List of Guns Covered by C&R Permit
SEC. II: Firearms Classified As Curios Or Relics Under 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44 The Bureau has determined that the following firearms are curios or relics as defined in 27 CFR 178.11 because they fall within one of the categories specified in the regulations. Such determination merely classifies the firearms as curios or relics and thereby authorizes licensed collectors to acquire, hold, or dispose of them as curios or relics subject to the provisions of 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44 and the regulations in 27 CFR Part 178. They are still "firearms" as defined in 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44. Alkartasuna, semiautomatic pistol, caliber .32. All Original military bolt action and semiautomatic rifles mfd. between 1899 and 1946. All properly marked and identified semiautomatic pistols and revolvers used by, or mfd. for, any military organization prior to 1946. All shotguns, properly marked and identified as mfd. for any military organization prior to 1946 and in their original military configuration only. Argentine D.G.F.M. (FMAP) System Colt Model 1927 pistols, marked "Ejercito Argentino" bearing S/Ns less than 24501. Argentine D.G.F.M. - (F.M.A.P.) System Colt model 1927, cal. 11.25mm commercial variations. Armand Gevage, semiautomatic pistols, .32ACP cal. as mfd. in Belgium prior to World War II. Astra, M 800 Condor model, pistol, caliber 9mm parabellum. Astra, model 1921 (400) semiautomatic pistols having slides marked Esperanzo Y Unceta. Astra, model 400 pistol, German Army Contract, caliber 9mm Bergmann-Bayard, S/N range 97351-98850. Astra, model 400 semiautomatic pistol, cal.
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