Online Resume for Prospective Students, Parents and the Public Location: Ranger, Northwest Region Small Accountability Peer Group: Clarendon College, , Galveston College, HCJCD, Howard College, Northeast Community College, Panola College, Southwest Collegiate Institute, Vernon College, Western Texas College Degrees Offered: Associate's, Certificate 1, Enhanced Skills Certificate Institutional Resumes Accountability System Definitions Institution Home Page

Enrollment Costs Institution Peer Group Avg. Average Annual Total Academic Costs for Resident Race/Ethnicity Fall 2017 % Total Fall 2017 % Total Undergraduate Student Taking 30 SCH, FY 2018 White 1,620 67.2% 1,279 51.4% Peer Group Hispanic 485 20.1% 805 32.4% Type of Cost Institution Average African American 135 5.6% 222 8.9% Asian/Pacific Isl. 24 1.0% 38 1.5% In-district Total Academic Cost $3,065 $2,702 International 60 2.5% 34 1.4% Out-of-district Total Academic Cost $4,505 $3,959 Other & Unknown 87 3.6% 107 4.3% Off-campus Room & Board $6,980 $6,097 Total 2,411 100.0% 2,487 100.0% Cost of Books & Supplies $1,600 $1,378 Cost of Off-campus Transportation $3,390 $4,544 and Personal Expenses Total In-district Cost $15,035 $14,721 Total Out-of-district Cost $16,475 $15,978

Degrees & Certificates Awarded FY 2017 Peer Type Institution Group Avg Student Success BAT 0 0 Two-year Persistence of First-time, Graduation Rate of First-time, Full-time, Credential-seeki Associate's 181 245 Full-time, Credential-seeking Students after 3, 4 and 6 Years Certificate 1 113 157 Undergraduates, Fall 2015 Cohort & Institution Peer Group Avg Certificate 2 0 24 Peer Group Duration Cohort Rate Cohort Rate Adv Tech Certificate 0 7 Institution Average Fall 2014 3-year 430 27.9% 293 28.7% ESC Completer 0 0 Cohort 331 231 Fall 2013 4-year 391 25.1% 307 31.9% Core Completer 155 139 Total 41.4% 42.9% Fall 2011 6-year 427 31.9% 329 36.5% FOS Completer 0 0 Same 12.7% 21.2% Other 28.7% 21.6%

Three Year Graduation and Percent of Students Who Transferred to a Four-year Percent of Graduates from Preceding FY Persistence for First-time, institution with Less Than 30 SCH and 30 SCH or More Who Were Employed or Enrolled in Full-time Undergraduate Students Institution Peer Group Avg Four-year Institution the Following Fall Requiring Developmental Education Less Than 30 SCH Less Than 30 SCH Peer Fall 2014 Cohort Year 30 SCH or More 30 SCH or More Cohort Rate FY 2012 16.7% 12.7% 15.4% 13.9% FY 2016 Institution Group Avg Institution 197 27.4% FY 2016 10.6% 13.7% 4.8% 13.6% Total Emp & Enr 80.7% 87.7% Peer Group 122 36.1% FY 2017 9.8% 15.9% 4.0% 14.9% Employed 44.9% 46.1% Enrolled 14.8% 16.9% Both Emp & Enr 21.0% 24.7%