SPRING 2017 1


LECTURE 15: Medical Image Registration I (Introduction)

Dr. Ulas Bagci HEC 221, Center for Research in (CRCV), University of Central Florida (UCF), Orlando, FL 32814. [email protected] or [email protected] 2

Outline • Motivation – Image registration is an alignment problem • Registration basics • Rigid registration • Non-rigid registration • Example Applications 3

Image Registration Taxonomy

• Dimensionality • Subject: – 2D-2D, 3D-3D, 2D-3D Intra-subject • Nature of registration basis Inter-subject – Image based Atlas • Extrinsic, Intrinsic – Non-image based • Domain of transformation • Local, global • Nature of the transformation • Optimization procedure – Rigid, Affine, Projective, Curved • Gradient Descent, SGD, • Interaction … – Interactive, Semi-automatic, Automatic • Object • Modalities involved • Whole body, organ, … – Mono-modal, Multi-modal, Modality to model 4

Open Source Implementation

• ITK • ANTS (advanced normalization tools) (PICSL of Upenn) • CAVASS (MIPG of Upenn) • Nifty Reg (UCL) • Elastix (www.elastix.isi.uu.nl) • FAIR (Modersitzki 2009), mostly matlab. • 3D Slicer • FSL • … 5

Modalities in • Mono-modality: 6

Modalities in Medical Imaging • Mono-modality: ü A series of same modality images (CT/CT, MR/MR, Mammogram pairs,…). 7

Modalities in Medical Imaging • Mono-modality: ü A series of same modality images (CT/CT, MR/MR, Mammogram pairs,…). ü Images may be acquired weeks or months apart; taken from different viewpoints. 8

Modalities in Medical Imaging • Mono-modality: ü A series of same modality images (CT/CT, MR/MR, Mammogram pairs,…). ü Images may be acquired weeks or months apart; taken from different viewpoints. ü Aligning images in order to detect subtle changes in intensity or shape 9

Modalities in Medical Imaging • Mono-modality: ü A series of same modality images (CT/CT, MR/MR, Mammogram pairs,…). ü Images may be acquired weeks or months apart; taken from different viewpoints. ü Aligning images in order to detect subtle changes in intensity or shape

• Multi-modality: 10

Modalities in Medical Imaging • Mono-modality: ü A series of same modality images (CT/CT, MR/MR, Mammogram pairs,…). ü Images may be acquired weeks or months apart; taken from different viewpoints. ü Aligning images in order to detect subtle changes in intensity or shape

• Multi-modality: ü Complementary anatomic and functional information from multiple modalities can be obtained for the precise diagnosis and treatment. PET/CT EXAMPLE 11 Modalities in Medical ImagingBEFORE • Mono-modality: ü A series of same modality images (CT/CT, MR/MR, Mammogram pairs,…). ü Images may be acquired weeks or months apart; taken from different viewpoints. ü Aligning images in order to detect subtle changes in intensity or shape AFTER • Multi-modality: ü Complementary anatomic and functional information from multiple modalities can be obtained for the precise diagnosis and treatment. ü Examples: PET and SPECT (low resolution, functional information) need MR or CT (high resolution, anatomical information) to get structure information. 12

In other words,…

• Combining modalities (inter modality) gives extra information.

• Repeated imaging over time same modality, e.g. MRI, (intra modality) equally important.

• Have to spatially register the images. Before Registration 13 After Registration 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Summary of Mostly Used Applications

• Diagnosis – Combining information from multiple imaging modalities • Studying disease progression – Monitoring changes in size, shape, position or image intensity over time • Image guided surgery or radiotherapy – Relating pre-operative images and surgical plans to the physical reality of the patient • Patient comparison or atlas construction – Relating one individual’s anatomy to a standardized atlas 24

Then, What is Image Registration (formally)? 25

Image Registration is a

• Spatial transform that maps points from one image to corresponding points in another image matching two images so that corresponding coordinate points in the two images correspond to the same physical region of the scene being imaged also referred to as , superimposition, matching or merge

MR SPECT registered 26

Image Registration is a

• Spatial transform that maps points from one image to corresponding points in another image – Rigid • Rotations and translations – Affine • Also, skew and scaling – Deformable • Free-form mapping 27

Registration Framework

Matching Deformation Criteria ( Model Objective Function)

Optimizat ion Metho d 28

Recap: Image Registration Taxonomy

• Dimensionality • Subject: – 2D-2D, 3D-3D, 2D-3D Intra-subject • Nature of registration basis Inter-subject – Image based Atlas • Extrinsic, Intrinsic – Non-image based • Domain of transformation • Local, global • Nature of the transformation • Optimization procedure – Rigid, Affine, Projective, Curved • Gradient Descent, SGD, • Interaction … – Interactive, Semi-automatic, Automatic • Object • Modalities involved • Whole body, organ, … – Mono-modal, Multi-modal, Modality to model 29

Deformation Models Method used to find the transformation • Rigid & affine – Landmark based – Edge based – Voxel intensity based – Information theory based • Non-rigid – Registration using basis functions – Registration using splines – Physics based • Elastic, Fluid, Optical flow, etc. 30

Deformation Model (Transformation)

• Rigid – Rotation, translation • Affine – Rigid + scaling • Deformable – Affine + vector field • …. 31

Deformation Model (linear vs. non-linear) 32

Linear Registration -> Separable


rotation 33

Linear Registration -> Separable


rotation 34

Rigid Registration - Rotation 35

Example Rigid Transformation Formulation 36

Example Rigid Transformation Formulation

new location Old location 37

Linear Registration -> Separable

AFFINE TRANSFORMATION = Rigid + Scaling (+ skew)

9 parameters, Affine = 6 parameters (rotation + translation) + 3 parameters (scaling) 12 parameter, Affine = …+ 3 parameters (skew) 38

Shear in 3D 39

Affine Transformation

p’ = M p + t 40

Homogenous Coordinates for Transformations 41

Homogenous Coordinates for Transformations


Translation in Homogenous Coordinate System Registration is an alignment problem

q = (912,632) p = (825,856) q = T(p;a)

Pixel location in first image Homologous pixel location in second image

Pixel location mapping function Registration is an alignment problem

q = (912,632) p = (825,856) q = T(p;a)

Pixel scaling and translation 45

Similarity Criteria 46

Intensity Based

• Method – Calculating the registration transformation by optimizing some measure calculated directly from the voxel values in the images • Algorithms used – Registration by minimizing intensity difference – Correlation techniques – Ratio image uniformity – Partitioned Intensity Uniformity 47

Intensity Based

• Intensity-based methods compare intensity patterns in images via some similarity metrics – Sum of Squared Differences – Normalized Cross-Correlation – 48 Feature Based • Feature-based methods find correspondence between image features such as points, lines, and contours.

• Distance between corresponding points • Similarity metric between feature values – e.g. curvature-based registration 49

Information Theory Based

• Image registration is considered as to maximize the amount of shared information in two images – reducing the amount of information in the combined image • Algorithms used – Joint entropy • Joint entropy measures the amount of information in the two images combined – Mutual information • A measure of how well one image explains the other, and is maximized at the optimal alignment – Normalized Mutual Information 50 51 52

Simple Code for Joint Entropy Computation rows=size(x,1); cols=size(y,2); N=256; h=zeros(N,N); for i=1:rows; for j=1:cols; h(x(i,j)+1,y(i,j)+1)= h(x(i,j)+1,y(i,j)+1)+1; end end imshow(h) end Because the images are identical, 53 all gray value correspondences lie on the diagonal. 54 55

• I(A,B) = H(A) + H(B) – H(A,B) – Maximizing mutual information is related to minimizing joint entropy

Less sensitive to changes in overlap! 56

Registration Algorithm

• Fixed and Moving Images (target and source, …) • Preprocessing • Define Similarity Measure (NMI, CC, MSE, …) • Define Spatial Transformation (Rigid, Affine, Deformable) • Implementation 1. Initialize 2. Transform (and Interpolate) moving image 3. Measure similarity 4. Optimize (decide parameters of the transform) 5. If converged STOP 6. Else 7. Go to Transform Step 2. Repeat 57


• Introduction to the medical image registration • Transformation types – Rigid, affine, non-rigid • Mono-modal, multi-modal image registration • Similarity metric • Mutual Information

• Next Lecture(s): further details on the topic. 58

Slide Credits and References • Credits to: Jayaram K. Udupa of Univ. of Penn., MIPG • Sir M. Brady’s Lecture Notes (Oxford University) • Darko Zikic’s MICCAI 2010 Tutorial • Bagci’s CV Course 2015 Fall. • K.D. Toennies, Guide to Medical Image Analysis, • Handbook of Medical Imaging, Vol. 2. SPIE Press. • Handbook of Biomedical Imaging, Paragios, Duncan, Ayache. • Seutens,P., Medical Imaging, Cambridge Press. • Aiming Liu, Tutorial Presentation. • Jen Mercer, Tutorial Presentation.