14 Days Southwest Adventure Grand Canyon • Oak Creek Canyon • Carlsbad • Las Vegas


TENNESSEE • MEMPHIS: The that America’s natural wonders are 1southwestern is a protected for us to enjoy. We arrive in place of subtle beauty and constantly Tucson this afternoon, where we take changing landscapes. Experience a tour of Pima Air & Space Museum. the majesty for yourself as we board You’ll be amazed at one of the world’s our Christian Tours motorcoach for a largest aircraft collections including two-week tour of America’s southwest. World War II planes, supersonic spy Today we cross the state of Tennessee planes, and unique private, military, by way of Knoxville and Nashville en and commercial aircraft. Next, we tour route to Memphis, on the banks of the Saguaro National Monument. We’ll mighty Mississippi, for our first night’s drive the loop roads and walk the trails stay. that take us past hundreds of the huge TEXAS • LUNCH • DALLAS: This Saguaro Cactus, which grows only in the Sonora . We return to Tucson 2 morning we immediately cross the D muddy waters of the Mississippi and for dinner and our night’s lodging. continue into Arkansas. Just past Little MONTEZUMA CASTLE NATION- Rock we encounter the rolling hills of 6 AL MONUMENT • SEDONA: This the southern Ozarks. We stop for an morning’s drive takes us North through included lunch before continuing to Phoenix, ’s state capital. We our overnight accommodations near see the Capitol Building, which is Dallas. L built of native stone and situated in a DALLAS • JFK MEMORIAL PLAZA • landscape area that includes a large 3 FORT WORTH: This morning begins variety of native trees, shrubs, and with a short tour of downtown Dallas. cacti. North of Phoenix we peer in awe We visit the JFK Memorial Plaza, the at Montezuma Castle National Mon- site of the Nov. 22, 1963, assassination ument, the major cliff dwellings in Ar- of President John F. Kennedy. In Fort izona. More than 800 years old, these Worth we’ll drive by the Water Garden are probably the best preserved cliff and the Stockyards. This afternoon we dwellings in the southwest. Mid-after- make our way west through Judge Roy PHOTO:CANVA.COM noon finds us in Sedona, the beautiful artist resort town at the southern mouth Bean territory and the Pecos Valley. GIANT SAGUARO CACTUS Overnight accommodations are near of Oak Creek Canyon. You will have Carlsbad. TOMBSTONE • PIMA AIR & SPACE time to relax and view the beautiful MUSEUM • GIANT SAGUARO red rock mountains and shop in the CARLSBAD CAVERNS NATIONAL 5 CACTUS • DINNER: Our first stop today assorted shops that line Main Street. PARK: Today we take a walking D 4 is in Tombstone, “The Town Too Tough Dinner is included this evening. tour of magnificent Carlsbad To Die.” We’ll see a short multimedia OAK CREEK CANYON • GRAND Caverns National Park, one of the presentation offering us a look at CANYON • IMAX THEATER: world’s largest caves. Cowboy Jim 7 On Tombstone’s history. We’ll also see White first explored and guided our way North to Flagstaff, we enter the O.K. Corral where the Earp’s and people through the caverns in the a spectacular gorge that may look the Clanton gang had their famous early 1900’s. You’ll be amazed by somewhat familiar to you. For years, gunfight. Three-fourths of the land what you see! We overnight in Willcox, Oak Creek Canyon has been a favor- in Arizona is controlled by the Fed- Arizona. ite filming location for motion picture eral Government, giving assurance makers. Soon we ascend 2,000 feet up the most beautiful red cliffs to a picturesque lookout point. It’s just a short drive to the Grand Canyon, a spectacle so impressive that words just can’t describe it. It’s hard to grasp the reality of a cut that’s a mile deep and as much as 18 miles across and more than 200 miles long. At the IMAX The- ater we’ll experience “Grand Canyon, the Hidden Secrets,” a 34-minute film of the Grand Canyon that would take a lifetime to experience. LAS VEGAS • HOOVER DAM: Today 8we’ll set our sights on a wonder of a different type: Las Vegas, Nevada. This afternoon we travel to Boulder City, Nevada, where we tour Hoover Dam. Take an elevator deep into the heart of the dam to learn about the process of construction and to see the massive turbines that provide power for millions of people. It is truly one of the world’s great engineering wonders. We’ll spend the next two nights in the city that by its name alone summons imag- PHOTO: BOB FINLEY es of neon lights and elaborate hotels RIDE THE SANDIA PEAK TRAMWAY and casinos! Forest Museum depicts the process jewelry. Then we’re off for an exciting LAS VEGAS:­­ Today you are on your in detail. We also traverse a portion ride on the Sandia Peak Tramway, an 9own to explore and experience of the Painted Desert, located within aerial tram which lofts passengers to Las Vegas, Nevada’s largest city, at the Park. Tonight’s lodging is in Gallup, the top of 10,000-foot Sandia Peak. your leisure. Walk or ride down the New Mexico. The 2.7 mile ride is the longest clear famous “Strip,” lined from one end to ALBUQUERQUE • OLD TOWN • and unsupported span in North Amer- the other with glittering hotels, night ica. The view, both east and west, is SANDIA PEAK TRAMWAY: Spread clubs, and casinos. Just when you think 11 spectacular! you’ve seen it all, darkness falls and it out before the dramatic Sandia Moun- becomes a whole new place. D tains, Albuquerque is the metropolis of NATIONAL COWBOY & WESTERN New Mexico. Past and present mingle 12 HERITAGE MUSEUM • DINNER: PETRIFIED FOREST • PAINTED here. Old Town, the original Albuquer- THIS morning we cross the Texas 10 DESERT: The 93,493 acres of the que founded in 1706, clusters around a panhandle by way of Amarillo. Con- Petrified Forest include the most spec- plaza and San Felipe de Meri Church. tinuing to Oklahoma City, where we tacular display of in the The warmth of aged adobe adds a visit the fascinating National Cowboy world! You are looking at tree trunks special charm to its shops, galleries, & Western Heritage Museum. Here we of solid stone that range in age up restaurants and hidden patios. Dis- find the world’s largest exhibition of to 160 million years old. The Rainbow cover bargains on silver and turquoise Western lore. See famous western art, including many Remingtons, and the John Wayne collection of guns, knives, and personal items along with part of his collection of Kachinas dolls, valued at over one million dollars. We’ll also see the portrait gallery of western film stars before checking into our hotel. This evening dinner is included. D JACKSON, TENNESSEE • 13 FAREWELL DINNER: Today we travel through Little Rock, Arkansas, and back through Memphis on our way to Jackson, Tennessee, the home of Casey Jones. Dinner with all of our new friends is included this evening. D HOMEWARD BOUND: It’s hard to 14 believe that our wonderful South- west Adventure has come to an end. Exchange addresses with your new friends and make plans to travel with us again. VISIT THE HOOVER DAM Activity Level Easy Strenuous 1 2 3 4 5 Las Vegas Gallup Christian Tours Grand Canyon Jackson Tucumcari Oklahoma City Sedona Memphis

Willcox Dallas Tucson Carlsbad Tombstone