Yeshiva Gedolah Program

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Yeshiva Gedolah Program YESHIVA OF GREATER WASHINGTON – TIFERES GEDALIAH YESHIVA GEDOLAH PROGRAM “The Yeshiva of Greater Washington has imbued within me the education, motivation and sense of community that is needed to becoming a Rabbi of a shul.” RABBI AVI MAMMON RAV OF CONGREGATION LIGHT OF ISRAEL, ROCHESTER, NY “YGW provided me with the balance I needed to continue learning in Yeshiva while pursuing the degree I required to be successful in the corporate environment.” MR. JORDAN BERKOWITZ ACCOUNTANT, CLEVELAND, OH “R’ Ahron’s approach on how to be mechazek each of us was custom-tailored to each individual. The advice and mussar I received from both R’ Lopiansky and R’ Reingold, privately and personally, have given me (ironically, more-so in recent years despite the fact that my time in Yeshiva was 18 years ago) the strength to continue to balance a life in a very demanding profession while not losing sight of the centrality of Limud Torah and Shmiras Hamitzvos.” DR. JOSE GREENSPON PEDIATRIC SURGEON, CHESTERFIELD, MO OUR FOUNDERS HARAV GEDALIAH ANEMER, ZT”L, HARAV YITZCHOK MERKIN, was one of the premier talmidim of Yoshev Rosh of the Yeshiva of Greater Telshe Yeshiva under Rav Elya Meir Washington, is a world renowned Bloch, zt”l and Rav Chaim Morde- mechanech, and is a talmid of Rav chai Katz, zt”l. He was the founding Yitzchak Hutner, zt”l. He is one of Rav of Young Israel Shomrai Emu- the leaders of Torah Umesorah and nah for half of a century and was has spent many decades training the founder of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington-Tiferes rebbeim and advising menahalim across the country. Gedaliah which bears his stamp of excellence. WELCOME WHO WE ARE AN ENVIRONMENT FOR TALMIDIM IN THEIR FORMATIVE YEARS TO THE YESHIVA GEDOLAH OF THE YESHIVA OF DEVELOP IN LEARNING GREATER WASHINGTON–TIFERES GEDALIAH is dedicated to guiding young B’nei Torah to become mature and serious talmidei chachamim. It provides an AND CHARACTER AND environment for talmidim in their formative years to develop in learning and character and to emerge with TO EMERGE WITH THE the skills and passions to be a deeply committed Torah Jew. The personal interaction with our talmidim in our close-knit environment enables each talmid to realize SKILLS AND PASSIONS TO his full potential. A major focus is placed on the talmi- dim developing and advancing their own learning skills, through structured and interactive shiurim. The shiurim BE A DEEPLY COMMITTED are challenging, emphasizing the analytical skills re- quired to develop clarity in pshat, along with identifying TORAH JEW essential points of the sugya, to produce self sufficiency in learning. Accordingly, senior talmidim are regularly encouraged to give chaburos, to challenge them to delve deeper into a sugya. Our Bekiyus Seder stresses clarity and retention of the gemara. We offer a warm and unique atmosphere in which bo- churim develop a lifelong love of learning and a passion- ate commitment to yiddishkeit. The Rebbeim develop personal relationships with the talmidim, which are es- pecially significant at the important crossroads of each talmid’s life. In addition to the regular sidrei hayeshiva, a variety of shiurim are offered in Chumash, Mussar, and Machshavah, presenting the Torah as Toras Chayim, a map for life itself. Through hadracha in these areas, our talmidim attain the tools to blossom into true Bnei To- rah. As our talmidim progress, they gain a derech halimud for iyun, an impressive repository of bekius in Shas, and an WELCOME inspired life hashkafa. WE OFFER A WARM AND UNIQUE ATMOSPHERE IN WHICH BOCHURIM THE ROSH HAYESHIVA’S SHIURIM DEVELOP A An integral part of each talmid’s growth in the Yeshiva Gedolah are the ye- sodos in learning they gain from the Rosh HaYeshiva’s regular shiurim and chaburos. Based on the mesorah of his rebbe Rav Nachum Partzovitz, zt”l, LIFELONG LOVE of the Mir, the Rosh HaYeshiva’s depth of understanding and broad appli- cation of the sugyos provide bochurim with a greater view of their learning. OF LEARNING AND The periodic Shiur Klali from the Rosh HaYeshiva helps to bring out to the bochurim broader points in the sugya that they may not have discussed in their daily shiur. Every bochur has a weekly opportunity to participate in a A PASSIONATE small chabura with the Rosh HaYeshiva, allowing each bochur to speak with him in learning, and have the chance to develop a close relationship with COMMITMENT TO him. In addition, the Rosh HaYeshiva often learns b’chavrusa with bochurim and is available to speak in learning and answer questions throughout seder. YIDDISHKEIT Our talmidim are privileged to be guided in hashkafa and yesodei emunah by the Rosh HaYeshiva in many settings throughout the week. His distinc- tive way of sharing insight and opening a person’s mind and perspective is truly exceptional. The Rosh HaYeshiva gives a nightly vaad on Alei Shur, an ideal springboard for the Rosh HaYeshiva to address many of the challenges that face every yeshiva bochur. Each Friday morning the Rosh HaYeshiva gives a unique parsha shiur that lures one into the depths of Chazal, pulls out profound messages, and provides an inspirational and practical lesson for life. To deal with challenges in life, a Ben Torah must have a strong base of hashkafa. With this purpose in mind, the Rosh HaYeshiva gives many regular shiurim elucidating yesodei haTorah and Ikrei Hadas. HaRav Ahron Lopiansky, Rosh HaYeshiva, is a son-in-law of Rav Beinish Finkel ztz”l, the former Rosh Yeshiva of Mir Yerushalayim. He learned in the Mir for decades, and continues the mesorah of his rebbeim Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz ztz”l and Rav Nachum Partzovitz zt”l. The Rosh HaYeshiva, with his sharp insight and warm personality, guides talmidim to excel in their learning and mature as true bnei Torah. PROGRAMS FIRST YEAR BEIS MEDRASH PROGRAM The Yeshiva’s first year Beis Medrash program is structured to help talmi- dim make the transition from high school to Ye- Rabbi Yitzchak Scher (L), Second Seder Reb- shiva Gedolah. We have be, learned in the Mir Yerushalyim, and has seen from experience been a Talmid of Yeshiva and the Kollel for fif- that a specially focused teen years. In addition to his daily shiur and first year Beis Medrash weekly chabura on the second seder limud he program is vital in mak- gives many vaadim to the bachurim. ing this transition, and we therefore have put great effort and invest- ment in developing this Rabbi Reuven Kasierer (R), Maggid Shiur, learned program. While the gen- in Eretz Yisroel and then in Yeshiva and the Kollel for eral seder hayom follows over fifteen years. His clarity, knowledge of the sugya the same outline as the and immersion in the material, along with his down rest of Yeshiva, but the to earth personality make him an inspiring Rebbe and role model. first year bachurim have additional vaadim and shiurim, and a dedicated Rebbi at each seder, enabling each talmid to advance at his own pace. The first year shiur given by Rav Reuven Kasierer provides a thorough Rabbi Elyakim Milikowsky, First Seder Shoel analysis of the structure of the gemara and focuses on achieving clarity Umeishiv and first year mashgiach, learned in Eretz Yisroel for eleven years, primarily in Yeshi- in the sugya. This shiur is the gateway for bachurim to enter the world of vas Pachad Yitzchok and the Kollel of Rav Sim- learning b’iyun independently. cha Maimon. He gives a daily vaad and is avail- able for the bachurim during bein hasedarim. Second Seder is dedicated to acquiring both breadth of knowledge and skills for Gemara learning. Seder begins with a shiur from Rav Yitzchak Sher on the day’s sugya, with the rest of seder devoted to learning the sugyah b’chavrusa. There are also special programs and incentives to encourage the bachurim to master and retain the Gemara learned. Night Seder is an opportunity for the bachurim to review the materials learned throughout the day, with a focus on first seder. Rav Yitzchak Labell oversees the night seder, and ensures that each bachur has the opportunity to acquire a depth of understanding in the sugyas learned. The goal of the first year of Yeshiva is for the bachurim to develop into true bnei Torah. Rav Elyakim Milikowsky assists the bachurim in this process, monitoring and overseeing their progress. The first year ba- Rabbi Yitzchak Labell, Night Seder Rebbe, learned in the Mir Yerushalayim, and has been churim also benefit tremendously from the influence and mentorship a talmid of our yeshiva and kollel for thirteen of the older bachurim in Yeshiva. The first year of Yeshiva includes trips years. He proactively challenges the talmidim and events which provide a necessary outlet for the bachurim, enhanc- and encourages them to grow. ing their overall development as bnei Torah. PROGRAMS CONTINUED BEIS MEDRASH PROGRAM We neglected to say anything about the regular program here. Perhaps it is what the whole booklet is about but we beed to have some insert about it and the rebbes associated with it here like we did with the first year program. Andes doluptas sundi officatus alicitibus mi, od ma con eatincto consed eum quiscipsandi sus volese accatium que ditates aut volum quiduciderum quae nonseque volut repudi duci il est rem core presseque qui quo officiassim fugit escium faciur, natiam quam even- dus cillesto omnihil lorerfe rferenimus eribus sunt doluptat voluptis ut nullorum harum voluptia comnimin nem nestionseque lis comnis secus. SPECIAL EVENTS The Yeshiva provides many activities that help convey the neshama of yiddishkeit which inspire the talmidim.
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