Extensions of Remarks E2245 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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November 3, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2245 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING GENEVIEVE ROSKEY In recognition of his efforts in community de- IN HONOR AND MEMORY OF SPE- velopment, workforce training, entrepreneur- CIALIST KENDELL K. FREDERICK HON. SAM GRAVES ship and innovation, Dr. Dillman received the OF MISSOURI Ben Franklin Technology Partners Special HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Recognition Award in 2004. OF MARYLAND Under his leadership, university enrollment Wednesday, November 2, 2005 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has steadily increased. Undergraduate enroll- Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask ment has risen 20 percent while graduate en- Wednesday, November 2, 2005 you to join me in recognizing Genevieve rollment climbed 33 percent since 1996. And, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Roskey of Saint Joseph, MO. Genevieve cele- just this year, Dr. Dillman oversaw the opening before you today to honor Specialist Kendell brated her 90th birthday on August 4 of this of University Ridge Apartments, a new com- K. Frederick who died the 19th of October month, and it is my privilege to offer her my plex that houses 541 students. Dr. Dillman 2005 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. warmest regards on achieving this important also guided work that produced a new Admis- Frederick, a mechanic working on power milestone. Genevieve is a fine citizen of Mis- sions Welcome Center, Student Recreation generators, was killed outside of Tikrit, Iraq. souri and the St. Joseph community. It is an Center, Alumni Center and an Enrollment He died of serious injuries when a roadside- honor to represent Genevieve in the United Services Center. improvised explosive device detonated near States Congress, and I wish her all the best Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- the military vehicle which he was driving. on this birthday and many more in the future. lating Dr. Dillman on this occasion. His work at Frederick, a native of Randallstown, Mary- f East Stroudsburg University demonstrates that land was an Army Reservist assigned to RECOGNIZING DR. ROBERT J. he is more than deserving of the ‘‘Busi- Headquarters Company, 983rd Engineer Bat- DILLMAN ON THE OCCASION OF nessperson of the Year Award.’’ The entire talion in Monclova, OH. HIS BEING NAMED ‘‘BUSINESS- Pocono Mountain community has been en- The Randallstown High School Alumni is PERSON OF THE YEAR’’ BY THE riched by his efforts and it is fitting that he is succeeded by his father, Peter Ramsahai, his POCONO MOUNTAINS CHAMBER honored in this way. mother, Michelle Murphy, his stepfather, Ken- OF COMMERCE more Murphy, his two sisters, and his brother. f Mr. Speaker, today I ask that you join with IN HONOR AND RECOGNITION OF me in honoring the life of a man truly dedi- HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI cated to serving his country. OF PENNSYLVANIA JAMES D. QUISENBERRY f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, November 2, 2005 HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH RECOGNIZING THOMAS AND DORIS BOYCE Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today OF OHIO to ask you and my esteemed colleagues in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House of Representatives to pay tribute to Dr. Wednesday, November 2, 2005 HON. SAM GRAVES Robert J. Dillman, president of East OF MISSOURI Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tribute and recognition of James D. the occasion of his being named ‘‘Business- Wednesday, November 2, 2005 person of the Year’’ by the Pocono Mountains Quisenberry of Lakewood, OH, upon his in- Chamber of Commerce. duction into the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame, Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause Dr. Dillman is the 12th president of East Class of 2005. to recognize two outstanding citizens of Mis- Stroudsburg University and has served in that Mr. Quisenberry was one of twenty induct- souri’s Sixth Congressional District: Rev. and capacity since July, 1996. ees selected by a 13-member executive com- Mrs. Thomas W. Boyce of Blue Springs, MO. Since then, he has initiated ambitious and mittee comprised of veteran leaders from Thomas and Doris will celebrate their 50th innovative academic and economic develop- throughout Ohio. He is a highly decorated vet- wedding anniversary on August 21, 2005. ment projects that have made a profound im- eran, and has infused an unwavering sense of Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in pact on the university and on the quality of life integrity, spirit, courage and energy into all congratulating Reverend and Mrs. Boyce. and economic revitalization of the region. personal and professional endeavors. Thomas and Doris Boyce have set an out- During Dr. Dillman’s tenure, ESU has be- For the past 18 years, Mr. Quisenberry has standing example for all of us to follow. Their come the first university in the United States been an active volunteer with the March of marriage of 50 years truly exemplifies the to offer an undergraduate degree in computer Dimes, and his vital outreach as a sponsor qualities of commitment and dedication, and I security. and counselor with Alcoholics Anonymous has am honored to represent them in the United At his direction, the university established uplifted the lives of countless individuals and States Congress. an award-winning ‘‘Business Accelerator’’ that families throughout our community. He also f focuses on encouraging economic develop- served for many years as a Boy Scout Leader. ment and entrepreneurial endeavors in the re- Mr. Quisenberry was instrumental in estab- HONORING CHUCK NICLAUS AS HE gion and has been successful in generating lishing the ‘‘Greater Cleveland Veterans Me- IS NAMED ‘‘CITIZEN OF THE nearly 100 highly skilled jobs in Monroe Coun- morial,’’ and has reflected an ongoing spirit of YEAR’’ BY THE POCONO MOUN- ty. volunteerism and leadership roles with numer- TAINS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Dr. Dillman initiated and is leading the plan- ous veterans and civic organizations. He is the ning for the creation of a world class Science current president of the Memorial Day Asso- HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI and Technology Center on campus. ciation of Greater Cleveland, which organizes OF PENNSYLVANIA Dr. Dillman has also partnered with the Po- the placement of flags on graves of veterans IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cono Record newspaper to develop a at Holy Cross Cemetery. Jazzmasters and Broadway Series which was Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me Wednesday, November 2, 2005 held for 4 consecutive years. in honor and recognition of James D. Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Under Dr. Dillman’s direction, ESU has Quisenberry, upon his induction into the Ohio to ask you and my esteemed colleagues in the added a new graduate degree program, ‘‘Mas- Veterans Hall of Fame. Mr. Quisenberry’s un- House of Representatives to pay tribute to ters in Management and Leadership.’’ He also wavering commitment to his family, community Chuck Niclaus, president of Niclaus Engineer- oversaw the creation of the Center for Re- and country, continues to enrich our commu- ing Corporation in Stroudsburg, PA, on the oc- search and Economic Development in 1999. nity and our entire Nation. casion of being named ‘‘Citizen of the Year’’ ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:46 Nov 04, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02NO8.001 E03NOPT1 E2246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 3, 2005 by the Pocono Mountains Chamber of Com- rial Day Association of Cuyahoga County and As General George Patton once said, ‘‘Wars merce. was Past President of the Greater Cleveland maybe fought with weapons, but they are won Mr. Niclaus has been engaged in the engi- Veterans’ Council. For 39 years, he served as by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow neering field for more than 28 years. His ex- the Sergeant of the Memorial Day ‘‘Rough and of the man who leads that gains the vic- pertise includes civil engineering, land devel- Riders Firing Squad’’ and as the City of Cleve- tory.’’ opment, environmental sciences and sur- land Memorial Day Color Guard Sergeant for The Pasco County veterans we are hon- veying. 14 years. Mr. Busey is an active member of oring this weekend clearly met General Pat- Extremely active in his community, Mr. the American Legion and was honored as the ton’s description above. They proved them- Niclaus served as United Way Campaign Legionnaire of the Year in 1975 and 1976. His selves in battle in Europe, Africa and the Far Chairman in 2004 and has served as a mem- service to others extends throughout the com- East. Their sacrifices on the battlefield pre- ber of the United Way’s board of directors. He munity, where he is active in raising funds for served liberty and freedom for millions is a past president of the Rotary Club of many charitable organizations. throughout the world. Stroudsburg and he served on the board of di- Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me Mr. Speaker, true American heroes like rectors of the Pocono Mountain Chamber of in honor and recognition of Marshall W. these Pasco County World War II veterans Commerce. Busey, upon his induction into the Ohio Vet- should be honored for their service to our Na- He is a past president and member of the erans Hall of Fame. Mr. Busey’s honorable tion and for their commitment and sacrifices in board of directors of the Slate Belt Chamber and dedicated service to his family, community battle.