Bowel Injury in Gynecologic Laparoscopy a Systematic Review
Review Bowel Injury in Gynecologic Laparoscopy A Systematic Review Natalia C. Llarena, BA, Anup B. Shah, MS, and Magdy P. Milad, MD, MS OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the incidence of bowel injury in recognized intraoperatively, diagnosis was delayed by gynecologic laparoscopy and determine the presenta- more than 1 day in 154 of 375 cases (41%, 95% CI 36– tion, mortality, cause, and location of injury within the 46%). Bowel injuries were managed primarily by lapa- gastrointestinal tract. rotomy (80%). Mortality occurred after bowel injury in 5 DATA SOURCES: The PubMed, EMBASE, ClinicalTrials. of 604, or 1 of 125 (0.8%, 95% CI 0.36–1.9%) cases. All gov, and Cochrane Library databases were searched. deaths occurred as a result of delayed recognition of Additional studies were obtained from references of bowel injury (n5154), making the mortality rate for retrieved papers. unrecognized bowel injury 5 in 154 or 1 in 31 (3.2%, METHODS OF STUDY SELECTION: Included retrospec- 95% CI 1–7%). There were no deaths associated with tive studies and randomized controlled trials reported intraoperatively diagnosed bowel injury. the incidence of bowel injury in gynecologic laparoscopy. CONCLUSION: The overall incidence of bowel injury in Studies were excluded if they were not in English or gynecologic laparoscopy is 1 in 769 but increases with duplicated data. surgical complexity. Delayed diagnosis is associated with TABULATION, INTEGRATION, AND RESULTS: Two re- a mortality rate of 1 in 31. viewers extracted data in duplicate from each study (Obstet Gynecol 2015;125:1407–17) regarding incidence, cause, and location of bowel DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000000855 injury.
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