A Mixed-Method Empirical Study of Function-As-A-Service Software Development in Industrial Practice
A mixed-method empirical study of Function-as-a-Service software development in industrial practice Downloaded from: https://research.chalmers.se, 2021-09-25 15:40 UTC Citation for the original published paper (version of record): Leitner, P., Wittern, J., Spillner, J. et al (2019) A mixed-method empirical study of Function-as-a-Service software development in industrial practice Journal of Systems and Software, 149: 340-359 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2018.12.013 N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published paper. research.chalmers.se offers the possibility of retrieving research publications produced at Chalmers University of Technology. It covers all kind of research output: articles, dissertations, conference papers, reports etc. since 2004. research.chalmers.se is administrated and maintained by Chalmers Library (article starts on next page) A Mixed-Method Empirical Study of Function-as-a-Service Software Development in Industrial Practice Philipp Leitnera,∗, Erik Witternb, Josef Spillnerc, Waldemar Hummerb aSoftware Engineering Division, Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Sweden bIBM Research, Yorktown Heights, New York, USA cService Prototyping Lab, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland Abstract Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) describes cloud computing services that make infrastructure components transparent to application developers, thus falling in the larger group of “serverless” computing models. When using FaaS offerings, such as AWS Lambda, developers provide atomic and short-running code for their functions, and FaaS providers execute and horizontally scale them on-demand. Currently, there is no systematic research on how developers use serverless, what types of applications lend themselves to this model, or what architectural styles and practices FaaS-based applications are based on.
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