asdfnetwork The UN Women’s Newsletter, Vol. 7 • No. 1 • January, February and March 2003 From the desk of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women Dear Friends, concerns in UNIC (Athens) related more to career It is good to be in touch with you again. development, particularly among the local staff mem- Our Focal Point, Aparna Mehrotra, has been re- bers (men and women) with the imminent closing of assigned for the past two months on an interim basis UNIC there. to work on Iraq issues with Mr. Raffeuddin Ahmed, We continue to serve all our staff by proposing Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Iraq. policies, monitoring achievements and targets, encour- We are pleased that she was chosen for this assign- aging staff and programme managers alike, finding ment and that she has a chance to apply a gender- new sources for recruiting women, and giving coun- sensitive approach to her work on Iraq while broaden- selling, referrals, practical steps and hope to all who ing her other substantive skills. At present, the team of need us. the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues One final issue: we are interested in having your and Advancement of Women (OSAGI) includes Joan views on network and on how we can improve it. Seymour, Acting Focal Point for Women, who was Please fill in the questionnaire and e-mail it to a former Principal Officer in the Department of
[email protected]. Political Affairs and Departmental Focal Point; she is With appreciation and warm regards, ably and energetically supported by Sylvia Hordosch, Personnel Policies Officer, Shihana Mohammed, Hanya Salah, Rebeca Dain and Marjorie George.