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Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

5-5-2005 Arbiter, May 5 Students of Boise State University

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CHOREOGRAPH THIS Cinco deMayo celebrated· at.Boise. State

BY RRNDRLL PDST because on May 5, 1862 the Mexican army de- News Editor feated invading French forces, led by Emperor Napoleon III, at the Battle of Puebla, Napoleon A car show, food, folkloric dancing, free IIIwanted French control over Mexico and In- style rapping, and the Miss Cinco de Mayo stalled his relative Archduke Maximillian of Pageant were just a few of the highlights at this Austria as ruler. President Abraham Lincoln year's Cinco de Mayo celebration presented condemned Napoleon Ill's move but could not by the Organizaci6n de Estudiantes Latino- intervene due to the American Civil War. The Americanos (OELA).The event took place on victory sparked the Mexican people to revolt, the SUBpatio and parking lot last Sunday, eventually forcing the French to withdraw their OELA,a student organization at Boise State, claim 011 Mexico and dissolve their imposed invited the community to participate in cultur- governmental system in 1867. al contests, face painting, arts and crafts, and Villegas said presenting Cinco de Mayo was much more. OELAbilled the event as an excel- a big undertaking and would like to thank the lent opportunity to learn more about Mexican- members of OELAparticularly adviser Ramon American culture. ' Silva and the reservations office in the SUB. "I think we had a good turnout and I think Today Cinco de Mayo 'celebrates Mexico's the people who went there really enjoyed their culture with parades, pageants and holiday- time," OELAPresident Manuel Villegas said. themed parties. Most Americans confuse Cinco de Mayo with Sources: Boise State News Services and wiki- Mexican Independence Day, which is actual- ly September 16. Cinco de Mayo is celebrated



Debts weighing on college dropouts ASBSU gives its send off transfer to a four-year college." are relying on college loans, those graduates are able to pay Senate to reconvene in September BY MRTT KRUPNICK State and federal governments, said Lawrence Gladieux, one of their debts on time, Black said. [KRT] high schools, and colleges need the study's authors. More than "Student borrowing, done re- to help reduce dropout rates and to decide how much money to 360,000 students dropped out af- sponsibly, is a good thing," he BY DUSTIN LRPARY College dropouts are 10 times as Increase grants to low-income ter borrowing, he said. said. "Borrowing for a Berkeley News Writer put in each place." students, Gladieux said. Several The budget was re-worked in likely to default on college loans "This is something that is not education, for a Stanford.educe- as borrowers who complete their studies have shown that bach- The Associated Students of places. A few typos in the initial right," Gladieux said. "That is a lot tlon, for a Caltech education Is a elor's degrees dramatically In- degrees, according to a study re- of people." very sound investment." Boise State University Senate met budget allowed for more fund- for the final session of the 2004- ing to be spread out to other line leased today. Students are often caught in a But borrowing for a commu- crease earning potential. The study, conducted by the "We call on everybody in every 05 school year Tuesday in the items, including the conserva- "double bind," he said, unable to nity-college education may not sector of our society to make a National Center for Public Policy complete their degrees quickly be such a good idea, said Brenda Student Union Forum. tion budget that was cut in half in and Higher Education in San Jose, if they work, but mired in tens Jerez, financial aid director at better commitment," he said. There was an energy in the the initial budget. Low-income students in par- examined the 2001 financial situ- of thousands of dollars in debt if Diablo Valley College. With fees a air and an urge to be off for the The budget had a line-item that ations of students who entered ticular have found it difficult to summer. Tuesday's meeting was would have paid 16 senators and they don't work through college. relatively affordable $26 per unit, ·college in 1995. About half of the At University of California communlry college students are secure grants and scholarships. already one more than was re- Senate Pro Tempore Wyatt Parke. 3.2 mlIlion college freshmen bor- In the past few private Berkeley, students who rely on better off working part-time than years, qui red of the Senate. but the Parke was included as one of rowed money to pay for their edu- lenders have started playing larg- loans generally graduate with incurring debt, she said. members still had work to do. the 16 senators, meaning Parke cation, the study found, and one- er roles in the financial aid indus- The Senate unanimously could have been paid twice for $15,000 to $20,000 in debt; said "1 believe, at a community col- ·fifth of those borrowers dropped Richard Black, associate vice lege, students should not be rely- try, causing some higher-educa- passed ASBSU President Joe the same job. The yearly pay for out: chancellor for admissions and ing on loans," Jerez said. "1would tion advocates to call for stricter Holladay's proposed budget, the extra senator was moved to The results are especially star- enrollment. About 95 percent of .. recommendborrowingwhenthey controls on the loan process. with one alteration. The Senate the conservation budget. tling because more students handed out an extra $300 to Del- The Senate also fast~tracked a ta Epsilon Chi, for next year. bill thai would give some mon- The group's president, who had ey to a group of 14 engineering been hospitalized the day she students that won the regional was to give a presentation to Concrete Canoe Competition in :Health and wellness physician enjoys taking care of students the Financial Advisory Board, Montana and needed the money . missed the presentation and the to help pay for a trip to Clemson, Serio's motivation is to help lm- variety of skills and procedures him and his family helped Serio group received a 10 percent fine. S.C.,for the national competi- BY RMBER ZERR prove the entire health care sys- he would learn. He soon learned decide to leave the clinic and take The Fiscal Year 2005-06 budget tlon, The group needed to raise Speclel to The Rrblter. tern at BSU. - that being a family practitioner a job with a physician group in can be viewed online at $12,000 to take the trip. ASBSU His office is neat and profes- Serio's past experlencesmo- in a small town was a "difficult Boise., donated $1,000 to that cause. siona!. The walls are adorned' tivated him to become a doctor. lifestyle," because there were few . Serlo continued working with "Ithink they have done a pretty Some of the money came out of with pictures of sailboats and air-' When he was young. he llked biol- doctors available, which made it the physician group for three good job," Holladay said. "They the Grant Fund, and the rest was 'planes. A photograph of his four- ogy. As a child, Serle had several;' hard to leave town or relax. years, but didn't like the "lack of put a lot of -good info into the spilt evenly between Holladay's year-old twin daughters graces ~edical problems. This allowed These obstacles led Serio to variety of patients." Private prac- budget process. I think we col- discretionary fund and the his computer screen ..These two him to interact with doctors and the Terry Reilly Health Service in tice ,wasn't the right job for Serio. laborated really well on that I'd Senate's discretionary fund. little girls are one of the reasons see how the medical field works;' Nampa. He described worldng at "The demand to see more pa- say it was a success." The fast-tracked bill was passed their dad has this office deep As he got older, Serlo became ac- the clinic as "demanding.~ When tients and make more money is "When you do a government unatlimously. within the Boise State University tlve in a searchand rescue squad, he was on-call; Serio was forced to not aligned with my values," he budget, U's .pretty tough. You TheSenatewasremindedofthe · .Health and Wellness Center. and eventually became an EMT stay near Nampa so he could get said ..' .•.", ....•... ·kJiliw.exactly"b~~ much student leadership retreatit will · .: Dr. Vincent Serio is a physician in his home st~te ofVirginia. to theclinicql)iC~;'This posed a' When the job at the H41m.~: g(i~f~:; have. : take Aug: 14~16,2005/ in McCall i ;::;'"~:~u~~. .and the dfrector of health servic- '.... seri~'s' interest in help~g peo-" ,;probl~m.b~~e\~¥rio now had Wellness Center. opened.uJ,jdrHrt .' . line-item .inttie.·· budget .and BSUrresident B'olJ,Xustta's c :es at.the.'center ..Heisresponsible.: ..pleanddes.~t? practiceJn ~L'!'fafi.lily}o,c~tor.lIJte~a1}d .' year ago, Serio jumped~~it~ He":iin~tllel~~ at, and you have Iorsupervislng other clinicianssmalltownledhim to fot ,:of tlj,eclinicf0re:e~~rrio to live 10 enjoys the hours, which, ..' oct c,,' '> ...... ' :and performing administrative •....his.reSid~o/.He cho~e. to study··a.~U apartttl~;With his wife .' for a young family." Seri :<:I~tles,as well as seeing patlrnts •. ·fjlWny.p~e,ticebecause ~~~~;;,andneWbo..rrt w.inS,:'I'he stress on 51158 ~,~ :tf.·r;-~.fs\:7:.~ local/bsu

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Sari 0 [lrnrnpaqe l] daughters as the desktop wall- nights and weekends off to because there is "nothing more cd, level-headed, and open." Fitts paper. It appears as though their spend with his wife arid daugh- happy in a person's life than the added, "The patients love him." smiling faces are peering over ters, and doesn't have to worry delivery of a baby." Serio hopes to stay at BSUfor a Although he's only been at the while. He would like to keep prac- their dad's shoulder. as if they about being on -call. were watching out for him. At One of his biggest delights is center for one year, Serio's hard ticing medicine until it's time to work and focus has earned him retire. "Alot of change is on the only 4 years old, those girls have taking care of students. He says impacted their dad's career in sig- respect and admiration from the horizon, and it will be satisfying they are a "receptive population" nificant ways. They helped lead and are more likely to follow ad- staff. Vera Fitts, a registered med- to be a part of it, " Serio said. While Serio sits in his office in. him to his career at the Health vice. ical assistant at the center, said, the Health and Wellness Center, and Wellness Center, and after Serio says he enjoys many as- "Youcan totally tell he loves what his back is facing his computer years of searching, Serio has a job pects of his job at BSU,but misses he does." She described Serio as screen' with the picture of his that he loves. doing pediatrics and obstetrics "flexible, caring. patient, motivat-

AS B5 U [Irnm page 11_ screens may distract students Holladay plans to visit a number education, they cut the "blood- presidential address Aug. 17 from their studies. of Idaho State representatives in lines" ofthe state economy. and the two days of training fol- The business building will be their own districts. Holladay will Holladay also has an initiative lowing at BSUfor Senators. . running a pilot program to test \ give them data concerning the in process that would fund a se- Amotion to adjourn was passed the L(;D screens beginning this number of BSU students in their ries of LCD screens in classroom wlthout dissent and the senate summer. districts and how the university to annou nee campus events' and said good-bye until September. regulate all clocks on campus. The In other ASBSUnews, President affects each district financially. Holladay says that he and ASBSU initiative met some resistance in' Joe Holladay says hehas an ag- the faculty senate, Holladay said. gressive lobbying campaign hope the state legislaturereaIizes when they cut funding to higher Professor~ were worried that the t..\t'v..\ planned for this summer. ~" ~~tt~Howto Buy

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'11_...... ,..._ 3_D l~Scof'~"c= REAL ESTATE 71mb8l'line 4tMOOO . ]?in,an,cg ... tn " .... ·M..... M ..... v.. MttIpp ee..Tnlf,· -- RebecClZtmmer Earl MeCreal")' '. ...•...... •.. seDlorLoa .. ~r . Real ,Es.. tePrOf .. o..~l.·.·.i; " ~PI)~;.-;~_.~.. THE R RBI T E RI M R Y 0 5 2 0 0 5 Why can't the Democrats get it together?

BY BILL FERGUSON day. Stop taldng potshots at the Knight Ridder Nellspapsrs -And how about that John Republicans and give us some Bolton? Bush's nominee to be our tough love. Level with us about Republicans enjoyed a ban- next chief diplomat at the United the problems in Social Security ner year in 2004. They retained Nations is a man who can't stand and Medicare, and tell us what possession of the White House the United Nations and apparent- it's really going to take to keep us and increased their majority in ly possesses a decidedly undiplo- from going over a financial cliff in Congress. Americans gave the matic personality. the coming decades. party a huge vote of confidence For many Americans, the Give us some straight talk and and then held its collective breath Republican honeymoon is al- we just might surprise you by and hoped for the best. ready over. Bush's approval rat- taking it like big girls and boys. But there are some things a per- ing has- sunk to an all-time low Perhaps we're finally In the mood son can always count on in life, and is now coming in south of to face up to our responsibility to and one ofthem is that when peo- the psychologically significant 50 our children and grandchildren pie go to Washington, their brains percent mark. Ratings for his sup- by electing people who tell us that stop functioning. It is a bipartisan porting cast of GOP congressman we need to make sacrifices to en- phenomenon, and so far no one are even worse. sure their future. has found a cure for it. Let's see So it's a good time to be a I know, I know, it's a crazy idea, how the disease has manifested Democrat, right? Nope. As un- and I don't expect anyone to run itself with our Republican-con- happy as we are with the job Bush with it. We won't elect any true trolled government so far in 2005: and his pals in Congress are do- fiscal conservatives until the oth- -The president's first big post- Ing, polls indicate that our opin- er shoe drops and we are forced election initiative, reforming the ion of the Democrats in Congress to start living within our limited Social Security program with pri- is even worse. means when our mountain of Enulronmentallsm IS allue vate savings accounts, has gone Why are we so hard on these debt finally topples over and bur- over like a lead balloon. Public people? Maybe it's because they iesus. support for the idea was luke- deserve it. Ifthere's any goodnews When that happens, I'm guess- warm at first and has since gone in these dismal approval ratings, ing our offspring won't be refer- and wen and adapting as cold as a tile floor on a January maybe it's that we've finally had it ring to us as the "greatest gen- morning. with a government run by people eration." I expect they'll come up -The Republicans (those who refuse to act like grownups with something much mote col- BY FRED KRUPi' New alliances must be forged backs like the Senate's recent staunch defenders of state's and deal realistically with the orful and much less flattering to Kntght Ridder Newspaper that recognize the full interplay vote to drill for oil in the Arctic rights) hastily passed a bizarre challenges we face. describe us. • of environmental concerns with National Wildlife Refuge - a fail- law that set aside the ruling of a Perhaps pie-in-the-sky prom- When a passionate cause be- other social goals. The bar must ure ofRepublicans and Democrats state court in Florida in a con- ises and partisan attacks are no comes a mainstream value, has be raised because meeting these alike. There will always be short- troversial end-of-life dispute be- longer passing through our col- tween a woman's husband and lective common sense filter. RaOUT THE WAITEA the cause died, or lost its way? challenges will require the best sighted interests that cling to the Bill Ferguson re a columnist her parents and threw the case That's what some environmental of all Americans. And I stress all status quo and use their enor- Maybe we are ready for someone for the Macon [Ga.) Telegraph. into federal court. "doom and gloomers" are saying Americans. mous resources to put environ- in Washington to start treating us Readers mall wrlta to him at: 'The about our movement. That's just The environment is not exclu- mentalism on the defense. -Tom DeLay, one of the GOP's like 'rational human beings and Macon Telegrl!ph. 120 Broadwall, wrong. sively a liberal or Democratic But to move forward on im- brightest lights in Congress, is not like morons who can be ma- Macon, Ga. 31201-3'1'1'1; a-mall: Today, because of proposals cause and never was. Moving mense challenges like global mired in an ethics scandal and nipulated 'by meaningless catch made by ardent environmental- forward, environmental progress warming, the collapse of ocean seems to grow more petulant and phrases and good hair. ists - and embraced by politicians will be advanced as much by the fisheries, and the demand for en- disagreeable with each passing My advice to the Democrats: who have ranged from reluctant McCains, Schwarzeneggers, and ergy in the developing world, we to enthusiastic - America's air is Lugars as by the Liebermans, must call upon the best of our " ., ') healthier, and its waterways less Gores, and Deans. .technological ingenuity and mar- polluted. Hazardous wastes are _Letter ta the Editor People who care about the. ket-based efficiencies. Progress • > .' _.- .... handled with greater care. We environment are hard-core requires zealous bipartisanship have brought a few species back Democrats, Bush Republicans, and inclusiveness, not stale lit- Dear Editor, munlty and met with such great from the brinkcf extinction. All this isn't a debacle. This is sfinply and independents from all walks mus tests that exclude the ideo- It has come about that the BSU applause. We sounded great this without impeding economic overpowered depart merit chairs of life. Environmentalism is no logically "impure," Men's Chorus will be cut out of growth. . year and the Music Department trying to salvage what they've longer the province of hikers, Environmental organizations the course offerings for "the next staff at the Morrison Center Still, environmental groups already destroyed- a talent pool hunters, and birders, but a pub- must continue to lead with pas- two years," a decision made by (those who. actually came to hear face greater challenges than could of awesome proportions evapo- lic interest for all Americans. New sion - building broad political the Executive Committee for the us) would say we've never sound- have been imagined when we be- rating Into other universities as champions have emerged among coalitions that tap genuine pub- Music Department. The reason, ed better in the years we've been gan. As we enter the 21st century, - a result of the inhospitable con- farmers, fishermen, health pro- licsentiment, working with busi- as reported by various depart- together. My reason for writing is a historic shift has occurred in . ditions found at BSU.To the de- fessionals, ranchers, and religious nesses and communities, press- ment staff and s-tudents: The to encourage the students at BSU the balance of strength between partment chairs responsible for evangelists. ing government to be firm and' Men's Chorus is not doing enough to take an interest In the arts at nature and humankind. We have this regrettable situation: Don't Manybusinessesnowtreatenvi- Ioresightful, insisting that deci- recruiting for the other choirs Boise State. There are many tal- passed from a world where the count on the dissipation of the ronmentalism as socially required sions are based on sound science within the department. Strange ented, enthusiastic students in overall stability of the earth's Men's Chorus to result in the har- and plain smart. Companies like and, yes, filing lawsuits when as it is, it's another day In the life every arts program at this uni- environment could be taken for vest of more male voices for your International Paper and Robert necessary. ' for the Music Majors. As circum- versity, but they are frequently granted to a world where major, other ensembles. Also, do count Mondavi Winery are restoring Together we must tap an inex- . stantial evidence, the commit- overshadowed by the enormous possibly irreversible human alter- on more students being present wildlife habitat on their property. haustible energy source - that of tee sites that in the fall semes- fanfare for various activities,' ations of the environment 'ire un- at your open meetings to ensure McDonald's, 3M, and Citibank human creativity, imagination, ter of 2003 (two years ago!!), the der way. Chief among the array of as they deserve. Secondly, we that their programs are not in are reducing waste. FedExis revo- and entrepreneurship - to protect group had pitch, dynamic, and were told to keep this matter to defensive battles and incremental jeopardy. To you, executive com- lutionizing the delivery industry - the environment for ourselves overall sound issues, which "trou- ourselves at' our last conceits, progress, a few environmentalists mittee members, go the spoils; . and cleaning the air - by pioneer- and future generations. At one bled" the board. However, within have despaired, declaring envi- where the community supports Viva El Men's Chorus. ing hybrid-electric trucks that go time our impact on nature was the last semester(nay- year), the ronmentalism dead. Their politi- our performances the most. I 57 percent farther on a gallon of unintentional; we did not know Men's Churus has never been cal prescription calls on the envi- want to shed light on the matter David Hess fuel. U.S. companies like DuPont our own strength. Nowwehaveno so warmly received in the com- ronmental movement to drop its itself. This isn't a conspiracy, and are taking aim at global warming, choice but to be responsible stew- own identity and pool its strength finding solutions that yield enor- with labor unions and other pro- ards of the environment. Whether mous cost savings while reducing by necessity or choice, we all are 1======gresslve causes to paint a new pollution. The chemical giant has environmentalists now. vision of the future. Some have cut its greenhouse-gas emissions gone so far as to ask conservatives more than 65 percent since 1990 Well, He'S ACHiEVeD Hig to leave the movement. and saved $1.6 billion in doing so. FiRST oBcrecTive: I share their desire to accom- In short, environmentalism is RaDUT THE WAITEA Fred Krupp IS preSident of I'm CONVINCeD plish more, to play more offense- now a mainstream value, spread- we've Envlronmentel Defense. Readers but I reject their prescription. ing and deepening its roots in Go,.. A PROBLeM' Today's most serious environ- mell write to him et: Enulronmentel • America's psyche, not a fringe Defense, 2S7 Park Avenua South, mental problems do touch on movement. every aspect of human society. Naw York, N.Y, 10010; Web site: To be sure, there will be set-

~~. - EDITORS', - '. 'PHDTDGR~PHY- WRITERS ,--BUSINESS ' The Arbiter . Rnt. Photo Editor EDITDR·IN-CHIEF Mlrll DIWIDn (.ID5! .. " '''".II ... .,m .Production Managsr T"otr Altart, Jill) Blktr, Dlltntruttd NandlVl • Thu~'II' during STRN BREWSTE!! [K1Zlj Gsneral Msnagsr 1910Unlvereltv Drive M. ALLRED [KilO) Merllnl 8lkklr. Jot flrargl, '. tl'l•• tl1f••lICtChllllllltlr.Jh,Arbtt.r MRNRGINGEDITDR K~II Gorhlm 111061.,I., I"" .. I' m BRno ARENDT[KIOII .. PhotDgraphars Jo~ Fr.ntf1ft; Jfib.r Fugir, 'Mary " lhl of'ficl.1 md,plndent Itudlnt "rJll.tQ ••~"'''I•.d. NEilS EDITDR nlndl" PDlt. [.101) 0 "" .. 11 . MICHERL THDMPSD'N Grlc.luc ... lIZ ",II, Nlttlul, BOI8S, 10 B372S • Rnt. Production Mensgar <,..• J .n,.,plp.r orBlu, Stilt UnrlJlMlltp. H.rhhv, 11_ f.ab,..equI, ain RICHAE SW~NBECK . BUllOUS [.101! "''' 11 . Ms.nsg,sr It, 11'1".'0" " to pl"Dllla, • fllru. tor th, RSST.NEl!!5 E:ITDR N.rl.n. Blkker AUoREYOESLER (KilO) Me...... Ju',i,"'Pr'lC'Glt Phons: 3~S-B20~ (xIDD) MRRCUS HACKI.ER [Kil7) d'llcuI.,DnDflltUn,rr.dmatPFl'85U DFFltE t: DP:NIDNEDITDR T.~lor ii.mbold (.106! ,.II."i .. I" II . "'1.ttllIlaa"~';.II~U.u ... tOlllllUlntj,l..Tltl Rrfllt.r'.1lu6;1t tlJflll.t, GraphiCDUlgnara '.'CDPjIEdltorl , FIX: ~26-319B SPDRTS-EDITDR Trluor Horn {ICIDl] .pulIO.,IlU.".UII.I.nm omcs Nanaglr or fI .. plfd bioi tPlt ltud.nt. bod~ .nd TAYLOR C: NEIBOlD :li~~.rtlsl~gtoordlnltbr.

THE ARBITER MAY 05 2005 SIDE- Warden interviews for CSU position, one of two finalists for job BY TREVOR HORN viewed for the job, but have pulled LINE Sports Editor their names from the running. Warden previously had her Boise State's women's basket- name come up in the running for ball head coach len Warden has the University of Colorado head completed two separate inter- coaching position, but was never views for the head coaching job officially offered the job. '. Redskins to give at Colorado State. Warden is one The emmergence of Warden's of just two final candidates for the name in the applicant pool with- vacated position left after former in the state of Colorado comes Forsey a shot coach Chris Denker resigned on from her vast knowledge of the April 9 for personal reasons. Former Boise State running back Brock Forsey state and her ability to recruit "I think every situation is a spe- will be in Washington Redskins camp to compete heavily there. In her two previ- for an open roster spot. cial decision," Warden said about ous recruiting offseasons at Boise the conversation and coaching Forsey was cut by the Miami Dolphins last State, Warden has produced WAC possibility at CSU. "You have to month, but will look to secure a spot behind all-freshman players in back-to- think about your family and play- back seasons. In 2003, Michelle Clinton Portis, with 2005 draft picks Manuel ers." White (fourth round) and Nehemiah Broughton Hessing was named to the team, (seventh round). , Warden, .a Colorado native, and and Tasha Harris was named this former University of Colorado as- past season. ~ sistant coach and player, was on Warden did comment that the l campus at CSU for an interview job at Colorado State is intriguing '~ Women's golf Tuesday, Warden said. to her because of the similarities Warden finished her third sea- that the area and program have to son as the head coach at Boise Boise State. " signs top California State, where the team finished "The uniqueness is the simi- with a 10-19 record. The team, larities that are there. Both are 11::player has a combined 29-59 record in college towns and are close to the three seasonsunder Warden, the mountains, it's just that there and the coach has just one season (CSU), I have just a little bit more Boise State women's golf coach Lisa Wasinger remaining on her four-year con- , familiarity," Warden said. announced the signing of Amanda Nave from tract. Warden has spoken to her play- Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut, Calif., to a na- Warden and Arizona State as- ers regarding the offer, and 13 tionalletter of intent to compete for Boise State sistant coach Meg Sanders are' openly adamant that she is excit- starting in the fall of2005. the final two candidates for the ed about both jobs. Nave, who will be a sophomore when she joins vacant position. According to The "I have been open about this, I the Broncos, won the California Community Coloradoan, Sanders arrived in am extremely excited about the College Commission on Athletics State Women's Fort Collins, Colo .. yesterday and upcoming season at Boise State, Golf Championships as a freshman. She shot interviewed for the position today. everyone in Colorado and Boise rounds of one-over par 73 and even-par 72 to Bowling Green coach Curt Miller knows that," Warden said. "And claim the state title by eight strokes. She also led and Kansas State assistant coach the job at Colorado State has a Kamie Etheridge both were inter- true upside," 1'II1ll0 BY 51'ANlEY BREWSTERiTllE MOlTER Mt. San Amonio to the team state champion- Boise Stale women's hoops head coach Jen Warden InterVIewed for the vacant Colorado Slale ship. cnachtnq lob, ' , Nave earned all-state honors as well as finishing second at the California Junior College Regionals, while helping her team to a regional champion- ship. She was named Foothill Conference Most Valuable Player, team MVP, and "Best Athlete of Four Broncos take first over the weekend the Year" at Mt. San Antonio. The Broncos return four golfers who competed for Boise State last season, including Ashley Hogg and Katie Street, who put up the first and third Falgout honored with weekly award best season stroke averages in school history. RRBITER SPORTS STAFF ing mark this season, when she placed fourth in the women's discus with a Men's team in Sth place Four Boise State University track and throw ofl55-3. The junior from Mountain field athletes came away winners late Home, Idaho, is the third member of the The Boise State men's golf team shot its second Sunday night at the Cardinal Invitational Bronco women's team to qualify for the straight 28-over par 316 in the second round of on the campus of Stanford University. West Regional Championship in Eugene, the Western Athletic Conference tournament on Neely Falgout won the women's javelin Ore. on May 27 and 28. Tuesday at Squire Creek Golf Course, and they sit throw, Miruna Mataoanu won the wom- With the impressive showing 'at the in a-tie for ninth place, 31 strokes behind team en's high jump, Gabriel Wallin won the Cardinal Classic over the weekend, leading Nevada. men's javelin, and Mattias Ions placed Falgout, the defending 2004 WAC cham- Freshman Matt Hastings continues to pace the first in the men's hammer. pion in the women's javelin, was named Broncos. The West Vancouver, British Columbia, Falgout's winning throw was 174feet, 9 the WAC's Female Athlete of the Week. native shot a two-over par 74 in the second round inches, which is the sixth best collegiate The men's and women's teams will and is tied for ninth place at seven-over par 151. throw in the country this season. It's the now prepare for the WACchampionships Hastings trails the leader, Will Dobson of SMU, second best mark in the West region, and on May H-14 atthe University of'Iulsa, in by eight strokes. the second best throw in Boise State his- Tulsa, Okla. Junior Jason Williams is tied for 23rd, after tory. Trina Rogers set the Bronco record Along with Falgout, two other Broncos carding a four-over par 77 on Tuesday, He is H- in 2003 with a throw of 175-10. will be looking to defend their titles in Boise State's other first place marks over par for the tournament. the conference championships. Wallin, were by Mataoanu in winning the high who is the defending national champi- Junior Jake Sestero struggled with an H-over jump at 5, 8.75. Wallin won the javelin on, will be looking to repeat as the WAC par Tuesday and is tied for 36th at 17-over par throw, and Jons' mark in winning the champion in the javelin. Also, sopho-: 161. Freshman Nick Travers posted a 10 over- hammer was 219-9. All three have pre- more Miruna Mataoanu will be defend- par in the second round and is in 46th at 21-over vious season best marks of 5-10.75 by 'lng her title in the women's high jump. par 165. Junior Adam Choy went 20-over par on Mataoanu, 248-6 by Wallin, and 227-10 :If the Broncos then reach the region- Tuesday and is in 50th place at 32-over par 176. by Ions, als in Eugene, then they will head to The tournament wraps up with 18 holes on The defending NCAA national cham- the NCAA Outdoor Championships in Wednesday. Full coverage of the tournament will pion, Wallin's mark is the top collegiate Sacramento, Calif., on Iune 8-11. appear in Monday's edition of The Arbiter. throw this season. Jons' mark is the sec- This week's ran kings of the Trackwire ond best men's hammer throw among Top 25 has the Boise State men's team at collegiate throwers. 78th, with a possible 18 points that they

1'11111'0 BY 51'ANlEY BREWSTEllITHE AlillITEB Jennifer Donatelli became the ninth are projected to score in NCAA competi- tion. Senior Neely Falqnut W<;lS named the WACwomen's track and field athlete of the Bronco to post a NCAA regional qualify- week Iollowmq her win at the Cardinal Classic on Sunday. Santa Rosa player Nelson commits to Bronco hasketball

RRBITER SPORTS STRFF During the championship run, agreement. Tiedeman, who will be High School in Sharpsville, Ind. The he averaged 7.9 points and 5.0 re- a sophomore, played one season at 6-9, 270 pound center should bring Greg Graham, the men's bas- bounds, while making 57 percent of Santa Rosa Junior College in Santa some size to t he middle of the lineup ketball head coach at Boise State his shots. In conference games, he Rosa, Calif., after transferring from lost by departing senior Jason Ellis. University, announced the signing upped those 'numbers to 9.6 points Arizona where he played baseball. Thomas should eventually back up of Matt Nelson and Tyler Tiedeman and 5.3 rebounds. He led the BigSky Tiedeman visited Boise State last Eric Lane at the point guard posi- to national letters of intent. in field goal percentage in confer- week, and has had games this sea- tion. Nelson. a 6-foot-9, 235-pound for- ence games, making 63.7 percent of son where he made seven and eight The Broncos are bringing back ward from Issaquah, Wash., spent his field goal attempts. t!iree-pointers. He will be sopho- seven players from last season's team the last two seasons at Eastern As a sophomore, Nelson averaged more once he enrolls at BSU, and that advanced to the championship Washington University, where he 8.6 points and 6.2 rebounds per will have three seasons of eligibility game in the WAC tournament, de- earned Big Sky Freshman of theVear game, while making 49 percent of remaining - similar to that of Seth spite having just a 6~12 conference honors following the 2003-04 sea- his field goal attempts. He missed six Robinson. record and baing the lowest seed in son. games with a broken hand, but still "Tyler brings a bigwingto our pro- tournament history to advance to Nelson played 52 games and start- managed to score in double figures gram who can really shoot (he bas- the championship game. 'ed 39 games for Eastern Washington. eight times, including a career-high ketball," Six of those seven returning play- He averaged 8.2 points and 5.5 re- 26 points against Portland State. _ Graham said. "He gives us some ers started at least jwo games last bounds per game during the two "He's proven that he's a good size on the wing at 6-foot-6 season, including .junlor Coby Karl, seasons, while making 53.1 percent winner, He's been to the tournament and he's a very smart player. We are who started every game. of his field goal attempts. His best as a freshman. His numbers were very excited to have him and its a big The Broncos have one scholarship season was his freshman, when he down last year a little bit because plus because he comes in as a sopho- to give this offseason. All signs lead started 22 of30 games for a team that he was out with a broken hand," more." to it being given to fonnevBisho"p won the Big Sky championship and Graham said. Tiedeman, along with Nelomi,join Kelly and Walla CommunitY College advanced to the NCAA tournament. According (Q Santa Rosa guard Anthony Thomas and center post player Robert Pankowski. The "He gives us a guy who has the COmmunity College head coach KUriC .... ningham. who committed Broncos had signed Pankowski last potential to average a double-dou- -Craig McMillen, Tyler Tiedman has to"Bcise State during the eady sign~ season, but he was ruled acadelJli-,. ble. He'll give us a.strong presence also COmmitted to Boise State. ing period InNovember. callyinellgfble, and t,herefore is still inside. He has that rebounding at- ml1l'O BT!1I'ANlEl' BllEWSI'Elln'llE AIlBITER Tiedeman, a 6-foot-6, 205- Cunninghamav:eraged 15.8 points under NCAA rules, arecruitable titude, .similar, to Jason [Ellis],". ,pound guardlforward. from-Santa and 10.~ebounds'per-gameas a se- player.,,' " ~"".,\' Men's hoops head coscb,Gre[l Grahs'!1amio1J11cedth,e, B1gnin[l Graham said. of \Wtl players to th~leam forlbe upcomlngs~ason. ."'.',',' Rosa, Calif., signed aflnancialal~ . ,RiorJ!il~rseas~!}f~Central ,- " , • ",c,i. :,;,~'c*,_!/ ."'" ",.-;.~ .• ' [,_ 'J,'; , '" '",-e,'''''>''' BY AMBER FUGER . get the job done. This balance allows the Broncos SportsllrltBI' . "He makes you believe you can to appreciate their accomplish •. do anything and beat anyone in ments and enjoy getting the job He loves W~wife, sunny warm thenatlon," Roghaar said. done. The Broncos exemplified weather, reggaemusic, and the Seeing how Patton can com- this balance ill Hawaii at the Broncos. He is a motivational en- ment directly about players of 2004·05 WACchampionship tour- . thusiastic Boise State employee, Sampras stature, it is easy to com- nament, where the entire Patton who will· stop at nothing to see prehend how he has the ability to family, including the team, kicked the Broncos succeed. Not talking motivate anyone to dig deep and it on the beach and at a yacht club about Buster Bronco, but rather find their inner greatness. _ while playing stellar tennis to win referring to the head coach of the "Freshmen usually don't know the WACand finish 30th in the na- men's tennis team, Grog Patton .: what to expect when they decide tion. Over the last 26 years of coach- on a program, but with Patton Senior Ikaika lobe did not start ing tennis, Patton has spent nine they have bought Into not only the his college career -as a Bronco, years as a Bronco. From 1992-1996 [BSU tennis] program but your but both Patton and his former Patton coached the Broncos in own capabilities as well," said coach thought it would be better the Big Sky Conference, earning Roghaar. His style is simple; busi- ifhe played his final year at Boise four conference titles. From 1996- ness on the court and enjoying all State. 199B, the Broncos played in the life has to offer off the courts. "Even when I was 15 and 16 BigWest Conference and claimed Freshman phenomenon Luke and he [Patton] was the national the title only once without Patton Shields found Boise State appeal- coach, he was still motivational at the reigns. ing for that reason. and helpful to me," lobe said. In 1998, Patton went on to "When I was growing up I took .Again, Iobe draws his motiva- coach the U.S. National Junior tennis so seriously," the WAC tion from Patton's energetic per- Team where he coached an all- freshman of the year said. "I sonality. "Practices are always star Junior Davis Cup team com- needed to know that I would play fun, and at the same time you prised of Pete Sampras, Jim for someone who would keep it know you are doing everything Courier, Michael Chang, Malavai . fun." for a purpose." Washington, Patrick McEnroe, Shields, along with all of the According to www.collegeten- David Wheaton, and Luke Jensen. other Broncos, find Patton's con-, Patton ranks In March of 2003, Patton re- stant energy motivational. "You among the nation's elite coach- turned to Bronco country in an can be on your way to lift at 7:40 es. He is the only male coach to extravagant fashion. He marched a.m. and Patton is cruising by on win the NCAANational Coach of into town and took the Broncos hls bike excited and energetic as the Year Award at two different 5-5 record and sparked a 13-3 ever," Shields said. schools. What does Patton want run that led to Boise State's first What is it that keeps Patton go- most of all at this point in his life? Western Athletic Conference title ing? He is a man of balance and he "All I want is to see the NCAA in men's tennis. is positive all of the time. National Championship first A comeback like that is unfor- "Coach makes everything fun rounds to be played in Boise and gettable. Senior Beck Roghaar and balance," Shields said. "He us to be in it," Patton said. knows first hand what it took and wants us to live the college life off The Broncos have made one how much Patton inspired the the court and get down to busi- part of the wish come true. team to handle their business and ness on the court." They've qualified for nationals. Year-By-Year Record Season Record School Div.. Conf. Conf.&National Rank Notable Awards: 2004-05 30-7 BSU I WAC 1/30 2003-04 24-8 BSU I WAC 3/45 2002-03 13-3 BSU I WAC 1/34 -Iwo-time winner of the NCAA Coach of the Year award: UC (From 1998-2002 served as u.s. National Coach) 1997-98 24-9 BSU I BigWest 20 Irvine in 1987and BSU in 1997 1996-97 30-4 BSU I BigWest 1/5 1995-96 24-8 BSU I BigSky . 1/29 -Two-time winner of the USTA/ITA National Community 1994-95 21-7 BSU I Big Sky 1/32 1993-94 18-10 BSU I BigSky 1/46 Service Award (1996 & 2003) 1992-93 18-10 BSU I Big Sky 1 1991-92 11-12 UC Irvine I BigWest 1/25 -Inducted into UC Irvine Athletic Hall of Fame (Feb. 2000) 1990-91 18-9 UC Irvine I BigWest 2/16 -Inducted into BSU's Hall of Fame (Nov. 2001) 1989-90 19-13 UC Irvine I BigWest 1/16 1988-89 25-7 UC Irvine I BigWest 1/4 -Two-time winner of the World Team Tennis Coach of the Year 1987-88 zz-a UC Irvine I BigWest 1/6 1986-87 25-11 UC Irvine I BigWest 1/15 Award (Newport.. Beach Dukes in 1993 and Idaho Sneakers in 1985-86 18-12 UC Irvine I BigWest 2 1984-85 27-11 UC Irvine I BigWest 1/23 1995) 1983-84 23-13 UC Irvine I BigWest 1/20 1980-81 21-17 UC Irvine I BigWest 1 -2005 WACCoach of the Year 1979-80 19-17 UC Irvine I BigWest 5

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r , .> The Boise State men's .tennis team will host the first and second rounds this is where ofthe NCAA men's hot internet tennis tournament. babes hang out. The 3151 ranked Broncos learned their fate while they were at the Ha' -Penny Pub in downtown Boise. Watching ESPN NEWS, the entire team \ and fans watched as ! they came up on the board. "This is going to be one of the biggest parties, and we're having it at our home, at our palace," BSU head coach Greg Patton said. This is the first time that, either Patton, or Boise State have been apart of hosting the first and second rounds of the tournament. The team, Patton and fans all cheered as the selection was shown. "This means the world for us. It's a historic adventure, and a chance When It's Time to Relax... to showcase our team to our community," Patton It's time for said. Fairview Crossing Boise State will host Montana State, North This new apartment com- munity offers everything Carolina and 16th ranked Texas A&M, and will play yo!:! need, andwant. A year- North Carolina in the round Jacuzzi and outdoor, pool, a putting green and " first round at 5:30 p.m. , on Friday, May, 13. Texas club-quality fitness center, A&M will play the first creates home and recre- match versus Montana ation perfection! State at 1p.rn., also on Friday. flexible lease options if you The tournament consists plan on buying or building a home make leasing at of 64 teams, 31 which were automatic and the Fairview Crossing easy and convenient, for a lot less other 33 were at-large. than you'd expect. The top 16 teams were numbered, so if the Starting at $549 Broncos are able to beat North Carolina in the first round, they will 373-7744 then, by all accounts, play the lowest top seed 8568 W. Fairview Ave. in the tournament. Boise Idaho

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BY TARUIS ESTUDLD Please note that I and my Culture Columnist younger sister Suzan have maped out 20% for your noble assistance I get lots and lots of e-mail; it and 5% for your telephone calls seems unavoidable. And most bills to us or any other expenc- of it is junk I have no interest in es that may occure during the reading. My bulk folder is full of transaction in accordiance with creepy messages hocking Viagara our mothers advise. we are inter- and Rolexes and pills promising ested in any profitable commer- to make me bigger "down there:' cial venture which you consider When junkmail makes it past very good 'in your country and Yahoo!'s highly trained filter- , you would also get a school for ing process and into my general me and my sister where we can inbox, I tend to read it, if only by finish our colledge education. skimming. Now, normally, an e- We are hoping to hear your ur- mail from a: stranger asking me gent response so that We can stop for money would go straight into . look for another foreign partner. Thank you and may God bless the trash. But one caught my eye BoiseState'sDepartment01 TheaterArts student choreographers wlllput on three shows today and tomorrow: this week, and it is fitting that I you and your dear family.As we not only run it in my column, but look forward for your urgent re- also provide a written response. sponse. Best Regards, Willson and The following is an unaltered ! Suzan Catim Student choreographers get I version of the message: ·'1 . - Abidjan Cote D Ivorie, And now for my response: 1 Attin Dear Willsori and Suzan, 1 My name is willson and Attin to you too, and thanks chance to strut thiS weekend I Suzan we are the children of for writing. Firstly, I commend cellent music." Additionally, this 1 a "Concert oforiginal dance works in Italian, French, English and Late Chief Micheal Henry Catim your father for holding a posi- BY TARUIS ESTUDLD year, a lot of male dancers will be choreographed by 17student cho- Spanish), is .scheduled for three the former Director of military tlon, posthumously, as the act- Cul't'ure Editor featured, including a guest per- reographers. In addition, there times in the next two days on 1 inteligence and special act- ing General Manager of the formance by a professional from ! are two faculty-choreographed the Morrison Center's Stage n. ing General Manager of the Sieria Leone Diamond mining If you are a dance enthusiast Idaho Dance Theater. pieces." Tomorrow's performance is at Sieria Leone Diamond mining coperation(SLDMC). It takes _ and heck, even' you're not - you Overall, the show "really has a When Hansen talks about the 7:30 p.m.. and Saturday shows 1 are in for a treat. Boise state's range of emotions from very dra- coperation(SLDMC). a real go-getter to keep show- shows, she sounds excited. She are set for 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m, group of student choreographers matic and powerful to just really We are contacting you to seek ing up to the office after dy- describes them as "pure enter- Student entrance will cost $3 and is putting on shows this weekend goofy,"Hansen said. And with the \\ your good assistance to trans- ing. Unfortunately. at this time, tainment," says the students' general admission is $5, with tick- that will knock your socks and stress of impending finals lurk- fer and invest USD 14,3QO,000.00 I am unable to comply with pieces are extremely varied, rang- ets available at the door. dancing shoes clean off. ing, grabbing a bit of Boise State's thousand belonging to our late your request. Having reviewed ing from hip-hop to salsa, and that Hansen encourages attendance According to the concert's di- cultural offering might be just the father which is deposited in a my resume and qualifications all ofthem "highly theatrical:' from the campus atlarge, say- rector, Marla Hansen, a professor ticket for students this weekend. bank in Abidjan Cote D'ivoire. thoroughly in the last few days. "danza, danse, dance, y bal- ing, "There are some really fun and director of dance for the the- .'liip-hop numbers and a lot of ex- . This lnQ?iey is revenues from I'm certain I am nowhere near ater department, said the event is la," (whose name means dance solid minirals and diamonds sale qualified to invest the USD which were under our fathers 14,300,000.00 thousand that you possession before the civil war are trying to "launder," Upon fur- ..~ broke out in our country Sierra- ther investigation. and transla- Leone. Following the brake out tion into proper English, it turns Colleges lure students With high-tech, conoaruent perks of the war, almost all govern- out you are talking about 14.3 ment offices, billion dollars. Henceforth, you coperations and parastatals might best be served contacting BY B A END R N t.l C eRA THY said. Because these conveniences were attacked and vandalized. a. financial management agency ChlcegoTribune attractstudentsandpromptthem The SLDMC was loathed and such as Merrill Lynch or Charles to spend money and stay on cam- burnt down to ashes, and dia- Schwab, and not, as you have CHICAGO- Boston University pus, more student money is put monds worth millions of dollars shown a penchant for. college Thebuilt aUniversitypool with aofwaveWisconsin-machine. back"Inintothe it will more was stolen by the rebel military students. Or. at the very least, I Oshkosh offers massages in the than pay for itself," Pals said. forces who attacked our father's would steer you toward a senior student union. The University of . Ohio State University recently office. in the finance department and Houston has a hot tub and rock- opened a $140 million 605.000- Many top goVernment offi- not a marketer, climbing wall. Duke University square-foot center with indoor cials and senior army officers It must be a tough time in 'your gave all of its freshmen iPods. batting cages, rope courses and were assasinated and my father life, dealing with the loss of both And at DePaul University in an indoor turf field. The state al- was a key target because or his of your parents. as well as half of Chicago, where each dormitory lotted $36 million for the pro]- very sensitive military pas sition your brother. (Perhaps in future room has free cable-TV service, ect, student and faculty fees ac- and appointment in the SLDMC. correspondence, you could de- students can log on to their per- counted for $86 million, and the Regreatably. our father was, cap- scribe how the remaining half of sonal computers to locate an athletic department furnished tured and murdered alongjwith your brother is functioning these empty computer terminal in the $18 million, said Diane Jensen, half our brother in cool blood days.) My sympathies go out to library or campus labs. The new spokeswoman for the school's de- during a mid-night rebel shoot- you. program, based on an online air- partment of recreation. Students out when our official residence I am angered by the thought of llne-reattng system, helps stu- who are registered for four credits in freetown was armbushed by these attackers you mentioned. dents decide when to leave their or more are required to pay $42 a Fordey Sanko the notorious rebel Any group that would armbush a dorms, if at all. year in rec center fees. leader. group of obviously peaceful gov- "I don't have to leave my room "It does increase the cost of My mother sustainded very ernment officials and kill them anymore," said Emily McDermott. what students pay for college." sever bullet injuries which result- in cool blood is no friend of mine, a freshman who said her room is Jensen said. "Students are con- ed to her untimely and painful I'll teil you that much. It must be usually littered with pizza boxes. cerned about increases in tuition, th i . t h it Ih in very confusing at yo.ur tender age "I can get every thing in my room but I think they'll see there is dea 111 a pnva e ospi a ere on the Internet. I don't have to some value in it." Ivory Coast. Now we are alone in of26 years. go to the library, I can have food The school started planning the a totally strange country without Changing gears. you expressed delivered, I can talk to people on- project almost 10years ago when parents, that you are "interested in any line:' prospective students were lured relatives or any body to care profitable commercial venture Across the country, high school to other schools by such attrac- for us at our tender ages. Before which you consider very good in seniors are receiving college ac- 'It's not my first prlorlly,but amenilles are Important,' says AlisonGlenn,lB, tions. "Rec centers and amenities our mother died, she told us that your country," and I think I have ceptance letters this month, and a sentor at EvanstonTownshipHtghSchool,who plans to attend Gustavus can influence a student's choice," our late- father deposited some something in mind. There is this amenities are becoming a factor AdolphusCollegeInMlnnesola. . Jensen said. money which was made from company called Enron that looks in their decisions. "There is a growing trend that parents and students will be un- ThissemesterBostonUnlversity diamond sales and contracts in a like a solid investment. I will at- Sasha Robey, a senior at colleges are more concerned willing to pay the tuition." opened a $90 million fitness and bank here in Ivory Coast and that tach their financial statements. Evanston Township High School with the trimmings. In a market- But students are paying, and recreation center with a lazy river, we should pray and find a trust- Unfortunately, the most recent in Illinois. had until May 1 to de- driven culture, schools are falling schools are finding a number of a hot tub for 25, a pool with a wave worthy foreign business partner information I have is from the cide among four colleges, and she back to the.,oldest trick. They are ways to build new recreation cen- machine and a juice bar. who would help us to transfer end of 2000. The second attach- is weighing the amenities along giving out gimmicks." ters and increase comforts. Some "i don't know of any schoolthat and invest this money in profit- ment will detail my last year's with the costs. David Kalsbeek, vice president schools rely on hefty endow- isn't providing the elaberate," said able business venture overseas. telephone calls bills; maybe yon "At the beginning of the year, -for enrollment at DePaul, said a ments, alumni donations or stu- Warin Dexter, director of physical She told us to do this quickly could take a stab at paying those I heard Iowa had bigger dorm new college culture is beginning dent fees. Others, especially state education, recreation and dance so that we can leave Ivory Coast, off?!fthey seem abit high. talk to rooms than Indiana, and I was in which students expect and de- schools, search for grants or state at the .university, "It's a way to then settle down abroad. She Verizan. Those overage charges thinking of going there," Robey mand a level of service. funds. keep students happy while they gave us all the bank documents are wicked, aren't they? said. "But then I heard Indiana "The general public is increas- These amenities. many ofwhich are matriculating." to prove the deposit and then told WeH, I suppose that is all for had a much nicer campus." ingly Inclined to see tuition as an· are housed in new multimillion- But David Rood, spokesman us that our late father used my now. TTYL and God bless you "The little amenities add up," Investment," he said. "What insti- dollar buildings. help attract out- for the National Association of name <,\TillsonPapaya Catim las and all that Jazz. Tell your broth- Robey said. and many of her tutions are drawn to do is guided of-state students, who tradition- College Auxiliary Services. how- :; the only son to deposit the money er to get well soon! fanrlenhdsare also trying to process by student expectations." ally pay higher tuition rates. ever,_~()wnPlayedhthe impac~ an Ic. in thebaIik here.She told us that . Your friend, t e pros and. cons as the dead- As in the business v;odd, where The new additions have a mini- upsca.ecampus· as on st-uilent this is the reason why we came to TRAVIS line looms. "I'm not sure." she branding and company recogni- mal impact on student tuition decisions. rP\ said. "Apool would help, it would tion are paramount, schools have rates and can help raise rev- "It will take areal idiot to spend d Ivory Coast. My mother died af- be nice." adopted a business mentalitv ".nn enue. said Tony Pal.s, a spokes- $40,000 based on What the stu- _., < terwards .'. So, anywu,', if you ever hear The p'nncetonReview, the are striving to differentiate them-• man for the National Association dent.nruon. I00ks lU.e,1:1.- "Ro ad sat'd . l..•.i May her spirit rest in perfect anyone claim that junk.mail is c(iitip~~..v=roai produces popular selves. of_.Inrlependent Colleges and Schools want to luolprovide basic f l... peace. I have gone to the bank to annoying, remind them, that college. guide. books, takes ame- "The puzzling thing is that as UniversitIes. comfort levels for t .. "'t',a"nts. fl make inquires about this money one mar-'s junk is another man's nitiesinto accountwhen ranking these kinds of (amenities) are "Depending on the service, in· Rood said, caning"iiiek~clirilbiii.g· ~-i and I spoke with the director of treasure. Like diamonds and schools on such things ascafete- increasing in' their frequency on .stitutions go into (a new building) walIa~-:berration. ~ '.' International remittance who stuff. AndEYI,'Mlould my friends riaJood and "happy students;" . . the national level, we all have looking like it wiU:generate . :The Taj Mahals are few anMar ~; • assured me that everything is ok .Willson l'\!uiSuzan write back to. , .. ·Col1ege"~ampusesare starting mounting concerns. about the af- revenue fortheijistitutiont he between,~ he sala tit's alla1>out

II'! , i' h I' tIm 26years ·me.,I will be~ure and pass along to resemble COU' 'ntry cl bs ··d . ,'.f.uoo_~..•,.le;-'..".".n.d..oo.. s.ic..·suP- .. ' '~.''.: nt e:::compu ers. a . '" . '.' ." , ..... ;'. U .. ,Sal fordability of higher education,· .sala.!!- ... ~.. ..:..~. ,;.;,-"', ~. ~~~;¥~m~ .,,,ctO< prom- tbol

.'.. L-< --:-----'-'--:----.-.L..-..o---,.------'--~~~~~~~~--:.-~~~----:--~~~~= ·~"",....,}i~~~,:,\,il~~~;t;'~~,~li~~J;~'( ,'!rni,'eJld prd4~cN~i~:tigqtly c~afV 'ettltlihure' i:l(;Jilmntedimuslc'liild:' -: . '...... '. . ;haUIj.tijlgW~e1Qd1c,voca!$~'ItiS also' , Fot those of you contemplating. a niix..i:lfmany:. different flavors. ' joining the armed forces, drop the Psychqb$Y .POUtS~ouf,of ili,e song pen. . ' .' . "~at H,appens?",liriaAtlPY's punk- .ssve yourself the trouble of basic -driven roots break throtighiO "Swift ~rainlng and enlist among the ranks Silent-and, Deadly." ThesteeJ. guitar .Of the LA.based 'psychobillytrlo, ,ln~',The Long'Road" gives the song Tiger, Army. Though they don't of- acounti'ytwang' thatwould make rer the GI Bill or veteran's home loan Nashville proud; Overall, the album . guarantees; Uncle Sam can't jam like could very.well be Army's best effort this Army. thus far - shmvcllJllng'an evolution in the band's most recent album "lII: '13's 8J'tistic'djrection.' .' Ghost Tigers Rise," released last year, ,TlgerArinywill marchiJltoThe Big 'melds atran9.uiUzed punk sound, ,Ellsyo\1Satuidaya~!,~oftlieband's ,with a. variety ,of',genres -. Though fits! ever full heiidlirtirig tour of the ~=====:::===.======~ 'Armyhas its roots in prink, ,and is U.S., .dubbed "The 'Dark; Romance ~of~en,cr~djted forbringing U.K.psY-Tour,".Tickets are$lQ., dobrs o\!en " cho'Wl1y.totne states,th~ band'slat- a1.7 P'~'l and the snow is set to at- , -est album breakS formation from tack at 8 p.m: Street Dogs arid the12 their previous;campaigns. Step-Rebels wtlr take. th~ first shots' Th'ereare songs .that delve into inTi~erArri1}"s'battle.fQrBoise. melodic rock 'a' billy - complete ' ,.,.. ; ";" ' " ," ; .with steel guitar' and touching vo- cals -'and yet others that resemble the moody eighties rock of The Cure. But the album never strays far from Army's roots. . ' Lead singer and artistic conduit for the band, Nick 13, has wrapped his , dark lyrics around a, slightly slower tempo than the band's previous al- , ' , bumshave 'held. A' thick baseline' beats throughout the album .llke a lUe'kd,a~JlJlI1pB'as low IS' sa~ palpltatingheart, but. the electro- cardiogram reading never quite hits, (208)455-.2:359 .:~~~=punk speed. ' '

.' ,over 30 satiisfying andwiches and salads

or lunch, dinner, picnics , PHIJlO AND GRAPHIC CDUIlTESY OF EPlTAPH

and partiies. TIger Army's James Meza (drums), Nick 13 (gullars/vocals), and Jell Rollred~ (standup bass/vocals) play the alg Easy Saturday nIght at B p,m. Trent Rezn.or is still whining, but

345..0990 1030 Broadway "eRr DSU ,----- his sound has gotten friendlier

my brain? Did I have anything to and I would have passed,"he says. BY JIM FARBER say?", As a result, his substance abuse New York DeliV N.,jlg Nota single song could be de· didn't begin to abate until more scribed as joyous. But Reznor in- than five years had gone by. At a Hate. Anger. Alienation. sists his latest lashings were writ- certain point, he realized some- Jealousy. ten with a "new clarity. I feel like thing crucial had changed. 746 W. Main St .... 388-1900 These are a few ofTrent Reznor's I woke upfrom a coma. It all just "It wasn't a question of 'may?e favorite things. Or at least some of kind of came out of me, instinc- I should do this/"he explains. "It WE DELIVERI his most familiar things. tually. And, a lot needed to come was 'either get better or die.''' Since the start of his career as , out." After Reznor started to clean Don't surrender leader - and often sale member Reznor's proclaimed clar- up; he took a few years off from _ of the industrial art-rock band Ity can be more easily detected music. "I didn't want to rush right to HUNGER'" Nine Inch Nails, malodorous In his music. While "with teeth" back in," he says; He believed mu- emotions have served as Reznor's retains NIN's cherished brutality, sic-making could have become muse, not to mention as a lure for Counter-attack with a featuring his usual mix of metal/ another form of avoidance, fans eager to have their worst feel· new wave/industrial riffs, there's In January 2004, Rezrtor began delicious PITAm ings exorcised. more melody-making along the wor1\ on the new. album. Though $1.00 OFF or But what happens when a guy way. Also, you won't find the art- he fouil.d a fresh ease in working, like Reznor starts to become hap: ler soundscapes that dominated he retained the old habit-of play- FREE DELIVERY pier? NIN albums like "The Fragile" or ing all the instruments himself. That's the ironic dilemma he "The Downward Spira!." It remains to be seen how the faced when constructing his lat- The changes made Reznor self- world will react to a new NIN Open 11-30.m. Man-Thurs. 'U-4G.m. FrilSat & est album, "with teeth," the first conscious at first. CD, not because the music is so ' Noon-30.m. Sunday new' studio work under the NIN "Sometimes the editor in jarringly, but because name in more than six years. me would stop and say, 'I don't Reznor has been out of the lime- Deliveries stop 30 minutes before closing The CD, which comes out this Must me.o;tlCm coupon when ordering know if this Is right for Nine Inch light for so long. The last' time week, is the first work Reznor has Nalls,''' he admits. "It was scary to he and his band werit out on the recorded since he quit a long ad· include songs that were catchier road, they headlined arenas like ' \~iction to cocaine and alcohol and lighter. A 20.mlnute art epic Madison Square Garden. For the and began an examination of his is not scary because I know no new tour, R,e~norwill pl;1ysmaller - life that shook him to his bones. - - one w!1I make fun of It. But a song theaters. , . : r "I had to try to figure our who I like, 'The Hand That Feeds' had a Later this month, Reznor will am on this record," he explains. melody that was pretty obvious. I turn 40,a da gerpus age-forsom~- "Can I write sober? Did I destroy l1 II had to askwhy I was afraid to put one who has defined himself by ~ NEED QUICK it on. And !found that fear waSnot' kind riffury most associated witb ' a valid reason." adolescence". ' . : In several lyrical passages "I see ,people that a~e my ag~ Reznor angrily asserts that he no and I don't feCi like them. Onq I ~it(WJ,longer cares what other people thlngyou!imrn In recovery Is that I think, which s\1owsa greater can- your maturity gets slowed, dowQ CASH? I fidence, If not greater peace .uf at the point that you tuned out of "peed ~;nfort.rn ':.: II minll. It took much of his adult . life. So: technically, I'm about 33 life even to get to that place. right now,"'he says with a laugh. Donata Plasma at Ilomat USA "For most ofmy adult life I dealt Reznor acknowledges, howev- Earn $50 the first week and with problems bynot dealing with . " er, that If his joy escalates, it may $150 per m~nth them," he says. . mean outgroWing the band, or at Reznor's serious addiction be- least their brand. I gan around 1996, but he didn't "If itendsupwith-mebeing a I Mon .•Sat: 9:00·5:30 ·GRIFOLS admit to himselfforyears that his truly happy guy, it maybe time to II situation had become that bad. stop calling it Nine Inch Nalls," he Biomat USA, Inc. "If you gave me a·polygraph test says. ''I'll cross that bridge when II .4017 Overland Rd Boi!G. 10 83705 caring for people'S health back then and asked 'Are you an - and if - it happens." - - -', addict?' !would have said 'No'-

650 S. Vista Ave. Boise idaho Over 50 Beers • Pool, Darts. Game.~Eht8I't8Inm8nt ,10Pk:OFFwl.ValidStudentlD ---- -:(MU8tShoviJD wheraQfd'-n9l ~:i~li:*~~~~~f. _-'---__ ------,-~-_--.:.-.------'------:.--,-M-R-Y-O-5-2-0-0-5-- :5IiS-speclflc art setTor display 1n front of Education BUilding Much like Christo and Jeanne COURTESY OF KIRSTEN FURLONG interacts with both nature and sp,ecificallyforand placed in areas architecture. 'Unnatural View' is accessible to the general public. Claude, Seth Hanson selected a inspired by the art of Christo and A genre of public art is site-spe- site within which he designed In an exploration of public and an Interactive site-specific pub- site-specific art, the students in JeanneClaude. Thispieceismeant cific art, in which works are ex- FIFTH and IDAHO to be viewed facing the southern pressly designed for and installed lic art piece that not only draws Kirsten Furlong's three-dimen- attention to the existing archi- downtown bolH sional design class were asked to wall of the Education Building on in a particular location. They are the Boise State University cam- Worksthat are integrated into the tecture, but also provides a new research and develop an inter- experience for the viewers on pus. The viewer will stand fac- surrounding and explore, among Check our the monthly Groups ofthree Of pretation of a site located on the more will get discounts ing north and the structure will other things, the relationship of campus. Fabrication and instal- piercing specials, this Boise State University campus lation wiil be realized by Joel month ;s tongues. on piercings (not create the illusion of fabric being the site to the topography, history, ~!!!'J~~ inciuding sale items). and propose a site-specific public Johnson, Melissa Whitchurch, $30 Inciucesjewelry hung in the six balconies on the or in this case, architecture. & aftercare._ art piece. Each student presented Brett Gleason, Michelle Tenorio, their concept in a presentation, eastern side of the building. The The work of Christo and Jeanne bright green fabric calls attention Claude is based on the idea of in- Robert Barney, Andrea Kniep, All New Moon pietdngs include We have designs for the new complete with a scale model, to a Julie Thomas, Tarissa Pierce, the jewelry and aftercare packaqe with tattoo, and we can create selected juror and recognized lo- to the piece and wiil evoke within tegrating a specific landscape the viewer the idea of nature, the "and altering it to create a tempo- Erica Voss, and Angela Schiiling. instructions. We stand by our pierc1ngs. from pictures you bring In. cal artist, Sue Latta. Of the 10stu- Expect to see "Unnatural View" and offer free follow up service, repetition of rectangular strips of rary site-specific artwork. "The dents' individual proposals, one on the Boise State University was selected for fabrication and fabric suggest movement, the lin- Gates" in Central Park and "Valley New Moon Tattoo ear armature serves to remind the Curtain" in Colorado are tempo- campus, in front of the Education will be displayed on campus. Building, running today through 6422 fairview Ave. 375-1666 viewer of the connection of the rary large-scale environmental SueLattaselectedSethHanson's May 11. '''Perfora1!ingthe Populous of Idaho" proposal, which was envisioned piece with the architecture of the works that contain elements of Education Building." painting, sculptu're, architecture; by Seth as: "Site-specific public art that Public art works are designed and urban planning.

SRTURDRY [5/1) 7 p.m, at The Venue Where's Iullek, Maple Grove. Obscure Beauty, and Project Mayhem in concert. Tickets are $8.

the ' 8 p.m. at the BigEasy Tiger Army, Street Dogs. and 12Step Rebels in concert. Tickets are $10. SUNDRY [SiB) acllon" 7:30 p.rn, at the Morrison Center haap In rhe net r pesen daxp ... Trace Adkins and BiilyCurrington. Tickets are $31. MONDRY [5/9)" Finals relief begins today throughout campus! Take part in loads of TODRY [5/5) free activities all week. For more information. call 426-1223. 11a.m, - 1p.m. on the RECpatio t::yclelearning center. The Outdoor Program is conducting a drop- TUESDRY [5/10) 7 p.m. at the BigEasy , in clinic on how to fix your bicycle every Thursday for the rest of the , ,. and Blood Simple term. Mechanics wiil be on-site to teach problem solving and minor in concert. Tickets are $26.50. adjustments, and to help identify larger problems. One note: You can't drop offyour bike; the clinic is interactive. And it's FREE! 7:30 p.m. at the Idaho Center Larry the Cable Guy stand-up comedy. Tickets are $41.75. Noon - 6 p.m, in the SUBVisitor Parking Lot Last Blood Drive. Look for the Blood Bus. Ca11426-4240. WEDNESDRY [5/11) 4:30 - 7:30 p.m, at the Grove Plaza 5 p.rn. at The Record Exchange Alive After Five season opener. Crash Four in concert. Admission is The Invasion in concert. Admission is free. r free.

FRIDRY [5/6) 6 p.m. at The Venue Noon - 9 p.m. in Taco Bell Arena (moved from Julia Davis park) Go Jimmy Go, The PirkQlaters, Call ToAction. and Remote SPRINGFLING!Reel BigFish, The Clumsy Lovers. Raining Jane, and Confederation in concert. Tickets are $8. Austin Wiilacy in concert. There wiil be tons of music, vendors. and activities, including NASCARracing, human bowling, miniature golf, 6928 W. State • Boise, Idaho 83703 7 p.m. at the BigEasy and speed pitch challenge. Entry and activity bracelet are free with Afroman in concert: Tickets are $12.50. (208) 853-0526 BSU!D. General admission is $5. For more information, c[\11426- 4636. II/Ilj \ •

"WEEKLY fORECAST" " , ICIlElItIII D1'amrm ~Rec> ' Will pay and train ~~$IlNIClI$ ," 11sm-2pfri.. .. SUBJoi'..a.'l)3slkoom 6:4Dpm;.•.RecGrQup~ROtxn Free Massagll \'Ii!h Free Lunc:h ~ , ; , 7-9pm- SUB./dlnSOll RoOm, SPE .lAL EVENTJ , Free Massage . . 9-1Opm.... SUB Dining Area _:

" Silent• Gifti RaIlIe and fros. Cram. Snad'.s;::.;: ILMS moUYl1 ~s-6/llt :' 11';;'~'2pm..~SiJB~·~:: Free Massage y,flIl Free Lunch lECTURtS t ,- >'.'~ "; ,.3Dp'n- The Rec'-' ,," ,,' ~ROoliI2_~I'i.':i~ and e:i~":".SUBDInl;,gArea, ' "''-'' Sneitt Gill RaIIIe and Free Crsl1iSnac:lis i, " ~"IMAY,la > v > , ,._,-;; \. :", r ~fliV'8r,>, Whftewaler Ralt'llQ ~ $20.00. JncIr.lde:aIuncll and equIpmllnl RllgI8lrallon deadIln8, 5IIWS by 5~ ILY early FA ACTIVITIES RegIslBr beU8 thI9- ~ wllI t!!lIst Call 0uId00f PlllgrlIIll at (208) 61946 OOROINATORS. for more Wo. .

For more info visit SPB.BOISESTATE.EDU or stop by the i .. (Q Stu de nt Activities des k :z in the SUB. • , !

rI l. I j

_-h;;:tf-- ,>:",_'_,;, '} 1:;-:, ,', 'C ',co ... ~:.

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G~ge,s&CiirPorts'Avl;"' car-garage, 8 min to nsu p/wee1CAjJplyut'Sports- 28 Scott In.a high · LOS1::' t~wk'~ustrallan ' Near stIopping& BSU2625scyft2 fipls, new car- '. man's WarehouSe3797 E, courtcase , , 45 31 Kreskln'S torte Shepherd/lab mix. Black Call for our Specials! pet $900.month-to-month . Fairview, Meridian 32 Damascus female w/patch of white 'Tel: 336-3869 ok, Call Chris 480-6OD- Part-tune sitter in ex- ..' populace on chest.Rewardif'found. : Code;#2.00EHO, \3762' change for studio apt util 34 Grabbed a bite Call 794-3235 indo .North ' End/Hyde ~5 Swedish . , Park. Seeking responsible '.. automaker carelor 2childrert' ages 6 37 Dutch capital & 8. 16-20 hrs per week. 64 ';,SEllIJ .. 39 More chilly ~'.'~-' ''}':::'''. !' Can flex schedule, Start 40 Hanoi holiday 67. 10 Person Custom' Poker 'mid-JUne (can .move in 41 Feudal lord ;rable 4 Sale!!! To many soorter)workthru Aug. 42 Delaying , .Q5!~(05. Extras to list. $\000 Canrenegouatc in Fall. , departure ,. ·'ORO. cail124 . 44 Wading bird Call Kim 345"0844 lv, 45 End hunger 1991 Pontiac Sunbird . rnsg, 46 Fans 9 Take In text SE. Pioneer CD, AC, CB :~3D ~~~ '" Solutions ·radio, flip up roof, blue. (Appi\>xJ .'$60 SUMMEI1.JOBS 48 Pique 10 Goofed Elfett1vt Rrnt· 8460 49 Huskles'vehlcJe 11 Goodwill among iIlk miles, runs good. 2 ikdioom +TOlilIhooltJ STARTNOWl 51. Sound asleep? friends $\000.353-7477 R\aiIable 896-1150 Sq. fL 5530·$600 62 Soothsayer 12 Put into service 1993 Pontiac Grand Am. Rtnt· 5520,00 ·$14 base/llppt. " ... DESI,GN VpUR 63 Teases . 13 Ballplayer It does not because the lApprull Pairl Utili.... ~ ··Flexlble schedules OWN S<;HEDULE 55 Brewer's grain ,Williams run engine is blown. Make ~ ,Effix:lidmt-S400,OO 'WORK PARl'nME NOW 57 Burning 18 Dame's address ·Customer sales/service me offer! (208)-331-- -,-' '; ':;OCutcoProducts .,' WITIi THE opnON OF 59 Possible to divvy 21 Fails to be EXPANDING TO Fl,lLL TIME 3025x201-8-5pm "'T;;r~'~'Ol":' ·No Exp. (will train) up • 22 Vituperates ,·;~;11M.'342~:::'~i;;·~~; THIS SUMMER 64 Kitchen device 23 Not a people 7-PieC,eCherry Bedroom , • All ages 18 + > EVENINGS J\ND 65 Brooch person .set. Brand-new in' bine; Classic 4bdr/2ba house ·Conditions apply ; . WEEKENDS HOURS 66 Positioned 24 Breaking into Retail $2250;. sacrifice for rent. WID, central alc, lOA LL 429·6H97 accurately sharp pieces ,$450. Can8~8,i464 . hw firs, big yard. Close- • b~ > CASUAL , 67 Outer limits 26 Allspice Cherry Sleigh Bed, solid' to Depoi & BSU. $1,0001 ' ENVIRONMENT 68 Singer Grant 27 Former half BE A BARTENDER, wood. New-in-box. Value mo. Call 367-1503 69 Transmits country No experience neces- > PAID TRAINING $899, sacrifice $249. Call sary, hands on training in 29 Bric-a-brac CAll FOR MORE INFqRMAnoN DOWN shelves' 888-14M: Boise, must be 18yrs or 65B-4BBB ,1 Squealer 30 Mother of Classic 1976 Ford FI00.. older, make $100-150 per 2 Actor Wallach Persephone pickup, Runs great! Many shift, job placement/get Work, Llve,Play 3 Ship's rear. 32 Mere achy 47 Hindquarters 59 Baden-Baden or new parts. $650 obo Call· certified. Call 333-tips in YELLOWSONE Bath 4 Firm and fresh 33 Tennis star 50 Funereal piece 841-8034 ' (8477) . Hotel & RCt;taurantjobs, 52 Long look 60 That guy 5 Legendary Monica rQ!Jrn & board plan. marksman 36 _out (be a 54 Hive dwellers 61 Hot-dog holder Established window .6 Enrichment 56 Oh, why not! 62 Ran first washing company for. BroncoJobs Apply Fri, May 6, 4-6 couch potato) 4!i,'ti"e'i'i'9fiY1h1b pm, Boise Residence Inn, 7 Pre-college exam 38 Oil-well device 57 Is for two? 63 Asnerand sale, w/all equipment, 8 Time period 43 Singer Diana 58 Passing craze McMahon truck included. 336-3497 Loo/dngjol' , 1401 S ~lIS~ Ave. or at or 867-1482 Jobs while you are a YNP Lodges, 307- .Ext~mlll S2X CJ)~RW. 344-5324 Yellowstone' Nearly new. Includes all student, Career National Park, WY software. $75 obo. Call AAlEOElMIFlDlV 867-4665. Leave mes'sage Opportunities, or Private Uvlng Areas & Bath if no answer. SharedCommon Amenities Internships? Full size orthopedic set. Brand new in package. EVERGREEN SUITES 384-1600 Sacrifice $99. Call 866- 'Freejob-referral Discount benefit card! 'h Dental, vision; chiro, & 7476 service raseD challenge; it won't be that prescript. services $11.951 , By Unda C. plack Italian leather ,couch and Tiil' ..Qt,tl1t[, .011..: hard. Besides, you need the Click BroncoJobs mo.lsingle, $19.95/mo.l Tribune Media Services loveseat for sale! Brand . the-'Pd,.k ..: Cancer (June 22-July22) money. family. new, still in plastic. Re- at http:// . TodaY's Birthday (OS-OS-OS). Today is a 6 -'Continue to do a Call Stacey 850-3533 or tail $2950, sacrifice $895. There's a stack of stuff complicated task as carefully SagittariUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Affordable career.boiscstate,edu [email protected] you've been avoiding, and as you can. Don't worry about Today is a 7 - Lovedones Call 888-1464. Furnished Housing Unfortunately, lt's,ln between doing it effortlessly, that's not overload you witlliove NEON BUDLIGHT .Off-Campus Established window you and peace of mind. Tidy even necessary. Your diligence. and admiration. You look Beer sign 4 x 1.5 feet. washing company for spectacular in their eyes: No J . up, and Increase satisfaction Is making you points. $150 Call 860-0661. Starting at $295/mo. sale, w/all equipment, this year. To get the advantage, point in arguing with them. Palm .T2Pldm Pilot. truck irtcluded. 336-3497 Desperately seeking a check the day's rating: 10 Is Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Brlnllln.d & Ratn $100 or 867-1482 "Putt-Putt" car-to get the easiest day, 0 the most Today is a 7 - The smart ones Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Leather carrying case, off 1st month rent around town in: Couple .~hallenglng. finally realize that you're their Today is a 6 - Us~ what you've 64SD Card, software, If you enjoy. spending ~ key to success. You're the one recently discovered to improve charger. $120/obo. jai_ time with people in need htmdred to work with. Includes all utilities. cablel " ArIes (March 21-ApfilI9) who can tie all tlle necessary your living style. Talk it over 03d@yahoo;com of 'help .(elderly, handi- 331-3025 x 20I Stacy components together. with family, and find ways to computer lab. Open 7 days Today is an 8 - It's full speed Queen 'Pillow Top niat- a week capped; disabled childrcn[ I'm looking for Pokemon ~ead again, this time taking· compromise. tress' set. Brand neW,still call us. Requirements:. 6- card! lind costumes. I'll R few financial precautions. ,VIrgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) 12 mo. expffB test/CPR! pay big bucks for the right Today is a 7 - The money for Aquarius (Jan. 20·Peb. 18) jn, plastic. Must sell $129. You can taU< freely but don't, 336-8787 .' Background chcc~ reli- ones. 724-3699 - ask for for now, teU how much money household improvements is Today is an 8 - More Clln deliver,'866-747(i . conversation is required, and a able trans. a must.Pff & Kyle and please sound you have. ' available now. You've thought ,Q~e~n Tempurped!c§tyle " .... _.--...,;.--- .... lot more study: Figure out the Frr work avail. We will excited. long enough about how to visco rriemOl)'foam mat- Taurus, (AprU 2G-May 20) spend it. Now it's time to go answers to all the questions Todayls a 6 - As you go shopping. before proceeding .. ~~glt yOUl'stack of stuff, Halo 2® you'llbe amazed to find the libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) pieces you've been looking for. Today is a 7 - The secret to Today is a 7 - Conditions are On the The answer fs obvious. yOUl'success appears to be good for making money now. through another person. You No extra work Is required. It BIG Gemlnl (May 21-June 21) often do better with a partner, may be necessary, though, Today is an S - The coast In this case, a bold and brassy to ask for what you've got is clear again, Gather with one. commg. SCREEN! friends to celebrate. Whatever • 16 Garners. 4 you've ad:omplished Is Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) (e) 2005, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC, Screens. Stale-of·the- DistIlbuted by Knight Ridder- something you didn't have Today Is a 7 - Using your wit Art Surround Sound before, so It's worth a party. and energy, you can win an Tribune Information Services. extra reward. Take on the The Reel Theatre Is happy to announCe \he launch 01 Halo 2e Game Night at the Northgate Reel Theatres. The event .tarts 'on FridaY, FebruaJY 4" @ midnight end runs unbl 3am ,. saturday morning. This Will become a weekly event (withe poSSIbility of more nights being added later on) at !he Northgale Reel Theatre on 6950 W. Sate ST, In Boise,The cost will be $10 per person p1ayklg and 53 for parsons watching. For more information on this or current movie Infotmation. please cag 3n-2620 or visit;;,'1illlc;;;a.wm. Comeon over to the Northgata Reellllld get your game on! - 'tio.S/ltlfSJ&~"""I}"'¢lloiIlit'ptlnlllI,'bl""'-CapcnItIal. comics 'Xlla>o&Itl!l20 .. _ _ ... _01_ h""Un!!

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