2; NOW! ; 07-13 Jan, 2004 07-13 JAN, 2004 ED-SPACE NOW! Corruption is the bane of the MATTERS modern Sikkimese society et us begin the year by de not be condoned. The Spirit Returns liberating on the bane of The Mexican president Lmodern Sikkim - corrup- VIEWPOINT Vincente Fox said, “Strengthen- There is still hope for Sikkim. Hope in the hands of such young- tion, and how to put an end to this SONAM ing the fight against corruption is sters as Gunjan Pradhan [read Dream to Aspire on pg 9] and menace. to strengthen the fight against the nine youthful spirits profiled in this issue who have de- Let us begin by finding out ing the most? Do you wonder how poverty.” The US Attorney John cided to seek a future for themselves beyond the limits of what the word “corruption” long the public will continue to Ashcroft argued that corruption is Quotas and reservations. It is with people such as these that means to the majority of follow and admire these corrupt a regressive tax and equal to steal- the Sikkimese can afford some optimism in the decades to Sikkimese people personalities who have abdicated ing from the needy to enrich privi- come. The attitude developed by the generation that this hand- Have you ever paid bribes to all responsibilities entrusted to leged few. Our very own Atal ful represent is in stark contrast to the previous one which get your work done? Do you per- them? Do you think that the Con- Behari Vajpayee stated at a meet- has time and again proven itself to be parochial and short- sonally know any corrupt people? stitution of and principles ing of the National Integration sighted. Maybe its their form of rebellion, but whatever it may Are they amongst your role mod- enshrined therein were written for Council in 1999 that “the people be it is a timely paradigm shift and is necessary. els? Do you admire them and as- the birds? Have we failed the late often perceive the bureaucracy as Let us look first at what the previous generation bequeaths us. Very little, save a horde of controversies, unresolved is- pire to emulate them? Do you Dr. BR Ambedkar and his idea of an agent of exploitation rather sues and a grooming in insular reactions. They have made think they are smart, cool people democracy? Did the Mahatma die than a provider of service. Cor- corruption a norm and forever shirked accountability - some- and worthy role models for you in vain? Is this the country that ruption has become a low-risk and thing that is as evident in the lethargy that grips the bureau- children? produced a Buddha and high-reward activity. It must be cracy as in the social problems that plague the families. It is a Do you envy the corrupt? Mahavira? Is this the land of stopped at all costs.” miracle then that we still have a generation in the making that Given half a chance, would you Dharma Guru, Buddha, and We must recognize that the is more pragmatic and responsible. One only hopes now that do the same? Do you think it is Sangha, yes the only state in In- primary reason Sikkim is poor is the spirit this generation imbibes does not dull under the influ- good karma to steal? Or, is Raj dia where we have reserved a seat because of the embezzlement of ence of the seniors who have still not stepped out of the scene. Dharma nothing more than a li- in the assembly for the Sangha? funds by corrupt politicians and That corruption of youthful ideals would be an unpardonable cense to steal? Would you like to Do you know of any religion that public officials. We must refuse disservice to the State and to the future. take necessary steps to curb cor- sanctifies and condones corrup- to ignore acts of suppression and The generation next, given half a chance would prefer to ruption? Or, are you among those tion? Have we Sikkimese given oppression by high-handed carve independent futures for themselves which will undoubt- who have given up dreaming, up all morals and come to accept officialdom who believe that the edly combine to give the Sikkimese society a more healthy having become pragmatic and re- corruption as normal human be- posts they occupy gives them the glow. This, provided we allow them to find their own niche alistic and thereby willing to over- havior? Can we simply condone right to peddle favors and extract and levels. Whether an insecure generation allows such self look crime or have you simply acts of corruption and treat graft as much money as they can from realization or not remains to be seen. It would surprise few if joined the party? What party, as a privilege of holding office? the hapless public. The common the generation on the wane tries and makes the coming gen- who’s party, or is it your own fu- It is important that real efforts man is not the servant of govern- eration as dependent as it itself is. Just look around, every neral you’ve mistaken for a party? are made to recover funds em- ment rather the government is the seems to be clamoring for handouts and largesse and even Don’t misunderstand me. I’m bezzled by corrupt people who servant of the common man and demanding them as a right. The rush for freebies is so ener- not talking politics. Let me clarify. abuse the faith and expectations must work according to his will. getic that it pushes the deserving category to the end of the I’m not talking about SSP, SDF, reposed in them by the public with Government servants are no more line even as the so-called cream of the society continues to BJP, Cong [I], CPM, Matwali impunity. Merely catching crooks than the servants of the people and masquerade in its various guises appropriating something party, Siblac party, Gac party or and periodically prosecuting of- so why should they lord over their that should have trickled down. The gene which triggered even the GNLF party. I’m talking fenders is not enough, it is ex- masters. the spirit of adventure and hard work which emboldened about the “Jhap-Singh Party” tremely necessary to institute pre- Criminals in high places must those who made Sikkim their home at a time when survival which takes place between 10 to ventive measures to curb further be brought to book. In the next itself demanded a daily battle with the elements seems to 4 everyday that is not marked red looting of public monies. general elections all those who have skipped a generation or two in this Hidden Land. Thank- fully it has expressed itself again. One only hopes that this on the Government Almanac. Awareness drives must be ini- wish to contest for public office return of the Spirit sustains itself and takes Sikkim to an- Does it hurt when you look tiated to educate the public that must be forced to declare their other level - a very doable task... around and find that the most cor- stealing of public funds is not ac- sources of income, assets accu- rupt people seem to be prosper- ceptable human behavior and can- turn to pg 22

THE HARD WORK SHOWS posts among the Sikkim Pradesh Congress today, friends tomorrow. My advise to the tive. After all students are the ones most am an avid reader of your weekly news Committee [I] members. Looks like the new Congress president would be to choose pressured by these situations in everyday Ipaper and greatly appreciate the time and Congress is committed to giving a good his friends well. encounters. Fortunately the police and the effort you devote to materialise the task. fight in the coming assembly elections. But Going through the list of SPCC [I] of- authorities have been doing their part to And I am looking forward to more such the question is - can they make it? fice-bearers, it is apparent that it is just old keep this plague under control but the sad informative content from your magazine. The need of the hour for Sikkim is wine in a new bottle. How can they prom- part of it is that it is just the tip of the I heartily wish the NOW! Team a Happy healthy opposition - a must for any State to ise change then? iceberg. New Year and may the future be a prosper- check corruption. But then again, do we Saptika Namphok Psychologically it is the lure of the ous and joyous one. have a strong and reliable opposition in “rush” you get when you pop a pill or frisk Lazysnake Sikkim? The answer is definitely a big A WORD OF THANKS FOR NOW! an injection that is a help in drawing more “No.” How can we trust a person who de- must take this little space and say how and more addicts. It starts off as a one-off NOW IN BLOOM serted the very party which gave him his Itouched I was by the three-part series on thing and bang by the time the dream has am a regular reader of your weekly and identity? How can the Sikkimese be ex- substance abuse in NOW! I’d like to thank ended it’s a living nightmare. I’ve seen my II like your paper very much. Journalism pected to trust a leader who the entire team at own friends who’ve succumbed to drugs, is taking a rapid pace in Sikkim with new left his party for no genu-  NOW! for a wonder- suffering and ultimately going out. One weeklies coming out every now and then, ine cause? LETTERS fully fantastic job you of the things is that once a person has been but your paper stands way above the rest. Mr. Bhandari, to some extent, was and guys have done. through that and wants to improve, he NOW! And Six Realms are the weekly is a good person and that’s the reason he You have certainly managed, I think, never gets a chance. I think we need to I go through without fail. If SR is a bud, once ruled. But who spoiled his image in to really open many eyes to this ever mu- focus on that. you are a flower in full bloom. You are just the eyes of the common people? The tating problem of drugs in the state. It was We have a beautiful home in Sikkim. superb. asnwer - his so-called loyalists who threw beautiful how you managed to cover all Let us look to keep it that way - pure, se- I also take this opportunity to congratu- him out overnight and left him in a lurch. of that with so much simplicity and such rene, ethereal and peaceful. I can proudly late Mita Zulca for the reports on drug Who then, is responsible for his downfall? purity of feeling. Even though you’ve say that NOW! has done a good turn of abuse/problems. Her work is well done and Ironically, Mr. Bhandari has sought out the wonderfully put all things that I’d ever say, doing just that. I think this time the mes- appreciated. company of the same lot again. But then, I think that it’s high time that the students sage has gone through. Another development worth comment- maybe that’s what politics is all about - any- [us] get together and try and put ourselves Thank You, NOW! ing on is the recent distribution of official thing and everything can happen. Enemy and our concerns about drugs in perspec- A student from Gangtok

2 CMYK 07-13 Jan, 2003; NOW! 3 UP-FRONTUP-FRONT There has been no Merger, only betrayal by a party president, alleges Rajendra Upreti in letter to Election Commission of India SANGRAMIS CALL ON SPEAKER TO BLOCK CONGRESS BENCH FOR BHANDARI IN STATE ASSEMBLY the SSP’s constitution makes no provisions for any body a NOW REPORT called the central executive body. “Therefore on the basis of an alleged resolution by a non-existent body, a claim of GANGTOK: This is one confusion that is not leaving merger of political party cannot be entertained, much less Sikkim in a hurry – do we or do we not still have Sangramis accepted,” the petitions states. in the political arena? Former CM, Nar Bahadur Bhandari, The petition further point out that the party constitu- claims that he has merged Sikkim Sangram Parishad into tion is very clear on how mergers need to be discussed. the Indian National Congress and some of his former col- Mr. Upreti claims that the SSP constitution leaves the de- leagues counter that the merger is illegal and that SSP still cision up to the All Sikkim Sangram Parishad Committee survives. In fact, they have even expelled Mr. Bhandari from [and not the central executive committee] a meeting of SSP and elected former MLA Rajendra Upreti as the party which needs to be called a month in advance and the deci- president. That, of course, is old hat. The latest twist to the sion to merged cleared by a 2/3rd majority. Claiming that continuing drama comes with the recent meeting of an SSP he was himself was a member of this Committee at the delegation with the State Assembly speaker, urging her not relevant time, Mr. Upreti maintains that no such was called to grant Mr. Bhandari’s request for allotment of a separate or convened to decide on the issue of the merger, hence bench as a member of the Congress [I] in the State legisla- Mr. Bhandari’s claims that SSP had merged with Cong [I] tive assembly. In a memorandum submitted to the Speaker, were untenable. Kalawati Subba, Mr. Upreti has pointed out that the Elec- “Very stringent provisions and stipulations have been tion Commission of India has not yet approved Mr. made in regard to mergers and rightly so having regard to Bhandari’s request regarding the SSP-Cong [I] merger and the seriousness of the issue involved. The provisions are that SSP was still in existence in the State. “Under the facts to be strictly construed and enforced,” the petition reads and circumstances it is most respectfully prayed that your while alleging that this was a “clear case” of Mr. Bhandari honour may kindly not pas such order/ orders regarding al- “deserting” SSP for “personal gain.” lotment of separate bench till the disposal of the matter by “It is a case of betrayal of the trust by the President of a the Election Commission of India,” the memorandum reads. party for his personal gain and it is very sad that he has Interestingly, in its counter-petition filed with the Elec- resorted to dubious means in purporting to show his defec- tion Commission, the SSP has highlighted several legal Bhandari folds up the SSP flag to unfurl the Congress tri- tion as a merger of a party by creating documents/ papers to irregularities in the manner in which the merger was held. color atop Congress Bhawan, nee Sangram Bhawan at De- hoodwink the public,” Mr. Upreti has alleged further. At the outset, the counter-petition points out that the par velopment Area. a NOW! file foto. The Election Commission is yet to pass its verdict on 16 of the Symbols Order 1968 quoted by Mr. Bhandari to the matter and has written to Mr. Bhandari to respond to get SSP deregistered following its merger with Cong [I] The petition also points out that Election Commission’s the allegations made in Mr. Upreti’s counter-petition. The on 5 August, 2003, “deals with two parties joining together quasi judicial power to register political parties does not confusion does not appear to be headed for an early reso- to form a new political party” whereas in the present case include the power to deregister them. lution in legal terms even if it continues to remain low no new party was formed. “As no new party has come into It then goes on to claim that “no merger” has taken place profile in the public domain. It goes without saying that if existence, para 16 is not attracted and the present petition and suggests that Mr. Bhandari’s claim that the merger Mr. Bhandari cannot get SSP derecognized and the elephant purporting to be under para 16 is not maintainable,” the followed a resolution passed by the “Central Executive symbol taken away, it will create much confusion in the counter petition reads. Committee” of the SSP should not be entertained since election booths when the State goes to polls. the information nexus JOIN & HANDS ! TTERS WITH MA NOWSIKKIM TO COVER SIKKIM BETTER

for news coverage in the country’s only Colour Nepali daily, HIMALAYA DARPAN, or trade enquiries, contact NOW! Gairi Gaon, Tadong, Gangtok. ph: 270949; [email protected]

CMYK 3 4; NOW! ; 07-13 Jan, 2004 POWERPOWER PLAYPLAY SEIL GAC wants LTs accommodated in BL seats delegates call lowed” to contest from the 13 [12 served in the 32-member state as- from the existing seats reserved on Governor BL and 1 Sangha] seats already sembly. “Limbus and Tamangs for the BLs in Sikkim. a NOW REPORT reserved in the State. Reacting to deserve a minimum of five to six It is also responded to observa- a NOW REPORT tions that more than fifty per cent GANGTOK: The seat reservation news of Union Law Minister Arun seats by virtue of their population. GANGTOK: A delegation of reservation for tribals was in place issue for the Limbu and Tamang Jaitley’s comment on status quo If more reservations are worked Akhil Bharatiya Vidhyarthi in some northeastern states by communities, recently incorpo- on the issue meaning in effect that out for them outside the existing Parishad [ABVP], Sikkim, led by pointing out that the tribals formed rated in the ST list, is one debate seats cannot be specially ear- structure, then close to 65 percent Nanda Kumar Acharya, President, a majority in those states and that that has as many opinions as con- marked for STs [of which the LTs of the state assembly would end Unit, Sewanta Sharma, was not the case in Sikkim, hence tending parties in Sikkim. While are now a part along with the BLs] up in the reserved category Secretary, Gangtok Unit and crossing the 50% mark in reserva- most political parties and organi- for the next elections, GAC con- whereas the ground reality, even Bibey Sharma, state executive tion in those states was only natu- zations are assuring or demand- tends that Mr. Jaitley’s comment after LTs are counted as STs member, met Governor V Rama ral. The only solution available for ing the reservation, the only one does not come as a surprise to it. leaves 65 per cent in the general Rao on 19 December with SEIL Sikkim in the present case was to to come up with a proposal on “GAC’s stand on the issue is category,” GAC explains while Tour delegates. convert the BLs reserved constitu- how is the Gokha Apex Commit- clear,” says a press release while adding that the only constitutional SEIL, a voluntary organiza- encies in Sikkim into ST constitu- tee. GAC is insistent that the two adding that 15 seats [12 BL, 2 SC and logical solution was to allow tion, sponsored by ABVP has encies, GAC reiterates. new communities should be “al- and 1 Sangha] are already re- the two communities to contest been working for the last 35 years to strengthen national integration among the youth through cultural Sikkim exservicemen unhappy with apathy exchange tours. For These cultural exchange tours at Centre towards their greivances are being organized every year in reports, which youth from northeastern union government’s apathy and Pension, removal of 33 years of states are taken to various states a NOW REPORT indifference towards the welfare service condition for earning full in other parts of India. of the defence veterans. pension, full implementation of messages and This year 90 students from GANGTOK: The Sikkim Ex- The memorandum states that government revised Disability Sikkim and other northeast states Service League submitted a inspite of promises made by high- pension orders, lateral induction will visit 12 states where they will memorandum to the Governor, V ranking officials in New Delhi on retirement in other government ad-bookings stay with local host families. Rama Rao and Chief Minister, very little had been done to look departments and medical facilities. In another development, the Pawan Chamling on 22 Decem- into their grievances. It goes on The memorandum calls for Governor of Sikkim, V Rama ber last month. The delegates also call NOW! at to say that although during their immediate attention to “these Rao shifted to his Winter carried out a protest rally with service years they served in aus- very reasonable demands of Camp/ Office at PWD Dak Bun- black-armed bands to press for tere and difficult terrains with ut- people who had stood for the 270949 galow, on January 5. their demands. most dedication, now no one safety, security, integrity, dignity The Sikkim ex-servicemen are hears their genuine demands. and the sovereignty of the coun- jointly protesting with the All In- Some of the demands that they try” and appeals for positive con- e-mail: [email protected] dia Ex-service League against the have made are One-Rank, One- sideration. SDF leaders see Bhandari as SBI & MARUTI the weakest link in Congress announces DEEPAK SHARMA were in danger. While assuring [of which the SDF is an ally] them that there was no such threat, meeting where he heard a Union NAMPRIKDANG: With the he pointed out that he had been Minister comment: “Jab tak Con- possibility of early polls looming “watching” the activities of such gress party mein Sonia Gandhi large the politicians are wasting agent provocateurs for quite some president rahegi, Vajpayee ko koi no opportunity to campaign. time now and had now decided dar nahin.” While the opposition leaders use to “do something” about it hence- “Likewise, in Sikkim jab tak every chance to try and work an forth. “Those indulging in creat- Congress mein Bhandari presi- issue to propel their play for ing confusion among the people dent rahega, Chamling ko koi dar power, those in the ruling front are should realize that Dzongu is a nahin,” he said. GET A CAR using the same chance to dispel sacred and peaceful area and that Stressing that opposition to the what they see as rumours manu- such activities are sins which will ruling government from various factured by the opposition propa- not go unpunished,” he warned. fronts like hitherto defunct and in just ONE DAY ganda machine. The Namsoong The chief guest, Mr. DT Lepcha, now revived political outfits were celebrations at Namprikdang were in turn urged to people not to get just attempts to distract the people SCHEME no different. Attended by the For- taken in by rumours and judge the from the achievements of the ALL YOU NEED ARE: est Minister, DT Lepcha, area present ruling government for what present government, Mr. Lepcha MLA [Dzongu], Sonam Gyatso it has achieved and not by what stressed that the party president PASSPORT SIZED PHOTOGRAPHS Lepcha and Deputy Speaker, “others” say against it. and Chief Minister Pawan PROOF OF INCOME Palden Lacungpa, the “Compare the pre and post Chamling has never allowed any PROOF OF RESIDENCE Namprikdang mela ground was 1994 days and you will see for atrocity on the minorities and PROOF OF IDENTITY treated to some BL speak from the yourself that the present govern- there was no reason to believe that leaders of the ruling Sikkim ment has been the most commit- he would do so in the future. Democratic Front party. ted to the cause of the Lepchas,” “The future of Sikkim’s BLs & EMI ONLY Rs. 1660 / LAKH he said. is safe in the hands of Mr. The area MLA alleged that Taking a dig at the Bhadari-led Chamling. That we no from ex- STATE BANK Personal Banking Advance Centre some leaders were trying to mis- Congress [I] in Sikkim, Mr. perience, just as we know how his NH 31 A Cintury Bhawan lead the Lepchas into believing Lepcha revealed that he was re- predecessor cannot be trusted on OF INDIA Gangtok Ph No: 221165 that their political safeguards cently in Delhi to attend an NDA his count,” he added.

4 CMYK 07-13 Jan, 2003; NOW! 5 POWERPOWER PLAYPLAY BJP state unit wants SDF to disclose its formula for seat reservations for LTs a NOW REPORT Bill is drafted in Delhi, “a request maintained that it will support any ment either “correct” its figures ing cost of electricity, expenditure GANGTOK: The Union Law & from the state government, pos- proposal that will bring harmony claiming 41% poverty level in on power generation and supply Justice and Commerce & Indus- sibly with a resolution adopted by and peace to the State and create Sikkim if wrong or review the and the steps required to improve try Minister, Arun Jaitley’s letter the State Assembly may have to an atmosphere of “integral hu- performance of its poverty alle- power supply. to the state CPI [M] unit stating be sent indicating clearly how the manity.” viation programmes vis-à-vis the The state unit has also ques- that “status quo” will be main- seat allocation is to be made.” The party has, however, not grants received from the Centre. tioned the State Government’s tained for the forthcoming assem- Pointing out that the SDF is paused with just the seat issue. Further, the state-unit, in a statement on the debt status point- bly elections with regard to the 30-strong in the 32-member As- With the BJP doing well in the meeting held on 26 December ing out that the claim of having seats which should be reserved for sembly, adoption of such a reso- recent polls and the possibility of took a serious note of the recent inherited a debt burden of Rs. 823 the Limbu and Tamang commu- lution “should not be a difficult early elections, the state unit ap- bust of a counterfeit currency note crores may not be correct. It be- nities which were recently ac- task,” the state unit further adds pears in a resurgent mood. An- printing gang in Sikkim and urged lieves that the SDF inherited a corded Scheduled Tribe status has that since the ruling party is claim- other party release shares its re- the State government to take pre- debt liability of Rs. 217 crores got the state unit of the Bharatiya ing credit for having won ST sta- viewal of the poverty alleviation cautionary measures to see to it when it came to power in 1994 Janata Party state unit thinking. tus for the two communities, it initiatives in Sikkim. that such scams don’t repeat in the and that it grew to Rs. 823 crores A BJP press release reveals that should also own up the responsi- Calculating the amount of cen- future. It has also taken a serious in 2001-2002. Outstanding debt, after “reviewing” the contents of bility of securing their political tral assistance that has come in for note of the increase in crimes in the party reveals, has grown 6 the said letter, it is clear that the rights. poverty alleviation projects in the the State and has advised the State times in the decade between 1990 Representation of Peoples It goes on to suggest that since State, the BJP leaders have come Government to find out the rea- and 2000. [Amendment] Act, 1980, will no formal request has been made up with a figure of some Rs. sons behind this spate and rectify It is obvious from the tone of have to be amended further to to the Centre thus far, the State 15,000 per person [approximately the causes. the press releases that the state make seat reservations for the two Government should send a pro- Rs. 81,000 per BPL family]. Commenting on the frequent unit is playing a tough balancing communities possible. For this, a posal on the seat issue, preferably “With such a liberal grant, it may power failures in the State despite act of pointing out the drawbacks Bill will have to be tabled in the endorsed by the State Assembly, not be difficult to fulfill the prom- adequate generation and the rela- of an NDA ally without appear- Parliament. It is here that the BJP to the Centre at an early date be- ise of the SDF government to tively high bills being cleared by ing too vindictive or soft. It can- in Sikkim feels that the ruling fore delimitation of Assembly make every poor family a the consumers here, the state unit not afford to lie low in an elec- SDF has a role to play. The press constituencies is taken up again. lakhpati,” the release reads. The has called for a white paper on the tion year and yet not displease an release suggests that before the The BJP state unit has further party has suggested that govern- generation, rationale for increas- ally at the centre. TSETEN WANTS BORDERS WITH SPCC [I] welcomes anti-defection and cabinet size proposals, wants BHUTAN AND NEPAL SEALED SDF to prune down Sikkim cannot be ruled out, he nizations to bring the focus on the a NOW REPORT writes while adding, “There is “serious consequences” of grow- a NOW REPORT also an urgency to request the ing influx, “the policy makers GANGTOK: The state unit of the Congress [I] has welcomed the GANGTOK: SIBLAC convenor Union Ministry of Home for pro- have not been able to check this Centre’s recent proposals on amendment of the anti-defection act and sitting MLA of the State Assem- viding paramilitary forces to pa- unabated flow.” and the one fixing the size of cabinets. bly, Tseten Tashi Bhutia, has called trol these areas in the wake of ar- “The entry of foreign nation- The SPCC [I] chairman, press media, KN Upreti, in a press re- on the Governor to initiate measures rest of BNLF, Maoist activists and als from the two neighbouring lease issued shortly after the passage of the Bills on the two issues to seal Sikkim’s borders with Bhutan an ISI agent in Sikkim recently.” countries existed ever since in the Lok Sabha has pointed out that the cabinet size for smaller and Nepal at the earliest to check an While admitting that the Centre Sikkim became a protectorate states like Sikkim has been fixed at 12 and added that since SDF exodus of illegal migrants from the would be unwilling to even seal the kingdom of British India and has was an NDA ally it was under moral obligation to prune its cabinet two countries fleeing the war-like borders temporarily as part of its been more pronounced since size to the recommended strength. Sikkim has 17 ministers at present. situations there [crackdown on In- commitment to treaties of 1950, Mr. Sikkim became the twenty-sec- Mr. Upreti further suggests that it would be a “desirable exer- dian militant outfits in Bhutan and Bhutia maintains that the measure ond state of India,” he adds. cise” if the SDF Government reduces the burden on the State ex- Maoists in Nepal]. is “inevitable” because of domes- He refers to the Census Report chequer by avoiding “wasteful expenditure” on chairpersons and In a letter to the Governor tic compulsions and to protect the to point out that Sikkim has seen a advisors and use the money on the upliftment and welfare of the dated 20 December, Mr. Bhutia interest of the Sikkimese people. “unprecedented growth” of downtrodden and poor segment of the society. has suggested that underground Mr. Bhutia claims that “pres- 1234.7% in the last century against The SPCC [I] has also welcomed the amendments in the anti- organizations like ULFA, NDFB, ence of and incoming large num- the national average of 258.75%. defection bill which it believes “upholds the dignity of the demo- KLO and Maoists were pushing ber of illegal emigrants or infil- “The growth was attributable to un- cratic system whereby the people’s representatives shall no longer Nepal and Bhutan, two countries trators from neighbouring coun- abated immigration of people from be able to violate the mandate of the people through horse-trading that flank Sikkim towards war. tries which have cause immense outside the State and neighbouring and switching over parties for personal gains.” Fleeing militants are already push- social, political, economic and countries,” he contends. Given As per the amendment, MLAs wishing to switch sides will have ing towards Assam and Arunachal ethnic imbalance in the State.” He Sikkim’s experience with influx, it contest fresh elections and the earlier legality of 1/3rd size no longer Pradesh and the possibility that has also alleged the despite the was necessary to seal the borders makes a split legal. they could also seek shelter in “best efforts” by few social orga- as suggested the MLA reiterates. the APTECH family wishes you all a very APTECH Happy & Prosperous New Year! COMPUTER EDUCATION www.aptech_education.com  Daragaon, Tadong, Gangtok - Sikkim  NH 31 A, Metro Point, Gangtok.  PHONES: 226065 / 98320 48886

CMYK 6; NOW! ; 07-13 Jan, 2004 DATELINE NORTH SIKKIM Training programme for farmers Attention IITians! IIT Alumni Association, which has thousands of members all from OUR CORRESPONDENT ing programme in five villages. Horticulture, spoke on the differ- over the world are deeply shocked and pained at the wanton Preference will be given to ent techniques of budding. He killing of one of the IIT Kanpur alumni, Mr. Satyendra Dubey. MANGAN: A training women, especially housewives, to also informed that the farmers While expressing their deepest gratitude to the Prime programme for farmers, under the learn and earn for their basic would be given practical lessons Minister’s Office and the Supreme Court for taking timely technology mission was orga- needs, he said. in these techniques in the near action in trying to identify and bring the perpetrators to book nized at Community Hall, SR Bhutia, HDO, future. and to protect the life of the engineers, it has been decided Mangan, on December 19. Hosted Chungthang, explained the culti- Eden Lhamu Bhutia of the that as a symbolic gesture, IITians the world over will light a by the Horticulture Department of vation process of citrus fruits to Horticulture Department talked candle outside each of the houses on Friday 9th January, Mangan, the programme was at- the farmers. Although at one time about the recent training 2004 at 7:00 PM in memory of late Mr. Satyendra Dubey. tended by the District Collector, orange production was very high programme on organic farming A Call from the following IITians of Sikkim: PS Targain, officials from Horti- in Sikkim, it has now decreased. that she attended at Dehradun, 1. B. K. Rasaily 8. Uttam Pradhan culture Department, Block According to him, this was due where they were taught the use of 2. Taga Khampa 9. N. D. Rai Panchayats and farmers. to plants being old, neglected and herbal medicine for citrus fruits. 3. L. B. Dixit 10. S. K. Pal Addressing the gathering, PT eaten away by insects and pests. These will soon be available to 4. Gobind Sharma 11. B. N. Sharma Bhutia, Joint Director, Horticul- Blaming the decrease in yield to farmers here, she said. 5. K. Kaleon 12. Tsering Tashi ture stressed on the importance of carelessness, he said that the op- The training programme ended 6. P. D. Rai 13. K. S. Topgay proper training for the farmers in portunity was there to make profit with farmers forming groups and 7. Vinod Cintury the production of crops and cit- from cultivation of citrus fruits in selecting committee members to rus fruits. He informed that the a proper manner. guide villagers and also co-ordinate department would begin the train- DB Tamang, Deputy Director, such activities with the farmers. +2 Board Examination Preparatory NFSDA holds Executive Body meeting Accountancy Students appearing for + 2 Board exam, TM from OUR CORRESPONDENT of remaining five JFM committees formed in different improve your results by joining StudyPort series of villages and auditing of FDA’s accounts by a chartered Mock Test and doubt clearing sessions. MANGAN: The executive body meeting of North accountant were some of the initiatives that was approved Designed by senior lecturers, this unique 1 month Sikkim Forest Development Agency [NSFDA] was at the meeting. Members of the Joint Forest Manage- held here recently at the District Administrative Cen- ment Committees were directed to ensure that proper rep- course starts on 12 January 2004. Limited Seats contact tre Conference Hall. resentation of women be made in accordance with the immediately 222323 or 98320 71855 The meeting was chaired by SBS Bhadauria, Con- latest guidelines issued by the Government of India.The servator, Forest Territorial Circle and was attended Chairperson highlighted details of the project sanctioned StudyPortTM - Now in Gangtok by all the presidents of the 32 JFMCs and Member by the central government for north district for the pe- Secretary-cum -Range Officer, Territorial, as well as riod of five year commencing from 2002-03 to 2006-07. officials from other government departments. He requested all the presidents of the JFMC to focus on The members of the executive body discussed and proper implementation of the project and maintenance approved various proposals presented by JFM com- of accounts as per the accounting guidelines issued by mittees. A micro-plan for each JFM, estimate of entry the FDA. point activities of each JFM, the annual work The meeting ended with the vote of thanks by the programme for implementation for 2003-04, approval ACF (T) Mangan.

a NOW! pic Kagyat Chaam at Rikzing Choling Gumpa The Kagyat Chaam was performed at the Rikzing Choling Gumpa, Mangan, in a grand manner from 18 to 23 De- Car Loan Mela @ cember, last month. The rituals for the religious dance were conducted by the from 13 - 15 January 2004 Lachen Gomchen Rinpoche and monks of the Ringhem monastery. at SBI, Jorethang Branch. The Chaam this time around also in- CONSUMER OFFERS FOR JANUARY 2004 corporated a Singhi Dance by monks Model Offer of Labrang monastery, Singchit Nadey Maruti 800 50% Free Comprehensive Insurance Gumpa and Ringhem Sheda students. OMNI 50% Free Comprehensive Insurance Alto 800 None The Kagyat Chaam is a reenactment of Alto 1.1 Comprehensive Insurance @ Rs. 1 how the God of Death passes out judge- Wagon-R Comprehensive Insurance @ Rs. 1 ments based on a persons life on earth. Zen (Petrol) Rs. 5,000 MGA It illustrates how good deeds and the Esteem (petrol & diesel) Rs. 30,000 Gift Cheque + sins are weighed at that time and is also Rs. 10,000 Exahcnge Bonus Baleno Rs. 10,000 MGA + Rs. 10,000 Exhange Bonus made more relevant for the locals since Versa Rs. 10,000 MGA + Rs. 10,000 Exhange Bonus it also propitiates the deities to protect Gypsy None the region in the coming year. The fes- Vitara None tival is organized by the Rikzing Choling MOTORS Gumpa Committee and Gnasang (Pvt.)Ltd. Sheda Committee from donations ENTEL AUTHORISED MARUTI DEALERS raised from the local public. The orga- 6th MILE, TADONG, GANGTOK. Ph: 231828, 232059, 232341 nizers have thanked the patrons, locals MOBILE: 94341 - 17590 and officials of the District Administra- tion in the support the provided towards SBI making the Chaam a success. FINANCE EASY FINANCE

6 CMYK 07-13 Jan, 2003; NOW! 7 DATELINE NORTH SIKKIM NAMSOONG AT NAMPRIKDANG from OUR CORRESPONDENT updated the gathering on the initiatives underway to institu- NAMPRIKDANG: The tionalize grassroots democracy Namprikdang mela ground wore at the village level. He will a festive look from 24 to 30 De- soon be calling public and cember last month with the panchayat meetings to discuss Namsoong celebrations being area specific problems of the held there in full revelry. The cel- people and to work out solu- ebration, organized by the tions for them. He also assured Namsoong Celebration Commit- them the diseases inflicting the tee, was choc-a-bloc with cultural cardamom plantations in the events, local cuisine and fun district will be dealt with ear- events with the biggest gathering nestly with the Horticulture De- taking place on 27 December partment having already ear- when senior leaders of the State marked a substantial amount to visited the venue to wish the lo- curb this menace. Some 350 cals on the occasion. hectares of plantations will be On the day, the Forest Minis- Forest Minister DT Lepcha, the Chief Guest at the Namsoong celebrations at Namprikdang being welcomed by covered in the first phase, he ter, DT Lepcha, graced the event the organizing committee. a NOW! pic disclosed. as the chief guest and was accom- ment Board, Nim Tshering the Lepchas of Dzongu. He fur- they were lost and added that pro- The political leaders in their panied by the Dzongu MLA, Lepcha, explained that Namsoong ther reminded the people that the posals have already been made to addresses urged the gathering not Sonam Gyatso Lepcha, Deputy was the time for all Lepchas to festival, which is being observed various agencies to help with such to get taken in by the canards be- Speaker, Palden Lachungpa, Zilla come together and celebrate the in its present form since 1978 was efforts. He also announced that a ing spread by various organiza- Adhakshya, Lobzang Tenzing, victory of good over evil. After also the time for Lepchas to re- special BSNL scheme for north tions to mislead the people and Upadhakshya, Palden Bhutia, all, it was on this day that the dedicate themselves to the cause district was underway and soon assured that the present govern- other VIPs and senior officials of Lepcha warrior, Jor Bongthing, of preserving their cultural heri- 90 per cent of the district would ment was fully committed to pre- the district administration. bestowed with supernatural tage. He stressed that Lepcha cus- be covered in the telecommuni- serving the rights of the minori- Speaking on the occasion, the power, vanquished the demon toms of marriage and costumes cations footprint in the State. ties in Sikkim [turn to Power Play Chairman, Land Use & Environ- Lasomoong who used to terrorise should be continued with before The Zilla Adhakshya in turn for detailed report]. NORTH DISTRICT LAND X’mas and New RECORDS GO ONLINE from OUR CORRESPONDENT Year celebra-

MANGAN: Land record related works which would earlier take up tions with a to a week to complete can now be finished in an hours time thanks to difference at the online window system [parcha mutation] inaugurated at the zilla adhakshya [north], by Lobzang Mangan Church Tenzing, at the District Adminis- tration Centre here recently. from OUR CORRESPONDENT The National Informatics Cen- MANGAN: The Christ- tre online window system can mas and New Year cel- Hymns being sung as part of the Christmas and New Year handle job-works like land muta- celebrations at Mangan Church. tion, parcha correction, mortgage ebrations at the Mangan process and old land records much Church this year were younger generation. Lepcha. faster than the earlier practice of “different.” Apart from Youth coordinators The celebrations began sifting through tomes of files to the religious discourses, Passang Taru and Dinesh with the ring of the church trace the relevant records. The sys- prayer meetings and Chandra told NOW! that bell on 25 December morn- tem, informs that DIO [NIC], hymns that are routine for these additions were incor- ing and ended with a ca- Mangan, is operated by biometric the occasions, this year porated to encourage the cophony of crackers on the control [finger print device]. also saw the holding of young talent of the region. midnight of 31 December. It The zilla adhakshya, while quiz, skit and cultural The prizes were distributed was treat all of Mangan en- speaking at the inauguration, said competitions for the by N. Tenzing and Jonathan joyed. that with the right tool having Lobzang Tenzing, Zilla Adhyaksha, been provided it was now up to North inaugurates the Online Win- the staff at the DAC to guarantee dow System at the District Admin- that lad related works of the local istration Centre in Mangan. a public are genuinely processed NOW! pic. faster. Call NOW! at 270949 e-mail: [email protected]



8 CMYK 07-13 Jan, 2003; NOW! 9 FOCUSFOCUS

GUNJAN PRADHAN has had a brilliant academic record. She topped her school in the class X ICSE exami- nations at St. Joseph’s Convent, Kalimpong, with 90 per cent marks and then topped Sikkim in the class XII CBSE with 85 per cent marks. With such excellent marks, she thought she was set for life. It was when she fell on the wrong side of the quota policy that she realized how debilitating the dependence on Quotas can be. She is however a fighter and managed to get a stream of her choice at NIT, Silchar. There she was exposed to a new world of academic excellence and future planning. Something that has atrophied among Sikkim students with their over-dependence on Quotas. She shares her views here on quotas, the lack of counseling and ambition among the Sikkim students… DARE TO ASPIRE oday, I wish to thank all the trustees students elsewhere made me feel out of of Ratna Pradhan, Lt. Col. CB place, even ridiculous for not having TPradhan Memorial Charitable Trust trained myself right from the start. for awarding me an amount of Rs. 8,000 Life outside Sikkim is fast and dynamic. for having secured the highest percentage Students there start working towards their in CBSE examination 2003 in class XII futures from very early in life. In Sikkim, amongst the Sikkimese. save a handful, our students go through On hearing of this felicitation I was ex- their school years with a happy-go-lucky tremely elated and above all encouraged to attitude. This, I assure you does not take dare to aspire beyond and formulate a real- anyone anywhere. istic plan of action for execution. Our State is privileged in the sense that The curiosity to know such visionaries it has a readymade quota of seats in vari- led me to meet them personally. After a brief ous institutes. I, however, feel that this rendezvous with Mrs. Milan Basnet, the set- Quota has worked against the students of tlor, Mr. DS Basnet, a trustee, and Mrs. Sikkim. What the quota does is that it con- attempt at realizing my true abilities to my help themselves by browsing through vari- Jayshree Pradhan, the Trustee Treasurer, who vinces the students that their hard work is teachers and Principal at St. Joseph’s Con- ous websites on education on the world is also the Principal Secretary-cum-Commis- over with the class XII exams. They limit vent, Kalimpong, and Holy Cross School, wide web. If possible, the Education De- sioner to the under their ambitions to doing well in the Board Tadong, where I did my class X and XII partment should open a cell for career coun- Education Department, I was moved to learn exams and then depending on the Quota to respectively. A big thank you goes specially seling for students and even visit schools of their noble intentions, their vision to see put them on the super highway of their fu- to my parents without whose support I around the state with roadshows on the every Sikkimese proudly striding into es- tures. Their worries end with these exams. would never have been where I am today. options available for further studies. teemed institutions to build a better and more It is in regard to this attitude that I share I had topped my school in the ICSE ex- I would especially like to insist that competitive Sikkim. They are inevitably an my views here. Given my experience, I feel aminations in the year 2001 securing 90 per those who are presently studying in XIth inestimable asset to our State. it my bounden duty to tell the students that cent aggregate and thought that my job as and XIIth standards to work out a vision All of us have dreams. All of us have a the times have changed and that things are a student was done. If only I had heard the for themselves and work towards it. Set vision of ourselves in a better tomorrow different now. To some extent even I have words of Ben Sweetland who said, “Suc- your now. We grow great by dreams. All and I don’t deny the fact that there are al- been a victim of this mind-set. Victim be- cess is not a destination, it is a journey.” big men are dreamers, so start dreaming. ways setbacks which come in different cause I was deprived of my rightful medical It is we students who are the future of And dream big. After setting your dreams, packages and incarnations like laziness, seat due to the government policy on Quota Sikkim. Open your minds, widen your ho- take the responsibility to act upon them. indifference, financial limitations etc. Af- allotments. It was this incident which taught rizons, dare to aspire. This message also The emphasis here is on the word “respon- ter my admission in NIT, Silchar, in Au- me to rise above the limitations imposed due goes to all the parents, teachers, education- sibility.” And it is only “you,” no one else, gust 2003, I learnt of things I should have to dependence on Quotas. I was successful ists and the government of Sikkim. Please who can take the responsibility of Your known while still in school. The stiff com- in rising above this limitation and believe give the students exposure to as wide a future. Always remember that Genius is 1% petition, the eagerness and the concern re- that everyone Sikkimese student is capable range of career options and avenues for inspiration and 99% perspiration. The best garding academic excellence which drives of it. I attribute the credit for my successful further studies as possible. Students could way to predict your future is to create it. NAB AGM ELECTS NEW BODY VHAS helps with capacity ment of JNMIH were discussed a NOW REPORT in the meeting. On expiry of terms GANGTOK: The Annual Gen- of the existing Managing Com- building of NGOs eral Meeting of the National As- mittee of the Association, new sociation for Blind, Namchi, was members were also elected. While Foundation for India, New Delhi. the training programme partici- held here recently, under the Ms. Pradhan remains the Presi- a NOW REPORT A total of 11 NGOs partici- pants were given assignment of Chairmanship of its President, dent, Rajesh Verma, Pushpa pated from East and West dis- project proposal writing on local Jayashree Pradhan. The Annual Basnet and PL Yethenpa were GANGTOK: A 5-day Capacity tricts. The course of the training issues for practical exercise. report and the Financial reports of elected Vice-Presidents. Rani Building Training for NGO’s of was designed according to the The second batch training will NAB and JNMIH were presented Thapa will be the General Secre- Sikkim was organized here by the manual developed by the VHAS be conducted from 20 to 24 Janu- to all the members present. tary. CM Khatiwara, Dickeyla Voluntary Health Association of which includes definition of ary 2004 for the North and South The General Secretary, Rani Subba, Namrata Thapa, Sipora Sikkim, a recognized organization NGOs and its functions, leader- Districts. A maximum of two par- Thapa, thanked the departments of Targain and BP Dhakal are the of Ministry of Health and Family ship in non-profit organizations, ticipants from one NGO and a Education, Social Welfare, Union Joint Secretaries. The Treasurer is Welfare, Government of India at financial management and ac- total of 20 to 25 participants will Ministry of Social Justice & Em- Sanu Subba, with Rajiv Pradhan Gangtok from 15 to 19 December counts-keeping, budgeting, bank- be accommodated in the training powerment, NGOs ASHA and as the assistant Treasurer. Dr. B under the sponsorship of National ing and governance. At the end of programme. EDUCATION Colorado chapter Cintury and Pk Pradhan are the PICNIC??? Choose isolated Nature & Beautiful Spot! Visit FUN & FOOD RESTAURANT, RUMTEK and all others who extended finan- advisors to the Association. The WATERFALL RESORT, RUMTEK cial help and moral support to the NAB, Sikkim Branch has com- contact for reservation: 03592 - 224643, 9434117180, 9434117418 Association to achieve its goal. pleted 21 years of service in Various issues for improve- Sikkim.


a NOW REPORT GANGTOK: The holiday spirit in Sikkim was dampened to some ex- tent with the news that a gang of PRINT, FENCE, ARREST counterfeiters was operating in the State capital. The fact that Sikkim Police busted the gang before they could move any counterfeit cur- CRIME BRANCH MAKES QUICK WORK rency in the local markets brought some relief to people otherwise shocked with one gruesome crime OF COUNTERFEITERS, BUT THERE after the other in the recent past. Crime Branch sleuths who had been tipped off on the setting up of a counterfeit currency notes print- COULD BE MORE TO THE RACKET ing outfit in Sikkim swooped down on their den in Tadong on 19 De- cember and arrested three persons stuff to dupe the simpler folks build a network of accomplices. in law in Rhenock, but had pan- members who are believed to rank who were caught red-handed pro- in the bustees. The lead was clear in its urgency icked when news of the Gangtok higher in the hierarchy of opera- cessing some Rs. 4.3 lakh worth of In fact, that is what the gang - the gang members would melt bust became public. He has re- tions, what is also being suggested counterfeit notes of denominations appears to have been up to. The away by the next morning, the portedly admitted under investi- is that the fake notes were not varying from Rs. 50 to Rs. 500. The fourth person arrested hails from cops were told. Acting immedi- gation that he had destroyed the being printed just to try a market. cache surprised even the Crime and was apparently ately, the OC Rhenock was con- counterfeits in his possession The arrested counterfeiters are Branch sleuths, who were in for convinced to lift some Rs. 1.3 tacted and a raid conducted at upon learning of the Gangtok believed to have revealed that the more shocking revelations – under lakhs worth of counterfeits for around 2AM. The nab proved raid, which is why no fakes were notes had been ordered by some interrogation, the arrested persons the cost of Rs. 30,000 [in genu- substantial, more for the persons recovered from the raid. groups and that the first consign- revealed that they had already sup- ine cash] to circulate further. that fell in the net. During interrogation, the cops ment had already been delivered plied more than the amount caught This person apparently devel- A senior Crime Branch official also learnt that the Rhenock gang before their arrest. Crime Branch to dealers outside the State. oped cold feet after a night of told NOW! that before they con- was not essentially a new gang but sleuths, however, remain tight- What makes the entire episode ruminating over the idea and ducted the raid, they knew of a was working in cahoots with the lipped about this angle and all that even more scary is that unlike the contacted the Tadong-based Lakpa Tamang to be there. When group nabbed from Tadong. they reveal is that more details other, more famous counterfeit gang to take back the counter- the raid was conducted, they While the cops are still on the will come only after further arrests bust, the Telgi Stamp Paper scam, feits and return the payment he found Lakpa in the company of lookout for some more gang are made. these operators in Sikkim did not had made. He was even brought one Rudra Bahadur Rai. This per- invest in any heavy machinery. A to Gangtok on promises of a re- son, the sleuths reveal is a resi- scanner-cum-inkjet printer, a com- fund only to be left waiting at dent of Rhenock who had shifted puter, a screen printing unit and the new Lall Bazaar complex the to Nepal some time back and was Getting Married? some dexterous hands to cut and whole day while the gang gave known to be involved in pushing gum the printed sheets of cheap him the slip. Even he has been counterfeit currency in Print Marriage Cards with a paper were all that it required. The arrested now. neighbouring Darjeeling district notes are very good fakes. Some- The ploy to move the coun- and parts of north Bengal. wide variety of cards and thing that might not fool a city busi- terfeits in rural belts gets further While reconstructing their stay nessman, but which were close credence from the gang’s at- in Rhenock, the cops learnt that designs at the most enough approximations of the real tempts to build a network in they had convinced a local driver competitive price. Rhenock. Crime Branch sleuths to help with circulating fakes. reveal that they received a tip- This was their second visit to FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT: off on 21 December, two days Rhenock to convince this driver Solomon Rai after the Gangtok gang was to work for them, it is learnt. In Below Dr. HK Chettri’s Clinic busted, that some members of fact, the local resident, who too Tibet Road, Gangtok another counterfeit gang were has been arrested, had already Ph: 9434178989, 224654 holed up in Rhenock trying to fenced some cash through his son HandymanPLUS give yourself the advantage Slim, lightweight and Compact Design from Sharp Original Straight Optical System RealiseRealise YourYour PowerfulPowerful Sealed Optics High Brightness & High PresentationsPresentations OnOn TheThe GoGo Contrast Advanced Compatability with High End PCs, For further details contact: Workstations and DTV MIDAS TOUCH INC., Advanced Intelligent PG-M20X/M20SPG-M20X/M20S Gangtok - Compression 225521 / 220677 / TRUE XGA / SVGA MOBILE DLP PROJECTOR 9832054742 Enhanced Up-Scaling SHARP authorised dealers in town: and we will be glad to New Progressive Mode answer your RAMESH & BROTHERS queries or send our Video Noise Reduction Tibet Road, Near Sadar Thana marketing team over Gangtok, SIkkim - 737101 to explain the scheme. Ph: 222190, 221202 & 228327

10 CMYK 07-13 Jan, 2003; NOW! 11 DESPATCHES The ongoing Bhutanese operation against northeastern militants is only an episode in India’s war against insurgency; nothing more, nothing less. A Bhutanese interlude


eware of the anger of a gentleman. This message was lost on the ULFA, Bodo and Kamtapuri mili Btants for the past six years as the Bhutanese gov- ernment pleaded, cajoled and held out gentle threats to dismantle their camps in the country’s south and leave. With characteristic arrogance, the leadership of these rogue militias rejected the Thimpu implorations. Even the per- sonal entreaties of King Jigme Singye Wanchuk fell on deaf ears. Finally, after repeated pleas fell on deaf ears, the Bhutan army, once a mere horseback-riding, ceremo- nial outfit, unleashed its fury on the intruders. Trained and equipped by India, this 6,000-strong force under Indian police personnel stand behind captured Kamtapuri Liberation Organisation members for a Goongloen [Bhutanese for General] Lam Dorji, the Royal photograph (left) and Royal Bhutan Army corps aboard their armoured vehicle (right). Bhutan Army launched a spectacular three-pronged offen- sive on the rogue militias. Crucial questions arose over the “indigenous” nature fore. During the Indian Army’s much-hyped Operation By the first weekend of the crackdown, ULFA, National of the Bhutanese campaign. Thimpu itself admitted to have Bajrang in 1989-90, about 5,500 ULFA fighters were re- Democratic Front of Bodoland [NDFB] and Kamtapuri recruited special “militias” for their operation. Who were ported to have been killed or neutralised. Another strike, fighters had suffered heavy losses. Nineteen of the 30 they? Besides, how come the Indians, who were supposed code-named Rhino in the early 1990s, was supposed to have camps they held between them in Samdrup Jongkhar, to be giving only “logistical” support, had more informa- wiped out the top leaders of the group through search and Sarpang and Samtse, areas adjoining Assam, were report- tion than the real player, Bhutan, did? This led many to destroy operations. Yet, the ULFA retained its old potency. edly smashed and several key leaders either killed or cap- surmise that the RBA was only the prop of an essentially On its part, the Indian security forces blundered along. Sham tured. The successes achieved in the first week itself ap- Indian “hot pursuit” strike. New Delhi had been toying “surrender ceremonies” like the infamous one organised in pear impressive. It signals the maturity of Bhutan as a na- with the idea for close to a decade. If such a feeling is Lakhimpur in Upper Assam to claim that “peace prevailed” tion committed to protecting its sovereignty. The King, grounded on fact, then its success lies ahead of the 1991 elections saw despite holding the absolute powers, preferred the consti- more in the diplomatic arena IN ALL LIKELIHOOD, 500 “hardcore militants” tutional process and used the country’s emerging, quasi- than military. Persuading a give up their arms [the lid democratic institutions to reach a national consensus in neighbour to deploy its armed THE ULFA WILL SURVIVE was blown by an investiga- favour of the operation. forces and modest resources to tion by the Guwahati paper, The psychological importance of the event cannot be resolve what is primarily an In- THIS EPISODE. BUT FOR The Sentinel, which re- overstated. But only till such time as hard-nosed observers dian problem is undoubtedly a stun- THE NDFB AND vealed that not only was the of northeastern insurgency begin to ask for the evidence. ning diplomatic coup for New Delhi. “flag” of the ULFA that was given For instance, where are the bodies of the killed ULFA-Bodo- Sure enough, by mid-week, edito- KAMTAPURIS, THE up during the fake “surrender” Kamtapuri fighters? A joint forum of the militants put the rials in the Indian media were prais- carrying the wrong sign, but governments in Delhi and Thimpu on a somewhat awkward ing the Vajpayee government for yet EFFECT MAY BE MORE the “militants” were actually wicket on Saturday when they called for an indefinite bandh another feather in its cap and voices began DAMAGING. students of a local college] only reinforced in the first weekend following the launch of the operation to be raised urging the logical extension of the myth of ULFA’s invincibility in the lo- to press their demand for a handover of the bodies of their this policy to Bangladesh and Myanmar - other safe ha- cal imagination. slain comrades. This was undoubtedly a move calculated to vens across the Indian border for northeastern militancy. In all likelihood, the ULFA will survive this episode. tap the part-mythical, part-fact sympathy of the Assamese But diplomatic gains, to be tangible, have to be backed But for the NDFB and Kamtapuris, the effect may be more towards the ULFA which most perceive as the dumped baby up with substantial gains on the ground. By the end of the damaging. The Bodo movement was petering out anyway. of the 1970s’ Assam movement. first week, the top leadership of the ULFA comprising The Vajpayee government, in February 2003, got the im- This put the government on the tightrope. Firstly, there Aurobindo Rajkhowa, Paresh Barua and others were not perfections in the 1993 Bodoland Accord corrected. The was no knowing how many had actually died. While the only alive and kicking, but also issuing press statements new-look Bodo Territorial Authority has been given wide- Indian Army’s GOC-in-C, and calling for bandhs. ranging autonomy and balances the aspirations of the tribals Eastern Command, Lt. General The impact, if any, had and the “outsiders” in lower Assam. Only last fortnight, JC Verma put the body count PERSUADING A NEIGHBOUR been superficial. Indian more than 2,500 erstwhile underground fighters aligned at between 90 and 120, Thimpu’s TO DEPLOY ITS ARMED Army intelligence was ad- to the Bodoland Liberation Tigers [BLT] surrendered be- official spokesman was not confirm- mitting within days of the fore Deputy Prime Minister LK Advani. Intelligence ing this. Before the launch of the op- FORCES AND MODEST launch of the RBA strike that sources admit that many of those who rejoined the main- eration, Bhutan had claimed that RESOURCES TO RESOLVE the ULFA had moved most of stream were NDFB militants who calmly used a BLT cover. 3,000 militants were on its soil. If its fighters out of Bhutan be- The Kamtapuris are anyway insignificant in northern West that was so, how could “success” be WHAT IS PRIMARILY AN fore the strike commenced. Bengal and do not have much geographical space back claimed on the basis of just 100 INDIAN PROBLEM IS The Maoists in Nepal had home to operate out of. unconfirmed deaths? The me- offered the Assamese ul- The ramifications of the RBA operation will doubt- dia had been allowed access to UNDOUBTEDLY A STUNNING tras bases inside that less be felt all over South Asia. While Bhutan would be the RBA’s operation headquar- country on the eve of the fulfilling its objective of ejecting undesirable aliens from ters in Samdrup Jongkhar DIPLOMATIC COUP FOR NEW strike. Meanwhile, the its soil, the larger war for India against terrorism - of where the official Bhutanese brief- DELHI. camps in Bangladesh continue to thrive despite which ULFA is only a part - needs to be sustained. What- ings betrayed the country’s obsession with secrecy. New Delhi’s entreaties to Dhaka for a crackdown ever the yardstick used for measuring the dividends of Meanwhile, the Indian Army’s Third Corps base in and vacuous claims by the Khaleda Zia regime that its soil the present campaign, the coming months could lead to Tezpur, Command headquarters in Kolkata and numerous would not be permitted for use against India’s security in- New Delhi adopting a tougher stance vis a vis ministries in New Delhi were merrily rattling off various - terests. Bangladesh where the ISI and Al-Qaeda operate thriv- and conflicting - accounts of the battle. On Friday, Gen. At any rate, the ULFA, unlike the LTTE in Sri Lanka, ing modules. The ULFA’s bases in that country could Nirmal Vij, the Army Chief, claimed that seven militants does not believe in open confrontation. It uses classical hit offer Vajpayee the leitmotif for leading an international who were held by the RBA during the operation, were and run tactics aimed at debilitating the opponent in the campaign against the Khaleda Zia government to clamp “transferred” to India. Though Bhutanese officials admit- long run. Hence, for all the claims of “success” of the Indo- down on terrorism or face strictures. Meanwhile, on the ted that “some people had been handed over to India,” the Bhutanese drive, the dents on the ULFA’s hide are not ir- domestic front, tougher internal policing by the Assam absence of TV coverage and substantive confirmation from reparable. True, they have lost a few top-ranking officials, government could go a long way in rooting out insur- Thimpu, raised doubts. but such losses have been endured by the organisation be- gency from the north-east.

CMYK 11 12; NOW! ; 07-13 Jan, 2004 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8109 CHAMELI - Denzong Cinema Simultaneous Release 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


NOW! Monthly Planner

Snowfall at Tashi View Point, Gangtok, 28 December 2003. Pic by Karchoong Diyali View Snowfall at Tashi JANUARY 2004

12 CMYK 07-13 Jan, 2003; NOW! 13 [email protected] VOL. 2 NUMBER. 24 NOW!


Gangtok records lowest temperature in a decade octurnal Cooling is what the Meteorological Department called it. Too damn cold is what everyone else seemed to Nthink it was. For those who woke up on Sunday, Decem- ber 29, to find the hills topped with snow it was the continuous rainfall on 28 December caused by the Western Disturbance (heavy rain bearing clouds coming from Iraq, Iran, through Paki- stan, Delhi going towards Assam) over the state which resulted the clouds to break and the temperature to fall. “The lack of clouds could not act as blankets and make the green house ef- fect causing temperatures to fall as low as 0.7 degree Celsius on 29 December; the maximum temperature recorded was 5.1 de- gree Celsius,” according to the Chief Meteorologist, India Me- teorological Department, RC Gupta. Snow enveloped the area above Burtuk. A thick white carpet covered Tashi View Point and Ganesh Tok. A fact that made many locals and tourists take a quick ride up to see the white magic for themselves. According to the Met office, the temperature recorded on 29 December was the second lowest since 3 January 1992, when the temperature fell as low as - 0.3 degree Celsius. The coldest winters recorded so far were between 1983-86 when tempera- tures went down as low as -1.6 degree Celsius. “The reason for the decrease in the lowering of temperatures every year is deforestation, rapid urbanization and the rise in ve- hicular pollution in Gangtok” says Assistant Meteorological of- ficer, Michael Das. In a recent research conducted by Micheal Das for Gangtok it was found that Minimum temperature was rapidly increasing by 0.8 degrees every 10 years. With more western disturbances forecast for this week, you can expect more rain and a further dip in temperatures. So keep the woolens on and get yourself the room heater. And lets hope for snow one more time.

Snapshots of the snowfall at Tashi View Point on 28 December 2003. Pictures by Karchoong Diyali

CMYK 13 14; NOW! ; 07-13 Jan, 2004 Here They Come!

Just back from the convocation of the National Institute of Mental health issues. From the next month, TASHI WANGYAL Health and Neuro-Sciences, Bangalore, where she received her de- she’ll be volunteering her expertise ENTREPRENEUR gree from Union Health Minister, Sushma Swaraj, Sikkim’s first trained at Hope Centre, a rehabilitation cen- Clinical Psychologist, is ready to offer more therapy and coping skills tre for substance abusers. “Why think only of climbing the corporate ladder, why to the locals. An avid reader and an excellent not own the ladder?” A topper all her life, Sonam was only one of 12 to be selected artist, Lasopa has many plans for the “Don’t do enough to get by, do enough to get from over 700 candidates from all over India to study at NIMHANS, future. Getting a PHD and working ahead.” considered the best mental health institute in Asia. Working at on providing statistical research are Some of Tashi’s favourite business quotes. present at STNM Hospital, dealing with cases of depression, some of the things she’s working Tashi, aka Tango, is in relentless pursuit of chronic alcoholism and drug dependency problems, she rues towards. “I’m going to focus a lot innovative ideas and services that he can offer to the fact that not enough diagnostic testing material is avail- on spreading awareness on the people here. His disdain for those who only want able at the hospital. mental health in the state,” “government jobs” when they can “create” jobs not Motivating people to deal with their problems is she vouches. And what only for themselves, but also for others is quite what she does best. This is why she plans to work Lasopa says, she obvious. with NGO’s dealing with various mental gets done! But it’s all in earnestness. Young, upwardly mobile and enthusiastic, Tashi is a professional event SONAM ONGMU LASOPA manager and service provider. A graduate from Sri CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST Ram College of Commerce, he started his career here by organizing small events. His first big break came when he was asked to manage the Sikkim Ethnic Fusion Show in 2002. Day job – Shooting, editing and directing three television began in 1999 when he assisted in the “Creativity, flexibility and uncertainty,” is what new shows for Nayuma Cable. making of a music video. The following year, he attracts him to the trade. Evening – Make others dance to your tune worked as a sound and light technician in a telefilm. Tashi is also the sole representative and as you DJ at Xcape, the hottest new night- In July 2002, he released his first Nepali album consultant with Playwin Infravest for the Sikkim club in town. Prashant Rasaily, could soon be Awaaz. The next year he directed and recorded Al- operations. the envy of many youngsters with his new ternative Illusions, an English music video. Beginning next month, Tango’s new venture, lifestyle. But getting there hasn’t been easy. Today, he’s totally hands-on the three shows. Handyman will be in operation. Offering bill payment Hard work, patience and a large amount of While “On Every Street” will record the public opin- facilities and emergency services, the plastic ID card talent has been instrumental in ion on various issues, Parichay, will have a studio also offers discounts at many stores in town. Prashant getting where he is to- interview based format. Fashion Five, will show- But obviously, he has a lot lined up for the future. day. case the latest fashion and also be a count- In three months time, he launches the Purple Room, Prashant has had a mixed down of international movies. a cultural and business centre. A place which will career graph. His journey into So what has he learnt so far? stage cultural shows and audio-visual shows “I think people should realize whatever for tourists every evening and also their talent is. There is no need to look for operate as a business centre which will government jobs when you can earn through offer every possible facility. “From a your talent,” he says. Prashant Rasailly has notebook to a slide projector, anything served notice. He could well be Sikkim’s first that you want will be available,” he says. bonafide homegrown television star. We’ll be There is still more to come, for those watching. who want to hire sound, light and PRASHANT RASAILY stage equipment, you can take all SINGER, DJ & TELEVISION PRODUCER these and more from LASKAPS, a new service that Tashi is starting. “I have a dream. I want my YISHEY D. sections of the society. “There company to be a key player EDITOR, THE SIX REALMS will be lots of obstacles and ev- in the economics of Sikkim,” erybody is bound to make mis- he states firmly. Yes, we show. takes, but we are learning and believe you. “Actually it all began when I started contributing poems and When asked what gave birth the response so far has been essays for Weekend Review to The Six Realms [which is now good. Everyone we know has back in 1999,” she reminisces. three months old], she says, “I been very helpful and apprecia- That was how Yishey D., editor wanted to do something on my tive,” adds the shy editor. On of The Six Realms got herself own and since I had been on the the personal front Yishey into journalism. field for so long, it was only natu- doesn’t have definite plans Literature had already set ral that I take out a paper of my chalked out, but she says that roots in her during her school own. And then with someone like she wants to keep herself busy days at St. Joseph’s in Martam, Sarojini and Baldev willing to be with streamlining and after which she went on to fin- a part of the new venture, I think stabilising the publication this ish her graduation from a private I have taken the right decision.” year. Some time later, reluc- institution. “Writing has always Now her focus is to make SR tantly she smiles and adds “I been my passion and having my the voice of the common people, want to write a book actually!” stuff published during the WR and to make sure it caters to all We’ll all looking forward to days only set fuel to the fire,” she that. recalls. With a strong literary leaning, and with first tentative steps into the newspaper world, it was only natural that journal- ism turned out to be a full time profession for her. And yet it is non-journalistic writing that still remains her pas- sion. Yishey is a prolific poet, contributing regularly to local and national media. Apart from poetry, it is religion and culture that she’s most keen on as her many articles on the subject

14 CMYK 07-13 Jan, 2003; NOW! 15 It is not often that Sikkim has such a proliferation of youngblood streaming through so many varied fields. NOW! profiles nine movers and shakers from the younger generation who are slated to shake things up in year 2004.

They come from fields as diverse as event management to JESSE TARGAIN website design to journalism, but all share a passion for CHAIRMAN, HOPE CENTRE It was the desire to bring some hope in the lives excellence and are motivated by success… of those who want to move forward without the crutch of drugs and without the accusing eyes of society that made Jesse Targain start Hope With his first job, Amit Patro has already made a record. At 24, he’s the youngest editor of Sikkim’s only English Centre, a counselling and day-care centre for recovering ad- daily, Sikkim Express. However, the fact that he’s in the newspaper business comes as no surprise. His dicts in 2003. The centre, as its name suggests, offers hope family’s association with journalism goes back a long way. Greatly influenced by his late father from whom he for people who were or are still suffering from substance gets his inspiration, Amit decided to join the business because he says, “I enjoy hard work and hard work is abuse. A totally voluntary and privately funded venture, it essential for a successful career, there is no substitute for hard work.” operates from a small flat at DPH road, Gangtok. Running a daily is certainly hard work. Although he has a good team, he knows that the buck stops with him Seeing the lack of proper facilities to cope with the ever and that makes him doubly committed and responsible. growing numbers of addicts, Jesse has also started a detox “The best thing about this line of work is that it always keeps you informed and makes centre at Arithang. More than 40 persons have undergone you learn new things everyday, while at the same time you get the opportunity to real- the 28 days detox programme since it started a few months ize your talents to the maximum,” he says. back. But his efforts at rehabilitating substance abusers don’t So is he totally satisfied with what he’s doing? continued on Page 19 “Happy, yes, but not satisfied. Satisfaction would slow my pace as I still have a long way to go,” he states firmly. Amit, who loves to be with friends, travelling on long road trips has many things planned for the new year. Topping the list is marrying long-term girl- TRIPTI RASAILY friend, increasing four more pages of his paper and going WEB DESIGNER colour. “I am going to make Sikkim Express the number 1 daily in the entire North East,” he promises.


Tripti Rasailly is the first and probably only woman web de- Having launched “Twelve Designs,” her exclusive the same year, she made her debut here, with a fu- signer in the state. The focus on gender however is mislead- ready-to-wear collection in Sikkim, a few months back, sion collection in the fashion show organized by ing since Tripti likes to see herself more as a professional than which now outlets from ABACUS, Jyotsna Pariyar Sikkim Tourism. a woman. And as a computer professional she has excelled. hopes to put Sikkim on the fashion map of India. It is A year later, she joined the Directorate of She’s the creator of Sikkim Info Net, the first web site on Sikkim. definitely a first for Sikkim. Handlooms and Handicrafts, to design more fusion Offering varied information on the state, Jyotsna, a graduate from the products, concentrating on bags and belts. But a regu- It has had maximum hits and contributed significantly to prestigious National Insti- lar job was not her thing. Last year she teamed up travel and hotel bookings in the state. Along with this, she has tute of Fashion Technol- with friends Jigme and Dorji, both accessory design designed almost 40 other websites, mostly for hotels, travel ogy, came back to graduates from NIFT to launch “Twelve Designs”. agencies and NGO’s. The websites have allowed many travel Sikkim in the year Sikkim’s first design consultancy firm, it proposes to agencies to close office and work from home. 2000, after working share its expertise in fashion, home accessories and Tripti, who graduated with an Engineering and Technology in the industry for handicrafts design and development. “I want to work Degree from Bangalore, came back to the state when the internet a while. In De- with the local culture and designs to create lifestyle revolution had just begun. She joined Sikkim Computers, and cember of and fashion products,” she says. it is here where she learnt more about web designing. So what Promoting Sikkimese culture through fashion, mix- does she enjoy most about her work? “There is a lot of free- ing traditional garments with modern line and cut, she dom and creativity, with no pressure from anyone sitting on wants to take local designs out to the metros. “We your head” she says. have so much traditional wealth that we can tap into,” Tripti’s other interest include “being in front of the mirror she adds. Jyotsna and “12 Designs” are sure to add all the time!” and watching television. The thing she dislikes a lot of style to the Rajdhani in the coming year. the most? Slow internet connection, naturally. There is no slowing down this lady who’s now venturing JYOTSNA PARIYAR into film editing at Sikkim Digital Media Academy, an in-house FASHION DESIGNER, TWELVE DESIGNS project. We are sure she will excel in this too.


“They say life is the thing, but I prefer reading.” If there is one saying that Raman Shreshta lives by, it must surely be this. Not only are books his personal passion, he intends to re-inculcate the lost art of reading among the children in the Rajdhani. “I grew up surrounded by books and find no greater joy than reading. Books are never exhausted, they whisper to you from the walls,” he says. Raman, who took over the running of Rachna Books in 2002, after a stint in Hotel Management and Graphic Design, has many things planned for the 25th year of its existence. From extending the floor space, to including a coffee shop and getting new and varied books regularly. “It’s not necessary to buy. People can come and browse. I especially encourage children to come in and explore,” he adds. Working with the next generation is what he enjoys the most. Regularly organizing quiz and drawing competitions, he wants children to think about the environment and other issues, but through interesting activities. His store also serves as a platform for young and budding artistes, whose creations, he’s happy to display on the walls. That the book store is beyond just being a commercial venture is obvious. For Raman, the biggest joy is opening new bundles of books and then having someone buy a book. “The thought that the book will impact or change a person’s life in some way is thrilling,” he says. Weaning children away from “mind-dumbing” television viewing is his other passion. Literature, music and arts. This is the world that Raman wants to share with the young. “I’ve always had a romanticized view of looking at these old world things. It’s something that can enrich lives. This is what I want to work with,” he stresses.

CMYK 15 16; NOW! ; 07-13 Jan, 2004 INTHECITY eyeDENTIFY & WIN Identify the venue shown alongside and one lucky correct entry will win RELIANCE RECHARGE COUPON WORTH RS. 200/- from Cindrella Mobiles MG MARG, GANGTOK. PH: 229897 NAME:...... ANSWER: ...... LAST WEEK’S ANSWER: SAMMAN BHAWAN WINNER: SONI GURUNG, SYARI

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Little Kaushal (inset) had no idea that his curiosity would actually turn a Maruti Zen fresh everyday NAME: ...... turtle on Monday, 5 January 2004 opposite the Ayurvedic Clinic in Tadong. Everyone is the vicinity were up on their feet and seen rushing to the aid of the little coffee ADDRESS: ...... one after he turned on the ignition switch of the Zen which was parked above the Last week’s answer: NO CORRECT ENTRIES WINNER: drain into which it crashed. CONTEST The car, which was parked there, had the keys still in the car while Kaushal’s father Tick the right answer and rush entries to NOW! office at Tadong to left him on the seat to play around. Out of curiosity, he turned the keys on and the WIN A COFFEE & SNACKS COUPON

vehicles rammed straight into the drain alongside. Although the car sustained sub- WORTH Rs. 100 AT BAKER’S CAFE,MG MARG, GANGTOK stantial damages, Kaushal himself miraculously escaped without any injuries.

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This is the last puff of the green stuff, or say the pain of The last puff of my life. No other stimulants could excite me resisting Dried leaves, stems and flowers were all I needed But now I want to put an end to it all….

She said the damn thing the day before too, Procrastinating her condition She has been marooned; her life is doomed resisting Hopelessly trying to achieve what she wants, Caring less for what she gets. She spends her time in pubs drinking, As nightmare unfolds But it is the puff she craves. Death seems more and more imminent Here in detox as I rot Frustration compels but is not condoned. Helions from my past visit me She speaks through the smoke she enjoys. They taunt me endlessly to yield to desire again Pogroms and massacres in brain, Drawing my mortal self Pain and obsession in her bosom To give in Forces her to cling to the thinnest stem of cannabis The pain of resisting is now overwhelming Which, be it temporarily, soothes her bruised heart. The desire unstoppable Now even if one provides a balm, it is too late Everyone tells me there is hope, I must fight She is addicted! But I know inspite of their hope Part of me is already dead KESANG, CHANMARI That very long ago I killed me Just for a feeling that’d rush to my head I thrust myself into a void in hell And now I can’t get out and fight. There is none who understands the pain, the anguish None who knows the lure of the darkness I am held in. I was held in When I’d shiver through nights, for a pinch addiction When I’d sell my soul for a prick. That rotting intangible evil desire That gave me breaths of orgasmic pleasure. Sleep for me was a capsule. On a high I rode on to it to the setting sun. That was then, you’d think that was bad

I only wish you could see me now WORLD As every night I close my eyes in fear. That I wake in hell tomorrow. Words will never suffice, the hopelessness of it FALLEN Is simply endlessly terrible. Perfectly suffering the pain is too much Death compared to this seems easy It seems theTHE world has become a stranger And I pray for it, I pray for death. To the one we were acquainted to in childhood, For even if it’s not punishment enough And together played day in and day out. I pray as I grip my pillow

Begging that the walls of a solitary grave It seems the world has been bought by the rich, Close in on me Sparing only the slums and the pavements Burn myself in hellfire forever I could For the poor to groan in hunger and pain. If it’d serve as a penance for my sin.

And even if what I’ve done is beyond wrong It seems the world has been enticed I beg to God for this last chance By the whore and lured to her den Shedding my blood in tears I ask for some time. Where she entertains him day and night. Just so I can say I’m sorry

To my authors It seems the world has been defleshed by a mad dog, They tell me hope is never lost And lives in insanity and in constant feuds, It’s what kept me alive Reveling in the blood oozing from every corner. Just so I can ask for forgiveness

Even if I’m worthy of no pardon. It seems the world is drunk, I’d like to beg for it one last time. And in a staggering walk fallen to the gutter, Before I embrace death And lies there in inebriated stupor. For the world doesn’t care

If I die or not, It seems the world has made a pact It only taunts, shames and tortures With the King of Darkness Those around me. To fight against the Forces of Reason. It doesn’t understand what hell I’ve been through

It’s only wish is to point out, laugh It seems the world has gone blind, Deliver all possible scorn Groping in vain for the light, Pour out the venom of talk And has no sense of the earth and the heaven. Against those that I love,

At last I pray that my demise It seems the world has shown signs Bring no sorrow. That have been prophesied Be enough penance that the world may stop By the wise men of the righteous yore. Stop what’s it’s been doing to the one’s who still hope.

Acknowledge that even if I was held by the devil It seems the world has been what I’ve come to the feet of my last hope. You and I in studied silence see and feel: My one and truly last hope Look around — the end is at hand ! So help me help me God. GEOFFREY RAI, RAVANGLA PRAMOD HINGMANG, HOLY CROSS SCHOOL

CMYK 17 18; NOW! ; 07-13 Jan, 2004 EXTRA SPACE FOR THE FAIRER SEX WOMENWOMEN NOW! THE FABULOUS GIRLS GUIDE TO LIFE - By Kim Izzo and Ceri Marsh Make this clear to your new guy right from the start. Let him know that you appreci- he Fabulous Girl is smart, sophisti ate how important his children are to him. cated and sexy. With her wit and In fact, that’s exactly why you’d rather wait Tcharm, she always seems to know to meet them, because you recognize that just what to say and do. Yet she under- their well-being should be treated seri- stands that despite the best-laid plans, life ously. And really, you owe it to yourself to can – and often does – spin out of control. se how serious you are about him before The Fabulous Girls Guide to Life shows you wade into what will certainly be a diffi- you how to cope with grace when under cult situation. pressure. It addresses every aspect of a Danger Zone : She needs to decide if she Fabulous Girl’s life in a playful, practical can play second fiddle to the kids, or at tone including career, socializing, enter- least feel non- competitive. taining, family, friendships and sex. There Early Warning Signs : He constantly can- is invaluable advice for those jubilant highs cels plans to be with the kids but you’re as well as those testing lows, such as to never invited to join in. how to manage a boy binge, how to be a OLDER MAN tactful boss, how to recover from a faux Some FG’s swear by older men: they tend pas, and how to remain poised after dis- to appreciate the FG’s wit, passion and covering your lover in the arms of another. okay, lets say it – her youthful skin and And woven throughout the book is the fic- body. It would be unrealistic to say that tional story of the Fabulous Girl herself. the older guy dosen’t on some level relish The Fabulous Girls Guide to life is the the simple fact that the FG is younger, but ultimate survival guide for the extremes of that shouldn’t be the sole reason to be THIS ONE modern life, a must have for sophisticated together. The Fabulous Girl will appreci- and stylish women everywhere. ate the older guy who has already accom- plished many of his professional goals, Excerpts : who is happy with who he is and where THE MEN: he is at that stage of his life. This type of For the fabulous girl heading toward thirty, solid man can be a great support to the the men who are available to court her may FG who is still working on her career. Sex shift in demographic. The single ones may with the older guy can also be great, he SAYS IT ALL be single for a reason, divorced or much probably knows a few things the FG younger than she. These men represent dosen’t, yet he’s patient enough to take a rich man, however, she may find that he that he’s just good with money the extreme ends of the single-guy spec- time with sex. But be aware that women not only pays for everything, he makes all Early Warning Signs : He asks you out trum and come with their own warning la- of his generation will often resent you and the decisions too. Where you eat, what on a first date and all you order is orange bels. give you dirty looks – even in the super- you wear, where you holiday. It is up to juice, but he doesn’t offer to pay and in- DIVORCING MAN market. the FG to decide her threshold for passiv- stead splits the bill. This is a man in transition. He’s both vul- Danger Zone : The FG may be a trophy ity. THE CONTROL FREAK nerable and bitter. The first may appeal to girl. Danger Zone : You get too used to the Everything you do has to be done his way. the FG, but the second will drive her nuts. Early Warning Signs : Your intimate din- fine life but can’t afford it without Mr. Rich. Right down to how you slice bread. It takes This period will include long, intimate and ner dates are few. Instead, he always Early Warning Signs : You stop even a very strong FG to put up with this tearful conversations with the estranged takes you to cocktail parties and business reaching for the cheque. crap. She’s going to have to tell him where wife and perhaps the kids. functions where he can show you off. POOR MAN to put his ‘advice’ until he learns to back Danger Zone : He’s going to be sad. He’s YOUNGER MAN Depending on the financial status of the off. going to be angry. The main benefit to the Fabulous Girl here FG, dating a man of little economic means Danger Zone : You may start to doubt He’s going to use you as his rebound. is sex, sex and sex. The college-age may will resonate differently. If both of you are yourself and lose confidence. Early warning signs: He won’t stop talk- not appeal to the FG for long, but his ad- poor, then there may be no tension around Early Warning Signs : He starts most ing about the divorce; the legal fees and miration for his “older” lover and his libido money. But if the fabulous girl has some sentences with a version of ‘That’s not how how he wishes it had all worked out differ- are a great distraction in-between more money and has fallen for a starving poet, you do it…’ ently. serious relationships. she may end up supporting them in a BAD IN BED THE SECOND-HAND MAN Danger Zone : In the majority of cases, lifestyle only she can afford. No matter how much encouragement an Stage two of the above. However, he’s he is a mere dalliance. Danger Zone : It is easy for this situation FG gives to a new lover, there are times probably had his rebound. In some ways Early Warning Signs: His age. to turn from romance to resentment – on when the sexual chemistry just isn’t there. these men make the best potential part- DIFFERENT MAN both sides. And the sad fact is, it never will be there. If ners. They’ve been through a marriage, so If the Fabulous Girl is trying to change her Early Warning Signs : He says no to your the sex is still bad after five months, it won’t chances are their expectations are more ‘type’, she may find herself in unfamiliar invitations to dine out. get better. This is cause enough to end realistic. In this situation the fabulous girl waters. If the dark, brooding sculptor is the CHEAP MAN the relationship. Those who say sex isn’t will shine. But if he’s paying alimony or child one who makes her melt but breaks her This one is easy for the fabulous Girl. Get that important have never had great sex. support, the FG needs to be aware that heart, the FG may wish to go the opposite rid of him. There is nothing less attractive Danger Zone : You convince yourself that his financial – and in the case of kids, direction and date a highly rational lawyer than a cheap man. Every single thing you he’s perfect in every other way. emotional – priorities may lie elsewhere. or scientist. For this huge swing, the FG want to do as a couple will be fraught. He Early warning Signs : See Danger Zone. Danger Zone : Bitterness may still linger, must be open-minded and patient, not just will nix your choice of clothing, cars, décor, depending on the divorce. dismiss the guy on the first date because art. He seems to be saving for a rainy day Early warning Signs: Every time you he doesn’t mould clay with his bare hands. that never comes. Available at Rachna Books, have an argument, he compares you to She needs to uncover what other types of Danger Zone : You’ll convince yourself Development Area. his ex-wife. chemistry may be brought out. MR. DAD Danger Zone: You may have a type for a The older you get – or the older your dates reason, and the different man will not be get – the more likely it is that each of you challenging and engaging in the ways that will be bringing more than psychological matter to the FG. baggage to the new relationship. You may Early Warning Signs : You keep telling Call NOW! at 270949 meet a man who not only has been mar- your friends that he’s great, but you can’t ried in the past but has kids. understand why you’re not more attracted If you’re dating someone with kids, it’s wise to him. e-mail: [email protected] to put off meeting them until you and your RICH MAN man are very certain that this is going to Many women target a Mr. Rich. The fabu- be a long-term relationship. It’s too hard lous Girl cannot deny the pleasure of the on you and it’s not fair to them otherwise. finer things in life. If she gets involved with

18 CMYK 7FACTOR NOW! FOR THE YOUNG 07-13 Jan, 2003; NOW! 19 THELITTLE CROSSWORD - 076 WINNER GETS FREE DINNER FOR TWO AT little Solve the crossword correctly. Rush it to Oberois (MG Marg) or NOW!, on or before Sunday and a lucky draw of all correct entries will decide who wins FREE DINNER FOR TWO at LITTLE ITALY, DEORALI.SNACKS COUPONS TO BE COLLECTED FROM NOW! OFFICE italySNOD Complex, Deorali, Gangtok.Ph: 281980

bad day A public service announcement followed me home the other day. I paid it nevermind. Go Away. Shits so thick you could stir it with a stick-free Teflon whitewashed presidency. We’re sick of being jerked around. Wear that on your sleeve. ACROSS 3. Remedy (4) Broadcast me a joyful noise unto the times, lord, 1. Concerned with electricity (10) 4. Cowboy display (5) Count your blessings. We’re sick of being jerked around. 8. Enthusiastic (5) 5. Young bird (5) We all fall down. Have you ever seen the televised St. vitus subcommittee prize 9. Approaching death (5) 6. Pilsner (5) Investigation dance? Those ants in pants glances. 10. Abominable snowman (4) 7. Extremely (4) Well,look behind the eyes. It’s a hallowed hollow anesthetized 12. Compartment for safekeeping (6) 11. Annoy (3) “save my own ass, screw these guys” 14. Lincolnshire town (6) 13. Young bear (3) smoke and mirror lock down. 17. Make beer or ale (4) 14. Meat and vegetables on a skewer Broadcast me a joyful noise unto the times, lord, 21. Cured pig meat (5) (5) Count your blessings. The Papers wouldn’t lie! 22. Excursions (5) 15. One who races (5) I sigh, Not one more. It’s been a bad day. 23. Area of South London (10) 16. Musical instrument (5) 18. Awake (5) Please don’t take a picture. It’s been a bad day. DOWN 19. Learned (4) Please. 2. Illumination (5) 20. Collar fastener (4) We’re dug in deep the price is steep. The auctioneer is such a creep. The lights went out, the oil ran dry LAST WEEK’S WINNER: NO CORRECT ENTRIES We blamed it on the other guy Sure, all men are created equal. Heres the church, heres the steeple Please stay tuned-we cut to sequel ashes, ashes, we all fall down. Broadcast me a joyful noise unto the times, lord, SWEET Count your blessings. Ignore the lower fear STYLE Ugh, this means war. It’s been a bad day. Nothings Please don’t take a picture. It’s been a bad day. Please. A PEPE T-SHIRT FREE Broadcast me a joyful noise unto the times, lord, FOR THE BEST MESSAGE EVERY WEEK FROM STYLE Count your blessings. We’re sick of being jerked around. LAST WEEK’S WINNING MSG:

We all fall down. It’s been a bad day... REM DEAREST OLOH! Let it grow! Let it show! One more wonderful year gone by.. looking forward to the next one! DIGITAL HARI! We the Lossong Committee of Rongay Chongay, organizers of Identify the actress in the still Lossong festival 2003 would like to thank Deputy Speaker, SLA, Palden Lachungpa, Trinley Tshering Bhutia, Minister, UD&HD, DT Lepcha, Forest Minister and Nakul Rai (SIMFED Answer: ______Chairman) for their whole hearted support. Our special movies Name: ______gratitude goes to Kunga Zangpo Bhutia, Phurba Tamang, for 4 FREE Address: ______ONE CORRECT ANSWER TO THE FILMI being with us as Chief Guest. QUESTION WINS 2 TICKETS TO We would also like to thank Nayuma Cables, Sikkim Police, Musical band and all the cultural participants for making this DENZONG LAST WEEK’S ANSWER: Malaika Arora programme wonderful. Winner: : Nima Wangdi, Gangtok Lossong Committee, Chongay Rongay

ONLY DOLBY DIGITAL SURROUND - EX CINEMA HALL IN THE HIMALAYAS Wishing a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to all teachers of Sikkim!! Hope you get tremendous joy and happiness in life this year!! JESSE TARGAIN... from page 15 Karma Bhutia, President, Sikkim United Teachers Welfare stop here. He also runs a co-operative at Rumtek, which provides an opportunity to some of the Association, MSSS., Mangan recovering addicts to keep busy and earn a living. “We have started with a passion fruit plantation. Now we’re branching out to piggery and poul- try. In future we also plan to start a dairy,” he informs. While 25% of the profits will be put back into the business, the rest will be shared by the workers. Genuine “Just going through the detox process is not enough, sometimes they need to be taken to a new LONDON environment and motivated for holistic rehabilitation,” he explains. HOTEL GOLDEN PAGODA, Jesse Targain, in doing yeoman service to the cause of combating drug addiction is making a ONLY AT: MG MARG, valuable contribution to the state. Spreading awareness and creating more and better facilities to STYLE GANGTOK. PH: 03592 223276 deal with the problem is going to remain his main aim and focus.

CMYK 19 20; ; 07-13 Jan, 2004 NOW! FACEofTheWEEK NOW!extracurricular... Almost Antiques NUINTOWN hose who fancy antique design furniture can check Tout the exhibition-cum- sale going on at Amdogolai, Tadong. Sofas, beds, dining tables, service trolleys, dressing tables, centre tables, garden chairs and many other items, all made from Sesame and Teak wood, especially carved to look antique are available here. The exhibition-cum-sale, which started from 20 December will continue for the next two months. The six artisans and car- penters who craft the antique carvings have all come from Sharanpur in Uttar Pradesh. The Speaking to NOW! Javed The “antique-style” furniture furniture is assembled by them in ARCHITA studies at SMIT, Majitar Gangtok while the finished prod- Ahmed and MD Saleem, propri- on display demand dexterous ucts come from UP. For people etors, said that the main aim be- craftsmanship and don’t come The FACE OF THE WEEK receives a FREE GIFT HAMPER sponsored by with individual tastes, a design hind holding this exhibition-cum- too cheap. Prices vary from Rs. catalogue offers varied options. sale was to introduce antique 6,000 to Rs. 25,000. But these Orders can be placed and the style furniture to the people of have not deterred the customers, piece will be ready in approxi- Sikkim which, they feel, is a new as the sale has generated a good mately 45 days. concept here. response so far. urbanMART the ONE STOP SHOPPING EXPERIENCE the a department store that adds FUTUREis NOW Convenience to Necessity! ARIES You may want to invest in Popularity will be high. Business will be CAPRICORN Financial crisis, ten- Opposite Oberoi Building, Naya Bazaar, Gangtok. Phone: 228032 shares. This is advisable. Your loans brisk. Social status will improve. Those sion, worries will prevail. You may get will be reduced. Jewellers will see a pursuing higher studies will do well. a job abroad. If you appear for com- good turnover. Cash flow will be very Happiness will prevail. Enmity will be re- petitive exams you will do well. Finan- good. Social status and popularity will duced. Expenditure on parents is likely. cial status and social status will be NEXT CHANGE be maintained. Encouraging commu- VIRGO You may go on a long official good. Medical expenditure will be re- nication will be received. tour, which will be successful. Family life duced. Understanding with your DENZONG DOLBY DIGITAL; TAURUS Long travel is indicated. will be very comfortable. A religious trip spouse and business partner will be SURROUND EX Social status and popularity will be is also indicated. Your father may fall ill. good. A new line of business may Kareena Kapoor gained. Expenses will be reduced. LIBRA There will be an improvement come up. Business will be very suc- Worries will be over. Prosperity will in your status. You will be successful in cessful. Rahul Bose prevail. Those in trading or with agen- all you do. You must keep an eye on AQUARIUS There will be no cies will see an improvement. Expan- what your friends are doing. Keep your change in your routine. Social status sion in business is indicated. own counsel. and popularity will be maintained. GEMINI Cash flow will be good. SCORPIO You will be busy with offi- Cash flow will be very good. Odd ex- Business will be very brisk. You may cial matters. Social status and popularity penses will decrease. Health will be get promoted. You will do well at stud- will be maintained. Expenses are indi- good. You will find an improvement in ies. Encouraging news will be received. cated. Domestic happiness will prevail. business. Understanding with your life Social status and popularity will be high. You may acquire immovable property. partner will be very good. SIMULATENOUSSIMULATENOUS CANCERYou may opt for a new SAGITTARIUS Extensive travel is PISCES Business will be very dull. You RELEASERELEASE agency business. Business will be brisk. indicated. You will make money from will find little improvement in the stock Income from speculation is indicated. speculation. You may take on new as- market. Cash flow will be very good. Fi- Understanding with your life partner will signments. An overseas job is indicated. nancially you will be in a good position. ChameliChameli be very good. You will prosper. Litiga- Higher education will be very success- You will be ready to take on anything. tion will be postponed. Encouraging ful. There will be an average improve- You may receive a promotion. You may ment in your social and financial status. be in a position to take new, major deci- communication will be received. ULTRA STEREPHONIC Political life will be very successful. sions at work. You may get a huge loan. LEO You may acquire a new vehicle. VAJRA SURROUND SOUND NOW SHOWING 10:30 & 2:30 www. TASHI MOVIE CLUB alphabets sikkiminfo. LATEST ARRIVALS net/ A BOOK SHOP MATRIX REVOLUTIONS vajra IN HELL (Jean Claude wishes Van Damme) everyone RUNAWAY JURY (John Cusack, Gene Hackman)) a very KILL BILL (Uma Thurman, Happy Lucy Liu) New Year HOLLYWOOD HOMICIDE (Harrison Ford) PS ROAD, OPP. HOTEL TIBET

20 CMYK 19-25 November,07-13 Jan, 2003 2003; NOW! 21 RECAPRECAP SIKKIMSIKKIM DIALING IN A CHANGE BSNL rises above being “customer-friendly,” experiments with social service people of Sikkim for all groups a NOW REPORT and cross-sections of society. Sev- eral workshops and seminars on GANGTOK: Chief Minister new technologies have also been Pawan Chamling commissioned planned,” adds Mr. Seth. a state-of-the-art C-DOT tele- He also informs that the settle- phone exchange having the ca- ment of all grievances of custom- pacity of 1000 lines at Tintek on ers through open house discus- Sunday, 4 January. The exchange sions and Telephone Adalats will set up by Bharat Sanchar Nigam be conducted during the month. Limited is expected to provide Information dissemination to the The Chief Minister inaugurates landline telephone connectivity to people regarding the variety of a state-of-the-art C-DOT 1,000 phones initially, but accord- services [more than 50] will be telephone exchange at Tintek. HAE-MAN-THUS ACADEMY ing to MK Seth, GM, BSNL, the displayed and demonstrated to the exchange can be further upgraded people during the Super Mela. vironment of Sikkim were dis- [ we are born to succeed ] to service 2,000 connections. He BSNL also successfully orga- cussed. The programme also saw added that basic telephony would nized a Havan for peace, prosper- the planting of flower saplings by start your children’s education now be available in even the re- ity and progress for the State on 1 all present. motest corners of the state. January to ring in the New Year A debate on BSNLs role in in- with best and strong Speaking on the occasion, Mr. on an auspicious note. frastructure building of the nation Chamling praised BSNL’s On 2 January, a free medical is being organized on January 7, - FOUNDATION - achievements and said that BSNL camp on acupressure was held which will be followed by the has always offered the latest tech- while 3 January saw BSNL im- commissioning of the customer ADMISSION FOR 2004 nology to Sikkim. part free computer training. friendly Website on January 8. PRINCIPAL, Ph: 222741 In an effort to provide a thrust Training on Sukshma Yoga “For the first time in India such to its activities in the state, BSNL and meditation was conducted on customer-orientated activities has also lined up an assortment of 5 January while on Tuesday, 6 have been planned by BSNL in events for the whole month of Janu- January, BSNL conducted an which the general population, TENDER NOTICE ary. Calling the year 2004 as the awareness programme on Protec- who usually do not get the chance 1. Chief Engineer, Project Swastik, C/O APO in- “Year of the BSNL Super Mela,” a tion of Environment where vari- to demonstrate their various ca- large number of activities are be- ous types of measures to be un- pabilities are given a platform,” vites applications by hand / by post upto 1000 ing offered to the public. dertaken for protection of the en- says Mr. Seth. hours on 23 January 2004 from contractor en- “Customer care, social service, listed with BRO/CPWD/MES/Railway etc for free education, computers, hard- School Uniform Suppliers & Outfitters ware and software, internet, elec- M.G. Marg, Gangtok, Sikkim issue of tender documents for “Supply and tronics and communication stacking of Stone Aggregates different size course have been planned for the Raj Shree and coarse sand for surfacing works of Raj Shree wishes all the Principals, Sherbathang Helipad on JN Marg in Sikkim Teachers, Parents and Students State under project Swastik”. The estimated cost of work is approximately Rs. 6.00 lacs (Ru- PLUS Handyman pees Six Lacs only) and Earnest Money is Rs. a Very Happy New Year!! 12000.00 (Twelve thousand only). 2. Spot tender forms will be issued from the of- CALL CENTRES CALLING!!! fice of HQ CE (P) Swastik, C/O APO upto 1200 hours and will be recieved on same day and INTERNATIONAL CALL CENTRES are looking to recruit 100 - 150 customer care officers. place at 1300 hrs on 23 Jan 2004. Spot ten- LOCATION - Bangalore ders will be opened immediately after 1300 hrs For further details contact: ELIGIBILITY - Graduates / Post Graduates or 12 PASS with on the same day and place. excellent English speaking skills. MIDAS TOUCH INC., EXPECTED SALARY - Rs. 8,000 - 10,000 / month + incen- 3. The applications for issue of spot tender forms Gangtok - tives shall accompany with documents related to 225521 / 220677 / VENUE: Hotel Tashi Delek DATE: 10 / 01/ 04 past experience of similar type of work ex- 9832054742 TIME: 10AM to 5PM and we will be glad to ecuted in the last three years, proof of enlist- answer your For further details contact: ment with BRO/MES/CPWD/Railway or any queries or send our Govt. Department/Agency and Earnest Money marketing team over VNV Consulting in the form of DCR/ CDR/ TDR/ FDR. to explain the scheme. 094341 - 79280, email: [email protected] Release Order No: 170/IPR/03-04 Dated: 06.01.2004

CMYK 21 22; NOW! ; 07-13 Jan, 2004 SPORTSSPORTS CM’S GOLD CUP ARCHERY TOURNEY Camp Sikkim for TO SHOOT FOR THE FIFTH TIME 5 January, Monday. SAA publicity secretary, Dr. KB environmental a NOW REPORT The meeting also decided to Gurung, said that the Association invite teams from Bhutan, was trying to “promote and keep education GANGTOK: The Sikkim Ar- DGHC, Todhay Tangda, Sikkim alive” the culture and tradition of chery Association has announced Police and top teams from the dis- this sport in Sikkim. The Associa- tion, gardening and plants. The plans to hold the Vth Chief tricts to participate in the tourney. tion is scheduled to meet at the a NOW REPORT basics of camping, hiking, acting, Minister’s Gold Cup Archery Last year’s winner from Pagang President’s residence again on 11 dancing and singing will also be Tournament from 18 January on- Gumba near Kalimpong will also January to draw up the fixture for GANGTOK: The second Camp taught to the children. Beside wards. This was decided at a be participating the tourney which the tournament. Those seeking Sikkim, an environmental educa- these, there shall be creative ac- meeting held at the residence of will see its finals on 15 February further details can contact Dr. tion program for children in the tivities like collage making, pho- the Association president and next month. Ongden Gyatso at 9434178963 or age group of 7 to 12 years is be- tography, sketch drawing, etc. Minister UD&HD, TT Bhutia on While speaking to NOW!, the Dr. Gurung at 9832014604. ing organised here at Gangtok. According to Camp Director, The 5-day camp will be on from Lukendra Rasaily, this year’s pro- January 27-February 1, 2004. gram will also see some important CORRIGENDUM Camp Sikkim is designed to personalities interacting and shar- Reference to Notice Kutse Shegu make children competitive and ing their childhood experiences. friendly through various activities On the last day, children will Inviting Tender pub- The 49th Day Kutse Shegu of late Sonam Dadul Bhutia who expired on 27th and awareness campaigns. Activi- put up a cultural programme for lished in Sikkim Her- November 2003 falls on 14th January 2004. All relatives, friends and well wish- ties are so designed to give each the parents and prizes and certifi- ald vide Vol 47 No 55 ers are welcome to join us in offering prayers for the departed soul at our and every child lot of fun in learn- cates will be awarded to the win- dated 11.12.2003 residence “Chekkim House” at Chongphong (Geyzing), West Sikkim. We would ing. Training and awareness pro- ners and participants. For further also like to take this oppostunity to thank all those who extended their help in grams will be provided on envi- details contact Sikkim Tours & 1. Please read the our bereavement. ronment, conservation, preserva- Travels, Ph: 220192, 222188. cost put to tender for Kinzang Dadul Bhutia (Chongphong) 03595 258276 Construction of Train- Sonam Wangyal Bhutia (Pelling) Corruption is the bane of the ing Center ar District 03595 258309 Hospital Singtam as Chewang Dorjee Bhutia (Ravangla) modern Sikkimese society Rs. 13,56,601/- in- 03595 260555 make sure that democracy along Tsering Thondup Bhutia (Gangtok) Contd from pg 2 with capitalism, works for every- stead of Rs. 94340 91099 mulated and explain how they one. Late Palkiwala put it suc- 17,96,000/- Karma Nedup Bhutia (Pelling) amassed their stated wealth before cinctly when he said, “The most 2. The Earnest Money 03595 258606 they are allowed to stand and con- persistent tendency in India has test for the privilege of leading us been to have too much government @ 2.50% may be read to our destiny. We must take all and too little administration; too as Rs. 33,915/- in- necessary measures to prevent many laws and too little justice; too stead of Rs. 44,900/- crooks from holding high office many public servants and too little Academia and hold those who get corrupted public service; too many controls All other terms and while in office accountable later. and too little welfare.” conditions remains It is important right now for all Lets us vote wisely, our future the same as pub- Sikkimese to get worked up. We depends on it. Let us prove that Sikkim lished vide earlier No- should all be really very angry we are not as dumb we are per- (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) tice Inviting Tender. about corruption and about gov- ceived to be. Do not be swayed Located at Nimtar, above Power Colony ernment inefficiency. Ours is a lazy by sweet words and empty prom- Divisional Engineer (Civil) democracy where people do not ises. Choose wisely your future Health And Family push the government enough to depends on it. Welfare Department. Session starts Feb 2004 Release Order No: 172/IPR/03-04 Contact: 9832067886 PRESTOLITE batteris start from: Dated: 06.01.04 for MARUTI - Rs. 1250/- for COMMANDER - Rs. 2550/- Kalimpong Supply Agency NH Way 31 A, Gangtok (Sikkim) Ph: 226237, 9434103124 Deals in: Genuine Spare Parts, Lubricants & Batteries Distributor: Exide, Amron, Shell, Prestolite SIKKIM TRUCK OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION Daragaon, Tadong. Ph: 232411, 94341 09898 ALL THE INVITEES AND MEM- BERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO A PICNIC PARTY AND NEW YEAR’S CELEBRATION AT THE SARAMSA GARDEN, AT 10 AM ON 10TH JANUARY 2004. Picnic Committee

22 CMYK 07-13 Jan, 2003; NOW! 23 SPORTSSPORTS NOW! classifieds GLITTERING RETURN the affordable option call 270949 for details or visit any of the authorised collecting agents listed below FOR SALE / TO LET SERVICES Three bedroom, hall, kitchen, MOBILE PHONE REPAIR/ terrace and verandah flat with EXCHANGE Repair or Ex- parking for sale at Pradhan change your Mobile Phone at Nagar, . Contact: Reasonable Cost.New Hand- 03592 - 228897; 94341 69663 sets also available Internet Point, Yama House, DIGITAL CAMERA: A six month old 4.1 TUITIONS FOR MATHS / megapixel Sony DSC-S85 PHYSICS DURING YOUR in excellent condition. WINTER VACATIONS IN CALL: 284408 / GANGTOK: CONTACT: 9832033451 9434067628 & 281039 LEARN Fine Arts, Oil Paints, The medal winners pose for group photograph with officials of the Department of Sports & Glass Painting, Fabric Painting, Pot For all kinds of mobile Painting, Artificial FLower Making. Youth Affairs upon their return from the North East Sports Festival. a NOW! pic Contact: Upper Arithang, Ph - handsets / accessories 221587. mobile: 98320 33451 RICH HARVEST OF MEDALS FOR SIKKIM WANTED MARKETING & / repairs PUBLICITY EXECUTIVES CONTACT: Arjun Elizah AT NE GAMES who are young, smart, dynamic THE MEDAL WINNERS graduates with fluency in English, 9434109988 a NOW REPORT BOXING: Nepali and Hindi. Attractive Salary. [GOLD] Sandhya Gurung, Damber Subba, Pratima Goorong, Contact Rakesh Somani, Somani 229988 Building, Gangtok (Ph: 9832023813) GANGTOK: The 65-member Rikzing Bhutia WIDEST RANGE Sikkim contingent for the XVIII with complete Bio-Data within ten [SILVER] Navin Cintury, Ganesh Basnett, Tashi Tshering days from 26 Nov 2003. CHEAPEST PRICE North East Sports Festival, 2003, Bhutia, Pawan S. Darnal, Sumitra Chettri, held in Imphal, Manipur, from 16 [BRONZE] Binod Gurung, Sabita Pariyar, Babita Gurung, DIGITAL MOBILE REPAIRING M/S SUSHIL KUMAR AGARWAL to 19 December, returned home Bishal Ramudamu. COMPUTERISED UPGRADATION DISTRIBUTOR: BSNL triumphant and beaming with BUY/SELL MOBILE HANDSETS MG MARG, GANGTOK confidence with a rich haul of 20 TAEKWONDO: TRENDY ACCESSORIES medals, the best performance [GOLD] Rupen Pradhan, Jyoti Pradhan, Meera Chettri. ALL UNDER WANTED ACCOUNTANT that the State has ever put up at [SILVER] Rajesh Thapa, Lerab Bhutia. A leading NGO based in Gangtok the meet. All the medals were [BRONZE] Pempa Doma Tamang, Diki Doma Bhutia. ONE ROOF requires an accountant with B.Com cornered in boxing and contact: background and minimum 2 yrs ex- taekwondo disciplines. Sikkim who could not win medals not to The host State, Manipur, RAKESH ROMALA perience for their headquarters. Remuneration commensurate with also won the overall runners-up lose hope and use the experience racked up the highest medal tally 98320-62684 Digital Mobile Repairing Centre experience. Interested individuals trophies for taekwondo and box- to improve on their performance at the meet and Ms. Tshering be- Nam Nang, Gangtok can send their bio-data to NOW! ing in the boys categories. in future meets. lieves it was due to the better in- office, Gairi Gaon, Tadong. The contingent was wel- Assistant Director, Department frastructure and facilities that the SALE & PURCHASE CRASH COURSE comed back in a simple felicita- of Sports & Youth Affairs, Doma State has. Building flats, Land, Renting, Lease Batch starts from 1 December 2003 tion ceremony organized here by Tshering, who had accompanied When asked how Sikkim could Hotels in Sikkim & West Bengal. For for Std X and Std XII students. the Sports & Youth Affairs De- the state contingent as the Chef further improve on its perfor- blue prints, valuation report, estimate, Syllabus complete in three months. partment at the White Hall com- de Mission [contingent leader], mance, the Asst. Director said the search report, interior designs contact: Guarantee for cent percent success plex on 2 January, last Friday, while speaking to NOW!, said preparations henceforth should be GMT (Company), Madhuban Hotel, in physics, chemistry and maths. where the Secretary, VB Pathak, that the reasons behind the “splen- made more in advance. “In future, Development Area Ph: 224549, Contact: Mr. P. K. Sinha, Dara congratulated the winners of the did” performance was better plan- I feel we could perform even bet- 94342 04217 / 94341 78999 Gaon, Tadong. Ph: 232439 5 gold, 7 silver and 8 bronze ning and training. The Sikkim ter if the list of players are sent FLAT FOR SALE WINTER JOBS medals. contingent reached Imphal five by the concerned associations to Three Bedroom Apartment, completely Earn Rs. 150 – 450 per day. Learn Mr. Pathak, while congratulat- days in advance and was well ac- the department on time and not at furnished measuring 1250 square feet, and earn. Smart, graduates/ ing the medal winners, mentioned climatized for the tourney and the last moments. Secondly, I feel opposite Sunrise Nursing Home, undergraduates, males and that this was a proud moment not were in peak form thanks to the that the trials should be held un- Sevoke Road, Siliguri. Interested females. Walk-In-Interview any day only for the sportspersons and the twenty-day coaching camps orga- der the supervision of the depart- parties please contact: 98320 75196 between 11 AM – 3 PM at Ground department but for the entire state. nized for various disciplines in ment officials to guarantee fair IMMEDIATELY WANTED Floor, Oberoi Building, MG Marg, He also assured the sportspersons preparation for the Sports Festi- selections. And finally, the A Female Office Runner aged 18 years Near Star Hall, Gangtok. that the department would try and val, she explained coaches should start planning and above with Sound Health. meet all national and international “Sikkim stood fourth in the fi- their strategies and training for Educational Qualification Std 5 and standards in infrastructure and nal tally and was not very far be- such tournaments much more in Above. Candidates should be obedient coaching. He also advised those hind the first three,” she added. advance,” she said. and hardworking. 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CMYK 23 24; NOW! ; 07-13 Jan, 2004 SPORTSSPORTS a NOW! pic DUKES OF THE PITCH

Gangtok team lifts Dr. Lobzang Tenzing Memorial Cup from OUR CORRESPONDENT team from Gangtok, looked for- midable only till its openers MANGAN: On the day when the walked in. From then on, the last test between India and Aus- flashing willows of the Duke CC tralia started [2 Jan, last Friday], batsmen made short work of the Mangan was treated to some blis- total. Chewang Lama was espe- tering willow attack at the finals cially belligerent with a vicious Tremendous response to winter coaching camps of the Dr. Lobzang Tenzing Me- attack which saw him score 23 morial Cricket Tournament which runs in one over itself. Duke CC students has been “tremen- they came to the ground at 7:30 pitted the fighting spirit of the crossed the total before the dous.” “It seems that the par- a NOW REPORT in the morning and cleared the Northerners against the skill of twenty-sixth over was up for the ents are now looking for ac- screening test. There are 30 berths Duke Cricket Club, Gangtok. loss of seven wickets and lifted GANGTOK: The winter coach- tivities to wean their children in archery, 30 in TT and 60 in foot- When the dust settled after the the cup. ing camps for archery, table-ten- away from the rather un- ball, he informed. match was played out at an aver- The chief guest, zilla nis and football organized by the healthy habit of watching tele- The camps, he disclosed fur- age of more than 7 runs per over, adhakshya, Lobzang Tenzing Department of Sports & Youth Af- vision the whole day and the ther were being held to encour- Duke CC had won and lifted the handed out the trophies and the fairs at the TNA ground here has coaching camps are a perfect age, develop and identify talent prestigious cup. Rs. 20,000 prize money to Duke received a good response this year. activity,” he explained. from the grassroots level. The Winning the toss, the North- CC and Rs. 10,000 to the runners- Speaking to NOW!, the While pointing out that the Department also provides the erners elected to bat first and were up team. Chewang Lama was ad- District Sports Officer camps had already begun, Mr. young sports enthusiasts with provided a good start by its open- judged the man-of-the-match Thupden Bhutia, said the re- Bhutia said that interested candi- light refreshments during the ers Topden and Tashi who gave while Rinzing Bhutia was picked sponse from the parents and dates could still get enrolled if practice sessions. their team a 55-run opening part- for the man-of-the-series award. nership. When the last over [30th] The classic catch award went to was bowled, the score card read Ongden Lepcha. The final was 206 for 9 for the Northerners. umpired by Palden Lachungpa The 6.86 average that faced the and Vivek Rai.

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Published by Lt. Col. (retd) P. Dorjee and printed at Darpan Publications Pvt. Ltd, Siliguri. Editor: Pema Wangchuk. Executive Editor: Mita Zulca Now! Near Ayurvedic Clinic, Gairi Gaon, Tadong. East Sikkim. ph: 03592 270949 email: [email protected]