D3.6 Efficient, low-risk ramp- up of liquid biomass conver- sion technologies - from short time to long term Authors: Paraskevi Karka, Ivar Petersson, Stavros Papadokonstantakis, Filip Johnsson Organisation: Chalmers University of Technology City, Country: Gothenburg, Sweden Email:
[email protected] Website: www.chalmers.se [Type here] Deliverable Information Grant Agreement Number 764799 Project Acronym ADVANCEFUEL Instrument CSA Start Date 1 September 2017 Duration 36 months Website www.ADVANCEFUEL.eu Deliverable Number D3.6 Deliverable Title Efficient, low-risk ramp-up of liquid biomass conversion technologies - from short time to long term Expected Submission M32 Actual Submission M34 Authors Paraskevi Karka, Ivar Petersson, Stavros Papadokonstantakis, Filip Johnsson Reviewers Yuri Kroyan, Popi Panoutsou, Ayla Uslu, Michal Wojcieszyk, Philipp von Bothmer Dissemination Level PU Public (PU), Restricted (PP), Confidential (CO) 2 ADVANCEFUEL at a glance ADVANCEFUEL (www.ADVANCEFUEL.eu) aims to facilitate the commercialisation of renewable transport fuels by providing market stakeholders with new knowledge, tools, standards and recommen- dations to help remove barriers to their uptake. The project will look into liquid advanced biofuels – defined as liquid fuels produced from lignocellulosic feedstocks from agriculture, forestry and waste – and liquid renewable alternative fuels produced from renewable hydrogen and CO2 streams. In order to support commercial development of these fuels, the project will firstly develop a framework to monitor the current status, and future perspectives, of renewable fuels in Europe in order to better understand how to overcome barriers to their market roll-out. Following this, it will investigate individ- ual barriers and advance new solutions for overcoming them. The project will examine the challenges of biomass availability for second-generation biofuels, looking at non-food crops and residues, and how to improve supply chains from providers to converters.