The and Beyond U.S. Department of Energy Office of Genome Programs

The —completed! Exploring on the Web In 2003 scientists in the Human (HGP) achieved a Gateway: a user-friendly guide long-sought goal by obtaining the to the human and other genomes sequence of the 3 billion base All data and much related pairs making up the human information are freely available on the Web, but how genome. The order of the bases A, does a novice find and use these rich resources? Gene T, C, and G spells out the exact The Human Gateway is a new, nontechnical online guide that instructions needed to maintain Genome Project introduces the various tools anyone can use and reproduce a living , 1990–2003 to investigate genetic disorders, , whether it’s a person, a tree, or a genome maps, , sequence data, genetic microbe (see Primer, below). variants, and molecular structures. Whose genome is it? • Gene and Guide • Tools The human genome sequence obtained in the HGP is • Guide not an exact match for any single person’s genome. • Sample Profiles of Genes and Genetic Disorders Researchers used DNA samples from a number of • Viewer donors, male and female, protecting the anonymity • Evaluating Medical Information on the Web of all. Because all share the same basic set of genes and other DNA regions, this “reference” Gene Gateway is a Web companion to the popular sequence represents every person. Human Genome Landmarks poster (see reverse).

A Primer: From DNA to

Cells contain DNA—the hereditary material of all living systems.

The genome is an organism’s complete set of DNA and is organized into chromosomes.

DNA contains genes whose sequence specifies how and when to build .

Proteins perform most essential life functions, often working together as molecular machines.

Molecular machines interact through Communities of cells range from associa- complex, interconnected pathways and tions of microbes (each a single ) to the networks to make the cell come alive. hundred trillion cells in a human being. Beyond the Human Genome Project . . . What’s next? Genomes to Life: Exploring microbial genomes for energy and the environment The DNA sequences generated in hundreds of genome their sophisticated biochemical abilities to meet critical DOE projects now provide scientists with the “parts lists” contain- mission challenges in energy security, global climate change ing instructions for how an organism builds, operates, mitigation, and toxic waste cleanup. maintains, and reproduces itself while responding to various environmental conditions. We still, however, have very little GTL studies will use microbial DNA sequences—many deter- knowledge of how cells use this information to come alive. mined in the DOE Microbial Genome Program—as a founda- tion for studying how tens of thousands of genes and The Genomes to Life (GTL) program of the DOE proteins work together in interconnected networks to responds to this new challenge by using DNA sequence data and orchestrate the chemistry of life. This new approach is known advanced experimental and computational technologies to as whole-systems . explore the life processes of microbes—the amazingly diverse that make up half of the biomass on earth and These studies will provide an enduring and comprehensive thrive in every known environment. The ability of this planet ability to understand how living cells function and respond to sustain life is, in fact, largely dependent on microbes, most to environmental changes—and open the door to applica- of which do not cause disease. Understanding the intricate tions in energy and the environment as well as across the life details of their functions can eventually enable us to harness landscape.

New Primer Available Free Wall Poster of Human Chromosomes and Its Impact on Science and Society: The Human Genome Project and Beyond (April 2003). A 12-page color Order via the Web document summarizing the HGP, early insights gained, • potential future applications, and new scientific challenges. Or see contact information at left. • Individual print copies or class sets (free) Contact: [email protected], 865/574-0597 • Downloadable via the Web with PowerPoint slides Please send comments to e-mail address above.

Related Web Sites • Human Genome Project and • DOE Office of Science Beyond • DOE Genome Research • and the New Programs medicine.html • DOE Joint Genome Institute • Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues • Microbial Genome Program • Genomes to Life microbialgenomes/ • Gene Gateway • NIH National Human Genome Research Institute chromosome/ • Image Gallery (downloadable) • National Center for Information images.html