A Study of Metaphor in Swedish House Mafia and Axwell Ʌ Ingrosso’S Songs
A STUDY OF METAPHOR IN SWEDISH HOUSE MAFIA AND AXWELL Ʌ INGROSSO’S SONGS THESIS BY: NURVIAN PERMANA PUTRA REG. NUMBER: A73212105 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF SUNAN AMPEL SURABAYA 2019 ABSTRACT Permana, Nurvian. 2019. A Study of Metaphor in Swedish House Mafia and Axwell Ʌ Ingrosso’s Songs. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor : Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. Ag. Keywords: Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Structural Metaphor, Ontological Metaphor, Orientational Metaphor, Song Lyrics, Swedish House Mafia, Axwell Ʌ Ingrosso This thesis presents the study of Metaphorical Expression used in song’s lyrics of the artist group Swedish House Mafia and Axwell Ʌ Ingrosso ranging from their released year of 2008-2015. It Analyzes the metaphorical expression of words within the lyrics. The study has two research problems. The objectives are to give proper classification of metaphorical expressions and to convey the meanings of those particular expressions. The writer uses descriptive qualitative approach to capture and convey the metaphorical expressions along with their meanings. The data of this research is in a form of transcripted song lyrics. The writer utilizes George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (1980) theory to analyze the data and to signifying the roots of newly proposed metaphor theory. As the result, it finds that the song lyrics were matched with the characteristic of each type of conceptual metaphor: Structural Metaphor, Ontological Metaphor, and Orientational Metaphor. There are many expressions of metaphor dominantly speaks about the journey of life, a form of self satisfaction and expressions of love.
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