Perot and made a great deal of sense, it can only seem ludicrous in our Perotphobia own day. Ludicrous precisely by Murray N. Rothbard because parties increasingly stand for nothing. This deplor- There has not been such a able fact has been all the more phenomenon in America in my true since the McGovern-era lifetime: the tremendous out- ”reforms” that gutted the very THE EAR pouring, across the country, existence of the party entity, by Sarah Barton across ideologies and parties, and since the TV age brought and across the occupational personalities to the fore. In re- Roy Childs, RIP spectrum; an outpouring of en- cent years, as a result, party Ever since I started my col- thusiasm, of clamor, for H. ”loyalty” has been virtually umn, people have asked me: Ross Perot for President. Of non-existent. How in the world do you know course the ground was prepared In this climate, the average so very much-about the Koch- by the accelerating disgust and voter, not being able to rely on topus, the Crane Machine, and hatred of Washington and of ideological parties, can only fall all other parts of the libertarian the major party establishments: back on one judgment: his or movement? Who the Hell is of George Bush and the Repub- her assessment of the charac- your mole? Who is your Deep licans, of the Democratic Con- ter, of the values, the ethics, the Throat? gress, and of the sneering and strength of will, of the candi- Woodward & Bernstein say biased media elites that have date, especially for the most that they will reveal their Deep for decades cynically manipu- important office of President. Throat when he dies; before lated public opinion on behalf Disgust and anger at Washing- that, they are pledged to keep of the bipartisan Establishment. ton, at the gridlock, the moun- mum. Death releases all bonds. During the nineteenth cen- ting taxes, the enormous deficit, So I too am now free to reveal tury, the political parties func- the steadily declining standard my Big Source, my own Deep tioned as ideological vehicles as of living, the fact that the entire Throat: the late, great Roy A. well as routes to power and mess obviously doesn’t work, Childs, Jr. patronage; parties stood for has been compounded by the Roy has just died, at the age firm core ideologies, and they two turkeys leading the major of 44, weight 477 pounds, in a both educated their members parties: the weak, fumbling hospital, after spending six and were kept in line by those President, unable to construct weeks at the Pritikin Center at members if their leaders were (Cont. page 3, col. 1) (Cont. page, col. 1) tempted to waffle for short- term advantage. And it was precisely because the political parties stood for principles and ideologies that they command- Anarchists in Poland, by M.N.R...... 9 ed the seemingly blind loyalty MY. First Nighter, by M.N.R...... 9 of families of voters. Since 1896, Garet Garrett: Exemplar of the Old Right, parties have been in precipitate by Justin Raimondo ...... 11 decline as ideological vehicles; The Political Trial of Manuel Noriega, so that while in the nineteenth by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr...... 15 century, the idea of ”yellow dog Lawyer Terrorism, by L.H.R., Jr...... 16 Democrats’’ voting Democrat The Family’s Enemy, by L.H.R., Jr...... 17 (or Republican) regardless of The Pretty Bad Empire, by L.H.R., Jr...... 18 who’s on the ticket, of voting for PC Watch, by L.H.R., Jr...... &...... 19 the ”party of my granddaddy,” The Historical Case for Taking Back the Streets, by L.H.R., Jr. ....23 (Perot . . .cont. from R 1) magnificent and to the point: What is needed is not marginal a coherent sentence, changing ”The American people don’t adjustments but radical change his mind on almost everything care about the candidate’s in the system, and such radical by the hour as he anxiously stands on every issue. They change cannot come from searches for political reactions; care about his principles.” Yes! 85-page position papers, but and his slick, evasive, babbling And that’s not simply because, out of the principles and pur- opponent, yoked in an evident- as the smug elites would have poses of the leader-the Presi- ly political ”contract” (rather it, the average person hasn’t dent (if he is, indeed, a leader.) than marriage) to a sinister the patience or the brains to And (2) the people’s instincts ultra-f eminist Lady Macbeth. wade through all the policy are right because they have seen For both candidates, the “neg- papers. For the critical fact is that all politicians repudiate atives” pile up every time they that the instincts of the average their position papers anyway make an appearance or open person are absolutely correct. (“Read my lips!”), especially their mouths. because their positions are not This odious miasma formed heartfelt but only driven by the the necessary conditions for the poll of the moment. And, if so, Perot phenomenon. But it also there is no assurance that the needed a spark to light the President’s position next month prairie fire: the appearance of will be in any way similar to his Ross Perot himself. A self- view today. So that: the only made , Perot slhgs thing for the public to rely on is forth on television, and even their intuition about the basic more in person, as a highly character, principles, ethics, of able, can-do, honest, authentic, the candidate. And for that real person, who can talk sense perception (in contrast to judg- rather than parrot poll-driven ing 40-point nuanced position euphemisms. What a pleasure! papers) the general public is And so the very real charisma probably better qualified than of Ross Perot, a shining light the pundit or policy wonk in- in the bog of the American side the Beltway. political scene. And so, the American public, The Perot phenomenon has in particular the vast middle terrified not only the political class, they who have been rip- elites in both parties, but the ped off by the existing system intellectual and media elites that benefits the elites and the as well. And for good reason: For two reasons: (1) because underclass at their expense, because when and if Perot the various position papers, appalled at the state of Ameri- becomes President, this whole which only Beltway policy ca and the rotten state of its parasitic crew of Beltway pun- wonks care about, don’t mean political “leadership”, have dits, like vast chunks of the a damn anyway. They are all clasped Ross Perot to their swollen Washington bureau- trivial nuanced changes in a bosom. Hungry for leadership, cracy, may well find themselves quintessentially rotten system: they sense in Ross Perot an out of a job, with no role to play tinkering with marginal 2 per- authentic person and a leader in a Perot America. cent increases here, and 1per- equipped to bring us out of the The big attack on Perot is that cent cuts there, simply shifting wilderness. he has not ”been specific on the deck chairs on the Titanic, in- And speaking of leadership, issues”-that is, that he has not teresting only to those chair there is a neglected point about set forth lengthy position papers sitters who get to improve or Ross Perot’s phenomenal as- on all the accepted ”issues.” lessen their positioning in the cent in the polls: that while he Perot’s reply to that charge was hierarchy on the Titanic deck. was doing extraordinarily well 3 July 1992 . before that, his unprecedented walk, his style, his delivery. He audience are truly “Rockwel- skyrocket to the lead coincided marveled at the ideological lian.” Perhaps this is the last with the LA race riots and their cross-section in the audience: stand of the old Rockwellian aftermath. Addled by decades from Right to Left. But there America: the last chance to take of induced guilt-and left-media was one common ground the country back-one of the brainwashing, the voting masses among all the people in that en- key slogans, not coincidentally, had no clear response to the thusiastic gathering. All these of the Perot campaign. horror of the May Days. But Washingtonians were red peo- one thing they did know: it was ple, real Americans, middle Perotphobia up to the President to provide class, small business people, In was inevitable that the some kind of clear, decisive entrepreneurial types, and not Establishment elites, they who leadership. But what did they one blow-dried, yuppie, policy always prattle about ”demo- get from Bush? Inarticulate wonk in the lot. “Murray,” he cracy” but hate any real political fumbling. What did they get said excitedly, “it’s like the participation by the public, from Slick Willie? Ditto. How John Doe Clubs in Meet John would react with horror and did Perot respond? Brilliantly. Doe, the great Frank Capra hatred to the Perot phenom- All Perot said was: ”If I had movie with Gary Cooper.” enon. For their very rule is been President, I wouldn’t have This was the old America, the threatened. And it was also in- sat around doing nothing like Old Republic, which still sur- evitable that they would bring Bush. I would have gone straight vives, which still persists amidst to LA., straight to the scene of the rubble that the dominant the riots, and seen, heard, and culture and the dominant felt myself what was going on. political system have foisted Then I could know what to upon us. do.” This response rings true; Consider the contrast of Ross for it is the same as that of Perot, as exemplar of the Old several businessmen I know- America, to the cynical and rot- the true response of the entre- ten elites in their moral and preneur: who insists on immer- esthetic views. Perot’s denun- sing helfin any situation, so ciation of his Navy colleagues he can figure out what to do. as immoral brawlers, his in- We cannot know if Ross Perot sistence on moral behavior as President will make the right among his close colleagues and decisions in the crises he will employees have all brought face; but we do know that these down unbelieving denuncia- decisions will be authentically tions of “prude” from the his own, not packaged and pro- shocked elites. Liberal elites cessed for him by pollsters and sneer because Norman Rock- handlers. We know he will be well is Perot’s favorite painter. an authentic president. What Well, tough. Norman Rockwell more can we hope for? was not Velasquez; but he was A good friend of mine, inter- a sturdy American in the great out their arsenal of smear, of ested in Perot but skeptical, classical realist tradition, the ”defining,” of hysterical at- recently attended a mighty rally only tradition of art that both tacks. And sure enough: leading for the little Texan in Washing- makes sense and ennobles the parade were the usual ton, D.C. That rally was his mankind. Better Rockwell than suspects, the same Social conversion experience; he is Picasso or Pollock or Mapple- Democrat smearbund that now for Perot all the way. He thorpe: any day in the week! defiled , and, in- notes that true qualities of leader- Norman Rockwell embodied terestingly enough, in much ship emanated from Perot: his the Old America, and Perot’s the same terms. As in the case

4 July 1992 of anyone emerging as a Brit Stalinist Alexander Cock- Republic: That Perot is “para- popular leader who threatens burn denounces Perot as having noid”, believing in ”conspiracy to mount an assault upon the a “militarist-corporatist” ideo- theories” of history. We have corrupt and entrenched Esta- logical outlook, ”reminiscent of already detailed in these pages blishment, Perot has been Italian Fascism in the interwar how ”paranoia” is the preferred hit-and by the same people- period.” But Cockburn’s evi- smear charge by the Establish- with the usual Social Democrat dence for this grave charge rests ment against those who would charges: dark references to on only two points; first, is the expose its machinations and Hitler, Mussolini, the 1930’s et “heavy presence of former mili- concerted actions against the al. ”Hitler” was mentioned by tary officers in his senior eche- persons and pocketbooks of the neocon , by the lons” of Perot’s corporations. rest of society. The fact that malignant neocon shrink Well, Perot himself graduated Perot is willing at least to listen , and from the naval Academy, and to “conspiracy” analyses by strongly hinted at by the New what’s wrong with former offi- both the “extreme Right’’ and Republic smear artist Sidney cers? Presumably, they are hard- the ”extreme Left”-i.e. two Blumenthal. Once again ,in the working and self-disciplined, groups that are not blinded by Social Democrat manner, any admirable qualities in a cor- worship of the current “consen- populist with mass support porate environment. Apparently sus”-marks Perot as admirably who is not a Marxist (such as the Leninist Cockburn is delib- reality-based, as any genuine Lenin or Castro), is automati- erately confusing “military” entrepreneur has to be. cally dubbed a fascist or a Nazi. with ”militarist.” Another great thing about One would hope that after the The other alleged evidence is Perot’s ”militarism” is that it is 200th time such nonsense has also the only support for the private, i.e. admirably paleo- been slung, that the smears conservative complaint that libertarian. Let’s never forget would cease having any effect. Perot favors “gun control.” the heroic private rescue opera- After all: how many non- Perot’s view of how to conduct tion of Perot’s employee- existent Mussolinis, Fraricos, or the war on drugs: for the police hostages in Iran, and its stark Hitlers can be uncovered by to cordon off inner city neigh- contrast to the expensive and these clowns within a year and borhoods (in his home town of ludicrous failure of Carter’s have anyone listen seriously? , and presumably else- governmental rescue mission. Fortunately, it seems that the where), and sweep through Cockburn’s attack on Perot’s public has been immunized to them, confiscating drugs and “conspiracy” analyses reflects the smears, precisely because guns, the idea being that his bitter-end attacks on leftists of their deep and healthy dis- criminals should not be allow- who support Kennedy Assassi- trust of the viciously biased ed to possess guns. Well, it’s nation Revisionism. From Cock- liberal media; the more they true that Perot does not have burn’s Stalinist point of view, smear Ross Perot in their the proper libertarian view of the Oliver Stone-typeleft assas- hysteria and desperation, the the war on drugs (i.e., shut it sination theories are gravely more the voting American down), but then again, who politically incorrect, because public will embrace him. does? Once again, Perot is not they imply that some parts of It is surely no coincidence running against Mr. Perfect in America (CIA, LBJ, etc.) are that the June 15 issues of both November; his two real oppo- considerably more evil than the Nation, the organ of Left nents, Bush and Clinton, are all other parts (e.g. Kennedy)- Social Democracy, and the New for that war, too. And why whereas, in Cockburn’s outlook, Republic, the voice of Right should criminals own guns? all political factions, groups, Social Democracy (i.e. neocons), Cockburn raises another and leaders are equally evil, are almost exclusively devoted fascinating charge against because they are all allegedly to heaping mud on Perot, a sort Perot, a charge that also forms reflections of ”late capitalism.” of antirerot festival. the centerpiece of Sidney Blu- Ronnie Dugger’s attack on In the Nation, unreconstructed menthal’s smear in the New Perot in the Nation is more 5 July 1992 revealing of himself than of his Ihgger is also horrified that even echoes the claim of the target. A long-time leftist all of Perot’s businesses have Ayatollah’s forces that ”the and alleged “populist,” Dugger bem non-union. Great! Of escape was arranged by the waxes hysterical on the alleged course, what this means under simple bribery of jail guards.’’ dangers of Perot’s marvelous our current system is that the Well, gee Sidney, if you’re ever and radically innovative idea of working conditions in Perot’s held hostage by a fanatical direct democracy and “elec- companies have been such that regime, we’ll make sure not to tronic town meetings,” such as the workers don’t want unions bribe any guards to get you free. allowing people to vote on issues to come in and muck things up. And of course, Sidney is in- through “interactive” TV. It is This is supposed to be a problem? censed by the ”populist dema- truly remarkable that an alleg- Dugger’s main charge is the gogy” and big money of Perot ed populist should complain standard reaction by all Perot’s and innovation of direct demo- that “Perot’s electronic town opponents, especially the two cracy. The electronic town halls hall could replace American major parties: that he is ”buy- would “in effect supplant Con- representative democracy with ing the Presidency.” This com- gress as the deliberative body.” the rule by the The Leader, and plaint will be dealt with below. Well, tough, Sidney; it is the a series of momentary mobs.’’ Veteran leftist Robert Fitch spectacle of that very ”delibera- The point is that, in our age of weighs in, in the Nation, with tive body,” its petty despotism high-tech, there is no excuse the gripe that Perot made his and its gridlock, that has driven whatever to continue ”repre- billions from government con- Americans to consider this sentative democracy,” now that tracts. But this means that he radical populist solution. It is direct democracy has become saved the taxpayers money by almost obscene, furthermore, feasible. President Perot could efficiently privatizing the com- for Social Democrat Blumenthal present alternatives to the TV puterization of state to grouse about the abolition of public, they could vote, and and claims. What’s ”the Madisonian system’’ and then Congress could pass the wrong with that? “the concentration of power detailed legislation-and woe The centerpiece of the New the Framers warned against.” be unto them if they would Republic issue is the lengthy Imagine invoking the Framers, defy the basic popular will! smear by Sidney Blumenthal, all of whom, even the scalawag

Dugger grudgingly admits “Perotnoia. ” The ”paranoia, ’I Madison and the evil national- that he likes some of Perot’s :onspiracy theorist, “pararnili- ist Hamilton, are spinning in positions: that elections be held tary” themes are lovingly their graves at the despotic, on weekends; that bureaucrats’ parsed, Perot’s high moral Social Democratic mess their privileges be pared down; that standards are sneered at, and system has degenerated into! former government officials be :he Fitch ” billionaire” And, of course, the anti- prohibited from lobbying for :heme is repeated. As in the case Federalists, arid the Jefferso- foreign governments; that public if Pat Buchanan, Blumenthal nians and Calhounians, are school teachers be tested for xovides a virtual compendium only saying told you so.” competence. But he reacts in if smears of his target. Blumen- No, the ”Madisonian system” horror to Perot’s magnificent hal goes so far as to justify the hasn’t worked, was indeed proposal for a constitutional 4yatollah’s seizure of Perot’s fatally flawed from the very be- amendment that Congress not 2mployees on the bizarre giruung, and needs to be tossed be able to raise taxes unless that rounds that ”EDS (Electronic aside and replaced. Radically increase is approved in a national lata Services) had refused to replaced, not tinkered with. public referendum. Magruficent; ‘ulfill its obligations to the Ira- Blumenthal winds up, of wondrously paleo-libertarian; uan social security administra- course, with the hint of Hitler; and, above all, a lot better than ion, and the hostages were he likens Perot to ”another the phony balanced budget ield for a ransom equal to the tradition, that of the eccentric amendment that is now the dar- imount stipulated in the self-made millionaire. . .Henry ling of both parties in Congress. -xokm contract .” Blumenthal Ford.’’ “Like Ford,” Sidney goes on, Perot “is a crusader work, thrift, respect for private try, I feel like I’m looking at with a confusion of conspira- property-are not-too-subtly ” during the cies swirling around in his transmuted by the alchemist mid-1980’s. Perot charges that head.” Well, Ford was definitely Blumenthal into ”authoritarian American CEO’s are captured a self-made business genius, corporatism” and the “1930s,” by process, not results: “You and he was an anti-war cru- i.e. fascism. What: no mention don’t get to be chairman of the sader, but he was not an of Hitler? board by building the best car, It is too bad that we live in an the best television set, or the America so corrupt that Blumen- best stereo,” charges Perot thal and the New Republic are perceptively. ”You get to be allowed to get away with this chairman of the board by being swill, with this systematic bear- good at running overhead pro- ing of false witness against their jectors and making staff political opponents. No: as a reports.” Judis discerningly libertarian, I am not calling for concludes that Americans are government censorship, but for enchanted with Perot, not so a social climate in which this much for his heroic rescue, but sort of malicious mud-slinging because they see in him ”an would not be permitted. My industrial genius, who, in his old friend Frank Meyer used to words, will ’have that car jacked call for the public horsewhip- up, the engine out of it, and be ping of this sort of people; at working on it and get it back on the time, I thought he was be- the road!” In short: Problem- ing quixotically aristocratic. solving, action, leadership. Now, I’m not so sure. We need not be kept in sus- In contrast to Blumenthal’s pense to figure out the New exercise in character assassina- Republic‘s own stance: its edito- tion, John B. Judis’s “The Exe- rial, ”The Tempter,” makes all cutive” in the New Republic is too clear that this rag takes its ”authoritarian corporatist”. almost favorable. Judis has long stand with Blumenthal’s Perot- Ford did believe in funny- been one of the most intelligent phobia rather than with the money schemes and he did and certainly the fairest of left- balanced view of John Judis. As sponsor a series critical of The liberal social critics; and his fair the Social Democrats did with International Jew. In a grotesque shake to Perot is also enhanced Buchanan, NR links Perot’s form of guilt-by-association, in by his agreeing with Perot’s alleged ”neo-,” other words, Blumenthal is im- seeming friendliness toward with, oh so terrible, his alleged plying that Perot is anti-Semitic tariffs or industrial policy. But “instinctive, and largely extem- simply because he, like Ford, is in contrast to Blumenthal, who porized, isolationism,” which a self-made businessman and puts down Perot’s differences ”would gravely harm this coun- because he believes in some with GM as grousing about not try’s interests.” It would be forms of “conspiracy analysis.” getting his own way, Judis nice if, some time, the isolation- Grounding himself on this points out that Perot’s main ophobes would tell us exactly jerry-built structure, Blumenthal complaint against GM and whose interests they mean when concludes that Perot ”is really American industry is not the they use the camouflage collec- an archetype from the 1920‘s, evils of Japan but the top-heavy tive term “country.” Certain- playing on Coolidge-era values bureaucratic torpor and arro- ly, my interests would not be to advance his authoritarian gance of American corporate harmed by an isolationist corporatism, which evokes the managerial class. He notes foreign policy, and I dare say 1930s. Thus, ”Coolidge-era Perot’s indictment: “Right this would be true of most values”-presumably hard now, when I look at my coun- Americans. There are some 7 July1992 special interests, of course, embody the very problem that the money of the special in- who would be hurt by the we are suffering from; it is part terest groups, the PACs, or abandonment of the interven- of the problem, not part of the Hollywood. As an indepen- tionist foreign policy that has solution. Only a charismatic dent, he in not beholden to the been conducted for nearly a President can break the grid- political machines of either century at our expense: e.g. the lock, can act, can sweep away major party. In contrast to all interests of export firms, of the the parasitic elites and special other politicians, he is his own bankers who finance them, and interest groups that are crip- man, and he is free: free to of the bankers who invest in pling America and bringing it make his own decisions, to ap- foreign government bonds. dow:n. A Perotvian America is point whomever he believes c The New Republic then rings not iln America in which the are the best advisers and offi- the changes: attacking the elec- New Republic and its ilk would cials, to make his own way and tronic town hall, and accusing flourish. hence the hatred and his own mistakes. To use a Perot of being ”personally vi- the desperation. Hegelian phrase, his vast cious, self-obsessed and verging Arid this brings us to the wealth, and his independent on a paranoid,” a man whose common charge that Ross Perot campaign, allows Perot to tran- ”conspiratorial zeal reminds us is ”trying to buy the Presiden- scend the realm of necessity of a cross between cy.” The charge is not going to and to enter the realm of free- and Oliver Stone.” Oliverism! work, because to the mass of dom. And regardless of the Sounds better and better! The Perotvians, that is Ross Perot’s mistakes he may make, Ameri- New Republic reveals its true glory: as a self-made billionaire, cans can only be the gainers. complaint when it charges that And a point of particular in- Perot believes that what he terest to libertarians: in contrast thinks is true (”certainty about to Democrats and Republicans, his own rightness”)-that’s in he is using all of his own money, contrast to the humble folk at and none of ours. Left-liberals the New Republic? The problem, glonfy the penucious system of says the NR, is that a president matching funds, in which tax- must not only act, he must also payers are forced to contribute engage ”in a dialogue with a to political parties and candi- plurality of interests, voices, dates they may abhor. The Liber- and impulses.” The terrible tarian Party has long had an thing, wails the NR, is that internal debate about matching Perot doesn’t seem to under- funds: should a party devoted stand this ”context,” which is to libertarian principle accept po2i tical. But this ’’pluralist matching funds? The tactical dialogue,” this sort of politics, is problem is complex, but I always precisely what has brought us stood with the “purists,” that to the present gndlock, the pre- whatever monetary\ advantage sent statist mess. The entire would accrue would be more Perot mass movement is a reac- than offset by the LP’s blatant tion against our ”political con- violation of its own principles. text,” and precisely a call for a This year, the Marrou campaign leader, for a President who will as the creator of a new third- decided to go after matching refuse to be a creature of the ticket, H. Ross Perot is not be- funds, but it was too incompe- plurality of special interests and holden. He is his own man. tent to qualify. But think of it: pressure groups that are de- Americans do not complain; Ross Perot, by spending his stroying our country. The New they are happy about the fact own money,. is fulfilling the Republic, and the neocon pres- thilt Perot is spending his own libertarian principle of not rely- sure group that it represents, money. He is not beholden to ing on the taxpayers, a principle 8 July 1992 that the LP itself has abandon- Anarchists in Koslowski, because the latter ed. Ross Perot is not only not asked the court to grant amnesty beholden to special interest Poland for violence committed by the groups; he is financing his cam- by M.N.R. FA in its campaign to stop a paign without imposing upon dam from being built in the taxpayers. Received in the mail: a mimeo- southern Poland. Second, and A final word about the LP, graphed ”News from Poland,” even more charmingly, Korwin- now rapidly self-destructing. the ”world bulletin” of the Mikke reacted strongly against Apart from its various pecca- Anarchist Federation [FA]. an “ecological” campaign to dilloes and craziness, which we FA is apparently a coalition picket fur shops, so as to per- have detailed in these pages, of ”libertarians” or anarcho- suade people not to use the entire LP can now be seen capitalists, anarcho-syndicalists, ”natural animal furs.” This as founded on a strategic flaw: and ”eco-anarchists.” What ”ecological movement’’ is that, when, at some point, the could such seemingly clashing dubbed the ”Community of All people get fed up with politics groups possibly unite on? Ap- Beings.” Korwin-Mikke’s or with Washington, they will parently, many Polish libertar- response: to launch a “com- turn to the LP. In 1980, the first ians are at least as mixed up petitive” pro-fur campaign. wave of anti-government sen- and Left-oriented as Libertarians Hooray: let‘s hear it for the timent, they didn’t do so; in- here at home. What do they Polish UPR! rn stead, the anti-government unite on? Apart from a few such sentiment was siphoned off by sensible causes as anti-tax, and the rhetoric of anti-coerced social insurance, and by the existence of the the litany is all too familiar: Mr. First Anderson third ticket. The hand- counter-culture, ”freedom of lers of the Clark campaign in drugs,” ”freedom of sexlper- Nighter 1980 groused that “if not for versionslpornography,” “the by M.N.R. Anderson,” the LP would have philosophy, fantasylscience fic- gotten millions of votes. And tion,” ”punklhard core music,” Hear My Song now, in the current, even “punklhard core zine,” animal A wondrous, exuberant, very stronger wave of anti- rights, feminism, vegetarianism, funny, and heartwarming movie government sentiment, the pacifism, mysticism, “trans- by the best new director in people are turning, not to the vanguard,’’ ”anarcho-artistic many a moon, Peter Chelsom, LP, but to other, better known activities,” and ”psychic release who also co-wrote the screen- populist instruments: in turn, and alternative ways of life.” play. A richly-textured show- , Pat Buchanan, The one hopeful note in this business film set among Irish , and most of all, Libertarians from Hell move- immigrants in England (pre- Ross Perot. So, instead of ment is that the major enemy of sumably in Liverpool) and in knocking Perot, et al., the more the FA is the heroic and flam- treland, Hear My Song is the thoughtful LPers should ask boyant leader of genuine liber- story, based in fact, of the themselves: why should it ever tarianism, shall we say paleo- return to England of the legen- be different? Why should libertarianism? in Poland, dary Irish tenor, Josef Locke, America ever turn to a crazy lit- Janusz Korwin-Mikke. Korwin- who had had to flee the tax col- tle party with weird positions Mikke, the head of the UPR, lectors twenty-five years before. on a multitude of subjects? It is which the FA refers to variously Marvelously directed with a high time for thoughtful Liber- as the ”liberal-conservative” light and sure touch, the movie tarians to rethink their basic and the “conservative” party, provides the best-ever portrayal strategy, to leave or scrap the took two actions that enraged of Irish rural life and hi-jinks. LP, and to become part of real- the Left-libertarians. First, he The sound-track too, is filled world coalitions for meaning- called for the dismissal of the with wonderful Irish jazz. Ned ful, populist social change. Environmental Minister, Stefan Beatty displays surprising ability 9 July 1992