Layout: Pop_A5 Book ID: 456623_1_En Book ISBN: 978-3-030-24639-6 Chapter No.: 8 Date: 10 July 2019 19:52 Page: 1/27 1 8 2 Is Profound Boredom Boredom? 3 Andreas Elpidorou and Lauren Freeman 4 Martin Heidegger is credited as having ofered one of the most 5 thorough phenomenological investigations of the nature of boredom in 6 the history of philosophy. Indeed, in his 1929–1930 lecture course, Te 7 Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude (FCM ), 8 Heidegger goes to great lengths to distinguish between diferent types 9 of boredom and to explicate their respective characters. Moreover, 10 Heidegger, at least within the context of his discussion of profound 11 boredom [tiefe Langeweile ], opposes much of the philosophical and lit- 12 erary tradition on boredom insofar as he articulates how the experience 13 of boredom, though disorienting, can be existentially benefcial to us. 14 Yet despite the many insights that Heidegger’s discussion of boredom 15 ofers, it is difcult to make sense of profound boredom within the 16 context of contemporary psychological and philosophical research on A1 A. Elpidorou (*) · L. Freeman A2 Department of Philosophy, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA A3 e-mail:
[email protected] A4 L. Freeman A5 e-mail:
[email protected] © Te Author(s) 2019 1 C. Hadjioannou (ed.), Heidegger on Afect, Philosophers in Depth, Layout: Pop_A5 Book ID: 456623_1_En Book ISBN: 978-3-030-24639-6 Chapter No.: 8 Date: 10 July 2019 19:52 Page: 2/27 2 A.