Garden City High School Mr. M. Stratis, Esq. Global History & Geography ill

Lesson: NadonaUsm in India and the

Aim: How did nationalism trigger movements to overthrow oppressive regimes in India and the Ottoman Empire?

1. What were the causes ofIndian nationalism?

A. Indian demands for more modernization and greater role in government led to the

rise ofnationalist movements r , B.. Ram Mohun Roy (1772-1833) [known as the "Father ofModern India "] began campaign to move India away from traditional practices and ideas 1. . Demanded an end to practice ofsiai (widow suicide) 2. Wanted changes to caste systemand child marriages 3. Called for adoption ofWestem ways and social reforms C. Nationalist movements developed across India againstBritish rule 1. Indian National Congress (1885) called for self-government 2. Partition ofBengal (1905) split Hindu and Muslim Indians 2. Muslim League (1906) created to protect Muslim Indians D. First World War heightened nationalist activity 1. Indian enlistment in British army led to British promises for reform and eventual self-government once war was over 2. Some political reforms increasing Indian role in government provedto be temporary: Britain did not fulfill her promises 3. RowlattAct (1919) passed to jail protesters without trial 4. Violent protests flared in the Punjab and other regions 5. In response, Amritsar Massacre resulted (400 Indians killed by British troops) and millions ofIndians demanded independence

II. How did bring about self-rule?

A. Mobandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) [Mahatma: "Great Sou['1 emerged as leaderofIndian independence movement 1. Developed new strategy for battling injustice based on Hinduism, Islam and Christianity: satyagraha (civil disobedience) and ahimsa (non­ violence) 2. Indian National Congress endorsed Gandhi's strategy as the means to achieve independence (1920)

1 3. Gandhi called on Indians to boycott British goods (e.g. boycott ofBritish cloth) and schools. refuse to pay taxes and vote in British elections 4. Organized Salt March (1930) to defy Salt Acts (requiring purchase ofsalt from British government only) and won worldwide notice 5. About 60.000 Indians were arrestedby British government B. Government ofIndia Act (1935) provided for local self-government and limited democratic elections 1. Fueled mounting tensions between Muslims and Hindus 2. Indian nationalists felt this was step in direction ofindependence

III. How did nationalism develop in ?

A. Decline ofthe Ottoman Empire (1789-1914) 1. '; Janissary corps (elite imperial guard) meddled with sultanate 2. Attempts to modernize and reform Ottoman state failed (Selim Ill) 3. Greek and Slavic nationalism in Balkans led to self-rule 4. Russia had challenged Turkish power in several major wars: Russo-Turkish Wars (18th-19th C.). Crimean War (1854) B. Mustafa Kemal (1881-1938) [Ataturk: "Father ofthe Turks 'l joined group of Turkish nationalists () in 1908 and overthrew the sultan Abdul­ Hamidll 1. Young Turks failed to bring about satisfactory reforms 2. Kemal organized Turkish defenses in Dardanelles Campaign 3. Developed beliefin Turkish nationalism and identity (implicated in of1915-18) 4. Led political pressure against last sultan Mustafa V 5. Regrouped Turkish forces after Greek invasion of1920

N. How did Kemal's nationalism lead to a new Turkish state?

A. Kemal overthrew sultan and organized Turkish army 1. Defeated Greek army in Battle ofthe Sakarya River (1922) and gained favorable terms in Treaty of Lausanne 2. Sponsored massacres and forced migrations ofGreeks (1.3 million killed). Armenians and Nestorian Christians 3. Agreed to exchange ofGreek and Turkish populations with Greek Prime Minister Eleftherios Venizelos 4. Reduced influence ofnon-Turkish and non-Muslim minorities B. Kemal became president ofnew Republic ofTurkey 1. Abolished religious courts and created new legal system

2 2. Granted. womenthe right to vote and hold public office 3. Launched. government programsto industrializeTurkey 4. Bannedwearingofthefez (Turkishhat) and Islamicveil 5. RequiredLatin script(notArabic) for Turkishlanguage 6. Developedsecularstate based on rule by military and elected representatives