V Prestige Institute of Engineering Management & Research, Indore

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V Prestige Institute of Engineering Management & Research, Indore Prestige Institute off,ngineering Management & Research,Indore Itlvll,{"Ah (Approved by AICTE New Delhi, DTE Go\t. of N4.P. and Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal ) Dnte:30/07/2020 No. P[ENIIV2020/ 3 5? "Antiragging Committee" ln associatiou with UCC on curbing nenace ol'ragging 1009 rhc tbllowing members arc nonrinatcd on Ant mgging Conrriltee as. N{obile No S.No. Green 7869999?10 I Dr Nln.oikumir Deshfandc Dnecior PIEMR. B-Lill-.106. Ro)al Socie!),\iranjanpur.Schcrne No.78.Phase'll, Indore j 0711-25i5611 Reprcsenlative of SDI\4, Rcpresertali!c o1-Cl!i SDI\1 Ollicr.(lollcctorate, lndore ReDresentation fronr Police ReDresentiti\e of Policc \ ila\ Nasar. Police Starion, Indore 0731-2555611 Rcprese.tati!c olLoal Preniqe \lcrlia.lc/O DcPan ent ofN{as5 '7869927283 Nlcdia Communic.llion Pl\'lR, UG (.nrpus, Indorc 9826.1851r1 5 Dr. Yogeshwari Phatak Rcpresentalirc oINGO Director.Prcstise If stitutc ol l\'lanagcmenl ir!ol!cd in )outh acti\ities and Resarch,lndorc. .12/lNIalhar Malhargan. 6260486687 I Afirudh Llxjpai B.E.(CE)-V Sem. Paltan Behind Irdorc Sidh: 989r,1r461-i 2 B.E.(CS)-VIISem. Housins Board aolon) Pri)aDarsharri lndorc. 3i05! l50ll-l 3 B.E.(ivlL)-VllSenr. Anan) \agar ne.r Aslra Deep llospltrl Se. 78\'ila\ Nagar. Indore. B.E.(EE)'VII Scnr. 2+6als I Schemc No 78 near viia) \agir 9669957t0:l lndorc. lsha Dalal B.E.(EC)-VIISenr. L5tl-D Sudanra Nagar. Indore 39E970.1i0r l.aching Stiff 9U26112779 I A/Hlr5Sukhlia.lndore 9N276298;2 2 \lr. Nlanoj ShiDde l0:6 Schamc NoTl Scorcr B.l,rdorc. \lr. Rajccv Raghuvanshi 60-1. Golden l'dlace Colon] Neir Choith!^ n 8r01[9]01 S.tuarc. AB Ro.d lNlo.e 877020196,r 4 \lr. Yash Shah AH4,D.D.u.N. sukhliya,lndore i-Non Teaching Staff 9893 ilJ699 i I \lr. Saniecr Deshpande Registrar 10. Chanka,,'apuri, Indore 7E6910126: ). 201 Shi! Pratham Apartmenl. 1:12 Shiv Srsnr Colon) \ear Camlc\ali Pulia. Biialpur Indore 9827101896 N1r Sayied Aznat Ali 109 Silimai Colony lihrirara. lndorc Students li're$er 963-{92171; I \lr.Rudransh N{ardloi B.Te.h CS-lll Senr 6,1'A tulsi\!g Near RR Avenue lndo.e ]ndorc 7211291512 l NIs. Manjeeri nrakare B.Tech CS lllSem 2[D \ ran ,\\enue. Annapunra, lJ03581,109E l Nls. AditiSingh I].T.ch i\lE lllScnr 59, Sukhaliya ,lndore Y Dn,rih"rion l \ll Head':Bl \l<.\u}\r"" , \i {\ tL)\A,'1.. X or".ri ( Ad.o , .,,,,Jtr#) ,..",,,,*,")* .:. r(";i!-. oL." dll r.r '"*..",',',U4'J"{---M'( F@- -\l"d\ t ( utr,rrn..rIx({rr\ \rflrr,{.r- + H't 4"!,\----- )-+". --2*- d{ Prestige Institute of Engineering, Management and Research, Indore Antimgsins Committee L€ttcr No.i pltilrR/fat/B I)ate 07/09/2019 l1 , ....f-o \, . I Ua trc!u,.r,i ' r vn c.xoin!_ Mcra.- o I 2009 rtnh.agsing ^.,, the fol lowjng mem beri are ctomn r itree as, '"nace 'agging nom nrated on S.No Designation Address Contact l Dr. Maf oikumar Deshpande B-1203 , BCLI paradise.Near PIEMR.lndore Nih,niv. nvr,y. 7869999230 Rcprescnlati\e 2 ol SD\1. Rep. ofCivit SDNl oflicc Colectorare, Irdore 0731-2555611 3 Rep. OfPolice V;;N""--;..-;. 0731-2555611 Prot Zuber Khar _ Rep. ofLocat lvtedia ;;:;;:::+i!r=- ,-"5! !4!u'4jv/ u u€ptmmenr ot Mass commDni.,r;^n Dn,D ri^ ^, - 7869927288 ; Dr.\lanDrath parni ncp. of Nc- invorrer nr - ;:r :;;;_r:::-1!]q!!rrl!!9.c ".,-.."..,"u1 rcurcrary, r\xazan. sitd Parpafthik Trus! tndore 07869999287 I Mrs. Sharda Chouhatr fl I1B. Rashmika parel :'iiiY]llYlll[:9orata rnaore 96301248'10 rcheme No.54.Viiav Nzc,r rn,t^.- 7 Senior Sttk €l'vru 7000270998 t. BE( CEIV Sem ",,, rdo€srupura,hdore-452o03 lt. H*J-r,h,,r*" BE(CS)-VII 7974768584 Senr. r 53-B III, a-e"," N"E-. rrd* Sourabh Sharna BE (\1E),\,rr 97548t9071 senr . -. Juor iv. "_,,. -,,,.r na NdtJr.tndore 8689050297 BE (EE)-VII qU, sem r".nn,rn Nooa.. Fri:), \.J.\ tnan- 83054398:9 r.ee iu,rr,1r11 .""]- ;iq"l* i-;r ,;-;i -. 8 ::::-:=ll__::1:\rranlanpLrr,Indorc Teachin! Sra - - 8871566,18 i t' ,1 1; 11,n T Arrnri;ii: * 98262t2719 li. D.. Ilanish K Bafira ,tsst t rofe-or 1co, C-105 Niri,ho poinl NlLJralaks| Di Nagu. r|dorc 9125317737 III. lVIr. Raieev Raghuvanshi IV, E t03129701 l:) ffi:#**S+:td": Non Teaching Sriif- 877A201964 I NIr. Sameer Destrpande II, 07lt 40til,lo ;iffilHrffiil s .::o::"=!r:!rr]l1''. -,r, 7869401263 llr. Ntr. Salicd ,\rinrat q ,, ,r"_ ,i Ati IO -j:r:l:-i_:::1:::T{11a, Indore 9827t01896 I I1r. R!dransh Man.tloi B.lech CS I Sem Ne.I Rtt II. Itts. l,rn,,.1e",i Tlat 1\ cnre lnd,,e 96859217t1 ari B.Tech CS -t Sem IIi, -\4s. Adhi Singh 7247291a12 B.Tech I,tE I Senr ++:ira*ar"""il;;';.,- 8085814098 &^-(^- . { '-l Dr. Nlan")*r,,-flr86Dnde Dirtriburion: (Director pIEMR, .Ur He!ds BE :uC, E[, CE, CsE, Nltr hdorer DIPLOitAT iUE, CE lr..,:cn.' ff:xHlH,ii";[:HiT,frfi? (lonrDiiire nrhrbrrs: I'rrnig..\droit:(rrecrt)$,.tot,ncnr/t.r!ining/pt!(n0nt/t,jnireprcncurshiDDn,isn,n.
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