Effects of Oral on Cold Pressor Tolerance Time and Neuropsychological Performance Charles S. Cleeland, Ph.D., Yoshio Nakmmm1, Ph.D., Eric W. Howland, M.A., Nancy R. Morgan, R.N., M.S.N., Katherine R. Edzuards, B.A., and Miroslav Backonja, M.D.

We im1estigntcd the a11nlgcsic effects of escalating doses Subiects rcceiuing tile !zig/zest dose of oral morphine showed (0.214, 0.286, 0.357, and 0.--129 111g/kgJ of oral 111orplzi11e 011 signifirnntly higher tolerance time titan subjects receiving tolerance to painful cold prcssor in a double-blind, actiuc diphenlzydra111i11e. Neither morphine or diplzenlzydramine placc/Jo-contro//cd (diplzcnln1dm111inc) study ill 45 //Or//111/ signifirnntly reduced ratings of intensity and volunteers. T!zc !zig/zest dose of 111orp!zine administered is unplcasantncss. Ncuropsyc/10/ogirnl testing revealed that cquiualrnt to t!zc starting dose rcco1111ne1uicd bit t!zc Agcnn1 t!te two /zig/zest doses of 111orp!zine i111p11ircd the episodic jcJr Health Care Polin1 a!ld Rcsrnrclt_tiir t/zc 11w11age111cJ1t of retrieual of 11 ,uord list, but tltc same doses did not affect ca!lccr pai!I 1111d acute postopcmti, 1e p11iJ1. We assessed 111otor, perceptual, or attentional tnsk5. analgesia in tcr111s of cold prcssor tolerance time 1111d self­ [Neuropsychopharmacology 15:252-262, 1996] reported ratings ofp11i11 intensity and unplms1111tncss.

KrY \\'Oims: Ad,1crsc effrcts; Analgesia: Cogniti, 1e influential, more recent studies suggest an alternative pcrftirnwncc; Cold prcssor pain; .Morp!zine: Motor interpretation. There is now general agreement that pre­ pcrfornml/Ct' \'ious negative results are largely due to the use of the an­ Opioid are recognized as the drugs of choice pain threshold as a dependent measure in evaluating for moder,1te to severe pain (World Health Organiza­ algesia. Since the mid-1960s opioid dnalgesia has been use of tion 1986; Jacox et al. 199-lb ). The effects of opioids on routinely demonstrated in the laboratory with the \'arious aspects of pain ha\'e been extensively other outcome measures, such as pain intensity ratings. im-estigated, although the exact nature of these effects As summarized by Gracely (1991 ), many studies demon­ continues to be debated. E<1rly studies by Beecher (1959) strated the effects of opioids on the sensory-intensity have indicated that opioids did not significantly increase component of pain. Morphine and other opioids such pain senson· thresholds. In light of these findings, Beecher reduced pain intensity produced by brief stimuli proposed that opioids produce clinical analgesia by alter­ as: electrical (Wolff et al. 1966; Parry et al. 1972; Buchs­ et al. ing the unpleasantness of pain rcdctions rather than bv baum et al. 1981; Cooper et al. 1986); thermal (Yang et al. dltering till' intensity of pain Sl'nsations. 1979; Wolskee et al. 1981; Price et al. 1985; Cooper Although Beecher's lwpothesis has been historicallv 1986); or chemical (Cooper et al. 1986) stimuli and by con­ tinuous e\·oked by cold pressor (Posner et al. 1985; Jones et al. 1988) and tourniquet ischemia (Smith et al.

From tlw l',1in Rl'SL'arch Cnn1p, Dl'p,1rtnll'nt ,1f '\Jcurolog\', L'ni­ 1966). \'l'rsit, "f Wisc()nsin Medic,1! Schou!, \:Lidison, v\·1 Contrary to what might be predicted from Beecher's Ad~irl'SS rnrrespondenCl' to: Ch,1rles S. CIPl'iand, Ph.D., Pain hypothesis, it was shov\'n that fentanyl reduced painful Rc'Sl'Mch Croup, l lJOO Lni,'l'rsit, ...\\ L'lllll', \ladis,,n, WI 'i3705--!0 I J. sensations but not the unpleasantness of pain in response Rl'Cl'i\ L'd M,1, 11, 1995; fl'\ ist•d ScptL'i11bl'r 18, 1995; acceptPd Sep­ tember 28, I cJLJ5. to suprathreshold painful tooth pulp electrical stimula-

\JI-Ll\()["·-.lLlll.'1'11\R\1\t.l.)[l)(,l ]llLJn-\ll] ]~, \.t.l.1 ,f:, 1996 An1cric,1n Cullcgt' of ."\L't1n)p~:·:cht)ph.1rn1dcolog: l'ublisllL'd b,· ElsL'\·ier SciencL' Inc. 08YJ-133X/96/$1S.00 655 A,L'l1lll:Pf the ,\nwric<1s, '\t'\\ Y,,rk. '\, IIHlJ1I SS])) 08LJJ-133X(LJ:i)00205-7 NEUROPSYCHOPH \IUvL\COLOCY 1Y%-VOI. 1.;, '.\Cl. 3 Effects of Oral Morphine 253

tion (Gracely et al. 1979). The absence of fentanyl's ef­ reduced pain ratings in an earlier phase of cold pressor, fect on unpleasantness was attributed by these investi­ but it did not change time. Our prior stud­ gators to dysphoric mood changes produced by the drug. ies demonstrate the utility of cold pressor as a labora­ Price et al. (1985) also observed reductions in ratings of tory model of tonic pain. Cold pressor allows us to assess both pain intensity and unpleasantness in response to both pain tolerance time and subjective pain ratings. Var­ brief heat when a high dose of intravenous mor­ ious components of behavioral pain control methods (i.e., phine (0.08 mg/kg) was administered. Lower doses of mood vs. distraction) have been shown differentially to morphine (0.04 and 0.06 mg/kg) led to reductions in affect pain tolerance time and intensity rating in the cold unpleasantness but not in the sensory intensity dimen­ pressor task. sion of experimental pain. To investigate the combined effects of opioids and be­ An active placebo was not typically used to evaluate havioral pain control methods on cold pressor pain, it is analgesia in those studies that demonstrated the anal­ necessary to determine opioid effects on those responses gesic effects of opioids. Diazepam as an active placebo (i.e., pain tolerance time and pain ratings) that have been was used in one study to produce side effects preceding shown to be modified by behavioral manipulations. the administration of fentanyl or inactive placebo (Gracely Once morphine effects on these parameters are speci­ et al. 1982). The authors concluded that analgesia pro­ fied, we can pursue our investigation of combined ef­ duced by fentanyl in their earlier study (Gracely et al. fects on experimental tonic pain of opioid analgesics 1979) was not due to the detection of side effects that and behavioral methods of pain control. might have influenced subjective reports of pain inten­ The sedating effects of opioids may interfere with a sity. This study illustrates the importance of using an patient's ability to meet the cognitive demands of a par­ active placebo in evaluating the efficacy of a ticular behavioral intervention method. lt is thus crucial particular drug that is known to produce noticeable side to determine how opioid administration could alter those effects. cognitive functions necessary to behavioral methods of Behavioral or psychological methods are often used pain control (such as distraction and hypnosis). Opioid to control both acute and . We have been in­ effects on cognitive tasks have not been extensively in­ vestigating the effectiveness and mechanisms of hypno­ vestigated in situations where their analgesic properties sis, distraction, and mood alteration in the laboratory are also assessed. In one recent study designed to ad­ with normal volunteers (Hodes et al. 1990; Zelman et al. dress morphine effects on cognitive and motor perfor­ 1991; Casey et al. 1994). Behavioral methods of pain con­ mance, a battery of cognitive tests was used to assess trol, if used at all, are rarely used independently of phar­ perception, memory, and language performance in sub­ macological treatments, especially when pain is severe jects who were administered individually tailored steady­ (Cleeland 1988; Syrjala 1993). However, we know little state drug infusions (Kerr et al. 1991 ). This study docu­ about how pharmacological interventions such as those mented that delayed recall of information presented of morphine, the prototype drug for aggressive pharma­ during morphine infusion was significantly impaired. cological management, might be further augmented by The subjects also required a longer time to encode and behavioral and psychosocial interventions. One of our process serially presented verbal information, and they research goals is to im·estigate combined effects of opi­ had more difficulty in maintaining consistent low levels oid analgesia and behavioral pain control methods on of force during morphine infusion. However, an assess­ what we call "tonic" pain (Cleeland 1989; Zelman et al. ment of response to painful stimulation was not in­ 1991 ). Because morphine analgesic effects are determined cluded in this study. by multiple factors (types, modalities, and intensities of Our primary objective was to document the analge­ pain), it is necessary to develop a laboratory paradigm sic effects of increasing doses of orally administered mor­ that (1) produces relatively long-lasting pain; (2) is sen­ phine on experimental pain induced by the cold pres­ sitive to opioid administration, and (3) is safe and re­ sor. The specific goal was to determine a morphine dose peatable in the laboratory. sufficient to produce changes in pain tolerance time and Cold pressor is a laboratory model of tonic pain that pain rating in the with minimal clinical has strong affecti\'e and autonomic components (Hilgard side effects in normal volunteers. Outcome measures and Hilgard 1983). We ha\'e previously used cold pres­ for analgesia included pain tolerance time and self-re­ sor to investigate behaviorally induced mood effects on port ratings of pain intensity and unpleasantness. Al­ pain tolerance time (i.e., how long one can tolerate pain) though morphine effects have been extensively docu­ and self-reported pain ratings (Zelman et al. 1991 ). We mented, most studies evaluated analgesia without using found that mood alterations affected pain tolerance an active placebo. Thus, we used diphenhydramine as time, but produced little change in pain ratings during an active placebo in our study to evaluate the extent to cold pressor trials. In another study (Hodes et al. 1990), which orally administered morphine alters pain percep­ we used cold pressor to examine behaviorally induced tion. Diphenhydramine causes similar side effects as attentional effects of pain ratings and pain tolerance. ln those produced by opioids without known analgesic this case, a distraction task used to manipulate attention effoct. 254 C.S. Cleeland et al. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1996-VOL. 15, NO. 3

A subset of subjects in the present experiment were the preset time limit adopted in the study. Our of 50 sub­ also given neuropsychological tests designed to exam­ jects recruited, five subjects were excluded based on the ine side effects of morphine on cognitive and motor per­ day 1 cold pressor criterion, and the remaining 45 sub­ formance. All the subjects receiving the highest dose jects completed the study. and seven out of eight subjects receiving second highest dose completed the battery. The tests were designed to assess fine motor coordination, perceptual-motor coor­ Study Design dination, verbal memory recall, and complex cognitive (i.e., mental arithmetic) performance. We postulated that The study used a two-session design with the sessions morphine would impair episodic verbal memory recall, at least 48 hours apart. Experimental sessions were sched­ on the basis of previously reported findings (Kerr et al. uled to start at either 9:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. On day 1, 1991). If episodic verbal memory is impaired by mor­ baseline measurements were taken. Each subject placed phine, the use of behavioral manipulations heavily de­ the left arm in the cold pressor with the instruction to pendent on memory components might be more diffi­ remove the arm from the cold pressor when he or she cult to implement in both the laboratory and clinic. could not tolerate it any longer. The upper limit for the We also examined the possibility of morphine-induced duration of cold pressor (unknown to subjects) was set mood effects in normal healthy subjects. A number of at five minutes (300 s). Subjects were asked to remove studies have investigated the effects of morphine admin­ the arm from the water if they had not already done so istration on mood, but these were most often performed after five minutes. Subjects who were able to undergo with clinical patients who were given morphine for pain the cold pressor for between 30 and 270 seconds were treatment. Some of these clinical studies have shown an scheduled for day 2. The subjects were then instructed increase in positive mood (Kaiko et al. 1981), but others (1) not to eat at least 1 hour before the experiment on day found no evidence for mood change (Glynn et al. 1988). 2 and (2) not to use any recreational drug or to drink al­ As mood changes can affect tolerance time (Zelman et cohol 24 hours before the experiment. al. 1991), it was important to assess mood changes due On day 2, about 60 minutes prior to the cold pressor to morphine and diphenhydramine to clarify the inter­ test, subjects ingested either a single dose of morphine pretation of changes in tolerance time. or placebo. Although there is interindividual variability, 60 minutes is a reasonable approximation of time to peak effect for oral morphine (Glare and Walsh 1991). Mor­ METHODS phine doses included 0.214, 0.286, 0.357, and 0.429 mg/ kg. The active placebo was a 0.357-mg/kg dose of diphen­ Subjects hydramine. Medications were administered in double­ Twenty-four women and 21 men participated in the blind placebo-controlled fashion as liquid preparations study. All were healthy, right-handed subjects ranging for each dose as provided by the University of Wiscon­ in age from 18 to 37. All aspects of the study were ap­ sin Hospital pharmacy. Morphine was administered in proved by the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and increasing doses to address the concerns from our Insti­ Clinics Institutional Review Board. Subjects were re­ tutional Review Board regarding potential clinical side cruited via campus newspaper, and an initial screening effects. Our highest dose is the one that has been pro­ was conducted over the telephone. Subjects were paid posed by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Re­ $10.00 per hour for their participation. A Medical His­ search (AH CPR) Guidelines for Management of Cancer tory Form was initially obtained for each subject. Sub­ Pain (30 mg/70 kg) as the starting dose for the manage­ jects also completed the SCL-90R as a way of screening ment of moderate to severe pain due to cancer (Jacox et for psychological disturbance (Derogatis 1983). No sub­ al. 1994b) and also in the management of acute postop­ ject was excluded on the basis of their SCL-90-R score. erative pain (Acute Guideline Panel Other exclusion criteria included: age less than 18, 1992). The pharmacy randomly assigned subjects to ei­ inability to read, write, or understand English, chronic ther placebo or to a particular morphine dose. At conclu­ pain of any type, high , epilepsy or his­ sion of the study, 31 subjects had received oral morphine, tory of any type of convulsions, current use of cold or whereas 14 subjects had received diphenhydramine. Sixty allergy medications, reported use of illicit drugs, hospi­ minutes after ingesting the drug, subjects performed the talization for psychiatric reasons, ongoing psychother­ cold pressor task. Subjects completed the Mood Adjective apy, previous involvement in study of morphine and Check List (MACL) (Nowlis 1965) at three time points: pain, frequent cold water activity, and left-handedness. prior to drug administration, prior to cold pressor, and In addition, subjects underwent a baseline cold pressor following cold pressor. Blood pressure and rate trial on day 1. Subjects maintaining the arm in the cold were measured at baseline and monitored throughout pressor less than 30 seconds or longer than 4 1/2 min­ the study period on day 2. utes were not considered for day 2, because they were Subjects remained at the study site for 3 hours from unlikely to manifest analgesic effects of morphine within the time of ingestion of either drug. The first 18 subjects NEUROl'SYCl IOl'HAR~L\COUlCY I 9%-V( ll. l\ NO. J Effects of Oral Morphine 255

did sedentary tasks until the 3 hours had passed. The sessed by presenting the subject with a mixed list of new latter 27 subjects were given a battery of neuropsycho­ words and words previously presented on the first list logical tests. Upon the completion of a study session, all and asking the subject to distinguish between the two. subjects were escorted and sent home by taxi according Perceptual-Motor Coordination. First, the pegboard to a previously signed postexperimental agreement (not task was used to examine the speed of fine motor coor­ to driYc or consume alcohol for the remainder of the day). dination. The subject, while being timed and using a specific sequence, is asked to place 25 one-inch long Pain and Symptoms Assessment identical metal notched pegs into coordinating holes on a 4-inch board. Then the Trail-Making Test was used to "Pain intensity" ratings and ratings of the "Unpleasant­ measure perceptual-motor coordination. A subject was ness of pain" were reported by a subject every 15 sec­ presented with a sheet of paper that had printed dots onds while the subject's arm was in the cold pressor. representing (1) number or (2) number and letter. The Pain ratings were obtained on a Oto 10 scale, in which 0 subject was asked to connect the number (dots) or num­ was anchored at "no pain at all" and 10 at "pain as bad ber /letter (dots) in sequence while being timed. An ex­ as you can imagine." Unpleasantness was also rated on ample of the latter would be, "connect the number /let­ a Oto 10 scale, with 0 anchored at "not unpleasant at all" ter dots in order, but alternating between a number, a and 10 at "as unpleasant as you can imagine." After the letter, a number, a letter, as in 1,A,2,B,3,C." cold pressor test on day 2, subjects \Yere administered the post experimental questionnaire designed to assess Sustained Attention and Mental Arithmetics. The the cold pressor experience. They were also asked open­ Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) was used to ended questions about any side effects and sensations assess sustained attention and information-processing they might have experienced or coping strategies they speed. It was originally devised to measure the acute ef­ might have used. fects of minor head injury (Gronwall 1977). A cassette tape presented 60 numbers at a rate of one number every 3 or 2 seconds (each subject was administered the 3-s ver­ Neuropsychological Testing sion followed by the 2-s version). The subject was asked to add the current number to the one just prior and re­ Neurnpsychological testing in this study included the spond aloud. For example, given the string 3, 1, 4, 2, the following tests: Rev Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) subject would reply "-1, 5, 6." (Lezak 1983; Wiens et al. 1988), Pegboard (Davison and Reitan 197-1), Trail-Making Test (Heaton et al. 199--1), and Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) (Gron.wall Analysis of Neuropsychological Test Data 1977). The tests ,\'ere giYen to the 27 subjects in the or­ Performance scores from these neuropsychological tests der in which they arc listed and were completed by each of motor function and attention were compared with age­ subject approximatelv 1 1 /2 hours after the ingestion of appropriate norms and transformed into t scores. The the studv drug. normative data are obtained from Wiens et al. (1988) and Memory and Leaming Assessment. The Rey Audi­ the Neuropsychology Clinic in the Department of Neu­ tory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) is typically used to (1) rology at the University of Wisconsin Medical School measure immediate memory; (2) provide a learning (Beardsley et al. 1978a, 1987b ). Performance scores were curve; (3) reveal learning strategics or their absence; (--1) analyzed by analysis of \'ariance (ANOVA), with esca­ elicit retroactive and proacti,·e interference tendencies; lating doses of morphine as between-subject factor and (5) reveal tendencies toward confusion or confabula­ test-related factors as within-subject factor. The use of t tion; and finally (6) measure retention after a time lapse. scores in expressing neuropsychological performance al­ Each recall trial consists of an ,rnditory presentation of 15 lowed us to evaluate how performance following drug words, followed by a subject's attempt to reproduce the administration compared to the mean of the normative words presented. The recall trial was repeated fi,·e data set. times in the present assessment (Recall Trials 1 through 5). After the completion of the fifth recall trial, the sec­ Analysis of Pain Tolerance Time ond set of Ei words was presented as a distractor and followed by a recall of that second Iist. The sixth recall A \·ariable was created by subtracting the tolerance time trial was a free rec,111 of the first line of 15 words pre­ on day 1 from the tolerance time on day 2 for each sub­ sented (Recall Trial 6), without presenting the preceding ject. This \·ariable was used as a measure of the extent to word list. It typicallv takes about 10 minutes to com­ which the pharmacological interventions given on day plete the six recall trials. Retention was then assessed 2 extended the tolerance times in the cold pressor task. after 30 minutes in a free recall task in which the subject Because the distribution based on the raw tolerance time was then asked to remember the first list presented (De­ scores revealed somewhat skewed distributions and un­ layed Recall Trial). Finally, recognition memory was as- equal, ariances among the groups, the change scores were 256 L.S. Lleeland et al. NEUROl'SYCHOPHARMACOLOCY 1996-VOL. 15, :\10, 3

Table 1. Difforence in Pain Intensity Rating''

Pain Intensity Pain Intensity Pain Intensity Pain Intensity (at 15 s) (at 30 s) (at 45 s) (at 60 s)

Diphenhydramine 0.21(1.31) 0.00(1.24) -0.31(1.03) 0.00(1.58) 0.21-l mg/kg 1.00(2.00) 0.83(1.72) 0.33(1.97) 0.10(1.67) ll.286 mg/kg 0.38(.74) 0.79(.91) 0.71(.95) 0.38(.75) ll.357 mg/kg ll.00(.93) 0.25(158) -0.17(1.17) -0.17(1.33) 0.429 mg/kg - 0.50(2.67) -0.63(2.26) -0.63(2.13) -0.83(1.33)

D,1,· 2 r,1ting - d,n I rating at 1~. 30, -+', ,1nd hll Sl'conds ,1fter thl' start of the Cl' task. St1rn..L1rd dL'\ i<1tinn~ m parL'nthPses. No s.;1gnifiLc1nt difference~ an-tonh the group~. log-transformed to satisfy the assumptions necessary to each of the four successiw time points (15, 30, 45, and perform the ANOVA. 60 s). The results re\'ealed no significant differences among the groups, indicating that morphine reduced neither ratings of pain intensity nor unpleasantness com­ Analysis of Pain Ratings pared to an actiye placebo. In addition, there was no Because the first minute of the cold pressor test is the main effect for day, indicating that neither morphine time period in ,-vhich data from most subjects are a,·ail­ nor diphenhydramine produced a significant change in able and ratings are expected to be lower (Hodes et al. ratings of pain intensity or unpleasantness. 1990), subjective ratings during the first 60 seconds wert> Table 1 shows change scores in pain intensity ratings analyzed. For both pain intensity and unpleasantness rat-' during the first 60 s of the cold pressor task. Change scores ings, day 1 and day 2 ratings were analyzed by repeated­ in pain unpleasantness ratings are shown in Table 2. As measures ANOVA separately at each point (15, 30, 45, seen in Table 1,at the highest dose of morphine, pain in­ and 60 s). Unpleasantness ratings from day 1 were not tensity ratings during the first 60 s tended to decrease collected for the first se,·en subjects (three from the con­ slightly. However, these differences were not statistically trol group, four from the 0.21..Jc-mg/kg group). significant when the highest dose group was analyzed separately.

RESULTS Effects of Morphine on Pain Tolerance Time

We assessed cold pressor pain in terms of seYeral differ­ \-torphine was predicted to increase pain tolerance (mea­ ent measures (i.e., tolerance time, unpleasantness rating, sured in terms of the time the subject was able to keep and pain rating), each designed to measure conceptually his or her arm in the cold pressor). Figure 1 shows dif­ different aspects or dimensions of pain. ference tolerance time data (log transformed) from the five different conditions. Subjects who received morphine were able to keep Effects of Morphine on Pain Intensity and their arm in the cold pressor task longer than those who Ratings Unpleasantness received diphenhydramine. This observation was sup­ Pain intensity and unpleasantness ratings on day 1 and ported by a planned comparison between the control day 2 during the first 60 s in the cold pressor session group and the combined morphine groups that showed were analyzed separate!\· using a group (fiye JeyeJs, ac­ that the increases in the tolerance time were signifi­ tiH' placebo and four morphine dose levels) x day (two cantly greater for the morphine groups than for the con­ le\'cls, dc1y 1 c1nd day 2) repec1tcd-measures A\IOVA at trol group (t = 2.638, df = 40, p < .05). An ANOVA on

Table 2. Dificrc1Kl' in Pain Unpleasantness Rating''

Unpleasantness Unpleasantness Unpleasantness Unpleasantness (at 15 sec) (at 30 sec) (at 45 sec) (at 60 sec)

Diplwnh\ dr,1mi1w -0.09(1.22) -0.09(.70) -0.09(.83) -ll.14(.69) 0.214 mg/kg -0.33(1.15) 0.00(2.00) - 1.00(2.00) -0.83(1.44) ll.286 mg/kg 0.25(.46) ll.71 (1.11) 0.43(1.72) -0.50(.58) ll.3'i7 mg/kg - 0.75(1.28) (l.38(1.60) -0.50(1.64) -0.17(2.32) 0.429 mg/kg 0.00(2.14) 0.00(l .60) 0.00(1.41) -0.50( 1.87)

1 • D(n· 2 r.1tins dC'"'- \It) ~ignifi\'ant difft'rcnet.'s ,1111011µ; thl' grnup..., NEUROFSYCHOl'HARMACOLOCY llJ%-VOI. l~, NO .., Effects of Oral Morphine 257

"O 1.4 -(].) E.... .E rJ) C: 1 2 I ....Cll I- O> 0 1.0 I .....J..__, (].) E [] i= 8 I I Q) (.) C: Cll .... 6 I I

0 f- [) C ·ro 4 I a. C (].) (.) 2 I C I ....(].) & 0 DD - - - - - Diphenhydramine .214 .286 .357 .429 N=14 N=7 N=8 N=8 N=8 5 male, 9 female 2 male, 5 female 6 male, 2 female 3 male, 5 female 5 male, 3 female

Morphine Dose (mg/kg)

Figure 1. Effect of morphine on tolerance time in cold pressor. Boxr~, mean change in pain tolerance time (log transformed) for each dose condition. Error bor~, :+: 1 st,mc.fard error around the mean.

the log-transformed change scores was performed to to those produced by morphine. No vomiting or severe examine differences between the groups assigned to the nausea were observed. Because of the open-ended nature different doses of morphine and the diphenhydramine of these responses, no statistical test was performed. group. Pairwise multiple comparisons (Tukey-HSD test with significance Jew! set at .05) revealed that the 0.429- mg/kg dose condition was the only dose significantly dif­ Effects of Morphine and Diphenhydramine ferent from the diphenhydramine condition, demonstrat­ on Mood ing that 0.429 mg/kg of morphine extended the tolerance time significantly longer than did diphenhydramine. The present study and its design allowed us to evaluate Because the therapeutic efficacy of a drug may nry the degree to which the study drugs influenced the sub­ as a function of gender (as suggested in Merkatz and jects' reported mood. As described, the subjects' mood Temple 1993), a post hoc comparison involving gender was assessed by MACL (1) prior to drug ingestion and was performed for the morphine dose le,·el (0.429 mg/ (2) after drug administration, but before cold pressor. kg) that was found to increase tolerance time in the cold Data based on MACL measures were analyzed by a time pressor. An ANOVA on tolerance time showed no sig­ (two levels, pre- and post-drug administration) X group nificant difference between the two groups based on gen­ (five levels, diphenhydramine and four morphine dose der (F(l,6) =" 0.35, MS = .26, p < .58). However, given levels) repeated-measures ANOVA. Neither the main ef­ the small sample size (11 = 8, five males vs. three fe­ fect of group nor the interaction effect on mood was sta­ males), the estimated power was small (0.084), although tistically significant, indicating that morphine-induced Eta squared as an estimated measure of effect size was mood changes were not statistically different from those also wry small (TJ 2 = 0.056). changes produced by diphenhydramine. However, a number of MACL items did show signif­ icant changes after drug administration regardless of drug Clinical Side Effects from Morphine group. Subjects in all drug groups reported that they Table 3 documents the types and frequencies of clinical felt more fatigued, less anxious, less fearful, less in control, side effects reported in the day 2 postcxperimental ques­ less elated, less energetic, and less motivated. These tionnaire completed by all the subjects tested. As seen in changes arc consistent with clinical side effects reported Table 3, diphenhydramine produced side effects similar in the post experimental questionnaire completed by 258 C.S. Cleeland et al. l\JELROl'SYCIIO!'H.\RVL\COL(X_;y 1996-VOL. 15, NO.'.\

Table 3. Self-Reported Side Effects from Diphenhydramine Recall Trial 6 and the Delayed Recall Trial (F(4,22) = and Oral Morphine" 2.87, p < .05 for Recall Trial 6 and F(4,22) = 3.53, p < .05 for the Delayed Recall Diphenhydramine Morphine Trial). Separate univariate analy­ Symptoms (11 = 14) (II= 31) ses were performed because the Recall 6 and Delayed Recall trials were designed to measure conceptually dif­ Tired, fatigued 13(9'.l"o) 19(61 ''<,) ferent aspects of memory performance. The major source Mental clouding 1(7"o) 9(29°0) of differences among the five groups was seen in the Dizzv 3(2l"o) '.l(10°o) complex contrast between the two groups with higher Headaclw 2(1-l"o) 2(6°0) doses of morphine and Drv mouth () 2(6°,,) the other three groups. This was Nause,1 ll '.l(10°o) tested by contrast analysis, which showed a significant Relaxed ] (/00) 8(26"o) difference between the higher dose groups (0.357 and Paresthesia 2( 1-l" ") .J( J3"o) 0.429 mg/kg) and the other three groups (t = 3.02, df = Anxious il 2(6°0) 22, p < .01 for Recall Trial 6 and t = 3.70, df = 22, p < Slurred speech [) 1('.l"o) .005 for the Delayed Recall Trial). These findings dem­ Melancholy feeling () 1(3"o) onstrate that morphine can impair episodic retrieval of Blurred \'ision () ] (3°0) verbal information in the delayed memory task, but not \;o symptoms () 2(6"o) retrieval from short-term or immediate memory (mem­ No response (missing) () :1(10°0) ory immediately after the word list was read by the ex­ "Values in l ,ibk reprc•sent the number

Pegboard (a simple motor coordination task). Data the subjects on day 2. Some changes can be interpreted from the Pegboard task in Table 4 showed that there as "positi\ e" (less anxious, less fearful), but other was no difference among the five groups in terms of the changes may be interpreted as "negative" (more fa­ time to complete this motor coordination task. There tigued, less in control, less energetic, less elated, less was no difference in performance between the domi­ motivated). Thus, it is difficult to specify the degree to nant and nondominant hand (50.3 vs. 52.3). which positive and negative mood changes were pro­ duced by both morphine and diphenhydramine. Con­ Trail-Making Test (a perceptual-motor task). Data sequently we cannot determine how mood changes af­ from the Trail-Making Test in Table 4 showed that there fected the efficacv of morphine analgesia. was no difference among the five groups in terms of the time to manually connect printed letters or numbers in sequential orders. Even during the more difficult ver­ Effects of Morphine on Neuropsychological Tests sion, subjects did not show signs of deterioration from Overall, thL' AVLT task was affected by opioid adminis­ morphine compared to the diphenhydramine group. tration (0.357- and 0.429-mg/kg doses), but there were no significant effects of morphine on other tasks. PASAT (a sustained attention task). Data from the PASAT in table 4 indicated that there was no difference AVLT (Word Recall Task). Recall Trials 1 through 5 in the accuracy of mental arithmetic among the five were analyzed by repeated-measures ANOVA with a groups. The time interval (3 s vs. 2 s) in the PASAT pro­ mixed design. There was no significant dose group X duced no difference in PASAT accuracy (54.9 for 3-s in­ recall trial interaction or main effect of either factor. Re­ terval vs. 55.2 for 2-s intern!, both expressed as t call of words on the distracter list did not differ among scores). Our data indicate that the accuracy of cognitive the five groups. Recognition memory performance based operation (adding two numbers) was not compromised on the first word list at the end of a neuropsychological by oral morphine compared with diphenhydramine. testing session did not differ among the groups. The data This study did not include a no-drug group. However, also showed that subjects madL' virtually no errors in the the use oft scores allows us to make a general statement recognition test. about how performance was affected by the drugs in Figure 2 shm-vs performance based on Recall Trial 6 the study. In the normative data set t scores of 50 repre­ and Delayed Recall Trial, respectin·ly. We found that sent the average performance of normal subjects (with a higher doses of morphine (0.347 and 0.429 mg/kg) pro­ standard deviation of 10). duced recall impairment in the word recall task at the Then t score data from the Pegboard, Trail-Making, time of Recall Trial 6 and Delayed Recall Trial. These ob­ and PASAT tests were compared with t scores from the servations were confirmed bv uni\·ariate ANOVA on normative data set. Data presented in Table 4 indicate NEUROPSYCHOl'HARMACOLOC) 1996-\'0L. 15, NO. 3 Effecb of Oral Morphine 259


14 I

() II 1j 13 I J!:! rou Q) 12 I 0::: (/) II I" E Q) 11 I ::::..... 0 I... Q) ..c 10 I E :J

z 9 I

8 I

7 - - - Diphenhydramine .214 .286 .357- .429- N=14 N=7 N=B N=B N=B 5 male, 9 female 2 male, 5 female 6 male, 2 female 3 male, 5 female 5 male, 3 female

Morphine Dose (mg/kg)

Figure 2. Effects of morphine on memory (from AVLT). Circle~, number of items recalled in AVLT Recall Trial 6 (a free recall of the 15 items presented in recall trials 1 through 5 following the presentation and recall of a distractor word list). Boxes, number of items recalled in the AVLT Delayed Recall Trial (a free recall of the 15 items presented in Recall Trials 1 through 6, 30 minutes after recall trial 6). Error bar~, =1 standard error around the mean. that performance scores in most cells are close to 50, re­ below 50, but none produced significant results. Thus, flecting that these subjects' performances were compa­ our data suggest that neither morphine nor diphenhy­ rable to the norm-based average performance. A one­ dramine in the doses used here compromised neuropsy­ sample t-test was separately performed for each score chological performance relative to the normative data set.

Table 4. Drug Effects on Motor, Perceptual-Motor, and Vigilance tasks"

mg/kg Morphine Diphenhydramine 0.214 0.286 0.357 0.429 Combinedb

Total Nin group H 7 8 8 8 31 (male, female) (5,Y) (2,5) (6,2) (3,5) (5,3) (16,15) N for Tests 5 3 4 7 8 22 (male, female) (Ul (1,2) (3, 1) (2,5) (5,3) (11,11) Test type' Pegboard Dominant hand 48.13( 10.62) 55.18(5.83) 52.-!3(8.34) 50.93(7.12) 48.11(10.85) 50.76(8.54) Nondominant hand 52.67(6.55) 56.-!8(10.43) 56.25(5.73) 47.62(12.48) 52.61 (12.42) 52.21(11.12) Trail-making task Simple 53.64(8.60) 55.76( 4.30) 58.30(1.63) 54.81(5.35) 52.92(7.51) 54.88(5.74) Complex 62.13(7. YO) 65.63(7.10) 58.20(6.60) 60.80(8.67) 57.57(9.96) 59.81(8.55) PASAT (3-s intervals) 54.70(6.84) 57.22(.71) 48.92(5.33) 56.01 (3.89) 56.34(3.94) 55.00( 4.73) PASAT (2-s intervals) 58.20(4.17) 58.82(6.45) 53.14(11.95) 54.82(4.74) 53.36(7.12) 54.53(7.16)

''Values an..• l''-Pfl'SSt'd in T score. Standd.rd dL'\·iations in p,ut·nthe:-,es. No :-,ignificant diffr•rencl'S among dose~. 1'Morphine Combim'd group includes all 111orphi11t• dose rnnditions. Test type tvpe of neuropsvchologic,il test 260 C.S. Clecland et al. NFUROPSYCHOl'HARMACOLOCY 1996-VOL. 15, NO. 3

DISCUSSION ministration. This effect is observed at a clinically recom­ mended starting dose for severe pain. This dose did not Subjects who recei,·ed oral morphine (when all dose levels produce clinically significant side effects in normal vol­ are examined together) showed increased pain tolerance unteers. time in the cold pressor in comparison with the control Morphine and diphenhydramine produced similar subjects receiving the active placebo (diphenhydramine). changes in mood as assessed by the MACL. These mood The morphine dose of 0.429 mg/kg produced a signifi­ changes included (]) reductions in ratings of positive cantly longer tolerance than did the acti\'e placebo (see mood items (less energetic, less elated, less motivated, Figure 1). Although a significant increase in tolerance less in control); (2) greater ratings of fatigue; and (3) re­ time in the cold pressor task was observed, there were no ductions in ratings of anxiety and fearfulness. As simi­ significant reductions in either pain intensity or unpleas­ lar mood changes also followed the administration of antness ratings during cold pressor for either the mor­ diphenhydramine, oral morphine's greater analgesic ef­ phine or diphenhydramine groups. This finding differs fect on tolerance time is not indirectly mediated by mood from earlier studies examining the effects of intravenously changes induced by morphine. In patient samples, Kaiko administered morphine on phasic pain. For example, Price et al. (1981) found morphine-induced positive mood and his colleagues (Price at al. 1985) reported that mor­ changes when a multi-item test instrument was used phine reduced subjective ratings ofboth pain intensity (Lasagna et al. 1955), and Glynn et al. (1988) did not find and unpleasantness caused by brief phasic painful heat any evidence for morphine-related mood changes when pulses. using a single visual analog item to assess mood. The There are se\'eral differences bet\,.·een our study and present study was not designed to examine the ques­ other earlier studies. First, we evaluated morphine an­ tion of whether mood alteration with morphine is dif­ algesia by comparing its effects with those produced by ferent in normal subjects versus patients with pain. an active placebo. The side effects produced by diphen­ Morphine caused performance deficits in some as­ hydramine might han· obscured reductions in intensity pects of a \'erbal memory test. There were significant per­ and unpleasantness ratings. HoweYer, this possibility is formance deteriorations in the auditory verbal memory unlikely because there was no significant main effect on test that involved delayed recall performance. Delayed either of these ratings when the morphine and diphen­ recall and the recall following the presentation of the dis­ hydramine groups were combined. tractor list were both reduced by the effective analgesic Second, cold pressor was used as the painful stimu­ dose of oral morphine (0.429 mg/kg). The morphine lation in our study while brief heat pulses or electrical dose of 0.357 mg/kg also produced performance deficit shocks were used in most of the earlier studies. To date, in these memory trials, even though this dose level in it­ there have been only two studies that evaluated opioid self failed to produce a significant increase in the toler­ effects on cold-induced pain in normal \'olunteers, but ance time in the cold pressor task. It should be noted neither of these studies used an actiYe placebo to eYalu­ that (1) the target word list was not read by the experi­ ate analgesia. Posner et al. (1985) found that dipipanone menter for Recall Trial 6 and Delayed Recall (the list reduced pain intensity scores compared with an inactive was not read each time prior to Recall 1 through Recall placebo. Similarly, Jones et al. ( 1988) found that mor­ 5) and that (2) the recall of the distractor list was re­ phine produced significant reduction in both peak pain quired before the administrations of Recall 6 and De­ intensity and area under cur\'C pain intensity (AUC-PT) layed Recall. These factors suggest that although mor­ compared with placebo during the cold pressor task. phine did not affect the retrieval from short-term or Both Posner et al. (1985) and Jones et al. (1988) set rel­ immediate memory, it impaired the retrieval of verbal ati,·ely short upper time limits for the cold pressor task information from long-term memory. The effect of de­ (3 and 2 minutes, respectin'ly). These limits may have layed recall documented here is the result of a single been set to increase the number of subjects completing dose of oral morphine. It would be important to establish the cold pressor and to simplify the analysis of pain in­ whether similar effects are observed in patients who ex­ tensity ratings. Howe\'er, this meant that there was no perience pain and take morphine on a scheduled basis. measure of pain tolerance in those studies. Because the In contrast, morphine had no effect on complex mo­ AUC-PI as an outcome measure combines pain inten­ tor, perceptual-motor coordination, and complex men­ sity and tolerance time into a single index, it is difficult tal calculation tasks compared to diphenhydramine. The to compare our results directly with their findings be­ motor task required rapid fine motor coordination, yet cause of the differences in the cold pressor procedures no effect of morphine was found, even at the highest dose. and outcome measures. The perceptual-motor coordination task may have been Despite the differences that may result from various too easy for the group of subjects tested (university stu­ experimental designs (e.g., tvpes of pain, route of drug dents at our institution). These findings are consistent administration), our study demonstrates that tolerance with recent studies that document the lack of morphine time in the cold pressor task is correlated to opioid ad- dfects on psychomotor tasks (Zacny et al. 1994). NEUROPSYCHOl'HARMACOLOCY IY%-VOL. L'i, NO. 3 Effects of Oral Morphine 261

The present findings documenting memory deficit and controversy regarding the appropriateness of the size of the lack of motor and attentional impairment remain pre­ this dose (O'Neill et al. 1994; Jacox et al. 1994a). The se­ liminary for several reasons. First, it might be necessary to verity of side effects may have been somewhat over­ include a more sensitive control condition against which stated in response to the publication of AHCPR guide­ drug side effects can be compared. Diphenhydramine is lines for management of . Our data document an excellent acti\'e placebo control for analgesics per se, that the spontaneously reported side effects induced by but it does cause side effects. When the primary goal is oral morphine are generally comparable in prevalence to assess the cognitive side effects of morphine, it might and severity to those induced by diphenhydramine as be appropriate to use an inacti,·e placebo. reported by opioid-naive normal volunteers, [This is at a Second, our findings may be qualified by statistical dose level of diphenhydramine (0.357 mg/kg) often considerations. We calculated both estimates of effect size prescribed for the common cold]. However, the ob­ and power for the neuropsychological outcome measures served performance deficits in some aspects of the ver­ that produced nonsignificant results. Although the sta­ bal memory test suggest that cognitive and behavioral tistical pmver estimated for each of these analyses tended pain control strategies heavily dependent on memory to be small (no greater than .184), the estimate of effect might be compromised when morphine is used, It will size (e.g., Eta squared) also tended to be small (no greater be crucial to extend the present study by investigating than .109). The small estimates of effect size observed sug­ how long-term morphine administration affects patients gest that any differences found by greatly increasing sam­ with clinical pain in terms of both pain relief and impair­ ple size may be tri,·ial. The only exception to this pattern ment of memory, motor, and simple cognitive functions. was PASAT with a 3-s interval (power= .537, 11 2 = .281). In further exploring the negati,,e findings (absence of oral morphine effects on the motor, perceptual-motor co­ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ordination, and attentional tasks), the sensitivity of each task may need to be further examined. Impairment in This research was supported by Grant No. NS22677 from the maintaining consistent low-le\'el force in a motor task National Institutes of Health. Dr, Miroslav Backonja's re­ was documented by the Kerr et al. study (1991). Thl' lewl search is supported by Grant l\o. NS01365 from the National of task difficulty may be an important critical variable Institutes of Health. We thank Tito R. Mendoza for his statis­ in revealing motor impairment. In the present study the tical consultation. two different levels of task difficulty in the Trail-Making Test were not differentially affected by the escalating doses of oral morphine. 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