Distribution of Thorium Uranium, and Potassium in Igneous Rocks of the Boulder Batholith Region, Montana, and Its Bearing on Radiogenic Heat Production and Heat Flow
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Distribution of Thorium Uranium, and Potassium in Igneous Rocks of the Boulder Batholith Region, Montana, and Its Bearing on Radiogenic Heat Production and Heat Flow GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 614-E Distribution of Thorium Uranium, and Potassium in Igneous Rocks of the Boulder Batholith Region, Montana, and Its Bearing on Radiogenic Heat Production and Heat Flow By ROBERT I. TILLING and DAVID GOTTFRIED SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 614-E A study of the relationship between content ofJ heat-producing1 O elements and host-rock chemistry and heat flow UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1969 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR WALTER J. HICKEL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 40 cents (paper cover) CONTENTS Page Para Abstract ________________________________________ El Distribution of thorium Continued Introduction. ____ ______ ___ _ 1 Summary and comparison of thorium, uranium, and Acknowledgments __ 2 potassium abundance data____________________ E10 Geologic setting... _____ ___ ___ 2 Nature of variation in thorium and uranium content.___ II Distribution of thorium, uranium, and potassium in Comparison of thorium and uranium distribution between igneous rocks of the Boulder batholith region _ _ 6 contrasting magma series.__________________ 12 Prebatholith volcanic rocks______ _ 6 Radiogenic heat production and heat flow-________ 17 Batholith rocks________ _______ ________ 6 References.. ______________________________ 19 Postbatholith volcanic rocks________ _______ 6 ILLUSTRATIONS Par* FIGUBE 1. Sketch map showing the areal distribution of igneous rocks in the Boulder batholith region_______________ F3 2. Generalized geolgic map of the Boulder batholith and vicinity________________________________ ____ 4 3-5. Graphs showing relations of thorium and uranium contents and SiO2, K2O, and CaO/CN^O+KcO) in 3. Prebatholith volcanic rocks of the Boulder batholith region____________________________________ 7 4. Rocks of the Boulder batholith-___________________________________________________________ 8 5. Postbatholith volcanic rocks of the Boulder batholith region_____________-_-_____ _________ 9 6. Thorium and uranium distribution curves of selected igneous suites_____________----__-____---_---_--__- 14 7. Graphs showing a comparison of thorium and uranium distribution patterns of selected granodiorites and adamellites_-__________________________________________________________ 16 TABLES TABLE 1. Intel-laboratory comparison of results of analyses for thorium and uranium on four standard rock samples. __ F-2 2. Summary of thorium, uranium, and potassium values and weighted average values for rocks of the Boulder batholith _ _ _________ _ _____ _ ______ _ _______ _ ____________ ----- ___ -- 10 3. Summary of thorium, uranium, and potassium values for prebatholith and postbatholith volcanic rocks com pared with weighted average values for the Boulder batholith________________ ___ _____ 11 4. Comparison of the thorium and uranium distribution between hydrothermaUy altered Butte Quartz Monzonite samples and their fresh, unaltered counterparts __ ________ __ _____________________-_----_--_---- 12 5. Lime-alkali indices and median Th/U ratios of selected suites of igneous rocks____ ________-__-_---_-----_- 13 6. Radiogenic heat production in igneous rocks of the Boulder batholith and in some other crystalline materials. 17 7-12. Distribution of thorium, uranium, and potassium in 7. Prebatholith volcanic rocks of the Boulder batholith region.. ___ 24 8. Rocks of the Boulder batholith ___ _ __ ___ __ _______________ __ _ -- 25 9. Mafic inclusions in some rocks of the Boulder batholith.- _ _______________ __________________ 27 10. Postbatholith Lowland Creek Volcanics (early Eocene) 27 11. Postbatholith igneous rocks of probable early Tertiary age in the Boulder batholith region. ______ 27 12. Post-Lowland Creek volcanic rocks (Miocene or Pliocene) _ _____________ _ ________________ 28 13. Distribution of thorium and uranium in the Butte Quartz Monzonite from underground workings in the Butte district, Montana __ ____________________________________________________-___---_--------_-_-- 28 14. Distribution of thorium, uranium, and potassium in Butte Quartz Monzonite samples from a drill hole for which heat flow has been measured______________________________________-__-__---_-_--_-__----- 29 15. Distribution of thorium, uranium, and potassium in a single stock of Woodson Mountain Granodiorite, South ern California batholith _______ _______________________________ _ 29 in SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY DISTRIBUTION OF THORIUM, URANIUM, AND POTASSIUM IN IGNEOUS ROCKS OF THE BOULDER BATHOLITH REGION, MONTANA, AND ITS BEARING ON RADIOGENIC HE^T PRODUCTION AND HEAT FLOW By ROBERT I. TILLING and DAVID GOTTPBIED ABSTRACT of heat-producing elements in the crust decreases with depth, Thorium and uranium contents in about 150 samples of igneous which has also been suggested by other investigators as part'il rocks from the Boulder batholith region generally increase with explanation for analogous discrepancies between heat flow and increasing SiC>2 content and decreasing CaO/(Na2O+K8O) ratio radiogenic heat in the Sierra Nevada batholith. of their host rocks. Prebatholith volcanic rocks (the Upper Cretaceous Elkhorn Mountains Yolcanics and its correlatives) INTRODUCTION vary in thorium, uranium, and potassium contents from one out crop area to another: two areas contain rocks with average values Data on the distribution of heat-producing elemerts of 2.4-2.6 percent K, 6.0-6.6 ppm (parts per million) Th, 2.1-2.9 (thorium, uranium, and potassium) in igneous rocks are ppm U, and Th/U ratios between 2.4 and 3.2; a third area contains fundamental to interpretation of petrologic, isotop;°., rocks with average values of 3.5 percent K, 16.6 ppm Th, 3.7 and geologic evidence pertinent to many problems of ppm U, and a Th/U ratio of 4.2. The older (and more mafic) rocks of the composite Boulder batholith (also Late Cretaceous) magma generation and differentiation, radiogenic heat have an average content of 6.2-11.0 ppm Th and 1.5-3.4 production and heat flow, and, in the broadest sense, ppm U, whereas the younger (and more felsic) rocks have an evolution of the earth's crust. It is now generally f o- average content of 15.7-36.3 ppm Th and 4.0-9.2 ppm U. The cepted that the observed continental heat flow c^n average radioelement content of the batholith, weighted ac largely be attributed to heat generated by the radio- cording to areal abundance of constituent rocks, is 3.3 percent K, 15.4 ppm Th, and 3.9 ppm U. Average Th/U ratios of the elements. Thus a knowledge of the distribution of these batholith samples range from 4.0 to 5.8 and have no apparent heat-producing elements in the rocks in which heat flow correlation with rock composition or position in the intrusive is measured is essential for meaningful interpretation. sequence. Postbatholith volcanic rocks (the Lowland Creek The geochemistry of thorium and uranium has be<m Volcanics of early Eocene age and post-Lowland Creek rocks of ably summarized by Adams, Osmond, and Rogers Pliocene or Miocene age) have thorium, uranium, and potassium contents comparable with those in some of the younger batholith (1959), and many investigators have studied the d'^- rocks. tribution of thorium and uranium in several magmatic Comparison of the Boulder batholith with selected igneous differentiation series (for example, Whitfield and others, suites representative of diverse magmatic provinces shows that 1959; Larsen, 3d, and Gottfried, 1960; Gottfried and its thorium and uranium distribution is typical of that for calc- others, 1962, 1963; Heier and Rogers, 1963; Phair and alkalic suites. The thorium and uranium distribution pattern of any comagmatic igneous suite can be grossly correlated with its Gottfried, 1964; and Kolbe and Taylor, 1966a, b). The lime-alkali (Peacock) index, which in turn reflects differences in relationship between radioelement content and rad:o- tectonic setting and (or) magma provinces. Calculated from genic heat has been examined in detail by Birch (1954, average thorium, uranium, and potassium contents (using 1965), Verhoogen (1956), MacDonald (1964), Wass*r- Birch's heat-generation values), the total radiogenic production burg, MacDonald, Hoyle, and Fowler (1964), and of the calc-alkalic Boulder batholith (weighted according to rock abundance) is 6.8 microcalories per gram per year, as opposed Wollenberg and Smith (1964, 1968a, b). to a similarly computed value of 2.7 microcalories per gram per Previous studies of radioactivity of rocks in 1he year for the calcic Southern California batholith. Boulder batholith region were made under the auspices Available heat-flow measurements from a drill hole and under of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in connection ground workings in the Butte Quartz Monzonite near Butte are with the intensive prospecting for uranium in the about 2.2 microcalories per square centimeter per second. Calculations demonstrate that the observed heat flow can be northern part of the batholith from 1949 to IS 56 fully attributed to radiogenic heat produced in a column of (Becraft, 1956; Bieler and Wright, 1960; Wright and surface rocks 25-35 kilometers thick (depending on the average Bieler, 1960). In conjunction with this exploration pro thorium,