Bonded Wineries and Bonded Wine Cellars Authorized to Operate July 1

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Bonded Wineries and Bonded Wine Cellars Authorized to Operate July 1 Bonded July l, Department o1 the Treasury 1974 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Wineries and Firearms and Bonded Wine Cellars ATF P 51 20 . 1 (7- 74) Authorized (former ly Pub, 655) to Operate Listing by States of .s and BWC's Authorized to Operate July J., 19'/4 ALASKA ARKANSAS (CONT 'D. ) BW-AK-1 BW-AR-137 Casa De San Jose Singer, Orville B. Palmer Pa.lcstine ARKJ.1NSAS Experimental Wine Cella:r University of Arkan s~s . 'Jlv, of BW-AR-139 Agriculture, Dept. of Horticultural Center Ridge Winery Fool Science Springfield Fayetteville BW-AR-140 Experimental Wine Cellar Cowie Wine Cellars University of Arkans as Paris Little Rock BW-AR-24 BW-AR-8* DeSalvo's Winery Wiederkehr Wine Cellars, Inc. Center Ridge Altus . BW-AR-76 CALIFORN!A l"rej'aldenhoven, William D. Morrilton BW-CA-4450 Aggazzotti Winery DW-AR-92 Cucamonga Heckman 1s Winery Harrisburg BW-CA-4639* Alltrans Express BW-AR-6 California, Inc. Mary's Winery San J.... rancisco Altus BW-CA-85 BW-AR-138 Almaden Vineyards Mount Bethel Winery Kingsburg Altus BW-CA-14ti DW-AR-142 Abnaden Vineyards Neil's Winery, Inc. San Jose Springdale BW-CA-4143 BW-AR-106 Almaden Vineyards Post Winery, Inc. Hollister Altus BW-CA-4476 ·BW-AH-9 Almaden Vineyards Sax, HenryJ. Paicines Altus CALIFORNIA (CONT'D.) CALIFORNIA (CONT'D.) BW-CA-4519* BW-CA-4570* Almaden Vineyards Beringer Los Hermanoa Vineyards San Jose St. Helena BW-CA-4518 BW -CA-3567 Amador Winery Bernado Winery Amador City Escondido gxperimental Wine Cellar BW-CA-16~'; Ambassador College Bertero, Ang~lo C. PasarJena Gilroy · BW-CA-3998* BW-CA-4390 Bandicra Wines Bisceglia Brothers Wino Co. Cloverdale Madera BW-CA-3877 BW-CA-4652 Barengo Vineyards, Inc. Boeger Winery Acampo Placerville BW -CA-38fr9 BW-CA-2908 13argctto's Santa Cruz Winery Bonesio Wine1'y, Inc. Soquel Gilroy BW -CA-4,573 BW-CA-141* Bear C rr:ek Vineyards Brookside Vineyard Co. Los Altos Guasti BW-CA-4389 BW-CA-3935 13ear Mountain Winery Brookside Vineyard Co. DiGiorgio Cucamonga UW-CA-71 BW-CA-3965 Beaulieu Vineyard . Brookside Vineyard Co. Hutherford Fontana BW-CA-4126 BW-CA-4457 Bella NapoH Winery Bt'Ookside Vin~yard Co. l\1 ante •.: a Cu"~amonga lJW-CA-46 BW-CA-3613 Beriuger Los Hermanos Vineyards Brookside Vineyard Co. ~·.t. Helena Cur.amonga BW-CA-4263 BW-CA-288 Beringer Los Hermanos Vineyards B1'0oksfde Vineyard Co. NP,pa Sacramento BW-CA-4648 Brookside Vineyard Co. Ontario -3- _CALIFORNIA (CONT 1D,) BW-CA~4495 nw~cA-4 Bruce. David California Growers Winery. Inc. Los Gatos Cutler BW-CA-4428 BW-CA-4665 Buena Vista Winery. Inc. California Mission Wines Sonoma Mcl•'arland BW-CA-4629 Experimental Wine Cellar Buena Vista Winery, Inc. California State College of Vineburg San Bernardino San Bernardino BW-CA-945 Burgess Cellar-s, Inc. BW-CA-52* St. Helena California Wine Association Acampo BW-CA-4548 Butler Winery BW-CA-4052 Sonora Cambiaso Winery & Vineyards Healdsburg BW-CA-4653 Butler Dorsett Winery BW-CA-4513* Columbia Cannery Wine Cellar, The San Francisco BW-CA-4592 Butte Creek Vineyards BW-CA-4551* Chico Carmel Valley Wine Assoc. Oakville BW-CA-4498 Bynwn Winery BW-CA-4645 Albany Carneros Creek Winery Napa Bw-CA-3823 Cadenasso Winery BW-CA-4654 Fairfield Carver Wine Cellar Santa Ava BW-CA-1Q34 Cadlolo Winery BW-CA-4529* Escalon Casa de Fruta Hollister BW-CA-4196 California Cellar Masters BW-CA-4598 Lodi Ca.ymus Vineyards Rutherford BW-CA-450? California Cellar Masters BW·CA-10 Lodi Cella Wineries Cella St Dtion, Reedley P. 0. BW~CA-4512 Chalone Vineyard Soledad -4- .CALIFORNIA (CONT'D.) :'-ALIFORNIA (CONT'D.) BW-CA-4537 BW-CA-3659 Chappellet Winery Cor.rotto Anselmo St. Helena Gilroy BW·CA-4627 BW-CA-4644 Chateau Chevalier Winery Cosumnes River St. Helena Vineyards Plymouth BW·CA-4525 Chateau Montelena BW-CA-4360 Calistoga Cucamonga Top Winery Etiwanda BW-CA-4631 Chateau Souverlan BW-CA-1 Geyserville Cucamonga Vineyard Co. Cucamonga BW·CA-4562 Chateau Vintners BW-CA-4550 San Leandro Cuvaison, Inc. Calistoga BW-CA-4222 Cherokee Vineyard Assoc. BW-CA-2459 Acampo D'Agostini Winery Plymouth BW-CA-3959 Cherpin Winery, Louis BW-CA-4634 Fontana Davia Bynum Winery Healdsburg BW ·CA -4638* Clos su Val wine Co. , BW-CA-3616 Ltd,, The Delano Growers Cooperative Winery Napa Delano BW -CA-4530* BW-CA-4094 Coarsegold Wine Cellar DelicRto Vineyards Coarsegold Manteca BW-CA-4545 BW-CA-4557* Columbia Cellars Del Oso Winery Columbia Lodi BW-CA-7 BW-CA-4391 Community Wineries Del Rey Cooperative Winery Assoc. Lodt Malaga BW-CA-616 BW·CA-4606 Concannon Vineyard Diamond Creek Vineyards Livermore Calistog·a -5- CALIFQRNIA (CONT 1D.) CALIFORNIA (CO~~J BW-CA-1045 BW-CA-4660* Oigardi Winery, J. E . Filice Winery, Inc . • The Martinez Morgan Hill BW -CA ·4491* BW-CA-4658* Dino's Cellars Filice Winery, lnc. • The Santa Maria Gilroy BW-CA-4611 BW-CA-4659>l< Dry Creek Vineyard Filice Winery, Inc., The Healdsburg Gilroy DW-CA-3863 BW-CA-3724 East-Side Winery Filippi Vintage Co •• J. LodJ. S. 1.1"ontana Dfsi;rict BW-CA-4596 BW-CA- 4006 Edmeades Vineyards Firpo W~.n~ry. Julius Philo Oakley BW-CA-4641 BW-CA-312 Erry Vineyards Foppinao Wine Co • • L. Hollister Healdsburg BW -CA-3568 . BW-CA-4463 Evergreen VIneyards Fortino Winery San Jos'~ Gilroy BW-CA-399·1 BW-CA-4594 Farnesi Winery Franciscan Vineyards Sanger Hutherford Bw-CA-3758 BW-CA-3654 lfcrrara Wmery Franzla Brothers Winery Escondido Ri.potl BW-CA-4522 BW-CA-767 Fetzer Vineyards I•'rasinetti & Sons, Jas. Calpella Florin DW-CA-4431 BW-CA-658 Ficklin Vineyards Fredson, Chris A. Madera Healdsburg BW -CA-4636* BWwCA-4514 Filice Winery, Inc., The Freemark Abbey'Y Morgan Hill St. Helena -6- ~ -CALIFORNIA. (CONT'D.) CALIFORNIA_ ,..(C ______ONT'D.) _ BW·CA-4555* BW-CA-3864 Freemark Abbey Winery Gibson Wine Company St. Helena Elk Grove BW-CA~l114 BW-CA-251 li' rei Winery, Inc. Giretti, Peter and Harry Healdsburg Gilroy l·~xperimcntal Wine Cellar BW-CA-4418 Fresno State College Giumarra Vin~yards Corp. Fresno Edison BW-CA-3952 BW-CA-4602 Galleano Wlnerya Inc. Gold Mine Winery Mh·a Loma Madera BW-CA-17 DW-CA-1218 Gallo Winery, E. & J. Golden State Winery Fresno Fresno BW-CA-3613 BW-CA-4572 Pierre Diane & Company Q ; ~ e. nd Cru' Vineyards Cucamonga Glt:n Ellen BW-CA-4213 BW-CA-3656 Gallo Winet•y, E. & J. Guglielmo Winery, E milio Modesto Morgan Hill BW-CA-4546 BW-CA-3865 Gallo Winery, E . & J. Guild Wine Co. -·Bear Creek Winery Livingston Lodi BW-CA-4030 BW-CA-1416* GameJlo Winery Guild Wine Co. - Central Cellars Mountain View I.odi .. · BW-CA-4590 DW-CA-4224 Gavilan Vineyards, Inc. Guild Wine Co. -Del Rio Winery Saratoga Lodi BW-CA-29 BW- C A~3881 Geyser Peak Winery Guild Wine Co. -Fresno Winery Geyserville :Fresno 13W -CA-4140 BW-CA-3569 Ghianda winery, A. Guild Wine Co. -L. K. Marshall Oroville Winery Delano CALIFORNIA (CONT'D·l CALI!ORNIA (C_9,~T'Dd BW-CA-4258 BW-CA-4558 Guild Wine Co. -McCall Winery Husch Vineyards Sanger Philo BW-CA-3812 BW-CA-9 Guild Wine Co. - Roma Winery Inglenook Vineyard Co, Fresno Oakville BW-CA-4398 BW-CA-69 Guild Wine Co. -Ukiah Winery Inglenook Vineyard Co. Uklah Huther!ord BW-CA-4623 BW-CA-957 Hacienda Winery Inglenook Vjneyards Co. Sonoma St. Helena !Yf) BW-CA-4470 BW~CA-1589 Hanzcll Vineyards Italian Swiss Colony Sonoma Asti BW-CA-4581 BW-CA-3287 Harbor Winery Italian Swiss Colony West Sacramento Clovis BW-CA-967 BW-CA-44'74* Heitz Wll"e Cellars Italian Swiss Colony St. Helena Stockton DW-CA-4610 BW-CA-976 Hecker Pass Winery Kenwood Vineyards Gilroy Kenwood BW -CA-4454+ BW-CA-74 Heitz Wine Ce1lars Korbel & Bros. Inc., F. St. Helena Guerneville BW-CA-759 BW-CA-4597* Heublein, Inc. Korbel & Bros., Inc. F. EUwanda Grat,n BW-CA-4588* BW-CA-605* Heublein, Inc. Kornell Champagne Cellars, Hanna Guasti Calistoga BW-CA-4577 BW-CA-3110 Hoffman Mountain Hanch Vineyards Krug Winery, Charles Paso Robles St. Helena ·e CALIFOHN!A (CONT'D.) CALIFORNIA (CONT'D.) -~· BW -CA-4071* · BW -CA-3564 Krug Winery, Charles Lodi Vintners .• Ltd. St . Helena Lodi BW -CA-45 330\< BW-CA-4042 Krug Winel'Y, Charles Los Altos Vineyards St. Helena Gilroy HW -CA-4569* BW-CA-4601 Krug Winery, ChArles Lyncrest Vineyards St. Helena St. Helena BW-CA-4566 BW -CA-'~574 Kruse Winery, Thomas MaMin Winery, The Gilroy Culver City BW-CA-4516 BW-CA-4469 Landis Vineyard Martinelli & Company, S. Fresno Watsonville HW -CA-4394 BW-CA-3596 Liberty Winery, Inc. Martini, Louis M. Acampo St. Helena BW-CA-268 BW-CA-881 Live Oaks Winery Martini & Pra ti Wines, lne. Gilroy Santa Hosa BW-CA-4475 nw-cA-4523 Llords & Elwood Martin Spring Mountain Win et~y , Inc. Fremont St. Helena BW -CA -4 510* BW-CA-144 Llords & Elwood Masson Vineya rds, Paul San Jose Saratoga BW-CA-3898* BW-CA-4478 Llo rda & ~~lwood Winery Masson Vineyards, Paul San Jose Saratoga BW-CA-3682 BW- CA-4505 Locatelli, Vincent Masson ViniJyards, Paul Boulder Creek Soledad BW-CA-4402 BW MCA-4584* Lockeford Vintner ~orp . Masson Vineyards, Paul Lockeford San Jose -9- CALIFORNIA (CONT'D.) CALIFORNIA (CONT 'D-=.1. BW-CA-4616* BW-CA-4622 Masson Vineyards, Paul Montc•.ina Wines Milpitas Plymouth BW-CA-3805 BW-CA-12 1\'Inthaws Napa Valley Winery, J.
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