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Students will

1. Express understanding of the Triune God and the activity of the persons of the Triune God and the activity of the persons of the Trinity in their lives; they will demonstrate the importance of a personal relationship with God in their lives and in the life of the community.

2. Express a basic understanding of Jesus, his life and teachings; they will recognize Jesus as their Savior and model for Christian living.

3. Describe how the Church carries out Jesus’ mission of message, community, worship, and service; the structure and function of the Church in the world; the role of Mary and the saints; and key developments in the history of the Church.

4. Participate in the worship of the faith community, use a variety of prayer forms to enrich and express personal and communal spirituality, plan liturgy and prayer experiences with appropriate resources, and demonstrate an understanding of the liturgical seasons, feasts, saints days, Marian devotions, and sacramentals.

5. Participate in the sacramental life of the Church, recognizing the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life; they will express an understanding of the nature, importance, and ritual of the seven sacraments.

6. Demonstrate knowledge of Sacred Scriptures as the inspired Word of God revealing God’s plan for salvation, and will read, interpret, and apply Scripture to their lives.

7. Demonstrate understanding of authentic Catholic teachings as promulgated by the Magisterium of the Church and apply these teachings to all life situations.

8. Demonstrate understanding of Catholic moral teachings, make moral decisions consistent with these teachings, and especially exhibit a respect for life toward self, others, and creation.

9. Exercise responsible stewardship for the gift of creation, share their time, talent, and treasure in service to the community as response to the call, and evaluate social structures in light of Catholic social justice principles.

10. Exhibit a welcoming and inviting attitude toward all persons encountered in the broader community and share their Catholic identity, beliefs, and practices.

Sacred Heart P.S.R. Curriculum Guide

Grade 1 – the Year of the Trinity, Prayer, and Community

Core Goals Students will: 1. Identify the Trinity as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 2. Identify Mary as the Mother of Jesus and our mother. 3. Define Baptism as joining the family of the . 4. Recognize prayer as listening and talking to God and will participate in traditional prayers of the Church. 5. Define guardian angels as beings who are always with us and protect us. 6. Identify and celebrate feasts and seasons of the liturgical calendar. 7. listen to and discuss Scripture passages that reveal God as Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit; Mary as the Mother of God; Jesus and his followers; Jesus teaching us to pray 8. Define Eucharist as a special meal that Jesus shares with us today.

Content: Knowledge, Values/Attitudes, Christian Life Skills 1. The Trinity ‐ God, the Father as Loving Creator, Jesus, the Son of God as Friend and Brother, the Holy Spirit, our helper and guide 2. Mary, the Mother of God as example, protector, and guide 3. Pentecost, the Catholic Church 4. Enter Church quietly; make sign of the with . 5. , Christmas, , Easter, special colors of the Church year 6. The Holy Family/Nativity, the Ten Commandments, Community Service 7. Angels as companions and protectors 8. Baptism as entrance into God’s family 9. Eucharist as a special meal Jesus shares with us today 10. Forgiveness and Saying “I’m Sorry” 11. Prayer: Vocal prayer, songs, gestures, ,meditations, , Hail Mary, Glory Be, Our Father, Grace Before Meals, Guardian Angel Prayer, Spontaneous prayer 12. Scripture: Jesus the Good Shepherd (John 10:2‐24); A Man Learns About God – Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26‐40); Praise to God (Psalm 148); Adam and Eve – the Creation Story (Genesis 1:1‐25); A Man Questions Jesus – the Rich Young Ruler (Luke 10:25‐ 28); God is a Good Father (Matthew 7:9‐11); A Man Who Said Thank You – The Parable of the Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11‐19); The Visitation (Luke 1:26‐38); Jesus Forgives – the Story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1‐10); Jesus Blesses the Children (Mark 10:13‐16); A Special Helper (John 14:15‐31); The Story of Nicodemus (John 3:1‐21); The Fist Christians (Acts 2:42‐47); Pentecost (Acts 2:1‐6); The Need for Helpers – Additional Roles in the Church (Acts 6:1‐7); Songs of the First Christians (Eph 5:18‐19)

Assessment: 1. Students will recite the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Guardian Angel prayer, and Grace Before Meals from memory. 2. Students will complete projects that reveal understanding of the Trinity. 3. Students will pray the sign of the cross correctly. 4. Students will complete a service project.

Resources: Silver Burdett Gin’s Blest Are We Grade 1; Silver Burdett Music CD Grade 1; Silver Scripture CD Grade 1, supplementary materials, videos and interactive white board activities

Sacred Heart P.S.R. Curriculum Guide

Grade 2 – The Year of Reconciliation and First Eucharist

Core Goals: Students will: 1. Express an understanding of the concept of sin. 2. Compare and contrast the difference between sins and mistakes. 3. Use an examination of conscience from the Beatitudes or the Ten Commandments. 4. Express feelings of sorrow, contrition and forgiveness. 5. Relate Reconciliation to healing and forgiveness. 6. Prepare for and celebrate their First Reconciliation and First . 7. Express understanding of the Eucharist as a meal, thanksgiving, and sacrifice. 8. Profess belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. 9. Participate actively in the celebration of the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist as the community worship of the Church.

Content: Knowledge, Values/Attitudes, Christian Life Skills 1. Belonging to the Christian community known as the Catholic Church. 2. Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation as Sacraments of Initiation into the Church. 3. Reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. 4. Christian responsibility to care for others and make good choices. 5. Study of the parts of the : Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist. 6. Study of Mass as the sacrifice of Jesus when the bread and wine become His body and blood. 7. Study of seasons of the church and the saints. 8. Scripture: The Baptism of Jesus (Luke 2:22 and Mark 1:9‐11); Pentecost (Acts 1); The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11‐24); The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:4‐6); The Beatitudes (Luke 6:17‐19 and Matthew 5:3‐12); the Birth of Jesus (Luke 2:8‐20); The Loaves and the Fishes (John 6:1‐14); The Early Church Lived as One (Acts 2:42‐44); Jesus calls the Disciples (Matthew 4:18‐22); Jesus Reads from a Scroll (Luke 4:16‐21); The (Matthew 26:26‐28); Jesus the Servant (John 13:1‐16); A Vision of Eternal Life (Isaiah 25:6‐9); Following Jesus‐ Saul’s Conversion (Acts 9:1‐19)

Assessment:  Use an examination of conscience from the Beatitudes or the Ten Commandments  Recite the Act of Contrition  Model appropriate posture for receiving Eucharist  Reception of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist  Students will complete a service project

Resources: Silver Burdett Ginn’s The Gift of Reconciliation and The Gift of Eucharist; Silver Burdett Music CD Grade 2; Silver Burdett Scripture CD Grade 2, supplementary materials, videos, and interactive white board activities.

Sacred Heart P.S.R. Curriculum Guide

Grade 3 – The Year of the Church

Core Goals: Students will: 1. Identify the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life. 2. Describe the types of prayer as blessing, petition, thanksgiving, and praise. 3. Describe events in the history of the early Church. 4. Look up scripture passages with chapter and verse references with teacher assistance. 5. Pray a rosary with teacher assistance. 6. Describe and express understanding of the Marks of the Church. 7. Recognize the structure of the . 8. Identify the parts of the Mass. 9. Appreciate the ministries of community building, word, worship and service.

Content: Knowledge, Values/Attitudes, Christian Life Skills 1. Marks of the Church – one, holy, catholic, apostolic 2. Pentecost/ early church history 3. Demonstrate pride in Catholic identity 4. Parts of the Mass 5. Apostles’ Creed 6. Structure of the Church (hierarchy) 7. Names for objects in church: , , hosts, , ambo, , , Easter candle, tabernacle 8. Rosary 9. Types of Sacraments – initiation, healing, service 10. Vocations 11. Service is being Christ’s body to others 12. Look up scripture passages by book, chapter and verse 13. Scripture: St. Paul’s Message (Eph 4:1‐6); The Paralyzed Beggar (Acts 3:1‐10); The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:5‐14); Jesus Cures a Sick Man (Luke 5:17‐26); Jesus Fulfills God’s Word (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:14‐22); The Man Who Would Not Quit (Luke 11:5‐8); The Samaritan Woman (John 4:2‐42); Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8:26‐39); The Fire at Pentecost (Acts 2:1‐13); Jesus Sends the Apostles (Mark 16:14‐18; Matthew 28:16‐20); The Apostles’ Mission (Luke 9:1‐12); Stephen is Called to Serve (Acts 6:2‐15; 7:1‐2, 37‐60); Jesus Describes God’s Kingdom (Mark 4:26‐34); The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25‐37); Zacchaeus the Tax Collector (Luke 19:1‐10)

Assessment:  Recite the four marks of the church from memory.  Demonstrate use of the four types of prayer: blessing, petition, thanksgiving, and praise.  Demonstrate how to pray a rosary.  Demonstrate how to look up passages in the Bible.  Participate in the prayers of the Mass and recite the Apostles’ Creed from memory.  Complete a service project.  Identify liturgical season by liturgical color.  List hierarchy of the church (Pope, , ) in correct order.

Resources: Silver Burdett Ginn’s Blest Are We Grade 3; Silver Burdett Music CD Grade 3; Silver Burdett Scripture CD Grade 3, supplementary materials, videos, rosary, bible, interactive white board activities

Sacred Heart P.S.R. Curriculum Guide

Grade 4 – The Year of Moral Choices

Core Goals: Students will: 1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Law of Love, the Beatitudes, and the Ten Commandments as guides for Christian Living. 2. Identify the Laws of the Church. 3. Act on the basis of accepting responsibility for their choices. 4. Express knowledge and understanding of right and wrong, sin, the meaning of conscience, and virtue. 5. Read, interpret and apply Scripture passages to their lives. 6. Express understanding and appreciation of forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 7. Recognize the value of the Works of Mercy through actions and words.

Content: Knowledge, Values/Attitudes, Christian Life Skills 1. Jesus’ divine and human natures/ Holy Spirit as Helper and Guide 2. The Paschal Mystery 3. Law of Love, Beatitudes, Ten Commandments, Laws of the Church, and Spiritual Works of Mercy 4. Accountability and Responsibility 5. Pray when making moral choices; seek guidance of the Holy Spirit 6. Sin/ Original Sin 7. Sacrament of Reconciliation/ forgiveness 8. Service to the Church and World 9. Scripture: The Story of Creation (Genesis 1:1‐31; 2:1‐4); The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:5‐13); The Crucifixion (Luke 23:33‐37); The Beatitudes (Matthew 4:34‐25; 5:1‐10); Laborers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1‐16); The Promise of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1‐12); The New Commandment (John 13:33‐35); Jesus and His Family (Mark 3:31‐35); One Body, Many Parts (1 Cor 12:12‐26); the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11‐32); the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21‐35); the Light of the World (Matthew 5:14‐16); Seeing Christ in Others (Matthew 25:31‐41); The Commissioning of the Disciples (Matthew 28: 16‐20)

Assessment:  Recite the Ten Commandments.  Express the meaning of the beatitudes in their own words.  Complete a service project.

Resources: Silver Burdett Ginn’s Blest Are We Grade 4; Silver Burdett Music CD Grade 4; Silver Burdett Scripture CD Grade 4, God’s Own Making, Bible, supplementary materials, videos, interactive white board activities

Sacred Heart P.S.R. Curriculum Guide

Grade 5 – The Year of the Sacraments

Core Goals: Students will: 1. Explain the meaning of the sacraments and their communal dimension. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and the Eucharist as central to Catholic life. 3. Describe the celebration of the seven sacraments, participate in the sacramental life of the community, and identify the seven sacraments in terms of Initiation, Healing, and Service. 4. Refer to and reflect upon Scripture texts relating to the sacraments and to their institution by Christ. 5. Describe sacraments as life‐giving signs of God’s gift of grace. 6. Use the as a summary of Christian beliefs. 7. Identify and express positive feelings about the Church’s teaching on peace and justice and respect life issues.

Content: Knowledge, Values/Attitudes, Christian Life Skills 1. God’s creation/humanity created in God’s image 2. Nicene Creed 3. Sacraments—Initiation, Healing, Service 4. Grace as sharing the life of God 5. Baptism/Confirmation/Eucharist/Reconciliation/Anointing of the Sick/Matrimony/Holy Orders 6. Communion of Saints 7. The Ten Commandments 8. Church structure 9. Conscience formation, moral virtues, sanctifying and actual graces, 10. Respect for human and all life 11. Pray spontaneously and using traditional prayers 12. Value regular Mass attendance and participation in the Sacrament of Reconciliation 13. Scripture: Creation (Genesis 1:1‐31); The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3‐10); Triumph of the Faithful (Revelation 7:9‐17); the Baptism of Jesus (Mark 1:9‐11); Saul’s Conversion (Acts 9:1‐ 19); Teach All Nations (Matthew 28: 16‐20); The Journey to Emmaus (Luke 24:13‐31); The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9‐13); The Fall of Man (Genesis 2:16‐17, 3:1‐19); The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2‐17); The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9‐14); Jesus Chooses Peter (Matthew 16:18‐19); The Way of Love (1 Cor 13:1‐13); The Lord Comes to Elijah in a Tiny Whisper (1 King 19:9, 11‐13)

Assessment:  Recite the seven sacraments from memory and describe the purpose of the sacrament.  Give back to the community through a service project.  Recite the Nicene Creed.

Resources: Silver Burdett Ginn Religion Grade 5 Blest Are We textbook; Silver Burdett Music CD – Grade 5, God’s Own Making, Bible, supplementary materials, videos, interactive white board activities

Sacred Heart P.S.R. Curriculum Guide

Grade 6 – The Year of the Old Testament

Core Goals: Students will: 1. Describe the structure of the Bible, locate passages, and name the various literary forms in the Scriptures. 2. Show appreciation for the Bible as the inspired Word of God. 3. Identify the Patriarchs, Prophets, and kings of the Old Testament and describe their contribution to the growth of our Faith. 4. Describe the meaning of “covenant” in human experience and the special meaning of “covenant” between God and His people. 5. Apply the teachings and lessons of Scripture to their lives. 6. Identify Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament Covenant. 7. Practice various kinds of prayer, including quiet meditation.

Content: Knowledge, Values/Attitudes, Christian Life Skills 1. Study of the Bible, creation story, sin, promise, slavery, freedom, journey, the Promised Land, kings, leaders, exile, and prophets 2. Covenant 3. Jesus and the beginning of God’s Kingdom 4. Respect Sacred Scripture as Revelation 5. Structure and literary forms of the Bible 6. Seasons of the Church 7. Moral choices/sources of moral choices 8. Prayer: spontaneous, centering, 9. Respect of all life; human sexuality as a gift from God 10. Scripture: Abraham and Sarah (Gen 12:1‐7; 13:1‐4; 15:1,5‐6; 17:1‐9, 15‐16; 21:1‐7); Joseph and the Covenant (Genesis 15:19‐34, 27, 28: 10‐22); Joseph the Loyal Son (Genesis 29: 1‐ 30; 30:1, 22‐24; 35:22; 37; 39‐47:12,; 48:12); The Exodus (Genesis 50:24; Exodus 1‐15:21); The Covenant at Sinai (Exodus 16, 17, 32, 34‐35, 40); Conquest of the Promised Land (Exodus 16; Joshua 1‐6, 18:24); The First Leaders of Israel (Jedges 2:16, 18; 5:31; 1 Samuel 1‐ 15); King David and the Sin of Humanity (1 Samuel 16:14‐23; 2 Samuel 1‐12; Genesis 2:4 – 3:23); David’s Songs (2 Samuel 22:1‐18; 1 Kings 1‐2; 1 Chronicles 28: 1‐21, 29: 18‐28); The Rule of King Solomon (1 Chronicles 29; 2 Chronicles 1, 9, 10, 36; Hosea 3‐4; I Kings 15, 18‐ 39; Micah 2‐6; Isaiah 2:6‐9); Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (Isaiah 53:6‐11); The Vision of the Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37: 4‐12, 14); The Story of Ruth and Naomi (Ruth); A Prayer for Her People (Esther A; 2‐8); The Parable of the Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1‐8); The Struggles Under Greek Rule (1 Maccabees 1:10‐15, 41‐43, 54, 57); John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1‐8, 10‐11); The Boy Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:41‐52); Jesus’ Ministry (Luke 4:16‐29 and Matthew 4:23, 25; 5:1‐2; 6:5‐6, 9‐13)

Assessments:  Demonstrate ability to look up scripture passages by chapter and verse.  Name key Old Testament figures, including: Sarah and Abraham, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau, Jacob’s two wives Rachel and Leah, and the twelve sons of Jacob.  Recount how the stories of Joseph, Moses and the Passover/Exodus, and David reveal God’s redemption and deliverance.  Students will practice various forms of prayer including meditation, spontaneous, centering.  Define the word “prophet” and describe a prophet’s role in ancient Israel.  Identify books of the Old Testament as history, prophets, or wisdom literature.

Resources: RCL Benziger’s Grade 6 Blest Are We textbook; Silver Burdett Music CD – Grade 6, God’s Own Making, Bible, supplementary materials, videos, interactive white board activities

Sacred Heart P.S.R. Curriculum Guide

Grade 7 – Year of the New Testament and Confirmation Preparation

Core Goals: Students will: 1. Express a basic understanding of Jesus, his life and teachings, and recognize the importance of a personal relationship with him as their Savior and model for Christian living. 2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the signs and symbols, sacred images and music, local customs and devotions, used in worship. 3. Summarize the way Baptism and Confirmation initiates a person into new life with Christ; describe the Eucharist as the sacrament and sacrifice in which we celebrate and share in the Paschal Mystery of Christ; describe how the Church continues Christ’s work of forgiveness and healing through Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick; explain how the sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony consecrate some members of the Church to build up and serve the whole Church on earth. 4. Recognize the Church as the People of God, the , and a People of Prayer. 5. Apply knowledge of Catholic teachings to moral decision making. 6. Demonstrate understanding of the structure and images of the Catholic Church. 7. Choose to commit themselves to membership in the Catholic Church especially through the sacrament of Confirmation. 8. Share their time, talent, and treasure in service to the community in response to the Gospel call. 9. Articulate elements of and witness to their Catholic identity. 10. Pray with scripture, and practice other forms of prayer, including meditation, contemplation, vocal prayer, journaling, spontaneous prayer

Content: Knowledge, Values/Attitudes, Christian Life Skills 1. The Gospels, the , Catholic letters, Revelation 2. St. Paul/Missionary Work 3. The church as the People of God/the Body of Christ/People of Prayer 4. Divine Revelation, Sacred Scripture, the canon of Sacred Scripture, literary genre, Sacred Tradition, the Covenant, analogy, attributes of God, original justice and original sin, sogma of the Trinity 5. Origins and images of the church, the sacrament of salvation, lay people, ordained ministers, consecrated life, ministry of the pope and other bishops, Temple of the Hopy Spirit, marks of the Church, the Magisterium, charism os infallibility 6. Communion of saints, Christian understanding of death, forgiveness of sins, life everlasting, resurrection of the body, the kingdom of God 7. Signs associated with creation, daily life, salvation history; sacred image, sacred music local customs and devotions, Paschal Mystery, liturgical year, sacraments, grace, , sacramental 8. Baptism and Confirmation as initiation into the Church and transformation of our life and effects of celebrating these sacraments. 9. Eucharist as the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, different elements of the Mass as one single act of worship, joining us closer to Christ and to one another and “bread” for others

10. Christ’s healing powers present today in the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and Reconciliation including the role of ministers to the sick 11. Sacraments of Service including the three digits of Holy Orders and the special sign of love and unity of Christian spouses and the family as the domestic church 12. Types of prayer: vocal prayer, meditation, contemplation 13. Old Testament/New Testament parallels 14. Scripture: Eph 1:2; 1 Cor 12:4‐7; Eph 4:5‐6; 1 Cor 12:27, 14:5; Col 1:18; John 14:6, 17:21; Rom 16:26; Rom 1:1,3; Matt 28:19; Acts 27:22‐25, 33‐37, 41‐44; Psalm 92:2; Rom 8:14‐15, 26; Matt 26:30; Psalm 143;1,8 Luke 1:38; Matt 26:39; 1 Thess 5:17‐18; Psalm 119:105; John 3:1‐7, 11‐13, 16‐18, 21; Psalm 147:14; Luke 22:19‐20; 1 Pet 2:9; John 15:17; Mark 6:9‐11, 34‐44; John 6:35, 48‐51; Luke 5:13; John 13:15

Assessments:  Identify the hierarchy of the church.  Share reflections from scripture meditation, especially of gospels.  Identify the signs and symbols of the sacraments.  Review the Liturgical year of the Church.  Explain that the celebration of Eucharist renews in us a life of grace and makes us closer to Christ and to one another.  Compare the Nicene Creed as professed at Mass and in the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.  Students will complete a service project.

Resources: RCL Faith First Jesus and the New Testament text and Church and Sacraments text; Loyola Press Confirmed in the Spirit, Silver Burdett Music CD Grade 7, God’s Own Making, Bible, supplementary materials, videos, interactive white board activities

Sacred Heart P.S.R. Curriculum Guide

Grade 8 – Confirmation, Church History, and Living a Christian Moral Life

Core Goals: Students will: 11. Trace the history of the Roman Catholic Church from the Apostolic Age through the present. 12. Choose to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the sacrament of Confirmation. 13. Examine the main truths of the faith as found in the Nicene Creed. 14. Review the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Works of Mercy. 15. Review the theological and cardinal virtues, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. 16. Explain why every human being is sacred, the meaning of Christian morality, and the gift of grace and describe the theological and moral virtues. 17. Explain that the Ten Commandments are truly a gift from God, and describe how Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law.

Content: Knowledge, Values/Attitudes, Christian Life Skills 15. Foundation of the Church; Church in the Middle Ages; Renaissance and Reformation; Church in the Modern World 16. Nicene Creed; basic beliefs; Ten Commandments; Beatitudes; Corporal Works of Mercy; Spiritual Works of Mercy 17. Receiving the sacrament of Confirmation; Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit 18. Service Hours and reflections; choosing a saint’s name; Rite of Confirmation 19. The seven sacraments and their signs; Parts of the Mass 20. Information for making moral choices, sources of moral values 21. Respect all life, human sexuality as a gift from God 22. Scripture: Is 49:1, 15‐16; Mt 5:3‐12, 22:37‐40; Mk 10: 17‐31; Mt 5:16; Rom 6:14; Sir 15:15; 1Cor 13:1‐13; Jn 13:34‐35; Wis 3:15; Phil 1:3; Mk 4:3‐9; Deut 30:19; Rom 13:10; Eph 3:14‐ 19; Phil 2:9‐11; Lk 10:38‐42; Ps 119:90; Acts 5:29; Wis 1:1; Ps 25:4, 5; 2 Sam 7:28; Mt 6:21; Mt 6: 9‐15; Jn 17:11; Lk 11:11, 13; Deut 6:1, 3‐7; Mt 5:1‐12; Rom 8:14‐17, 26‐28; Col 3:12‐ 17; Acts 19:1‐6; 1Cor 12:4‐13;

Assessments:  Reception of the sacrament of Confirmation.  Recite the Nicene Creed.  Complete and Share reflections on their Confirmation name and service hours.  Complete an interview in readiness of Confirmation.  Identify the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit.  Demonstrate the ability to make moral choices and decisions.  Articulate the teachings of the Catholic Church

Resources: RCL Faith First Morality, Loyola Press Confirmed in the Spirit text; Silver Burdett Music CD Grade 8, God’s Own Making, Bible, supplementary materials, videos, interactive white board activities.