Lie Algebras and Representation Theory Fall Term 2016/17 Andreas Capˇ Institut fur¨ Mathematik, Universitat¨ Wien, Nordbergstr. 15, 1090 Wien E-mail address:
[email protected] Contents Preface v Chapter 1. Background 1 Group actions and group representations 1 Passing to the Lie algebra 5 A primer on the Lie group { Lie algebra correspondence 8 Chapter 2. General theory of Lie algebras 13 Basic classes of Lie algebras 13 Representations and the Killing Form 21 Some basic results on semisimple Lie algebras 29 Chapter 3. Structure theory of complex semisimple Lie algebras 35 Cartan subalgebras 35 The root system of a complex semisimple Lie algebra 40 The classification of root systems and complex simple Lie algebras 54 Chapter 4. Representation theory of complex semisimple Lie algebras 59 The theorem of the highest weight 59 Some multilinear algebra 63 Existence of irreducible representations 67 The universal enveloping algebra and Verma modules 72 Chapter 5. Tools for dealing with finite dimensional representations 79 Decomposing representations 79 Formulae for multiplicities, characters, and dimensions 83 Young symmetrizers and Weyl's construction 88 Bibliography 93 Index 95 iii Preface The aim of this course is to develop the basic general theory of Lie algebras to give a first insight into the basics of the structure theory and representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras. A problem one meets right in the beginning of such a course is to motivate the notion of a Lie algebra and to indicate the importance of representation theory. The simplest possible approach would be to require that students have the necessary background from differential geometry, present the correspondence between Lie groups and Lie algebras, and then move to the study of Lie algebras, which are easier to understand than the Lie groups themselves.