
Supplement to the Journal of Nematology 33(4S):285–288. 2001. © The Society of Nematologists 2001. Effect of -Sudangrass and Velvetbean Cover on -Parasitic Associated with Production in Florida1


Abstract: In a 3-year field study, population densities of Belonolaimus longicaudatus and other plant-parasitic nematodes and yields were compared between potato ( tuberosum) cropping systems where either sorghum-sudangrass ( × S. arundinaceum) or velvetbean (Mucuna pruriens) was grown as a summer cover crop. Population densities of B. longicaudatus, , Tylenchorhynchus sp., and Mesocriconema sp. increased on sorghum-sudangrass. Population densities of P. minor and Mesocriconema sp. increased on velvetbean. Sorghum-sudangrass increased population densities of B. longicaudatus and Mesocri- conema sp. on a subsequent potato crop compared to velvetbean. Potato yields following velvetbean were not greater than following sorghum-sudangrass despite reductions in population densities of B. longicaudatus. Key words: Belonolaimus longicaudatus, cover crop, cropping sequence, Dolichodorus heterocephalus, Hemicycliophora sp., management, Meloidogyne incognita, Mesocriconema sp., modeling, Mucuna pruriens, , Paratrichodorus minor, population dynamics, potato, -knot nematode, Solanum tuberosum, Sorghum bicolor × S. arundinaceum, sorghum-sudangrass, sting nematode, stubby root nema- tode, Tylenchorhynchus sp., velvetbean.

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is grown during the other of plant-parasitic nematodes have been winter-spring months in northeast Florida and is usually associated with potato in northeast Florida (Nguyen followed by a cover crop during the summer months. and Smart, 1975), but their pathogenicity on potato has The cover crop most commonly grown in this area dur- not been determined. ing the past 20 years has been a sorghum-sudangrass Nearly all of the commercial potato fields in north- hybrid (Sorghum bicolor ( L.) Moench × S. arundinaceum east Florida are treated each year with chemical nema- (Desv.) Stapf var. sudanense (Stapf) Hitchc.) (Weingart- ticides, primarily to manage B. longicaudatus and P. mi- ner et al., 1993). The cover crop, valued primarily for its nor (Weingartner and Shumaker, 1983, 1990). Because , is incorporated with the soil after maturity. nematicide applications are a major expense, an alter- Cover crop residues help maintain the integrity of the native cover crop that generates equivalent biomass potato rows by providing protection from soil erosion and weed suppression, and yet is a non-host for impor- until the potato canopy covers the rows (Myhre, 1957). tant plant-parasitic nematodes, would benefit potato In addition, cover crops restrict weed growth during growers. the summer that may increase weed management prob- Velvetbean (Mucuna pruriens (Wallich ex Wight) lems in the subsequent potato crop, or that may serve as Baker ex Burck, syn. M. deeringiana) is a nitrogen-fixing alternate hosts for soilborne pathogens such as Ralsto- tropical . From 1890 to 1930 it was commonly nia solanacearum (syn. Pseudomonas solanacearum) and grown in Florida as a cover crop to add nitrogen to soil, Meloidogyne incognita (Weingartner, unpubl. data). and for animal feed (Clute, 1896; Miller, 1902). How- Sudangrass as a green manure crop has been shown ever, common use of velvetbean in Florida stopped be- to suppress dahliae (Davis et al., 1996) and fore the 1930s (Newell, 1930). Recently, this crop has M. chitwoodi (Mojtahedi et al., 1993) on potato, but received renewed interest in the southeastern United neither of these pathogens is common in Florida potato States for suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes and production. Sorghum-sudangrass as a cover crop sup- other soilborne pathogens (McSorley et al., 1994a,b; presses M. incognita, a plant-parasitic nematode that can Reddy et al., 1986; Rodrı´guez-Ka´bana et al., 1992; negatively affect potato in Florida, but may increase Weaver et al., 1993). population densities of other important plant-parasitic The objective of this research was to study the effects nematodes such as Belonolaimus longicaudatus and Para- of sorghum-sudangrass and velvetbean cover crops on trichodorus minor (Rhoades, 1983; Weingartner et al., population densities of plant-parasitic nematodes and 1993). Belonolaimus longicaudatus is the major nematode potato yields in the northeast Florida potato produc- associated with yield reductions of potato in northeast tion system. Florida, whereas P. minor is important in the region primarily as a vector for on potato Materials and Methods (Crow et al., 2000; Weingartner et al., 1993). Many A 3-year field experiment was conducted at the Uni- versity of Florida Agricultural Research and Education Received for publication 13 September 1999. 1 Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series no. R-07012. A por- Center, Yelvington Farm near Hastings, Florida. This tion of the PhD dissertation by the first author. site was naturally infested with B. longicaudatus, P. minor, 2 Assistant Professor and Professors, Entomology and Nematology Depart- ment, P.O. Box 110620, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. M. incognita race 1, brachyurus, P. zeae, 3 Center Director, University of Florida Agricultural Research and Education Tylenchorhynchus sp., Dolichodorus heterocephalus, Mesocri- Center, Hastings, FL 32145. E-mail: wtcr@ufl.edu conema sp., and Hemicycliophora sp. Soil at the research This paper was edited by S. H. Thomas. site is an Ellzey fine sand (sandy, silicaceous, hyperther- 285 286 Supplement to the Journal of Nematology, Volume 33, No. 4S, December 2001 mic Arenic Ochraqualf) consisting of 95% sand, 2% cores 2.5-cm diam. × 20 cm deep. Nematodes were ex- silt, 3% clay; < 1% organic matter; pH 6.5 to 7.0. Bed tracted from a 130-cm3 subsample using the centrifu- construction and irrigation were consistent with those gal-flotation method (Jenkins, 1964) modified by dou- reported for potato grown in the area (Campbell et al., bling the concentration. Following extraction, all 1978; Rogers et al., 1975). plant-parasitic nematodes were counted with the aid of The experimental design was a split-plot, with whole- an inverted light microscope at a magnification of ×32. plots being cropping treatments and the subplots being Potato were harvested with a single-row mechani- nematicide treatments. Cropping treatments were ‘At- cal harvester and mechanically sized into grade catego- lantic’ potato grown in the spring followed by summer ries: ‘‘A’’ (>4.76-cm diam.) and ‘‘B’’ (3.81 Յ 4.76-cm cover crops of either ‘DeKalb SX17’ sorghum- diam.). weight per plot was recorded for each sudangrass or an unspecified of velvetbean. grade category. Planting and harvest dates for potato and cover crops To determine host status, Pi and Pf for nematode are listed in Table 1. Clean fallow was maintained dur- population densities in soil were transformed with ln (x ing the time interval between the cover crops and po- + 1) before analysis and the ratio of Pf/Pi was deter- tato crops. mined. A crop was considered a host if Pf/Pi >1.00. A Nematicide treatments applied to potato were aldi- single data set composed of the nematode count data carb or 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D). Untreated plots for all 3 years was used to determine host status. Only served as controls. (15G) was banded directly plots with a Pi density Ն1 nematode/130 cm3 of soil over potato pieces at time of potato planting in a were included in analysis for host status. 25-cm-wide band at the rate of 3.4 kg a.i./ha (34 g/100 Nematode and yield data were subjected to analysis m of row) and incorporated lightly as the beds were of variance using the general linear model procedure closed. 1,3-Dichloropropene was injected at 56 liters/ for split-plot design (Ott, 1993). The block × whole-plot ha (570 ml/100 m of row) with a single chisel per row interaction was used as the error term for the whole- 25 to 30 cm deep into soil 3 weeks before planting plots (cropping treatments). Means were compared by potato. Duncan’s multiple-range test (Ott, 1993). The contrast Plot dimensions were 9 m long and four rows wide procedure (Ott, 1993) was used to compare potato with a row spacing of 102 cm. Three meters of clean yields between the two cover crop treatments receiving fallow were maintained between plots in the same rows. the same nematicide treatment. Analyses were per- Two clean fallow rows were maintained between adja- formed using the SAS software program (SAS Institute, cent plots. Yield and nematode data were collected Cary, NC). from the two inner rows of each plot, and the two outer rows were border rows. Results Potato crops were fertilized at planting with 1,120 Nematodes: Sorghum-sudangrass supported popula- kg/ha of 14-2-12 (N-P O -K O). rates were 2 5 2 tion increases for B. longicaudatus, P. minor, Tylencho- 157 kg/ha N, 10 kg/ha P, 112 kg/ha K, 23 kg/ha Mg, rhynchus sp., and Mesocriconema sp. (Table 2). The aver- 45 kg/ha S, and trace amounts of other micronutrients. age Pf density following sorghum-sudangrass was 168 Cover crops were fertilized at planting with the same nematodes/130 cm3 of soil (SD = 96) for B. longicauda- mixture and rate as used for potato. The sorghum- tus and 38 nematodes/130 cm3 of soil (SD = 27) for P. sudangrass was side-dressed with an additional 56 kg/ minor. Velvetbean was a non-host for B. longicaudatus ha N 1 month after planting. but was a host for P. minor and Mesocriconema sp. (Table Nematode samples were collected at planting (Pi) 2). The average Pf following velvetbean was 7 nema- and at harvest (Pf). Because cover crops were planted todes/130 cm3 of soil (SD = 8) and 34 nematodes/130 immediately following potato harvest, the potato Pf samples also served as the cover crop Pi samples. The TABLE 2. Host status of sorghum-sudangrass and velvetbean for soil also was sampled in January of each year before selected plant-parasitic nematodes present in a potato field site. applying 1,3-D. Each sample was a composite of 12 Cover crop

TABLE 1. Planting and harvest dates for the crops grown in a Nematode Sorghum-sudangrass Velvetbean cover crop field study performed at the Yelvington Farm near Hast- Belonolaimus longicaudatus 1.8 0.7* ings, Florida, during 1996 to 1998. Paratrichodorus minor 2.0 1.9 Meloidogyne incognita 0.7 1.0 Potato Cover crop Tylenchorhynchus sp. 1.5 0.9* Mesocriconema sp. 1.9 1.3* Year Planting Harvest Planting Harvest Numbers represent the mean of the ln (Pf + 1)/ln (Pi + 1) of each nematode 1996 3 March 10 June 13 June 22 October from 1996 to 1998. Numbers >1 indicate a host. Numbers <1 indicate non-host. 1997 10 February 14 May 22 May 7 October A value near 1 indicates that the population was maintained on the crop. 1998 27 February 8 June 30 June 26 October Asterisks indicate differences in population means between columns accord- ing to the contrast procedure (P < 0.05). Cover Crops for Potato: Crow et al. 287

3 cm3 of soil (SD = 33) for B. longicaudatus and P. minor, TABLE 3. Nematode population densities/130 cm of soil in respectively. Following the initial cover crop season, January, following summer cover crops. population densities of B. longicaudatus remained lower (P < 0.05) in velvetbean plots than in sorghum- 1997 1998 1999 sudangrass plots throughout the study (Fig. 1). Nematode Sa VSVSV Soil samples collected at the beginning of the potato Belonolaimus longicaudatus 30 2* 61 1* 77 5* season in January were used to evaluate the effects of Paratrichodorus minor 7 6 13 11 30 9* cover crop treatments on nematodes in the following Meloidogyne incognita 2 40* 25 31 70 39 potato crop (Table 3). Population densities of B. longi- Tylenchorhynchus sp. 15 11 3 6 15 4* Mesocriconema sp. 52 11* 34 35 85 16* caudatus were greater following a cover crop of sor- Dolichodorus heterocephalus 10 21 50 ghum-sudangrass than following velvetbean each year. Hemicycliophora sp. 30 11 00

Population densities of Mesocriconema sp. were greater Asterisks indicate differences in treatment means between columns within following sorghum-sudangrass 2 of 3 years. Population the same year according to the contrast procedure (P < 0.05). a densities of P. minor and Tylenchorhynchus sp. were S = Sorghum-sudangrass; V = Velvetbean. greater following sorghum sudangrass in 1 of 3 years. Densities of M. incognita juveniles were greater follow- Discussion ing a cover crop of velvetbean in 1997. The cover crop Belonolaimus longicaudatus is the plant-parasitic nema- grown the preceding summer had a greater effect on B. tode most strongly associated with yield reductions of longicaudatus density in January than did nematicide potato in northeast Florida (Crow et al., 2000; Wein- application to the preceding potato crop. Differences gartner et al., 1977). The Pi for B. longicaudatus on (P < 0.05) among nematicide treatments within the potato following a cover crop of sorghum-sudangrass same cover cropping treatment generally did not occur 3 was 30 to 77 nematodes/130 cm of soil (Table 3), well and are not reported. above the economic threshold of 3 B. longicaudatus/130 Pratylenchus brachyurus and P. zeae occurred in mixed cm3 of soil for nematicide application (Crow et al., populations at the field site but were not separated in 2000). Consequently, the use of sorghum-sudangrass as the data. Because these two nematodes may react dif- a summer cover crop for potato in northeast Florida ferently to the cropping treatments, data on Prat- may be a factor contributing to the need for annual ylenchus spp. were unreliable and not reported. nematicide applications. When velvetbean was substi- Potato Yield: No differences (P < 0.05) in total potato tuted as a cover crop, population densities of B. longi- yield were observed between the two cover crop treat- caudatus were substantially reduced in comparison with ments (Table 4). Tuber size differences were observed sorghum-sudangrass as a cover crop. only in 1998, when plots with cover crops of sorghum- Population densities of M. incognita were maintained sudangrass yielded a greater weight of size B tubers and in both sorghum-sudangrass and velvetbean plots. Sor- less weight of size A tubers than did plots with velvet- ghum-sudangrass is reported as a non-host for M. incog- bean cover crops. Means of potato yield between the nita (Johnson et al., 1977; McSorley et al., 1994a,b; Mc- two cover crop treatments receiving the same nemati- Sorley and Dickson, 1995; McSorley and Gallaher, cide treatment were not different (P < 0.05) for any 1991), as is velvetbean (McSorley et al., 1994a,b; Mc- nematicide in either year. Sorley and Dickson, 1995; Rodr´iguez-Ka´bana et al., 1992). The populations of M. incognita may have been maintained on weeds rather than the cover crops. A poor stand of velvetbean following potato often oc- curred because of seedling diseases. In addition, velvet-

TABLE 4. Effects of cover crop treatments on potato yield (kg/ ha) by tuber grade. A: tubers > 4.76-cm diam. B: tubers 3.81 Յ 4.76- cm diam. Total yield includes tubers culled for quality defects.

Summer cover crop treatment

Year Size grade Sorghum-sudangrass Velvetbean

1997 U.S. size A 25,139 26,369 U.S. size B 1,331 1,466 Total yield 27,001 28,612 1998 U.S. size A 28,955 30,051* FIG. 1. Effects of cover crops on population changes of Belono- U.S. size B 1,745 1,200* laimus longicaudatus in potato production over 3 years without nema- Total yield 35,051 34,300 ticide application. Data points are means of five replications. Asterisks indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) between the treatments at Asterisks indicate differences in treatment means between columns accord- each sampling date. ing to the contrast procedure (P < 0.05). 288 Supplement to the Journal of Nematology, Volume 33, No. 4S, December 2001 bean was vulnerable to severe damage from lepidop- McSorley, R., D. W. Dickson, and J. A. de Brito. 1994a. Host status teran pests that caused defoliation later in the season. of selected tropical rotation crops to four populations of root-knot nematodes. Nematropica 24:45–51. 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