An Exclusive Interview with Dee Wallace by Saskia Röell “How To Shine Your Brightest Light”

Saskia Röell: Welcome, Dee.

Dee Wallace: My heart is so touched. Thank you for that. I’m so deeply honored that you love the book.

Saskia Röell: I savor the book. I read it over and over. Every time, I think, “Yes, yes! This is exactly how I feel.” You started the book by writing, “This is my story, but this is your story,” because we are born with our light, but the world challenges that light. We either keep shining or we don’t.

Dee Wallace: Don’t you think that’s really why we have our light challenged, to learn that we always have the choice to shine it?

Saskia Röell: We always do. You make that point so well in your book. We’re creators, and we create our future. If we don’t create it, it’s created for us.

Dee Wallace: Exactly. One of my favorite lines is that if you don’t create yourself, you become the ‘created upon’. It’s all about the direction of energy. If we are not consciously directing our energy to what we want by the choice we make, by how much joy we feel about that choice, and by the focus we hold on that, then genetics are going to take us over. Social media will take us over, as will all of the messages. We will not be consciously choosing, but our energy wants to create.

Saskia Röell: It’s so true. I want to go deeper into this, but the first question I usually ask all of my guests is what happens when you have a Soul Path that’s been calling you forever? At some point in your life you open that door and say goodbye to your old, small self and say hello to your Soul. Dee, has there been a defining moment in your life when you opened that door and said hello to your Soul?

Dee Wallace: Yes. I talk about it a lot, actually, in Bright Light. I’ve been hurt a lot in the business. As you know, my father committed suicide; he’d been a drunk all my life. Then, before he was 55, my husband of 18 years died from a heart attack. At that point, I was shooting “The Frighteners.” I came back and walked into this house. I looked at my daughter, who was not yet seven—and here come the tears. I’m truly an actress!

I remember at midnight dropping to my knees and saying, “I don’t want to be this way anymore. I don’t want to be angry. I don’t want to be a victim. I want my light back. I want a way we can heal ourselves.” The first thing I heard through the channel was, “Use your light to heal yourself.” The next day, all this information started channeling into me.

There were words I didn’t even know, like ‘fractal’, which I had to look up, and protons and neutrons and how they work together. Here I am 50 years later with an international clientele in healing and three books. But I had to ask. I never realized how potent that statement was: If you ask, you receive. I said I want a way to heal ourselves, and I’ve been given it. I’ve been given the answers.

I can tell everybody that the biggest answer is not to keep looking at your story. In this moment right now, what do you want to choose to create? Be excited, joyful, and happy about that. Hold your focus on it and stay in your heart. That, in essence, is it. That’s it, in a nutshell, as they say.

Saskia Röell: It happened very fast for you. I read that you were shooting. Where were you? Australia? New Zealand?

p. 2 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

An Exclusive Interview with Dee Wallace by Saskia Röell “How To Shine Your Brightest Light”

Dee Wallace: New Zealand, yes.

Saskia Röell: You came back and must have been so passionate to call for that.

Dee Wallace: I don’t think it has to be this way. I think we have a belief that it has to be this way, that we have to hit bottom, go through a trauma, leave our bodies in an accident, and all of these stories that you hear. I don’t believe it has to be that way. I do believe you have to ask. You have to say, “All right, in this moment I will hear my Soul journey.

I will live my Soul journey. I choose that. That’s my direction. God, the angels, the archangels, the guides, the extraterrestrials, and anybody else out there who wants to help me, you come in and support me, but I’ve decided that I’m doing this. That’s far different than what most of us have been brought up to believe, which is that the world happens, and I have to react and do damage control to it.

Saskia Röell: Yes, right. I know you’re right about living in damage-control mode instead of living full out.

Dee Wallace: That’s not creation, is it?

Saskia Röell: No. Dee, how do you integrate that into your actors, as an acting coach? We have only about one minute until the break, so we’ll expand after the break, but can you start that conversation?

Dee Wallace: Yes. In acting, you know that you have to live in the moment. If you leave the moment, you start acting instead of being. It’s the same principle in life: you must stay in this moment of now. You can’t keep going back and saying, “Yes, but look what happened to me. Look why I’m still afraid. Look why I’m still a victim.” Stay in the moment of now and create what you want.

Saskia Röell: Dee, we have to go to a break. You’re listening to Your Soul Guidance with Saskia, and we have our special guest, Dee Wallace, talking about shining our brilliant light. Stay tuned, everybody. We’re going to be right back.

[Break #1]

We’re back on Your Soul Guidance with Saskia on Transformation Talk Radio, and today we have the honor to talk with Dee Wallace about her book, Bright Light. Before we continue, I want to make sure everybody knows how to contact you. Dee, could you give us your contact information and how people can find out about you, your healing, your teaching, your books, and whatever.

Dee Wallace: You can find out everything about me at my website, There are some amazing webinars to download on just about every subject you want to expand on. There is a lot of great free information. There’s an amazing past-life regression. You’ll see my calendar and where I’m going to be, both acting and healing, as well as all of my offerings.

I have a great workshop coming up on relationships. The website is If you order the book through there and tell me how you’d like me to sign it, I will personalize it for you. Or, you can go to,, or the Barnes & Noble store. If they don’t have it, they’ll order it. There’s my spiel!

p. 3 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

An Exclusive Interview with Dee Wallace by Saskia Röell “How To Shine Your Brightest Light”

Saskia Röell: Okay, that sounds pretty delicious! Before we head off to very deep, soulful topics, I want to make sure you talk about your book, Bright Light: Spiritual Lessons from a Life in Acting. Give us the scoop there.

Dee Wallace: Basically, it’s a joyous, fun, poignant journey through my career: “E.T.,” “The Frighteners,” working with , working with Blake Edwards in “10,” and all the other stuff in between, including, of course, in “E.T.” It takes you through the journey, beginning with me as a young actress, how I got started, and how the universe took care of me.

Weaving through that, of course, were the pain and mistreatment—if we want to look at it that way from our perspective—and the challenges that came my way, how I lost myself and became angry and felt like the world wasn’t on my side. I decided that I was going to see the world through that perspective. Of course, the more you see the world through that perspective, the less the world shows up for you.

This is because as you believe, it’s delivered to you, baby cakes! I explain how I found myself again and how I moved back into loving and empowering myself again, which is what 2012 is all about. Either do it this year or hang on to your victimhood for a long time now. I like the book. If I did it, if I could get ‘me’ back from the place I was, anybody can.

As you know, the freedom and joy on the other side are so amazing. Once you find it, you want to share with people how they can create it for themselves. In a nutshell, that’s what Bright Light is about.

Saskia Röell: It has all of these inspiring stories; there are so many stories and gems of wisdom. I just want to add that it’s written very poetically. I can recognize that it’s written straight from the Soul. It’s like a channel with very understandable explanations. For example—and maybe you can talk about this, Dee—you say ‘I am’. What does that mean, ‘I am’?

Dee Wallace: That was probably the biggest discovery of my life, the ‘I am’ principle. Basically, any time we say ‘I am’ or make a claim that’s referring to ‘I am’ anything, whether we know it or not, we’re directing our energy to create that. In a very simple way if you get up in the morning and say, “Oh, I’m so tired,” then you will give yourself a direction to create more ‘tired’.

If you say, “I just never have enough money. No matter what I do, I never have enough money,” you are saying, in essence, “I am a person who never creates enough money.” That keeps you a person who never creates enough money. The first question I always get is, “What? Do you want me to lie to myself? The truth is that I don’t have enough money.”

No, I don’t want you to lie to yourself. I want you to take responsibility for redirecting what you want and claiming what you do. You have to be conscious about that, because we’re used to saying what we want from the perspective of what we don’t want. We don’t want to be sick; that does not create wellness. It holds your focus on sickness and trying to problem-solve the sickness.

They always give me the image of that musical with the big plant—“The Little Shop of Horrors.” The point is that if nobody had fed the bloody plant, if everybody had just looked away from the plant and ignored it, the plant would have died and not eaten everybody. It’s a great metaphor for what we do: we look away from what you don’t want to what we do want, and focus on that.

p. 4 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

An Exclusive Interview with Dee Wallace by Saskia Röell “How To Shine Your Brightest Light”

Saskia Röell: Dee, how did you come to all of this? Was it discovered gradually, or did that happen in a moment when you really declared?

Dee Wallace: No, it was a gradual understanding, because I had to understand all of the steps if I was going to teach it. When people say to me, “I can’t,” I can truthfully say, “Yes, you can, and this is how. This is what you think you’re doing that you’re not doing, and this is what you need to do.” I’ve walked through all of the steps. I have walked through all of the challenges that all of my clients hand to me.

I’ve used all of the excuses not to expand that everybody uses because we’ve been taught that that’s the truth. To say, “I just can’t do this,” is not a truthful statement. We can choose to do anything we want, and we’re always in choice about that, but we have to make the choice.

Saskia Röell: Right, if we relate this back to the zero point, where you talk about creating from that blank state, which I love, we are the authors of our own book. Instead of going through the whole history of who we are, we start with that blank slate. Can you talk about that zero point?

Dee Wallace: History repeats itself. If you do not want your story to keep repeating in your life, let your history go. They are not going to save you anymore; they are not going to help you anymore; they are not going to make it nice-nice for you. It’s not going to happen. Whatever it is that’s happened in your lifetime—the rape, abuse, or sodomy—they are not going to fix it. You are the only one who can make you free.

Let me say that again: You are the only one who can make you free. You have to choose to take the passion and responsibility back into your own hands. Let me tell you that what happens in the journey is sometimes quite challenging and daunting. If you just take it a step at a time, you know you’ve done it. You become this empowered, joyful person who other people look at and say, “I want that.”

Saskia Röell: I believe that extraordinary choices create—and I’ve seen it!—extraordinary challenges, but also extraordinary results. It’s like you said at the beginning: we can choose to create our reality or just let it happen for us.

Dee Wallace: The easiest analogy we have is that old question, “Is the glass half full, or is it half empty?” It’s the same glass, and it’s filled up to the same place. However, the perspective that you hold about yourself, yourself in the world, and the world in general is exactly how you will see that glass. Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” That’s because how you think is exactly what your reality is going to be.

Saskia Röell: Dee, are you still expanding yourself?

Dee Wallace: Yes, and I think the expansion goes on forever, don’t you?

Saskia Röell: Yes. I know my Soul is three steps ahead of me, bringing up this big stuff: “You’re going to do this.”

Dee Wallace: It’s all possibility. On one of my shows, somebody called in and asked, “When will I know that I’m there?” The answer from the channel is that you’ll know you’re there when you know there’s no ‘there’ to get to! It’s constant exploration of energy. That’s why we’re here. How does energy work?

p. 5 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

An Exclusive Interview with Dee Wallace by Saskia Röell “How To Shine Your Brightest Light”

How do I work with energy? How can I create what I want out of energy? That’s why we’re here. It’s one big sand pile of play.

Saskia Röell: Absolutely! We’re heading to another break. For anyone who would like to live your dream out loud and break through your fear and procrastination, go visit I have a 21-day free training, “Roadmap to Your Dreams.” Stay tuned. We will be right back.

[Break #2]

Hello, everyone, you’re back on Your Soul Guidance with Saskia. We’re talking today with Dee Wallace about her book, Bright Light, and about so much more. It’s your time to shine and not hold back anymore because 2012 is your year. Before we go any further, Dee, can you give people your website and information about what they can get there? It’s such a gift for people to open up to that.

Dee Wallace: It’s I welcome you to go through the whole site. Play in it and peruse it. There are some great offerings, including webinars on every subject—money, success, wellness—channeled information about what we need to know to break through for the creation of all of those subjects of what we want.

There’s an amazing past-life regression available on the home page, which is free. There are a lot of free things, like how to use a pendulum. There’s a free pendulum workshop on there because I work with a pendulum. I have, for example, coming up on January 25th, a two-hour seminar, which is very affordable, on forgiveness. You and I know how important forgiveness is.

There is a couples’ workshop that I’m doing with one of the top psychics and past-life regressionists in America. That’s on the weekend of February 17th. I invite you to enjoy all of the things on my website. There is a lot of information, as well as a lot of love there, to help you shift into loving yourself more, which I know is the basis for everything.

Saskia Röell: It sounds so giving, Dee. I know you have the ‘recei-give’ principle. Can you talk about that?

Dee Wallace: Yes! That’s my word, and I’m determined to get it into the dictionary. I love that you asked about this, by the way. The easiest way I can explain ‘recei-give’ is to imagine a great hug with your best friend. You can’t just stand there and let them put their arms around you and call it a complete hug. Nor can they do that with you. That’s very much the metaphor that the Universe uses.

We have to reach out and embrace the Universe, and allow the Universe to embrace us back. Until you’re working from both sides, you’re shutting off the complete cycle, of what we call giving and receiving. It’s really putting out and allowing it to come back to you. Always think of giving the Universe a great big hug of love and allowing the Universe to hug you back with that love expanded. It’s a simple analogy, but it’s a truthful and complete one.

Saskia Röell: This is very vivid for me; I’m very visual. For anyone who is listening, I totally believe in this statement. I’ve always felt that the Universe truly supports your biggest dreams. I’ve seen it over and over in my lifetime in the most miraculous ways. It’s the truth. The Universe welcomes you with her arms wide open, but you have to do your steps, as well, and show up. Dee, do you believe everybody has a Soul Purpose?

p. 6 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

An Exclusive Interview with Dee Wallace by Saskia Röell “How To Shine Your Brightest Light”

Dee Wallace: Yes, I believe our Soul Purpose is to come in and be happy. I do! You can get there through a myriad of choices and possibilities. All roads lead to Rome, as they say. Keep asking yourself, “What makes me happy?” When I get up in the morning, I choose to do everything and realize everything today that makes me happy. That might be baking cookies, getting my toes painted, writing a book, or doing healing sessions.

Whatever that is, put the purpose of happiness and your being happy out into the world, and watch how the Universe comes back and gives you a big hug in ‘recei-give’.

Saskia Röell: It’s very true. I have another question that I have been thinking about. I’m a mother of five. I’m a healer. I’m an author. I’m a radio host, and all of that. I struggled with it, thinking, “Can I do all of this?” Yes, you can do all of it. You write beautifully about it. At some point you’re not dividing yourself. You have to get into that feeling of wholeness.

Dee Wallace: It’s all creation. People ask me when it is that I’m the happiest. It’s when I’m creating, but isn’t that what life is? We’re creating life in every single moment. When I’m writing a book, doing a healing session, teaching an acting class, or acting a part in a movie, all of that is creating. When I’m having dinner with my lover, boyfriend, or whatever you call them at 63, and my beautiful daughter, I’m creating a harmonious relationship.

As long as I can remember that I get to choose to create in every moment, I’m alive and happy. I swear that people look at me and say, “You look younger now! You look the same as you did in “E.T.”! I think it’s all of this work. When you’re joyful about living, your energy, body, and aura have to take that on.

Saskia Röell: Certainly. When I look at your pictures I think, “How old is this girl? She looks 40, but she has this whole life behind her!” That’s your joy that sparks off you.

Dee Wallace: Absolutely. Like my grandmother said, age is just a state of mind. If you’ve left your dreams behind, then you’re old. I’ve always remembered that. If I accomplish one dream, I just create something else, another dream to create. I think that’s what keeps us young and vital, and if we’re ever going to retire, we still want to keep creating, don’t we?

Saskia Röell: Yes, and the word ‘retire’, to me, is like the word ‘tired’. When I’m 90 I want to be at my best in my coaching and healing and whatever I do. I think I’ll be more valuable than at any time.

Dee Wallace: Absolutely. I went on tour last summer with Dolores Cannon, which was amazing. She’s 84 or so, and she travels all over the world doing these two-day intense seminars. She never stops. She says, “I just keep loving what I do, Dee.” I keep asking the Universe to support that. She’s just amazing!

Saskia Röell: Are you sometimes tested? Do you ever claim that you know something and then the Universe shows up and asks, “Really?

Dee Wallace: Heck no! Yes! It’s funny that I actually had a couple of those experiences. I think the greatest thing now that we can all claim and direct for ourselves is this: “I am supported and acknowledged justly in this lifetime.” Of course, as soon as I got clear about that and put it out on my shows, I heard about it. Let me back up for one minute.

p. 7 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

An Exclusive Interview with Dee Wallace by Saskia Röell “How To Shine Your Brightest Light”

I had another healer say to me, “You’ll get attacked, Dee. Somebody will attack you and say, ‘What the heck are you talking about? You don’t know what you’re talking about.’” I said, “In all the time I’ve done this, I’ve never had that happen.” As soon as I brought that out on the show, somebody wrote me an email saying, “You don’t do this, and you don’t do that.” Do you know what that led me to?

Again, as you believe, it’s going to be delivered to you. The collective consciousness has a belief that when you live your truth, when you live with authenticity and light, you’ll be attacked and dishonored in some way. I’m inviting everybody right now to create a new belief, and here it is.

When I live my light and I am my authentic, powerful self, I am acknowledged with love. I am cherished. I am held sacred in this world because people know me and see me as the truth, accept me as the truth, and are safe with me, as I am the truth. So it is. I like that one.

Saskia Röell: I like that one because somehow people don’t feel safe truly being who they are. That’s why we need the empowerment. I advise anyone to read the book Bright Light: Spiritual Lessons from a Life in Acting by Dee Wallace. It’s a tribute to feeling safe and knowing that that’s where your highest power is. We’re heading for a break, so we’ll talk more about this. We’re talking with Dee Wallace about her book, Bright Light, and you’re listening to Your Soul Guidance with Saskia. Stay tuned. We will be right back.

[Break #3]

You’re listening to Your Soul Guidance with Saskia on Transformation Talk Radio, and we have the most amazing guest here, Dee Wallace. She’s talking about how we can shine our brightest light, and that this is our year. Welcome back, everybody. I would love to touch upon the subject of healing. Dee is an international healer. Dee, I remember well from your book, Bright Light, that it was your birthday when you came in touch with your inner healer.

Dee Wallace: Yes, I was well into the journey of the energetic work. I had really been asking to truly know and trust my own abilities. For my birthday, my two good friends and I went to Sedona to a spa. One of the special programs you could pick to do was the equine program. I love horses. I’m very sure I was Annie Oakley or somebody in another life!

We went down to learn about the energy interaction with the horses. I kept being drawn, and my energy kept being pulled, to this horse that was in a pasture far away and lying down. This big, gruff cowboy, who was 55 or so years old and ran the place, happened to pass me. I said, “Excuse me, I’m wondering what is up with that horse over there.”

He said, “That’s my baby, my favorite horse. She’s really sick, and we don’t know if she’s going to make it.” The first thing I heard was, “You can help her, Dee. You have to use your hands. Put your hands on this horse.” I thought, “What?!” Don’t call me a hands-on healer. Then, of course, the mind says, “Wait a minute! I’m supposed to be here to receive. I’m supposed to learn what to do.”

The voice, as I call it, said, “Put your hands on the horse. You can help the horse.” I’m standing there with this very gruff cowboy. I look at him and thought, “I have nothing to lose. He can just throw me out,” so I said, “Look, I’m a channeler and a healer”—I actually owned it in that moment.

p. 8 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

An Exclusive Interview with Dee Wallace by Saskia Röell “How To Shine Your Brightest Light”

I said, “I think I can help your horse.” He looked at me, sized me up, and said, “All right. I’ll bring her over.” He got his horse up. I want to tell you that I did not have a clue about what I was doing. I only went by what I was told. He brought the horse and stood it in front of me. I said to myself, “All right. What the heck do I do?”

The voice said, “Just go put your hands on it. We’ll tell you where to put your hands.” I did, and it was like an Ouija board. My hands just started moving. The voice said, “Move the right one here.” I was kind of led. All of a sudden, I hear this unbelievable sound like a big train or locomotive coming out of this horse. I pull my hands off and look at the cowboy and said, “Oh, my gosh! I don’t know what’s happening!”

He looked at me and said, “Prayers are being answered, that’s what’s happening. We’ve been asking for that. That means its intestines are opening up.” I heard the voice say, “Go back and put your hands on this horse.” I did, and then I heard, “Ask the horse what it needs.” I thought, “Really? I have to do this in front of this cowboy?”

What the horse said to me was, “I need him to open his heart back up. I’m doing this so he’ll open his heart back up. Something has just happened that has made his heart close up, and I need him to open it back up.” I thought, “Oh, gee,” but I did it! I’m a good dancer; I do what I’m told. The cowboy looked at me and burst into tears.

He said—and this makes me emotional because he was such an old, gruff teddy bear—“You tell that horse, my baby, that I got the message and my heart’s open now.” Then I went to do my thing. My group was in another corral, so I went in and learned a lot of lessons there for me. I came back out and looked at the cowboy and said, “How is she?” He said, “Honey, she’s eating for the first time in four days.”

I looked over and she was eating her hay, which means her intestines were open again. I can’t even remember what you call it, but I thought, “Wow! I trusted the voice, and that’s all I have to do to trust me.” Trust the guidance, and then you will learn that you can trust yourself. That was an amazing moment for me, I have to tell you.

Saskia Röell: It’s beautiful. At some point we start learning to trust that voice and to completely surrender. You talk about surrendering in your book, as well. It’s one of the highest qualities we can exercise.

Dee Wallace: You have to surrender to your heart and the message that comes from your heart, because your mind is created to doubt and question. We’re not going to get there through our minds. The year of 2012 is all about committing to the heart’s message that you are.

Saskia Röell: What do you think, Dee? What’s the hardest part for people in that process?

Dee Wallace: It’s because we’ve been taught the opposite pretty much since the beginning of time: Watch out, be careful, manipulate, question, and plot it out. We’re taught to handle energy from a perspective of damage control instead of a perspective of a trust-in-the-creative process.

Saskia Röell: I can’t believe it’s almost the end of our show.

p. 9 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

An Exclusive Interview with Dee Wallace by Saskia Röell “How To Shine Your Brightest Light”

Dee Wallace: But we had a good time!

Saskia Röell: It was wonderful, and I’m sure everybody enjoyed it so much. Dee, one more time, can you give your website?

Dee Wallace: Yes, my website is Come play in it. It’s a playground. My website is a playground! I like that.

Saskia Röell: It’s a free playground.

Dee Wallace: A lot of the stuff on it is absolutely, definitely free. Come over and check it out.

Saskia Röell: Check it out, everybody. Dee’s book is Bright Light. If you want to shine your own light, read that book. For all of you, I can only say to go after your biggest dreams. Go to to get your free “21-Day Roadmap to Your Dreams.” There are meditations to shed the devil off your shoulder and to get into the temple of your Soul. All of that is on the website at

I want to thank our special guest, Dee Wallace, so much for being on our show and for making time to inspire everybody and ignite that shining light in you. Next week we’ll be back on Transformation Talk Radio at 3:00 PM EST/2:00 PM Central/12:00 PM Pacific. Have a great week. Dee Wallace, thank you so much .

Dee Wallace: Thank you. It has been such a joy.

Saskia Röell: Have a great week, everybody.

Dee Wallace – She has starred in four television series and more than 400 commercials and is one of Hollywood’s most sought-after TV guest stars including appearances in Grey’s Anatomy; Cold Case; . A beloved acting coach, she is also an internationally known healer, with two global radio shows and a series of healing seminars. Her insight into the joy of “conscious creation” was one of the reasons she was led to share her knowing with a larger audience through Bright Light.

In her recently released third book, Bright Light (O-Books), she takes readers along on Wallace’s emotional, spiritual and professional journey but even as we cheer for her triumphs and grieve for her unbearable losses, she doesn’t allow us to sit on the sidelines as merely an audience to her life. Rather she uses her journey as a metaphor for always expanding the lessons she experienced in her own life to a larger wisdom valuable for all of us. And she beckons her readers, who almost imperceptibly recognize their own journey, to learn from the spiritual lessons, which are the focus of each chapter.

p. 10 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.

An Exclusive Interview with Dee Wallace by Saskia Röell “How To Shine Your Brightest Light”

Imagine waking up one morning feeling completely fearless and ready to do whatever it takes to follow your biggest dreams.

My name is Saskia Röell and that morning came for me in the year 2000. It was an April morning when I woke up and heard the calling of my Soul. She was LOUD AND CLEAR. Telling me that our family of seven was to move to America. We had to let go of our wonderful life. Give up everything that was safe and successful. I listened, followed my purpose and took the leap.

We came to America with five children and one suitcase. Without jobs or contacts, hardly any money, and five kids who didn’t speak a word of English we felt like the pilgrims.

I know about all the trials and tribulations when you follow your calling. I know what it takes to breakthrough limitations and challenges.

I’ve reinvented my life multiple times in order to follow my purpose. In that process I’ve let go of my country, my marriage, my family, my animals, my friends, my jobs, all of which I dearly loved.

In that journey I’ve been held gunpoint in the jungles of Africa, lived with a Bedouin tribe in the desert of Egypt, cleaned temples in Japan, swam with the sharks in the Ivory Coast, brought our kids to the Dalai Lama to be blessed, and so much more. Flew in a burning plane when we made the big crossing to re invent our lives and come to America.

But it brought me so much more. I found my soul mate, 5 beautiful children, the house of my dreams in the land of my dreams, and the work I am passionate about.

Ten years later I am a Soul Purpose Coach, radio host (with 400,000 listeners), bestselling author, co- author with Jack Canfield, and Deepak Chopra, inspirational speaker, matrix energetic healer, and mother of five. I’ve helped thousands of people successfully reach their highest purpose and live their dreams. My life is living proof that if I can do it you can too.

Nothing has ever stopped me from living my purpose, and I believe that you can be unstoppable too when you realize how magnificent you are.

Saskia Röell / Your Soul Guidance /

p. 11 | Copyright © 2012 Saskia Röell, Your Soul Guidance.