! Reg. No. GRlRNP/GOAl32! E No. GOAENG/200216410 !

Panaji, 2nd December, 2004 (Agrahayana 11, 1926) SERIES II No. 36 oFFICIAL ~jJ GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF

Note:· There is One Supplementary and Four E'xtraordinary Department of Law & Judiciary issues to the Official Gazette, Series II, No. 35 dated 25-11-2004 as follows:- Law (Establishment) Division 1) Supplement dated 25-11-2004 .from pages 817 to 820 .regarding.NotificCJ.tion from Department of Revenue. Notifi(iation 2) Extraordinary dated 26-11-2004 from pages 821 to 822 regarding Order from Department of Science, No: 6/28/92·LD(Misc.!) Technology & Environment .. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 6 of 3) ErtTaordi~arY No.2 dated 2~-11-2004 from pages 823 the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 (Central Act 39 to 824 -regarding Notification from -Department of of 1987) read with Section 21 of the General Clauses , Education,' Art; & Cillture (Directorate of School Education) Order from Department of Finance Act, 1897 (Central Act 10 of 1897). the Government of (Revenue & Control Division) and Notification from Goa, hereby amends the Government Nbtification Department of General Administration., No. 6/28/92-LD (Misc.!) dated 13·11-1997 published in 4) Extraordinary No.3 dated 30·11·2004 from pages 825 the Official Gazette, Se~i8s Il,No. 33.dated 13-11-1997. to 826 regarding Notification and Corrigendum from Extraordinary No.2 (hereJnafter called the "said Department of Revenue and Notification from Notification") as follows:· , . Department of Social Welfare (Directorate of Vlomen & Child Developf!1.ent). In the said Notification. for item (q), the following shall be substituted, nameJy:- 5) Extraordinary No.4 dated 1·12-2004 from pages 82'7 to 828 regarding Notification from Department of q) Registrar of High Court of Member Secretary. Social Welfare (Direct

·Order Department of Personnel No. 8-2(41)/2000·2001/3372 Order Read: Order No. 2·4-79/AH(part) dated 16-10-2003. No. 13/38/2004·PER Consequent on superannuation of Dr. A. S. Nazareth, Managing Director, Goa Meat Complex Limited, Panaji Read:- Order No. 13/38/2004-PER dated 29." 10-2004. Dr. Savio Sequeira Vaz, Deputy Director, Directorate of The extension granted in service vide above referred Husbandry & Veterinary ServicE?s, Panaji who is Ani~al order to Shri B. T Mahaie, Junior Scale Officer of Goa also the FactoryManager of Goa Meat Complex Ltd .. Civil Service, preseqtly posted as Under Secretary. Goa Panaji shall perform all functions and duties of Managing Public $ervice CommiSSion" beyopd. the date, of Director, Goa Meat Complex Ltd., Panaji. until further superannuation for a period of six months up to orders from the date of his taking over. the charge from 30,1·2005,is hereby curtailed for ,four months upto Dr. A. S. Nazareth. 28·02-2005 under same terms,and conditions. By order and in th~ name of the Governor of ·Goa. By order and in the name o~ the Governor of Goa. Arnit Yadav, Secretary (Animal Husbandry). S. V Naik, Joint Secretary (Personnel). Porvorim, 23rd November. 2004. Porvorim, 17th November. 2004, 830 OFFICIAL GAZE"HE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES II No. 36 2ND DECEMBER, 2004

Order 3: Shri Anthony J. D'Souza, Mamlatdar, Mormugao: No.6/4/91-PER/Part-II 4. Shri Sabaji P Shetye, The Governor of Goa is pleased to promote on ad hoc Mamlatdar, Baidez. basis, the following Officers in-Junior Scale of Goa Civil Service to' Senior Scaie of the' sa:me service in the pay 5. Shri Prashant P.. ShiroJkar, scale of Rs. 10000-;325-15200, with immediate effect. Mamlatdar, Quepem. 1. Shri T. S. Sawant, 6. shii Sanjeev C. Gauns Dessai, SpL Land Acquisition Officer, Mamiatdar, . PWD. 7. Kum. Biju R .Naik, 2. Smt. P A. D'Souza, Joint l\lhunlatdar, Quepem. Dy. Controller, Home Guards & Civil Defence. 8. Shri Suresh P Pilernkarj Marnlatdar-in-Collectorate, South. 3. Shri Francisco Teles, Dy. Director (Admn.), 9. Shri Mahesh Corjuenkar, Electricity Departmen1 . :M;amlatdar-in-Collectorate, North. 4. Shri Gurudas P r liernkar, The above appointements shall 08 for a period of six Und~r Sel";:"E:tary (Revenue). months in the first instance. 5. Shri Anthony B. RebeJio, The above 8.d hoc appointments will not bestow the O.S.D. to Minister (Water Resources). promoted Officers any claim for regular appoint,ment 6. Shri J aosinho Vaz, and the service rendered on ad hoc basis in the grade C.O., Cuhcolim Municipal Council. will not. count for the purpose 9f seniority in that grade 'I. Shri Arvind D. Loliyekar, for eligibility for promotion to the next-.higher. grade. Under Secretary (GA-I). Their posting. orders are being issued separately. 8. Shri Meghanath Parab, Asstt. Commissioner of Sales Tax. By orde~ and in the name of the Governor of Goa. , . 9. 31Hi Vallabh K. Kamat, S. V Naik, Joint Secretary (P!'rsonnei). Asstt. Commissioner of Sales Tax. Porvorim, 19th November, 2004. The above ar.pointements shall be for" a period of six months. in the first instance.

The above ad hoc appointments will not bestow the Order promoted Officers any claim for regular appointment and the service rendered on ad hoc basis in the grade No. 7/2/99-PER(Part-II) will not count for the purpose of seniority in that grade for eligibility for promotion to the next higher grade. On placement of his services at the disposal of Government of G.oa, by trw Government of , Ministry Their posting orders are being issued separately. of Home Affairs, New Delhi "vide order No. 14020/3/2004- -UTS.! dated 5th August, 2004, the Governor of Goe. is By order and in the DanJ.d of the Governor of Goa. pleased to appoint Shri Santosh D. Vaidya, lAS (ACMU: S. V Naik, Joint Secretary (Personnel). 1998) as Secretary to the Government with imrnediate effect. Porvorim, 19th November, 2004.

Shri Vaidya reported for duty on 16-11-2004 (FN) to the Chief Secretary and was awaiLng posting. Order Shri Vaidya has been allotted the Department of No. 6/4/91-PER/Part-III Education and has bee"!l desigr.. ated as Secretary The Governor of Goa is pleased to promote on ad hoc (Education). Conseque"Uy, Shri B. S. Shalla, 'IAS has basis, the following incumbents of the posts included in been designated as Secretary (Hcu:::ing). the Schedule-II of the Goa Civil Service Rules, 1997 to Junior Scale of the same service in the pay scale of Accordingly, Notification No. 7/G/99-PER dated Rs. 8000-275-13500, with immediate effect. 9-7-2004 sh~il stand modified to this extant.

1. Shri Ashok V. Rane, By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa. Sales Tax Officer. 5. V Naik, Joint Secretary (Personnel). 2. Smt. Upasana M. Ma]gaonkar, Joint Mamlatdar, Panda. Porvorim, 22nd November, 2004. OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 831 SERIES II No. 36 2ND DECEMBER, 2004

Department of Revenue 3. If the Government is satisfied that the said land is needed for the aforesaid purpose. a declaration to that effect under section 6 of the said Act will be published Notification in the Official Ga~ette ·and in two daily newspapers and No. 22/B3/2001-RD public notice theteof sh.all be given in due course. If the acquisition is abandone;d wi-lOily or in part, the fact will Whereas it appears to the Government of Goa al~Q be notifIed in the san1e manner. (hereinafter referred to as "the Government") thaL the land specified in the Schedule hereto '(here'inafLer 4. The Government further appoints, under clause (c) referred to as the "said land") is likely to _b~ needed of section. 3 of the said Act, the Dy. Collector (LA), for public purpose viz. Land Acquisition for construction Collectorate of South Goa to perform the & BIT of St. Sebastian Chapel road via Wadi Pequeno, functions of a Collector under the SaId Act -in {cSpcct of Pulwado, Vassuwado, in V P. Benaulim (Adell. Ar~a). the said land.

Now, therefore. the Goverriment hereby notifies, under 5. The Government also authorises under sub-section sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, (2) of section 4 of the said Act, the foilawing Officers to 1894 (Central Act 1 of 1894) (hereinafter referred to as do the Acts, specified therel~ in respect of the the "said Act") that the said land is likely to be needed said land. for the purpose specified above. i, 1. The Collector, , lVIargao-Goa. i 2. All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyor or 2. The Dy. Collector (LA), Collectorate, South Goa, 1 Margao-Goa. I. other persons employed upon the said land for the I purpose of the said acquisition. Any contract for the 3. The Executive Engineer, W. Div. VI (Roads South), , disposal of the said land by sale, lease, mortgag8, PWD, , Margao-Goa. assignment, exchange or otherwise, or any outlay 4. The Director of Settlement and Land Records, commenced or improvements made thereon without the' Panaji-Goa. sanction of the Collector apPointed under paragraph 4 below. after the date of the. publication of this 6. A rough plan of the saifl. land is available for Notification, will under clause (seventh) of section 24 of inspection in the Office of the Dy. Collector (LA), the said Act, be disregarded by him while assessing Collectorate of South Goa, Margao for a period of 30 days compensation for such parts of the- said land as may be from the date of publication of this notification in t~-!e finally acquired. Official Gazette.

SCHEDULE (Description of the said land) Taluka: Salcete Viilage: Benaulir:J

Sr. Survey Sub. Div. N arne of Owners Approx. area Remarks No. No. tTo. ' in sq. mts. 1 2 3 4 5 6 -.--~----.- -'---

1. 295 4 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 475 Boundaries: T. Luis Martin Fernandes. 2. 298 1 part 0: Comunidade of Bem3.ulim. 300 North: Road. T. r. Conceicao Sebastiao Rodirgues. 2. Carlota Fernandes. South: S. No. 308/6. 3. 298 3 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 150 T. Guilhermina Menina Dias. East S No. 295, 298, 308. 4. 298 4 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 150 T. Patrocino Rodrigues. West S. No. 299/4, 298, N.:Ja, 3G-8. 5. 298 5 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 150 T. 1. Angelina Afonso. 2. Pedro San~ano Barreto. 6. 298 6 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 150 T. Francisco Xavier Silva, 7. 298 7 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 150 T. Domingos Santana Furtado. 8. 298 8 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. .125 1: Anceto Rodrigues. 9. 298 9 part 0: Camunidade of Benaulim. 75 T. Remdies Santano Rodrigues. 832 Ol:'FICIAL GAZETTE ~- GOYT. OF GOA SERIES II N(). 36 2ND DECEMBER, 2004

1 2 3 4 5 6

10. 298 10 part 0: 1. Leucadina Rodrigues. 175 ·2. Jose francisco Rodrigues. 3. Domingos Rod~igues. 4. Antonio Hodr:.1gues. 11. 298 11 part 0: 1. Libania Rodrigues. 50 2. Ana Francisca Rodrigues. 3. Andrita Rodrigues. 4. Socorro Rodrigue's. 5. Francisca Rodrigues. 12. 298 30 part 0: 1. Francisco Fernandes. 50 2. Meniono Jose 'Fernandes. 13. 298 47 part 0: 1. Libania Rodrigues. 125 ~. An~ Francisca Rodrigues. 3. Francisca Rodrigues. 4: Andrita Rodrigues. 5. Socorro Rodrigues. 14. 298 50 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 75 T. Mariano Rodrigues. 15. 298 51 part 0: Minguel Francis Rodrigues. 50 16. 298 52 part 0: C6munidade of Benaulim. 50 T. Herculano Rodrigues. 17. 298 53 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 50 T. Caetano Luis Rodrigues. 18. 298 54 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 50 T. Jose Luis Afonso. 19.. 308 1 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 125 T. 1. John Fernandes. -2. Firmino Fernandes. \ 20. 308 2 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 125 J T. Domingos Santana F\.utado. r 21. 308 3 part 0: Lourenco Menina Rodrigues. 75 22. 308 4 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 75 T. 1. Roque Alegre Fernandes. 2. Boavida Fernandes. 23. 308 5 part 0: Camilo Fernandes. 100 Boundaries: 24. 308 6 pc:.rt 0:· Comunidade of Benaulim. 75 T. Maria Piedade Fernandes. North: S. No. 308/5. 25. 308 8 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 75 T. 1. Joaquim Joao Fernandes. South: s. No. 317/1. 2. Felix Fernandes. 26. 308 10 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 100 East S. No. 308, 307, 315. T. Rosalina Fernandes. 27. 308 11 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 100 West Nala S. No. 307, 315. T. Joaquim Ivlariano Rodrigues. 28. 307 1 part 0: 1. Fatima Rosaldina Rodrigues. 300 2. Paulo Antonio Rodrigues. 29. 307 2 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 50 T. Natalina Fernandes. 30. 307 3 part 0: 1. Fatima Rosaldina Rodrgues. 50 2. Paulo Antonio Rodrigues. 3(l'l 31. 0- 4 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 75 T. Natalina Fernandes. 32. 307 5 part 0: 1. Fatima Rosaldina Rodrigues. 150 2. Paulo Antonio Rodrigues. 33. 307 6 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 100 T. Natalina Fernandes. 34. 307 8 part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 175 T. Remediana Rosaldina Fernandes. 35. 307 9 part 0: Caetano Fernandes. 200 c'


1 2 3 4 5

36. 307 '"10' 'art 0: Coinunidade of Benaulim. 2D0 .'.!' "T: 1" Jacinta Rodrigues. ~, 2. ,Florencio Rodrigues. 37. 307 15 part 0: "comunidade of Benaulim. l50. T. "1. Maria Tereza Rodrigues ..

2: Jdsinho Rodrigues. -, .-, ~. 38. 307 ,,20 'part 0: Comunidade of Benaulim. 'T. 1. Remedios Francisco Rodrigues. • 2~ Jcl~e Sebastiao Rodrigues. 3. Meniono Xayier Rodrigues. 39. 315 "'4'p art 0: Conninidade of Benaulim. . 100 L Jacinta Rodrigues. 2. Elias Rodrigues, .. , 40. 315 7 part 0: .(;omunidade of Benaulim. 100 T. 1. Jacinta Rodrigues. .. , 2. 'Elias Rpdrigues. 41. 315 8 part 0: COImhiidade of Benaulim. 75 :T. 1. Jacinta Rodrigues. 2. EliasH9drigues, 42. 315 11 part . '0: Comunidilde of Benaulim. 75 .T. 1.. Filipe Fernandes, , 2. Wellington Fernandes. · :i,Godf~ey Fernandes. 43. 315, 12 part -0: Comunidade of Benau lim. 100 T. · 1. Filipe.Fernandes . ,2. Wellington Fernandes. , . , 3. Godfrey Ferri"ndes . 44. 315 .13 part O'." Comunidade of Benaulim. 100 T., 1 .. FiIipe··Fernandes. 2 ..Wellington Fernandes. " " -, 3. Qodfrey Fernandes. ' ' 45. 315 .17 part ,0:, 1"CoIIlUnid>!.cte. of Benaulim. 825 2. Ansa! Resorts & Hotels Ltd. T. 1. Manuel Francisco Rodrigues. 2 .. M~hiono Rosario. ,Rodrigues. 46. 315 25 part 0:. Comunidade of Benaulim. 200 T. Jose L(;)Uren~o R~d.rigues. 47~', }J5: ,27,part 0: Comunidade gf Bellatilim. 25 48. :31q 28pq.rt . -;Qi' ':Comunidade.of:Benaulim. 200 '

Total: 7200

By order and in.. the, name of the Governor of Goa. OurudasP.'pilamekar,:Under Secretary (Revenue): Ponlorim, 17th November, 2004.

,lIlotific",tioD appended to the said' Notification was likely to be ne"ded for the pUblic purpose viz. Land Acguisition for No, 22/24/2003·RD the Const. of Sirlim, Boridorim Road in the length of 910 mtrs. in ViIIag" Panchayat Dramapur, Sirlim (Add!. area); Whereas by Government Notification No. 22/.24/2903·' ·RD dated 04·11-2003 pUblished on pages 1034 & i03'5 of And whereas; ,the 'Government of Goa (hereinafter Series II, No. 350fthe;Officia! Gazette, dated 27cllc2,003, referred to as. "the Governlnent") after considering the and in .two Newspapers (l)"NavhindTimes" 'dated report made under sUb-section (2) of section 5A of the 09·11~2003:(2)':'Sunaparant' 'dated 09·11-2003 it was', said Act is satisfied ,thali" the land speCified in the notifi:ed ,uu,d,er section 4 i:ih:he Land Acquisition Act, Schedule hereto is needed .for the public purpose 1894 (Central Act 1 of 1894) (hereinafter'referred to a~ specified above (hereinafter, referred to "the said "the said Act") thaHhe larid,specifiedin the Schedule land"). 834 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ~ GOVT. OF GOA SERIES lINo. 36 2ND DECEMBER, 2004

Now, therefore, the Government hereby declares, 1 2 3 under section' 6 of the said Act that the said land is required for the public purpose specified above. 8. Cristalina Rodrigues. 9. Antoneta M. Menezes. 2. The Govemmentalso appoints, under clause (c) of 10. Anthoni Silveira. section 3 of the said Act, the Executive Engineer, EWD., 11. DiogoC. S .. I;l'Costa. WD.-VI, Fatorda, Margao-Goato perform the functions of 12. Ranfelina D'Silva. a Collector for all proceedings hereinafter to be taken in 13., Mary 1. B. D'Costa. respect of the said land, and direct!) ,him under section' 14. Demeguinha Ferrao. .. 7 of the said Act to take order for the acquiSition of the 15. RigOletto A.' de: S. Theresa. said land. ".16.' Bridgetta de S. Theresa. 3. A plan of the said land can be inspected at the Qffice 17. Joseph R. M. de. S. Theresa. of the said Executive Engineer, EWD., W.D.-Vl, Fatorda, 18. Heima de. S. Theresa, Margao-Goa till the award is made under section 11. 19. SOcorro C. S. Theresa.' . 20. Jocelyn de. S. Theresa. SCHEDULE . Boundaries: (Description of the said land) North: Village Boundary Sirlim/Salcete P.T Sheet No. Names of the persons Approx. area S. No. 20/8, 9 & 10. , __ Chalta No. believed to be interested in sq .. mts. 1 2 3 South: S. No. 20/12, 20/14, 15, 20/10.

Taluka: Salcete Village: Sirlim East .• S. No. 20/1, 2 & 20/10. West S .. No:20/1, 20/6. 20/1 (Part) 0.: 1. Teodosio P. Rodrigues. 175 2. Caetan S. Rodrigues. North: S. No. 134/44, 48 & 49. 3. Roque A. C. Rodrigu,es. South: S. NO. 4717, 48/2, 134/39,129/1,' 4. Agnela alias Agnela E. 134/39,48. Rodrigues. 5. Caitan alias Cajetan F. M. EastS. Nci.134/39, 47/1 & ,7,48/2. Pereira. West S. No. 134/44, 130/39,129/1, 20/2 (Part) 0.: Roque Agapito C. 50 ·47/1 & 6,48/2. Rodrigues. 20/8 (Part) 0.: Antonio Philip Rodrigues: 45 Total: 1128 20/9 (Part) 0.: Adriana F. C. Ferrao. 35 . By order and in the name ofthe Governor of Goa. 20/10 (Part) 0.: l. Manuelinba Felicio' M. 16., , Pereira. . . Glirucias, P. PiJarnekar, Under Secretary (Revenue). 2. Alvaro A. E Pereira. 3. Susana F. ·Pereira. Porvorim, 18th November, 2004. 4. Yvetelina Pereira. --+-- 20/14 (Part) 0.: 1. Augusto S. Ferrao. 25 Office of the Collector of. South Goa & Director of 2. Herculano Ferrao. Civil Administration South Goa, District Margao 20/15 (Part) 0.: Antonio Philip Rodrigues. 36 134/44 (Part) 0.: 1. Augusto X. S. Ferrao. 85 2. Herculano .Ferrao. . Order 3. Pandarinath V. Lotlikar. No. 52/8/2003-CAB 4. Pradip V. Lotlikar. 5. Leslie A. Pereira. Read: Government letter No. 20/6/2004-RD/2333 6. Josephina P. Pereira. dated 07-9-2004. 134/49 (Part) 0.: Maria M. Rebello. 36 The following persons are appointed as members of 130/39 (Part) 0.: J. P. D'Costa. 50 the Managing Committee for the 'Ihennium 2004-2006 of 1.29/1 (Part) Q: . Mario M. Rebello. 260 the Communidades under the Jurisdiction of the 47(~ ,SI'!!lt) Q: Philip N .. Gonsalves. 70. Administration of Comunidades of South Zone Margao. :17(7,(j>arj)- 0.: Roque S .. Soares. 180 SALCETE TALUKA ThIuka::Salcete ' . Village: Dramapur . LAcIuem 48/2 (Part) 0.: 1. Mariano J,' R. S. Tereza. 65 ":'; ~". ,', .' 2 . . Abdul R:Manangui .. President ._ Caetcmo Lourenco Faleiro. ,"." 3. Shaik S, Kanlis. . Substitute President: .Glara Pinto Rodrigues.' .. 4 . Noor Ahmad Herukai. Attorney . Damodar Babaji Sinai Ghode. 5. Imarnsab-Bepari. Substitute AttorniOY. : ; Lirio C.assino-Djniz @,Costa .. .6. Ashok S. Audi. 'Ireasurer Merwin Leopoldo Roq\leCrvz, 7. Michael Rodrigues. Substitute 'Ireasurer: Maria Bel"za Da Costa. OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 835 SERIES II No;· 36 2ND DECEMBER,.2004

2. Camorlim Attorney. Prabhakar GivaNaiCjue' Gauncar. President ,'.. 'Joao Brito A: Agnelo Dias .. S\lbstitute Attorney' S{mtana. De Fortunate Substitute President: AntonioC. Antao. Menezes. Attorney '. ReII!edio A Mascarenhas. Treasurer Joao-Xavler Santana'_Miranda:: Substitute Attorney:. Antonio Dias. Substitute. 'llea~urer: .' J airam 9amcidar Amonc.a~. Treasurer Caetano Domingos F. Antao. Substitute Treasurer ,. Carmo B. Cardozo. . 9. Gurid~liIn .

3. Cavelossim President 'Beriedito CarvaIho, Substitute President: Theirs Antonio D'Costa.· President Milagres'Marcus Mendes. Attorney IgnitiusDias:" Substitute President: Mariano C. A Dias and. Substitute Attorney: Benedito Xavier S. Carvalho . . Caetano C~ldeira. 'fieasuret" " M'cfrici Eniilfa'""B:ri.H:o 'I)e' Costa .. Attorney Avilash Pobres RodrigUes. Substitute Treasurer : Nalini c.. De Mello. Substitute Attorney Salernao Alexinho Mendes. Treasurer Wilson.N. Neves Rodrigues. 10. Loutulim Substitute Treasurer:' Preciso Viano A.-T. Rodrigues. President HarlRauji S. Cuvelkar.. 4. Substitute President : Nun() Manuel De Rosario Jorge!. President Lanfredo Rodolfo A Das M. Da Attorney '-FraYiCisco Monteiro. Costa. Substitute Attorney 'Agostinho Jose Custodio Attorney Jose Luis Fernandes. De Quadros. Treasurer . Joao Antonio Innocente 'fieasurer Adriano Hillary Batreto. -Mascarenhas. Substitute Treasurer : RobertoR.A Araujo. Substitute Treasurer: . Aida Romano Dos P. Jacques Fernandes. 11. Majorda , . 5. President Jose ,Antonio . Jaqtl'!s ..•.. Substitute. President: . Julia Filomena Dias. President Juliano Nicolau J. Antao. Attorney '. Exaltacao Olivia Dias. Substitute President: Remigio Dos Dores. Fernandes. Substitute Attorney . Borromeo Orlando Jose Vaz Attorney Elvis Vicente F. X. E. Branganza,C"rvalho. Fernandes. Treasurer Primo Leonardo Pereira. Substitute Attorney Antonio Mirelio Jose Carvalho. Substitute Treasurer: lVlelC[uides Damasceno VicEmte Treasurer Antonio A Bruno C. B. A. DasDores Saldanha. Pereira. Substitute Treasurer: Jesus A. Epifania Fernandes., 12. Nagoa

6. ' President . Dr. Joao Brito De Araujo; .' President Valrniki . Faleiro. Substitute President: Ivo'Victor Pereira. Substitute President: Vinay S. M. M. P. E Costa. Attorney Joaquim Vicente Cabral. Attorney Jhon Raikar. Substitute Attorney : Antonio Cabral. Substitute Attorney: Jude Roy Rebello. Treasurer Jose Cordato Fernando Cabral.' Treasurer Shaba Vikram Gauns Dessai. Substitute Treasurer: :Edwin .Aldrin Cabral. Substitute· Treasurer: Albino De Nascimento Colaco. 13. Velim 7. Telaulim President Agnelo Max D:amaciano, President Francisco Emeliano Fernio. Colaco. Substitute President: Lirio Cassiano Diniz E Costa. Substitute President: 'Colazancio. Mozart Conceicao Attorney' Caetano Lourenco ·'Faleiro. Coloco. Substitute Attorney: Merwin Leopoldo Roque Cruz. Attorney Arfallo Joaquim S. Colaco. Treasurer Evaristo Celestino Soares. Substitute Attorney Mauricio Francis Colaco,,' Substitute Treasurer: Francisqo Xavier De Graca 'fieasurer Garcilio Antonio Falcao. ',Correia. Substitute TheasureI: Ramos Conceic.ao A I. Golaco ..

8. Margao 14.' , 15. Carniona, 16.' Orlim (Group)

President . Carlos Eugenio.Carmo Da President Antonio Vaz. Costa Ferria Alvares. Substitute Presid,mt:Roy Luis. Substitute Pr.esident: Ajit Sinva Sinai Lotlikar. Att()rlleyAgnelo D'Cos£a'.' 836 OFFICIAL' GAZEITE ~GOVT. OF GOA SERIES,Il No, 36 2ND DECEMBER,' 2004

Substitute 'Attorne'l'i:;,Jba6:Agnelo Filipe Furtado. 26. Beta1batim Treasurer Lazarinho Dias. Substitute 'Il:easurer: ,Juliana Martins. President' . Bijou De Romell Lourdes' ,Godinho. 17; ,llenaulim" SubstitUte presidel1t :' ROqUe GOnsalves. Attorney .. JoaqujnJ. Faleirao, ··'Di.:N~i{Cas~ia:if613~ri~g·:· !::,-~. ,.<" Presid~rii Substtttlte AttOrney:' Mariano Falcao. Substitute President: John E. F. Barreto';i;""""'1'<' .' Treasurer LourEHice Pereira. Attorney Aires Roberto Mesqmta. Substitute Treasurer: Jose,Fermindes. Substitute Attorney: Azmiro Rodrigues. Treasurer· LydoilJude D ',Silva .• 27. Calata, 28.aonsua Substitute Treasurer :-;_ Saba v: Mesquita D'Silv~. .' President To~as" Aqtiin~';Pere'i~a Substitute President:" Jose Roqoe Godinho. , President . P;'abhakar SaouraiEgdb. Attorney .. Menino SalvadorDa C,:,z SubBtitute President: Leoginho Alarico JOB,! De Leitao. ;{~;! ~::, :-, . .! . (, Silva Pereira. Subsiitute'., Attorney . Maria'Prisilia NivetteDe Attorney Wilton D'Costa. Mattices Godlnho. SubBtitute,Attorney,.:, ·!

21. Semabatim .. -,; President , Dr. Emesto Joao Guilherme . Rodrigues. PresideJ;lt Feinandb Alusio Dos Substitute President:.· JoaqQ.im Maripno. Antonio Agostinho Fernandes. Viegas. Substitute President: Wilton D'Costa. "" " .... Attorney Joaquim A~avedo. Attorney Baltazar Fernandes. Substitute Attorney Joaquim Santano Fernancio. Substitute Attorney': 'Baltazat Rodrigues. , Rodrigues. 'IIeasurer ,- ·~'-i -viceriit3;'Ffaric1~6o:Va:i. '.',i' 'V-~; 'Il:easurer . AtmaJ;ldo Filomeno Estibeiro. Substitute Tte!'sutet . 'Vitlial'1kg anath Najk. ~ '. " . Substitute 'Il:easurer : 'JosePiiuloSart-6Menezes. 22. Seraulim, 23. Duttcolim" 30. Assalna President. .~~tnandb Alusiq Dos .AgQs.tinho Fernandes. President . Irene' -Fereira . Substitute President: Carlos Alvares Ferrira, Substitute President :. i).polanario Diniz. Attorney Jose Luis Rebello. Attorney Wilfred Furtado. Substitute Attorney: Vasudev Ramchandra N aik. Substitute Attorney : Benjamin B. D'Silva. Treasurer ~ " . ' Caetano Fedelis Alemao", • .'i' 'fieasurer Edwin Catalina Almeida. Substitute 'Il:easurer:LotiginhO Alucio.'Jose, De Silva' Substitute Treasurer: Luis (},Sales. , p:ereira. 31. Ambelim . 24•.. Verna:. '. "'. President tiL Wilson B. Damate . President 'Fernando Ahtanclies. Mazarelo. Substitute President: Constancio Agnelo Coracao Jesus De Silva. i;-;i"!jJ.-? Substitute President: Edwin GraCias. . Attorney Dr. Trwino S. M. D·Cruz.Barros. Attorney Bosco Fernandes. Substitute Attorney Luis Gonzaga Sales. Substitute Attorney':' 'AugustbNazario Sigmarlng 'freasu;r:er. Edwin'Antonio Catalino' Melo. Treasiirer . Osca'r'"Gama. '" Alme.ida. Substitute" ·'Iteasurer:: Maria, Alzira Idalina Barros. Substitute Treasurer: Raul At~ujo.

25. Utorda'" 32. Chinchinim ... :; ~ ;:. :! : : ;. " : i :';-" ,-:- President Blasco .Pereira Mendonca. President Alberto D'Costa Sub~tit;"te Presid~n( MariaTBola BlaIldiIla Da s;iv~. Substitute President: Otinel Alvito S. Lopes. Attorney "Lig0r\o


33. Dramapur Attorney Edmundo Vaz. Substitute Attorney Daniel Vicente Menezes. President Jose Francisco X. M. Dias. Treasurer Ramchandra B. Naique. Substitute President: Ibana Antonio Joao, Miranda. Substitute Treasurer: Maria Adelina Dos M. P. Attorney Agostino Fernandes. Substitute Attorney HonoYato Rodrigues. 40. Cavorim Treasurer Constancio Angelina ~ereira e Dias-. President Nelson Branganza._ Substitute 1feasurer : . Allwin Primo Alfonso. Substitute President: Jose Nelson Peter D. Gomes. Attorney Gaj"nan Vaman S. Xeldekar. 34. Deussua Substitute Attorney : . Caetano Lourencio )!'aleiro. Treasurer Ancencio Menezes. President Carmelito Ferrao. Substitute Treasurer: Chico 'Helgo R. Jesus Substitute President: Socrates Valmiki Faleiro .. Fernandes. Attorney Arcenia Furtado. Substitute Attorney: Harteneio Diniz. , MORMUGAO TALUKA Treasurer Neville Gomes. Substitute Treasurer: Luis Alvaro Antonio Filomeno 41. Chicolna Ferrao. President Orville Jesus Santa Rita Vaz. 35. Sirlim Substitute President: Rui Socrates Dos Dares -Jorge: President Filomeno M. Pereira. Attorney Rui Manuel Da Silva Costa Substitute President: Albino Alex Vaz. Araujo. Attorney Naz~reth Pereira. Substitute Attorney Gregorio F. Inacio Goes. Substitute Attorney Jose Francisco X, M. Dias. Treasurer Agnelo Violandd Fidelis Melo. Treasurer Jose Vicente Otolino Substitute Treasurer: Jose Rossini de Jesus Agnelo de Jesus Dias. Noronha. Substitute Treasurer: Felix Damaciano AureHino Pereira. 42. Chicalim' , . PreSident Alexio Antonio da Piedade 36. Sequira. President Arcanjo Mascarenhas. Substitute President : Felix Carlos Milagres Rebelo Substitute President: Ruy Alvaro Mascarenhas. e Costa. Attorney Raimundo Antozino Attorney Cosme Bomparto F. da Silva Mascarenhas. Costa Araujo. Substitute Attorney Ganapata Ananta Lotlikar. Substitute Attorney Raymond M. Carvalho. Treasurer Felix John Fernandes. Treasurer Andre Taiga da Costa. Substitute Treasurer: Savieta Bru~o Fernandes. Substitute .Treasurer: Caitaninho da Silva.

37. Dicarpale 43. Cortalim

Presioent Caetano Lourenco Faleiro. President Fr. Eufermiano De Jesus Substitute President: Carlos Antonio Raikar. Miranda. Attorney Olivia Da Costa. Substitute President: Agnelo Rodrigues. Substitute Attorney : Ralph Barbosa. Attorney Dr. Pedro E. Carvalho. Treasurer Ashok Tukaram Korgaonkar. Substitute Attorney Vicente Diniz. Substitute Treasurer: Trivicram Narayan Poi Treasurer Savio- Roque de Graca Raiturkar. Mesquita. Substitute Treasurer: Shashikant R. Shirodkar. 38. Raia 44. Dabolim President Raul Santana Coelho. Substitute President: Joaquim Joseph Monteiro .. President Vithal Jaganath Naik. Attorney Damaciano Mello. Substitute President:. Anand Vishnu Naik. Substitute Attorney: Francisco Nelson Luis Dias. Attorney Ramchandra Vassudev Naik. Treasurer Freddy Barreto. Substitute Attorney Chandrakant'Saaanand !'faik. Substitute Treasurer: Roque do Rosario Faleiro. Treasurer Venkatesh Vassudev Naik. Sub~titute ,Treasurer: Naguesh Sadanand Naik. 39. Macazana 45. Vaddem President Wonnedulfo Manuel Da Cunha Costa. President Orville Jesus Santa Rita Vaz. Substitute President: Lumina Rodrigues. Substitute President: Raul Araujo. 8:18 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES II No. 36 2ND DECEMBER, 2004

Attorney Cosme Bomparto F. da Silva Substitute Attorney Dilkush Xaba Gauncar. Costa Araujo. Treasurer Emlesh C. Gauncar. Substitute Attorney Agnelo Fatima Melo. Sub~titute Tre(;!.surer: Shrirama S. S. Molcornecar. Treasurer Constantino -Pereira-. Substitute Treasurer: Marcilia Lizette -Felicidade Vaz. 60. Avedem, 6L Chaifi (Group)

46. Cansaulim, 47. Cuelim, 48. Velsao, 49. Pale, President Uttam Pandurang G. Dessai. 50. Arossim (Group) Substitufe' President: Rag.uraj Sadasiva G. Dessai. Attorney Xexicant'Ragunath Gauns President Rui Antonio Gabriel Barreto. Dessai. Substitute President: Alarica Antao. Treasurer Satendra Sadasiva G. Dessai. Attorney IdefonsoJaques. Substitute Attorney Mario Francisco Barreto. 62. Assolda Treasurer Antonio Pedro Rufo Agnelo Barreto. President Uttam K. Raut Dessai. Substitute Treasurer: Assumpta NataliiJ.a Sa Rebello. Substitute President: Sud in S. Raut Dessai. Attorney -Ani!' Kumar Purso Raut Dessai. 51. Morrnugao Substitute Attorney Prakash Putu Raut Dessai. . Treasurer Narayan Ba1crishna President Gandhi Henriques. Raut Dessai: Subs~itute President; Honorato Pereira., Substitute Treasurer: Ganesh S. Raut DessaL Attorney Leonardo Rodrigues. Substitute President: Linton Barreto. 63. Adnem Treasurer Manuel Pereira. Substitute Treasurer: Edwi.n Pereira. President Xantanand Kushali Fal Dessai. Substitute Ptesiderit: Vijaykumar Vassant Fal Dessai. 52. Issorcim Attorney Ama·r Ragunath. Fal Dessai. Substitute Attorney : Manohar Rama Fal Dessai. President Prakash Datta N aik .. Treasurer Narendra Vassant Fal Dessai. Substitute President: Estavao Roque Pereira. Substitute Treasurer: Uday Zoina Fal Dessai. Attorney Vithol Datta Naik. Substitute Attorney : Maria Diva Savitri de Silva. 64. Bali Treasurer' Assumpta Natalina Sa Rebello. President Prashant alias Krishna Rama Substitute Treasurer: Caetano Francisco Fernandes. . Fal Dessai Substitute President: Chandrahas A. Fal Dessai. 53. Ouelossim Attorney Shankar Yesso Fal Dessai. President Satyavan Y. N aik. Substitute Attorney : Prasad Guno Fal Dessai. Substitute President: Satish S. Sanzguiri. Treasurer Vasudev Manju Fal Dessai. Attorney Julio Ceasar Xavier. Substitute Treasurer: Shive. Yesso FaT Dessai. Substitute Attorney: Bruno Conceicao. Treasurer Shashikant R. Shirodkar. 65. Cotombi Substitute Treasurer: Herculano Rodrigues. '. President Sushant Buto Prabhu Dessai. Substitute President: Narayan Devu P. Dessai. 54. Sancoale Attorney Suraj Bablo P. Dessai. Substitute Attorney : Custa Vppasso P. Dessai. President Mahadev Narayan Naik. Treasurer Xexicant Manju P. Dessai. Substitute President: Pratap A. Mardolkar. Substitute Treasurer: Surendera Gopinath P. D~ss~i. Attorney Ramakant N. Borkar. Substitute Attorney Motirai B. Naik. 66. Cusmane Treasurer Damodar.R. Naik. Substitute Treasurer: Shashikant B. Naik. President Nilesb, Vassant· Fal Dessai. Substitute President: Ramanand Chandra F. Dessai. OUEPEM TALUKA Attorney Shivanand Balkrishna F. Dessai. 55. Molcomem,56. Xeldem, 57. Xic-Xelvola, Substitute Attorney Raganath Vassant F. Dessai. 58. Xelvona &59. Odar (Group) Treasurer Suhas Vass.ant ,Fal Dessai. Substitute Treasurer: Satish Vithoba F. DessaL President Krishna Fondu Gauncar. Substitute President: Mohandas Nilconta S. 67. Molcornecar. Attorney Mahadev Chandrakant President Jaganath S. S. Curchodcar. Gauncar. Substitute President: Shashikant V. S. Curchodcar. OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 839 SERIES II No. 36 2ND DECEMBER, 2004

AttornGY Mahesh V S. Curchodcar. Attorney Govind Laximan N. Dessai. Substitute Attorney Damodar V S. CurchodkaL Treasurer Satyawan Bicaro Naik Dessai. Treasurer Pradeep S. S. Curchodkar. Substitute 'ne~surer: Bkare" Laximan N. pessai".

68. Cacora 75. Pirla, 76. Caurem

President Prakash Prabhu Dessai. President Urri~sh BalcrishnaFal Dessai. Substitute President: Nivas,Pandu P. Des-saL' Substitute President: Nilesh Vishwananth Fal Attorney Rajendra P. S. Dessai. Dess,ai. Substitute Attorney Prabhakar RamaP. Dessai. Attorney Datta alias Dayanand Fal Treasurer Vishwananth Shamba P. .D~ssai. Dessai. Substitute Attorl1ey Ananta Dattu FalDessai. Substitute.. Treasurer: Mahadev' Bhiku P. Dessai. Treasurer DilipBhicu Fal Dessai.· Substitute Treasurer: Mohan Soiru Fal Dessai. 69. Fatorpa 77. Sirvoi President Devappa Shaba Naik Dessai. Substitute P~esident: Kushali Sada Naik Dessai. President Pandurang' Gangadhar Attorney Narayan Pandhari Naik Dessai. Sirvoicar. Substitute President: Vishnu Anant Sirvoikar. 70. Naqueri Attorney Ganasham Anant Sirvoikar. Substitute Attorney : Vassant 8amb Sirvoikar. President Fondu Nagu Sawant Dessai: Treasurer Vidhyesh Divakar Sirvoikar. Substitute President: Santosh Putu S. Dessai. Substitute Treasurer: Sudesh G. 8irvoikar. Attorney N arendra Jivu S.· De'ssai. Substitute Attorney : Barkelo Kushali S. Dessai. 78. Ambaulirn Treasurer Krishna Kashinath S. Dessai. Substitute Treasurer: Anil Nagu S. Dessai. President Nilesh Vassant Fal Dessai. Substitute President: Ramanand Chandra F. Dessai. 71. Provo De. Bali Attorney Shivanand Balkrishna F. Dessai. President. Prilkash Vazir Fal Dessai. Substitute Attorney Raganath Vassant Fal Des.sai. Substitute President: Bhicaro·,Lrudman Naik Dessai. Treasurer Suh~s Vassant Fal Dessai. Attorney Rohidas. I). Fal Dessai. Substitute Treasurer: Satish Vithoba F. Dessai. Substitute Attorney Chandrakant Vithu N aik Dessai. SANGUEM TALUKA Treasurer Guno Vithal Naik Des.s.ai. Substitute Treasurer: Ganpath Ganaba Fal Dessai. 79. Astragn,r

72. Quepem President -Pravin Pandurang P. Dessai. Substitute President: Shanshak Prabhu Dessai. President Nilesh Vassant Fal Dessai. Attorney Shivaji N. P. Dessai. Substitute President: Satish Vithoba Fal Dessai. Substitute Attorney: Rama S. P. Dessai. Attorney Shivanand Balkrishna F. Treasurer Damodar R. P. Dessai. Dessai. Substitute Treasurer: Cuirish P Dessai. Substitute Attorney Raganath Vassant F. Dessai. Treasurer Suhas Vassant F. Dessai. 80. Colomba Substitute Treasurer: Sudesh Balkrishna F. Dessai. President No Candidate. Quitol 73. . Substitute President: No Candidate. President Putu Mortu Naik Dessai. Attorney Venctexa Prabhu Dessai. Substitute President: Chandrakant Vithu Naik Substitute Attorney No Candidate. Dessai. Treasurer Amay M. Prabhu Dessai. Attorney Sucudo Govind N aik Dessai. Substitute Treasurer: No Candidate. Substitute Attorney Rajendra Apa N aik Dessai. Treasurer Bhanudas. Shankar N aik 81. Rivona Dessai. President Shashank M. Prabhn Dessai. Substitute 'Iteasurer: Purshottam K. Naik Dessai. Substitute President: Sanjay S. Prabhu Dessai. 74. Quedem Attorney Naguesh R. Prabhu Dessai. Substitute Attorney Cuirish Prabhu Dessai. President Laximicant Bicaro N. Dessai. Treasurer Madhukar N. Prabhu Dessai. Substitute President: Vishwas Bicaro N. Dessai. Substitute Treasurer: Rama S. Prabhu Dessai. .- ,


82. Curdi Attorney Balsu Raghoba N. Dessai. Substitute Attorney Ulhas Bombo N. Dessai. President Rajesh Prabhu Dessai. Treasurer Ani!. Purshottam Fal Dessai. Substitute President': Xantaram Porob Dessai. S1.,lbstitute Treasure.!:.: Sur,esh B. N. DessaL Attorney Sripad V F. Dessai. Substitute Attorney : Vaikund Porob DessaL 88. Nagorcem-Palolem Treasurer Vinayak Prabhu DessaL . Substitute Trea,surer: Atmaram Poroh Dessai: President· Bhiku Narayan N. Gaonkar. 'Substitute President: Surendra Balsu Dessai. 83. Netorlim, 84. Jaquem-Nundem Attorney Ballsrishna S. N. Gaunkar. President Gopalkrishna Porob Dessai. Substitute Attorney :. Narayan Krishna Bhagat. Substitute President: Ananta Porob De"sai. Treasurer Kusta Pa"ndu Dessai. Attorney Damodar PorohDes-sai. , Substitute Treasurer: Barkelo B. N. Gaonkar. Substitute Attorney· : Devadatta Porob Dessai. Treasurer Uday Dhamu Porob Desai. 89. Poinguinirn .. Substitute Treasurer: Dattaram Porob Dessai. c. President Damodar N. Phal Gaonkar. CANACONA TALUKA Substitute President:; U~l<~!,ilt Phal Dessai. Attorney Puishotam S. Phal Dessai. 85. Canacona Substitute Attorney: Uday V. Prabhu Gaonkar. President Shantaji Rani N. Gaonkar. Treasurer Madhukar Y. Prabhu Gaonkar. Substitute President: Kusta Pandu Dessai. Substi.tut", Treasurer: Vithal V; Phal Dessai. Attorney Mangesh Ganapati I?e~sai. Substitute Attorney Vivekanand Raghunath N. 90. Loliem Polem Gaonkar. . Treasurer Sudhakar Nilba N. Gaonkar.· President Jag"nath Gopal alias Hari Substitute -Treasurer: Ganpat S. N. Gaonkar. Prabhu Gaonk"r. Substitute President: Dilip Lalchandra Prabhu 86. Cola Dessai. ~_. . Attorney Keshav Vithal Prabhu President Anil Raya P. Dessai. Gaunkar. Substitute President: Jaganath Keshav P. Dessai. Substitute· Attorney . Nivas Vassudev Prabhu Dessai. i Attorney . Jaiwalit Anant"P. Dessai. } Treasurer Vallabhdas Raya Porobo Substitute Attorney : Sunay Pundalic P. Dessai. Dessai. . Treasurer Vinay Ganesh P. Dessai. Substitute Treasurer: Suraj Chandrakant Prabhu Substitute Treasurer ': Arviridra G-ovind P. Dessai. Dessai. . 87. Gaundongrem Ashok D. Redkar, Dy. Collector (Rev.). President Amarnath Gevind N. Dessai. Substitute President: Esse Giva N. Dessai. Margao, 17th November, 2004.