " Located along a supply of this mateilal, said to " ovon the waiting rooms black manufactured from pure distilled wa-,to- you make take all time corner of Deretnula and Miller for and the I" BVC,lt toasleknusB. and It wus by no white men nro goparate." Delivered to any part of city by you wish to cat. streets. All seats free. Strangers The Chiusu Alaru libel matter is still Wnd-ma- n means going tu waste. From all tho , courteous drivers. niado to feel nt home. John W. dragging Busy men are served h dlcatloiiB, however, thoio should hu wearily tluougli tho Admit al- promptly. All pastor. Services tomorrow ns fol- ly Court. It has'alroudy patrons get no causo to fear ns tho Bca Customers luBtod consid- the lows; 9:4S a. in., Sunday School and erably over 'OAHU ICE AND ELECTRIC CO., best the market affords. outside tho hiiibor lb as smooth as a week, nearly two weuks, tf llllilo class for udults, taught by the In fact, Is not yet glass, ami unless a high wind should and concluded. II. 1907 Styles Kewalo. Telephone Btue 3151. 25 CENTS WITH BEER. pastor. 11 u. in., public worship. Al'. W. spring up suddenly weather for the Cling Uieclrons states, however, that it is Wcdiuan prenches on "The Overflow-lu- g thu expected uxciiisloii should bo perfect. that tho taking of testimony .Measure of Reward." 0:30 p. m. will bo Thu exclusion bouts should reuch To their favorite smoking concluded bomu tlmo today, The Criterion Hpvvorth League for Young People and tobacco. and matters will bo Main 19T fialiukona tonight between 9 nud 10 bo far adjusted Here now In MEN'S I Phone their friends. 7:30 p. m., public wui-blil- Tobacconists try to keep all brands In STYLI8H SUITS. t that tbu Chlusa Alaru will bu able to Mer-s.i- 'clock, anil. then, being under the lou anu you'll get FRE8H BAKED bread The pabtor Bpeaks on "A order to pet uvvny by next Alondny. The of the Island, thu wutor should bo very supply their trade's demand. Shu bus winter line of Woolen Goods In- Delivered to Your Home. of Thiee Good Cheers." The pul.-l- lc leudy to leave for some tlmo, but Is iiulet. Thu lullectlou of tho outbreak Our Standard Smoking Tobacco cludes coidlully invited. pas been held by tho necesblty of all the best patterns and ool- - , The BUSINE38 MAN'S tdiould bu seen from this point If thu her HANDY Stock Is a large one. If you can't get captain DUbllShed In the Saturrlav Bulla. night Is not cloudy. Tho How Itself and tome of tho rest of her orlngs. You Vienna Bakery '.i- - . ., ...... i HEATED SESSION are Invited to come In un ano me weekly Edition, gives a should bu leached and tho very llueni what you want at your tobacconist, now appearing in comt us witnesses concise and complete resums all le-- ! in the caso. Thu captain wus 011 tho and see of (Continued 1.) tight of all boon about midnight. come here; we'ie Sure to have the them. rRL?8H FLOWER AND VEGETACLE (jai notlees, calls for tenders, Judg- from Paaa wltnobs stand for nearly two days. His cntc lie should revurso himself The following passengers left on you ments, bulldlno permits and real es after brand want. testimony was to tho unuct that tho 13CED8 FOR SALE. henilng argument on motion the Alnuna l.oa; tate transactions. Evening Bulletin, Guar's Bteamer was not In a daugeioiiH posi "TrTrft Hinnth Uul,l Cl,,l I the.' should Itnvo sulllclont'tlme, hu Messrs. Lyman, AlcCorrlbton (2), W. W. 9 ii rv'rtf wtikii rijr wuhhi tion Ho stated that she did not bump Ahana & Co., ,.Mrs. E, M. Taylor per year. gave the Attorney Gonoral'B Depart-iner- t llemenway, Segcleu, Ferris, Castle, SI ai all vviiiio slio was 011 thu leef. until Thursday lu which to file Wlckett, Cooper, I.eiiike, Macfailane. Fitzpatrick MERCHANT TAILORS VOUNQ Bros, BUILDING. Jjjty'Tor Rent" cards on sate at an answer tu the bill lu equity, Hhoiil I ILmihnidt, Isenberg, Alellr)de, Thajer, Hent" on 62 King ' TEL. MAIN 3J. the Bulletin office. Spindle, lliuwii, I'.ek, Dowbett (2), COR. cards sale St. it bccouiu iieeessury to do so. HOTEL AND FORT STREETS theJr'ForBulletin office. ,. PHONE BLUE 2741. P. O. Box 98

w..-..4.'1.tfflt,,r- of. rtitelffJhitiitsVMifi' t iC . ., MM MtfMtotU MuJL&lxL VI i'.Ak i-- ,MjJtf -- .A,, MU.,fct-M,ttfU iaul.. EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T H., SATURDAY, JAN 19, 1907. 9

(KaHIrJTSSRt5 ! GITS n m 11 THE WAYWARD YOUTH 1 HI WQMaJ!SH'S'fiiMM i HR (Oil! " Who's Your Tailor?" ! The fact that a Iteform School Is penitentiary he Is a n a child's because called nti "Industrial School" or roa- truant, deceitful or a liar, nor have way med down by any other puphwnlimi, or we any right to tako the easiest Ah Leong Ignores Order Matter 01 Raise In Prices i that It la well liiaiiuged, does In no way and send lilm on" beenu&e lib has no urfcet the pilnclplo under discussion. home or because he has a hail homo. we To Pay His Wire Will Be Taken I know nothing about the manage-tnen- t If we deal with the boy at all, or liny must remember that he Is a child; that of imrtlcular Imlustilal j The Value Alimony Up 1 probably fchool or Schools In Honolulu, and he Is huinnti, that he has moir mii remh In believe Hint nil riicIi Insti Rood than bad In his makeup but that Ah Leong hnsn't yet managed to get cases aro to be tutions hero art) conducted with ability! the bail spreads over u nigger sunnce The Lumber Trust it through his head tho orders of up United Dlstilrti uliil honesty, but like well conducted and catches more files; and that by thu that taken In the States tho Court uro to bo obeyed, Perhaps Dole urljons, they only n sad pioper attitude coupled with tho neces- Court as soon as Judge leturnsj exist for ho will, however, by tho time ho gets go Good wo from llllo, where ho cxpcclB to Clothes necessity, A Kerurni School Is for the sary sympathy and training, cn:i tnrougli serving tho ten days In Jail to week, United Stall earn and training of boys nud i;lrlit develop so much of thu good that the hold court next which ho was sentenced by Judge Da Ilreckons states that! who by reason of their acts are consid- bad will not signify so far as the lad's District Attorney Women because tliey nre Hut wlio sliall deny tlmt their Holt this morning for contempt ot ho of much Inter-- , arc attractive women. nttractumess ered beyond dliuiry control. Thoy genera! character Is concerned. the cases promise to oi court. thoroughly Investlgit-- j me so "bad" or so Ineorrlglblo thut Knowing this as Intelligent parents est and will bo is not doubled liy a wise study of lite iover of fcallicrs? An indifferent-lookin- g woman ma) trans- Hut there seems to bo soino doubt It od. They hnvo been hanging lire for a tho Slate takes them In hand, commits must, which of them would bn willing to send even n truant to an "Industrial Dveli this lesson will bo sulllclent to long time and It Is desired to get thein, form herself to a siren liy llic inerejlwUl of Iter lint ; and wreck a tlionsand hearts by the fjlory of them through Its police and judiciary , nnturnlly School" for Improvement? drive tho truth Into his thluk-box- for over with and out of tho way at tin departments (which we all ho her gown. And why not? Man jeMs at this with much philosophy ns he loves tier ' Ask Governor Carter or V. O. Smith hns just llnlshed serving n threu earliest ixisslblo date. and assmes M shrink from) to u place whero they lire e for a similar offence. In connection old cas deprived of their liberty us individuals, or Dr. Moore or any other MAN lr he with the for herself; hows like slave with Ah Lcoug was summoned to appear It Is probable jet a to her the rustling silk. for their own good presumably but nUo would he willing to put his most dis- which aro to be tried, before thu Court this morning, on com- (hat or a new lor the protection of the State, obedient boy or tlrl In the charge ot tho chnrges combination plaint of his wife, to show came why on or lumber Willi In a different way the same with men. poorly dressed is snubbed. I clothes placo then Is for this class of the best managed lleform School in the part the denlcis 'tis The lis are The lie should not bo adjudged guilty f U ami glrla. tho world! And yet, there is no differ he Investigated. It stated that thei bos contempt of court In having disobeyed rnlxpH of lumber nrlces. which ' taken as his market value, and 'tis money that does the talking. The man whose clothes are cheap Many of them are very "bad," thiev- ence, for these good people might have riretit tho orders of tho Court to pay Mrs. Ah on ish, Immoral, criminally culpable. And, n child who would piny the truant, bo ire said to lie loiisenucnt Inerenm looking is called a "man" even by the children and he with the swell raiment is classified a "gen- Leong temporary nllmony nud nttor l or they to deceitful or "sauce" his betters. I cit- prlce.ou the Coast, aro much the na their age alleviates, are sent ney'H commission ponding tho ed the cflbo of ltaHisa because he had result wm character as those which gaw tleman." 'Tis a pity, but 'tis trite. The world judges ns at fust sight by ihe clothes we wear, and Itefnrm School Instead of to Jail or or fur been mentioned. All that ho Is said to tho action dlvorco Instituted bv llse to the original charges. The In- penitentiary. At thu be is no worse than what we know of her. time tho matter first catnj creases In price. It Is charged, were all when jott reason it out, what else can the poor woild do. The process of Kelt Inn thum thcie, up. Leong some or our best men who didn't ro to Ah was instructed by thu made ill the same time and weiu Iden- nirestliiK them, and putting them In Court to contribute a certain sum the lleform school. They played tru-an- tical In the case or each or thu various Jnli overnight perhaps, then In the cure weekly or Character, honesty and the cardinal virtues cannot be put on the surface, (and they do not suf- again; they pot only ito toward the support his wife Arms. ol an ollleer of the law, is a wrong nud time and pud celved thev lied; they even stole like two children until the illinrcu pro- Thu District Attorne fer by association with good clothes), so for lack of something better, for the lime being, at least, an Injustice even to u child who has ceedings should be ended. He neglect - T. 1). Aldrlch did and Mark Twain states that this matter will be taken (played truant,- deceived and lied. In ed to pay Lincoln ran off three times to escape tho tlrst Installment nud It up before (he court and the dealers will the world judges a man by what he wears. lime he may learn that these acts were cost him days In jail. doing a bit or work he didn't like, and three Since thou be summoned to appear as witnesses wmug and be sorry for them, hut he Mrs. Ah Leong alleges that he has fall Phillips llronks dear, good l'lillllps anil tell what they know about thu O 11 will know also that either age or Ignor- two uWo payments, UUiMAKF. SUITS TO ORDIilt fmni SjilU. toSjS.-i- AND CVAKANTAUl Til FIT t llrooks "took the wrong way to id to( make and matter. This Is n power which the rep ance or want of ethical discrimination this second oftence was enough glvo school and spent the day fishing In a to resentative or the (lovcrn-- j exonerates him from permanent blight him ten days moro board running brook two miles away." Why free and meat has, andlf (hope against, whom as It has thousands of 'Other children - lodging at thu expense, of thu Ten the charges aro made are summoned us who have grown up to be"good men didn't they rend him to nn Industrial tory. women. He grow up read School? Thank the Lord he had some- witnesses, they will be obliged to an- nud nil! to The wire testified (lint she Is ubso-latel- body that aired enough for him to pa- swer on thu witness stand whatever blo'iinphy an well as history wherein without or support for tiently disentangle these ktuks In a meunii (luestloiis may be put to them. .m he will find the records of some very Le- M. herself and thu two children. Ah Ltd., thu Mclnerny, human skein. After lumber cases are nut of the "bad" bojs who had better training Jry ung gives her nothing, and for some Someday when I get I am going way. the mutter of (he alleged beef than he had, and who dually givw up time all live on Is (OK. FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS. time she has had to three (rust Im up. ,i to Im good and great. to give you n list of some of the "hud will taken There are dollars u week ror herseir and two dol- large uow-a-da- things good boyH have Is, number of defendants In this lleeause we don't publish done that lars a week Tor tho two chlhlicn, these -- boys grew good matter and the trial will In all prob nny more good) goody Ixiy tules but bad who Into men. amounts being by sympa- And will you contributed ability be a lengthy one. put down the facts of the case. tho list startle who thetic friends. Ilolh or thu children no who hnvu i And if he becomes a physician or luue children; forgotten hnvo been sick with tho measles and that us bad us takes up special studies or children, he joii weie the "next one"; ouu of them Is still III. to you who iiittu will know that the majority of boys Imvjjost our faith In the Ah Leong stales, as an excuso for DELINQUENT HST s or ' and Kills did thlni-- that were worse moral elasticity childhood but still obeying tho of GOVERNMENT WILL ATTACK pant two months .Mr. I'arle has made hem M'curul III New York of the sugar your his not orders the Court lor them than truancy, deceit or lying, ;4n faith to a false that ho is out or work ami has no THIS YEAR SUQAR TRUST Fcvcrnl tiljis to Washington and has and its railroad allies, a com- TaH creed. tnit anil that they did these, things not money. Ills rather Is u' wealthy Chita- been In consultation with a Cabinet plete case, iu the estimation of the All this lou't, a matter of "public from Inherent badness, but owing to n -no merchant or thu city, hut It Is Washington, Dee. 22. The Vedernl extremely close to (ho President. (! ivcrniueui otllclaln, has been made. un- A natural Instinct uiigulded by knowl- sympathy," of blng Informed or tald that he has nothing to do with his SHOWS DECREASE authorities will In the near future In- - One of the contributory causeii In a particular cure. The edge. informed about Mill. stltulo proceedings to dissolve the "(lie wrecking or Hie Heal Kstutti Trusl The ULSINESS MAN'S HANDY IN-- goes '$ It should not take any ouu long. It I'rlnclple above nud he)oud all American Sugar Ilellnlug Cumpaii; , Company was the construction, nTJn-;- v Tax Assessor James I.. Holt states , uuhlUlicd In the Saturday Bulle. this. I...M....- I...... l. rl...t i .. i.. ' seems to me. to see that un Industrial the delinquent tux lists for the i:iii- tto tnv mint. uti uillll lltlllllt I'HM, Ul II nilKltr ICUilltl,I...' Wo owe same that tin and tho Weekly Edition, gives school cannot be the place for boyit and the duty and tender county of Oaliu will be published next ihlct evidence upon which tho Covern- - plant liy Adulph Set il, tho promoter we concise ana corr.oieia resume of all girls who lire merely mischievous, haul nessto the ihlhlrcu of others that week. There are about 2100 names meat will rely to sustain Its case will operating with the i.alclde president. owe to our own we who proper notices, tenders, Judg- to control, dlxohedlent, wilful, deceit- are which will appear on Hie list this year. te that conveyed to It by William 11. Hippie. This plant "iy .peculiar calls for parents. es- ful, liars, or without natural guardians. This, and the amount of tuxes ilelln- - Hearst nml the New York "Ameilnm." wus taken over by the sugur ments, building permtta and real So as thu Ikiv ltapowi tate Evening Bulletin, H children not bad have "vile." homes far or the Hart uncut, nre said to bu somewhat lesj Supplemental to this will be the evi- trust and practically dismantled. traductions. ; per moi'th. Weekly Bulletin, in which they will only grow "bad" In Kirl are concerned, or their parents than has been the case In previous dence submitted by George II. Ilaile, Thu evidence of (his ouu case would 75c1 for', either, ethical training 8J. per year. time, there Is no reason on earth what hne euis, lestlflug lo tlie tnrreused pro receiver or the Heal Kstate Trust Com- rot bo sulllclent. but talicn In conjunc- they . m uriestlug them uinl branding them wlih ever lecelvcd that they should be pany or (he or '- perlty or thu citizens or the county. Philadelphia, looting tion with the evl'eiuii In tho Heard hooka of varu, Isdgeri, - murk of called "bad" Indulging In the ten- - Wank til the the criminal. I'll not yet been com whirl! by Its president, Kriiuk K, Hip canes, under which cWdence mnu in- d - developed by The totuls have as etc. tnnnurnctiin-- by (he Ilulletlu Fub- 'm It becomes the duty ot the church dencles association? Had Of puted. pie, Is a matter or record. Within the dictments, com Id Ions and Hues have Unhing Comp.uiT ' ' And If thu lad played truant, lied Akuna Surplus 'Jm and (he community to take care of nil or The lists lor thu other or did worse, what great deliiuiueiit such children, and u community thai departure counties of tho Teirllory will be pub- was It rroin Wives And Marcella will not do It deserves unqualified con- the example set before lished each In Its own county, only him? demnation. Of thai for O.ihil bring published heie. I So fur back as Is 13, under Hev. C. His mother Is Industilous, provident, Husbands I Wntersou, tho Uostou people organised pious, yes, hut what else? Any ouu IMEJJHYOTMjE. PRANKS OF FLA.AM INDIAN HAlK?E!' or a boclcty "to create u special mission to who wishes can see In this case inure (loo Akuna, tho Chinese Killa, J somo PROBABLY thu iHior, Ignorant, neglected than In the others, that VK, tho com- , who confessed lo the court 1101 children I'll e ot' thu city; to gather them In; to pro- munity, me to blame for whatever tin lime ngo that he had moro wives than "JH cure places and employment for theui; hoy has done. And If we also know no tho law- - allows, and who was sentenced and generally to adopt and pursue such belter than (o arrest and brand thu to a short lei in In-J- and to pay a ("IU , amounting BEN ineasuies us would bu most likely to children our sotlul order has created, flno of with costs 'o INN - worse JOa.M, wa., re 'a. I today, the term of sue or rescue them from vice, Ignur- tire than we ought to be. Mr Hogors, of the New York Com AM). his sentence having ox plied. .What ho uncu and degredutlou E. 8. UOODHUK. inercla!, speaking ot yesterday's cable - Holualoa, Hawaii, Dec. 2E, IDOfl. will do In tho mntler of tho extra This work went on nmong theho peo- j dispatches regarding thu sinking at , . I...... If ...... Hill ...tuutftlltj ' wives does not an yet appear, pu, increasing lti',,t-;'iu- ' Ihe harbor ut Kingston says that the """""means '.Muicelhi Klguercm was also let out had started, unci In nud ttuhtuerged jiottloii Is probably what people who hau loday, having served her sentence furnished b Christian days. Tho latter en remains of the site of (he old city of boys unci girts lantern! oi im extra thirty hearts, these to tnko the poor convict's I'ort ltoyai. g ll..,.i,,.t.,.. --..nluiitl . irilU tttlfa abled her ..en seiu iu ;-- ,imUur of lu Knl,oIaIlt E8tBt0 freeing from having to pay In deicrlblug the land about the fain- - T0 oath, her en here und theie and placed iu Kingston nor .Mr. uogurs '' Territory occupied the greater tnu flue which accompanied her Jail inn made a tiles Some or them ure now prominent rough sketch which shows thut the part or (he (lino or V. belltence. doctors In the United Judge Lindsay w ministers and otTcnco was u careless- Kingston harbor Is formed by Hie uar-lo- responsible position morning. Kuplolanl Marcella's States, holding tourt this Tho of shu luck of land at Ihe end or which out badly. How is It .,, ness as to the number husbands few turned fa (ry,I1K t() establish u fishing ouu She had the habit, Is I'm! Iloynl with Its naval station gradnates of lleform schoolM had at time. with the f Is not considered exactly ihe end light house. K this laud wero to a report sen out by one of the which In concluded todUy, but thing lit polite society, of taking on sink, at It seems to have done. It would benevolent associations o the east are Wednesday one beroio she had got rid or his pred leave the bay open to thu full sweep BOII.O BClUUKllCd WHICH HIIUW mill iiiv - - ol the ocean. Kingston Is on the south Bchools, T T ecessor. children who leave Hefoim REAL E6TATE TRANSACTIONS. side of tho Islnnd of Jamaica, so there mutt part, "take to u caiecr of crlmu Lcems little doubt thut all thut was In thu lusane asylum, und finally land Entered for Record Jan, 18, 1907, NOT left of old l'ort ltoyai has now gone the penitentiary or on thu scallold. From 10:30 a. m. to 4 p. m. IKIIs Will beneath the ocean and taken a small Un't that terrible! Sent for truancy A l'all und wf to Wnluee Protestant Mcttun ot Kingston with it. wheie he learned to be a thief und a Church ExD murderer. This Is no faticy sketch, Est of Lam Yato by admr to V O and any one who will spcuk of "bcum" Siuglehurst , D say MARRIAdEu ror life in a lllppiiiit wuy, Is, to thu Hst of 1) 1' Dlshop by trs to Mnu Slug this morning slgincl UNM byniliathy. Governor Carter least, devoid or human Wal & Co L the papers granting a teprleve to Mu- - woil; ror children men- The special Kuamoo to Recr Tuna S Co Ltd D rlto Kelzo. The Japanese was to havo Dr. Klrklaud DISSOLVED BY COURT tioned above came after Entered for Record Jan. 19, 1907, Leeu hung next Tuesday, but the time" century said 111 lloston: early In the From 9 a. m, to 10:30 a. m. for his execution Is now postponed un- MUCH I'IKTY AS "VK IIAVK AS Ullzabuth Kalo ut al to Clarence W til Kebruury 21. Judge itobliisou this morning fev- CHAItlTY AND NO MORU." Ash ford M on thu part of thu Gov- ered the ties that hound two unhappy "Ihrt This action And so Chnuulug preached that Lincoln U McCnndless by regn. Notice ernor Is consequent on the appeal tak- couples. Annie Asclnclo was, at her root ot matter; ux be laid at the the en by Morltu's nttoruey to the Su- own request, separated from her hus- by Ignorance, temptation, submlttliib LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS preme Court of the United States lit band, I'asiaal Albert Asciuclo, on thu Tor tho present unjust laws u system of corpus matter. giouuds that tho hitter had failed to coopera- l'JOT. the habeas cordial, respectful, brotherly Honolulu. T. 11., Jan, 18, put up for her stipKirt, although he following thu of tion, helping to uplift all classes and The uffects list Samuel M Hendricks, ninety-nin- e was plent able to do so. In tin" making them more truly human." lights, buoys, imi r'uymarks yours and four months old, has Just Wong Gum Tung was granted n di- men women light-hous- e 190H. Yes, ther.e wero tho and 12th babdistrlct, joined tljn llrlcklaycis' Union at Un vorce from Lee San Chin on (he ground who secured llheity for those wlio nan HAWAII. Angeles, Cal and bus started Into or extreme, cruelty. It developed thut gone to Jail lor debt; who talked und Maalaea Day, Maul Island, page 11. Journeymen's Chin had a penchant heating - work. for her ucted long before sailors received do- Anchorage bell buoy, red. was not and striking her, and ut one time - served "piotectlon from cruel und un- discontinued on December 8, 1900, us kicked her when she was In a delicate I Just punishments," and who labored hetetoforu published, on account of condition, with intuits falul tu her with faith and hope to abolish Hogging continued bad weather. This buoy w 111 P. E. R. Strauch hopes. iu the nubile schools. At last tu Iblif be discontinued on or about Tebruury (he was secured 1, 1U07. Tietuout btnet IIome Skating mauuahi, Tonight ut thu un additional build- Uy of Light-hous- e Uouid. for the work, and order the Furnished Br. cottage, Manoa Valley, rluk Is "Ladles' night," ho no admis In lt90. Theke same 1 CAHTKIl, ing for children J. Ideal Summer Home, Large Pool sion churge will be made for any ot ugulust slav- Lleiitciiuut-Cummuude- r, U, S, N. men und women worked for swimming. Mountain air. Sta- Ihe fair ones. The band will play against unit ery, and' aie now preaching ble. Near car line. $17.00 per m. u good time pievull, war und child labor. DUE TOMORROW. dealing with a Kalulanl School When It comes to Cottage near Tommy Hums, wlio rode Iu Krance as (1. child In a llnnl way, wo should be Stmr, W. Hall, S. Thompson, fiom $10. per m. last will - Hummer, uot.ieturn to Amer careful, kindly, Bjmpathetle, und Just pints, a. m. ica until the expiration of his contract own. 1'Iltz, Molokal, ua K we were dealing with our Stmr. Iwalaul, fiom with his Freuih einplujor, two years Wo cannot ntford lo bend a child to Maul und ports, a. m. WAITY BLDG. 74 S. KING ST.

I &&!& Ajffci,t "taL&.&fo&l 'riiiuiii in A iijii'i ii .ft (mk'K'titmiw ruuiiilaiiii ""'"--iE- SZ wmwmwmt WVP kW y"i- - liTfTfWT5 jyqfWri!Wfff'""gp'' ygnysnrp

EVENING BUU.Eri!, HONOLULU. T H , SATUP.DAY. JAN 19,1507 EVENING BULLETIN AMERICAN OFFICERS OF HIGH RANK ! Published Every buy Except Sunday, it 120 King Street. Honolulu. II.. by T th PE-RU-N- A. BULLETIN PUBLISHINQ CO., LTD. AND OTHERS ENDORSE iimmW WALLACE R. FARRINQTON.. Editor When Tailed a Recom- -- ' Other Remedies Prominent, People r- , Uono-nolul- - -s - .. - ,1 .W. A 7 f.lllcaclous, Ktiteted at tlie Poatoftlce at fXr.1- 9C' II -- . I r Vw . JJ-- II -. WMtMM'' Proved llio Hemedy ft SZ7ZST- -'dI xr v trW. , . i . .r- o- - T.1 n "'. t ,',r'.sasjjj4sjjjjjasv, i ,il as second claia matter. mend iii i lion. Geo, W. Honor, National Chsp- - I'oru-na- . lain U, V. V lib Wiscon- 8UBSCRIPTICN RATE8. sin Cavalry, Wiscon- Pasble in Advance. sin and Kx-Q- . Master (lenerat Hlatu of Texas, 0. A. It., writes from 1700 Plrsl. Evening Bulletin. Dr. llurfiniui'.s World ed Per mouth, anywhere lu U. S..$ .75 street, N. K., Washington, 1). C, al per quarter, anywhere lu U. S.. 2. hi) Catarrh Medicine. follows: Per)ear, auywliere U 9...... S.bO "I cannot too highly recommend yonr Per year, postpaid, fure-lst- i 11. 00 preparation for tho relief of catairbal Weekly Bulletin. A Remedy for the Crip, t Willililh ' ! ' troubles In their various forms, Blxn.onthi I .CO Oen. W. II. Parsons, Wi II St., N, W., rsSv-j- nl iHiIi "Some members of my own family Her year, an) where In U. S l.Ou Washington, I), ('., w riles as follows t liavomiil It vrlth most gratifying : Perjear, postpaid, foreign .... 2 t'U 'Upon tliu reeuuiinondatlou of person suits. al friends and ninny strung testimonials "When other remedies failed, Pcruua Territory of Hawaii, ) to the elllcsiy ot l'eruna In the treat- proved must elhcacious and 1 cheoi fully Honolulu, )d: ment of the numerous symptoms t4 the certify lu Us curstlvu exeelleuee." Pint Judicial Circuit. ) vv Inch 1 havu l fur grip with been Peruiu, a Standard Treatment for C O UOCKUS, Hardness Manager four mouth iat, I hare bt en Induced of the nulletln Publishing Company, to undergo u of this Justly Catarrhal Diseases. triutinent Mr, Limited, being first duly sworn, ciu celebrated formula. John I'. Nelson, Dayton, Tcnu., geologist aud mining engineer, a oath deputes and snvs. Tlint the fol "I tieladecliltd ehaugo for tlio better while Captain In Uiol'cileral Armydurlug the lowing Is a truu and correct statement by Its uo for one vwek onl), especially Civil War, contracted of rheuiua-Usu- i, week ending lu toning up thu stomach, and ncouse-li.t-- acaio cf the circulation, for the This malady was constant ami Friday. January ISth. l07. of the deeldid effect umjii my appetite. "I thereforu feel much encouraged that persisted I, Inducing the development of Ually and Weekly ndltlons of the also became 1 am on the road to complete reUura-I'.iii- i. other ailments, which Evening tlultetlu: chronic. After taking a course of Circulation of Evening Bulletin. "My numerous friends In Texas, where l'eruna, Capt, Nelson writes: Saturday, Jan. 12 . . .2012 I have hnd thu honor to command a "Having been painfully alllicled with Monday, .. 2392 Jan. 14.. brigade uf her vett ran cavalry lu a four chronic rheumatism aud thu adjunc- Tuccday, Jan. ID 2412 jcar war, may uccept this voluntary tive complications for many years, aud Wedneiday, Jan. 1C 23SC testimonial to thu merit of l'eruna from after having received many general Thursday. Jan. 17 2378 a sense of obligation fur Its wonderful and special treatments with only tem- Friday, Jan. 18 .. . 2410 elUcacy." porary relief, 1 read your scluntllla dally . . . 2431 on diseases, Average circulation a a Good Tonic. treatise catarrhal Circulation of Weekly Bulletin. " At my request you prescribed a special ' Gen, al. C. Ilutler, of Houlli Carolina, . thu 1 Tuesday, Jan. 15th. 1907 2007 .sstWssiSkHsv. V X Will M7 J "ijO-s.'- aslllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllW cuursoof l'eruna remedies, which writes from Washington, I). (J., as Pc-ru-- Kccommcnds a closely followed, and am happy to Number of weeklies delivered on follows: :" Used Satisfied As to Its Merits . . ..1103 to Afflicted. that my rheumatism and compli- the Island of Hawaii "I can recommend l'eruna for dyspep- the Recommends It to All Sufferers. guaranteed average i iu-- - -- l cated ailments are subdued, snd 1 feel Combined sia and j frt'dts.s.'yc -- ?t j Jsmmiiiiiiiiim stomach trouble. xi -- ,r ? . . T. sTs- (W t young again at thu ago of years. circulation I!).i8 "1 have been using medlclnu z. T T Voder 'J)t Md. I for fjr jour -- .& X . Ceii.S.H. Avu., N. - Klrby, Wuslilugloii, I). I .;f'rrf,XV.'frj& SsZ S "Healon will accept your classification LTD- .SZi.: lit 'u CO., -- q PUHMSHINO BULLETIN a short purlotl and 1 rel vry uiuob re r a liiglon. I). O., wrltusi by C. (1. IIOCKUS, '., writes luueernliig t m&irxSvienfci.ri.Leee. of catarrhal diseases as tcleullllo sud lieved. I'rmiq tu f..ll..t?j. T lu say that I have found l'eruna true, aud thu Pel una remedies ss ... Ilusluesa Manager. Is iesre a "It Induct a wonderful medicine, J to he u wonderful remedy. I only It tor 1 e ut mine used I ued standard treatment for Ihsuk Subscribed and sworn to actl besides a good listing them. toulc." )uur l'eruna catarrh turu nllh 1 a short lime and am Ihorouithly nathlled you heartily for your skilled and logi- um this 19lh la f lu Its merits. I shall gladly recommend Colds In the Head anil Throat. good result, lam Impressed it Ith t ai cal advice." laKAI.l January, Anno Domini lis luram c uuaiillei, and tun It lu allmtferers." . 1907 Chas. W. Ilowmau, 1st Lieut, aud Adjl. II to Ihosv h ho are at- - I lidoys Renewed Health and Strength. P. II. miHNETTK, 4th M. N. M. Ca. Vols., writer from lilt ted. JamcsJ.OslHini, (XKI Wahsatrh Avu, CA.TARRII-R13L1EV1- i. Notary Public, First Judicial Circuit 1 .auburn, Mil., as follows: DEAl'NIvSS CAUSED BY 3D lor Kidney Trouble. Coughs, Colds Colorado Kprlugs, Colo., has tilled all "1 hough All Invigorating and Catarrh. somewhat acrso to pntut ionic. PE-RU-N- Hi u posltloui lu Kulghl Templars BY A. JAN XWi medicines, and stilt more aversu to lie HlcliUirn, H, Nary, (leu. A. T. Ilawley, MHi I'.'.lli Kl., N. Masonic Order, was u Mason sine SATUHDAV If. li. -'- i coming a professional atlldavll man, It Wu'hlngloti, I), wrltesi W., Washington, ll.C, wrllts: IbuS, Judge of County Court, Cllutou, seems I., "I llud It very ,11 .Ia,avlll1.,nl. HIM nut nt fllllllA only a plain duty lu thu pretent "After the usu of lVruna for a Bhort (ien.A.M. bit, writes fiom tho Hviugs llauL lluildlng, aihlugtou, havoustd Purunaund Mo,, and aUo Couuty Collector uf lustancu to add my tu thu D.C., us follow : beiiellclal fur kldnuy trouble, and es- 'ihere has been no lcdililluu lu the size experleucu period, I can now cheerfully recom- Clinton, lie writes: columns already written concur ulng thu I pecially good for coughs, Lolds and ca ot the bill pie.enteil b the tax col- mend your valuuhlii remedy to any line "I tal.o pleasure In endorsing the many recommendations have heard "A sluggish liver which 1 had been curative powers of l'eruna. who Is lu need uf mi invigorating and read ot l'eruna, because of having had knowledge of thu ttulh of Co tarrhal trouble." trouhkdwllh for two years mada Ufa lector ha-- u ','1 been particularly benellted by loulu." many of theiu, Convinced of Merit. inl.erablouud 1 was uuahlu to attend to Its for colds In thu head Ik fated to ! de- and throat. "Wo always tell our sick and alllns friends of thu r.mcillM llnl vvn havu llrlg.tleu. J. l''loy.l King, Washing- my business halt llio time. 1 lucked That Jnnnuete fleet "1 been ablu to Catarrh of tlir Stuuiach. Trlend-ihl- p have fully euro myself for learned, from evpurluncc, were good when thu ton, II. energy, had must layed 111 Its mission of proving for us ailing in samu way, C, writes: headaehu of the time, of a mint sevvro attack lu forty-eigh- t (ten. W. W. llultleld, Wathluglou, with all Americans, except San and we do it as a duty wo feel that wuowu them, "I unhesitatingly stain that f am con- and my food distressed mu and did not hours by Its use according to directions. D. C, writes i in I Finnclscnns "Why it any tho less our duty InadvUo alt ho p;opl wo can when wu vinced l'eruna Is a iiiedleluu which will seem tu do mu u partliilo uf good, "I use It as a, preventlvu vvhuuuver "I have, used l'eruna In my family know of a gn id aud lomparallvely luvxpotislvo reuudy that many effect nil that Isilalmed for Its use." "Heading of thu many cures threatened with an attack, aud havu found It a valuable midleluu In 1 We have again reached the plate cures, ami nellts lu almost all cusesr Th oho desirous ot obtaining special by l'eruna, dielded tu try a "MemWs of my family also use it aud take uleasuro in ru'oiiiiiieiiillug It '.My lu 1 can Is per i, .Ml tt personal experleucu of being rilluved of ileafueis, cuuted directions with regard to thu usu of bottle. Ilefoiu hud taken many dosss whera we bay our weather for r llku ailments. to ull win) i.iilfi-- from catarrh of thu by a iLi.uof catarrh, warrants wu lu advlslug ull tho ullllcltd to just try l'eruna should vvrltu to Dr. S. II. Marl-ma- 1 felt better. lect, und prove It by citing the notable rucomtui-udlu- g "We are' It tu our stumach or who mpjlru a toulu " i, exceptions ir IVriiut Prideut of tliu llsrtmau "1 took Hasdlreotad fur two months lileuds," prouqit -. -- elllcacj." . i . .- ...... , Columbus, Ohlj, wheu I was u well man." Is be done In "Whenever an) thing to For (.pedal directions everyone should read "The Ills of Life," a copy of which eurroumls each bottle. Peruna Is for sale by the followlnu drucjtjlsta and will supply the retail trade In Honolulu, they al Hawaii: Denton, tlevcloplng sugar production. Smith A Co. Hobron Drug Co , Honolulu. Hawaii. ways send to I In wall for the expert men on the Job to show them how say udmllli-ill- II day ous und uninteresting discussions to tho cnsti to thai tho culljiii: off tu en- Covt'iiimi'iit would Is Hiiiely somewhat Into lu Ihu iiBsurtlotiH dining the last campaign ) which Honolulu has been tieuted lulu Mas doiii' foi llit'in b) thu soul toi rod d.iuiagi Japan u meat ileal for Ihu lo haw made Ibis brilliant discovery, voTi:it. 'I he administration Is said to be pre t. tucked hat The pastor of the Klist lug oligarch), which, under Ihu iiiimo loiillch siillsfacllou or tlamagliig tho mu Is Ihu Implication uhsulutely con Honolulu, Jan IS. I'.ioT. pirlug lor war lu Cuba. What Hawaii Picsbvteiiuu chin I'll has fallen Into or the Tokiigaua ShoguunU'. did its Clilli'd Sillies a 111 tic u Vt'O dlfTc-ruil-t lisle-li- t with Ihu obligations entailed wants to know Is, whether they will dlsfiivur hecuusu he leliuked tho wife level btst to gllnd out of thu .lapalit'Si', sliuallon liidct-i- l " under AH IV, among olheis, or Ihu X 5i X n r( n ii it n v fl, r( a U n, ii Is - L pull It off before the sugar crop of it deacon for wearing bloomers. Thu In tlelull ami collccllvedy, the small Slue.- !!i io Is nothing rui- Japan to I'oitsmiiiilh Ticil). lo tliu elfcct thai x. 1 harvested. membelH of the ihurih have hetome iiiuouut of liitllvliluatit I hey titer pus :nln li) going to war, tllt-l- Is less Japan and llusslu ' iUprocall engage HONOLULU WEATHER W vloleutl) p.irliau over thu right of ti sussed, null It would hu uscIcsh tu pi ollt fi mu a trade embargo. not lo obstimt any geiieial lueitmiicii i. !3KSHr?iMaMa4tMia. Automobile owuers are nil enthus- ton-f- t ' K it )l li ;( u it n n K w w K If re - - ZXSGT-- a I .tutor to ipicstloii the female priv- deny that this pollc) was leall) it lu oM'iil," s.i)h tho Vo'noliania coiniiKiii to all eounliles which Chliui (dlonolulu H..ji, iastic bouiters for belter roads. They ilege, of vveatlng pants. Hut no one hbIoh or which can lu ' tho damage would he (iimuiiiii may take for the development or Hit) Jail. Ill, P.IU7. violently Tonipciutuit'h-- C,7; S "" havu ulso been heard to roar Mining the lellgloiH spednllstH lu eith- hu advanced us unalogouii to Hut K both though Its pioKtrlloiih would coiiimci cu and iudiistrv. or .Miinehml.i.' i! a. in., u. in., has taken over the agency of wheu called upon to pn ti yiO tax on er Itnl., or Honolulu, T. motives that would ill thu picsent tlay doubtless bit iiuutpiall) divided .Mori) Tliils, we llvu und luiun." ".'; 10 ii. m. 71, noon, TU; nioriilug niliilmuiii, 117. their machines II., seeius to havu time, fur u leu) llvu Impel tho Japani-st- ' (Iinerunicnl nol I l.iu this II would be foolish for thu luli ss the Yokohama paper litis hid- t S n. The Kilauea Volcano talk on the uppllcutloii or the piiiclho thu pcoplu to a bo)(-ot- II ll ex pelt lo piophe-s- " den Us meaning so deeply us lo niiiko Ilaiomuii'i', m :iu.07; iibsolutu Changes In thu Keikuil Olllco hiimldlt). s a m, 7.1UI1! grains per ni- of the Coldeli lluhi In every-dii- y life, against American goods. I'milicr lommtniliig on Ihu Tunis Its piu pose blank, It would havu Its go to provu that HnoM-vel- t Is not hil- S Kl far mid sometimes on Huiidav "On Ihu unit hand Ihu Shoguualo nlpl's observation that tho "open It'iitleis III thu east iiudeistautl that fool, lehillvti hiimldlt), ii. m, House ullogether satisfied with the lesillt of fearetl that Ihu opening or thu countr) tlt.or" III Muni Inn hi us opt'iattd b) Japan Intends to hold Ihu tiadu of Ihu pur cent ; dew point, N il. in., I',l'.. cnrjiorutlon laud deals lu W) li- d- li . and li prepared to furnish thu mid the) wholesale mlinlsslim or ,1110 .liipaiicsu HUuialnt- tlot'H not pan United Stall's, while bu)lug us liltl" Win- u in velocity!, direction tickets for INTENT CLOSE dltt-ctlo- ming und Utiih. JAPAN'S VIEWED luttf-reiem- e S the round trp from Honolulu re- would leatl Io Hut ulllmalu ou out as expcclcil nor iutil us pioni us iKisslble und allowing N; li in. vclocl!) calm, 0, and 11 - - , m . '1, turn via Hllo or Honuapc lU (iitsl of the Kiiiuti), or. If not that, Ihu Advi'ltlsur ciims Willi Ihls Willi Alllclliall goods sucking lu li. dliicllon SW; lioiiu either The exodus of Honolulu's cltlrens to ATJiOME vi'liicll) S, i In this It then In Hut id luteit'Sts, tom t iliclhe p.iragi-up- cull) to thu markets of Mancliiirlii Si:. connection has opened an view Hawaii luvu How Is un ex the 'Ihe Japan Dally Advertiser lu com- merclnl und Inimical Jo Ihu j "So. 'our shaiu lu Soiilheiu Mau- If Japan is iihlti lo do this, It would Klllllfall (lining Iioiiih ended fimple tu tourists who uuut to know lute-grll- or s it. in., .no Inch INFORMATION BUREAU menting ou a or Hut nation dlin I.i'h trudu Is cnlliclt eoutlugeiil Indeed hi- tint height or roily to either discussion thu mow-mun- i local estimate phiccd oil llu'wull's good-wil- ' diiilui; HI the ' On thu other huiid, thu meaning of upon thu l or llio Japanese ili'tl.uc u bo) ( otl or talk iihout war. Total wind for the benefit of Tourists and others, world between Japan and tho United wonder of tho u modem bo) cot t ugalUKl tint United Wu real Ihu stutemeiit Is loo line, hut In u nation Is known Iioiiih ended ul noun, 101 miles, end will gladly supply general Infor- Ktiili'H by Ihu llostou Tiuliscrlpt these da)s Slates would slinpl) ji that tho Jap b) Ihu inone) It cull maktt, vvhllu thu Wil. II, STOCKMAN. mation In this line, or suggest an Itin- Krum uppenrances there ure Indica tliruw'H some) vuluablu sidelights ou iilhei fellow looks ou Jealously hut Section Hlieclor. p S. Weather llureau. erary to any part of the Territory, that the plans for u cut und dried tin- - Munition, us fuicefiil lu thu Infer- tions WC CAN SECURE YOU A TENANT without Ihu power or sulllcleiil This department will be In charge legislative scheme have slipped twu or ence to be drawn us lu direct asser- uxiustt FOR YOUR VACANT HOUSE. to step lu mill cu u halt. of Mr. JNO. A. PALMER, who will llireei cogs. There ale too muny tun- - tion, In PALMER GREAT Have YOU been lo tee SAYSJTS endeavor to tee visitors to gents where? the togs ought to be. The Advertiser IiiIiiiiIikck Us io that Ha w t that (peat lot of ); it it it it H ii It u n, in n. id ti )U u, ;c wall are shown many by noting Unit thu desire of Its attractions murks i n Mr Palmer, lepicscntliig the Vo- had not inuilo Congressmen and to If President- Joiduu cei tain rleuatois a HYPOCRISY EXPOSED lcano House iinenc) of thu Henry Wat- - during stay lu excludu Jupaiicso fiom curious remarks his America has ii n el house Ti ust Company, ictuined this Special Honolulu, our people would he uwakeiied home of the Kaslerneru to a mole it u t u n u it uic u u. a K m )i liioiullig from ii visit to Ihu llow ou expect to of thu trudu betwe-e- tho inclined to muluhiuders consideration Hawaii Mr. Palmer sii)h theiu If thing he on Thu Tiuliscrlpt, for ReadyTo.Wear ltulKtttii lu cut us law un) has to offer nations. lustancu, IMIIui in nothing like Ihu exhibition In be seen Volcano Trip I Hnu finds iluilug tho fiscal uar or Ihu police ilup.iilmciit iiiouthly pay hu Krunclsto situation. that last i,n the sides of Manila After read sold tu Japan loll by thu Siipuivlsois, ouu must look la. Leaving Honolulu by Americans iiieicliaudlsu lug Ihu Hullcllii's iittoiiut lu last S. 8. "KINAU" Apropos of Dr. Wallop's views on thu to thu value, or S,465,UI)0 will In fur hail, lo thu political campaign Tuesday, Jan. und Just night's paper hu mild that It told thu Tlm, letuinliig by formation of a new volcanic center. It llio year ot Hiii5 tho amount Apparel past und call thu ueeiisatloUH Hindu S. S. "MAUNA I.OA" calendar ii whole stoiy und was a veiy Tilesdiiy, Jail If. uIhhvh noticeable that sclentlM" sold by Ihu was JJ'.UOU.uiio., against tor having u mil of iitciimtu I'tlth. Making Americans Chinese llionii pa) t'.csi ilpllon til the woiiileifiil tllsplay thu cntliu clicult or Ha- foreensts happening to cumu true only u couipuratlvely small portion be- between S.UIIII II lid $'.1,111111 per month, waii. we cloclno, out (liusu people tu forget Ihe limsH of pre- ing for by thu war. This that are that It was uxtruwigumo, guilt and This Irlp nihil h Hpeelal advantages at cuch dictions yielding no results. Indicates that Japauusu alii Inurelislug keeping a huge' number or men on Ihu us Ihu slimmer sails along ihu llama-ki- home niatmfuctiiiu or going tu other IhiIIcii p.i) mil In oitli-i- that a political und Hllo l'iiuhI lu thu tlny-tlm- It Is stuted that n sharp snuggle wus mnrkuts Jewelry machine cm bo inaliilalued: and us eipiullng lu he.iuty u tilp up thu Hud. lequlrcd to protect the lire depnitmclit Un tint other hand, iluilug Ihu Kumo tuitions made dining llioso sliuiiiiuiis M.ii. Airlvlug ut Hllo ul noon, Wed reduction. Can It - thu Low h) if l Mluy, liiini moid kerlous calendar leai- Japaucsu sold Io Prices Illch btautlful pleceo In il.OH thu pit'sclil ShuillT that Ihu night Is upuiit ut u comfort-idil- s and he that O.iliu bus u Hoard of Ihu United stales commodities vali.ol eh t led Hlieiltl hu would I tin his tie luitvl; Tliuihihiy morning lhb Jour-liu- niiilii-lululn- g purr rjold, 24 kt. fine set with that has to be urgiied Into at 117,000.(100, Tim chief JupaneMi pllllllt lit Willi less luniiuv Is lesiiineil by train und stugit, g pioper llio piotcctlou foi Ihu prodiiLls sunt to tho llnlti-- i Stales We have sold many IT I am not mlstiiken ho gave) mil Ihu ul Ihu Volcano, which Is now Uty? were leu, camphor, silk fahiles, mat ments already but their's milium! lo hu $7,0011. und with moiutir-llclciic- I'Cllvu, al 11 o'clock. Two nud u halt left, The First of the Year ting, und law silk, of liundrcdc The Purest Jade than Ihu ilumu polleu foicn. iiaH may hu spent night-seein- ut Kl description of thu 1UD7 How giv- They're the came (jar or The uhlcli thu last named constituted lu Thu Hoard SupenlsoiH bus ut com merchants and all othero will want laiiuii anil vicinity l.uuvlng thu Vol-r- u luent you been then-I- en lu the Uulletln was u distinct vnluo moid than half of tint entlm ex that have modatt'd him, and Immediately BLANK BOOKS, CALENDAR PADS, un House Kiimluy. morning and Ink paying full up to of this paier's supeilor ser- ports. price for ii hnu mid tr of eilppllug Ihu polhu INKSTANDS, PENS, PENCILS, to (It lug thu steamer "MAUNA I.OA" at HiIh a week or so 1 li) vice. While others were ou the way, The Trauscilpt looks upon trade a(jo. hem's Ihu vol) sheul that incused lliown up your olfice. We have juot received llouiiapoat I o'clock, thu vessel passes the. imidu u us u vuluablu fur nothlnfj old or out of date RinKK,Comls, ul Uulletln uiraiigemeuts for with America asset exliiivngani e. a largo shipment of OFFICE SUP- tlusii to Ihu Kan und Koua coast, glv I't icgii-l- . lot,o, about them. itpoit frum u miiuber uf the first pail) Japan which It would to Pendunts, laulie.i has itdaliieil ueail) ul of thu PLIES. lug u line oppoit unity lo wltnuss tliu flow. uacrlfit'H (lowing-fio- to visit the hut would lalhei than sulfur QAI.C BIIACELETS, SCAHF PINS fpeclals under lliuwu and Vlda, lu As we are closing out our STOCK piusent lava Htioama tli-- t any Impuliiuuiit to national wel fuel they havu pinmolod ouu or them theli CONTINUC0 ETC., ETC. CABINETS same will be sold at cost. hldtt of thu mountain Visitors pro Chicago's Is ALL WCHK. Hanker Walsh u man fare. This conclusion Is based oil Ihu as tiller liihtiuctor to Detetllvtt I'l I.ounce this eruption to hu Ihu graml-is- t who will not mind ti Utile thing like ' luuniory " Ihut " Ihuy " (thu Japan Til) lor, ollt) who wan loudeiiiued by sight Imaginable. un doe-- s WALL, NICHOLS CO., Indictment, ho it nut lulerfcie osu) "lusolutely cut off their tititlu Our Workmanship Cxcello. llio Aiivuillser or iiemg lliipllcaletl Ltd The special rate for this trip Is. .$51.00 with his owuuishlp lu teituln luilioads with thu untlio worhl" to Htruugtliuu Willi Vlda III Ihu wului ciiitt piocess Hhoiild theiu be siitllcieut bookings )i Is said to havu saved fiom thu their national interests, H. F. Wichman & Co., hut Ihu Adveillsur ciowd Is In now for this tilp. u speclul agent will ae vvreek. In other words, ho Is no long"!' It Is to till) last statement thai thu and ihuy have usu for these special i, J. M. Davis (oiuiiaiiy thu p.uty iuteiested III liny whom his hunk fail- Atlveilsur takes exception, und It EHLER8 Ltd., Ihciefoie the) llio hialidcd O K, P. Tor Infiii million ami HrkctH apply to ure may havu wieikid bliould hu lu it position to speak with t' A SEWING MACHINE REPAIRER. Mima uiilhoilty 11 ihu Japanese! Leading Jewelers. I how 12D0 huvh II ciililiot u'ti luiiliuu in Ihu FORT 8T. near BERETANIA. Henr, WaterhouleTiust Co,, flleeucustle, Ind , has u lellglous "did nothing of the) kind, it would hu Whose Sales ARE Sales havu an) kick lu tliu cut 'Ihu Ltd,, I'ontioversy which knoeks the ponder- inoi e lu consonance with thu fuels of Supenltoiu havu slmpl) gianted their Dewing machines for sale, Comer Fori aul Merchant Sts. TCL. MAIN 117.

UfjAAto-- ifl'llllULl,! iitiliiiiil'liiisiri'ilssialM ff'Tt.vfa.flfN !d?A TYJiJrraH' ' .CIM '


HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE LOCAL ANDIENERAL r M.KW fllUPIl arfrSitrJ'!JJJr7J'rrrJ'rJ-- i! felfflKW& Boarders come and no and to have HONOLULU, Jan 19.1907 Black Forest JS JVUUrr.VSl Tho Hcv. Bcrcno K. nlshop takes one ready to move In for everyone In to move out It la only necessary pleasure In referring to n prediction clined CARVED WOOD CLOCKS; Beautiful designs, In Cuckoo., Trumpet- U Bid' RUDAEU mndo liy himself In n publication of KAMI OF STOCt PitJ Artcd to make timely uie of Bulletin want ers and small timepieces; all good timekeepers. ! adi. Inst July. He says: MERCANTILE PRICES RANGE FROM I 2 Brcvcr ft Co t,XOOrjc. In presenting n theory of a new vol- - SUT.AH Panama hats cleaned at the Glob. center as having liccn a long Ewa rUnUtlotiCo .... 5rrtA lanlc for Hawaiian Atllc.Cn . Best cup of colfco In tho city. New period forming ut a locality about lUw Com A Suit Co i, HM li England Bakery. twcnty-fli- miles SSW from tho cen- Hawaiian Sugar Co., II Ilotiomu Sugar Co . Thero Is no light like gas light for $1.50 up tral crater of Mokuawcoweo, now Ilottnkaaujtar Co ,. It ! to this $35 economy or servlro. up ItalVi, Hupar Co 1 crater has built the shoul Kaliuku Plantation Co U 14 Try riiKsell'a rmo Cream, pint tins, der of Mfttina Loa which protrudes in Kllicinantatlm.Cnt.tri ti(ooonn 7 l Sugar 25 cents. Day & Co. tins tho Klpahulu co 1 60 ,000 M, R. Counter, Jeweler. that direction. It also caused Koloa Sugar Co .. fKi,opn Mrs. C. I Dtckerson received now McBr)de Sugar Co $ ' great extension of tho Island to Its 8V Moo.joo goods by Alameda. 1142 Oahu Sugar Co.... l.bno.rt the FORT ST. cape, which Is twenty miles farther to Diwm., Stiff. r (n Homo Journal patterns for January iffiWflK-SlH,nHir- Co t 11 I tho southward. Onkola Sugar Plan! $00 Ono 14 sugar .o 1.111 at Whitney & Marsh's. uiiuuiL'iiuy wiaa iiiicr ii iuuk uuriuu in )rtiiirn..i .1... IJO,! 8. IL Ness of tho Wlchmo.ii Jowclry MrArtAMAMrrimrmlArVMrlMMrVWMrarVWMWVMWMArVVVM nulcsccnco this Knhuku volcano, as tI;j,V"sIVr,i'fii,.Ji? J.OOOPW store has left for tho Coast. - 50000 ,ttrWt ABOUT iTinV wui)- 110 calico, resumed ncuvuy in . raia rianiaiion tn ?JO, If your sewing machine needs repair 1868, with a scries of Imlcstructlvo rcpkeo Sugar Co., I'lnnrrrMlllLo ,?J9.0OO tM tt ing phone Bonny & Co.. Main 488. long-scale- ne- Agrlc Co. tl I 1 f l earthquakes. Its nutlet Watatua 4 jaono A of lady basketball players WalluVu uear Co .1 5 number cessitated a violent rending to open It. JIValluku Sugar Co Scr lined together at tho drill lust night, In 18S7 n still moro copious lava Walmanalohuaar Co 151,100 to VValmra Sugar Mill )4 The tenderest meats In town nre It 1 to Rugs flowed to wllh la Crex stream the sen MISCKUANEOl'S lw bought from the Metropolitan Meat toismlc disturbance. Now ngaln, after Stram N Co 1,150,000 Hawaiian Circuit Co. Co. twenty years, jet moro copious floods Hon T ft I. Co frrl 1011-- I.. O. Kellogg has applied for mem- of laa are quietly pouring out. Ion K T N LLO forn 1,1)0,000 5 Mutual Telephone Cu IJO.OW bership In the Hawaiian Bar Associa- That this Knhuku volcano Is In a Nahlku Rubier Co., 8 14 tion. r.ullln (0,900 Received Rood degree lndcicndcnt of tho Matinn Com- Just NatilkuRublxrCo., Tho meeting of tho Archives A NEW LINE of INFANTS, CHILOS .""nd MI88E8' BAREFOOT SANDALS Loa central volcano Is apparent from Aie. . ... mission was postponed till somo time the fact that both In 1868 and 1887, Oahu K ft I. Co.. . .- - II1I0KRC0 . ,fm,Ori next week. Come in aifti see them Moktm-wconc- II fc , thcio was little or no action In Hon M Co 4oo,W Mosquitoes nearly drove tho ItiBldo Shoe Store mny tinsJtve Mclnerny although some sympathy ItftwTrriticiritcCll staff nt tho pollco station to despora liao been exhibited, such as exists be- naw irr 4 pc.i' night. FORT STREET naw ler 4H c.. lion last , i tween Mauna Loa and Kilauca. Mm iiiimi mam wirnnm"w HawTcr 4H IC..e Advices received from Monssrrat's COYNE FURNITURE CO., mwmttti How Is such sympathetic action In HawTer l pc. wmwMwi' unnsuuuw vwtnnrif)nrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaa 1 lliw(kvl (tic,.,. larli state that slight shocks ot earth- the present caso? I feel deeply Inter- Cl Dert Sue & Rel Co quake continue throughout tho day nnd so ope CONNER HOTEL AND UNION STS. filed to learn. Our Information Hiikubitjrir Co6pc night. fur is uxctedlngly Imperfect. From Hiw Com k Sujt Co hm Tho Portuguese Mutual Benefit So the rather conflicting reports received, Haw Sudr Co t n r..i. 101 Sausage and Cheese Ililo R RCo Cnti 6 Jc clcty will celebrate Its twenty-fift- an I am led to believe, or surmise, that Hon RTM.Cf)6c I0l niversary tonight at Its hall on Alapal been very little, nnd perhaps KnuKii nam lo o i c 100 thcro has I0 I street. you will find the Ihtre li In I At our dellcaten counUr bt no activity at all at Mokuawcoweo and Oatiti Sugar Co 6pc loot! O. Sorcnson goes to Alca today to its vicinity. OlaaSujarCoft pc. Importid cheee and uuug i. The genuine article of foreign I'aia runt a ion uo 01 mako a map of tho hccno of tho recent And exactly where have these now rtoneff MiltCo Ape well ae from the mainland. We make Bo- - Waialua Afilc Co fpc murder of n Japanese by a fellow. ; H.iiiiillliilillil --. manufacture ae that Were . t luva streams Issued forth? their McBrydeH Co'uf-s- , vicinity coiintomun. logna uuiagi .freth every day. outbreaks confined to the near Arabic" keeps Iron roofs frco from wcro they One of ot Puuokcokco as before, or Sales Between Hoards; 100 Kwa, rust and purifies rain water. Olvo It the higher I feel they n: up? confident that SS0 Oahu Stic. Co.. $21. a trial and bo convinced. California Issued any higher 2lli; cr.uld.not havo from 5 Wuialua, $72. CO Olaa, t:.75. Kfed Co. .agents. point than Kcokeo, which Ik about Governor was under a strong up, twenty Carter feet and over mile Latest sugar quotation, 3.50 cents, Impulse yesterday to Join tho multi- Metropolitan Meat Co.. Ltd from Mokuawcoweo. Probably tho Rainier Toasts or $70. per ton. tude leaving for tho lavn flow today much, If lava streams start' out not Probably ho will go. HONE MAIN 45. sen. any mora than ten miles from tho Kor today only, ladles' cravenctto A simple little cork that floats, may, They however, come from LONDON BEETS, 8s 9(1 coats will bn sold at greatly reduced Too shy to sail on ocean boats; up. A of visitors !Mtmttm0imimMtiyniyvymiyM0MtmimMmmm00t0ytMUMym0ttuitimfi points higher host prices at Ulom's. Umbrellas for ladles now going tho of activity, I'm coy. they pull my leg you sec, are to points SUGAR, -- - 3.50 ond gentlemen likewise. nnd wo shall no doubt speedily receive They aft drink Rainier and pull me. ae- Walklkl Inn Is now owned by W. C. jr Ma.vvrv,v,v &ztttn&ant Intelligent and reliable data as to the j Bergln. Accommodations, supplies (acts Involved. This Ib unquestionably and attendance absolutely first class. Prosit, Rainier! I observing some Hiiry Trust Co., LADIES' NIGHT a raro opportunity for Finest bathing on the beach. of tho grandest of terrestrial phcuom N. Fernandez, notary public, type. Drink: Drink Drink -- THE- - Stock and Bond Dipaitment AT ma. writer, etc., has removed his office to You Won't Be Bilious. Members Honolulu stock and Bond No. fit I Kaahtimauu street, oppoblto Tho U. 8. letter carriers lire going to Exchange. otllec of Then. II. Dnvlcs & Co, 1....5 "njiona 1331 locate homo for aged and In- the White HOTEL, BATHS their Ltd. firm mall carriers nt Colorado Hprlngs, WlttlAM WILLIAMSON. Managfr. - - . A horse, thoroughly cxhaustod from G. A. lNalaon, Agent f Col., adjoining tlm Union I'rlnters' AND Sat. Bvc( Jan. 26. FORT MERCHANT 8TS. long driving and Lick of proper atten Home. TBL. 8 o'clock PRIVATE EXCHANGE tion, fell down right In tho shufts, while standing in fronC'of "the "Union MMt0myMMmm0mnMyyywMttmttttytiWMitvitVVVV Grill last night L Switumin? Club. . ft Tho Seaside has plenty or nirl boarde, surf canoes, Canadian canoes . Admission, 25c ;. Reserved Seats, 50c X etc., which are at the dlepoaal of Its U.. guests. Itomember bath- f" fuftmiiu-etiiu-c-: that the best Spring. Lamb and Veal Yours for Health ing and the best surf for board riding Is directly In front of the Seaside. Every bit of these rneata,are selected with a view to gettlng'thc p Tho Catholic Church of St. John tho best and tatisfylng''t(ie people. .There le nothing, nicer than we of- Baptist, Kallhl-waenn- ; In churgo of fer and anyone who has tried our stock will tell you of Its superiority. Ilov. father Clomont. Tomorrow, Jan. MAIN 71 0, '"cast of the. Holy Name of Jesus: 6:30 n. m., high mass, sermon, collec- tion, Sunday trhool; 4 p. m., rosary. Paragon Market, That'a the number to ring up. If you Primo Beer There will uj a nice It- - of tho Ha- THE GORE waiian Itlflo Association ut the Hunga want eoda water that It PURE AND ALAKEA AND BERETANIA 8TREET8. WHOLESOME. Try our KOLA low at 4 o'clock this iiftornoon, to ile-- IS Idu on for shoot tho date tho annual MINT, PEACH MELLOW and GIN-QE- U ml other matters connected there ALE the puroet gooda manu- Pure It's with. All members aro requested to - - " ttT& factured In town. attend. r&rJ rJJrJjJJ'nr?&rri'J'K II. F. Dillingham will personally con- duct a large railway excursion party You MWMvyyAiwiwuMwvwvvwwvMAmivHwivv8 to Halelwu and somo of tho planta Why Don't Try lions today, tho guest of houor being SI i Consolidated Soda Water Works. Co II. T. Wills, the visiting representative) 4 "( HA8 A NEW LINK OF of tho Now York Commercial. Bocro- - BUTTERNUT BREAD TcleLhoncMaln7I tary Atkinson will bo In the party Q. . LEITHEAD MANAGER J. LANDO'S Tho contract awarded to E. J. Lord . . i , ...... 1 ... . ?. t. Collegian Glotties 11 most, for tho Kallhi sower Is delayed on ac 51, it is whiter and lighter tiinn any otner; ns a piensing k count of tho refusal of the Kaplolani & flavor; it is a nutritious food, wholesome, satisfies tlm appotito; JJ AND THE DEPOT FOR BO$ O - Estatn to grant u ireo rlgnt ot way, ' j .,- :.. i. .,... .:.. Hotel Street Store alia IS WUnucriUliyif..n RUSinnuiif!. --ir..iluauu in wo aiuuu oia-- i..rui. of)J THE ROAD OVERALLS. Condemnation proceedings to securo .'. scIIh tho snmo price- - tho right of wny aro about, to bo Instl ordinary bread and for 7J tutcd. Tho Bishop Estato Is to bear YOU OUR PASTRY AND CAKES GOQD"j! part' of tho cost ot tho owing to WILL FIND fliZE N0TV0LCAN1C CAUGHT IN TOIIENT bower " Monuments, I ho benefit It will bo to tho Kniueha TO YOUK TASTE. schools. n Weatherman Stockman says that tlio Tho heavy rains of a week ago very inclia Tho following frolght arrived Friday amoky liazo of yostorday and today, person 1 1 9Jt near claimed a victim In tho of mornliig'nn the Mauna Loa; 1585 hugs Pnlr L Wr4i which many havo attributed to tho vol ThX X1W X ClllAJ, X 1UIV1 f a natlvo named Nahl. sugar, 1383 bags colfpc, 7 bags awa, CI J Safes, cano outbreak on Hawaii, may or may III Nahl, with three others, wcro break bunches bananas, 68 bags taro, 108 not bo duo to that cause. "Tho weath- NaBBBBBBBBBBaBaaBBIBaBBBBBBBBBBfl ing rock for water works operations, bags beans, 7 bites glngor, 11 kegs but- er this 'morning was calm nnd tho r! on tho mountain side at Muklkl. A ter, 30 barrels otanges, 12 boxes TT-T- smoko hung vory low," said Dr. Stock- fiiHV!fiiiV'riiirWWWWWWWWWWmiVWWHAAAAnMIAAAAAAAIAAt sudden downpour of rain caused the oranges, 21 fish, 150 cases man, "but tho hato may bo nothing barrels dried men to seek shelter In an old building pineapples, 10 crates chickens, 80 head Mb Iron Fence moro than tho smoko of tho city. It closo by. 14 hogB, 2 pigs, 1 donkey, 1 tur- Aifi might bo from tho Volcano but It Is nut cattle, Tho rush of water caused tho houso key, 3 hides, 188 packages sundries. sufficiently tlollnltu to mako puch u to start from Its fouudatlon and as tho prediction. men wcro making their escape from Hawaiian Iron Fence and Monument Works "Tho weather Is right. Tho all tho building the flood caught Nahl and Is a llttlu nbota normal and NEXT 176-11-0 swept him down the hill, old TO YOUNO BLDO., KINO STREET. PHONE &V7. wc for wlttho Annual under thoso conditions look fair building following closo behind. Nan fa weather." companions went to his reicuo and Patterns getting him of tlm Stock-Taki- ng BULLETIN ADB. PAY bticcccdcd In clear torrent. Ho sustained sevnrn bruises PACIFIC about tho head and face but Is up ami TRANSFER CO. The about us usual. Reduction Sale Are WELL CALL FOR YOUR BAGGAGE III' V MtkHflHrM LACE FOR TALK BIG HOMEjtULE BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1S07. We pack, haul and ihlp youi ARTICULAR The Best goodi and you p All members ol the club No. 1 ot tho Useful odd and end In our House- tave money. EOPLE Twelfth I'lctlnct, Klfth District of tho Dealer. In STOVE WOOD, COAL hold Department: German Wood Salt and KINDLINGS. County of O.ihu, Territory of Hawaii, Boxes and Mixing Spoons; Candle- (if thn Independent Homo llulo party sticks; Table Cutlery; Tea and Coffee Curoslty often lead woman to experiment with new things, but uro requested to bo present nt tho colfcn Caddie; Vegttabte, Noodle, Sandwich Storage in Brick Watehouie, Hawaiian! (Kituluwela lodg- don't try It with paper .pattern. A garment spoiled exceeds J26 Kinr St. Phone Main 58 shop of J, and Cookie Cutters; Tlmbat and Jelly ing) Vineyard street, on Monday, mi Moulds; Apple Corers and Parers; the cost of a hundred pattern. January 21, 1307. Matters of gieut Im- Wooden Butter Moulds and Paddle portance relative to tho coming Leg- islative work will be discussed. Kuo at Fine Millinery Stylish Hats koa Home Hula. BORN. " Lewis & Co., Ltd. Miss Ii " E. W. Jordan & Co., Ltd. Power's DUNN In Ibis city. .Inn. IS. 107, to THE HOUSEKEEPER'S EMPORIUM Millinery Parlors Uyeda, Mr nnd Mrs. Tlioman Dunn, n i 109 King St. Telephone Main 240, BOSTON BLDO., FORT 8TRBRT. Nuuanu betw. Hotel and King 8U, ymM 7MVVVVkmnMknAIWiVVVUVVVVIVVVVVVVVSMVVWVWkW li

. '.v.ur-,..ixwM;t4- ::jarAatt.toi,..Avftf(,.w l,l itteflfr, M ' tt&u, ji, in f . tftffi ' itf H - o r.vuNMNn Tiii.t.t:ris noNni.t'i.P t h hti itnv mn it. ti7

Mtt i OAPUO' w'Tiu mercerized White I Free Nazareth Waists QAPUO'

L j J Tltr crown buttons on; easy washed New ,)C5DIUi n ,!,,, nurcs nml Sehd us your name and address and 7 VflWIIw n0V8 AND "iLn, j TMC STORE " Ironed, at trlpe. suitable for shirt Waltt we will mall, potlaac paid, the Butter- - r0" THC STORE " A" THAT KCEPS TMC PRICES DOWN. -- ""' '' "" '" "" 9""a5- - AT KECP8 E PmC" D0WN' I J ,. m). and 7tt? o ""''T" - 3 ' tU.'' Ftf 5 - I ! wc arc .t.ll at m Rour EJTV CJVAl? C Great Leaders f VJ Hammering Down Prices ,M I. 3 Another Week of Special thai will Interest you, and mm J BAVC VOU MONCY, C 1 3- - M, IF MONLY 18 WORTH SAVINO EVERY ITEM IN il jS t T .W 1 T THIS A1VH W I rODCPTCJ AD. IS WORTH RCAaiNO. DEOINNINQ MONDAY MORNINO.

L-- W t AL ei; Uitin Prices white Silk GIovch this may seem renarkablc and no doubt Is, as under ordinary Butlonless, sizes 6, 7, 7 1 2 and 0, 65c quality 15? circumstances we would not be permitted to sell litem at lets than DRESS GOODS SPECIALS P'r catalooue prlcci. but these are lots that we are ip'nu to discontinue, Lisle Suede Gloves hence you act the benefit; they arc ALL NEW, Dp To Date styles. In Black and Gray, all sizes, 60c quality J()(t pair 50c CORSETS ;i5k Beginning Monday Morning, Hundreds - Black Taffeta Oloves 75c " f 5- of of 'II I Yards 2 Uutlons, all sizes, 35c quality , .'. $100 " 7fJ yft pjr JUS ..r.V J)5? Stylish Odd Iot of " Dress Goods Silk '" and Lisle OIovcn ' At Prices Almost Cut In Two In broken sizes, will be marked at asg-HA- LF PRICE. ?,';,' r j iiii3."'r.f ..5 TO CREATE A WELK Or ROUSING UUCINES3 IN OUR " Kid r .rR50 $1.00 White Suede Olovesi Elbow lengths, sizes 5 1, 6 and 7, ' "5 " $2.00 Dress Qoods Department $1.50 quality at .... . , . )5( pair WE HAVE MADE SUCH A DEEP CUT IN rOLLOV.INQ ATTRACT-IV- E $3,00 ' .. 8" PRICES THAT THE UNUSUAL ANO '1 SPECIALS ARE BOUND TO INTfREST YOU, COMING AS THEY DO, JUST WHEN THEY ARE WANTED.

Homespun Suiting ool Fancy Suitings Black Serge ReadysTo-Wea- r Cray mixed, 56 Inches wldo, 50 and 54 Inches wide, Double width, SOc quality .. (J(? yd. Bedspreads $1.00 quality . 80? yd. 52.00 quality $1.25 yd Department AT A SUBSTANTIAL CUT IN PRICCS Navy Blue Cheviot Serge Blue Mixed Suiting Blue Nixed Suiting STYLI3II NEW CRAVENETTE COATS, All Wool, 50 Inches wide, All Wool, Double Width. Very Latest Styles, on Monday 5b Inches wide, $1.00 quality . . yd. Betfinninir . . yd. 80? $2.25 quality . $1.25 $1.25 quality 75? Tan, Olive and Oxford, from $0.50 upward Jt.WJ BED SPREADS 1.15 Black Fancy Crepons i Novelty Suitings Camels flair Plaids STYLISH WHITC SERGE SKIRTS, Latest Cut, Just Opened, $1.75 " .. Double Width, $100 quality 5( yd. JJJ1..10 All Wool, extra wide, from $7.00 upward ' 5G Inches wide, AH Hew, Urown and M 75c quality yd 0 Mixtmes, 10? Wool Nixed Suiting PANAMA 8KIHT3 Sl.05 Gray $100 ' 50- - " ill New Stylish, in Drown, Navy Black, 2M " " $1.25 quality 85? yd $1.25 " " Double Width, 00c quality. ()? yd. and Blue and $1.75 .5? S0.5O upwards - 'XT $1.05 STYLISH PLAID AND CHECK SKIRTS. , Better qualities In same proportion. N. S. Sachs Dry Qoods Co RAINY DAY WALKING SKIRTS $3.50 upwards irWYVirywirvYvirvifiivvyYWiivnnnm SOCIAL CHATTER AND HOME TALK ..' II CS3fiTlS fjft 0

- r Mr. John Bliss Entcrtaina lliintinetoii Unit In AiiKelc3, lie.iut of San TrauilMO lift ripilarpUH make .1 haiulioiiic qtirtn nml tin j,or The Imiun wan cxqulsltclj dec- i icr for nil the luobl ilrllclitful tunc- - wtik, lo the iccrrl of tli'-l- l3 i - Tho illnnci which Mr John II Ullss cr lanliloualilu ami ixciuane Rina u.uiires. nine u)cu nnu ncriui l pi" in (.iris who .lie lo act jj ladlttt- (ir,,ud with rosis, and 1111 agieeabl" Hoiib. Mrs. Till but letehed with Mlii lends. I.aih lIa fair lug been ill llrilc-,lia- v bet-- 11 I UaiuiM. Hpiaker, RUM' at the Muan.l hotel oil Sundiy siliool Mr and Mra. the toast for iimn iam, are Imi for tlalr koo afternoon una pawil our the Cannon the iltiiRhlir of the lor wiekH during her lsit here, but pellet t HMt-nlni-; 11111 .li ' tUnlng In lionoi of licneral mid Airs, in.inn cxivlI to r,o to I'm to Itlco uu ami It kocinh nliaiiid lo thlnl. nho rnii looks. Mm Helm Koonau'u to the Rood on New Ye.n'sdi Ims iilinoit entirely leeou-re- ami - III build-- : tin Will, was attended bv Miijor mill well us New York Mcmtrs Cart. How- ljan a daughter old i'iioiikIi lo I11W4 tiiBle will imike II it U fell tlie AAA x A itiowK no tiace-- i of her reteut ImlUim-kIIIoi- i, pii'l-a- , II nut Ml II Intel- - .Mm. Van Vllct l)r and Mru llhtuih- - nnl ami HrlliiK lUdemiiiin will 'loimiln out. Ileli'iio liwln la ertnlul a t Iiik tif Ikim'm. 1' ami tho itmimlium Mrs Mexamlei tin Mai) Kniul cir an limit tiiHin me Kanl.i ll.irhm.i Mr. cttlnj; ami Iiupiiltil uiluahle In- - Cinl, Allss Jcsslu KiiufiiKin. and tliu prit! l.miRnliiw at WnlkllA Ij Klrl with Hwiel. ki.h iii.inneir, mi deioiulloii hid mitid fur llulr ihlldun al talk AAA I Ihi illicit; Ciiiii.inj In tho ion lo 1111 liitelligtut nudlemti 'rnor Clcghorn AUm Nannie Winston tlurliiR tho ntitencu of their iaiintn. nml Klin looked loul at her coinln;, .iiul skill will ko lo II10 following flipping fiom tho San A A ii'Lvptlon. Mr. ami Mm. '11 'in rutin e on Tiiesdii) afttrnoon nt tliu resilient a jy. .(Villi lis uu-m- in ill I i mil nuns out uiiiiiiuuii AAA rimirlMii Clironlelo will bu of great t - Miumifr. At,MTi In- - InnfH nT lnauiti Dance for Harold Castlo i'ii kIIII abrond 11ml will vlall Han am lold that Mr llunest llmtinnii'i j of Mr. C. M. Cooke Inturt'st (11 many heio. -' 11 Mr 1 tubjif 11 n Joll) on III elr turn In Ameilut u u riiMirltu ill n- II'" illliliei nii ami aim. , iiriurd llili deinratHm ami tho Mrs, James CaiUc t'rauilsoi - AAA Horlct) is iIIkciikkIiir notilug hut thu Ih In ' C lleerliiB tin 'lhillbda eun- '(hn liuutiHirt lion at the Moium d pl.ico (iinls di'liktlliK cgid delightful (lame at Kalualii on II wimdnifiil lion San l'lamUm let), ami nolhliu; Ih ioiiiiliti wilhoi.t kiu lit. 'I wan" t.oigeoiiH Crocker ball, width eillpsed 111 11 rr In I if OT (tin I"K wan a until ill aflati. hc are hold 011 Momla) eunliiK a M'iy froni JapTii L'iy Xtn.ttin)ili til liiillflt iiiovrtlm; fmm mini Hlioik. Il.illa him Ho li.m tli.imlieiii nt the lliill'd It- - aceiifs ire iretty IiimIohh. ami lirllllaney mi) tiling wR1i h wo havo were Ih 11 dt llghtful Hwl i HUitcasful liot and ,m nffnlr. I'lttlj wonitn, th.irmliiK 'Jnnnenlm At nnolhrr tabic .Mr. and M Harold Mm. Waller llrlnrkirliof neer gajt r. and the noilet and. an time "'"" steu In California In recent 111 - .1 )car .' men never All IH eio- ii uu.ivi..inu .,.,..11.1 munu '' C. w. U. Drorlni: and Mr. iinil mid Mr Harold Castlo reielwd the tlrcsbetl lit.llti. l(efereiuoeolon Uric ll.iilni.inu I'liimitiiinii .") '''""" Only II.iIhIoii eiitertuiuctl In a st)lu to 13 a giHiil time Among the guento wciti tomhlnatloii ami Hie light fun (O'rB. It. N. 1'atloii lu.i with tlivm Mi .ui'btn In the loH'-rno- which wat lo Hie itteiveii in biieme cr. He ,w.ih alw.1511 a (nvonie ntie hioiik in-- Kawananakoa, hour. itimpuri'il with tho superb enter- - largo howls of1,.'!!'! Uu utiliject eo'iiblderttl . "had jbolli with men ami ami bhould I'rlute and l'rlncesu tastlc toe was trlppid until a laic 1).uld AntUrwn. Mr James Cocklmrii, l.ilslilj adorned wllh h womin, ' laliiiuunt given b) Mrs. Kaiton mid 101111 would Mi ami Aim It N. r.itou. Dr. mid Allt Mr. jHinlebon and Mr Vntbim Mr. losrK. The linnieiibo lanal ou'rlooltlng he return a tordlal welioino Miss tow or I' II. Ilumphris. Air. ami Mrs. AAA.Hocking returned from Jennie Cioekcr, and hla I'll rill li.iu In t utilTt rln to f rut 11 1.1. tho tea was 11st d for d.inilng and from await him historic, AAA H10 Orient In the Korua, after a ver.v balls wero mi) nioio beautiful ' 10UI during the pibt weik whlih Light until twelve the hinging Ikijh Burns Nlnht Smoker AAA '"ttre AAA The I'.icillc Club h InauKUiatlng a plcarant tilp abioad or elaborate than this New Ycm' kept him In his ihi)cd and saiig Tho iieno waa a 'I ho Hurim Hmokei to bu hthj under Ihero have Ikcii four or, live small H111.I1 .haa loom lerlts of national dlnneis, and the llrr.t function. u superb wealth of blllllatit one, and theie wero nianyltno uimpiteu of lliu .StoUlnli 'Ihlbtlu teas and tlluueru thlu week lit prom-Ini- AAA AAA one, which is Given tonight, will be a The Allitsci HiirrLon, late guests at di'f nr.tllou, beautiful llovvcrs. r.tro wnslclub 25 w III 1 I In Honor of the Crehores iirttt) toilettes. Mm. Ilrliakerhot on tlm uvculug of Jauitar homes but a have hem abked I (ieiiii.tu one tliu AI0.111.1 hotel, In the Orient shrubs aniltkii) rindH itf glimmering .1 I 1.111't aiu - bc.viitlfulls dressed, did tho honors hi little abouj Iho high Htamlard to rtpeut 5 oil I Althniich Mnndn etenliic was eo and rot them till bkctthlng foi their exhibition In Homl electrli! lighlH as made a scene fiom of tho mansion In her usual Iiih set foi Ihcbo ovenlH 111 about (him. horlel) Ih nuvtr at a AAA dampish Mr. and Mrs James WIliler'B Mrs Com V lleriutiil, thn wife of stiicl, Ixindoii, In .In lie. liiirjl.uiil. Tho now dancing pavilion j?' manner Harold C.ifitlc. a liamlbOiuc.lM'.ini pist btamlstlll dinner guests mciuc.1 nut to mind but lure III Ralph 1. Ileiiimd, hiiigeou 011 j wiih giureful and splciidldly adapted Is a gnat wiui piogram ih 1101 qiiiin eompieio " AAA all nit ilown In time at the ixqutsltelj luanlj outli. fnvorllu lliu AAA lo.ild tint Sononin, was beforu I'lesld. All Allan Dunn Iiiih u poem In the foi daiiilng. Tho eanviis culling wn.t nnu old riupper was .11 inn uiu piaiiH aru lai enotigii 111 juiiKiUitcd latilo whlih this hostcja )ouiig bcrvni atu.iiu Aim Uhlmurm ban been quite III, hut lug Judge ( )tBlenlijv to begin tuiient Hiilibtt Atitg.ijui'. dlvltted Inlo Hquaii'H by strings of It was voted delicious lo prove Ihut It will ho a lliirnn 9tnows so well huw lo ai range to thn clcun and ual it, i.ipidly reiovrrliiR Hut Dr. Iler-- I A A elietilc lights, while thu walls wen present lllghl will bo Inigplpo selec- htr aitlon for tllvoite a i I H'T IH Among the guests Invited and Theio Miss .It slsti behind a ty iiH.iiui.iH'1 Ulllllt'i nun AAA 11. ml was wllh his vessel on Iho hlglil Ton man Is tiavillng lu hidden forest of greoiiH and .vem Mr ami Mrs llenjnmln Mmx, tions by I'rnsi'i' ami hongs li J II j. Tlionor of Mr and Mis Crchorn ami iho Mr. nml Mrs. Ileni) Dutlon weie sins, nml though thn attorney vveio China win .eiit-- expiUs to lilossoms. Tall palms, feathery b.uu Miss Marx. Ml and Mrs. lilt hard Iv- Mow laud, Livingston, C. V. IMinumts, other guests wero (lovermir and Mrs. In the Koiiu for San rian- - vllllng Hint IiIh toiisint bo taken for leiurn to Honolulu. bf.o, orange trees coveied with fruit, jj ors, Mr and Mrs Albeit Judd, Mr and Cllnonl Klmhall, I) W. Auitmsou and "li tteoigu Caitcr, Mr and .Mrs (lalt, .Mi clHto. 'lliu) held tpiltn 11 retipllon 011 Lnintiil. the Cimit lrfnse,! to lit tit Um AAA pines nml II r hid tho canvas nml mado Mrs. AL Mlxs Mm Afong (neu llcsslo Wlilling), Mr T It AmlciHtm II J. llurhley Is 011 Mis. ARss it lovt'l) Imckgrouud and I'lituils Swaury, tilt! tloik, for mail) of their friends tliuoii) "1 will pohlponn this taso 1111- -I Cluulis Cooper, Anlla for thu dancers. and Mrs. Ilnuucv Huill Mrs I'miielH tho llsl foi 11 violin sehtllon ami llo Caiter. Mint Carter, I' S N.Mr wero Iheio In ico lliem off All and 111 thn Sonoma tomes Into port," wild Hiiiilnwii). hei ttiusln, and lle)liold Thn housu Itself was abloom with 1)1 Hvviiiw), Mr and Mrs .Iiih Wilder, Mr j.laiueH Wlldci has iiionilseda Hong a,i(1"-'- t llerrlt 1'. Wilder. Ml Ucrhi and AIih. llultnii have been extennlvel) Jmlgo (li.iham tlm dotlor Iiiih mi)- -, R"Ho H'c Volcano. 'llowors, flagrant American benuty Ml whlih, if expe "If James and Mrs Ham Maifailaue, ami ntul ritlliitlon, former 'o Kst'H, 01 elilds IiIoh-stun- Judd iluiliiK their llvn nioiitliH thing to 'toi liluiM'lf, I want Id and other ram I 1 will mean si) A Mrs (ietirge 'otter, Miss Anna rails, limit ch mint, suviral hougs I ,l,n nnd Kawauali.i. vvidu A vIsltHiue, ami Ihty alt.11 gavti nnu uf know what II nltle. I'll""' I'llmesH and thu verandas, Iniln.sed Com)np Mrs A (1 llawes, MIhsch Alltu iml mom letltatloun. K. At Recital Jr, Uu mniit ,1. Ilf.1.1 f nt li.iltu .if III,. uill A A ' ,l,a ""' KliestH of Col. nml Airs. with talivns, rubcinhled a coin.erv.1 M1-- 1 t UK' ' Tho Mr Itmlolf Ileilemaiui, Million Ktotl, Justine Hobort Cation will icspulul ...... ,!...... I villa i : .10. Uti- ncltnl wlikli Ju UHium IJ it iii'.iuiuiii ..viiiuii .in'. Alis Hmry lllghUui cillid lu Ihe I'rlicr nt their Diamond Head about had two tomrorlubl) I Sorencon, N01.1 Huaiu), toast, "Tho I.anil 11' limns";. Itov Al mi'i ainicfl tlucklev clveo In the Alexumlcr Clanaliiu, her chinning iitrsonallt) wlno her Kuun for Han rrnutlsco Air I.'riiest 1'aiUr hi ulr.o a gurst at le ly Tho special train leaving town Violet Vera Dumon, Helen, Lad Alntklntoi,h will speak on Iho . Yotiiig Hotel ballroom on the evcnltu; and .exandtr filunds ealoro Air Dutlon ulixi wan the villa cd cars. Among thouo going front Ban .1 iiutl Macfarlane, liernlce Hart--I 'Immortal Memory of Ilobert UuniH' AAA (.of Pebruar bill will bring out largo Allto grtatl) 111. til ami thow whom he ad I here is a gicat exodus to tho Vol- rruucloco lining tho Onrccaus, East-l&ni- nnu nnu 11cuur.11 AAA number who realli lave nond music veil, irmijaril i;isj Hinacicr, uepuiy Aiiornej rrimwr inlltad to hlj friendship were InipreBsed utin) this week It PccniB as If ncarlv Air and Aire. t AI. Drown have gtino Wakclleld Ilakers, Air and Mrs. l .Mr. lailkea, Irene rishcr, Messrs will respond to tlio "President of the llucltley will be asslntt'd lit Mm linu wlh bin In emeus All ami Alia. all of Honolulu was on tho wing lo thu Volcano for a trip. ((ulck, AIIbs lllnlr mid olhcro. Dut .... 1...11 -- ...... - 1 f.ulln .,.! tli.rrlt Wllili... W'nllpr nml United Btates " 1; .Huunuu HHU mini 1 litt. ,nr. ms". "l".. Heno Mailnrlauc tlld much tu uitiko AAA AAA most or tho guests remained nt Monro n- Tliero uru other fconsH nml otlitii ,,nuiUley hnnilliH Ihc violin In an - tiiiroin uiiiinhiiuin, i.iiiuk. i;ii ami theli visit a foi thero Ih no oin 'lliebo Utile Abunedii dailies at (lie Mr Wills, of Iho New York Comniei- - mid lliirlliignmu, visiting with frlundu , .1 Ih suirths. 11c am t uineiiiiiiiii, mum-- .mm i. lousls (' Mttllil Chief and will er.v nojiiihii Is today a .'urtst - maiinrr drawn riimi noniun ...... imilu popiil.u than (his ihmiiiliig llauallan hotel am and ilal. the uutbt of honor at thuio...... I'l'rny. vviikui, piuHldu It will bu a gay night, spelled ft. most exquisite melodies whlih liuuut, """'. iiicuarii huh. touplo (in that night tables for twos mid fours laigu oxiuisloii pmty given h) Air. II. Tho train lutiiiuuil again nt 3:.'ti. m .. i . . .. . , t 111 .. fun "'""-"""- hi.,tn KiniiH ii iiiuitjii In broad Siotch I t.wic long nuer inn must mm uuisueu i'""" '""" wuvumu., AAA 1110 Kt'iu'rH(l) engaged ahead V, Dllllughiim, to Inspect tho planta I, was II o'clock beforn tho ball was One of the fiiluoiia vIolliilslH of tlm day '.'nplnlu lleldt AAA Aliiong thu luuiliea of the weik. wilt AAA tions, slopping lor Juiirh at beautiful In full swing. Supper, n iIuIIcIoiih mild of Mr. lluiklej "It Is a wonder AAA Di ami Mm. Waller lltlm Uorhol Hie vii) one of Alis. lit iijamln Mr T Wltkett Is at tho Hawaiian llalelwa wiih Hervcd nt nildulght, small lu. Irwin'o Coming. Out gone foi pi'llj to me with hla guilim that ho allows Ml" hivo lo Callfoiuli thite Ainu 'Hie guerls weio Aim Whltne). lintel, Ides being riiriled In mid distributed lilmcelf hall mouths o visit th" tloitor's mot lit , AAA to bo mgnlfcd In a buslneBn Tho mining out iicrptlon and Alts Alfi.tuthi limit, Mia. 1'riui, All J AAA .Mr Aielilo Itolierttoli. after a violent tliioiighout Hid looms, A fuelly (I who Is vlElliug III Angtleu All A life" Wo will all have a ihatico to which Mr and Mrn. Willi tin Irwin IM 1 I' Tiear, Aim. II1II011, Aim Tinne) Ban pipei sa)u concern i.legt) ol tliu meusles, Ih again about Welti (bo duluty mid oiqtilallu IIe- - depaited In Hie Ko lliga hear him on tlm tuning of I'ebrunrs tin" last wielt for Ihelr tlauglitcr Haiold Cailln ulro I'ei'k. Mlsa Diuollla Marx, umt Alls, well kiioun coelitj wmnan, "Mia low 11 frvnis whit h'marlteil the seat or each - fjli Airs Al.tckall h.ic charmed ivcr- - mo wan a most brilliant affair Theli lea 'lltcie wcio 111.111) al the ctciimtr klnrgmcl Maix. Ainv 'Inlbot, who Is no well Idiowii In IlIi ucst, henutirur potiipatinur fans t AAA hinutirul-magninie- to hen tit in off Hie) wero - unlet) Is spending the in' gave n jod with hercultlviited ami nmiiBlon was nbhzo with and tovond f- A lino. winter Loid mid I.ndy I'liufnlt being presented lo ot tho mations llovf- - wllh Wiishlngtou, 1 Ij trilntd volte, nml Airs Tennnj I'etk lights drtoiouslv shaded, mid tho lets Mlbii Huirltl lladli Isnltmdlug Allan and heir, has taken a dialinlim diiniei ai tint Alouua hutel bd maids, tho menu turds, loo, a A A ihaimlng - cannot be eiinalleil as an nittimpaiilsl. rs rspeilalls onleied for tho m notion I'tillei's silioul In New V01I1. vir) apaitmout at thu Con- Inst evening, mong thn guests were undo atti active, soiivuiilrs, lit lug ilaln-ill- (lias 11ct.111.u1, haiid-palnto- AAA weeks ahead, were gorgeous to behold. l'lop.iratluiiB for tliu Alardl am w in me unpiiai uuy. Airs. ur. nnu sirs, r, 11. ittimpnns, sir, aim About 300 guosU Hedenunns Leaving Expense and t rouble wero not spared going on well The Judges for the Mis Ottiigt' Cnrtfi'H tea last week Tulhot, vvhn li n very haiidbomti wo- - Mis. C, W. Cam Deetlus. nnd Air. and Vioiu piesent. ' C sail- - Lav man. rnan- - dn .Mr and Mrs. Hedemann are mid the most exquletto tasto prevailed prizes are Mrs. rocl.e, Airs aril, which she gavo In honor of Mrs. Blcl: with a charm and crace of Mis. n. rivard iiih Among tho many uuperbly cow nod Ing in the Sierra for the Coast, and 'evor where Helene Irwin Is rather Airs Bishop, Mrs Harry Macfarlaua, tiftll of Chlcap.o, was a groat success. I, or wlilch nhUvt win admiration for Plftvtalv worn an oxnillslte toltnttn nnri women a few who looked especially ;MIS8 Alice Hedemann will accompanyl handicapped by her beautiful motlier, Captain Carter, U S N, and Air How- Mrs Maclmll sang delightful!)' uud tici, Is already a great favorito in looked lovelv. The Playfalrs exiiect lo 'who 11 I Washington them. She will become, n pupil at certainly is without tloubt tho ard Hitchcock. Allss Iuuliui Mis Wliltno) plajed In finished mail' society, and Is sought depart from Honolulu this turning Additional Social News on Pg J,

m tV-- -- mlaw tit, kjLi.ji-i- i , i. .Vj"t J.jHztoSSt&tJftu,?MI. -- .1.U. IJ .'iOi rtiViiTfatoi rBUftf .Ufristti1 jssw. Jil iJiAd- - &t. ,j itVUKlNQ MTU.UTtN. IIONOI.rH1 i M MTI'UIWU, MK )'

fHMf'-'ft!l(r'- MWWWVMWVWMWWWMWWWWVMWWMMAMWWMAAMMMMMMMMMMMAA' (iraieiui Results" iHenrv Waterhouse Trust Co., A lilo of sulfprinK And mlseiy, J SOCIAL NOTES without ieop. witnout npe CreamPureRye tite. Hcttoted to titaltli by Umltecl. ' tltM4lMtt1HH4l4tt'll4r4 Additional Social New en Pag 6. I 109. Dati'il lw 1m, Harcpln A Onllik utiikiwi ut IHtf 1'iitnlwilni' ti Mm V ( liwln. nliilli Kulillii I) l' " UiriKA iruct, Ayer's StatementofCondition,Oecember3M906 Who M quite llu liiilHtmmest Hitman lliinoliiiii, IHhi H :m i, m limi'J I I lie room Mm Irwin Hli III while. lu) 13, t!iK AMRKl. i lAHti nii-'- bettmlful rohh i if lace mid J I'linlmil to I mm. u I'uMtmri Sarsaparilla l; I ih kainl and IH ttaftk t K, "n .' iHuine HOHderful diamond Mr, lion l Inml, Milium. Honolulu atv II ,.i,- ,nii km Hk tl, riiiinii HuafU ( Mu M h ibw IKWKM ttO r T Beotl hxikwl HiimiiIiir In n rhwii Mill, p 44? UMwl Mbv II IMT beiitiKi nu n iih hi a itlxl u vr v iMnrlta aM dlt- -r i e r ot while nut III. emwd Hlth.wumlcrfiil uf H C A ll.ii Id im Im Mimln a Mir let' Mf him mi lil (Ulif Ud llllcklj iXMlttl. Vl) W. WflM. . H.TT4MKI The lull- - Mm (liiirae I'une ax ".. MMa ... ld la ltMH00 wh lliiHnliltl. II flr lil. M'Vf. (Hi, 'tll nl in 'I. ilajMitMs aiiww4 kt) fll j IhiHt' attractive UMial Hint or I'iiiihIiiiii Kt. II lulu tlt.WI. II itti iMW wttMy M IllVwIy BXIHH llf llltf MMllM eltllimlil- - iM.. j U'J. lat-- l j.n 7. IM .... mjmm MtNH., llf1 ered Willi pink ihux, willed hhx won A N (!aiiiilxrtl tr )i, MMo Kulo jop, iluinaud mni UnWi4M tmotm udM it KiiimWiiiw iHWiiaj 3404V.BH WHISKEY IdmtHll) IimcoihIih: In liir (domic IhkiII Hi; Kul. Kill 11S1C HNd It 1' Kill' and Ititttui ... ktlllJT Ttmi m4 aMwlnt dint-coll- mdjy- - tAtjTVlHf " i lle--r of diamond uinl aj2, Ki"opu I N Kih, !.Hawaii; AirMil (tMwt fWWPwl 31 'nmtkW trttlllllienl noro iMItlllirill ;n). i w.i. ii r:x'' iu .1 Jan n. iimit IkW.IC fn i(fW4BJfj aVHaWI lf4t74'l Mm I'lM Kohl wn eotrfl) one nf tin- - John K KiiMikul ant) wf and b) tr tw4i dhr 4r"r . . . 3,ium 'ViiIiik'm IhshiUiw ami mm' a m Mnr' i: Ui I) iir Ap :k, Knl j afMH4nJ lt.m.n America's Finest continue nf )ollow clet Mm. li:ic, N Kmin. HnKall IWhi ll ;kC, IthI McNear. Hint nun the mil)' iihhii p 411 IIjIiiI Jan .. 1Sm7 r of IIh1 Iliiklii fmiill) pmwiil. wan 'Irlm'ir JtliKMi'l li) all) uinl l to H MtlkliiK flKiiri III II lllllO KMIIU'I' A tl CuHIh; II. Im IK. uinl IIC id' lUClXUt iticiiWjU Production ejown Mm. Wakefield ll.ik r nore u I'ali'iil 4nr", ii in Olua lulu, I'll-- . 5-f- ot of HawaM, CoHHiy of Oahil. lot.4) kIiIIh liict Kuftii Mm Thomux Ill, llawull; tenon II ttf. i IIS. Da TnMor' DriM-ol- l I, A. N. (Jainplx, r of th lloWJ" Co, Ltd, nun on), of lint most uilinlrufl liil l)-- 31. K'"C Wa4rlnHe Tu trr, fuftd dlMn p J hw, I Itaufli Milemirfy ulx)V I Uml 1x41m Ehu Kim; R Imcly immpinloiir ! HI do amor llwt tlio rlxtim lit true hi th of toy A Ciirtln and io John KllrK'T-- ' fiw; uittto-.uifk- h.Ip, .! rid rflk oxceedliiKly 1. MupdH and lxMef. frock, Hhlch hiis i't al; M. Iota 11 JDil 1JC of Tut un) niwlw ! iui iia dM - (Mi- - ar-i- l CAMI'IICI.t,, Mm. llwirK" lloHnnl hiih 4020. ran.-- , Ulan Mb. I'lina, Hu-- " ?2j"tJ.'"?TJ.u:T ??!2 A,ZZl A. N In u powpailoiir kohii and woro lcf uull Treaiurer. Rich and Mellow euM-r- diamond Of the clrl Jan Z, liei flinwrllxKl tutii anorn to n'e Hilt 14 ilay of January, Iii07 .. Irf Miss Mar) Keemty wuh wry iHuutltut John T Moir ami r io WHIIam III UtjftC N, tun 4 iti l, hHTw4 JOHN (1IIII.D, ' M fMi-lih- rfiiti bi In a HhlU) chiffon kohii Minn Ilclenu II tni Notary I'uhlle, Judicial Circuit JhiiMiu; D; Inml llllo; K IlKf MI,WM4Ni ). f I '1 tfltflH1 IMUlU Ilmt lrlu nore un ikIi! Manendi costume, ;jC, p 443. JUU-- D 21. lliOC. hii aw4.ililx it ') Mi'ly ! odti Iwlf iiimI Mix Mulxee (.aiiKlionie na vaxl Jo Im T Moir and Ht to Daniel K tHtimrA't kwi unu 4li-i- i A i .- I - W.Iacw... j It d lly uinl ilili: in u iali. )clluw Kulal; D, Ji- land Volcano Kt, llllo; chlnou fnx-- SSO, p 44S ! Tlicro are many imitation Lovejoy & Co., ten. li Dated 21, Sarsaparillas. I line. Juan de Iteaenta to Jaiuea Maripiea; De euro you qqX "AYCIl'S." AjlltM, ! HINTS TO Electric Light Is TJ1EH0USEWIFE 1); xjr lot 32, I'aleni JKJ-)-. I'ul.liulkl, Kula, Muul; f I, etc II 2S. P V)l. Da. 902-- 9 H Nuuanu Street. 'Phone Main 308 One hi ii-- t of miciniful lioui-- kf p- - it Nov :, iui; The Light liiK In ill kicpliiK a M"l nunply In tin li I'o All Vi-- mn) Hf to A N lluy. Safest I Importers and Dealers in Fine Wines and Liquors. liuuw uf III" Utile to innUt? Mildeii; ; k: laud I'auuuil, lailiullui, There li no flame, no smudge, no heat, no rdor; no watches need- up meaU. Wlii'ii orilcrlUK Maul; $2S II 287 i 1US IJateil Jan ed. Electric light doe not consume oxygen, therefore does not rob 1 1 inn tin' Kir, m' that nu K'-- t In u J. I'J'17. your air of vitality and freshness. VtMMWltMlMIWIllIWWWMtWllIWllMIllll nuffiili'iil Kiip.ily of llatnrliiK', l'lii, A N Ha)M'ldeii In ,Mi I'o Mima t al If you desire, our representative will call and give you any fur caiii.i- -l ilalnllmi, Jam, Jelllcn I); f Imid, I'auuuil. I.uliiilna, Maul; tlitr Information, ttii'l itiiidlinelila, In liujliu tlirw 125. II 2S7, p l(!) Dated Jon V, l iiiiuiiliiiumly WRITE OR 'PHONE MAIN 30. ,ii)' Hie vir lt. It 1K07. JIoiiii-iiiuiI- ji'Xniil Hint Mm. Kiurim' U All N-- to I.aliuina Natl Hank; What Prominent People Say .iiimTtHi nre tiiiri'. iklliloiu uinl lnud i.'M, 2 hl'lKii, ele. I'anarHa, Iailiulli.1, SUPPLIES PLANTATIONS, irate In pliiT, Tlir) ure tarrliil tiy all 0',O. II p I7G Jail FAM. Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. Muul; !8J Dated LICS, SHIPPERS AND STORE' A ll)7. 1 i KCCPERB Tel. Main 390 he Harrison Mutual Burial Kill llixiill (W) lo A N Hu)tuldeil. f Several faithful Japanese women d Ass'nZitrnXto rupiiliini-ii-t any ni"al. II In kikmI I,; 7 turo pan hca. Kouaiila, l.ulialaa. (Ire , tiluitione. ilui-w- or hHIi thu flu-r- h r ailli linail and Almii; ID )ra ut $2S i"-- yr II 2b8, p ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES. Hun I mm Mutual llurlal Anno (lonlli'iiicui I rlifirfully bIwj my of lookid i. Don't bolli'T to 108. Dated Jan 3, I!xi7 PHONE WHITE 257C, , iliillnii: liiilnrwliK'iit to Hid lluirlwm Mutual liial.e uppV Mill" hIuii you liuvr Amorellft CumuiiiiKa Uy ki'.ii el at HIVEH STREET near HOTEL. plan uml Jwlluvo It ten loanl imrk. or HltU (Jfiilli'iiii'ii: Voiir Annotation tint HurlaJ a Kieal nil nirrant lo William T HuWuiuiii, D; (n.ui) acre Legal Notices. L'llt to I lie (oiniuiiulty. million, or lioiw rvdinh with iiunl IlihI, Wuikapu ltd. Wallukii. Ma- Tel. Mln Vii. P. O. Cox 192. (ilily uKBiiri-- uvury luciulK-- r of a pnip--r Don ut--) 1907 liul uml i'vT)only II 2K7. p 110 uinl iliMTiit Imrlnl ut u ti'ry auialt Wry trul) )un, ul, IHW. Dated Del' fill Im tulUfliit. Chutui-- miikea (old 20, 9U. SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICC. riml, tint rrlli'M'H otliiTH of U II. if. I'AIIKISIt. meat lunii' tu) kixmI that )ou hIII msUi) Vij llolilnnoii and wf lo C II E. J. LORD, tlilllty 1 ii' ulwu)K T j ant not Kt-a- SUCCESSOR TO ami Jiy u old meat and ihutney a feat WcTln; u Under virtue of Writ of j Id inert. M; acru laud, Waikapu.J lUrrlnon Mutual llurlal AwcUtlon: ure on )our lunch tahle iiernuiivntly 'jovi un, wuiiuau, iuui; iuuu. ;i Kxefiilioii Issued by Win U Whitney I Von rrsH'Clfully, - Uvtitlcuifii: Ku-r- man ouxlit to 1 hen, of coume, with curry It In luJU- ?8a, p 47S. Dated Dec 28, I'JOC Lord and District Magistrate, of llutiolulu, Coun VAI.KNTIM. kind limuraucc, ctiuhle, Belser, i. i'ATIIKH II. rarry mm of ll mciiH JIaillll Jollea (HldoH) to Kllell K ty or Oahil, Territory or llnwall, on set-- to mo lliat tlila alioulil coiiin first, ami Now a Honl nhout the Jama. The Itohlimon; jJiyaBr D;;2!)IO0 acre land Hear GENERAL CONTRACTOR. the 3rd day or January, A, D, 1907, In I liaw.' yvt to find u plan wlilili rt'iuoii why they ure no wholenoiuv U Vineyard Ht, Wallukii, Maul; Wl, II Dredging, Gndlntf, Paving, Muism. HurrUou Mutual llurlal Anuo-ilalln- 8twer, lb" mutter or If, Iluckfelil ami Com moru pracllcal or morn, rfuaoualjln 'Any ure pure, uml they are imuju rlk-li- Vli7, p 113, Dated Dec 31, Teaming, Crushed Reck. I!l0. pany, Lliulled, I'lalntlrf, va. r,iiur.Dixk tliauyuum. Am Klud I liave luiii 11 mid Ihi'm ure tertulu medlilual ijua(-I-I Harriet K Mmidou and Ci K) Black and White Sand and Soil luh Kee, t did, In jufd'JIouo-luli- i I Iiivck-IIkuIi- UM-- for Calf, tii'tilli'iiji'ii: Imti) caitfnlly fjK'iulivr fioui Hi" atart , leu In the frill In Take tin; na 10 Makeii Hiik Co; M; It I' 4tlS, Knl aV OFFICE AND YARD on the 3rd day of January, A. D aeaCa4kiaWi (lie pluim of )nur Aiikoclatlon Very truly )our, pala and CIiIiipm oratiK marmuladtf: C5Ci. Wulxiull, etc, Kauai; W) II ....SOUTH & KnWAIAHAO 8TS. I J'i7 uforcxald, levy ami xhafl n;u inn In favor with lli IIKN'ltV C .HltOWN. The papain la ll well known vegefuulv WJ, p 271 Dated Dm: I, 1'JOV. nion . offer for xii I" ami l public unc lili-ii- Von may put inu i.n jour Hat un hm!ii, and the Chluexe uruiiK" I a of M A lU'Ku hy tr In Charhb Ht tion lo lliu lilicliixt bidder, nt lint I'o u mi'iulicr, uml I rrmuiim'iul i'Ui)oiim Mr, W. W. Hull: linn tonic, Thu Kiiavn Iium untrlnxenl 11 Jeniiluita; AM; mfK I Mooklnl ami Shoeing, SUITINGS! - Horse lleo Hliillmi, Kulakuiia Hale, In xalil In Join wlii'llier llicy tliluk llu-- will I u mi'iulicr of tlio uxDOcla. (iiulllli- uml U hi h that Imh on Int in eat of Kumull, dee Ko Honolulu, at 12 o'thx-- of Mini mill lliu li.'iii'llt or nut. Ifon of whlcli you,nrii Km u Lhlldri'ii hIII eat lar!" Junullll"ii, need loa, KuiijI, $00, II 2kS, p IS2. 'Dated luxm JUST ARRIVED, day. llitt IIh day of Kebruary, A. D. Hi'KlM'L'Ifully lltllu ufli-- r IU ntuit, ami uui Kutlnllcil uml nil, mid xuffer mi III Tlii Dei: 2'J, liiOC. Swell patterns In latest )oum, W.W.Wright Co. 1907. I all Hi" rlKhl, of llli what It liua iiilflllt'il. Tliu di'cea (llieupple a recnirnlzt-- throat run title and Inlerext greys, Ve make them to WM. W. IIAI.U LIMITED. Hi" xalil I.iiiii xx k Kee, DefemlHli' nicmliiTK liavu Initial r wly Thu inmarlml uit on tin ITior, ready-to-wea- r rcccitiul hivs opened a horseshoe- order at Imm-i- i pml la u Hue POLICE Jt'BS lu and to III" fulliiwlui: nion htlal,ly, aud lind ll not for tomitlve. The nnulla U T0L0SE ing prices. department In connec- itty, n li less Hi" xillil of Tho Hundred! I v.iluu lili;lily my own ini'inln'rulilp )iiur unwiclalloii lln-l- r llViiiK m' un appetizer. Tim pdia Ik valued In tion with their csrrisgs Thirty-Tw- o and (I232.3A1 Dul In ilu llaiiltoii Mutual llurlal Akwi oiild iimloulilully feel tlio funorul Atmlriillu nu n moat wholi'ujmc fruit. Tlio frtllortliiK Hill Im the oraulz,i shop, etc. Hiving secur- , larx, IhIiik lliu amount which flutluii uinl ri'ciimmi'iiil uicry man, (Miiuldi-rally- I recommend n't And maiiKo ihutney li u tonlr, un up. Hun of lliu miIci) department nest ed the services of a first, that for $22.50 to 630 was Ixsued, uijuuii uinl clillil In Jluiiolutti to Join, viy man uml vwinmil uinl rlilld to Join pellzir, u utiMiiai lilc atlmiilaut, lu fad li until, under thu new urrunxeimiitx class shoer they ars pre- said Kxitutlun loKethcr liccc-xxur- In- with coxta my I', C. JONIM. In. DAVIU ly. Al :i that tnl.ea flmt pluiu In ull lliu t.'udu hy tint rullliiK iIohii pared to do all work Inlerext, and feex uml l,atroiiiiiulf Horld. of the appropriation for thai hraiuli trusted to them In a first-clas- s L'Xix'iixea urn pruvlnuxly pald- - Geo. A. iVlQPtin. Tlieao fine prewncit lire supplied Io of tin' public service, THo.moiintP'l manner, ;j :; j: : 2i0 Una canned tiixxlx, 12 baxx Ha- Hie liolelM lloliollllll. i,;ilcerx urn cut out uml Iweltii foot waiian suit, 4 Hawaiian lata, 2 haiiK-Ini- f HOTEL STREET. ,1 lj lime of Tim maiuiKvm of tliew IidIiIh have kIv- - us well ux one c Die burlxir DAVID DAYTON 1 latKe xejle, 2 couuterx, Cli Mm. Keuilia mot dellalilful tet. ixdlce alto lot or Chluexu baud brooms, burn SALE OF w .11 l.'l Iium lain. Their e,iielH link for MrK. Klx f""t ulllei-r- fur of llinm Inn Iiirenxii Urn rackem, rncketa , 117 MERCHANT STREET. Keuriu' jirenertea ukuIii and uualn. wnlelii-H- IK, bulchc-- r knives, meat hooks, toilet 'Ff'uity mid when the) are retiirulne homn Tuo bleyclo olllcerx for each wnlr'i, jsiapx, Clilnew iirexorvex, ilimifliix-x- , i.i Rhymes writer IIm'mi J.iiiih Io tuk luck wit nix; LOTS FOR SALE (iirih, Clilnexii Niwlx, plater, lamp Oli! I"l IhcinVmiiJ, tlio "1'uri' fml.ralil," them. One caplalii; IN KAPIOLANI PARK ADDITION ililmiieyx, clnthix pins, Chinese slnx-- (,'oiuu mid run iy L'li'iliii'y iimiIc, (,'jjitiiln l.iirliu Yoiiiik na)X "1 li.:? Thleo llelllenmiU; and Other Desl'slile Localities. fcllpix'm, inalrhca, Chluexe stationery (IihiiI, clean mid but, pun;ii'iil uinl wmppy, Mm, Three bam-Ixx- i Books Kiiuim' ihutney with a kooiI hot )urd Inixiiiix, Chinese xalt rulica, Why, lliu piirii-foo- uivii Mill w uwuy liuppy! jleuk. Three ncvlvliiK station clvrka; klixilx, balls of twine, bottles soy in HOMES FOR SALE 500 popular cloth-boun- novel will Admiral, uml the oflhem ut Threo lurnkeya; clKarx, tobatto, x, linueklx, etc. MRS, KEARNS Vullejn tuld era Tho patrol wuvon drivers; ON WILDER and OULICK AVLfl. be cold at half price. All ractnt all to Honolulu to call the Giix they putioiilze elr, i Invltei vltltora and taite her IfUnd pretcrvei (Jainen, One hack Inxjiec'tur; books. Regular pries fl.SO & Co.) thai lhy No Reasonable OrterRefused, ' Dated at lliinoliiiii, January llli ath. v.iiuld like llicm to larry Mm. One xili'i aiirKcon; 1907 Sale begins Monday, Jan, 21, preoerten, wlili li they iirotuptly did. Oil" harbor (xillce; J, H. KAI.AKIKI.A, and I'.lthl liimiutc'd iiollui. only a lnd of Kalem, Orennli, Deputy Hlu-rlr- or lliinoliiiii, Coun continue few d?ys. Mrs. Kearns', uml will j)h: "Mm. Keunu' ihutney lx Thu oltlcu deleclho furru or 18t HOTEL STREET. PHONE BLUE 1411. the Itn.IKVKcU.V ly Oahil, lient I the followliiK: I've ever eaten mid know nil toiiiiil" 3.-.- Jan. 4, 19; rVb, 2. the beat lirumU." In Uxly Dun (hief ot di leillvex; 24 Hours i fail even ALL URINARY Mi)a I'teolliliiK Mm. IiI.iI.i-- la Dun Japatiexo apeiiul uml llllc-rpr- Hawaiian News Co. ilelliloiiH, (apeilall) Hie ehuliiey. ler; DISCKARfiCI Dun Ciiluexo xpiclal si ml Interpre uu btntluitn YOUNQ BLDQ. A MERCHANT rT. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. ter; tlfuiiMte" The Alameda -- JXl- XI - m 1 MM J.ll 1. l - Dun I'oiIiikuoxo Mxelal uml Inter V fititmrt rurubirfrrf,( Entered for Record Jan. 17, 1807, pioler; Men's court Dress Shirts r&T&rKin. WMwwM MWWM WMWMW,ljfiM ' Froii lOf.TO a, m, to 4 p, m. Oiui IIuhuIIuu liiterpnlcr uml BROUOHT US THESE (Sear, LmixliiK U Co by tm to Clinx iKxixtuiil, ; SWELL COLOR TONE I, Thii iniirl ollU-cm- ,,,,,,,.,1) PRICED: Has Stood the Test of Time Entered for Record Jan, 18, 1907, Due in nun er; , S. SAIKI, There la no experiment Involved In Froi 9 a m. to 10:30 a, m. One liuiiiaii" olllrer; Kurlu Mmiklihl k) In Kubo Kulclil One chief ilerk lo Hlu-rll- Bambco Turnllure Made to Order, 50c, 65c, using (k) I) Oil" deputy clerk; New Goods 75c, Picture rramlrig a Specialty, C 11 t wf to William Onu fcleuoxruplier; and CC3 6. OERETANIA ST. I'ollcii; Kixilatixiko, .1; Ko m llentllllK ,.,, I) Country TELEPHONE DLUE 681, $1,J125 8 Mulhnwa to fluxluv llleilel Ilel o'ntiloa, 2, Wttlulnu, 3; Waluiiac, 2', Ladles' shirt waists, material and Golden Gate Manuel J Hcipu In Milt I HIiIk & (,o.iii Kwii, 5 ready-to-wea- back and Kw I.U1 , M latest fashion L. Ahoy, K Wallei fiylvi'xler, D.D., Hill ICH1KI. Ui I'llzuhoth llakiir mid hxh In David llev J S. side combs; durable umbrellas, and 1033 Nuuanu St, tet. Klr.g and 1, I'etcrxnii , I) iircui-l- i Intli iniiruliiK uml eveiiliiK, GENERAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, mum I I.MItli W llluikniiiii by ally lo KHz- - I MornliiK subject: "Thu (iiihI of tlwlCOr, Emma and Deretanla 8ts, Japan- - a large quantity of exceptional good co W.i tons a I subjw Utt mm (j Flour iibclh K linker el Uuutlnliuldc" Kuuliii.' f tie tnd Chinese Laborer Supplied, MR0. MOROAN'S JAMB and JELLIKB IMIth W lllackmuu by ally lo David "When Jtepcntuiiiv Avallclh .foiiutiK, Contract Work of Every Kind Under. quality gents' and ladles' shoes. I, I'elnrroii . . , The liiuxli will be ux fnllowx: A. M, taken. Telephone Blue 2181, FOR SALE AT It has stood supreme above all oth- ltd We Invite you to come and see our David I, I'eterxou uml wf lo T J Kit z Alltlieui b) lliu (liulr, "KIiik Aloud I'll' ' I ers through years of constant use and pulrlek D lo (lod by Dun rc-i- Koto by Mlu goods, even If you don't car to buy, WOMAN'S EXCHANGE iliox J Kllscputrlck to II Hull "lnul fur Toiluv." bv Aliliolt. I'. K. FUJITA & CO. has never been equaled In quality. Wnlerlmuso HOTEL ST. NEAR FORT.'', M by thu ''Aliiuzliu' Tr Co Mi! Ir ,; Anthem choir FANCY RAM0OO ARTICLES MADE i YOUR OROCEn HAS ITI Oiate," hy DoiiK.hty Bolo by .Mr, Huh-Inm- l, fci,1n'"fviiii.i,'-i,-J- TO ORDER. Recorded Jan, 10, 1907. "lleholil I Htaml nt the Dixir," h Ying ChongCo. GENERAL ADVERTISING AND COLJ NIchohiH Kusxel lo T J llyatl; I'A; W II JmlB "0 Dlvlmi Wah Workmanship class, LECTINQ AOENCY. (Clicnil ixihpix. II 281, p ISI. Dated 1) (luiiii'id will bu by Mm. Miuk-l- l First KINQ ST., EWA SIDE MARKET. 'M muiik N'UUANU H. & Co., Ltd. lx I.) OPPOSITE KUKUI ST. Haokfeld Auk 13. WO. A (onlliil lutllullun etlenili'd Wholesale Distributors. & Bee U for Novelty Advertltlnf Zj U W llooth lo Chnl Dick; I,; pur t tu ulliiul both or llicxe Hvrvkcx. Tha Weekly IMItlon or tun Fvcnlm Foreign and Local. It l ,1.179, Kill &2I0 uml IiIiIkh, Mnllllll, lliiietln nlvnr u (ci.iplotn snininiary o( JBJTNF'r Rent" card on sal at 74 KINO 8T. 7inmmmrtmmrmfnnnfrmmfnmrnf nuiifiltilti; 10 yrs ut (76 per yr. II m, Fin Job Printing at th Bulletin. (be now of tho Ai, for SI yis'. tn Bulletin office. OEO, E. LA MOflT. .' M

'- ' TiUirlnatln T tktfAm BUhaak, - ; H -i fmj- J?ufa Mtf. - 'tM1kif(i iiiiiiiiWfci .ji iiJIBiiifiitf ii czmaiMmt - KVKNIMtl tlUIXKTIN, HONOI.UMJ. T II ATI tliUY JAN li j MR. DOOLEY ON BROKEN FRIENDSHIP H V P. Di NNh ineir customs iowciI How luglilx tliex .1 hem civv)linl. hin(th' flmxir pft, tl,' fire sale ml mi lh 1'immii.wui .mirage newt Jrttlt n .miK!h ujiiri, li II. II .Valine Co, Inc ) a J,ii stijer was defi-.iit- d inilur thin surttiidher .111' lc inl home In haxt Moppul jtj th' newpa npers well known li nmirtrr xxlm tl.rnxTniJ t ... .i- - m lute jum mm.' sniil .Mr. DmnYx. "un''lie toll hi hend cut oil he wild stah himsilf 111 th' Mniiiniiik 'I Inn treatment "'kiitnviiliu letter ix 1111h1a1l1nih.11 toil. Mnkxiloo fr m th I'riiMnit in- - In was Utlkin' willi i Altterntlin Nilli ,,l',"l,,i" In js1i all llir iv xxoiiun put thim ..11 a higher plan- - thin ours ( inchric ago hefure M',' K'l tncl. put through his hat us wim in m - - Imve it- !r i sure to unr ttltli Hi' hint hmtli. ...r.t.. Hi- ! if iu higher LMifttuoTi Iv xxoiiun was dhnamcl iv in tins coumhrx. th V."'"1' "rT."M,.,,V,,,',.H,"!y T)w can . IT.v ,( it oimiln Ilefnro xurx Ioiik lliini little 1mm u IminN i.crot ,,,...... ' "' Mick)doo, which is in Japan cud his daughter to a tea house, which is th' e ill' wa will IiiiihI iu a crack in tit tyo :m' tliiu VH ll.roitlile." foreign e)e ar-r- permitled to l,k Uk,.. link k.ter n n.ul.her to I same as our female where she remained 'UImi's it all iilmnt?" iUtl Mr, Iitinwx si.ninaric. till she grad)ated aAmenc.u.s in private life who wim fixir to ravceixi 11. pcison lh" 1I..1..U Ihxvli- - a thin chii I nli.U nut iv it," said Mr PihiIix "Ilogan lh' wife iv soniei.oud noble iv th' old Sanuui push. "Ilicir arts had ouij'v "' Impror f'r what thex'il iloue f'r linn lalkiu' ar roiiiid lh' bai at th' ci c ttn tu fifclit f'r tli iiiniimicv iv th' I'assjf'.c Miuli fi1ittti llirmiyieil to a fravlc lh' Jap artist O'Casey's jiitrhor iv a lady lean.n" L "i0" Club, weie fiMirud be lh' war;uth iv lluir ra.xdptioii to 1 , on a '',''-- I'd flu .111 mrtiii. Utit lwiu' tit Pliilippci-tts- xxliicli ar-r-e a Main-it- l liver while a cow xvall.eil up her back, was lh' loveliest thing in ih'l ' refuge in lh' house jv lh' Roohan counsel, lh' nixl iiicntli soinc mtfmmi. an' tit' Sandwich Maud, tltat'rc idiout as allahlc as a to They weie lh' athletes iver known A Japanese jivl' subjects iv our lifelong frind an' all) xvere shot while hiwkin' siuU . child h"'"' v Isal'mni to a Iwrscsltoi-r- xxe'xe pot to jjiah u lot iv th' tirroiindiu' ilainp-mo- - with n'ekets cud throxy JilTries oxer a church. They had a secret 'ir side iv lh' Pass)lic. N'ext wiek a piom'imiil Jap nese status-i- He Says The Ki prrtk't lliini That' wan icnMin why we're Mire to l.asxe war. rasslin' be which a Jap raslir cud blow on his opixmi ill's e)thall an' ,a was iliscoxcred pa)in'a soC).d xisil to lh' 1'h'lippiens lie had xxitlh break his 'I ' 1mtl1er rcHMJii K thai tit Jap want to Mini their little fort) fix ankh. hex were lh' lincM soordsnuii that ixerM been seen "" !' lime two cameras, a couple iv hi.e 1nt.11. siirxexin' ImIs, a iliildlu-- n he iiltljcalcil in th' San Francisco pulilic vdiools. A third U'l.i.i a Jap'nese wini into a combat he made such faces that lllioiiwnd feel iv tape line an' :. bag iv ili.ii.xmile lionibs Iit inoiilh lh' Sandwich his Jsip'nese bewilder-xxaxe- rt.i.1,11 nli it looks like war to lluijan aa.' th Alderman is that lliix'il opK) dhrop)d his soopl an' ihiu he uttered a blood cunllin' cry, Cioxermfnt wrote 10 th I'risidiitt;' 'Most gracious an' d Ih m dhrinkin' together his sinml four liiindlierd an" fifty times over lh' head iv th' xicliini'''' Majesty; Impror iv th' .Sun, austere an' paliiui Father iv th' .Stars, "W111I c iver ll.mujlil 'twas possihlo that annx wan in litis m m 111 iv a eigm minimcm an iitiicix-si- give a wiiof)i" "" 10 our ninigii mat in xxali iv xecr ikjihiIiis iloina.ns Islands Are hae uif: ...... ! "" aitmt.ou lottniltr) end even talk iv war with thim delightful, cunning little Ory-tnta- U resiii.iiiinI... our wurrmi tag, an a.clove luni to tir (eel. As with our little pratllin' childhcr who ar - re over furlv'uars iv age ar-r- e not Wliv. "tiss less thin two cars .since Uogan was coinin' home us on') th' lower classes mgaged in business. Th' old arrvstocracy dis- admitted to Hi first reader classes in lh' public schools Oh, brother As Useful fr'in tli Iwnkit iv th' I'nion iv L'sttrers with his amis around th' top iv dained lo ihrade but started banks an' got all th' money. Th' ioor man beloxed, we adore )e. Had )c butted in with cVr hivenlx binivo- - n JapV hcnil while th' Jap clinched llogan affectionate.) ahout th' waist nan a spiendxi chance Me end dexole his life 10 patniin wan rib iv lence we wml ve shook I'oohliya down f'r much iv hrr hateful money. .111' ll.tx nutig "dawd Save lh" Mickjdoo.' D'xc rajntitnher how we hol- a mi. 1 r which he got two dollars, or he cud become a cab horse .now xxc inttsi prove our a I eel ion wu acts. It is our niiiitiuii 10 timl As a Toy lered with jia whin a I'ooslijat. Aihniral put his foot througli lh' Isit-toi- n evin ill lh' wan branch tx an that Weslhreu civv)liation is supposed to si llml lo visit ye'er shoes, jiartickl) San I'lanctsco. where we undhcrslau' iv a inaii-iv-xx- an' sunk it An' how we cheered in th' the:i)lre excel 111 nicy had us ix-a- l miles. 1 ley were lh liars in th th 'school system is well worth study in lo see lh' etile little sojers iv th' Mickjdoo mow in' down th' lirntal Roo-shxa- n xvurruld an' formerlx friends iv lh' I'risidiitt "An" tlure )e ar ie, llluuiss). 'Hi fr.udsl.ip cemiuled xcar ago Ball moojiks with guns'' An' ttit'lly whin had gone "All these here things I hceiil fr'in Ilogan an' see in lb' two oon th' Japs with blood an beers I 1 is btuted don't know whither annulling will a thoiisau' miles into Uooslnnn tcrritnrx an' weie ahout httsletl an' I mxied (his wondhcrful nation wisht, soiuitimes, th' td hadn't ae happui. Ilogan thinks so, hut I ain't sure has' liter had stop lightin' have fare home gixm me two blue an' somctimcn red eyes an' this alkiline nose, hut a Th' I'risidint announced to fir. not car our worth) l'rixiilent, that rather thin see shoc-huilo- wan oclogiiiaryau Jap piitvinted fr'in larnin' his Phillppines a e know who I mean, jumped lo th' front an' cried: "l!o)s, stop it. It's nose like an ear an' a couple iv f'r eye, I wanted to be a he will divasiaie .San I'Vancisco with fne, tlornl. dinnymite, an' gone far enough to satisfx th" liotli iv e.' An' lh' angel iv peace brooded Jap an' belong to th' higher civvy lialion, Ilogan had a Jap frind that 0 personalities. I'm San I'raiieisi'o has had a gwxl lnhi.) th' larth an" crowed lustil. used in here with him. Ilogan thought he was a Prince, but preilv lately an' jovtr income wild Itir-n- - hardl) i over in its sleep f'r an in Out they're Nuisance Day aftlur tlax lh lotne out an declared, in th column he xvas a cook an a siudiiit in a lluilogical siminry. They'd talk Ix- (h' vast"". iif.n o af-r- half-pag- negiiiiiiii iaii aixitit nice xop!e Hi r compared wilh next to th! e ad. ix lh' Isoppcnheimcr hargain sale, that lh' defeat hour about lh' beauties iv what Ilogan called th' Flowery Kingdom, 'Oh, IJiJiuse our obi friuds i(.i' allies. They say that th' Jaj grow fast iv Hixishya was a judgmint iv lh' Lord on th' Car. If c saw a Jap woiidlierfitl land,' says Ilogan, iv cbrysanthyinums an' cherry blos- iiee up imt f'r their childhcr, an' (hat 'tis no pleasant sight to sec comb-i- n xvl.crc asked hiiu lo lake a dhrhik. soms an' gayshee girls,' says he. 'Jap-a- n is a beautiful land,' says Prince: Jap'nese pupil :..) y :. set iv grey whisker an' larnin 'Mary "Ilogan talked alsiiit uawlhin' else. They were a wondhcrful little Okoko, 'Nippon, (that's th' name it goes by at home,) .Nippon, I salute a little lamb.' and if lh' Prisidiul wants thim to iitther schixilsdic'll have load thim in people. I low the) had Xawthin' in th' histhr) iv th' wurriiM ye,' say Iljigan. 'Max victliry perch upon ye'er banners, an' may ye lh' to a cannon an' shoot lliini in " x was akel to th" wax thex'd come up. The) cud shoot straighter an' hammer ohr old friuds an' allies fr'm Mookdui lo Moscoxv. Itnnrni," oficticr thin army other nation. A Jap cud march three luiuudlierd miles says he. An' they embraced That night, in ordher lo help on lh' cause, "We'd bate thim in a llghl," said Mr. ile.iiiessy. "They cuddti.'t a d.i f'r eight das with nawlhln' to eat hut a guiuilhrop. They xvcie Ilogan bought a blue flower pot fr'm th' Prince's collection f'r eighteen stand up hefure a gr-rea-t, slhrong nation like ours," highl civvxlizcil. It was an old civvxliation hut not tainted he age. dollars. I Ie took it home iiiuthcr his ar-r- in lh' rain an' lh' next pioru-i- n' "We think we're gr-re- an slhrong," said Mr P.silcy. "I!ul Milium iv xears hefure th' first white man set fill in Milwaukee th' most iv th' llovxer pot was on his uexv overcoat an' th' r;sl xvas tneltiu' n i lie we on'y hxik fat to thim. Annihow. we miiilit roll on thim. Japs utidherstttd th' maim) facther iv patinl wringers, sew in' inasheeiis, all over lh' flure. Wudden't il be lh' grand thing though if they licked us an' wr signed ri.ipirs. Itllvphuiics. nntxinol,illsi ice cream fi rivers, an' all th' other "I hat xvas ID beginnui iv th mil iv th frindslnp helxvccn II. two a threaly iv peace with thim an will, tears iv humilyaiioi. in our eye dixilo)ement - uondhers ix our ho.isted Weslhreu Kr-ic- nations lli.ll one iniiiisiivi's m; imuiii. iijjmi hi hiiu- 1111.111 j;ui 11.1111 let J nil... II. I'll llppcellhl

I'Dltir any myhoU luiell hi slleiit prny--- r During th" following nine )ears the tin- - lull- - fullii-r- , a roxlng cxluteuce, 011 muuiiil u( Iiit I'utterMins led The DEMOCRATS SOON UTABUnir.L 1700 To (li'iioral John .McNeil, I lie liuio ol l.un-i- l doctor practiced hi several town, from Mrs. Eddy's Reply Unit 'lllton in North, llroloii uml Itiimney " Whyii I was hiiu, Dan- TO LAUNCH w in Dr. NolwitlihtaiulltiK thut McCluru's innn-tizli- in marlred r iel wus In I'l.ilildlii, h:ih, "Mury Ilaki-- r uimiilclt'il lii-- Patterson loiuled tiliicatliin when hIiu IU'iUIkmI Hmltli's N. II. He had the degiee D.D.H., wuh u NEW WEEKLY PAYER Walter Baker NNiVERSARY Description Given B McGlures Kuuiimiir mill icuilicil Ioiik tUvlnlmi In pojuilur man, uiid.cuusldered it ruiely III urllliini'lli', I vtus lulli'il liy lliu lliiv. bkllful deiil(. He hough) a pliicn In X. Mitli- - Ituiuue), which hu funded, for u sum- While (lie Co.'s-- ' n lit. IUmt, U.U.l'ilialiulo tlm pioniolcrs nf the & report. 11 11 1 - mer At Hint lliini he owned N C, Miiiiiillcd tin- - only illx ,.,.. ixllat L'tiiiffruiiiu HJiilMirn- Conronl. II , Jud. mxlal hoiiKu hi rruiiklln, N, If Ueinocrnltc I'ligllsll weekly have not .Muk-Ioi- i, tiui HrlilKU. to supply tint plum of lilx January Ikhiis of .McOlure'H tin mIhmiI pruvlUully ull r Inter-vtj- The illntrlcl Although, as McClure's Muguzluu found a man tu look ufter tlu-l- fl I II Him li'iulhiK iliiihik lifi tPiiiporury 11 J lie, Willi tmiltrtalien to ptllillali lliu , liitellcitiial ll'e." aliHi'ine clulins, tlm court recnul muy atule thai us editor, Il Is stnti-i- l thut piob CHOCOLATES 1 lutory nt tin-- early Ufa uf lliu Huv- - Let wo wlmt xxeru tliu frulU of in my divorce fioh; I). Patterson wus uhly John Kinmeluth will be given Smoking .Mary 1'iMy. of UiIm mnl iiiistliniilatliiK KiKUidliiK my Hint marrluKC uml tliu lh' lieml linker le.i'ler I'm "lonel) I; ran ted on the mniiid of deucrtlon, the and m my PohIUoii BdciillMK, ami lier lamll), cine" All in) fatliei daimlitern were tmiile ilcalli ill liiislmiul, MiCluru'n cause ncvertheleSH wan adultery. Iik.1 In iicaileinlc Hiillh'lent- - JlnuazliK' Wiili- - Ac'ordlug tu thu 01 a tn liroiiKht In the ill lent Ion in k'lven an eiluaillun, hj)h; "le urn here today xvhu were slaleiuctit UlCV COCOAS Mrx IMrll Shi. linu lli. nllnu I.l 1' lllllllllleil mi Unit all taillillt liiRtiin mover) took IiIh lirldi In Wll t t.romlueut Jiemocrnt, It has been li!tin preiu-ii- In court when the ileclnlou wus , Concert I11-- klIiimiI t mliiiiton, n iiirrcit the imittrr. mil n'lil l iieientnlil) nl vailons lines unit Koiith Carolina, mnl In Jiiih, tilven hy Judge who by those Interested hi the con-icr- UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ' 1811. hIx moiitliM lilit the und know the drinking, HHi.l'Imifc lifter niarrliiBf, ul for eaii4, mid cooklnfi th followhiK ilotinifiii n. Iinr ' following furls. After the evidence thai llm present printing was 11 iIIhIIii- - he illi'd of ellov Ilu left Ills ' slliimture M' 1'iolher Allien feter. hud heeii siihmlltfd that a lumhuml of the Ke Aloha Ainu, near I'u.e. Ucllclous, Niiilhtxis ' 'ftilHlicil In n my yuniiK lirlilu hi 11 iiiIimtuIiIii pIlKhl. Him It It imIiimui) dii CliilHtlnii Scliiue to lawer addition wiih nhuut to liuie )r. I'atternon nr-- llic June linn of King uml lleiclaiiht Scottish Thistle Club s.iy tliul U nroimed tnilnliiK. I xmih pilvately In- - as fur from home, mnl entirely xxltli-M- et mini lo IIioiikIiI 'i Misled fur eloping with his wife, the Is altogether loo kiiiiiII for Iheh luii l 1 hy him Ilu xvas u menilier. of mil money or frlemls. (Hover, however, stleets. mil) riisu. pluuuriMir ieiom-- "eil cniirt hutructt'd the clerk1 "X -- AT- S vw llninpulilre l'gUlatiirn, ami wiih u uml thim reielved u In retnril puhlluitloil, A pemte. KomithlnK hlRlirr. nohler, inon ' l'"' lliu In dlvurcii my finor. Purudhu) 'r Imiu-ratlX- ItnptU lliu Impulses immlnuteil for CmiKlt-h- hut died iltieiil Imrlul Tliu Mukoiu iilsn palil The imiuugement of the of of Soul. "'" What prevenlod Or ur-ie- nt I'croro the election. .Mrs. (llnxer's furu In New Yorlc City, I'litlerson's the I'achlc hus been approached uml i II hetomen my duty In hu Jimt In tliu wus u letter from mo tu this self, I rutlilc-ssl- ) MiClurts iluiinxlnu tulls my joiuik- - xvliero shi xus met uml token In her un Is now being up Waverley Hall, flfpnrti'd nml to trwul not on name hushnud. Imploring him not In attreemetit drawn 1110 hn'iher. (lenrise Hulllvun linker, father's lioiiin hy her hrolher (leiirge, ihelr nihes. The uttack on uml my ''" "a do It When this huvlniml recovered o that It iNirllou nf Its spam uui he lorntr Hotel snd Bsthil Oti tt"rllH"" xxihiIcii Her IkihIUoii xvuh un emlmirai.-CIuiu'- h lute fiimlhpr ami liln fuinll) In Me-- 1 '" " H'"' mill." ' his wife, he kept her u prisoner hi hie given for the Ke Aloha Ainu und llm As ,"'"-'11- r f,ul- - - one Him was woman, ltdxuzliifl Jumiuri. 1307, tom-- l " ' I'0 wan Joint pait- hIjik a crotxn home, and I wus alwi Uiiglhdi wtekly, nl,h w" clilltl. hut eiillrely the melius of licw pels me nsnilmliiil chllil nml tlm ! ,ll'r Alfxamlcr Tlltmi, nml tuKvtlf " wlthnut icouclllng tlm tnuple. Jan. 25, 107 "lt' '""""'I meuiiH nf supimrt, Mrs. (Hover A ChrUtluii IMwurd l.llm will loiitluue In be llm of Chrlitlmi Hclcniu In speulc ''r " lrit luunufiictiirhiK Uclciillst hus told me thut with team tHlulillshmeiit In TIII011, ,',""lu V".,y vttoTl cilllur of the Hawaiian paper und John TICKETS .11.00 MiUIiiih' Miiffuzlne refers 11 my N. II. Ills "lt' ul of gratitude the wire or tills liimhuiid " uuu of up- - seuson sue latiRlil siliool. Kmmcluth will wrllu for the linslMi luiners lull, Kiiunt frmne, uml pie--1 "iiiuurj uiioiiei tuiiiu 'rom ...... M'lnted theue fuels lo her us I huvo . h llllMl.fl.l.l Unl.i. .,.-.,-!.... ,,f Just pupc-r- C. It, To lud from of th tureii "the old 111.111 doKRedly on the sfaft or the l.ovei- - "","'""",, ,IUJW. Ihem, Hiickluud, formerly of tny msmbtrt. tramulm; '' sluted lived with Dr. Puller-ikj- ii '"-- .11 slso at Wsll, ulmiK tlm hlnhwny icKiiluny houllm; r ' New llmnpiihlie. !,""VV. ickiiiciI Charleston, South peuienhly, and he was llm Hccretao'H olllce, wus flint offered Nichols Co. While nu u hinilnemi tu kind In nut Hie tliHxniuud with it luu walking stick ''V "hltst hrother, Humtiel I), linker, mV 1" trio up tu.the time of tliu divorce. editorship, but upon hU declining, Brcskfut Cocoi, .2 lb. im 11 WllmliiKtoii, Carulliia, lie My fiilherVporson was erect uml rn- - ciir.led mi luite IiusIiifsh In llustim, North xxuh The follow lug uflldavlt hy thu choice fell upon Kinmeluth. sudileiily II. I). Bslwi'i Choultfai 1 lb, 11 .Mum. seized with jellow fever und (uuwmUimJ), .2 csltu lilint. He neter used wnlkluK stick. Jlouimevel or Littleton, N, if,, propri- It Is reported thut u large number uf ' - Repair To lllustrulit. One lime when .11 Iteiiurdlnn the ulleBatlmi hy Mi--." "" . "U) ' "lc ,,a- ' WBi; " etor of the White Honolulu financiers, - CtrsiM Swut QwcUu, M lb. U - Mountain Jluiue, principally Demo- yt luther xviis iIhIIIiik (luvernur Clurii's MukuzIiih thai nil it,., fitmllir. Il'm ."'- r'l. took with him .Mihyaiis, I'lerte, ''' N. ll the original of which 1 ruts, uru bucking up this new concern, "excepting died I the usiiul iimutiiit of money hu would l .mi by CfucM I'revldent Krniikllil I'lenc's father, the Alhert. of cuiiier" is hi my ihmwimIciii, Ik f Iniciiiit In uml should It provu ltfomt GitisLges need on such an At succvsuful, It will III HolKliulll Oovernor handed m u nold- - wjll suy thut there xtus never 11 death excursion. his llllu coiiiieclloui father I wus he made u morning us In my father's fumlly reported hy p'iy- - surrounded hy friends, und Ahout the year dully paper. VVosvo fullyiquppd prtmlsct on iiriiiien wdiiiiiiK miiK tliuy weio their piovislons my 1S7', I)r, I'ultersoii, a I ,lt,a" hi behalf were The pmiioters hope tu have tlm BAKER Ltd Qussn bstvVssn For,! ,AI-k- nhoiil tu sturt for church. My father "r l"" moilen cxuiuluutlun is mom (.enlist, hoarded with me In I.lttlclou, WALTER CO. strsil and i 1 tender. The Governor of the New weekly going by the tmuiKi-i- ma coventor, hut decline jn t nr. llumiislilre. DurhiR Ills stuy, ul first of next week. t Strssti, .xndVt In ihspa to do """MfC'lure'H Stale mid Ills staff, with u long proceH-.1I01- MRCHESTEAMA88U.8.A. flrtt-eUs- s uccept the Ktlik, kii)Iiik, "I iivvuf imu u MiikuzIihi says thnt "the different times I had lotiversallmi rspslrlnt;,' painting ate, 'piarrehi between .Mary, a. followed the rcmuUis of my whh eune." child ten lie Mm nhout his wife, from Im 41 HICIIUT AWAl) IN This tfipartmtnt Is In veharg ol loved one lo tliu cemetery. whom wus ' hUkOIT. AlthmiBh MeCluru's MiiKiizl.e attrlh- - ,lu "J"' all(1 ner ruiner. a liruy-hulre- repurnted. He spoke AM) AX.IJOCA sklllsd workmen, who, ,,f The Kree of her being u REIIEf besides doing ntes tu my father lantsuase C'liily,!'""" ,lft' frc'inently set the limine Musous selected my escort, pure uml Christian wonmn. uml repair work build wagone, who took me tu my drays and Ills lllllltr hold luw. ciiiistantly eiifmted J", ''!' U'rimr, mid uilils thut thenu futher's home In Jpuusii of the sepiirullon hehig wholly earrlagee. cHnmiuseil liy niton, N. II My sulury writing' on IiIh 11.1...... rofimlty 111111 rluim iiii,ni.ji. "u. w'r Dr. Udd jh for mnl. it h H tu nun mi in, the Chluesu In your city ami shall prices ara naly .; , 'iDSterlu luhmlcd temner wxu me im.ple support. I open 1111 exceed ....i..i,..'U.. M,...i,,...... ,.i,. ..,..,.,i.,, ...... , with had did might he might luv hu I modrt. ....v ...... m .1...... bul-l- us eusiu t I'Kteem II a xreat favor If you will cull and ,lhe service was only hook hi ills ij iiiuiui'i uiieu jircKeuicn:..:..i.iy iih- - h.fiint school i was simply fur the uml happy an wk unequalled In the Tar the lllhle the niie c ..Id w f r aipii us h- -r a l.ieelh.K of thu Chinese rehlc,ils, rllory. huiue. On the (ontrar), my father vau tuwltluii exemplary for other lurpone of slnrtlnB that educatlonul. At that time I had In TI10I ' ol Governor lutcrentliig him- piesei.t u Kreut render clilhlre.i tu liiillute, suyhiB, "When do system New llainmlilre. who IiIk w.r...... "". .'?'"" Caiter is them thu lettv. ami recelvu ou cxer see .Mury self hi the most noble purpono uf gath- from the... uml Icileicrapii' The man, whom McClure's .iIumzIiu uiiKryl" When the Mury linker 0. Kddy. the DuTv- - llmt ","!,lt."not mine, In. 1 ering Hhui.K.'C-t,- ,,, characterizes as "Ignorant, domluat-In- g, edition of Science und llenllli uim '.!':.but C'":'''"under. crer und funds fur starving China. It hus lliu same In thu iimiKkuiix nml .- -. founder of Christian Science, V-- mil- - piihllshed, Dr. Uuld said to Alexunuir nlnnd, a iiurnulmise of a silly scum nf was been arranged tu hold u luil Hank, HIihiixIiiiI. rO, pasalonute, fenrless," wiih thu ubove npclul public) The Chine. rnagC - mentioned .llt.iilll, ,1..1 uiill.liifiipiiiinl niton- "Ileud It. for It will dri yea.s ugo. Correctly ipioteiU It Is womuii fir.tilir lit. xim us trngneil) u. J,, Hounscvel. meejiiig in Jlie throne room at ID liiemheiH of thu committee ulu ui.xIo.m LTD, IIImpiiiiiI In fc0(I It does not BiirjnlKu me, it so re- - lolluws, so I huve been told: infill riilllvnlil inlml ninl Oraftoii 8. 8. Jumiury 18th, 1U02. o'clock next morning. All that all si.bxclpllons from tludr iiw,iCAf"niAae REPAIR DEPARTMENT - 11m - Co tu Jane (Hover, iimiiiiers. He was culled upon lo do iimiiiir- Then personally uppeured liiteieHied hi d, who Isi 81., bet, Tell I It. I). charily uru nuked tu cuiintrxui.. are uhruml shall J"n Fort and Alakea Ste. miuli huslui-M- for his town, ' wl" ,,''l"'', ,,,u following Incident, her love her; Iioimiiuvcl und inuk.iiKi Hy tliu light .nude oath that the Hecietary Atkhixou has Issued received am. rurwiirdvd by somit out deeds, settling ipiurrcls, und wlilcli occurred lutcr In life, an UPiu- - of the moon within slutenioiit by him signed U true. special liivltiitlous tu thirty-si- x prom- forelnner, m luw-su- r will co tu her. ThaiikliiK hi ncUng u inuusel In a lt ilivolv Irullvu of my iIlsjMmltloii: Hefure inu, inent Chinese residents a view p.illclpallmi, wu ii i e, oum lug 11 iiuentlon of pauperlHni hetween, While I whs living with I)r - The various stories told by Me- with deur sir, l'.ttter- II. W. Wood, of nhlnliilug thorough uilthfiilly, New 11T M,n a Goods tlie towns liuduM uml How, N. H. llt country home In Itiiiuiiey, Cluru's Muguzlno about my father Justice of the Pence. uuderslaiiillmf ' 11 girl, iipreauuiK 1110 hiiu the ijnentlou from thusu who know (KlKlied) Kriinklln 1'lenc, nfterwnrd 1'renldent "., lolully lillud. Imucked nt mud In front of his houxe I was obliged to be jjurlcd from my Best In 11 1, m,u. Aeiortment the City, of the United Htntcs, was 'l""r nml wus admitted, Shu .ss-tn- wim - n.iifiru nu, ..1 ..... Hie louutry well. . MONTAOIII" KIlK, the louuxel ''' l .nun, mm mitj il nun iii..tiiiui tiri.. ..,i.Hu RICH uml .Murk Uuker How lo ho allowed to remain Consul Cliuiig SILKS, EMBROIDERIES, for Jiudon for with inn, ami "W""! IW hui boy' s noT w - Tsu I'un will deliver Clliri'AO HAN, '"V liiideriieim me, 1 urn "i"' "'""' lloth entered the Ir pleus, und my falh- - and symputh) were ignorant of. 'W I tome 'hi my tin address on the conditions prevailing Hon, Tieasuieis, CHINAWARE, LACQUER, wont such I her liny such u er the suit Aftei It wan dtcliNl that could not refuii her. murf or, '' ,7lh hi his country, H, V.. the (Inverimr, NOVELTIEO, di l ,,' "r l",u1 McClure "hli. T0V6, CURI08. er, Mr. l'lerco Lowed tu 111 father and Shortl) after, however, my guud houiic- - lug lulu Kranklhi, N, j wltls u u,ry presenthig? Is It my- - (loxernor Curler will b jirvsci.t'niitl IIouulul... t'ouKruiiiiuicu mm ror severul yeurs, i.iepcr sum 111 mir much or erudlu for tue In lih wukoii 'UI Uialii) I ,,'',f ,l"' vc,,'a,'lu - w'1"1" a speech. STOCK futhcr wus thanlulu of the New llumti-- "If this hlluil lilrlK hIiivj villi vim only know thut my il"- l"'',yi COMPLETE, PRICES RIGHT. .1.ZS' i.,'.''" Hie New York Wurld declared dying The following appeal tihu.iglial AN OLD shire Stuto Mllltlu, mid mi I iciillett "til have tu leave; she troiihlei or did Verttlllnir llinv r from IDEA inn in 1 1 ulleged It, he wus Justice of the 1'eute ut one much." in help me whin I w'ih III Y" cu"c,!r or I" 'or ilouhlu wus iccclved ,y (jnyeriiur Curler lust My U lonely' TliiimLiy, Shown to be Absolutely Mod- time father was u stiong hellexer "as not hi my hunt (11 tern the I was never "given lo long and U'f"Sll lT"Zl!,TX False by 111 0111111 Sayegusa, milieu itiguis. mil sluxery he re- - girl out, so loi.t my Central China I'umliie Kund, ern Science, and home ti Ilellef 1120 Curded us a grtut sin, IGI1 keeper. ,Tu,,el.etK..cS,slly.a.,!,eKt';ra 4 Nuuanu Street near Hotel, II. MZlVX Jlukeu itoud, flhuughul, People lined to think Imlduesu .Murk Ilaker wan )iiu.igest of IiIj .My reply tu thut t.iu the statement ilnt .he December 12, I HOC, was mm of thusu II.Ii.ks whlth urn futher's fmnllv uml 1.1. clerk's I100K I bin Indlvlduul "hv i I1"'1 ..,," ,'" Inheilted shows thut Jolmd the when I took un uvenlni, .V,?',, ".' Hlri A reprereutatlvu Jif handed down from Kenyrullou In miner h teal up cxtcmdvtt lllton Congremit lonal Clinndi cmmltteu et.ite. farmi m llm Chinese mid foreigners, per fium father lu llku isltunlfd In Hot mid Couiuni, N H. U ge of Is as list sunJust lexeuteou that spy rellnlous M!!i''' , , ii ra.uiiy huh loom, i on noVa meluum'fof .ruT .!' )n..l.nn,;;.ver-leI,f- Inu Hhaiighu. return mat .iiurx nuKers mini), experience seemed to colli li ate ut I never "i!''" Wwl lderuf .;,,,,,,,, Hcliiuci shown u " 111 unr own uuu In unlit II uml has llm fuhieimss of j-al- the lurgciit tux In tliu colon) twelve jiurs of nice. Hmiji a ii.i.,.H.ilii. ii.lurA.i,..i di.,.i,..-- " "! "" "omen distribute aid tu the ..uf. mliiii'iu ii.V,.e ..;.... " ": "' """-- WUIltrles,-a- .ld all this be- - Ibis heller hy piovfuK thut buliluess l l 'McClure's Mugnzliiu dcscrllilna1 may luive us IliJi-xnc- t ,ii,i.i, .7.u ... ' le.ers In Cenlral China. The dlntrens biis, occurred lo dutii " ,1... - I...... ei;lf Is ;,ot ii illsi-nsu- , ' "1111 r "ll'"''. truth 1 nuyu Is cunsllliitloiiul but ma iiuinenie.111 now. " I lie " CIIIIICII llll llllji.'r. Ilil, was uiiiiilL-u- ilulrvntiini " inn-..u- i "' iioiiiiukuii'ii most uciiiu and lliu suffeilng will ounci ui "l llll ,"1" tliu tares from the wheat, llm icsiili uf a Kern. I.iviisln.. nf which 'houiie Tlself was 11 siuall, sinmre hux The facts retard I ne. tliu Me.Vi.ll .i.ii, "the HtiperM.tious country fn- until fuik - ....i.i,,,,"1Mhii mm body ,ilu who .,.. nous cut. be harvesled only llerpiulde cm. eifi dually rid llm structure of rudimentary uichllci lire UH fluently seek my advice," never t next summer. line. louows wet Truth! bemuse Truth between It Is not necessary tu sculp, My father's huuse hud u sloiilug louf laimle McNeil. President I'ierceV Into u trance nor described divides no Into sceneb fur sect uml Hcience und renews thu heav- details, but It Is sufn lo my Washing only cleans l,o scalp nf ufter the prevailing style of urchitet- - flstcr, afterwn.d Mrs, UH MeCluru's Muguzlne buys, Dial Jiidge Potter, nv"l'' enward Impulse, because I lu-u-r inuuy thousand will die uf uturv-litlo- n Dandi ut; Il .l.iesn'l, kill thu uuriuu, I ture at tint date, prescribed to me my - "',' "I'ltst sister deaily loved me, but still M suy- the hurvest bong of thu llcdetmir und funilno fuver, Tile commit- "iiumrn) 1110 cause, you leiuovu lliu ' McClure's Mugazlue slates "Alouu Ing that It xvns womidtd her pride when I udopltd tuken hi conuectioni' awakening the nations, causing .nan tee havu uppealtd lo foreign uhect," of the Uaseis, hu (Alheit) received a with her own fumlly 1 Ulir'stlaii Science, und lo u couul.hs Ilaker tint tu love his enemies; hecuusu "lilessed lor subiic.,tlous Nwbins Huniciu will ilu thin i. Thos. liberal education. Mury Ilaker r.ever dolibtul llm ..1 ,..., iwus it sorry offence. and they ate sendlim uvury Lindsay, vmmii. are ye, when men shall tevlle ou, uml Idlers In, l Is also n delluhlful pussed her first Mflcoii yeaiH ut the I have M''s .Magazine culls Dr. the illffeii'iit pluees tvfitiu nnother whlih hi' Daniel peisecmo you, urn. all man lhHSl..f. MANUFACTURING my "' '"'"I--""- snail Iheie me colonies JEWELER. home lit How, It wus a lonely of ...other',, uncesry. VI. , I w, s! J'"1""-'- "'"' "'"' , 0 Chinese In usli Hold hy leadline ilri.KalsIs, V" m v . - "f"""" y"u Zlv "" Iheh a",i In 'und mistlmulullui; exlsteuci).- The hist Hi,,,, I), 0 Mr., J,.d.",ln"r",,t l"tl"l--'' " U sujs that after ",,'.! this hiuuauliurluii worlf, Hie: In slumps lor sat... ilu lu Tin. Her my nuirrlnge we "lived for u I hud ' Wu enclose ou short. ... Y ,,mw u lulter u'ddiess. plcldo Co., IPdroli, Mleli, llolllslur ' ut 4 ' "AKI5U FORT STREET, Tllton, then muved to rrunklln " Uri.K Co,, special ukuIs, ' ,

i ni'i, tfktSakkmmihmiiti liMi4iWi.rtCB- - miii 'taUiLiJmiJkL KVilN'INA lii'lal.RTIK. noNOWW. T U M1UM1 JAN 1 ; fl

i V dm" a HTi ; iBf iKAnM.pavioiric PLEASURE SEEKING

-" T-- y 3mt i- ") " te "M-l- y V

' ' ' fcilil rflL. tfV 4 Tk3WPL1f SSfr-- 'rWVM




. . ---- T?Km , 77 ,...-- . - &cmmf -.- -- , r hw? ..- ,..---ai III -J LUJlli..... rmsx. ubu-ii- yt ' il '1 IX III'! I many aprlr.g oliloioiii, terdr To a all lb nsrll'ttilarr of JouMl'M two or tlirn freali siunti und i mul nn i r Junius I :1udd T,i : l.i . uk.iiii' to turn i.,.i, : .i. i li,r u uiiJi1 ' Ill - "w'tf itUiun Cli- - i nlli-iil(- al'-- hod noy would taki- - oT uu valliy. Tl. llltl- Miw illioon Io4 oi- - - i,a ! !.'..,.''' Mm li wid oin.r llv K thromh lh mounbi!n unlillrd at .lo.Irot tno At lnl ' nut luti. ,i xlorl iu fUao o'i Toi. imiiiiiit ii..ii;'i. ur i. nlmui '""'" ImiIimi I : r . . n.a l'l .mi r ' Uu bird i "i carried off by U, wild UaU loo much 'lo)boUy Ikid mint iiiiu. iln tfuil nu vntir." b day . uNi r. J Icol lioin tiw iiibiiml il l..u-- uiu i. Ihi. in .'ii bm ntvmi- - '"I in !i . Knlmfky mountains pllcha.1 off ai;i,hor or mill unrp or J until 'hfy thi ijii- ward a tuin- In ond wouV.n I I'Uiiir in At ry n wlmli- niiiKlnv.ful'iiuwt ! IiIk Ui. old nibtnrr mil " !.'"". r"".'B ' (.1 tin r..i. und th twin t'j,4 rcicliJ "i.i tlila ItKlanl ' arm kjl:-.;.r- J nr, i tiji m W .' 1. lliLln ll.t i J 50 negro InJiahltitita lorn ai In trylnr loAill'iw tlic iii'O0l lMr trrtll'try. llni'i Hut liyli'rli! U Ml.u (ill ll'f i ur MlM l.i' ' r ll vii.l--ili- iriliM tall li l In n.iu.ldf linn i, In ii.bii r li- - li'lu lie and m a vot of vn tli nio.ililiillif, but all war "ifntne." aud n rltfht orlicn Ilia Hjhjw o lliotiriliui noivin. ami l u :r tlur . ud ii-- mm HrJ . itit llui 1!ih1 ilj.l Jim il'u.itu in l".tr j.i fiiimla Tluii iribdy ij ii'l.y' ; geance. A fund of (dirty l - oiLtlilib rod throush tti arjnd lornat.': U Hint I'lob of Kentucky found lU'lf u nilli' unuy It ti'iiied uclf all of .tJ. u )r,f fc, .,,, lihf ulilli 'lluad T.olor llmuurit it a onl) .'u"a'd. and uJir lu phi ilu il.ey m raised lu outfit the Ulg Ouni Jiuiit-In- g (uddnly l!i. uoliilrr ! Willi Ih bia!i..,l ,i,i uli.nIdi. ihr 'ji'tn wa mi u fox limit. l(. r f' "o ir.M.iar. .'Iiit.ane had n' 'or ulliirily.i .ilamounl. et m.ire .l.niii'inua Ibun uiw"e thvlr pie a id inb.i J In Hi x frnIM l""'l. in to Mil every-liiln- lu around lla Hack, atarted frf..ii,.j('ri i' ('uuraui. hud llio rout i.f n nrar rouiii "''.if IT ,.ul. a Club, Willi Induction ifbon T..i w.j. tid. Kll.Vita thrown In. .!ur nt tall aiaairaa.i - n'jere.lladmjlor 111 it?.., ..,. K1 l.i'0...... In abrnc that alww- e- Jlour- - 'Itll tllU l.JllhOUIl4' Irvllltf lift fl HII.H..J l... .!.." l..Lu.l JILll. .ul..P .. II. u f',! .r ll! h.llllK.ll. JMl tilt' tj'kllli; J K'k III Ural, muni- inn riiuon ui tile geat neat nutii , lied Uud Jim "J lutli l.jrrrU a'lu. lagad !).'' buvrl war reported rv:ii tlxlr InaaliM, held by I lie old om.'iJu...i:.-- l Vi.,..1,iiiH- '".-- mtl jur ...i i...... , iiinj. II. i.ill "ll,.... I u.' Ii..i'.l.:i from tlif ahu. miklim u nolr llkv nllaiieouily. lie fell In a h?ju. und when " "e n.ifi!- -- lar aplrlti-- .. I """""' in tli tulclim of moun- JUItiida. It wa a ridf. Ilia iiiuU!wii Lluo ilbboii uu Ita nmk braird joli,uiid Ilrllndi III kki-.hi- hI.-- I . ". a i.Kaklnx rtdrr mil. iililJriitly h came Is hla wld the (.tin'lili-ke- . tiara' In a rjj ene . . "' ,""""'li nuii .h .... tie. I log .hl.H ..I. ..!. tain mid Itfd llud J in; prlde.,i of lb I09lrnr tt and rwky rrka, Willi and .''.'d u If kMik dullaiua to u whole i,rri'. in,' r, rrnin.1 ill l.uiy. 'llli a .ll .n to aay onietliliiir. TIijii tlir l inirr wore tluii it mule, uudd ruyior irctteu) ". - " u li " Hinting .Club, JWMaMdr,d in jiic iiaj; ranwniiy aiona of boara. laitaw-rr- ry aiiii' nn rai n I'u doit ataried oft akaln. with the Hunt flrb up Miurnr.p mil moved formtrd. aim in l" J" -- "1 al dij ,'niniirf ofimu a on prl inaeorl a llifelv ',"''" A mimar tut living nor in ummi, ! ' Vs '''"" " JMt Ih'ii om otliT doca wr ainil put my nuuii" down lu bl eat til on foot fnllonliiir h'.m After hand, wltli lujotie: iKilnted dlteotly In r,,lln 1,,',un'., IJ' "4W 1"! '"or Hi arfiit,,,,',!' ooj tvltli,?,IIh "Jrai llelil tin')' to u hilt tl'Vf.f Ireea Owing lu In his r.lllnxilit k !r crk'.'l bobbins over lb lilll from D.uon Tod.faili-ura- for t'fv har Iikj," .il.l ltj II ul ilih iiriuaa mine itur il'iratluii of the game. Aa lie .i ubout lolj .lr'',0" "' dr odder v.lrabuun. mak. hunting cloth mid dolay Ui onlthintf up Tli liunti'ra wcro (IjiiiuI!,il' iioiiioiii.ii... n.j o.ju'. Hit. tamo liuimt iw!u... nt lil rifle. join blu.'k walnut treea, und there Mood i . xti .. i..... Mil nlUlitelhcr unrni llili.' HUm l limirir.H 'itinf fnli liiiuiovuble, Willi lla ! a brew or moooalilii tlilkry, JUil Jlad too rock at tlMi foot of u rllff, nhera bear iwlnlcr do not t of hut wa tlioughtilm th irurnel tli- - luyinrt on it buuUir, llio poluler dM, i"MT10 .i,, howled and tried lo break fm:n !l!',r' '! -- I lean forty cub. eaoh out at , llxed on prey ua 1tn kv notli of Kink' tMtfJnmnil trarka led lolo mm hole nuur Hi KrouiidUu j ),! und ran pln'ilnK .lown" Xuliilii" my 'lutomy and am If uny tlHr leachea. und iImii the tulklng rJbtnt a aprjuj hoj. llio pii-ii- nn lor limit. Till ' lilt ot:nlbl, uiiuer iruuei, uiai jini nointerltlio mimtloiv luward a clump of o u broxn aam mi j.uvy IIU IjIst .iorr," or4rrrl from the iliuw atuck Ida hujd out from1. i"iniel'aer, vie weren't akeerej and rMon. Hut rut ooliittil o a ntrciij; II doc wltli llio bl bluo buw on lla ran nut treoa on Hie uther aldq of lted llud Jim lilnchl her all over, end IfUy Ann nwlniT "iuei i uir hiuiitt liehltid ii hi leaf uiul antiawked uulji"- - """ tn" lone on dm cub. link far Hrjy Uwy. Vnu'11 dick lud coin to Mrjpi1llii Ontrt for I wo for me, and ur riiouidi out itiii a UK j a rm mild aln waa n auuii'l i' a nn waier i.l. tuum." Ml. ninielliltiK like tlil-- s vt"L"":'1 ."'rf bar Jiimi. M dr reue. ulionr, mid young ' lVr.plr.itUn UoJ Mftit iht vouutr ix,cld to fr'.aky bear auoitliiK and nilrlliii; n.un U vm Ihut (he c'.uU meluii Ilmld Tailor a'l he win rlali Mkcrr J l"r Uf liu.i.t .i.;;.. ' i out In of Hud.. Tuylor, wliu I j: : ;::"'"'tlitdrr ili IcJtfi. turn a tody, Tint nllit mi ru wltli lb blue ribbon dlipurlnf through itowru nc ii in iimi wai jii iiiciii. uud Ml" l.'io'" mother, who aa eailiu on llio forhfi.l .::.' wlilch Ui ic UIK1 ! " ------.. mt fcril n uim - - -- ,. rmp iviw ucuurrtd iwrulyid Hunt c'lul. lh Ilk u alinl. ,. llUtt u fMfin ulLli ill trill itii-- mmii J WlCllC Tut lie lirvrm "" hi-.- r"cn iuii m i v. iw, tre Mt pro- - And -- an nit.r.'n I Ikini wild ur liom ih - Tli .7ra in. .tJ2!i 81 a. me .la I ..I. an' I'll ..H Nov..)., U ir'le. lur ol. deni w.n kllie cat vi nioun- awiind'hand bloodhound aoual.i r.ulM llw iM'IVI,Il oir every on .log UUi antotd tli uj l.eltur uii'lar III up 2wv flelr Vdnd lea-- ouTtlN. ,t.i!i ob h d a juV, ,' are lor de work ol. de hour." Thla broke tin aptll and brought de apjt .Meanwhile de minuorl ttfoi niulv. l.uiy leaned lial - ' M PUllod ,,, ,. (id Wl ir--j I'iurea "wabuck w a." 'p o!','.'- all hand, look a dr'nk. and before ember of th Htraaparllla Hum Club de rubi out d,ni up Ilk. lh iioK of (IrarirJ glnt ftixl Uud Jim, who at her tide, In air. Tm I you'.o u Tluii ga'lon tanipded Id Klilyr aod wotfid liar f, roil Satlli la .'l' l.ui.t U, ., . they had fliilalied ub.ul a i,r the Mt ,,.,, uud for the llrat time Mlaa beltyeit de tr.v. We rounle !. .. . falr.'.td id away but for S r , waa uiaf n j J.. .iivid th uneanhly yell ".' ehriw liTm..lf Ilia hoj.iir aod.u ll.t, old woman atrumsi at KeiitqoKy Moon.hln. li.alde u,r wheieabotita of the gnne '" are.iaa tree llniea. an' w i m : ww" ',J mriy of her mother wllli lh 'r".' to ' rfaUd miiw viivir. bloodhound. On of th big dog, amll M ... ,0 mu,B Wr lllllMI. d lug lh grtaiMr that hud dripped on Karaapurllli Hunt Club wa tumbling aald ... bravo n' J , ., , ,.,, ,., ,,,. 'j"'1.1' m .V'.iiu; "' her .'ad!joiit," r ,, t)wy Uy Ill Vol feel well t ." bvatwi T.nld lo Jiab .klnned. drea.l ik. WI( oratrtn lo mov on ih( no ironi in rat pork aindHlehea, began inouiiulr;. i,m nd kill for licking at II. Tli old woman thought nrj -- k, A it li bit crvard jhiiWJ briimt Wl bear blUng her. yelln fright, . ,. rili.''of noon lo tti off, rir Jlr r,!SS. roX.,"Tr.ioT..dr--;M,,'.",de,Jrl!.:-I?- Luey.-- .a,.,-- aa lb. advanced .. t liuulti IUd llud Jim ned r.ryllilntr within gunihol, Th bear SftXl -- Plr .,.,, ..S'" '4, M r.r;USidin,r ' H'loy rl'l Willi buyoiitt. ""'rHit Uudd md centre, und girTtry Loon were hcarJ lclor doubl aliftivuii I VeJi'm Urrl to cr.u'l; ii let dut nctiy, Tha lowiir uiiku'm, Todd Mid in woJtd unani-moii- wouU not Hi parly, meetlni; tia. ?od .lih but li.'d Imv. apirutnl .1,1 randy,"W h la: Ml df tr.i If "bar" tarn that Writing the of Writing Love Letters iiueatiou ovl.' i" Hill Taior' rlial lor feia e and Art wy Kintuthy Willi Decline of Letter ! rlfl, Id uatcd.o Oi the hand l bull!, would kill lb Mllur at lu u one dg fl,,. Uy AllJiiit i:, willed go by Hie nam and which piia'No on la mote .ainiouiiy uiucal of uffectatlon and ir.akea lh while Ihlnftiuplouaura would be iiuyecomiug and "1 wan ler jt'ra l itallon ob Hunt. th niKdlum of a leoond party-ll- cr than tin bolmed. allh.iugli oflen they u...... I ...ivtt.l V. I imp. IkPl.l em- - (ungruoua. 'I'ltl'V ate in beloved, not the lionor'M! unleuui rpeak.n' fio.ii d Kim Micy aiiii, a uiuai, wa In ror All willing Lecvm thennelvea uro not awur of th fact. If udiultly applied. Iloveri, women to be cheer. COM. H'i II, lll.r lel namely, th unryuipaUietle typewfllr belllahineiita wl.h'h. Men love; late lcd, wM.k.y tor tin' ef- - aluaya aanirlhlng to ay v on .ill u li.k.-- y In HI. irrl'l aril Th applle lo thoa. Intlmat. Tli. lovt hat leitalnly curry u charm, a JMIe uriinaj i;ver. liuilluclUely Wat crowd, wor polka dot lo(kl,,( "t '.. ttrui , 11- nonlan reuiuliei dt and Th uury la uggettl by a re .. :...... writer ennirlta lull, mil thullgll ho hod ulleady whkh lift- the heart the thla la ... ofi aHrl po. i Lucy nn'a uiuddrr a (lull a yard , -- - nuaiuai.abovo d.aiin nui.. Thai ulu lew vrld. Jltr mollitr, (Jallnd. cant editorial lu a local liawapi-pr- Of courae, It to her every day for lh. t UicgriU), wa In Hi to with Joyou antUlpatlon. .aid ' K,"T;I thla la well. Laua. loe, hem .iitaU-tler- that urc aatlafylng .,,. , litlflit of K.nllaky lamenting III of tpla II a of -. -' ..... -- H he muit know th nron li I cuing. Tlierefore. boomr. nueatiou ""riVcninn on la i."v. r i.llllllDlltlliLU. 11110 UIlttiltlkhlaT ItlWIT. If U il ('illililfl fe-t;".".."- t.w .n aaav an old o, f rlltol autnmobll toat and lolry o.)rrixidii(;e. Doing and It will, and Iheieln lie, the advantagu 11. i.ialra. ..Laal1U','', ur,biellaa, lull und' iane p.gan p ol unucraiuuuina venal 01.if cane, They can ,.,..., ,.,- ... . ul pr to a ( ,, It a pucullar Pliaa of II inuat aaurd la only on tli '' lb connecHon ll (i lurJly uoi th ll'o niaao "'.,14 fli,.' ' - ',, ailita, "jm alan ralaad appraclatlon. liimaeii on letter. It In lx.k. and of) better by .pecc..-- or by .llcnc-tha- n tlr U wlion lia'a atiol,' All rod la Cheterllld, Ul.'.Ug I. und whll. ng III. meru itfchnUMlltltis ""f. it ilad lh. qitlon whlh worth Iliil lh I'ner elonuont lin; dlu.. kwir.i nie.i wax nun, . i ...... l,Ulf ni-'- l llud Jim, wiio In lila - nv .,ri n.v wriiiiin. wiiereaa eiouueiu ... ..i. iio(il WJ "I'euliablv few man aaa wrllo 11 ahow. par..,,, In whom It I wilt- to the l'm ol o? llioTury women grow timid le.lralned. ',u ' "'" "' nwuiiKd on a awayl-- ik Iioim to," It ld, "but I.r lh. KTi. If II. lady la u b nt. I'k. and "" Ura unlea thy luvi ten a. well p.raon by whom ll I. l;nl ' alAnd wh.n lli.j do wrl.e low leu-- r. wa liatl tiad md In lh Cuban war. ar th womeiiT Thy or ahould ".''" W,wy.giillr ob.ul. to..l'ird reore.u.l.ed. ho.vcr. a whr r, wrltt.n. bMttU.e I.e. hu.bind apellediui. generally alllled and wordy, even ., und the man .... Tlivy mada a plutuitxiu anutiiraiic a Ik. uniJwaMciKiiiii.tanc.lo - uier. that ,tol, - th lttwr wrltr." V,i waa thdugh the meat feeling may glow nt- nor u lli- irti-- v ul of lown and valloutd I neavtiked a flrooklvfi woman lo re arunlliig linn, that know Ho.nct Imea It l I w enough" "a nurf," but that belor. wai awaibaL. and ,ula aaa V I'M. J!m w lalklng.tlwuii i.iirlly with, w:-- away III plk. turvaid Ui rii'junluln. wflli uuuauul for how litter will"d, , , the mo- - " '"w "y"1"' "" '" "l0 the lln.. .lull ThU leatoreU ,. uri' qit an uiplial that inlhu.l- - ,c' "' '" ,i o Ihoae l.av aro e.cepllon. t in llio .lub. and ;.ow 11 aliould b pla!nel that tliey did not'pgaioral refuga, Hh demanded plLiuii ".' 1,." I ol wl.o to hfol. True, ihera l.!. but dcjic the .quawk cf ...... city of in to M. ,l0l!;. H'''vr. .. U In K ' M.. A. .1... Ili abolo el- - J a.rh, ."ir, hou-- All I. neid.d, lu abort, for good aio only for blei.ed few ii uard ntuck, foigtt tli dog. inii, woman or know why women ahaiild ha latter ll?..". Sv hi. n0t'' """ a l tin... U.l In tue netlt, ioo.t..,.ry lu Ktiilucky a mil without a dog. li pen Ihut will not "" ',qru'iblck letter wrlllng of the umatory Kind la - can b. niolu dellilou. than a womiitia loe nlJt linftli wrllrT Hav. Iliy mora iimT navn ho chooae. J " ' ' fr- mid T iplaa., and ho ring, true In estry word On iingbili "p'lnlar dog." It had lliay mora opportunity? Huvo thy h. apruwl. over Ida .leak "' ., In ...... Uor. imturulnea. and giaie, Then vcry letter that lit " pour. the"'c?word b()J m ud , , , ualll .uggc.iloi.T I a the lower In It day, but waa ila. ll-- ve I hey nothing In do ut writ., with a nn. freedom of nul. .. Ul Jn ,,a C0L0R j.Brnr,.H gaJlialr ...... iti. a..,...... iiai. eu ,n. ... v ...... hi...... ,.r i,n ,,. I'liiiaiiTiiiiia i iiiii ur uu i 0F TnE - - w nnm. hn III pitting Mill I.uoy ror I'leni imf Int.. Ida nuLoa. i,....miu. i.ii j...... ,i. i,ui.i riiiralliud br of and lu.m.T la It not aa mutili tlTorl ho deeper Prhapa. the " f gllmpiu of lnllull It Is th lurk alt Uo It on iandi.Jka, put thoughta on paper aa It la for elf coTiicloiiineai In pauae aoraaloiially to. lo". -- ' pliniae. ao few buva liicrvillNK to not that ll'o cj.alc frimdi, fd mai to tlnlr A.k gate. dtt-ai- l.r to el- - a pet pur or to pouan .. ! th. riprmloii rmrnMnmmlufW'wy 1'oaalbly lliut la tho lug at Heaven' whll. lor ueildluj I. l.d cannvn irmi ai'u ...a.. n rar a oig tli 111117 With much moie that for iw, u, ia .. trillion ao, who a holt prraume to III wlll. I mougn Whluli li, Indeed, a proper tribute what term prupo.o.i men do not wrllo lov any And, being a uiiuioni facl.ion. l',it ribbon day and night, which fact, rlodi. lurprlaed to llnd how few tiled why teller frjnia rulea and reaulatlolla lur It lliuk Tn any flirc there la matter for melancholy In lo th receiver, ton will be more. They uro o buaj "mulling In Hi luii.aii mill a vyro JCJ10VV, B'ld In ,. In ruin dtf. 71i t''r wr ti.w. - .Iniple but thla I. not uu livery man will write hi lettcri In i corro bo ruling the la.1 fia. for Ilia Ilk Of IllUatratl'lll, UP- that p.iraie. gold nillla" thut they have Inat th trick lugt most llarterii countriia nliik la ih., rdy lor i'iy. that renlr. Inalaad of moat hav for- lialurc-glve- u fuahlon, ao will li lady leat, aim of I. hi. own and volor Duilui: Hid Mlddla Agea party liavl not prnmeded mora tbii dllorlall and anlarglug upon Ilia Uleiita Doai li wrlllng a love litter lo the of Hie enfter gruiea, It doubtful If No they me tl.. Itentl. Th. or courae, that gotten, many won In llieae by every woman doubt saiic I'llKa worn cilnionn, moat Hid Ixfont tin d'euvrd lh of woman aa wrltra,.whlcli for the of lil heart. Wa aaaumi, t women iro tlinea uud i' lull a lilt.r 111 la vaally dlltert-u- In the main, to thoi who git Ui.j how, n Wg Jtikribbll, omi-wh- ae nava ar or ic niiaiieviuuiiy uu h letter the cia writing. I'luntuKinti Tudor ,' traak ol lh graal.r glory or liar in mouiii both luor. pen and reluctance, letter iiivin Therefor th whole argument. uai:, wei. Willi Brooklyn dnwivd, fur th oommonpluaa letter dooa Willi a nimbi re.erie lu till vivid Itue, flll'd liuimi' iowi, Juat don, lh woman cvadia lh la. lovo ou" too Uut what of th women, aa the editorial, pleaalng, la futile. Tliua w tin care word In aauiaky, Ibat, by llio Inliniperanc tint enter Into tho preaaut argumeiil. Thut depait Then "I bwoiuea though ll waa. Mury Ulujtt w'no first changed nunjib lu io a lua, Uor tliui prlniltlte A whole lexUon ol let ua'r In iplle of lh Hrooklyn per to do will writ lov letter, whether way, a !" nl - irma betwian lid what might be larrnad lh jarkliiaaa bvtug tli caa, what a glorloua rneiacngur, br und matron or ItialdT uudoubltdly they ti tin lolor of bridal i.imenlsi hi uiar ujally iirl tula-baa- .on Hi not, l.r h un uud other word, may b oinpli)! to exiircn they know trick or and for. Ilia Ihiii TI and parrot, Th akow norJa plill uumlitukably hi wltat cgulll y Hut u!h I'r.iiiul. of I'lli'ile, In lM .tat a of lur upii thought, but drtailng It up with IKei-ar- ate th letter wrltet of they leat, aa Christopher dly laid, "let Hie iiould iiudirilanil th rrtak, It argument, WI1IU1, p.rliapi, wa lior pur-po- a li th that to on .vakii ti'n'.f plan' nut l'fora Hi altar. I.kl liny lllrl uiibriildei'lea-ieutK- .e whluli noulJ writ, for the moat pari, another .lldel" III niotl rinurkibl rabbit all. rtoutiaau, prlnoa of lentlmeulallita, aald a world fore tl.c tloot of Nulra Paii'A-- i laUlnly mi all.r .... good lov on ought If apokau, but whkh read The. woman who ludllea lov letlir In ii , tluu part of lb wt rid or In up lh pari that l writ Utter ouuJ aiiaiird ! .I waa, In whll brooaj-.- ilil, iar (am la nut 11 ui laki lo ol lh knowing: h Ilia ihrobUng ullwivea ol Ilia full, llch aeua of th term Hire. aUty olliar, dt'g mi atlaiitlun proposition In order. Uudunlubly j a to begin without what lueani moat putluoly in Dr. ..Muicna r'Hslierutrt, a negro pby trail of puM lilno a ji.Ct, Th. Pld Iru end 'without knowing miUiiir'a I. Midulr There ate good reoaon. ror thli Women I'li.iar'ooivtt tli trimlurr, whllo palmar had Id linn writ, In uy and to what who In early lit , a omaV.l'r. in l"i,i;th Till. liiiiuvntlDii .aitat-a- .t,t I. lh. that fw litter nowaday, enJd. will not do. Nocea. I'Ioau-- r nvoldod by llio are not permitted un r.)jat drgr of In dlnotlon of fh old Mf'iiniti'a iwrhapa, lh young lie lia Hill that of meurlf I m Now leading u In Hi laahluniJa'. ld nsM llet vry man. iiy thougrit come aa on aood lu nut) an eplalle. frauliiuM with men Tor lhm to pour recognlied rnglnnd'a sllr .1 in.. bag, which (Iliad fat nlib pork In thla cuniiie-tlo- la niaajit not anil'', wrll.i, but vriiu of ta.te Ubiifh, gain, wl latter lioiUd yatom and aJrajigaiiwci, Ivtida an uppearaihc of thaiiiNlvo-ou- l with llii iiNM ardor aud p.clall; lu aaulvlcha. thou luriral and Mrf buJima dooumant Ui.r b I'rotuelou of taiu: T f Tl

--ill 'V

, i. u , i$tv.-.w.- ntl'vi -- n2, .JtobiHiMLiA. :. 'iiaimliiT - ii'r- - '&'Li&klyxjJm!&cJtMi' jit. oi. .fA & jUiAiii, f

in Mil W'At -- AMI !' v5 Oceanic Steamship Company Alexander 8 llaldwin TOURISTS ANXIOUS, Dividend Notices ijuWwtilA rsTAnLinunn in uicn. LIMITfU. tAVfc WOOD ttafx ).iH and Hint T1A1E O m OaNforttlA ami MimtKomt'ty TABLE I. . COOKt MiMitr TO VISIT VOLCANO nta Man Prnhsr r tint sit 111 OPt-MCtlKH- . end In Dewmiliw lytic, iliv. The tUamtre ol (hit lint vrlll arrive JnJ leave thli pari at hereunder! Motillta . P. ftaldwln, ...... Pretldenl Idnliiia lime iMfti illTlnifd on the u- - SAN ilepriit.iii-ii- t from ban rruNciscot ron FRANCIBCOI Bishop & Co. I. . Cstll Vici Pretldenl Kllniiffl la diilliK iflt ll nald wTtm In tln mnltiRe of iV, M. Alexander ejonJ Vie Prtt l.yruisil the nirlPtor of Hie raiHpaNy tin fullnwr. On tfriil ! St i,u 3 HIMUIA ...... JAN. 1 tC-I- VltNTUrU ...JAN BANKCRS. L T. Peck.,, , Thlid Vita Prta XiiIi'hiki IIiiiim' ilila iiiornlnr hnl pwlta til f li'ii or tr rt'iit. AUVMIfliA ..FKII I PS!' c l. Wattrhoule ...... Treaiurei n Ii'Iiim (nun 1)iiiiimIihiii jtHriHrfa) . .. nHHii. mid nu unlluso li'itit IffinUA FUII 13 illii - iuho;ia t ,t. C PaMon ., tecrttar, ml lio Miri il.Hi the i la IHHhk Hp n thr ial" of 1 1 Z if nl r an- .rHil. Will. V V. O. . . nireeto' i lT AMMKI'A U ALAJtlfllA Smith ...... lli'i-- li iilaiit) if (lit' Miit trim m hHm rnH of iuxh mnl a)abluu Alid MAIt VFINTI RA M.Ut MINIMA t Commercial ami Travelers' Imintuliia, Inn of ratirw tliv Ik " Wwhu-ndit- January S. 107. 1h AI.AXKKA IS AI.AMKDA MAIt 10 M fm Mill SUBAR rACTORS, llluh a lln l Mm 'hat ,, tltU, (f ww,,! vrlll h ial1 by I ' ili clters of Credit Issued on tidl: " liaiili olTinR liioati uL 1131 lUt- - MLRCHANU and I ! if COMMISSION Iih.I Inot" numtHir In , i . 1T4U V llMdM,. VuUiicIn SL und Bunk of California and s s Mtl iiW.mii Vo1kiih ' of above tteameri, agente are pre- ithe INSUHANBE AGENTS Him. iiilrtai il' fmm lour FllluiMiti iH ton I'rniu'lui In connection with the tailing the the - rail-loa- lct wliii an- now In iliu t1l .' kiI'I Bw DAI-'liL- pared to Ittue to Intending patiengiti, coupon through ticket", by any The LondonJoir.t Stock Hank. r tit J I, IIIIOWK, : II I' WikM of lh riviMoilmi from San rranctseo to all polnti In the United Statu, and from New Ltd., Ajcntt foi if 30k Unui;r. York by any steamship line to all European portt. London. eomiiilllw!lr HiIh ihdiiiIhk 'I Ihlnk Hawaiian Commtrelil A Ce or tlnetii iihiW FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY VO uir j lliul mini) iniifirr to a (WiHuii KavlnKS nnd Ho uugar Company. on 1h' l'ali haiku immcr Kluy iltan ouii be ninth' llm KhIi I'ralitla-i- o Correspondents foi the! ! cloy. S2C UollfMinla Ht Pal Plantation. ii iw tniiii Dxi'iirnlim trip of Iho Ivm adwuicii Dpciii-I- Company. inn i ci Tor llm linlf ear iidliiK t Maul Agricultural 1 1 i willed Imbi I fwl Hint Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd American l;xptss Company i i am iku wm' 31, IWiC, a illvldHid Iiur Ihiii Klhcl Plantation Company. llo-- Klnnil will Imi tli )m li 5 t t .1 In ?t M It cmilwl nt tin) rati1. nt" Ihlm uud OCCANIC 8, 8. CO., GENERAL. AGENTS. and I hos. Cook & Son. Hawaiian Sugar Ccmiiany. t4V"' M'MK n for Hie V'oli mm v. Inn a n a . it iiiiiiwai-i- "!Cg l C IU) riT Mill r biiuiim ou .SJL' ni imj Kahuku Flartatlon Comoany. l tt t it t on licr gulur Hip next vci k (t inlml n II of tuxi'S, p.oiililn ou Kahulul Railroad Company, It I Hi t I II - t 4 5 4$ ilii)lls. fui' ' I M i Interest allowed on term 'Jorroany. kde-r- f (ml iiflur UVdimiidny, January ;, Iku7. hfcle&kala Ranch t of kll vortt, IV t 4 V t ..4 Wink bookt Pacific Mail Steamship Co. ' itc , manufactured by tbe ltullrtln I'ub Dlildeuds not calh'd for ore nddi-- to Savings Bank Deposits. , - and foTtlH,lt IV t i I II UMnir r.iimn.rT uud r I In- miii rate of liiteri'st as & Cooke, Ltd tliu prl11rlp.1l from January 1, 1!07. Steamship , Castle Occidental and Oriental ' (IF.OItnK TOUItNY, J, HOKOLUIV. I'lmt iiiartor of the moon bii :uii "SSI 2vr Htcrutury. Tlims of II. e title aru tsk"U from Co., and Toyo Kisen Kaisha United Ktates Coast and Geodetic Claus Spreekele. Wm. O. Irwin. ornmlssio.1 Merchants Jho HOSEEBfe companies will call Honolulu leave Hurvcy tublvs 8teamera of the above at and thlt 10 botirs pert on or about the datet below mentioned: llnttallan tUndard tlmn u ;: Sugar Factor: 'SO in I n u (en Blotter (ban Orccnwlco Claus Spreckels & Co. llmo, liclns that or Iho Ujerldlau of Ji7 FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: v,ilstl ; AflKNTH TOR MtuivHi 3U minutes. Tlii' limn .1 Mjl'iuk 1:20 p. vthtib Is the same Co. at m, COPTIC . . ..JAN 22 AMIHUCA MAII IT JAN tSANICCtUv The Ewa Plantation as lri'iiwltli, 0 Iioiiih u luluulca. Kuu JIONIIKONO MAUI!' . .jan. si 6 The Walalua Agricultural C. tb siiikuia iv.n Honolulu, : : : ri. and iiiixm aru for local time fur KOItKA ,.n:n. i: china fi:h. is t. The Kohala Sugar Co. wliolu croup, AMKIUCU MAItU ..riai. 20 jioxiinuA I'r.n. is The Walmea Sugar Mill Co. t tm m 8tlli:iHA ..n:n. as nipi'on MAiiir so Sap. Francltso Agents Tko Ne-i- i The Fulton Iron Worfct. SL Loult, Mo JIXJIJIK:tlKKXKX.x; riai. Haul, I'ranclico CHINA 1AII. i 1)0111(3 MAIt. 9 National of San The Wahlawa Water Co.. Ltd. f Draw Exchange on (tin Na X JIONUOLLV II All IS Nmla The Geo. F. Blake Steam Pumps, ) PASSENGERS EM - .Kiuul Hank uf rtan !"rnnvUco. .Pull si Manila. and j Weston's Centrifugals. X Arrived " 'V London Tim Union of lndon ' X U.inK, New England Life Inturanc Co ?nillli' l.til. ' Tie Ntw York American Na of Dotton. If 7011 want to rujuy rubust Kflm'ic !)irtf)'k,;i)ai)xxHi-wa- of Hartford, IVr sliur KIiiiiii. from llllo uml ilonal Hank. The Aetna Fire Int, Co. health, lake a of tbe FOR CCNEHAL INFORMATION APPLY TO Chicago Corn Exchange Natlnnal Conn. y;30 ii in. John A. Hurt I, John HaXiT, Jolili Hind, A HHli-m- . Iho Uank The American Steam Pump Co. 'I Mull. John T It Mill iiml.i sluinach Credit I.yimnali. I.I1INUI1-- . WaeilniM, lra. A. Maer-Mu- Pari. A. almtiE ami Die blood pure, Our a Hongkong and Yokohama ltotix I II lliiilou, (Ilia K11I111, V W H, Hackfeld & Co, Ltd., Corporation past of over 00 years proves imru: Hlmniiliul HankliiE W. Irwin 5 Co., lit Kiuer), Airs W V ICinir, MlfH M record New Zealand and Australia Hank I I) worth, Indigestion, VVhlttuiii. alia J Its It cures of New Zealand and Uank of Anatra limu, WM. O. IRWIN .Preildtnt ..a Mgr I K .Hall. C A KU)IiIh, I) I Austin. Dytpepsla,. Heartburn, Cottlve This machine MAKES lence AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N l,la O. Vice Pres W 11 uud Mih H.iii 1 S. S. CO .Victoria and Vancouvtr Bank of , INC. OPREOKr.LS Ht Mm I'li'i'i ihlhl. nest, female Complaints, Malaria, from to S ft. high with t to 12 . - M, 2d Vice Pres WoimIs, New llrlllsh North Aim-rlca- W. CIFFARO Mni). Mine Malil Mia J to In. meth with a breaklnu strain Direct Service between York ind Uavaiian Islands. Via I'lciOc . rtver and Ague Try u boltlu n.,,.j.,,,,.M V. WHITNCV ..Treasurer Mi'liiiiki-- . Mih ('. NUm.ii. ,MUa.Mnri'l of over 25,000 lbs. nt a cost of nnd' RICHARD IVEH Secretary day. appniwd Hocinlly Coniinurchil lllml, AilJ J II lluililxro. J A. Till SOc up per rod, being Horse, - and H- W. r. WILSON I Audltci WimIi-Iiou- m, Prrirn IVts-- Vorlc to Honolulu rruwlKrii' CrnlllH Isciml. Illllr of uiir, Mliw C J MannliiK. K, II high, IcIiiilU'K boiiKht anil bold. (1. Ab'X. Cloiiuh. W OS. "HAWAIIAN," via Tehuantepec . . to tall JAN. 15 UGAR rAcroRa J Voiiiir Chicken and Mongoose Proof. Trclght rtcoived at all time at the Company'. 1at l.'iii K llleiil.iiii. ('. I' . K II Catalogues on application, t Wharf, Collections Promptly Accounted For and Street, South Drooktyn. COMMISSION AGENTS 1'iiils. II M. Whllln). Open Letter From Prom Honolulu to 'Sctn Rrunclitoo for VIA KAIIULUI Agcntf X )l H V X if, tt H X )l fl V K X it The First Co., San Francisco Department Oceanic Steamship li K Pacific J.CAXTELl&CO, n.S."NEVADAN" to call FED. 0 Cal. I li DANO CONCERT X AMERICAN SAVINGS Ws.tern Sugar Refining Ce, San Fran SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Prom n Prunclwco To Honolulu cltco, Cil. It Jf Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool 6.S. "NEVADAN" ' 11 11 t I8LAND8. to aall JAN. 29 Batawln Locomotive Works, Phils II k x n. t t u x v y x k F.elgnt received at Company'. Wharf, Qreenwlch SL, riii-- lluHiillini baud will play lodny I1HB-- ALAKEA ST. GO dslphla, Pa. Many of Iliu Companies whli-l- i at and each month thereafter. AND TRUST Mswati Universal Mil! Co. (Manufao fur lln' l.uslluiia Koth'ly nil Alapul Phone Blue 1801. P. O. Box 042. Ho- - 12th of National shred aflLMiiiiou nt 3 II of Juim (iiicl turert Ctn. lnol iTomorrow c Prom Sunttle Trtcsomn to Honolulu York, N. Y. voted In favor nf u horlionliil 8 dr), New will llm folloviiiiK pioKniui on to sail JAN. OF HAWAII, LTD. tlnn or " losa II11111 Jiuvo, Pacific Oil Tramportatlun Ce, 'ir Hit. Cnpllol Kioiilidx: not ii'fi," nt FOR FUIITHER INFORMATION APPLY AT Francisco, Cal, hi, found It IiiIokjiIIiIo Id UuBSCHIBCD 2u3,000.Ou I'AItT I C. MORSE, CAPITAL... mllle llu-l- r Han Frauc-lsc- Iossom 011 Bishop Trust Co., P. H. fc Co., UP CAPITAL 11)0,000.00 Oiuiluro' 'Tho HniilKglur'H llrldn".. Hackfeld Lt PAID that hasla uud linvo hei-- fon'cd, OCNERAL TREIGHT AGENT. AGENTS. HONOLULU. Prtsldent Cecil Drown C. & Co., Lid. Ilohlil ' .L Brewer liioiigli leliiolautly, to pay conshlur riWrt. Vies President M, P. Roblnton lull riui'7zo: "I'liu Hall (Juun" .... LIMITED. L. T. Peek HONOLULU, T. H ahln iiioro than 1111 uvor.iK" of V of CairiaftJtab-AiKjtpalio- Cashier QUEEN ST1LET, Vollsli'ilt 1 i? llu-l- r I'laliiiH, Homo which oli-- lo RoyaJ 'Mall lliill.'id: "Tli" I .mid of Hohi nnd iiiljiut nvi-r- claim 011 Hm uml . Office: Corner lfTt and King Bts. AGENT6 FOR! 'llory" Klmir Stoumtthlp Cnrnpnny. Agricultural Co, Ookalt puy Hid N.11110 " Dollar (or lljllur, SAVINGS DEPOSITS received and Hawaiian rivliclloir "Dili' romarl" V1111II lutereM ullowcd for yearly iloposlt ai Sugar Plant. Co., 0 mes Sugar Co., liavii fulluii, uwny from Hint high mid For Sale Co., I'AItT II. Steamers of the above line, running In connection with the GANADIAT: the rate of 4 per cent, per uununi Honomu Sugar Co.Walluku Sugar Lorri-c- l staiuluiil and liav submitted 6everal acres In Manoa Valley, Beau- j Vocal Aini'rli'aii KonKH.ur. by IIitkit PAOiriC RAILWAY CO. between Vancouver, E. C, and Sydney, N. 8. W, Hulcs ami rcsulatlons furuleliod up Pepcekeo fiuppr Co.. Tht Planter! their Kiry liohh-r- to shaip an.1 calling at Victoria, 0. C, Honolulu anil Suva, FIJI, and Biltbant, art on application. Line of San Tranclico Packets. Hi'illIIoii lb Old Ki'iituck) lloiuu" tiful site, overlooking Diamond, Head D.illxiy from ndJtislLiI claims. Others, DUE AT HONOLULU on or about tne dates brio dated, viz.: LI6T Or OFFICERS! whllo pnyluif In full lmo, In accord and the Ocean. IS00.09 per acre. M. Cooke, President; Ceorge Miiluual' and Aloliit Ou" From Vancouver and Victoria, B :. From Sydney nnd Orlsbana. C. with Kastiirn iih:iko, uxucttd v nobcrtton, Vies president snd Mana ur by lliiwir Lliro (For Hrltbane itid Sydney) (For Victoria and Vancouver, B.C.) cash itlbcniint In Hon or sixty days' A Flne'Resldence on Klnau Street. jer; E. F. Dlthop, Trsaturei1 and 8ec riimiu "l'oiiular Mulodli-s- .. Mllla MOAN Ki:n , llmo In which to iimku payment. sJmiowkiu Ki:n. f ESTABLISHED 1830. retary; F. W. Macfarlane, Auditor: P. "Tfiu HIitr.Hpaimlod ll.uiiii.-r- Four Bedrooms. , Large Lot.' MAU 'JA0llAN0t MAIL C C. Jorec, C. M, Cooks and J, R. Gait. The "ROYAL" has paid every M'xmtt MOANA 3 ' claim as soon as the amount of lost Quarters, 4c 15.000.00. (i , Al'll. fni'ltal Siihscrlliod Yen 21.000.000 Directors. id been agreed upon ottur- - Through Tickets litued from Honolulu to Canada, United Statet and Ej Tapltal I'll Id Up Yen 2t.000.000 ' has with the rope. For Freight and Passage and ill general infoimatlrn, apply to Fund . Yen 13,700,000' o td, In full, In cash, without a cont of FIRE discount. Comparatively fnw & I Tneo. ti. Davies Co.. Ltd. General Agents. HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. HANGE idea have puisiii-- us and uh il Bishop Trust Co.. JMWWMWW WWMW .fc M WW MMM. rtMMHMWr 11 course, BRANCH AGENCIES Antunn. THE Wo havn rofiulued from eiiinuieutluK J. F. Moigan, President; C.J. Campbell, Vice President: J. L. McLtar, listen, Mann Kail, Chcfoo, Dnlny, LIMITED. , N- - upon coiiiliirt of liny Secretary: A, F. Clark, Treasurer; C. Gsdge, Auditor; Frank Hustaca. llomliay, llouislionc Ilnnolulii, Knhu, Wiixhliiutiiii, Die. 29. I'rcalilont tlin CO roiniuuiy, IioIIiivIiib It holler to extol BETHEL STREET r Manager. Leoyaue, London, Lyons, Mukden, B. . . DILLINGHAM piiiiMelt Iiiih kIwii pi riuliisloii to tho , (if our own, TJn HOYAI, NnKasa'.d, KewchwaiiK, Now York, .iiii,iiii'ho naval liiHM'i'tiirK tniiipnrarlly tho virtue Bhanglml, Ti- INHUItANCi; COMl'ANY of I.lveriool Hustace-Pecl- k PeklnB, Ran I'randsco, LIMITED, 'fctiitliiui'il at tlin Fmo Itlvor Khlp uud entsin, Tokln, Osaka. paid to date 2,3ii9 claims, aKKro Co., Ltde Ciini.DauyV In Manna-iliumrt- ts has LIFE INSURANCE' TI10 bank and receives for col- nimluii works ri'iualti s Iiuh Hawaii: to kuIii all llm Information rating IS.tiOO.OJS.SC Wu havo . 63 QUEEN ST. lection Hills of Exchange, Isbiks General Aant for la not a Luxury; It la Necessity. DRAY !VlEIMf Hi it li. 1. itini) tlj.Mini In tttir.trtl tit I ll it lug hut u few iiiiKuttlnd losses, and Drafts and I.ettora of Credit and trans- i'Iiiu Iliv (it.t livnnu 11. " But you Must have the BEST DEALERS IN Altai Aaturance Company of London 1,,,),,,,,,,. f u,H cniiiitry there 1110 elilclly awullliiK uuthorlu acts n Rcn'jral tMinUlnR huslness. Mlm rr proh'ttn and that Is provided by the famous new rorK unoerr.r. n ".7. ,,,,,, h yulil, lion of rlalnmiitu abroad, pio HONOLULU BRANCH, 67 KINO ST. - ..loeioilllIK lit that equitable Laws of Massa- - - .,.,. ceedliiKM, loteHtlKullim i and most Conl, rroviuenco wasiiinutui- ,,.,. ,. ,lr kiIiu.,I hi furlher In ' Firewood, Stove and Steam Ith FLOOR, STANOENWALD'"'"iBLDO Iuhh. chusetto, the ALSO WHITC AND BLACK 8AND. TELEPHONE MAIN 295. I CAN SELL ul iliu yunl duiliiK tho liulldlUK or to uctual niiiouiit of flro BUM-'",,- .. "HOYAI," eontlnuen to bo Iho YOUR REAL E8TATE OR .,.., , koiiiii tiiililni'K for thulr K"Voininuiil, Tho NO LOCA-- WM CO.. rm Inmitaiico Compuuy or New NESS MATTER WHERE U ,C hnl uiLiudliiK to tho Moiy which haa leading I'lio England Mutual TED. Properties and Business of all' " " " llm Id, Its itnnuiil liironin Is over i" 1 01110 to IIiIh limy havu nlvon Hil- hoi OahU Railwayl Past Schooner kinds lold quickly for cash In all dty, s flS.iiOD.OO, Ils Han Frauelsco kiosh AOHNTS FOB Till ly us niui-l- i iittunllou to tho pniKri-s- Life Co., parts of the United States. Don t losses not very iiiuili more than Insurance .wait. Write today describing what (loyal Insurance Co. of Liverpool, Enp maili' In Iliu biilldiiiic of llm four wrio (.uo-lhlr- of 1,110 yeur'a iirtunliiniH, and OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. CONCORD you have to sell and give cash price Commercial Assurance Co., Ltd., of for Iho Aincrleiui navy an In Time Table. suipliiH, nil aro iain,iii wouia ne ,uny miorm.a aooui Sailing for on same. London. Enuland. llioli own woili. It Is said that whllo Its alter losses ) 1110 or uny these laws, address V. IF YOU WANT TO BUY Scottish Union & National Ins. Co, of tho Amci Icun ollIi-or- who 11111 tupor will uxci'i'il surplus inner , OUTWARD. KAPUNA HONOIPU, KAILUA anr any kind of Business or Real Estate Edlnburnh. Scotland. vIhIiilt llm liiilMlnir of tho Hiibniuiluus Compuuy in iho world. HOOKENA anywhere, at any price, write me Wllhelma of Magdeburg General Insui ,uw, fc,t iniich cmloally Jt has hi'i'ii IttilldluK up Uh reserves Castle & . For Walunac, Wnlalua, Knluilcj and u,lo to Cooke. your requirements. I can aave you Company, years ngulnst Juut sinh 11 disaster GENERAL AGENTS, Wuy fatutlonh 0:15 E. 111, 3 20 p. 111. From 6orenson'a Wharf. ancs 111 iho part of Iho JiuiiiiU'ku, Hid lulu- for time and money. Hun uml was HONOLULU, For 1'enil Cltj, Uua Mill and Way Apply on Board or to lloiu hutvieeii t l Iijh hi'i'll wlllioiit us tamo lo riuucli'i) T. H. Stations f7:30 u. m, l:ir, a. a , HAWAIIAN BALLASTING CO., Agt DAVID P. TAFF, HOH0UJI.U IRON WORKS outward frli'ilou, Iherefo'-- ublo lo lucet Hh Kl'ut losses' 11:05 a. p. 3:20 p. m , btf I A ivm ft AM l wllh riiiiinluilly, It wjll I'ontlnuu In in.. '2:15 iu Telephone Main 336, Maunakea St., rue Improved Modern 8UOAR MA On 11 cent UlaU of Iho niiliiuiiruis p. p. p. m. ' and Good .Jewelry s:ir in., )9.3o in., tiiioo low King. P. O, Box 820y 415 Kamas Avenue. CHINERY of every capacity and de ii uoli'il by Iho Anioiluiii ntlli'ois piirsiui Iho oven of I(h wuy uud Wubiana m. For VilBo uud'C.JB TOPEKA KAN8A8. icrlptlon made to order. Bolljtr work Unit (huiieii-i- l ,1 will douhlless ho iiioiii popular lliuii At Low Price p. IU. tho Japanus'i had ' and RIVETCU PIPES 'for Irrigation nOit uud foli)Wed Iho lllllu honln III ever wllh Iiihiiiitm. INWARO. aUen-tlo- purposes a cpeclalty, Particular lla-l- r llm AinorlcatiK You uio jierfrclly mifo In putting! real" estate fob sale. WORK, and iiiaiieiivort) until paid to JOB reoalrr ilm-UI-. ImikIiioss In " know, J.A.RJfieira&Co. Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wal- Miihlly iiHked Ur-ii-i to It h your llm HOYAI.," txecuted at shortest notice. ilreum-- alua and a:3C a. iu., C:31 5 Building lota In Manoa Valley, l waa In luu lliat It will under nil ' . HOTEL iho iiiallcr hnnmhl ' STREET JEWELIH8, p. iu. acre each, $1000 a lot, Iho iilti'iifloii of Iliu I'liisldulit IhiiiiiKh Claims he uhlo lo fully nnd piiiiiidly In Honolulu Mill magnifi- Arrive from Kwa Becutlful site, bracing air, Jnpuiu'su IIinliauHy In llilx city Ah pieel s eontiiii-l- uml Hint It will iiotl City 8:3G a. n. luu sTrTTwEBB and Pearl t7MC a. rn, cent v'ew. P. Burnette lo nny ipilhhli'M or shift y pro I ju., 10:J8 a. m, l:40 p. iu., 4:31 p. ,1 ri'HUll lllO rtSllllt IIOH HIVlMl iliu lorcjlKiiuiH iiuhlii- lo avoid Hh oIiIIkiiIIoiih, Now GUN AND 111,, S:31 p. 111., 7:20 p. in. attorney and Notary Public. full Icuyn In ohsurtn LOCKSMITH. Arrlvo Honolulu frnir. Wnlilawa Albert F. Afong, l anlliluk' In Iho way of Ani'itl In (ho Ifmo to iimku iiso of your op- GENERAL REPAIR 8H0P. Peal Estate, Loans, Collections, 8:36 a. nf. and S:31 p in Headquarters for Automobiles with ran 1 nuali lit Iho yunln, oipuiiuiiiiy Bafej Telephone Main 407, P, O, Box 795. Them is no nliiilinu: Ihn iKHiin' ilinin Opened, Typewriter, Cash Reg- tiplendldly Equipped Fireproof 832 FORT Agent to Grant Marrlags Licenses. I isters and Sewing Machines, Lawn Dally. SJ. Cliilhll.m Cliiii(i,coi!(.'-Alako- line ai "l)olar for Ilollni"' Ciiiiii,iiiIuh: STOCK AND BOND BROKER. "doner.: Office Main 3)0! Rcs.Wh.134t. Mowers cleanid, adjusted and repaired t )'x. Huiiday, Garage, i.'Iim, ui,,,,iu IiiiiIih n i a t, ,,1 r lhrtn mi, " HIv hlilr iri " niul Ilinin 111,1 Bundaj Only, MEMBER HONOLULU STOCK AND REMOVED JO UNION 8TBEET. t i I" Wilehors," 'Cliein am also ("ump-i-- ' BOND EXCHANGE. THE HAWAIIAN REALTY AND MA hiiilorC i:,n.30 in; lllhlu hcIiooI VON HAMM.YOUNG Ltd U 15 11. 11, 111, hl'iH slrnlig, uud (:iiiiiiiiiiuk MACHINeT" Tho Jlnlelwa I.lmllcd, a two hour COMPANY, in, I'iuiiiIiIiik, II mid weak,, VICTOR TALKING TURITY CO., LTD, 7 ID p , mm iiIiik, ludlvldiiiil-fluiii- hilly, train (only nrat-cl&i- tlcl.etu henored), in "Tho T- r every Sunday at K 22 - II v mid TIIIiIiik"! evening, "Tho (loin) No Conipauy enii nlfur n heller Compare he. talking machine of five leaves Honolulu -- William Pary, Mortgaue, Loans and In n. returning:, arrlyns Hnnululii JYl. & U. AND BUILDKIf 'teal KaUtr, Dies" At Iliu iivenlliK niirvi'i'!l''V lliali Hi" "I'OYAI,," few an kiwi years ago with the Victor of in.; j fl.lllipt CONTRACTOR vcMment Oecurfties, today 10; 10 p. in. Tho Limited stops nuly AI.AKEA Mr Cllltnn II, Tiney will uIiib Y1111 IIOW.A V. WATT, end note the at Wholetale Importers and Jobbers OlREETi Liirleet Mrlntyre Bldq,, Honolulu, T,H, wonderful advancement, at Vtarl City aud Walanao. niiieiililliilly liivlli-- any all nor. MuiiAKcr 1'iuino Cnust It Is Impossible All ciasses of Building P. O BOX ?iiB PHONE MAIN HI in uud )ni.iinenl to conceive of any fur. O. DHNISON, F. C, SMITH, EUROPEAN AND . P. vims (I J) IMwiiiiIh, piislni-- WM. (I, JIIWIN U lid, l,T),, ther Improvement In hu- Supt. O 1'. A AMERICAN DRY GOODS and carefully executed 038 FORT AT, this almost '!. 1f,01, AguiilM for Iho TnuMmy f Iluwiill Office 'Phone Blue ' man machine, fine Job f'rlntfni at Uie NulleUn. r'oflT and QUEEN BT8 Residence 'Pions Blue 23SL Weekly Bulletin HI pfr ywr, Jjay BULLETIN AS, PAY 1l ,. 30U2-J- BERQSTnOM MU8IC CO, LTQ,

M'frrfo-1'"'"-- nmihiwiAiiiifii mTfrtitfuiirfllte irtiriikfiiiiliiflfii'rtiiii iXmm juJattltlliti iiWr'iiinrtiilMTfcl mmiktm ''- " A,,,t nni ',nu,iiwJitt nVKNINO I'.VMillTIV, T 11 iA ri'lttA JAN Ifl, t 11

may be had at any time. The supply is never shut off day or night. Watch it where it has been installed, Ask t GAS LIGHT nsocl. the man who burns it if it is not the best light he ever i

4, III n. Ill, Kcpolknl. -.- mMlltl0VtMt0mi)tmf0MVAAAMimAmAMltmnAAAAMtIVm - anHtfrJiViViiWi I ' ,. J Olio Itolnhnrl, Kuardlan nf person rj r T , Hif ' T T 1 T 1 i '"l ralaln f UonrRo Itclnharl, pel I Business Man s rlanoy index I ,"" " n ni hi I'linrcn, lli'nrliiK Jan, IK, 10 n. III WANTS JVVVVVVVVtlVVVVIIVimlVtMmA&tMIMtMtAmMtVVVWtlVyVVVVV'''" I'araiillR II. M. Mm Unit, nilinlnlntrntnr catiito The Little Ads with the Big Results (Inlinn In lie tiled with hliu bcfor !f Allro Mncklnlimh, iiolltloim fur fin. SPORTS in I v Probate Notices. Warrli 27. nrcoimtliic anil illnrharKo. Hour V TO-UA- V V. Pobiio, RilmlnlMralnr rttoJllK jnn. 14, m n, in, Jnilsn Do Holt, Pnico H, 'BW for Now Ada. -- or "r.-tuin- :; Petition for Administration Waller II. I'likolt. aihorlln'n for r.' r--' ; 'j.'.T.r.'.'.','. T--' jjrr'-r' rlalina In lie flloil with him heforo ri ,MIII W. O. H111III1, of l.lly Harry T H'tltloim tlml dtlem .March 15. exeenlor ratale hlionta of dl"pirouil from (ho WANTBD ROR WA.I-- E. ,nf ii'tinliiliilmlliiii Issue Ii I le M. Illoo, iKiliUona for llnal SHOULD WIN .'. In in mi Ailmlnltratora ntatc nt Konraikr arroiinllni: MAILES Jorll.v 3 K, vnd illKohiirKr. Honrlnj; 23, 1U . ,,..' l'lirnlKhoil ontliiKo In K001I locality. Ad latiul In tho city with a frontnto nt nf Henry Hlghtou, Intestalo. Vonlilkl ailvfrllKo ror rlaltna lo lio.lilfil Hlnnotl jnniiK'd In l. renter ,lf MporliiR IVIi. II, 3 u. Unci- - Kith Hi phi April K. 11. in, JiiiIko KeHilknl. 115 rect on Kinn Kltcct, (Iroiimt in. JiiiIko lirfnre I'IiIh afl'.'iniKiii the M.illoa moot nlrliic will a riinh 11 it O linen atnuKi'ii'd I'. K. It. Hlrnmli, ndinlnlntrnlnr 01" Exccutora' I rent will slvo purchaaer ulRhl Petition. (ihkoil tvam from tho other ii'iiiiik III nt tt.iut. rttiMPiwlTc lilowa on llio Jawa ...... (8) lain of Henry (lllmnn Ilov. II. Valentin, exocnlor I neuojvRPuer ior piiniiiiiiuii 01111-0- ,tu" per Lowace paya Inxen John II Nul Unit Id In it or aiheitlnoa fnf the I'iikiio, In Khat will prnhahl) lm CVllileii lo (he flour three IIiiiok rnnt. net. (IhIiiik In lis lllwl will) tit m boford Calhorlnn ie(ltlona hcnl dreaa "A." Ilulletln 3389 If nuilnlriinllnti Issue lo IiIiii on chIMo nf of KtoKatd, HiH'ker cm up hpoiiKC. and nil other nnsojumciita and keeps April 29. (!' hint riiiiio nf thla The and his acmiula llnew the , Mary T Kill, liili-stnl- e Hearing Ki'b. for llnal iiicoiiiilltm ami dim ImrKo. bilihliilEH on land llimirod for bene-- A. Ilanohorp, cntnto loam which baa Ihcii picked 0111 in face tt II, 9 li. .tiitlKii Lindsay. ailmlnlitralnr lloarliiK I'oli. II, 9 a. in. Dc Holt. fit of l.osmir. l'or p.irllcih in. nf I,. AI1I0, llio Malles la rtroiiR but the Kio'.i' CarllKle. I'm. I hi'. 31 Tlio follow TO further ailrrlliio for lulinn In LET. , J. V. Hehutlo Hint tie-fe- Held iir-rtl- Inm, apply In John Colhurn. iKlllloiiH letlim lm II M with him hrfnre H. aboiihl hand them out a detinue Iiik nre the mlliliil track nnd of a iii'liiliitr.itlon iMiua In Id Day-li- m of HnoiiiH hIiirIo or en Kiiilc. Toiiiik ciih)'. 3r,W-t- f , llobort HYaaor, ailmlnlatralnr rulaln without uuy exeillon on lirlil by the Hliideula the Car o. (IihhI nccotnniodatlonK, on fitlatc "of AkiHIiii Noll, liilwt-lal- of Jauira lluxh, aihrrtlnon for rlalms Sales. tliilr pail. Team play Hliould cniiut llab' Indian kcIkmiI. The llRiiren me Just tho place money lo Miiall - HonrliiK I'i'li, II, 9 H. m JurtKO In fllorl with hlni lirfnrn Jan. 17. UK.'ilnM any Ihe iniml rnilltablo held nt for sat Iiik Tnlilo. two eliMlrs lol of sholtliiK. lulft- - t liniMdiial brilllamt ptobnbl) IX- Galea waRe-enrncr- try. lloll. David Daytnn, admltiUtralnr Mortoue Tho lliicuji: liny ocl'olasllc limtllutlon in Hie couu-lr- ) Como and Tho' Hlou ile. ami 11 roMilvliiK cliulr. o( hy clashl-lienlloi- Maria Vnl.iillnl thai let Jainoa MrCrrarlr, ailvrrlUrg for MurtKiiB" mndo I.. Ahlo to C. M. Iteat of the l'iiKUC (.'olora. while lunltiR tho wiini' luwh'Uilr New i:rn Hotel, I'ort St. hot. Vino. kihuI iih now oxtetiHlon illuliiR tnblo nf rlnlnia 10 he fllpil with hi in heforo Cooke, rnordod In 151. KcIiimiI Ktf. 239MI irrn iKlmliilslnitloii ssuo In J, K l.lhcr paKea Coal, Dixon; Ii.icKh, rllanle I lean I )ard and and Hlx rh.ili-- mission stylo, rihhI Krb. K .'.i'i2'3i;3, 11 ml hulldliiKR Kdknnlii mi cslHlo,of Jriiiom II, Wot onvorliiK laud (L'.ipt., hnlf-bjrk- 1CII ilnali. lime Id hiioiiiIk. held iih now liiiiuie nl I'acllle Tranafcr Hohcrt'T, ariinliilHlratnr oa. moiv. Mail unci loOonrd pull, ml, IoIihIhIc, JlcarliiK .Ihii I7tli nt Kiinooho and I'uiialuii, will Ik Deuba, J. Clarke, II. (Iriinne, forwatdK, by OiHwell, Heaver. .Mount Pleasant CutlBRe to lei on Hcrctnnla fit. Tinea Co.. 120 KlUK HI 3r,93t( talc of Kokva, nihorllnrn for rlalina Id public I'ledrootna and 10 h, in, JiiiIko, nt auction at Morcan'a niirtlon il 22 5 hccomU all modem tonvenl to filed ullh hi in heforo Jan, 21. Itlckm.iu, (.'huttou, Wihi, dash, llini; M. riHiinn Jan. 7, 12 cm en. Just newly pnlulcil Inside Nhi'oIc K'lloiia Unit lellcrR or A. (I. Dlrkona. J. JI. Vlvoa and Jan. in. Oun; lewrMH, .Marauhi.v, .Moil Yin, b"ld by Mount I'lcaxuilt. Pine corner lot In Maklkl. C'lrhln. jiiliiiliiUlrxlloii . .MurlK.iKo mndo by Khlorta jiikI out. Kent cheap. Apply ut of.' Issue to Iv. II, Hart on I.. Coke pdvortlno for nil aconnnta tin llermnti l.o On. d OiimIi, time r.0 kccoiiiIh, helii water, fruit and jriiamcntal tren Knhlklnn & of Kaplolanl Katatt'. 3310 tf' - tlllllO Of llolld J'lllllllult', llltcstllto catiiln of AngiiKlInn i:nna, In ha paid at no! Kldorla lo Huckfold Mullen, .1. J. llulHcr, hnckK, .1 hy Mount Pleimunt fltu and all ImprnTeinenta, Two tnln- 1:11011 li) 213, panoa 2IK- - HoirliiK Fell, 4, i) n. III. KcKilhiil, aloro, Wnllnkii, Match IS, On, loronlod l.lhor C. M'.lilll, 11. AuderKoiii K. One-ha- lf mile run, time, 2 inlnuto ulca wnlk from cars and l'uonhou By Executor 72)1, rovoritiK laud In will bo Cool, mo3iiitto proof room; aim l.lloii Crnwoll iH'llllonii Unit lottorH I'unn, Kellcll, D. Center, It. UhllllliKnorlhi I HecondH. held h) HeartH. I College. Addrcaa IL K.. tbla ofBcc. I Tn dotiHCkccplui;. llrnro CarlwriRhl, oxocntor will of rold nt public- lllo One-mil- e I 21 rooiim furnlahed for of n'lmlnlHtiiitloii Ikkiio In Clement auction at co'.nt forwaiilK, II. H. (iruy (Capl ), . run. time mlniiteH .Mm. liniii-- 111, Alnkea Houao, 1077 Alnken at. Crowoll on estiito of Dm lil Cnuull Domllila K. I'nikn, ndvorllKoa ror Jan. ., 12 J. Cattenil, I', lialley, II, Kin. held by llcarilKley. Pino Whltu LoRhorii and I'lyinoulli clalniH . Inlorlnlc. Hearing Fob, 4. u. m In ho flloil with hlni hoforo 6herlrf S.ilea IjoIIos will bo iidnltttrd frcu. Tvi,-- . il'i ran. time 10 minute 21 Hock for KOtlliiK. nlan n law lo l'lirnlshed luiusokooplliK nMiiiia. orkr Kcpolkal. Jillic 10. At fiiml ontraiivo of Cnpltnl hulhl rovon n ItunimliiKblrd. ' or chlckeua. 1911 KltiK It I, he'd No. 8 CottiiKo Urine. SfiSfi tf pairs youiiK Hallicr K. Itiillifrfonl NttloiiH Unit Knnl Kaholwal, oxoriilor will ol I11K llnuolulii, Oahil, Poll. II. 12 iiihmI, hiirdlcK. time 13 I T. hccouiIh, near McCully St. S.'.M-t- t loniio KalalkiiKiiha, inhortlKoK for IntcK'Kt of Ahrnhaiu roriiauiloz In CLUB b A l.ihb lellcr of iiiliiiiiilHtriillon do Imtuoil in IIIIMLOIIJMT he'd Cottacca In Chrlatly I.aue. Apply k drflniH flloil In 5 to ho with C. W. AKhfunl pioHily K'alllil illHlrlet will ho Hold 2S(M"iul liunlles, 2.1 koioiiiIk, o her on eslnlo of (ieorpn NuImiii Until tunc Wong Kwal, Smith St., mauka Hotel. ProMi llnwnllan rlRarH mndo rriuii Ron-iiln- Iwforo Slay 22. ut public judKUionl rifonl, Inlcslato. Hearing Fob. 4, auction ,for for A new Rlrln' ronliiK club baa boon dclil b.. A Hawaiian and tho host llavaiui (loo. $73S,7.1, InloroHt r. Km-11- li. til. .ImlKo Do Holt. II. WilllntiiR. oxoriilor oalato of ami cohIh. 1 formed b) a number of iouni; ladle. ol Illnll Jump. lielRdt reel X3 liicluv. 2 furnished front rooms at 1223 lobaeco. Thero la no bettor ainnkii. W. D, Mortgage Salea . 340Mf 3MI! (iOIRO Klllllll IK'HUOIIN IctlctK Hrhinhtl, nihortlno for olnlnni the clly and thin npoit weum to be Held hy Cxendlue. St.; rent rcaaonablo Mrtlo ClRnr Store. tf iiilinlnliilraHoii to hn flloil Willi hlni bofnr'o Juno II. .MortKHK" made hy. Co". I' Mel.ood KiiliiiUK In fi.vor gcutlo Ilrnad Jump, dlHtauce 23 feet 9 InelieH, of bo Issued In lilm on with the hex Mawly proof rooms K. Knxmi lllKhnp, or to Ida i:. Lamb, 101 iirileil In IJIkt hy .Mount PleiiKant. furnlrhid ninaiiilto A Italic It Dispatch Nown Prona, fold- rnlnln of Joseph .Mnlkalon Kimlil, l'i oxii'iilnr oclalo "ii, every da). Whole the boalhoiiKo ot held 272K-- I nt 84 Vineyard St. (!. II. ror olalnni p.'iKoa ci nor UK l.lllil III lloun Klxteou-iKiun- d Hliot, 10 feet, tonlnlo. Hearing Jan. IB, 10 a. in IIMuM'.Julvorllurn In the new cluh.'.vhlih liioi tiikrn llio 11:11110 iIIkIiiiho er, etc.. complete; Rood condition. lull) or I'.-- lulu, will bo Mill public Judge Parsons. llonlatnlna, hiUitUhoh for at auction nt ol llio Kiilaloha llont Club, Mill he, Ih held li) TIioiiiiik. Apply Hullclln ollleo. rlalina lo ho auction 100111K nf J.ik. I'. .MorKau, IVIi. Klxtoeii-lHiuu- d 1"7 A.rSL) Flmn v, (llrtln I.mih that lot lllml uilh hlni hofom iih vl undecided, hniuiner, iIIkIuiico MOOM BOARD 3339 If illt Jinio t. V, 12 iiihmI, Hilly. for of administration lm IhhiioiI lo 'lliu nlllchilH who hao lcn fleeted Lot. held he family MurlK.iKo liuiilo h Hani W11 Will Co, fi -, ItiHiui ami board In privato for V. O, Kmltli on Klla K. I.oii, nilnilnlHlratrix OKtnlo urn iik followH. ' Polo vault, hilRht 10 reel liieln- Japanese (Air pupptcH. liiiulro at tho cninin .Ihiiioh W (llr In A. In Kcntlumuu, 1335 Wilder Ave. ho (Hod with hla nttornoyn IicTiko II. Ilooli. recorded l.lbor 221, PiohIiIciiI, MIhh vice held hy Judo. Veterinary Inflrniar) of A. It. How ln, Hearing .lull. 2K, 9 a lleink'o llnluhl; 3580-t- f pa'joM covorlliK lamia 111 Will- - I I in. JiiiIko )n Holt, Jiiiio H. prcKldcnt, Maud ('rtitllbau: cocretai), ThinwIiiR dUcuK, illKtunce Pi feet nt. D V.S., 777 KIiir St 3.187-- A1111I0 1:, Hiovtn, kole, DlHlrlr.t of ICwiu will ho Kohl nt inchiH, by II. Pierce. W. T. Kclimlilt potllloni iRllom rxvcnlrlx ontnto of MIkh Hilda IUilierluiiiri'reiiHiirer, MIhh held ' feat Jonliiin K. public auction nt tint auction kmiiiib of Shoe manufacture of the United na of administration Iraun to Mm on Ilrown. iiilvortlnoK for clnlins Carrie Crawca; captain, Mlna jsatcli tt tt tt n gollt, Kona. C0.000 ocrea of land In Jrh. !'. .MorKan, K0I1, 2, 12 noon. Etntea me employltiR 149.715 wiikc Walo- - of Willioliiiltm ho flloil with her attonioya heforu Wllllama. Seattle hihiHh are Btlll klchitiR itbout n .vll0i,, AddreaH u. Norria. Krhmldl, Intestate. MortKUKc mndo by Kmmn ,M. N'nku-In- men, J 11110 U. havliiR the "lid on" In the Sound city. workers and 9215 salaried and lilnit, Hawaii. 3350-t- t Hearing Jim. 28, 9 a. in. Jlldga Do employ Alfred W. Carter, oxrcnlnr eatato of In Alexander Yiiiiiik. roeorilod In UiixliiR and wrcHtlliiR have been placed the leather miiuufacturerK are Dolt, 37-l- -. Joarph F. llanlry, nilvertlHea for l.lhor lfi3. paKoH rntvrliiR lamU (IDS i.nibr Ihe linn. HoxiiiR Ih allowed In ing b(,:iu wiiKe woriierit 111111 a.01 wu- pqunhs In any quantity. Kalmtikl .IomIi I.. I'u ntltloiin Unit letlnri PACIFIUEp I rlalma In be filed with him hcrore In Honolulu, will ho Hold nl public mic- Viuunuver, but tho clulm who would fried men. lklglits Zoo. .1472-l- t nf inliiilnlHtrallon Umio lo Win, II. CaH April IS. tion JnH. 1 at tho auction iooiiik of router K"od Iwenty-niuii- d lioutH or IiiIcr-lal- At 11 wcllntloiiiluil inoeliUR or lliu like to tie on oxtiitii .Mary Ann I'.i, (Icnrgn JI, I'lerrn. exeeiltnr will or Morpin, Jan. 2H. 12 noon Club, hud that It Ih too expcutde In "open lloarliiK .Ian. 9 n. in. JudRo David rierce, aiUeMla lor clalma lo hniiKc, I'acllle TomiiIh held last evcnliiK, 2, At court Wnllnkii, Maui, Jan Hit " U neicHKlly put Do bo filed with IiIh nttornny hoforo tho IoIIowIiik oineorn tor 1907 won; the Theio nil to Doll. 1 1, 12 in., lulurcHt or John W. April 9. ' Kala elected: Ihe lid on when the llcenui fee ruiiK up Fnther V.iloiilln anil Hawaiian Trimt In property at I.nh.ilim will bo told nt ,..11 BUSINESS DIRECTORY J. O. Carter, executor will nf Akana J. I'. Cooko I'roKldent. Into the hunilrcdK. Company iwttllon for probata or will public auction ror Judgment ror 728 ' or Amelia llloi'.ardmin, ndverllaoa for Harold DIIIIiikIkiiii Vlco ProHlilent. tt tt tt 1 John Kfin mill that lo'uors touts 11, InloroKt and clalniH to he Died with him before conbi. (J. ('ooko Ik nov evcr In think incntary Issue lo tlioni. lloarliiK Jan. I'. Hociutnry TreiiHiirer, Tneu re.ison REPAIRING. prll 9. Mortgage Qalea O'ltll'Mi, Philadelphia, music. fl I ' It. D. Mead MnmtKer. Ihii Jack nf and 2. a. in. JiiiIko lln Hull. II. .Med m. oo r nil' 111 All MoiIkhko mado hy Knuna M.'Naliu I, Tho Chili heliiK In 11 pniHM'roiiH con (immcr Moll, of lindon, wilt meet fur Mri. Hodgion, Teacher of piano, Or Umbrellas and Nina K. Ovomlon iirtllliini; (hut lot nel fillvn, mlveillni for elilm.i to Ilia .tnd .Miikok Nakulnii, hor him bran lile.l with hlni hef'iio April 9 illllon lluanclally, iiwIiik to tho tho heavuol;hl IioxIiik cli.itnploiinI.lp Kan and SIiirIuk. Pleasant ami cany Tnkutn. 1281 Kurt St. torn or ailmlnlKtrHtloii Ikmiio In mr on bund, to Alexander Yiiiiiik. rerouted or Jnlln Ullahth llnshen, executrix of or tho lotlritiR trcnaiirur, W. In tho umrjo of the noxt few months. method, eiiHiirliiR thoroiiRh and 3IC7tr IK'tiry (Jlaic Ovomlon Uonr In II. pp. 37-1- I11111U the will Matilda HiighcK. inn. covertiiR P. H0II1. it wiih decided U10 clule The (hallotiRo, 'vlilth J. Iiwch IksiioiI Iiir .Inn. Ill, 10 h, in. JiiiIko Kojiollinl. of adverting that rnpld proKroBs, wild perfect touch lor clalfna to ho filed with &. Co. nnd bulldliiRH In Honolulu, will he hniiKo Hliould bo placed In repair 011 behalf of O'Hrlcn, conimcndH Itwlf LOCK8MITH. Kllzaholh K. I'nhoii pctltloiiH Hint Trent Kod time, InidorliiK mid oxprcHHlii'i I 2, hold nt plibllc (I - before April aucllon at MorKau'a nun iiiiil onlurKoil to prnvldo uddltlonnl to spoilsmen. HuvIiir rat rcpudlal- IattorH promptly replied to, or Inter lottorn of ailmlnlRtratloii Ikkiio to her lion 12, m. Allto Metralf, aoceciitrlx eatato nf iooiiih Jan. nt 12 locker Hpaeo, til mi) Hiich nonr.oiiHe an to O'llrlen'H ow Vineyard nea- - 8et Haitlne for rtpalra of Loeka, on OHtato of iHnlnli K. I'ahon, Inloii. ICmma Motonlf Iknlka. at Studio, 213 St. adrertUea ror MortKiiKo mado by Henry Machadn It wiih also decided to not iihIiIo a bavliiR said he could brat nil KiiKlnnd'H Key.. Mualc Iioxea, Snarpentag ,of lalo, 10 clalma (11 be Hied Kniinii St. fioti' lo C, SnturdnyH ex llonrlnt '". II, a, in. .lud;o with her attorneys to C. T. ltO(l;;oni. trUKtco Harmony may hu heavywclRlitH Mr Fins Cutlery, Rear Union OrllL Hpiehil day when llio courtH in one rliiK. 3579-- 1 Do lloll. 1 uompHon c heforo March lies copted. m uiemona. LoiIko No. 3, I. O. O, K Ih I ?7. recorded In UHoil exeliiHlvely by tho Indies, i Hated li vvIIIIiikuckh to put down Iivij Probate of.AVIII 2I-2- Pttltlon for l.lhor 2u0. P'ikoh cmoiliiK hind hnudreilH ihiiiiiiIh for tho Plilluilelphlnn EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. I.lhort Herlha S. Taylor, executrix eatatfl Mr. Jaa. Sheridan, pianoforte tuner. llnlxirjt llooynagjiiH iiotlllnns nf William K. Taylor. adverllKea for In Honolulu, will bo Hold nt public mic- lo Ikix Molr twenty mumlH with four-- 1 All ordrra hliould hn left at the Ha- for prohatn of wlllW I'.ithor K, houae-help- , Whit SMI, Ma- W Kl clalniH to he filed with W. O. Smith tion ut the miction roouiH of Will ume kIovch for the champlonHlilp ami waiian Neits Co., Yiiiiiik bide. Phono 'or phone : .mimm OfRca, ohlcr HtapiMTii anil that Idiom loi.ln hoforo March 211. Kinder, Jan. II, 12 in. the bent purpe offcicd In KiikIiiiiiI. Willi 294 or ColtaRn No. 1, llnnlelea Lawn. klkl. t.cncral .Kniploymant. Ikkiio. enr Panaacola and Bcretanla. nr;ilary to Ihoni. llcailiiK Jan KurrntnrH elHte of Alicuatlne Knnx At MorKau'a miction khiiiik Jan. 8, It Is rnmoicd I hat the Piiiik may be Molr anxloim to allow that UuRlaud Is 1!1, 9 11. m. Do advrrllrr for all clalma to he Died with Guitar lessons fljvcn. Termc moder Julgn Holt. 12 in., Inlcienl of Lain PniiK in poi .mi weakened HiIh jear Hint they will not mi badly off for 11 hcavywelKht 11.1 them hafore March X, ate, Apply 139 SI., fippoallq MANICURING. (Joo King potlllonH prolmlo of bn lino-Ho- n Kins for (1 ImplciiiontH will nold at public, diuii out of Ihe llahoball LciiKUe. The many Amerliaiis llilnk, wo may now A M. Kohertiinn. exeenlor nf (he Youiitj Hotel. 3r.9(i-t- ( will nf Pa hk Pol ami thai lollora toj tor 79.(i0, Uiej will I01.0 Johnny liK'lt lo an luteicKtltiR ion-les- t. will of Kslli Knkol. - Jiuliiueut for interckt pl.ijera lite: foruind Manicuring, electric facial and acalp Idkiio dereaard. ndter- tHinonlary lo hlni. lloarliiK Jan. mid costo. Wllllauid, IJft1rp.1t IK'hIiii, Johh Woods, 1 hat Ihero la plenty of HiipiHirt Hiipcrflu-01- tines for clalma to he filed at his oHW, BARBER 6HOP. treatment and removal of H, 0 1, in. J nil so. Do Hull. Slancenwold luiltdinn. Merchant Ktreet, Hill Meyera and M.ijtir Van Vllet. It lor IiIr men Ih certain, ami iilrcnd) It hair. Mrs, Kntliryn IIihiIs, 1110 , play-t- h Ih one tliouHiiiul Honolulu, Ken, Ih nihil Muled Unit futir llnrvuid known that a purho of For a nice, imooth (have call at th llkli.irds St. 3592-t- f Kmlly Day, 111) Knaler rxerulrlx calnlo Land Court may In on the leatn. TIiIh hint imiiudh will he offeied. Criterion Shop, 1111 Kott St, Notices to Creditors. of Krauila R. Day, advertlaea for ih rnther doubtful au llarvnid 'VaiHlty Willi so much money In llio rame, It Illrnk; book a of all ftorta, ledneri rlalma lo he filed with her attorneys men Kciicrully 11 pretty HtroiiR U kiiipiIhIiik Unit KiiKlnnd lias so few William MtCalidloHH Kllllomt for hao PLUMBING etc., manufactured by the BulleUn I'ub-llabl- Ey Administrators oeiorr Jan. jo. IcelluK'UKaliiHl M'tubprofeHKloual ajioit fjiudhhiloH for heavyweight honors. By Aailonee lonliruiallon and roRlKlrallon of Htlu Coiiipan,' In in if any kind and that Ih lerlululy nhat Tliem Ih abKolutely ;i rortune tor Die Yee Sing Kee Plumber and Tlnamlth (Iny U. K, K1HI wild Alfonl I.. Khiiii, John IIIIIh, jikhIkiiou Tho PoiuiIo'h proH'ily Honolulu. lloarliiK Poll. p. 111. the hRHclmll hero Ik, 111. 111 who can climb to the lop Smith St., bet. Hotel and Paualil. on udmlnlrtralora oufnlc of Ajilnlnello Floio (II, U. (JhiirluH, proprlodir,) II, 1:30 Wouwr. BV"For Rent" carda aalo at rallu petitloux st :t it and iIIkuokc of Amerlca'H crarkH. When 2003 If Bulletin offlr Kwan, advi'rtiiui ror clalniH in .hu II led - Tiaul: Ciiolii: Alhcrtoii for the lor vlalniH to ho lllod with him ho- ajiil.jLL.l- t J 11 The hasohall team of lliu lto)ul 1 110 llilnkH of the ninnll hiiuih K.'iyers. ii 'il. brrorn July 9. Kcb, S. roiihriuatiou and rcgliitrallon of llllo i.J lj' .j!saesiRp foiu (lb-- play K111III1, dniliilHt-j(rl- to properly In (.'oIIcro IIIIIh. Cluli will llio Kilo. Ilco'inu and Macn rouiiht their liatlleH lOuniln et.lalo I'rod, T. I. WaloVhoiiKo, hhkIkiioh M. Ilcailnit January 14,1 SO p. luiliaa or lliu Aula I.eaKUo at Aula Park for, mmpuieil In llio tmrscH nowadaya, PROFESSIONAL CARDS of William rlinllli, iidvorllcoH ror W. McC'liomioy i,. Koiih, oalla for clalma in. Weaver J. II. ICntnlo, I bin iirieruoon at 3.30. The Kimit' il la lemnrkablo that more good men claim xtii hu filed with her buforo ti. ho lllod with him hororo Fob. 13. Alhcrton Ltd,, petllbina for jhoulil bo very chwe, do not (01110 forward. Kjinitsmen will Jiiiio 31. J. A. M. Onirlo, iihkIsiioo or Ku Hon conllrtuiillou and ickUi ration of COLLECTIONS HriiMj llllo In Anapuul Ktreet, tt i n all iidmlro Molr'a pluck, ami thoimh For I (hirlwrlKhl, ror loproperty Ik adiiiliilMnilur (alia clalma lo ho filed with hl;u New 2 Around a rlim Hearing Feb, At, 311 111, York, JKc liw will faiicy IiIh, cliuuie HKiiliihl lain MrK, Do.'nltila Kaiiwim Pnlkn, ud heforo 13. I; ji. Wraor, PAST DUE AGENOV COLLECT. January pltiheil In llio home of a llrookljil O'llrlou, lie will have plenty of well ft wrllcoH fnr't'laliiiH lllod hoforc J. II, Alborlon I'.ulaln, I,til., petlllnnu New ORS OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNT8. to'ho By Bankrupt. yacht club, iiiembcrH and their fi lends wIkIicm. Years Jnno 10, II. (Jmok. In hankriinl- - lor ('onllrmallou and roRlHlnillon nf PHONE MAIN 383. 122 S. KINQ ST. Ann roforei awaited joalcrdii) iiflcinoou llio oihct It tt You had better start the ),. 'I'.i I luceirnr, llllo to bind In CoIIcro IIIIIh, lloarliiK ti Aioii ninl I.iiiik, ndmliilhira o, advorllaen for of uedllor neerrlly ,1 14, p. m. ol ttluil linn been licinhleil,:! Oakland, Jan. r. Piuper, winner ol New Year right In your ollice rt DENTI8T. loftt ral.ilu of Olilnc Jam Veil, mlvor in ie Kred Wlliiinder, huiiktupl, Jan, Jan. 1:30 JiiiIko Weaver, (J, liiitlh) which would make tho iikuiiI the Nnw Year handicap on Tueeda). with the uoo of a Loose Leaf j' 21, I p. 111 II. Alhertun petlllona for con. llto for rlnlniu lo ho filed heforn Slnneeiinald Hldg., Houu a panlnnilnio. 'j flrmallon and reglatrndou ol In bout appear like in.idu II two In u row by tnkliiu thq I'ol- - Ledger outfit. ,Wo have every A. J. DERBY, O. D. . June 27. lulu llllo a nun properly In Collcno llllln, "naru khiitl.lea and In llnlth," immbce handicap nt Ktueryilllo yci.ler. thlno. ,CA8liO tor .orlfllnrl ft BOSTON BUILDINO. THIRD FLOOR. 'Dion II I'e.trle, ndmlnbtrator e By Alliance, llearlns Ihn I Ihe lip lilop?red in llio tan. of daj. tIiobo who plaeil tho JrnniuKU records, all lornu, and trans- Of Turliqr J A, M Osorlo, Bsr.lcnee of Ku rcc, Jan, 14, '30 p. m, Judge Wenter. 8URQEON. Urnrco IVarnti, rhittcn Hpcelalurn II liiottijlil to Ihe i,lri.r u Hip iilncfnrlon rnro at oddR fer cases. PMYOICIAN AND llf.eti for clalmii lm flleil adverlliien for cinlnm nf'icdlloru lo he r. II. Aiherion petlllonn for con lo bcfoie I'lulilioiiBO nt Until lleucli men well and went rlKht hack lo him Experts pronounce Ihls ayi-ter- lllo hefiire Jnniiniy III, hrnmllou and reRlalrallou nf llllo In jestenlay DR. T. MITAMURA. OFFICE 1412 Jnno 2. known In club life, brokei-- whoso r,ol u Invest-(- 4 property In ColleRo IIIIIh. lloarliiK IiIk tetiirn for Ihe uiiillnl the best. NUUANU ST.i CORNER VINE- (leoiKo II. Willliima, ndmlnlKtrnlor liamcH iiiu' lieaid fieiuenlly on llio one IiIh Jan. II, 1:30 p. in. Judgu Wuioor. J'or of tho few IIiiich In YARD! TEL. WHITE 151. okIhIo of W. D. Hohiuldl, lulverllsoa block exchange anil men about town, career on tho California turf Proper Office lor vluliim to ho flloil with hlni hororo Petitions Hearing youths, of yeurs, hut In pot Hawaiian Jot Two apai'bo wiih fiivoille. In fact, IiIh ring FINE Juno U, the jilliu or IlKlilliiK londllion, ilumeu ,ee wiih iib IiIkIi as 5 to 1. Tony Administrator!' Potltloni L,oulu Hats Co. 1 0. K. At. ndmlnlKtrnlor cxtnte or C, Into tho rliiK, They wero Jack Blnnott, l.'miKt, llio rnvorllo, uiuld not rcI nut Specialty Ako, ndvorllKon ror rlnlma In hn filed V, Wlllrock, mliiilnlHlruliir nalalo of Beautiful Lnulu and Lauhnla Hati. tho fcathcrwnlRht of of a hunch nn Ihn bnckKlrelcIt and had Gent's Furnishings 1!), putlliniiK vjrjivnKv-- : win hliu hofoio Jinin John Cliiiuwiild, for lliml P.ini, fl.iakcta, Main, Dr.itees, Te:o Ilrooklyn, mid Stub O'llilen of Ireland, llitlft cluimo In do IiIh heat. Jno Coyne. rjrj p. mid illKThiirRc. HoaiitiR I'oli Mark Itohlnrou, adiulnlnlralor en Pottery. Tho IIrIiIIiir wan furlouH ml O'llrlen iih r.oyd 11 h 100 In I, ran a reiunikabln of A, J, l.joii, adveillroH for rUImn In luary 21, 10 11. 111. Ki'iolkal wiir knocked ihe inpcn twicn nice, BritttiR cut olf iIkIiI at Ihn Hart U. Sekomotb, ha filed 0. Co., llobeit Fi;iKcr, adiulnlnlrator ontato Hawaii it nouTH ocau ounio CO, An Hied miiiiiiwIiiiI tlieyliunliliii; up li her nl Wnj. the llr.hlefH itcrea of cioiind iiud llnhJi Gold 23 IIOTLL OT. I,Id., K:forn jnnn I, Jnniea iiuch, pciltloiiH for llmil iiccoilut-Iii- r Alexander Yoimu Dullfllnrj. were less nnllo In umiIiIIiik piinlslnnenl Hilt nil cany bcrnnd, Chinese and r, fl. I Anorlineli, ndinlnlnlrntor eKlaio dlu'hnrne. HrniiuR l'ob mid I heir faren nnd hodlca hecamn tt t; Is quite Ihe lage. It will be propel ly Is kspt on flla at . of Mva lliimnior, iidvcillimn for rlnli.ia in 11. rn. I'lit'coiiH, erllliHoncd Mnsl of llio.'o in lliu front Tliem Ih no reRiilar event in koU shaped If ordered Irom THIP PAPER C. DAKE'S ADVErV In hn fllod with hint hoforu May 20. I.iiciih l.ujaii, ndiulnlalrator ontiilo Church Bells hciiIh hcnl fnitwitil eagerly. Thoy bchcduleil fur Ihla Hitmlay. A Iuiku T I 3 I N G AGENCY, of l.lulo l.ujan, polltloiiH for lliml no Ihe ho) i K etfull.i number of the nre uttny ihe 124 Sansomo St., San Francisco, Cab, W. W. Hall, nilinlnlKinilnr oatatn of 8mall and Medium Blzei, Compliti, illi;ei lo miter ilneu on Tin Wo Illppulylo Jaouun, Bdraitlutt' for couiitluif and dlbchuiL'o, Horn Iiir Joii O'llrlou wati bndl battered ami stayed Volcano lii umt iheia Is iioililnt: f.o- - where contract! for advertlslni etn JEWELER.... 1029 MAUNAKEA ST. to wad It. rlalmq to bs flloJ with him heforo 29,10 a nt. Jud;q Parioni, in th ring only by chrcr nerve. A row nz on till r.tKt re : tho Hotel for T. D I.yims, admtnlctratilr estate ol a, Fernandez' & toiirnay com,1 off, May 2J, son, of the mn pleaded will) tllo reforco ni Halelnn will lllitnk books of all sortt. Udgeri Th Wttokly edition of lbs KTsntna .). HitlloliH no- - 1', IMll fljhn, for llnal 44-5- to Htnii affair at tho ftlxlceulh iHanii'aflliivn,! lm tlia llisllaitlli lltslt J, Dlaa, adiiiinlBlralnr enlals of Not. King St., Katuy Block, btl. the I ftUtala UinilUiatjUHCIl W tM UUIISliM MM Ilulletln gives n completo summary ot (llnchnrHO, Hearing vtavt-- Aiilunla llotclho, advorllacu Ut ItuuntliiK iiml 1'ob Nuuanu and Smith 8U, Ttl, Main 189, luutiil, The) ttciu nwu) nmld Additional Sporting Newt on Page 12 I lisuiug company, . Uo nawa of mo day, for SI yar

1. "huiiLjt ) ... , a' i j jib, t, .?' iPWWlRPWllrW"Pafll$wS

12 t:TNINO hUM.KTIN. flONOt.tlf.U T H, ftATlMIMY. JAN l lw? riumr t"PMJm0miMtiMmnmm$m WHMM I'lluetdnii mrtt l the teuton nf ll04, lila flrnt Ml Dm Aeademy )r tt It tl """""JSs"i"i""ii"i Athletli at Mil' I'Mtrmlt) of I'mn 8PORT6 yHntila ho r Hflt nl liinij Iha.l Now You Need mMNNNNmmlMIMK ft.onn (en thn rar Jtirt rloMii 1ot-hal- l 1w I lie Iwst-nlli- CPOnTINQ GOSSIP an naiial. proved , aviHitl, hk It tifllH fM;,)MS In A Lawn Mower .p InUl trrrlplf. nf I Haw Additional Sporting Newt on Page 11 !.'? Imll. Iisrk alhletlet and basketball al ELEVEN h lirniiKlil In ualnt, tint all the other I in la of Die- - utilerIIV thimi'd n limn. nrCTTY ARRAY OF NtW 1 L.ftvnt Iiavc grown rapidly after the eeaiour rihi, They need ( l(.'JtfH'i- - Whitney In Jnnunry Online;) tt ;t t: King beautifully bred (rimming We hiive the fimcui Penmylvanis Lawn Mower and An All America Hewn fur IPOfi la IMward't l.'ckclsall, ClilcaK'). foil hack threo-)esMil- colt Nulll Kecumliit, In r advantage of buymr; lawn mower from or Kiinsiirh, theiper makes. ui It Kni), Ynlc, and llollnihcck, IVnn- PL Simon, mil which wiu I .RliS regarded n Derby randldato 1A at thit we have All the etfa parti to replace Any that miy become t)vniiln, half backs, Shirt Waists Iiiih Imiii put i:. Dillon, I'lltieclon, rnptdlii ntl last upline, ner hurdles,, broken. We also carry grata catthere, theirs for trimming edges, quarterback jnnd recently on his fecund run1, le (In' In short and long sleeves, made of nice quality LAWNS, BATISTES, if Witter. Princeton, nnd Porties. Yale. was ildden by K Mawm. by far hedge theara. garden trowelt weedera, etc. most tuecestful cromiountry rider In JAPANE8C 8ILK; ends England. J Villi', Hnd Osboilie. llannrd, IIIrIdo tt :t RANGING IN PRICE FROM . . ., . UP I tackles i: .91.50 Hhelburn, Iml Jan I "Marlon p. j and ZlcRlcr. IViiimyl llnrr. llanard. Wnlteit, theriff of Kullltnii rount, rvl aula, Kii.inlK. day lu ofllce Unlay liy Cornell, center chrnted hit first E. 0, HALL & SON. LIMITED, Newman. pititentlng a boxing contest nchcdulcd I Hl)H8TITUTi;r5 bitween Mike Sclmfk of Ciliclunatl i Cornell, full back con. king Walitrik. of this plarc. ronr and ots. and Ma)hew and llnrr)' llosera & Wendell. Ilartatd, (icople me to that backa. "Tho elected ien ilrown, half Ihu laws arc enforced." mild Wallers, A new assortment of Ladies' and Misses' come In high and low neck Jones. Yule. liaek iiinrler .Hid I cannot do un thing elae Thnro . . Yule, nnd l.uw I'enii)!-iMinl.i- , from , .... 92,25 Atcolt. lie. are a lot of fellowt. some of them end. Kixxl friends of mine who will bo dla I AlinniHillH, und Week Niiillirmfl. npiKilnted I am nrry for Ibis, but no I Went Point, tackles flPllt glH't." n Aniiaoall, mid Thompson, Ladii Home Journal Pattern Me)er. Alxiul 1,500 light fans from various , Cornell, guard. plaeoa In Indiana and from Chicago For January Now In. HockenbcrKcr, Yale, center and Cincinnati went to Hhcllmrn to SaSMM(M(ijiJMMMtlt i a n ti ace tho bout All the satisfaction (bey Hip suggestion Unit there U or msBSk fur got out of their trip was to aeu u de- I Iihk any Idea of replacing the mile lieen termined little man with n sandy mus- I walk as one of Hip otelila In tlic A A. tache tell two h heavy weights I ilMinploinliljiH deserve n iiralw at Hiero to head In They also wero or worthy of Harou bit fabrlc.itloii able to hear Hill) Hugaii, Kchreck'fi Lowney's Muncliaiiiteii. Ken in KiiKtalid, where manager, tell miinc funny stories. Ironing Fop Rent I Its home, Hilt even liaa iiIwhvb dad They had prhllegu of seeing thu Hut It the tliem it a constant feclliiR big (icrnian boxer ax lie express j THE lUNIMt .RESIDENCE uliouM lx- - eliminated and walking hai ed u with that things wero otherwise Candies Hlpupahau To read the for 1907 at I bit forecast may leen rednred from three ficlit tev Harry Itogeia, Ihu other Intended Completely"rurnahd. aball en, one inllca to the one mile In fkU be difficult; but that the new year Is The selling of extra fine three and principal In tho trout, also waa a much AT SPECIAL PRICES. tjad to treat with other taenia championship parties) meats Is not n experi- ocnt. in the Canadian dltapK)lnted man lie tried to ar- Negligee matter, but priirlpals matt he going to be one of prosperity we feel Iimk ment with us. It been dropped nllnbether and, In range an Impromptu wrestling bout to They came fresh on the who would laaae for their own home: I Hie cxiejitlon of Alameda. Is assured. Many of our patrons luet, with Australia t'l.turtaln Ihu crowd, but them was lit The stock not tor Itent $440 pr Kcotlaml event been big low prices will have teated our meats for nnd the hat Ho enthusiasm over Ihu proKsltlon. but the month. There is a great deal of Painting to to one nlde iinliitcrettlm; sell quickly. years and always found thrown at After tho announcement yesterday it i und unworthy of a place In Kood uport Bonbone and Chocolatea W. MORGAN, be done. Are you thinking about 1 7 the quality true. Hint Hherlff Wallers would not ieniilt JAB. such at It teen ordinarily at a track Shirts Ataorted Chocolates AUCTIONEER. Ihu fight, were ready Call In and see us, and we will bo Iho fans for the meet. We learn, how over, from a let illHapjKiintlng outcome Thu crowd Marshmallows pleated to give you an estimate. ter sinned II. M. A that walking Ih a waa large, probably four or five llmca Chocolate Caramels occupation favorite In Shanghai loo largo for tho hall, but must of thu Chocolate Assorted Nuts FOR RENT. Sweet Chocolate Almonds HDD nun came tilth only u alight Hal rich, thai statement alleged hou 2 her 1'iul Ihu bout would be pulled oil. Serial Story No. Ice Cream Drops on Yonnc Rtraal. Klnau to come from Harney Joy, that ho la Houses Violet tt It ti Chocolate Peppermints fitrent, Kmnia Hqnare and Kallbl. Stanley Stephenson the only good pllchcr In the Islaudx. Jem llowker Ihu featherweight Vanilla Sweet Chocolate Is Har- The dressy negligee thlrtt worn by, It may he mi hut It a cinch that Is Breakfast Cocoa champion of Knglaiid, nut coining to in diffi- JAB. F. MORBAN, .Creamery ney h lew) modest lo make any such the men thla climate Mre very THE PAINTER thla country to light Abu Attcll, o cult to launder. AUCTIONEER. statement. thu fact that Manager Tom PHONE 42. m n tt We have a machine for the Ironing Table of the I'acllle. A. C. of los An- of pleated boaom A r.ico between gigs, manned by and neglige ahlrt geles, hat offered hi in 11,000 for trav- HenryMay&Co. Signs of 1907 S. 8. Signs. n wn fmni Dm Italian cruUur .Mario that turns out work that ia batter than ci eling iiienses and a guarantee that I'nlo and t ti tt (I. H. cruiser (laheatoii, hand Ironing could possibly be. Butter his share of tltu purso would easily LIMITED. look placo on Hie 23d lilt, on the river The pleats lie down smooth, the - iixceejl 2,50n 22 Thla Is (specially doll- al KhaiiKlial. Tlio weather, saH thu thlrt front ia Just stiff enough to keep TELEPHONES 22 Just clous. Try It today. llowker Is uvfduntly afraid of At It from mueelng easily, and the finish Norlh China Dally Nowh, wan cold but tell, aa liu has tnadu arrangements to j fine, and thuio waa a ttrong brento a perfect. One go io AUsllalla nun llgnt hid Utile blowing up Hid course. Thu tug Al men of that touiitry. McCaruy Is uo'v FirOvirfiOYfiK C. Q. YEE HOP (CO. look up I'oIo'h crew Day & halrosit thu Marco seeking anothur opponent for Attell. ai.d baud, and had Ihu gig In tow. A flartMan Steaa LaunJry at Halelwa will do you a lot of good MAIN 251 or wuru RHONE Ibrgo number Italian hitllors WONDERFUL AQUATIC FEATS PHONE MAIN AM. If you feel run down and want to taken up on llio Victoria, while thu build up. We have everything for your Hliini Yuen took up thu American cruw Did you owr aeo or hear of a puraou comfort and cnoyment. If the weath- gig, Fung - STEINWAY, STARR mid tho Khun had on HWlmmliig with hlx bauds and feet' er I; not clea- you have comfortable liluu i aS V, hoard a number of American bound? On ladlua' night, next rSntur-- w W aBa Mi all nia, verandaa for restlnn and coiy parlors AND OTilKtt PIANOS. ' H 9 iNAlUYWiVd COLIC, B acketH. Thu race waa timed to com day inching, nt thu Hotel Oaths al CURM tad OtS? g If It Is your preference to remain In- THAYER H2 bsetreniedrtorDIAHklKEA. Sotd El PIANO CO. mence at ii;.10 a. m., hut owing to thu member of Iho Hawaiian Hwlmmlng! doors. The billiard room Is also con- 15 IIOTI5I. HTJIHHT. or world. ask for Mrs. latii arrival tho American cruw It Club wilt he hoillii! luiliil fiMit unit . Be tare tot Ej veniently situated. Phono Main 218. mill BBJ Wioslov't Bootblncarmpand take Ba van about 10.20 bororn thu coiitoat , . TUNING OUAItANTKKU cnMt (l ,(, Wlltr t ,lcll n, gotaerUiid. aXeitl t letlae. M waa ...... M 1LEXANDER Ntnrted. Thu atarllug point aouiu 111...nil, u.a I.. i dfl.i I. I... .1.. tl ' aT Clair i.i nnini iiilj jiiitin. i. mi liu liu lit Mm St. Bidgood, ay up tho Aracual Iteach, and thu Yen, bu call, and thla human Huh will iy MdHfiMMid Ibw4v waa below thu Araunal. Manage! I'nlnli Juat Tho do many other things Just aa remark-able- . coursu covered waa nhout 7,'.'00 mul , jJL youNG BEFORE BUVINO let. Kach boat waa manned by 'i I'lirchasu your ticket now at Ihu delay owing (.'.rumen, and aftur Homo llathh ho that you will bu Hiiro of a WE WOULD ASK YOU TO Mike Wright Cigar Ion T TAKE to obatanlca on thu lourau it very fine teat. coil) atari was effected. Thu judgea d ijotel .. INSPECT THE FINEST jThe, best smoke told In of an ofllcur from each of thu Additional Cable Newt on Page 1, I r LINE OP CIMSAl this market. Try It. computing Hhlpa und a Lieutenant from J- - 3 3 wwomtu I lie IlrltUh crulsur Flora. TRAINING SQUADRON TURNS sotutiv J...1. HAYAtVaMN TOBACCO COMPANY, tt tt . usipsoor tt BACK DISABLED HONOLUL UUNDKRTAKINQ CO., AlBIUHpEr? YOUNQ BLDQ. Baseball Twcnty-four-lnnln- g gamp 1120 FORT ST. PHOnJE MAIN ,179, Hak Brushes In which Athletics defeated UokIoii I Toklo, Japan, Jan. H. The training IJJOANFJJOTEL NIGHT CALL, PHONE BLUR 80f.' to 1, at UoHton, Bcpt, 1. r'luadron which started for Honolulu M, E. SILVA MANAGER Benny & Company, Athletlca Daulel II. Kclly'u sprint has returned to Yokosuka, with uiaaU Walkikl Bsach EVER .SHOWN IN HONO- leave it for the man who Hpo- - of 100 ynrda In 9 beconds al I.i lt H LULU, comprising uken and other damage done, the J. HERTSCHE.... General Manas" FOR Dealers In kane, Wash., June 13. GOOD has not provided himself of a three days' storm. LOONBN'S 6EWINO MACHINES and BUYERS lliirnebu Turf Dan I'ateh'B mile HOWARD'S OP JUNK. with a bottle of Antl-Gri- paced in 1:05 al Minncapolla, Sept. 8. KING6TON UNDER AMERICAN Horse Clipping 1Z and 1268 FORT ST. Running Turf Honcbcn'ii aeven fur- - .MARINES Soda Water ADAMS' PHONE MAIN 488. tablets. These are longt In 1:22, carrying 120 iKjundt, at r' PHONE BLUE 1871. AT Uclmont, Oct. Hi. rjl. Thomas, I). W. 1., Jan. 19. Amer- made from a prescription LUKE. ROGER It back again from Dllllarda George Huttou'a average ican marines uru picketing thu streets HAWAIIAN SODA WORK8. o1 Maul, clipping horees at the atand, The Expert Dentists of a Honolulu physician of 100 In 18.2 maUli, April 2. Kingston. Hlx hundred bodies huvo eld CHAMBERS 0RU6 CO., vlc-to- iy been by King I MODERN HIGH CLA88 Autumoblllng Iul Wagner's recovered dynamiting the corner Punchbowl and ttreete. Weekly Bulletin Ml per year DENTISTRY. nd It Is in no sense I in 297.1-ml- Vaudcrblll cup ruins. Office hours Week days, till 5 p.m.; run', Jr?MHBinHMWMHIHHHHHHiHiHHHMHH Cot. Fort and King; Sts. Sundays by appointment. "quack" preparation. Oct. ti. Ooll Wllllo AudcrhonV Kcorea of di EDUCATIONAL BOARD ATTACK6 F. L. FERGU80N, D. D. S., Manager, PHONE MAIN lil These tablets are the and R8 at QnweuUla, Aug. 15. JORDAN HOTEL ST. opp. Union, Arlington blk Uoxlng (lan'H ring victory over Nel-ur- n only positive cure for !MflrtaMMrMrartasjaaMt the at Ooldflcld, Nov. Kcjit. 3. Kan Cat., Jan, 19. Tho Phone MAIN 147 grippe, n n 8 Hoard of Kducutlon has Issued a state- Jay llird, Ihu famous tire of trotters ment scathing III Its denunciation of Up-To-D- at FOR THE and pui.ers, whote record at a stallion I'resldeiit Jordan of Htunfoid Univer- Stylish J. M, Levy & Co. )1 unerpialled, pad- sity, In which It calls his attack on died suddenly In his FAMILY GROCERS, Honolulu Clothes dock at the Muplehursl farm, liourbon, bcgrcgatlon of Jnpancsu school chit Ky. waa a vlro of drmi uncalled for, unfair and unjimtl llo noted fast KING STREET NEAR FORT STREET Cleaning Co, 'lorbes, having 1)0 u tho 2:30 list and Ilulile, five In the 2.10, Hawthorne, 'l.WVi, bik1 PHONE MAIN 149. the inlghty Allcrton, 2 094, were Ida President Jordan, of thu Htaulonl CLOTHES best get, Jay llird waa a beautiful Iron University, stated that thu signing of KEYSTONE-ELOI- WATCHES' Unique (ho Benson, & grny and hla produio had Iho huiiid dU- - liny uct on thn part of authorities For Gentlemen INGERSOLL WATCHES Goods Smith Co., I milking Ihu Hegrogutlon of Japancsu Chinese net iharit'terlsllcu ulnujjt without If you want you At All school children u law would bo an act the beet must come to ALAKEA STREET. Watehdealera. We are now ehowlng our ADVANCE Wing Wo Tai & Co. Ltd. tt tt tt ol ho)dluiiilsni. Hairy l.ewlu declared that he was Jos. Schwartz, 94 1 NUUANU ST. through villi the ring forever when CHICAGO BANKER CALLED TO Agent for Hawaiian lelande, ACCOUNT Styles for Spring: 1907 he was In Jail awaiting the action o( Coi. port and KINQ Sts., Honolulu. COAT AND PANTS His authorities who wcro looking Into AND INVITE YOUR INSPECTION, Chlcapo, III., Jan. 19, WuUli, (he CLEANED AND PRESSED FOR Fine, the death nf Mike Ward. Ward died Our cutting It faultiest We employ only skilled white labor. EXPERT MANICURING Fresh Family Indicted on 19 for ladles after a prlr.e light with l.owla. Now banker, liaa been FOR ONE WEEK WE HAVE CUT THE PRICE OF OUR CO C BINTS counts for mismanagement of bin gentlemen. that I.cwIk k breathing tho freu all $30.00 AND $35.00 SUITS TO and Scalp treatment bunking Institution. once moro ho haa decided lin I PHONE MAIN 487. that ss and facial massage, at Milch Cows would he fiHillsh not to make money FLOOD6 THREATEN OHIO Sun Rise Dyeing House uth hit IIkIh, and hn la Mliercfoie $22.50 Mns. DORIS E. PARIS' PARLOR8, V 1148 tlb'lird lo meet Jimmy (larduer In a FORT STREET. (Jri(.luiiut, O., Jan, 19, Kloodf Come and see our window display, ,1156 FOnT ST. opposite CONVENT. bJttln lit Denver on Jan-iia- r Ihreiiteu to do great dauuga In Ohio. BUILDING MATERIALS 5. ,M M tt iGUREYOUItlElF. Club COLUMBIA RIVEn FROZEN OF ALL KINDS. Stables Archibald ft Douglass, tho ttar hall CnB!0(.runitrrl luck of tho navy team, lias been elect- dllFharCM.InA.aMMi.tJ.... rnrtland, Ore, Jan, 19, The Colum L. B, KERR COMPANY. LTD-- , or ulrarsllono ed rnptalii for Ihu of f 7 , & IfntMl muiiai. (Mir. In Lumber 2nd Con Tel. Main 109 ki'iikoii hlu Ih frnri'ii over, CHUlSll.CS."r. wtll'Mlifi, liniitiliiMi iiijiIh rlwr ""'""I" a iuiiilulloii wild iho riinirM, m,4 1,1,1 wiilu ALLEN ?OBN80N, ALAKEA STREET. I Fins Job Printing it Hit Bui u)oen of tho University nf TnnncsBen, BW"For card en at queen 8T--, W Bnf Hit Nnhl ;: : H ;i if Honolulu, Ictin office. (lnit,iiiku hits leg u guiiiu Ob'iililHt thi ttttleetn afflct. nflVVVVyVVVVVVyVVVVVtnytfMVVVVVt; k llrunUli. C'lirnlar miiI on riiul.

- . ,. )( -t il1'11' ..e-..t'l- ..i -- t r - frtifffjlli ishW ' fc.iltoiifeitr?T tMt- ti f itfcn j ,ji,. ..