Rotary Club of Madras Pallava R.I. Dist 3232

CLUB ROSTER 2020-21 j¿ Milaf« jÄœeh£oš v§bfšyh« if¤j¿ berths®fŸ ïU¡»wh®fnsh mt®fŸ beŒj JÂfis th§» Ñ œ f © l K f t Ç Æ š É ‰ g i d b r Œ » n w h « . ɉgidÆš »il¡F« Ãfu yhg¤ij ViH berths®fS¡F g»®ªJ mË¡»nwh« v‹gnj ïj‹ áw¥ò. Éir¤j¿ JÂfŸ òif¥gl« ngh‹wJ if¤j¿ JÂfŸ XÉa« ngh‹wJ xU berthË xU nriyia beŒa j‹Dila if, fhš, f©fis 20,000 jlit ïa¡f nt©L«. FL«gkhf xU ehis¡F 12 k neu« ciH¤jhY« ït®fSila khj tUkhd« %.5000 ¡F« Fiwnt. Mil ehfÇf« jªJ khd« fh¡F« ViH berths®fis ghJfh¥ngh«! c. rfha« I.A.S. v©.7/12, C.T.H. nuhL, (nfh¢rh® m¥gh®£bk‹£ vâÇš) m«g¤ö® bjhʉng£il, br‹id-600058. Contact: 9962287307, 9566172244 email: [email protected] google: thariaadaiyagam S.Shanmugam

if¤j¿ Mil mÂnth« ! ViH berths®fis ghJfh¥ngh« !! ntiythŒ¥ig bgU¡Fnth« !!! Rotary Club of Madras Pallava Club Number: C000029648

Meets Every Wednesday Hotel Beverly at

7.20 pm

Inaugurated on - 18-06-1993

Charted on - 29-06-1993

Charter Presented on - 25-08-1993

Club No. - 29648

Club Bulletin - Voice of Pallava

Web Site -

Facebook - rotarypallava

E-mail - [email protected] RI MISSION STATEMENT

ENDORSED MISSION & VISION To provide service to others, promote high ethical standard, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. Universally recognized for our commitment to service above self to advance world understanding goodwill, and peace. Ÿ Fostering among member club; Ÿ Strengthening and expanding Rotary around the world; Ÿ Communicating worldwide the work of Rotary and Ÿ Providing a system of international administration.

2 Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service-as a basis of worthy enterprises and in particular, to encourage and foster.

FIRST : The Development of acquaintance as opportunities for service.

SECOND : High ethical standards in business and professions. The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupation as an opportunity to serve soceity.

THIRD : The application of the ideal of service by every rotary to his personal, business and community life.

FOURTH : The Advancement of International understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship and professional men united in the ideal of service.

3 Five Avenues of Service

Based on the Object of Rotary, the Five Avenues of Service are Rotary’s philosophical cornerstone and the foundation on which club activity is based:

Ÿ Club Service focus on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the effective functioning of the Club.

Ÿ Vocational Service encourages Rotarians to serve others through their vocations and to practice high ethical standard.

Ÿ Community service covers the project and activities the club undertakes to improve life in its community.

Ÿ International Service encompasses action taken to expand Rotary’s humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace.

Ÿ New Generation Encompasses many activities at club and community levels, all of which have the common goal of helping young people develop their full potential as responsible adults.

4 Office Bearers President : Rtn. M.V.Robert

Imm Past Pres : Rtn. J.Dayalan

President Elect : Rtn. A.Karthikeyan

Secretary : Rtn. D.Ravi

Treasurer : Rtn. R.Krishnan

Club Trainer : Rtn. S.Annamalay

Exe. Sect. / VP : Rtn. S.Paul Raj Board of Directors Club Service : Rtn. D.Suresh Kumar Community Service : Rtn. T.P.Ramesh (Development) Community Service : Rtn. V.S.Rose (Health) Vocational Service : Rtn. M.Gnanasekaran International Service : Rtn. Dr.P.Pandiyan Youth Service : Rtn. T.Chandran Sergeant At Arms : Rtn. Dr.Mohankumar Club Advisor : Rtn. Dr.M.G.Bhaskar Fund Raising : Rtn. S.Sankar

5 Chairman Rotary Foundation : Rtn. J.Muruganandhan

Public Relations : Rtn. H.Dilli Babu

Membership Development : Rtn. A.Kalidoss

Chairman Polio Plus : Rtn. P.Panayappan

Special Projects Orange : Rtn. S.Baskaran

Magazine Editor : Rtn. Dr.M.G.Bhaskar

The Four Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do.

Is it The Truth ?

Is it Fair To All Concerned

Will It Build Goodwill And Better Friendship

Will It Be Beneficial To All Concerned

6 Rotary Club of Madras Pallava Our Illustrious Past Presidents & Secretaries 1. 1993-94 Rtn.A.L.Chidambaram / Rtn.C.Chidambaram 2. 1994-95 Rtn.V.V.S.Manian / Rtn.A.Viswanathan 3 1995-96 Rtn.S.Pitchaiah / Rtn.Elango 4. 1996-97 Rtn.A.Viswanathan / Rtn.R.Kumar 5. 1997-98 Rtn.D.Subburam / Rtn.K.Sivakumar 6. 1998-99 Rtn.R.Kumar / Rtn.Mahadevan 7. 1999-00 Rtn.M.Kumar / Rtn.N.S.P.Prakash 8. 2000-01 Rtn.K.Sivakumar / Rtn.R.Krishnan 9. 2001-02 Rtn.P.N.Easwaran / Rtn.M.Srinivasa Ready 10. 2002-03 Rtn.Y.Sudarsana Rao / Rtn.Ashokkumar 11. 2003-04 Rtn.G.Selvanathan / Rtn.Babu 12. 2004-05 Rtn.N.S.P.Prakash / Rtn.Suresh 13. 2005-06 Rtn.C.Janakan /Rtn.Harigopal 14. 2006-07 Rtn.M.Srinivasa Reddy / Rtn.M.V.Robert 15. 2007-08 Rtn.S.Paulraj / Rtn.S.Annamalay 16. 2008-09 Rtn.J.Muruganandhan / Rtn.P.N.Easwaran 17. 2009-10 Rtn.K.Jeyaraj / Rtn.Panayappan 18. 2010-11 Rtn.S.Annamalay / Rtn.M.R.Murugappan 19. 2011-12 Rtn.D.Harigopal / Rtn.N.Ananthan 20. 2012-13 Rtn.S.Sivaramakrishanan / Rtn.I.Vargheese 21. 2013-14 Rtn.Panayappan / Rtn.D.Sureshkumar 22. 2014-15 Rtn.R.Krishnan / Rtn.S.Sankar 23. 2015-16 Rtn.S.Sankar / Rtn.S.Paulraj 24. 2016-17 Rtn.Dr.P.Pandiyan / Rtn.V.SRose 25. 2017-18 Rtn.Ar.D.Suresh Kumar / Rtn.J.Dayalan 26. 2018-19 Rtn.V.S.Rose / Rtn.A.Karthikeyan 27. 2019-20 Rtn.J.Dayalan / Rtn.H.Dilli Babu

7 Rotary Club of Madras Pallava Paul Harris Fellows 1. 1996-97 Rtn.AL.Chidambaram 2. 1996-97 Rtn.D.Sububram 3 1997-98 Rtn.N.Arumugasamy 4. 1997-98 Rtn.K.Srinivasan 5. 1997-98 Rtn.S.Mahadevan 6. 1997-98 Rtn.G.Selvanathan 7. 1997-98 Rtn.V.Vardarajan 8. 1997-98 Rtn.R.Kumar 9. 1998-99 Rtn.K.Muthu 10. 1998-99 Rtn.Ann.Vasanthy Mahadevan 11. 1999-00 Rtn.M.Kumar 12. 1999-00 Rtn.Y.Sudarsana Rao 13. 1999-00 Rtn.AL.Chidambaram (In the name of Annet C.Pavitra) 14. 1999-00 Rtn.K.SivaKumar 15. 2000-01 Rtn.R.Krishnan 16. 2000-01 Rtn.S.Paulraj 17. 2000-01 Rtn.D.Subburam (In the name of Annet D.Gowri Shankar) 18. 2000-01 Rtn.P.N.Easwaran 19. 2001-02 Rtn.M.Srinivasa Reddy 20. 2001-02 Rtn.C.G.Mercylin 21. 2001-02 Rtn.R.Ashokkumar 22. 2002-03 Rtn.D.Ravi 23. 2002-03 Rtn.K.Jayaraj

8 Rotary Club of Madras Pallava Paul Harris Fellows 24. 2002-03 Rtn.Paulraj (In the name of Ann. Vijayalakshmi) 25. 2002-03 Rtn.N.Sureshkumar 26. 2002-03 Rtn.J.Muruganandhan 27. 2002-03 Rtn.M.D.Harigopal 28. 2002-03 Rtn.Stephen Xavier 29. 2003-04 Rtn. N.S.P.Praskash (In the name of Annet P.Bhavya) 30. 2003-04 Rtn.G.Sudarsana Rao (In the name of Annet S.Jayamalathi) 31. 2003-04 Rtn.Dr.Sarada Nambi Arooran 32. 2003-04 Rtn.AL.Chidambaram (In the name of Ann C.Dhannalakshmi) 33. 2004-05 Rtn.C.Janakan 34. 2005-06 Rtn.N.S.P.Prakash 35. 2005-06 Rtn.G.Selvanathan 36. 2006-07 Rtn.R.Krishnan (In the name of Ann. Padmavathi) 37. 2006-07 Rtn.N.S.P.Prakash (In the name of Ann.Purva) 38. 2006-07 Rtn.M.Srinivasa Reddy (In the name of Ann. Vijayalakshmi) 39. 2006-07 Rtn.P.Panayappan 40. 2006-07 Rtn.M.R.Murugappan 41. 2006-07 Rtn.Sivaramakrishnan

9 Rotary Club of Madras Pallava Paul Harris Fellows 42. 2006-07 Rtn.K.R.Anand 43. 2007-08 Rtn.S.Paulraj (In the name of G/D Ashrithi) 44. 2007-08 Rtn.K.Jayaraj ( In the name of Ann. Anitha) 45. 2008-09 Rtn.I.Vargheese 46. 2008-09 Rtn.D.Sureshkumar 47. 2008-09 Rtn.N.Anandan 48. 2008-09 Rtn.S.Annamalay 49. 2010-11 Rtn.S.Annamalay (In the name of Ann. Mala) 50. 2010-11 Rtn.S.Paulraj (In the name of G/D Mithvi) 51. 2011-12 Rtn.S.Paulraj 52. 2011-12 Rtn.PHF.C.Gopalakrishnan 53. 2012-13 Rtn.PHF.S.Sivaramakrishnan 54. 2012-13 Rtn.I.Vargheese 55. 2013-14 Rtn.P.Panayappan 56. 2013-14 Rtn.D.Sureshkumar 57. 2018-19 Rtn.R.Sivakumar 58. 2018-19 Rtn.V.S.Rose 59. 2018-19 Rtn.A.Karthikeyan 60. 2018-19 Rtn.A.Kalidoss 61. 2018-19 Rtn.M.Anbalagan 62. 2018-19 Rtn.M.Gnanasekaran

10 RI PRESIDENT 2020 – 2021

This does not seem like a time for great optimism, but it has to be. Long before Rotary was founded, the world dealt with great crises that tested humankind's ability to progress and endure. In the age of Rotary, the world has faced many more catastrophes; however, we have survived, and every step of the way, Rotary has helped the world heal.

Every great challenge is an opportunity for renewal and growth. I revealed the theme of Rotary Opens Opportunities at the International Assembly in San Diego just as the COVID-19 crisis was beginning, but Holger Knaack these are words that I have believed for many years.

Rotary is not just a club that you join; it is an invitation to endless opportunities. We believe in creating opportunities for others and for ourselves. We believe that our acts of service, large and small, generate opportunities for people who need our help, and that Rotary opens opportunities for us to live a richer, more meaningful life, with friends around the world, based on our core values.

Governments and institutions are gaining a greater appreciation for the types of public health partnerships that are critical to our work. People stuck at home, eager for greater connections and hungry to help their communities, are now embracing the values we have promoted since our beginning.

All of this is positive news, but just because there are greater opportunities than ever for Rotary to thrive does not guarantee that we will succeed. The world is changing rapidly — and was doing so even before this crisis. People were starting to move away from regular lunch meetings and toward online gatherings. Friendships were being cultivated and revived in social media relationships even before most of our meetings moved to Zoom and Skype. Younger generations have a strong desire to serve — but have questioned whether they could play a meaningful role in organizations like Rotary or whether they might make a bigger impact forming different types of connections. Now is the time to put everything on the table, test new approaches, and prepare Rotary for the future.

The COVID-19 crisis has forced all of us to adapt. This is good, and our new Action Plan specifically calls on us to improve our ability to adapt. But adaptation is not enough. We need to change, and change dramatically, if we are to face the challenges of this new age and provide the Rotary the world so desperately needs.

This is our great challenge, not just in the next year but into the foreseeable future. It is up to us to remake Rotary for these new times — to wholeheartedly embrace the ideas, energy, and commitment of young people eager to find an outlet for idealism. We must become an organization fully enmeshed in the digital age, not one that simply looks for online ways to keep doing what we have always done.

The world needs Rotary now more than ever. It is up to us to make sure that Rotary Opens Opportunities for generations to come.

Holger Knaack President, Rotary International, 2020-2021

11 DISTRICT GOVERNOR-3232 2020 – 2021

Rtn. S.Muthu Palaniappan with Dist. First Lady PP.Ann. M.Kamala

12 President 2020 -2021

President Rtn.M.V.Robert with First Lady Ann. Mini Robert


CP. MD. Rtn. AL. Chidambaram PHF. Ann. C. Dhanalakshmi

14 PRESIDENT ELECT (2021-22)

Rtn. A.Karthikeyan Ann. K.Kanchana Devi


Rtn. A.L. Chidambaram


1. Rtn. A.L. Chidambaram

2. Rtn. Paul Raj

3. Rtn. Muruganandham

16 Rtn. M.Anbalagan Ann. A.Chenna

Member ID : 8945368 Classification : Manufacturing of Roofing Sheets Wedding Day : 7th July Office : Sakthi Roofing, Shed No.E, 1st Cross Street, 1st Main Road, Industrial Estate, - 600 058. Office: 72000 40905 Cell: 93810 35023 E mail : [email protected] Residence : Door No.420, East End Road, Panneer Nagar, , Chennai - 600 037. Spouse : Cell: 93830 35024

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. M.Anbalagan 24th Jun B +ve Ann. A.Chenna 10th Oct B +ve Annet. A.Pravin 30th May A +ve Annet. A.Bamini 22nd Nov A +ve

17 PP. PHF. Rtn. S.Annamalay PHF. Ann. Mala

Member ID : 3334725 Classification : Manufacturer of Aluminium Alloys Wedding Day : 28th May Office : Venus Ecotronix Kamarajar Arangam New No.500, Old No.573, , Chennai - 600 006. Ph: 044 2538 1935 & 2538 2212, Cell: 9840994888 E mail : [email protected] Residence : 29/15B, 5th Street, A.K.Swamy Nagar, , Chennai - 600 010. Ph: 044 4354 8282 Spouse : Cell: 98402 33993

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. Annamalay 11th Mar ‘O’ +ve Ann. Mala 13th May ‘B’ +ve Annet. Sethu Nivedha 14th Jul ‘B’ +ve

18 PHF. Rtn. N. Arumugasamy Ann. Dhanalakshmi

Member ID : 2242783 Classification : Real Estate Promoter Wedding Day : 17th Nov Office : M/s Annai- Enterprises, 33/34, C-47, 1st Floor, 2nd Avenue, Plaza, Chennai - 600 040, Ph. No: 044 2628 6525. Cell: 95439 93053. E mail : [email protected] Residence : K-Tower, Flat No.1501, Penthouse, Ozone, Chennai - 600 040. Ph. No: 044 - 4203 8353. Spouse : Cell: 96000 46525

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. N.Arumugasamy 21st Nov ‘B’ +ve Ann. Dhanalakshmi 31st Dec ‘O’ +ve

19 PHF. Rtn. R. Ashok Kumar Ann. Kayalvizhi

Member ID : 5165227 Classification : Coffee Industry Wedding Day : 2nd Feb Office : RICHCAFE, 132B, South Phase, 3rd Main Road, Ambattur Ind Estate, Chennai - 600 058. , Cell: +91-98410 33046 Office: 044 2625 9844 & 044 2625 8437 E mail : [email protected] Residence : 197/11, Green Field Apartments, R-30A, TNHB Flats, Extn. Chennai- 101 Ph. No: 044 - 4854 8016 Spouse : Cell: 98416 38774

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. R. Ashok Kumar 31st Oct ‘B’ +ve Ann. Kayalvizhi 25th June ‘A’ +ve Annet. Aravind 5th Nov ‘B’ +ve

20 Rtn. S.Baskaran Ann. B.Haripriya

Member I.D : 8945369 Classification : Publisher/Printer Wedding Day : 14th August Office : Sivasakthi Offset Printers, 6/324, Raja Street, Padi, Chennai - 600 050. Cell: 98410 33129 Email : [email protected] Residence : Plot No.1158, Door No.135, 6th Avenue, Annanagar, Chennai-40. Spouse : Cell: 97109 33129

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. S.Baskaran 5th Jul B +ve Ann. B.Haripriya 14th May O +ve Annet B.Sailesh 27th Jun O +ve

21 PP. PHF. Rtn. Dr.M.G.Bhaskar Ann. Sandhya Bhaskar

Member I.D : 6547383 Classification : Management Consultant Wedding Day : 18/02 Office Address : Sri Anandham Apartmets, No.1A, Jai Nagar, 2nd Street, , Chennai - 600 106. Cell: 98405 99888 Email : [email protected] Residence : Sri Anandham Apartmets, No.1A, Jai Nagar, 2nd Street, Arumbakkam, Chennai - 600 106. Spouse : Cell: 98404 04004

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. Dr.M.G. Bhaskar 16th Feb B +ve Ann. Sandhya Bhaskar 18th Jul A +ve Annet B. Sahana 18th Feb B +ve

22 PHF. Rtn. T.Chandran Ann. Devi Chandran

Member ID : 5673605 Classification : Architect-Industrial Wedding Day : 31st January Office : M/s. CTC Designers New 2, Old 63/1, 24th Street, L-Block, "Maxis presidium" J2, Anna Nagar East, Chennai-102, Near Chinthamani Signal Ph: +91 - 44 - 2663 2930 Cell: 98409 46632 E mail : [email protected] Residence : New 2, Old 63/1, 24th Street, L-Block, "Maxis presidium" J2, Anna Nagar East, Chennai-102, Near Chinthamani Signal Spouse : Cell: 97908 14465

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.Chandran 24th Oct ‘A’-ve Ann. Devi Chandran 19th Apr ‘O’+ve Annet. C.Mhadhurra 6th Aug ‘O’+ve

23 CP. MD. Rtn. AL. Chidambaram PHF. Ann. C. Dhanalakshmi

Member ID : 1679430 Classification : Industrial Gas Distribution Wedding Day : 28th May Office : Abirami Enterprises SP125, 5th Lane, 1st Main Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 058. Cell: 98408 22336 E mail : [email protected] Residence : Old No:127, New No.9, AJ Block 1st Street, 9th Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040. Ph. No: 044 2621 3737 Spouse : Cell: 94440 53848

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. AL. Chidambaram 10th Jan ‘O’ +ve Ann. C. Dhanalakshmi 2nd Feb A1 +ve

24 IPP. Rtn. J.Dayalan Ann.D.Kalavathi

Member ID : 8945391 Classification : Civil Infrastructure Wedding Day : 8th September Office : Sri Sairam Construction B3 TNSSIOA, Road, Athipet, Chennai - 600 058. Cell: 74491 64696 E mail : [email protected] Residence : 39/18, Ramanuja Nagar, , Chennai - 600 023. Spouse : Cell: 74491 64696

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. J.Dayalan 15th Sep A +ve Ann. D. Kalavathi 10th Jan Annet. D.K.Aruneshivar 7th Mar A +ve

25 Rtn. H.Dillibabu Ann.S.D.Kavitha

Member ID : 9982147 Classification : Wedding Day : 19th January Office : Prema Casting Works Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai-98. Cell: 98410 37103 E mail : [email protected] Residence : No.27,Periyar 1st cross stSrinivasa Nagar, Padi, Chennai-50. Spouse : 98419 74920

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.H.Dillibabu 13th Aug ‘B’+ve Ann. S.D.Kavitha 22nd Dec ‘AB’ -ve Annet. D.Ananya 13th Sep ‘B’+ve Annet. D.Akash 13th Sep ‘B’+ve

26 Rtn. M.Gnanasekaran Ann.G.Parameswari

Member ID : 10348494 Classification : Engineering Industry Wedding Day : 18th May Office : Dynamic Engineering 64, 2nd Cross Road, Geason Nagar, Vanagaram Road, Ayanambakkam, Chennai - 95. Ph: 044 2653 5622 Cell: 98841 95020 E mail : [email protected] Residence : 2FC, Harihara Mahal, 159 Aani Street, Chinmaya Nagar, Chennai - 600 092. Spouse : Cell: 99626 04834

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.M.Gnanasekaran 30th Aug ‘O’+ve Ann.G.Parameswari 22nd Jun ‘AB’+ve Annet.G.Vikashini 31st Dec ‘A’+ve Annet.G.Shobini 30th Sep ‘B’+ve

27 Rtn. K.Kalidoss Ann. K.Dhanalakshmi

Member ID : Classification : Interior Decorator Wedding Day : 21st August Office : Line En Lines & K G Interiors 23/1, Panchaliamman Koil Street, Arumbakkam Chennai - 600 106. Cell: 94443 66161 E mail : [email protected] Residence : 5, 2nd Cross Street, Pallavan Nagar, P.T.C.Officers Colony, , Chennai - 600 095. Spouse : Cell: 98848 96161

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. K.Kalidoss 17th Oct ‘O’ +ve Ann. K.Dhanalakshmi 15th Oct Annet. K.Umamaheshwari 14th Jun Annet. K.Gurunathan 14th Jul ‘O’ +ve

28 Rtn. B.P.Kanikaraj Ann. K.Dorothy Margaret

Member ID : 8945376 Classification : General Engineering & Metallurgy Wedding Day : 5th June Office : Aswin Enterprises 125,SIDCO Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 098, Cell: 72000 77980 / 97907 52927 E mail : [email protected] Residence : B141, Ankur Palm Springs, Padi, Chennai - 600 050. Spouse : Cell: 94452 63617

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. B.D.Kanikaraj 18th Jan O +ve Ann. K.Dorothy Margeret 26th Feb A1 +ve Annet. K.Ashwin Tony 29th Nov A +ve Annet. K.Melvin Vickey 4th Nov A +ve

29 Rtn. A.Karthikeyan Ann. K.Kanchana Devi

Member ID : 9448812 Classification : Lubrication & Hydraulic System Manufacturer Wedding Day : 27th Nov Office : M/s. Maruti Lube Care Solution Plot No.129, Thiruvalluvar Nagar, Katrambakkam, Sri Perubudur Taluk, Kanchipuram Dt., Pin - 631 551. Cell : 98407 73673 E mail : [email protected] Residence : BO-Plot No.6534, TNHB, Near Bharat Petrol Bunk, Ayyapakkam, Chennai - 600 077. Spouse : Cell : 82487 85384

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.A.Karthikeyan 27th Nov ‘B’+ve Ann. K.Kanchana Devi 5th Dec ‘B’+ve Annet. K.Avinesh Pandi 20th Jan Annet. A.K.Vigneshwari 5th Jun

30 Rtn. K.Karthikeayan Ann. R.Dhanalakshmi

Member ID : 9196299 Classification : S.E. (Rtd.) CMWSSB, Advisor, CMRL. Wedding Day : 6th March Office : Cell : 94458 68353 Cell : 98409 21718

E mail : [email protected] Residence : No.401, N Block, 20th Street, Lotus Colony, Anna Nagar East, Chennai - 600 102. Tell : +91-44-2626 9766 Spouse : Cell: 94448 69985

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.K.Karthikeayan 23rd Jan ‘O’+ve Ann. R.Dhanalakshmi 1st Aug ‘A1’+ve

31 PP. PHF. Rtn. R.Krishnan PHF. Ann. Padmavathi

Member ID : 3246852 Classification : Sheet Metal Components Wedding Day : 17th June Office : M/s Sakthi Laser Technology A1/A, Post Office Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 058. Ph: 044 - 2635 9199, 2652 1381 Cell : 98409 11067. E mail : [email protected] Residence : The Metrozone, 'S' Tower, No.001, Jawarlal Nehru Salai, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 40. Ph: 044 2654 1549 Spouse : Cell : 98849 11067

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. R. Krishnan 16th Sep ‘B’ +ve Ann. Padmavathi 3rd Dec ‘B’ +ve Annet. Aravind 25th Nov

32 Rtn. V.B.Lokayah Ann. L.Bagyalakshmi

Member I.D : 8945382 Classification : Cutting tools & Auto mobile Components Wedding Day : 28th January Office Address : Lokayah Precision Works, Shed No.F, 1st Cross Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai-58. Cell: 9381009046 Email : [email protected] Residence : 2, Kamarajar street, Nethaji Nagar, Railway Car Shed, , Chennai-109. Spouse : Cell : 99406 87376

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. V.B.Lokayah 6th Jan ‘O’ +ve Ann. L.Bagyalakshmi 6th Feb Annet. L.YashikaDevi 4th May ‘B’ +ve Annet. L.Suresh Krishna 20th Jan ‘O’ +ve

33 PHF.Rtn. Dr.P.Mohan Kumar

Member I.D : 10930984 Classification : Retired Professor Wedding Day : Office Address : Cell: 79047 08868 Email : [email protected] Residence : 9/1, Meera Flats, Muthu Street, Rajaji Nagar, , Chennai-600 049. Spouse :

Name Birthday Blood Group

PHF.Rtn.Dr.Mohan Kumar 15th Feb ‘B’ +ve

34 PP. PHF. Rtn. J.Muruganandhan Ann. Thulasi

Member ID : 5667844 Classification : Plastic Moulded Components Wedding Day : 2nd June Office : M/s ESTEEM POLYMER PRODUCTS PVT LTD S.No: 780/IB2BI, Chennai-Bangalore Highway Ph : 044 2681 1992/ 993 Cell: 98400 37537 E mail : [email protected] Residence : 17/2, 1st Main Road (4th Cross Street Corner) Shenoy Nager East, Chennai - 600 030.

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. J. Muruganandhan 7th May ‘A’ +ve Ann. Thulasi 19th Jan ‘O’ +ve Annet. Indu Priyadarsini 15th Mar Annet. Bharath Ram 10th Aug

35 Rtn. T.Palaniappan Ann.P.Meena

Member ID : Classification : Manufacturing of Hydraulic Assemblies for Thermal Power Plants and Defense Industries Wedding Day : 12th February Office : Iyappan Engineering Industries Private Limited 107/A, 5th Street, Sidco Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai - 600 098. Ph: 044 2625 2073 Cell: 98401 47768 E mail : [email protected] Residence : AA-19, 3rd Street, RAMA ILLAM, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040. Spouse : Cell: 95000 76940

Name Birthday Blood Group Rtn.T.Palaniappan 20th Dec ‘A1’+ve Ann.P.L.Meena 28th Feb ‘B’+ve Annet.Rama 15th May ‘A1B’+ve Annet.Thiagarajan 29th Aug ‘A1B’+ve Annet.Sala 26th Nov ‘A1B’+ve

36 PP. PHF. Rtn. P.Panayappan Ann. Deivayanai

Member ID : 5789441 Classification : Industrialist Wedding Day : 19th May Office : M/s, Velmurugan Industries, L-2, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai-600 058. Tel: 044 2680 0558, 2688 0122 Cell: 98408 66424 E mail : [email protected] Residence : J Block, Plot No: 891, Vaigai Colony, Anna Nagar West, Chennai-600 040. Cell : 81908 66424 Spouse : Cell : 98407 86424

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. P. Panayappan 1st Apr ‘A’ +ve Ann. Deivayanai 2nd Jan ‘B’ +ve Annet.Sakthi Panayappan 26th Apr ‘A’ +ve Annet. Alagumyil 12th Apr ‘B’ +ve

37 PP. Rtn. Dr. P.Pandiyan Ann. Tamilarasi

Member ID : 5363235 Classification : Real Estate Marketing Wedding Day : 27th May Office : Evershine Multipurpose Co-operative Society Limited G21, 2nd Main Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 058. Ph: +91-44-48546647 Cell: +91-90030 55546 E mail : [email protected] Residence : The Metrozone, 'T' Tower, No.1002, Jawarlal Nehru Salai, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 40. Spouse : Cell: +91-9677030098

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. Dr. P.Pandiyan 23rd Sept Ann. Tamilarasi 19th May Annet. Pravek Rhaj 21st July Annet. Phragith Rhaj 18th Jan

38 PP. PHF. Rtn. S.Paulraj PHF. Ann. Vijayalakshmi

Member ID : 5165233 Classification : Manufacturer of Electrical Switchgear (Power Connectors) Wedding Day : 23rd October, 1977. Office : Klemmen Engineering Corporation B-12, Mogappair Indl. Estate, (East) Chennai - 600 037. Ph: 044 2656 3680, 2656 3079 Cell: 98400 57429 E mail : [email protected] Residence : 37, Pachaiappan Street, (Old No.11/476) Mogappair (East), Ch-37 Ph: 044 2656 3429 & 044 2656 1808 Spouse : Cell : 98409 97428

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.S. Paulraj 2nd Aug ‘A’ +ve Ann. Vijayalakshmi 11th Sep ‘O’ +ve

39 Rtn. Vee.Raj Mohan Ann. R.Sasikala

Member ID : 8134938 Classification : Manufacturers of Power & Distribution Transformers Wedding Day : 9th November Office : Supreme Power Equipment Pvt.Ltd 55,SIDCO Industrial Estate, , Chennai - 602 124 Tel: 044 2681 1221, 2681 1226 Cell: 94431 67985, 99400 48258 E mail : Residence : G1, Raaj Valli Residence, Pasumpon Muthuramalingam Street, Rajaji Colony, , Chennai - 92. Cell : 99400 48258, 94431 67895 Spouse : Cell : 99400 48382

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.Vee.Raj Mohan 26th Sep ‘O’+ve Ann. Sasi Kala 12th Aug ‘O’+ve Annet. Sri Barati 10th Sep ‘O’+ve Annet. Vibba 19th Oct ‘O’+ve

40 Rtn. K.Rajagopala Venkatesh Ann. Krishnaveni

Member ID : 8134917 Classification : Tours & Travels Wedding Day : 27th May Office : Venkatesh Tourist Service AC 242, (Old AC 115) Shanti Colony, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040. Ph: 044-2626 3535, 2621 3517, 2621 1506 Cell: 98410 25388 E mail : [email protected] Web : Residence : 9/1A, Dhanalakshmi Nagar, Vanagaram, Chennai - 600 150. Ph: 044 2476 5858 Spouse : Cell: 99416 20668

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.K.Rajagopala Venkatesh 28th Dec ‘A1’ +ve Ann. Krishnaveni 26th Oct Annet. Kasturi 9th Nov

41 Rtn. T.P.Ramesh Ann.R.Valarmathi

Member ID : 10348515 Classification : Merchant Exporter (HV Substation Products) Wedding Day : 15th September Office : Alliant energy No 31A, 5th Cross street, SP-TS2 SIDCO Industrial Estate, , Chennai – 600 032. Ph: 044 2225 1836 Cell: 98410 18470 E mail : [email protected] Residence : Flat E, 2nd Floor, Mathu Apartment, No.85 Ramanujam Street, Annx., Alwarthirunagar, Chennai – 600 087. Spouse : 98410 18470

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.T.P.Ramesh 26th Sep ‘A1’+ve Ann.R.Valarmathi 20th Feb ‘O’+ve Annet.R.Sanjay 16th Oct ‘O’+ve Annet.R.Shalini 7th Feb ‘A1’+ve

42 PHF. Rtn. D.Ravi Ann.Sunitha

Member ID : 3334736 Classification : Mfg. Plastic Moulds, Press Tools & Auto Components Wedding Day : 18th Aug Office : M/s Classic Moulds & Dies K-20, Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai - 600 058. Ph: 044 2625 4488, 2625 6004 Cell: 98410 76004 E mail : [email protected] Residence : 27,IInd Main Road, Olympic Colony, Mogappair, Chennai - 600 050. Ph: 044 2624 7107 Spouse : Cell: 98410 56905

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.D.Ravi 26th Apr ‘A’+ve Ann. Sunitha 14th Aug ‘AB’+ve Annet. Vishal 16th Dec

43 Rtn. M.V.Robert Ann.Mini

Member ID : 5789442 Classification : Mfg of Hydraulic Systems & SPM Wedding Day : 16th June Office : M/s. Workflow Automation No.10/3, South Phase, 3rd Main Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 058. Ph: 044 48526922 Cell: 93810 53100 E mail : [email protected] Residence : MINI ILLAM, Plot No.4 3rd Main Road, Manikandapuram, , Chennai - 600 062. Spouse : Cell : 93827 53101

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.M.V.Robert 1st Mar ‘B’+ve Ann. Mini 15th Dec ‘B’+ve Annet. Melvin 2nd Dec ‘B’+ve Annet. Ranoy 1st Jan ‘B’+ve

44 PP. Rtn. V.S.Rose Ann.R.Chitralekha

Member ID : 8945394 Classification : Pile Foundation Wedding Day : 21st November Office : Associated Pile Foundation 23/1, Panchaliamman Koil Street, Arumbakkam, Chennai - 600 106. Ph: 044 2363 4555 Cell: 94441 23949 E mail : [email protected] Residence : No.355, Panneer Nagar, Mogappair East, Chennai - 37. Spouse : Cell : 95662 31111

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. V.S.Rose 11th Nov ‘A’ +ve Ann. R.Chitralekha 1st Jan ‘A’ +ve Annet. R.Keerthana 4th Aug ‘A’ +ve

45 PP. Rtn. S.Sankar Ann.ShanthiSankar

Member ID : 8659634 Classification : Pad Printing & Sub Assemblies Wedding Day : 15th September Office : M/s Sri Balaji Associates & M/s Sri Balaji Engineers Old No.98/2, New No.114/2, Sidco Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai - 600 098. Cell: 99403 61909 E mail : [email protected] Residence : Plot No.6/9, Sri Balaji, 7th Street, Vallalar Nagar, Thirumullaivoil, Chennai - 600 062. Spouse : Cell: 97909 12029

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.S.Sankar 2nd Feb ‘O’+ve Ann. Shanthi Sankar 15th Feb ‘B’+ve

46 PHF. Rtn. Dr.Sarada Nambi Arooran Honorary Member

Member ID : 2144984 Classification : Education Office : State Information Commissioner, Tamilnadu Information Commission (Retd), E mail : Residence : “CHITRAMBALAM” 30/B1, Muthukrishnan Street, , Chennai - 600 004. Ph: 044 2464 3068, Cell : 98400 23068

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.Sarada Nambi Arooran 24th Jul ‘B’+ve

47 Rtn. Saravana Mohan Ann.Raja Rajeswari

Member ID : 6280802 Classification : Flat Promoters Wedding Day : 7th September Office : M/s Rajmeena Builders 337/3, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040, Ph: 044 2628 0880, Cell: 99400 59283 Email : [email protected] Residence : Plot No.3362AC, AF-Block, 8th Street, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040. Tel : 044 2622 3387 Spouse : Cell : 99400 59281

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.Saravana Mohan 1st Jun ‘O’+ve Ann. Raja Rajeswari 28th Oct Annet. Akila 23rd Jan

48 Rtn. K.Sekaran Ann.S.Vasantha

Member ID : 8945412 Classification : Ferrous and Non Ferrous Heat Treatment Wedding Day : 14th December Office : Madras Heat Treaters, D1/D, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 058. Ph : 044 6526 9838 Cell: 94449 02409 E mail : [email protected] Residence : 2/4, Navarathna Apartments, 3rd Street, Mogappair East, Chennai - 600 037. Spouse : Cell : 98404 45670

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. K.Sekaran 13th Jun A1 +ve Ann. S.Vasantha 15th Feb O +ve

49 Rtn. P.G.Selvaraj Ann.S.Saroja

Member ID : 8134948 Classification : Importer and Supplier of Machine Tools Wedding Day : 5th June Office : 256, Ashok Pillar Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 058. Off : 98410 42442,98418 20255 Web : E mail : [email protected] Residence : #826,35th Street, TNHB Colony, , Chennai - 600 080. Spouse : Cell : 95512 85859

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.P.G.Selvaraj 23rd Nov ‘B’+ve Ann. Saroja 14th July

50 Rtn. S.Shanmugam Ann.S.Kala

Member ID : 10920418 Classification : Manufacturer of Auto Components Wedding Day : 24th October Office : India Industries 250A, 1st Cross Main Road, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 098. Off : 99622 87307 Web : E mail : [email protected] Residence :10/1133, 4th Cross Street, Seethakadhi Salai, Mugappair East, Chennai - 600 037. Spouse : Cell : 99627 79819

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.S.Shanmugam 2nd Feb ‘O’+ve Ann.S.Kala 21st Jul ‘B’+ve Annet.S.Bharath 4th Apr ‘B’+ve

51 Rtn. Dr K.V.Srikanth, M D S Ann.K.Satya Sree

Member ID : 10556957 ‘O’+ve Classification : Dental Surgeon & Periodontist / Implantologist Wedding Day : 15th Nov 2007 Office : Smile Dent Dental Clinic, (MAIN BRANCH) No.51, Flat No.2, Lalith Garden Apt, 1st Main Rd, Dayalu Nagar, Kolathur, Chennai - 600 099. Chennai - 600 034. Ph No: 044-48506970 (2nd Br) No.83/90, 1st Floor, South Redhills Road, Near Subway, Villivakkam, Chennai 600049. Ph No: 044-48686484 Cell: 98949 27668 E mail : [email protected] Residence : No.51, Flat No.5, Lalith Garden Apt, 1st Main Rd, Dayalu Nagar, Kolathur, Chennai - 600 099. Spouse : 99400 53562

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn. Dr.K.V.Srikanth 19th Jun Ann. K.Satya Sree 1st Aug Annet.Veda Kaushal.K 6th May

52 PP. PHF. Rtn. M.Srinivasa Reddy Ann.Vijayalakshmi

Member ID : 3334740 Classification : Electronics Equipment Mfg. Wedding Day : 16th August Office : Power Systems SP, 132-B, III Main Road, Ambattur, Indl. Estate, Chennai - 600 058, Ph: 044 2626 9600 Fax : 044 2625 8437 Cell : 98410 33645 E mail : [email protected] Residence : Dolphin Swimming Pool, 3rd Lane, Bhagya Nagar, Ongole, Prakasam Dist, AP-523001.

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.M.Srinivasa Reddy 18th May ‘O’+ve Ann. Vijayalakshmi 26th Feb ‘O’+ve Annet. Kiran Kumar Reddy 12th Jul

53 PHF. Rtn. K.Srinivasan Ann.Lalitha

Member ID : 2144963 Classification : Refrigeration Equipments Mfg. Wedding Day : 29th May Office : M/s.Krishna Agro Industries L-12,SIDCO Indl. Estate, Villivakkam, Chennai - 600 049, Ph: 044 2617 4622, Cell : 90254 46660 E mail : [email protected] Residence : Metrozone Tower ‘G’, Unit 1001 (10th Floor) Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040. Ph: 044 2621 4466 Spouse : Cell : 98844 06975

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.K.Srinivasan 9th Oct ‘A’+ve Ann. Lalitha 6th Apr Ann. Maya 1st Oct

54 PHF. Rtn. Stephen Xavier Ann.Auxilia

Member ID : 5363231 Classification : Mfg. of Cutting Tools & Auto Components Wedding Day : 4th February Office : M/s.Newall Engineering Works L4,Ambattur Indl.Estate, Chennai - 600 058, Ph: 044 2688 0776 Cell: 98400 54817 E mail : [email protected] Residence : 3/25, Pachaiappar Salai Mogappair (East), Chennai - 600 037. Ph: 044 2656 2312 Spouse : Cell : 94440 85554

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.Stephen Xavier 19th Jul ‘B’-ve Ann. Auxilia 16th Jun ‘O’+ve

55 PP. PHF. Rtn.D.Suresh Kumar Ann.S.Chitra

Member ID : 8009621 Classification : Architect, Interior Designer & Flat Promoter Wedding Day : 1st March Office : Vistha Architects & Newel Builders Door No.31A/20, Lakshmiammal Street, Ayyavoo Naidu Colony, , Chennai - 600 029. Ph: 044 2363 2917, 98403 58966 E mail : [email protected] [email protected] Residence : Door No.31A/20, Lakshmiammal Street, Ayyavoo Naidu Colony, Aminjikarai, Chennai - 600 029. Ph: 044 2363 2917, Cell: 97890 69969 Spouse : Cell : 98403 58993

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.D.Suresh Kumar 20th Jun ‘A1’+ve Ann. S.Chitra 7th May ‘A1’+ve Annet.S.Swetha 30th Jun ‘A2’+ve Annet.S.Sneha 9th Nov ‘A1’+ve

56 PHF. Rtn. V.Varadarajan PHF. Ann.Vasanthy

Member ID : 2573569 Classification : Powder Coating Wedding Day : 13th June Office : M/s. New Century Engineers 13/562, Vanagaram Road, Ambattur, Chennai - 600 058. Ph : 044 2682 1100 / 2682 0808 Cell: 94441 22022 E mail : [email protected] Residence : No.38/6, 5th Street, Y Block, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040. Ph: 044 2626 6464, Spouse : Cell : 94450 11440

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.V.Varadarajan 28th Jun ‘O’+ve Ann. Vasanthy 4th Sep ‘A1’+ve Annet. Vishal 24th Dec

57 Rtn.K.Velusamy Ann.V.Indirani

Member ID : Classification : Real Estate Builder, Promoter and Agro Farm Products Manufacturer Wedding Day : 2nd February Office : Plot No.1722, 6th Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040. Cell: 93805 37001 E mail : [email protected] Residence : No.5072, 6th Avenue, Z Block, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040. Spouse : Cell : 97890 41111

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.K.Velusamy 15th Jul ‘O’+ve Ann.V.Indirani 21st Sep ‘B’+ve Annet.V.Vignesshwar 22nd Dec ‘O’+ve Annet.V.Bragadeeshwar 10th Nov ‘B’+ve

58 Rtn. V.Venkatesan Ann.Pramila

Member ID : 10348484 Classification : Manufacturers of Electrical Automation Wedding Day : 3rd June Office : JK Automation #2/264, 31st Street, Nakkeeran Salai, Mugappair East, Chennai - 600 037. Ph: 044 4265 2488 Cell: 95661 80189 E mail : [email protected] Residence : No.1485, Garden Avenue, Mugappair, Chennai - 600 037. Ph: 044 2656 2744 Spouse : Cell: 94448 27131

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.Venkatesan 12th Feb ‘O’+ve Ann.Pramila 29th Nov ‘O’+ve Annet.Jayashree 24th Oct ‘O’+ve Annet.Kavyasree 2nd Apr ‘O’+ve

59 Rtn. Vishumber Nichani Ann.Asha

Member ID : 3334746 Classification : Bakery & Fast Food Wedding Day : 4th January Office : M/s. Cakes n Bakes Shop No.6, Shyam Gardens, 17/10, Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Chennai - 600 006. Ph: 044 2833 3075 Cell: 98840 42554 E mail : [email protected] Residence : Flat No.220 (6H), Block 2, Vandhana Towers 10, Haddows Road, Chennai - 600 006. Spouse : Cell: 98841 75302

Name Birthday Blood Group

Rtn.Vishumber Nichani 28th Mar ‘O’-ve Ann. Asha 10th Feb

60 61 62 63 Rotary Themes

Year Name of President Theme

1976-1977 RobertA.Manche StarII I believe in Rotary

1977-1978 W.Jack Davis Serve to United Mankind

1978-1979 Clem Renouf Reach out

1979-1980 James L.Bomar.Jr Let Service Light the way

1980-1981 Rolf Kiarich Take time to Serve

1981-1982 Stanley E.Mccaffrey Worldunderstanding & Peace through Rotary

1982-1983 Hiroji Mukasa Mankind in One-Built Bridges of Friendship

through the world

1983-1984 William E.Skelton Share Rotary - Serve People

1984-1985 Carlos Canseco Discover a new world of service

1985-1986 Edward F.Cadman You are the Key

1986-1987 M.A.T.Caparas Rotary Brings Hope

1987-1988 Charles C.Keller Rotarians-United in Service Dedicated to Peace

1988-1989 Royce Abbey Put Life into Rotary-Your Life

1989-1990 Hugh M.Archer Enjoy Rotary

1990-1991 Paulo V.C.Costa Honour Rotary with Faith and Enthusiasm

1991-1992 Rajendra K. Saboo Look Behind Yourself

1992-1993 Clifford L.Dochterman Real Happiness is Helping Others

1993-1994 Robert R.Barth Belive in what you do Do what you belive in

1994-1995 Bill Huntley Be a Friend

1995-1996 Herbert G.Brown Act with integrity serve withm love work for


1996-1997 Luis Vicente Giay Build the future with action and vision

1997-1998 Gien W.Kinross Show Rotary Cares For Your community for our

world for its our people

64 Rotary Themes

Year Name of President Theme

1998-1999 James L.Lacy Follow Your Rotary Dream

1999-2000 Carlo Ravizza Act with Consistency Credibility Continuity

2000-2001 FGrank J.Devlyn Create Awareness take Action

2001-2002 Richard D.King Mankind is Our Business

2002-2003 Bhichal Rattakul Sow the Seeds Of Love

2003-2004 Jonathan Majiyagbe Lend a Hand

2004-2005 Glenn Estess.Sr Celebrate Rotary

2005-2006 Carl.Wilhelm

Stenhammar Service Above Self

2006-2007 William B.Boyd Lead the way

2007-2008 Wilfrid J.Wilkinson Rotary Shares

2008-2009 Dong Kum Lee Make Dreams Real

2009-2010 John Kenny The Future of Rotary is in your Hands

2010-2011 Ray Klinginsmith Building Communities Bridging Continents

2011-2012 Kalyab Banerjee Reach Within to Embrace Humanity

2012-2013 Sakuji Tanaka Peace through Service

2013-2014 Burton Engage Rotary Change Lives

2014-2015 GaryC.K.Huang Light Up Rotary

2015-2016 K.R.Ravindran Be a gift to the world

2016-2017 John F. Germ Service to Humanity

2017-2018 Ian H.S. Riseley Making a Difference

2018-2019 Barry Rassin Be The Inspiration

2019-2020 Mark Daniel Maloney Rotary Connects the World

2020-2021 Holger Knaack Rotary Opens Opportunities

65 Programme Calendar

JULY 2020 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Installation

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1st weekly Board meeting. meeting.

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31


AUGUST 2020 30 31 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Weekly Meeting.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Board Meeting.

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Weekly Meeting.

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

66 SEPTEMBER 2020 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Weekly meeting.

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Board meeting.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Closed Door Meeting (1st Quarterly accounts submission). 27 28 29 30


OCTOBER 2020 1 2 3 4 5 Weekly meeting.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Weekly Board meeting. Meeting.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Polio Day

27 28 29 30 31 District Deepavali Night

67 NOVEMBER 2020 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Weekly meeting.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Weekly Board meeting. meeting.

24 25 26 27 28 29 30


DECEMBER 2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Weekly meeting.

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Weekly Board meeting. Meeting.

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 New year celebration (Dist.Program).

68 JANUARY 2021 1 2 3 4 Weekly meeting.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Pongal Vizha Closed Door Meeting (Dist.Program). (2nd Quarterly accounts submission). 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Weekly Board meeting. Meeting.

26 27 28 29 30 31 Republic Day Celebration Flag Hoisting



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Weekly Meeting Closed Door Meet for election. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Board Meeting.

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Weekly Meeting.

23 24 25 26 27 28

69 MARCH 2021 30 31 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Weekly Meeting

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Weekly Board Meeting. Meeting.

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Telugu New Year (Dist Program).


APRIL 2021 1 2 3 4 5 Weekly Meeting.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Tamil New Year Closed Door Meeting Celebration (3rd Quarterly accounts (Dist Program). submission). 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Board Meeting.

27 28 29 30

70 MAY 2021 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Weekly Meeting.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Weekly Board Meeting. Meeting.

25 26 27 28 29 30 31


JUNE 2021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Weekly Meeting.

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Weekly Board Meeting. Meeting.

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 Installation Function on Charter Nite


Manufacturers of Electrical Power Connectors for H.V. Outdoor Sub - Station

B-12, Mugappair Indl. Estate East, Chennai - 600 037. Ph: 26563680, 26564843 E-mail: [email protected] As all things evolve

So are we……………..

Shop No.6, Shyam Gardens, 17/10, Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Chennai - 600 006. # 044 - 2833 3075 No.353, IT Highway, Okkiyampet, Thoraipakkam, Chennai – 97. # 044 - 24580809 hp://

cnbngm @CakesnBakes1 Catalogues | Magazines | Mono Cartons | Stickers | Annual Reports | Lables | Danglers | Streamers

6/324, Raja Street, Padi, Chennai - 600 050. INDIA Ph : 98414 33189 / 98418 13570 E-mail : [email protected] Web: