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Ursinus College Bulletin Vol. 18, No. 6, March 15, 1902

Mary E. Markley Ursinus College

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Readings From Harbaugh, 139 A Bit of Romance, 143 Secret Success, 148 . The Unknown Figure, 154 Editorials, 156 Y. M. C. A., 158 Club Notes, . IS8 Freshman Declamation Contest, IS9 Concert, 160 Valentine Fete, 160 School of Theology Notes, 161 Alumni Personals, 161 A Book Review, X62 Price 16 Cents. $1.00 per Year. GET THE BEST Paul E. Wirt

Fountain Pen Unconditionally guaranteed. Reputation world-wide. If your dealer don't have them, write for catalogue. PAUL E. WIRT, Bloomsburg, Pa. E. A. Krusen, M. D. Dr. S. D. eornish, DENTIST COLLEGEVILLE, P A. ..<...,;;=-=--__€ollegeDille, Fa. Office Hours until 9 A. M. JOHN L. BECHTEL Up·TO·DATE CLOTHING -AND- eol!egeville, 1'a. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS ru«nITurrr~ SWEATERS made to order ~WfiREITOOnS liENRY PAGEL 46-48 E. Main St. PICTURE FRAMING Norristown, Pa.

Wm Merkel Practical Barber L. M. LOWNES • Collegeville, Pa. The only Hat nanufacturer Having worked in some of the leading shops MONOGRAM HATS and CAPS in . and Europe. I feel confident that I can please the most a specialty particular in my line of husiness. HATS SOLD FROM MAKER TO WEARER Give me a trial and be convinced. RAZOR SHARPENED. 25 CENTS 37 E. Main Street CIGARS AND TOBACCO RAILROAD HOUSE H.L.NYeE and RESTAURANT DEALER IN WM. H. STROUD, PROP'R COLLEGEVILLE, PA. MEN'S FINE SHOES ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS LIVERY CONNECTED 6 E. Main St., Norristown KEYSTONE AND BELL PHONE. URSINUS COLLEGE




URSINUS SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY. 3260 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Rev. Jas. I. Good, D. D., Dean. Stands by the old landmarks in doctrine, in cultus, and in criticism. Course of study, three years, embracing the subjects offered in the best Theological Schools in the country. Special advantages in Reformed Church History and Methods of Church Work. Opportunities for mission work in Philadelphia. Students graduated with the degree B. D.


Classical, Mathematical-Physical, Chemical-Biological, Historical-Political and Modem Language courses, all leading to the A. B. degree. Progressive grouping of subjects in different courses. Limited elective privileges after foun­ dation of a liberal education. Instruction in leading departments by special­ ists.

URSINUS ACADEMY. C. Ernest Dechant, A. B., Principal. Thorough training for college. General English education. Instruction in Latin, Greek, Mathematics and English by college instructors. In addition to the English branches and the elements of science, shorthand, typewriting and bookkeeping are taught. FACULTY AND INSTRUCTORS.

REV. HENRY T. SPANGLER, A. B. and A. M. (URSlNUS), D. D. (Heidel­ berg), President and Professor of Church Polity. J. SHELLY WEINBERGER, A. B. and A. M. (Yale), LL. D. (URSINUS), Dean and Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. REV. JAMES 1. GOOD, A. B. and A. M. (Lafayette), D. D. (URSINUS), Dean of Theological Faculty and Professor of Dogmatics, Practical Theology and Reformed Church History. ALCIDE REICHENBACH, A. M., Professor of German and French. REV. JOHN H. SECHLER, A. B. (Franklin and Marshall). A. M. and D. D. (URSlNUS), Professor of Church History and Apologetics. REV. WILLIAM J. HINKE, A. B. and A. M. (Calvin), Professor of Old Tes­ tament Literature and Exegesis. J. LYNN BARNARD, B. S. (Syracuse), Ph. D. (Pennsylvania), Professor of History and Political Science. WILBUR MARSHALL URBAN, A. B. (Princeton), Ph. D. (Leipzig), Pro­ fessor of Philosophy and Psychology. HENRY V. GUMMERE, S. B. andA. M. (Haverford), and A. M. (Harvard), Assistant to the Dean, Professor of Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy. REV. PHILIP VOLLMER, Ph. D. (University of Pennsylvania), Professor of German Homiletics and New Testament Greek. JOHN RAYMOND MURLIN, B. S. and A. M. (Ohio Wesleyan University), Ph. D. (University of Pennsylvania), Professor of Biology and Chemistry. KARL JOSEF GRIMM, Ph. D. (Johns Hopkins University), Acting Professor of Modern Languages. REV. WHORTEN A. KLINE, A. B .• A. M., B. D. (URSlNUS), Instructor in Latin and English Bible. IRVILLE CHARLES LECOMPTE, A. B. (Wesleyan), Instructor ofthe Eng­ lish Language and Literature. C. ERNEST DECHANT, A. B. (Princeton), Principal of the Academy and Instructor in Mathematics and Physics. GEORGE LESLIE OMWAKE, A. B. and A. M. (URSlNUS), B. D. (Yale), Lecturer on the History of Education. GERTRUDE F. BUNNELL, M. E. (National School, Philadelphia), Instruc­ tor in Elocution. JULIA THERESA WILSON, Director of Department of Music and Instructor in Piano. EDITH OVERHOLT McCAIN, Instructor in Violin and Mandolin. FLORA A. MESSINGER, Teacher of Painting and Drawing. SOPHIE H. CASSELBERRY, Teacher of Stenography and Typewriting. ELLA B. PRICE, B. s. (URSINUS), Librarian.

For Catalogues and other information, address the Deans of the Depart­ ments, or the President, REV. HENRY T. SPANGLER, D. D., Collegeville, P •. ~~~ (ea~ing Pf?otograpqers ~030 ([~e5tnut Sf. p~Habelp~ia, pa. THE eHAS. H. ELLIOTT CO. Works: 17th and Lehigh 'Avenue Salesroom: 1527 ehestnut Street Philadelphia, Pal (tommencement 1Jn"ttattons .iI (t(ass 'IDa\? ~rograms CLASS AND FRATERNITY STATIONERY FRATERNITY CARDS AND VISITING CARDS MENUS AND DANCE PROGRAMS BOOK PLATES CLASS PINS AND MEDALS CLASS ANNUALS and ARTISTIC PRINTING

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Volume XVIII. MARCH, 1902. Number 6.


"0 wer wollt net en Deitscher sei, En Pennsylvanier meen ich awwer, En Deitscher bray, un en Deitscher frei, Doo sei es Schtadtler odder Bawwer? Dann lacht juscht fort ihr englich Volk, Ihr meecht eier dumme Schpuchte dreiwwe, Gebt uns juscht Schpeck un Graut genunk, Dann wolle m'r luschtig Deitsche bleiwwe." Pennsylvania Germandom has produced some illus­ trious men. It has given us Conrad Weiser, the great interpreter and diplomat. It has given us Christopher Sower, the pioneer publisher of America. It has given us Henry Melchoir Muhlenberg, the apostle of Luther in the wilds of the new world. Michael Schlatter, the great organizer of the Reformed church, David Rittenhouse, the astronomer and mathematician of world-wide fame, and John Peter Muhlenberg, the fighting parson of the Revolution, are numbered among its sons. Though proud of such an array of men of great achievements, the Pennsylvania Germans cherish with as great a pride and reverence the name and memory 140 URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN.

of one who laid the foundations for a literature peculi­ arly their own. The dearth of half a century ago in this branch of their efforts has been relieved. Writers have arisen on every hand to meet this deficiency. But, of them all, Henry Harbaugh has alone risen to the position of a poet of renown. He is the pro­ mulgator and exponent of "Dutch" verse. Waynes­ boro, Franklin County, claims him as her son. His great-grandfather, Yost Harbaugh, came from Switzer­ land to America in 1736 and settled in Berks County. From the latter the numerous Harbaugh families throughout the country have sprung. Henry Har­ baugh's father and grandfather were plain, frugal, industrious tillers of the soil. His simple life on the farm during his childhood, youth and early manhood was to influence his poetry of later years very percep­ tibly. After completing a course in the Theological Seminary at Mercersburg, in 1843 he was ordained to the ministry, in which he served twenty years, when he was elected to a professorship at Mercersburg. His death occurred December 28, 1867. This singer par excellence of the Pennsylvania Germans was a man, whether considered as preacher, pastor, theologian, poet or professor. Besides many English works of his, our notice is particularly called to Dr. Bausman's collection of his Pennsylvania German poems known as "Harbaugh's Harfe." This unique harp gives us an excel­ lent representation of the family and folk-life of the Pennylvania Germans. Beautiful scenes are selected URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. 141 from the cradle to the grave, from the farm, the school and the church. Many peculiar customs are portrayed. The poem which is undoubtedly the most popular of this collection is "Das alt Schulhaus an der Krick" (The Old School-House at the Creek) whose first lines are familiar to many a one- Heit is's 'xactly zwanzig Johr, Dass ich bin owwe naus ; Nau bin ich widder lewitg z'rick Un schteh an Schulhaus an d'r Krick, Juscht neekscht an's Dady's Haus. Do bin ich gange in die Schul, Wo ich noch war gans klee' ; Dort war der Meeschter in seim Schtuhl, Dort war sei' Wip, un dort sei' Ruhl,- Ich kann's noch Alles seh'. A distinct strain of melancholy and meditation runs through this as well as many others of Harbaugh's poems. The description of the schoolhouse and its surroundings, of the games played during the dinner hour, of the stern, severe master and of the annual custom of locking out the teacher at Christmas time recall in Harbaugh a superb and wonderful strain of revery, with which he closes the poem. Gut bei! alt Schulhaus-Echo kreischt Gut bei ! Gut bei ! zurick ; o Schulhaus ! Schulhaus ! muss ich geh ; Un du schtehscht nor'd do allallee '; Du Schulhaus an der Krick! "Heemweh" (Home-Sickness) is another of his masterpieces. His yearly trip to the old homestead awakens within him the memories of bygone days 142 URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN.

and he is young again. "Die alt Miehl" (The Old Mill) is replete with similar passages of recollection. This reverence for the memories of the past is ac­ companied by a scathing denunciation of customs just sprung into being. In "Die Neie Sort D'schent'lleit" (The New Leisure-Class), Harbaugh ridicules with his accustomed vigor the growing stylishness among farmers and incidentally moralizes in this wise: Vor Alters war es als en Sinn un Schand, Meh' Schulde mache as m'rzahle kann; Sis net meh so : m'r gebt juscht notis dorch die Editors M'r het gec1os't, un dhet cumpaunde mit de Creditors. Wer so betriegt, der is en Dschent'lmann. "Der Kerchegang in Alter Zeit" (Church-Going in Olden Time) compares church-going in the past with that of the present in several striking passages. We must notice two more characteristics of Har­ baugh. He was a lover of nature. "Der Pihwie" and "Der Rejeboge" (The Rainbow) show how deep­ ly he loved all her handiwork. Pihwie, Pihwie, Pihwittitie! Ei, Pihwie, bischt zerick ? Nau hock dich uf der Poschte hi' Un sing dei' Morgeschtick. All of Harbaugh's poems tingle with light touches of humor. "Der Be1snickel" and "Lah Bisness" are worthy illustrations of this characteristic. The simplicity of his language, the wide range of his subjects, his delicate humor and unlimited amount of true emotion have made Harbaugh the fireside poet of the Pennsylvania German. J. H. POORMAN, 1903. URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. 143


He looked about timidly. Then he slowly walked up to the girl seated at the desk and asked when Prof. Van Holt would be in his office. The girl wheeled around quickly and answered-"Mr. Van Holt is giv­ ing a lesson in his studio now, and," glancing at the clock, "will be here in twenty minutes." The old man with a courteous inclination of the head moved feebly to another part of the room to wait. With all his outward dignity of carriage his steps were slow and indecisive. With his gold headed walking stick he kept up an incessant but noiseless tap on the heavy carpet. Now and then an emaciated hand on which could be seen every blue vein, tremulously stroked his long white beard. His nervousness was becoming more noticeable when the door of the adjoining room opened and a happy-faced girl followed by the music teacher appeared. With a cordial goodbye to his pupil, Prof. Van Holt turned inquiringly to the newcomer. The old gentleman arose and with old time politeness intro­ duced himself as Colonel Wetmore. "I have come to make arrangements for violin in­ struction", he continued. The teacher was all attention and answered his visi­ tor's questions concerning hours and prices concisely and cheerfully. "Colonel" he said, as an after thought, "you failed I44 URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN.

to tell me whether my prospective pupil is a young woman or a gentleman." The colonel seemed somewhat nonplused. "My dear sir, have you misunderstood me? It is I, who wish to receive instruction from you." For just one moment the musician seemed dazed. He looked thoughtfully at the man in front of him. Though stately and dignified yet he carried the out­ ward signs of his seventy years, the pitiful tremulous­ ness of age was upon him. In a tone of hesitation Mr. Van Holt replied. "My dear Colonel it would be useless for one of your age to attempt to master the violin. It is an in­ strument which requires years of devotion before it repays the devotee. Believe me, you would not find that your efforts would be properly repaid." At the words the light died out of the old man's eyes. The excitement which had brightened his face was succeeded by a look of utter disappointment and hope­ lessness. Then with a shrug of his shoulders he was himself again, ready to plead his case. "Prof. Van Holt, the desire to master the violin has been the one pleasant prospect of my life. When I was a boy in Kentucky I used to play the fiddle and watch the darkies dance to the music. Then came the war and afterward I left the plantation and came north to make money. Last year I finally dis­ posed of all my business interests and determined to realize the one unsatisfied wish of my life. My chil­ dren are all married and gone, I have nothing." * * * URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. 145

The words were spoken with surprising eloquence but here and there a suspicious quaver caused a mom­ entary hesitation. The Colonel's fine eyes rested in­ terrogatingly upon the Professor's face which showed faint signs of an inward struggle. Then as if afraid he might succumb to their mute appeal, Van Holt ans­ wered kindly but firmly. "Colonel Wetmore, I feel as if I should pe doing you an injustice should I consent to take you as a pupil when I realize what would be the result." "Colonel Wetmore bowed slightly as one who had re­ ceived his final sentence, then turned to leave the room. As he was about to open the door, Van Holt glanced that way, and quick as a flash called, "Stop Colonel, suppose you bring your violin around Tuesday at nine and we shall see what can be done." When the musician sauntered into his office at nine o'clock Tuesday, he was not a little surprised to see his pupil already there. What thought he had given to the curious incident during the intervening days had not been the most pleasant. He blamed himself for having so far encouraged the old man, but ex­ cused himself with the hope that he would not appear. At Van Holt's approach the Colonel arose with a cheery good morning. From an old fashioned case he was clumsily taking a violin. "1 wanted to learn on the old fiddle," he said half apologetically, "so I had an old music dealer restring and fix it." The master took the instrument reluctantly, glanced 146 URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. at it and started. Without a word he crossed to a window and examined the violin carefully. Then he drew a long breath. Colonel, do you know that you have here a famous violin? It is without doubt a genuine Maggini." Van Holt picked up a bow and began to play, at first softly and then more boldly, and the pent up harmony of years flowed out upon the air. Then with a final triumphant chord he strode toward the old man. "We will begin." An hour's heroic effort on the part of both master and pupil followed. The Colonel's muscles were stiff, his hands were awkward; above all, his long white beard persisted in becoming entangled with the violin strings. Results were not promising, but the old man's patience was touching. The next lesson proceeded little better. Despite all efforts to the contrary, the beard would be in the way. Finally at Van Holt's suggestion it was pushed under the Colonel's vest. For a time the difficulty was solved, but when the old gentleman became ex­ cited, he would suddenly raise his head and the work would be undone. "That beard will have to come off, Colonel, you can't do any thing with it." The old man's face flushed. "I won't part with it, but I'll fix it," he muttered between his teeth. When next the Colonel appeared in the studio, his URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. 147

beard was neatly tied by a black ribbon. Ordinarily such a sight would have excited Van Holt's boisterous laughter. Now, however, he looked upon it not as funny but as pathetic. The Colonel's ceaseless prac­ tice and toil had told but little in his handling of the bow. Despite his most careful attempts, every move­ ment across the strings betrayed the nerveless hand. Time after time he tried to do the one simple exercise perfectly; time after time he looked in vain for the master's approving glance. Patiently he toiled through the hour on the monotonous round of exercises and wrist movements. As he put the violin in its case, he smiled faintly. "You'll teach me how to play yet, Professor," he said. * * * * * Two days later, in the morning paper, Van Holt read of Colonel Wetmore's death. In a long list of legacies, one line stood out clearly-To Prof. Van Holt one violin, A Maggini. The account which fol­ lowed the list was a glowing encomium on the dead man's family, his business integrity and virtues. One thing only the reporter had missed-the one bit of romance in the old man's life. MARY E. MARKLEY, 1902. 148 URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN.


It was a beautiful evening in June. Richard Har­ ley was riding slowly along a dreary road in the Blen­ dale Valley. He had often followed the windings around these rocks and hills when they gave inspira­ tion, but to-night his mind was absorbed by a serious difficulty. At times he would rise in the stirrups and would give vent to his indignation in an emphatic exclamation. "I knew that when the time came he would find reason to stop my education." Richard looked around half fearfully, he had been talking aloud. Soon his mind began to wander. College-Freshman-Football with many other pleas­ ant anticipations passed before his eyes. "No, let me not think of this! I am doomed to the shop; his will is law." "0 God! Would that I never were born! I cannot be a slave among those dull, dead tools." "He hates Frances-he will never spend his hard earned dollars for her welfare ?' , , 'Ah ! Is that all? Is this his ground for refusing assistance ?" It was long past the time of his engagement, when Richard finally rode up to the home of Frances Carmor. Frances Carmor and her mother had had a hard time to provide for themselves since the death of the father four years before. A friendship formed at public school between Richard and Frances had grown stead­ ily with the years. Frances continued her education URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. I49 at the Girls' Training School and returned in a few years, a young woman loved and respected by all. Richard left to prepare for college and though he was considered a young man of some genius he was too re­ served to win the friendship of acquaintances. Those dull years of preparation were brightened only by an occasional letter from Frances. Then, too, many pleasant hours of vacation were spent in her company along the sunny hillsides of Blendale Summit. An­ other vacation was here and Richard was face to face with the first great crisis of his life. Frances knew that Richard was not in a good humor as soon as he entered the room. Both sat in silence for some time, then Frances began: "How did you succeed in painting a sunset ?" "Very well, thank yo u,-I have several a t­ tempts at drawing which you might be pleased to see." "Can you assist me some day next week to prepare a design for our lawn party invitations ?" The lawn party when Frances entertained her young friends was considered the most joyous event of the year in Blendale society. "I shall gladly assist if father permits." If father permits? What could this mean? Frances did not wish to press the question, but finally a time was agreed upon for the preparation of the design. The cold, formal tone of Richard's response made his hostess study her questions with care. Several times during the evening Richard tried to be agreeable but it was only for a moment. Restless, tired, disgusted, IS0 URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN.

he knew that his company was not agreeable and was soon on his way home. It was quite natural that Nelson Harley, a man of wealth and education, should desire his son to have the best educational advantages. With this end in view a college course was planned. Richard's preparatory course, however, had been unsatisfactory, and what was worse "his ambitions were wrapped up in a piece of calico," as Nelson was wont to remark. Richard was going to ruin his education and impair his future prospects by clinging to a Carmor. It was a well known fact that Mr. Carmor with all his keenness of in­ tellect was unable to support his family and died on the verge of insanity. Mrs. Carmor, too, was by no means strong; most of her life was spent brooding over the sorrows and misfortunes of others. Nelson's obstinate spirit would not sanction the marrIage of his son to a child of such parents. Richard would have to be taught a lesson. Mrs. Harley although inclined to sympathize with her son, did not dare to express her feelings. Richard was left to work out his own fate-he alone must decide whether he would continue his friendship with Frances and be forced to the shop or give her up and enjoy four years of col­ lege life. As he sat brooding over the situation he thought of four years of pleasure in contrast to many years of home made happy by her whom he had dared call his. Richard set himself with surprising vigor to the carpenter's tools. He soon showed a natural ability URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. 151 to invent, an aptitude for artistic work. He began to neglect society. His visits to Frances became less frequent and their evening walks were entirely aban­ doned. The time for the Carmor lawn party had come. Richard who, on previous occasions had been foremost in all preparations, this time was scarcely mentioned. The other guests had all gathered when Richard Har­ ley arrived. "I am pleased to see you all so happy," he remarked to the lady, at the right. Helen Worth felt a sudden thrill as he spoke. Later, in proceeding to the lawn, Helen felt it rather an unpleasant duty to yield precedence to Frances. In the midst of the gayety Richard uttered a few harsh words to Frances and, without recognizing anyone, left the company. Next Sunday he appeared at church with Helen Worth. At last, thought Mr. Harley, his son had come to see the wisdom of his father's advice. It would not do after all to make the boy a common artisan. When September came Richard was told to prepare for col­ lege. In two weeks he left for Layton. Almost three years had passed since Richard left for college. He had borne the taints of Freshman folly and Sophomore bombast now he was a sedate Junior. Meagre reports of his success at college had been circulated about Blendale. Efficient work in painting and drawing had won for him a prize of twenty dollars. He had ngured in field athletics and had been elected baseball captain. But his real college life was an enigma even to his parents. He shunned 152 URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN.

Blendale society and spent his vacations in comparative solitude. To please his father he occasionly called on Helen. One day in Mayas the village post-master passed the Carmor home, he saw a note which had evidently been dropped. Curiosity led him to read as follows: Gale College, May 25, 1896. Dear Frances : Your kind letter received and I was sorry to hear that you are not well. Your visit to the mountains with your cousin last summer was so refreshing that by next mail I will send you money to accompany her to Glenmore Park. May your health soon be restored-let me hear whether you arrived safely. Your sincere friend, "Dick. " This was necessary fuel to incite the flame. There had been some suspicion that Frances and Richard were secretly corresponding. The news reached Nelson just in time for him to withhold his son's last allowance for the year. Richard was soon informed of the note and his father's radical action. When at the close of the college year Richard came home, not a word was said concerning the incident. Both father and son were too determined to approach the subect. In a few weeks he returned to Layton to accept an office position, by means of which he could finish his course. It was a delightful day in June-a year later. The town of Layton was unusually active. On this day, forty-three young men, among them Richard Harley, were to cast their fortunes into the whirl of busy life. URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. 153

About 9 o'clock in the morning the large auditorium of Gale College began to fill and when the exercises began not even standing room was left. After the necessary formalities Richard, who had taken second rank, rose to deliver the salutatory. As he cast a hurried glance oV'er the audience, Frances' eyes caught his, and every nerve responded with determination. In a clear well measured tone the· speaker began and was soon swaying his audience with an appeal for the beauty and moral elevation in art. He had touched a sympathetic chord in the hearts of his hearers when a sudden glance to a distant corner stopped him and he stood motionless. Was that father and mother? He continued in faltering tones, but soon put greater force in his well modulated voice. When the oration was ended, no one felt like applauding. To follow such words with applause would have been a disgrace. After the diplomas had been given, the audience swayed to the front to extend congratulations. Frances was among the first to greet Richard. He had no more than turned from her when he saw before him his mother and father. After a few words with his son, of whom he was now proud. Mr. Harley asked to meet Frances. As they left the auditorum together they could but vyonder at the development of the day. The plan to overcome Mr. Harley's objections, begun long before at the lawn party, had finally succeeded. C. G. HAINES, 1903. 154 URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN.


It was an ideal day in September. Dame Nature, casting aside all thought of coming hardships, bad robed herself in one of her most gorgeous gowns. Two travellers, James Ashleyand his younger brother Paul, were wearily toiling through dust and heat. Fatigue at last conquered. They sat down to rest. Paul glanced down the road. A figure clad in a long black cloak, closely buttoned, met his astonished gaze. Such a spectacle on a warm day in September was singular. Still peering at the strange figure he softly spoke to his brother. "Why does that man wear an ulster as if it were mid-winter ?" The older brother looked up in wonder. "I see no man, my brother," he replied. The boy buried his head in his hands and pulled his coat more closely about him. "I am cold," he said evasively to his brother's inquiring look. At length they proceeded on their way. The lad tried to forget the figure in black, but in vain. Some­ thing impelled him to look back. The figure was slowly pacing after him. Fear and awe overcame the child. Frequently he rested, only to see the figure at the same distance, moving when he moved, resting when he rested. Languor settled upon the lad. He was able to URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. 155

walk but slowly. His brother passed on until he was almost beyond his sight. Then he turned and called to Paul. "Hasten if thou wouldst cross the Old Kyle Pass before dark, thou knowest the log is narrow and the railing is old. ' , Once more Paul paused. Slowly he turned and ad­ dressed the apparition in a trembling tone. "Who art thou and what dost thou mean by follow­ ing me all this time ?" In deep gutteral tones the figure in black an­ swered, "Not now, not now, later will I tell thee." Weary and worn the child at last reached the Old Pass. The brothers began the perilous passage. James crossed in safety. When about half way across Paul heard the deep gutteral voice of the figure saying, , 'Now will I make myself known to thee." At the same moment he felt the railing gave way. He saw the figure approach with open arms to embrace him. He knew the figure in black. It was Death. D. R. KREBS, I902. I56 URSIN US COLLEGE BULLETIN. Ursinus College Bulletin

Volume XVIII. MARCH, 1902. Number 6.



ASSOCIATES. J. B. LONG, 1<)02. LI'tERARY, - { W. E. HOFFSOMMER, 1903. COI.I.ltGlt NltwS, - - I. M. RApp, 1903. SCHOOL OF THEOI.OGY, - - J. E. STONE, S. T., 1903. ATHLE'tICS, - JOHN LENTZ, 1902. COLI.EGE WORLD, J. E. HOYT, 1904. BUSINltSS MANAGER, - J. LEROY RO'tH, 1903.

Entered at the post-office at Collegeville, Pa., as second-<:lass matter, March 16, 1895.

The most dangerous foes to a successful college course are the little things. The little things are the ones that hinder the development of a well-rounded man. The little things are the means by which the lack of this development is manifested. We realize that colleges are designed to evolve not marvellous in­ tellectuality but culture, and yet we never stop to inquire why there is so much less "sweetness and light" in the life of the average college student than URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. 157 there might be and should be. Look to the little things in college life for the answer. Probably in no place are we sUbjected to more small discomforts, petty annoyances and little troubles than in the college world. Unforseen accidents occur, blunders are made, additional work comes unexpected­ ly-and everything helps to detract from the general serenity of mind. The discouragements and vexations of the hour 100m up so large that the end of all present training is obstructed and lost to view. To every student comes the question whether he shall push aside such annoyances or whether he shall permit them to warp irrevocably his development. Every college man or woman who succumbs to these trifling annoyances helps to make the struggle of his fellow students against them, the harder. One irritable and peevish student may prove fatal to the sweetness and serenity of spirit essential for a good college atmosphere. The best energy of students can no more be put forth in an atmosphere of dissatisfac­ tion and discouragement, than can the tiny blade of grass in the bleak and chilly air of winter. It is cow­ ardly to surrender to the petty foes of our college days. In the world outside there are so many perplexities to be encountered, so many calamities to be borne, so many tasks to be accomplished. We dare not yield to insignificant foes that' 'sweetness and light" which will enable us intelligently to meet the world's problems. 158 URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. COLLEGE WORLD. Y. M.C. A.

TheThirly-fourth Annual Convention of the State Young Men's Christian Association of Pennsylvania was held at Warre n from February 20-23. Our association was represented by two delegates. It seems to be a general verdict that it was one of the best conventions ever held in this State. Some of the features of the Convention were: C. C. Michener's address "The Association Man, What manner of man ought he to be;" "The Revival of Generosity" by Rev. J. 1. Lansing; the Address and Bible Studies of Rev. G. Campbell Morgan. Michener, in his address called attention to the points of weakness in the as­ sociation man and impressed the true conditions for real strength in the work for the Master. The address of Rev. Lansing con­ trasted the great possibilities of wealth in the possession of Christians with the meagre sum contributed for the work of Christ. Immediatiy after his address more than $7000 was sub­ scribed for State work. G. Campbell Morgan gave the con­ vention seven soul-stirring addresses. Those who received his words in the true spirit could not help being uplifted. Many suggestions were made that will make a much greater work possible for us in the coming year.


The February meeting of the Tuesday Night Club was held on the 18th of the month. The subject for discussion was George Crowley's "Tarry Thou Till I Come." Mr. T. H . Mat­ terness, '02 read a critique of the book. The following officers were elected: President, N. D. Bartholomew, '02; Vice-Pres­ ident, A. G. Peters, '03; Secretary, Miss Ebbert, '05; Treas­ urer, F . H. Hobson, '03. The following papers were read before the Audubon Science Club at its meeting on March 4 :-"Bacteria, their Economic URSINUS COLLEGE ' BUIILETIN. 159

Function," W. E. Hoffsommer, '03; "Three Matliematical Problems of Antiquity," O. D. Brownback, '04; "The Recapitu­ lation Theory, Its meaning for Education," Prof. G. L. Omwake. An illustrated lecture, under the auspices of the Audubon Science Club, was given by Charles Hugh Shaw, Ph. D., Prof­ essor of Biology in Temple College, the evening of March II, upon the subject, "From Mount Washington to the Coral Keys." Owing to the necessity 0 f sending the Bulletin to the press it is impossible to give an account of Professor Shaw's lecture in this issue.


The declamation contest given by Zwinglian members of the class of 1905 was held on the evening of Washington's Birthday. This was the fifth contest of the kind held under the auspices of the Zwinglian Literary Society, and was one of the best and most closely contested. Each one of the participants acquitted himself well. The Society has reason to be proud of the show­ ing made by her Freshman members. It augurs well for the future. The first prize, $10 in gold, was won by John B. Price; the the second, $5 in gold, by C. A. Townsend; and honorable men­ tion by C. G. Place. A delightful feature of the evening was the music. Miss Brown's singing was particularly pleasing and well received. The following is the program. VOCAL SOLO: The Swallows, Cowe1Z. MISS ANNA L. BROWN. DECLAMATION: The Assassin's Bullet. ROBERT F. BUTZ, Alburtis, Pa. DECLAMATION: Alexander's Feast. JOSEPH B. MCCONNELL, Philadelphia, Pa. VOCAL SOLO: I Wait fQr Thee, HaWley. MISS ANNA L. BROWN. DECLAMATION: The Diver. RALPH L. MIT.LER, New Tripoli, Pa. 160 URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN.

DECLAMATION: The Hero of the Day. CLARENCE G. PLACE, Eagleville, Pa. VOCAL SOLO: A May Morning, Denza. MISS ANN A L. BROWN. DECLAMATION: Benedict Arnold's Soliloquy. JOHN B. PRICE, St. Clair, Pa. DECLAMATION: La Tour D' Au Vergne. CHARLES A. TOWNSEND, Philadelphia, Pa. PIANO DUET. MISS SHADE, MR. GROSS.


Wednesday evening, Feb. 26, a delightful concert was held under the auspices of the social committee of the college. The program was furnished by Philadelphia aritsts-Mr. Frederick Ulrich, violinist; Mr. Henry A. Gruhler, pianist; Frances Kolb Gruhler, vocalist; Miss Anna Gruhler, reader. Mr. Ulrich, who is a favorite at Ursinus, showed his mastery of the violin in his sympathetic and expressive rendition of Chopin's Nocturne, Opus 9, No.2, and Godard's Canzonetta. Mr. Gruhler's playing was distinguished by remarkable delica cy and brilliancy. His masterful interpretation of the Faust Fantasie by Gounod was enthusiastically applauded by the audience. It is to be hoped that the social committee will pro­ vide more of such pleasant evenings.


For some weeks a committee of the ladies of Collegeville and of the college faculty were making preparations for a fair and supper to be given for the benefit of college athletics. The af­ fair was held on Saint Valentine's day and took the nature of a Valentine Fete. Every one of the committee and of its assis­ tants bent all their energies to make the event a success. Bom­ berger Memorial Hall was tastefully decorated and the booths were arranged in a beautiful manner. Besides candy and novel college souvenirs, vaelntines of various artistic designs were URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. 161 offered for sale. A large number of people were in attendance from the neighborhood and from nearby places. The booths and the supper table were well patronized and about $160 was netted. This sum will materially assist in making the baseball season a success.


The Rev. John F. Carson, D. D., , will preach the sermon to the graduating class at Commencement in May. J. N. Kugler, J. M. Stick and C. A. Waltman were delegates to the Fourth International Convention of the Student Volunteer Movement, which was held in Toronto, Canada, February :26- March 2. Professor Hinke recently delivered a lecture to the student body on "The Most Important Archreological Discoveries of the Last Decade." The lecture was scholarly and instructive. Among recent visitors we noticed the Revs. Ross F. Wicks, Dayton, Ohio; William A. Reimert, Summit Hill, Pa.; Titus C. Strock, Tremont, Pa. ; and Arthur C. Thompson, Saxton, Pa. On Friday, February 28, the Rev. Henry C. McCook, D. D., pastor of the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, this city, de­ livered his illustrated lecture on Ants to the students. Dr. Mc­ Cook is a recognized authority on ants and spiders and his lectue was entertaining and instructive.


The Alumni and friends of the College residing in the Lebanon Valley, assembled in Lebanon, Pa., February 25, and organized the Ursinus College Alumni Association of the Lebanon Valley. The following officers were elected: President, the Rev. 1. Cal­ vin Fisher, A. M., 'S9; Vice-President, the Rev. L. D. Stam­ baugh, S. T., 'is; Secretary, Prof. Hiram H. Shenk, A. M., '99 ; Treasurer, the Rev. J. L. Fluck, A. M., B. D., 'SS. Ex- 162 URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. ecutive Committee, the. officers and the Rev. J. W : Memminger; A'. B:', '84, the Rev. A. H : Hibshman, Ph. D., S. T., 'go, and E. M. Hershey; A ~ B:, '00. A similar organization was formed at Mahanoy City, March &. The officers are: President, the Rev. J. G. Kerschner, S. T.,'98'; Vice-President, the Rev. P. H. Hoover, S. T. '98; Secretary, the Rev. J. S_ Tomlinson, A. B., '00 ; Treasurer, the Rev. Wm. Toennis, A. B., S. T. '97; Executive Committee, the officers with the Rev. _D. W. Ebbert, D. D., '75; the Rev. L F. Wag;rer, A. B., '9I.and S. . P. Brown. '81. The New Salem Reformed Church in York County, Pa., was reopened Sunday, February 16, with_appropriate exercises. The church has been entirely rebuilt. The_ Rev. Geo. Stibitz conducted the services in the afternoon. '84. St. Paul's Reformed Church, Lancaster, Pa., of which the Rev. J. W. Memminger, A. B., is the_ pastor, was sold re~ cently for $15,000. The congregation has purchased a site near by on which the erection of a new edifice to cost $40,000, will be commenced April I. '89. Grace Reformed Church, Newton, N. C., recently pur­ chased a magnificent new pipe-organ. The Rev. W. H. Stub­ blebine, Ph. D., is the pastor. A BOOK REVIEW.

Some time ago there appeared a publication entitled, "Songs of a11 the Colleges" which soon became very popular among our students. Another pub1cation entitled "Songs of Eastern Colleges" has been published which is becoming still more pop­ ular since it contains our "Campus Son&,," as well as the songs of many near by co11eges. The pubhcation deserves much praise and should be in the hands of all of our students. When you buy your ~ CLOTHING from us, you buy your clothing right, not alone in price, but in every essential as to fit, quality and workmanship .. 10 per cent. Discount to Students SHANKWEILER &. LEHR, The Clothiers Allentown, Pa. Jlsthma Cur~

Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Per­ manent Cure in All Cases


There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brings instant relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. The Rev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge, Ill., says: "Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good condition. I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained by putrid sore throat and asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, asthma, and thought you had over­ spoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full-size bottle." We want to send to every sufferer a trial treatment of Asthmalene, similar to the one that cured Mr. Wells. We'll send it by mail POSTPAID, ABSOLUTE­ LY FREE OF CHARGE, to every sufferer who will write for it, even on a postal. Never mind, though you are despairing, however bad your case, Asth­ malene will relieve and cure. The worse your case, the more glad we are to send it. Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MEDI­ CINE CO., 79 East 130th St., N. Y. City. Sold by all Druggists. BURT AND PACKARD Base Ball MEN'S SHOES Outfitters Every pair guaranteed including Patent Leather. If upper breaks Golf and Tennis through before first sole is worn out, we'll allow another pair. Sprint Shoes and Pants PARR BROS. & CO. Sweaters, Jerseys, Etc. Allentown, Pa. Sole Agency

WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWEL&Y Left at Mr. Fenton's Sotre, College­ E. K. TRYON, JR., &CO. ville, will be repaired properly and promptly by 10 and 12 N. 6th St., Phi/a. JEWELER 8. G. RUTH SEND FOR CATALOGUE R~YER~F~R~, FA. Eye-sight Specialist in charge of our Optical Department. FINE READY-MADE ~ Overcoats t Suits and $ Trousers Sam'. D. Crawford

Main and Cherry Streets Sold only by Norristown S.PAGEL Merchant Tailoring a Specialty. 44 E. Main St., Norristown, Pa.

R.N.KECK ~ M! BERKEMEYER LONG OISTANCE TELEPHONE 373 The Miller Organ Is sold the world over on its mer­ its alone. No other organ can equal BERKEMEQER it in excellence of construction. This is the universal testimony of unpreju­ KEeK & eo. diced judgment. We are also selling agents for a PRINTERS number of different makes of PIANOS. COLLEGE STATIONERS Being manufacturers, we are enabled BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS to make prices and terms which are in­ teresting to buyers. Please give us an Hamilton and Ninth Sts. opportunity to quote you prices on our Allentown, Pa. new Keystone Piano. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MILLER ORGAN COMPANY Lebanon, Pa. eollege Text =Books OF EVERY DESCRIPTION W. H. GBISTOGK'S SONS Also Law Books, Medical Books, Scientific Books, Theological Books, Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Dealers In Mc:;VEY 39 N. 13th St., Philadelphia FEED, LUMBER AND GOAL (One door from Filbert Street) COR. MAIN AND SECOND AVE. I want to buy all Books I can find --- Highest Price Paid COLLEGEVILLE, PA. FI WI Scheuren'a SHAVING PARLOR J. H. CUSTER eollcgtvlllt, i'II. Bread and Fancy Cake Bakery The best place in town. Finest grades of .main Street, (Iollege"Ule Tobacco always on hand. FINE CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM IN SEASON