Acts: What ’ followers did as the Spirit worked in their lives

A= , A New Chosen

Ascension: 40 days after Jesus arose from the dead, He went up to . Jesus now sits on the right hand of (Colossians 3:1). Witness: person saw what Jesus did and told others. The were witnesses. Sabbath’s Day Walk: the distance Jewish teachers had decided a Jew could walk on the Sabbath. It varies from 3/4 to 7/8 of a mile. Acts 1 review questions: Who wrote Acts?______What other book did he write?______Why did Luke write to ? ______How many days after Jesus died did he ascend to heaven? ______How many apostles were there when Jesus ascended? ______What gift were to wait for in ? ______Who told the apostles to stop gazing into heaven?______Where else did Luke use the phrase “two men”?______How did Judas die? ______Who replaced Judas?______

ABC’s of Acts is a great way to remember what each book is about. Each letter of the alphabet represents the corresponding chapter number in Acts. There are 28 chapters in Acts so when we are done we will have an AA & a BB. Also, in your noted I have included important key words to make sure we know. Words such as ascension & witness. These are my definitions; Webster will not define them like I do!

Luke wrote 2 books; Luke & Acts. Scholars believe he wrote the of Luke in AD 58, and then Acts in AD 61. Luke wrote both books to a man named Theophilus. We really don’t know who Theophilus was, however we know from :1-4, Luke wanted Theophilus to know for certain and have a record of the things he had been taught. Check out Luke 1:1-4! Luke was also a doctor (Col. 4:14), but he was not an apostle. He was the only Gentile to write part of the . Luke was an amazing historian, and he investigated and recorded everything. It’s very important to note that his most important source of info was the .

Overview of Acts 1: (what we talked about)

Jesus appeared to his apostles and different women over a period of 40 days from his to his ascension. The records 10 different appearances of Jesus; teaching His followers & explaining what was to come. Jesus used these 40 days to prepare and strengthen His disciples. There are 5 of those appearances recorded in I Corinthians 15:5-7! Pretty cool!

At the before He ascended, there were only 11 apostles because Judas had hung himself for betraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. (Matthew 27:3-10)

Jesus told the 11 apostles to go to Jerusalem and wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Even though, Jerusalem was full of people who had crucified Jesus and were enemies of His followers, Jesus wanted them in Jerusalem. In , the 12 apostles (the original 11 + Matthias) would be baptized with the Holy Spirit at . We will talk about that in the next lesson. Jesus also told them they would be His witnesses over the ends of the earth. These men were unschooled, ordinary men and probably had never traveled; now Jesus tells them they will travel throughout the world proclaiming and teaching the Gospel. Acts 1: 8.

After telling the apostles to go to Jerusalem, Jesus ascended or went up to heaven where He sits at the right . Colossians 3:1 There were 2 men () in white who asked the apostles “why are you looking up to heaven? Jesus will come back in the same way he went up.” Good verses about judgment day are Matthew 24:36, I Thes. 4:13-18. In :7, Luke had already recorded “two men”. This was his way of saying two angels.

In Luke 24:52, “The worshipped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.” The apostles returned to Jerusalem to wait for the gift that would come 10 days later. While there lists the 11 apostles in Acts 1:13. **Judas the son of James is not . Judas’ other name was Thaddaeus. We remember how the other Judas went out and hung himself in Matthew 27:3-5. Acts 1:18 also records the account of Judas with a little more details!

Peter, beginning in Acts 1 verse 16, recounts how Judas died and how they need to replace him. There were 2 requirements of the new apostle. 1) been with them since John’s baptisms 2) to the time of Jesus’ ascension. Amongst the 120 believers there, 2 men’s names were proposed. Joseph & Matthias After casting lots, the lot fell to Matthias. Matthias was added to make up the 12 apostles. Side note: Apostles- were handpicked by Jesus. :13, Gal. 1:1 Disciples are followers of Jesus. WE are disciples, not apostles.

B= Baptism of 3,000 Beginning of Acts 2 P P P Peter preached at Pentecost

Pentecost: feast for wheat harvest, 50 days after Passover. ** The church began at Pentecost. PPP

Pentecost in the Old Testament was the “Feast of Weeks, Feast of Harvest and Day of 1st Fruits Acts 2 Review Questions: 1. What gift did the 12 apostles in Jerusalem receive at Pentecost? ______2. What 4 things happened in vs 2-4?______3. What is Pentecost?______Other names for Pentecost?______4. Name 3 groups of the people that were in Jerusalem during Pentecost ______5. Who preached the first gospel sermon in its fullness? ______6. What did the people ask when they knew they had crucified Jesus? ______7. Why is one baptized? ______8. What began at Pentecost?______9. Who added the saved to the church?______10. List 3 things the early church did together ______

Acts 2 starts with the 12 apostles in Jerusalem on Pentecost. The sound like a violent wind filled the temple, what seemed like tongues of fire came to rest on them, and then the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit. This Spirit enabled them to speak in other languages. We can see that it is “languages” based off of verses 6 and 8.

Here in Jerusalem during Pentecost, there were thousands of Jews. They had come from all over the world to celebrate Pentecost. Acts 2: 9-11 shows the nations that were there. Jewish leaders even expected every Jewish male within 90 miles to be there. Check out Exodus 34:23. In the Old Testament, Pentecost is called “feast of weeks, feast of Harvest or day of the first fruits”.

Now after the 12 are filled with the Holy Spirit, they are able to speak in different languages to the people gathered there. This is amazing because there are people from all over the world, yet they heard their own language spoken. Peter stands up and preaches the first gospel lesson in its completeness. In Matthew 16:16 Peter confirms that Jesus is the , the Son of the Living God. On Peter’s confession Jesus tells him, “On this rock (Peter’s confession) I will build my Church.” Next Jesus tells Peter, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” The keys are first to the Jews in Acts 2 and then will be to the Gentiles in . Peter gets to open both doors! Now back to Acts 2, Peter’s words convict the Jews to become . He starts by recounting Jesus’ crucifixion and even compares (how his tomb is still there), but Jesus is (raised to life and how He sits on the ). Look up II Samuel 7:8-17 and Psalm 132:11.

In verse 32 Peter tells them “God has raised this Jesus to life, we are all witness of the fact.” The people could not deny it. During the last few weeks, Jesus was on everyone’s lips. The Jews were talking about His life, death, resurrection, and His ascension. Peter even tells them, “God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified.” Now Jesus is the Living . The Jews had looked for the all their lives. Even though He was right in front of them, they didn’t see Him.

Now Peter gets to the end of his lesson, the truth hits them. Not only had the Jews rejected Him, they even crucified Him. The people were cut to the heart/ pricked. They ask a good question, “What shall we do?” Peter tells them “Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for forgiveness of sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” 3,000 were baptized into Christ and added to the church.

The early church devoted themselves to teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer. It is vital to note, “ added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:47 Here are some good verses about baptism: Romans 6:1-5, Colossians 2:12, :30-33, :16, :16, :18-20, I Peter 3:21, Galatians 3:26-27. You can even study the examples in , 9 and 10.

Apostles were “filled with Holy 3,000 and us Repented and Spirit” or “Holy Spirit fell on being baptized is a command them” for us. Then we receive the gift This “filling of Holy Spirit” of the Holy Spirit. There is only occurred twice. Acts 2:4, Acts 1 baptism for a believer. Eph 10:44 4:3-6, Matthew 28:19, Mark This was a promise prophesied 16:6, Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, in Isaiah 2:2,3, Matt. 3:11, Acts 8:35-38 Luke 24:46, Mark 9:1. This was the beginning of the gospel taken to the Jews. Acts 10 was the beginning of the Gospel taken to the Gentiles.

C= Crippled Man Cured Crowd Taught about Christ

Peter & John Heal a Crippled Man by the gate Beautiful.

The temple in Jerusalem during Jesus’ & apostles’ time. Acts 3 Review Questions: 1. What time of day was it when Peter & John were going to the temple? ______Why do you think then? ______2. How long had the man been crippled? ______3. How old was the crippled man? :22______4. When the crippled man asked for money, what did Peter tell him? “______”. 5. What three ways did the now healed man enter the temple? ______6. Where did Peter start preaching to the people? ______Portico of Solomon in the bible was AKA Solomon’s Porch, or Solomon’s Colonnade. 7. The God of whom did Peter give credit for the healing? :13 ______8. What did Peter tell the people to do?______9. Which verse in Acts 3 proves the gospel was taken to the Jews first? ______

Acts 3 Review

Peter & John Similarities: Peter & John were fishing buddies, apostles of Jesus, had brothers who were also apostles, part of Jesus inner circle of apostles Matt 17:1, worked together to prepare the Passover feast :8, ran together to see :3. They were close friends.

A large crowd of Jews would be going to pray at 3 pm. The Jews valued having a set time to pray three times a day. {Psalm 55:17, Dan. 6:10} The Beautiful gate was next to the Court of Women. This was the largest section of the temple where men & women could pray.

The crippled man from birth was placed at the Beautiful gate every day to beg from people going into the temple courts. He expected to get something from Peter & John. Peter simply told him, “Silver or gold I don’t have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus, walk!” In an instant, the crippled man was healed. His ankles and legs strengthened. People knew of the crippled man, and now he was healed. This was a no one could deny!

People started crowding around, and they went to Solomon’s Portico. Solomon’s Portico was 600 feet long by 60 feet deep. It had two rows of 27-foot columns. Jesus had ministered here, and it became a common meeting place for early Christians. :12! The portico was where Peter gave his 2nd sermon. Peter asked, “Why does this (healing) surprise you?” Then Peter gives all of the credit to God. The main person in this story is Jesus; the Jewish leaders thought that they had gotten rid of Jesus, now they have to deal with Him again.

Peter again lays it all on the line starting in vs 13 “You handed him over to be killed, you disowned him, asked a murderer should be released. You killed the author of Life.” Acts 3:18 If the Jews would have read the prophets correctly, their ignorance would have stopped. Jesus had to suffer. I Cor 1:23 talks about how the cross was a stumbling block to the Jews & Gentiles. But Jesus dying on the cross did not disqualify him from being the Savior, it qualified Him!!!!

In the next verse, Peter speaking with the Holy Spirit tells the people again to “Repent & turn to God.” Similar to Acts 2:38. Compare both verses side by side.

Acts 2:38 Acts 3:19 1. Repent 1. Therefore repent 2. and each of you be 2. And return, baptized in the name of Jesus Christ 3. for the forgiveness of 3. So that your sins may be your sins; wiped away, 4. and you will receive the 4. in order that times of Gift of the Holy Spirit refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.

Verse 26 is critical because this verse again proves the gospel was taken to the Jews first. They were God’s chosen people, and many of them did not get it. D= Disciples in Jail Disciples Share Acts 4

Sadducees: small powerful group of men who didn’t believe in the resurrection, afterlife or demons & angels. Believed only in written tradition passed down. The high priest was a Sadducee and most of the was too.

Pharisees: Middle class men who had support of people. They believed oral tradition was equal to written tradition and should be obeyed. Famous : Nicodemus, , , Paul

Sanhedrin: The Supreme Jewish court made up of 70 men & 1 current high priest. Against Jesus & His followers. Held illegal trial against Jesus that had him crucified.

Sadducees Pharisees Sanhedrin Wealthy, majority of Mostly middle class, Made up of 71 men. High Sanhedrin, didn’t relate controlled the decision priests (present & to common man making of the Sanhedrin former), elders, & scribes. because they had the These men were support of the people Sadducees & Pharisees. Only the written word They gave oral tradition took capital was from God *no oral equal authority to written punishment away from tradition word them, but killed Jesus anyway. Beliefs: denied They believed in the They met daily, except on resurrection :8, no things the Sadducees the Sabbath & feast days, heaven or hell- just died, didn’t. They conflicted in a session room no spiritual world of with Jesus over the oral adjoining the temple. angels or demons tradition of men. The High Priest was Famous Pharisees: One of their jobs was to usually a Sadducee. Nicodemus John 3, identify & confirm the Joseph of Arimathea John Messiah. That is why 19:38, Gamaliel Acts 5:34 they came into contact & 22:3, Paul Acts 23:6-8 with Jesus a lot. Mark 12:18, Matthew Matthew 12:38, 19:3-9. Illegal trial against Jesus: 22:23-34, Matthew 3:7, 22:34, :39, Mark brought Jesus at night to Acts 4:1, 5:17, 12:1-2, 8:11 high priest, held trial 23:6-8 before sunrise, trial 1 day, illegal witnesses, couldn’t give death sentence These two groups of people were always in constant conflict with Jesus & the apostles. They had opposing views, but they put them aside to unite against Jesus & His word. Mark 15:1, Matthew 16:1-12, Matthew 3:7

Acts 4 Review Questions: 1. Why did the Sadducees not like Peter’s sermon?______2. How many members did the church grow to after Peter’s sermon in Acts 3? ______4. What question did the Sanhedrin first ask Peter & John? ______5. Why was the question intended to trap them?______6. Who “only” is salvation found in?______Scripture______7. How does Luke describe Peter & John? :13 ______8. What was Peter & John’s punishment?______9. What answer did Peter give the Sanhedrin?______10. Who sold land and gave the money to the apostles?______11. What was his nickname?______

In response to Peter’s partial sermon of chapter 3, the high officials of Jerusalem came up to Peter & John and arrested them. The Sanhedrin did not like that Peter & John were 1) teaching the people and 2) proclaiming about Jesus being resurrected. So we go from Acts 2:47 “enjoying favor with all the people” to them being arrested. However because of Peter’s boldness, the church grew to 5,000 men.

When asked the next day by what power or what name did you (heal the crippled man), Peter boldly answers. *Important to note Matthew 10:17 and :14- 15. Again, Peter readily tells the Sanhedrin that they crucified Jesus, and God raised Him from the dead. The resurrection was such a sore spot for the Sadducees!

Their question intended to be a trap (vs 7) for Peter. They had already asked Jesus in Matt 21:23 the same question. Peter gives them another chance in vs 11-12 to be saved. But they again rejected the call to repent.

The Sanhedrin realized Peter and John were just ordinary, unschooled men, and the Jewish officials couldn’t deny a miracle had been performed. The healed man was right there in their sight. (vs 14) So they meet privately to discuss what to do with Peter & John. The highest court in the land tells them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. This could have been a pivotal moment in church history, but Peter replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we can’t help speaking about what we’ve seen and heard” After further threats, the Sanhedrin let them go. When the apostles rejoined with the other apostles, they prayed and asked for more boldness to proclaim Jesus Christ.

Homework read Acts 4:34-37 and Acts 5

E= Evil Companions to Wise Counsel Acts 5

The church: Jesus died for it. Made up of believers who obeyed the entire plan of the gospel. God’s special people under the new covenant of Jesus. Good News: Jesus Christ was born, died, buried, rose again and He appeared to the believers. HE wants everyone to obey His commands.

Acts 5

Within 5 verses Luke records an account of 2 different people selling land and giving the money to the apostles for anyone who had a need.

1) Joseph (who from now on we know as ) 4: 36-37 2) Ananais & Sapphira

It was not wrong for Ananais & Sapphira to sell land and keep part of the money, but it was wrong representing the money they gave as all of the sale price. God knows our heart. We can’t hide anything from Him. We can lie to men, but never to God. Acts 1: 24 says, “Lord, you know everyone’s heart.” Look at Heb. 4:13 too.

II Corinthians 9:6-7 * Cheerful giver

2 Firsts in Acts

1) “Church” first mentioned in Acts 5:11 2) :14 Men and women first listed together becoming Christians

The early church was growing. More & more people were becoming Christians. No one had a need. So how did the high priests & Sadducees feel about this? JEALOUS

They arrested the apostles, put them in jail, and during the night Lord opened the gates and let them out of jail. Next day found them standing in temple courts teaching the people. Sanhedrin didn’t use force, in fear the people would stone them. Sanhedrin reminded the apostles “we told you not to teach in his name.” Peter again like in 4:19 said “ We must obey God rather than men.” Peter again told them they killed Jesus. I found Acts 2:23,:36, 3:13 and 4:10 also.

Sanhedrin was furious and wanted to put apostles to death. But a Wise Counselor, name Gamaliel had the apostles put outside and began his closing argument on behalf of the apostles. He was also a Pharissee. Look up Acts 22: 3 Gamaliel gave 2 accounts of leaders had led a revolt. These two examples and Judas the Galilean can be found outside church history. Basically Gamiliel steps up and says, “Look these two guys started a rebellion and it died or dispersed on its own. But if these guys are really who they say they are, from God, you will only be fighting against God. You will not win.” The bible tells us that his speech “persuaded them”. So they had the apostles flogged and released them. The apostles were so happy and excited they had suffered for Christ. The bible says, from then on “they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news!” Acts 5 Review questions

1. Why were people selling land & giving it to the apostles?______


2. Did Sapphira know her husband had kept back part of the money?______Where is this found?______

3. What verse tell us that God knows our hearts?______

4. Who had Ananais lied to?______

5. Did Peter give Sapphira an opportunity to tell the truth?______

6. How many hours later did Sapphira die?______

7. How did Peter & the apostles get out of jail?______

8. Where did someone tell the Sanhedrin the apostles were?______

9. Why didn’t the Sanhedrin use force arresting them again? ______


10. Where else did Peter say, “We must obey God rather than men”?______

11. Who was Gamaliel and who did he teach 22:3 ? ______


12. In your own words give a recount on Gamaliel’s defense?______


F= Faithful Chosen False Witnesses against Stephen

Acts 6 Review

Why was the church increasing in number? Because of Acts 5:42. The apostles never stopped teaching and proclaiming the Word of God so the number of disciples (followers of Jesus) increased. The apostles were modeling Jesus’ commands in Matthew 28:18.

Grecian Jews (niv) or Hellenistic Jews (nasb)- Greek-speaking Jews who had scattered to other nations because of captivity, persecution, or economic need.

Hebraiac Jews (niv) or native Hebrews (nasb)- Jews whose language is and they lived in that area.

Memory tool: Bible is written in HAG. Hebrew, Aramiac, Greek

A complaint arose saying the foreign Jew widows were being overlooked by the native Jew widows in the daily distribution of food in Jerusalem. One of the apostles said it would not be good to neglect the work of the Lord to feed people. Fewer souls would be saved if the spiritual work of the apostles stopped. The apostles had devoted themselves to preaching and teaching so basically they said let’s find someone else to do the food ministry. The apostles had the brothers choose 7 men of good reputation, full of Spirit and of wisdom to be in charge of this. We do not know if there is any significance in choosing “7” maybe 7 was all needed to do the job.

Qualifications of the 7: Good reputation- respected by all in community, full of Spirit- had received the Holy Spirit as a gift upon baptism, wisdom- good judgment and common sense.

Selecting 7 men to be in charge of serving food allowed the apostles to focus on prayer and ministry of the word. Stephen and Philip are the only men of the 7 who are mentioned in the rest of the bible.

In verse 6 the church presented the 7 to the apostles who prayed and laid hands on them. In Acts 6:8 and 8:6-8 Stephen and Philip both were able to do great signs and wonders. I assume these signs and wonders came from having hands laid on them.

Are these 7 the first deacons? I read discussions on both sides. Qualifications for deacons are in I Tim 3:8-13. Family is an important qualifier for deacon but in Acts 6 choosing the 7 just required 3 things, family not being one.

Stephen in verse 8 starts to do wonders and miraculous signs among the people, and oppostition rises up. These men bring False Witnesses againt Stephen. He didn’t say the things he was accused of. As the Sandhedrin looked at Stephen, his face appeared as an . Fill in the blank

1. What is chapter 1 of Acts about? ______

2. Who replaced Judas?______

3. Where did the church begin? ______

4. Who was with Jesus when he went of heaven? ______

5. What did Jesus tell the apostles to wait for in Jerusalem? ______

6. What is Pentecost? ______

7. Who preached at Pentecost? ______

8. How many were baptized? ______

9. Where were Peter & John going when met crippled man?______

10. What did Peter tell crippled man? ______

11. Who died first Sapphira or Ananias? ______

12. How many hours later did Sapphira die? ______

13. What was the wise advice from Gamaliel about Peter & apostles? ______

14. What were the differences between Grecian/Hellenistic Jews and the Hebraic/ native Hebrew Jews? ______


15. Why did the apostles pick 7 men? ______

16. Name 2 of the faithful chosen in Acts 6? ______

Who am I?

______I was an apostle. I betrayed my Lord for 30 pieces of silver, I hung myself.

______I was a Jew. I thought I was doing right. I was there when Stephen was killed. A light shined around me on the road to

______I begged every day. I am glad Peter & John came by

______I said I didn’t know Jesus 3x, I cut off a man’s ear, I preached at Pentecost, I healed a man, I had a about a sheet and some animals

______I sold some land, I died because I lied, My husband died too

______I was with the believers in the beginning, the lot fell on me, I replaced Judas as the new apostle

______I was chosen to serve, one of first 7 deacons, I explained to eunuch about Jesus & how to be Christian

G= Great Sermon of Stephen

Synagogue: A place of meeting for Jews to pray and study the Law. Blasphemy: to speak against or defame God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Patriarch- means Father. The 3 main patriarchs are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Acts 7 Review

We must also include Acts 6: 8-15. Men began to argue with Stephen, and then they had men give false accusations against Stephen. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sandhedrin. Starting in Acts 7, the high priest asked Stephen, “Are these charges true?”

This gave Stephen an amazing opportunity to preach a great sermon. Any time the apostles or chosen men had the opportunity to preach and teach, they jumped at the chance!! I Peter 3:15 is a great verse for us, too.

Stephen starts giving the history of the Old Testament leaders. That’s why Acts 7 or G is Great sermon of Stephen. He begins with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, , Joshua, David, Solomon. Acts 7 is a great chapter to jog your memory over the Old Testament.

Stephen in his sermon reminds the Jewish audience how they had rejected Joseph, Moses, the other prophets and Jesus. Then Stephen’s tone changes. I feel that his lesson got interrupted. Stephen is really preaching about the OT history, then he switches gears and starts getting onto the Jews gathered there. Peter had previously told the Jews in Acts 2:23, Acts 2:36, Acts 3:15, Acts 4:10 and Acts 5:30 they had killed Jesus; now Stephen is preaching it. He even tells them “they betrayed and murdered Jesus” in verse 52.

Now is the time for these Jewish men to repent, but instead they were furious. Then to top it off, Stephen tells them how he sees Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Phew! Can’t you just imagine what a tense situation this is. Why do you think Stephen say “standing”? In Mark 16:19 says “Jesus sitting at the right hand of God.” Next the men drug Stephen out of the city and began to stone him. They laid their coats at feet of a young man named Saul. Saul, after he is converted, years later still recalls being there at Stephen’s murder in Acts 22: 20. Before Stephen died, he asked God “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” This is a similar response of forgiveness by Jesus on the cross in :34. Stephen’s story is one of the greatest example of forgiveness in the Bible.

H= Havoc to Happiness Acts 8

Persecution: being hurt for believing and/or standing up for God

Acts 8 Review: Acts 7 ends with Stephen being stoned to death while Paul looks on. Chapter 8 begins with a great persecution breaking out against the church, and the church (the believers) scattering from Jerusalem to all over & . Paul went from house to house dragging people off to prison. Look at Acts 22:4, 19 and :10,11. “I persecuted the followers of the Way to their death. In my obsession against them, I even went to foreign cities.” Havoc means widespread destruction and devastation. originated the persecution of the church; but God used it to spread the gospel. Vs 4 says those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Now the Happiness: We meet the coming from worship in Jerusalem; now sitting in a chartiot on the road to Gaza. The eunuch was reading from Isaiah 53; the chapter about Jesus’ death. The book of Isaiah foretold that Jesus was to suffer. This fact was a major stumbling block to Jews ( I Cor. 1:23). Philip asked him if he understood what he was reading. The eunuch answered, “How can I unless someone explains it to me?” So Philip began with Isaiah 53 and told him the good news of Jesus Christ which included baptism. When they came to water the eunuch asked, “Here is water. Why shouldn’t I be baptized?” They stopped the chariot and went down into the water and Philip baptized the eunuch. The Spirit of the Lord took Philip away and eunuch went away happy. Philip continued to preach elsewhere. Acts 8 Review Questions

1. Why did the church spread?______


2. What were some of the things Saul did to Christians? ______

3. Why did the become Christians?______

4. Why did Peter and John come to Samaria? ______


5. Why did Simon want to buy the miraculous gifts? ______


6. Who told Philip to go on the road to Gaza?______

7. What was the eunuch’s job?______

8. Why was Isaiah 53 such an important chapter for the eunuch to be reading?______

9. Did the eunuch understand what he was reading and how did Philip help?______

10. Show 2 phrases from Acts 8:36-39 that depicts baptism is an immersion in water ______

11. How happy was the eunuch in being taught the truth? ______

12. List all of the things you think Philip told the eunuch about Jesus?

In Acts 8 it is kind of confusing because the Samaritans were baptized but hadn’t received the Spirit yet.

Logan showed me this from the Jim Sheerer Commentary so I hope it helps

“The spiritual gifts were nine in number (I Corinthians 12). They were given by the laying on of the apostles’ lands ( verse 17). They were to impart the word and confirm it. At this time the New Testament had not been written. Up to this time Philip taught them in the truth, but when he left, they would need a guide. The spiritual gifts would enable some of them to prophesy and some to confirm the word. These were necessary until the New Testament was completely written. Having these spiritual gifts did not make one more spiritual. One becomes more spiritual by belief and obedience not the word of God (Galatians 5:21-22). It was these spiritual gifts that the Christians in Samaria had not received because they could only be acquired by the laying on of the hands of an apostles ( see verses 17-19) The Christians in Samaria had been baptized as Jesus commanded, but they had not received the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit. This shows that spiritual gifts are not connected with baptism. Philip in Acts 6 had received spiritual gifts by the laying on of the apostles’ hands. Philip could preach and confirm the gospel by , but he could not pass spiritual gifts to others. Spiritual gifts could be given to other Christians only by the laying on of the apostles’ hands. :1-7, II Timothy 1:6 Since these spiritual gifts could be received only by the laying on of the apostles’ hands, when the last apostles died these miraculous gifts of the Spirit ceased.

5 measures of the Spirit given in the New Testament

1. Jesus had the Spirit without measure ( Colossians 2:9) Anything the Holy Spirit could do, Jesus could do.

2. The apostles had a measure of the Holy Spirit whereby they could perform miracles and prophesy (speak and write by inspiration). In addition they could pass on spiritual gifs to Christians by the laying on of their hands.

3. There was the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is discussed in Acts 2 and 10. It signified the beginning of the Christian age to the Jews in Acts 2. The same sign was used to show that Gentiles were included in the church Acts 10. These are the only 2 cases of it. It does not occur again.

4. Spiritual gifts were 9 miraculous powers which were given to Christians before the word of God was written down and confirmed. Christians who received spiritual gifts could perform these miraculous powers, but they were unable to pass it on to anyone else. I Corinthians 12

5. The ordinary gift or the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is given to every Christian at baptism. It does not consist of miraculous power.” I= I am Jesus Important Woman Raised from the Dead

Saul/Paul’s conversion is the most famous conversion in history. Paul was born a Jew born in Tarsus. Under Gamaliel (chapter 5) he was taught the law. Remember back to Acts 7 & 8; he was at Stephen’s stoning, and he was dragging people off to prison. Now we meet him in Acts 9 with orders to arrest people. He was on the road to Damascus. Damascus was 140 miles from Jersualem. It was a one week journey. The “Way” in verse 2 is the church.

Paul’s conversion story is also in Acts 22 and 26. Around noon when a bright light flashed around Paul, he fell to the ground. A voice said, “Saul, Saul do you persecute me?” Saul answered, “Who are you Lord?” Jesus replied, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting” When Paul stood up, he was blind. For 3 days, he didn’t eat or drink. What did he do then? VS 11 says Paul was praying.

The Lord appeared to Ananias in a vision and told him to go find Paul. Paul would be waiting on Ananias to restore his sight. Ananias didn’t want to go at first. He had heard stories about Paul. The Lord insisted and told Ananias that Paul was the chosen instrument for the Gentiles.

Ananias went and laid his hands on Saul and told him to receive his sight. Then Ananias told him (Acts 22:14,15) God has appointed you to know his will and be a witness to all men of what you have seen and heard. Acts 22:16 Ananias tells him “And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.”So Paul got up and was baptized for forgiveness of his sins.

After his conversion a lot of the Jews wanted to kill Paul. But his followers heard about the attack and lowered him down in a basket, and he escaped. Paul then goes to Jerusalem. The other disciples were leary of Paul. Who wouldn’t be? But Barnabas took up for him & told everyone how Jesus had saved him.

The end of Acts 9 talks about how Tabitha/ had helped the widows and the poor people. Then she dies. Her friends sent for Peter and Peter brought her back to life.

Acts 9 Review Questions 1. What is the “Way”?______2. Name 3 things you know about Paul’s early life. ______3. Why was he on the road to Damascus? ______4. Who talked to Paul on the way? ______5. How long was he blind?______6. Why did Ananias not want to go talk to Paul? ______7. Why in Acts 22:16 was Paul baptized? ______8. What other 2 chapters in Acts gives Paul’s story? ______9. What was the purpose of miracles? ______10. What 2 towns came to believe after Jesus healed ? ______11. List 3 things we know about Tabitha ______J=Journey to Joppa to Teach Cornelius Acts 10

Centurion: an officer in charge of one hundred soldiers Cornelius was a centurion and a Gentile. Gentile- someone that is not a Jew.

Even though, Cornelius was devout, God-fearing, he gave generously, and he prayed to God regularly; he still was lost. He needed someone to explain the Way more clearly to him. That’s where God used Peter to do that. Cornelius had a vision from an angel of God to send for Peter. Peter was staying in Joppa with a man named Simon. So Cornelius sent three men to Joppa to bring back Peter to Caesarea. Cities are about 30 miles apart. Why didn’t the angel save Cornelius? Because God had chosen Christians to preach the gospel, not angels. Peter needed to fulfill of Jesus in Matthew 16:19 when he was told, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom.” Peter preached at Pentecost to the Jews in Acts 2 and now will in Acts 10:34 to the Gentiles. **Look up :7-9.

The following day Peter also has a vision of a sheet lowered down by its’ corners. It contained both “clean and unclean” animals. These are listed in Leviticus 11:1-47 and Deuteronomy 14:3-20. The Lord tells Peter to “kill and eat”. Peter tells God he can’t eat anything impure. Peter was very ingrained not to eat anything unclean. He even argued with the Lord. God told him not to “call anything impore that God has made clean.” This happened 3 times, and sheet went back up. The clean and unclean were referring to Jews and Gentiles. After the vision Peter was still thinking about it when the Spirit told him 3 men were looking for him and to go with them. Peter found them, invited them in, and left with them in the morning. When Peter arrived in Caesarea, Cornelius was there with his relatives and close friends. Cornelius fell at Peter’s feet, and Peter told him “Get up. I am only a man.” Cornelius tells Peter “Everyone is gathered here to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to tell us.” Peter begins by telling them that God doesn’t show favortism to those who fear Him and do what’s right. While Peter still preaching, the Holy Spirit came on all who had heard the message. The Holy Spirit baptism was to confirm that the Church was now being taken to the Gentiles. The 7 Jewish men there saw how the Gentilesb were baptized by the Holy Spirit. Next, Peter then told them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Cornelius and his family became Christians in verse 48. They asked Peter to stay with them a few days. Why do you think??

Acts 10 Review Questions

1. What four things describe Cornelius? ______


2. What was Cornelius doing at 3 in the afternoon? ______

3. Did the angel tell Cornelius how to be saved?______

4. How many men did Cornelius send to Joppa? ______

5. What did Peter see in the vision? ______


6. When Peter and the men arrived in Caesarea, who was waiting on them? ______


7. When Cornelius met Peter what did he do? ______

8. What did Peter command Cornelius and his family to do? ______

9. Why did Cornelius and his family want Peter to stay with them a few days? ______


K=Kingdom taken to the Gentiles

Chapter 11 starts with Jewish Christians from Jerusalem skeptical about God accepting Gentiles into the church. They criticize Peter not about baptizing them but about eating with them. They didn’t object to allowing Gentiles to be baptized as long as they didn’t have to see them or be around them. This was the norm or tradition “Don’t have anything to do with the Gentiles”.

Then Peter begins telling his story about Cornelius. He retells about the vision and the sheet and the conversation with God. He even points out in verse 12 “these six brothers also went with me.” Peter took the 6 men to Caesarea but also took them to Jerusalem to be his witnesses; a witness to the fact that God had opened the doors of the kingdom now to the Gentiles.

My favorite verse in this chapter is verse 14. “He will speak words to you by which you will be saved, you and all your household.” This verse is similar to Acts 10:33 when Cornelius tells Peter “We are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lords has commanded you to tell us.”

In vs. 15 “the beginning” is talking about back in Acts 2 when the spirit came on them at Pentecost. Peter remembers back to Acts 1:5 when Jesus told them about how the apostles would be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Peter wraps up his lesson to the Jewish men and basically says, “So if God gave them the Holy Spirit gift that we received at Pentecost then how can be doubt this and oppose God?” They knew they couldn’t oppose his reasoning & argument. Then the Jewish men & apostles admit God has granted life to the Gentiles.

Acts 11 finishes with Paul & Barnabas spending over a year in meeting with the church there & teaching them more. Acts 11:26 people were first called ‘Christians” at Antioch. “Christian” is also in Acts 26:26-29 and I Peter 4:15-16.

Acts 11 Review Questions 1. Who criticized Peter about Cornelius?______2. Why did they criticize Peter about eating with the Gentiles instead of baptizing them? ______3. How many times did the sheet come down?______4. What did the Spirit tell Peter to do?______5. What do you think was included in the “message” in verse 14? ______6. Why did John baptize with water? ______7.When the apostles and other Jewish men heard Peter’s testimony how did they react?______8. How long did Saul/Paul stay in Antioch and teach the believers? _____ 9. What verse were Christians first named? ______

L=Leader Beheaded Let Out by an Angel

We are introduced to King Herod in the first verse. He is the grandson of back in Matthew 2 that killed all of the babies during the time Jesus was born. Herod had James put to death with the sword. James was the first apostle executed. He was also one of the first apostles chosen, and he was also a fisherman. King Herod liked that this impressed the Jews so he then has Peter arrested. Later on, Herod intended to give Peter a public trial. But it didn’t come to that.

Verse 5 is huge. This shows how the church came together to unite in prayer. Earnestly! Faithfully!

While Peter was in prison, he was handcuffed between and to two soldiers. He had 16 men guarding him. King Herod did not want him to escape again. Remember Peter and the 11 had escaped earlier in Acts 5. He was asleep (which is hard to believe) when an angel of the Lord hit him and woke him up. He told Peter to get up and the chains fell off his wrists. Peter got dressed and followed the angel out, still in a trance. He thought he was seeing a vision. They passed guards and when they got to the iron gate leading to the city, the gate opened by itself. Cool! Outside, the angel left Peter. He came to himself and realized God had helped him out of prison. He then went to the house of Mary. People were there praying together. He knocked on the door, and the servant girl didn’t open the door because she was so excited she ran back and told everyone. No one believed her! They were praying for Peter, but didn’t believe he was at the door. Peter kept on knocking and finally let him in. He told them to be quiet and told his story. He told them to tell the other apostles what happened. Why? Then he left. He couldn’t stay there. That would be one of the first places they would look. The next morning it was a big deal that Peter had escaped prison. King Herod couldn’t find him and had all of the guards executed! Herod gets what he deserves later in the chapter. He didn’t acknowledge God when he had the change and an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms! But in verse 24, the bible says, “But the Word of God increased and multiplied.” Nothing could stop the growth and spread of the church!

Acts 12 Review Questions 1. Who did King Herod kill with the sword?______2. When this pleased the Jews, what else did Herod do?______3. How many soldiers were to guard Peter?______4. While Peter was in prison, what was the church doing?______5. Who came to Peter while in prison, and how was he freed from his chains?______6. What happened to the iron gate as they came to it?______7. Whose house did Peter go to?______8. What was the people’s reaction when they saw Peter?______9. When Herod couldn’t find Peter, what did he command to be done? ______10. Read verse 24. How did this happen? ______M=Missionary journey Begins

Missionary: a person who goes out to spread the good news of Jesus Paul & Barnabas began their first missionary journey in Acts 13. When they came to a new city, they usually went first to a synagogue where they could talk to the Jews.

Chapter 13 is the beginning of Paul’s missionary journeys. This chapter is also important because Paul becomes the main character of Acts, and Peter slips into the background.

Christians were in Antioch worshipping. Antioch is significant because Christians were first called Christians here. Acts 11:26. This was also the first church that was mission minded. While worshipping, the Holy Spirit picked Paul and Barnabas to start preaching abroad. The men there fasted, prayed and put their hands on them and sent them off. also traveled with them.

They sail to the island of and travel through it to on the western side of it. They meet a sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus aka . The proconsul (governor) of the city Sergious Paulus wanted to hear Paul, but Elymas didn’t want him to. So Paul filled with the Holy Spirit lets Elymas have it, and then Elymas is blinded for some time! Because of this the proconsul believed.

John returns home to Jerusalem. This is important because in Acts 15:38 Barnabas wants to take John again and Paul doesn’t think it is wise because John deserted them in Pamphylia. But we see in II Timothy 4 they had worked out their disagreement.

They arrive in Pisidian Antioch and on the sabbath go to the synagogue. The synagogue rulers ask them to talk, and Paul delivers his first recorded sermon. Paul goes through the Israelite history beginning while they were in Egypt. All the while Paul is showing that through their history they were preparing for the coming of Jesus. VS 38 is great because it says, “through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.” Reminds me of Acts 2:38! After he was done, the people invited them to come back next sabbath. Next Saturday almost the whole town was there. BUT the Jews didn’t like that and were jealous. Paul lets them know about their jealousy in vs 46 and tells them they have rejected Jesus. Go back to Acts 1:8. Be my witnesses. Now look at vs 47. Witnesses 1st) at Jerusalem. 2nd ) in Acts 8 Philip goes to Samaria and now 3rd ) 15 years later Paul and Barnabas bring salvation to the ends of the earth. It was being fulfilled. They were fulfilling Jesus’ command!!!

The word of the Lord spreads, even though the Jews didn’t like it. They even kicked Paul and Barnabas out of their region. They shook the dust off their feet and moved on!!!!

Acts 13 Review Questions 1. What 3 things did the church at Antioch do before sending Paul & Barnabas on their way?______2. Who else was with them on their journey?______3. What was the first town they preached at?______4. What happened to Elymas?______5. In Paul’s sermon, what did God say about David? ______6. Why do you think Paul reviewed the Israelite history to the church in Pisidian Antioch?______7. Did the persecution of the apostles stop the church? ______Why______

N=Not But Men

Paul & Barnabas in chapter 14 are still on their first missionary journey. In Iconium, they speak so effectively both Jews & Gentiles believed. But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up and poisoned the Gentiles minds against Paul & Barnabas. So they stayed on a while and boldly preached to the people there. Some Jewish & Gentiles made a plot to stone them, but they escaped and headed to . Usually when they would enter a city, they would head go to the synagogue. Not here. In Lystra, Paul heals a crippled man. The people think Paul is a god. They think Paul & Barnabes are the gods Hermes & Zeus. In Greek mythology, Hermes was the messenger of the gods. Zeus was the chief diety. They start bringing sacrifies to them from the nearby Zeus temple. Paul tells them “We are only men. Bringing you good news about Jesus.” Even with these words, they had difficulty keeping the crowds from sacrificing to them. Some neighboring Jews came to Lystra and won the crowd over. The people stoned Paul & drag him out of the city. Paul gets back up and goes back into the city! I forgot to say this in the video, but consider how Paul was there at Stephen’s stoning that led to death, and now the people are coming after Paul wanting to kill him. It’s Crazy! From Lystra, they went to and then returned back through the churches they had started; Lystra, Iconium and Antioch. To review: In Lystra, stoned and left for dead, Iconium, plot to stone them, Antioch, threw them out of the region. Yet, they strengthened the disciples and encouraged them to remain true to the faith. Paul & Barnabas appointed elders in each church. Requirements of elders: I Timothy 3 and Titus 1:5-9 Returning home through the previous cities, they return to Antioch and gathered the church together and told them about how God had opened the door to the Gentiles. Imagine their conversations to the church at Antioch!!

Acts 14 Review Questions 1. When Paul and Barnabas preached in the synagogue in Iconium what was the result? ______2. What did the unbelieving Jews do? ______3. How long did they stay in Iconium? ______4. After leaving Iconium where did they go? ______5. What did Paul observe about the crippled man? ______6. What did the people who saw Paul heal the crippled man begin to shout? ______7. Why do you think the people didn’t get it even after Paul’s message? ______8. Why do you think Paul went back into the city?______9. Explain why Paul and Barnabas went back through those cities at the end of their first journey ______O= Old Law Not Binding Acts 15

Jews: God’s chosen people first. They received God’s word first. In Acts 10 the Word now goes to the Gentiles. Gentiles: Anyone not a Jew

Chapter 14 continues on into 15. Paul and Barnabas tell the church at Antioch how God has opened the door for the Gentiles. Then Jewish men come from Judea to Antioch and began teaching the new Gentile Christians they had to be circumcised to be saved. Paul and Barnabas disagreed with them and were appointed to go to Jerusalem to ask about circumcision to the apostles and elders there. Along the way to Jerusalem, they preached about how the Gentiles had been converted. The two towns were about 300 miles apart.

At Jerusalem some Pharisees stood up and said, “the Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the law of Moses.” Paul was also a Pharisee (Acts 23:6). Pharisees wanted everyone to keep the law. The command of circumcision came from Genesis 17.

Peter reminds the crowd that God wanted the Gentiles to hear the gospel and believe. God even gave them the Holy Spirit (Acts 10) like the did to the apostles in Acts 2. Peter asks, “why do you test God?” Our fathers couldn’t keep the whole law; how can we? Only one to keep the Law perfectly was Jesus (II Cor. 5:21) Peter’s final words were so powerful. “Through the grace of our Lord Jesus, we are saved.” Grace is “unmerited favor”-- We don’t deserve it.

Then James the half-brother of Jesus (Matt. 13:55) gets up to talk. He tells the people we can’t make it hard for Gentiles to turn to God. He says, “Let’s write to them and tell them to abstain from 3 things. Food polluted by idols, sexual immorality and animals strangled and blood.”

They (apostles and elders) chose Judas and to go back with Paul and Barnabas and take the Antioch church the letter. The letter basically reassures the Gentiles and tells them to avoid those 3 things. These 3 things would have made the typical Jewish person uneasy. This letter was inspired :28.

Paul and Barnabas get into it next. Barnabas wants to take Mark with them, and Paul takes no part. Barnabas and Mark are cousins. Col. 4:10. Paul and Barnabas separate and go their own way. So Silas becomes Paul’s new traveling companion.

The Old Law is not binding because it was nailed to the cross. Col. 2:14

Acts 15 Review Questions

1. Who did Paul and Barnabas go see in Jerusalem to ask about circumcision? ______2. How far apart were Antioch and Jerusalem? ______3. What did the Pharisees want the Gentile converts to obey?______4. What 4 men spoke during this meeting? ______5. Where did the command of circumcision come from in bible? ______6. What things did James say the Gentiles should refrain from?______

7. What men went back to Antioch to share the letter with them? ______

8. Who did Paul and Barnabas get into it over? ______

9. List 2 verses about how the Old Law was nailed to the cross and how the OL was hard to follow. ______

P=Philippians Converted Acts 16

Lydia, a dealer of purple, was baptized. Paul & Silas were put in prison. While in Her family was baptized, too. prison, they sang. There was an earthquake, & their chains became loose. The jailer came in ready to kill himself, & Paul told him not to. The jailer asked them, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul & Silas told him to believe, and then they explained the word of the Lord to him. He and his whole family were baptized.

The end of Acts 15 is the start of the second Missionary Journey for Paul. He is still on the journey in Acts 16.

We find Paul and Silas still on their second missionary journey. We are introduced to Timothy, and one of the strongest friendship/relationship begins. Read II Tim. 1:5,3:15. In fact, I & II Timothy are Paul’s words of wisdom to Timothy “His son in the faith”. Paul asks Timothy to join them.

I like verse 5; “They grew daily in numbers”. Imagine that!

The missionaries get to . On the sabbath, they went to the river to find a place of prayer. They started teaching the women there. They expected to find Jews there gathering because during the exile, when they couldn’t go to the temple they would go to the river to worship. One of the women listening was Lydia. She already worshipped God, but now her and her family were baptized. She was such a gracious, kind woman; the men even stayed in her home.

Then they meet the slave girl. She followed Paul around, yelling “These men are servants of the Most High, who are telling you the way to be saved.” This is cool because she was telling the truth! Finally, Paul had enough of the yelling and told the evil spirit to come out of her. This made the owners of the slave girl mad because she was their pay check. The owners drag them to the market place to face the authorities. The crowd is in an uproar, and they beat Paul and his men and throw them into prison. At midnight, Paul and Silas were singing and praying. An earthquake happens, doors open, and their chains fall off. The jailer is about to kill himself because Roman law decreed that if a jailer lost a prisoner, he would receive the punishment of the criminal. Paul yells for him not to kill himself, “We are all here”. The jailer ran in and fell before them and asked, “What must I do to be saved?” They tell him to believe and then speak the whole word of the Lord to him and his family.

Verse 37 is so important because Paul now tells the officers, “You beat us and threw us into prison, and we are Romans.” The Roman officers were very scared and alarmed. A Roman citizen could not be beaten, persecuted, put in jail or killed without a public hearing. The officers had every right to be scared. We finish the chapter with Paul and Silas at Lydia’s house encouraging the new Christians. Acts 16 Review Questions 1. Who did Paul and Silas pick up in Lystra? ______2. Why did Paul go to the river in Philippi on the sabbath? ______3. If Lydia already “worshipped God”, why did she have to be baptized?

4. What was ironic about what the slave girl was saying? ______

______5. Why was Paul and Silas imprisoned? ______

______6. What were Paul and Silas doing at midnight? ______7. What did the jailer ask Paul and Silas?______8. Were there any infants in the jailer’s house? Why? ______9. Why was it important that Paul and Silas were “Roman Citizens”? ______Q=Quarrels & Questions on TBAM Thessalonica, Berea, & Mars Hill

Idols: Any thing you put before God. Today an idol can be your phone, sports, video games, Facebook, Instragram, money, clothes, TikTok Acts 17 Review Paul and Silas are still on the 2nd missionary journey. They arrive at Thessalonica where they are not received well. Some of the Jews went to Jason’s house and looked for Paul and Silas. When they didn’t find them, they drug out Jason and stirred up the crowd against him and demanded to get money from him. Paul and Silas during the night left for Berea. Acts 17:11 is such an important verse. The Bereans examined the scripture daily to see if what Paul and Silas were saying was true. Peace didn’t last long, and the troublemakers from Thessalonica followed them to Berea and stirred up more trouble. Immediately, some men take Paul to Athens. Athens is about 250 miles from Berea. Scholars believe they traveled by ship. Athens was a very intellect and influential town. I found this on about Athens. Little more insight

“Supposing Paul arrived by ship, he would have landed at Piraeus and would have gone north from the harbor and entered Athens by the "Double Gate" on the west side of the city, where four highways converged. Before passing the gate, however, he would have gone through an extensive cemetery, where he would have noticed the graves of many distinguished Athenian citizens, the most famous being Menander, the son of Diopithes. Passing through the gates, Paul would have seen the Temple of Demeter with statues of the goddess and her daughter. A little further on he would have passed the statue of Poseidon hurling his trident. Beyond this, he would have seen the statues of Healing Athena, Zeus, Apollo, and Hermes standing near the Sanctuary of Dionysus. While Paul waited for Silas and Timothy, whom he had instructed to join him as soon as possible (Acts 17:15), he must have explored the city in the same manner in which tourists do today. He could have visited the Royal Colonnade, the Metroum or Sanctuary of the Mother of the Gods with her image. In the agora the Apostle would have passed what sometimes called "the Music Hall at Athens," the odeon, a small roofed theater. In the agora the Athenians had an altar of Mercy, which stood in a grove of laurels and olives. Close to the agora, in the gymnasium of Ptolemy, there was a stone statue of Hermes, and a bronze statue of Ptolemy. Wherever Paul turned, he must have seen statues, temples, and shrines. There was the Sanctuary of the Dioscuri, the Serapeum in the lower part of this city, the Temple of Olympian Zeus southeast of the Acropolis, the Pythium on the southern side of the Acropolis, the Sanctuary of Dionysus at the foot of the Acropolis, and many more. Entering the Acropolis he would have passed two statues of horsemen facing each other on opposite sides of the road. On his right, on the western edge of the Acropolis, was the Temple of Victory Athena, the so-called Wingless Victory. Paul would have looked towards the sea and seen the Bay of Phaleron, perhaps with grain ships from , Egypt. He would have visited the most famous and beautiful of all Greek temples, the Parthenon, and then the Erechtheum standing on the northern edge of the Acropolis. Here his eyes must have fallen on the oldest and most venerated statue of Athena, which like that of Diana of , was believed to have fallen from heaven (cf. Acts 19:35). Finally, there was the most conspicuous statue of the city-goddess, a dedication from the spoils of the Battle of Marathon. An ancient proverb declared that there were more gods in Athens than men, and wherever the Apostle looked, in niches and on pedestals, in temples and on street corners, were gods and demigods. Busts of Hermes were on every corner and statues and altars were in the courtyard of every home. Among this forest of deities Paul discovered one altar dedicated to the "unknown god." There are many examples of similar inscriptions in the Greco-Roman world. The idea, of course, was that these altars to the "unknown gods" ensured that no deity was omitted from worship.There were idols everywhere. As Paul walked around, he bacame more and more troubled by what he saw.” In my own words, Paul was disturbed by what he saw when he walked around and started trying to teach and reason with the Jews & Gentiles in the synagogue. Some philosophers heard him and wanted to question him more and hear more. They took him to the Areopagus or Mars Hill. These Athenians just sat around and talked about the lastest new idea. Here Paul preaches a beautiful lesson. He starts off complimenting them, and in the end he is telling them to repent. What’s great is a few of them believed.

Acts 17 Review Questions 1. How were the people of Berea different from the people in Thessalonica? ______2. Who came up to stir up the people in Berea? ______3. What did Paul see when he walked around in Athens? ______

______4. Why on Mars Hill or Areopagus did Paul compliment them first? ______5. Why in Athens does Paul tell them “The divine being is not like gold or silver or stone”?______6. What day has God set? ______7. Who believed after hearing Paul?______

R= Residing w/ friends in Corinth Retaught

Paul in also Acts 18 begins his 3rd Missionary Journey

the Way- the course or actions of a person that lead to heaven. In Acts “the way” is used 6 times. In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” The way is the path to reach Jesus, and there is only 1 Way.

After his short stay in Athens, Paul goes 40 miles west to the town of Corinth. Corinth was like “Las Vegas” of today. In Corinth, anything went. Paul even wrote 2 letters to this town, helping address all of their problems. When Paul arrived there, he met fellow tentmakers Aquila and Priscilla. A strong husband and wife team!

Every Sabbath Paul reasoned in the synagogue trying to persuade Jews and Gentiles to become Christians. When his friends Paul and Silas arrived, Paul devoted his time exclusively to preaching. And again, the Jews opposed him, and Paul turned his attention to the Gentiles. Crispus, the synagogue ruler and his family also became Christians. This was the same Crispus as in I Cor. 1:14.

Paul soon had a vision from the Lord and the Lord told him, “Don’t be afraid! No one will attack you here.” Look up I Corinthians 2:1-5. Paul must have been afraid here, but the Lord reassured him and Paul stayed 1 ½ years more. In Corinth, Paul wrote I and II Thessalonians. It’s cool that the proconsul Gallilio put a stop to a potential attack on Paul. So instead they beat the synagogue ruler Sosthenes.

Then Paul left Corinth with Priscilla and Aquilla and sailed to Ephesus. In Ephesus, Priscilla and Aquilla met Apollos, whom the scriptures listed good things about him. He was a 1) learned man 2) thorough knowedge of the scriptures, 3) instructed in the way, 4) spoke with great fervor 5) taught about Jesus accurately. Apollos was also mentioned in I Corinthians 1:12 and 3:5-6!

However, he only knew about the baptisms of . John the baptist came preparing the way of Jesus, and John fulfilled the prophecies in Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 4:5-6. John began his ministry before Jesus, and he commanded his followers to repent and change their lives. John’s baptism was a preparatory baptism for the coming of Jesus. It was for the “forgiveness of sins.” He even became known as John the Baptist. The Great Commision baptism was in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It was a more complete Way because this baptism was commanded by Jesus to be done to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). John even told his followers, “to believe in Him who was coming after him.” Acts 19:4!!—Jesus.

Now heard Apollos speak and invited him into their home and explained the way of God more adequately. They probably started with John’s baptisms and continued onto the way of Jesus.

Can’t you just imagine how excited Apollos must have been to know the whole truth! Apollos wasted no time and then went on to Achaia to preach there. Look at verse 28 “He proved from scriptures that Jesus was the Christ.”

Acts 18 Review Questions 1. When Paul left Athens he came to what city and how far apart was it? ______2. Why had Aquila and Priscilla gone to Corinth? ______3. What did Paul do each Sabbath day?______4. What did Paul do after the arrival of Silas and Timothy? ______5. What did the Lord reveal to Paul in a vision? ______6. What did Apollos know about baptism? ______7. Why did Priscilla and Aquilla take Apollos aside to explain the Word better to him? ______

S= Seven sons of Silversmith’s Strike Acts 19

Acts 19, Paul was still on his 3rd journey, and he headed back to Ephesus. Remember back in Acts 18:19-21, Paul had already been to Ephesus and taught in the synagogue. There was a church established there as well. Ephesus was the center of trade in that part of the world. Besides being a great commerce town, many tourists came to see the temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World. There he met 12 disciples who have been baptized; but it was a baptism of repentance taught by John the Baptist. (*Scholars believe maybe these men were baptized by Apollos from Acts 18, or Apollos had been taught by the same teacher because that was the baptism he knew.) Paul then baptized them. Paul laid his hands on them, and the Holy Spirit came on them. These men were now able to speak in tongues and prophesy. Paul then does what he does best; he entered the syngagogue. He spoke there boldly for 3 months. After 3 months, the people started becoming hardened and disobedient. So Paul moved on to a school of Tyrannus where he taught for 2 years. Paul even went house to house teaching. This was Paul’s longest stay in any city. Paul even healed people through his aprons and handkerchiefs. In 13-16 we read an interesting account. A Jewish chief priest named Sceva had 7 sons who went around trying to invoke the name of Jesus to heal people. An evil spirit talked backed to them in vs 15 and said, “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul but who are you?” Then the man with the evil spirit jumped on them and began beating them. The seven sons even ran out of the house naked and bleeding. This account circulated around Ephesus, and many people came to know Jesus. Many even burned their sorcery books and scrolls. Hundreds of thousands of dollars went up in smoke. The word of the Lord spread! Then a silversmith name Demetrius tried to stop Paul. He stirred up the merchants and reminded them how they were losing money and how Paul discredited the goddess Artemis. Demetrius was probably only concerned amount the money!! Artemis was worshipped as the mother goddess around the world, a fertility goddess. People came to see this temple and like all tourists wanted to take home a souvenir. So this was where Demetrius’ business of shrine making comes in. Ephesus was now filled with confusion, rage and rioting. Paul wanted to speak, but his disciples wouldn’t let him. Alexander got ready to speak up, but when they realized he was a Jew, they wouldn’t let him. And they began to shout for 2 hours, “Great is Artemis!!” Finally, the city clerk quieted them all down and said basically you have nothing to charge them with, let it go! Then clerk dismissed everyone!

Baptism Administered by John Baptism Authorized by Jesus Immersion in water Immersion in water Baptism of preparation Baptism of fulfillment Baptism of repentance Baptism of faith Preceded before call to repent Preceded by preaching of gospel Looked forward to Christ Looks back to the Christ and cross Confessed sins Confesses faith in Jesus Associated with no name In the name of Father, Son, & HS For remission of sins For remission of sins No Promise of the Holy Spirit Promise of the Holy Spirit

Acts 19 Review Questions

1. Did Paul travel by land or sea going to Ephesus? ______

2. How had the disciples been baptized? ______

3. How many men were baptized? ______

4. How long did Paul speak in the synagogue?______

5. After the syngagogue where did Paul teach and for how long? ______


6. What did the evil spirit answer the seven sons of Sceva? ______


7. How did the Jews and Greeks feel after evil spirits cast out? vs 17____


8. How much did all of the books burn add up to?______

9. How did Demetrius stir up the people of Ephesus? ______


10. Why didn’t they let Alexander speak?______

T= Troas on the Lord’s Day Tearful Farewell

Acts 20

Acts 20 Review

Keep in mind Luke wrote Acts, while Paul wrote other books during this time. During Acts 20:1-6, Paul wrote Romans, I & II Corinthians. These verses took from 1-2 years. The rest of the chapter, Paul is headed to Jerusalem to deliver the finacial aid from the different churches he visited on this 3rd journey. He also added new traveling buddies vs 4-6.

Paul then traveled to and stayed at Troas for 7 days. Look at II Corinthians 2:12 * “Now when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me.” Because of this open door, Paul would now travel to Troas. He arrived on Monday, but stayed to Sunday where he could partake of the Lord’s Supper with them. Paul had already been to Troas in Acts 16. During that first visit, he would have taught the church at Troas how to take the Lord’s Supper. On the Lord’s Day, the church came together to partake of the Lord’s Supper. Look at :53-58, I Corinthians 11:23-26. Jews kept the 7th day in memory of the physical creation, but Christians keep the first day in memory of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. Christ rose on the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day. Also the chruch began on Sunday!

The Troas church was meeting in the 3rd story of a building, and Paul talked to midnight. , a young man, got sleepy and fell out of the window and died. Paul went down, placed his body on top of his and brought him back to life. Then they went back upstairs, ate and Paul kept on preaching till daylight! Long night! The church family took the young man home and were greatly comforted.

Paul was in a hurry to reach Jerusalem by Pentecost. He didn’t have time to stop at Ephesus, but he called the Ephesian elders to him in . The rest of this chapter contains the heart of Paul. He started recapping how and where he preached the complete will of God. He told them “I am going to Jerusalem and don’t know what will happen there”. Look at vs. 24. He even told them they won’t see him again. You can imagine the passion & emotion during his lesson. He told the elders to guard the flock and remain strong. He even told them that Jesus “bought the church with His own blood.” VS 28 is huge!!! Paul warned them savage wolves would come in to try and destroy the church. He even reminded them of Jesus’ own words, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” vs 35. Then they all kneeled down and prayed together. Emotions and tears were flying high!

Acts 20 Review Questions 1. Why did Paul now go to Troas? II Cor. 2:12 ______2. How long did he stay in Troas? ______3. What did the church do on the Lord’s Day? ______4. Who fell out of the window and died? ______5. Where was Paul in a hurry to get to? ______6. Who did Paul send to come to Miletus? ______7. How long had Paul stayed in Ephesus?vs 31 ______8. What are some things Paul told the elders? ______9. What did Jesus buy with his own blood? ______10. Describe the scene before Paul left the elders______

U= Uproar in Jerusalem

Acts 21 Review

In Acts 20:22, Paul had just told the Ephesian Elders, “I am on my way to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me.” But Paul went anyway. How many times can we say that about Paul? He did it anyway, knowing the cost!!

In the first few verses of Acts 21, Paul fellowshipped with the people of Tyre for 7 days. After 7 days, families bid him farewell. Paul then went to Caeserea where he entered Philip’s home. This is the same Philip back in Acts 6. He was also a coworker of Stephen who had been stoned while Paul was there giving his approval. Philip could have been very suspicious of Paul, but he accepted him. Philip had 4 daughters were prophetesses. Peter back in Acts 2:17 had quoted from Joel 2, that their daughters would prophesy. Women had been given the gift of prophecy if an apostle had laid hands on them. I Cor 14:23, 31-37. Then a prophet named came to Paul and took Paul’s belt off and tied up his own hands to show how Paul would be overtaken which is later fulfilled at the end of this chapter. After the men’s urging not to go to Jerusalem, Paul told them he is not only ready to be bound but also to die for Jesus at Jerusalem. Let’s look at Acts 9:15. For over 20 years, Paul had preached to thousands, yet hadn’t preached to kings yet. This prophecy would be fulfilled.

Paul arrived in Jerusalem and greeted the believers there. They are excited about all of the great things that had happened among the Gentiles. Quickly the elders told of how the thousands of Jews were “zealous for the law.” They were not to be zealous for the law but Jesus Christ. The law was nailed to the cross. Col. 2:14 The elders even accepted the idea that Paul was going around telling thousands of Jews to abandon being Jewish, but Paul had gone around telling Romans 3:20, Gal. 2:16, 3:11, Romans 2:25-29. An elder could have stepped up and said, “That’s enough, we know Paul and know these rumors are false.” However, the elders told Paul to take 4 men and do a ceremonial cleansing with them.This is old law stuff; Paul should not have done this, but for some reason he did anyway. Maybe I Corinthians 9:20 had something to do with it! The elders wanted Paul to do this cleansing to appease the Jewish Christians. Maybe this was part of the plan. In vs 27 the Jews started trouble with Paul because they saw him, and they accused him of bringing Greeks into the temple. It’s amazing how 27 years before, thousands had been pressing to hear the apostles at Pentecost Acts 2,now many were trying to arrest Paul and kill him. The city was in an uproar. If the charges against Paul were actually true, Paul would have been stoned outside the city gate, but instead they would just beat him to death inside the temple gates. Kind of ironic! Luckily a commander got word of the trouble, he came to Paul, and they stopped beating him. The commander couldn’t get the whole story so he ordered Paul to be put in the barracks. Crowd kept shouting, “Away with him.” Similar to Jesus’ trial years before. Paul then asked the commander if he can speak to the people. We end Acts 21 with Paul about to speak! Acts 21 Review Questions 1. Who took Paul’s belt off and tied up his own feet & hands? ______2. What did Agabus tell Paul? ______3. Did Paul go to Jerusalem anyway? ______4. When the Uproar in Jersualem happened, what did the Jews accuse Paul of? ______5. The uproar was so violent what did the troops do with Paul?______6. Before Paul was taken into the prison, he wanted to do what? ______

V= Valliant Defense Valuable Citizenship Acts 22

Acts 22 Review

Acts 22 is an amazing chapter! Paul told his story on how he became a Christian (from Acts 9) to a Jewish audience ready to kill him. Remember in Acts 22 these are Paul’s words, his account. In Acts 26 Paul also gives his acccount to King Agrippa. The three conversion accounts detail very similar info. When you piece all three accounts together, we gain a better understanding of Paul’s conversion. Listed are a few details learned in the accounts: 3 days blinded, didn’t eat or drink for those days, Paul was praying while Ananais came to his house, Ananais laid his hands on Paul and was filled with Holy Spirit, scales fell from Paul’s eyes, baptism washed Paul’s sins away, Paul was obedient to the heavenly vision.

From these 3 accounts, I have included 3 similar passages encouraging Paul to witness to the world:

Acts 9:15 “But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. Acts 22:14-15 “Then Ananias said: ‘The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth. You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard.” Acts 26: 17-18 The Lord said, “I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles. I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’

Now zoom in on Acts 22:17. Around three years after his baptism, Paul was in the temple praying when the Lord spoke to him again and told Paul, “Leave Jerusalem because the people won’t believe your testimony.” The Lord tells Paul to “Go”, He will send him to the Gentiles. Again, remember Paul is telling this Jewish audience his story, his conversion. When the crowd heard the word ‘Gentiles’ they became angry and said, “Rid the earth of Paul. He’s not fit to live!” The crowd became so mad! The commander ordered Paul to be taken to the barracks and beaten to get information of him. The moment he was to be scourged/flogged Paul asked, “Is it legal for you to beat a Roman citizen who hasn’t been found guilty?” Everyone froze! They knew you couldn’t touch a Roman! A Roman citizen could not be beaten, flogged, executed or put in prison without a trial! Even more so, Paul was born a Roman citizen. The commander had bought his citizenship! So the next day the commander had to get to the bottom of all of this. So starts Acts 23!

Check out I Timothy 1:12-16 & I Corinthians 15:7-9 too! Acts 22 Review Questions 1. How did Paul identify himself? ______2. Who was Gamaliel? Remember back to Acts 5 ______3. When Paul tells his story, he told the Jews before he was a Christian he used to drag Christian men and women to where? ______4. What time of day did the vision take place?______5. How many days was Paul blind? ______6. Who came to Paul to tell him what he must do? ______7. What does baptism do to your sins? ______Acts 22:16!! 8. When the crowd heard “Gentiles” how did they react? ______n 9. What did the commander decide to do with Paul? ______10. Name 3 things you couldn’t do to a Roman citizen without a trial. ______W=Waiting to Kill Paul Waiting on a trial Acts 23

Pharisee- believes in resurrection, angels and spirit. Paul was a Pharisee. Sadduccee- doesn’t believe in resurrection, angels or spirit. “Sad you see”

Acts 23 Review

We need to include the end of 22 to begin Acts 23. At the end of Acts 22 Paul was about to be flogged when he asked, “Is it legal for you to flog a Roman?”. That question halted everything. The commander got nervous and needed to get to the bottom of Paul’s accusations so the next day the commander brought Paul before the Sanhedrin to question him.

So now we start Acts 23 and Paul began by addressing the Sanhedrin. After Paul’s opening statement, the high priest Ananias ordered to have Paul hit in the mouth. Paul sppke up to Ananias and basically told him you’re two-faced. Hit with one hand and try to obey the Law with the other.

Paul then stirred up the argument between the Sadduccees and the Pharisees when Paul admitted he’s a Pharisee. Pharisees believed in the resurrection. The discussion escalated, and the commander had Paul taken back to the barracks. In jail, the Lord stood next to Paul and told him to “Take Courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem you will also testify about me in Rome.” Let’s look at II Timothy 4:16- 17! Paul’s journey would continue on.

The next morning a group of 40 Jewish men made a vow to kill Paul, and they wouldn’t eat or drink until they had done so. What is crazy is that the chief priests and elders were even apart of it; helping the plan reach its fruition. In vs. 14-15 Paul’s nephew heard about the plot and told Paul. Paul has his nephew taken to the commander where the nephew tells the commander all about the plot.

The commander took matters into his own hands and formed a small army to escort Paul to Caesarea to meet the governor. Caesarea is the headquarters of the Roman forces and the home of the governor. The group consisted of 200 soldiers, 70 horsemen and 200 spearman. 470 Roman guards! They left at 9 pm that night.

It’s funny that the commander’s letter put him in a good light. The letter doesn’t mention the almost flogging but instead how he “rescued him.” The letter was given to governor Felix and he told Paul that he would “hear your case when your accusers get here.” So he was put under guard in Herod’s palace.

Acts 23 Review Questions 1. What 2 groups of people got mad at Paul’s testimony? ______2. What do the Sadducees not believe in? ______3. During the night who talked to Paul in his prison cell? ______4. What promise did the Lord make to Paul? ______5. Who overheard of the plot to kill Paul? ______6. How many men made a plot against Paul, and what was their vow? ______7. What soldiers escort Paul to Caesarea? ______8. Who was the governor at this time?______

X= Excuses from Felix

the Way-name of followers of Jesus or the church

Acts 24 Review Paul is in Caesarea; being held in prison and waiting on his accusers. Five days later, Ananaias (high priest), elders of Sanhedrin and a smooth talking lawyer name Tertullus went down to Caesarea to bring their charges there. They went down meaning in “elevation from Jerusalem to Caesarea”. Tertullus gets up and basically tries to smooth talk the governor Felix. Tertullus says Paul is a troublemaker, ringleader of the Nazarene sect, and destroyer of the temple. Paul then is able to speak. He basically says ‘none of the charges brought up against me are true and you can verify that’. But he said he was guilty of one thing; being a follower of the way. Governor Felix after listening to Paul tells him, “When Lysias the commander comes, I will decide your case.” That never happened. Paul was kept under arrest with freedom to have his friends visit and take care of him. Early in his imprisonment, Felix and his wife Druscilla wanted to hear Paul. These verses show the non-conversion of Felix. Paul challenged them about 3 things: 1) righteousness, 2) self-control, 3) and judgment to come. These words scared Felix. He even told Paul when I have time I will send for you. Felix gave Paul 3 excuxes. Paul was held captive for 2 years in Caesarea before the next governor took over.

Acts 24 Review Questions

1. Were any charges made against Paul true? ______

2. Who was Paul’s lawyer? ______

3. Was the governor Felix familiar with the Way?______

4. What was Felix’ reaction after he heard Paul speak? ______


5. What were Felix’s excuses? ______

6. How long did Paul stay in prison? ______

7. Who took over after Felix? ______

Y=Yoke of bondage and reviewed by Festus

“I appeal to Caesar!”

Acts 25 Review Three days into his new governship Festus goes to Jerusalem to meet with the men there. The first thing the chief priest and the Jewish leaders do was to bring charges up against Paul. They urgently reguested Festus to have Paul brought to Jerusalem where they could ambush and kill him. Festus, interestingly enough, told the Jewish leaders to come to Caesarea to accuse Paul. Back in Acts 23, the 40 men brought their murder plot to the council, but this time the plot began with the council! Now back in Caesaera Paul stands before his accusers and Festus. The accusers brought serious charges against Paul in which they couldn’t prove. Paul was then allowed to speak. He said that he hadn’t done anything wrong against the law, the temple or against Caesar. Then he said, “I appeal to Caesar!” The right to appeal to Caesar was one of the basic rights of Roman citizenship. The Caesar at this time was Nero. It wasn’t until six years later that Nero began his persecution of Christians. King Agrippa & his sister Bernice came to give their respects to the new governor Festus. Agrippa’s father was I in Acts 12 who killed James and tried to kill Peter. Great-grandpa was Herod the Great who killed all of the male babies during Jesus’ birth. ** Matthew 10:18- 20, Acts 9:15! Festus tells the King he has found nothing deserving of death with this fellow. He even tells Agrippa “Paul could have been sent home if he hadn’t appealed to Caesar.” Festus had no charges to write to the Caesar to tell about Paul’s account. Festus basically needs help; he doesn’t want to send Paul on without specifying the charges, and he needs Agrippa to help him with the charges. Acts 25 Review Questions 1. After 3 days, where does Festus go? ______2. What favor did the Jewish men ask of Festus? Did Festus do it? ______3. How long did Festus remain in Jerusalem? ______4. What was Paul’s response to the charges brought up against him? ______5. A while later, who came to visit Festus? ______6. What promise of Jesus was fulfilled that day? Acts 9:15 ______7. Did Festus declare Paul innocent before the audience? ______8. Did Festus have charges to send with Paul to Rome? ______Z=Zealous before Agrippa Acts 26

Paul was very “zealous” before King Agrippa. He was brave, excited and passionate. After Paul’s sermon, Agrippa asks Paul, “In such a short time do you think you can persuade me to be a Christian?” Paul says, “Yes, short time or long.” Agrippa says, “This man could have been set free if not appealed to Caesar.” Paul was on trial before 1) Felix 2) Festus 3) Agrippa In Acts 22 and Acts 26 Paul describes how he became a Christian from Acts 9! Acts 26 Review questions 1. Why was Paul happy to speak before Agrippa? ______2. Why would it be important that Paul shared his past with them?______3. Why did Paul call it an obsession? ______4. Why do you think Festus got so upset? ______5. If Agrippa admitted he believed the prophets, what would it have provedn ? ______6. What was the final verdict about Paul? ______

AA= And begins the trip to Rome

Acts 27 Review Because of Paul’s appeal to Caesar, Governor Festus sent Paul on a ship to Rome. He was guarded by a centurion named Julius, who showed Paul kindness. At Myra, they changed ships and now have 276 men on board. This was a ship from Egypt carrying grain to . Egypt was the leading importer of grain. It was getting late in the sailing season. In verse 9, we learn that was past the Fast. This is the Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement was the day when the high priest would take two goats. He would sacrifice one goat for the sins of Israel, and the other goat he would place his hands on the goat’s head and confess the sins of Israel. The goat would then be let go, and this is where we get the term “scapegoat.” Bad winds blow them off course, and they have to throw their cargo and tackle overboard. In verse 17, the sandbars of Syrtis are apparently a ship graveyard off the coast of North Africa. For days, the men do not see the sun or the stars. Then Paul informed them how an angel of God spoke to him the night before. The angel had given Paul strength and courage. Paul told them to eat and take courage no one will die if they stay together. On the 14th night of the storm, the sailors sensed they were getting close to a shore. Just before dawn, Paul urged them to eat to regain strength. Then Paul prayed and ate bread in front of them. The ship took a beating, but all of 276 men swam or floated to shore safely.

Acts 27 Review Questions 1. Who was in charge of Paul on the trip? ______2. What special privilege was Paul granted at Sidon in vs 3? ______3. Why did they want to leave Fair Havens?______4. What reassurance did Paul give the men (vs 23)? ______5. How deep was the water at the first and second sounding? ______6. How many men were aboard the ship? ______7. How were the men enouraged by Paul? ______8. What did the soldiers want to do to the prisoners, and who saved them? ______9. How many of the 276 made it to shore? ______

BB=Bearing the Cross to Rome

All of the 276 men got to the island of safely. The people on the island were very kind to them. They started a fire, and a viper latched on to Paul’s hand. He shook it off and threw it into the fire. The islanders thought he must be a god to survive a shipwreck and then viper snake bite! After Paul healed Publius’ father, the entire island came to him to be healed. They set sail again three months later and arrive in Rome. For 2 years Paul was under house arrest. He had his own guard in his house, and visitors could come and go. Paul used this time to preach, teach, and write Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. The book of Acts ends with Paul proclaiming God’s word with great boldness!!

Acts 28 Review Questions 1. Why did the people of Malta think Paul was a murderer? ______2. After Paul healed Publius’ father, what happened? ______3. How long did they stay in Malta? ______4. When Paul left, how did the islanders treat them? ______5. Where did Paul stay in Rome?______Who stayed with him? ______6. What does the bible say about who believed during Paul’s lesson? ______7. How is the scripture Paul quoted from Isaiah relevant to today’s world? ______8. How does Luke end Acts 28 about Paul? ______