book cover tracy 31/10/11 1:52 PM Page 1

Daniel Benmayor Art is innovative. Preparing established the delicious coffee that looks amazing is Coffee School in simple. This book provides easy to follow 1997 setting an pictures and text demonstrating how excellence in the ‘Crema’ and ‘Foam’ combine to make skill of making wonderful Coffee Art designs. coffee. Daniel has since trained many thousands of serving the Use this book to master the hospitality industry and also produced machine and milk foaming. Your customers the comical Coffee Training DVD “The and friends will be impressed by the

Complete ’s Guide”. c o

f creative appearance of their coffee and its f e This book was created for both the e perfect taste. a r

experienced and novice Barista interested t in the art of making delicious coffee and presenting amazing designs.

Barista & Coffee Art Classes are held at: Sydney City Shop 3/107 Quay St Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9211 4292 / 0425 304 774 Melbourne 593 Elizabeth St Melbourne VIC 3000 Ph: 03 9329 6550 Brisbane Shop 2/115 Wickham St Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Ph: 07 3257 2001 Perth 518 Murray St Perth WA 6000 Ph: 08 9486 4771 book tracy 12/1/05 11:40 AM Page 3


Coffees 4

Group Handles & Filters 5

Crema, Grind & Extraction 7

Barista “Coffee Artist” 8

Milk 10

Regular Coffee 15

Weak Coffee 16

Strong Coffee 17

Cleaning 18

Art Tools 20

Art Techniques 22

Coffee Art Designs 24

Art Index 64 book tracy 12/1/05 11:40 AM Page 4


Espresso Short Black 30ml coffee served in a small cup.

Long Black Half a cup of hot water in a regular cup followed by 30ml coffee.

Caffè 1/3 coffee. 2/3 milk and a little foam served in glass.

Flat White 1/3 coffee. 2/3 milk and a little foam served in regular cup.

Cappuccino 1/3 coffee. 2/3 milk and a lot of foam. Chocolate on top served in a regular cup.

Macchiato Espresso with foam.

Piccolo Latte Espresso with milk and foam served in small glass.

Hot Chocolate Chocolate with hot milk served in a tall handled glass.

Mocha Coffee A shot of coffee with hot chocolate served in a tall handled glass.

Vienna Coffee Long black with whipped cream and chocolate on top.

Iced Coffee 1 scoop ice cream. 1/3 cold coffee. 2/3 cold milk. Whipped cream and chocolate on top. Served in a tall glass.

Iced Chocolate Coat glass with chocolate syrup. 1 scoop ice cream. Cold milk, whipped cream and chocolate on top. Served in a tall glass. 4 book tracy 12/1/05 11:40 AM Page 7

Crema, Grind & Extraction

The grind of the coffee determines how fast the coffee is extracted. Ideally the coffee should pour like honey leaving a thick layer of Crema on the top. The Crema is the or richness of the coffee and should always be present if the coffee is freshly ground to the correct size.

If the coffee extracts very quickly and there is very little Crema the grind is too coarse. Conversely if the coffee extracts very slowly and drips rather than pours from the spout, it is too fine.

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Bang Bang

Knock the coffee out of the group handle.

Rinse Wipe

Rinse and wipe the group head and handle removing old coffee grinds.


Pack the coffee gently into the filter of the group handle. Never ‘choke’ the coffee by pressing too hard on the tamper.

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Milk Temperature

The correct milk temperature is always achieved by placing your hand on the side of the milk pot. This method is known as Pot Technique. To determine the correct temperature of the milk, touch the pot and ask yourself the question:

“Can my hand stay there?”

If the answer is NO turn off the steam immediately!

If your hand can no longer tolerate the heat of the pot you have achieved the correct temperature. This method will also ensure you never commit the most common error in coffee, burning the milk. Alternatively a thermometer may be used whereby the milk is heated to 66 - 76 degrees Celsius.


Use cold milk when foaming as you will have more time to create foam before the milk reaches the correct temperature.

You can re-use heated milk once only providing you add fresh milk first.

Fill the pot with only one third of milk allowing for plenty of space in which to make the foam.

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Strong Coffee

Using the double spout group handle pack 16 grams of coffee. Place the cup under the two spouts and extract a 30ml shot. You will notice a thicker Crema because the coffee is more concentrated. This will also create a darker brown base for Coffee Art.

You are permitted to extract up to 60ml in a strong coffee as you are using 16 grams of coffee. The double spout handle is also used for two regular coffees or two weak coffees.

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Chasing Hearts

Slowly pour milk into the centre of the glass to create a brown base.

Using a teaspoon pick up foam and make three dots.

Place skewer deep into crema.

Pull skewer through the centre of each dot in one movement.

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Free pour heart

Pour textured milk at the edge of the cup creating patterns with the foam.

Pour again on the crema, jiggling the jug quickly from side to side and a white patch will form on the crema. Increase the speed of the pour and move the jug forward to create the heart.

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Chasing Hearts 24 Free Pour Heart 44

Four Leaf Clover 26 Hearts 46

Flower 28 Sea Gulls 48

Flower & Hearts 30 Leaf 50

Spiral 32 Flat White Chasing Hearts 52

Sea Gulls 34 Layered Piccolo Latte 54

Target Heart 36 Layered Caffè Latte 56

Lips, Spider Web & Flower 38 Layered Mocha Latte 58

Sun Shell 40 Striped Hot Chocolate 60

Smiley Face 42 Layered Babycino 62 book cover tracy 31/10/11 1:52 PM Page 1

Daniel Benmayor Coffee Art is innovative. Preparing established the delicious coffee that looks amazing is Coffee School in simple. This book provides easy to follow 1997 setting an pictures and text demonstrating how excellence in the ‘Crema’ and ‘Foam’ combine to make skill of making wonderful Coffee Art designs. coffee. Daniel has since trained many thousands of Baristas serving the Use this book to master the espresso hospitality industry and also produced machine and milk foaming. Your customers the comical Coffee Training DVD “The and friends will be impressed by the

Complete Barista’s Guide”. c o

f creative appearance of their coffee and its f e This book was created for both the e perfect taste. a r

experienced and novice Barista interested t in the art of making delicious coffee and presenting amazing designs.

Barista & Coffee Art Classes are held at: Sydney City Shop 3/107 Quay St Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9211 4292 / 0425 304 774 Melbourne 593 Elizabeth St Melbourne VIC 3000 Ph: 03 9329 6550 Brisbane Shop 2/115 Wickham St Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Ph: 07 3257 2001 Perth 518 Murray St Perth WA 6000 Ph: 08 9486 4771