5. PUBLIC PETITIONS, COMMUNICATIONS, AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (on any subject within the jurisdiction of the Town Council) (2 minute limit)


6.1 Consideration of a resolution authorizing the issue of $3,000,000 bonds to refund certain prior bonds of the Town and to finance such additional amounts as are needed to pay all fees, costs, expenses and premium in connection with the refunding of the prior bonds and appropriating the proceeds of such bonds for the foregoing purpose.




8.1 Consideration of a resolution approving the revised Building Official and Director of Planning/Development Job Descriptions.

8.2 Consideration of a resolution authorizing an appropriation from the Ambulance Reserve Fund to a Capital Improvements account to purchase (2) two 24’ x 24’ Craftsman garages for $39,500 ($19,750 each) for storage purposes.

8.3 Appointments to vacancies on various municipal boards/commissions.

8.3.a. Re-appointment to Water Pollution Control Authority


9.1 Discussion and consideration of a resolution to update §A176-15 of the Town Code, Town Green and Fire Training Center Sign Policy and the setting of a Public Hearing thereon for September 8, 2020.

9.2 Consideration of a resolution to rescind the issuance of bonds approved by resolution on July 9, 2019 for a fire rescue truck and approval to provide $750,000 from general fund - unassigned fund balance for the financing of the fire rescue truck and the setting of a Public Hearing thereon for September 8, 2020.

Page 1 of 58



11.1 August 11, 2020 Remote Special Meeting Minutes 11.2 August 11, 2020 Remote Regular Meeting Minutes




15. PUBLIC LISTED PARTICIPATION (on any subject within the jurisdiction of the Town Council) (3 minute limit)


To Join Zoom Meeting, either click:

Or call: 1-646-876-9923 and input: Meeting ID: 849 2416 2612 Password: 08252020

To view agenda item attachments, you may visit:

Any party needing an accommodation may contact the Town Manager’s Office at (860) 871-3600

The Town of Tolland is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

Page 2 of 58 Agenda Item #6.1 – Public Hearing


ITEM: Resolution authorizing the issue of $3,000,000 bonds to refund certain prior bonds of the Town and to finance such additional amounts as are needed to pay all fees, costs, expenses and premium in connection with the refunding of the prior bonds and appropriating the proceeds of such bonds for the foregoing purpose.


ITEM SUMMARY: This item proposes the authorization to issue up to $3,000,000 in General Obligation Bonds to refund certain future maturities of prior bond issues. All of these bonds are subject to redemption prior to maturity on the dates set forth in each issue. The existing bonds are funded by the Sewer Fund and the General Fund. Any savings resulting from the refunding will be reflected within each fund.

New bonds will be sold at a lower interest rate than the refunded bonds and proceeds of such bonds will be escrowed for a short period of time and used to buy securities sufficient in earnings to retire the earlier issue at the stated redemption date. Net savings will be realized from the reduction in the interest rate for the new issue. This refunding will not be done unless adequate savings can be achieved. The Town Council voted on August 11, 2020 to set tonight’s Public Hearing.

FINANCIAL SUMMARY: The financial impact of this refunding is an anticipated net savings in debt service payments in both the General Fund and Sewer Fund. The current estimated savings is $194,076.

TOWN ATTORNEY REVIEW: Bond Counsel has drafted the authorizing resolution.

COUNCIL ACTION DESIRED: Consideration of the resolution.

SUPPORTING MATERIALS: ○ Copy of Legal Notice ○ Full Text Resolution ○ Draft Resolution

Page 3 of 58 Page 4 of 58 TOWN OF TOLLAND



MOTION that the following resolution be introduced and set down for a Public Hearing on August 25, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Tolland Town Council Meeting to be held as a Zoom remote meeting to be provided with the Town Council Agenda:

WHEREAS, Section 7-370c of the Connecticut General Statutes provides authority for any municipality to issue refunding bonds for the payment, funding or refunding of bonds, notes or other obligations previously issued; and

WHEREAS, Section 7-370c provides that such refunding bonds shall be authorized and issued by resolution of the legislative body of the municipality; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Tolland, Connecticut (the “Town”) desires to refund all or any portion of any one or more series of the Town’s outstanding general obligation bonds (the “Prior Bonds”).


(1) That the Town issue its general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of up to $3,000,000 (the “Bonds”) to refund certain of the Prior Bonds and to finance such additional amounts as are needed to pay all fees, costs, expenses and premium in connection with the refunding of the Prior Bonds and the authorization, issuance and sale of the Bonds, including, but not limited to, legal, advisory, printing and administrative expenses, underwriter’s discount, net interest on borrowings and other financing costs, and expenses in connection with credit enhancement, if necessary, and the proceeds of the Bonds be appropriated for the foregoing purposes; provided, however, that the refunding of the Prior Bonds provides net present value savings to the Town and that the amount of the Bonds issued does not exceed the amount needed to refund the Prior Bonds and to pay the costs authorized herein.

(2) That the Town Manager and the Treasurer of the Town (the “Officials”) are hereby authorized to determine the date, amounts, rates of interest, maturities, dates of principal and interest payments on such Bonds, the form of such Bonds, the provisions for protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the holders of such Bonds and all other terms, conditions and particular matters regarding the Bonds and the issuance and securing thereof, all in accordance

2488602 Page 5 of 58 with the Connecticut General Statutes and the Charter of the Town, and to take such actions and execute such documents including, but not limited to, a contract of purchase and to provide all supporting documentation as may be necessary or desirable to accomplish such purposes and to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12 (“Rule 15c2-12”), and any other applicable provision of law thereto enabling. The Bonds authorized hereby shall be general obligations of the Town secured by the full faith and credit of the Town.

(3) That the Bonds shall be signed by the Officials either by their manual signatures or by facsimiles of such signatures printed on the Bonds and that the law firm of Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C., Hartford, Connecticut, is designated as bond counsel to render an opinion approving the legality of the issuance of the Bonds.

(4) That the Officials are hereby authorized to designate a bank or trust company to be the certifying bank, registrar, escrow agent, transfer agent and paying agent for such Bonds; to provide for the keeping of a record of the Bonds; to designate a municipal advisor to the Town in connection with the sale and issuance of the Bonds; and to designate an underwriter in connection with any negotiated sale and purchase of the Bonds.

(5) That the Officials are hereby authorized to sell the Bonds at a public or negotiated sale; to deliver the Bonds and to perform all other acts which are necessary or appropriate to issue the Bonds; to make representations and covenants on behalf of the Town for the benefit of the holders of the Bonds to provide secondary market disclosure information in accordance with Rule 15c2-12, as it may be amended from time to time, including, but not limited to, executing and delivering a continuing disclosure agreement; their respective approvals to be conclusively evidenced by their signature on any such agreements relating thereto.

(6) That the Officials are hereby authorized to refund the Prior Bonds from the proceeds of the Bonds and other moneys as they may determine to make available for this purpose, and to defease the Prior Bonds by executing and delivering an escrow agreement in such form and upon such terms as they shall approve, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by their execution thereof.

(7) That the Officials are hereby authorized on behalf of the Town to make such representations and covenants for the benefit of the holders of the Bonds which are necessary or appropriate to ensure the exemption of interest on the Bonds from taxation under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, including, but not limited to, covenants to pay rebates of investment earnings to the in future years; their respective approvals to be conclusively evidenced by their signature on any such agreements relating thereto.

(8) That the Officials are hereby authorized to designate other officials or employees of the Town to take such actions and execute such documents, as are determined to be necessary or advisable and in the best interests of the Town in order to refund the Prior Bonds and to issue, sell and deliver the Bonds, and that the execution and delivery of such documents shall be conclusive evidence of such determination.

2488602 Page 6 of 58 Upon Motion duly made and seconded, the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote:

In Favor:


I, Lisa A. Pascuzzi, duly qualified Clerk of the Town Council of the Town of Tolland, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Resolution adopted at the meeting of the Town Council held on ______, 2020 authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,000,000; that said Council consists of seven members; a quorum consists of four members and the minimum number of affirmative votes required to adopt said Resolution was four; ______members were present at said meeting; a roll call vote was taken and ______members voted in favor of said Resolution and ______members voted against the adoption of said Resolution; the entire meeting exclusive of executive sessions was open to the public and no one was excluded from the portion of the meeting pertaining to the consideration and adoption of said Resolution.

Dated at Tolland, Connecticut, this _____ day of ______, 2020.

______Lisa A. Pascuzzi Clerk Town Council Tolland, Connecticut

2488602 Page 7 of 58 Agenda Item #6.1 – Public Hearing

Consideration of a resolution authorizing the issue of $3,000,000 bonds to refund certain prior bonds of the Town and to finance such additional amounts as are needed to pay all fees, costs, expenses and premium in connection with the refunding of the prior bonds and appropriating the proceeds of such bonds for the foregoing purpose.

The following resolution has been introduced and set down for a Public Hearing on August 25, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom Remote Meeting:


BE IT RESOLVED, by the Tolland Town Council that it hereby appropriates as follows:

A resolution authorizing the issue of $3,000,000 bonds to refund certain prior bonds of the Town and to finance such additional amounts as are needed to pay all fees, costs, expenses and premium in connection with the refunding of the prior bonds and appropriating the proceeds of such bonds for the foregoing purpose and the setting of a Public Hearing thereon for August 25, 2020. A copy of the full text of the resolution is recorded following these meeting minutes.

Approved by the Tolland Town Council on , 2020.

______Town Clerk


Page 8 of 58 Agenda Item #8.1


ITEM: Consideration of a resolution approving the revised Building Official and Director of Planning/Development Job Descriptions.


ITEM SUMMARY: This item would change the supervisory reporting of the Building Official from the Director of Planning/Development to the Town Manager. Based on that, it is prudent to update the current job descriptions to reflect this change.



COUNCIL ACTION DESIRED: Consideration of the resolution.

SUPPORTING MATERIALS: o Revised Building Official Job Description o Revised Director of Planning/Development Job Description o Draft Resolution

Page 9 of 58 Page 10 of 58 Page 11 of 58 Page 12 of 58 Page 13 of 58 Page 14 of 58 Page 15 of 58 Page 16 of 58 Page 17 of 58 Agenda Item #8.1

Consideration of a resolution approving the revised Building Official and Director of Planning/Development Job Descriptions


BE IT RESOLVED by the Tolland Town Council that it hereby approves the attached revised non-union group Building Official and Director of Planning and Community Development Job Descriptions.

Approved by the Tolland Town Council on , 2020.

______Town Clerk


Page 18 of 58 Agenda Item #8.2


ITEM: Consideration of a resolution authorizing an appropriation from the Ambulance Reserve Fund to a Capital Improvements account to purchase (2) two 24’ x 24’ Craftsman garages for $39,500 ($19,750 each) for storage purposes.


ITEM SUMMARY: For many years, Tolland Emergency Management has identified the necessity of a permanent storage solution for its shelter supplies, equipment, and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) gear. We need the ability to safely store various types of supplies, such as cots, blankets, and other shelter provisions that require a clean, watertight, and stable storage environment. Unfortunately, previous grant opportunities that have been sought have all been unsuccessful in funding this need.

The provisions that must be kept on-hand have been moved from place to place throughout the years, including using part of the former Parker school building until we had to move everything out due to dampness. It was at that time the Town allowed the purchase of two used steel shipping containers, which were placed behind the Fire Department’s Training Center. This solution worked for a few years, but since the containers were previously used, dampness and mildew were able to infiltrate them, causing us to have to throw many things out.

Additionally, any storage space or facility must be strategically located to provide quick and easy accessibility. Placing these storage buildings at the Fire Department’s Training Center will allow for the ability to better prepare and ready items in less time, thus saving manpower.

The storage that these pre-fabricated shed-type buildings offer would provide much needed relief, greatly enhance accessibility to Emergency Management’s cache of supplies, gear and equipment, and be a step in the right direction in alleviating our storage needs.

Three quotes were solicited, per our purchasing policy. The lowest quote was in the amount of $19,750 per shed, which was much lower than the other two ($40,000 and $27,000 per shed).

FINANCIAL SUMMARY: Funds will come from the Ambulance Reserve where projects that had savings will be closed into for about $43,468. Charter Section 9-14 allows for the Council, by resolution, to make appropriations to be funded by grants or gifts, and other additional and supplementary appropriations not to exceed an aggregate of ½ of 1% of the General Fund Budget in any fiscal year. Since we have not issued any supplemental appropriations we are still under the maximum of $285,913 and we will not be required to do a Public Hearing. Any cumulative supplemental appropriations above this amount would require a Public Hearing.


COUNCIL ACTION DESIRED: Consideration of the resolution.

SUPPORTING MATERIALS: o Quote from the Barn Yard o Draft Resolution

Page 19 of 58 Page 20 of 58 Page 21 of 58 Page 22 of 58 Agenda Item #8.2

Consideration of a resolution authorizing an appropriation from the Ambulance Reserve Fund to a Capital Improvements account to purchase (2) two 24’ x 24’ Craftsman garages for $39,500 ($19,750 each) for storage purposes.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Tolland Town Council that it hereby authorizes an appropriation of $39,500 from the Ambulance Reserve Fund to a Capital Improvements account to purchase (2) two 24’ x 24’ Craftsman Garages for storage purposes.

Approved by the Tolland Town Council on , 2020.

______Town Clerk


Page 23 of 58 TOWN of TOLLAND/ 21 Tolland Green, Tolland Connecticut 06084


TO: Town Council

ATTN: Michael Rosen, Town Manager

FROM: Kim Kowalyshyn, Executive Assistant

DATE: August 25, 2020

RE: Current Board & Commission Vacancies – Agenda Item #8.3

The table below illustrates all vacancies as of August 20, 2020 on Town Boards and Commissions appointed by the Town Council:

Office Person Appointed/Term ONE VACANCY: Blight Review To fulfill term from through 01/01/21 Committee Membership currently includes Dem (3), Rep (0), Unf (1) ONE VACANCY: Board of Assessment To fulfill term through 11/03/21 Appeals - Alternate Membership currently includes Dem (2), Rep (1), Unf (1) FOUR VACANCIES: Board of Building Appeals To fulfill terms through 11/03/21 and 11/08/23 Membership currently includes Dem (0), Rep (1), Unf (0) ONE VACANCY: Inland Wetlands To fulfill terms through 11/03/21 Commission - Alternate Membership currently includes Dem (2), Rep (3), Unf (1) ONE VACANCY: Parks & Recreation To fulfill term through 11/03/21 Advisory Board Membership currently includes Dem (3), Rep (1), Unf (2) ONE VACANCY: Permanent Celebration To fulfill term through 11/09/22 Committee Membership currently includes Dem (3), Rep (0), Unf (3) TWO VACANCIES: Tolland Non-Profit Housing To fulfill terms through 07/1/2025 Corporation Membership currently includes Dem (4), Rep (1), Unf (0) THREE VACANCIES: To fulfill terms through 01/31/21 and 01/31/23 Tolland Water Commission Membership currently includes Dem (1), Rep (1), Unf (2) Two members need to be on the Tolland Water System.

Page 24 of 58 Current Board & Commission Vacancies Agenda Item #8.3

Office Person Appointed/Term ONE VACANCY: Water Pollution Control To fulfill term through 08/26/21 Authority Membership currently includes Dem (0), Rep (2), Unf (2) TWO VACANCIES: Water Pollution Control To fulfill terms through 08/26/20 Authority - Alternate Membership currently includes Dem (0), Rep (2), Unf (2)


Water Pollution Control Authority: Bruce Allen, 13 Bakos Road, term 08/26/20-08/26/23

Resignation Letter from Matthew Kenney (Tolland Water Commission)

Page 25 of 58 Matthew Kenney 13A Briar Cliff Road Mansfield, CT 06250

August 17, 2020

Tolland Water Commission 21 Tolland Green Tolland, CT 06084

Dear Mr. Koss,

I am writing this letter to inform you of my resignation as a commissioner with the Tolland Water Commission. I have recently moved out of town therefore I am no longer eligible to serve on the commission.

That being said, it was an absolute pleasure serving on the commission. I am very grateful for everything I have learned and I hope to join more local commissions in the future.

I wish you and the Tolland Water Commission the best of luck going forward.


Matthew Kenney

Page 26 of 58 Agenda Item #9.1


ITEM: Discussion and consideration of a resolution to update §A176-15 of the Town Code, Town Green and Fire Training Center Sign Policy and the setting of a Public Hearing thereon for September 8, 2020.


ITEM SUMMARY: Continued discussions to update policy §A176-15 of the Town Code, Town Green and Fire Training Center Sign Policy.



COUNCIL ACTION DESIRED: Discussion and motion to set a Public Hearing for September 8, 2020 to approve the resolution.

SUPPORTING MATERIALS: o Current §A176-15 of the Town Code o Red Lined Version of §A176-15 of the Town Code o List of Special Days, Weeks & Months recognized by Presidential Proclamation o Draft Resolution

Page 27 of 58 Page 28 of 58 Page 29 of 58 Page 30 of 58

POLICY NO. 15: TOWN GREEN AND FIRE TRAINING CENTER SIGN POLICY Red-lined after August 11 Town Council Meeting

A. Policy Purpose. The purposes of the Town Green and Fire Training Center Sign Policy are is to: 1. Provide a place for announcements for any town, civic, non-profit/not-for-profit Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt organizations, or other non-commercial events in the Town of Tolland;" Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt 2. Protect public safety by ensuring that no sign placements have an adverse impact on Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt site distances for oncoming traffic; 3. Protect the integrity of the lawn of the Town Green and Fire Training Center by prohibiting posting of signs that can cause turf damage; 4. Restrict sign posting privileges to town, civic, or non-profit/not-for-profit Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt organizations. No commercial signs or political signs are allowed. Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt

B. Procedures Qualified organizations desiring to place a sign on the Town Green and Fire Training Center must follow the procedures. 1. Signs must be free standing and cannot puncture the turf of the Town Green and/or at the Fire Training Center. 2. Signs may not exceed 16 square feet and must otherwise conform to any town signage regulations that may be enacted by any town commission or board. 3. Organizations are restricted to placing their signs at the designated areas located at the south end of the Town Green and the Fire Training Center. Only one sign per organization per location will be allowed. 4. Organizations placing signs in the designated areas must register the sign with the Town Manager’s Office or another office designated by the Town Manager, if placed at the Green, or with the Tolland Fire Dept. at the Fire Training Center if at the Fire Training Center, before placing the sign. Each sign must have a waterproof label on the back side, stating the name and phone number of a person within the organization who is responsible for the sign, the date of placement and the date of the event. Signs may be removed immediately if this information is not attached to the sign. 5. Signs may be placed at either site no more than 14 days prior to an event, and must be removed within 2 days following an event. 6. Requests for a day, week, or month recognition sign must be scheduled with the Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt, Font Town Manager's office and preference will be given to events over recognition if color: Auto there are more than 5 signs on the Green. A recognition can be up the day before and be taken down within 2 days after the recognized day, week, or month. 5.7.The Town will remove signs placed before and/or remaining in the designated areas outside these time limits, and hold for the sponsoring organization for 30 days. After 30 days the signs will become the property of the town and may be destroyed.

C. Town Notices Town notices of elections and signs announcing other municipally-sponsored events of interest to all residents may be placed by the Town at appropriate locations on the Green and/or Fire Training Center without regard to the above restrictions.

D. Enforcement (1) The Town Manager or his/hertheir designee shall be responsible for enforcing this Policy. (2) The Town has the right to limit the number of signs at either designated site to no more that 5 signs on any day.

Page 31 of 58

E. Effective Date (1) This Policy shall become effective 1, 2010.TBD

Adopted: January 23, 2001 Revised: August 2510, 20120

Page 32 of 58 Annual special days recognized by presidential proclamation

Bold text indicates a public holiday, on which most government agencies and major businesses are closed.

 January 16: Religious Freedom Day  3rd Monday in January: Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday[4]  3rd Sunday in January: National Sanctity of Human Life Day  various March/April: Education and Sharing Day (based on Hebrew Calendar)  February 15: Susan B. Anthony Day  March 10:  March 19: National Day of Honor[5]  March 25: Greek Independence Day[6]  March 29: National Vietnam War [7][8]  March 31: [9]  April 6: National Tartan Day  2nd Thursday in April: National D.A.R.E. Day  April 9: National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day  April 14: Pan American Day and Pan American Week  May 1:  May 1: , U.S.A.  May 15: Peace Officers  1st Thursday in May:  2nd Friday in May: Military Spouse Day  2nd Sunday in May: Mother's Day  3rd Friday in May: National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week  3rd Saturday in May: Armed Forces Day  May 19:  May 22: National Maritime Day  May 25: National Missing Children's Day[10]  last Monday in May: Memorial Day[11]  1st Monday in June: National Child's Day  June 14: and National Flag Week  3rd Sunday in June: Father's Day  July 27: National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day[12]  last Sunday in July: Parent's Day  August 16: National Airborne Day  August 26: Women's Equality Day  1st Monday in September:  1st Sunday after Labor Day: National Grandparents' Day  weekend before September 11: National Days of Prayer and Remembrance  September 11:  September 11: Emergency Number Day[13]  3rd Friday in September National POW/MIA Recognition Day  September 17: Citizenship Day and

Page 33 of 58  September 22: American Business Women's Day  September 28: National Good Neighbor Day  4th Monday in September:  last Sunday in September: Gold Star Mother's Day  1st Monday in October:  October 6: German-American Day  2nd Monday in October: [14]  October 9: Day  October 11: General Pulaski Memorial Day  October 15:  October 24: United Nations Day  November 9: World Freedom Day  November 11: Veterans Day[15]  November 15: National Philanthropy Day[16][17]  November 15: America Recycles Day  4th Thursday in November: Thanksgiving Day[18]  Friday after Thanksgiving: Native American Heritage Day[19]  December 1: World AIDS Day  December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities[20]  December 7: National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day  December 10: Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week  December 15: Bill of Rights Day  December 17: Annual special weeks recognized by presidential proclamation

 1st week of March: Save Your Vision Week  3rd week of March: National Poison Prevention Week  last week of April:  varies in April: Crime Victims' Rights Week  varies in April: National Park Week[21]  first week of May: Public Service Recognition Week[22]  third week of May: World Trade Week[23]  third week of May: National Hurricane Preparedness Week  week prior to Memorial Day: National Safe Boating Week  third week of July: Captive Nations Week  3rd week of September: National Farm Safety and Health Week  varies in September: National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week  week of October 9: Fire Prevention Week  week of 2nd Sunday in October: National School Lunch Week  week of 3rd Sunday in October: National Forest Products Week  3rd week in October: National Character Counts Week  varies in October: Minority Enterprise Development Week  week prior to Thanksgiving: National Farm-City Week

Page 34 of 58  week of Thanksgiving: National Family Week  August 16th-22: National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week[24] Annual special months recognized by presidential proclamation

 January: National Mentoring Month[25]  January: Stalking Awareness Month[26]  January: Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month[27][28]  February:  February:  February: Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month[29][30][31][32]  March: American Red Cross Month  March: Women's History Month  March: Irish-American Heritage Month[33]  April: [34]  April: National Donate Life Month  April: National Child Abuse Prevention Month  April: National Sexual Assault Awareness Month  April: National Financial Literacy Month  May: Older Americans Month  May: Jewish American Heritage Month[35]  May: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month[36]  May: Mental Health Awareness Month  May: National Physical Fitness and Sports Month  May: National Foster Care Month  June: Gay and Lesbian Pride Month  June: Caribbean-American Heritage Month[37][38][39]  June: Great Outdoors Month  June: National Oceans Month  June: African-American Music Appreciation Month  July: National Ice Cream Month[40]  September: National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month  September: National Sickle Cell Awareness Month[41]  September: National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month  September: National Ovarian and Prostate Cancer Awareness Month  September: National Wilderness Month  September: National Preparedness Month[42]  September: National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month[43]  September: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month  September 15 – October 15: National Hispanic Heritage Month[44]  October: National Information Literacy Awareness Month[45]  October: Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month  October: Country Music Month  October: National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Page 35 of 58  October: National Domestic Violence Awareness Month  October: National Arts & Humanities Month  October: National Disability Employment Awareness Month  October: National Cyber Security Awareness Month  October: National Energy Awareness Month  November: National Entrepreneurship Month[46]  November: Military Family Month  November: National Bone Marrow Donor Awareness Month  November: National Hospice Month  November: National Adoption Month  November: National Family Caregivers Month  November: National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month  November: National Diabetes Month  November: National American Indian Heritage Month  November: National Critical Infrastructure Protection Month[47]  December: National Impaired Driving Prevention Month Defunct observances

The following observances have been mandated or authorized by Congress or the President, but are no longer proclaimed or observed on a regular basis.

 March 21 (1982-1988): Afghanistan Day[48]  June 14 (1982–1992): Baltic Freedom Day  June 25, 1987: National Catfish Day  October 6, 1972: National Coaches Day

Page 36 of 58 Agenda Item #9.1

Discussion and consideration of a resolution to update §A176-15 of the Town Code, Town Green and Fire Training Center Sign Policy and the setting of a Public Hearing thereon for September 8, 2020.

MOTION that the following resolution be introduced and set down for a Public Hearing on September 8, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom Remote Meeting:


BE IT RESOLVED, by the Tolland Town Council that it hereby approves the amendment to the attached Town Green and Fire Training Center Sign Policy in Chapter A176-15 of the Town Code originally adopted on January 23, 2001.

Approved by the Tolland Town Council on , 2020.

______Town Clerk


Page 37 of 58 Agenda Item #9.2


ITEM: Consideration of a resolution to rescind the issuance of bonds approved by resolution on July 9, 2019 for a fire rescue truck and approval to provide $750,000 from general fund - unassigned fund balance for the financing of the fire rescue truck and the setting of a Public Hearing thereon for September 8, 2020.


ITEM SUMMARY: When the bonding resolution was approved on July 9, 2019 there was discussion of possibly financing the purchase of the fire rescue truck with the use of General Fund - unassigned fund balance. The Town Council wanted to delay this decision until the financial audit was complete in order to determine if it would be feasible to absorb this cost out of fund balance. The comprehensive annual financial report was completed in November, 2019 with favorable results in fund balance. A projected review of where we anticipate ending fiscal year 2019-2020 was also provided to Town Council at its meeting on February 25, 2020. This analysis is also attached to this agenda item. Financing from the General Fund – unassigned fund balance appears to be a good alternative. This will ease the burden on the debt management plan and the future interest costs associated with debt.

FINANCIAL SUMMARY: No debt will be issued for the fire rescue truck and the General Fund – unassigned fund balance would stay within the fund balance policy percentage range requirement.

TOWN ATTORNEY REVIEW: Attorney Michael Botelho, Bond Counsel, has reviewed the resolution.

COUNCIL ACTION DESIRED: Motion to set a Public Hearing for September 8, 2020 to approve the resolution.

SUPPORTING MATERIALS:  General Fund – Fund Balance Projection  Draft Resolution

Page 38 of 58 Page 39 of 58 Page 40 of 58 Page 41 of 58 Page 42 of 58 Page 43 of 58 Agenda Item #9.2

Consideration of a resolution to rescind the issuance of bonds approved by resolution on July 9, 2019 for a fire rescue truck and approval to provide $750,000 from general fund - unassigned fund balance for the financing of the fire rescue truck and the setting of a Public Hearing thereon for September 8, 2020.



MOTION that the following resolution be introduced and set down for a Public Hearing on September 8, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom Remote Meeting:

WHEREAS, the Tolland Town Council approved by resolution a capital project Fire Rescue Truck appropriation and bonding authorization on July 9, 2019 (the “Original Resolution”); and

WHEREAS, the Tolland Town Council now would like to fund the purchase of this vehicle through the use of the General Fund - unassigned fund balance; and

WHEREAS, this resolution would approve the use of the General Fund - unassigned fund balance in the amount of $750,000 to finance the appropriation approved under the Original Resolution for the acquisition of the Fire Rescue Truck and rescind the authorization for the issuance of bonds under the Original Resolution; and

WHEREAS, after the foregoing financing source changes are made, the appropriation under the Original Resolution will remain in effect in the amount of $750,000 to be financed by the General Fund - unassigned fund balance and the resulting authorized bond amount for the Fire Rescue Truck will be zero dollars ($0.00).


(1) That the Tolland Town Council rescind the authorization for the issuance of bonds under the Original Resolution and authorize the $750,000 appropriation approved under such Original Authorization to be financed with the use of the General Fund - unassigned fund balance.

(2) That all terms of the Original Resolution relating to the issuance of bonds are hereby deleted.

(3) That the appropriation approved by the Original Resolution and all other terms of the Original Resolution, except as amended hereby, shall remain in full force and effect.

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