! !E'PTEMBE'n: g, 19M

DOOR 01' DRATB BB'LlEVE IT OR NOT Tllrllllnr Myate,.,. 8et1a1 Now Ap. Robt!rl RIpley'. F_ Cartoa pearlnr In The Dally loWllll. .. a Dally FNlure. ~hool8 See Pace Z see Par. Three. I------s Held VOLUME XXX • PAGES IOWA CITY. IOWA. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1930 FIVE CENTS NUMBER 83 Explorers

!lbserved for n Andree, Strindberg

Sept. 8 (AP) , HOOVER GREETS GERMAN FLYERS 'BLANCO ARRIVES AT JOURNEY'S END Vildng Ship Arrives Relief Ships II" Germany May at Dubuque on Trip Local Officers 8 I'vlc s tOr Salomon nd"ee and Nils Strlndbel'l, Reach Santo AttempJ to Get From Palos, Spain Guard Johnson C8 re ently were brought It'Y gl'nve on White Island, DIIBUQUE. Sept. 9 (AP)-The VIk­ Domingo Port Colonies Back Ing ship, "Roald Amundsen." enrout" County Roads from Palos. SpaIn, to st. Paul, Minn .• containIng the reo a.rrlved In Dubuque late today, Capt. Cnrtius Takes Strong Gerhard Fol«ero Is In charge of the PJanes Start Survey of s hIp with a crew or two men. A Dle­ Savings Bank Looted Desolation in Stari.d at League ...1 motor I. being used Cor locomollon by 5 Unmasked (!ue to the low water otage, the Norwegian a'l I Hinterland Convention Robbers were 1l1'Ulled over II,. Captain Folgero oald he 8X1)8Cted , o leave tomorl'o", with La Crosse, GENEVA, Rept. 9 (AP) - Dr. Ju, hymn by a mixed choIr, SANTO DOM.INGO. Dominican I•. , &II hI. nut d stlnatlon. The Sh",Ur Frank L, Smith of (ow. n llellvet'M a moving llepubltc, Sept. ~ (APt-This nu"·,, lIus CurUus, German foreign mln ~l!I· IIhlp I. to feature "Viking day" at St, City went to the ,,~Inlt, of eour"e of which he reo CSne stricken capital, with Its up· ter, tollay gl\VC the league of nallons Paul ooon. Brooklyn. la., last nl'ht wlt.n It was rt'llOrted that. car corns­ year. ago memol'lat .... ard. ot 4,000 dead and many mOI'e c:ounclI twO l)I'oots thllt Germany has h~W In the same pondlnc to Ihe OUumw .. robbers' Il vl!;'ol'Ou. (orelgn poll('y despite the 1<1 Amundsen. than that numb~r Injured, hact Its wa 81''''' he.ded ea... on No, 3%, tangled pollllcol s!tuatlon at home. Andree and Strlnd· tlrat thrill Of hopefulness today WIth Bair Testifies ~erur mlth fftunwc1 hefore Dt-. Cut'UUts' moves WC'l'e made £lur· re"enUtlllVes of the SwedIsh· the arrival a small tleet of reaef IIIldn,ht wth no ful'ther eleu•• ot Ing dl8CURsion or Ih~ SMr dlsh'let, commlllSlon, the crew of ,hlp. bearIng doctors, nurses, 11l'0' torrtlC'r German tcrrltOt·Y, now ad· for Plaintiff in BI'atvang, whIch dlscov, \'l.lons, and tunds for reJlef. ,\ pIl8 e ot 1000ai men uod", lhe nnd the members of mlnl.tet·ed by the I"a"ue Of natlolls. )fls. lon. of m~rcv from POI ·to and rru nga.nyIlUl., CQrmer Orl'lllan dh'N'lion of IlI'pul, Rhwltf Tom Horn's Hpedltlon .t· JUco, Cuba, Haiti and other poInts services. Petty orrieers 80uth AmerIcan Colony 108t by the Baker Case \\'81. It WR~ lin Itlll.. ' on hl,hwa, not Only .welled the number ot work Nil. I 110111 h or low& l'U, for IleV­ from warshIps In th. World war. .r. alleviating the suUerlngs ot the ('ral hour )'e tud.,. "'temooD to the church as a TIlI1!:anyll(u I, now admlnlste,'Cd JII,lmed and de8t1tute but supplied a by GI'CRt Britain under a manda.le when It Will! beUe.ed Ihe bulk !low ot fOOd thlLt promised the (utUl'e Says Treatment Charts rob/1<'r~ w~r" h""IIed Ihl~ " .• ,.. s,fr'vlrps the coWns wers trom tho leaguc of nations. Reglll'd· lIOCurlty of a half famished city. ~'" of the nf'"r K.s­ N(l"",e.dan sailors to the Ing the .tatus of both the SuaI' and Ordered Signed rollber. President T"uJlJlo today reQuested T ttnganylld of 130.000 by nYe unm.,k .. d l·epul·tell the finding ot a Airplanes continued today nael< As~ocilited Press dispatches received hcro ye terdll)" Profetjsor bAndll. who rOI'Ct'1I employe Rnd asumed to be that ot I morrow when the lea'!ue assembly today In the state'. suit to teo train .nd torth between the stCl'm al"''' opens_bout GI'cat BI'Jtaln's plan to Blanco is an instructor in the Spanillh department of the Univer. eu&lome .. a to lie on the floor \ hll. thlr:treme nected with the institute lut May, (,'om whN'~ thoy WON' bel/p,'nd to JIIeasures by the already overwOI kCiI Aged Marine lChicago Labor a8 to TanganYIka as direct vlolatloll he teslltled. ha,'" hNldM north", •• !. Th .. I wtr~ army and civilian physician. and Of the terms ot the mandate. A few minutes aCter the Tangan­ Two Rebels Publicly University Instructor Ball' admitted that the signature on A·cpUt·tcd IICtln on hi~hw~y No 63800n surgeons. them WILlI his, but he denied that UftCl' tlw rohllCl'y and later were re, The work Of theBO was con-elE,t ed Diver Saved Probe Ordered yIka IncIdent, the qu~stlon of a de­ Executed for Pilottl Craft to tense torce In the Silar district came other writing on them had been dOlle IIO"INI (0 h8v~ apeeded 1l101l~ No. UA today unde" the direction Of Com· uy hIm. 10 Butl~1' II nel north through Delt" JIIRTlder L. W. Johnson of the moJo oefore the council. Thl. torl'~ con- Disorders Gibraltar "81,ned Like POfltc..,.ds" 10 What ('h"~r. Ic8J carpI of the United States navy. Asks sl.t& Of approximately 200 Frcnch Remains Under Water Judge McGoorty "You sgned thel!1(l records IIko a lot , .• 00 Rf'\\'ard Offered I Jl wa.s hope! thus to reach the Vic· "nd 50 Bellrlans. Thc council WI\.II BUEKOS AIRES. Sept. 9 (APt­ GIBRALTAR, Sept. 9 (~Wlth conaldedn,! a I>I'01)o"al tor reducllon ut P08tcarda'I" :Hanl~y asked. Bait' HInt All' nt 1£). C. MoPhrr~on dl­ 11m. mOre speedily, for Twenty.Six Investigation of The pl·ovl.lonl told the court that Bnk I' Il4It nIght. the port at Port aU Prince """8 'lei· 1 NEW OnLEANS. Sept. 9 (AP) - In~ ot tho rlty cOll'1I'1I. that a 1600 egated to the task of d Ischargl nl;; II th' i f I I ril I yet not outlined cloarly enough to and tor all example publicly executer! brought crowds to see the p ..Uents ex, aptaln N. A. Dane.~, 62 year oW Iga on Of 0 to gn 0 v 0 ence . pe"mlt the French and Oerman rep- an eIght week jqurney In a 10 ton rewor(1 would b" paid for Inrorma­ their cargoes In an organIzed man· amlned and that woman patienlA marine dlvel', struggled [or 26 hOUl" I'('cled by I'acl,eteerlng against labol' ., tl t d' ,. I tl f two allrged 1'1 nglea.del·s ot the dl.· ~alllllg yacht. lie wa.. accompan, tlon learllng 10 th captur and roa· nero At the same time blue jackot8 res n\.ft. ves 0 l'ElLt 11 re::I'esl