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1-1-1966 Maine Open Water Fishing Laws 1966 Summary Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game

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Recommended Citation Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game, "Maine Open Water Fishing Laws 1966 Summary" (1966). Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Law Books. 223.

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Department of Inland Fisheries and Game Augusta, Maine

(Published in accordance with Section 1963, Chapter 303, Title 12 of Revised Statutes o f 1964, as amended) DEFINITIONS

“Closed Season” means the period during which it is unlawful to fish for, take, catch, kill, or destroy any fish. “Open Season” means the period during which fish may be taken as specified and limited by law and includes the first and last day thereof. (For opening dates in the respective counties please refer to the special rules and regulations to be found in this book.) “Fly Fishing” means to cast upon water and retrieve an unbaited, unweighted, artificial fly attached to a line to which no extra weight has been added. Except as otherwise provided, it shall be unlawful to troll a fly in waters restricted to fly fishing only. “Jigging” shall mean the use of any fishing tackle or device used in an attempt to snag or snare fish. “Transport” includes to offer or to receive for transportation. “Aliens.” All aliens shall be classified as non-residents. Any alien who has resided in this State continuously for 1 year and in addition thereto is assessed and pays taxes on real estate in the municipality in which he resides, or any alien who has resided in this state con ­ tinuously for 5 years may purchase any resident license issued under Chapters 301 to 335. “Resident.” A resident is a citizen o f the United States who is domiciled in Maine with the intention of remaining and who has resided in this State during the 3 months next prior to date of applica­ tion for license. (All employees of the Veterans’ Administration Facility residing in Maine and employed by the Togus Facility are classified as residents for the purpose of obtaining fishing licenses.) “Non-resident,” Non-residents are persons not coming within the definition of “resident” and includes “aliens” as defined above. The word “tributary” means a brook or stream flowing directly or indirectly into a lake, pond or another stream. A lake or great pond (over 10 acres) shall not be considered to mean “tributary.” The tributary to a great pond shall not be considered a tributary to the outlet o f that great pond. A “water thoroughfare” means a waterway without flowage con­ necting 2 bodies of water. All thoroughfares and bogs, covered by the same laws applicable to lakes and ponds. “Possession limit.” Whenever any waters have a special bag limit, no person shall have in possession more than 1 day’s bag limit taken from those waters.

2 “Bag limit” means the maximum limit, in number or amount of fish which may lawfully be taken by any one person during one day. In all waters where the bag limit on black bass has been removed by rule and regulation, the season and method of taking shall be the same as for trout and salmon. “Inland Waters” shall include all waters within the State above the rise and fall o f the tide.

MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS N o person shall fish with m ore than 2 lines at any one time. It shall be unlawful to angle or fish other than by the use o f the single-baited hook and line, artificial flies, artificial minnows, artificial insects, spoon hooks and spinners. All pools of state fish hatcheries and rearing stations and all waters within 200 feet of such hatchery and rearing station pools shall be closed to all fishing. (Exception, Grand Lake Stream) Closed Season for Fishing. During the period of the respective closed season it is unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch, kill or have in possession any fish of any kind from such closed waters. Possession of Fishing Tackle. The possession of fishing tackle in the fields, forests, or on the waters or ice o f the State, by any person without license, shall be prima facie evidence of fishing in violation o f law. Fishways. No person shall fish within 150 feet of any dam in which a fishway is located. Except at Upper Dam in Richardsontown (T 4 R 1) at the outlet o f M ooselookm eguntic Lake in Oxford County, at Middle Dam in T C at the outlet o f Lower Richardson Lake in Oxford County and at East Outlet Dam in Sapling (T 1 R 7) in Somerset County and in Big Squaw Mountain in Piscataquis County at the outlet o f Moosehead Lake, the fishway and the area within 50 feet of any part of these fishways shall be closed to fishing at all times. Exception, Bath Tub, so-called, in . This section shall not include the taking o f alewives and smelts in the manner provided under the laws regulating sea and shore fisheries. Ponds Formed by Brooks, Streams and Rivers. Ponds 10 acres or less, form ed on brooks, streams or rivers shall be governed by the same law regulating fishing that applies to the brook, stream or river on which they are situated, whether said pond be natural or artificial.

3 Thoroughfares and Bogs. The general laws governing lakes and ponds also apply to thoroughfares and bogs.

Aircraft, required to have permit for transportation of fish, game or fur-bearing animals. Fee, $2.00. Salmon, trout, togue, black bass, white perch or pickerel from inland waters. No owner, keeper or employee thereof or any other person shall have in his possession any salmon, trout, togue, black bass, white perch or pickerel from the inland waters o f the State for the purpose of serving or consuming the same in any camp, house or other building used partly or wholly in lumbering operations, log driving or construction of any kind. Exception, pickerel in Washington County. Explosive, poisonous or stupefying substance. Prohibited in taking fish. Fish spawn, grapnel, spear, trawl, weir, gaff, seine, gill net, trap and set lines, prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to use or have in possession a gill net on any o f the inland waters in the State. Smelts, above tide waters may be taken with a dip net except waters prohibited by rule and regulation of the Commissioner. No person shall take, kill, catch, or have in possession more than 4 quarts o f smelts in any one day.

Live bait for fishing; dealers licensed. It shall be unlawful to sell, use or have in possession, either dead or alive, for use as bait for fishing in the inland waters o f this State any pickerel, goldfish, yellow perch, white perch, bass, sunfish, crappie, hornpout, carp or any spiny-finned fish. It shall be lawful to take minnows usually used as bait for fishing, other than the above named species, for fishing in all the inland waters of the State during the period that such waters are open for fishing, as bait for fishing only in this State, except that the commis­ sioner may grant permits to take minnows for bait purposes from certain waters at any time. All persons dealing in live bait shall be licensed to do so by the commissioner, and the fee therefor shall be $10.00 for each calendar year. The license shall authorize the person holding the same to use the ordinary commercial type minnow seine not to exceed 8 feet in depth by 150 feet in length, in the taking of minnows and other unprotected fish commonly used for bait purposes.

4 Persons having a bait dealer’s license under this section may take smelts in accordance with section 2558, and a licensed bait dealer may possess more than 4 quarts of bait at any time providing the taking was legal. No live fish for use as bait for fishing within this State shall be imported from without the State.

Hellgramites, transportation out o f State, prohibited. Suckers, eels, hornpout, alewives and yellow perch may be taken for market by permit. Spearing of suckers, is lawful in brooks and streams which are open to fishing between April 15 and May 30. Eels, trappers may procure permit to take 20 pounds.

Fishing Licenses: Complimentary fishing license to Residents over 70 years of age. Resident Non-Resident (16 years old) $3.75 (16 yrs. old and over) 9.75 Combination 6.75 Non-Resident 3-Day 4.50 15-Day 6.75 Non-Resident (between 7-Day 5.25 10-16 yrs.) $4.25 3-Day 4.50

Resident may exchange 3-day license he has purchased for season license on payment of Clerk’s fee. The 3-day license is for 3 consecutive days only. This license can­ not be exchanged for any non-resident license, but may be exchanged by a resident for fishing license only, not for a hunting or combina­ tion. Resident must procure license in municipality of residence. Excep­ tion, 3-day license. Only fishing license exchangeable by a non-resident is 15-day fishing license. Resident or immediate family on land where domiciled, used exclusively for agricultural purposes, no license required.

5 A license to hunt or fish shall be issued, at the resident license fee, to any member of the armed forces of the United States of Am erica who is a citizen o f the United States or Canada, and sta­ tioned at some military or naval post, station or base within the State, or his or her spouse or minor child who is at least 16 years of age. Said member of the armed forces, desiring a hunting or fishing license, must present certification from the commander of said post, station or base, or his designated agent, that the person mentioned in the certification is stationed at or attached to said post, station or base. Licenses may be issued by the clerk or agent in the town in which said military or naval post, station or base is situated. Also a license to hunt or fish shall be issued, at the resident license fee, to any civilian employee and immediate family, residing on any military or naval post, station or base within the State. Said civilian employee and immediate family, desiring a hunting or fishing license, must present certification from the commander of said bases or his designated agent, that the person mentioned in the certification is such a civilian employee and immediate family, residing on said bases for a period of 3 months. Boys’ and Girls’ Camps, to fish in lake or pond adjacent to camp: A blanket license (not over 16) an enrollment of less than 50 campers $30.00 an enrollment of not less than 50 campers and not more than 75 campers 50.00 an enrollment of more than 75 campers 75.00 Guides, Resident, may fish and hunt on license 10.00 Guides, Non-Resident, may fish and hunt on license 50.00 Duplicate licenses, issued at main office 254- Licenses may be revoked for violation of law. Indians, over 16 years on the tribal lists o f the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy tribes of Indians, upon certification by Commissioner of Health and Welfare, may procure free license. Transportation of Fish. Licensed persons may ship to residence one day’s bag limit once in ten days. Exceptions, once a year from , , Cupsuptic Lake, Richard­ son Lake, Upper and Lower. Heads and tails, or either, may not be detached from salmon, trout, togue and black bass, unless being prepared for immediate cooking. For the purpose of this section the smoking of fish shall not constitute cooking. Trout, salmon, togue, and black bass kept in any sporting camp, hotel or public lodging place must have name and address of person catching same attached thereto.

6 Sale o f fish protected by law prohibited. Open Season for Fishing. The open season for all fish, except black bass, in waters or portions of waters naturally free of ice in lakes and ponds, shall be from April 1st to September 30th. Brooks and streams, the open season for all fish, except bass, shall be from April 1st to August 15th. Rivers, the open season for all fish, except bass, shall be from April 1st to September 15th. (See county headings for excep­ tions). Bass may be taken from June 1st thru June 20 on single-pointed hooked artificial lures, daily limit 3 fish. N o person shall have in his possession at any one time more than 3 black bass during this period. Bass may be taken under General Law from June 21st through the remainder o f the season. White Perch. There shall be no size or bag limit on white perch except that in Kennebec and Somerset counties and on Boyd Lake in Piscataquis County, there shall be a 25-fish bag limit, (see county headings for exceptions). Bag and Possession Limit. No person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all o f the inland waters o f the State except in the County o f Aroostook (15 fish in A roostook County) and except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under Section 1960. No person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than IV i pounds in the aggregate o f the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than IV 2 pounds. Pickerel. Bag limit 10 fish, except in Washington County where there shall be no bag limit. Minimum Lengths. Trout, 6 inches. Salmon, 14 inches. (Aroostook Co. - 12 inches) Togue, 14 inches. Bass, 10 inches.

RULES AND REGULATIONS BY COUNTIES Fishing waters are subject to annual changes. Familiarize yourself with the current regulations. The waters listed herein are those on which there are special regu­ lations, all waters not listed herein are open to fishing under the general law.

7 In all cases wherein the daily bag limit differs from the general law the limit of fish which may be legally taken by any one person in any one day is stated herein either in numbers of fish or pounds. Possession Limit. Whenever any waters have a special bag limit, no person shall have in possession more than 1 day’s bag limit taken from those waters. Where county lines divide a body of water the more liberal county regulation shall apply. Where any variance occurs between the General Laws and the following regulations this summary supersedes. “Closed” means closed to all fishing. All dates are inclusive.

ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY The season opens in Androscoggin County April 1st in all waters naturally free of ice and all portions of waters naturally free of ice. N o person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. N o person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than IVi pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than 7Vi pounds. N o size or bag limits on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single pointed hooked artificial lures. Auburn Lake. Use and possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Auburn Lake. Beginning at the post set in the ground on the shore of about 2,500 feet westerly from the Auburn Water District intake; thence northerly about 300 feet to a point (buoy); thence northeasterly about 2,500 feet to a point (buoy) about 3,300 feet northerly from the intake of the Auburn Water District; thence easterly about 2,500 feet to a point (buoy); thence southerly about 3,000 feet to a post on the shore of Lake Auburn and on the line between the Lake Grove lot and the Morrell farm, so-called; thence westerly by the shore of Lake Auburn to the point of beginning; containing 340 acres more or less, is closed to all fishing. Auburn Lake and tributaries closed to the taking of smelts. Bartlett Pond and Tributaries and Outlet to barrier dam, Livermore. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Little Wilson Pond and Tributaries, Auburn and Turner. Closed to the taking of smelts. Thompson Lake, Poland. Minimum length limit on togue (lake trout) 12 inches. Daily limit 5 trout, salmon or togue. Closed to the taking of smelts, including all of its tributaries.

The following waters are open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1st to October 31st: , Wayne and Leeds; Bear Pond, Big, Turner; Berry Pond, Greene; Black Pool, Turner; Brettun’s Pond, Livermore; Hooper Pond, Greene; Lard Pond, Turner; Loon Pond, Webster; Lower Range Pond, Poland; Mud Pond, Turner; No Name Pond, Lewiston; Rack Pond, East Livermore; Round Pond, East Livermore; Round Pond, Turner; Sabbattus Pond, Greene and Wales and Webster; Sandy Pond, Turner; Schoolhouse Pond, East Livermore; Spear Pond, Webster; Stone Mill Pond, Durham; Sutherland Pond, Webster; Taylor Pond, Auburn; The Basin, Auburn; Tripp Lake, Poland; Turner Pond, East Livermore and Upper Range Pond, Poland.


The season opens in Aroostook County on April 1st in all waters naturally free of ice and all portions of waters naturally free of ice. N o person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 15 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. N o person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than 7Vi pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than 7Vi pounds. No person shall have in his possession at any time, except as provided by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960: I. A salmon or togue less than 14 inches in length except that the length limit on salmon taken from any of the waters in Aroostook County shall be 12 inches; (Exception see East Grand Lake) II. A trout less than 6 inches in length; III. A black bass less than 10 inches in length. N o size or bag limit on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single pointed hooked artificial lures. Bennett Pond, Easton. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Black Lake, T. 15, R. 9. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Black Ponds, Two, Little, T. 15, R. 9. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Carry Pond, Littleton Twp. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Carry Pond and Tributaries, T. 16, R. 4. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or posses­ sion of live fish as bait prohibited. Chiputneticook Chain of Lakes. No size or bag limit on pickerel. No bag limit on bass. It shall be unlawful to fish at any time within 75 feet of any dam or obstructions in which a fishway is located. Cross Lake and Mud Lake thoroughfare, T. 17, R. 5. Closed to the taking of smelts from Mud Lake down to Cross Lake.

Daigle Pond and tributaries, New Canada Pit. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited.

9 Deboullie Lake, T. 15, R. 9. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Deep Lake, Littleton. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Denny Pond, T. 15, R. 9. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. East Grand Lake. Establishing a minimum length of 14 inches on salmon in that portion of lake which lies in Aroostook County. and Tributaries, Presque Isle. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Ferguson Pond, T. 14, R. 8. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Fifth Negro Brook Lake, T. 15, R. 9. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. First Chase Lake, T. 14, R. 9. Open to fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. First Negro Brook Lake, T. 16, R. 9. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Fischer Lake, Fort Fairfield. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Chain of Lakes. It shall be lawful to take smelts by use of 3 single-baited hooks spaced a minimum of 4 inches apart. Fish River between Fish River Lake and Round Pond, T. 14, R. 8. Open for all fish except black bass until September 30th. Fourth Negro Brook Lake, T. 16, R. 9. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Gallilee Pond, T. 15, R. 9. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Gardner Lake, T. 15, R. 9. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Girard Pond, Caswell. Daily limit 5 fish. Glazier Lake, T. 18, R. 10. Closed to all fishing September 15. Horseshoe Pond, T. 11, R. 10. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Island Pond, T. 15, R. 9. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Long Lake Tributaries. T. 17, R. 3; T. 17, R. 4, St. Agatha and Madawaska. Open to smelt fishing by dip net. Mantle Lake, Presque Isle. Closed to fishing by persons over the age of 17 years. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Monson Pond and Tributaries. Fort Fairfield and Easton Twp. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. North Pond, T. 14, R. 9. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Number Nine Lake and Tributaries, T. 9, R. 3. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Perch Pond and Tributary, T. 15, R. 9. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Pleasant Lake, Island Falls and T. 4, R. 3. Use of 3 single pointed hooks on one line for smelt fishing only, said hooks to be not less than 4 inches apart; Tributaries closed to the taking of smelts. Pushineer Pond, T. 15, R. 9. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish.

10 Ritter Lake and Tributaries, Bridgewater. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or posses­ sion of live fish as bait prohibited. Rockabema Lake, Moro Plantation. Daily bag limit 5 fish in the aggregate. Use or possession of live fish for bait prohibited. Second Negro Brook Lake, T. 16, R. 9. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Sixth Negro Brook Lake, T. 15, R. 9. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Stink Pond, T. 15, R. 9. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Third Negro Brook Lake, T. 16, R. 9. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Timoney Lake and Tributaries, Oakfield and Smyrna. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Two Mile Pond, T. 16, R. 14; T. 16, R. 13. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Upper Hudson Pond, T. 11, R. 10. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Upper M cNally Pond and tributaries and Outlet to barrier dam, T. 11, R. 10. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Upper Pond, T. 15, R. 9. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish.


The open season in Cumberland County for all fish, except black bass, in waters or portions of waters naturally free of ice in lakes and ponds, shall be from April 1st to September 30th. On brooks and streams, the open season for all fish shall be from the last Saturday in April to August 15th. In rivers the open season for all fish shall be from the last Saturday in April to September 15th. See other exceptions below. N o person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or ail of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. N o person shall take, catch or kiU in any one day or have in possession at any time more than IV2 pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than 7 Vi pounds. N o size or bag limit on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single pointed hooked artificial lures. Adams Pond, Bridgton. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Opening date the last Saturday of April. Alden’s Pond, Gorham Twp. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish for bait prohibited. Clark’s Pond on Westbrook St., South Portland. Restricting fishing to children 16 years of age and younger. Coffee Pond, Casco. Closed to all fishing until the last Saturday in April. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Dumpling Pond, Casco. Open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1 to October 30. Gay Brook, Raymond. From main highway to Little Rattlesnake Pond, closed to the taking of smelts.

11 Ingalls (Foster’s) Pond, Bridgton. Open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1 to October 30. Lily Pond, New Gloucester. Open to fishing from the last Saturday in April to September 30th of each year and establishing a daily limit of 5 trout, remov­ ing the bag limit on pickerel and prohibiting the use of any type of motor, inboard or outboard. Miller Brook, Bridgton. Closed to the taking of smelts. Nubble Pond, Raymond. Opening date for open water fishing, the last Satur­ day of April. Daily limit 5 trout. No size or bag limit on pickerel. Lake, tributaries and outlets, closed to taking of smelts. Peabody Pond and Tributaries, Naples, Sebago, Bridgton. Closed to the taking of smelts, except by single hook and line. Pleasant Pond, Casco and Otisfield. Daily limit 5 brown trout. Raymond Pond, Raymond. Daily limit 5 brown trout. Roife Brook, Raymond, tributary to Panther Pond. Closed to the taking of smelts. Sabbathday Lake, New Gloucester. Tributaries closed to taking of smelts. Daily limit 5 trout or salmon. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Sebago Lake, Standish, Sebago, Naples, Casco, Raymond and Windham Twps. At White’s bridge closed to all fishing within 100 feet of said bridge. Daily bag limit 5 fish in the aggregate of trout, salmon, togue and black bass. Legal length limit of salmon 13 inches. No size or bag limit on pickerel. Sebago Lake Tributaries, Standish, Sebago, Naples, Casco, Raymond and Wind­ ham Twps. No size or bag limit on pickerel. All tributaries closed to the taking of smelts. from the bridge on Route 302 crossing said river to the hatchery dam, closed to all fishing. Fishing from said bridge and approaches pro­ hibited. Daily and possession limit 4 trout and salmon in the aggregate. Legal length limit of salmon, 14 inches. Stevens Brook, sometimes called Cemetery Brook. Closed to fishing to all persons over 16 years of age from Church Road, so-called to the Gloucester Hill Road, including the small pond just above the northerly side of the Gloucester Hill Road. Sucker Brook, tributary to Moose Pond, Bridgton. Closed to taking of smelts. Thomas Pond, Raymond. Daily limit of 5 brown trout. Thompson Lake, Casco and Otisfield. Minimum length limit on togue (lake trout) 12 inches. Daily limit five trout, salmon or togue. Closed to the taking of smelts, including all of its tributaries. Trlckey Pond, Naples. Opening date for open water fishing, the last Saturday of April. Upper Range Pond, New Gloucester. Open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1 to October 30. Valley Brook, Raymond, tributary of Little Rattlesnake Pond, now known as Raymond Lake. Closed to the taking of smelts at any time.


The season opens in Franklin County on April 1st in all waters naturally free of Ice and all portions of waters naturally free of ice. See exceptions below. N o person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. N o person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any

12 time more than IV2 pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than 7 V2 p o u n d s . N o size or bag limit on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single pointed hooked artificial lures. Alder Stream. See Dead River, North Branch. Arnold Pond, Cobum Gore. Daily limit 5 fish. Fly fishing only. Beaver Pond and Tributaries, Twp. D. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Beaver Pond, Seven Ponds Township. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Bemis Stream, Rangeley Pit., Twp. D. Fly fishing only from April 1st until September 14th, from red posts on Mooselookmeguntic Lake to north side of railroad bridge at summit. Daily limit 5 fish. Tributaries. Closed. Big Island Pond, T. 3, R. 5; T. 2, R. 6. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Blanchard Ponds, Davis and Lang Townships. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Blanchard Pond, Alder Stream Township. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Boundary Pond, Beattie. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Bugeye Pond, Kibby Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Caribou Bog, so-called, T. 2, R. 6. (Chain of Ponds Twp.) Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. , from its source in Crockertown Twp, (Sugarloaf Twp.) to a point at East New Portland where Route 146 crosses the river. Fly fishing only. Chain of Ponds, Chain of Ponds Twp. T. 2, R. 6. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Establishing a minimum length of 12 inches on salmon taken. Clearwater Pond, Farmington and Industry. Daily limit 5 trout, salmon or togue. No size or bag limit on bass and white perch. Tributaries closed to taking of smelts. Crosby Pond, Coburn Gore. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Cupsuptic Lake. Length limit on salmon, 12 inches. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish, except that portion of Cupsuptic Lake at the mouth of the Kennebago and Rangeley Rivers from red markers on outer boom piers to the confluence of the above rivers, fly fishing only until September 30, daily limit 1 fish. Day Mountain Pond, Avon. Closed. Dead River, North Branch, and Tributaries. Daily limit 5 fish. Fly fishing only. Dead River, South Branch. Daily limit 5 fish. Open until September 30th. Dodge Pond, Rangeley. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Dutton (Shiloh) Pond, Kingfield. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Eddy Pond, Sandy River Plantation. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Ell Pond (L), T. 3, R. 5. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Ethel Pond, Sandy River Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout.

13 Egypt Pond and Tributaries, Vienna and Chesterville. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April of each year. Farmer’s Brook, so-called, Wilton, Tributary to Varnum Pond. Closed to the taking of smelts. Flat Iron Pond, Davis Township. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Grant’s Pond, Massachusetts Gore. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Grindstone Pond and Tributaries, Kingfield. Daily limit S trout. Use or posses­ sion of live fish as bait prohibited. Gull Pond, Dallas Pit. Daily bag limit 5 trout, or salmon. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Haley Pond, Rangeley and Dallas, T. 2, R. 2. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Harvey Pond, Madrid. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Hathan Bogs, Coburn Gore. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Hills Pond, Perkins Pit. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Including tributaries and outlet to barrier dam. Horseshoe Pond, Coburn Gore and T. 2, R. 6. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Huston Brook, T. 3, R. 3 and Jerusalem Twp. Also Dead River Twp, Somerset County. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 trout. Jim Pond, Little, T. 1, R. 5; T. 4, R. 5. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. John’s Pond, T. 3, R. 3. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Kemankeag Pond, T. 3, R. 3. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Kennebago Lake, Big, Davis and Stetson Town. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Tributaries, closed except Little Kennebago Stream. Kennebago Lake, Little, T. 3, R. 4. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. . Open to fly fishing only from Big Island Pond to Little Kennebago Lake, daily limit 5 fish. From Little Kennebago Lake to Big Kenne­ bago Lake, open until September 30, fly fishing only, daily limit 5 fish, all tributaries closed. From outlet of Big Kennebago Lake, down to the second power dam, open until September 30th, fly fishing only, daily limit 5 fish. Below second power dam, fly fishing only, open until September 30th, daily limit of 1 fish, tributaries closed. Kimball Pond and Tributaries, New Sharon, Vienna. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open last Saturday of April of each year. Ledge Pond, Sandy River Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Little Island Pond, T. 3, R. 5. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Long Cove Pond and tributary and Outlet to barrier dam, Phillips. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Long Pond, Twp. D. and E. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Long Pond, Sandy River Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Long Pond, Seven Ponds Twp. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish.

14 Long Pond Stream, tributary to Rangeley Lake, closed. Loon Lake, Rangeley and Dallas Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Massachusetts Bog, Massachusetts Gore. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Midway Pond, Sandy River Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Mooselookmeguntic Lake. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Minimum length on salmon, 12 inches. Mountain Pond, Rangeley Pit. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Moxie Pond, Twp. D. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Mud Pond, T. 2, R. 4. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Tributaries closed. Mud Pond, Coburn Gore. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Northwest Pond, T. 3, R. 6. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Northwest Pond, Little, T. 3, R. 6. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Porter Lake, Strong and New Vineyard. Daily limit 5 trout, salmon or togue. Tributaries, closed to the taking of smelts. Quimby Pond, Rangeley. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Closed for 20,000 square feet around the Wilbur Spring. Rangeley Lake. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Open from the red posts 150 feet above the dam to a straight line drawn between 2 red posts set approximately 300 feet above the screen to fly fishing only, until September 30th, daily limit 1 fish. Rangeley Lake and all tributaries. Closed to the taking of smelts. Rangeley River, Rangeley Twp. Fly fishing only, beginning at the red posts set 200 feet below the Oquossoc State Fish Hatchery to its confluence with the Kennebago River, until September 30th, daily limit 1 fish. “Bath Tub” so-called, Open to fly fishing only until Sept. 15th. Daily limit of one fish. Reddington Pond, Reddington Twp. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Rock Pond, Sandy River Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Rock Pond, T. 2, R. 6 Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Round Pond, Twp. E. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Round Pond, Rangeley. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Round Mountain Lake, T. 2, R. 5. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Sabbathday Pond, Twp. E. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Saddleback Lake, Dallas Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Saddleback Pond, Sandy River Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Saddleback Pond, Little, Sandy River Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Saddleback (Cascade) Stream and its Tributaries, Sandy River Pit. Closed to all fishing from Rangeley Water Company Dam to its junction with the outlets of Midway and Eddy Ponds. Schoolhouse Pond, Avon. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Secret Pond, T. 3, R. 5. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish.

15 Snow Mountain Pond, T. 2, R. 5 Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. South Bog Stream, Rangeley Pit. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. South Boundary Pond, T. 3, R. 6. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. South (Pine Tree) Pond, Sandy River Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Spencer Pond, T. D., R. 1. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Staples Pond and Tributaries, Temple Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Stratton Brook Ponds, T. 4, R. 3. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Tea Pond, Jim Pond Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Tim Pond and Mud Pond, T. 2, R. 4. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish in the aggregate, tributaries closed. Toothaker Pond, Phillips Twp. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open last Saturday of April of each year. Trout Pond (Beals Pond), Madrid. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Varnum Pond, Wilton and Temple. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout, salmon or togue. and Tributaries, Weld. Closed to the taking of smelts.


The season opens in Hancock County on April 1st in all waters naturally free of ice and all portions of waters naturally free of ice. See exceptions below. N o person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. N o person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than 7 Y i pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than 7Vi pounds. N o size or bag limit on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single pointed hooked artificial lures. Bogus Meadow Pond and Tributaries, Twp. 7, S. D. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Chicken Mill Pond and Tributaries, Gouldsboro and Twp. 7, S. D. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Craig Pond, Orland. Daily limit 5 trout. Crystal Pond, T. 40, M. D. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Dean Brook, Ellsworth and that part of Branch Lake known as Dean Brook Cove from the mouth of Dean Brook to a straight line between two red posts set on the opposite sides of Dean Brook Cove, closed to the taking of smelts. Echo Lake and Tributaries, Mt. Desert Twp. and Southwest Harbor. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited.

16 Echo Lake, Little, and Tributaries, Mt. Desert. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited.

Floods Pond, Otis. Closed to fishing within W 2 miles of the intake of the Bangor Water District. Fox Pond, T. 10, S. D. and outlet stream down to barrier dam and screen. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited.

Giles Pond and outlet to barrier dam, Aurora Twp. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Hadlock Pond, Upper, Mt. Desert. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Hancock Pond, Bucksport Twp. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish for bait prohibited. Open last Saturday of April. Hatcase Pond, Dedham and Eddington. Prohibiting fishing in that portion of Hatcase Pond lying generally northerly of the red posts set on opposite shores at the narrowest point in the cove at the north end of said Hatcase Pond, for further identification, such narrowest point is approximately 500 yards south of the pumping station of the Brewer Water District. King Pond and Tributaries, Pit. 33. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Lily Pond and Tributaries, Deer Isle. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Long Pond and Tributaries, Aurora and Pit. 33. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Loon Pond, T. 40, M. D. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Mitchell Pond, Dedham. Daily limit 5 trout. Moulton Pond, Dedham and Bucksport. Daily limit 5 trout. Rift Pond and Tributaries, Pit. 33. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Trout Pond, T. 40, M, D. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Tunk Lake, T. 7, S. D ; T. 10, S. D. and Sullivan. Reducing the size limit on salmon from 14 inches in length to 12 inches in length. Tunk Lake, Little, Sullivan. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Youngs Pond, Otis. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 trout. N o size or bag limits on bass or pickerel. Open season and means of taking bass corresponds to general law on trout and salmon in the following waters: Long Pond and Tributaries, Mount Desert; Round Pond and Tributaries, Mount Desert; Ripple Pond and Tributaries; Mount Desert; Somes Pond and Tributaries, Mount Desert. The following waters are open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1 to October 31: Alamoosook Lake, Orland; Brewer Pond, Orrington, Holden and Bucksport; Chalk Pond, Twp. 28, M. D .; Fourth Machias Lake, T. 41, M. D.; Georges Pond, Franklin; Graham Lake, Ellsworth, Mariaville, Waltham and Twp. 8; Horseshoe Lake, T. 5; Jones Pond, West Gouldsboro; Pickerel Pond, Twp. 32; Seal Cove Pond, Tremont and Mt. Desert; Silver Lake, Bucksport; Somes Pond, Mt. Desert.


The season opens in Kennebec County on April 1st in all waters naturally free of ice and all portions of waters naturally free of ice. See exceptions below. N o person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. N o person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than 7Vi pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than 7 Vi pounds. The daily bag limit is 25 white perch per person from any of the waters unless otherwise stated below. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single pointed hooked artificial lures. Androscoggin Lake, Wayne. Open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1 to October 31 of each year. Basin Pond, Fayette. Daily limit 5 trout per person. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April of each year. Bean Pond, Sidney. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Belgrade Stream. Open until September 30th. Carleton Pond, Readfield and Winthrop. Closed. Chamberlain Pond, Belgrade. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Cobbosseecontee Stream. Open until September 30th. Cochnewagon Lake, Monmouth. Open to fishing for all fish except salmon, trout and togue during the month of October annually. Desert Pond and tributary and outlet to barrier dam, Mt. Vernon Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Open to fishing last Saturday of April of each year. East Pond, Oakland. Open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1st to October 31st of each year. East Pond Stream, from Coffin dam to North Pond, closed to fishing for white perch. Echo Lake Tributaries. Closed to the taking of smelts. Egypt Pond and Tributaries, Vienna and Chesterville. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April of each year. Emery (or Mud) Pond, Sidney. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Fairbanks Pond, Manchester. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Fowler Brook, Benton. Closed to all fishing that portion from the road culvert on the Unity Road (Route 139) to its confluence with the Sebasicook River. Gould Pond, Sidney. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait

18 prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Jamies Pond, Manchester and Farmingdale, and its Tributaries closed to the taking of smelts. Jose Brook, tributary of Tingley Brook, Readfield and Mt. Vernon. Establish­ ing a no length limit on trout in Tingley Brook and tributary Jose Brook, towns of Readfield and Mt. Vernon, north of Rte. 17, where it crosses Tingley Brook in Readfield. , downstream from Indian Pond Dam in T 1 R 6, Somerset County to tidewater in Augusta, Kennebec County, shall be closed to all fishing except fly fishing for all fish from September 15th to October 31st each year with 1 fish daily limit. Kimball Pond and Tributaries, New Sharon and Vienna. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Maranacook Lake, Winthrop and Readfield. Daily bag limit 5 trout which shall not exceed a weight of IV 2 pounds. Minnehonk Lake Tributaries. Closed to the taking of smelts. Narrows Pond, Upper and Lower, Winthrop. Daily bag limit of 5 trout, salmon and togue in the aggregate which shall not exceed a weight of 7 V i pounds in the aggregate. North Pond, Rome. Open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1st to October 31st of each year. Schoolhouse Pond, Fayette. Open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1st to October 31st of each year. Silver Lake (Figure 8 Pond), Manchester and Sidney. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Tyler Pond, Manchester. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Wellman Pond and Tributaries, Belgrade and Sidney. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. N o size or bag limits on white perch in the following waters: Annabessacook Lake and Tributaries, Monmouth, Winthrop. China Lake and Tributaries, China and Vassalboro. Cobbosseecontee Lake and Tributaries, Litchfield, Monmouth, Winthrop, West Gardiner and Manchester. Cochnewagon Lake and Tributaries, Monmouth. Maranacook Lake and Tributaries, Winthrop and Readfield. Wilson Pond and Tributaries, Monmouth, Winthrop, Wayne. Opening the following waters on May 28th to the taking of 3 black bass per day on single-pointed hooked artificial lures only: Annabessacook Lake, Monmouth and Winthrop. Cobbossee Lake, Litchfield, Monmouth, Winthrop and West Gardiner. Maranacook Lake, Winthrop and Readfield. Narrows Pond, Winthrop. Wilson Pond, Monmouth, Winthrop and Wayne.

KNOX COUNTY The season opens in Knox County on April 1st in all waters naturally free of ice and all portions of waters naturally free of ice. See exceptions below. N o person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960.

19 N o person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than 'IV2 pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than 7 Vi pounds. N o size or bag limits on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single-pointed hooked artificial lures. Alford Lake, Hope and Union. No minimum length or bag limit on the taking of black bass. Open season and means of taking bass corresponds to general law. Crystal Pond, Washington. No minimum length or bag limit on the taking of black bass. Open season and means of taking bass corresponds to general law. Forest Lake, Friendship. Daily limit 5 trout. Iron Pond, Washington. Daily limit 5 trout. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Lily Pond, Hope. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Mirror Lake, Rockport. Closed to fishing. Salt Pond, Cushing and Friendship. Daily limit 5 trout. Washington Pond, Washington. No minimum length or bag limit on the taking of black bass. Open season and means of taking bass corresponds to general law.

LINCOLN COUNTY The season opens in Lincoln County on April 1st in all waters naturally free of ice and all portions of waters naturally free of ice. See exceptions below. N o person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. N o person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than 7 Vi pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than IV2 pounds. N o size or bag limits on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single-pointed hooked artificial lures. Adams Pond, Boothbay. Daily limit 5 trout. Deer Meadow Pond, Jefferson. Daily bag limit of 5 trout. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Hastings Pond, Bristol. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 trout. Little Pond, Damariscotta. Closed to all fishing. Peters Pond, Waldoboro. Daily limit 5 trout. Ross Pond, Bristol. Daily limit 5 trout.

Wiley Pond, Boothbay Twp. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish for bait prohibited.

OXFORD COUNTY The open season in Oxford County for all fish, except black bass, in waters or portions of waters naturally free of ice in lakes and ponds, shall be from April

20 1st to September 30th. On brooks and streams, the open season for all fish shall be from the last Saturday in April to August 15th. In rivers the open season for all fish shall be from the last Saturday in April to September 15th. See other exceptions below. N o person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. N o person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than 7 Vi pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than TV2 pounds. N o size or bag limits on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single-pointed hooked artificial lures. Abbott Brook, Mexico. Closed to fishing by persons over 16 years of age. Daily limit 5 fish. Abbotts Pond, Sumner. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Anasagunticook Lake and Tributaries. No size or bag limits on bass and pickerel. Aunt Hannah Brook, Dixfield. Open to fishing for children, 16 years and younger, from a point where it crosses Route 142 to its mouth at . Aziscoos Lake. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Fly fishing only that part of Aziscoos Lake north of a straight line between the red post by the landing, and the red post at the point where the Big and Little join; and the area of water north of a straight line between the two red posts at each end of Wheeler Dam on the Little Magalloway Arm of the Aziscoos Lake, and establishing a daily bag limit of 5 fish on these waters. From September 1 to September 30th, fly fish­ ing only with a daily limit of 1 fish. B Pond, Upton. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Bartlett Brook, Stoneham. Closed to the taking of smelts. Beaver Ponds, Magalloway and Lincoln Plantations. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 trout. Bickford Pond, Porter. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Boulder Brook, Lovell. Closed to taking of smelts. Bowker Brook, an inlet to Lake Christopher, Woodstock. Closed to smelt fishing. Broken Bridge Pond and Tributaries, Albany. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Burnt Meadow Pond, Brownfield, and its tributaries and outlet closed to the taking of smelts. Byrant Pond (or Lake Christopher), Woodstock and Greenwood. Daily limit 5 trout. Tributaries which flow through the property of the Christopher Lake Game Management area in the township of Woodstock, closed to the taking of smelts. C Pond, C. Surplus. Daily limit 5 trout. Colcord Pond and Tributaries, Porter. Closed to the taking of smelts. Open to fishing last Saturday of April.

21 Concord Pond, Little, Woodstock. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Crocker Pond, Albany. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Cupsuptic Lake. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Length limit on salmon, 12 inches. and Tributaries. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish April 1 to September 15. Cupsuptic River open September 16 to September 30 with 1 fish limit. Fly fishing only. Cushman Pond, Lovell. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Ellis Pond, Little, Bryon. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Granger Pond, Denmark. Extending fishing through month of October. No size or bag limit on bass. Halls Pond, Paris. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 trout. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Howard Pond, Hanover. Restricted to fly fishing and trolling only. Howard Pond, Hanover. Inlet brook at Morrison’s Lodge, closed from 50 feet below foot bridge at red stakes for V i mile up-stream. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout or salmon in the aggregate. Indian Pond and tributaries and outlet to barrier dam, Greenwood Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Jaybird Pond, Hiram and Porter Townships. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Johnson Brook, so-called, at Worthley Pond, Peru. Closed to the taking of smelts. Kennebago River (outlet of Kennebago Lake). Only fly fishing is permitted until September 30th, with a daily bag limit of 1 fish per person. Tributaries, Closed. Keewaydin Lake, Stoneham. No size or bag limits on pickerel. Keys Pond, Sweden. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Lake Christopher. See Bryant Pond. Lincoln Pond, T. 5, R. 3 and Parkertown. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Long Pond, Denmark. Closing that portion of Long Pond to all fishing from a point at the mouth of brook at head of said pond to a point 150 feet down the pond. All points to be plainly marked. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Long Pond on . Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Magalloway River, Big. Fly fishing only with a daily limit of 5 fish. From September 1 to September 30th, fly fishing only. Daily limit of 1 fish. Tribu­ taries above Aziscoos Dam open to fly fishing only. Tributaries from Aziscoos Dam to the Line, namely: Meadow Brook, Bennett Brook, Town Hall Brook and Clark Brook, closed. Magalloway River from Aziscoos Dam to the New Hampshire State Line. Fly fishing only. Magalloway River, Little, and Tributaries. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Meadow Brook, Stoneham. Closed to the taking of smelts from Keewaydin Lake to a point 100 feet above bridge, crossing said Meadow Brook. Metallak Brook and its Tributaries in Richardson Twp. 4, R. 1 and C Twp. Closed to all fishing except to taking of smelts.

22 Mill Brook, Hanover. Closed from the dam at Howard Pond to its con­ fluence with the , to fishing by persons over 16 years of age. Mooselookmeguntic Lake. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Minimum length limit on salmon 12 inches. Mount Zircon Reservoir. Closed. Mud Pond, Lower Cupsuptic Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. North Pond, Sumner. Daily beg limit 5 trout. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Olemons Pond, Little, Hiram. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. , Parmachenee and Lynchtown. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Pennesseewassee Lake. Tributaries closed to the taking of smelts. Pepper Pot Pond, T. 4, R. 2 and T. 5, R. 2. Fly fishing only. Pond-in-the-River and . Fly fishing only. From September 16th to September 30th, both Rapid River and Pond-in-the-River shall be open to fishing with a daily bag limit of one fish from either or both of these bodies of water. , Upper and Lower and Tributaries. Daily limit 5 fish in the aggregate from the waters of Richardson Lakes, Upper and Lower, and their tributaries and Rapid River and Pond-in-the-River, all in Oxford County, and prohibiting the use or possession of live fish as bait in these waters. Fly fishing only, that part of Richardson Lake from the mouth of Metallak Brook to a straight line drawn between three red posts, one set on the east shore of Pine Island, one on the mainland in a southerly direction from Pine Island and one on the mainland in a northeasterly direction from Pine Island. Above described area closed 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise of the following morning, except to the taking of smelts. Fly fishing only, that part of Richardson Lake from the mouth of Mosquito Brook to a straight line drawn between a red post set on the south shore of Mosquito Brook Cove approximately three hundred feet from the mouth of said brook and a red post set on the north shore of said cove. Above described area closed 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise of the following morning, except to the taking of smelts. Richardson Pond, T. 4, R. 2 and T. 5, R. 2. Fly fishing only. Richardson Ponds, East, T. 4, R. 2 and T. 5, R. 2. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Round Pond and tributaries, Albany Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Sand Pond, Norway. No size or bag limit on pickerel and bass. Shagg Pond and Tributaries, Woodstock. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or posses­ sion of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. South Pond, Greenwood. Tributaries closed to the taking of smelts. Speck Pond, Grafton (T A no. 2) Prohibiting the use or possession of live fish as bait. Stanley Pond, Hiram and Porter Townships. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Thompson Lake, Oxford (also situated Androscoggin and Cumberland Counties). Daily limit 5 trout, salmon or togue. Minimum length limit on togue (lake trout) 12 inches. Closed to the taking of smelts, including all of its tributaries.

23 Trafton Pond, Hiram and Porter Townships. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Trout Pond, Stoneham. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. . Daily limit 5 salmon or trout. Upper Dam Pool, T. 4, R. 1, is defined as being that area between the dam at the outlet of Mooselookmeguntic Lake and a line drawn between the two rocks and cribwork piers approximately 800 yards west of the dam afore­ mentioned. Only fly fishing is permitted with a daily bag limit of 5 fish per person. From September 15th to September 30th fly fishing only with a daily bag limit of 1 fish per person. The following is open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1 to October 31. Bear Pond, Big, Hartford Twp.


The season opens in Penobscot County on April 1st in all waters naturally free of ice and all portions of waters naturally free of ice. See exceptions below. N o person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. N o person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than IVi pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than TVi pounds. N o size or bag limits on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fish­ ing with single-pointed hooked artificial lures. Baxter State Park, A ll Waters. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Bowlin Pond, T. 5, R. 8. Fly fishing only. Green Pond and Tributaries and outlet down to barrier dam, Lee and T. 3, R. 1, N. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Hatcase Pond, Dedham and Eddington. Prohibiting fishing in that portion of Hatcase Pond lying generally northerly of the red posts set on opposite shores at the narrowest point in the cove at the north end of said Hatcase Pond; for further identification, such narrowest point is approximately 500 yards south of the pumping station of the Brewer Water District. Ireland Pond, T. 7, R. 8. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Jerry Pond and Tributaries and outlet to barrier dam, Millinocket and T. A. R. 7. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Katahdin Lake, T. 3, R. 8. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Lower Shin Pond, T. 5, R. 7 and Mt. Chase Pit. Minimum length of salmon 12 inches. Messer Pond, T. 5, R. 8. Daily limit 5 fish. Messer Pond, Little, T. 5, R. 8. Daily limit 5 fish. Moose Pond, T 3 R 8. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Mud Brook, T 2 R 8. Daily limit 5 fish. 24 Puffers Pond (Echo Lake) and Tributaries and outlet down to barrier dam, Dexter. Daily limit of 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday in April. Rocky Pond, T. 3, R. 8. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Round Pond, Little, Lincoln. Closed. Sand Bank Brook and Tributaries, T. 3, R. 7, Soldiertown, T. 2, R. 7, T. 3, R. 8. Daily limit 5 fish. Sandy Stream, T 2 R 8, T 3 R 8. Daily limit 5 fish. Trout Pond, T 2 R 7. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Upper Shin Pond, T. 6, R. 6 and Mt. Chase Pit. Minimum length of salmon 12 inches. Wassataquoik Stream and Tributaries, T. 3, R. 7, R. 3, R. 8, T. 4, R. 8. Daily limit 5 fish. The following waters are open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1 to October 31. Brewer Pond, Orrington and Holden; Chemo Pond, Clifton, Eddington and Bradley; Crooked Pond, Lincoln; Eddington Pond, Eddington and Holden; Folsom Lake, Lincoln; Holbrook Pond, Holden; Mattanawcook Lake, Lincoln; Pushaw Lake, Glenburn, Orono, Old Town and Hudson; Pushaw Pond, Little, Hudson; Shaw Lake, T. 5, R. 1; South Branch Lake, T. 2, R. 8 and Seboeis; Sweets Pond, Orrington.


The season opens in Piscataquis County on April 1st in all waters naturally free of ice and a!l portions of waters naturally free of ice. See exceptions below. N o person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. . .o pt. jO.i sfla.1 take, eaten or kid in any one day or have in possession at any time more than IV2 pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than IVi pounds. N o size or bag limit on white perch, except Boyd Lake, Orneville, which has a daily limit of 25 white perch with no length or weight limit. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single pointed hooked artificial lures. Abol Pond and tributaries, T. 2, R. 9 and T. 3, R. 9. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Alligator Pond, T. A, R. 11, W . E. L. S. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. B Pond, T-B, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Baker Pond, Bowdoin College Grant. Fly fishing only. Baxter State Park. Daily limit 5 fish from any of the waters. Use or posses­ sion of live fish as bait prohibited. Bean Ponds, T. 2, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Bear Pond, T. A, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Bear Pond, T. 2, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Beaver Pond, Little and Tributaries, T. 2, R. 11. Usd or possession of live fish as bait prohibited.

25 Bell Pond and Tributaries, Monson. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Big Bennett Pond and Tributaries and outlet and tributary to outlet as far as barrier dam, Guilford. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday in April. Big Benson Pond, Willimantic, Bowerbank and T 7 R 9. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Birch Ridge Pond, T. A, R. 11. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Bluff Pond, T. A, R. 13. Fly fishing only. Boardman Pond, Big, T. A, R. 11. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Boardman Pond, Little, T. A, R. 11. Fly fishing only. Daily limit of 3 fish. Boyd Lake, Omeville. Daily limit 25 white perch. Buck Pond, T. 2, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Carry Pond, T. 3, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Carpenter Pond, T. 7, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Celia Pond, T. 3, R. 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Clifford Pond and Tributaries, T. 2, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Coffeelos Pond, T. 6, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Collins Pond, T. 2, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Crawford Pond, T. A, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daicey Pond, T. 3, R. 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Deer Pond, T. 3, R. 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Doughnut Pond, T. 2, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Dow Pond, Sebec. Open to fishing. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit of 5 fish. Draper Pond, T. 3, R. 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Duck (Blood) Pond, T. 2, R. 13, W. E. L. S. Fly fishing only. Duck Pond, T. 4, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. East Branch Pleasant River, T-B R 10, T-B R 11, T 4 R 9, T 5 R 9, T-A R 11 and T-A R 12. Daily limit 5 fish. Fifth Debsconeag Lake, T 1 and 2, R. 11, W . E. L. S. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Fogg Pond, West Bowdoin College Grant. Fly fishing only. Foss and Knowlton Ponds, T. 2 and 3, R. 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Fox Pond, T. A, R. 11. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Frost Pond and Tributaries and outlet down to red marker at natural barrier, T. 3, R. 11 and T. 3, R. 12. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Garland Pond and Tributaries, Sebec and Dover-Foxcroft. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Grassy Pond, T. 8, R. 10. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. 26 Greenwood Pond, T. B. R. 11 and T. 7, R. 10. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Hale Pond, T 2 R 10. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Harrington Lake, T. 3, 4, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Harrington Pond, T. 3, R. 11. Fly fishing only. Henderson Pond, T. A, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Holbrook Pond, T 2 R 11 and T 3 R 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Horserace Ponds, T 2 R 11 and T 3 R 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Horseshoe Pond, West Bowdoin College Grant. Fly fishing only. Jackson Pond, T. 3, R. 10, T. 3, R. 11. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Johnson Pond, T. A, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Johnston Pond, T. A, R. 10. Closed to all fishing, except from June 1 to Sept. 30, both days inclusive. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Jo-Mary Pond, T. B, R. 10. Closed to all fishing. Jordan Pond, T. 3, R. 11, W . E. L. S. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Juniper Knee Pond, Elliottsville. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Kennebec River, East Outlet, from Moosehead Lake to Indian Pond in Sapling, Somerset County; Big Squaw Mt. Twp., Piscataquis County. Open for fishing under general laws from May 1st to September 15th each year. Closed to all but fly fishing Sept. 16th to Sept. 30th. Daily limit 1 fish. Kidney Pond, T. 3, R. 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Kingsbury Pond and its Tributaries, Mayfield Pit. and Kingsbury Pit. Open to the taking of smelts. Knowlton Pond, T. 3, R. 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Kokadjo (Roach) River, from First Roach Pond to Moosehead Lake in Frenchtown or T. 1 R. 13, T. 1 R. 14 and T. A. R. 13. Open for fishing under general laws from May 1st to Sept. 15th of each year. Closed to all but fly fishing Sept. 16th to Sept. 30th. Daily limit 1 fish. Lily Pad Pond, T. 3, R. 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Little Holbrook Pond, T 3 R 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Little Houston Pond, T. 6, R. 9. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday in April. Little Hurd Pond, T 2 R 10. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Little Spencer Pond and Tributaries, East Middlesex Canal Grant. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Long Pond, T. A, R. 11 and T. 1, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Lost Pond, T. 3, R. 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Lower Hudson Pond and Tributaries and outlet to barrier dam, T. 10, R. 10. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Lower South Branch Pond and Tributaries, T. 5, R. 9. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Lyford Pond, Big, T. A, R. 12. T. A, R. 13. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Lyford Ponds, Little, East and West Bowdoin College Grant. Fly fish in g only. Daily limit 5 fish.

27 McKenna Pond, T. 3, R. 11. Fly fishing only. Middle Branch Pond, T. 5 R 9, N. W . P. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Mirror Pond (Monkey Pond), T. A, R. 11. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Moosehead Lake. All tributaries closed to fishing except , Kokadjo River and Big Squaw Brook. Moosehead Lake closed during the month of April of each year. Mountain Brook Pond, West Bowdoin College Grant. Fly fishing only. Mountain Pond, T. 8, R. 10, N.W .P., and Gore A, No. 2. Fly fishing only. Mud Pond, Little and Tributaries, Greenville and Bowdoin College Grant, West T. 8, R. 10. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Murphy Ponds (4), T. 2, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Nahmakanta Lake, T 1 R 11, T 12 R 11. Size limit on salmon reduced from 14 inches to 12 inches. Narrows Pond, or Narrow Pond, T 8 R 14. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. North Pond, Elliotsville Pit. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish for bait prohibited. Norton (so-called Peters Pond) and Tributaries and outlet to barrier dam, Brownville. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday in April. Notch Ponds, Big and Little, West Bowdoin College Grant. Fly fishing only. Peaked Mountain Pond, T. 10, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Pearl Ponds (2), T. 8, R. 10. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Pleasant Pond, T. A, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Pleasant Pond, Little, T. A, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Pleasant Pond, Little, T. 10, R. 11, W . E. L. S. Fly fishing only. Daily limit S fish. Polly Pond, T. 3, R. 11. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Prong Pond and Tributaries and Outlet Down to Barrier Dam , Greenville and TA 2 and R 13 and 14, and Bowdoin College Grant West T. 8, R. 10. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Rabbit Pond, Elliottsville. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Ragged Pond, T. 9, R. 10. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Rainbow Deadwater and Tributaries, T. 2, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Rainbow Lake and Tributaries, T. 2, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. . (See Kokadjo River.) Rocky Pond, Little, T. 3, R. 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Rocky Pond, T. 3, R. 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Rocky Pond, Big, T. A, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Rocky Pond, Little, T. A., R. 11. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Rubberneck Pond, T. A, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Rum Pond, Greenville and T. 8, R. 10, N.W.P. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish.

28 Salmon Pond, Guilford. Closed. Sawyer Pond, Greenville. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Sebec Lake, Bowerbank, Dover-Foxcroft, Sebec and Willimantic. Daily limit 5 fish. Minimum length limit on salmon, 12 inches. Prohibiting the taking of smelts in Earley’s Salmon Pool, so-called, at the head of Sebec Lake, and in that part of the lake between said pool and Packard’s Wharf. Sebec Lake and Tributaries. No size or bag limit on black bass. Sebeois Lake, T 4 R 9 and Lakeview Twp. Open to fishing for all fish except salmon, trout and togue, during the month of October of each year. Shadow Pond, Greenville, T 3 R 5 and Harfords Point. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Slaughter Pond, T. 3, R. 11. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 12 fish. Snake Pond, T. 7, R. 11, W . E. L. S. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Sourdnahunk Lake, T. 4, R. 10, T. 4, R. 11, T. 5, R. 10, T. 5, R. 11. Fly fishing only with daily limit of 5 fish. Closed to all fishing from 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise of the following morning. Sourdnahunk Thoroughfare, T. 4, R. 10. Closed to all fishing from August 15th to April 15th, inclusive, that part of the thoroughfare north of Sourdna­ hunk Dam, so-called to a distance of approximately V2 mile, to a point designated by 2 red posts set on the shores of said thoroughfare. Sourdnahunk Lake, Little, T 5 R 11. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Closed to all fishing from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise of each day. Sourdnahunk Stream, T. 4, R. 10, T. 4, R. 11, T. 3, R. 10, T. 2, R. 10. Fly fishing only with a daily limit of 5 fish. Closed to all fishing from 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise. Sourdnahunk Watershed, T. 4, R. 10, T. 4, R. 11, T. 5, R. 10, T. 5, R. 11, T. 2, R. 10, T. 3, R. 10, T. 3, R. 11. Daily limit of 5 fish from any of the waters, except Slaughter Pond in T 3 R 11. Spectacle Pond, Lower, and Tributaries, Monson and Shirley. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Spectacle Pond, Upper, and Tributaries, Monson and Shirley. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Spencer Pond, East Middlesex Canal Grant, T. 1, R. 14. Daily bag limit 5 trout. North and South inlets closed to all fishing. Spring Pond, Twp. 7, R. 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Spruce Mountain Pond, T. B, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Squaw Pond, T. 3, R. 5. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Stratton Pond, T. 2, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Sylvan Lake. See Whetstone Pond. Thanksgiving Pond, Blanchard. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Thissell Pond and Tributaries and outlet down to red marker at natural barrier, T. 5, R. 11. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Trout Pond, T. 3, R. 5, B.K.P., E.K.R., Little Squaw Mountain Twp. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Twin Ponds, T 2 R 9. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Upper Elbow Pond and tributaries, T 10 R10 and T 10 R ll. Use or posses­ sion of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout.

29 Upper South Branch Pond and Tributaries and outlet down to red marker at natural barrier, T. 5, R. 9. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Upper Wilson Pond, T 8 R 10. Closing North Brook and South Brook tributaries to fishing from red posts set at mouth of brook upstream to red posts set at first road bridge, respectively. Wadleigh Pond, Big, T. 8, R. 15. Use or possession o f live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Wassataquoik Stream and Tributaries, T. 4, R. 5. Daily limit 5 fish. West Branch of . Restricted from Ripogenus Dam to the head of Sourdnahunk deadwater to fishing with single-pointed hooked artificial lures only. West Branch Ponds, 1, 2, 3, 4, in T. A, R. 12 and tributaries. Fly fishing only. Whetstone Pond (Sylvan Lake), Blanchard and Kingsbury. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Pond and tributaries, closed to the dipping of smelts. Wiggin Brook, Greenville and T. 3, R. 5. Open to fishing for all persons under the age of 17 years. Williams Pond, T 4 R 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Windy Pitch Pond, T. 3, R 10. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Woodman Pond and Tributaries, T. 2, R. 11. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Yoke Pond, T. A, R. 11. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. The following waters are open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1 to October 31. Boyd Lake, Orneville; Ebeemee Ponds, East and West, T. 5, R. 9 and Brown­ ville; Ebeemee Pond, Upper. T. 4, R. 9 and T. B, R. 10.

SAGADAHOC COUNTY The season opens in Sagadahoc County on April 1st in all waters naturally free of ice, and all portions of waters naturally free of ice. No person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. No person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than I V i pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than I V i pounds. No size or bag limits on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single pointed hooked artificial lures. NeC-iasset Pond, Woolwich. Establishing no minimum length or bag limit on taking o f black bass. Open season and means of taking bass correspond to general law for trout and salmon. Silver Lake, Phippsburg. Daily limit 5 trout.

SOMERSET COUNTY The season opens in Somerset County on April 1st in all waters naturally free of ice and all portions of waters naturally free of ice. See exceptions below.

30 No person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species auring any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. No person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than 7V i pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than 7V i pounds. The daily bag limit is 25 white perch per person from any of the waters unless otherwise stated below. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single pointed hooked artificial lures. Baker Pond, Hobbstown, T. 5, R. 6. Fly fishing only. Daily limit of 5 fish. Baker Pond in Tomhegan Township, T. 1, R. 2. Fly fishing only. Baker Pond Tributaries, T. 4, R. 6 and T. 5, R. 6. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 trout. Baker Stream, T. 4, R. 5, T. 5, R. 6, and Hobbstown. Daily limit 5 fish. Fly fishing only. Beane Pond, Pleasant Ridge Pit. Fly fishing only. Beck Pond, T. 3, R. 5. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Berry Ponds (including Chain Ponds), Johnson Mountain Twp. Fly fishing only. Bitter Brook, T. 4, R. 7, T. 5, R. 7, T. 4, R. 6, T. 3, R. 6, and tributaries. Closed to all fishing. Black Brook Pond, Moxie Gore. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Black Hill Pond and Tributaries and outlet down to barrier dam, Embden. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Blakesley Lake, T. 5, R. 6. Fly fishing only. Brassua Lake, T. 1, R. 1, N.B.K.P. Closed after August 15 that portion of Brassua Lake from the line between two red posts set on opposite shores from the mouth of Misery Stream in a northeasterly direction to a line between two yellow posts. Cambridge Pond, Cambridge Twp. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Carrabassett River, from its source in Crockertown Twp. to a point at East New Portland where Route 146 crosses the river. Fly fishing only. Chase Pond, Moscow. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Clear Pond (Mill), Pleasant Ridge Pit. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Clish Pond, T. 5, R. 20. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Cobum Pond, Moose River Pit. Fly fishing only. Cold Stream Pond, T2R6, T2R7 and T 3 R 7. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 trout. Davis Brook, T. 5, R. 6. Daily limit 5 fish. Davis Pond, T. 5, R. 6. Daily limit 5 fish. Daymond Pond, Moose River Pit. Fly fishing only. Dead Stream Pond, 10,000 Acre Tract; Chase Stream Twp.; West Forks Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Desolation Pond, T. 8, R. 16. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Dimmick Pond, Big, Caratunk. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited.

31 Dimmick Pond, Little, Caratunk. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Dingley Ponds, The Three, T. 4, R. 5. Fly fishing only. Dixon Pond, T 2 R 4. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. East Carry Pond, Carrying Place Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. East Pond Stream, from Coffin Dam to North Pond. Closed to fishing for white perch. Ellis Pond, Ten Thousand Acre Tract. Fly fishing only. Enchanted Pond, Little, Upper Enchanted Twp. Fly fishing only. Everett Pond, T. 4, R. 5, B.K.P., W .K.R. Fly fishing only. Ferguson Stream, a tributary of Cambridge Pond, Cambridge and Harmony Twps. From Cambridge Pond to the natural falls marked by red posts upstream from said pond, daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Fernald Pond, Pierce Pond Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Fernald Pond, T. 2, R. 6 and Parlin Pond. Fly fishing only. Fish Pond, Pierce Pond Twp. Fly fishing only. Fish Pond, Little, T. 3, R. 3. Fly fishing only. Fish Pond, Holeb. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Foley Ponds (4), T. 4, R. 18. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Fry Pan Pond, Squaretown. Fly fishing only. Grace Pond, T. 3, R. 6. Fly fishing only. Grass Pond, T 2 R 4. Fishing with artificial lures only. Daily limit 5 fish. Grassy Pond, Holeb and thoroughfare between Little Fish Pond, Holeb, closed to all fishing. Hall Pond, Prentiss Twp. Fly fishing only. Heald Pond, Caratunk Pit. Fly fishing only. Daily bag limit 5 fish. Helen Pond, Pierce Pond Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. High Pond, Pierce Pond Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Higher Pond, Pierce Pond Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Horse Brook. T. 4, R. 7, T. 3, R. 6 and tributaries. Closed to all fishing. Horseshoe Pond, Pierce Pond Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Horseshoe Pond, Ten Thousand Acre Tract. Fly fishing only. Huston Brook, Dead River Pit. Also T. 3, R. 3 and Jerusalem Twp. Franklin County. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 trout. Iron Pond, Hobbstown, T. 5, R. 6, B.K.P., W.K.R. Fly fishing only. Island Pond, 10,000 Acre Tract. Use or possession of live fish as bait pro­ hibited. Jim Pond, Little, T. 1, R. 5, T. 4, R. 5. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Kennebec River, downstream from Indian Pond Dam in T 1 R 6, Somerset County to tidewater in Augusta, Kennebec County, shall be closed to all fishing except fly fishing for all fish from September 15th to October 31st of each year with a 1 fish daily limit. Kennebec River, East Outlet, from Moosehead Lake to Indian Pond in Sapling, Somerset County; Big Squaw Mt. Twp., Piscataquis County. Open for fishing under general laws from May 1st to Sept. 15th each year. Closed to all but fly fishing Sept. 16th to Sept. 30th. Daily limit 1 fish. Kennebec River, West Outlet from Moosehead Lake to Indian Pond in Taun­ ton, Raynham Grant, Misery Gore, Sapling. Open for fishing under general laws from May 1st to Sept. 15th of each year. Closed to all but fly fishing from Sept. 16th to Sept. 30th. Daily limit 1 fish. Kilgore Pond, T 1 R 4, T 2 R 4. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish.

32 King and Bartlett Lake, T. 4, R. 5. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. King Pond, T 1 R 4. Fly fishing only. Daily limit 5 fish. Kingsbury Pond and its Tributaries, Mayfield Pit. and Kingsbury Pit. Open to the taking of smelts. Knights Pond, Moxie Gore and Squaretown. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Jackson Pond and Tributaries, Concord. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Lang Pond, Parlin Pond Twp. Fly fishing only. Lang Pond, Little, Parlin Pond Twp. Fly fishing only. Little Fish Pond, Holeb and the thoroughfare between Grassy Pond, Holeb, closed to all fishing. Little King Lake and Tributary and outlet to barrier dam, T. 4, R. 5. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Little and Wee Heald Ponds, Caratunk Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Lone Jack Pond, Johnson Mountain Twp. Fly fishing only. Long (Martin) Pond, Forks Twp. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Long Pond, Forsythe and Holeb. Daily limit 5 fish. Long Pond, Ten Thousand Acre Tract. Fly fishing only. Lost Pond, Pleasant Ridge. Fly fishing only. Lost Pond, T. 5, R. 16. Fly fishing only. Luther Pond and tributaries, Thorndike Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Macdougall Pond, Caratunk. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Marie Petush Pond, Prentiss Twp. Fly fishing only. Markham Pond, Johnson Mountain. Fly fishing only. Martin Pond, The Forks Pit. Closed to all fishing during the month of April. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Mayfield Pond and its Tributaries, Mayfield Pit. and Brighton Twp. Open to the taking of smelts. Middle Carry Pond, Carrying Place. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Mill Pond, see Clear Pond. Moosehead Lake. All tributaries closed to fishing, except Moose River, Kokadjo River and Big Squaw Brook. Closed to all fishing from April 1st to April 30th of each year. Moose Pond, Bowtown Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Moose River from Brassua Lake to Moosehead Lake in Rockwood Strip and Taunton, Raynham Grant, T 1 R 1. Open for fishing from May 1st to Sept. 15th of each year. Fishing from the head of Gilberts Pool to Brassua Dam, with single-pointed hooked artificial lures only. Closed to all but fly fishing Sept. 16th to Sept. 30th, with a daily limit 1 fish. Moose River from confluence of Holeb Stream to Attean Pond in Holeb (T 6 R 1), Attean (T 5 R 1), T 5 R 7, T 4 R 7. Open to fishing with artificial lures only from April 1st thru September 15 of each year and closed to all fishing September 16 to April 1. Daily limit 5 fish. Mud Pond, 10,000 Acre Tract. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. North Otter Pond, Bowtown. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Otter Pond, Bowtown. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited.

33 Parlin Brook, T. 3, R. 7, T. 2, R. 6, T. 4, R. 7 and tributaries. Closed to all fishing. Penobscot Lake, T. 3, R. 4, T. 3, R. 5, T. 4, R. 4, T. 4, R. 5. Use or pos­ session of live fish as bait prohibited. Pickerel Pond, Pierce Pond Twp. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Pierce Pond, T 1 R 4 and T 2 R 4. Fishing with artificial lures only. Daily limit 5 fish. Pleasant Pond, The Forks, Caratunk. Use or possession of live fish as blit prohibited. Rancourt Pond, Dennistown Pit. Fly fishing only. Ripley Pond and Tributaries, Ripley. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or posses­ sion of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday in April. Rock Pond, T. 5, R. 6, B.K.P., W.K.R. Fly fishing only. Round Pond, Squaretown. Fly fishing only. Round Pond, Ten Thousand Acre Tract. Fly fishing only. Russell Pond, T. 5, R. 16. Fly fishing only. Snake Pond, Johnson Mountain. Fly fishing only. Spencer Stream and Tributaries. Fly fishing only. Split Rock Pond, Pierce Pond Town. Fly fishing only. Spring Lake, T. 3, R. 4. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Supply Pond and Tributaries and outlet to barrier dam, Moose River Pit. and Jackman Pit. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Temple Pond, Moscow. Open only to persons under 16 years of age. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Tobey Pond, Johnson Mountain. Fly fishing only. Turner Ponds, Big and Little, Forsythe Twp. Daily limit 5 fish. Two Mile Brook, T. 2, R. 6 and tributaries. Closed to all fishing. Wilson Pond, Little (Little Wilson Hill Pond), Johnson Mountain. Fly fishing only. The following waters are open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from Oct. 1st to Oct. 31st: East Pond, Smithfield; Fahi Pond, Embden; Hayden Lake (Wesserunsett Lake) Madison; North Pond, Mercer, Smithfield and Rome; Wyman Pond, Brighton.

WALDO COUNTY The season opens in Waldo County on April 1st in all waters naturally free of ice and all portions of waters naturally free of ice. See exceptions below. No person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. No person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than 7Vi pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than 7V i pounds. No size or bag limits on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single pointed hooked artificial lures. Bowler Pond, Palermo. Daily limit 5 trout. Open to fishing last Saturday of April.

34 Crotch Pond, Palermo. Open to fishing the last Saturday of April. Jump Pond, Palermo. Open to fishing the last Saturday of April. Pitcher Pond, Lincolnville and Northport. No length or bag limit on bass. Open season and means of taking bass corresponds to general law. Prescott Pond, Palermo. Daily limit 5 trout. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. St. George’s Lake, Liberty. Daily limit 5 salmon or trout. St. George’s Lake, Little, Liberty. Daily limit 5 salmon or trout. Sam Pond, Palermo. Open to fishing the last Saturday of April. Swan Lake, Frankfort, Searsport, Swanville. No bag or size limit on bass. Open season and means of taking bass corresponds to general law on trout and saimon. WASHINGTON COUNTY The season opens in Washington County on April 1st in all waters naturally free of ice and all portions of waters naturally free of ice. No person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. No person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than 7Vi pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than 7Vi pounds. No size or bag limits on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 20th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single pointed hooked artificial lures. Beddington Lake. Closed from site of Beddington Dam on to two red posts approximately 300 yards above site. Chiputneticook Chain of Lakes. No size or bag limit on pickerel. No bag limit on bass. It shall be unlawful to fish at any time within 75 feet of any dam or obstruction in which a fishway is located. Coleback Pond and Tributaries and outlet down to barrier dam, Charlotte. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Dead Pond, T. 25, M. D. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. from the lower dam site in Dennysville to red posts near the narrows. Fly fishing only for Atlantic Salmon. The season opens May 1st. Daily limit 2. East Pike Brook Pond, T. 18, M. D. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. East , from the dam below Route 1 to a line across the river at Simpson’s Wharf. Fly fishing only for Atlantic Salmon. Daily limit 2. Grand Lake Outlet. (See Chiputneticook Chain of Lakes). Grand Lake Stream, Grand Lake Stream Pit. and Twp. 27, E. D. Open to fly fishing only, in waters free of ice from April 1st until September 15th includ­ ing the stream adjacent to hatchery pools. Grand Lake Stream Dam, Grand Lake Stream Pit. Closing all waters to all fishing within 150 feet of the dam. Horseshoe Pond, T 18 M. D. (see Mystery Lake) James Pond and Tributaries, Charlotte. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Ledge Pond, Charlotte. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily bag limit 5 trout.

35 Lily Lake, Trescott. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Lily Pond, T. 30, M. D. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Machias River, from Whitneyville Dam to Blaine Davis’ Mill. Fly fishing only for Atlantic Salmon. Daily limit 2. Mystery Lake, T 18 M. D. (Horseshoe Pond) Daily limit 5 fish. Narraguagus River. Taking of fish prohibited except by use of a single hook on a line above Deblois Bridge. Fly fishing only below Deblois Bridge. Daily limit 2 salmon. Narraguagus River. Closed from site of Beddington Dam on Narraguagus River to two red posts approximately 300 yards above site. Peep Lake, T. 30, M. D. Daily bag limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Penman Pond, T 26, E. D. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. Pineo Pond, Deblois. Fly fishing only, which said Pineo Pond shall be called a great pond. Pleasant River. Unweighted fly hook, not larger than No. 4 and fly line must be used in taking Atlantic Salmon. Daily limit 2. Possum Pond, T. 26, ED. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. St. Croix River. Open to fishing from the dam in Woodland to the dam at the outlet of Spednik Lake in Vanceboro for all fish except salmon, trout and togue from September 16 to October 31st under the general laws. Salmon Pond and Tributary, T. 30, M.D. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or posses­ sion of live fish as bait prohibited. Schoodic Brook, Cherryfield. Closed from red post at its mouth to red post 1,000 feet up stream. Schoodic Lake, T. 18, M. D., Columbia, Cherryfield. No size or bag limits on bass. Season to conform with general law open water fishing for trout and salmon. Six Mile Pond, Marshfield, Whitneyville. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or posses­ sion of live fish as bait prohibited. Smelt Brook, Marshfield. Closed. Tomah Lake, T 10 R 3N. Closed to all fishing. West Pike Brook Pond, T. 18, M. D. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 trout. The following waters are open to fishing for all fish except trout, salmon and togue from October 1 to October 31st: Barrows Lake, Alexander Baskahegan Lake, Topsfield, Brookton and T 8 R 3 Bearse Lake, Meddybemps and Baring Beaver Lake, Calais Beaver Dam Lake, North, Twp. 26 Chain Lakes (1st, 2nd and 3rd), Twp. 26 and 31 Clifford Lake, Twp. 26 and 27 Cranberry Lake, Upper, Twp. 30 Cranberry Lake, Lower, Twp. 30 and 36 Crawford Lake, Pit. 21 and Crawford Crooked Brook Lake, Danforth Drake Lake, T 10 R 3, N. First Machias Lake, Twp. 37 Fulton Lake, Northfield Getchell Pugs, Twp. 43 Hadley’s Lakes, East Machias Hot Brook Lakes, T 8 R 4

36 Hound Brook Lake, T 1 R 2 Indian Lake, Whiting Jackson Brook Lake, Brookton Josh Lake, Whiting LaCoute Lake, Vanceboro Lewy’s Lake, Princeton and Indian Twp. Lake, Twp. 43 Little Tomah Lake, Topsfield, Codyville Long Lake, Twp. 18 and 19 and Wesley Lower Chain Lake, T 5 Meddybemps Lake, Meddybemps, Baring, Baileyville and Alexander Mud Lake, (Upper and Lower), Alexander Munson Lake, Twp. 18 and 19 Patrick Lake, Marion, Pit. 14 Patten Lake, Waite, Talmadge, Grand Lake Stream Pennamaquan Lake, Charlotte, Pembroke Pickerel Lake, Brookton Pickerel Lake, Topsfield Pocomoonshine Lake, Princeton, Alexander Rocky Lane, Twp. 18 Round Lake, Charlotte Round Lake, Twp. 18 and 19 Seavey Lake, Wesley Seavey Lake, Little, Wesley Second Lake, Twp. 18 Second Machias Lake, T 37, M.D. Shaw Lake, T 6 R 1 Simon Lake, Codyville Simpson Pond, Roque Bluffs Spectacle Ponds, Twp. 19 Sucker Lake, Danforth Third Lake, Machias, Twp. 5, 42, 43 Voses Lake, Calais Wabasses Lake, Twp. 5, 6, 43

YORK COUNTY The open season in York County for all fish, except black bass, in waters or portions of waters naturally free of ice in lakes and ponds, shall be from April 1st fo September 30th. On brooks and streams, the open season for all fish shall be from the last Saturday in April to August 15th. In rivers the open season for all fish shall be from the last Saturday in April to September 15th. See other exceptions below. No person shall take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 12 fish of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species during any one day of any open season, from any or all of the rivers, streams, brooks, lakes and ponds, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the department, under section 1960. No person shall take, catch or kill in any one day or have in possession at any time more than 1 V2 pounds in the aggregate of the trout, salmon, togue and black bass species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than IV 2 pounds. No size or bag limits on white perch. Black bass, June 1st to June 23th restricted to casting, spinning and fly fishing with single pointed hooked artificial lures. Adams Pond, Newfield. Extending fishing to 31st day of October each year. Boulter Pond, York. Closed. Chase’s Pond, York. Closed. Deer Pond, Hollis. Daily limit 5 trout. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Ell Pond, Sanford and Wells. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Open to fishing last Saturday of April.

37 Folly Pond, York. Closed. Goose Pond, Shapleigh. No size or bag limits on pickerel and bass. Open season and means of taking bass corresponds to general law on trout and salmon. Great East Lake, Acton Twp. All tributaries closed to the taking of smelts. Legion Pond and Tributaries, Kittery. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Littlefield Pond, Sanford. Closed. Little Poverty Pond, Shapleigh. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Lone Pond, Waterboro. Daily limit 5 fish. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Long Pond, Tributaries, Parsonsfield. Closed to the taking of smelts. Middle Pond, York. Closed. Milliken’s Mill Pond and Tributaries, Old Orchard Beach. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Mousam Lake, Acton and Shapleigh. No size or bag limits on pickerel and bass. Open season and means of taking bass corresponds to general law on trout and salmon. Tributaries closed to taking of smelts. Ossipee Pond, Little, Waterboro. No size or bag limits on pickerel and bass. Open season and means of taking bass corresponds to general law on trout and salmon. All tributaries closed to the taking of smelts. Pipe Dream Pond and Tributaries, Cornish Twp. Daily limit 5 trout. Use ol possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Round Pond, Lyman. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Sand Pond, Limington. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Square Pond, Acton and Shapleigh. No size or bag limits on pickerel and bass. Open season and means of taking bass corresponds to general law on trout and salmon. Sunken Pond, Sanford. Daily limit 5 trout. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Warren Pond. South Berwick. Use or possession of live fish as bait prohibited. Daily limit 5 fish. Open to fishing last Saturday of April. Wilson Pond, Acton Twp. All tributaries closed to the taking of smelts.

ATLANTIC SALMON Taking in inland waters subject to same regulations as landlocked salmon unless otherwise stated. Taking in Tidal Waters subject to Sea and Shore Fisheries laws unless other­ wise stated. Closed season in tidal waters from 16th day of July to 31st day of March, both days inclusive except that between the 16th day of July and 15th day of September both days inclusive they may be taken with rod and single line and may be taken by weirs on the St. Croix River below the breakwater at the ledge between the 15th day of May and the 31st day of August, both days inclusive. Penobscot River and Bay. May be taken with hook and line or artificial flies in river and its tributaries and in waters of the Bay northerly of a line drawn in an easterly direction from Bayside Wharf in Northport to Castine Light. In river and its tributaries between Bangor Dam and Central Railroad Bridge (known as Bangor Salmon Pool) artificial flies only may be used. 2 fish limit. Open season in Bangor Salmon Pool April 1st to Sept. 15th, both days inclusive. Narraguagus River and Bay. May be taken only by angling with hook and

38 line or artificial flies in the Bay north of a line drawn in an easterly direction from Long Point in Millbridge to outer extremity of Cape Split in Addison. Taking of fish prohibited except by use of a single hook on a line above Deblois Bridge. Fly fishing only below Deblois Bridge. Daily limit 2 salmon. Pleasant River and Tributaries. Unweighted fly hook not larger than No. 4 and fly line must be used in taking Atlantic Salmon. Daily limit 2. Machias River, Holmes Bay. May be taken only by hook and line or artificial flies in River and its tributaries and in Holmes Bay inside of a line drawn from the outer extremity of Long Point in Machiasport to outer extremity of Birch Point in said town. Between Whitneyville Dam and Blaine Davis Mill, artificial flies only. 2 fish limit in above waters. and its Tributaries. Ordinary mode of angling with hook and line or artificial flies. Artificial flies only between the dam below U. S. High­ way No. 1 and Simpsons Wharf. 2 fish limit in above waters. Dennys River, or Whiting Bay. Ordinary mode of angling or artificial flies in Dennys River and tributaries and in that part of Dennys Bay or Whiting Bay inside of a line drawn from Leighton Point to Denbow Point. From the lower dam site in Dennysville to red posts near the narrows. Fly fishing only for Atlantic Salmon. The season opens May 1st. Daily limit 2. It shall be unlawful to use seine or gill nets in the Dennys River above a line drawn from Hinkley Point in the town of Dennysville due south to a red painted post in the township of Edmunds; provided, however, that a hand dip net with a bow not more than 2 V i feet in the largest diameter may be used between this line and the No. 1 Highway at the Upper Bridge, so called, for the purpose of catching alewives during the open season and under the conditions and restric­ tions provided by the general laws of the State. No person shall catch Atlantic Salmon in Dennys River or its tributaries except by hook and line. and Tributaries, Wiscasset, Edgecomb, Newcastle, Aina, White- field and Jefferson Twps., all in Lincoln County. Daily limit 2 Atlantic Salmon. May be taken only by the ordinary mode of angling with' single-pointed hook and line or artificial flies in the Sheepscot River and tributaries north of the Wiscasset to Edgecomb bridge at U. S. Highway 1. Open season from April 1 to September 15, both days inclusive. Fishing prohibited within 100 yards of the so-called Headtide Dam, in town of Aina.

HIGHLIGHTS OF MAINE BOAT LAW Fishermen who use boats are cautioned to be sure their boats are properly registered, equipped and operated as required by the Maine Boat Law. High­ lights of this law are stated below. For full details of the law or to register your boat contact the Bureau of Watercraft Registration and Safety, State House, Augusta, Maine. 1. Boats propelled by machinery of over 10 horsepower must be registered and properly display assigned numbers on both sides of the bow. Non­ residents, whose boats are validly registered in another state having a federally-approved boat law are granted 90 days reciprocity of use without registration in Maine. 2. All registered boats must display proper lights, Coast Guard approved life>- saving devices for each person aboard, fire extinguishers, and other equip­ ment similar to federal requirements. All other boats must display at least a single white light while operated between sunset and sunrise. 3. Boating accidents must be reported to Bureau of Watercraft Registration and Safety on special forms obtainable from inland fish and game wardens. 4. Prudent and reasonable speed required within 200 feet of shoreline. 5. No boat shall be operated recklessly or to endanger any person or property. 6. No person under 12 years of age shall operate a boat of more than 10 horsepower unless under immediate supervision of a person at least 16 years of age. 7. Enjoy Maine’s waters safely.

39 FROM Department of Inland Fisheries and Game Place 4 Cent State House Stamp Augusta, Maine 04330 Here
