U s-bahn plan pdf

Continue U-Bahn is complemented by a dense S-Bahn service that operates as a metro in central areas. Like Berlin's S-Bahn, Hamburg's S-Bahn is completely independent of other rail services and uses a third rail power supply. The network consists of two city lines of communication between two railway stations, and Hamburg-Altona and five branches. The original surface link (Verbindungsbahn) through Dammtor was already opened in 1866, the route was put on the waterfront in 1906 and two separate tracks for local traffic were added. In 1907, electricity supply began between Blankenes and Olsdorf (now route S11) (with overhead power supply, 6300 V ac). From 1939 to 1955, commuter lines were changed to a third rail power source (1200 V DC). Since 1924, electric trains run to Poppelbutel and since 1954 on the main single-train line to Wedel. Trains to and from Wedel must change direction at Blankenez. The S-Bahn network was expanded after World War II along the metro line to Berlin. After the division of Germany, this route lost its former value and in 1958 the line was electrified for the S-Bahn service to Bergedorf. It was extended to Aumule in 1969 (now route S2). In the early 1990s, separate tracks were added to the overworked line to Berlin. The first section of the northwest branch to Pinneberg (now route S3) opened in 1962 to Langenfeld. S-Bahn eventually reached Pinneberg in 1967. The S-Bahn route across the Elba River was planned for a long time, but it took until 1983, when the southern district of Harburg was connected to the city center. The current S3 term Neugraben was reached in 1984. This section includes 3 metro stations. The most important part of the network, however, is the so-called city of S-Bahn, and the underground connection between Hauptbahnhof and Altona. Construction began in 1967, and the first section of Hauptbahnhof - Landungsbrucken was opened in 1975, including a complex underwater station in Jungfernstieg built at the same time as the station. In 1979, the cross-city tunnel was completed, the connection between Altona and Diebsteich followed in 1981. During the usual day service, four S-Bahn, S1 and S3 lines pass every 10 minutes through the city tunnel, as well as the S21 and S31 through Dammtor. During peak hours, the S2 and S11 offer additional trains. On partially single-train sections of Wedel - Blankenes and Bergedorf - Aumule trains run every 20 minutes. The Hamburg S-Bahn system, which is operated on exclusive routes and from the third DC Power Railway, has a total length of 115.2 km (8 km of one track, 10 km of metro) with 59 stations, of which 10 are underground: S1: Vedel - Blankenese - Altona - Landungsbrucken - Hauptbanhof - Barmbek - Olsdorf - Poppenbutel (41.5 km) S11 (peak hour only): - Poppenb'ttel ( - Poppenb'ttel) (Pinneberg) - Elbgaustreche - Dammtor - Kbf - Bergedorf - Aumule (44.2 km) S2 (peak hours only): Altona - Landungsbrucken - Kbf - Bergedorf S3: Pinneberg - Altona - Landung S31: Altona - Dammtor - Hbf - Harburg Rathaus (- Neugraben) To expand S-Bahn (S3) from Neugraben to west to Buxtehude and Stud, dual-system trains (third rail/dc and catenary/ac) began running on the 32-kilometre route in December 2007, sharing tracks with other DB services. During off-peak hours, the S-Bahn line S3 runs up to the Stud only e time, and every 20 minutes during rush hour. The 3 km, mostly underground S-Bahn branch from Ohlsdorf was finally completed in December 2008 to link the city center with the airport. The S1 trains are separated in Olsdorf with the front running to the airport and the back of the Poppenbittel. S-Bahn History 01-10-1907: S1 Blankenes - Ohlsdorf 04-10-1959: S2/S21 Berliner Tor - Bergedorf2 Two-02-1962: S3/S21 Holstenstrasse - Langenfeld 30-05-1975: S1/S3 Hauptbahnhof - 3 Landungsbrucken City S-Bahn 25-09-1983: S3/S31 Hauptbahnhof - Harburg Rathaus 09-12-2007: S 3 Neugraben - Stud 12-12-2008: S1 Ohlsdorf - Hamburg Airport (Flughafen) Details of S-Bahn This article needs additional quotes for additional links. Please help improve this article by adding quotes to reliable sources. Non-sources of materials can be challenged and removed. Find sources: Hamburg S-Bahn - news newspaper book scientist JSTOR (August 2009) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) S-Bahn HamburgS-Bahn-Station Hamburg Airport (Flughafen)ReviewLocaleHamburgTransit typeS-trains, commuter railNumber lines6 1 (4 reg. 2 lines during peak hours)Number of stations68 (11 underground and 4 national railway stations) Annual ridership 227,000,000 (2016) 4'Operator (s)S-Bahn Hamburg GmbHTechnicalSystem length147 km (91 miles⁄) 15 kV, 16.7 Hz variable current overhead lines for expansion to 15 kV. The Hamburg S-Bahn map system is a commuter commuter rail network in the Hamburg metropolitan region. Together S-Bahn, Hamburg U-Bahn, AKN Railway and Regional Railway form the backbone of rail public transport in and around the city. The network has operated since 1907 as a commuter rail system, under the direction of the State Railway, and is a member of Hamburger Verkehrsverbund (HVV; Hamburg Transport Association). There are six lines serving 68 stations, on the 147 km (91 miles) route. On average, the S-Bahn carries about 590,000 passengers per working day; in 2010, about 221 million people used S-Bahn. The S-Bahn is the only railway in Germany that uses both direct current (1200 volts) supplied third rail and acminin (15 kV / 16.7 Hz) supplied by overhead lines. Most of the tracks are separated from other rail services. S-Bahn is operated by S-Bahn Hamburg GmbH, a subsidiary of DB Regio. Like Berlin, but unlike Hanover, the S-Bahn is an important part of public transport in the city because of its busy schedule and good coverage of the metropolitan area. Unlike Berlin and Hanover, the S-Bahn is not of much importance for regional traffic, as the network is mainly within the city limits, although in 2007 the southwestern S3 line was expanded by about 32 km (20 miles) in the state of Lower Saxony (part of Neugraben - Stade, which included seven new stations). The history of the railway and tram map of Hamburg and Altona, circa 1910. 1906: Opening on December 5, 1906, citation necessary under the description of Hamburg-Altonaer Stadt und Vorortbahn Prussian Eisenbahndirektion (railway division) Altona opened with locomotives between Blankenese, Altona (Elbe) and Hamburg. The Stadt- und Vorortbahn (Urban and Suburban Railway) included the Altona-Blankeneser Bahn line (Altona-Blankeneser Bahn, opened in 1867), the local Hamburg-Altona link (Verbindungsbahn, opened in 1866) and a new site in Olsdorf. Verbindungsbahn was expanded from one track to four and level excluded transfers between 1893 and 1903. The new two-line line adjacent to it was completed in the summer of 1906 after an eight-year construction period. It passed near the Lubeck-Hamburg line on the Lubeck-Buchen railway to Hasselbrook, and then along its own paths to the new Olsdorf cemetery. The new main cemetery with a good transit service was necessary partly because of the expansion of the central railway lines, which reduced the area of existing already tense cemeteries near the medieval fortifications of the city. 1907/08: First electrical work Wall part detail in Hamburg Hauptbahnhof: bolts used to attach the mast for overhead power lines. The line was electrified by overhead lines supplying a variable tone of 6.6 kV, 25 Hz. Electricity came from the Leverkusenstrasse coal-fired power plant in Bakhrenfeld, which also provided electricity to the Alton port railway. The first electric trains run on October 1, 1907, and from January 29, 1908 the line from Blankenese to Olsdorf was served exclusively by electric trains. These dates are considered to be the birth dates of S-Bahn. The main unit of the AC train consisted of two articulated compartment cars on six axles with motorized two-month marshes under each end of the cabin and a Jacobs swamp in the middle. The wagons, with doors on each side of the compartments, took their design and functionality from the Prussian compartment cars. 1924: Network expansion along the Alster Valley Railway The line is built and and a local company in 1914 and, after bankruptcy, it was taken from Olsdorf to Poppenbittel in Prussia with the aim of connecting neighboring settlements along the Alster River. It was known as the Alster Valley Railroad. It opened in 1918 with petrol trains. The Stormarn area gave the line to the German Imperial Railway Company, which electrified it and secured the expansion of the Hamburg-Altona City and suburban railway to Poppenbutel in 1924. 1934: The designation as S-Bahn Term S-Bahn was first coined and used in Berlin from 1930, where a similar system on city, ring and suburban lines has been worked since 1924; it was first used by the German Imperial Railway with reference to the city of Hamburg-Altona and the suburban railway in 1934. The term was also used to describe non-electric services on local commuter lines: steam lines from Blankeneze to Wedel, from Altona to Elmshorn, from Hamburg to Friedrichru and Harburg. Since 2002, lines not serviced by S-Bahn have been designated as Regional Rail Lines. 1939/40: Moving to the DC Third Rail system at Hamburg S-Bahn, here with plastic cover In the 1930s, after nearly 30 years of service, the need to resume trains and infrastructure became apparent. Since the DC system has proven itself for more than a decade with berlin S-Bahn, where 750 volt DC power was put on the third rail, the German Imperial Railway decided to adopt the same system for Hamburg in 1937 and abandon the overhead AC. In order to improve acceleration, the S-Bahn uses 1200 volts: as a result, Berlin and Hamburg rolling stock are not compatible with each other. The first DC ET 171 trains were delivered in 1939; Daily service began in July 1940 with TRAINS. Due to the Second World War and the post-war years with their shortage, mixed use continued until 1955. The main DC train consisted of three four-carriages, each with four sliding double doors on each side. The middle carriages had a soft seat for the second class, while the motorized end wagons had third-class wooden seats. The expansion of the network from 1950 to 1965 was expanded along the single-lane line from Blankenese to Sulldorf in 1950 to Wedel in 1954. A section of the main railway between Hamburg and Berlin, which, due to the division of Germany, had very little traffic, between Haupbahnhof and Bergedorf was added to the network in 1959 by the addition of the third rail. It was the first stretch where S-Bahn and main trains (the number last remained small until 1990) shared tracks. It was the second line of the S-Bahn, from Bergedorf via Berliner Tor to Altona. In 1962, a connecting curve from Verbinjungsban was built railway, the term of which was moved to Langenfeld. The S-Bahn was extended in 1965 along the AKN to , and from there along the main paths towards Kiel towards Elbgaustrache. HVV and the numbered lines system In 1965, the German Railway together with two local transport companies founded Hamburger Verkehrsverbund, a common tariff system for U-Bahn and bus lines. S-Bahn joined in December 1966. Since January 1967, the S-Bahn lines have been designated as S1-S6 (see Network). Since then, for other S-Bahn systems in the German-speaking world, linear designations with the leading letter S have been adopted. By analogy, the U-Bahn lines received the lead letter U. Expansion of the network after the 1967 G- and U-Bahn station Landungsbrucken (left) Extensions were made in 1967 on separate tracks from Elbgaustrasz to Pinnenberg, and in 1969 on the existing main tracks from Bergedorf to Aumula. To ease the load on the central Verbindongsban (link railway), the second main link was built, the city of S-Bahn, which crosses the city center in a tunnel. The first site was opened in 1975 between Hauptbahnhof and Landungsbrucken, expanded to Altona in 1979 and was completed in 1981 with a connection above the ground to Diebsteich. In 1983 there was the opening of a line through Wilhelmsburg to Harburg Rathaus, a long stretch of which runs along the existing line. Through Hammerbrook, trains run through a concrete viaduct and a tunnel under the center of Harburg. The line was expanded in 1984 along Niederelbebahn in Neugraben. The line in Bergedorf was placed on separate routes due to increased traffic on the main line in the 1990s as a result of German reunification. For the same reason, the S-Bahn service between Bergedorf and Aumule was suspended in 1994. The Reinbeck site was reopened in 1997; completion of construction in Aumul was postponed until 2002 because of court decisions by local residents. In 1999, Allermee station (between Mittler Landwego and Netenburg) opened in the new Neuallermeh West apartment complex. Since December 2007, S3 has been serving stations between Neugraben and Herd. A 3.3 km ground break from Olsdorf to the airport occurred in 1991 and again in 2001; The line was opened on December 11, 2008 and fully operational on December 12, 2008. The North S1 trains are divided into Ohlsdorf, the front of the airport, the rear end continues Poppenb'ttel. S-Bahn is operated by S-Bahn Hamburg GmbH, a subsidiary of AG. The company is a company offering DB Regio Nord and was formed in 1997. The S-Bahn is presented in German cities with a logo consisting of a white S in a green circle. In Hamburg the same logo with red background was used for a few years before November 2007. The company currently employs about 1,200 people in maintenance, train departure and resource management. Another 300 employees are responsible for safety and cleaning through subsidiaries. The EMUs lines at Verbindungsbahn (left hand) and on the city tunnel ramp S- Bahn (right side) Network covers about 147 km (91 mi), and serves 68 stations. It consists of two main routes crossing the city in an east-west direction - the northern Hamburg-Altona line of communication and the southern city of S-Ban - and six connecting routes (two in the western part of the city and four in the eastern part). Trunk routes connect to Altona and Hauptbahnhof. 113.2 km are separated from other railway services, 31.9 km are separated from regional and freight transport. About 12.5 km is in the tunnel, 7.9 km - one track. There are four main lines (S1, S21, S3, S31) and two additional lines during peak hours (S11, S2). Single-digit lines use City-S-Bahn via Jungfernstieg, with double-digit Verbindungsbahn numbers via Dammtor. Prior to 2002, some regional services were provided with S-Bahn numbers. The locomotive service between Hauptbahnhof and Arensburg was S4 (now RB 81); between Altona and Elmshorn was the S5 (now RE 6 and RB 71); and, prior to the expansion of Aumule's electricity supply in 1969, the service between Bergedorf and Friedrichsruh was S6 (now RB 11 and RE 1). The S3 was used for regional services between Hauptbahnhof and Maskchen and Neugraben (now RB 31 and RE 5) until the opening of the Harburg S-Bahn in 1983/1984. (Stations with bold names in the following table offer a turning option) Beginning of the line - End Stations S1 Wedel Hamburg Airport (Flugafen) / - Poppenb'ttel Rissen Sulldorf Iserbrook Blankenes Hochkamp Klein Flottbeck (Botanist Garten) Otmarshen Bahrenfeld Al Ken Egstrashe Reperban Landungsbrucken Stadthausbr'Jungfernstieg Hauptbahnhof Berliner Thor Landver Hasselbrook Wandsbeker Chausssee Friedrichsberg Barmbek Alte Wur (Stadtpark) Rubenkamp (City Of Nord) Ohlsdorf (last three cars:) Hamburg Airport (Flugafen) / (first three cars:) Kornweg (Klein Borstel) Hoheneichen Helingsbuttel Poppenbittel S11 Blankenese - Olsdorf (-Poppengbuttel) (peak hour only) Blankenes Hochkamp Klein Flottbeck (Botany Garten) Otmarshen Bakhrenfeld Altona Holstenstrase Sternshanze Dammtor Hauptbahnhof Berliner Thor Landver Hasselbrook Wandsbecker Chausse Friedrichsberg Barmbek Alte Wur (Stadtpark) Rubenkamp (City Nord) Olsdorf Kornweg (Klein Borstel) Hoheneichen Hellingsbruttel Poppenbutel S2 Altona - Bergedorf (peak hour only) Altona Koenigstrashe Landeperban Landungsbrucken Stadthausbruke Jungferstig Hauptbanhof Berliner Tor Rotenburgsort Tifstak Billwerder-Murflet Mittler Landweg Allermehe Nettenburg Bergedorf S21 Elbgausstrache - Aumule Elbgaustrache Eidelstedt Stellingen Langenfeld Holstenstraße Sternschanze Dammtor Hauptbahnhof Berliner Tor Rothenburgsort Tiefstack Billwerder-Moorfleet Mittlerer Landweg Allermöhe Nettelnburg Bergedorf Reinbek Wohltorf Aumühle S3 Pinneberg – Stade Pinneberg Thesdorf Halstenbek Krupunder Elbgaustraße Eidelstedt –Stellingen Langenfelde Diebsteich Altona Königstraße Reeperbahn Landungsbrücken Stadthausbrücke Jungfernstieg Hauptbahnhof Hammerbrook (City Süd) Elbbrücken (opens Dec 9, 2019) Veddel (BallinStadt) Wilhelmsburg Harburg Harburg Rathaus Heimfeld Neuwiedenthal Neugraben Fischbek Neu Wulmstorf Buxtehude Neukloster Horneburg Dollern Agathenburg Stade S31 Altona – Berliner Tor / – Harburg-Rathaus (– Neugraben) Altona Holstenstraße Sternschanze Dammtor Hauptbahnhof (in the evenings and on weekends: Berliner Tor, during the daytime: Hammerbrook Elbbrücken (opens Dec 9, 2019) Veddel (BallinStadt) Wilhelmsburg Harburg Harburg Rathaus (rush hours only: Heimfeld Neuwiedenthal Neugraben )) Projected extensions Plans, currently shelved, would have the S-Bahn network dramatically increased. S-Bahn trains will run to (the private AKN Eisenban currently connects with Kaltenkirchen from Eidelstedt). The expansion plan that is in the proposal is to open (or reopen) the S4 line. Plans for this have been around since the 1960s. When planning the city of S-Bahn and expanding the network of the 1960s, the German railway thought about building the S-Bahn line S4. This line will be Altona in a northwest direction to Itzehoe via Elmshorn, being the Express line to Pinneberg. To the east of the city, the new line was to run from the current S1 and S11 to Hasselbrook, and from there further northeast through Wandbeck to Arensburg along the existing regional rail line. Only the eastern part of the line from Hauptbahnhof was realized, as regional railway line, which was designated the S-Bahn line, since the HVV did not offer traffic with regional railways at the time, but wanted its fare system to be valid on the line. Since September 2000, the popular initiative in Stormarn has been working to improve the S4, today RB 81. The initiative now bases its arguments on a feasibility study that was commissioned by S-Bahn Hamburg GmbH in 2002 and in principle shook off the plans of the 1960s. According to the study, the expansion involves upgrading the line to the appropriate S-Bahn standards serviced by EMU and adding additional stations. The first step would be to improve the line as far as Ahrensburg, with the next step being the continuation of Bad Oldesloe. A new line similar to those used for the stadium will require two trains. The third railway will be built to Arensburg, from where trains will use existing routes with overhead lines. By Nov. these plans have already been approved and construction of the line is scheduled for 2020. The Rolling Stock A Class 474 train in the Hauptbahnhof S-Bahn uses three electric multiple-unit vehicles (EMUs), 447 vehicles of the following types: Type 470, built from 1959 to 1970, in service until 2002 (central type 870) Type 471, built from 1939 to 1958, in operation until 2001 (central type 871) Type 472, built from 1974 to 1984 (central type 473) Type 474 Built since 1996 (central wagon type 874) Type 490, built from 2017 Single three-car trains are marked by short trains. Units can be combined to form a full train with six carriages or a long train with nine carriages. Until 2001, S-Bahn was one of the few commuter rail systems that offer two classes of service. A quieter and more comfortable first class was available for 50% addition. Only class 472 and class 474 trains are in regular service. The last remaining Type 470 and Type 471 trains were decommissioned in 2002 and 2001, respectively. Type 474 trains mainly serve the S1, S11, S3 and S31 lines, type 472 of the S2 and S21 lines. With the expansion of the S-Bahn to the stadium, new dual-system trains have been deployed. They are identical to the type 474 units, but with a pantograph on the central wagon to collect 15 kV of alternative current from the overhead lines. With the introduction of Type 474, the ivory and teal color scheme was replaced by a color called Traffic Red (RAL 3020). External advertising covering all the bodies of the trains was abandoned at the time. The introduction of consistent corporate design has resulted in the introduction of Type 472 trains being updated with a new colour scheme. This left Berlin S-Bahn as the only German S-Bahn types of trains with individual design. The 474 trains were originally in the same colour as the DT4 trains of Hamburg's U-Bahn (white, grey, red). This early experiment was quickly abandoned. In 2013, Bombardier ordered 60 trains for 327 million euros. Trains are coming from 2016. These trains were at first, and to a lesser extent until now, known for their sensitive doors, making them more prone to delays. There are three surviving trains, number 170 082, known as the museum train and number 470 128 with 471 082, known as traditional trains. These trains are used for a variety of events throughout the year and in particular in the run-up to Christmas. Platform stations at Rothenburgsort Station See also: Hamburg S-Bahn S-Bahn station list has 68 stations, of which ten are completely underground. These are five stations along the city-S-Bahn (Jungfernstieg, Stadthausbr'cke, Landungsbrucken, Reeperbahn and Koenigstrache), S-Bahn area of Altona station, three stations in the center of Harburg (Harburg, Harburg Rathaus and and at Hamburg airport. In Hauptbahnhof, the western platforms are also in the tunnel. Most stations consist of a single island platform. Hauptbahnhof and Altona interchange stations have two island platforms, one for trains to the city centre and one in the other direction. In Neugraben and Pinneberg, two S-Bahn routes are between the side platform and the island platform, on the other side of which regional trains stop. The side platforms are located at three-track stations in Bergedorf, Berliner Tor (lower level), Blankenese and Harburg Rathaus, a two-track station at Billwerder-Murflet and a single track station, Iserbrook. All stations have electronic information systems for passengers showing information about the line, destination, route, length and stop position of the next train, missed connections and temporary service violations. Some stations, such as Landungsbrucken and Harburg Rathaus, are designed as civilian shelters. Heavy protective front doors are the only sign of this dual use. Train times and intervals run daily from about 04:30 to 01:00. The night before Saturday, Sunday and public holidays in Germany will run through the Hamburg section all night. The base frequency of the S1, S21, S3 and S31 lines during the day is 10 minutes; until 6 a.m., after 11 p.m. and at night on weekends, the frequency is 20 minutes. Several lines operating on the same routes, mainly through the city centre, but along routes served by S2/S21 and S3/S31, have shorter intervals. Peak lines S2 and S11 reduce intervals in the morning and afternoon. See also the List of Hamburg S-Bahn stations Hamburg U-Bahn AKN Eisenbahn List of Metro Links Systems - b d e f S-Bahn-Streckennetzplan (in German). HVV - DB Bahn. Archive from the original 2013-09-23. Received 2013-10-01. a b c d e f, Daten, Facten (numbers, data, facts) (in German). HVV - DB Bahn. Received 2013-10-01. Steigende Fahrgastzahlen bei Hamburger S-Bahn. Ndr. 2017-01-30. Received 2018-01-11. a b Story - Wie alles begann (History - Where it all began) (in German). HVV - DB Bahn. Archive from the original 2013-09-22. Received 2013-10-01. Fazit 2010: S-Bahn kommt p'nktlicher ans ziel. Hamburger Abendblatt (in German). 2011-01-06. Received 2011-01-06. E-commerce, Deutsche Bahn AG, Unternehmensbereich Personenverkehr, Marketing. It's zalen, Dten, Facten. www.s-bahn-hamburg.de (in German). Received 2019-11-16. Eine s-ban fur-aler y alle f'r die S4 (Ost)!. Bahnprojekt S4 (Ost) (In German). Received 2019-11-16. Das Projekt S4 Hamburg-Bad Oldesloe. Bahnprojekt S4 (Ost) (In German). Received 2019-11-16. Bombardier to supply new commuter trains to Deutsche Bahn AG for service in Hamburg - RaillyNews - Dailly News in English. raillynews.com on June 29, 2013. Unser ET 490 - so go to die Turen. s-bahn.hamburg (in German). Received 2019-11-16. Museumszug ET/EM 171 082. Verain Hisistorishe S-Ban Hamburg e V. (in German). Received on December 12, 2018. Tradition 470 128. Verain Hisistorishe S-Ban Hamburg e V. (in German). Received on December 12, 2018. Der Weichnkhtsmann Furth S-Ban. Verain Hisistorishe S-Ban Hamburg e V. (in German). Received on December 12, 2018. Literature Erich Stish: Die Hamburger S-Bahn. Chronik eines modernen Verkehrsmittels., Hamburg 1984, ISBN 3-455-08874-0 (German) Erich Stish (Hrsg.): Die Hamburger S-Bahn. Gesicte and Sukunft., Hamburg 1996, ISBN 3-89234-694-1 (German) Wolfgang Piszczek, Jan Borhersch, Martin Heimann: Die Hamburger S-Bahn. Mit Gleichstrom durch die Hansestadt., Munich 2002, ISBN 3-7654-7191-7 (German) Michael Brown: Hamburg lernt von Berlin. Punktsieg Fuhr Gleichstrom , in: LOK MAGA'zin Nr. 259, Munich 2003, page 68-77, ISSN 0458-1822 (German) External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Hamburg S-Bahn. The official homepage of S-Bahn Hamburg GmbH (in German) Die Hamburger S-Bahn by Martin Heyman (in German) S-Bahn Hamburg by Robert Schwandl (in German) Hamburg Vision Network R. Arndt, L. Gillard and K. Luschnat Archive copy on Wayback Machine (archive March 24, 2009) Interactive panorama inside S-Bahn Trainset ET 474 Interactive Panorama of the new airport station Home page Of Historische S-Bahn Hamburg e.V. (in German) extracted from u s bahn plan hamburg. u s-bahn plan hamburg pdf

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