Images and Colour

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 67 Images and colour

Colour - colours - colour spaces - colour models Raster data - image representations - single and multi-band (multi-channel) Images - colour lookup tables - operations on images

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 68 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colour images

 Colour images have two components:  Colour images have two components: • raster data - an array of pixels; • colour model - a description of how pixels are mapped to colours.

 A pixel is defined in terms of its components in a  A pixel is defined in terms of its components in a particular colour space particular colour space

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 69 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Java image representation: BufferedImage Java image representation:


Raster ColorModel

SampleModel ColorSpace DataBuffer

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 70 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colour spectrum – visible light

Ultraviolet Infrared

400 nm 700 nm

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 71 Colour spaces

 A colour space represents a system for  A colour space represents a system for measuring colours measuring colours

 Most colours can be represented using three  Most colours can be represented using three colour components colour components

 They are called the primary colours (or the  They are called the primaries) primaries)

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 72 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colour spaces

 There are many colour spaces.  There are many colour spaces.

 The choice of a particular space depends on the  The choice of a particular space depends on the context in which we want to describe colours. context in which we want to describe colours. The four most common colour spaces are: The four most common colour spaces are: • RGB: additive colour space • HSV: artistic colour space • CMY: subtractive colour space • XYZ: based on human colour perception  Others include: YIQ, YUV, YdbDr, YcbCr, xvYCC  Others include: YIQ, YUV, YdbDr, YcbCr, xvYCC

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 73 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 RGB

 Primaries: Red - Green - Blue  Primaries: Red - Green - Blue  Similar to colours detected by colour receptors in  Similar to colours detected by colour receptors in the eye the eye  Also used in TV technology  Also used in TV technology

Blue Cyan

M agent a W hit e

Black Green

Red Yellow

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 74 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 RGB

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 75 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 RGB – an additive system

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 76 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 HSV

 Primaries: Hue - Saturation - Value  Primaries: Hue - Saturation - Value  Colour space related to subjective description of  Colour space related to subjective description of colours colours

Green Yellow

Cyan White Red

Blu e M agenta


SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 77 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 HSV

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 78 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 CMY

 Primaries: Cyan - Magenta – Yellow  Primaries:

 Used in printing technology  Used in printing technology  Mixing is subtractive  Mixing is subtractive

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 79 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 CMY – subtractive system

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 80 CIE XYZ

 Primaries: X, Y, Z  Primaries: X, Y, Z  Based on colour perception by humans  Based on colour perception by humans  Device independent  Device independent

 The most common representation of the CIE XYZ  The most common representation of the CIE XYZ space is the CIE chromacity diagram space is the CIE chromacity diagram

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 81 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 CIE XYZ Chromacity diagram CIE XYZ Chromacity diagram

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 82 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Monochrome images

 Images represented by a single primary - a value  Images represented by a single primary - a value

 Show only shades of grey  Show only shades of grey

 Binary images use only two shades of grey: black  Binary images use only two shades of grey: black and white. and white.

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 83 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Vector notation for colours

[ Primary1 Primary2 Primary 3 ] [ Primary1 Primary2 Primary 3 ]

[ R G B ] yellow = [ 1 1 0 ] [ R G B ] orange = [ 1 0.5 0 ] pink = [ 1 0.7 0.7]

[ H S V ] pink = [ 0 0.3 1 ] [ H S V ]

[ C M Y ] red = [ 0 1 1 ] [ C M Y ]

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 84 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colour space conversion

 Colours can be converted from one space to  Colours can be converted from one space to another another

 Conversion from RGB to CMY:  Conversion from RGB to CMY: [ C M Y ] = [ 1 1 1 ] - [ R G B ] [ C M Y ] = [ 1 1 1 ] - [ R G B ]

 Example: Convert green from RGB to CMY  Example: Convert green from RGB to CMY [ C M Y ] = [ 1 1 1 ] - [ 0 1 0 ] = [ 1 0 1 ] [ C M Y ] = [ 1 1 1 ] - [ 0 1 0 ] = [ 1 0 1 ]

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 85 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Conversion from RGB to XYZ

 Each of the R, G and B primaries is a weighted  Each of the R, G and B primaries is a weighted sum of X, Y and Z primaries sum of X, Y and Z primaries

 Weights expressed in matrix notation, e.g.  Weights expressed in matrix notation, e.g.

0.41 0.21 0.02 0.36 0.71 0.12 0.18 0.07 0.95

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 86 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Conversion from RGB to XYZ

 Conversion implemented as a matrix  Conversion implemented as a matrix multiplication multiplication

0.584 0.311 0.047 [ X Y Z ] = [ R G B ] · 0.188 0.614 0.103 0.179 0.075 0.939

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 87 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colour Spaces in Java

 Colour Spaces and Colours are implemented in the  Colour Spaces and Colours are implemented in the java.awt.color.* package java.awt.color.*  Abstract class ColorSpaces provides as constants  Abstract class • a number of standard colour spaces: • CS_CIEXYZ, CS_sRGB • some specific colour space types: • TYPE_HSV, TYPE_RGB, TYPE_CMY, TYPE_XYZ • some generic colour space types wrt. different number of • components  One can obtain an instance of a colour space  One can obtain an instance of a colour space using the getInstance(int colorspace) method. using the For example: For example: ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB); ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB); returns a standard RGB colour space. returns a standard RGB colour space.

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 88 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colour Space Conversion in Java Colour Space Conversion in Java

 It is often necessary to convert between colour  It is often necessary to convert between colour spaces of different images. The ColorSpace class spaces of different images. The provides some simple methods to do this: provides some simple methods to do this: • toRGB(float[ ] colorvalue) : Transform colour value from • the space to standard RGB • fromRGB(float[ ] rgbvalue) : Transform colour value from • RGB to the this space • toCIEXYZ(float[ ] colorvalue) : Transform colour value • from the space to CIEXYZ • fromCIEXYZ(float[ ] colorvalue) : Transform colour value • from CIEXYZ to this space  Conversion between two colour spaces therefore  Conversion between two colour spaces therefore is done via intermediate conversion is done via intermediate conversion

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 89 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colours in Java

 Colours (e.g., for the Paint component) can be  Colours (e.g., for the Paint component) can be defined wrt. any colour space with constructor: defined wrt. any colour space with constructor: Color(ColorSpace cspace, float[] components, float alpha)  More easily the can be defined via RGB values  More easily the can be defined via RGB values Color(float r, float g, float b)  Java also provides some default colours in the  Java also provides some default colours in the RGB model: RGB model: • Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN, Color.YELLOW, • Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE, Color.CYAN, etc.

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 90 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Raster data

• Colour • Colour • - colours • • - colour spaces • • - colour models •  Raster data  Raster data  - image representations   - single and multi-band (multi-channel)  Images Images  - colour lookup tables   - operations on images 

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 91 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Raster data - pixel structure

 Raster data - an image  Raster data - an image

 Pixels arranged as a rectangular array  Pixels arranged as a rectangular array

 The structure of a pixel depends on  The structure of a pixel depends on • the colour space: how colours are computed • the colour model: how colours are represented

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 92 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Raster data - pixel structure

Raster array Pixel structure

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 93 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Raster data - pixel structure

 Binary images  Binary images • pixel represented by a single bit

 Monochrome images  Monochrome images • pixel represented by a single byte (a one-dimensional vector)

 Colour images  Colour images • usually represented by a 3-dimensional vector • examples [ R G B], [H S V] or [C M Y]

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 94 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Representations: Java terminology Representations: Java terminology

 Normal representation  Normal representation • the amount of each primary defined by a number in the range [0,1] • Example: pink (RGB): [1.0 0.5 0.5]

 Logical representation  Logical representation • Pixel representation as a vector

 Physical representation  Physical representation • depicted by the Colour Model

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 95 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colour channel

• Colour channel - a component of a colour vector • Colour channel  RGB: red channel, green channel and blue  RGB: red channel, green channel and blue channel channel

 A pixel vector can have more than three channels  A pixel vector can have more than three channels

 Examples  Examples • alpha channel (often used to describe transparency of a pixel) • z channel (in 3D graphics, the depth of the pixel, used in hidden surface removal)

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 96 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colour models

A colour model describes how pixels are A colour model describes how pixels are mapped into colours. mapped into colours.

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 97 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Direct Colour (True Colour)

 Image is an array of vectors  Image is an array of

 Each vector directly encodes values of the three  Each vector directly encodes values of the three primaries primaries

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 98 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Packed Colour Model (Packed Array) Packed Colour Model (Packed Array)

 Image is an array of values , each encoding a  Image is an array of colour colour  Examples:  Examples: • 4-byte integer aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb gggggggg rrrrrrrr

• 1-byte integer rrrgggbb

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 99 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Indexed Colour Model

 The most commonly used representation on  The most commonly used representation on smaller workstations smaller workstations

 A pixel value (or a value of a pixel component) is  A pixel value (or a value of a pixel component) is an index (a pointer) to a table containing colour an index (a pointer) to a table containing colour definitions definitions

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 100 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colour Map

 Synonyms:  Synonyms: • Colour Lookup Table • CLUT • LUT

 Each location in a LUT stores a colour definition  Each location in a LUT stores a colour definition for a pixel with a given value for a pixel with a given value

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 101 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colour mapping for 1-byte pixels Colour mapping for 1-byte pixels


Pixel value Colour m ap 128 R R G G B B

Cell 0 255 255 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 102 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colour mapping for 3-dimensional pixel vectors Colour mapping for 3-dimensional pixel vectors




R R G G B B Colour m ap SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 103 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Java image representation: BufferedImage Java image representation:


Raster ColorModel

SampleModel ColorSpace DataBuffer

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 104 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Java image representation: BufferedImage Java image representation:

ColorSpace (e.g. RGB)

DataBuffer SampleModel

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 105 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Raster Data

 The Raster class represents a rectangular array of  The Raster class represents a rectangular array of pixels pixels  Raster consists of  Raster • SampleModel • • DataBuffer •  DataBuffer stores the sample values for each pixel  DataBuffer stores the sample values for each pixel  SampleModel describes how to locate a given  SampleModel describes how to locate a given sample value in a DataBuffer sample value in a DataBuffer  Useful methods:  Useful methods: getWidth(), getHeight(), getMinX(), getMinY(), getWidth(), getHeight(), getMinX(), getMinY(), getSampleModel(), getDataBuffer() getSampleModel(), getDataBuffer()  WritableRaster also allows to set components  WritableRaster

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 106 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Sample Model

 Colour models are implemented in  Colour models are implemented in java.awt.image.SampleModel java.awt.image.SampleModel  Particular colour models in subclasses:  Particular colour models in subclasses: • ComponentSampleModel, • MultiPixelPackedSampleModel, • SinglePixelPackedSampleModel

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 107 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Accessing Pixels and their Colours Accessing Pixels and their Colours

 Pixels can be accessed as elements of the  Pixels can be accessed as elements of the DataBuffer DataBuffer  getDataElements() and setDataElements() allow to  getDataElements() obtain and set pixels obtain and set pixels  Example: Setting a pixel to colour red  Example: Setting a pixel to colour red

// Get the writable raster from the image // Get the writable raster from the image WritableRaster raster = image.getRaster(); WritableRaster raster = image.getRaster();

// Obtain the of red represented in RGB // Obtain the color model of red represented in RGB Color newcolor =; Color newcolor =; int argb = newcolor.getRGB(); int argb = newcolor.getRGB(); Object colorData = (image.getColorModel()).getDataElements(argb, null); Object colorData = (image.getColorModel()).getDataElements(argb, null);

// This resets the pixel in the data buffer of the raster // This resets the pixel in the data buffer of the raster raster.setDataElements(x,y,colorData); raster.setDataElements(x,y,colorData);

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 108 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Operations on Images

 Handling images in Java  Handling images in Java

 Drawing on images  Drawing on images

 Transforming images  Transforming images

 Changing pixel colours  Changing pixel colours

 Changing pixel values  Changing pixel values

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 109 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Image IO

 Image IO is easiest achieved using the methods  Image IO is easiest achieved using the methods provided in javax.imageio.ImageIO together with provided in the java.awt.image.BufferedImage class the  Reading images:  Reading images: BufferedImage image =; BufferedImage image =;  Writing images:  Writing images: ImageIO.write(image, format, file); ImageIO.write(image, format, file);  Here the format specifies the image format of the  Here the format specifies the image format of the output file. Examples are: output file. Examples are: JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, etc. JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, etc.

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 110 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Drawing on Images

 Each image provides a graphics context that can  Each image provides a graphics context that can be used for drawing be used for drawing  For BufferedImage image we can create a graphics  For context with context with Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics(); Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics();  g2 can now be used as any 2D graphics context we  g2 have seen previously have seen previously  In particular, we can  In particular, we can • draw objects like Line2D, Rectangle2D • • paint areas • • perform transformations •

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 111 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Transforming Images

 Standard geometic transformation can be performed on images  Affine Transformations • Rotate • Shear • Translations • Scaling

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 112 Operations on Images

 General operations on buffered images are  General operations on buffered images are performed by the BufferedImageOp class performed by the

 Operation op is assembled and then applied with  Operation op is assembled and then applied with op.filter(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dest); op.filter(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dest);

 Source and destination image should be different  Source and destination image should be different

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 113 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Image Transformations

 Affine transformations can be performed with  Affine transformations can be performed with AffineTransformOp(AffineTransform t, interpol); AffineTransformOp(AffineTransform t, interpol);  Interpol specifies the interpolation type, e.g.:  Interpol specifies the interpolation type, e.g.: TYPE_BILINEAR, TYPE_BICUBIC,.... TYPE_BILINEAR, TYPE_BICUBIC,....  Transformation t has to be assembled separately  Transformation t has to be assembled separately  Example: This code shears an image  Example: This code shears an image

AffineTransform t =AffineTransform.getShearInstance(.2f,0.25f); AffineTransform t =AffineTransform.getShearInstance(.2f,0.25f);

AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(t,AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); AffineTransformOp(t,AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); op.filter(src,dest); op.filter(src,dest);

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 114 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Changing pixel colours

 Changing pixel colours is very easy within the  Changing pixel colours is very easy within the Indexed Colour Model Indexed Colour Model

 A raster array containing pixel values (or pixel  A raster array containing pixel values (or pixel vectors) stays unchanged. vectors) stays unchanged.

 Only colour definitions in the LUT are changing  Only colour definitions in the LUT are changing

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 115 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Colour mapping functions: Grey level mapping

Output R Output G Output B

Input Input Input

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 116 Inverse mapping

Output R Output G Output B

Input Input Input

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 117 “Hot colours” mapping

Output R Output G Output B Output

Input Input Input

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 118 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Changing Colour Mappings

 We change colours by simply replacing the lookup  We change colours by simply replacing the lookup tables in the colour model. tables in the colour model.  LookupOp replaces the lookup table with  LookupOp preprepared one preprepared one  Example: negating colours  Example: negating colours short negative[] = new short[256]; short negative[] = new short[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) negative[i] = (short) (255 - i); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) negative[i] = (short) (255 - i); ShortLookupTable table = new ShortLookupTable(0,negative); ShortLookupTable table = new ShortLookupTable(0,negative); // First argument of constructor is an offset value LookupOp op = new LookupOp(table, null); LookupOp op = new LookupOp(table, null); // LookupOp takes a renderinghint as second argument op.filter(src,dest); op.filter(src,dest);

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 119 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Changing pixel values: Convolution Changing pixel values: Convolution

 Convolution: a spatial filtering technique  Convolution: a spatial filtering technique  calculates a weighted average of several pixels  calculates a weighted average of several pixels lying within a small neighbourhood, normally 3x3 lying within a small neighbourhood, normally 3x3 square, square,

 The 3x3 neighbourhood is called a kernel.  The 3x3 neighbourhood is called a kernel.  The effects depend on the values of weights.  The effects depend on the values of weights.

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 120 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Examples of smoothing kernels Examples of smoothing kernels

1/9 1/9 1/9 1/101/10 1/10 1/161/8 1/16 1/9

1/9 1/9 1/9 1/10 1/5 1/10 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/9

1/9 1/9 1/9 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/16 1/8 1/16 1/9

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 121 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Original image Image after smoothing Original image

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 122 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Examples of sharpening kernels

-1 -1 -1 0 -1 0 1 -2 1 -1

-1 9 -1 -1 5 -1 -2 5 -2 -1

-1 -1 -1 0 -1 0 1 -2 1 -1

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 123 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Original image Image after sharpening

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 124 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 Convolution Operations

 ConvolveOp carries out convolutions  ConvolveOp  A kernel has to be prepared and passed as  A kernel has to be prepared and passed as argument argument  Example: Edge detection  Example: Edge detection //Create the kernel. //Create the kernel. float[] elements = { 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, float[] elements = { 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 4.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f}; Kernel kernel = new Kernel(3,3,elements); Kernel kernel = new Kernel(3,3,elements);

ConvolveOp op = new ConvolveOp(kernel); ConvolveOp op = new ConvolveOp(kernel); op.filter(image,filteredImage); op.filter(image,filteredImage);

SSC1. V. Sorge 2009 125 SSC1. V. Sorge 2009