Chauncey M. Depew Dead; 93 Years
NO. 159. CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW HOLD IN BEVERLY DEAD; 93 YEARS OLD mwm CASE One of America’s Most Fa- SYLVIA PANKHURST Framingham Business Man Forty-Eight State PoBcemen mous Men Passes Away STARTLES ENGLAND Admits He Was With Dead Descend on Gamhlihg Den; fJijlitntiaii of'House Connnit- At His New York Home; ---- School Teacher Night Be Local Police Knew Noth- tee Says There is Little His Colorfal Career. Aonoimces Through Press OtJtSH fore Her Death. mg About Affair. , , Chance of Agr^ing on She is a Mother But is Not New York, April 5—Chauncey M. Some See Conaectioii Be- Tax Rednction--Senate Depew. one of America’s most fam Concord, Mass., April 5.—Pale Waterbury, Conn., April 5 — Married. Forty-four local: men charged with ous men — a railroad executive, and worn after many hours of grill tween His Trip and Action Approves Secretary’s politician, financier and noted after- ing, Frederick Hinman Knowlton, being frequenters of gambling Jr., young Framinghani business places here will appear in Police dinner speaker, died at 4:30 o’clock London. April 5.—Sylvia Pank- Program. this morning from bronchial pneu man, married and father of a five- Court on April 19tb to answer the Of Premier Baldwin. hurst, one of the most noted of the year-old son, pleaded not guilty In charges. Bonds of $200 each set monia at his home 27 West 54th militant English Suffragettes, to street, at the age of ninety-three a clear firm voice in District for eleven others captured last London, April 5.—Henry Ford, Washington, April 5.'—Tax re day assumed a new role in the cam evening in the greatest raid Water years.
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