PSAC works for GLBT rights! PSAC works for GLBT rights! PSAC works for GLBT rights! Outline Introduction

Introduction PSAC is a proud ally in the struggle for the The current, concerted attacks on unions advancement of the human rights of gay undermine the struggle for human rights. 1 - PSAC leads the way in bargaining...... 4 and lesbian, bisexual and transgender * Together, we can work to fend off such people in . attacks by championing the many victories • No discrimination – sexual orientation we’ve gained for our members. • Same-sex spousal benefits Eradicating homophobia and transphobia • Spousal union leave in the workplace and bargaining and PSAC defends the human rights of all our • Gender identity lobbying for the full protection of our members, because We are ALL Affected by GLBT members’ human rights are ongoing discrimination and inequality. 2 - PSAC makes gains through the courts...... 6 priorities for the PSAC. • Leaves of absence • Spousal benefits • Pension plan survivor benefits • Fighting homophobia 3 - PSAC mobilizes to change the law...... 9 • The Canadian Human Rights Act • Equal benefits • Employment equity • Equal marriage • Gender identity and gender expression 4 - PSAC works in solidarity inside and outside Canada...... 11 • Working with Pride across regions • Working with Pride in Québec • Working with our allies • Participating in international conferences *GLBT stands for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans communities. It is by no means comprehensive. • Solidary work through the PSAC Social Justice Fund Nevertheless, we use it because it corresponds to the terminology reflected in the PSAC Constitution. That being said, we recognize an ever broader array of sexual and gender identities, including but not 5 - PSAC promotes respect for GLBT members in our union...... 15 limited to, Intersexed, Queer, Questioning, and 2-Spirited identities. • Recognizing the rights of GLBT members • Creating opportunities to participate in our union

ISBN 978-1-896285-26-9 PSAC works for GLBT rights Outline Introduction 2 • • 3 “spouse” (époux) will, when required, be interpreted to include “common- law partner,” except, for the purposes PSAC works for GLBT rights! of the Foreign Service Directives, the definition of “spouse” will remain as specified in Directive 2 of theForeign 1 - PSAC leads the way in bargaining Service Directives.

The PSAC has also been successful in • No discrimination – sexual orientation refused, the union brought its proposal winning non-heterosexist language in to a conciliation board, but the board other collective agreements. For example, As early as 1980, PSAC sought to recommended against changing the in 1987 the union bargained with the have sexual orientation added to the definition. When a settlement could not government to no discrimination clause in collective be reached in 1991, PSAC members held a expand the definition of common-law agreements. Treasury Board refused. national strike, but were legislated back to relationships to include same-sex spouses. work The same language was negotiated with In 1983 PSAC proposed a non-heterosexist the Yukon government in 1990. definition of common-law spouse that In 1994, Treasury Board responded to also negotiated successfully at several other would have included same-sex spouses, PSAC’s ongoing proposal for same-sex In the early 1990s, the PSAC ‘walked the airports. and a no discrimination clause that spousal benefits by suggesting that the talk’ by negotiating collective agreements included sexual orientation. Treasury Board Justice Minister prepare amendments to with its staff that specifically recognized In 2006, marriage leave was extended to rejected these demands. the Canadian Human Rights Act on this same-sex relationships. same-sex couples for all Canada Revenue issue. Agency bargaining units. When PSAC negotiated its first Master • Spousal union leave Agreement with Treasury Board in 1986, Finally, in 1998, the Program Administration • Gender identity sexual orientation was at last included as a (PA) collective agreement was amended PSAC reiterated its commitment to equality prohibited ground of discrimination (clause to provide for an inclusive definition of for lesbian and gay members by making The PSAC is on the cutting-edge in M-16). This was a fundamental step forward spouse that read: “common-law spouse”: the negotiation of spousal union leave a achieving rights for our transgender because it provided an avenue to demand a common-law spouse relationship exists priority. members, and has bargained for language basic human rights within the workplace. when, for a continuous period of at least on two relevant grounds of discrimination: one year, an employee has lived with a In 1998 the union negotiated spousal union gender identity and gender expression. The • Same-sex spousal benefits person publicly represented that person leave for gay and lesbian couples at the union has also made gains by bargaining to be his/her spouse and continues to live Museum of Sciences and Technology, the for access to safe washrooms and change During negotiations for the second Master with the person as if that person were his/ National Gallery, the Canadian Museum of rooms, and for the right to be referred to by Agreement, PSAC proposed to amend her spouse (conjoint de fait). Nature and at Canada Post. one’s chosen gender. the definition of spouse and to expand the preamble to the bereavement clause. All of PSAC’s agreements with Treasury Before the Marriage Act was amended in The addition of “gender identity” to anti- However, these benefits continued to Board now define common-law partner and 2005, PSAC negotiated spousal union leave discrimination clauses has been bargained be denied to same-sex spouses, despite spouse as follows: in several collective agreements, instead in three museums and related arts groups, in the fact that clause M-16 prohibited of or in addition to marriage leave. In one nine airport related bargaining units, in eight discrimination based on sexual orientation. example, the Regina Airport Authority of 16 units in the Yukon, and 21 of 29 units in “common-law partner” (conjoint agreement provided for five days of leave the Northwest Territories. Notably, the North In 1989, PSAC asked Treasury Board once de fait) means a person living in for anyone with one year of continuous West Territories was the first jurisdiction again to modify the definition of spouse, a conjugal relationship with an service “for the purpose of declaring in Canada to amend its human rights given the discriminatory nature of the employee for a continuous period of spousal union with another person in a legislation to prohibit discrimination based existing definition. When Treasury Board at least one (1) year.” public ceremony”. Similar provisions were on gender identity and gender expression.

PSAC leads the way in bargaining PSAC leads the way in bargaining 4 • • 5 PSAC works for GLBT rights! 2 - PSAC makes gains through courts

As of the late 1980s, the PSAC had filed members, as it was ruled that Canada a series of grievances against Treasury Post was obligated to provide spousal Board related to discriminatory collective benefits for same-sex partners without agreement provisions in areas such as discrimination. marriage leave and bereavement leave for common law in-laws, and provisions in the Despite the union’s success in the Lorenzen Public Service Health Care Plan and the and Guèvremont cases, Treasury Board Dental Plan. refused to budge, and contested all grievances pertaining to spousal benefits. • Leaves of absence In reaction, the PSAC National Board of Directors passed a resolution in 1994 In 1993, the PSAC successfully argued in calling for a grievance campaign against the David Lorenzen case that a member the denial of spousal leave requests and with a same-sex spouse should be the denial of claims under the Public provided spousal-related leave under the Service Health Care Plan. collective agreement. Lorenzen’s spouse had broken his leg, and need to be cared PSAC member Dale Akerstrom, whose for at home. Three weeks later, Lorenzen’s spouse was being denied Public Service partner’s father passed away. Lorenzen Health Care and Dental Plan benefits, requested both: family related care leave filed a complaint with the Canadian and bereavement leave for his father in law. Human Rights Tribunal in February 1993, Treasury Board turned down both requests alleging that the Canada Employment hearing the Akerstrom complaint made well as pensioners covered by the federal on the basis that Lorenzen’s partner was of and Immigration Commission (CEIC) and a comprehensive order for the employer medical insurance plan. It also applied to the same sex. The Public Service Labour Treasury Board discriminated against him to immediately cease and desist applying federally-regulated employers in the private Relations Board agreed with PSAC and on the grounds of sexual orientation, family any discriminatory definition of spouse or sector, such as banks, railways, airlines, and ruled in favour of both requests, setting a status and marital status.. any other discriminatory provision of the telecommunications companies. precedent for several other cases. collective agreement, and to interpret all Amidst all this, the Supreme Court of such definitions “so as to include same-sex Treasury Board continued to resist • Spousal benefits Canada ruled in 1995 that Section 15 common law spouses”. and proposed that a separate regime of the Canadian Charter of Rights and of benefits for same-sex partners be In 1993, Luc Guèvremont, a PSAC member Freedoms provided equality rights The Akerstrom ruling was of historic included alongside the heterosexual at Canada Post, was denied reimbursement to gays and lesbians (the Egan and importance and had a huge impact by specific definition of “spouse” in the for his partner’s eye glasses under the Nesbit case), and Treasury Board was directly benefiting not only Treasury Board collective agreement and in the National vision care plan. His grievance set in motion forced to concede that its policy was workers but also the military, the RCMP, Joint Council Agreements. PSAC had the another landmark decision for PSAC GLBT discriminatory. The Human Rights Tribunal some Crown corporations and agencies, as matter referred back to the Human Rights

PSAC makes gains through the courts PSAC makes gains through the courts 6 • • 7 Tribunal which found Treasury Board’s • Fighting homophobia position to be discriminatory since it reinforced existing prejudice against gays The PSAC has also represented members and lesbians in society. Treasury Board in complaints related to human right PSAC works for GLBT rights! appealed this ruling. Finally, in August violations outside of the workplace. In 1998, the Federal Court confirmed the 2005, the Alliance Executive Committee Human Rights Tribunal interpretation agreed to cover some of the costs of a 3 - PSAC mobilizes to change the law which led to an inclusive definition of legal battle by two PSAC members, Kim spouse in the PSAC’s agreements with Forster and Carol Pegura, who filed a Treasury Board in 1998. human rights complaint against the Surrey • The Canadian Human Rights Act such as medical and dental benefits, Old School District Board. Forster and Pegura Age Security, income tax deductions, • Pension plan survivor benefits argued that they suffered discrimination In the 1990s, PSAC joined like-minded bankruptcy protection and the Criminal when the Board permitted a poisonous and groups to lobby for amendments to the Code. The definitions of “marriage” and PSAC National President Daryl Bean wrote homophobic environment at two public Canadian Human Rights Act. “spouse” were left untouched, but the to Treasury Board President Gilles Loiselle meetings to discuss three children’s books definition of “common-law relationship” in 1992 requesting that the Public Service depicting same-sex parents where speakers In 1991, National President Daryl Bean was expanded to include same-sex Superannuation Act be amended to denounced the homosexual “lifestyle”. wrote to the Prime Minister and the Minister couples. allow same-sex spouses to claim survivor of Justice clearly stating the union’s position benefits. Loiselle refused saying the In the Susan Comstock case, the PSAC in favour of amending the Canadian Human • Employment equity federal government pension plans didn’t reasserted itself firmly in defence of GLBT Rights Act to prohibit discrimination based permit the payment of survivor benefits rights. In her court challenge, Comstock on sexual orientation. For several years, In 2002, during a review of the federal to individuals of the same gender as the took issue with the PSAC’s positions on the PSAC lobbied government and worked Employment Equity Act, the PSAC made a contributor. PSAC challenged the policy in GLBT rights, which she argued violated her with opposition parties until the Canadian submission outlining its concern that GLBT court but was not successful because the Charter rights to freedom of religion, and Human Rights Act was amended in 1996 persons were excluded from the Act. Canadian Human Rights Act did not apply freedom of conscience. Comstock further to prohibit discrimination based on sexual to pensions. attempted to see her dues withheld, or sent orientation. • Equal marriage to her church to protest the union’s support The Canadian Labour Congress, with for gay marriage and its zero tolerance • Equal benefits When the the support of affiliates like the PSAC, against homophobia and heterosexism. declared that prohibiting same-sex spouses intervened in support of Jim Egan and In 1999, the Supreme Court of Canada from marrying would be unconstitutional, Jack Nesbit who sued Ottawa for the right The Federal Court of Appeal rejected the decided in the case, that it was PSAC joined the Canadians for Equal to claim a spousal pension under the Old legal challenge. “The evidence does not discriminatory to deny same-sex couples the Marriage campaign, donating office space Age Security Act. In 1995, the Supreme show how her freedom of religion and benefits afforded to heterosexual couples. and other services. The Coalition, created Court ruled against the two men, but the conscience was compromised by this In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, by EGALE and the United Church of decision was nonetheless game-changing, policy,” Justice Frederick Gibson wrote. the federal Liberal government introduced Canada, had an extensive list of supporting as it established sexual orientation as a “The fact that she opposes the union’s Bill C-23, the Modernization of Benefits and organizations including the CLC and prohibited ground of discrimination under political or social causes does not force Obligations Act, giving same-sex couples affiliated unions. Unions and individual Section 15 of the Charter. her to act in a way contrary to her beliefs who have lived together for more than a supporters presented briefs before or her conscience.” The Catholic Civil year the same benefits and obligations as Parliamentary committees and lobbied MPs The Supreme Court decision in M. v. H. Rights League, which took up Comstock’s common-law couples. in support of the legislation. in 1999 eventually led to amendments cause and supplied her with legal support, of all federal and provincial pension denounced Canadian courts and tribunals The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and On July 20, 2005, Bill C-38, the Civil benefits standards legislation to provide for being “generally favourable to many affiliates, including the PSAC, made Marriage Act was proclaimed into law for survivor pension benefits to same-sex homosexual activists.” submissions in support of the Bill during making Canada the fourth country in the couples. Parliamentary hearings. The Act affected 68 world after the Netherlands, Belgium and federal statutes on a wide range of issues Spain to legalize same-sex marriage. The

PSAC makes gains through the courts PSAC mobilizes to change the law 8 • • 9 PSAC works for GLBT rights! 4 - PSAC works in solidarity inside and outside Canada

• With Pride in our different regions being together in one multi entry event, they show strength in and the Every year, PSAC activists help organize strength of solidarity. Pride events in their regions. For instance in BC, Pride is celebrated in large and small Some of our BC members also do communities including such places as outreach to schools and through Masset (Haida Gwaii), Nelson, Kelowna and community groups and organizations. of course Vancouver, Victoria and Prince Bringing together the many allies and George with many other communities far members of the Pride community. Leading and wide. by example is the only way forward for us.

The PSAC BC Pride Committee works Work done in Quebec towards inclusion and they make a visual presence in most if not all Pride In Quebec, in addition to coordinating Bill had been supported by most members in the list of prohibited grounds of celebrations. As to inclusion, they aim to the GLBT activities of PSAC, the Area of the Liberal party, the Bloc Québécois discrimination. The work included get all Unions together for the parades in a Council representative sits on the and the NDP. collaborating with the Canadian Labour Multi Union Pride entry. Showing solidarity GLBT Committee of the Fédération des Congress and Egale to develop lobby and pride in its many facets of life. By travailleurs du Québec. In 2006, with the election of a minority strategies and invite Trans activists to Conservative government, Prime Minister participate in lobbying. PSAC’s website Harper tried to introduce legislation aimed became the focal point for speaking points at restoring the “traditional definition of and letters to MPs. marriage”. PSAC adopted a statement on equal marriage, developed a campaign The 2011 election prevented NDP MP Bill lobby kit and publicly called on the Siksay’s Bill C-389 from being adopted government to leave the Civil Marriage Act after it had been passed by the House of alone. Thanks to the important work carried Commons. It was followed by NDP MP out by all coalition partners this initiative Randall Garrison’s Bill C-279 introduced was never adopted. in September, 2011. Later that fall PSAC participated in discussing a strategy for • Gender identity and gender expression lobbying at the CLC’s Stand Up for Your Rights Conference. In March, 2012 PSAC Since 2009, the PSAC has actively wrote to Prime Minister Harper and the supported various NDP private Members Minister of Justice to support the bill. As bills proposing amendments to the of June, 2013, the Bill had been adopted Canadian Human Rights Act to include by the House of Commons and was being gender identity and gender expression debated at third reading in the Senate.

PSAC mobilizes to change the law 10 • • 11 the Working Group and has continued to • Working in solidarity through the PSAC participate. As an active member of the Social Justice Fund Group, PSAC helped organize and had the largest caucus at the first union-sponsored The PSAC’s Social Justice Fund, proposed CLC Solidarity and Pride conference held in by the PSAC National Board of Directors 1997. and adopted at the union’s 2003 national convention, provides an avenue to support In 1998 the PSAC helped sponsor and sent a GLBT persons around the world who large delegation to the CLC prairie regional are persecuted because of their sexual Pride conference “Working Out West” in orientation. . IN SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA PSAC sent the largest delegation to the second national CLC Solidarity and Pride In 2006, the PSAC Social Justice Fund Conference in 2001 and actively participated paved the way for Mario Alves de Oliveiro, in the third conference in 2005. LGBT activist and General Secretary of the three million member Confederation of In December 2010, the PSAC delegation to Municipal Workers (CONFETAM) in Brazil, the CLC Rise Up for Your Rights Conference and Ivannia Monge Naranjo, representative was the largest of any affiliate and included of the Committee on Gender and Diversity GLBT activists. of the National Association of Public and The FTQ represents more than 600,000 Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, Private Employees (ANEP) of Costa Rica, to members in Quebec. which is held each year on May 17. • Participating in international participate in the International Conference conferences on GLBT Human Rights in Montreal. The priorities of the FTQ GLBT Committee To find out more, go to Facebook “GLBT- are to fight homophobia, transphobia, FTQ” and YouTube: “ça s’améliore” (It’s In 1998, the PSAC sent two delegates to the Following the 2009 coup in Honduras, violence and all other forms of getting better). “Trade Unions and Homosexuality at Work” security forces unleashed a wave of discrimination that manifest themselves in international Conference in Amsterdam. This repression against GLBT and women’s rights the workplace and at school. Its goal is to • Working with the our allies conference, sponsored by European unions, activists that included the gunning down of end isolation, create openness to problems was the first international GLBT conference Walter Trochez, a well-known activist and experienced by the GLBT and develop a The PSAC has been a staunch supporter attended by Canadian unionists. HIV/AIDS educator and member of the climate of trust and openness to diversity. of EGALE (Equality for Gays and Lesbians National Resistance Front against the coup. To achieve this, the Committee advocates Everywhere) and has contributed funds and PSAC has been sending a delegation to the PSAC supported the campaign denouncing the development of a preventive approach human resources to support their struggle World Outgames Human Rights Conferences the killing and invited a representative from and training programs aimed at promoting for GLBT equality rights. starting with the first one in Montreal in 2006 the Honduran GLBT community to attend the rights of the GLBT. and again in 2009 in Copenhagen. the union’s 2010 Pride Conference. Due to In 1992, the PSAC endorsed and was an the severe repression occurring at the time, The Committee is also focusing on official sponsor of a national conference In the summer of 2011 a delegation the representative was forced into hiding developing alliances in the community, entitled “Outrights\ les droits visibles”. of regional GLBT and Component and was unable to attend the conference. particularly with social delegates of the representatives participated in the North FTQ area councils. It is also attempting to In 1994, the Canadian Labour Congress American Outgames Human Rights In February 2009, the Social Justice Fund shore up its ties with local communities (CLC) adopted a policy on sexual orientation Conference in Vancouver. This Conference, contributed to Peace Brigades International and organizations that get involved with and established a Solidarity and Pride with its wide range of issues, also allowed to facilitate a tour of human rights defenders the rights of GLBT persons. On May 17, Working Group. PSAC was one of the PSAC members and staff an opportunity to from the Americas that included two it will also be involved in the International first unions to appoint representatives to network with union and other activists. representatives from OASIS, a center that

PSAC works in solidarity inside and outside Canada PSAC works in solidarity inside and outside Canada 12 • • 13 PSAC works for GLBT rights! 5 - PSAC promotes respect for GLBT members in our union

• Recognizing the rights of GLBT discriminatory treatment of gay and lesbian members members that demanded the employer change its policy and immediately grant In 1981, the PSAC Equal Opportunities leave and benefits arising from same-sex Committee (EOC) was given a mandate to relationships. address a wide range of issues, including those related to sexual orientation. In 1998, National President Daryl Bean called for an inquiry into the purge of The PSAC Policy on Human Rights, adopted homosexuals from the government in 1988, included sexual orientation as a during the “cold war” in the 1950s and prohibited ground of discrimination. 1960s. The PSAC position was based on promotes LGBT rights and carries a study by Gary Kinsman that established education on HIV/AIDS and works to Lesbian and gay issues were included at the that the RCMP had , as late a 1967-68 , defend the human rights of sex workers The Social Justice Fund also currently first human rights forum held at the 1991 a list of 9,000 “suspected and confirmed in Guatemala. The delegation included a supports a number of initiatives in defense PSAC national convention. Resolutions homosexuals in the Ottawa region”. Bean Trans woman who had survived an attack of gay rights in Canada including support directed the union to develop a policy on noted that bias was still widespread in the by Guatemalan police. PSAC is part of the for the Halifax-based Youth Project. The sexual orientation and to add same-sex federal public service, and Treasury Board watch group that monitors the situation Project is a non-profit charitable organization couples to the union’s superannuation policy. had still not provided gay and lesbian and that may be called into action if new working with youth around issues of sexual workers with a workplace accepting of them threats emerge. orientation and gender identity. It provides In 1992 PSAC adopted Policy 28A on and their families. He called for an apology support groups, referrals, supportive AIDS and HIV and the National Board of and compensation for the victims of the IN AFRICA counselling, a resource library, educational Directors (NBoD) adopted Policy Paper 12 – purge. workshops, social activities and a food bank. Superannuation - recommending same-sex The Social Justice Fund joined the A number of PSAC members volunteer at spouses be entitled to pension plan survivor The NBoD adopted a resolution from the groundswell of individuals and progressive the Project which has been supported by the benefits. 2000 national convention that urged PSAC organizations rejecting Uganda’s plan to Social Justice Fund since 2009. to take action to convince the federal completely criminalize the lives of GLBT At the 1994 national convention delegates government to amend pension plan death persons, and enact capital punishment for The PSAC Human Rights Committee adopted Policy 31 on sexual orientation benefit plans and to redefine “spouse” to acts of homosexuality. While international participates in the yearly Human Rights that committed the union to educate and include same-sex couples. pressure and solidarity has been Forum at the Calgary Global Fest with the promote gay and lesbian rights through successful in modifying the proposed support of the Social Justice Fund. This event steward training, grievance handling; to In October 2003, the Alliance Executive law, GLBT Ugandans still face many types aims to build community capacity to address negotiate same-sex benefits and rights Committee (AEC) adopted a position to fully of discrimination and need our ongoing racism and discrimination through a series of and stronger “no discrimination” clauses; support the right of same-sex couples to support. In 2009, PSAC endorsed the community events, speakers and information and to engage in political action with other marry by actively engaging with the equal letter from the Pride Uganda International booths. PSAC members’ participation in organizations and coalitions. marriage campaign, both by raising same- Alliance calling on Prime Minister the Forum includes an information booth sex marriage as an issue for the next federal Harper to denounce the homophobic to publicize the role of unions in support of In September 1994, the NBoD adopted a election campaign and by distributing legislation. GLBT rights. resolution objecting to Treasury Board’s educational tools, resources and a lobby kit.

PSAC works in solidarity inside and outside Canada PSAC promotes respect for GLBT members in our union 14 • • 15 In 2006, NBoD approved two important within the union. In 1992 an article written by In 2004, the new PSAC Human Rights Kit PSAC is organized in 7 regions, where each resolutions referred to it by the PSAC Diane Kilby, the failure of the Treasury included an entire chapter on GLBT rights. Regional Councils elects a Representative for national convention. The first pledged Board collective agreements to recognize In 2010, the PSAC produced a pamphlet GLBT rights. In 2012, the Regional Council PSAC’s support for the Civil Marriage Act the families of lesbians and gay members on the issues and challenges facing our Reps for GLBT issues were appointed to which recognized the right of same-sex appeared for the first time in theAlliance . trans members in the workplace and in the new National Human Rights Committee partners to marry; the second committed society with a call to contact MPs and to (replacing the EOC). the PSAC to support the pursuit of GLBT The first open lesbian and gay caucus at the lobby for an amendment of the Canadian victories in the courts. National Component Equal Opportunities Human Rights Act, to include a prohibition The National Human Rights Committee GLBT Conference in May 1989 led to the formation of discrimination based on gender identity Working Group met in December 2012 to set of the PSAC Lesbian and Gay Support Group and gender expression. out priorities for PSAC work on GLBT issues for (LGSG) in 1990, which lobbied strongly for 2013-2015. They also decided on the theme the rights of lesbian and gay members. The PSAC publicly pledged its support for and workshops of the 2013 National Pride the International Day against Homophobia Conference. The theme of the 2013 National The first workshop on lesbian and gay rights (www.homophobiaday.org) for the first Pride Conference was “History in the Making”. was held at the PSAC National Women’s time in 2007. Since then, the union has Conference in 1990. worked with allies, such as the Fondation Throughout 2013, the Working Group acted Émergence, a Québec-based organization as the Steering Committee for the National dedicated to LGBT rights, to raise Pride Conference. By all accounts, this awareness of, and take action against, conference was a great success. homophobia and transphobia. After the 2007 national convention, the In 2014, the PSAC will be sending a 20 person NBoD adopted a resolution calling for PSAC activists have been participating delegation to the World Pride Human Rights the PSAC to lobby and participate in regularly in local and regional Pride events Conference and parades. PSAC will even have court challenges to remove the words across the country. In 2010, PSAC created its own float! We hope that many members will “of the opposite sex” from all definitions its own Pride flag for these events. take to the street, loudly asserting their pride – affecting benefit plans in Acts, Regulations, including pride in our union and our victories. and Directives, including National Joint The union held its first National Pride Council (NJC) agreements and collective Conference in November 2003 where And rightly so because PSAC works for agreements, to recognize lesbian and gay National President Nycole Turmel affirmed GLBT rights! relationships and to ensure equal access that “Gays and lesbians should have to health, dental, and pension benefits for access to civil marriage – it’s an issue of them and their families. fundamental equality.” The conference was the first time GLBT representatives were • Creating opportunities to participate in elected to the National Equal Opportunities our union Committee and elected as delegates to the In 1992, PSAC included two seats on its PSAC national convention. By early 1989 lesbian and gay members Equal Opportunities Committee for a had begun to organize. An article written lesbian and a gay representative, chosen The second National Pride Conference took by National Component members about in consultation with the Lesbian and Gay place in 2007 on the theme “Include and the discriminatory nature of the definition Support Group. be included”. “Equality: are we there yet?” of “spouse” and its impact on couples was the theme of the next Conference in in same-sex relationships was rejected At the 2003 national convention PSAC 2010. Panels addressed achievements and for publication in Alliance magazine members elected their first openly GLBT international perspectives on GLBT rights on the grounds that it was not of broad executive officers in 2003 and agreed to fully and the challenges ahead. membership interest. That galvanized fund equity conferences, including a Pride members to organize and push for change conference.

PSAC promotes respect for GLBT members in our union PSAC promotes respect for GLBT members in our union 16 • • 17 PSAC works for GLBT rights! PSAC works for GLBT rights!

Notes: Acknowledgements

The author wishes to express her gratitude to all those whose contributions made this publication possible, including all photographers, current and former members of the NHRC GLBT Working Group, and PSAC Pride activists.

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