FREE AppalachianThe VOICEOctober/November 2013 Traditions of Resistance Lessons from the struggle for justice in Appalachia Appalachia’s Contested History The Spirit of Foxfire • Trip planner: Historical Hidden Treasures • rebound of the peregrine • Citizens Speak Out on power plant pollution ALSO INSIDE TheAppalachianVOICE cross Appalachia A publication of A Environmental News From Around the Region AppalachianVoices A Note from Our Executive Director The history of Appalachia is traced in the lines of mountain ridges receding in the N.C. Law Slashes nC: 171 Grand Blvd Boone, NC 28607 • 828-262-1500 Progress on Black Lung Prevention Va: 408 E. Market St Suite 201C, Charlottesville, VA 22902 • 434-293-6373 distance, the gurgle of cold streams running over ancient boulders, and in the songs and Key Environmental DC: 122 C St NW, Ste 240, Washington, DC 20001 • 202-266-0479 stories of the region’s people. Appalachia’s human history is interwoven with the history By Kimber Ray number of deaths from black lung since legislation this past July. His bill, the Black Tn: Nashville, TN • 615-592-MTNS (6867) Protections of the land. After over three years of delay, a 1970 stands at over 70,000. Lung Health Improvements Act of 2013 (S. |
[email protected] The Mine Safety and Health Ad- 1416), would require that coal dust limits By Rachel Ellen Simon In this issue of The Appalachian Voice, we explore these connections between place, proposal for stricter coal dust standards EDITOR ..........................................................JAMIE GOODMAN ministration initially proposed cutting be updated twice a year until disease rates people and time.