Barham Parish Council Minutes of the meeting held on 01 February 2018

Present: Parish Councillors David Wood (Chairman), Stephanie Hollowday, Ernie Mullett, Liz Minter, John Brooks, Sarah Goulden, Patti Earl and Susie Duke. City Cllr Simon Cook for part of the meeting only. Three residents. Clerk to the Council, Amanda Sparkes

1. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from David Tamsitt (Vice Chairman) (annual leave), and County Cllr Michael Northey.

Cllr Minter declared an Interest in the current planning application CA/18/00047 – for Helios House.

2. The Minutes of the last full parish council meeting held 07 December 2017 were approved and accepted as a true record and the Chairman signed them.

3. The meeting was adjourned for parishioners’ questions and comments. A resident commented that some potholes in Church Lane, about 100m down from The Farm had been repaired but only patched and he considered the pothole repairs to be of a very poor standard. City Cllr Cook commented that he thinks that at this time of year Kent Highways adopt that approach, with a view to coming back for a more substantial repair later in the year.

A resident promoted the need for affordable housing in Barham, again, urging the parish council to consider moving forward to a construction phase. He suggested that James Duff the Chairman of the Catching Lives (homelessness) charity in Canterbury and the Rural Housing Enabler could be good contacts to speak to the councillors. Cllr Minter commented that the previous surveys undertaken did not demonstrate a high need in the village and the right to buy legislation is still unresolved – plus rents now need to be levied at market rent levels. She felt that until the government legislation is resolved the parish council would be foolish to give up land where housing could subsequently become private. But there could be alternative solutions, for example land and housing bequeathed to the village by residents and offered in perpetuity only for tenants with a proven local connection.

Cllr Wood commented that the government has not progressed what they said they would do around the right to buy complications. The Action with Communities in Rural Kent Housing Enable is up to date with the latest legislation including the latest government leasehold proposals. He suggested that the parish council ask for a meeting with her to perhaps discuss setting up a Community Land Trust. He felt that as the Housing Enabler dealt with the parish surveys previously, she will be able to answer questions on the surveys and also answer Cllrs’ questions and give information. All councillors agreed that this should be a separate informal and closed working group meeting. This will explore the process for rural housing in perpetuity.

Cllr Mullett commented that if the Arter Bros development site (CA/17/00809 - Eagle Motor Works, Old Dover Road: 10 two-storey dwellings following demolition of existing commercial buildings) goes ahead there may be affordable housing built on site? Cllr Cook explained that there are negotiations about that currently between the applicant and the local planning authority – an affordable contribution may be built on site – or there may be a contribution to affordable housing elsewhere in the Canterbury district agreed.

Cllr Cook also agreed that the right to buy situation is an issue – and that it did not apply to the nearby Bridge site when that was set up. He agreed he would write to the Minister for clarification.

The meeting continued.

4. Setting up of a football team/football training Resident Tony Julian is trying to get football established in the village and has been using the village green for informal training. Sessions started on 26 November weekly, with 25 plus children and young people attending, and with the session broken into two age groups. Mr Julian had prepared a separate note which had been circulated to all Cllrs prior to the meeting. He also distributed copies of a newly produced draft Business Plan. Mr Julian explained that numbers attending are increasing. There are now adult helpers and a working committee has met and officers appointed, so the newly formed club can now go to the FA to get affiliation. The ethos includes to be safe, develop and active lifestyle, and to be inclusive. Mr Julian explained there has been publicity through the Barham Community Facebook page and the Club now also has its own Facebook page. He explained that the club would like to resurrect the old Barham Academicals kit. He intends to promote the club through the primary school and has a meeting scheduled with the Head teacher. He explained he is keen to promote more girls. The teams are currently mixed up to the age of 13. Fund raising potential locally is also being considered. Cllr Hollowday wanted to record what a fantastic achievement Mr Julian has obtained – all Cllrs agree. Mr Julian explained he is to set up and hold a public meeting in the village hall with all parents invited. Cllr Minter asked if the intention is to form a charity – and she offered to speak to Mr Julian. Mr Julian will report back to the parish council with progress report(s) in due course.

There is a Youth Club balance of £516 held in an ear marked reserve – councillors felt that this could be used in due course for the football club and be especially useful to them as matchfunding in any grant applications.

5. City Cllr, Cllr Simon Cook report Cllr Cook advised that Canterbury City Council is concluding it budget setting and are now at the second stage of the Community Governance Review – there is nothing that affects Barham. He explained that is chasing for clearance of the signage left after the road works on the A2 has finished. For litter picking, Cllr Cook confirmed that picking in roads above 30mph is still not covered under CCC’s PLI. However if parish councils want to extend their own PLI for more risky roads then CCC will still provide the equipment and support etc. He thought that information about this was to be sent to all Clerks this month from CCC. The Clerk will check with Barham Parish Council’s insurers about what the standard PLI covers and make specific queries about the possibility of litter picking on ‘risky roads’ with higher speeds and no pavements. Cllr Hollowday asked if Cllr Cook knew anything about the laybys that have sprung up at ? Cllr Cook replied that he has asked KCC Cllr Michael Northey to check if they are official highways laybys and will chase Cllr Northey for a reply. Cllr Cook also confirmed that CCC are also still pressing for official lorry parking between here and Brenley Corner. He also commented that if the Thames third crossing is built then the A2/M2 will become a major freight road and parking provision in its planning becomes even more important as a consideration.

6. Finance RECEIVED the bank reconciliation and bank statements for December 2017 and RESOLVED the signature of a councillor other than the Chairman thereon. NOTED that the Clerk is going to attend a Kent County Council Local Government Pension year-end training session on 5 February 2018. NOTED that a KALC bulletin sent on 20 December 2017 advised that Council tax referendum principles have not been extended to parish and town councils in 2018/19 and the government intends to defer the setting of referendum principles for town and parish councils for three years. NOTED that on 20 January 2018 the Clerk prepared a VAT Refund for the period 01 September 2017 to 31 December 2017 totalling £444.61. RECEIVED End of Quarter 3 (to 31 December 2017) income and expenditure reports. NOTED that the GRANT REQUEST to consider a donation towards the cost of providing the Pensioners of the village with a lunch and entertainment this year had been withdrawn since the agenda had been published, as the organisers have been successful elsewhere, with two other external grants totalling £600.

Precept budget for 2018-2019 At the 07 December 2017 full parish council meeting, Cllrs RESOLVED to raise the precept by no more than1.99% on last year’s. (Last year’s funding was £36,312 made up of £35,698.28 precept plus £613.72 support grant in 2017-18). The Clerk confirmed the new requirement for 2018-2019 with officers at CCC on 15 December 2017 as: Barham 2018-2019 Precept amount: 2018-2019 Council tax 2018-2019 Total funding request (A) support grant (B) = (A) plus (B) 36,797.77 233.21 37,030.98

2 The Effect of this on Band D payments: In 2017-18 Band D properties paid £66.94. The number of Band D properties in the village has risen a little and the tax base has changed. The Band D payment for 2018-19 will rise by £1.33 to £68.27.

Bus shelters and raised kerb works for bus stops on Derringstone Hill The parish council is working in partnership with the city council to provide two bus shelters and raised kerb works where necessary to make the stops DDA compliant, at the stops opposite each other by the junction of Mill Lane and Derringstone Hill. CCC will both pay for one side and one shelter up to £5,000, and pick up future maintenance and insurance costs of both shelters. The parish council contribution for the ‘easier’ side is £3,500. The Clerk authorised the CCC officer to go proceed on 19 December 2017 (the order to be placed by CCC in early 2018). The Clerk also asked CCC to send Barham Parish Council an invoice for the parish council £3,500 contribution to the works.

Cllr Hollowday proposed and Cllr Minter seconded and all councillors were all in agreement for a silver/white frame with a blue perch seat and matching middle bar – the contrast colour to help the visually impaired.

Improvements for Brickfield Recreation ground In the first instance, new fencing is needed and will be funded partly through unrestricted reserves and partly through new precept provision. The new fencing should be provided and paid for in April 2018. The Clerk has spoken initially and will speak again to the fencing contractor.

5. Publicity & Communications including website The Village Survey Action Plans – one for the Village and the one for Children and young people, and a “Completed/Achieved/Abandoned” list are on the parish council website. There is no update this month.

For the removal of the Bell Cottage phone box – The residents buying the box tried to proceed with its removal but found there is still a power supply connected to it. The Clerk dealt with BT to get this capped off which may take up to 24 weeks to be done. This is still in hand.

For the Facebook page for Barham parish council – Cllr Hollowday advised she has been posting updates on the parish council’s positive achievements.

6. Annual Electors’ Meeting 2018 The parish council has to hold a meeting for its electors between 1 March and 30 June each year. Cllr Wood said he would check the hall availability and circulate possible dates. (A trustee at Catching Lives, the homeless Charity, based at the East Station, Canterbury, could be the guest speaker?).

7. First Aid demonstration session for residents The resident Community First Responder in the village is prepared to run an uncertified first aid session for up to 12 people free of charge, to cover basic first aid including resuscitation techniques. Cllr Wood advised he will speak to him now to set up one or maybe two sessions.

8. Possible provision of a permanent Christmas trees and more Christmas lights for 2018 Cllrs discussed a recent idea for a permanent tree on the village green as a Christmas tree. Cllr Minter explained she had learnt that a sole Christmas tree does not fare well – they prefer to be planted in groups to protect from wind-burn. Cllr Goulden commented that to act as a good Christmas tree a tree would really need to be central which would not work on the village green, and a spruce in the rural edge would look really odd. All councillors agreed that this idea should now be abandoned, and the arrangement with the Cloughs for the provision of three trees in the village continue. Cllr Hollowday commented that she would like better tree lights in future. A Cllr is willing to buy and donate lights for all three trees in the village. However a power supply will be an issue especially at Derringstone Green, although the new provision when connected at the village green will make that a possible location. Cllr Wood offered to speak to the village hall committee for any assistance with power issues for the village hall location – and he also urged councillors to think about alternative options – perhaps solar powered alternatives?

3 9. Highways The Clerk will send the fault reporting link to Cllr Earl for her to try and report and pin point on the fault reporting map locations of some potholes on The Causeway. Cllr Early also mentioned parking on the Causeway, in front of Lochee Villas, that causes problems with access for refuse lorries and larger vehicles. Cllr Earl agreed to ask residents affected to speak to the Chairman with details.

The 30 mph roundel in the road by The Shrubbery is mostly eroded away. The Clerk will report this to Kent Highways to see if they will repaint it – or if not, to ask can the parish council pay for it to be repainted – and at what cost (for this to be considered at a future meeting.)

The Clerk was also asked to report the eroded paint surface of the zebra crossing markings in front of the primary school too, to Kent Highways, for repainting.

Surface Treatment Road Closures 2018 – Canterbury Area Barham has some roads due to be included in this year’s programme of Surface Treatment. As a result, it will be necessary to close a number of roads to allow the works to be carried out safely. The dates of the closures are yet to be programmed. Once known, the planned dates of closures and other restrictions will be notified in advance of the works, and indicated by signage displayed on site 14 days before works are due to start. Rabbit Hole, Elham Valley Road and Derringstone Hill are planned for the treatment and closures. (More detail is in the appendix attached the these Minutes).

Badger warning signs There has been a request for Highways ‘Badger Warning’ signs on Green Hills by Horse Head Farm, following a series of incidents where badgers are being hit by drivers, not always fatally. Since the December meeting, the Clerk sourced a supplier and four signs were made up in 3mm polyboard which is very strong but flexible enough to cope with weather variations. Each board cost £15 each. The signs should be attached off the highway on a resident’s fence posts. Cllr Wood will speak to the resident to now get these put up.

Streetlighting On 21 November 2017, the Clerk sent the EDF energy the latest coding spreadsheet for the street lighting stock, to request a new unmetered certificate to achieve a better unmetered supply rate. At the last meeting all councillors agreed that the contractor should install new dimmers (to be paid for under a 5 year agreement (and with the dimmer nodes ‘owned’ at the end of the 5 year agreement) and with all ongoing maintenance and repairs included at a cost of £2.06 per column per month equally £1,236 p.a. for 5 years (to be invoiced and paid for monthly). The contractor has confirmed that any teething problems with a central management system would be covered in the price, and that the dimmers should enable a further 10-15% of energy savings.) The Clerk placed the order on 5 January 2018, and deployment of 30 dimmers started on 1 February 2018.

Wooden tubs at top of Derringstone Hill - The two tubs on Derringstone Hill have now been moved to the Fox Way/The Grove junctions. The ones at the Derringstone Hill village entrance gateways are not now planned for any replacements as residents nearby have complained that their lines of vision have been affected.

Speedwatch – Cllr Wood advised that speedwatch has not operated since Christmas but is now to resume. A 16-year old resident wanted to volunteer as part of a Duke of Edinburgh award and whilst the parish council would have loved to accommodate this, as he is under 18 years of age, the young man would not have been covered under the insurance and regulations.

12. Open Spaces Volunteer working party re minor actions from annual play area inspections reports The annual play area inspections have some items that won’t need a contractor such as cleaning of seats and uprights on equipment and staining of gates. At the September 2017 meeting Cllrs felt 6-8 residents may be invited to get involved in a working party (this must be booked through the Clerk.) The best time for a working party would be spring 2018. Cllr Wood and Cllr Hollowday will now look to organise and progress this, and set a date and advertising for it. 4 Allotments at Brickfield Recreation Ground (There is planning approval on CA/16/01292/FUL and Barham Allotments Association (BAA) signed a seven year tenancy agreement from November 2016.) At the November 2017 parish council, to combat recent thefts, the parish council resolved to permit a new hedge on the outside perimeter with a separate written agreement alongside the lease document to state that BAA will be responsible for it and only for the time that the area is an allotment garden/for the length of their tenancy. A written agreement in addition to, and linked to, the Lease has been sent to BAA which they have confirmed is acceptable to all the allotment association members. The BAA Chairman has therefore signed the documents and will return them to the Clerk. The Clerk will retain one copy and send a signed version back to BAA for their retention also. BAA have also now met and wish to put a shed on the site. There is approval for a 10x8 shed. BAA would like to put a 9x9 'shed' on the plot, which has virtually the same footprint. It would be a bespoke shed with one open side that looks into the allotment. They plan to use a combination of 6ft and 3ft fence panels for the walls. It would function as a shelter, and given the open nature of it should hopefully deter anyone from speculatively breaking into it. The parish council is happy with this proposal. (But the Clerk may need to check with planning officers about the small variation from the planning approval.)

Electricity supply at village green C/fwd – The Clerk and Chairman to get a power provider to make the final connection to the new cabinet.

Sandbag store The base is ready for a sand bag box by the new cabinet. The Clerk has placed an order for storage box with CCC. Delivery is awaited.

Old cricket field trees: The Men of Trees are to deliver 20 (of 40) new trees to the old cricket field on 9amon Saturday 3 February 2018. The Chairman explained that there have been some volunteers agree to help plant these. Cllr Mullett has sorted the sheep guard requirement. The second batch for planting will be finalised for a later date – for the line at the back of the cricket field.

New trees Valley Road Cllr Goulden asked if new trees may be considered by Kent Highways to fill gaps on the Valley Road. She felt that there are gaps by the post box entrance to The Manor (and a Rowan) may work here – and another 2 or 3 gaps in the road may be filled with a Beech tree? The Clerk will ask Kent Highways to take a look and give a price for the parish council to fulfil the planting of these.

New tree for the village green? Cllr Goulden also gave a reminder that there could be another cherry tree provided on the village green and a resident was prepared to support the provision of this. Cllr Wood offered to speak to the resident about this kind offer. The parish council could either order a cherry through, or perhaps receive another donation from, the Men of Trees for the Cherry?

13. Footpaths & Rights of Way The Clerk, Cllr Minter and Cllr Hollowday met to look at CB230 in the parish – this is a bridleway leading straight up from Out Elmstead Lane and near Hearts Delight and has overhanging vegetation. Coincidentally they met 3 riders on horseback and the Clerk was later able to report this to the KCC public right of way department. It was acknowledged. The Clerk will keep a watch for progress.

Cllr Minter will look out previous logged fault report numbers regarding the other path at right angles to Out Elmstead Lane with the issues of the stile and being overgrown.

14. External Organisations

Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group The River Group will hold a meeting on 17 February at . The Agenda will invite the usual agencies to the meeting: Southern Water; EA; CCC; and in particular on this occasion the senior KCC drainage officer and Cllr Northey. The Chairman explained that he has spoken to the senior flood warden for Barham who may attend as the Barham representative and report back.

5 Royal British Legion – poppies and other goods for marking the centenary of WW1 end in 2018 There is an opportunity for poppies and other Royal British Legion commemorative items and ideas to show in the village, subject to volunteers’ support, to help mark the 2018 commemoration of the end of WWI. The Royal British Legion may supply poppies and related goods for the Parish Council and/or local societies or clubs free of charge. One idea is to replicate the large display poppies that have been put up in Elham recently – subject to volunteers helping to put them up on streetlights and taking them down again. Barham Parish Council agreed that they would like to progress this idea for the Valley Road street lights and poles etc – Cllr Wood offered to count suitable posts to get a number required. Cllr Minter, Cllr Earl and any other councillors with posts in additional to the Valley Road area should email the Clerk both the location, the number required and the volunteer name of who will put up and take down poppies. Barham Parish Council will revisit this item at the next parish council meeting, and advertise in the parish magazine and on Facebook in due course.

Swingboats – The swingboats are owned by the parish council and on long term loan to the PTA. There was a public meeting on 16 November 2017 to discuss their future use. The PTA are experiencing issues around insurance and inspections linked to insurance. They were given some leads to follow up and it was a positive meeting. The Clerk has had follow-up from the PTA contact in January 2018 – they are progressing actions and will hold another public meeting shortly.

15. Clerk report – the Clerk report had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. Most items are incorporated elsewhere in the Minutes. Cllrs considered the Invite to the Lord-Lieutenant of Kent’s Civic Service at Canterbury Cathedral on 20 March 2018 to celebrate volunteering - The invite is for one Cllr and their guest. No one wished to attend.

Clerk at Coffee Stop - The Clerk usually attends a Coffee Stop on the third/fourth Tuesday of each month between 10.30 and 11.30. The Chairman is usually at each session too to take enquiries also.

16. Planning Matters

New planning applications: CA/17/02772 - 11 Fox Way, Barham, CT4 6QJ Proposed single-storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory.

CA/17/02735 - Sydney House, Derringstone Hill, Barham, CT4 6QD Variation of condition 01 (approved drawings) of planning permission CA//17/02240/VAR for the erection of three detached dwellings in the grounds of Sydney House, Barham; to allow first-floor extension to outbuilding on plot B.

CA/18/00047 - Helios House, The Street, Barham, CT4 6NZ Proposed two-storey dwelling. Cllr Minter left the room and the meeting for discussion of this item. The parish council has no concerns with the proposal.


CA/17/02227 - Ivy Cottage, Railway Hill, Barham- Proposed single-storey rear extension. GRANTED by CCC

CA/17/02393 - Land adjacent to Southease, Derringstone Hill, Barham, CT4 6QD Proposed detached two-storey dwelling and garage. GRANTED by CCC

CA/17/02538 and CA/17/02542/LB - Derringstone Hill Farm, Derringstone Hill, Barham, CT4 6QD Proposed two-storey side extension. GRANTED by CCC

CA/17/02526 - Blandford, Valley Road, Barham, CT4 6NX Proposed roof extension from hipped to gable and associated alterations. GRANTED

CA/17/02772 - 11 Fox Way, Barham, CT4 6QJ Proposed single-storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory. GRANTED

AWAITING FORMAL NOTIFICATION OF DECISION: CA/17/00809 - Arter Brothers, Eagle Motor Works, Old Dover Road, Barham, CT4 6EX: Proposed 10 two-storey dwellings following demolition of existing commercial buildings


Other Planning matters: Highland Court at Bridge emerging development proposal At the 2 November 2017 parish council meeting, Barham Parish Council agreed to carry a watching brief and support other parishes should a formal application be submitted. Whilst not in Barham parish it is in the Kent Downs area and, subject to the detail of any forthcoming application, Barham Parish Council will resist any significant development within the AONB as a matter of principle. There is no update at this time.

CA/17/02272 - Land on South-West side of Dover Road, Barham Retrospective application for proposed change of use of land for siting of a residential mobile home and container and erection of 4 no stables, 1 barn and 1 outbuilding. Barham Parish Council at their 2 November 2017 parish council meeting RATIFIED concerns to the mobile home element of this application: The buildings in question on this application have been up for some time and they are visible from the A2 behind the lay-by, particularly if you travel from the Dover direction towards Barham, but also from the reverse direction, in particular the mobile home. Barham Parish Council considers the buildings unsightly, particularly the mobile home and container. Field stables are not the issue, more the mobile home attached to the retrospective application. Barham Parish Council consider this breach of planning is an attempt to get permission for a more permanent structure over time, and a flouting of planning rules. The mobile home is not appropriate to the open setting of the Kent Downs Landscape area and should be removed. This planning application is going to committee for a planning decision on 6 February 2018. The planning report is available at the following link: Page 28 onwards refers. The officer recommendation is to Grant. 2018%2018.30%20Planning%20Committee.pdf?T=10

Fibre broadband for the village and enabling of Box 5 Many residents are able to connect to fibre and the Bridge (a neighbouring village) exchange is enabled. However, properties in The Street above the (Duke of Cumberland) pub, Church Lane and Rectory Lane (and Gravel Castle Road?) are waiting for box 5 on the old A2 to be upgraded. Minute No 17 of the 7 December 2017 parish council meeting recorded: “Cllr Tamsitt explained that resident David Kincaid had given an update re the request to BT for broadband fibre supply improvements. David Kincaid has completed an enquiry form to BT with 25 residents expressing interest. BT will respond with costs and a timescale in due course. Barham Parish Council may write to BT to endorse this request.”

NOTED that since that meeting the Clerk sent an email to KCC Broadband on 15 January 2018 re fibre broadband for the village and the enabling of Box 5. The following response was received: “Bridge cabinet 5 is the only cabinet on the Bridge exchange that has not been upgraded to provide fibre broadband. It serves the roads you have mentioned in your email below. Due to the extent of VFast fixed wireless broadband coverage in the immediate area of the cabinet Kent County Council is unable to invest public funding under our contract with BT to upgrade the cabinet.

I do not believe there would be a technical reason why BT could not upgrade the cabinet under its Community Fibre Partnership programme (CfP). This is an established programme that has been utilised by other communities in Kent and does not run the risk of breaching state aid regulations, which using public funding would do. My understanding is that the CfP programme is being continued for at least the remainder of 2018. Our data shows that Bridge cabinet 5 serves about 130 premises in total, though half of these are on long copper telephone lines and would be unlikely to benefit from the cabinet being upgraded; most of the long lines are at Broome Park or .

I am aware that in other communities a Community Interest Company (CIC) has been established, as this provides a legal entity for BT to contract with and gives protection to individuals. So if there is sufficient interest to take a project forward the parish council may wish to investigate the CIC route.”

Cllr Wood confirmed that this information has been shared with resident David Kincaid and he may come back to the parish council after further dialogue with his neighbours affected.

17. Councillors’ items

7 St Anne’s Court wall Cllr Brooks explained that a resident had contacted him about the state of the wall around St Anne’s Court, particularly on the corner of The Street. Cllr Wood advised that the wall is actually listed. Cllrs felt that work to it would surely be the responsibility of the owner, but the Clerk was asked to make enquiries with the city council’s enforcement team in view of its listed status and possible dangerous state.

A spring Litter Pick Cllr Wood suggested that the parish council arrange a community Spring litter pick – a Saturday afternoon last time worked well and achieved a record turn out, so a Saturday afternoon in March/April would be preferable. Cllr Wood to check hall availability and confirm a date. Cllr Hollowday will then advertise on Facebook and Cllr Wood will do an article for the magazine. The Clerk will complete the application pack for the equipment and Serco collection etc to CCC.

Next meeting - A March recess had been planned but a meeting may now go ahead. This will have its usual statutory notice of a minimum 3 working days.

The meeting closed at 9.00pm.

Future meetings: Full Council: in the Grabham Room in the village hall. First Thursday of each month – 1 March (tbc), 5 April, 3 May, 7 June, 5 July, (recess in August) 6 September, 4 October, 1 November and 6 December 2018. (and F&GP rd dates if required: Usually 3 Monday of each month: in the committee room – if required - 19 February, 26 March, 16 April, 21 May, 18 June, 16 July, 20 August, 17 September, 15 October, 19 November and 17 December 2018.)

Signed...... Chairman, Barham Parish Council

Date ...... Please note these Minutes remain as draft Minutes until they are approved by the parish council at their next parish council meeting

Extra Clerk reports items circulated this month to note:

PCSO report - PCSO Gavin Dodwell’s report for December had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. There have been some thefts in Barham. PCSO Nathan MULLINS has now left to join the Police. PCSO Amy BURNINGHAM has now joined alongside PCSO Dodwell in the rural community.

DfT consultation on proposals for the creation of a Major Road Network A KALC email was received on 9 January 2018 to advise that the Department for Transport is consulting (until 19 March 2018) on proposals for the creation of a Major Road Network. The consultation is considering general principles and criteria. For the parish and town council sector, both KALC and NALC will be responding to the consultation (see The consultation asks for views on: o how to define the Major Road Network o the role that local, regional and national bodies will play in the Major Road Network investment programme o which schemes will be eligible for Major Road Network funding

Surface Treatment Road Closures 2018 – Canterbury Area Barham has some roads due to be included in this year’s programme of Surface Treatment. As a result, it will be necessary to close a number of roads to allow the works to be carried out safely. The roads that require closures are shown below, together with the extent of the closure and alternative routes. The dates of the closures are yet to be programmed. Once known, the planned dates of closures and other restrictions will be notified in advance of the works, and indicated by signage displayed on site 14 days before works are due to start. Certain roads may require more than one closure  For patching works (if required)  For the actual Surface Treatment works  For the subsequent reinstatement of road markings and adjustment of iron works (road drain covers, manhole covers, etc) needed to suit the new surface.

Closures will generally be between the times 7am and 7pm each day, but there may be exceptions to this to suit local requirements. A temporary speed limit of 20 mph may need to be imposed on certain roads for a period of about 7 days following the treatment. Where this does apply, the 20 mph Speed Limit will be indicated by relevant signs clearly displayed on site. 8 For those roads which are cul-de-sacs with no available diversion, every effort will be made to maintain access for residents, businesses and visitors, whenever it is safe to do so. This programme is subject to weather and other factors which may cause changes at short notice. Every effort will be made to keep as close as possible to the programmed dates that are notified, and any changes will be advised locally and signposted on site. The roads involved, extent of closures and alternative routes are as shown below:.

RABBIT HOLE, BARHAM - Closure between Brickfield and Gravel Castle Road Alternative route via Walder Chain, Derringstone Hill and Brickfield Road • Brickfield Road will become one-way between Valley Road and Gravel Castle Road • Mill Lane will become one-way between Gravel Castle Road and Derringstone Hill

ELHAM VALLEY ROAD, BARHAM - Closure between Derringstone Hill and Breach Farm Alternative route via Elham Valley Road, Canterbury Road, High Street Elham, New Road, Canterbury Road, Longage Hill, The Minnis, Mockbeggar, B2068 Stone Street, Faussett Hill, Road, Old Dover Road, A2050 Dover Road, A2 Dover Road, Bourne Park Slip East Bound, Coldharbour Lane, Bonny Bush Hill, Black Robin Lane, Valley Road, and Derringstone Hill

DERRINGSTONE HILL, BARHAM - Closure between Mill Lane and Derringstone Downs Alternative route as per Elham Valley Road, above

Local government finance settlement and referendum principles A KALC bulletin sent on 20 December 2017 advised that Council tax referendum principles have not been extended to parish and town councils in 2018/19 and the government intends to defer the setting of referendum principles for town and parish councils for three years. The relevant section from the consultation which confirms this is: 3.4 Town and parish councils 3.4.1 Since the introduction of council tax referendums in 2012-13, no referendum principles have been set for local precepting authorities such as town and parish councils (“parishes”), although the Government has made it clear that it would keep this under review and take action if necessary. 3.4.2 Ahead of the 2017-18 round of council tax setting, the Government issued a challenge to parishes to demonstrate restraint when setting precept increases that were not a direct result of taking on additional responsibilities, and to make precept decisions more transparent to local tax-payers. The average increase set by the sector in 2017-18 was 6.3% and the Government indicated that continued deferral of referendum principles would be dependent upon it receiving clear evidence of how the sector is responding to the challenge. 3.4.3 In response, the sector provided details of a range of activities around fiscal responsibility, transparency and engagement, the promotion of good practice and use of other sources of income, county-level engagement regarding significant precept increases’ and publishing the Good Councillors’ Guide to Finance and Transparency. 3.4.4 Having noted this work and the sector’s request for longer-term certainty to aid financial planning, the Government intends to defer the setting of referendum principles for town and parish councils for three years. However, this is conditional upon: i) the sector taking all available steps to mitigate the need for council tax increases, including the use of reserves where they are not already earmarked for other uses or for “invest to save” projects which will lower on-going costs, and; ii) the Government seeing clear evidence of restraint in the increases set by the sector as a whole.

Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group : UPDATE: The aquifer (water table) continues to be very low and there is minimal risk of flooding this winter. A River Group member in Lyminge, has advised the Nailbourne spring at Lyminge was dry from September until early December 2017 (which is very unusual and rarely seen in living memory). This is a reflection of how dry it has been and probably a sign that the aquifer is now finally starting to replenish. However, it does not show yet in the indicative borehole, Little Bucket, which is still dry. The River Group focus this year has been on Highways Drainage and reps have met several times with the KCC officers, particularly with reference to the difficulties in Bridge, and . Members have also worked with the Road Residents’ Association to help them resolve the flooding issues which occur always after heavy rain on the Stodmarsh Road from near Canterbury golf club to . The group has adopted the Stodmarsh Road Residents’ Association as associate members of the River Group – as Fordwich PC has always been. (Associate means they do not pay a sub or have voting rights.) The KCC officers continually advise that all highways drainage problems must be logged on the KCC Highways fault tracker. Please do this as often as possible - because it is only numbers of logged faults that count towards funding assistance. The Group’s finances are in good shape and there will be no request for a Parish Council contribution this year.