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Silberman Retiring; THANKS TO OUR PLATINUM LEVEL SPONSOR 41 Years in Education Stu Silberman, the executive director of the Prichard Commitee, announced that he will retire on Sept. 4. Silberman said that diagnosis of a rare kidney disease several months ago Perspectives led him to prioritize VOLUME 26 | FALL 2015 spending time with his family. “I have greatly en- Students Note Postsecondary Obstacles joyed my time with the committee and Report: Income, Unfamiliarity Keep Many From Degrees know the signif- Family background, extra costs, and lack of high published its report, “Uncovering the Tripwires to icant differences it school preparation can be powerful barriers when Postsecondary Success,” in June. The group present- continues to make in the lives of the children,” high school graduates try to succeed in college, ac- ed its work for the first time at a Hugh O’Brien Youth Silberman said in his April announcement. cording to a new report from a group of Kentucky Leadership Conference at Eastern Kentucky Univer- ON PAGE 2: Read a Q&A with Sil- students urging policymakers and educators to ad- sity in Richmond, with follow-up sessions scheduled berman reflecting on his tenure and looking dress the full range of issues that limit students’ col- at various meetings across the state over the summer. ahead. lege prospects. Group members also wrote a series of commen- The Prichard Committee’s Student Voice Team See TRIPWIRES, Page 5 NEW LEADER: Brigitte Ramsey selected as new Prichard director. Story on Page 3. Gates Leader Encourages Ky. Teachers Lexington, Lexington, KY Lexington, Lexington, 40507 KY Permit No. 33 No. Permit 271 W. Short St., Suite 202 Suite St., Short W. 271 PAID U.S. POSTAGE U.S. for Academic Excellence Academic for ORGANIZATION NON-PROFIT Prichard Committee Prichard who we are The Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence is an independent, non-profit, nonpartisan group of volunteers who have worked since 1983 to improve education. The group provides information and materials to ed- Dr. Sue Desmond-Hellman, chief executive officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates ucators, policymakers and citizens across the state on a variety of student Foundation, addressed teachers at the Let’s TALK conference in Louisville in achievement and public school issues. The committee is not affiliated with June. She said that teachers’ input and support on education standards is vital. Kentucky state government. It is named for the late Edward F. Prichard Jr., Desmond-Hellman is pictured, right, in a keynote conversation moderated by a lawyer from Paris, who in 1980 led a citizens’ committee on improving Vicki Phillips, a Kentucky native and director of education for the Gates Foun- Kentucky’s universities. dation. More photos of the conference are on Page 7. VOLUME 26 Prichard Committee 2 FALL 2015 Perspectives for Academic Excellence Silberman Q&A: ‘Excellent Progress, But Still a Long Way to Go’ Prichard Committee Executive Director Stu Silberman announced in April that he will retire from the position effective Sept. 4. Silberman joined the Prichard Committee four years ago after ending a distinguished career in education. In 41 years in educa- tion, he served as superintendent in Daviess County and then in Fayette County schools prior to beginning his work at the Prichard Committee. He was named Kentucky’s Su- perintendent of the Year three times during those years. Above, Stu Silberman speaks with Education Secretary Arne Duncan in Silberman, 64, grew up on Long Island, Louisville. Right, in Frankfort announcing the renaming of the Gover- N.Y., before moving to Tennessee for col- nor’s Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership. lege. He holds degrees from the University of Chattanooga with post-graduate work at ble standards. Kentuckians also must communicate What is a change you expect in the University of Alabama. He and his wife directly and clearly to members of the General As- schools? Kathy have three daughters and two grand- sembly about the importance of investing in educa- I believe we will see more and more personalized daughters. tion to build a strong future for our state. learning. Technological advances will make it possi- He recently answered questions about What are the big next steps? ble to deliver personalized learning at a deeper level his tenure at the Prichard Committee and We recently traveled around the state, meeting than what is now available. what lies ahead. with committee members and other stakeholders, What are your plans after retirement? and we found support for the reforms of 2009 that Well, as I stated in my retirement announcement, Q: How has leading the Prich- mandated new standards and assessments. But there I was diagnosed with a rare kidney disease that will ard Committee added to your ex- also is a need to make some adjustments. The vast require a transplant sometime in the near future. My perience and your perspective on majority of the folks believe in higher standards, a hopes are to delay that for as long as possible to allow education issues? strong growth and evaluation system for teachers, the technology to get even better than it already is. A: First and foremost, working with and an assessment system that lets us know how we So, I plan to focus on making sure I am leading a very the Prichard Committee has given me the are doing is the right direction for our state. But we healthy lifestyle. Most importantly, I am looking for- opportunity to get to know some great peo- must find a way to streamline the evaluation system ward to spending more time with family, particularly ple who care deeply about our kids! We are to make it less time consuming. We must ensure that my granddaughters! truly blessed with a great staff, dedicated our assessments are truly measuring, in a less compli- What are your hopes for the Prichard members, and wonderful partners. Work- cated way, our progress on reaching the higher stan- Committee? ing with these folks has given me a stronger dards. We must make some minor adjustments to our The board made a great selection in Brigitte understanding of the education needs across standards. I also believe that there must be a greater Ramsey as our new executive director, and she will our state. Although we are making excellent focus on postsecondary education to help Kentucki- take us to new heights. Brigitte is a wonderful vi- progress, we still have a long way to go. We ans understand the progress and challenges. sionary, tireless worker, and a great thinker who is must continue to have high expectations for Having served in leadership roles for extremely passionate about kids getting a great ed- our kids and teachers, but at the same time the last 20 years, what is your view of how ucation. It is my hope that by the committee adding provide the support to be successful. this state sees and supports education? postsecondary work to our agenda, we will push a What do citizens need to focus We have become a state that understands and seamless P-20 system to the highest levels possible. I on to help improve education? accepts reform and the continuous improvement it also hope we will continue to advocate for adequate We must all focus on student achieve- brings, and that has helped us move ahead with new funding for our schools, professional compensation ment and ensuring that all children have efforts. I continue to have concerns about the fund- for our teachers, quality early childhood education, the opportunity to receive a great education ing support that our schools receive from the state as family engagement, and student voice. We must take that will allow them to be successful in their compared to other higher performing states. We must an active role in supporting efforts to close the current lives. We must be engaged and supportive invest in our future, and that is just not happening achievement gaps. The Prichard Committee must of our local schools while also holding them now at an adequate level. Of particular concern is the continue to be a major force. accountable for reaching the highest possi- lack of funding for universal preschool. n Read the full Q& A at Prichard Committee VOLUME 26 for Academic Excellence Perspectives FALL 2015 3 since 2012. The nonprofit works with state Ramsey Selected as New Prichard Director leaders on education policy issues. Curl is a graduate of Guilford College and the Univer- Brigitte Blom Ramsey, a longtime education pol- ly Childhood Advisory sity of Kentucky Martin School. She became icy leader at the state and local level, will become Council since 2010. She a Prichard Committee member in 2012. executive director of the Prichard Committee in Sep- holds a master’s degree in “Cory has the perfect mix of public pol- tember, following the retirement of Stu Silberman. public policy from the Uni- icy expertise and experience in education The group’s board of directors chose Ramsey in versity of Kentucky’s Mar- related advocacy. She is committed to ensur- April, shortly after Silberman announced his retire- tin School and undergradu- ing the best education for future generations ment plans. She takes over after Labor Day. ate degrees from Northern of Kentuckians. We couldn’t be happier that Over the past year, Ramsey has served as associ- Kentucky University. Cory has agreed to help lead the Commit- ate executive director of the group, following work at “It is a tremendous tee’s efforts,” Ramsey said. the United Way of Greater Cincinnati and six years honor to have the oppor- on the Kentucky Board of Education and, prior to tunity to lead the next In addition, Perry A.