International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2021, pp. 311-319, Article ID: IJARET_12_01_027 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499 DOI: 10.34218/IJARET.12.1.2021.027

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Ar. Gayathri Viswanathan Ph.D. Research Scholar, School of Planning Architecture, and Design Excellence, Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science, Chennai, Tamilnadu,

Dr. Sheeba Chander Professor, School of Planning Architecture, and Design Excellence, Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

ABSTRACT Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority (VMRDA) is the second largest urban development region in the newly formed . Being the largest industrial base, knowledge and IT cluster; the city plays a key role in economic development of the state. The purpose of this paper is to present the urban development challenges faced by the city and review how planning and development authorities have been addressing such challenges through planned efforts. This paper discusses the development strategies envisaged from time to time through review of 3 statutory master plans relevant for the Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority Area. They include (a) Master Plan 1989 (valid up to 2001); (b) Master plan 2005 (valid up to 2021), which is currently under implementation; and (c) Master Plan for Visakhapatnam-Kakinada Petroleum Chemical Petrochemical Investment Region Special Development Authority (VKPCPIR SDA) Area. The three master plans have been analysed through the Multi-criteria analysis to assess their performance in addressing the urban development issues of VMR. Key words: Planned development, development strategies and Multi-criteria analysis of Vishakhapatnam Metropolitan Region. Cite this Article: Gayathri Viswanathan and Sheeba Chander, Multicriteria Analysis of Performance of Master Plans of Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, 12(1), 2021, pp. 311-319. 311 [email protected] Gayathri Viswanathan and Sheeba Chander

1. INTRODUCTION Urban development problems by city authorities are addressed through implementation of overall comprehensive plans for targeted year of twenty to thirty years and also through implementation of certain area development plans and also through implementation of government sponsored programs. Visakhapatnam is also not an exception. It is the most industrially developed city in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Current metropolitan region has been revised as per government order from 1721 to 6764.6 during the year 2016. However the master plan prepared so far was to the erstwhile area of 1761 only. It is pertinent to mention here that the VMRDA is in the process of preparing a comprehensive master plan for the revised area of 6764.6 for the targeted year of 2041.

2. VISHAKHAPATNAM – MAJOR INDUSTRIAL COASTAL METROPOLIS IN INDIA Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority (VMRDA) is the second largest urban development region in the newly formed Andhra Pradesh. It is connected by National Highway (Golden Quadrilateral), East coast railway and airport with other States and major cities. Its advantageous location coupled with export-import facilitation by the ports played key role in attracting major investment in industrial sector, real estate and tourism sectors. Visakhapatnam is a major urban node for all level of facilities in the region and this city serves as a nodal centre for VK-PCPIR.

3. CHALLENGES Review of three master plans of VMR since 1980s indicate the challenges faced by the VMR are as follows: • Urban sprawl and extension of urban areas and industries causing environmental threats, congestion has become a core planning issue for the proper management and balanced growth [1]; • Housing shortage: The Erstwhile Vishakhapatnam metropolitan region with the continuous industrial growth has become a hub for burgeoning economic activities that has resulted in the migration of population resulting in increase of housing demand and consequent shortage; • Water supply deficit: With the rapid increase in population and economic development through various industries/commercials establishments the region experienced severe water shortages that needed comprehensive solution; • Absence of sewerage disposal network: The Vishakhapatnam urban area has a partial and inadequate sewerage collection system and an inadequate sewerage treatment system; • Water quality: Rapid increase of industries in the port area has resulted in water pollution. Ground water in the Region has high concentrations of fluoride, nitrate, and zinc which have aggravated various health problems of the residents; • Exposure of the Erstwhile Vishakhapatnam metropolitan region to cyclones and floods: Vishakhapatnam metropolitan region has been classified as a very high damage risk zone. The coast is exposed to tidal surge and severe cyclones; and • The presence of slums in the Visakhapatnam urban agglomeration is primarily on private, railway and defense lands. 312 [email protected] Multicriteria Analysis of Performance of Master Plans of Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region

4. REVIEW OF MASTER PLANS The city development authority has prepared so far three master plans through which all the urban development issues/ challenges were comprehensively addressed. This section presents the review of all three master plans.

4.1. Master Plan, 2001 The Master Plan of the Vishakhapatnam metropolitan region [2] was prepared during the 1980s. The population for which the master plan was prepared was around 2.2 million. The master plan represented the following components: • Strategy of the location of industries, which will be the key to future development pattern in the region; • Transport infrastructure necessary for achieving the proposed land development and for opening up of new areas to be exploited as a major structuring element. • Land development for major use (residential, industrial, commercial, institutional and recreational) for each of the planning divisions and the resultant land uses in the terminal year (2001); and • Requirements of housing and the creation of other urban and rural infrastructure.

4.1.1. Development Strategies Location of Industries- consideration of inter industry linkages, logistics of transport, developmental potential and environmental pollution aspects led to the selection of suitable location of different categories of industries [3]. Transportation- the entire transportation projections and transportation system plans were prepared for the horizon year 2001. The most important elements of the transportation system that required consideration were: Proposals for new diversion to national highways: Development of linking road; Rail system; Bus transit system [4]; Truck terminals; and Cycle tracks and pedestrian paths. Housing – the master plan proposed an area of 17.47 thousand acres to be developed for housing in different satellite towns to overcome the housing shortages. Slum improvement also placed a special role in the housing strategy. Social infrastructure – social infrastructure requirements recommended include education, health and recreational sectors. Provisions were also made on the basis of backlogs and future needs. Environmental and ecological measures – the master plan proposed several concrete measures for avoiding harmful environmental effects of industrialization and protect ecological balance in the region. The plan underlined the need for up gradation of general hygiene in urban areas. Afforestation programmes were required to counter denudation of hills. Satellite towns –the master plan suggested development of fifteen satellite towns which were expected to emerge in the region to contain the anticipated pressure of population. Investment plan – An investment pan was prepared which spread over a period of twelve years, for the region. It was the transition of the physical development plan into financial outlays [7]. 313 [email protected] Gayathri Viswanathan and Sheeba Chander

4.2. Master Plan, 2021 The Master Plan (Fig 1) for the Vishakhapatnam metropolitan region was revised during 2004- 05 for the year 2021 along with five Zonal Development Plans namely Visakhapatnam, , , Bheemunipatnam and . The master plan covers an area of 1721 consisting of the five zones along with the surrounding 287 villages. The projected population for Vishakhapatnam metropolitan region [1] area for the year 2021 as per the master plan stands at 3.44 million, of which 2.09 million alone were projected for Visakhapatnam Urban Agglomeration. The Vishakhapatnam metropolitan region [2] area has been experiencing tremendous structural changes in the region due to mega projects, Tourism Development and Visakhapatnam - Kakinada Industrial Corridor etc. Vishakhapatnam metropolitan region is one of the key economic zones of Andhra Pradesh driven majorly by Ports and Industries. is one of the country’s largest ports with better storage and berth facilities and cargo handling facilities. The other large scale industries include Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Bharat Heavy Vessels, National Thermal Power Corporation, etc. Therefore, a major part of the land use policy was evolved by interacting with the major stake holders of Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region i.e., Key industries like Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam Port Trust, East Coast Railways, etc.

Figure 1

4.2.1. Development Strategies The Master Plan envisaged to accommodate additional within the urban development of Municipal limits. The review of the master plan indicated the development strategies as mentioned. • Eight future urban extension areas were proposed to be developed. 314 [email protected] Multicriteria Analysis of Performance of Master Plans of Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region

• The Plan emphasizes that the VMR’s economic base would be driven by SEZs, Vishakhapatnam port extension, new , related new industrial activities and tourism. • The Plan emphasized development of educational institutional areas for new and modern disciplines including Bio-technology and Information technology etc. The Plan recommended Growth Centers and growth points for balanced distribution of social infrastructure and economic activities throughout the Region[6]. • The major transport projects proposed by the Master Plan included logistics hub, regional railway and bus terminus at proposed Marshaling yard, and an International airport. The transport plan included road, rail, port and airport proposals, including a new regional rail terminal station, development of regional commuter rail service corridor along the existing and proposed rail line. The Regional network development plan included a Regional bypass, and e Regional intermodal expressway and regional distributors. • The Master Plan provisioned space for construction of nearly 100,000 new houses to support the additional population by 2021. Distribution of social infrastructure in Vishakhapatnam metropolitan region was estimated on the basis of UDPFI guidelines, 1996 [7]. • The Master Plan envisages efficient management of environmental sensitive features in Vishakhapatnam metropolitan region including hills, forest and water bodies. The Plan also recognized Coastal regulatory zones (CRZ) for regulating development in coastal stretch within the 500 meters of HTL on the landward side. • The Plan recognized the importance of tourism sector in VMR. The tourism development strategy included provision of basic amenities, provision of tourism infrastructure, skilled service enterprises, and maintenance of tourist locations. • The Master Plan also prepared an investment plan for implementing the physical development plan for 2021. The physical target for investment plan included land acquisition, external land development and internal land development [8].

4.3. VK-PCPIR Master Plan 2031 The VKPCPIR SDA Master Plan for prepared for an area of 640, primarily the coastal area stretching from Visakhapatnam city to Kakinada city encompassing all industrial areas, petroleum refineries, petro chemical industries, ports and proposed ports and harbours (Fig 2). This was prepared under the Government of India’s new scheme known as PCPIR policy. The VKPCIR SDA Area is the largest in India. The Plan envisaged a planned strategy for a population of nearly 328,000 by 2031. The Master Plan area is well connected by all possible modes of transport including road, rail, air and sea ports. It is on the 'Golden Quadrilateral' with the NH-16 connecting it to Kolkata in the North and Chennai in the South. The Plan envisaged steep growth of manufacturing sector leading to multiplier effect on transportation, logistics and services. The overall economy was envisaged to position the region as a key manufacturing hub in the State [9]. With the planned growth of VK-PCPIR, it was estimated that the industrial and tertiary sector contribution would be significantly large while the primary sector contribution would decrease, by 2031. 315 [email protected] Gayathri Viswanathan and Sheeba Chander

Figure 2 VK-PCPIR master plan

4.3.1. Development Strategies VK PCPIR being the largest PCPIR in India has a greater responsibility towards the national vision in balancing the targeted manufacturing growth with inclusivity and sustainability. Key priorities while addressing the preparation of the Master Plan included several aspects pertaining to basic infrastructure, fishery sector development, skill development for enhanced local employment opportunities, protection of environment, industrial infrastructure and curtailing of any unplanned sprawl. The goals and strategies adopted for achieving the vision for an inclusive and sustainable region are highlighted hereafter: • Promotion of industries in the manufacturing sector like steel, metal fabrication. • Provision of a strategic transport connectivity through road and rails linking the current national highway network and rail network to enhance efficient movement of goods and passenger; • Provision of a trans-regional ‘facility corridor’ along with an expressway interconnecting all existing and envisaged processing areas with logistic hubs and three existing ports and two proposed ports in VK-PCPIR; • Adequate provision for efficient physical infrastructure services to all settlements and access to social infrastructure facilities including green open spaces, recreational areas, health, educational and religious institutions and other public and semi-public uses; • Regulation of urban development through re-densification and development control mechanism in areas where already organic and haphazard development are underway; • Promotion of planned spatial development, which is eco system sensitive; and • Protection of coastal zone and permission to only those activities, which will not hamper coastal eco-system and conforming to CRZ regulations.

5. ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE OF MASTER PLANS IN VMR The three master plans VMR Master Plan, 2001; VMR Master Plan, 2021; and VKPCPIR Master Plan, 2035 have been analysed to assess their performance in addressing the urban development issues of VMR.

5.1. Multi-Criteria Analysis An attempt had been made in this paper to assess the performance of master plans in VMR using multi criteria analysis. The following 22 criteria’s have been chosen under the following 316 [email protected] Multicriteria Analysis of Performance of Master Plans of Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region five major themes which are considered to be the sustainable development of any metropolitan region. A robust methodology has been adopted for the multi criteria analysis. 1. Maintaining Economic Growth and Prosperity a) Enhancement/ consolidation of existing employment areas b) New Industrial areas c) New mixed use/ commercial districts d) New tourism/ recreational districts 2. Managing Strategic Spatial Growth a) Densification of existing residential districts b) New residential districts c) Housing for all d) Slum improvement e) Transit led development (TOD) 3. Managing Environment and Combat Climate Change a) Integration of CZRM b) Protection of water bodies/ environmental sensitive designations c) Enhancement of heritage assets protection of agriculture 4. An efficient Transportation System Public transit system (BRTS/MRTS) a) Public transport terminals b) Non-motorized transport (NMT) infrastructure c) Parking areas d) New roads and 317 [email protected] Gayathri Viswanathan and Sheeba Chander

5. Efficient Infrastructure System a) Use of Non-renewable energy b) Smartly managed water supply system c) Increased sewerage system d) Municipal SWM.

5.2. Findings The key stakeholder such as the Chief Urban Planners, Planning officers, Chief city Planner, GVMC, Architects and practitioners, real estate agents have been contacted and were requested to score the performance of master plans under these criteria. Therefore the weighted average index method has been used to analyse the scoring of these criteria’s under the five themes by the stake holders to arrive at the overall performance of each of the plans (Fig. 3, Fig.4 and Fig. 5).

6. CONCLUSION The performance assessment of master plans or spatial development undertaken by the government/urban development authority for a sustainable development of VMR reveals interesting findings: • The plan seems to have achieved a better performance with respect to managing its strategic spatial growth over the years; • The 2nd important factor where the plan had performed better is with respect to managing and environment and combating climate change; • The plan also performed a medium to high performance with respect to implementation of efficient transportation system; and • The plan seems to have performed poor relatively with respect to providing its infrastructure services as it could be due to the non-availability of funds from various sources.


[1] Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority, Visakhapatnam metropolitan region Master Plan, 2021, Visakhapatnam, 2007.

[2] Master plan, Visakhapatnam development area and its vicinity, Vishakhapatnam metropolitan region master plan, June 1996.

[3] Micro Small and Medium Enterprises , Brief Industrial Profile of , Br.MSME-Development Institute, Ministry of Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government. of India

[4] Improvement of Bus Rapid Transit System: Feasibility Study , AECOM

[5] Smart City Infrastructure Plans for Visakhapatnam, Smart City Master Planning + Sector Specific, Volume I &II, Task 6: Interim Report, October 2016.

[6] Smart city master planning and sector-specific smart city, Infrastructure projects for Visakhapatnam, Integrated smart city framework plan, AECOM, 2017 318 [email protected] Multicriteria Analysis of Performance of Master Plans of Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region

[7] UDPFI, Urban Development Plans Formulation and Implementation guidelines, Ministry of Urban Affairs and employment, Government of India, New Delhi, 1996.

[8] Smart City Infrastructure Plans for Visakhapatnam, Smart City Master Planning + Sector Specific, Task 13: Action Agenda for Capital Investment Program, July 2017.

[9] Census of India, 2011, Andhra Pradesh, Series-29 part XII-B, District census handbook, Visakhapatnam, Village and town wise, Primary census abstract (PCA), Directorate of census operations. 319 [email protected]