
' / :V

X IT-.'. PACK SIXTEEN ^nrbfBtrr lEnmittg $pral!i , 'ills Wsatlier .Porewidi of 0. |L ^EestiM* Center The«pl«n« will hold their brought to a cloaa' wlth ti;^ ir>«m- The com.Tiitteea of the Eaelern .X n «i s a cool, ahoxfisni derelopfaig Connecticut Group of.Civil Air monthly meetlng/ Wedneeday «t • VetH Day Dinner berahlp singlDg threa .hymna, "/i. p.m. In Bowers/^chool auditorium. Mighty Fortreas" by Martin after mldnlrtt. Low 4S-M. Abiiut Town Tatrol ilnd Dllworlh-Cornell-Que.v er'a ending ThoriMlay morning f«l> Post, American Legion, planning Members wllL'iel the Mage for the Planned by VFW Luther, “Rock of Ages", by Top- T h e Manchester Ftcjflalered forthcoming prodliotloh, "Guest In tady, and "M y Faith Looks Up to lowed by rlearing, cooler In after­ the military ball to be held Dec, noon. High In 50s. Niireca Assn will meet tonight at 6, will meet al the American Le- the Hoiute." to be presented F ri­ pa«t PMfBient Muriel Auden Thee" b.v Maaon, wdth Mr^.Hunt 7;30 in the hospital dining .room. day snjFSatiirday evening at *i80 at the piano. X gion Home at 9 o'clook tomorrow i liAs been appointed by Prefildent Dr. Robert Ale^h'iry "ill .speak on night, < I p.m. /In the same auditorium. Refrealunenta were a^ ed from "Reflections of .m nhstetrirs and Ticket returns should be handed Laura Ecabert of ’tbe VFW a decorated tahle by M t t . Made­ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1958 (CTaaatfted Adrarttalng on Paga M ) • GsTiecologist Pnrtoi " j Zion Lutheran f'hureh Choir will lo St this time and anyone desiring Auxiliary aa chairniBit' of (h« an- line Stone and her ^iwhmittee. PRICE FIVE CENTS ■ ------^ ^ ------tehcarse tonight at 7:30 pm, Slddltloiial tickets should contset l^nual veterans days dinner.- A meeting UiP WBA will hp Wednesday a' 7:30 p.m. the toadies .Mrs. Philip Burges*, ticket chair­ peld tonight at ' o clock In Odd man. .',1 I The dinner will be held In honor Aid Sonetv will mee . of the mctribers of the po.st Satur­ Fellows ' Hall | Bucklantl Pupils day at 6:30 p.m. at the post home, X - - . The exeeiitive board of the Rnh- j Boy Scout Troop PI \\ill hold n All m(tnber.a of -the flower sr- ■ erison PTA will meet tonight at food rule the J. W. Hale Stor# i Department Senior Vice Com­ Mock Vote mander Joseph Ceremak of Mid- ranging gronp.s o.' the .Mandies- ^ 7..30 in the aefivlly room, J Thursday .morning, atartlng: at / ^___ ter Garden ('luh are requested to ^ 'P:.m j dletown -wilt be .the apeaker. Danc- I Ing will follow a rnaat. beef dinner. Iii/a mock election yeaterday. bring mate laj.a and equipment fori Dr Peter leO.Magllo, Di .Samuel j AIL poat meinhera are Invited Birfkiand School pupils elected completing the Mella Robbia K Pond and .John V. I.ambeiton The Army and Navy fTlub ■.'■’■ealhs to I ,ie nev: c la.s.« The ' all of this town altended the Auxiliary will have a ootlurk at guosta and are asked. to contact .Abraham Riblcoff, Thon.aa Dodd, r oining grn.ip iiieei at the inaugiiralimi in .Spimgfleld, Mass . ^ I he ’ rhrhhmiwe WedneRdey at Mrs. Auden for reWrvalions. T ick­ Democrats, and Rdwln Mty, Re- over the weekend of .Di Glenn A P ni Rlrhjion of offlc-ia will take ets ate available for all olhera At puolican, to the offleea of gover­ home of Mivi .Stiltment .tones at a nominal fee. 10 a m \t edne'^da\' '^'o-.' .S The , nid.s as the eighlll president o f. plnrc at the meetlnjf to follow at nor, senator, and representative, eienihg group '"ill n eel at 7:150 Springfield ('ollege, |M pm, respectively. ' 'edne.sdav at I Iv h ■' c of ..Mrs . I Slxfv youngaters In the fourth, htar'In Ki u k,-..son 50 He\Vine Rd Tall I’edars Of lyehanon will hold A meetin>; f\f tlu executive ReligioiiM Mifsic flfth and ststh^f iat’es took part in a daiir,' at the Garden Grove Sal- ^ hoard of the Waahtrjttot PTA will I Addresses PTA the In'ormal vott. They used sam-. Roher' .1 II".'. a' ' li son of Mr iilda\ A spagliptli and meathall he held m the niualc room of the T>r. Krty.iiond Verde’r. rhlof roNl- Cliaiiiinade Tlieme pie balloLs obtained al the Munici­ and .Ml- Ilo ia i'i. >■'' I'leaXhtH diniiei vr il| tie folloued bv dancing. arhool tonijfht at S p.rn. deni psyrhin!rt.*it the Institute pal Building. P' np'l Willi.Ti l: MnnnifnV(l, I'aharel .style sealing will pre- of Living it nnsi>red B.v St, Bridget’s a fMni called "Shyncae.'’ Rosary Soclet.v I>elln ("la ’ ler, Ro\al Arch .Ma- gifts honv'niade novelties and Mrs. Irene Foster, contralto, ac­ A native of Mnnclieator. Knf:- companied by Mrs. June Tompkins, .snns. '.rill hold a meeting lonior- baked good.R for aalr. Tickets will lend. Dr. Verd^r rec'elved hbs med- I oa' nigitl al the .Ma.sonn Temple he asallable at the floor. opened the niiiafoal po: tion of the Win, Knowland Out icnl deg:ee from Ihirhani Univer- program by singing two selections, .at 7 .30 Final plans for the an­ •uty in Kfiglnnd He aerved In the “O Rest in the I.a>id" from Klliah neal laches night cni ,,','ov I.'i will Tlie an: u.^l meeting of the \V«tm- Fh itlsh A: my for aevernl yenrs. ^ PRF i en'.s r>i\'i^ion of the Man4. He: haa been Dorothy Keeney, pianist, Nlfhtly n#r. 1 thr« fl p.m, Make Major .Gains played ".lesu. Jo y of Man's Desir­ Nlchlly Urr I thru A R p.m. Gets Record Margin I a frequent apenlter before many Hihbfms A.n.semhly. (’atliolic ing" l)y Bach, and "Panls Angell- Nftt. fttii 1 :R0. 5:S9 nnd 9 p.m. 5 QAI F ^ I group In the Hartfoid area. (>ari)ra of (Vilunihua. will hold a cu.s" by Cesar Franck Ann. 701. 1:.1A «nd ’1.49 to 1.98 yd. p.m. g g husme.ss meeting tonight at P:1.S at I The Wadflell PTA extends an in­ VALUES TO $6.00 YARD vitation to anyone wrshlng to hoar "The I»rd is My .Shepherd" by Bl'nrflt Of f ilm! F »ir \l»*it the Knff' Home Mra. .lohn Hulrh- .Malotteand "Blesa This House" by ('OLIMKT.M ^ ONE YARD TO TWO YARD MATCHABI.E Throughout Nation inaon is diaunian of the blind auc­ Dt . Vecdei’. H>ftt SprlKfffi^ta In Ballot Landslide LECLERC Brake were sung by Mrs. Rose lJENQTHK IN St” WIDTH OfSroMinh Snilnr meeting. by .Mrs. Maud Kloppenherg. (t«x Inc.) I fheslei Sqiindi'Mi o/ (*ivil Air Pa- By WILIJ.AM T. PEACOCK Tltls outcome of the "battle of By THE A.SSOGIATED PRESS « (ilrl s,-oii! Troop 1. S ;l!f>l will be h^'ld at 7 o'clock to­ Mrs. .Mary Stewart, contralto, and JA CK B E L L Manchester Lodge of Ma.sons the millionaires’’ was the happiest IINKKAI m orrow nigid at the American I-X*- sang "Go Down Moses," and Mrs. spot in the picture for the Repub­ (’omircticut voU'h,'< gav e Gov. Abraham A. Ribicoff and the '.vill hold n Rpeclal meeting tonight. Floia (3iase, .sojrrano. ".Swing Washington, Nov. 5 (/P)— ‘I? .'thill St. J5^ Lodge of>^n al 7:.in and the gion Home. licans. However, they also ousted Horn IIV I'K tic .state lickot a clean sweep of all offices in a SKKVICK Laiw Sweet Chariot, " arcompanied Democrats surged in 'Tues­ the Democrats from statehouses Peilou'crnft degree will he con- by Mra. Doris Hunt, pianist, and I'et'ot'd-sliatlvi'ing Hoction victory yp.sterday. Thiirsda.x and I'ridn.t Waller N. ferieij ujth Senior Warden Hayden ! All members of the Manchester rOIXIRR AND BL15MI.S day’s elections to their great­ it. Arizdlna, Oregon and Rhode, Ribicoff won a second d-.vear term witli a plurality of more Let Inc, : Italian A m einan .Society are re- the rhonis. est control of Congress since Island \i-hlle losing in . 'A From ti a.m. to 9 p.ni. le (»iiAW»)ld pre.siding Potlouing The evening's entertainment was than 24(i,0()(l, the largest gtrliernatorial margin in the history f'>lrrrtor the degiee work there will he a qiiesied lo meet at the clubhouse New Deal da.vs. In the bat­ Maryland, Nevada, Ohio, South at 7 o'clock tonight to proceefl ’$ THE TIME TO ST0(H( UP FOR j of the state. » 1.Sat., . n9 a.in. .to rfi p.m. SOI lal horn with refreshment.s. tles for state governorships, Dakota and Wisconsin.' Call Ml 9-5869 from there to the .John B. Burke TTie Rockefeller, victory p umped I Ribicoff, who alone won a state office by 8,115 four years kkineral Home to pay respects to !.'l Main Stifrl. Manrhrsler tiafitfarrf UR WINTER SEWINfl aid SAVEI they smashed the Republican the scion of old John I Into the I ago, led hi.s ticket by nearly 100,000 votes. P». : I Mr s Rose Bomno, whose hirsbnnd hold on California and made GOP presidential picture for 1960. la a m em ber. HOLLYWOOD PERFECT FOR CHRISTMAS CIVINQI I It was a smashing personal triumph in an election that ANNIVIRSARY over-all gains. It beclouded, to - some extent at also gave the Democnit.s: Send t« In tabulations up to noon, the least, the future of the' No. '1 proa- ' Kleven memlrera of the VKW gprlmifleJd HiK’key AvRnrintlna pecf for the GOP prestdentlal nom­ j A U.S. Senate seat and all six Congrps.sional posts, Auxiliary, with hoa])ital m-chair- JCaftlern State* 4'olf*eQm Republicans, while losing heavily Weal Sprlnffletd In their own numbers, had failed ination-—Vice PMsldent Richard i Control of the General Assembly for the first time since rnen Olive Ray anrl Helen (lustaf- WHUl CHAU J RlDGESltUG'Yoor M. Nixon. And, of course, U-vir-. ST. MARY'S GUILD INVITES YOU TO DINNER aon, Inst niglif made their annual to ou.st a amgle sitting Demooret 1870. C L I P AND M A IL .> —• from Congie.sa. tually wiped' out Harrtman’a* vlalt to M ickllctown Stale Hos)iital. fiAiitv con- But Gov. Averell Harriman, one Sheriff po.sts in all eight counties. 'riiey put on s party for- ftO \etetan I BOX OFFICE chances for the Democratic nom­ vtrttd from ef the party’s national leaders, was ination. The voters also approved three constitutional amendments. "Ye Olde Country Fair" and DANCE patlenl.s, gl\'ing )uize.s and serving fctr-wheel to ! ARENA ADDRESS Manufacturers Outlet refreahmenta. chopped down in New York by In California, too,- .tl^e epochal Only one top Connecticut office remains in the hands of front-wheel RETAIL SALESRfMIM IS I MILE I ROMNelson WILLIMANTIO Ftockefeller. a rocketing .X|>nn*nr*<1 By lAdlr* Auxiliary the Republicans. Tlii.s^ is the U.S. Senate seat now held by THURSDAY. NOV. 6— 2 P.M. propelling, or I ENCLOSED IS $. i .iiT* $x . new star for the GOP. (Continued nn Page Twelve) Of Zlpsor CliiH The Rotary (Mub will meet to­ (o ell 5«inch i Prescott Hush. ♦ ----- ST. MARY'S PARISH HALL night al ft 30 at the Manchester □ CHECK □ MONEY ORDER { AI The Cliih Mmis* k 'ff*. I Bush won two y-«rii ago when » » O 'K 7 ('ountiy dub Karl Keller, pio- amtaiftAN a T f .A 7 tn .A r M —( Ml( KLN PIK M PPI It. .1 to 7 • $72.00 FOR. .SEATS FOR THE [ Oeiiaw ce- President Elsenhower carried th* I I | > V d b t C K AIM I TS .«! .VI—( im iMtLN 7.V SATURDAY, NOV. lS giain (luiirruan. has ai'iangcd for Rihieoff*s Margin 3,880 state by more than .300 000. AIWA, J “ ^ 11 showing of n film enlitled "Bay _PERF0RMANCE [ Uibii'off. a tS-ypHi-old lawyer . Rnofli^ rciMurlng \|ui)ii*.. Iaiic> \NorU. llouHchold ( hif'ken Dinner Al B F..M. at the Mq

\ r- , ■ W' / .

/ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1968 PAGtt MANCafOTBB EVENINO HERALD, M ANCHESim COKWy >^DNE8DAY. NOVEMBER 1 ,1968 > ▲ 0 1 TW O Tolland Comity Towns ShoiY Tollajnd iJiOUjrUy Election Results G a t A y ? niornlng cl»«— oA'tetovMon Ita featured. T h tn will be no Regional Dittriet 8^ S TiHMK. AosiBr Kaliof MtnchMter? Or would it b« charge for this one.. . RlUcbff ' Zeller . | Dodd Ihirtpll Kowalakl S*d1*k ' Bbwiea Seely-" DickiKm Welle* P*wluk Rwaeney' s u t* (sitHM imtj On Mali areae 8UUM Tomorrow night tho Trinity Jc4U foMiblo to havo them oir the Solid* Gainfij for* Democrats Town Br(>wn House radio? tors will opon with tho comedy, Sheiflwbld on Bridge RNSID As You Like It Cheerleaders An(j(>y*r^ 405 ■ 3i 4 ,354 361 '' 344 376 841 380 - 685 ■: 865": 856 862 R 8UU another Idea worth inveati- "irrdnt Pag^." 'The show wiU run TpUand County Demociajji won 10* tMM 0**«a raitM. tie at MBki MUkibboaowa Bolton' 643 .823 : 451 615 467 ... 669 437"’“ 640 439 687 fating la whether aome collega through Tuesday, except for Sun­ T * o V B in i 436 . , «S8 R"„' t**e. Atsi te eiu-ML aria— Mailsa Bfaa4* • jHrisa teiah control of the. 38th tNatrtct Sen., By JUDITH AHEARN could staff claaaet early In the day when there will be no ehiow. (Jolumbi* \ 355 '"40*7 335 439 ' ! SIS 449 , 313 ' 449 325 442 323 444 R“”“ morning at' the high school. It ElectOfficers CAJUEFUL TDOMO ’’STlKTCAft NiUdiD Best Slid nine Houie eesta- in Another concert within reach of I ABSVKEB SLAM Coventry, *^1603 1063 1362' 1185“ " " 1305 1268 1320 . 12*1 1350 1213 1341 1232 D ( 2 j ~ mlffht later be called pa]sma cul­ Manchester residenta will be the By Alfred gkelnveU D|SIRr'8:15 '• Uie LegUlature.itt yestenlAy’* elec- 'Ellington n i7 ■■"“ 870 1031 964 901 1102 1029 975 ■ Movies shot from a submarine under polar ture, but Ife worth thinking about- Donna Johnson of Hebron hna NflWIH 1010 1094 081 1017 ' R duo-pianist porformance by Jtranc The most successful toumament tMrIsjr Bm A Aallmiy Parhiae UOfif. nasale of the Wrek a £ i r 3 2 Hebron ' 439 352 '*11 372 . 406 379 405 381“^ 413 371 ' ' 408 375 : D (2) lee will be among the films shown by Sir Kahn and Moshe Paranov at Hartt bMn elactad captain of tho RHAMt bridge player of the; year is L«on- w A Q « 7 s "A Tale of Two a tle a ’ by College of the I/nivereity of Hart­ "THf MATCHMAKER" Fbr the first time .since' 1876, Mahafleld ^^1547 1171 1378 , 1360 ~~1389 1391 1484 1305 1401 ” ;^“l359 1418 1359 R (2) "Hubert Wilkifis during a lecture in the High. School Junior varaity chocr- ard B. Harmon,, a New York in-, ♦ A 2 *;9I-W:U Charles Dickens la one novel that ford. 'Thli is the second in the- . R«q>ublicans *re in * minority in' Soiners 730 628 636 "■“ ^ 720 604 640 Manchester High School auditoriTim next leadara’ for tha 1888-59 aaaaon. surance executive. Hia biiaineaa ♦ J ,3 • 761 , 727“ ^ 635 " 732 632 735 » (2) everyone should read. And don't Hartt piano series of this aOaaoii, training must have helped Mm WEST FAST the Lejtialature. One con*o1aU(Hi Stafford • 2220 1044 2154 2077“ “ “ say you sow the movie with Ron- Other officer* are Nancy iio6 1203 2147 1180, 2341 1151 ” ~2090 1186 D (21 Wednesday at 8 p.m. and will start at 8:30 p.m. . . j. M tr find Uie right way to Insure this 4 T 8k8 6J4 Tolland County Republicans have The title of Sir Hubert'e talk i aid Colman; that’a no substitute. Tolland 657 513 487 684 422 654 492 580 503 672 481" . 594 1 D, 1 R Phil Burgeaa. . . Starring Penny Schubert's "Vsrtatlons for Pour Bride Of Andover, co-captain; Ju­ elam contract. WIC<4 WKJ93 la that they stlll Jiola county ccn-. w1U be “ T^e Arctic In W'orld A f­ Rlcbrer aa Rvelyn, the huaband- Dickens tells the atory of a french UiUon 73 "■ 114 54 133 53 135 129“ ” “ Hand* at'One^Plano” will bo on the dith Hutchinson of Andover, sec- Wast opened ,the Jack of dia­ e 7 ]0 9 8,4 4 8 7 3 .3 trol of 13 seat# to the Democrats' . 89 53 134 56 132 ' R <2). faire/* ateaier. with Jean Adama as the family who incur the wrath of the bill. monds, and Harmon won in dum­ Vernon 3568 2356 3237 2656 2698 3204 3167 2760 3206 2720 ' 3180 ' 2733 D (2) wife.' artd Jim Pierce aa the hua- revolutionists. There are charac- ratsiiy; Peggy Hammond of Hab- STATE T. 9 aeats. The margin has changed Hie talk w'ill highlight the geo­ The University of Hartford will my with the ace. I t would have radically since 1956 when Repub­ WilUngton ■ 433 349 389 380 368 “ ■“■ 413 385 395 . . 366 393 384 396 graphic, economic and political band. Supporting rolea are tera in this book you’ll never for- have another event the same night rop, tregancari ohd Jog.nna Oaa- A A Q 10 9 R ( 2 ) ~ been fatal to win the fin t trick HOW Thni SATUROAY licans in the county controlied 20’ Total* 13,470 9,703 13,289 10,884 11,288 12,003 12,219- 11.092 12.319 11,183 11,203 significance of thl« area to the played by Doria Beldlng aa the ifet, psrtlcularly Sidney Carton when Dr. Charles E. WjreansM Jr., par of Andover, publicity. / in hia own hand. - W-2 12.086 United Stales and to Ruaala. Some aunt, and Pamela Culver, daogh- i snd Jerry CYuncher, and Madame Other team fnembera ar*, Syl­ OONTINUOUB FROM 8 PAL ■eats to only two for the Demo­ judge of the U.S. District Court In He led a club from dummy and V ♦ K Q , crats. The two Democrats Witce' of the scenes have never before ler of Mr and Mra Raymond C?ul- I Defarife. Boston, will speak in the flrat of via Outterman of Marlborough and put up the ace from hia hand. (A ♦ AQ7 442 Feature Shown 8;20-8:28 been filmed, including aonie of Arc­ ver aa the little gtrl (And If you ever get the chance Donna Brodeur and Mary Hall of SeaMi W*M N e ia Hd froni Stafford, the only Demo­ cratic opponent Matthew Kuta of- Purtell'* 10,884; and Sadlak beat the Alexander 3. Keller Lecture finesse would allow Wagt 'to win, cratic stronghold until this year in tic Ice packa and Eakinioa •'Onlonhead." atarrmg Andy I to see the movie with Colman, Rerles at 8:15 In the Hlllyer audi­ Hebron. whereupon Wtast would fetum. 4 1 A Taw 1 ¥ raw Meriden. his Democratic opponent Kowalski fJriffilh. /»pen»i at the State to- I don't miss It I Style Show Worker* Named 1 A Paw 2 4 Paw CMT Tolland Count^f.'. In a atatement Sadlak releaaed by 12,003 to 11.288. Sir Hubert l« ciirrentiy a mem­ torium. club for his. partner to rufif.) Among the RepubUcan casualtlea Tolland County Votes ber of the leading team on the : night .. With it la 'Stakeout on j Worth Nntinf Queen Elizabeth's Household Committee ''thelrmen 'for the Harmon next led a low club, and 3 A Paw 4 A P*w I0MIE about lO.o'clt^k last night he said program, i r>o;)e Street." "Flight Into Fashion" style show 6 4 -V, .All Paw ' in this area were the - two seats he felt that it had been a "won­ Channel 30 tclevialnn i Ton ifht there will be two musi- | Troops will perform In the Bush: West won with the ten. I ^ t dis­ UMWHWei from Vernon and two from. Cov­ California 'Wiine Slips Bralna and Brawn (10 30 p m. Sat- Playing at the Mamheater at RHAM High School ' Saturday dpening lead. ~ 4 I derful opportunity" to represent If si events, one In Hertford, the j nell Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. carded a diamond, revealing the OFTOWEfOR entry. urday). Dnve-In Friday through Sunday [other St Wesleysn. - , night have been named by general bad club break. ^ Show Dehiocrat Trend the more than two million people h h The following night the first chairman Mra. Shirley Mustard. SERCGMIS! Vernon has sent Republicans to of Connecticut aa congressman- Modesto, Cal.—California'! share In 1931 hr attempted trp rearh will be the highly rated "Me and I The Hertford Symphony will j West now led h|a.^ singleton of the nation's wine market totaled of four operatic programs will be Mlaa Bonja Benson, Miss Maren rooms, in tom* faatgrowing sec­ the House consecutively, since at-large. the North Pole In the ftml aubmar- ' the t’olonel atarnhg Danny 1 (five s pel formanf e ,st the Bush-| trump, and Harmon wron with the tions, other schools in more-stabte- V-S- Senator • 81.8 per cent lii 1957 compared presented at the Biiahnell on a Taylor. Thomas McCabe and Wil­ 1950, but yesterday found Demo­ By WALTER E. TF,DFORD (i' Republican! holding only a tS to 9 "I have given the po.siUon my Ine Natilllua, whi'h -he bougtit Kaye With it will be "Mrll Be- I nell .Memorial On the projfram will nine. He Iqd a clu\)^hd ruffed with population sectors have em|ity Thomas Dodd was elected to margin. wHth an annual average of 87.6 Zero Morrus feature mo- twin bill made up of "Cavatleria liam Morris will work with Mrs. crats Atty. THarry Hammer and County Editor complete amd individual atten­ from the r S for one

'. a •!-t ■ V i- 'J /err'- .-N*' ■ I k '■ *^ * • ‘ ' .. I ' ■ f ■- »'S ' ’ * ' ' • «.

PAGB FOUB MANC1U8TBE SySNINB BEBALD, IIANCHBSTEB, CONN, WEDNESDAY^ NOVEMBER «, 19U MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5.1968 P A G E fT V B oentie, Cpngraaa win mawt its op- Won Mandate^ port«Bift]r with - rsapooalMtltjr, I tp Coventry,.Volunteer Figa Asan. Is Your First Course in a Rut? am hopeful thai the MttorMair alH Andover Coventry (So Coventry), $829, and Us CD] gendered hy the campaign wlQ he Equipment item $850; North Cov- j Says soon forgotthn. A,a I hare aald 4 . entry Volunteer Fire t»ept. Expense ; INVESTMENT PROBLEMS By OBOUr BBOITO8TONS under quite (Ufferent elrcuni* Tomu Budget Grant, $250 and ita CD Blquipment! Our offioe It: dpea Thursday evening tram i ito • o’ctocR fair . AMMCtoM PiCM riMtf Editor etancM, the Chat divide us Cuvell Wms $175,- I your ceatvenlenae. If you prefer; we will have one of onir (M | M ^ ’ taet'a rmeorn our flrat counM Of Election are infinitely. Hess Important than A Coventry Police Patrol "requeat | rejgtetered, reprenentative* call on you, at yoor canvesaeace, to 'from the doldmme. Serve eome- the thinga that unite ua — love Of $767,564 of $6,145 waa reduced by $8,5451 asalat yoa. .Whether your pHihlem lavolvee one thottaalid or a ■ thing eevory! If you once try thle of JusUee. love of freedom, love a€ ‘ Fourth Term which covered the request for a.| million dollare, we hove the focUlttee to render you'eompieto .w ey of ntenu-meklijg, the chencee Chicago, Vtfv. ft Adlai E. peeee, tove of country.” new cruiser and a new boat to ! eervlee. ' ' ^are you'll relegate the ubtquW St*r*n*u:nate that old- "I am confidmt." h* said. "Utat Lack of Republicain leadership returned'I’D the Legiatature for hla mending budgets totalinft' $767,564 for a bill amounting to about $6,728 > ( MwWfi Hew*yw* Sftedr f*e*ewae faahione Democrat The Board of Education’s pro­ ABC), Stevenson said he waa dis­ Culk. Two-wey xl»p*r deefcig. ha* u*ually come with the meat Caaion for the Democrat* ; hap­ appointed Averell Haniman iMt Lawrence Moe. had entered the posed budget totals $.520,257; In­ When we gave It flrtt place at pier than some other* I'vr ex­ Azure, pint or yollow. ' contest on Oct. 3 to fill the vacan­ terest and Debt Redemption. hie bid for rcelection as governor On* liz* (grow* to 3 ynJ ''■if.'- dinner recently, we let it accom­ perienced." of New Tork. cy created by the resignation of $64,034; Boaid of , $2..500 lUtd Board of Selectmen, $180,773. pany brisling *ardinea and found Stevenson. In a later formal He termed Nelson Rockefellaf, $4.00. Edwin Grenon. He received 294 this hors d'oeuvre w** Ju*t the statement, *aid: votes. .. j ■ - BCstimatvd revenue from various the Republican victor over Harri* soui'tes total $244,740, Pi-ovlded thing to tease appetite* '■Thta la a happy day for Dem­ man, a fine man and said he has Also on the local end of the bal­ Pretty up the marinated vege­ lot, Charles H. Nicholson of this the propo.sed budgets are approved ocrats and happier than tome oth­ renpecl for him. at the town meeting the total to be table* on a platter, if that appeal* er* r can remember. But it la also town, Rep'iblican judge of probate, raised by taxation amounts to ^ to you. But we like thi* time- a sobering occasion The Dem­ Sag Harbor, Long island, was received 368 votes to SS2 votes for aavlng, dl*h-sa\Tng «*y . Put the IJemocrat Clarence E. Avery. Other 6522.824 according lo John M. ocratic party has received a man­ ones th* center of the whaling Stone, board chairman. , vegetable* and manhad* Into an | date to produce thoughtful, crea­ totals tn the three town district f « t I * n 1 I for Julia Ofiara. atc.ct garag* *t incuatry . around New ' York City. Voters may reduce any Items i .5^ attractive caaaerole. top the diah [ tive leadership In a dangerous Ir 1*67, its ship* brought in a were Columbia; Nicholson, 443, with It* regular rover, and refrig- j time. A rfl'j, 323: and Bolton. Nicholson, recommended but may not in- »'■ r ublir_____ necords ji Modern CofiatructlOn *' Co. for, million dollar-i worth of oil and 'crea.se them, Vi'S. erate. .Iu»t before «e rm g uncover j "I am confident that th# Dem- bone. fl3i, and Avery, 439; with the 3- it and bring It to the ’ ahle Warraiilee Deed* I l-annia Peteraon. addition to 'lome town total, Nicholson. 1442. and The Bo.ard of Education and , -x- ■I 1*9 School St . *nd demolish old Avery, 1114. Board of Welfare estimates remain | a a aplinkied ooplor»ly th nr.tnced Patrick and l>oUiae C Boudreau garage. II 500 j paralev. National electiona usually draw the same as the amounts requested i to .Murray *nd Jane T Burnt, Domemc J Potilieell) for Boland For ofwly rising worMors origiDally. The Interest and Debt(|v.. ('old Tom ato Caaaero le property at 53 Broad St on Co erect gaa station at 315! more than p 90 per cent turnout Redemption item of Tax Anlicipa- ; Ingred.erit* red iipe medium- due largel.- to local town commit­ The hi'line. .the hlouson. .the scarf sheath 2 Itoildlng Permifa Broad 8t . $3,000 ‘ lion Xoles Interest has been fined, tomato* miced' I medlum- Trade Sign Hanger* for f J Kme»t A Rltchi* for Herbert tee system* of working steadily decrea.sed $.500 ' «iied cucumber (pared and thinly Mornaon, e re c t »ign at 3M Center Stevenson repairs to house at 133 throughout the day, calling those Blicedi. 1 mediur i-*i7ed eweel | who have not voted and offering Major ciiLs were made-in the St I2rn Lenox St . $1,500 lesebird frlnt Gown. Seep, Boai'ii of Selectmen'.* Bnqget as mild ('nlor. ith:nlv *liced after Joaeph Sullivan allerationa ' lo Kred Knofla for Roger OlcoU. re­ favenpd, Nevobind ilMvei. transpoi'tation. peel.ng and aeparaled into ring* ■. Despite an effort In this'election follow.*: -A.*sessor. clerk item i SOFTEST 100% WOOL FLANNEL home at M Wedgewood Dr , $1,000. pairs to fire damage in chicken ' DWTJIRI Hondy-Cuffi. Tied kpi*. ' $1.1 .50; lax collector, flerk item. t ' cup oiiva n* other **lad oil. 2 similar to that made for. national 4 Bidwell Home Improvement Co coop at' <0.3 W Center Bl . $WK). Ajvra pink er yellow rOMbvd $400: town clerk, shelve.* for vault. tableapoon* garlic-flavored red , prinf.^e WOS. elections,' only 89.6 per cent of the 814 registered voters turned $.500, and ival estate indexing- wine vinegar. teaspoon aaJt prior year.*. $1,000; Justice Court. IN GLOWING NEW COLORS freahlv -cround black pepper FAMOUS SNAP-FASTENED, $1.75. out. The dlffeVence was said by y Sharing Victory’s IRleasure local politicians to be due to the expen.*es, $100: ' Small Claims minced parsle.v Three^ successful candidates congratulate each other at thh Democrats’ vJctoi-y parly last night. Court. expen.*e.*, $150; Probate Wet hod Alternate layera of to- NOTICE growing number of independent Fred Dcaicy, new State senator from the fourth district, is flanked by Irx’tng Aronson and David Court, typewriter, $210; In.*iiranee, matoe* cuci 'her and onion in a DOUBLE-BREASTED SHIRT voters whom neither party solicit­ Barry, right, Manchester'a new representatives to the Geileral A-^embly. (Herald Photo by Oflara). Young flattery by Aronoff and Richling FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE .*nrctv. $1.50. 14*98 dtah Mix th* oil. vinegar aall i ed heavily for fear of transporting The. trenching of the town dump and a dash of pepper together In votes for the othet party. The \ was (bit $1,000; grave openings, cut Fop ft Moe. to I'/i years. breakdown of eligible voter* i« Re­ K.vcliling of Coventry. Gold Star e ways and means .committee, a ansall rontatner, ahaktng or beat- , 2 $2.00 mothers p’ e.sent were Mrs, Ed­ quested member.* to set aside ar­ $1.50, as well as tool replacement Ing with a fork Pour over veg­ WE ARE NOW publican. 334; Democrat, 288; and Legion Auxiliary $1.50 and Recreation Commrtllee, Independents, 192, mund Leber and Mrs. Anna rives fPr the fall nimmagv sale etable* and chill, eover^t, for <1 to I B-nsche. a new member. Mrs. on N®'' si the legion home. $.'150 S hc'ir* Cover with minced pbra- Easy to gal boby dressed ond undrassad In this wonder­ Unofficial estimates are that Marks Birthday The item for sanitary inatalla- non-voter* included 36 Republi­ Nnella Fuller plaved the piano for Mi'll Joseph Wallett, president, Luxuriate ivith fine ley i songs and floor work. rertilm'ied all members who plan to liona for Town Buildings for $1,500 h'ote If you have fraah baail 1 ful shirt, lik* oil Corter-nic* boby things, lots of little can.*, 2f' Demociats and 23 Inde­ American Legion Auxiliary wa* cut completely, Additional re­ pendents. Y-outhfiil honor guests were Miss attend the memorial service Vet­ leave* *• hand. wa*h and dry : OPEN THURSDAY extras to keep him comfortobi* and you eorefre*. Hos member* celebrated their 32nd an­ erans’ Dky to meet at the Legion duction* included Expense Grant flannel. It’s a lux­ Dale Robinson and MUs Susan then-, add ?. or . of the whole DO SOMEiriiiv The 10 justice of the peace can­ water-repellent diopenda tapas and Navabind sleeves. Rin Oi»ck Bordor Both S«t. didates were elected, traditionally niversary last evening with a sup­ Bucl:le.v, Manchester high school home at 10.1.5 a m. lo march to leave* «long with e*oh layer of ; On* lewtl. Two wothcloiHt. Seniors, who attended Girls’ State M.anche.ster Memorial Hospital. ury because it’s the vegetable* The h*»tl t«ate* moat | Th* soft cotton knit Is mochin* washobi* ond never divided with five Republlcana and per and program In the Legion TO IMPROVE Whitg with pink. btu*. Mint gt five Democrats under local bi-par- hom.e. at, the 'Jniversity of Connecticut Mrs. Robert Neill was supper dellcloii* after It h*» »tood In the i needs Ironing. Cortar-Sat — so won’t shrink out of Tit. ytllow cRtck bo^d*r. in June. This has been a project of softest.. the loveli­ ttsan polic.v. Republicans drew 364 ' Guests of honor were Mra. Eva chairman, and Mrs. Virginia Kirka COINS-STAMPS marinade | the Auxiliary for many years. Both was in charge of decorations. The NIGHTS TILL 9 $2.50 and Democrat* drew 353. Norton of Newington, First Dis­ gave accountx. of their experiences. Albums— Book*—Supplies j Visit Ihtm during . f.S. See these other Corter boby knits, tool Depot* for Bazaar Gltt* meal was served in the fireplace est. Sharon Willelle, 10, Items for the thrift sale and trict vice president an-, member­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson. room, which has been newly deco­ white elephant booth for the First ship chairman; her daughter, Miss Lale's paienl.*, and Mra. John rated in ro.*e and gray Mrs. VVal- HOBBY SHOPPE Congregational Church bazaar Shirley Norton, District sergeant- Buckley attended. Suaan'a father lelt cut the large birthday cake, Injured in Cranh Niehols-Manchester Tire, Inc. 408 CENTER ST__ Ml 9-7238 AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK may be left at the following .-arms; also Department Meip* was unable to be present. which was centered with a replica 295 RROADST. — MI 3-5179 homes: Mrs. George Bugbee; Mrs. bership Chairman . Mrs, Eugene Mrs.' Ruth llickox, chairman of of the emblem of the order A 10.year-old girl waa in Man- Martin Baker, Mathieapn Dr.; rhe*ter Memorial Hnapital today Nov*m b«r 9-15, 1958 All in soft Mrs. Robert Wright. Bauiola Rd.; 'k.i with multiple fare laceratlona and Mrs. Ellsworth Coveil, Hebron a afiralned ankle auffered In a 2- wool doeskin THIR ADVERTISEMENT Rd.; Mrs. Julian Krzewskl, Benton rar rolllalnn veaterday RKPIIBLIO . KINF. BOII.F.ItN. F C R N A rrS Hill; Mrs. Allen R. Yale, Boston Sharon Wlllette, «2 Bal.*m Rd,, SPONSORED BY flannel dyed and OONVERBION BCR-NEHS Hill Rd.; and Mrs. Roscoe Talbot, u wa* one of four treated at Ih* hoa- SMILING SERVICE Long Hill Rd. rllal and the only one admitted !I!F Workers will be at the church in vibrant lloapilal aiilhorltlea reported her THIS CROWN INNIOMA from 3 to 6 p.m. Friday 'to aort condition good, IR YOUR ARHIIRANCE OF and price donations for the booth. exciting Arre«ie CAVr, "Quality Hpeaka For ttaeir* And UiM generous grow tucks let me wear it from 6 months urday, Nov. 29. at the Knights of A hmilcr named Robert Hon Columbus Home. right up to 3 years old. Can be worn over my pairaas, Chairman of the committee china 1* .iiippoaed to have found •■REPCBLIC OAR IR THRIFTY. Mnniniolh Cave while purmilng e too. Available in nursery rhyme print or solid pastel color*, of planning the reunion is Mrs. Shir­ woiinrlcd hear, which he traced to EVERY YEAR YOl''LL RAVE ftFirTVC pink, blue, white, yellow. ' ley Cervlnl Naczkowakl. OtMr the cai'c memebrs of the committee are (Layttle Size: 0-6 months) $1.98 Mrs. Ruth Tyrell Conran, Mra, Lois Gustafson Moore, Mrs. Shir­ / > ley Tedford Larson, Mrs. Elda Bcletti Schmidt, Ernest Duke. George Hunt. Ralph Scuderi, John 2. SLEEBY-DRYE** K««pa M « And My B«d Brown, Clarence Hanna and Wil­ liam Cole. Tel. Bons-Drys 2.28 R21-82« Tickets may be' obtained frpm Ml any membef of the commtttito. Main St. This patented diaper.cover is water repellent, soft Dress will be Informal. MiincheRter 1 cotton knit that lets my body B-R-E-A-T-H-EI, and yet keeps “naughty” wetness right in the iliaper — that’s why my *Portahlex* Are Bached bed and clothes alay dry. Imagine, Mommie, at laM I don’t have to wear those hot, air-tight rubber and plaatio Los Angeles—School official* ^ ^ n lie * that Doctor What'shianame doesn’t like either. expect '20 .per cent of future Los ONLY ‘i OR DOWN DELIVERS ANY APPLIANCE Over 600 stunning.colors... White, pink, blue, yellow in sizes from newborn to Angeles elementary achools to fcon- years. Made exclusively wjth fleiielthal fabric. list of "portable” classroom units. The (ifficlal* aay that they have NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS 'TIL FEBRUARY 1959 to match any color scheme *P*t. No. 8,fl»5,ftli , found that enrollment comes In ' waves, with the highest enroll­ Now you (an have |^t the color you want to go with ment usually occurring early tn a school’s history, followed by a favorite rugs, furniture or drapes! An almost limitlesi 3. MITEYsDRYE- Kmmp» My Skin Dry.;. leveling off. range to ohooaa from I tn QIom, Sami-QloM and Flat Much Mor* Comfy...Box of 3 ...... 2.88 Alkyd Enamelt. . . many Mlort available in rubber-basa SAVE 7 ! wall paint and eatetior iwua* paints. A revolutioniirv, diaper liner of treated pdrotts biit'„ SIGNATURE * L WetnMs (it happens, you know) pa'teee T through liner lo diaper where it stayi — the*) )teer $ drioa in minutea ao I itay dry - makes; me slten^ q L (Average) ^••1 good — like a,baby ahould and my skin’oan’t gyer “ u»ed with Sleepy-Dr^} deep-cieaiting canjster Washable, r^aable. One size fits any diaper. Made - exclusively with magical Expelthal fabric. Alao available i Bb Pom DUCO* EiMmol in get-acquainted packa'ge of one. 81.00.’ TlMwh — durabis — wiwhabta - % ■ . *Fat. Sending; fdaye baaalinil Nr yean. Ia Oleea aad Seaal-Olaae. Oderleaa durlag appIleatiaB. Seoai-Gloea eelers itoatah those ef Flow Kora. QV. m — Scoits new S .M DOWN . And, Now. Introdaoing TRAINY.DHYE*^ Koop* Ua Sm iling During iusl-actidn product. NO MONTHiY fAYMNIS ’YR NMUAIY Training tim o ...... 1 ^ 9 Winter applied. '' G O N v i n a m h Cbtttroli crabgraift. • Super-auction 9/10 HP metor wii Porch A Floor Now,hcar this, Mommie ■ thi* is a brand new, treated • Comptal* with 6 wItochmonH Tough to eouBfl Qulck-dryiag, bard, . , ,i»Uon-knit " ; v .....V, ----- Irdininj—P tb»t i^’a you a n d ___ Kills r0ot>-eating egtoa dorabla. Bapedatly aaade Ibr tackle tej* Uaining probleat sensibly. Without diabew, mtH(1 Wfkai Ai> marmaar saaslathA** _a!_ • grubs and other Clean every thing from^ coiling to wood er eoaareta Aeon, peaehea, mind you, or event rubber : or {testic linings, wpteaee hoor easier than ever before . . . etoga. Realeto hard wear tor yaaas. QT. cant comee through.Miwugu m inAiivi-uivTc< A IN t-D R YE totoaoaa leak soil insects. r^ erfu l suction gets dirt the fWal • " overalla, creepers, dflesaea^ sofas, la)i*, ruga, etc., ole.. overt Disposable dual bogi. So Mom, - when ‘^poetdenta* happen, no need for trataquiliiers. because chaaginx .1,000 aq. ft. bag ...•iS 4.95 n J ‘l*y-*‘*«* Nothing i| a thing of tlienaat. ^2,600 aq. ft. bag ....-$ 9 .9 5 How deta it W9ricr W dL— * laner laybrs of Ahaorbthal Knit abao/b weinei* like a d i M 5;0005,000 ddq. q .ft. . V. bag — B . . •;$1T.95l7 A L A JOHNSON FAINT 00. n ij II a t ‘‘ i " ? of Repekhal Knit repel wetnear like a diaper edVar. 26.0W aq. ft. bag I7.( / B eai^, all 4 laywa insulate trainy-Dr)-e so my body temperature stays at normal laveL t 721 M AIN ST. MANCMSTW /» wkUt id y - Mini I 2 yra, 3 yri.. and 4 yra.. . Machine Wmthabh. John s. wQLCofT ^Tha bMuly IgfttowhM " PAINTS PRETESTED FOR QUALITY. SOLD ONLY AT WARDS palm with thft fkMM. * • - - 190 MAIN OT. ■ 1 * IP P M t MI M507 A.', : -I ■ •-I i . m 1 - ■ t . - s ' '"t '/ ■h


w X " -eV 's r , - STARTS REGAL t De s t o r e w i t h FREE NO REGRETS! TOMORROrrS THR RIG DAY...... llir kick-off of Rcgnl Men'f Regal Men'sShop's ^ Shop*» IStli Annivcrnnry Sale. Riff doingii in every department, ('.hriitman iit not too iar o ff. . . .ito tee miggeitt RIGHT ISOff an the POTTED he»t time to do your gift hnying for men and young men!' IS^ANNIVERSARYSALE (■ Xi i PLANTS FAMOUS BRANS COATS While They Last! h o o m ^ In rich, aoft, lux- iirlou* 100% woolen* and •tyled In the new nntiirel $17.88 looking ellhoiietle. Rig *e- lectlon from which to choo»e. • 100% WOOL IMPORTED TWEEDS 2 FOR • 100% WOOL ZIP-LINED COATS j' Real, emart looking, handsomely tailored topcoat* that SPORT SHIRTS Whites and solid shades with regular collars. White or Blue Oxfords with Zip-in l-i look twice the price! Big selection. Regulars. Longs. button-down collars. Button or French Cuffs. Shorts. Slip into one of these coats tomorrow and walk Fleet quality cotton flanneU or cotton hroadclothe. Clicclie, out with the best buy you've ever made. pleltie, Ivy etrlpee. NANFOIt- $1.99 IZKIJ — completely waahnhie. HRST QUALITY DRESS SOCKS PAJAMAS G A B A R D U m Big eeleetton of plaide, itripea Sanforised, fast color*: Finest cot­ and argylea bealdei aoltd or fan­ ton In middy or button atyles. cy atretch-eocka. Stock up now for Chrlstm^. TOPCOATS 24.88 $ 2 .5 8 Belted or plain styles with 100% wool *ip-linlng. A truly versatile coat that will see you through most any kind of LOUIS AFTER* FropriHer SUBURBAN 3 for 1 weather. As we look back on this—our 18th Birthday—we think we ran *arel.T 2 for >5 say that nobody Who has ever made a purchaae here hae e»er had any regrets. COATS Here are some "RegaP* Extra Services that make a OPEN EVERY DAY sale here a "Sale with No Regrets" All wool, qnilt-lined New etrlpee and enlld eol- Regal's 18th Anaiversary Values In ore A lem nc buy on the nmel romforlnhla THURSDAYS TILL 9 P M. coat any man could have. FREE ALTERATIONS , In addition to giving our customere the best value* to be had anywhere, Regal also makes sure you're correctly fitted, Thle is an added Regal *er\’lce always avallabl*. Three tailors on hand for speedy atteratlona.

FREE ALTERATIONS FOR THE UFE OF THE GARMENT 2 PANTS When you make a purchase at Regal you may be sure PANTS that If In the months to follow you put on weight or lose a lot of weight, the garment you bought will be altered SPECIAL W i n t e r -W e i g h t w o o l f l a n n e l s • 100% WOOL SHARKSKINS to give you perfect lit at anytime,^ and there's no extra charge for this added aervice. 1 GROUP OF HARD FINISH WASH-N-WEAR GABARDINES • 100% W OOL WORSTEDS WINTER JACKETS Plain or ploofod fronf*. Siios 28 to 42. NO QUESTIONS ASKED ON EXCHANGES^ Get double-Uie-wear with these two-pant* suit*. AND REFUNDS Topnotch (abrio* With every meticuloua tailoring You don't have to go through a third degree at Regal. feature you could aak for, Get yours tomorrow We make exchanges and refunds cheerfully and without Vi PRICE! Jand you’re all set for months to corns. embarrassment. TO AVOID REBRETS-BHOP RENAL RRSTI

Free Alterations You can travel far and wide, but nowhere will you be better treated than at RegnI—and you’ll be money ahead, too!


‘ 5 Plain or pleated franta. • Black, Gray, Tan. Sizes 28 to 42, FREE ALTERATIONS

unV aaRHl* ■ W RAry anR^M w r A i m w n U Fan i sRP m QI'

f ' IN F U R i ^ PARKING JUST A F E ii STEFS FROM Values to $12.95 \ Values to $15SS . - 4 ■■■■' ' ■ ■ ■ ■ - RIQAL MEN’S SHOT in fill I ARfi ini nHiii smotl^mreR^ metlf tmelRmmelliemeeRpH -•i

PAGE BIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER B. 196S ■ ■ ' 'T " .^KANcaraTsa icvaNiKe am AiD. lUFckBaTBB. c o n n < We d n e s d a y , )E lt B, 19BS PA < »N IM K tr-fp* ...... I ....,/iiM i ...... — ...... » iU campkisn Uktnx tha of « drift accumulations, where there siUU Of Carmlna O. Da fkuiSe, Tammany Hall leader. ■Iliere the ">^attrljp0lpr boycott of th* present Unltod Nm- had been such, had a 24 hour Ufa. COSMETICS ■herlft-from .‘NDaad OooBig, r*> Senior Sc^tg Raising Funds RockefMer governor embraced hit Wife—be­ n Colmnhid *»iv*d 444 tmte* ta.Niflh6laa Paw- ^ n p itttt^ tione Di*«nn»ment CommtMlon. It W'ad not a touch of winter, but hind her dark-tinted glaaaea . her WE OARRY AUi- luk’* 823. AM FranMin G. Wflltes Ijprald to have the question of dlsorma- a bite. eyes were red as. if from crjring— ■niE TOP UNE8 for State Senator, 442 to 8M for FUKiaiitiea^ I'UJb ment referred to the whole mem­ Add portents: The day bfifoim To Fjntertuin ' Rangers Here Mobhed by and still managed a smile. David Dlckaon. HtiRAlSPRlNTlNG CO UtO. bership of the United Nations. the snow we watched a woodchiifelik ' What brought defeat to the ARTHUR DRU8 losei .Offers 30 Acres; GOP Nominee About 7S Btr cant;of the $M Vi BUMli ^re«i Manchpsvsi Cofiii Russia's objective In asking siich gathering milk weed pod fletce to - By^ll-Y SMlffi f Jattrmlna whgt they jiav« td ahow Well Wishers Democrats? De Saplo was asked.: va$*ra turaad out with 774 toJm m untaniiiACY raoMAS F FfcRUlWuN ■■lilt i^sott tr* coming,'* In their trountry, inaamtich aa they "The people,'! he replied. The regiat*r*d, of which It v^r* abien- - MrOM W St-.Mt.lMSu WALTKP R rtRO I^N a thing Would seem “to be to get line his burrow. Nextinammtr * group of Scot have few cgthedrala onfi eaatlei, Democratic party, said De Sa^lo, Obtilia^Fifth taa*. Th* IIbsI (Mfur** war* infht-' PubliAftfr* the disarmament questlon^out Into New Tork', Nov. 8 tfl-A s Nelson To T 6 ^ for SeOools Puuod«d October i issi tlsh R tn gen from Cbpar,ipar, Fife,n fe . unun-[,but they have eohcludad they can "will alwaya remain vital and *be*d eeaald*rahiv. It 'would ^ the open, where Russian propagan­ / dec^tha leadersMpof MIm — Dorothy .. (jjg Americalk way of lUa, A. Rockefeller and ' hig fk»>Uy healthy.” pesf* hyth* 428 vpt*r* of M pang Publtaheo tivery Kvenini, _ bsctiM House m unGsvt And HolldityaIlGMya Entered st Ihe da moves might pet wider public­ .Robertson, Is commg to 'Manches­ many things which are Uken''by tbreadad through 2,000 peraons A nFF eStr made to Um S cb M iecei^ ttM at th* tim* .*r ih* dU* afflUatlon. Yh* town Hu 442 regiAe poai 6(hc» At MAncheater Conn Aa A Thou^t for Today ter for a visit.. tarqd Rapublicaha and 127 rlgis ity, and where they might, also, granted by them, but which wrlH packed Into th# ballroom of. tbe aitM 1 Oomntttt** ye»t*Hl*v by cuwdon. locnnd ClAa« Mali Matfer Sponsored by the Haaehaatar Ever since the visit Of Maochee- be a novelty to the glrle from EleettM fMunewta Rtpubllcana held th* line h «r* ^ t*r*a, Dcmecrata. attract support .from United Na­ ter Senior Girl Scout-Troop ^ l^ o abroad. Rptel Rooaevelt, choniaea of "He’s Hospital Notes Georg* O. R ^ . h*a tbaJgrSmtSal y**t*rd*y'a election, but for th* 8UB8l KiPflU.N HATS* OoaneU of Oburckaa a Jolly Good Fellow’f and "Hall. AKhpugh this town went Demo­ P a ra b la tn Adranc# tions members who have had no Cupar early In July,, a gfoup .of ~ ^ s a start; to raising funds to ot F itte r a ^ 'queatlon In cratic yesterday for th* govern- ffrst um* In many year* long gain* On* Year ...... 115 5U rive Scottish girts haVt been work­ .Hail,- the Gang's A i Hers” ' rang A D M I T T E D YESTERDAY,; W*r* mada In th* Democratte V$m Phony Roifi^ Six Month* ...... 7 7t pari in the proceedings of the Dls At times It seems to iia as If h ^ .jth e Scots see something of out, \ B*W orlS'poet, *t did not follow through Three Mentha ...... ing furiously to raise the money this part of 'the U.S.A. the par­ Arthur KUropkot. 87 Union St.; ranks. i ^ armament Commission, uhich has disaster follows on the Heels of At the age of 50, R«kefeller bad Karen Lavalfee, Box 368, Rock­ In a J* ^ r to K**ney HutchUi' on any other poet oh the Democrat­ WaablngtDR^— Faderal Oo'vem- Ono Month ...... to pay for passage to the United ents of' the troop had a rummage ic elate. A record-breaking 'vote Georg* E. Peters, 85-yMir-6ld WeeRlv ...... been limited in members to the 11 dLssster wlthoiit an,, apparent States, The girls over there have made hia firat run for elective of­ ville; Ronald Steiner, 111 Tanner coiLnitt** oh*irman, Democrat, making,his second bid m*nt reaearehAr* report that Oi* Slnirle Copy ...... la sale In Septei--cer. The next fice and Scored a amaahing KO'iff. withdrew, hi* previoui" offer for , an ‘.'off-year” election, 109() members of the Seciinly CounciL ’ reason Perhaps this llliuitration been mowing lawns. making project they are "undertaking is St.; Charles Fuller Jr., 90 Wells for repr*s*ntatlv* to th* a*n*rai tut of ImltatlM rain apiMda up Ub51t, . We have had a certain avmpalhv ‘ A little boy was gailirig his boat being held this week l.V the Va­ era. ao'r«* at a iprlc* of g26.i^.. So well .educated were Boltqn Th*y ar* using a new tpirlqkllng entitl'd !• ihe u.e r'iK.bnc«ib.n oi . . . , . j,, when euddenly the airing dropped kinds of odd jobs in order t . raise cant atore at 707 Main St. For School St., Rockville;. Charles liams, ratuming for his flfth Urm, device that can deliver nn to. 6 an ne.. di'i-aicbe. credit'd o i_t_ M foi the idea of broadening the fh*-, ^ia hand The boat was soon With difficulty, the governor-elect Freiman, 9 Trotter ,8t.; William om voters in the technique of splitting the money for this international sale will be Christmas novdtft^ lit. .naklng the offer, R . aald ^ le d 415 votes to Peters’ 345. Inches of simulated rainfall ah |jf*t oth^rwi#^ cr^Ufj i »am c# nf N e A h discussions, i oldrt* bo.v be.tsr thvowdng roclts over In F.ulopc has worked to earn Gangewere, 38 'Cbnwajf Rd.; ' a* myself,, thin'k the acreage (of to Zellers’ 407. ing to' wait for natural rainfall, (ormal \olrr In aurh day and Saturday, frojn 9 a.m. to In the itate.” Theodore Gannilts, 373 Lydall St.; Thatcher each received 451 vbtes lor Just be.vond the boat It looked nroncy for a trip to the United 9 p.m. on Thuraday and Friday, Eleven piytfy girla,' each carry­ the'tarm) la too large and the and John Speslale and Clarence Antoni N. Sadlak, Congieasman they. axpeet to cempleta in 23 Pvibllffif^rt R4-i»r^a^nt*i.»ea ' thpv micht oprratf lO h r \ n fi ttlf | at nrat as If mailers were being States, although many groups Laura Matte, 111 E. Midme Tpke..; prldi ' more than th* jtoWn can at 'Larg*. and Horae*. 8*«ley months studies that formerly took fulniP Mathew* ^ > ,s . ^ I and from'9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on ing a letter to spell out Rockefel­ Sharon Wille>te, 82 Salem Rd ; E: Avery received 441 votes apiece, f--rli f’hlraer Otrnlt and cnDAi'ient f of •••-orln 10 nr«r on 1 made .worse, bill then the little from this country have earned the Saturday.- ler. atroggicd toward thg atage. The affofd. I am withdrawing my pre­ There were no ,4upllcate. totals Brown, candidate for OongiPaa mor* than - two decades. MKMBKR AT’n r r m 'B F A n UR the _ e'.______a.sions U.,h i. 1.k-pSaarng sis.....see ami.eaci' . fjHow notieed that eaeh succeed- mcney to n'okc a trip abroad. Mra. Beverly Flavell, 15 Ellen Dr.. vious offer and Iniitead am offer­ CIR'’n.ATiu.N’B last girl never made IV Vbrnon: Mrs. Sarah 'ITjoriipaon, on the Republican slate. High from th* second district wer* th* Oiallow maneuver uhich have Ivpi-I ing rock adderl In the wave., that Another "flr.st” la also seen In As police tried to escort R ^ f - ing ISO .acreii of -land at . Steele'a vote-gettei In this town was Aii' hlgheat vote getters in tha Ra- T*be H^raia Pnnnn# Coini-*n» IM s ,, the efforts of Troop I, with the East Hartford; Kathleen Kelly, Croffplng. which ha)i been approved publican party. Each polling 445. n* rinanrl*’ for {}\f Rf(ion« Af'n poMri^S of All; !• ere bringing the boat nearei to -feller from the ballroonTv4hjey'WeM 1Q5 Ferguson Rd- toni N. Sadlak, defeated in hia bid shore parenl.s group In cha.gr, to raise by the State Board ot Health. Charles Nlcholaon, of Andover, tvfv•rr*i'M«*a' ^rrr>r» *pi*^artnf tp the great powers on disarmament, Abtiiit Towii/ unabla to keep dozens of well-wish­ A D M r r n ^ TODAY: Mrs. for reelection as Congresaman-at- Wood Hbor Plowon and re*aafna maff#r What aeemed to threaten de- funds here to help the Scoftlsh — / ers from slapping him on the back The price la g2f ,00C. Approximate­ large, with 669 votes. ■ incumbent candidate for Judge of Ip Manrhrat^f Ktrninf Herald Frances Ruht, 223 Henry St.; John Mak* Tpur OWq Coraagea . till hiding not oTiiv P.us.sia, but our- atructlon turmxi mil to he a help. girls ace sornelhing of this coun­ ■The aecond In a aeriea at three and shaking his hand. He finally ly one third of thia lant) la cleared Succeesful Hunter Probat*, got 443 votes to 323.glven tmtrMttoa, B o t^ ia try. Limited by law aa to the ShuterAn, Wapphig; Roger Curtis, hia opponent Clartnee Avery, of t>>Ki.)a\ • a m *a< tiiaiKls^ i.onditions and ohjecUves, dawn pray. "Keep me, O God. my Everyone \tC welcome to attend. In an Intensely hot room In the Ofi the agenda of what they a daughter to Mr. and Mrs., Ernest teats made by th* Sta'.e Depart­ from Maine Monday. da» r>f ntihMratlrip atr#r« Ma»ur«1av in stistegv I'liirh seemed dev boat is small, and the ocean Is Advanc^-'regiatratlona ahould be hotel. Gov.. Avereil Harriman con­ t a r n w on 111 like to aee In this country Weir, Glastonbury; a son to Mr. ment of Health 01 the Rose farm Alexia Pepin of Rt. 44A returned so vside." Why not make this made^..t^th the Service Bureau, 968 ceded before' a battery of micro­ ----- signed '|o evad.e agreement wheh- 1:.. of course, ,New York with Ita and Mrs. Edward Bujauclus, 458 " Need Air last month had been favorable in a- week earlier but not with the prayer yours in this day of tin- Mgin St., Hartford. phones and television cameras. Vernon St.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. one area located hear the railroad Making Oie Fatieful Election Count Need a Wednesdav. November 5 e.ei It seemed s little loo close s', yscrapers, such tall buildings sought after deer, P*-ia claimed cerlaintyH Hia opening statement congratu­ Dale Mather, fS Dudley St. unknown in Europe,, the capital- track* on Steel*'* C ry in g Rd. a 2M pound black bear. Chief Moderator Atty. Paul Groobert using a shlsldsd light buglns to rsad tho Important If we mpt some Russisn demand. Rev. K Fljnar Rask No meeting of the past matrons lating Rockefeller, met with loud BIRTHS TODAY: A son to Mr. Conditioning? iXls ia -the «r** now offered to the Rjulletln. Board the rear of a voting machine at Election Headquarters lit ths East Slds Rsereation Building. WANTID Rewafd And Rebuke (Russia afiifted to another. If Riis- city of Washington and something of Temple Chapter. OE8, wlU 1)e erlea of "ooh” from party work­ and Mra, Raymond Stanafleld, 12 Aftsr figures were gathered, candidates and their supporters dd^sd out to follow returns from sis*- a NaO T V ? cf New Englarrd, partii ularly the town by Rose. ; Th* BulkUng Committee ot the and sia aeeme;|l In he meeting aome de­ held tomorrow night, aa the meet- ers. Ironically, at the time, a Ironwood Dr., Vernon;'a daughter ' whsrs In ths Stats. (Hsrald Photo by Satemis). ' x. The voters In Mani he.vter ...... - Ig • • /"v scenery pf the northern states. •No other ait* Investigated by CoagregsAhonal Church will saeet TO TRAIN AS DIESEV MECHANICS Ihga have been changed the third huge blackboard sign used to re­ to Mr. and Mra. Herbert Hampton, at 8 p.m. tomorrow In the p*i1ah Connecticut ye.sterdsy operated i msnd of ours, it developed that we; I ' o S i t l O I I S The Scottish girls wo.ild like to port retiima read: Find it Fegt in the the School SItea Committee has Wedneada; of the month. The next 120 W. Main St., Rockville. room. Bf* are accepting applicatloa* ia tU* ana aev t* irala mcb FM H-Foit hi fha with mingled Instincts of rewsrd iiusrlves Ithrn w anted aoinething : • , visit homes, right here In Man­ meeting will be on Nov, 19 at 8 "Harriman, 1,608,309—Rockefel­ received State approval for sub- prqQtle* barber 41 y**re ago. DISCHARQBD YESTERDAY; (ilrface soil draltmge. 1716 Rose A neighborhood meeting for all for high pay Jobs a* DieM Meckaaks, trader. aMria* and rebuke fiituelv different and aometimea l.y il I OllC'C* F O I ’ C C chester, also some schools and p.m. at the home of Mra. Rachel ler. 1,647.214.” Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. •Hal Boyle^ Hairrjr la 47 afid aUo beeam* an YELLOW p)ot approved hy the 'State will Girl Scout'adulta will be held at Dieiel parti seen sad ether shVlM jeh* is this repidly espeed-. In the stale, there was peihaps roni|iletelv o|iposite . ______other public buildings. New to ! Tllden, 40 Stone St. Hoatesaes will The governor smiled often In hia Nathan Taah, 67 Foley St.; David the Ctmmnmlty Hall tomorrow at •ppruitte* at Ah* age of IS. YIUOW H.e.r will be such Ihlngi aa drive­ be Mrs. Mafy Smith and Mrs. Mar­ appearance before the cameras aecommodate a school mpulatlon lag industry. It yee tr* ssechealMlIy; pleded and not never any doubt about their in- It lias aHsys seemed lhat. if the The T’ollce Department Is ac­ Wiley, 100 Oak Grove St.; Mrs. 9:30 i.m. Two consultants from "Haircut* wei^ aixpenc* in thoae in theaters and super market.^, jorie Morrison. and party workers. Obaervers Jennie iSenkbell, Andover; Arthur u^ to 4(H), according to tne Health Haircut Price Jumps sseking belter then sverage utery pet week'... ye* ewe It to tsntlon of rewarding Governor Ahe .wnilds smailler powers were riding cepting applications for super-! PAGES Department .rephrt. the Mencheater Council will dis- days,” aaid Jack. "But sixpanc* In and the fine stale parivs In .Gbn- looking closely noted that hia face LaChiance, 74 Starkweather St.; cuai problems and answer ques­ yourself I* aa* if you qualify- 0 A6 ES ^ RlWcoff for hia conduct of himself i herd on a|u.Ii nianeiivers. .they numerary police positions. All ap-' nectlriil. The Dorcas Society will meet In waa drawn and that he appeared Gregory Wolff, 4 Valley View (Keehey itutchinaon said last thoa* day* would buy mor* than plications niiial be In by Nov 12, Luther hall of Emanuel Lutheran tired. night that the offer, dated Nov. S tions of the leaders, assistants in office He w ould probably have , would certainly rebuke them and n has heen of conaiderable In- Lane, Vernon; Frederick Ainslie, and troop committee members at th* two •hilling* aixpane* we dvillaa aad 0. t. Approved (Slat* if kerea* Vet) Chief Herman O Srhendel said. lereat to the Manchester girls to Church this evening at 8 o'clock. aiSd received by, him yeiterday, li To 35c in London won against any kind of oppoat- illuminate Ibem, and perliapa rev Harriman'a next stop was the | .36 Croiby Rd. eharg* now.” Schendel said Ihe positions are; ■ 0 new. that he h it ijot been able to the session. Free Natieeal end leteraatieaal Plaeeaieat tion. against whatever kind o f ; strain Uieiii,, and perhaps even be open due to a few present super- 1 confer with the rest of the com- "A lot of poopl* tetm to think for iaferiaetlea, writ* Mot OUT. aaai* of paper w* should atill eharg* six^nce," front the Republican pafly pre­ able to forrit Ihe great povvere lo- niimerarles moving to other towns. | ...v^ ’TM'i ynt ii icwr w gait iii> fju mltte* on It. Hia personal reaction Maactaastbr Evening Harald Bol­ London, UP)—'Barbers Harry All we know is hair cutting, so we ton earreapondeBt, Dori* M. said Harry. "WJiat's th* matter, ixnmiOM nuMNo sented, against whatever kind of wanl aome parrowlng of the gap Applicants must he between the tgas that It "doesn't chahge the Nomum and Jack Psaman have put up the price.” ages of 21 and -35 and must be at situation any." IPItaHa, telephone BUtehell S-S648. "Even if it coats us eustomere, we'r* not human? Barbers don’t < w m SHOP TRAM M t. MCOMfORATIO Read Herald Ad vs. campaign the Repvihlicana. chose between thfllr negotiating poai- made a move which cauied them eat?" leaat 5 feet 9 and weigh more than 4 m * School Site Committee we may do a little better because to wage. He was, let iia say, un­ tlons. MO pounds. Kach must have a dvora the BoUon-Toomey tract severe fear and trembling. They the tips are bigger,” aaid Jack. beatable. on hia own nierila And Now, in .effect, the Political high school education or equiva­ Mr its location near the elemen- Husband .of Coya railed the price of a haircut to "We used to get mostly sixpence | to put him bark in office for an­ Committee of the General As- lent, d ry achool, providing an opportu- 35 centa, from 28. tips. Now we get a few ahlllinge.” other four years was undoubtedly Rchendel aald applicants may be Mty for Joint educational, recrea- Sixpence is 7 cents, a shilling 14. aembly haa Voted to give aiich the­ Sues Hep Top Aide "It may run us out of business,” "We've lost aome customers, all the prime purpose of the voters of either local or out-of-town resl- t|9nal and maintenance facilities ories s try. "iTie new Disarmament denis. Md for Joint sewage provisions, said Harry, t'but ws couldn't go right,” Harry said bitterly. "One ConnerUcut yesterday Conimlasinn homing up will be one ^ e width of roads approaching (OoBUnned from Pag* One) on the way we were.” of our regulars comes In the other Selections will be made after ap­ Norman. and Peaman have a But they also had a secondary of all the hi nembers of the United plicants havo taken both a written Old Ipswich Solid we Bolton-Toomey tract is also day and starts to take off his and oral examination. Anaidtrsd a* advantageous factor. today or Thursday In federal dis­ typical small British barbershop raincoat. His eye falls on our now purpose, which they revealed in" Nations, Til* vote In committee in northwest London, and the per­ O F MANCHESTER Eutohinson, in'comm'*ntlng on the trict court In 'Washington for slle- price list. the sweeping nature of their turn approving this waa 78 to 0. This sistent postwar rise in Ihe cost of FIAIATINO RIAJRRFIHH >se property and new offer, cited nstion of affections and for sland­ "He ihruga his shoulders back to Governor Rlhicoff. In their seems a lac)tlral victory for Rus­ c steep grades of both Bolton living has caught them short. It's into his coat, turns around and The gUibefIsh Inflates Its body S er, asking $100,000 of KJeldahl on wholesale gift to him of hia own sia. aliii e II meets the condition on by swalfovs’lng air and. floating &nter and' JSteele'a Crossing Rd, a lucky week when they net as walks out without even eayliig each count. much as $25 apiece. alate llckel and of the General which Russia waa willing In end Its belly upward, blows across the 935 MAIN W disadvantage*. Widening of gcod morning." Assembly Including, In the moat wnler before Hie breere, xreordlng Something to be E>th roads to provide safe ap- Knutson made hli statement as The reasons the two barbers "Another one who quit ui said liovcoll of l!N disarmament dls- ^ aeh es waa noted as an addl- historic alngle pnllttcal event of tlie In the Ki'cyrlopedla Brllntinlca, his wife maintained an early but give for their pric* increase run he could get a haircut right In ths ciisslnns B|iil If, In Its procedure, STREET ^ n a l cost. inconclaiive lead over OdiniLan-' about the same aa thdee. of their neighborhood for a shilling,” Jack century, the House of Represents- this unwieldy kin,I of discussion I To Meet with TPO gen. Republican, for reelection American counterparts when they chimed in. "He can, too. Cutthroat tlvea does what mankuid miial hope for thankful for !»Thc School Sites Commute* will from Minnesota's ninth congres­ Jacked up prices to $1.50 or ntore. competition. Barbers working on Ttils secondary purpose was one II. It will 0peinle to put Russia on wnfer with th* Town Planning sional district. "Evarything cite Is up—rent, ahops downto'wn cut hair at home of rebuke, and It was rehiik. to aommiaslon Thursday at 5 p.m. al His statement s*id, however, he gas, the electric, hair oil, soap,” after hours for anything they o*n a Hie spot, along with oiirarlvea. as was speaking out "now. that the the Repiihli, an parlv for failing TUTORING * Conununity^-Halnon the three said Harry. "It. was either put up get. Beer money." ' to Hie slncerllv of all our niulual Our Pilgrim forufathars atei now lifld'et' conaldcratloil. eieetiem .1* over, and my wife, our price or take down pur pole. Jack, 54, started out as an *p- to put Its own heal and moat |i0oyit:.|lk|^on, the benAflctary of ,proi raaloiis ahniil dlsaniiaiiient, nffvnr had (uch an A c s * credttahl* font forward In Hits and In clindemn ami perhaps end Expurienced Elemen- Oact, tftt RoMv^itiperfy- *nd; th* litir.llNig'stlenee. has Stood the test campaign array of furnitura to Ahn Swtnson dtv fArm on BralMy' orjMnl't opinion.” ccywi^jOftr any revival of the dlplnmalli .Inqi. Knutson said aha would not In thia year of IBfik ihe Repub­ tory tuocher will tutor game hoHi of ua have tilHierln been grace those first Y a BoerA of J7nancA meeting last comment on her husband'e' state­ lican parly of ('onnecliriil turned playing vvllh Hie dlaariiiaiiienl l.a- your child In your Thanksgiving Days. Today week went On record. as favoring ment. Itself ovei, experuiieiilnllv In a Ae Bolton-Toomey land since It su e you choose Old Ipswich party facHon which had been homo. All lubjecft. l^miaed the nioat .'financial bens'- TiraUt Drill Eliminated rinmoring for years for Ihe right pieces from open stock! cotAvjeStkep to pick a nominee and run a rain N irginin’k Tenrhcre .Speak -I. At a pieeting Monday with the Chicago — A new' method of Tol. JA 8-1084. d:hool Sites Committee, the Board fllllng teeth without the usual paign Ttie voters. In their ap One piece of good, creditniile Af Elducatlon stressed, the point pralaal of the reaiill. made II a drilling process wa. exhibited re- news from Hie segregation front tjhat it l*“ iifi«*abl* to any site drntly at the National Chemical costly experiment, a rosily way liss come In Hie arllon of the Vir­ where a, school cafi be hullt-".Th* .Exposition W e . Developers of the for the Repiihllcan party In clean ginia EcliirsHfin AsnorlsHon, rep- Board ffgtdUt was' primarily In-, 'prbcee* n*ak* tu* of a liquid plaa- tjferested uVthe i^U ity itself and tio; which JA -poured into a tooth Iia own house. For. along vvllh resetillnK Ihe teachers of thst ifct greany'.WiCerilAd'over it* lo-, some who never should havo been slate. In calling fn.- a apeclal aea- oation. cr*ok or eatity. The plastic sets In k ihat.tsr of seconds, forming a nominated, good men went down ainn of Ihe alate a General Aa- £lt add*d,x however, that tn vieW hantf, easUy <-lsaned surfacs that to defeat, too. and this need not aenihlv In tails nff Ihe honka Ihe At the School SiU* 'Oommitt** 'Is'-said'to' seal the tooth so *f- iieceaaarlly have heen Iniliided In preaetU antl-lnlegraHmi law under WATKINS wcommenditlon* and Board of Fl- :fecttv*Iy It' halts further decay. the perhaps Inavllahle Rlblioff which any achool which trie; In- i|*nce opinion. It would .prefer th* 42'/j" Cupboard 3 8 x 5 6 x 6 8 " Rte adjiao^t tO' the |>re**nt icbooL ■';k a t u k a ix t vli lory. For the fiilurS let the Re- legraHon can be ordered closed WEST Mrs. Edm(ind J. PerCaluba, a roam-, pubtican party never fall to put $198.50 ’’Kioeoii ■dPl-i—A transient arrest­ Tlie leachera and achool ad; Oval Table bar of the Board of Education, dis- ed' in Tucao'n,believed in being pVe- Its -ow'o tiesi fnrvvaid. ami never niinlalrntni a of Hie alate nhvimisli4||^neral Service $79.50 Anted lrt'->tjU* 'VieW lUjd ptcrsd for the' future. again fr,rre upon the voters tlie feel Hint the dlsnipHnn of schnoll Referred, md would vote for, the Patrolman LotiU Gomez said he task of re|e,ting what ttie partv Ing cienled hv Hus law la loo''T ^Krmrmund i J Weal. Ulreclur 5phn Swanadn alt*. aearched John Ilenry Roberta, 09, ahoiild re|er| f,,, ilsell lienv\ a pi I e to pay for Hie aeoH I4'2 Eaal Ontei St. , ■111* new offer of George O. Roee of . Buffalo, N.Y., and found a .Mitchell 9-7196 was not known to either the Board, winery, map of southern . Cali-i. In Mamheslei veslerdnv. Iliere inriil of Vliginlaa anH-inlcgra- Ladderback Side 52" Cupboard *t Education or the School Sites waa anottier re.qiili ui vvlinli re tli-li extiriiiuds Chairs $19.95 $199.50 ______^ ' ward and rcliulie v,'ie also mixed. Thc'ir iicliiiii. logelhcr iilHi the T- Ttie Intenlion of Maiudiealer votera piciioiislv cxpieeacd aentiiiicnl of hlanchealrr'e UIdeal with Finest Faellllire to keep Ihe ciirrer nerviinl, I'ro- .sni.i,' chiiri h leadci a and paj-enls Off-Street Parking Old Ipsjvich diiiinp pieces, matching bate Judge John Wiilletl. in office Hiciiiscives In aniiio of the, cojii- Eatahltahed 1874 oi.pi uo\Y famous Old Ipswich Bedroom t i b w o n p i 9 | » f A y ^ t h e was, fnrtimnlclv. very alroiig. ao niiiiilllca affected. ronallHitea- al (iolicction, were inspired b.v the best |r. Olympic ■trong that, in tliia race, llie aiiiiir h .st hoiiieHiing of a hreali In the of cliarming old Cnlonia! designs. In Vblera who avvepl the town for pohey of "ninasive realalance" to mellow brown nutmeg finish. Goverhor Rlhicoff maile Jiiilgn Integintlon V'ligliiin'a tinvernor - I Station Wagon Wallett the second biggest winner Almond haa heen trying to lead. In Manchester. It alan aoBH-era a ratlKtr vital This was particularly a trlhiite and worrisonie question which Ladderback Arm •*9 to Judge Walletl, and will, we must he In many minds as the war Chairs $26.50 J . hope, fortify the movement. Ii\ on thIa laaiie flamea up In one place Buffet bases of Captain's Chairs which the nemorrnta themaelvEmployment? • Th* smafl ca* offeriag autoaaatia tn iiiiaiisirilf ahdl .AJi5 other comm*«i+|ies as they did for UnarlUdiahig Seats! _ i year. Il la one full of porlonla ol Duxbury Side GfYt t Wftfi Cash Sahs Alt him here, he cdtild have been the • 100-fachifffatlbeae. Oat-tnma every odier Ajmericanoar! victor. hard winter coming. In inich caae, O K U M to W. Chairs $24.95 ..SJ'f A M Up tk/yThunday We abbuld eay that the volera an early snow Is not a freak, but Find it Fast in tlw « QaW. doooamioal. Ugh-iMcfotmaaM O-cylindar eaginial of Mancheiter performed, yester­ a reinforcement of the pattern, Pi Rooaay comfort for Sva, Ung-daii oargq spaoati nRRp EHiNNaaSat $w Rt iGEt- * (Left), Thumbback Side mts 'tsS N S*T. iltMMNi day, with dliciimlnatlbn and In­ .Even In Its early manifeitatlons, 48x24x54x78" Drop- • Topneal* valuA' ' ^ this hard winter does--net fool Y iL L O W 34"' Cupboard Chairs J 14.95 . leaf Tabl# $ telligence. 99.50 *• M A daahfB, p a ^ and aarvlc* oMrt to ooai4 . around. TTie enow wai real when PAOIS $ 134, A Voice For Everybody It came, and driven by the proper kind of cold wind, and euecaetietl Ruasla Hlui been campaigning hy the-authentic kind of cold night' Open Thursday and Friday Nites Cloied A\ondays CORMIER MOTOR tnc. —^24 Mqpis Stfest; MonchMfsr for • long tlma, with one part of and clear gky. so that ipliilature MAijlB;': I . -w’S . - V ri- _ , . I fAeiE t o t MANCBBSTIft IVSNINQ HE|tALO. MANCHESTEI^ OONN« WEDNESDAX. NOVEMBER 8.1888 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 ,19j5S PAGE B lisV E ^

To the Vietor&t Beadnehee O'BrighViX orchestra,■ will befrqrn Regs, Mrs. KaUjlean Rivard and aurved a t d;80, with the boiled M srffiCM iifsrt Wf Ike Says Vote Gibboiis Assembly 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Mn. Ginger Rydleivles.. . Lobster Tarty Set lobeter dinner to follow. Obituary All’s Well in Suburbs, Mrs.. Charles Packard and, Mra. The dinner will be stag and la FALSE TEI Sets Dance Date Friday by Elks] open to Elks and their frienda. Hera m s pleasant wiv 1 Edward Fitzgerald, co-chairman, FUhy Thief looea plate dlaeoatfert; Shows People will be a s s ie ^ by Mrs. Clotilda Tlcketa are now available* a t the an inproTsd pesMaz. a .______Mrw. |UMg «. OAiiVMf Mwichester Democrats Andtsio,' Mra. Antoinette Cara- Manchesler Lodge of EUu will Elks Lodge and should be picked upper end Uiwar plates beUt thaia M n. I t ^ d: OamplMU. , M« Says Woman Novelist GiWioita'Aaaalnbly. Catholic La- Ro<^ laland, lU. tffi—Even gold- up by Thursday night. firmer eo-tbat tbay fast m o rs ------diM of O olu^ua, will hold its art- blno, M rs. Eileen Conlon, Mra. fiah atan't bafe from thieves. have its final lobater party of the forUble. No,^ suzuap, tooay. ' For iSipenders -fkitninit St., widow of JotMph nual harvest dance at the Knights Mary Cowlea, Mra. M argaret Da­ H ie Rock laland police received ------1------^—‘ testa or feetms. It’s alaallna Sets Record Oampholl, fUod.at tha M]MchMtar year Friday night eetdt. Dose not tout. Obaeka,'--.-- Pork chops Iroip the center of Celebrate Gains of Oolunffi'ua Home orl Saturday, ley, Mrs. Mae LaHouze, Mra. Mary a report that 10 breeder goldfish odor” < denture braatb). Oet Fn*> (Oentlnatid from 'F ^ ^ Ore) luahqoriid Hoapltal thla toorntnf NomfHituree Writer Nov. 22, Dwyer, Mra. Mary ivaneaU, Mra. were taken from the Nursery Nook Chairman Bi’crett E. Moore an- the loin have a, high proportion of T a r m tadar at aa* a n * eatiatp* electlo^. paat B8 yeart. Sha waa a inembar fitilt from now on." wortM Fred BelM. H e's the one who put us bia, says Xgnea Sligh Turnbull. mate to a campaijfn Kenerally con­ of tha Garden Oub, the-Golden ■»d. which gave the Democrats the Doocy,. newly elected State. Sena­ on our fse t.’’ ’ Mrs. Turnbull, a successful nov­ sidered as one of the most listless tightest control of Congress since. Age. Club and B* Jamea' Church.' tor at the.Democratic victory party Rep. Edwin H, May Jr., who won LsBelle Isd! a succpeaful p rim ary elist,- short story writer, mother l> years. New Deal days. She. lefyea two daughtera, last night. fight which replaced one Demo­ end grandmother, has lived In New an upset ^^ctory in the Hartford RIbicoff ran on his record, de- tillia'n Afideraoh ^of BloonWleld The crowd around him laughed, county Democratic bastlair two fiming to engaire in what he calied ^ Elsenhower arrived about two cratic Town Committee with an­ York commuter country for 36 mtniilea early for the session. He and lira. Mary Griffith of Cov- and another man called, "To the other. He resigned as Town Demo­ years. years ago, lost his First Diatnct „ ■negative campaign." . j antryj two grandchildren, and victora belong the headaehM.” neat to Emilio Q Daddario. The ^ stressed his highway safely] promptly asked whether there cratic Chairman when he accepted And, she adds, she numbers not were any questions, and then four great-grandchildren. Doocy wa# the flrat of the vic­ a Superior Court Post; one -alcoholic or tranquilizer ad­ winner is a 40-ycar-old Middletown; program, his opposition to governr Funeral adrvlcea will lie held torious Democrztlc candidates to law yer. ment spending In excess of income, Joined In the laughter when the John B. Bamini, 'longtime dict, nary an unfaithful spouse and After his victory became clear Sr'tirdayimoming at 8:30 at the arrive at the Garden Grovq Res­ friend of Daddario. lyho used to very few divorcees among her his advocacy of a "pay-as-we- first reporter stood up and aal(T; W. P. Quiah Funeral Home. 229 taurant. He was mobbed by Man­ and was conceded by his Repub­ grow" highway program, the need "Yes s ir " play pro football with Daddario frienda and acquaintances. Main Jit., and in St. -Jamea’ chester Democrats, who were Mrs. Turnbull alao feels the cur­ lican opponent, Ribicoff said: for court reform and industrial Two or three times, Elsenhow­ on the Providence Steamrollers of Church at 0 o'clock. Burial will waiting to see "their boya." Pretfy bygons days, said he waa "happy rent spate of hard-cover publica­ "My heart is full of gratitude ssfetv laws. er refused to be drawn Into any to the ipeople of Connecticut.” bo in St. Jamea' Cemetery. girls gave him kissea, while other as could be.” tions about sick, sick, sick people Zeller attacked the Ribicoff ad­ prediction or expression of opinion Frienda may call at the funeral Democrats shook' his unoccupied may be a fad, like the hula hoop, He eatended best wishes to Zel- ministration for •‘waste and ex- Mra. Mae Vennard, commenting regarding any effert the vote may home tomorrow night from 7 to handa. on the huge plurality of Governor but they aren't the only way to ler and his family, then urged his , irav-igance" and declared that the have on Repuhllran potentials for running mates to accept their vie- j, headed for a multi-million 5 o'clock and Friday from 2 to The band played, “Happy Days Ribicoff said, "From 3,000 to 232,- make a literary living. the 1060 presidential nomination, 6 and 7 to 0 p.m. Are Here Again,” the 'song first 000. Something’s going on in this She has written a total of aix tory with humility | (j^firit and a possible persnnat-.ln- rimuied with Roekefeller •IValk with .Vodosty popularized when Franklin D. country.” novels, all of which have turned SPECTACULAR SAVINGS I rome tax. Asked whether Nelson Rocke­ “1 ask all Demorratic cardidates > Ottot.^KHlwpkot Roosevelt swept the country ■ in Francis Mahoney, newly elected into best sellers and are still in feller's election asgovernor of New 1932. secretary of ■ the Board of -Direc­ p rin t and selling. She has sold to who have been elertei. to please Otto Kurapicdt> 67 Union St., Lnring Btudlp /I York made him a strong presiden­ diad at tho Hartfor'dSHoap'tal last tors, beamed through brimming the motion pictures, been serial­ walk with modesty," he said tial posalbllily. Elsenhower re» Several of the celebratora took "All of us r list represent . ail night after a long illness. eyes and said this election was a ized in the best ' slick-paper GOP Losses plied he hadn't even given that time out to admit they had feared magazines, and has never known' Engaged the people in the stale of Con­ for several of their candidates. milestone. The Democrats, he matter any thought. He did say Ha waa bom In Wapplng, and a slack season in the demand for The engagement of Miss Jo-Ann necticut " he added. "I have al­ 'liv.cd In Manchester most of his "1 waa a little bit worried about said, would not work toward fu­ 0RI6INAL ROGERS her st*ort stories. ways fell that s Governor repre- he Is delighted hy Rockefeller's ture victories. The Board would Donahoe of Bast Hartford to Kim In Farm Belt llfe>He was a houae . sinter by Daddario." said newly elected Di­ "But I've never had an impulse H. Shlrer of Manchester la an­ aents ali the people, no' Just the 0 virlory over Democratic Qov. rector Mrs. Alice Lamenzo. Roger "give the town some action,” he Averell Harriman Me added that ■trade,'"He was a member of St. said. to write about unhappy,, abnormal nounced by her parents, Mr. and QUALITY SILVERPLATE people that voted for him " Bridget’s CJiurch. Negro, chairman of the fllat dia- | people,” she confesses. "I'Ve only Mrs. Joseph M. Donahoe of Baltic. "God willing." he said “1 shall he sent Rockefeller, and some oth­ trict, agreed, "I waa worried about Aronson, Barry Arrive Hurt Benson er OOP winners, a eongratiilalory He leaves hla wife, Mrs. Jennie written about the people I know. Her fiance la the son of Mr. and continue to devote sll by energies Orl Jwskl Kurik^kefeata Elsenhower gin 111 .vesterday'a election. Manchester. "I sometimes feel extremely 1b ^ Former State Comptroller Ray­ terday a election setback as he hss on Ihe danger of hig federaj spend­ Bearers were Vincent Diana, the sale of foods, confections and said he agrets with Meade Alcorn, "I am grateful lo many people," Funeral services will be leld In dlgnant about the statistics they mond Thatcher regained Ihe office when attseked In Ihe psst ing, He said Ihe government has to Wallett aald. Mario Diana, Leo Diana, TVilliam gift articles will be found in the vacated by Zeller Thatcher de- the GOP national chairman, that Malvern, L. I„ at 9:30 Friday quote at you." she says. "I know Farm area Repiibltcsns can be refund ahniii $fin billion Ic long­ "The result wa.s very gratifying J. Diana, Oherles Frago and old parish hall. you can prove anything you want fented State Rep, Rodney R Kiel- expected to argue that the party the Repiihllrana never start fight­ morning In St. Thomas' Church. term bonds next yesi-, and shout John Bonino, with figures, and I am absolutely ELASTIC •®h. can III afford lo keep Benson on ing until about the last two weeks to me personally. I Interpret It aa tZI billion worth of short term of the campaign. Instead of waging a vote of confidence." BTORAf DEATHS AT SOO certain that more divorces are STOCKINGS John A. Rpeziale defeated Ihe l the Job and still entertain hopeki notes Dauxm, Bast Pakistan, Nov. S Republican inrumbeni, ,Iohn Ol ' (oi- 1B«0. \ the battle constantly. Wallett garnered 10,134 votes, a Cruiser a Last 20 Y'ears caused by selfishness and bore­ TRUSSES ^BELTS NemU (17 Rllllnn More yield Just under the 10.782 given UFi—Nearly 600 persons were dom than are ever caused by in­ Jc. for stale treasurer Jiiat how much Ih* fSVtn Issue I He said It will he necsshary for He called on fellow ,Republicans Funerals believed killed la a violent atorni The remaining stale office, at- contributed to Democratli victories lo atari campaigning today In an Gov. Ribicoff, who was top vote- fidelity.” ARTHUR Ihe adnilnlalratlon alao In find getter here snd In . practically TVaahington—The Navy'a de- tiiat hit coastal districts' last Mra. Turnbull after writingsiich torney general, went In Albert E III farming areas was a matter of about $12 billion In new nmnes' effort to win In 1060. itroyers and cruisers arc built to every other town In the State. week, official sources said to­ popular novels as "The Bishop’s Colas. He defeated Simon S. Cohen, conjecture. Democrats made the Then. Fliaenhower said, we have Elsenhower brushed off .a tjues- Mrs. Hose R. Bonino last about 20 years, its carriers day. Reports said numerous former US. dlslrln attorney In most of the fact that farm prlcea ; got to atop spending If we are go­ tlon whether the Democratlr vlc- Wallett led the Republican Funeral services for Mra. Rose ticket here and waa the only auc- 25 years. The life expectancy of boats are missing and many Connecticut. continued below levels of prevlniia ing lo prevent further dilution of lorlea reflected disenchantment R Bonino, 138 Center St., were American submarines is only about small islands devastated. Offi­ Minor randldatea for governor DfimM’ia tlr ndm lnlatratloiia. On Ihe Ainerirnn dolliir. with his administration. ceaiful candidate on It. He beat held at 8:19 this morning at the FitzGerald by 2,400 votes, 248 13 to 15 years because of all-over cials appealed for food and and U.8. aenator hardly made a the other hand, Benson < oiilendeil . Outcome Amitysis - A reporter Ho aald he dnean't believe the John B. Burke, FTmeral Home, fol- exposure to ssit water. clothing for the area. dant In the election retiirna. that the farm economy was mak­ ' rcnilmled Klaenliower- that during American peopir want him to more than the margin by which Jasper Mcls'v.v. 80-year-old ing maiked Improvemeiil Ihe rainpiilgii he anId Ihe choice handle his Job any 'lifferonllv. he defeated FitzGerald In a pro­ former Socialist ma.yor of Bridge­ Democratic succeaaea were pur- waa between I,ef| Wing govern- 1060 Campaign Elsenhower bate race In 19.94. port, polled a slim 6 401 votes In tlriilarly striking In niidweslern I meiit dominated by Democratlr said he would like lo see a whole FitzGerald todav repeated the hla 16th gubernatorial rare on the dairy liatea There Benaon's ai lion Radicals, or sensible government stable of Republlrans of rompara- gist of a eonceaalon statement Boclallat ticket In reducing governmem pricy aiip under RepulJlIcnns llvely .voulliful years men who broadcast over Radio Station 1.996 for Kellems porta for dairy producta hroiiglit The newsman wnnleit to luiow believe In preserving the free eq- WINF at about 8 o’clock last night, Vivien Kellems, Stonington In- biller criticism even from some whetlier K'aellho\^'er I hought*^ the lerprlse system In position for after It waa seen that Wallett had dustrlsllst. won a mere I,.mO | Republican lawmakers, Incliiillng vnlera liaU chosen Left Wing gov- the top OOP nomination two .years swept every voting district and write-in votes In the Senate race, i Republican Sen Hhlwaid J Tlive ernmciil from now. carried .on every machine. Nearly a million of an estimated who lost a bid for rerlecllon from Elsenimwer re|Uled tliafi the He aald he wouldn't dream of In the statement, FitzGerald 1,240,000 eligible voterii went to Minnesota. elecinrnie nhviniislv voted for |i«i>- answering at this‘lime a question congratulated Wallett and said he the polls on a day that was clear Wiaconaln, the leading dairy plc he «oiiM cinsa among the whether he considers Rockefeller felt confident the veteran probate and bi\lmy arroaa the state. TTie slate, returned Demorrai Wllllaiii apenUers as a Radical or a spender, aa com­ official would "continue to render FASHIONED total vote for governor was 073,- Proxmlre to the Senate Proxndre 'liien he said that during his 416. pared with Vlee President Nixon. the same services ss he has In the has been partieularly critical of final two years In office-. provided Nixon’s Role Elsenhower said past." The Democratic triumph turned Benson. Ohio, also an Imporlaid the laud spares him- he Intends lo h« doesn't expert Nixon's role In He extended thanks to the 7,726 the state leglalat.iire iipaide down. milk pr,pdurer. voted not to retiirn fight against any excessive spend­ the administration wRI change any Democrats won control of the Republlran Sen. .Inhn W, Brleker to ing townspeople who voted for him. during the next two years. He said FitzGerald added that despite Senate 2B-7, They took ontrol of Washington. AI another point Elsenhower he doesn't see how the Vice PresG the Houae 143-136. his defeat the campaign had been deni's role could possibly be great­ useful tn revealing "deficiencies ex­ SWEATERS In the 1P.97 aesalon of the I-«gla- er than II has been during the last isting In the probate court ayatem" lalure, which meets blenally, Ra- six .vesrs. publlcana dominated the Senate 31- and he will continue to work for DO YOUR CHRISTMAS CAMERA BUYING NOW! Taxes As for the poasihillly of "correction of these conditions." o and the House 240-30. Democrats Rottner One Casualty new ts.xes In the Tight of greater last controlled the Senste In 10.99 ' The probate contest was second Ladies* and Misses" Short Sleeve spending prospects, Elsenhower onl.y to the gubernatorial racs In when they had a 20-16 majority. ssld the Importsnt thing now Is to In tha contests for sheriff, four stirring local Interest. Charge - Lay-Away Cash Of Ribieoff Landslide find wa.vs to keep spending In FitzGerald waged a biller cam­ Classic Slipons In a Blend Of Repuhllran Incumhenla were voted check. out of olfir'e. A fifth Repiibllcsn paign agalhat -the fee avalem of Fnrm Policy (Elsenhower looks paying probate Judges. sheriff was not seeking reelec- Manchester Attiuiicy John tlon. / ‘■ernor's overwhelming vicinry, he for Hie s12.95 membera- and would permit the was carried lo a :i4,'437-'2li.omt vliG Tidbits IRD Committee ami to thank ami Dork Irawn. IlolH Cl- Hated these proiiilses as Viking F 6.3. Was $35.00, NOW ...... General Aaaemhly In .set up a lory over the local Itepiihllcnn as those who contributed to the sup­ [25.00 court reform, abolition of rnimtv . Viking. F 4.5. Was $44.50. NOW ...... 8 a v « $ 3 6 .0 8 oN fh* nriani^aolursr's list prlo« I eommlaainn to handle cl,-ulna Hlhlcoff won a Hiiimplng l.'l..'!,'”. Culled from AP Wires port of that commillee and to [34.50 AN first quality!--No irroqulars or socomIs . . . against the stale vole p lu rah ly -38..308 l OVnUY AT FOINTt OF CMUATUT WIARI I bsstlon of East Hartford, which breaking Into two downtown New "I am grateful to many, people. Gk-aphic 3'/4 x 4 « . Was $284;3i5. NOW S224.35 .will certainly harmonize with your dining room furnishings. Look at tha extra tea­ Legislators now are paid JHOO grtve him a 9,449-votc plurality And all (Ip this. In addition-to Britain buatneas eslabllahments. .. I want toihank them from the bot­ Cwitury 2»i x 3V4. Was $106.50. NOW .. for the two-year Ierni Proponertts 10,6.9,9 lo 5,2 iO for Rottner. He Ihe niBlntenancA of present aerv- E T, 1C Delbert E. Rchultr., of tom of my heart. Tliere l« no other J86.50 spoons, the much used ice drink spoons and tha vary essential serving pieces. Tha of the change believe their salaries lees, ahiSuld be aerom plished w ith­ Olympia, \Vaa)er--4»-Ijon«rman of way I ran express It." Revere 8 MM Camera Model .50. Was $49.50 NOW' 19.50 • CTAINlItt $ n a MIRROR- i also carried his home town of Model 80. »Va& $97.50. NOW ...... handsome praiantation anti-tarpish drawer chest is a joy to behold. A perfect gift should be subject to review and ad­ South Windsor by RIO votes, out any State Ineonie las or bther 80-memhe- 162nd enlisted haste FitzGerald toda.v declined com­ ^ 9 - 5 0 FttlttNID MADItt justment. / Rork.v Hill b.v 261, Newington hv new taxes, as the governor has submarine t-lsss which graduates ment on whether, he thinks he Model 61. W^as $116.50, IVOW ...... |9.50 for yoursalt •— or your loved ones — and perfectly timed for Thanksgiving and .The third emendiiient will elim­ 2.91, and Marlborough hv 44. p onilsed. Rottner said. at the New London Submarine m ight bid a third time for the Keystone 8 MM Camera K 30. W'as $49.50, NOW ■ , 1, Christmas. And all at a price that you would pay for one 6-piaca jslaco sotting, of inate a lot of minor work for the Flacli 4.'arry liouio 'I m\ n In hts conversation with Dooi-y, hiure, probate seat."It's much loo early," Bel Air. Was $94.95. NOW ...... , b - 5 0 legislators, who nnisty now ai I on : Roltner'a Inahllltv lo wllhslaml RfUdiier said, he had "wished him Tlieortme Meinto.ah. 17, of St. he ssld, ' t74.95 • fTUROr eONfTRUenON - WRITTIN eUARA^ itarling tiivarl claims sgainst the stale In Ihe Ihe Ribicoff steamroller in Mnn- well and expressed the hope that l/)ula. Mo., dies of bullet wounds In 1094, FitzG erald received 7,- Olympic. Was $79.9.5. NOW ...... 554.95 form of apectal hilla. There were Miesier nnd Welher.sfleld and pile he roiild make a' eontrlbullon to In w hat police believe le teenage 396 votjis to W allett's O.filY. Viewlex 30 Watt Slide Projector. W'as $67.00. H I IT THI mreiNATIONAl taVIR CO. some 400 of Ihoae In Ihe last aes­ lip enniigh of a margin in tlmsc the cltlr.ens of the Foiirlh I'lsv :aiig killing. .. Cowboy actor Roy FiixOerald'said he will' continue 8 E R V i C K 4P O R 1 2 . Also on sOla is a colossal service for 12 with 24 tea­ alon. f NOW .G...... $47,00 towns to oif.set Ihe litg Iirmnrratlc Iricl." ^togci's’ rio'.her, Mrs, Andrrw Slye, his battle against the fee system 500 Watt. Was $79.95. NOW ...... S f i 95 spoons— PLUS 2 pierced toblespoons, a gravy ladle gnd q 2 piece steak carving Ribicoff a victory hrenmo np- vote. In Kasl llnrtfnr.d rust lUin the And. dl.Hcuasing the campaign 74. surfera stroke at hoiue snd dies hv following the activities of Con- • HAND$OMI ANT|.TARNI$H DRAWIR CHitT parpnl whpn he pllerj i,]> hip plu­ clci lion. mnv endeil. Holliier said ho want­ In s Hnllywooil hospital . .. Queen neclloul Citizens for Better Ke.vatone 8 MM Projector Kt09M. Waa $169.50. lef. If Mihat you wont is the ultimate, thii is the service to buy! 108 pieces com­ ralities .In the ntnlo'.i hip four Kollner canldd Mnmlie.-Uec by ed tn "thank all Ih.e Rottner for Klir.abeth II and Prince Philip In­ Cmirls, Ino., an organlxslton NOW .f...... SI 39 50 Democratic rtlicn nnd bepun th 208 votes and 1 Wethersfield by Senate Commit lee woi ker.s who vite U.a. Vice President Nixon and headed by former Chief Justice Dejur 8 l^M Prpjeclor 500 W T. Was $74.50. NOW S'" A $9.95 Value! V plete in the some drawer chest— manufacturer's list $ 111.00... now only $59.95. make huge gains In lindlllMiuil 1.038 III tlif face of Itlblcnlf vli'- worked so hard for me In the wife to- lunch al. Ilucklngham Pal-- W illiam M. M altble. .S54.50 — U$E THIS HANDY AMUL ORDfR COUPON GOP areas. toiiea in Ihoae towns of 3,880 and rampaign. as well as the thou­ ace when they visit London Nov, Also, he said .he will continue to 750 Watt. Was $166.50. NOW SI 39.50 n i a weekead on).T,. Uwae aweiitare . and w haM-kpl^g New Haven gave him a re. ord 426 votes, iesperllvelv. The Inral sands of people who voted for me." 26, be'available for speaking engage­ rama will he available at the Maarheeter Home Shaw at the ' " '(MhI he eaaaMrM hcleira aMeieM, tel. He*. If, 1M*)’ “ " * attorney also won a narrow 27- ments to make hts feelings known city plurality of 24.034. He won Siirprlsixl b.v l■lllrellty Noted historian Dr. Wlll-Pui'ant, M hacheet^ Arqaorg. > MICHAELS JEM ELKKS, tU Mala St.. ManchMter, Ceaa. volc plurality In Glastonbury while 73 yeara old today. III with a ser­ on abolishing the s.vstem. m argins of more than .30.000 In Dom-y, who is the first Democrat H artford, 24,000 In B ridgeport, 10,- Rlhlroff was taking that town hv ious InferUnn of undetermined na­ And-if. ss expected, a. court re­ 781 voles. lo he elected a. Fourth District organization bill cornea before the There Are More! KfASE SB4D ME, DEUVERY CHARGES FREPAIDi ' ' OQO tn Waterbury. S tale .senator since VVilllam ture . .. "Tlds Is a tempest tn a USED Fairfield County gave hmiAii Four .years ago. In the last nff- teapot," aava Frank Sinatra In General Assembly next year, Fitz­ (CNKK rOUK amiOPHIATI lOttS) .vesr elertlon, Senator Elmer Wat­ Tlii-gsher. aimlher South Windsor* Gerald said he will appear at puh- COME IX AND SEE—ItOMF. ONE or. A KIND vmprecedenled plurality of He, turned t|ie trick In the.D ciho- denylhg phojographer’a charge A 7V PIECE SET ($39.95) □ TEA TIME PATTERN than 48,000. son of Wetherafleld rniTlecf the that, singer's chauffeur driven lir hearings to present his ri-BlIc landslide .vear of 1039, aald Thoughts. Movit 1 S lOe PIECE SCT ($39.95) □ ROYAL S P ia ^ R The Ribicoff margin far ex- Dlsllrlcl by some l.lOO'voles while Kmoualne. ran him down. , A FREEm M w m i ANY CAMERA SOLD former Governor laidge was losing Ihe alr.e of hla victory "w as fa r After returns were tn last night. eeeded even the highest, e^Jtmates more than I expected." Dr, Ellla K. Devlll, 78, who □ MAHOGANY CHEST □ MONO CHEST It tb Ribicoff by about 1..900 votes. practised In Old L,vme for 90 yaari, FitzGerald attended a Democratic S till Qaintrat All Cnamraa Sold With WcJdpa's Service and Uttaraatco of longtime political obsen'ers In Watson, whlv'-nHi. against Ally. lie sHid that, he Intended lo"serve victory parly at the'Oardei) Grove the atai^ whose predictions ran as the stkte senator-46r all the dies when he acxildentall.r awaJlows [jCtoakiriUtod John D. LaBelle of Manchester, pnlaon . . . Comedian Jerry Lewis on Keeney ,at. • □ $1 a WaA (a baall'aarntai '. - anywhere from’29,000 to a’high of won here b.v 245 votes. people of the Fourth Dlstrlet and Meanwhile, r victory party for (add IK Mm. Mat Tax) 100.000. added that he plana to keep himself has preforated ulcer which has AT Spinniite Mills Corp. Q HODeyCItarta - ak**z* *dH ha added far azry payaiaatr) Rottner, who telephoned- his ron- Wallet;t waa held a t the AVhUe It waa', clear ..from ,,Uje etart, gratulationi to Doocy thia morn­ Informed of Manchester's problenna eaua^ minor heart troitolo, Hot- Eagle Hall at North 8t„ with the however, that the eHicllon would ing, aaJd that "one pleaalng no.Ce" and needs through Mffular vlalu Ij'wood doctor says. cclehranta numbering over' 200 at . TALCOTTVlLUi ^ N N . her#. Albert Levitt, former federal NAME. -PHONf. he a '^0*1 the governor's popu- Ip the election waa that "I enif'rted various times during the evanlng,^ GiVe-Aw oy pwaacRiFTiew b h a s m a c y Ha slab had words of pralia for Judge aaya ha has atarted a ••flty and that the outcome of Manchaater." many of them members of the IRD. ‘»Ol M AIN STMtrT • MAHCMrSYt ^ f M ADDRESS. JEW$IE$S -SnV£KSMltH5 laaiiy of the other races would de- Tribute to Abe hia opponantr cnlUng Rottnar a “Ito rin fe lla r ferP reaM « « t Asa».**' JuDlIation .over Wallctt'a vio- Siwa Howot P.M; Tuos. thru PrL aend OA the exUnt of hla victory. Rottner celled the election n "vary flnt coM«*Utor^‘ who wagtkl In Hancock, N.H. . . . King Ba« tory wM aomawhat leaaanad by. Cit y . -STATl. THE KNOWN NAMK. TOB KNOYTN QUALITT 81NOB iMO. The fine] outcome was a deafen- a claan campaign. "I- think I egn doutn of Belfiunt a^a former th a ganeral OOP dafaat hart uid! 9KI0 A.M .-U:00 Noor lo tu n la y . “tribute to one. men." RlMcoff, call him nly friand now, and 1 am ■ Prices $ > • U f AffirmaUon that, in hli four end eeld thet In riaw oa the gov* Premier Oaaton Ayekena to form .throughout.tha State, tha IRDta • • RMn«mb«r, only ip diiyoi-^uy now lor ilio HoilPoy* olioofi happy about that." Doocy nald. now govomment compoaad moatly of R«i>ubUcanai

/'■ *1 fA G E T W 1 !L V » MANCI^STER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN PAGE TBOtTlBEN rung, Democratic Gov. George M. voUjiiUrily iufrendered by' GOP sihlp from the Republicaiw, elect­ responslblUtjf 'to take a larger Leader waa loxing a aenatorial S»n. Wfrn*m .Jenn«r, « -e'lo i* ing Gaylord A. Nelson. voice In^Umi running of (he govern- contest to Ilop. Hugh Scott* an friend of the l«t« Sen. Joseph R. ■ Nikon's laat-minute efforts to ,ment.- Kiscnhower supporter who once McCarthy (R-Wfe)/ went to Dem­ rescue GX5P Ben. Charles B. Potter , Sen. Lyndori' B ., JohnMn of mdcratsWin was Thomas K. Dowry's personal­ ocrat V ^ c e Hairtke, he defeated in Michigan fsiled as Potter lost' Texas, the Democratic leader, ly chosen Ropubllcan national Gov. Harold W. Handldy. to Ll. Gov. Philip A. Hart. But-fhe called the resulta an eiidoraement committee chaimian. Tpe Rciiubllcani failed Ih Oielr margin by whtoh Democratic Gov. of "the constructive and conSdent The story was different in the alt-out fcffort* tp rexBln the Kan­ Williams won a-sixth’’ term was leadership of the Democratic Coti- normally Republican states of sas and Iowa atatchousea. but ^helr disBppbintlng -to those Who hoped gress." Senate, House Ohio and Indiana. campnlftn kgalntt what they con­ he would dembnstrate a vote-get­ House Speaker Sam Rayburn of tended was a IB.-W vote "ateal" In Ohio, DemoerHt Michiiol V. ting ablUt],' recommending him for Texas said the results indicate the (mid off In Rhole Island with the presidential nomination considera- people "believe In the Democratic (CoottBuMl from P»fo t>ne) i polillrsl riirrrr. portlrulmly slnci' r>i.Sallo. bnoc the nation h Joke- cracking price adnUniHtralor...won plei'tlon Republican Christopher tthn two years from .row. party more than the Republican , tw. i» Del Resto as governor. And dh Bx-jept for Isolated races, the ml(J-year election* were fr«ufrhli ol HAnimans one-linic the govornorsiiip for Ins fust elec* party.” Oregon, Republican Mark hat- returns generally added fip to bad Adlai B, Stevenson, twice the iwi. tnr lOfiO ! aupi'orl rmilrt- turn to Willi*m» lion victory in a .Moricse of trial field. who oppo.sea the Bfsehhower . Tow% TrMaurar Fred J. D ^ y wlUi posetble portent* for 19fi0 veai. vo,«,gcr. Rover- runs. Republican only another pol«nUal . orninen l^sAifor deriion.ilrated Us voting cratic eaiuUdatea .acored », •m rttp Moirnea. V. Watkins Inst his Senate seat Paul Butler. Democratic, nation­ mtmd f t . iPati Bro v n B r o w n s m a hiR I'emocratu field lluu in- power nr Ohio by supplying the In WiKconsm, Democratic Sen. to Frank JE. Moss In a 3-way con­ b n o l i s h o r d e r ✓ In Tueeda/e aleetlbn. \ emphatic victory was sure to get ' hides J'ons^ .lohn Kennedy of margin h» defeat GOP Sen -Hrrck- al chairman, said the party vic­ Vi/llliain rroxmlre, who waa alngled test which also included Independ-- tories reflected a repudistipn not The Oilbertines, founded^y St. Doocy received a plurality of. him tUked about for the hiR | .'l»ss"rhusett* Stuart SymiiiKton er Brirker. regarded hy the Rc- out in one of Ihc ‘'r.adical" Demo, ent J. Bracken Lee, a former Re­ pnly of the Bisenhower administra­ Gilbert of Dempringhafh In the Pre.sident Chiang Kai-shek of 610 votee here, carrie' Eiaat H art­ Democratic prire two year* hence of Missouri and Iwndon .loluison puhlicHM Htrategqsti as one f>f the (■rats KIsi'iiliowei and Nixim talked publican governor. Free China said on the death, of Ike'* I nnanted Record of Teaas .safest of their- candidates, lost to tion but of campaign tactics of 12th century, compriM the only ford by 8,i4ft votee, and won In against In llie' campaign, won rc- In the aftermath, Democrats Eisenhower and Nixon. religious order o( English' origin, U.S. Lt. Gen. Claire L. Chennault The election Rave I'reaiden: l-ala->:. lea.l. is liappilv aiitii I - ; I>enuMTal Stephen .VJ. Yfiiirig. jclcilioii li.andily. The rampaging generally looked upon their sweep­ Nixon said the Democrats de­ according to' the Encyclopedia that "he came to our aid in the Rocky Hill, Marlborough and Elsenhower s record hr was fai pate Rie.i!ei infliomce loo in Ihc In Indiana, the .Senate seat Dcmoriats .also look the governor- ing victories as adding, to their from desiriiif! He s the firs! Presi-! ifc" ConRie.** itsejf TlirouRli the . . ------1------served to win because they worked Britanmca. darkest hours.". Newington. dent in history to be c 'nfronted by | seniniitv s'.steni. *outhci.n Denio- Hie Republican opponent, Atty. f onlrolje<1 by t hr _ < rat ® h«> b\ rn-l 1ri hi c (,f»n- i John S. G. Rottner of Manchester cppoiiitf jArl* 'Acr\Hl:\r \m i1 hoUl lo thrjr r(»m- carried that' tOwA by only 208 r>f the I hI^* of \tttpR ! i-.iJ:rr rhfl!rrinnRhipR Bnl thr in- votee. W ethenfleld by 1,000 votes, rfrhRpj* rfHchinp tf» 4** miMion or ; crras^-i nt-r'hrtn IVniocrfllK end Glaetonbury uy is slim margin. TTior^ wRJi olill rnntmuinj: A I tv.rnitK*i ;*h;p v\ill whIpt down r*on Edwin H. May of WethersAcld, .''t;’! ;n( onrhi.«j\ r RprvAlivp Rtrpnfclh. who was defeated in hie campaign IhP jnfJicRt^d ;n thr In .Vt gt>\prnor ituiIr.stR. I>piiu»- SHOP-rCOMPARE-YOU’LL SAVE AT THE FAIR! for raelection as Congressman ripw r>1 or o2. !>• , .•iRlp-fifHj.'«r-'« » h.itipPd haiulN. uilh local voters and in his case it was p-.,b*ii-Rn!» O' .'4 Thp -mflP'hI p'1 I thr I AprrincrRlA winning thr krvfl by a mere 26 votee In a 2.9S6 total. ppr.Rtf TRcr w R.R A mp-Riid turk j to «nx nml thr Rrpublu an four This total represented a turnout X,, b%tt)P \^ yom;ng whffP Rrpwhli-| Hiii thr rtmlion \vl*idR th«l up- of slightly more than 86 per cent TRn .*^rn rrRnk BRrrrtt op-^ ronir.l firpiitilii a ns in rII RprtlonR by local electors, 8,808 of whom poRprt b'-' ]>rniorrRl (»Rlr W. M< - of thr cnuntry blow r rrR/.y-quIIt for the Family sre registered on the voting list. r;#f fjR’.irpR Iprvr oul of nr- patlprn that Ipft room for appr- c-Mant t^'f> .^PHRlorH AlRRkR ihriilHr w York and far-away Judge of Probate Edward R. Hourp rVmoriRlR 2^4. Rp |>iiI^i- Arizona, Kuehn of Ellington Rd. was ra- rtriR IM One R/ldltionfll Mousf Barry fJoldwatPr. Ihp voirp of A slscted, receiving 1,888 votes com­ TTiPTTibpr u'lll hp nRiupd by AlR»kR. Ilppiibfiran ( 'onnprvaUvpR. rOflfi pared to the - 1,040 given hla Re­ 77iP iniirRtPd Senalp Itnp-up i" r- uphRhfHl ovp! hlR Arlzxma Dpmo- publican opponent, Atty. Arnold thp moRt proilnnitiiRntly hrnuMTRi rraMr opponpnlR in hlR bid fbr M. Lelbowitz. The Probate Dis­ ir Rinrp th#* parlv piprtpd Srn- rprlpclion to lh» Spnatp. at low FAIR prices trict also Includes East Windsor RtorR in JfMO ThRt wr.r tho ypnr In Ohio, anolhor Hrptihllcan, Hill. MUSICAL FrRjiklin P RooBrvrM, won hiR OonHprvalivp loRt out hm Sfn .fohn Atty. John M. Casey of Willow third trrm 43|ic.EIEaiMC \V Brirkrr whr ‘ipfralrd by Prmo- St. was elected South Windsor Tlie Pppio. l atR hRvr not had crai Htpphpn M. Vounjf, representative to the State Leg­ TOPS many Hourp mpmbPPR Rinrp 1936 A islature. He is a member of the Rrpuhllr.ana 'altpady had loi4t whpn thpy plpctpd 3.33 Thp 1940 Spnatp RcatR in Comlprtlcnl, Cali­ Drive To The Parkade local Public Building Commission TRAIN SET Gnmti plprtion put 267 PrmorrntR In Ihp fornia. Indiana. Malnp (in Spp- and Democratic Town Committee, Hourp 66c torn|»pr), Mlrhi^nn, Mlnnoaola, Np- and received 1,587 votes compared In thp prpRont (VmgrpRR, whirh to the 1,346 cast for his Repub­ will £ivp \^Hv in .iRnuary to thP vada, Npw .Iprary. Ohio, Utah, and For Honest Values! two in Wpr! Vlrjfinia. lican opponent, R. Chase LaSbury Toyland Opmi npwly plrrlpd onf. Ihp party rtlvi- MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADl of East Windsor Hill. ^' Bion iR .Spnafp; PpmorratR 49, Rp- TiiPrp WPIP topay-lurvy rpaulla Voting for Justices of the Peace piibllranR 47. Hourp; r»pmfKTal* all ovPr thP nation. 235. RppuhlIrHnR 200 flprtlonally, Ihp Uppuhllcana was mainly along party lines with with 0 Giant Ypitprday R IVmorralir vir- ahbwpd mnrr itrPMKth In Ihp Kaat Democratio nominees receiving some 300 votes more than the Re­ tnrles wpip not rut to Any parliru- than in any othpr arpn With Npw Women's Leather Palm lar jcpojfraphiral pattprn In Pon- York loadiMR t.hp wav. Ihp GOI* Misses^ Women's Fur Lined hAtW% Famous Make publican candidates. Nothing else to buy I These M arx train sets, nprt-irut. Ihp r>pnioriatR grahhpd i pr^*^fvpd Senate rprI r In DpU . Potter plurality are complete. . . train mcuuret over 4-Ieet Reg. 1.00 pvprvthinK bf-atmc Hepubllran I ^ M a r y l a n d . PprinRSlvania and Donald Potter received 1,650 long, hu 10-feet of track. U L approved ppn ' William A Turtpll and rIx ’ •»» vote.* here toward reelection aa transformer hu built-in circuit breaker* G O r Hourp iiiPmhprR. nretirut. New JprBPy and two in LEATHER Hartford County High Sheriff Smartly itylsd ditptr bag Tn South r>aUrita, ihr\' plrrtrd thp \5pr! V irffliua Wool Gloves compared to the 1,285 cast for his- i SIltd with evetTenrthwL rything her Pralpht Train Set M e ItamMa TMaraa 66e Suede Flannel favorilt baby dell needs. firal DPihniiatir KnvPrnn? n 22 Rrpuhlirnn.R ovpiturnrd Hrmo- opponent, Paul Lavln of W ethers­ #.■ VPai-R And in ORuallv cio r Nrhia-a ; ' '«>>'' Kovprnora in Npw York and field. la Ihpy oiiRtPd two tlrpuhllrnn 1 ^dorle iRlatvd. Thpy IorI the jfov- Governor Abraham Ribicoff’s Hourp mpmhriR one of ihpin 1>! A ' prnor'a nfftvp in Maryland. local plurality of 602 more local I. Miller, who hail lirld hia rphi f»n NlandR nf lle|Milillrnni«m votes than the 1,166 cast for his 16 yearR Thp DeinorniUi- tide Ki.ae luRh- Shirts opponent Fred Zeller was the larg­ S i I'nlon Ijilxir LfforlR Hiii rfll in thr Mldw'pfll Farm iirit In est local residents accorded any There wrrp Romp indu almna nf that area only NrbraRkn and candidate for state office. Jasper A flpxliiK O f union labor R poljliral North Onkota rrmalnerl aa laland' MeLevy, the Socialist candidate nruarlPR In thr laitrfune pr. received leas than a dozen votes I>abor rampalRiiriR maflp a big of RepuhlicnniRMi Kartliei \^■eal. Kppuhllrann held here. Pffort In niilo, wheere I>einrM rnt« $ 1 .7 7 Thomas J. Dodd who won elec­ ■out in Arizona. Idaho, Oie^^on and took a Senate Real and the gover tion as U.S. Senator received King Taaa. norahlp from Rppuhlirana Tlirv ^^■\c.mlnp: WRElnRl a Dpiunrratli "lide that rumbled to the Parlfli plurality of 431 votes over William alio hattlPfl hani in ( ’alifornln a $1.59 value Purtell. Dodd vlaited South Wind­ 1 ajfainat Wilhani F KnowIntHl. ihe ( 'omrI oR Rrst I'hr anmziufj victory of Gold- ier twice during his campaign for former Senate Republlran leader Senator. All other Democratic can­ I 10'' DELUXI TRICYCLiS who bid nnHUri'eRafully for I i I r WMtrr in Arizona empnaalzni the oR first •tatP R povrtiiorahif> impfK^t of pri-.-oinallUeR and local quality didates for state office were ac­ P O LIC E Tn bfith nf Ihnar nIhIpr thfur iRRiie.*» on the rtrction reRulta, Gold- Mnilo will) ;i, knilli’d wool hjick unrl n lr’;ilhrr iialm, corded similar but slightly lower quoiity margins over their Republican op­ Top quelhy with a lew were infrremla on thr fiUPRlinn of v'at'o ranged' hr far Ki,Thl politi- IVrIccI for liriving. thcN wiP uni iiii the enarting atair ri|;ht to work la\sR '-ally aa prrsmi <1iy honnchu'lra al- ponents. PlHounI prito lag.., S ETS wheel. Ctieii e n( hljich, beige, gi;i\ nr n;i\y . . . Sizes New Books at lib rary Cntona wrre fi^htln^ ihr.ar piopn«. low. Mh(!p o f genuine leather with rabbit fur lining, bead­ Choice of button down or conventional collar style ala which would bar' any rrr(ulir ; Hr foUKhI labor unioiiM. ■ dr (i to H ,-VH rir.sl (|iiiilily. Included among new books on Sturdy tubular steel with adjustable handlebar! and ed \amp and padded sole and heel. Mis.se,s -size.* 10 . . . long sleeves, fin& quality .suede flannel. 20 won.- display at Sadd Memorial Library nipnt for union mrmlirrRhlp In nouni-e henlm In "luodenr’ llepiihln anlalu aa a 84c pr. royal, pink, red or turtpioise. and extra large sizes. / tions: "The Prince and Future 12-Inch silt______f.SS : ISdndi tlM______It.SS both Rtatea ■fading loncrpi ’ Hr RUpp.u-led ■•'•r King.” by White: "Barker's Such a propoaition alao wrr vntr«l light to-wiifk la\\R, which - A rizonn Swear," by Apollo: Forester's, down in WaahlnRfon, (Niloradn and Rirrnfh' . haa on tlir hooka, hut "Admiral Qf- the W est Indies” and Idaho but waa approved h' KanaaR which Re\rrnl otliPi atatea defeat- Kytle's, "Willie May.” New books voter* rr Scholz's, "Bench Boss:" West's, union Ipndrra in ririuoci atic affaiia Rin< p 1932. I^ft Hiuiir ^Irangc "Happy Holtlstera" and Cobb's, and morr piiwrrful influrm r m t)jr ip R'iMr ii\ ila wakr Ppunaylvanla No-Iron "The Swimming Pool." USUALLY $1.00 AND MORI aelertion f>f Ihr party .R I06o pirm oflrir»l a Rttidy in conltiial.s Assortments unlimtteJ , . . p riced ^V drnttai rnmlidaih, T hrir Mavnr Davnl L L au irm r Mrs. G. W arten Weslbrooki li­ brarian, Invites all local residents to please your Christmas budget In thr pa.Rl two laliov fai nt Hcr I‘i11 ahiii gh. a M r nj o r r a t I i Parkade Only Caunting Praam -Me Skirts to visit the library and become OI$h Wathing $atU a i or Men’s Ties havr brrn foiv Harriman .of Nrw '^hrrllintRr wlu> I U Aillal H! York now 196n better acquainted with the facil­ ities Thursday. lYili week is bbing CHILDREN’S GAMES Mennen \^'llllanlR nf ^Ihliigari • preaidriitial noniination avs.rpl -to DELUXE VINYL BOWLING SRS "CHARGE i r DOWN PAYMENT Harrtman R licking nl ilir hamia victory In the governo?'a rare celebrated as National Book ’^ 0 of RorkrfrHrr likrlv haa rndnl hla But \S'hi)e Ln\^^rn^p \saa win- Week. NaNoitoMy Advortitod At 1.00 ' Church Fair Lunch There’s no limit on games . . . G r a n ts PflcO Last yaar Grants toM The followinjg menu will, be when you shop Grants for all- 188 each served at the eajFeteria as part of thautandsat S .9 t, . . $ala IT'S NiWI T X the First Congregational Church time favorites and exciting new a fair Saturday noon and afternoon: games. Find adventure games... m M \ g Preofelon Army lR « p llc a Valuts from Hamburg and hot do»s coleslaw, Disneyland games. . . education­ Accurately scaled for banners and experts I Get'ten 6.95 to 8.95 $1.50 and $2.50 baked beana, cake, coffee, tea or al games. Parches! and many, 11-inch pins, one ball, pinspottef, Kore sheet and milk. many more at this low-price. instructions in handy storage box. tinbrcakable vinyL A fi.t'ulou.* assorlment Tonlght’a Eventa of skil ls in solid coioi's, values made by Evergreen Wood Chapter, OBS SAVE! l)liu-l\, chju'coiil, navy will meet a t 8 p.m. at the MaSfndc ■llid wide choice of Lady Sutton Made by America’s most fa­ Temple. ^Special Purchase • Name Brand Iwyed Of .striju'd |iat- mous nationally advertised New 'Voter icfiis as well ns. felts. , John Jr., age 12: Robert, 11: shirt m a k e r and each tie comes James, 8: and David Keefe, 4, of All from a nationally with their distinguished label. Foster St., Wapplng were joined INOCULARS kiio'vii inakcf and all ■'t length rol!-up sleeve .solid color bolu.se with con- Choice of dacron.s, pure silks, by a baby sister on Election Day. ari' lull,\- lined. Asson- vertihle neckline, made in a blend of dacron and challia, stripes, geometi ips and A daughter was born at Manches­ TREAT YOURSELF eii styles in sizes for ter Memorial Hospital to their cotton. Choice of white and colors in sizes 32 to iieaLs,. Fabulous gift for arents, Mr. and Mrs. Johh Keefe, • Almost 4 ft. long! TO A PAIR 22 lo ,'tn wai.st. 38, All' first quality, wash and wear! Christmas' ra. Keefe was fbrtnerly South Windsor correspondent for the • Shoots harmless soft OF THESE PRECISION-MADE Herald. tipped poly shells SAFARI BINOCULARS Manchester Evening Hetnld South Windsor correspondent El­ Girls' 3 to 6x Flannel Lined more O. Burnham, telephoae Boys' Suede.Flannel Boys' Flonnel Lined Mitchen 4-0674. Wool Blend E & W Brand LIGHT WEIGHT Miss Kiejna Feted MAGNESIUM On 16lh Birthday CONSTRUCTIQN Plaid Slacks Miss Bariiara KleJna. was hoflor- .\i.i, i‘(» n i.AK sd on her le th birthday with a sur­ SIZKS IN STOC K prise seml-formal dance and buffet, BKC.I I.AIl VAI.I r.S given by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. $l4.n.^ tn $fll.l»A Thadtus J. Kiejna of 194 Wetherell 1 1 “ 8t. Dnue41r«|s 3 DAYS The affair was held at the Man­ Every little toldiw leftnlb^i^ud to own th‘is,giont chester Country Club Saturday Ptatienaly A d v o rtM ONLY evening. About 40 couples, enjoyed excitifig toy copied Irpm outhentic ormy blue­ AtT.W dancing to the music of Imuny 91'^lsdby-pS.flValMl V prints. Loaded with thrills ond plenty of oction. . . ‘ made by Manchuck and his 7-plece orches­ i.K rm cKi) ^ A $2.98 value tra. The club waa decorated with Terrific . . . jbinted mode of safe, durable plastic with 6 soft-tipped Grants Price SAVE % A $1.99 value Blue Bell white, pink and mint-green dscora- vinyl doll that drinb 3 « 4 40 >26■” r „ * 3 6 ’” tlons. Bouquets of m"lU-colored shells. and wets* 21?tall ■ VdM chrysanthemums adorned the 'I Long sleeved, colorful suede flan­ . tables. The buffet |'*ss catered by a I V'aammam alaaafaa, fro verOee amd rOmtea (Choice of red and black or Heavy weightdwill in your Mr. and. M rs. Archie Uvingston. nel sport shirts . . . by a superiot- a Twin Cmha maaa wisoois io eJMter dtrocHoo MONARCH CAMERA gray andbliu-k jitaid In a blend choice hf charcoidf, blue or Guests were present from' Nlan?' a i“ Isilty Dow>Oro|i nf wool hnd I'M.voli . . . all fully maker. Wide choice of patterns jn brown . , . with a colorful tlc,.Hartford, East Hartford. West 1#“ Mist Moppot TotMkr e Sopor sfgo. • . tdorstble .».eofo “OPTICS a r e I h r o.v i,v BI'.SINESS— Hartford, Bristol and Manchester. She drinks, wets and| flannel lined. Warm and com­ sues « to 16 . . , and all first v-arm flannel .Hnink; Siws Chaperons for the evening were Charming ./old-fash^.,*1 mm A a ■ E f O o cries... hu,hu. jointed,jointN, M “ • IT COSTS J.E88 TO PATRO.MZB SPECIALISTS” fortable : , . and washable 4 to 12. Wonderful -fqir win­ Judge and Mrs. Wesley Qryk, Mr. ion’ doll hu hiit join ted jj^ ® qualfty.. o • washable viflyl bedy.^ li t a wpndarlul loy.... it's i ter Wear at school or play. and Mrs. Won Michaud,.Mr. and vinyl body. FREE ) BRING THIS AD AND WE WILL PAY ■ ■ . L oM rs. Sam BHlloramo and Mr. and y o u r P.YRKING (1 ,'IODR) ON ANY Mrs. catarles Stmtyva. PARKING f IIARTI<-ORn PARKiNG IA)T. PARKADE TOYLAND ON MAIN FLOOR-SPORTING GOODS AND WHEEL TOYS IN B^EMENT . 141 (^MURCII ST. ~ OBrO.SITE MUNICIPAL UAKAGE Crdok^.Tyfo OPEN • to • DAILY—t to • THURBDAYB OPEN TONIGHT TILL y..THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Haaard, Kjr. (Fi—Report of 6 burglary a*, the p

PAGE^IJRTEEN UANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. MANC^HESTER, CONN.* WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 ,1»M Section Two WEDNESDAY. NOVEMB^H, 1988 lorttltig I|rral5 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1958 Pages tS to 28 Diplobiats Say Man Nearly 97 ______( . ------"■■■-■■a ' ''-AeM -■X - -V Coasts Town Ballot California Sidelines U nited Repreaent- R epresent- Twp AirestM lieutenant- Secristory A tto rn ey S tates ativ e-at- atlve-iin- Judge of REPRESENTATtVBS Pro-Egypt Riot G overnor G overpor ’ • o f S U te ___ , Treoaurer . Cornphrolle^ G eneral Senator ___ ^ r g e ____ Cpngreoa , Sheriff Senator Krtward C E llloll, 1« Or- ■4—— . ——- P robate Vote for any two Taipei, Nov. 6 CA'i —• Aytlllery I i ] 4 € r a s h ^ ------1— charf) Rt., who Will b« 97 npxt dueling reau'-ied today in the off­ Abraham A. John N , P U T. . John A. Raym ond A ita rl Lr Thomas j.. F ran k Em ilio Q. Donald H. Fi-ed J. John R. In 'tn g L. Ribicoff D em psey G raaso . Spezla)e T h atch er . D avid M. Quelled in Iraq Mnrrh. ■ w«» probably the old- shore war after a ^-hour lull. CbtM Dodd Kowalski Jr, D addario P o tter Doocy FitzG erald A ronson B arry Red Chlneae guns opened. up on Four miner e«cidents yeeterdejf DEMOCEETiC aal^jiian in.-Manchealcr to raal . [tUML^ 2S8T , 2165 2087 2056 2120 , 2100 V (Continued from Pnffe One) the ^uefaioyli before dawn. Na­ reported by police'reeulted In %wo D ISTR IC T 1 2116 1939 1864 2114 1937 1697 1989 2075“' ' j hla vote at the poll* ypitorday. (Contlmi'd from Pag* One) tionalist iNtt'terles returned the 2288 2254 2314 2311 ^ ticket ,I would '/aol Jeea at ease erreeU .. D ISTR IC T S 2534 2366 \ 2275 2074 . 1818 2308 2127 1811 2164 2251' bad not yet formally AAMimed hlB Hia'brOlhcr, Sidney, who haa that! I do today." Are. ' - George F. WllUtrd, 62, of Madl- knoWi^ before the cam p aig a out- MARLOW'S D ISTR IC T 8 2694 " ■ 2388 - “ ^ 2 2 9 6 'S2S4 2331 2342 ' ’2.836 2137 1968 2313 2154 1930 po«t of am baasador in Bonn—ifot I lived In Bolton for the paat Knowland ahuitned pleaa by Nationalist headquarters re­ aon, end Ethel V. Woodyrerd, «6, iM—"____ 2204 2293 “ ' DISTRICT 4 2221 203a 1955- 1930 1987 • 1 9 8 3 1780 newB of the trouble In hl« home­ I few yoara with hla BrandaiiRh- .aide l^lip tp raw lin g 2nd d istrict in some of hie worried supporters ported the Communists had Ared SHOE REM miNa. of 131 Holltktqr St, were charged 1987L 1636 1972 1811 1527 1841 1927 ■ 934 962 land from fliipportcr« - I ter. Mra. David L. Baljey, northern California. after the pro-Democpatlc primary nearly 2,000 shalle on the (elands (LOU'ER StVlRE LEVEL) \ with improper backinli and paair DISTRICT'S 1186 1000 '9 4 3 923 953 851 , 765 954 .804 760 916 903 when he heard the elei'tlon re- 9467 9714 9659 then may have deridcn to re­ One'was th*'Democratic party- in June t^ aoft-peddl his support by'late afternoon. They eaid the \lng on the right, reepectlvely. They TOTAL - 10,872 0949 9569 9637 8781 8141 1 9661 8831 7725 ■ 9114 9449 ' turn. perhapB In order to lend a ! aiilta, anid he wlahed he roi.td of "right-to-work, ’' He said lh«n btggeit concentration game be­ ere .acheduIM to appear In court counter punh aR:ainKt Ka.sncm. j have had the privilege of vot­ line vote — harneffilpg the Dem­ he would rather 1(>se the governor­ tw een 11 and 11:40 a.m „ when Novi 10. ' • F red R. Stephen J. - M ary Q. John Rodney S. Simon S. W illiam A- A ntoni N. Edwin H. P aul W. Aref had been the most out ing for hla favorite randldatea. ocrats' 1,199,000 advantag* in reg­ ship than abandon what he deeply John S. G. John -J. Paul R. H erm an 94s were counted. That wae al­ \wniard waa Arraated "When po^ Zeller ..Sw eeney F ahey OttAViano Jr. Eielaon Cohen P u rteli Sadlak M ay Jr. Ijiv in R ottner W allett . M srte spoken protagonist of an Irani The hrothera were born In istration. The other wa* Knight’s believed in. m ost S4'‘'dtiminut«. REPUBLICAN TiUea Kngliuio and both were em- Uca laid, he backed, hla truck union with President Nasser s political prancing as he sought to His other reference could only 1623 " 1846 1930 1953 1890 1907 - 18'73 2077 United Arab Republic. As a leadi r plnyeii by fheney Broa. for There were reports of the con­ from Tdlland ' Tpke. Into Olode DISTRICT 1 2161 1897 2062 2308 1992 1 9 & 3 ~ ~ hold' his former Democratic sup­ apply to Knight's refii.aal to en- tinuing Red buildup of mainland 1843 , 1873 1812 1813 of the July H revolt hr had slmjiR many yeai... port. FOR Lane and hit a ear driven by Rob­ DISTRICT * 1586 1763 1821 2055 2210 1817 , 1999 2311 1945 1901 dopse his candidacy.. The outgoing positions opposite both Quentqy i ert L. Forgue, S5, of n u t Hart­ public anri army mippori D em ocrat* appeared Well on the DISTRICT 8 1514 1724 1810 1827. 1779 1771 1758 1974 2140 1798 1955 2174 1891 . , . Go.virnor, who switched to the Sen­ and Matsu. JISO miles north.' ford. Forgue told police' he had 1816 Dlplomalic Infonnani.s aairl vio- SAFETY'S Sake 1496 1703 1779 1808 1749 1749 1763 1956 raclia would occupy the weat bank way to control of both Houses ofi rSoe rather than oppose the Observers, sighted more than Btopped' jUet before the tru c k hilt DISTRICfr4i 2089 1763 1912 2183 1888 1808 Icnr.c flared la.st work in Raglidad ot Ihe .Iordan If Hnaaeln la oualed. the lyegisisture for the first iintej differences on 774 917 977 984 961 997 946 1068 11.51 with the arrival of a l•ultural drir- 1,500 Communist soldiers working | And Longer Tiro Woor hie car. Damage waa negligible. DISTRICT S 965 ' 1111 1158 lo o t 1002 Hill Prime .\flnl.«ler David Ben- since 1R89 the open shop Issue. 8338 8443 8191 8237 ‘ . 8161 gfttlon led by U A.R h'duration 01. fortlAcations In the Qiiemoy j Drhfo In For Our Hlai Woodward waa Arreited TOTAL 6992 i 7953 9130 97.51 8240 9039 10.134 8717 8480 ' Giu ion haa lefnaed to hint at what But the Democrats still weren't But. clearly. Knight never for­ sector and about 120 were noted when her car graced the left side t M inister Kam ahiddm IlusKCln Po artinn he might lake. ante of sweeping Republican in­ lice Rjid troops moved in t<» halt gave his onetime political ally for constructing groundworks oppo­ of a car driven by PauUh* Mere- Al Akhbar aald Iraqi amhaaaay cumbent* out of other state of­ prompting him to drop hla an­ site Matsu. df the peace elected yesterday to leas tlian a thousand until 4 street fighting between groupn ile fice*. nino, 53, of 87 Florence S t Mias manding union with the PAR dor P'alk Samniarral Tuesday nounced plans to run for reflection. The Nationalist., said four Red Merenino, police reported, aignaled Ribicoffs Margin 3,880 were Witllam DeHan, Raymond 'T. p.m. I handed Egyptian otficlali a mea- Brown, an affable middle-of-the- He accused Knowland of wanting naval vessels moved into coastal Quish, William Viens. and ' Fred But over 4,557 voted between 41 and lovalty to Kassem. road Democrat, called the election FREE for a right turn oii Center SL Court Cases Tile Uairo Press said today that aage promising that Iraq t* ready to use the governorship t,o fuc- waters close to Matsu yesterday Front End. Iroko and near Olcott St. She. aaid ahe no­ Naoaiff. The Republioana were p.m. and 6 p.m., m inglng the total i to participate In "repnlalng any la- result* an hlatorfc Democratic ther his -presidential ambitions. Arab armies have taken up posi­ triumph. He accepted hla but reUred without Incident. That ticed a car approaching from the. EJugene N. Kelly, Frank O. Steele, to 15..337 an houg before closing i tions and are i^eadv In go info ■ rnel aggression or any other ^1* I This Knowland denied. Shock Absorber Inspoc* elevation to the $t0,000-a-year gov Nationallst-hejd island has not rear and ahe put out her hand to and Vincent Genovesl. time. A jam-packed finish was re­ A 49-year-old Hartford man tion In event of nn^' Israeli allack, A rsh country," At an early hour today, Knight come under any sustained attack ■ignal a- atop. Town Backs Wallett Republican absentee ballots to­ ported at most voting districts, ernor'a Job a*' "a mandate for pro tion. was arrested yesterday and sen­ THie r>Rlly A'l Akhliai nssrMed The paper said I.,ebahrin also haa atm refused to concede that Engle In the .current shooting. Ml.aa W oodward, who said ahe taling 1,160 and 686 Democratic with a figure est mated, at more Israel mav s tta 'k Int-rlan n r\l greaslvenesa." promised support In rsae of a con- had won. Munching on a ham­ Work done by experts m all: ■aw the hand aignal but not the were cast, with Republicans topp­ than 2,.5(»0 crowding to cast bal­ tenced this morning to .30 days In Monrlav n hen, the paper said. flirl with Israel. Knowland. who gave up hla high conventional makea of eara. lots. jail. place a* Senate Republican leader burger In hla I-os Angeles head­ blinking light tried to pass on ing every "conlc.st. Ritticoff got 58 King Hussein 'vlll leave for K'lrope Despite these warning*, the Minimum P*y Varipg „to Z eller's 70. W nllett had 48 to The count at noon ve.sterdav was “possibly on a permanent vaca­ to ruli for governor, conceded de­ quarters. the Qovernor remarked, the right There waa alight dam­ With 2,409 PiuraUty Frank J. Dengenis, alias Joe I’nlro press rsmpaign agalnat la- age. FitzGerald's 38. 6.8,52. In 19.54 a w a s ’7.129. tion ;inel hss tapered off in the paijt feat relatively early. He congratu­ “Broken-hearted guys don't eat Paris — The legal minimum MORIARTY j I Francis, was arrested ort a M an­ lated the' opponent, whom he had sandwiches." Bus Orazes Car In 1954, about 42 per cent of the 71iere has hn#>n spenilalion Is- few days. wage in France li raised whenever Vivien Kellem.s Stonington man­ total vote was cast by noon and chester warrant and charged with depleted as a "captive" of labor Knowland said he had no poli­ Another minor accident occurred (Conttnued from Page One) But May. with a total di.slrict vole ufacturer. received 84 write-in i the consumer price Index, using BROTHERS of 116,018. was beaten by Dad- i the rate was 35 per cent for the obtaining goods by false pretenses. bosses, and said: . tical plan* for the future. He told July 1957, as 100, shows a 2 per when a C onnecticut Co., bus grazed votes for TT..S. Senator and one for • SOI-SIS Center ntrect dario's 136,382. . ■ sanie hour |n 19.50. Yesterday the ; He allegedly obtained $117.75 "Had I been disloyal to my prln- newsmen he is going back Into the cent increase, provided this in­ the left aide of a car on Wood- put Democrats into the 11 other governor on the Dpmocratio ticket. ciplea Or turned by back on the newspaper as assistant mibliaher of Telephone Ml S-SItS bridge St. Mrs. Malvina B, Fay. .54, spots on the State ticket. May carried on every Manches­ noon tally was at)out 38 per rent 'Worth of paint al a Manchester crease Is maintained for two con­ Jasper McLovy, running for of the total vi to. store Aug. 28 by falsely Identify- other candidates on the Republican I his father's Oakland Tribune. of 1016 E. Middle T^ke., pulled In the race for State representa­ ter voting niarliinc except for one' governor on the Socialist ticket, | secutive months. Republican Reglslrar of Vuleia . Ing himself. Hopinpi for Better Reports away from the curb near the Little tive*. Democrat Xtlys. Irving L. tn District 2. The count on that ; had 64 votes here. i Kenslor William Pnrtell and- Congressman Ed May, Itepiibllrana 9 and McKinney Grain Co. when the Aronson and David lit. Barry out­ machine was Daddario. 410; May. Donald Hemingway, and Domocra- In a special aession- of Town defeated In the Jtemocratlc sweep, watch telecasts of esriy elec­ bus hit her car. police said. Mrs. distanced Republican A ttys. Paul 400. ' , Ygslerday's vote about 18,000 tic Registrar Kdw(3rd Moriarty, I Court this morning Dengenis tion results In their Bond Hotel suite. Despite' discouraging Fay told police ahe thought the bus Marie and Herman Yules, ’ May in lft.56 got 11,920 vote.s i out of an dlehtorate of 21.030 predirled a turnout of 17.600 or i pleaded guilty and received the 30- early tahulallons, the candidates hoped for a swing in their favor, was far enough away and that she Arohson got 9.114 to M arie's liere, 3,772 mo-e than Patrick | sets a new recoVd for an off-year more ye.stctd.iy. Heniingwnv said ' day sentence. (Herald Photo hv Pintoi. neglected to signal. No damage 8,715. Barr.v. with 9,449, beat out •\ard. and went on to sweep the ; election. ... i that, in 19.54. aclivily was light at itis iicw jail term began today At Marlow's Don't Miss Our was reported. Yules, with 8.480. Aronson and First Congressional District. i In 19.54, 16.847 balloted out of tile polls in tile I'lo.smg lumr as thf* , Immediately after he had finished The fourth accident resulted in Barry scored heaviest in District 220.837 eltglhlc. That was the rec- I ma.ior portion of ih,. vote had h'eefi i serving concurrent 60-day sen­ naarly 20 yeara navar parmltlad Sa< Ink ve.nerday gfimered 9,- ; cast ea licr in llie day. the most damage. Mrs. Barbara B. 3, regarded as predominantly 130 Maache.stcr votes 1(3 Kowal- Old up to yesterday m the number tences on two similar counts himsalf to ba baAlrn by avanta I <)iicsliiui XII ami. "Tha aama idaal." aaid tha naw $200. ■ / ■ . , a wide margin. Heavy I.«te 5'«te sembly fiom holding any other r*r»pr, "anlniAlaa ua by virtua of c ia t Kuta. who had -7,708 then, Slate office. ' David P. Shea, 26, of East Hart­ a.'tid that ha intandad to • MAPLE • PINE • CHERRY In 19.54, the last off-year elec­ Iha aaf iad chaiRa that wa bava ra- And in 1964, Manchester gave The highegt rate In recent years It was 2..59.8 yes, and 712 no, on ford. who .vas charged with non thrrn tion, RlMcoflf got 8,128 voles here. came in the 1952 presidential elec­ ' aj\aci and wa will conaariate our 499 less than Republican John Sedlak a plurality of 2,100 votes an amendment which would permll aiippoi-t. Shea waa taken into cus­ '1’ha Popa apol'.a to fprcial inm- ] alianglh m aarving it " over Jasenh P. i-yford. tion, when hlisenliower swept the the Legislalure to failltlate the Lodge nation and altractcA 20,492 Man- tody by Capt, Waller CsAsella Sr. .aiona fr(»m aoma ft') nnn-(V)fnmu» Mranuhlla. tha oidaat njoinhar of About Town . Klblcoff Plurality High Vote Here Ktsea handling of claims against the ni.ll nMli\jna ami oihri offlrial rap- Iha Collage of ( ’ardinala Rot the Thbmai J. Dodd, successful ohe.ster voters out of an electorate State, on a Manchester warrant and waa DINING ROOM TABLES And until yesterday, Manchester of 21.782, a 94 per cent turnout. I rHnil rt I (\K'q V* h'l attarulrd lija rnr- go-ahcrtd from two doitom for hia Th* Cosmopolitan Club will had supported Republican guberna­ Democratic candidate'for the The third question, permitting the released under $500 bond. HI* ao- nna I ion vrat or-ly v long plana Inp home. Tb> do< lora meet Fptday at 2 p.m. In the Fed­ Senate, carried Manchester with However. p.esidential elections Legislature to set the salaries of Winner hy T yvo Eleolion.s '• 'gnmeni Is acheduled ,fbr Nov. torial candidates all the way hack normally nttifict nsore voteis than iniil ft'J vaai-opl .longt Mai la Card­ eration room of Center Church. to 1948, when Democrat Chester 9,637 votes against 8.160 for his legislators by law rntlier than con­ 10. 'Dir' I’upi' io i »‘'\'imI Unhin \\\ tlir* races In off y ears, stitutional amendment, got an af­ Town Democratic Chalrni.in .Steve Cavagnaro treats, himself to a Other arrests, the charge* and r'.ii.-i.Mlfii jal 'tHll of thr \'atnan inal ('am Podngiirz, Archbiahnp of, The speaker. Mra. Paul V. Plum­ Bowles wa* given a 283-vote pluraJ- Repub'iran opponent William A. Santiago. f*blla. waa In *>a»fcct HUTCHES and CHAIRS mer of Hamden. State president lly over James E. Shannon. Pnrtell. . Voting yesterday trailed that of firmative voie-of 2,264 Against 1,294 cigar as he walks om Town DemociAtlc Headquarters on Main court dates, include: pnl.i.r Hr thfiil'oi thriT fni- thru* hi'allh #lr.Mpitr lira aftamlajH-#* at o f the Federated Women's Clubs. But RIbIcoff's plurality here yea- Over the last three elections previous off-year elections up into in the negative. j St. Cavagnaro's party swept the town election In October and Lois B, Sawyer, 54, of T orrlng- HllriKlima ai ihr i «ir«^nn t ion and the early afternoon. Voters were ihr lii lng con# la\'o araaionj* which | Iny., will take for her subject, tciday beat out those given even here, Dodd's M anchestere vote ha.s ton. hazardous parking. Nov. 8. iMiil Ihnl th#* ValKan driiir.n tti going to the polls at slightly less yesterday elected two Democratic representatives from town Ha. irfi Pope John and tha 4*f i Wp are quite proud of our wide varief.v of dininR room '"Federation." Mrs, Howard Lock- strong Republican candidates in been Increaaing. If women ever get equal rights | Richard G. Provost, 22, rtf hn\r KOfifl ralallona with Hiair than 1.150 an hotir until noon, while delivering siibaliinUal phiralllles for most Democratic can­ hoi), roronalion rtlea yeatarday. He ward. elocutionist, will entertain recent history. In 19.56 he got 9.307 votea here with men it will be quite a come- i Broo'tryn. violation of the comer V M M"ii> HH 1 loni. uili loa\> fni ( ’lUla tomorrow, alop- WyJ furniture. NO.W ia the time to buy and SAVE! and then the hourly rate d opped down for them. didates for State and district offices. (Herald Photo by Saternls). law, Nov. 8. P‘*pr .lolin (k.srnbad Pmi XII with reatUngs. Mra. David Cald­ In 1946, Manchester gave James in ah imauccessful Senate bid. ping bnafly in Madrid and Biienoa , L. .McConoughy a plurality of 2,482 AA a ■ jfrrat ftji^nra whrt flurini; Airra. well will Be hostess. Prescott Bush, his opponent that votes over Democrat Wilbur Snow year, had 10,248 in town. Manchester Grange will meet in a GOP sweep of the State That In a 1954 congressional race, Famous Mokos * E*Z Terms this evening at 8 o'clock in Orange pluralltv waa 1.418 less than the one Dodd was higl) Democratic vote- Hall. Member.rare reminded of the ' ' ' ' Anri '^n'’‘m 8 W>*ncho«t«-. W ith«.«32 M teacup auction. . ' \ 194§, J^ianrhftiler « 5(17 fm IU 8 Q A D I tH-OfS lAviped out th e ''e n tire DemoernWe : 917 MAIN ST. FURHITURE DEPT. 2 slate by almo/ff ff 2 to 1 vote "" I JT Wiat.-JFea),oiO«^'»8a*v(aifc o^|f -sir The Pythian Slaters Supper Manchester, like other hlstoiical-' Democrat g(ven a priirality In this MANCHESTER Pbohe MI 9-5221 ■ committee will meet Fridav at 8 ly Republican c n m m ii n 1 t 1 e s i In F ine W h i s k e y . .. 6 b e p.m. with Mrs. Carl Hlldliig. 801 thrmigtfbui the State has gone Here are the resuits of the other M ain .St., to .m a k e plans to honor Democratic this year.. That party '’onteats yesterday, all won locally the new grand chief, Mrs. Jane swept every local office in town ' »iaa aiiprrtH the Issue as contributing toward . One _possible Indication of straight- and raraftilH ye*terda’’'s record turnout of the 1 tlrket voting yesterday might be HIS and HERS BlUFOLDS electorate. ' [the count for justices of the eace, Man.v .sI.vIp.s, .alilchod, sUTchIp.s*, Rottner locally, received 9.039 , In wlilch the candidates were listed cowhide. MorikKTns, Zipper, to Fred Doocy.'s 8,831. trailing the ' collectlvelv bv party label and I'liHiigt' piu'kcl.s Biid pa.«a Democrat in Districts IV’O and were guarantred election. The T h r e e .x • 1 D em ocrat* had 9,561 and the Re- ('■'ISOS, All roldi's pill,a lax. ^Sost Hartford Bulge i pnhHdana 8.364. In local elections Oct. 6. all 84«8 mtek to^^Rottneril 29^^^ Democratfc candidates . W t, '"r In'-al «■ "’on by maigina scoring wo to one over the looan j votes. Some oh-' Drying clolhtt Republican in normally -Demo- „rvei» mid that election wa* an crntlc East Hartford. omen of the Demorratic eWeep it Easy today *.. Rottner carried Manchester, which'became a reality yeaterday, FREE MONOGRAMMING Wethersfield, 'and OlastoDbury, hepe, In- the State, and Ln th. na­ hot lost in the District's other tion • 1 . ' *■ With Combination Purchase Of Any five towns. ■ i ._ OtWr obaeryera baaed the local Locally, Edwin L.ay was given elecyon rasulta on local issues Handbag and Hat — Or 9,761 votes a n t hla D em ocratic m ainly, 1 ’ ' , ojipopent, Emilio-Daddario, 8,141, The fgur Democratic justices DISCOUNT / ( THI , WAIKAWAV $1 1.95 ANY SIZE Ml i’ on an b i .a t k HATS ^ 9 5 * to’s homo hooting Yeu ten ferl the “Fury’' in any Plymouth you pick! S h e e t to our way i omoilngly loft EXCEPTIONAL VALUE omd light you'll You gat premium quality Welle in o dreom Swing into the year’s brightest idea car.. .’59 Piymouthi Take Your I'hoire! Mobilhaat with RT-98 - .. th* , f . V of dalightl So lupple moat completely eltetH'vf fpej, you con flex them l.adten' M xirked l,H|(gag« ON ALL OTHgR ITEMS oil additive in use today. And Swing in ajiil 8w ing out at a-ffnger’s tonrh. Who olw hut Plymouth optional on many other modeli. And for ’.59 tlie e ^ re Plymouth with a light touch you get premium service.^ Au- Built to take it . . . despite its feminine look. in the low-price field would thiiik of seats that swivel? (It’s one of th* hand . . . ond Molded wood frame covered with Dawn IN THE STORE tomatir deliveries , . a'b*l-._, line sparkles willi exclusive new ideas in convenience, comfort, #y weigh 'proctl- Blue vinyl. Nickel hardware, tnead payment plan and many' new reaooii the Spftrl Fury’s the most talkcd-aliout car e<.'bnoiny —and gel-u|)-and-go! Your Plymoul!i (lealer w ill be more other Oxtrai dasigned to mak*’ ' colly nothingl Silky taffe|a linings. , horn* heating really ««t«|i. - . 4 price dais.) Swivel front seats are standard on Sport Fury i tliait glad to demonstrate thent all for you. Bettor see him today! THE PARK (f irs NEW, PLYMOUri^ GOT IT! SEE THESE FEATUNEI «T TOUR DEMERS! twinkle^ Mobilhecit ar«aii $1 1.95 FREE 1^ ' ifer-' l*w iqir- 4. NEW HEAR SPORT tgCK add* BLACK' icadliglit di*linciion. Standard onApf>rl Fury BROW'.N ► - '■lOdel*, eptkuitl on ether Plytnnuihs. LUGOAOE SHOPS BEAU CBAmEB* „ 5.N er r.ff rEwroiiMAiscE i* at ^ o i .toon In McCALL'S f17 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER dim* r*|(r twadlighls far ether*. Squr Me with ihe New Colden NEXT TO THE SAVINGS RANK lARTY r V B V U IS B indudcf dot- Monde 395* er Fery V-800 engine*. sUhg hdf4fi>t»i convertible* at new ^ 6.PvimaVTrOy8 for driving, heat­ ToJay'ybrtt buy.. •. tomorrem'e, b e $ t trade j J lew prkeal ' ing. rentilating.^pWi new rqnvenienrd. L O I I ^ a b e i’ . e- OptiensL tmO suits sssL' 917 MAIN STREBT->(fn Jonet**) 3-5135 I01.31S CM lar St. Don't wiiJHE NEW PLYMOUTH SHOWmih LAWRENCE WELKmrkiym ABC-TV. H t-S S S f

■'f: '<■ ^ " ■ ■ • ■ '-Al t <1 f ■ r

V ■ i HANCHfiSTKR BVENtNO HEEALD. ItANGSEffTER. CO lm . VrEDNBSDAY. NOVEMBER 6 ,196S PAGE SEVENTEEN PAOK SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, NpVEMBER 6,1968 Entbiisi^ for May ^ote Results Hel— Bazaar to Offer E^nhower Defeat W D BO olM t WTI9— lOM Daily Radio Luncheon, tHinneir (CMitimMd (Apni Pag* O m ) WOOO— lt9 0 WPUP—MIO G O P C io o m ;-.iJWRjkrav,. iajCilr»wr4M;>vyt>ri*|irii'ii!a* l,iiiak ra A * x. ihi e na J if-ei'i i,'.A iiTj.i*u>iV VnLNB—«4« ■SMten DajUflit t u b * Th* tratBUonal fBmily dlnntr his man Rockefeller wiiit-ln New T h* (oUpwlng prograin hour of the *nnu*l "Holiday B«- York."' WIUY-Hound Dog zaar" will agadn b* ob*«rv*d git By K v m i r r b o c y m a n ^tinued bh the hunt that eventual­ ulM ar* auppued By tli* radio WTIC— Ar* runny (HetoN 8to0 WrUar) ly led Into an unsuccessful and "It’s a Lendsltde Against' Ike,*' maaaseinenU and ar* mioiect to W D Q C -n . Q L*wf» th* Center Churoh affair on W«dnegday, Nov. 12, 4 May! . . . May! . . ..Mayf. frustrating search through the said the London Evening- News. chant* without notlc*. W ror-I^mT*nci! Wflk 1 :- •iia— S:.1S- , Under the aupervlalon of lira. Kvan aa th« Rapuhilcaa party kitchen and back halls of the Stat- “Democrats' Sweep to Victory” WIKT—Ucaehuur B*r«ld N»wi WHAV —Hound D of Rupert Upplinf, a pot roaat din­ Un* on the ti^U of a rumor; that ■aid the London Btai', attributing 1*4*— WI'K*—NiEb! Lln» grioT*d (Of tha doatta at lU poIlU- SSeHer had Just “ ducked" down the 'WINP—Hull* tor Ui* n ril *hltl WDRC—J axi I« My ll*At ner, topped off with homemade the election outcome 'largely to W r o p - MfxMrn Sound* pie, wilt be aerved eontlnuoualy Ool hope* Uili yoar, the name at back ;tvk^. at J. Me Fields 8: 4S— anti-Eisenhower feeling," . WHXY—PUlUr Party from 8:80 to 8:80 ,ln Woodruff defeated.'Congrreoetnan Edivin ll. ' MaanwhUe, .thrbughout Republi­ W(XC—Bacord ReTu* WHAY—Hound Oog The Stockholm Trade Union WKNB—carotid S40 Club WTIC—MghI Linf hall. Rekervatlon* may be made May Jr. brought fdrth enthuelaa- can headquarters,' small groups WDRC—JAtr. I* My PI^Al SUKRMM1NCR b i g b a s k e t s paper Aftonbladet said editorially W nC—Boa* Millrr W PO P—M»^d^ru Sound* until Monday by callln|; Mri. Upp- tlc responaeg that temporarily dovrtiheartedly discussed the Ribl- WDRO—C*l Kolby g _ linir or Mil* Helen Cartier. coff landslide . . . Rtbicoff not only that "without, doubt President WPOP—Top 40 Show ^ruehed eaide the prevailing gloom Eisenhower's regime lost fac* to * 4:4*- W H AY-H ound Dog Many local buainea* pMple, aa a t the Hartford gtate hea^uar- beat his own opponent' but every WINP—Nawa WTIC—NtghI Lin* well aa bazaar shoppera, look for­ other Republican as well, w*s the high degree during the last years, WDRC—\Vorid Toniftif tei^ in the Hotel Bond laat night. you can outfit 5 4:1*— not only abroad but also. in the WT*OP—Modern Sound* ward to the cafeteria luncheon, consensus. WIMP—Muile with Jo* Ciirand o f groceries Whdn May preiiared to televlae eyes of Apiericans." r- 4:14- , which la planned thia year by Mr*. WHAV—Plaltar Parly the con^aiulR^ry tele|pram he Also blamed was the confusion The first Danish newspaper to W IN r-N *w *. William Minnick and Mr*. Alvah had aei^ to iki aucceaaful op­ some persons ehcountSr In voting WCCC—Hacord Rrvu* 1 - • Ruaaell. The luncheon will be carty the election news did so un­ WKNB-Oprn Mlk» ' W IN r-B » tid tt*n d ponent,/Bnilliof). Daddario, the a split ticket on the voting ma­ der this jlitadllne:. WT1C-Rn»d Mllirr 9:IA- aerved frpm 11:30 to 1:30 and crowd Jam-packing the balcony chines. WDRC—Cal Kolhv WHAV- HtttJiid I>of will feature hot lunchce. aa well n o v e m I e ^ Z o' n L v ” M ^ ^ « "Mammoth; glsenhower .-Def;pal WPOP—Top 40 Show WTIC—M fh! Line ovuldoking the hotel lobby, broke About 20 niinutea after Purtell Wnn<;-Wor'(1 T'-nigbr aa aoiipe, aalade, eandwLchea and —and , Two Presidential • Candi­ for the price of 4| •:**- into' gpontaneoua appitmae and ■latt to prepare his congratulatory WHA»-PlallM Party 1 WPOP—Modern Sound* deaaerta. The newly equipped teleg ra^ and message of thanks dates." It carried a pictiive of the WTIC—Roh Mllirr I 9 :30- and S T A M P S .dhearg followed by an obvioualy President looking unhappy ahd WDRC—tudl aoltn I W M A) ,—N# i WHAY M t* Watch Meacham. Thia will offer coffee sages before the,TV camera set presidential candidates in 1960. WPliP Top 40 iim a W TI(‘ -FfHU* fin Lathi Am erica for governor In 62," and "We up on the balcony which was al­ »:*a- and lea, and an aaaortment of WHITI "B.T." cheered Republican Sen. W IN F—Nawa W D R C — Coronatifin of Pop* EGGS still love you, Ed," were. ..heard ready crowded witli spectators W PO P— Modern Sound* paatriea, cakea, cookie*, and tea William F. Knowland's defeat In i : l i ­ aandwiche*. above the uproar. and a 20-foot table where news­ it’s no yarn lt INK—Sport* WHAY Watch Shea LMds Ohonia California as a "blow to the China tt iiA V - Plailrr Party LARGE men were working. Shortly after­ lobby." IVTIi'—Road Mllirr i W TIC -Focu* on Lalln Arn^rlra On the stage a chorus of “Ed ward May alao apfieared. ttiiRi:—I'ai Kolhv I W DR(*— Mot'da tor Rom anc* G R A D E A yiAc ' May girls" dressed In their color­ Stockholm's Aftonbladet also w roP-Top 40 Tim* W PO P-M odfrn Sound* Predlcto 0 *m e lw rk iM - aV;Sf— Exlendpft Forecast ful red skirts -/ere lec In chorus All three thanked their support­ attributed the Republican defeat WIIAY-Plattrr Party I WHAV'-NtI* Wairh after chorus of the defeated con­ at least partially to the adminis­ WTIi'-Rora Mllirr WTIC-Tlm* for Muile ers and urged the public to give [ WDR('/—Mooda for Romanc* Five rtiiy forecast* for period gressman's campaign aong. by tration’s China policy. It com­ about W'PRl>-C*l Kolhv I WPOP—Modrrn Sotmd* the winn*n full support. mented: WPOP—E>* Oprner Thursday throiijfh Monday: Manchester Atty. Jack Shea, one 2teU«r, looking fresh and un­ 4:44— Temperftlures are expected to m e Ui u m of May’a campaign managers. "The mistakes in foreign policy WMAV—Plattrr Party WHAV-Nlt* Waich z perturbed by the election results, WTIO—Roaa Mllirr WTIC—UN Radio n^vlaw average 4 to S'degrees below nor­ OJEc This enthusiasm for May fur­ have been dangerously many, and G R A D E A alao predicted the Repuhlicsna recently American lack of skill in WDRC—Cal Kolby wr)R. Rain will be ending sults. but this time it has happened." WINF-Nawa WHAY-Nlta Watrh Thuraday. Chance of rain Monday. The Republican headquarters' D K rii*ip | | K « g » a R o m e’s independent Olornale V^lC-SpoVl* Final Total precipitation '♦ Inch or leaa. WINP—Muale tor Eyanlng WDRO-Mo...... Jood* for Uomanc* were set up in a maze of rooms on a a i a t l U n n trn d'ltalla saw the election result til4— WPOP>*>Mod^rn Sminda the aceond .and third floors of the forcing Eisenhower to modify his WHaY—Datalln* rfraa WTIC—HIricllv m«rt* UiM- hotel' and there was a constant policies while serving his next two wHAY —Jaaa Allay ’ftiwi, mn rmt ?■*». ba, n - r MILD, SUGAR-CURED Selecting Stocks wnRC—Nawa WTIC—•tarligni S^ranad# huTryinB to and fro through the years as President with a big op­ WPOP—DUIrland WDTUr—Mood* for Romanc* drowded corridors aa party of- position majority In Congress. • iS*- s “How to Select a Good Common WIIAY—sarenada W POP-M od prn Sound* Marendaz flctals. reporters, radio announcers Austrian newspai>ers played up StiH-k" will be the subject of a WTIC—Cot* Uiaa Club w Tia Y - j a s i All^v' and television cameramen tried to Rockefeller's Ne\v York victory, wnRO—fiuv Lombardo WTTC—Starlight Brr^nadp ToaNlmaKterH Set TRAVEL AOENCY I keep up with the latest develop­ talk by C. Wayne Furtney of Put­ emphasizing that he now threat­ Wpop-Modrrii SrHiida WDftC—Mootia for Romanc* ments. ii44- WPOP—Modern Sound* nam and Co., investment brokers, ened Vice President Nixon for the K-., WIIAY—Saraoad* To Meet Friday ; 18 Akylum St., Hartford Focal spot was the tiny, over­ 1960 presidential nomination. WTIC—* Star ipatra W lN r-Slg n Off Tel. CHapel 7-5857 heated and overcrowded, room tonight St 7 o'clock in Room 225 WPRtS—l/owrii Thomaa where Mry and Sen, William A. at Manchester High School. CommunOit Czech and Hungar­ WPOP—Modrrn Botindi The Manchaatir chapter • of [ The talk, second in a aeries on ian radio broadcasts mentioned iia a - Toaatmajiteri International will cn- i Authorized Aifents Cor All Purtell sat in front of a boonijng WIIAY-Stranad* Rail, Air and Stearnnhip / television sot gloomily watching as money matters, is open to the pub­ the voting result without com­ WTIC—Dick Burial Sla MarvK’ Club tertain the wive* of it* member* at | lic. ment. But Communist blo< news­ WDRC—Amoa and Andy dinner end a apeclal program Fri- Linek SMOKED CALAS town after town went Democratic. papers bqfore the polling had de­ WPOP-rullon l.awla !dav night in Cavev'* Reataiiraht. | Mrs. Purtell sat near her husband 1:16- Will ffear WomI HAROl.I) KKI.LS while Mr.a, May was with her hus­ rided the elections as tuual, say­ WIIAY Hrirnaila .lack C’onnors wlj] he touatmHater Tobago ‘Crusoe Island' ing there was little or no differ­ WTIC-DIck Bur'at I for the oci-Aaion. A hlghllgiit of band's parents in another part of wr.R"/—Amoa and Andy ManclicHter A|fi>pt ence between the parties. They r, Avctv Waat of Knnl Hump- I tlie evening's entertainment will be. the hotel. Scarborough, Tobago — Tobago, Wpop Miiilrrn fioimdr Tel. Ml 9-7442 An occasional moan or diabe- were especially sarcastic about, i.Sb- Ion will aprak on 'Hells ' Hinl will a linvH film and lecture nmvifled 20 miles northeast of Trinidad in the ‘IBattle of Millionaires in New WIIAY —Hound Dog i)\ the (ilnhe Travel Service The llevlng sigh escaped from time to the West Indies, is known as "Rob* W*WC-Nawa ileinnnal I Htr anil iliapliiy aevrrni time from the spectators and par­ York who pretend to be friends WDRO—Anawat Piraa* subject will be “Wings to Hawaii,’' EcominIciI inson Crusoe's Island” because wpop Lawranrr Wrlk from Ina rollnilon at llie meellriK ty members jammed In with May of the workers.” The chib * newly elected otfirera scholars contend Daniel Defoe had Eg.vptians remained mainly in­ 1*44— of Ihf fiO-no ( ’lull of SI Mniya for Ihe fall-apring term r r»' Bill and rhirtell as t' ' "bad news" con­ thia isle in mind while writing hia WMAV-Hound Dog Tisty Meals tinued, but the two candidates for different to the Democratic vic­ WTtO—Lit* and Ih* World Kpiai opal Clmnit Ki lilny nielli Zimtperman, |>rrsldenl: William classic tale of the castaway. It is tory They doubted it heralded any WDRO—R R Murrnw Luetgens. first vice prealdent; releection paid little heed. 26 miles long and 7 ',4 wide. 'Colum­ WPOP l.awrrmr Wrlk 'l*he rnrrllnt; will atiif.t with a change in American foreigi policy Ftalph Beltuanio. ae N talk oRd-vlWT4iRt|^ 50 e x t r a s t a m p s answering questions and trying to m m A oAm ; find out the late.st whereabouU of FIRST ■ ' Tl’ -.1 A WiUi purchaie of *Hh*r 1 t|4. k«Hl*i, TASTE DcNclous FARM HOUSE Fred Zeller, Republican candidate ond axtro slaM. hvo eartoni king-iii* or on* corlon non- for governor. r A note of humor was added to -.y- 'attoning COTT SODAS. Chocahle ml Pecan Pies the otherwise grim situ'atlon by (HIAIITV V the widespread search for the elu- gtve Zeller by reporters and TV Allow *or fflimoM* l»r*r««i nptnn** fnen. V A telephone call to Zeller’s head­ “Orf of buv now valu«o oro ^ooci compht^ly quarters on Main St. revealed that everyday ■ i i 4 ______. . . he was there . . . but a minute i'onneclicul'$ afterward the latest "word" was ^N EW ^ that he was In the Hotel Statler a PRICES! Chooea from 4- ^ “ l.rn d in g short distance away . . . seconds later he was suppo.aedly sighted mittes’ bulky orloR *p .n A .,o n d C.nrppl, Manchester Carpet Center entering a room on the fourtli f' D ...... SUBURBANITE floor of the Bond. / Reporters on Hu^ eRnllsaM aui tlip-ont Sporlnlty The Home of Hemiliful Carpet$ Twice the same twi/ reporters g o o d A c a r hurrying In opposi^ directions ^ h o p » " met in the middle m Asylum St. 308 MAIN STREET-Ml 9-4343 "Who you looking fo r?” asked **■!!•• thru znoW one. "Zeller.” HUB-CAP d««p'* "They just told me he’s over at CORY DEtUXp KNIFE & 5.8 7 " the Statler." "Thai’s funny, I heard he’* over SCISSORS SIIARPENER Fashionably n in cd ■weater* priced men s kt the Bond." ■’ ■ moredlbly low! Button down collars, Each reporter ghnigged. and con< -In-on* electric unit, hooded collars and turtle nseks In irpeni any tiz* knife or sparkling white and colors. ■ > ',V i coat sweaters RECORD . . eqiily^ quickiyl itilill' r ' 1 - 1.' 11. Li'i! iliiiiiii SALE CLIP THIS QpUPON CLIP THIS COUPON .■S' 'r " 4.87 H iC liC A S H iMye’ orhNi and Roy Belltr's “D juam lc Tractla*’’— aatra i | l j G EXTRA , EXTRA t All wool lambs wool and hi- grip under pow er-givet ihatland ewaaCare biilk Orion- in plain or ribbed you up to M S batter trutkin T R I P L t - 3 m n e - s . styles. .Choose from charcoal, In deep aibw ... at BMcb s n iiP S red. oxford or camel. Tremen­ ai IT S batter traetka tn fnndt Music Shop With Thu Coupon Whon You luy Wnh Thu Coupon Whon You luy dous value! Sm fU$ frpof MW tlT0 f d m y «nnI §9t M PAID FOR CLEAN, This Week Only! LATE MODEL CARS. ' I Chooeo lb* Tho of Irond BACON Y*u tiko Rost Mb* of BUTTER ICE SCRAPER Chooio Tho Ircind You Liko loM 4.28 VmH I Caagwi ptt Adah Caitaaiae All Makes and Models. All Johnny Mathis LP. Records $0.79 0 b $ o lvft/ -r':::Otf*i Itpirtt totarday, N*v. g, ii.** ' *•» 8da(l Cailan*, MEN'S SUEDE KNIT CARDIGAN 8.87 OfHr helm Salantay, Na*. g, (fig Red, Black, Beige Blue Perry Como REO. $3.98— SALE ★ ★ WANTED ★ ★ t Three-hole cardigont . ond puli', LIMIT I TO A CUSTOMER •* LIMIT I TO A Custo m er ■'i ■ ■' ' ELECtRIC BUFFET overt In fine, vlrpht drloni or We also carry a fine selec­ a E. AOrOMATiC ihoopy Shetlondi. Solid colort MEN'S COLORFUL SKI SWEATERS 5.87 V Lambs wool -4-hole cost styles and bulky knit crew necks. -m tion of older modeils thor- FATtIO SERVER TOASTER ond fancy aki .pqtterni. Size* 6-12 All Jackie Qlcason LP. Records $0.69 CLIP .t h is coupon c u p ; t h is _coupon DURhly serviced and fuar- M M I N o n u R ID I O N MEN'S RNE JAC9UARD SKI SWEATERS 8.87 ^ REG.A4.98—SALf anteed cars for those who O O O O Y IA R n * U TH AN EXTRA EXTRA wish to DOWN TRADE •OYS' lULKY CARDIGANS AND PULLOVKRS j| | f All wool, flannel and pure worsted in coats or pullovers. ON ANY Omm KINDI 17- TRIPLE'S TRIPLE'S with or without payments. Two-quprt sfoneafare serve* Exfro hiflH tooit.lift, moo- Pullovert, 3-hole and joequord cardigont in virgin orlont, / Complat* Lin* of Snow S n M K with fleetrie base . . . by Oert crumb troy, chrome* exceptipnol telectiotr m b w t'size * 6-12. Vaa Cllburn’t LP. STAMPS We Guarantee: Prompt' We»t Send Exceptional ‘ pkMed finiih. Diet for •xoet $0.69 Ttr*t for Por*i*n Cars. With Thi* Coupon Whon You luy volue! I4eal glfttl '' With Thi* Coupon Whon Yoi^ iuy ': teenting you prefer! REG. S4.9S— SALE Reliabla Buying Service .

St*r*e>Hi-Fi llbaofCOPFEE Cheoto Tho Rrand Yeti liko *M 50 ^ POTATOES B 4 RL0 W SILVHt M^NE SILVER LANE SHOT 10 AM. to 10 P.M. Records and land Inttrumtnts limit I Caagaa 0*1 AMl Caataaw, BETWEEN FORBES AND IkiM I Caaeaa oar AM CaaMiaa* MOTOR SALES BrnPEEN FORBES 101.1 Main St. ON*# (Xjdrai latatdav, Nav. 1. ItM OWar *«ekaa taneWu. Nav. A IW8 MAIN STS. .. E. BABtrOBD MI 9-20.15 OFBN » t* * OAlLr MAIN s m LIMIT I TO aPSu S t S iMEK LIMIT I TO A CUSTOMER BMte 81k^Wlae*or Ave-, . OpMi Thura. and Fri. iASTHARTFOROt LT n till 9 :0 0 Rockville. OoM. ' Prie*g Bff*envo At Qur-MUnclMoUr itoro, M*aa|MiMor OMfOini PoitaGo OnU. Nov. 9 U i Hint *«t. Nhr Ith. PhoM susses ManchNitcr Shpppinir Parkidc, Middle Tumpikt W7ud^iM d StZwihtiiaiter--bp«i Mondny. Tnendny ■■ 10 A.M.J6J to V- ' DtAiap Bitfiiraoir camn—Mmi A *y t^ *na—r ------' I.' ' 7'.’ C •

, - 7 ' IIA N C H E ^R EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, OONN« WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER B, i»6t PAGE EIGHTEEN .” ,,4 jWANOHEBTIBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. WF),DNKSpAY» NOVEMBER 5,1958 ■■ ( PAGE NINETEEN ■V- to know w h it he w u ■'olng nt tha ■Saai RockviUe-Vernon Vernon Vote by Districts Urn* the crimee ware ebmmittad.” ^ Powell Winner 1st ^ 2nd ‘ ToUand County' The ftraa were aet hv SebviUe in . (Rockville) (Rural Vamon) Totala ■torage arena of the pinnt while , ' In Granite State Oovwiior Supeript Court he W u an employe there. The'ftrat fire. Nov. 21, 1957, cauaed an M- In one package Deniocrats iri Sweep; Ribiboff. d 2373 9859 IfaricbMtsr. N. M., Nov. 6 UP)— Zeller, r 1333 1969 U m aM ^,009 daniage. A fire the EXHIBITORS Modem “ all ia one’’ insuraaee eootraets Arthur K. Bcorille, 36, ElUngton, McLevy, s 16 23 n u t day ruulted in hea'vy amoke Tribute Wesley Powell, s Republican who proleet you against fire and allied perils r.t. Governor haa haan aentaneed to eight yeara and water damage. The thiz:d fire, pledg^' undying ' opposition to a o^,your home, eontents. per- Sweeney, Welles “Fail Dempaey, d 2286 1068 8844 in tha Conhactieut Stata Hoapital Jan. 3l| 1958,.w u equelched by the aalea tax, einerged today as-J^e abiial property, phia broad sprinkler, ayetem in minutes. Sco- winner of N ew Hampabire''s and p^nonAl liftbilityl Swepney. r 1633 •67 2899 at Norwich after pleading innocent IN THE MANCHESTER Tdlle w u grruted the day after he By LEONAKO ZEIDENBEIIO abeUeve them wrong—except that,! cloaeat gubernatorial contest In 34 ftoverige, A.u-in one economy- Hecrietary of State to four eounta of arson bn grounds (Herald SthH Writer) DepiocraU iwept both Rockvlll*#D«feniie *uxtll«ry eoiirie Oraaso, d 2238 1034 8272 ■et the fourth fire. Aug.'l6. 'iri politics, anything can happen. years., '* pwJMffe, C bII on \in to Shortly bafore 7 o’clock, hs expUin how a pacItAge policj* and Vernon yesterday along with here leal February Fahey, r 1681 3667 of inaanlty., FWlowe Senteneed .. Governor Ribicotf waa carrying The 43-year-oId Hampton Falls •7# turned to Carl Lalumia, one, of rmn i»ve you money. the rest of the state and nation. Pawluk haa been an alderman I Tre«aarrr 'Oonfinement In the mental in­ Wilbur Fellows, S3, Hartford, a tremendous btlrden thla morning. lawyef defeated Democrat Bernard Defeats were recorded for long­ at-large In Rockville and an as Speziale. d 2246 1021 8266 stitution waa ordered by Judge was eentenced to a nUnlmum of He. haa won the votu of 607,224 hia aides, and said, "W ell, Carl. L. Boutin by 6,625 votes in an o ff-1 sessor. Oltavlano, r 1671 •91 3662 CTharlee 8. Houaa'in ToPlcnd County three years In Wethersfield State Interest is beglnnl ig to perk up." year total of more than 206,000. , time office holders, Congressman of his fellow OonnecUcul cltizene, OVU ADVTCIC Jobe Affected t'omptrotlrr Superior. Court today. Prison by Judge House this morti- Then he wehl over to the tele- The state's long-4lon7inant Re-1 at-large Antoni N. Radlak, Sheriff and his plurslUy in winning reelec­ Paul B. Sweeney, and Kranklln G. Asked about possible changes In Thatcher, d 3338 1038 3296 Public defender Robert J. Pigeon ing, ■vlBlon setin the library khd.tumed publicans also reelected their two | onrm YOT- Norm VO tion—-some 340,000 votes—was the it on, and sat down behind e deak Welles, GOP stale senate nom­ personnel appofnted by I he eoimty ' Klelson. i 1660 978 2636 told the court that there was no veteran . U.S. Representatives. 1 Tm* o«o«r otiteoliMi *0 bee A Mntence of two to 'three years \>lth his family. He arid his wlfs inee. ^ sheriff, Pawluk said the situation j Atty. General question but what Scovllle had aet largest by far ever given anyone Chester E. Merrow and ^Perkins I \ was Imposed for obtaining money -I- each had pads on which they jot­ The only Republican to come would be "analyzed J Coles, d 2178 1033 3201 four flrea at the Aldon Spinning who ran for State office in Con­ Bass. j under false pretenses and a one ted’ down, figures as the results out aheaiV of hl.s opponents here Deputy sheriffs throughout the Cohen, r 1727 986 2712 Mills. in Talcottville between Opening Friday, 7 P.M. necticut. A bitterly contested battle for,- year sentence w u Imposed for . ere reported - by television. was Sadlak Rockville's native son. county and jail personnel are ap­ I .S. .Senator NovemLef 1937 and Auguat 1958. failure to answer to bail bondl Fel­ the governorship produced the j pointed by the county sheriff Dodd, d 3237 And this expression of confidence Seated 0,1 a couth the wall be­ who defeated hia opponent Krank 2223 1014 He said the actions were "brought lows pleaded guilty to both charg­ tightest GOP victory margin alncC | Another defcal that stunned I’ urlcll. r 1671 985 2636 in him not only stunned' him. It hind him were his parents and Kowalski In both Rockville ami about bv a lot of people who should es. MANCHESTER ARMORY seemed, to those watching him get 1934, when the Republican plural­ Vernon Republicans wss that of U.S. Rep.-AI-l.arge have known better." Pigeon said friends and personal aides, Demo­ Vernon. But Sadlak was defeated The false pretenses court arose the election, returns via television ity was less than 2,500. i in the final tally throiiglimit the Rep Franklin G VVelJeJi. who was Kowalski, d 1806 803 2698 Scovllle was "taunted and teased" cratic S tite Chairman John 283 EAST CENTER ST. Sadlak, r 3204 Aug, 30. when Fellows cubed a In the governor's residence In Hart­ Bailey, who iq>ent most of the. Powell’a triumph came in his atate seeking his fourth term in the 2082 1123 and Just about “ driven to it." The General Assembly this time ss r.S. Representative fraudulent check for |86 at the ford, to move him deeply and night at Democratic headquar­ fourth bid for major public office. An'iiniisiially Heavy lurnoiil saw public defender said Scoville told w '^ h heaiHly on him. The former administrative assist­ Ml 3-4112 .Senator Bowles, d 2171 996 3167 him that the only way he could Cove restaurant in Coventry, SPONSORED BY ters down town, did not make an 80 per rent of the elerlorlile vot State's Atty. Reed said. This was indlrtited by bis atate- ant to Sen. Styles Bridges (R - Ing in both Rockville and Vernon Dcmo(ral Da\-id Dickson of Seeley-Brown, r 17,78 1022 2760 get back at hla tormentors waa LIONS CLUB OF MANCHESTER appearance in, the mansion until I SlierKT ments after JUs Republican oppon­ about 11 p.m. N H ) lost a close contest for the Sadlak ran second to Gov Jlihi- .Stafford, alter four terms in the to set the fires. Small Case Alontlnued ent. Statp Ooniptroller Fred R. Pawluk. d 2181 009 3180 On two large boards before the same nomination two years ago. coff in number of votes cast In Mouse beat Welles with a hOOvrite 1 The court accepted- psychiatric The case o f David Small, preai- Zeller,^conceded defeat. And, even I Sweeney, r ' 1724 1000 RADIO STATION WINF Merrow, who won a record-tying rural Vernon, hut although he ran pluralit^y 2733 reports that indicated the accused deht of Connecticut By Products more," by Ue atmosphere In the fireplace were the results, by I HInte Senator ninth consecutive term in Con­ ahead of Kowalski In Rockville, h'e f>emocuuirratlc hendfiuai'tcrs In Red j Bnftet DOserted Democrat Stuart V. Nlms by 13,000 uioiid K Hpeilman ran 400 lo ,600 Representathrs against the town of Ellington was tion. There were" whistles and ex­ In the dining room, a buffet of Men s Hall party workers ami i an- Hammer, d 2278 1024 .7262 i done "hut it Is possible he MANCHESTER GIRL SCOUTS votea in his successful bid for a votes shead of their Rcpuhhcaii jjipjjldid not have the mental capacity withdrawn. clamations of sunrise ss thr stun­ cold cuts and Coffee had been pre­ NOW IS THE TIME TO PREPARE didales looked stunned and the Rpielinun. d 2 2 0 6 080 third consecutive term. opponents. Incumbent Arthur M.. (SPONSORED BY QUINN’S PHARMACY ning pfoportloha of Rlbicoff'a vic­ pared for those stopping in. But word hciiiil most was "fanlaHlic ’ Bateman, r 1677 087 2 6 6 4 Party lines were broken through­ Bateman and James E. Vander- BUSH HARDWARE COMPANY tory becanie’ apparent to the "rowd as 7 o'clock approached, it was TiBinoi ratle TovVn Oinlrman .John Vandervoort. r 161)6 1018 2714 out the, state aa many Democrats SNOW and ICE THAT’S SURE TO COME Morgan said he was gratified by the voort. Considering only the rural NICHOL8-MANCHESTER TIRE, INO.) of fam ily and well wishers who had deserted with the guests taking come to the mansion t » be with the Mounting PlurtdUy’-^vertvhelming Win spilt their votes for Pow-ell and outcome. Which he felt was an Vernon vote. Hammer, D, and up positions In front o* the three some Republicans turned their ■'overwhelming vote of confidence Vandervoort, R, ran highest. How­ Mannel. Neadeau Boarding Home. MANCHESTER MENTAL HEALTH SOCIETY governor on election night. But for television sets on the ground -floor the most part, the mood was sub­ backs on him. •, SNOW BLOWERS - SNOW SHOVELS by the people of the slate to a ever, a heavy vole for flplelmsn Brooklyn St ; Ik)ulse Watson. 42 Rji; i«lered “IN u rRes (SPONSORED BY GREEN PHARMACY , —there ■was one In the living room Powell criticized Boutin for^.KIs j Spring Rt : I.eo Daigle, 2 West .St. OPEN UNTIL dued, almost solemn . great g'u ernor." In th e'city pushed him ahead of E. A. JOHNSON PA IN T COMPANY) and another In the cloaed-in porch, refusal to Join him in a pledge to ; Moran <-ontlmied, ''ll'a tremen­ Vandervoort. Discharged yesterday: Brian Hear Dr. Alesbiin I And the mood was set by the In additlor. to the one In the li­ veto any hill that might ; SNOW PUSHERS - SIDEWALK dous to think Democrats gained a Incumbent Judge of Probate Gsell. RFD 1; Eva. Rmlth, 63 governor himself. With his wife, brary. be enacted by the state legislature. ROLL-WAY PRODUCTS COMPANY Ruth, and their children, Peter victory ol this kind ' Thomas PS. Rady defeated his Re­ Brooklyn HI. "Reflections of a Gynecologist But whatever doubt there had . Powell srl'so promised the voters and Jane, beside him, he watched Blit the nemorrallr chairman publican opponent Relph H. Olh- Admitted today; Dors Helm. 43 and Obitetriclan" waa the fopic of B. D. PEARL F U R N m iR E and APPLIANCE CO. been about the outcome was dis­ he would fight for elimination of SCRAPERS aai ROCK SALT relii.seil In rontrlhiitc the local vic­ son in both the city and rural area. Windsor Avr ; Wlllism Brown. the television screen intently. He pelled in the first few -nlnutes that retail milk price rontmla and Dr. Robert Aleabury'a talk to the said little and smiled only occa- tory entirely to the governor. Rural residents cast 1,040 votes Hartford Tpke Manchester Registered Nurses the returns came in. Norfolk, a blasted Boutin's stand in favor of '■It's hard to determine whether MONDAY*.TUESDAY*.PIIfDAY HARTFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. alonslly— when he chatted with his for Rady amt B60 for Glhson, while ArrMts Assn, at the monthly meeting last traditionally Republican town, controls. — WE DELIVER — • this wss a coattail ride or whether city voters gave Rady 2,327 and w ife or when a photographer asked was. the first to report. It gave Democrats accused Powell of be­ Gerald J Greene, 26. of 0 Fern night at the hospital. JOHN TIRKOT COMPANY him to look like he was .enjoying the local candidates won through Gibson i.S76. HI . was arrested last night on a EXTRA HOURS FOB TOUR CONVENIENCE Riblcoff a plurality. Then other ing a "puppet" of Manchester Mrs, Marion Norman, prsaldant, himself. , ' their own ability," Moran said. fhirrlciilum Talks Tnnlglit charge of violation of the city AFTER WORK, m t WHIUC 8HOPFINO. sraall Republican towns reported. new.spaper publisher William Loeb announced tha semi-annual food HOME SPECIALTIES COMPANY > As reports came In of record- Sheriff Upaet A third conference on curricul­ parking ordinance. He will be They gave Zeller pluralities, but and the minority party chided sale for the asaoclatlon will be held breaking pluralities In Demorcratic The biggest and most talktd um for the Vernon schools sys­ presented In Rockville CIt.V' Court STANEK ELECTRONICS by vastly narrower margins than Powell for having received gifts about upaet here was that of coun­ Nov. 18 at the J. W. Hale Store, INSURED SAVINGS Btronghold.4 and unprecedented those they had given to lx)dge four in the past from Boston millionaire tem will be held today si 7 .lO Monday He posted a 13 bond. breakthroughs in formerly Repub­ ty plierlff p.m, In the high school cafeteria Clarence B Walker, 2.7, of 107 starting at 1 p.m. Donations may years ago. Bernard Ooldfine. High Sheriff Paul B. Bwaeney be left in the hospital dining room OPEN THURSDAYS 9 A:M. to 8 PJif. B. T. PETERMAN PLUMBING and HEATING CO. lican areas, he shrugged his Courses of study for the next Talroll Ave , was arrested at 4:30 At 7:30, with Zeller leading by telephoned Nicholas Pawluk at until 10 o'clock the morning of the i (Oloeed Weduedaye at Nisoa) ■houlders and shook hts head, his two years for grades nine through p.m yeslerdsy at hla home on LAVERY exterminating CO. eyes fllled with a look of wonder a very narrow margin, the televi­ To Pa»» the Barn 8;3.'i p in. to congratulate him on charges of Intoxication and breach sale. i hin election. No one had expected 12 will he discussed tonight. The and amazement. A t times, he even sion commentator took it upon advisability of tailoring the rntirse of the peace He was arrested sfter Tha eommlttsa for the annual himself to declare that Riblcoff Bweency to loee. meeting and Chirlatmaa party, - 6 -A -ft CHASE 'TV and ELECTRONICS CO. / seemed to wince. . Clinton, N.J, OP) -It's not hard to the Individual student's shin­ e couiplalnl ami la being held at After 90 of the State’s 169 towns had been elected. The statement, to rekd the mind of Inmates when Pawluk, a 31-yaar-old native, Tolland Connly .lall In lieu pf bond which will be held Dec. 4 at the aald he will give up hii Job in ties will be studied. , KRAUSE FLORIST had been reported and Ribicoft’s coming so early, drew chuckles they arrive at' the woman'a re- j The six courses of study now o f­ for court appearance Monday. Knights of Columbus Home, will from tho.se watching in the library. Hanillton Standard's personnel de­ meet s i the home of Mrs. Mary SAVINGS lurality had grown to better than form alory' here. Just ask the li­ fered are college preparatory, com­ MANCHESTER SHEET M E T ;^ 1,000. a reporter a.sked him how But Riblcoff didn't move a muscle, brarian. partment to devote full-time to Vernon and Talcottville newe Is Stenid Friday evening at 7:30. the poaltlon of sheriff. 'T il do my mercial, Industrial arts home c/./fZ l.OAN ghe felt. "A little shaky." he re­ and the laughing stopped. •The first thing they ask for 34 DEPOT SQUARE — Ml 9*5274 economics, tschnlcal-sclentlflc, and handled through The Herald’s MANCHESTER PIPE and SUPPLY CO, plied. , Calm Cracks best In every way that I poaalbly Rockville Riireaii, 7 W. Main St., I 1 4 I 8 I i f > .% are law books," said Mrs. Jeanne agricultural EART.r ELBOTROPI.A’nNO Covers Face His calm wa.s crackel for the can," the sheriff-elect aald. telephone TRemont 6-3188. P. Thompson. j He has been with Hamilton tor Bchool admlnlslrators. members According to archeological dis­ LAFRANCE BEVERAG^COMPANY With 1.75 towns having reported first lime at about 7:45, when he • V, years. He lives at 14 King Bt. of the guidance department, de coveries. Egyptian silversmiths of aeeiat iwiTiTSTiea received a telephone call informing ■ aw c M U tte ’ e e ie a t.T -£LE and the governor's plurality grown Active with the young Demo­ partmenl heads and members of the Name u early u 2000 used primi­ THE HARTFO|H) TIMES to 180.000- already a record - the him that Brldgcprrt had given a crats In local politics since the age the Board of Education will at tive forma of "wet " electric bat­ governor looked troubled. And stunning plurality of 26,000. But of 21. Pawluk was defeated by lend. Assistant Huperlnlendenl of Richmond, Va, iA3— Francis B. teries In electroplating metaje. FIELD ENT|Ml^ISES CORP. when Republican Stamford was re­ he soon resumed his pcTsture of Rweency In the last election for Bohools Allen . D. Dresser Is In Berglar, II, of Kirkwood, Mo., rs- ported to have given him a 9,000- quiet attentiveness to the televi­ county sheriff. charge of curriculum. poried lo police hero thst someone HEARING CENTER OF CONN. vote margin, he slumped back In sion account. For the most part, 100 He was elertod a constable last finspllal Notes broke Into his automobile and stble his chair, and covered his face he rested his chin on his hand. year In Vernon and took a Civil Admitted yesterday; Alvins clothes valued at $384. F’/afid D AU'TO STORES with his hand.s. Occasionally, he would jot down 1000 6LYCERIH Anyone just coming in would figures as they were reported, or ASPIRIN TEMPd ORGAN and PIANO STUDIOS have thought Hartford had de­ chat with his wife, fected to Zeller, With the returns beginning to SACCHARIN U. S. P.5 Grain Suppositories ^ N N . ARMY NA*nONAL GUARD Later, after Zeller had 0000^6(1, show an unprecedented sweep for (SPONSORED BV POTTEBTON'S, INO. a reporter asked the governor, how him. the only question waa how Roq. 89c large a plurality he would win and MATHER JE7VELERS. INC. it felt to win such a victory; The R e { . } P final results were not yet iii. But how many other Democratic can­ '/) (Jrain (IJm li I) POWER TOOLS THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS COMPANY the Riblcoff plurality was already didates he would carry with him. (Limit 1> 39' OhHUrMi’r 1 Not The Same Old Stuff! 1 WELDON DRUG 003IPANY up over 200,000 and It was clear P h otogr^h ers began asking him jraOiit IZ'i. AT EARLE S. ROHAN he was carryinp the entire State to pose for victory pictures, but J. W. HALE CORPORATION) and Congressional ticket with him. he begged'off, saying he preferred ( Lim it-1) 2 Com* and s m H m n«w and diffaront feye and hobbits at Kiddie Foir. Not 9 There waa even a good chance that to wait until Zeller conceded. " I m ^ the tom e old ttuff you find overywhoro olio: but toys with orltinoiity and in* J HOME FREEZER FOOD SERVICE the State House of Representa­ superstitious." he said. tives would go Democratic for the Finally, shortly before 9 p.m., Herald Photos by Oflara ^ ventivemMt that etimuloto crootivonoM. imooinotion and compotiHen in ? DISCOUNT PRiCi first time since 1" almost an hour after Republican SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TEL. and TEL. CO. A children of oil OGOe! Romombor, o busy ehlkd it o hoppy ehiW. . . S DURING THIS SALE SAVE UP TO " I don’t think an.v man deserves State Chairman Clarence Baldwin not just the people that voted for before the television cameras JAMES D. MORROW COMPANY that kind of tribute," he said. “ It had conceded, , . Riblcoff was In­ him. there. TDC to Consider makes you feel very peculiar. . . ARTHUR formed Zeller had done the same. "God willing, I shall continue to But as ne left, the remark that I don’t know. . . very, very humble. DRUG STORE— 942 MAIN ST. Immediately, flashbulbs, which had devote all ,m y energies for the "W e’ll Juat conUnue our normal NEVif YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. I just don’t think any man de­ Foundation Keport been popping all night, bathed the benefit of all the people o f our lives" seemed more a hope than serves that ktvd of tribute." governor and hlk family in light great State.” a confident prediction. The foim er Ro^idar 1.09 MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES Little Tension ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY t SATURDAY as they posed for their victory Business as Usual New Britain newsboy who.se 4- A meeting to furtlier explore the There was never much tension In feasibility of an induslrlsl founda- i GREEN MANOR CONSTRUCTION CO. the air lif the executive mansion picture. l^ le r. he mingled with the year atewaiyishlp of the office of Nylorri last night. Before the polls closed Gives Statement guests who continued to stream governor had won him an historic tion for Manchester will be held ! YOUR FRIENDLY ljeJa^t£ H ityejury CAPRILANDS HERB FARM victory seemed to feel that the 47 30% Bl 7 o’clock, the governor, whose, Then he walked into the next into the mansion, accepting their by the Town Development Com- ' Hosiery darkly hand.some good looks some' where radio facilities had congratulations and talking quiet­ responslbiilly that victory had mls.sion iTD C ) tonight at 7:30 In ELECTRIC HAND $AWSj BENCH SAWS^ ALDON SPINNING MILLS CORP. and sat down with ly with newsmen. _ placed on him co\ild not be car­ Republicans -had tried to turn into! ■*6l up the Municipal Building, i Ch«MS from the • New Hobby SPECIALS! hla wife behind a card table cov­ Asked hl.s plans, h^said, "Kvery- ried easily. a deficit by labeling him- a "glam­ 2 7 " Shoe lotast in shodst. NEW MODEL LAUNDRY Hugo Saglio of (he .Stale Devel- ! our boy" governor, welcomed those ered with a white cloth to give his thing is going to continue on as Opon Woovo I 12 QC R DRILLS, JIG SAWS, SABRE SAWS coming Into the mansion with a brief statement to the press. before. There will be no victory STAINRD GL.ASS SOLDIFR.S opment (Commission is scheduled | LACES “BLORY" LADY ANN CANDY "M y heart is full of gratitude to celebration. "We'll just continue Woodstock. Ohio )A*i— A multi­ H-O VARNEY HOPPER KIT friendly handshake and a few lo attend the meeting to anstver ' D o ttg B Ri fjtiUir '.•< ^ — SI G o u t* _ THE NELSONS j words of greeting. the people of Connecticut." he said. our normal ll-ves." He also said colored rnalc \yindow of the Unl- qtHMtiona regarding such a founda- , Ml bl(" L ^ C IS D«ni«r..f Sale On A// W«// Known Standard Name Brands He looked reasonably rested con­ “I also want to wish Fred Zeller there wojild be a press conference versaliat Church., here is an un- tion: POLY Rei^ular ROCKVILLE WOODWORKING COMPANY sidering the long campaign he had end Mrs, Zeller anti his' family all as usual this morning. uaual mixture of tke.mllilary and The ealabllahment of an in- ' Bushel Factory Mat Our Special just concluded. He appeared con­ the best. Shortly before 10 p.m., with the religious. »' ' ' dustrial foundation in the town has fident. too. but V ith Jiiat a trace of "I a.ak all Democratic candi­ mansion still filled with guests, he PAIL $2.35 DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES It shows an officer of the Civil been recommended by .Economic 0/a/sfn - - - NEW! NOW 9 8 ' FOX MOTORS ncrvou.sness. A ll the signs had all dates who have been elected to slipped out quietly with his fam-- W ar Union arn).v, a solriiei- with Development A ' ^l•■'^t s . Basket Unbreakable and fnaas4»red Electric Sabre Saw $49.50 $39.60 MANCHESTER BOY SCOUTS along pointed to a Rihicoff vic­ please walk with modesty. All of ily to drive down to the Statler- fixed bayonet, a cannon and a py­ ing firm for the TDC, aa a meana Tnl.v PUatir and easy in clean and Super Aytinal far 'grewing tory, a " i there was no reason to us must represent all the people, Hilton Hotel and an appearance ramid oL canqon balls. a ruat-pronf han­ 'nils IS 'niR oM

0 :

- ■ I . I s

PAGE IWENTT MANCkESTER EVENli^O HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER A, 195S ■ MANCHESTER BVl^NING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.* WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 6.1968 PAGE TWENTY-ONE •panker, Dr: Armrid Hunt, eflMa Program Listed toidc will he "MlMlona of tha South Paclfio:” M n . WUUam y For World Day Kloppanburg of St, Mary'p Church H artford wllf.praalda at the organ. Ree. Os- FOR EXPERT _ j s : T lin k Em sat E«iuon, ^hiilniiAn j ^ 'Bennett Of North Methodist WHEEL ALIGNMENTr^VHEEli BALANCING qt Church will pronounce the benedic­ Harriman’s Hopes of tho Muieii«n«r obMirvAnco tion. r a o ia t g r r e p a i r in g a n d RECORING WFRE CELEBRATING World Community Day Friday, ait- Governor - - ' ' ' Senriim sa uidiere wift ba Ura. COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE L l Governor ndimcaa tba program to ba bald BIU. ' ZEl.- Bfn- rp C C GIANT-SIZE . tv Murray FOwaB of Community Eap- O O F F DEMP­ STFB& (Oontitmed froin P a(* OM) raincoat. That’s hi* '•on In th« at tha North Ifathodlat Church on tlat Church, Mra. Ludwig Hansen SEE USB UDVY SEY NET r n t C W IN D S H I H O torn topcoat." Parker 8 t boglnning at 10:90 .a.m,. Avon 1,294 989 Avon 1,142 X ■ of 8 t M a ^ a Church, Mrs. Mark Berlin 2,984 1,148 honed Ro<*«feller to con^ratu- Rorkefeller, in hi* campaign ape lira. Robart Johna of 'Cmmun- Hill of Cantar Congragatlanal, 1,987 10 Berlin 2,698 2,290 ite him on hi* victory. pcarancea, appeared to be par­ Ity BapUat Church w)u opm tha Bloomfield 3,499 2,041 14 Bloomfield 3,261 g and Miaa laaballa Maaaay of Sec­ Bristol 11,159 2,345 SCRAPER Rockefeller q.ioldd Nixon a* ticularly popular with women ariiH •ervlea-with g aolo, "0 ,. Pifay for 5,467 36 Bristol. . 10,491 O ur No obSaohoo— f»« COS* *» ond CongrogatlbnaL Burlington 6,145 aaying he waa uelif;lited and that children. Paace.” lira, joaapb Ifaptln, praai- 678 460 Burlington 540 m 4 aril lo r a. mi g lo M farm in Ven­ ■ Harriman ran with the Dlbersl 846 1,017 2 Granby ^ 732 1,128 ★ NOVEMBER 1953 -^NOVEMBER 1958 ★ ezuela "to Ret aomr re.at and be party as well as the Democratic Hartford 45,271 14,318 198 Hartford 44,482 15,060 In shape, r^dy to jro after the party nomination. Hartland 134 196 1 Hartland 101 234 Jol David Dubinaky, first vice chair­ Manchester 10,872 6,992 Manchester 9,969 8,753 Rockefeller. .’HI. penial, liberal- man of the Diberal party, estimat­ Marlborough 407 318 Marlborough 383 342 n.inded member <>f the famed, oil ed after the Harriman defeat that Ne\v Britain 23,701 8,561 95 New .Britain 23,054 9,633 fortune family, S(oV<^d hei.vlly In about 20,000 to 2,'5,000 Liberals, or Newington 4,352 3,051 10 Newington 3,972 . 8,448 SHAPE OF SAVE UF TO 50% ON THE COST traditionally Re^publitsan ■'palate eight to 10 per cent of the party'a Platnville 3,151 1,882 ■ 14 Plalnville 2,978 2,074 New York r.nd cut ana'pl.v Into vote, went to Rockefeller. Rocky Hill 1,684 1,163 Rocky Hill 1,598 1,278 OF FAMOUS SUBURBANITE TRAaiON the normal Dernoiratie i-.;iJorily "A lot of people took him seri­ Simsbury 1,983 1,786 16 Simsbury 1,592 I ^ e ' ■ -t 2,159 TOMORROW In New York City. ously that he Is a liberal and will Southington 4,947 2,476 18 Southington 4,075 2,730 G o t L. .Iiidarn Morhoiiai, GOP state continue to be one," Dubinaky ■T,' So. Windsor •1,768 1,166 9 South Windsor 1,680 1.254 WESTINGHOUSE Chairir.nn and Rockefeller a ram- .said “ But I think .Mr Dewey will Suffleld 1,424 1,313 4 Suffleld 1,297 1,454 paipn iiuinaKer. termed the elec­ be running things In this state." W.' Hartford 16,404 13.852 West Hartford 14,590 15,641 g o o d e a r tion of Rorkefeller and KcalinK He referred to former Gov. Wethersfield 5,046 4,620 29 Wethersfield 4,462 5.254 / ^ a.a "a tiiim,pli for re.apon.sible Thomas K. Dewey, who was Harrl-' Windsor 5,311 2,908 12 Windsor 4,985 3,258 pood povernrent and a repiidi.i- man s predecessor as governor. Windsor L'ks 3,119 1,241 •, 2 Windsor Locks 3,041 ,1,332 APPLIANCES AT BIG SAVINGS lion of Tamo ny boaa rule in Elected with Rockefeller aa SUBURBANin New Traods New York .‘tt.nte " lieutenant governor was Malcolm 175,319 92,236 534 166,342 97,173 AMl.vMr Mnrehnu.se said the Republican Wilson, a state assemblyman from nispf b h lira vlctorie.s in New York "in the fai-e suburban W’eatehesler . County. $ 1 2 9 5 Sis* AMkl4 of the nalninal trend" repre.venled Tbey were coupled on the sama U.S. Senator a personal victory for Rockefeller lever on the voting machines. 4tli District PUR- AND EASY BUDGET TERMS and a vote of eonfidenee In pro- .State Ally. Gen, Loula Lefko-, DODD TELL pres.'iive Itepiihlir an 'llhilo.sophy. W i t z , the only Republican Incum­ By Counties What wa.a Rockefeller'* winninp Avon 1,084 1,191 bent seeking a statewide nffli!*, Berlin DOOeX formula'’ won by a half a million votes. Hs 2,685 2,272 NBR He and bis backer.s went on the Bloomfictd 3,138 2,380 East Hartford LAUNDROMAT hail assumed the position Ihroiifh Bristol 10,665 5,210 I theory from the outset that New legislative appointment to fill a 10,363 6,187 Glastonbury 3,051 3,078 York voters never would elect a varancy. , ARNOLD LAWRENCE, Architect Rurl.lngtpn 523 511 Manchester • WASHES CLEANER a Up •• 91% awra’’tlwt AMhy- ao-ralled Con.servntlve. Canton 8,831 9,039 The only statewide Democratic 778 1,199 Marlborough 389 345 • RINSES BEHER a Up «• i f * mera *1 «aa AUeiy- The eanipalpn was aimed at win­ Bast Granby 436 445 candidate to withstand the Rs- Country Home and Convalescent Hospital ^— 565 Vernon Street Newington 3,840 3,589 BUD t^D^D^Bs ninp voles from Independents and East Hartford 10,389 4,861 Rocky Hill • CLEANS ITSELF Demoerats as well as Republicans puhllcan victory tide was Comp­ 1,558 1,297 troller Arthur Levitt, who won rs- East Windsor 1,292 1,073 South Windsor 1,772 Rorkefeller was rimnlnp apiilnsl Ttn. i.n. Enfield 1.162 Now you oaa have powerful, mukl- elerllon by a slim margin. 6;776 2,729 Wethersfield 4,841 5,379 Models As Low As 2 5 Weekly • New Dealer but manaped to al- Farmington 1,994 2.303 cieatod Suburbanite New Treads traet I.lberal votes. The Fight Waged and Lost put ou your present tires. You get SI ■ t Glastonbury 3,006 3,093 84,428 Borne of the proposals he ad- Priaoiia Set Korord Republican guberi^torial candidate Fred Zeller conceded defeat Granby 687 1,163 Uso yoar oM opplianco o8 « deam poymont far safar, far belter traction in Tocated were; to (jov. Abraham Rlbleoff yesterday long before Statewide results Now Nearing Hartford 48,714 15,921 Continuation of group life In- 4 t rou|^ Wfother.' Como In now for Washington - - A total of IBfl,- had hern tabulated. Zeller promised the Republican party would Hartland 101 235 Subuibanlto New Treodr. iurance benefits for a workman 414 prisoners were confined In regroup and come back into the fray. (Herald-Photo by Pinto),. Manchester 9,637 8,160 Sheriff after he retires. State and federal prison* snd re­ 48 Completion, It Marlborough 680 340 Traftsferenee of pension rights formatories for adult offenders at IS POTTER LAVIN ApplM ea tmmd tire M M t New Britain 22,6U 9,713 Avon 1,110 i.l80 In the cake of workers Iransferred the start of llkYS. It was the high­ Newington 3,853 or ea year eare Nrat from one Job to another, Instead 4S 4 8. N w 41 la s t eaiVilTE SOOUS oiid BATHS 3,533 Berlin 2,671 2.307 est year-end prison populsllon on Will Be The Ultimate Plalnville 2,936 2,103 of losing the . benefits and start- record snd *n Inerense of 6,H49, Bloomfield - 3:182 2,361 Inp from serali li tlV )he new job. Rocky Hill 1,545 1.303 Bristol - 10,434 6.192 or 3 1 per eeril, over the previous Simsbury 1,564 2,175 fr e e "Men a—eh rUa aa vl-fec-' ' ...... TKI.. West Hartford "Thai’s Rorkefeller In the frayed Ml I-A4RI t t East Granby 383 500 14,232 16,008 FREE with o We Serve The Dignity Of The Individual" EBBt Hartford 9,448 6,222 ’Wethirsfleld' 4,237 5.471 ALSCWESTINCHCUSE SPEED RANGES East Windsor 1,194 1,195 Windsor 4,872 3,356 Enfield 5,274 3,224 Windsor Locka 2,982 1,385 Loundroinat Farmington 1,766 2,542 153,279 99,031 and REFRIGERATORS AT BIG SAYINGS Glastonbury 2,688 ' 3,450 D ELIV ER Y Granby 622 1,237 purchoso A d m ira l 1150 BURNSIDE AVE,-EAST HARTFORD Hartford 40,580 19,115 Plugging Padre DEPENDING ON AMOUNT OF PURCHASE SERVICE- Hartland 95 240 Manchester 8,141 9,761 Honolulu V P)~ A Catholic priest YOU MAY TAKE UF TO 3 YEARS TO FAY l ^ o i m 9 B H i ■■^TN^TALLATION^^ OFEN TUESDAY Uira FRIDAY NIGHTS T IU 9 Marlborough 345 379 has turned to the music busineu with disarming wit. New Britain 20,103 12,210 EASY BUDGET TERMS Newington 3,337 4.080 Plugging an album of songs by Plalnville 2,672 2,365 •a teenage choir he directs. Father Rocky Hill 1,407 1,444 John. McDonald wrote In a clrcO- Simsbury 1,319 2,427 Jar letter; FREE! FREE! I VfAUAIlE COUPON Southington 4,847 3.080 "The enclosed brochure is South Windsor 1,456 1,480 somewhat flamboyant, but read­ O PEN A N E W A C C O U N T Suffleld 1,213 1,538 able. Because I composed It, It Is West Hartford 12,177 18,053 to be tlbapected of bias — to say Look At This Offer At The Wethersfield 3,537, 6,164 the least." or ADD to YOUR PRESENT FREE! Beautiful Windsor 4,343 3,884 Start Of The Christmas Season — Windsor Lock* 2,823 1,635 GLASS ASH TRAY 145,589 122,256 ACCOUNT AND Nothing To Buy! Just Bring Thi.i Coupon! A HUGE BOX FULL OF 1 Per Adult Customer! Expires Nov. 8 At-Large SEND THEM RECEIVE AFREEGIFT! KO­ SAO- essir. WALSKI LAK THE Avon 1,064 1,236 SPEC IA L W |D.-THURS.-FRI.-SATw NOV. S-6-7-8 Berlin 2,566 2,415 Bloomfield 3,053 2,490 HOMETOWN TOYS Worth ^50 FREE Bristol 9,756 6,880 Burlington 506 530 Canton 750 1,229 NEWS Beautiful aolld wood, mahofany veneered cabinet WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY East Granby 413 471 East Hartford 10,109 6,582 equipped with V-M four-epeed automatic chanter. East Windsor 1,238 1,148 Shuts off automatically after last record is SAVE AVG. O F 15c LI. O N THI SAVE AVG^^P 20e LI. ON THESE ITEMS Enfield 6.447 3,065 tjth m H e a v y Farmington 1,891 2,418 played. "Ronette” all-weather ci^stal cart­ SMOKED PICNICS Glastonbury 2,886 3,251 ridge pick-up with dual sapphire needles. CHICKEN LEGS a lH l Granby 672 1,190 Separate bass, treble, and volume Hartford 42,928 16,707 BROILEOS and FRYERS BREASTS Hartland 95 241 controls. Dual high efficiency 20 Tine Broom Rake AU Poipose Mat Manchester 8,781 9,130 speakers. S p e c ia lly 1959 ADMIRAL Itii!; CHOPPED BEEF Marlborough 377 350 Choke of block, . A A 0 FAESH SPARERIBS New Britain 21,351 10,761 fu rch a ce d red, blue, green ^ V Newington 3,615 3,808 ir BOLOQNA CHUBS SUOED BACON Plalnville 2,840 2,209 Sturdy flexible spring Protects floors. . . covers SAUSAGE MEAT u Rocky HIH 1,509 1,349 steel tines do thorough job worn spots. Cushions feet TEimsioN $n BABY BEEF LIVER Simsbury 1,432 .2,317 .. . will not damage grass. u . Compare at against hard floor sur­ Southington 4.447 2,983 Smooth 48" wood handle. faces. Amazing value! assirc, :• CO, South Windsor 1,551 1,384 regular prices REPEATED BY REQUEST Suffleld 1,226 1,524 Rfeghrdlew' of whert STOP AND SEE THEM! West Hartford 13,444 16,768 yoar service men or SWANSDOWN Wethfersfleld 4,210 5,654 Pleior *99** Windsoi; 4,642 8,594 woBiaii is sUUmied, Windsor liOcka 2,880 the Manchester fiSve- m CAKE MIXES i,4Tr R iw e n lt t 9 * * 2 TEARS TO PAY! nine Herald can he fo r*, 155,669 112,151 1 A djnstaU e warded to be at "Mail TsMi $||094 4 pkgs. Cair* feinilarly with all Ironing Table The Wlr>dooR I "I SHEU. CRAFT the hometown news Includes platik foam pad W e Also Hove 1958 27" Models GLORIA ITALIAN people away from > iiii!: COFFER CRAFT - and tilkone cover TOMATOES ' Kllna->Fliidlaga.^iinillMi hdnie are so anxious At Greatly Reduced Prices • t s t e t . A M O V A U W $799 HCBBYSHCPPE - . JW 29 0?. 1 408 CENTER 8T,--&a 8-7888 O I T Y O U R Cans Telephone MI ,1-^7il All-steel position ad­ S I T l O D A T I justable table has re­ THE Circulation inforced, ventilated top. Wide-spread rubber- R.E. WENDELL Department P 9 IN 0 E tiong. Green > . Pink or White capped feet keep table» ; Parley Cukas ...... aaeh 5e Saadlass Grapefruit___ doz. 89e Building Todayl ^eady and level. Locks ' SFAOHETTI or in position. Corttraetor ''W r BARN ELBOW MACARONI R t id — Hol »ComiwtrclMl 342 ADAMS ST, T H . Ml 3-8944 Lost 4 Doysl Big lOc^^Sale! Alfit t low RtH idNlliHI NORMAN BtmZ. Proprittar *“'“‘3 i,V 4 9 e Coming Next Week! Watch for Announcement! Bout Ob The Kim ball OPEN UNTIL 9 PJM. MON. PfUl-MIAT. VN’HL 8:9(L Ciist«Nai|r S stiB fN ^ o n ’* Cttm itigi PMchat . . . . . 5 faN Hns 99e AUNT JEMIMA IN PERSON- • PnO Iiumnnee Cbverag* ' Fancy, Cllngg . . . . T«L Ml 4-0450 GIANT PANCAKE JAMBOREE! AfIPf 6:00 P.M. :| ^ r ra lh W msoii Oil ...... <|f. I H 82. BALDWIN ROAD 713 M AIN ST. O Pm m JL 9 FM . THURSDAYS Mlf4>i4B-wMI9r5390 1 MAMCBGSTER.'CONN.

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J.* ».4 » W:* - ...... T ,* i**' «*»' • i ‘ A A 4 .f. rf" d . • . „ . w-.M i . N- / I -

"t ■' -- . _L . ■ ■ . - . • . , Ij ’- .AJ;- ' ,•( ^ ' -.1 • PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTEll EVENING HERALD. MANCHEgTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, NOVEBfBEB b' 1968; . . . y ; ::a. IlilMCtfSSTtUi KVSKING HKRALD.'MAI^CHE8TGB. CONN w WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8,195t pAdB .raSnStokB If LIITLE SPOKT M r KOAiaUiH^ OUR ROARHINjP, HQ(J^G ‘ arith M/UUR HOOFtB m and 44 feeUng far the gaat,' 'Our IHS BOOK you RDRSOTx-T bmieet eaa combine the elg«M «)» Sense and Nonsense new In a way Viat win >make fliem, ^5 HOW COULD Z hand SRRco *0 rJJHfW'D YOU 0«T rrf ^ The I * M ^ ants AND-neavcLEfiE mueh mora mdividuaiiatie. (SRiaVOUSLV ADOUT THS VALO*, And think of an the fun #ouea y i OF THOSE STAMPS fK-FAP/Z-rillW ] Ho WISCONSIN AND Bargains: iM kaying Iranting through an- \ ic ^ * hLcM e s s rA^wpoNs Tlic beat throw with ^ the dice, nichta in a row? Docior Say$, O A S I.J L ' * ■ FELLOW OWLS SEEM DSSTtNSD Defendant—Well, Judge, .'ou aea tlqua ahepa, going to. auctions, / FOR AN OUTING DEVOID OF < 2VR*' veareold la to throw them away. •earehlng in attics, and ' E?J30VMENT/—DO'<00 sopposeI AND THERE'S A PROFESSOR I picked out a dreas for nr.y wife Listed by X" thlrangh duate. eaeond-hand 1 and had- to change-it twice. flMtMa DraaM w .> i.-.. L BEINS SWINDLED? PERK f W At THE C0UJE6B VWOt) Rather—But you wouldn’t mar ^ M gk EMafi FfM aye In search at be'auty left ov« HAPS Ig J - W «tEM Ci LAE TO ry a man Juat because he ie a : ------• - tite p u t—espeotaliy whMrifiey;dl«' BANTLY OIL m HAVE ESTHIS HANDS ON 1T/ - 1 I :l#.- cover it hidden by V'dOMn coats tU , GIVE *)OLl food dancer? | ijttle Willie waa aUll aad ovU X Vj.'K Ey EDWEN E. M«DAM, H J^' ' -I'll' ■ , '.i SOLICI Polly—Oh, no. Jack, ia clever at! father's drowning the extra kittanf; Written far NBA ServiM of paint Or a M innt of dust and Af.LEY OOF look into « n s FOR IT/ '! \ \ I l.-l I 1 BY V. T. H A M I.IN % bridge, too. I ao to placate him they permitteo lypleat of many Inquiriea 1 ra- grime,' (All HgM M deervu, NEA Servkse, WHO GAVE you OeDERS. n e v e r h e a r d I KNOW NOW.' I'M AW. GU2'D/ •------! him to go along to church to see eeiva on high blood praaeure ia m . Mltclirll 9 4595 T LURE US AFAR / HV KiN OF;'IM. BUT SpRE t DO.' 'SA NEVER In the struggle for atomic au- the christening df ^ twin baby V O I ■ . Don*4 SAy 'H ello' - utnity laveetmeat - llMiiltaBivlait Dominates . one from Mra. X. H. Among m e .) T'REMOVE FROf'^ WWV'D HE plot FOR THEM stand FOR] premacy the world ought to quit sisters He waa well-behaved until '- ’When your phone rings say, "It's We suggest the purchase‘Of a Perfection Pliif) ■- •.■'•X/. ‘NliveBiber GMU WdikH Sdt * other things, she sake whar la a f<«N'NV1l.i,&^3K ftJHTl MOO th is LARGE/ TO CONQUER- ANY TWINS while it’s ahead. i he saw them approach the" chriaU Wards by Jui^ter" smd If MONT- UTIUTY HOLDING COMPANY, r' Every magaaine thia month ie normal-blood preeeure fftr a Slow Saw 1$ Saving DINJOSWJRF MOO.' LIKE THAT Sr— - I ening font filled with \v*ter, when fJOMBRY WABD CXJMPANY U selling to yleli) 6.8!2 per cant. In­ brimmlnp- over with -table Mttings an of 4S, and what eaUsae Puuled Judge—But why did you j he cried out. "Say . mom, which •n the other end of the line you'll aod-'. recipda for making your X ehould like to make ItriBear s»»«f mm« Si ti«r sritfelBSS!;’ break Into 'Die same store three one you gonna keep?" receive a esmh prize; the Jackpot formation regarding this company Canberra — Research with hard­ M ff tnt .#■* rwkbi.4ttfY7> I may be had by writing or calling lijiiblieglvlng bay dinner .unfor­ first that everyone has bWod pres- wood in Australia indicates that a as of Friday was $65. fikch day the gettable. It-vdll'be if you order the eure. Thia It the ntdiiure which store management calls aeveral COBURN AND MIDDLBBROOK. slower saw spee6 h u multiple ad- INC., 629 MCin St. Mitchell neiheet, juteteet, -tenderest TUR­ the flow of bloo^Xnrough the ar- vaniagea ifi tlpaber cutting. Teats numbers at random from the tele­ KEY or CAPON or ROASTING teriea axarts ewllM walu of thoaa phone ,directory and if there are 8-1105, f . / - • showed that lowering the rim D aily O ossw ord Puzzle CHICKEN fromvLYNN POULTRY blood v^jKV. The amount of speed of the Saw from 10,000 i*jet no dally winners the 55 .pierdhan- Don't be a fFuIt-finding groucht FARMS atore In the Parkade. pireaamw'ao exerted is infltlenced per minute te 7,000 feet per min­ dlse ce.'tlflcate ia added to next when you feel like finding fault Lynn Poultry Farms supervise and byfaetora. Including the ute, while holding the feed-roller day’s total. Make a king and queen feed their flock scientifically to iticlty of the blood veaseli out of your favorite friendliea! with somebody or something stop speed constant, etabUlMd the saw Bde _ for a moment and think; there is br ng you the finest poultry pos- them iet^ and the thrust of the blades end Ineruaed the useful FOONCES . Answer to Previous Punic aalesperaop. Thqy will win prizes very apt to be something wrong •sible, direct from nearby CON­ heart as It beata Okwlng time. It "also lengthened OFF THE Literary Lesson At the end of three months , the within yourself. Don't permit your­ NECTICUT FARMS. Cali Mitchell Most rekders are familiar with the time between sharpening 42 n f W> ROPES . employe , In the New England dia- self to ehow temper, and always 9-8351 and teH EaH Johnson, Man­ the fact that the physielah ax- per cent, cut the' horsepower need • u— w*>au»wem*I^Mf • ifH HH* Ty hf «l. *M W. AGAIN* , trlct receiving-meet votes will get ager, how many you ar serving presse* the blood preesure In two .... .lusMEMkeeka m~ remember that when you are in 50 pe.-' cent, and reduced electrical A • .-'eAAeeHlEuU ACEOIS DOWN a tripvfor two to Bermuda. 'VOTE ■“i r ------the right, you can afford to keep for dinner and he'll reserve the seta of. figtirea. One is the hiadi consumption U per cent. U —S aS 1 CARNIVAL tPairy queen I Bright uyingt OFTB5N. Guitopiere may vote each your temper, and when you are'in size bCst suited for you. SATIS­ level reached as the result of the kiife AgnlifiE pirn. iWy t***/ FKI.snU.A’S FOP BY AL VKKMBKR BY DICK TURN S Mine entrincc day .during the conLeat. Get ballots the wrong you cannot afford to FACTION g u a r a n t e e d . contraction Of the heart, and tha *inoH RBAi’ from Any Ward’s employe. Make lose it. i ^ tfthey ia. the lower level when the YU •TMEY n e v e r S Spsniih When we refer to the "high ee uiAfien. Tiny <•«« aw*li ‘ ( WELL, essayist . drsmsliit yourself eligible to WIN A PRIZE > —j. J. Reynolds Order Your Chrlstmaa Cards heart IS relaxed. ■aaa,'' we mean all seas which are PICK OUT TUAT U Poet's product 4 Aleott’s YOURBELF by writing in ten Step into TRIO COLOR PRINT­ The high leva! la called tha not the property of a particular htei IdV or Belt Ham tkadm. B O Y S FOR . ANYTMING' W AS THE 13 Portent ^ 'Uttie words {or lass I hovif Wards may ERS, INC., 21 Maple Street, D O N ' T I NEVER! Come In for Your Free Gift ■ystollo preaaura and the lew la country, being. beyond the three- iCm Celt mmmtmmt mkm F I R S T U Pseudonym of gprsyer ending better aerve you as a customer. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE, p„ge through the CHRIS'ntXS mile limit. "High" here la In its S E E M Good Luck! called the diastolic. T O L I K E TIME 713 Main Street, ia celebrating CARD ALBUMS to find >fst the There Is often significance not older meaning of "public" ae It WKOON DRUG CO. ME! T Abstract being 23 Portincitien 41 German lyrics Its 5th ANNIVERSARY SALE greetings you want ^"kend this only in the figures of these two alee is used Iq highways, which 8^1 MAIN ST,>-An 8-5881 •( Oa E Bolshevik 24 Heap 42 Mast A few drops'Of red food coloring with a free gift of packaged soap year! You’ll find thptfghtful Inter­ pressures, but in the difference really are public ways. tCImiaaary leader 25 Shield 43 Nimbus will deepen a sauce made from for eversrOpe who comes into the pretations of th»'''Natlvity, gay, between them. IS Plowcr parts t Seaweed 26 Defeats 44 Bread tpread pink rhubdrb. store -tomorrow, Friday and Sat­ full-color d esi^ s that are eloquent It Is someUmet difficult to state 30 Feminint and merry,-v-priees begin at $2.25 appalls tion 10 Bearing 27 Clergymen 40----- urday. Buy a washer and get a exactly what la the "normal" 1 1 .— back 28 Goddess Lindbergh Raisin'Bread Sales Month FREE SUPPLY OF SOAP to foi 25 c a :^ with name im-orlnted .pressure for an Individual at a n Writer, Carl November 1-SO 'has been desig­ ■ Doren rider 29 Bird's home 47 Always launder 1,000 pounds of clothes. up ta-$33 for iOO cards. Open Mon­ particular age. However, there «"EmeriId Isle" ” 31 Handles 40 Pedestal part nated : as * national Raisin Bread “Westlnghouse” .appliances are at d a y to Friday, 8:30 to 6:30 and are certain figures which are gen­ 34'Cate manuscript 3.7 Law maker SO "----- Sales month. At the PIN E lowest prices ever, with 1959. mod­ ■^turday open until noon. erally recognized aa being above 36 Vecstabla 19- SO Gtelic bard Gentlemen of PASTRY' SHOP, 658 Center St.i els arriving soon. . Now you can or below the average. 37 Males Antoinette 40 Belief Verone" you’jr flncf plump shapely loaves get' a' 1958 de luxe model for less For a man to. remain a bachelor, Another point which ehould be- 30 Light of RAlSiN Br e a d , fragrant and than the price of standard models calls for a cool head—or cold leet. fnentioned in thie connection «c n-« r i ! r T deliciously' filled with nourishing at beginning of the season. NO —Hal Chadwick. TEEN-AGE GIRLS NEED LESS T«l »«« U* >.l 0» ULtiJUUk ’ti fH n " -----Under r i 6 IT that people who make their first . the Elms" raisins. When you sniff the tan­ DOWN. PAYMENTS required. vlait to the phyatcian are often MILK THANTEEN-AGE BOVis iM Metric IT” 15 ll talizing aroma of cinnamon and Your old refrigerator, washer,,- dry­ A' Bright Idea excited- or nervoue and thia may I.OSG SAM ■pices you'll place a standing or-, er is youi* trade-in^ Take up to For weddliws, birthdays anni- " " ------BY Ai. c.*yPF .u j r;(>n i,cr5^Kr:Rs measures iT 14 h Increaae the height of the blood IS Handsome dcr for RAISIN BREAD. Perfect THREE TrEARS TO PAY. . versaries or ^ ristm a s giving, the presaure. Conaequently. a alngle perfecrion Is reached "Georges Brlard" line of CfftTSTAL THt nagsiNT reenD -y e n SLEEPIN' IN IF I DO THAT, MAW-I'LL IF ITS A n-nSAL. GHOST, ITU nian A 19 N for . sandwiches, for breakfast 8437 recording may be deceiving, and w^ A N P a n 3S Compass point toast, RAJSIN .BREAD accom­ in Uds-^qmbinatior of lovely lace WITH GOLD patterns fired on has I yen 9eo 6AFe OUST 5HIWEP AN'SHAKff RIPS ni0HT THKOU0H THIS i . Next time you whip mashed 4-14 ytt. physicians like to have several TOVMaD gM trM ggeiAag WHEN I 50UNP WHECe IN PFP, WONPgRlN' WHAT 37 English school li W: 2i ?5 panies afternoon tea or coffee to sweet potatoes with butter, cream an^mne eifibroidery! Make a set Just been uncrated at HARRI­ measurements taken at different ANO mHHTHooo atacAm 5AW THIS ROPB. AN'IFirlSW'T-IP 30 Roster perfection. - . and salt, add a dash of’ ground ’treasure-chest' linens for SON’S, 849 Main Street. “Georges An exciting three piece school­ timea before reaching a conclu- VEP MAW KIN IT WA6 .never FFEUIN' PeTTFP TIE THIS 6NP w _««_^ . *• > Vrtltv* /vsirn tiSA »*• row n-I ff-cr4 vflo rr t Briard" is the foremost name in THE aauT aAfoarMiu of whatever 40 Sinclair Lewis' iL P 27 U !9 allspice. Or substitute orair your own use It ia thesa who ara coHsiota w e fACT th at 4S Holy 1 tern-to Anne Cabot, The Manches- to the glass serving plate. Titer- A5CA/RT 40 Holy land MUTUAL FUNDS available at Hurrv to ^HERWIN-WIL- kit, % yard; blouae, I S yards. oonaidbred to have high blood onttmiro o r m tim o tt 44 tei Evening Herald, 1150 AVE. esting, different. There are ash Send Thirty-Five Cents In coins •I Uncle Tom’s your New York Stock Exchange LIAMS CO., 981 .Main Street, for trays, compotes, tier servers also pressure or hypertenalon. Dur TO- ( I fa m a 'big. roomy SCRAP 'N Needlework Album? It contains holidays. Several different varietiee are 55 Cross ' a frown. ^ -SNAINAP BOOK, a neat RECORD Size. Add 10c for each pattern for recognized. However, perhaps dozens of pretty designs in cro­ firat-class mailing. JUDD SAXON RY KKN BAIJ) and JUHRY KKONDHlUl.D “We like the intellectual type employe hare— the one 50 Individuals ft r HOLDER and a 3-RING 2IPER chet, knit, embroidery and sew; Look Pretty Above .Thanksgiving the largest group afflicted has who knowB which tide hie bread ic buttered on!" STThetter sign Bteakfaat Soup and BINDIJR. Bach has a gay, num­ plui directions for one knit and Table With your pattern order enclose what is known as essential hy­ c a l l i n g o n y o u a iN T While many canned cqn^nsed' bered design on .it to paint your­ WILROSE DRESS SHOP, 601 35 cents more for your copy of the pertension, tha causa of which la I VVA5 JU S T LfA VIN G I JU l i a c a n n a s o three crochet items. Only 25c a unknown. ‘ UT I THOUGHT 1 ^ HEARS A KEV soups are stocked wlth/generous self with the numbered oH paints copy! Main Street, has unoacked the Pall A Winter '68 edition of Basic ^ibuNifviDP O w tdrew B. C chunks of meat, the..4-3a- THB HIDDEN-BALL PLAY. add to the overajl'prbtelo content each, regularly $2.98 each. One Say It with Color lively solids like Chinese Red cannot be given a great deal of CPWAiRtlDMt A pJfiPEUi J IN A CLO SET and keep the refrigerator clear of customer spied them, Friday and We all onjoy color We w ant: WedgewTOd"Blur In'^riz^^^^^ tn'is! help. At the present time many It’s Natural T n E S H M I L K c leftovers. Minced ham. criimbled bought 12, Just like that. You ' our homes to have the attracUve, | also 10 to 20 the prices ar# 914,98 To want to look especially at­ Itnea of attack are 6pen and the bacon or strips of chipped beef also will, too. for the children end stimulating qualities that color | to $24.08. You’ll want a new dreas number Is constantly Increasing. make fulsome garnishes for Soup young adults on your 1958 Christ- provides. • PAUL'S PAINT SUP-1 for the holidays. Trv some of these tractive and well-groomed aa the Soma achieve the beet resulU o’ the,^om lng. mas list and 1959 Birthday list. PLY CO., 645 Main Street, has on, 'They are styled with lni>nlra- festive holiday season approaches.' with a dietary reglma which usu­ DRINK J GlASifS [VIRY DAY Q TX7*rTrtoTrxt> \»f a r t ' jjQyj ^ * Whether you are going to the ■Phoenix” INTERIOR WALL ally consists of foods low In salt jFOdSHES to complement your Junior Prom Saturday, . to the BushneU Monday oe to your fa­ , content. Some do .beat wafier dnUg '’ furnishings and”” ydiif' home's oc­ The Fren^ phrsse, court boiiil'- I management. There Cki« r A'^i»n- m m cupants! . These modern paint vorite restaiirant, you can still lon, often seen In American cook­ tal'.e advantage of PERMANENT he.r of euch drugs, both 'hew and Ilf 'i- finishes come ip vlnyi latex FLAT ing directions, means a a*ajoned I old. .-.'.,.,1 w T WAVE SPECIAL at SCHULTZ 1 ENAMEL and satiny SEMI- fish broth. I Another ihethotf .iH aJ^tm ent 7/-5 GLOSS. So, freshen up the rooms BElAim ’ SALON, 965.,. Main consists of stglMinE iJUMmHiftlcu- n o r for Thanksgiving. This paint is GIfU and Cards for 8|>eclal Street. Their 60th Anniversary Special of $11.50 Continues,. feg- |Iarly the opemU^i/eMfijiR ideal for walls or ceilings. Brush Friends I paUwctoiny. 'T hisitM lnM t: W or roll on. it's a prinier, sealer F. E. BRAl", Jew'eler, In the ularl.v $17.50. Each orie Of the Involves cutting certain nervSA is BUZ SAWYER C'Wi Mw Y»t NmU «m. talented operators here is a BY ROY CRANE and finish cokt all in one. i State Theater-Bldg*, is a Vnatural" based on the intention of causirq! ------[for gifts that can say “ nothing's specialist in the beauty ' field. tiny blood yaesels to relax and Tf BUOS BUNNY Go 'alow in adding salt to a Food" in the tendereaf way. OPEN ALL DAY ARMIBTICB thus atuffing for meat-or fish when the F’'eclous HUMMEL ..PTGURINES DAY. Bring daughter In fpr a deft I GOTTA^ EH, LOOklT TH' THE A fiW r/ ' ‘ eWaie iip ■.* I I iJilli[Wiijs*iil;^'..‘:^3V''--"* «91 MAIN B TR eSl^N cxf^ Gke Co, FIG6ER A GET OFF AT, stuffing base Is made from sailed * heart-tugging raopeal that hair siiap'ng and trln»ml«vr Call ' 1 . * ' , J-*” . DUCKS IN TH' p^GWEAT ECOTTl. THE NEXT eiiyi Mitchell 3-8951, T' LATCH PARK, FUPWy.' cracker crumta. - i 'e***- This year HUMMEL ‘ ■ ___ _ -1 CHRlSTtMAS CARDS are available fr b b pa rk in g in REAR^v Olve grapefruit halves a Jiretty hv the famous artist-nun Berta Saute eggpJaVt ; add tomato Riilb-M U Iett t^eh'i Center each with a tew, oummol, now faultlessly repro- sHcea^and flcrVa with broiled laMb — S S a -T mm ' 4 . . cubee.'or red Jelly, a maraschino Hlcrious color, box of 25 chops for a comjtany supper.' Or Airtlqtim Are Importeilt-^^.' cherry alnd a sprig of fresh mint, (all one design) $1.25 or 16 a.ssort- broil the vegetables If yoq like. • THIS IS ME IN M Y or.|i round of peeled orange. ed cards for $1. Choose CHRIST- Even In MedemliMc Homes MAS CARDS TO BE IMPRINTV'P There's a boom In antiques thUe Improve Your Game, days that the dealers themselves' Cheer Up! from in-stock designs or from the NASSIFF'ARM S COMPANY, Does your home have pre-winter several albums available. find hard to explain, : . 1015 Main Street, haa top^.qualltV Perhaps it means (hat many bluet ? Don't despair. MAN­ BOWLING SHOES for men and K ate Greenaway CHESTER UPHOLSTERY COM­ Plaallo Garment Bag FREE Americans hav*. itvsfi with etfegm- women, together with r e 1 a t e d lined modem fumiturs and deoera- PANY, 24 Bireh Street, haa lota of You don’t heed to be reminded bowling needs. Ideal to atgrt yop thinking about that summer suits and toppers Hona'''long enough to- havs found giving your home a” tonic like the should be stored away clean, after them a little cold mid hard to lave. a "MARTINIZING" treatment that Something for the Mome Possibly by adding an old mir­ vitamin of fresh DRAPERIES, Another shipment of "Three MICKEY FINN SLIPCOVERS or trim UPHOL­ cleanses thoroughly. Greasy soots ror here, a utin glass bowl there, THIS IS DADDY BY LANK LEONARD STERY. They rebuild, restyle will weaken iioersfibers anaand invneIn'vite Mountaineers" SMOKEY PINE the graceful lines ot an old love THT.1BL.' adeessorlea for the home has ar­ seat or a pair ot old andirons a I F ia AS P I'D TMeMt ONLY ONE MORE ^'|»RT> MKHKI/K .furniture and MAKE IT t o , ">‘»*hs You don't want that to hap- BY DICK C A V A L l.r YOUR ORDER. AU work is ! HOUR rived at WATKINS, 936 Main modem house with its functional ‘*?aaJ!!S!PJ52” this time ' *COMARD80IEMANV gtiaranteed?' Liven up the house j here helps you accom- Street. These fine handcrafted furniture-and up-to-the-minute con­ -CARRVIN'^TW ,, , I'M COIN' TO TELL 'EM THI6WN0T1ME 'O U C A N T B E A T ) PICK pieces include framed mirrors, veniences may gain warmth .and TIMe?9BEFE3RE THEIR 7 ~ ^LOGIC UKE THAT / <**U- for Thankaglving. Call Mitchell J TO ASK BORA OEAmSiTHEVIALIANT 9-9521. You d V t have to ow n' 5."^"®"*" *° st 20 East clocks, shelves, ornamental plant­ charm and the look that modem RAise.Momy. , NEVifR TASTE OF an oil well! Center Street. Your garment ia ers, scoops and servsrr. Tasteful decor so often lacks. MEDINA PCATH BUrONCE.* encased in a PIASTIC GARMENT additions to a room, they make .But whatever the rtaaon for tha That dried beef you buy in small BAG,'an ideal container for hold­ choice gifts. .revived Interest In the fine crafts*. packages or Jars usuaily comes ing. out-«f-season clothes until next manshlp of the past, It It all to the from beef round and has been year, Tpls romoanv has Us own Cut small fresh pineapples In good. It's important for the old "TWO HOUR SHIRT SERVICE half and remove the insides: be things to find new homes, for their i brine-cured, llgktly smoked and PLANT at 299 West Middle Tpke. beauty to be restored and again dried. sure to leave the plumes on each cherished and enjoyed. The streamlined equipment and -half. Fin the 'pineapple shells with handlitK turnip out professional curried chic Ken and top with The craze for purely functional Stack .slices of txHogha, casing work. 'The men, In the. family will furniture swept the country be­ removed, with a mixture of cream slivered or diced toasted almonds. like their shirts done the "MAR­ Serve with steamed rice, crisp cause there was a real need to and Roquefort cheese; chill and TINIZING'’ way. Shlrta' may be make family life easier and more cut in miniature pie-shaped wed­ bacon and. cubes of the fresh pine­ left at Eaat Center street plant, apple. - . Informal. But we went a little over­ F.l u d l ges. Serve m Snack food. too, but not If you must have two- board Yolr modem efficiency and / r hour* aervlce. ‘ our houses too often looked more Olve V«ur HMne a U ft Oozy PaJamM for OhUly Nlghto 'MF- For sweet dreams, MARI-MAD's, like display, rooms In furniture MR. ABERNATHY ' i l l Cushion jrOur step in luxury. Yoii can qulcltly’chfll a gelatin stores than like, homea. IIY RALS'l'ON JUNES and FRANK RIDGEWAY r»l»'rAIN KASY Make things pleSsant for the at- 691 Maln'Street, h u tnssty-warm This new appipeiation for an­ ______B> I F S U K I'U RN K P mixture for a nie filling before PAJAMAS FOR BOYS AND POOR klO„.LIVING ^ Are You home days ahead with a new. NY­ beaten egg white* *."pr Wbln>^ tiques will help toyhange that de­ TM AFRAID 9 0 . DON'T YOU SORKV TO TROUtLE VOUi'T SURE'. SLLBN JUST LON or ACRILAN CARPET from cream are fo’ded ln,*-py putting GIRLS, toddlers to size 14. It'll be ficiency. X KNOW THEREte A LAW AGAINST I® WITH THATOGRBl BUT THE ROAD 16 IMPA65-\ PHONED TO BXfKT MANCHESTER CARPET CBN- nq tuh.to.get thym ready for bed! For with the new an^funcUonpl HOPS THB H0U5C ABLE, CAN WU rut It > over ice and water:-stir occa­ They'll,love to "(IreBs up" for the FEEDING BEARS'INTHIS PARK? l»CL05B,ORWB {TEN, comer Main and Middle sionally to Keep Jellying uniform. for comfort arid the <6d U t bfauiy Tpke. 'What a wealth bf ehadtte, baby sitter of an evening,There Aind watch -he. mixture so It are perky new prints in soft cot­ patterns, weaves and tektiltes. doesn't get pest the sLght Jellying Miracle, ifiylon or acrll'an (tW n stage you need. x-'i, ' ton flahnoietto, also ekl pajamu ttUfhtenei* . fit snugly, won't stretch and have pMtraml laadwleh with JC ^•THI9 QUIZ FOR’WOMEW ONLY: ptodeuced. -gtalf, ■ -yUh an estab- Lring them tO/J W. HALE SHOE potato salad. ltah4.d bM^fgrdwail In the mm busi­ ’grow"'features for extra Ma­ ' V '- ■ REPAIR, -wtwre you'll got the son's w ur. Youngsters stay warm ness, cad'sulvte^ Uiatall atuTguar- Jcind - of .service and attention a » • yon Do you a te ii' a Do "‘you givut'llfl^' antes aatiafaeU w -lW y: have good and cosy even if covers get kicked quickie a I m o.« t whipped e > e ^ p Vfilued customer dese^^. Enjoy off. . ,, ARTHUR'S aW 'i about jxleasant B U lklB t ....iisitto ii...... ii I'..I,. DSddy dear, come over here and overy .Z8*MBU 'comfoii end charm aee me in my Kate Greenaway ,4A^tl'Bie .fbr-Thanksgiving. Remove Wailyaper Stataa dreas. This oqie ia cotton aatin, Jr poeet-T. p«M ft gum' JOHNSON PAINT OOMPANlT. Ask for your ''Ijucky 7" catd. highly poliahed; Has an Empire 4* . ' H:. 'It -'seeM to,imr'’*w*i'._ian': never 758 Main Street, eurlei "WHBA’T walat. on a drawstring, and a BBfwce. T.ti. llyou'iMSTrer TyM“ to any 8 of these qneatteae, you AVq Mmgo- give -up■ a«k longing Abg 'A.a^ wishing'whUe » « « PASTE RIMOVBR” for romov- sweetheart of a neckline. Aqua THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE ImiMiHled dirtsisiias Garde Ing stains due tb the presence of. BY WU/SON.SCRUUns JBFF COBB N r Bavy . . . aad Eavy la really made fer yew, No tOmr- girdle we are thorouj>ughly alive. There are Select yoitf personal Chrlstmaa or pink. Slses 1 to 8, 54-55. by HBTK HOFFMAN but Eavy by Venus giveo yen twin panel free acUoa■■ 8 bai^ free; certain thingsI weTeel to be beauti-beauti­ wheat past* from water-proof Slsee 3 to 5x. 55A5-' Risee 7 to THBkl EV6SY ... A MENTALLY Di«TURBED PATIENT atrlde d ^ gn , aelf-adjimtiBg walat i ful and good,, and we' must hunger cards at DBWET/rRICBiMXN wallpaper. E u y to use, th% fiSe VIEWER WILL OOMPANX, 7«7 Main Street, anfi 14,57.55..- ---- WE WOWT BE ABLE ■RECEIVED A visma;..r; mw,'..AUTHSIXClTE-^ INWS ^NY ^ DEFINITELY.' "' after them. ■iM makM three qiwrts of. cleaner.; HAVE fO $SW0 p T T'NIGHT HASTUCKBR6^ M r avoid that last ntlnutc rush. .‘Tl5.'f.l TO nwb A church bis HERE? JOAN 14 —George Eliot -W -w A FRESBut' «0UTJ...FE6L..»0...WEAK.... eHANS?0N AIX ElOtlRE TVPBIChri^ttES ;»-4P Look out for grapefruit that h u EWOUOH TO ACCOMMODATE LOUISE 'K X Ik a « T E R IS ) HERE IN -miS Get More tk |ag a Dejse THE ' :RUSA0ER‘. \ VVONT LIKE ^ . ,* r e s the'1% of Eeaating a puffy and spongy apt>earance be- '■ M AUOFOUR FRIBJDS,' HERB. 4MB WANTS TO^/tOUNTRVt ARE VOU t The next few weeks ahi bound CEE YOU./------'‘ r SURE, AtINT MARY? MIGS ^NNING? ) THEM EITHER/ niEMEMBER THE v n riN a IS A,4nOF, MW-Hala f tr e e t There i t f l UlM ««~'1l!leainlng- d am am with or Center Street (in they Jiarvls Break up lito Rootlu “ RtUiout matotdng -aRphttl, a 1 e o Block) will eissuina .youV laundry T rut tha. family to dinner at ;haiT«dl^. moUfa te rich ttttQsaa chores for penniaa actuallyi Tour MILLER’S RJUrTAURANT, 10 Be A \W0AL. W A B IO M Tirust wouMlf in .' Chooae roun<|, a g tta £ nice s t i ^ attractive eow , ydur. nieaet thing* herA Would lOWidiflVB^JirfbiUeiii MrviCe, and 6Hdp ikRtT -tlS;.- . S « » Q 8 . v ‘S T ¥ ! i n » ’7 S like it damp driedlog eo;iiptct.f pleating prices, pining room opens rXAWAV ^ :^QRSEt SHOP W BlaANtCBTB here IgthTbU buy VUIPP ]»Hn> ' find nafitly at four In the afteneoii.,,. deled P A T lD D m O H i|M .eiH. hiara and only .15 a ld-‘,etflrii. away, •WtaJ?--.. 4 .-' 'i r v M — your.uti^ ia Bka hav- m m . aad U»*-«av

:-ii ♦ ■ --‘t’ :~'j[ .;V "/'issfe *r V ' *'• K' ?* • '* ' ♦ ' • * • « >. ♦- k . #. .’I

HANCHBSnn KVENWG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER B, 1958 PAGE TWHNTT-PIVB MANCHESTEB EVBNINO HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, ^96S IV FA <^ TWBNTY-FOtJH THE D a d ’ s Herald Angle ft$ Expect 10,00itt Entries s^rriving Red Ember Sponsors Entry MHS Top-Ranked Dick Thornton Named EARL YOST Three First taprt* Edito* For HoHoW Race Jn Soccer Event For Non - Lwp In State Basketball League Onjfe in « Million Quarterback Ftrat entrtea for the tthd nu' For Backfield Honors ■tog *f the five Mile Half Tallies Manchealer High School's One in a million Quarterback is the tag placed on Johnny Football Came B y PAT BOLDUC f formed me that h* haa aaarehad undefeated soccer team waa Race in Slsncheeter Thi Thanks to sportsmlnded Sam everywhere, even out of town, for top-ranked In the State (UAC Unitas, the brilliant field general and passing whiz with.the giving morning have been re^ Carilli, owner of the Re(J Ember, a hew sponsor but without sue-, York, Nov, & (/P)—Quarterback Dick Thornton, a pre- Baltimore Colts. Unitas, whose right arm has_triggered the ceived. Honer of sending In the" C'lasa A-B Soccer Toiimament cociouA kid who lied about his age when he reported at North­ Storrs, Nov; 5— Husky will R t. 8 and 44 In Bolton. M anches­ cess. Both Mac and I were more Settle CCIL which gels linilerway Erlday Colts to' a perfect record this f*fr fn the Western Conference fight Husky at Storrs Satu.r- first goee to Ib-yenr-old John­ ter will be represented by another than willing to lend a helping hand western two years ago so no one would know he was only ny Poeton of Waterford High. afternoon. Others In the of the Nktionai Football League, was picked off the sandlots day when the Connecticut fine semi-pro basketbell team dur-'.Ni^d ,we feel certain that th* sport strong field are West Haven 17, is the Assdeiated Press back of the week for the second He was list last year In the Ing the 1958-59 season. Carilli and1 w(lll prosper w-ith the proper pro­ Three first half goals car-; in 1956 and immediately rose to stardom. Today the young Huskies take on the North­ aeid of 78 starter* for the ried the undefeated Irtit once-i (2), Wetherslleld (S), Green­ *time this season. Mrs. Mac Bauby. who manages the motions, At least we are going to wich (4,. Glastonbury (5), and rifle armed throwen 1* conaidered'f' eastern" Huskies in a Dad’s Nutmeg Forest, No. 118, Tail Red Ember, hsve agreed to spon­ give-it a sincere try." tied Manchester High School | A 6-foot, 180-pound sophomore the beat at pitching touchdowns in Cedars of Lebanon sponsored Windsor (fl). who marked hit 19th birthday- by Many Failed Dav game in Memorial Stadi­ sor th# club currently being lined Carilli got hia first taste Of baa- soccer squad to a convincing, 0|)cnlng pairings match the NFL. Unitas wai injured last um. Kickoff will be at 1:30. A run. up by veteran sports enthusiast ketball at Brown School in Hart- nderson Top whipping af pSIr of touchdown Bunday against Green Bay and will 3-0 victory over previously j Wethersfield against Green­ paasei as the Wildcat* lurpriaed statistics reveal the difficulty in crowd of 10,000 is expected. , Other .early entrant* were Georg* Mitchell. Mitchell will, tord and later with th# 8t. An- be sidelined for several weeks. This finding a quarterback among th* Bobby Kwash, former Manches­ serve as the new team's business thony s Men's Club in the Capitol unlieaten Wethersfield | wich and tllaslonhiiry against Ohio Stat# Saturday, Thornton re-' means that the Colt ace will not For Northeastern It will bit a X ■ ■ Windsor In a 'into contest at Sophomore desired draftees, much less among ter High star, now a freshman and booking manager. 1 City. But actually Sam’a keen In- trrrtsv ».flernnn *l Stillman P'lcld peated a* the nation's top back- be in action Sunday against the case of "shooting the works" as lerest In sports dates back to th* in wVthersflold Tlic ahiitom Iri- .Manchester High's new field. field star In a close vote with the discards, whence Unitas the Bay State Huskies wrap up nt Bostpn OoUegc; Richard Giant* at Yankee Stadium and no sprang. Since I960. 95 quarter­ Buscmlhl of Newington, who iihiph also RBA'c the iiiKh-si.ormK On .Monday IMancliCster will en­ Notre Dame's George lao and the teevee screen* in this area. one of their finest seasons in years. ejpit.'”.; f»T'"nUrr' c:;.'; -sr• .si'S '' ■s.isssis Indians Uicir tifth CCIL title iindei gage the Glastanliiiry-Winilsor In Apnual Poll Air Force Aeademyls Rich .Mayo. backs have been on thfe official Presently, Northeastern is 6-1. in­ will compote unattached; Lion­ nectlcut Baaketball - Assn. «n« other btgmao over three YC foes. In the sea­ Will Support. Strong Team dians have won seven straight ■ ...... Mf^rlRriif* 'Wea C ovlpgton of M ilwaukee W-lIdcats, who didn't win one last Luckman pitched strikes and TD'I c « A h e a . r v i." locals also captured top nonert in matches and yealerday s shiiloiil waiver list. tjy getting son's opener they clobbered Rhode "I have aiwayi been Interested finished second in the Associated season, were back in the Big Ten The current passing sensation a dozen years. Tittle. Layne and I.sland. 26-8; then shutout New in sports since I w-ss a youngsler." the* Plymouth, Mass.. Memorial waa the fourth m a roi^’ and ninth P ress poll w ith 22 votSii. He waa with Thornton leading them Conerly are now In their lUh iw)a- the blocking Tournanient I won tour games in of the aeason Overall the locals ' ChicaKo, Nov. 5 i;p)—Sugar Ray Robinaon's (iefen.se of bi.s was given a second chance by Don Hampshire and Massachusetts by Hockey at a (Hanee Carilli explained after announcing j middleweight title against Carmen Baailio ia in the making follmved by Joey Jay, alao of the out of the wilderness. Kellert, Colts' general- manager. sons. Van Brocklin and Blanda ar* [a4igie on hitn." scores of 12-0. his plana to sponsor a basketball one dsy) and were crown^ regular have Bcored a record-hreaking Braves, with 19. Tuesday's Results season champions in the Central goala while limiting the opposition for Chicago Stadium next February or March, Robinson'a I.«ngest In Records lYie latter was not seeking a quar­ 10 y ear men. Overall Record National League team. "Since buying the Red Em­ Six others were named. Don Never had a Northwestern team ber 14 months ago 1 feel that Man­ Connecticut League. Sponsor Nell to eight. terback In 1966, but bench « S *1 C3)lc*go 4, New York 2.' manager, Harold (Killer) .Jolrnaon said today. McMahon of Milwaukee drew built so big a bulge against Ohio strength as Ht haa George Shaw, Connecticut, on the other hand, chester Is my tow-n now- snd I Ellis spared no expense in trying Junior Rolhe CJlats, Krir Sw an­ also has a 3-0 YC record at the Eastern League .lohnaon, a Chicago rrataurant* seven voles, Dirk Farrell of Phila­ State, which hadn't lost s Big Ten Gary Kerkorlan and Cotton David­ Streak Snapprtl N o u^ sincerely hope 1 may h* able tp to give Manchester fans a first son snd Boh Goehrtng provided the owner, anid hr talked to Uftbinaouj delphia. six and John Roseboro of present tiro* and an overall record New H aven 5. Philadelphia 2. class club. ' i timely goals in yesterday s crucial today but Marry Markaon, manag­ gam e In the last 20. Yet It was son as his first three signal call­ Manche.stei’s Pete Close has Clinton 1. Washington 1. Sponsor and Manager Confer pity a small role In keeping bas­ In Now Yf»rk laal week. IjOS Angeles, Cal Neei.ian of ASlO AflB Yrie flUMeO of 5-2. The UConn Huskies have ketball alive locally. Manchester Mitchell and Carilli hav* an­ contest It marked Cllat?' 18th of ing director of the IBC, aald: 0-0 until the third period, when ers. When Shaw wa^ injured. finally loal a cros.s country racs International lastgiie Chicago, Juan Plzarro of Mll- a o o cosAMeNT^ o p Conference decisions over Mas­ Sportsmlnded Sam Cerilll (left), owner of the Red Ember Ree- always has been a good sports nounced that the club'a first ham* the year and the seventh for botli , A apnUi'.iinan for tliP iDtcrnH- "Robtnaon la abaohilely right. Thornton got a move on. It was a Upitas took over. And he’s been this fall. The St. John’s of Brook­ Fort Wayne 3, Toledo 2. 'vaiikee and Fd Bo'.chee of Phila­ ueeCNnas'/ ’b o c k n B sachusetts, 28-14; Maine, 21-6 and taurant in Bolton, and George Mitchell discuei prospects for th* tow-n and I believe the sports- game will be designated a* Family Bwanson and Goehring tional Boxmg ('lub aa>d that IRC There have been lalka, but nothing 67-yard pass play (longest tn the Colt's No. 1 quarterback ever lyn senior wa.s forced to quit be­ New Hampshire, 34-0. In ofllclal i Prpaidrnl Tnimriri (iib.sofV haa Jalk- delphia, one each. Wildcat records) from Thornton since. Also, the Colts, an "al.so cause of Illness In yesterday's 30th OP NOTBE P’AWSC' forthcoming 1968-.19 basketball aeaaon. Carilli ha* agreed to minded fan* will support a strong Night. Mom and the children will Not to Be Denied haa progreaaed beyond that. The Conference play UConn has a sponsor the Manchester entry (formerly Green Manori in th# be admitted free on dad'* ticket. n. . cd to Rf>binaon about au' h a fight mailer la atill very much up In the .Ade<|iiate IV rform anre to Ron Burton that junked the ran" club since joining the NFL. annual Metropolitan Intercollegi­ ON e V t •’YV’t Stev* Garban, Penn State's 195* | taam . •mi TWiNriifM^ game left with Rhode island at football captain, i* vice president | Connecticut Basketball Aian. and Mitchell w-ill continue in hie "Mitchell," the perionable Red Also, a halftime entertainment Manchester was not to be de­ Mllr'k ...... f;nihrrl "Hut no definite nrgotiatloriH a/t air " Anderson batted only .268 In shutout and fired the 'Cals. After almost overnight became a team ate Cro.sa Country Varsit.v Cham­ K ingston on Nov, 15. nied. The Indians were up for the j ni. 1917. Ills first y ear In the N ational CtNtURY NOV, q of the university student body. role of team manager. (Herald Photo by Pinto), F.mber owner eonlimied "has In- program haa bean planned. lioala Scored hv (Jlata, N\»ahaf»n, aiich have been alartefl. ’ hr afidrd In SyiRcuae. N. Y.. Baallto aaid that, Thornton kicked for a 7-0 to be reckoned with. Today, the pionship at Van Cortland Park. "Northeastern is no breather, match and Danielson's well-drilled Ot>d*hrJnf ; "Talka havr not reached the point the alte and date for the rematch League. And that waa an ade- lead, plunged for a 13-0 edge, pass­ (tolls no longer roll over and play Close, unbeaten this fall, waa the and they will be tough" ssid unit kept Wethersfield off balance i Ruhatltut^i* Marif'hf'nl^r t>'>r ni#r. quaie perfoimance considering ed to make it 19-0 snd tossed for dead for the likes of the Chicago defending champion. Hank Levin i'hurilla Harmll n^afrlon Wether*- of naming a afte or a date." ■'are all new to me ’ UConn coach Bob Ingells after throughout the afternoon. The I th at lie hit only .2'’5 in 88 gam es a two-point conversion and a 21-0 Bears. Detroit Lions, etc., Instead, of New York University was th* fl<*M Nnnd^rland Utimle; j Won, Ia»h1 THIe "They haven't mentioned any getting a firat-hand report from Eagles Juat couldn’t ma1hl(iln s money yet." the former onion for Schenecladv of the Eastern rout. the Baltlmorians stand at the individual winner while Manhat­ Asilitent Coach Larry Panciara. •teady attack. ! RaailiO Won the crown from Rob farmer aald. League in 19,Ki. The 27-year-old The upset was Thornton's big­ head of the class with an excel­ tan won the team title. Close first who has scouted Northeeetem The Indiana' forward line pass­ Erancliisc Sliifls Inaon in September, IWftT. In New Baallio haa aaid he wanted a Ibflhanded batsman spent 19.15 In gest thrill to date, although he lent chance of gaining the post­ became 111 early in the race and Good Second Half Club several tlme.s. ed beautifully and kept opening ■ York ami lost it m a rematch laal third meeting with Rohinaon ^‘if military service. called it a team effort and In­ season playoffs. then again with .100 yards to go "VVe will have to be aharp and holes In the Eagles' defense which | Likely ill IHinors Mai-ch in (*liicagn Stadium. There the nglit arrangernenla ran be Anderson began pla.ylng organ­ sisted on making, sure everyone * ■ « 4> and he dropped out. Gerry Vlchi of playing for this gam*, to wjn." at times became completely dle- i haan’t been a knork^lown In their made," He aald he referred to aile, ized ball In 1913 w ith 'Ferre H aute, understood It waa Coach Ara Par- Manchester, and St. John’s, plareil cautioned Ingalls. The Huskies organlscd. It waa strictly a team 30 lounda of rhamfjionahip fight- time and money. Ind. of the Three I I.,eague. He seghlan who called the 67-.vard. Draft Cholera fifth in 25:51. Levin'* clocking was were riding high a couple of weeks victory for the CCID champions A« Mccliiip OpciiK ing. lives in Rising .Sun, Md. and holds TD play. But It was Thornton who 25:07. Quick Stjirt Hojpc ago and didn't take non-Conferenc* Acquisitions, such as Unitas, are s e e Majichester kept a ateady hold on i In New York. Rohinaon acknowl- a bachelor of science degree In made It work. as rare as a robin In Alaska. Most toe Delaware too seriously when Wethersfleld’a attack which aome- Mrmphii, Tcnn Nov. ft I edged that he and (ilb.aon had dla- I'liip I/Ofirg O ut health and ph.v.sical education. Paraeghlan tabs Thronton as a quarterbacks with currently NFL Off liic Cuff the roof fell in. tlmea displayed algna of confiiaion. FranrhiiA Rhiftii, nifrjfrra jeuaaed a Idle defenae but he aald Covington wpiind up the '18 quarterback who "doesn’t get entries were either bonus of high Norlhe**t*m boasts of one of Tie Eaglea simply could not keep Burr Carlson, former UConn the finest passer* In the Bast in and othar Rfffcllni? the 'nothing roncreie had been done Norfolk. Va, - Thla la the c.impalgn with a .330 ta'tlng mark rattled," a paa.ser who "has a fine, draft choices. The bonus Ijoys, all Of Yale Gridders any ateady pressure on the win­ basketball star. Is now coaching Junior quarterback Jim Hennessey. anDri* minor iFRgun EtnK 'turr may I about It. atoiv of the umplr« who loM, the along with 24 homers and 71 soft touch snd is excellent In anti­ of whom sre still active. Include ner’s strong and atiihhorn defen­ TAnult from R unAcinl nifrtinf: of RBIs. H ow eter, he wa.s ham pered cipating the action of hia receiv­ cross country at Hall High In West In seven game* to dale, Hennessey 'Mr. ffibaon and I have only had argument. .Jimmy Horton. 10. Bill Wade (Rams), George Shaw Hartford. . .Eddie Roamarin, for­ sive combine RAVpn hlfth rlftRRlficntlon rlrrulla , cmu ei sat Iona on the aubjeil." the by pulled muacles in both lega ers." and a player who "ha.s na- (Colts), Paul Horniing (Packer*) New Haven, Nov. 5-—These photo finislies Yale’s football has 27 completions in 88 attempts tearfully teallfied he thought he mer New Britain Teachers basket­ for 179 yards and seven touch­ N R MEN ONiy Thnists by the Indiana were al­ which opcncfl todny. !chnmpu)n aairl “I told him definite­ and participated in only 90 gamed. tu'ral ability, poise, and leader­ and King Hill (Cards). The No. team has put on in each of the previous four games this year ways dangerous even when they hit a home run m a baaehAll game. ship” ball whiz l.s the new Jayvee mentor downs. flppreAPnlaUvpR of ft4 tcarna will ly 1 would not fight Ihia year. The woman umpire, a neighbor, Jay won seven games and lost 1 draft picks were Bobby Layne in the Bowl may be great for spectator interest, but what settled bark In the second half to Rll In on Ihf two-day aenalona, Iso w as jii.at a step behind at Conard High In West Hartford Besides the pas.sing game, th* "I l.nve not aaid I would fight called It a foul hnll Tliere waa five. The 6-4. 221 poiinil rig h th an d ­ (Steelersi, Y.A, Title (49ers), ...RoPkvIlle High, under Johnny interests the Elis most at this moment is a quick, start. play a more defensive game 'Die Thf tinproccdcnlrd galhrilnjj er, who was given a 82O,0<)( bonus Thornlon in the voting by sports- Bay State Huskies play an aggres­ victors scored once In the opening firxl year. But If f d«> there will, other teatlmony that .Ilmmy a par- writers and broadcasters. The 20,’i- Babe Parilli (Packers). Lamar Canavari, started basketball prac­ In the last four game.s, Yale has-*------^------sive ground game, averaging 231 wan railed by Prcaldml Oorf;c have to be ( otiaidei able nioio talk-' enta. the umpire and her huahand to sign with .Mllwaii.iee in 1913. McHan (Cardsi, Ralph Guglielmi quarter and booled home two goals poiind, 6-2 .N’otie Dame .junior was tice Monday.. .Bobby Johnson, of not scored a single point in the and the Ells hung on b.v their fin­ ysi-d.s ru.shing to the opponents Traulman of Ihp National A«>ph over Harvard last week, For Thanksgiving The cup symbolizes the beat small against tough defense. Boston Col­ Is Billing for Cathy Machado the team which the previous Sat­ college football team In the F.aat. lege respected his defensive ability In J^umping Event urday upended Da.-tn.outh. Buffalo, .14-6 winner over Tem­ so much, no run or pass wss routed Penn beat Brotvn, a team which ple. rose_ frorii third In replacing Into his safety area. When Ice Capades of 19,19 opensi^as well aa doing a pair number New York, No'v '5 lA’i - - BUI defeated Yale early in the cam­ Carter's BUY YOUR NEW SUIT OR TOR COAT Lafayette, which downed Oettya- .loe Alberty, Arkansas fullback, at the Eastern States Coliseum, with Ronnie Robertson. paign, lost ■ heiirt-breal'.ing one- returned kickoff 77 yards, setting Bteinkraus, a handsome stock pointer to Dart louth and was I burg 19-13. Lafayette drew five West Springfield, on Monda.v, Dec. Ice Cspades will he at the Coli­ up winning TD In 21-8 upset over seum for one week starting Dec. 1. analyst when he's rot urging just nipped b;- Princeton. WORK OLOTHE& Man, here's a new brew the of the 10 first place votes from 1, Cathy Machado will again be OR MAKE A PURCHASE UP TO $40.00 selectors, but Buffalo profited Texas A * M. Mail orders ale now being ac­ horses over barriers of eisorted At Yale the thought 1* that from points in the lower positions, Also nominated were Billy billed as the leading female skater cepted at the Hockey Ticket Of­ ■hajpaa and *iae*. La captain of the turn-about- I* fair play. Laat year For Pffintors, likes of which you’ve never tasted The small eollege ratings, based Austin. Rutgers; Homer Floyd. in the show. H'owever, since her fice located In the Coliseum. United States Internat»rtm*nt *U* Household Goods 51 Room* Without Bpord 59 SpactoJitlng tn old -neora. w HOI lAairsi ^ibuNd 10 ■tovs, m^ple twin bet^ ..nd two. BatdiieiBS Loeattoui B o o m s for Sale , 72 Hdnses for 8aJ« 72 Honges for Sal* 72 _ Wanted— Real Eatatt 77 Lejpd Motie* B-S7B0 QO ov W TMAMMlMOr TOWN OF MANCHESTER btdroom sets. Phone MI M8I7. SEE US—F«e good quality used for Rent 54 MOT SDRCHlLVfffM.'lElfl ANDOVER tAKB — Economical FOR SALE—Two-family fiy*- hmm. a n t e d furniture, aterilited, repaired and XX USTlNUh W , alngl* and ^ AT A COURT o r n tO B A n bald at aBTSlCMANOTPHUm JUNIOR ENGINEERING GENTLEMAN — Furniahed ' roota OFFICE SPACE availabia at tdaal four room winteiiaed cottage with Reasonable, Mrs, Leslie' J. Las- two-famUy houaaa. Member ol Covemrr, wlthbi and for the Biatrlet 3 ASHES. RUBBISH, layrns raked, 14 WOOD STORM window* M (88, finiahed. Upholatercd - furniture, •t 4$ Church 8t. Coventry, on the 3rd day of Novsmbar. all kind., of general ^ r k and *«0M TOiW M0T«WE 4 size 21x88. Call after 4 p.m, MI location. t$9 Eaat Center Rt. op- fireplace, garage, unfailing water BAST HARTFORD —(While they bury, MI 3-0606. MLB. Howard R. Haaungs, Real­ AID rtlge, cheat*, dreaaera, beda, supply, M.400. CUtford Hansen, last). New ranch-hoihe*, $14,990. tor, Ml b iitn any Ome ADVERTISING light trucking. Moving, Jobe. 8-7480. apringA Utchen fecU (many Ai-^rnACTWE heated room'' near poaita Spruce. Call Ml 9-7177. , Present Elmore Turklngtos. Judge. $3,000 Ca s h asemnes '4(4% mOH- Prices reasonable. Ml '*•914.. ' 8* la ^ IS.TOi to $4,791 per an­ Realtors. MI 8-$463 and MI 9-6793. ■ (Completely.'' flftiahed). Built-in Estate of LlHtaa J. Ayer, lata e t chroma), deaka, erlfis, etc. Ap- bath, in qulat home, tor gebtlo- (XIMMERCIAL buaina*B or office gaga on thlg 6(4 room ranch with LUTINGS wanted tor all tj-pes of in Mid District, ^ecaaaad. after Junis 29 new number, >MI num. Experience in an engineer­ MYERS K h.p. single phase motor etove and oven, fireplace, ceramic The Adminiatrator having made writ­ pixton pump* Delivers 4W OPH st pUancaa, aparkllng clean, ilka man. Oonvenlent to Centor.. MI apace for rent. Up to MOO equate AUTUMN ST.—S bedroom icolo- attached giu ^ e, Owner MI $-1883. homes. For ■ prompt, efficient CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMLM DEI’T. HOURS *•0784. \ ing office or in surveying or con­ new, in cluding combination a-8$8i. tile bath. Full baaements, amesite ten application to Mid C^rt, te 8:15 A..M. lo 4:30 P.M. 78 Ibe. pressure, very good condi­ WIU eub-dTiiie. Mato St Lo­ nial. Immaculately kept inside drives, completely landscaped. sendee caU Oeasynskl-Felber eordance with the autute. for aa order HUX8' TELEVISION Service struction or technical 'school' train­ range* and apace heater* Spe­ cated pear Center. P lem | ^ p v h and out. Large living room with MANdrtESTER v— Bargain. Four Agency. MI 8-1409 or Ml 9-4291. of Mle of the whole or part of the real ing in draftlhg with knowledge of tion Used very. little. Can be seen PLEASANT, large,. clean, hpatod 1094 CQeiiA0EP~ auEESNMO postmarked or on file at the office Recreation room and den finished non St. 183x310, water. Also 274 hearing, and that return be made to LOST — Lsdy* wnul RIDERS WANTEDi-To Hartford. Disappearing Stairways 828.98 each or double, bealde bath with bow ­ drive. Call Owner Ml *-3806. In basement. Over 1,700 square feet • NOTICE or APPlsICATION ELECTROLUX OWNERS Prompt 088 AM AMIUIAMCE CASE of the General Manager, Manches­ AVAILABLE NOW! CJOVENTRY LAKH^-Year 'round Vernon St. I$3x200. Reasonable. Tbla ia to«VF notice* that 1. FRED this f’omi. Witch, black strap Vtrinlly Daily scheduled service from Canadian Framing 2x3 to er, free parking. MI 9-6740. of living area on a large wooded Harvey Adelberg. JA 3-6039 any Attest Manchester. Cash fare only 2ic friendly eervlcs on your Electro­ ter, on or before November 17, 2x10 loads 889 per M’ 8 ROOMS SLIGHTLY home. Four room s' consisting of Bo l t o n —Lake st. vicinity. Ovm- r. DyMMITT. of 99 Summer St.. Man- ELMORE TURKINGTON. Jtidge. Parkads. Call TR .'S-nSM'Reward lux (Rl cleaner Pick up and de­ lot, R. F. Dimork Co., Realtors, time. ha\^ filed application dated one way Save tolls and parking. 1958. Mahogany Paneling 19c *q. ft. USED FURNITURE. PLEASANT R(X)M in clean quiet two bedrqome, kitchen, lovely er. >«|uctantly parting .with this M l 9-6245. Oct. II. ^958. the Liquor Control Silver I>ane Bins I-lne. Ml 3-6979. livery Call Electrolux aiithorired Nails—8d A l«d Common home next to bath imd shower, living room with stone fireplace. very fecial ranch home. Five Commiacioit for a Grocery Beer permit Bales ana service. Ml 9-0643 or JA 88.90 per keg free parking. MI 9-0887. Enclosed, heated porch. Lovely Immaculktc rooms, plaster “ 'ails, for the sale ,of alcoholic liquor on the LOST—Key chain with several IN GOOD SHAPE LIKE NEW XXII Wanted—-Beal Estate 77 premiaea 99 Summer 8t., Manchepter. keys. Call m 3-RR4S^______2-0108. Please ask for Augruatli e Sitnatlbiu Wantcil— Flush Birch Poors EASY TERMS view of lake. Adults only. Irnme- fireplace, whlk up attic, walk out Kamlenskl. ^The ^ in e w i ia owned by FRED Airborne Arras Automobiles for Sale 4 Female 38 Grade A. From |7 each INCLUDES BEDROOM, LIVING diate occupahdy, CH 6-0728. cellar, alumintm^ storms, over­ MANCHESTER — Attractive six ARE YOU CONSIDERIN'3 pUMMITT. of 4 ^Humphrey^8t. Hart* l o s t — sterllnu rosary heads in No. I Oak Flooring 8209 per M’ FURNISHED room for rent. In­ hung roof, 190xl76vJot, large na­ room Cape with two wood paneled b b l u n g y o u r p r o p e r t y ? conducted by FRED CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, ROOM, DINETTE, REFRIOERA-: quire 186 Blssell St. 220 CENTER BT. — 8 room duplex. pUMMrrr, of 4 Huhj^rey 8t.. Hart­ Enroute to Cuba preen crocheted case. Initials H I OIJ}ER CARR, mechanics specials, BAB'S; SITTING—evenings. Own Knotty Pine Panellng-t TOR, WASHING MACHINE, COM­ tive treea, s o c ia l pUisdlnKa, good bedrooms. Large" kitchen. Flill , We will appraise your property ford. aa permittee. v R. S. Ml 9-34,16 I available all hours Satisfaction transportation. Day care in my Steam heat (oil). 1 car garage. view, individual nel flxlt yourself cm's, always s good guaranteed. Call Ml 9-1815 All 8’ 8140 per M' BINATION RANGE. LAMPS, baserrient, fireplace. Convenient to tree and without any obhgcMon. wv .V . - a r a t o DUMMiTT. selection Ixvik hehlrvl our office own hoi.ie. Ml 8-0090, NICELY (FURNISHED room, new­ Available, immediately. McKinney Asking $16,600. Good ____ _ We also bay proper^ for cash. Dated Oct. II. iSM. Seized bv Police Clear Pin# Jambs. TABLES, SMOKER, HASSOCK, ly decorated. Well heated. Conven­ Bchool arid shopping $16,990 R. F. LOST—Lady's red wallet, poaalhly | Douglas Motors, 333 Main. ■ Prom 12.80 per set Brothers,' Inc. MI 3-8060. available,' Immediate occupu Member Multiple Listing. vicinity of Manchester Parkade, , YOUNG LADT desires work in BEALY BOX SPRING AND MAT­ ient location. 818 Spruce St. Dlmock Co., Realtbiw, Ml 9-5245. STATE Dleti^t MURTENSEN TV. Speclaltxed RCA Windows—Complete and TRESS. DISHES, SILVERWARE, TOLLAND — Four room ranch, if desiiwd. CJall Stuart Carlson, . _ STANLEY BRAY, Realtor of Andover. Probate Court, tdwn of Morgantown. W. Va., Noy. 5 Friday. Oct 31 Call after .1 p m. I NEED A CAR and had your credit doctor or dental office, Inexper­ Set Up From 110.80 each. 9-8954. Glenn Roberts ■ -Xgency. BRAE-BURN REALTY Andover. November 8. t|58. televtalor. eendee. m B-4641. PICTURES, POTS AND PANS R(JOM FOR RHINT, bath, shower, completely fuimUhed, automatic XXIII Estate of Theodora B. LIpman. late Granite fireplace, prompt, efficient, courteoua serv­ plape police said was fe r ry l^ 9-2311. i snd smallest payments anywhere , Roofing—Siding 16 home. Full or part-time. Day or WILL s e l l a l l o r p a r t • lease. Phone GArfield $-9145, ice and appraising without obliga­ the above estate be'Ranted, it ii Fainting—Papering 21 Help Wanted — Male 36 night. In your home, nights and We will beat our competitors’ ad- If you wish to see this in the FURNISHED room lor rent at 108 bookcases, builtHn range ant* oven, ORDERED: That the 13th day of arm* to rebel forces in Cuba. Not a small loan or finance com TYPEWniTEnS and office ma­ vertiaed prices by at least 5%. Birch St. MI 0-8884. baaement garageTx^NIce porch, tion, call S. A. Beeehler, Realtor. November, A.D. IftM. at one o'clock weekends. MI 8-7320, evening, phone CH. 7-0398 for ap­ NICELY FURNISHED five room LOOK! IN TOWN! in the afternoon at the Probate Office J. B. Grootendorft, an agent o f I/)PT-R ed kev rn.se. two keys pany plan Douglas Motors 833 chines repaired. Sales and Service. RAY’S ROOETNO CO., ahlngle «n42 rONTIAr radio and healer, M A M RUBBIRH-Offers com­ Ray Hagenow. Ml 9-2214; Ray children In her own home. MI A—L—B— E— R—T—’S 94 High St. quick sale. Sparkling five room Court Citea all persons Interested of Hialeah, Fla., a few minutea I/7ST —Msle dog. one vear old. chester. 9-3203. minutes to Manchester or Mans­ blsck. white slrcsk on cjicsi short directional lights. Good running plete full lime cleaning aorvlce. Jackson, Ml 8-S925. NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. 43-48 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD ranch, (three bedroomsl. large liv­ XXIV therein lo appear at ^atd time and after Sutor landed his 2-englne rnnd.Hton Extra tires, f.',. PI Ashes, rubbish removed, light Bonds— Stock* Mortgages 31 OPEN NIGHTS *nLL 8 P. M. 'Fr o n t r o o m , heated, hot water, field, school bus stops at door. Re­ ing room with fireplace, large place, by pubM.^hinp a copy of this plane for refueling at the Morgan­ hsir. medium sire. MI 3 044.1 WAN'fED—Man to drive dMjvery YOUNG MOTHER wishes to take 381 STATE ST. liable persons only. Rent $150. order qne time in some newsMper hav­ 2-6.367 trucking. M e J a 1. cardboard KOOnNO, 8IDINO, painting. Car­ truck and help In store, 48 hour SAT, 8 P. M. parking, centrally located, gentle­ kitchen with dining area. Full base- NEW SDC room Colonial, $17,900. ing a circulation In said Dlatrict. by town Municipal Airport LOW COST financing, A (>enny per care of child days or nights. MI NORTH HAVEN, CONN. Phone PI 2-8020. Gpvernor to Take poetlpg a copy of this order on the FOUND Small female pup brown drums. Regular service avail­ pentry. Alterations and additions. week, time and a half over 40 8-0278 men preferred. Phone MI 9-7129. ment. Lot llOxieo, FHA appraisal Built by Joseph Rosetto on Broad Grootendorft and ilnother agent snd black mongrel Virihilv MiMa ii'ANTED Clean used cars. We able, Ml 9-1717 Ceilings Workmanship guaran­ month fc each dollar you borrow. Telephone Chestnut 8-2147 MAGIC CHEF 20" gas stove, not and selling price 816,900, 15% public sign post in ihe Town of Colum­ landed Just behind Sutdr after A l­ huV, trade down or trade any­ hours. Six paid holidays — four FTVE ROOM single house, all on Street near Waddell School. 1(4 bia. nearest where dereA.«ed last dwelt, St Call I.ee Frari hla,. lio- ii'ar- teed. A. A. Dion, Inc., 290 Autumn Mortgage loans to stretch your new but looks good, cooks and WANTED—Two gentlemen to share o w n , SO year terms, Reaaonable Few Weeks’ Rest and by sending, certified mall, postage lowing him from the Ptttsburgb, thing Douglas Molois. 333 Main. E’OR PROMPT, couricoils service days sick leave. Blue Cross, Con­ large double rootp and bath in one floor. Beautiful surroundings. baths, built-in stove and oven. den Ml 3 6114 fit. Ml 8-4860. Income. It’s easier to carry debta necticut Medical and life Insur­ Doffs— Birds— Pets 41 bakes well, 830. MI 9-4892. Phone MI 3-4685, offers considered. Completely landacaped. Ameaite prepaid copy lo: Pa., area, some 80 miles to the on voiir Hi E'1 or T\’ , call'Ralfih'a If you put them all In one basket. Diamonds— Watrliee-- new single home. Twin beds, quiet (Conttnued ftem Page One) Gertrude B. Tappan. Whltnev Road, north. The Border Petrol a g n ts, Ifi.Vi FonD-Va club coupe fully Radio and TV Rervl, e M- 4 0021. ance. Apply Schlebel Bros., Center FOUR PIECE walnut bedroom set, drive. R. P. Dlmock Co , Realtor*, Columbia Conn. NOnCE TR HEREBY given that Dial ClI 6-8897 and ask Prank Jewelry 48 location, 16 minutes from Air­ SIX ROOM duple.x, oil heat, good 2— Pine family home of six largeMl 9-8245. — Beale Brodhead 14f»7 Peachtree Bt . already in the air. had been alwted eriuippcl vy’oJI worn, Ihr $110 aak- St., comer Proctor Rd., Manches­ FOR Sa l e to good home in coun­ 849. Light wood kitchen table and craft. MI 3-7689 after 4 p.m. Paaa Book No R.R 4266 la.aucd h\- [{ooftng and Chimneyn 16-A Burke or Mrs. Carter how tc do It. ter. try, 3 year old beautiful male location. Available very soon. Call rooma, including dining room, two unprecedented margirt $ald he Is N.E.. Atlanta ft. Ga by a squad of Pennsylvania S t M The Savlnga Bank of Man, healer ing prn r Miiat aell .MI H 6(r.1I> 1,'I/KIRS WASHE:|) and waxcrl. LEONARD W TOST Jeweler, r*. four chairs, 828. Call MI 9-9764. baths, full basement, porches. Two Tnixtun R. Brodhead. Devon. Penn* Connecticut Mortgage Exchange, German Shepherd. Intelligent, Ml 9-0760, XXV hopeful the next four years will be s>Mvanla Policemen who Just missed seising has been loat and apphiaiion haa apartrnenta, offices .slorea. 15 Lewie St., Hartford. pairs, adjusta watenea expertly. WOULD JUKE quiet woman to car garage. Quiet street. 814.700. lfl.1.3 CMKVRtlI.E'r vcl 11 hic. homes, modern cfiulpment rca- HOOFFNr;- -Sperlallzing In repair­ PRODUCTION CONTROL and gentle and playful.' Phone MI "very fruitful. ” Marian E. Steams. Thornbrook Sutor’s plane at a Tarentum, P n , bean made to aaid b.-iiiK for pa> ing roofe of nil kinds. AKv new Reasonable prices. Open dally. share mji home. Inquire State Manor, Apt. B-106, Bryn Mawr. Pa airport. go,,d l onditlnn 41.’,0 PI 2 7117 af aonahle At.ao pai-f tunc nparlmcnt scheduling man needed fo- textile 3-4289, MAGIC CHEF gas range with gas Tailor Shop, 8 Bissell St. MI MANCHESTER—Seven room ram­ With the Dcmoorsls holding mem of the amount ol i|c|ioaii Ip, 6 .30 rooffl Gutter work. Chimneys mill office In Greater Hartford Thursday evenings. 129 Sprue* Suburban For Rent 86 3 -W ell cared for five 'oedroom bling Cape. Large rear patio and < :rwhelmlng control of the Sen­ Klber Stearns. 11 Newman Ave . Sheriff Charles J. Whlston o f \r- and iiiainlcnanec act v n-ea Tcl Street Ml 9-4387. heating unit. Call MI 9-7942. 8-7883. After «:30 Ml 3-8047. family home, In good location, full Verona. N. .1 rirancd. repaired. 26 yearn exper- Business Opportunities 32 area. Textile background essen­ attached garage. Paneled dining ate, and having a 5-vote mar­ Hlnpr Stearns, r/o Etbor Stssrns. 11 Monongalia County said soma of n o tice; is iii-;ri-;b y giver, ihm .MI 3 6670 baaement. front porch, garage, 1111 CHEVROf-KT Stall,,n Wag,,!, K'fue Free entlmBtes. ('all How- tial and at least high school edu­ Live Stock— Vehicles 42 room, recreation room, two hatha. gin in the traditionally-Republlcan Nswmsn Avf,, Vrrotis, N. ,I the contraband weapons aboard Pass Bonk Nr, l-t l’,tl1 isati'cl hv ESTABLISHED rubbiflh rout* with BR(X)KPIELD ST. Central, gentle­ THREE ROOM furnished apart­ garden space. Owners moving to Mrs. Sarah S. WIrkham. 8 Sisecz 21f, 2 ,l,,o, 6 < vlltalr, atari,'aril ley, Mnnrheetcr. Ml 3-6361. cation. Salary range 84,000-86,000, BENDCC semi-automatic washer, men, master bedrooms, next to P ass A neighborhood. 820,000 R. House, the Governor said this pre­ the plane had been IdenUfled a* ’The .Savlnga Bai,k r»f Man, heale, 11 an.an,iaai,,n $kli ,\H i liar, 1 J968 Dodjfr truck for sale. Reaaon- Fuel and Feed 49-A ment, Andover Center. PI 2-7541. Vermont. Asking 816,500. Drivr. Yardlry. P*. haa beer, Inat an,l ai,|,li, a'lon ha.a MA.SOM WORK Hnd n'|i;nrn. Ml able. MI 9-7853. depending on experience. Write, 829. MI 9-7407. bath, TV, free parking. MI 9-6801 F. Dlmock Co., Realtors, Ml 9-5245. sents "an opportunity to accom­ Kllsnbrth ^ Cornrllus. 3888 Atwslrr stolen from the National Guard stating qualifications to Box C, FOR SALE or trade Jersey heifers Avr. Apt. *>3. *Jontrrsl. P. Q., Armory at Canton. Ohio, On O ct been made lo aaid h.ank fo, pa\- WANTEfi Frriiii private pnilv, ' 3 l«7i) SEASONED—Hardwpbd for fur­ after 4:30. ROCKVIU.E, 82 Village St.- Near 4-Cholce lot. Residential Zone plish what many men have tried to sit SI lr*.( llvr ttsys hrforr said Urns lieatinK and Plumbing 17 Herald) for furnace wood. PI 2-7.16$. naces, Jireplacea, stoves. Edward MAGIC CHEF 4-bumer with swing ~ X X ^ ' achieve for a decade " 14. meni of the atnriur,i of depoail. j low mileage 11.10 to 1111 Stiirlc H elp Wanted— F em ale 35 Center. Five rooms and bath, un­ A^. 100x200, All Utilities. sssiznrd, Yeomans, PI 2-8002, out broiler, in good condition. Rea­ ApartmentiF—Rats— furnished. unheated, hot water. Recalling that he had predicted rilARl-ES H. NlfnipI-SON. Judgr. The sheriff said 317 M-1 rifles baker Oiampinn. Tel MI 9 4117 Hniisehnld .Services 8 W ArsoN, PLUMBfNQ and heat­ w a n t e d ” 01 i71?uWn e r ” sonable price. MI 9-4345. MANCHESTER — New six room EIXPERIBNCED sewing machine Articles For Sale 45 _ Tenements 63 855 monthly. Will take couple with that 1959 would be the year for and a number of other small arms, P m ionalg 3 Offered 1.1 A ing contractor. New Installations, one Or two children. TR 9-7984. ranch home In Rockledge section, operators wanted. Day shift Ap­ ABC APARTMENT size electric MADELINE SMITH, nealtor 1(4 baths, ceramic tile kitchen court reorganization, he aaid. "I roads wc need tn five years, rather had been taken in the Canton bur-' lftr>2 ( ’MKVItOLKT 2-tnn platform, altoratin, work and repair work. SERVICE MEN Garden— Farm— Dairy FOR RENT—Thre(^hjom~cottage glary. Ml 9-3608. ply Kaklar Toy Co., 50 Hilliard St. PRE-SEASON chain saw .pedal stove. Good condition. 829. Ml counters. Attached garage, ame- hope we are going to do it this than waiting 13 years." VACUUM CLEANERS rspslred In tnirk for aale MI 3 1870. RADIO REPAIRS on anv make— Save up to 80% on Clinton saws Products SO suitable for couple. Call after 8 year.” The plane, a Beechcraft, was my OW'Do^'Ti horns shop FortyFortv /sarB/sari all ampllflera and phonographs For year around employment, 8-9722 after 9 p.m. p.m. PI 2-6890. MI 9-1642 ilte drive, full landacaped lot. Establishment of community HELP WANTLD—f'p:MALE New and used. Capitol Equipment Wanted to Rent 68 The Governor haa long advocat­ placed -under police guard. Sutor factory experience. AiJ makes,aki low .rKF7P 1066 Can be regie ani. Changera Over 4’T vaara total 24 MUtlR Immediate service. Re­ high rate of pay, paid vacations APPLES and pears, now on sal* 819,800. R. F. Dimock Co., Real­ clinics where some menlally lM pa­ modeling, repairing, new installa- Co.. 88 Main St., Ml 3 7998. ed the establishment of a .stale tients can be treated within their wM questioned at length but no rateB free estlmRtei. free pickup lerrd for « arryuig raparily l,6on axpartence 90 days guarantsr on Clerk-typist snd holidays, plus many fringe at Betti’s Fruit Farm. 250 Rush WANTED- Three bedroom house. tors, MI 9-9245. tlona, electric newer cleaning, Musical Instruments .*>8 court system with full-time judges own environment. charges were filed immediately. and delivery. Mr. Miller JA lha IirIu wrighi .1,48) '-loaa! all work Putlerton’e Day worker benefits. Apply st Moriarty Bros., Hill Rd. SDC ROOM, first floor, adults only. Will pay 8100 month In or around dral I (lines cleaned fast and effi­ .lot Center Rl. MI 8-5135. No heat. MI 9-6623. Hartford. A. C. Jostyn, Bond 'xxvii with tenure to replace the present He assured the citizens that Carl Endreas, assistant chief 2-8904 weight, 4 ft81 I!hn hni| IllUe n«e Conk KNAPP SHOES. Harry Mahoney. PIANO TUNING. We are the only ARE YOI’ LOOKING ^OR A Border Patrol Inspector at Buffalo, Perf<»i t i ninlilioji F Office manager 8110 ■ 8118. Heat, hot wate.-. Jani­ Business Property for Sale 70 hot air heat, aluminum combina­ of the Legislature, Governor Rlhl- midget "within Its means." taking off for Tarenhtm and Mor­ hvdi Muhf iilP fiprrRird tt 60.% Chocolale dipper stove lengths, 810 per load, deliv­ Krause. MI 3-9336 Six room ranch, screened porch, 4:.30 MI 4 O.ion Din< .S WEATHKR.STRH’ Com Laboratory helper ered. Call PI 2-7886. RUSSET and Baldwin apples at tor, garage, extras. BU 9-9309. tion* throughout. Nice lot In con­ coff said that If court reform Is Even though his party will hold gantown. nmne Ml .T ‘'-t.’U pnny, duora and windows nistorn WaltiTss C. BelottI Farm, Mituntaln Rd., DRKH.qM/.KINC,. alteration, ape- Baleeman LARGEST selection of narpe brand i walking diafance to Buckley venient location. 30 day occupancy accomplished, he will keep his the majority in the Legislature Endreas said the cargo Included RTPKR.*( WANTKP Soulh work guaranteed. Call Ml 0 1163 nalizlng In chlldren'a clothes. MI Hairdresser Porter SNOW BI^WERS—Reo. Snowbird, Glastonbury. ATTRACTIVE five room apart­ BUILDING 24x24 ft. In good condl School, wall-to-wall carpeting, at­ on on* aide. 816.800, R. F. Dlmock next year, the Governor stressed an undetermined number of "14-1 iw,7 ni.ti.^Mnrtll,?'; 8R twn door Mnther'a helper (travel, band and orchestra Instruments, tlon. Call MI 9-4268. previous promise to divide the ^fnn^heJ«trr In ('npilf-l H«rf llf'li'ln*, Pcii niul him k (hir own , nficr 6 p m, 9 1140. Sheet metal worker and Toro. Push and self-propelled. ment, second floor, new electric Co., Realtors. MI 9-8245. that he plans to work in a bi-parti- rifles snd .50 caliber machine guns. Tobacco sizers organs and pianos in eastern Con­ stove and refrigerator. Call MI tic fan. Call Owner MT 9-9100. Judgeships equally between Re­ ford. 8 l.%-4 .10 p in i 'aH MI r» f*r tlriin pM\»n ."Irrrliig power Toolmaker Capitol Equipment, 38 Mair Ml publicans and Democrats. He had son manner. "It Is certainly not He did not disclose the owner of or'Nfl P 6062 flfler 6 .10 p i" BELMONT Rug Cleaning Com- ! ('I.ARU'K, (Iresamnking. Your ma­ I/eaf Inspector Household Goods 51 necticut. New, used, rentals, re­ 3-7284 itetween 8 and 9. lirnl^Pk (*nll .NT! rt.VilO Maintenance man 8-79,18. pairing. Ward Krause, 87 Walnut Farms and Land for Sale 71 MANCHESTER ’ x x v h iF made this promise in the past. In my Intention of ignoring the Re- the plane, Its point of origin or its paiiy — p*m those whi, care Hhoiit I terial. your pattern made to your Leaf sorter Painter publioana In the Isiglelature," he destination. A^'ANTFO Hide In vtcmiG Miiin Iheir ruga —phone Ml 8-04)12 ' KELVINATOR refrigerator and St., Ml S-8336. the hopes of persuading the Re­ 10*i6 k'ldUi 'I'humlr r In f ft engine mca.su/'ementa. Call MI 9 1166. Auto body finisher ONE PARKER double 16 gauge 28 Summit Street—Six room Colo­ MANCHESTER —Cape Cod with as.ierted. Police said ths guns were loaded Si . Hartfnrd frnm Spiing .*^i Free pickup and dciP cry Free -PART-TIME Glehwood combination stove. Call THREE ROOM apartments, 860. FOR DIE'E'ERBNT sizes and types alx finished rooma completely re­ publicans in going along with his IV o four barrel ( athiiretora Carpenter MAF standard. One Parker dou- Ml 9-4687. of farms and land tracts within 2U nial, Plastered wails, fireplace, city Turning to the 1960 political pic­ aboard the plane at a small air­ Hlghlfind PArk ItourA ft .30 6 10, csllmnlcs given \Vc spcrlHliZp In I ble 16 gauge 30 MAF soedal MI 9-5229. MI 3-7444. \ decorated. Aluminum aiding and proposal. neRH with low mileage Fverv Rales clerk Cement finiaher Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 miles of Hartford, '.awrenc# F. utilities. 10% FHA commitment. ture, the Governor aaid he "In­ port near Tarentum. Pa., and the 9 631','i fiirnlliirc and wall lo wall carpet­ Moving—Trucking—k ' grade engraved. Will tak* tiades. combination window*. Nice lot. Fiirtrehmore, he told today’s tends to work actively for Kennedy thing (f>merted Readv to 'nslnll Day worker Foundation laborer ANTIQUE FURNITURE, sUver, Flailo. Broker Ml 9-8910 Will sell under FHA appraisal of press conference that he "would plane took off barely minutes b ^ IrUo nn\' 1040 1063 Ford nr Mer ing. Stock clerk I New and used gun-s. Nassiff Arms MAN’S GRAY wool suit, size 34. Convenient location. Minimum for the Democratic nomination for tV O F l,.n I J K F nd<' fr^*in M «nrhee Storage 20 Waitress glaaa china, and used fumltura THREE ROOMS and bath, CkUl Ml 814,800. not hesitate to blow the whistle" fore a squad of heavily armed (Mir\ (>n Ml .3 8108 Production clerk Co., 1011 Main St. Ml 9-1647. bought and sold Furniture Repair asking 828. Call Ml 9-1994, or MI down. 813.200. R. F, Dlmock Co.. President." !»*r tn Wnndlnnil Kt N<*fllnn M«rt I kT-AT FINISH Holland window Maid 9-0576. 419 North Main St Houses for Sale Realtor*, MI 9-5245. » on Democrats, as well as Repuhli- Pennsylvania State Police arrived fnrd ft 6 p rii. .\tl n 8n.^n I shades, made to ineaiur* All MUVE BY TRAILER van. It’s leas Bowing machine operator Truck driver Service, Ml 8-7449. 9-.1962 after 5:30 p.m. 72 The Governor was one of the at the field. 10*0 iMlJifik! fourdofir aedari ex Kitchen man LOAM—Tils best for 81 less I Last 4 'i ROOM garden type duplex BOLTON esna, If he feels they era doing leading backers of II.8. Senator mcial Venetian hdrida at a new cxpenaive—Une load Instead of (Tiocolate dipper call for fall delivery. MI 3-8603. something that Is wrong. niOKHR WANTFD-To Pi Alt A I rllenl ronfli1if»n imho and henl two or three-Eiiaier toadtng and Bakers helper SAIJ: 1-3 OFF on wallpaper. Wall BOY’S REID wool Jacket, Ix>rd A apartment, nice location. 8106 811,800.No closing costs. Attractive l ^ i x John Kennedy of Maasachuaetta for er automaih’ ahlft Beal offer MI low price Ksyi made while you Grade teacher Sand, atone, gravel, fill. tilea 4c a tile, Kentll^ from 7o Taylors, site 14. 810. Man’s wool three bedroom ranch, ceramic 812,.100— Near Bolton. Immacu­ Looking to the future, he out­ Old Clock U>Mtne\ I-iaer Mnrtfnrd Ixi and wail Marlow’s iininadlng— Ulslinctive, dignified Office cleaner -Stone mason monthly Includes heat, hot water, late four room ranch. Extra*. MANCHESTER- New *ix room the Democratic vice presidential 2nd nhifin hnilv lu'hrdiilrd eervu-r ft 68.t:i ano smart "The Beat tor l-eaa” Machine operator each: Green Palm and Wallpaper, overcoat; size 40, 810, Both In ex­ stove. refrlgerato(- and parking. bath, formica counters, not water lined some of his 1996 Legislative nomination two years ago at the TIMKEN oil burner, used, 840, T. cellent condition. MI 9-2296 after heat, excellent construction 100’ Baaement garage. 8% FHA, 10% Cape Just off Porter Street Fire­ alms. Including: Bluejacket, Okla (*>)—W. H. from Mnni hrnler I>ow I'omniutri I WEAVING of bunts moth holes The AiisUn A. Chambers Co 808 Rack-Hoe operator P. Aikin Co.. Tolland Tpke., Man­ at the Green. Call MI 3-7-925 any time. party’s crinventlon In Chicago. Appl.v: roMiiPctinit 6 p.m. frontage, trees. Carlton W Hutch. place, full basement. Aluminum Complete reorganization of 123 Bradford uses a clock In his hom e' ratofi Silver Lene Him I.lne Ml I snd lorn clothing, hosiery runs. ] East Middle Turnpike, MI 8-5187 T V' sciviceman chester. MI 3-6793. combinations. Nice lot. 814.9C0 R, The governoir’s desk* today was .3-8D76. nil I’l.YMiUTH CRANBUnitK .‘xtale Rmplo.vnipnt Service Poiillry farmhand Capehart console TV 840 CLEAN four room unfurnished Ins, Ml 9-6:82. state budgetary agenctea In the In- stacked with congratulatory mes­ that has been In the family 12^ lint. Call ,MI 1 7127 I hnndhagn lepalrcd slpper re ] Hiirtford CH 7-1428, 30" Tappan electric range, 414.800— Bolton Lake. Six room F. Dlmock Co , Realtors, Ml 9-S245. k'OUR POSTER authenic colonial apartment, automatic heat Call ranch, full basement, aluminum tereat of economy sages. and twn dozen happiness years. It Is a Peck Hayden clock, placemem. iiinhrellaa refiatred. ' like new. 860 Wanted—To »inv 58 MI 9-80,15 NINE ROOM sjAgle, In estahliahed man’s ahlit collars reversed and | l.oi'A l, a n d l o n g diatanr.3 mov­ 609 Main St., Manchealer. ( ’unn. PART-TIME canopy bed. Baby grand oiano, comblnaUona Drilled well. Nice An accelerated highway building roses .... a gift from his office 2*4 feet high and operates by ing. Across the street or ai-rosa A Puhlle Service - No fee charged Two upright pianos each 830 East Side neighborhood. F've bed­ XXX program "so that w« ca'n get the staff. weights. T railer* fi-A replaced Marlow's Little Mend ■ gray oak modern bedroom suite Ea.sy Spin Dry washing WANTED TO BUY rooms, oil heat. 2-car garage. Pe- dpuble lot, near private beach. MORIARTY BROTHERS Ing Shop. the colli,try. Your best 'nove la Salesman Hamwick combination stove, oil Year 'round recreation. LAKE STREET—New six room with Cuiiinilngs. All pn A 1 R ( ALTERATIONS to kltchcne, bath State Employment Service 17 ” CONSOLE model TV. also car FURNISHED 5 room flat, first six room ranch with 1(4 baths, two vine l^'in V In advertising nr mailing work, BOOKS OF ALL kinds, preferably floor, garage, available- how. Call plus breezeway and garage oads VERNON—New six room Colonial nou nffc'i M hf'hind 1 hr whi'i'i Riid rooms nttlea, cellara porches or top carrier. MI 9-3100. /Open Thursday Evenings old. Call MI 9-4927. of extras. An excellent ht.me and fireplaces, finished recreation with attached garage Built-In DO YOU KNOW! yoinj love this Job. 606 Main St., Manchester. Conn. MI 3-8498 after 6. PI 2-7013. I’Ihrmi >iii||1 iiirI furl 1'l»i)S r.n 1.- playroom Plumbing, carpentry I'Huiting— Papering 21 ' ' Until 9 room, two-ear garage with electric ’• 1 n, A Public Service No -fee charged priced "right at 814,900. Four fam­ range and oven. Fireplace sun 17 WMI ..Ids Cnli Mt MmIrn<‘ . elcclrlea and mnsonry Aluminum Let's tajk It over. Closed Mondays . TWO STEAM or hot water radia-! ily house plu* six car garaage, in overhead door. On a two acre deck. l',4 baths, three bedrooms, siding Garages cotlagea, out USED SILENT GI..OW oil burner MANCHESTER GREEN- - Three V\ 'J7:i!* PAIN’I'ER AND |in|,crhanger. tors about 24" high. Call MI large rooms with -heat, very good nice neighborhood and in good wooded lot. Priceil far below re­ high wooded lot. Brickfront. l.uilflinga, room ndditInnH Njslde COUNTER work—days. Full-time j and tank. Call MI 9-0662. GAS STOVE and refrigerator. Good placement oost. decointoi Good clean |nb, reason or part-time. Inquire In (terson. 3-1828. . condition, second floor, 880. Please condition, Just reduced. Call on $17,400, R. F. Dlmock Co. Real­ .M( u r n e< )( *K S M nn«‘hf‘ ^l ri N l»'ml Engineering Coniiuinv, Inc., 84 able price .S. Ycncha, Ml 9-6014 condition, Rea.sonab1e. Cal] MI ROSKIN DISTRIHITORS Sandwich Nook, 991 Main St 1 10 WOODEN storm windows 26’’x 3-0817. do not call between 12 noon and this one. • Weekend special, short tors, MI 9-6246. IML' iliivinp N' liiml Thi*'p ^Killril Gak 'Sl Ml 8-1421 after 5 (i.m. way out. 4(4 room ranch plu* ga­ VERNON ifiintriniR Jtn*ni 275 PARK AVENUE 91", 1 window 2S"x.36", n)l with Rooms Without Board 59 4 p.m. Ml 9-9398. '57 MERC. $3195 Ia i .I- TYPE.'! of caiqientry .work PART-TTMK Jnnitor. reliable and bronze screens and hardware. G. E. IRONER, in good condition. rage, nice condition. Pull price XXXII iMMi fill I i.iMR fill I .*1 111 17 vrni; PAINTING AND pa{>erhangfnK 'VERNON—One three room apart­ 814.700-9(4 room ranch. Extras Mont' lair TumpiUr t ‘i-ui’siM I done, nllerallons. dormrfa, roof­ EA'sT HARTFORD, CONN. ex|ierlenred. Mornings 6-10. 6 Tel: MI 9-1016 after 4 p.m. Originally 891. will sell for 829. ROOM FUR RENT Inquire State 810.900. Over 60 more listings of ••1'In Tplr))lii*nr Mr Mnillmk, Good i lcan workmanahhip at rea days. MI .1-76H. Include separate room In baae­ VERNON—New six room split Convrrlihlr P"\\n «»trrniig ing (lorchea, elc ('al| Ml 9-5961 aimahlo rales .30 years In Man Apply 101 Grandview St. Tailor Shop, 8 Blssell. Ml 8-788S: ment with garage, stove, refrig­ more kinds. (Jail the Elliworth I MI rt 11 >’ Ilf I'? 1 \ PI I'M' II a III HI Ask for Mr. Wlnick SINGLE COUCH bed. opens to full erator. One three room apartment Mitten Agency. Realtors. Ml ment. Eaay financing. level. High wooded lot. Catheclral powFi hrnUrN .MriituiiHln ih Ml ?i-7;ihM cheater. Raymond Fleke. Ml Afte- 6;V MI 8-9047. ' c’ARPENTER Expciienced In all AS.SISTANT shipping and receiving size bed, 8.1. ■’'s size bed. 81o Two with garage, stove, refrigerator. 8-8930 or MI 9-9624. celling with redwood beams. Pullt- din Iip h I pi uhilrunll liir.H 0-9287 clerk with some experience re­ 817.800— Seven room split level, poui*r ,».rMt nn<] wiidIid^ia I - - - ‘ - " fields ol cnriicnlry Contract or FULL TIME clerical position Typ­ room space healer. 81. Black iron ROOM WITH kitchen privileges, References: MI 9-2837. in rtnge and oven. 1*4 baths largs ing necessary. Apply m nersnn. quired. 46 hour week, good pay. 810,600—SIX ROOM Colonial, alum­ Built-ina Include diahwashe*. Poe- fireplace. Finished laundrv room. nsl rr.st tM m Motpi ryclpfi— |{ifvrli‘s 11 rea.lonahle houilv rales MI PUGEESSKINAI. Exterior and In- stove converted to oil, 81. Phone centrally located. Single or dnublie, alble 1*4 hatha. Aluminum- rtn-bina- I 3-0731. Allstate Insurance Co , 11,1 Main ■ Exeellenl opportunltv for reliable MI 9-0462. email babies accepted. See Mrs.. inum storms, double garage, good Garage. Three bedrooms 817,990. ti'11,,1 pHinllug Painters and pa- FOUR ROOM rent, 875. Children location Carlton W. Hutchins. Ml tlona. De luxe beth. FHA or pres­ c im . s HAn'i’ihdiNi-: i„, v, in ,c,- ppihaiigoi available on short no­ SI., .Mancheslel', married man. Call Ml 3-2481. Mr. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. R. F. Dlmock Co., Realtors. MI 'S6 MERC. $1595 E.XPF'TUENC'ED cailieiilcra. Sixe- Montovani or apply In person at accepted. Write Box E, Herald. t-6182. ent 4(4% • mortgage. 896.80 per 9-6245. Monlcicv hiir,ll,,p Tw,, i,,n, Itli,- nkw *11 I 'nil sfie, , j, ni tice l''l■l■l eatlmnlra. Bernard Lo­ month. Ml .1 7 160 clnlliuiig III alleratlon.6. reimlia zier, Coventry. PI 2-8452. Roosevelt Mills.. Tnr., 210 East PLeIa SANT, heated, furnished green, M cnoinnli,. ii,.l,., hi-„i and roofing Call f'haih'a W. WOMAN TO help with heavy olean- REX Main St., Rockville. rooms with private bath. Kitchtfn MANCHESTER XXXIII Enthrop A .Sous. MI 10161. PI .Ing Tliui-aday, MI 9-0820 ARTESIAH WELLS facilities available. Call MI- FOUR ROOM duplex and garage. F..XTKUIGR and Interior painting. P. V. TQNGREN Apply 189 Pearl St. ANDOVER 2 6,116 Cellliige rcflni.shed. PaperVianglng. > RANDAM, AUCLAIR e *•487$. Six room Cape, two unflnis. ed, VERNON—New six room ranch '57 D«SOTO $1995 Wiillpa|ier books Estimatei given, Help W ant^ —Male REAL ESTATE .BROKER tn A-l condition. Accessible to 811.000—Five finiahed elx room with atUehed garage. Built-In Help Wanted— THREE ROOM house, 870 month. schools and shopping. Reasonably FlP^domr \'-8 piivvfi sirniihg, flonrins-Siding .16 Fullv covered by Insurance. Call FURNISHED rooms to rent. Also cape. Will carry small eacond range 'and oven, fireplace Ip living PNTRRKSTRD in driving; nt'hool Male or Female 87 "Anything In Real-Katate!" TRf S-7059 , Call TRemont 8-7749 between 8 priced. Immediate occupancy 10% 8Ut nmn t If t rnn.smiAM"n t-mliM For Sale Edwnirt It Price. Ml »-lOOS / large 2-room cottage- furnished and 8 p.m. mortgage. room and basement. Wooded lot, i hf'nl rr. H’GUGHUN Hoofing company, bUH. 7:S0 !o 8:15 H.m. 2:15 u> ------V ---- Flnanrlnf Arran|;ed with heal and lights. Call 'etween FHA mortgage available. nice location. $18,600. R. F. Dlmock 813.900 Four bedroom. Cape. RICM I Inc. Aluintnum H>iliitg„ iisidialt- INTFRIOK, cxIcTior painting In- p.m, Call Ml 3 24H between 10 and Typing Ml 3-6321 B and 7 p.m. MI 9-0826. SIX ROOM single, oil heat, stove, Co.. Realtors, MI $-6248 5 I e.ssenllal. 1 days, company bene- Duplex 8-6. 'Two-car garage. I.*rge lot, small broo'k, . mesite '54 FORD SI 395 I nahealo* roofini: Also iilimilnum, letliM- ,s|icclali.MiM l/ovv winter refrigerator and garage. Conven­ RHlvanlzod or (opiicr gulleri and (U'iiea No loll loo amall. Jolin flls Call MI 9..1273, or apply at ATTRACTIVE furnished room for Priced for quick sale, drive, garage. 8% FHA, 10% VA. NINE ROOMS—Revenue from 5 i PtxUoii Wrtgr*n Fnrdonintlr P A G Motor Freight ient to achoola anii shopping Cali FARM LOAM leaders. Ml 3-7707. Veifaille. MI 3 ’.M21. TOOL MAKERS and gauge mak­ one or two gentlemen. Kitchen rooms, $60 a week. Four rooms ^ -A \a1® ~ a radio, hfatrr ers, fUst c.lasB only, .11 hou. woik Xn 3-6493 after 5. 18 acres of land, Avery Street, 815.200—Six room Cape, breeze- .(or the purchaser. MI 9-3081. privileges. parking.. Inquire 167 8o Windsor. Five minutes walk to week, lop rate's, all benefits. Call Maple St. SIX ROOMS,, duplex, ateam heat. way. garage, walk-in closet*. 1(4 new Bchool how being built, baths, aluminum combinatlan, MANCHESTER —6(4 room Ranch '51 CHEV...... $295 MI 9-1263. Read Herald Advs. Available Dec. 1. Just off the Cen­ »’ tt-onaw an»^ * Jporc* ^ A per nibir viml. Mini; amesite drive. 5% FHA, 10% VA. with attached garage. Good sized R O '- ot Zkx TO^'7 3 30* '2-donr hRnItop (;ii4|r Home Buys By Jarvis FURNISHED room for rent, con­ ter, Write Box D, Herald. radio, hofltrr. mum ."1 vartis. Nol acreened, • SEPTIC TANKS venient location. One minute from B A D REALTY ASSN., INC. rooms, fireplace, hot water oil A CONCRETE ("Iranpd and Installed Main Street.. Ught housekeeping. heat. Priced right at 115,200. Buy For other liiitlnga TEL. Ml 9-4824 A JARVIS R>8 SALE SIGN ON PROPERTY Woman only. Phone MI 9-7099. FOUR ROOM cold flat, adulte now so you won’t be sorry Ister. "Since 1907 Mi 9-8075 days Call Alice Clampet. Realtor. MI TRUCK SPECIAL • SEWERS By Reid only. Call MI 3-7443 after 4 p.m. , Ml 9-3640 eyeninga or TR 5-1582 FOUNDATIONS Machine ('leaned MEANS A QUALITY HOME LAWRENCE F. FIANO, 9-4643. Other listings available. ■56 FORI) I , ’rON It’s Been Of -Coiinie" Member of Multiple Listing Serv­ AUCTION MANCHESTER. Comfortable room, HUGE I ROOM-1954 home. 24’ ata«' 'Th* Attend • PANEi. •nirt'K NOTICE 810 weekly, for refined gentleman, ice. Estimates • INSTALLATION AT A FAIR PRICE— SEE THESE TOPAY! living room, oversized bedrooms, Broker tfrVaAV’ with second seal One local In accordance with the requlre- to share four room bachelor center hall, 1(4 baths.' baseboard owner, low mileage. Excel SPECTALIST apartment. References. (Jail be­ MARCHBJSTER — For the home ANTIQUES-FURNITURE ^ R e e A n New and lonely. A steal in a 6-mom Cape. AH menta of the'Zoning Regulations heat, aluminum atorms -arage. - MI 9-5910 owner who wishes to be near lent condition ...... 8991 cheerfully given. finlahed, I'/] hatha. Just off East Center SL for the Town o f Manchester. Conn., tween 5-7 p.m. MI 9-6067. 819,200. Carlton W. Hutchins," MI- BALANCE o r THE N'AX’IXIR CX)I,I,ECTION MJkNCHESTHIR—Two large three churches* and school. Vacant 6 Town and Country the Zoning Board of Appeals .will COVENTRY — Th'rea rooms and i-n$2. room elder horn* on lot 70x140, hold a public hearing ‘on Monday bedroom ranches. Garage, fire­ ' c o n v er s e Edward J. Polomski XX ITH AOniTIONS FROM OTHER SOURCES bath, furnished. Private entrance, VERT ATTRAtTIVK 8 bedroom place, city utilities, Immediate oc­ steam heat oil fired, full base­ ■55 FORD , ...... $1395 ^ n n . - Old'Nit stiinl.v. 7-room hom^ with l .acre of eveniug, Nov. 10, 1958 In the Hear­ ment, porch—all city utUltles. Drainago Go. Q I O / A i V V ' ' lend In heart of Manchester, t hathsc plenty Heat and hot water, newly decor- • ranch, complete recreation room, cupancy. One at $15,500, has a 4% Country RedfUl Station Wagon SOME MODERN ITEMS FROM LO4’ closer to north 9-7883. ■40.DcSOTO ...... $29 SALES and SERVICE hoaixt fo p Kitchen Table, Cai ved I,eg Drop I^taf Table, Sevenil eidellne. than r e la t io n s allow. , , ’ 8 borhood, CTifford Hansen. Real­ vacant. Excellent residential sec­ walls, full Insulation. Large kitch­ i-dooF, aertan Black. AND rn6a4^»'^^’ son the pertinent mformation OF THE HEW Cimnccticul Shelf Clocks. Few China Head Dolls, Considerable Carl M. .Omark, 61 Plymouth THREE R(X)M apartment, fur- tors, MI 3-2463 and Ml 9,-67«>, tion. Largo 6*4 room ranch, fire­ en. amesit* drive, aU city utilities,' PLUOOED SEWEflS China. Gla.ss and Bric-a-Brac. Child’* Wicker Wash Stand with As participnnta in the Multiple IJstlng Kervice Lane, .Residence Zone AA. Vari­ niahed, newly decorated, shower. place, tile bath, attached varage, large lot. regarding these nete indU Set. And many more inlcrc.stlng.lleim. Wteker Porch Set, Hbuse- W* have over 100 other'natings to'show voii. Call now to ance is requested to maintain at-- utUitles. 272 Main St. ClaliuS and 6-ROOM RANCH In excellent con­ ameaite driveway. Many.-extras. viduals. You probably hold Kneehole Desk, Small Slant Top Desk, Set of 6.Repro. Hep- SEE THE LISTING OF TOUR CHOICE tached garage which is 13,2’ ctoaer 12 noon, $ and 10 p>to- dition. Radiant heat Built •- itbo. Price $is.600. See and buy today, CHARLES LESPERANCE MORIARTY Mathias Claanad 3 bedrooms or 2 bedroom*' and Etcott Agency, Ml 9-7688. plewhite Dining Chairs. Other Items.—Lunch, 'ITuckmen.' the northerly sideline than regula- MI 9-7620 know the father or moth­ SeptlB Tanks. Ur.? tVellli. Sewet b er Re l e y BEIAUTIFUL 4 roqm apartment, dining room. A large livlf^ room Uttoa allow. ■’ ELUNGTON—Just over Rockville er; the grandparents or BROTHERS Lines Installed—Cellar Water- •' The Penny Saver; 474 Main St., heated,. ' centrally located-' cn haa paneled fireplace. Attached *W*7' proofing Done. l.otvcM I'rlretl Hporta Car ground Boor, atovs/ r«Mgerator nvafe.,L«t is 100 feet by Stoieet Line. Moderate priced 6 roo;m (JORNER OF Lake 8t. and Box brothers and sistmts. AU ROBERT M. REID I SON, AHttiHeeri Buaineas Zona in. Variance la r*-' Prtoo $17,$00. Bart* g. Rohan, bungalow tn excellent“ ■ neignbobor- "MMmtato. togeeplng views'*^ of - Iinln — Continental — Up r<. 6(1 Mile* Per Oal. JARVIS REALTY CO? «|u*at*

to>n$mF m seltoVg» .. ,. ■ ' V .i V-

-I , • ' '.ill.... • ill I *^Tti*f* Daily Net Press Riui PACE TWENTt-EIGOT WEDNESDAX*^ NOVEMBER 8 ,195J ' ' For the'WMif ttfani tb t W«Rili(w Nsv. lat, USB rnmmm lEoMting Hrralb \ - '■ t reiwwt *f O. S.,Ww|er 12,819 SAm r, eoMer tsalglit. Law-fei L>tfvid P. 0..aler,-ion of Mr. and .Com bined C atholic M o t h a r a T h e lO ltst L/)giatloal Division, The m eeting of the Mayjtue- a t the Covenant Congregatidnal Mrs. H. F. Cuater S r.,,42 Bigelow Clrrtea w ill hold the'lr annual b an ­ com m anded by Col.' Tliom aa Shaf- Yacht Club will be held on Nov. Church, acheduled for Frid ay at>$ MaealMr « ( «ha Andtt •is. Fata-, ODoler Friday, m g k m a r About Town St , I'ecently receiv^ a a’arrant quet this evening at A :30 a t t h e fei, W ill hold a Tbttnio.i on Nov. 13 at the H igh St. School In Botlth p.m. Bureau at CIreulatian 59. ./\' promotion to '.tajine private firat Roaem ount, Mrs. Harry Kich Is IS at the Ofltcerf Club, State G laatonbury, atarting at 8 p . m . M imcheiter— A City o f VUlage Charm Arm ory. Hartford, atarttng with Nin* new r'.cmbcr5 nf the Mah- rlaes at Parna Iifland. S.C. Before :chalrm «ih of fh* com m ittee, and The covenant W om en’a. Guild chester r^ngiie of Woman Volcra enlisting in X arch, he gradiihled the guest speaker will be the Rev. eoektaila at <5 o'clock. Sfem bera i Benedict Joseph M aw n of , the la In charge of the H arveat pot- Attended an orientation meeting at frori Marvebes ei High School. o the unit m ay maki reaerva- VOL. LXXVin, NO. 32 (TWEN'I’Y-FOLR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1958 (Claairtfl'eB A«vartlaiat oa 'Paga f t ) i H oly F A m 11 y M onastery, . W est luck and program for all fam lllei PRICE PIVE CENm the hotfip of Mrs Srhardl. tiona W ith &-.agt. Congdoi), 43 OUT OP S5 Mrs. Schardf. ^rrs. Francis Cowan A babied gooib aele will he held ' Hartford. ' i W yllya St., H artford. a *4aMH«H •* m l|li>iu f»»»SFV and Mrsr Jacques Shaw ei.plaincd at Ih4 Lynn Poultry Store at the n«a avsiiirMtaitN,^Mf SAVE the ptirposc and organisation of Pafliade Satilrday by (hih Pack ' The VVednesday midweek service I The No', em ber ii eetlng of the tnlna SflM «fMlr4(a.3I. N A T IO N W II and the appoinl man! of Mf-.s .In- at a i.h at the Whiton Ateriiorial 'pm a cottage prayer meeting will '.ranch, nf the H artford Federal Former Betty Ami Shop WELDON d r u g CO . ID JA f-4264 Pledged to Washington, Nov. 4 (Ah— Little autos are going to get seph Carman |o that position was Lihraiy. Sophoclea and Antigone I he held al the home of .Mr. and Savings '!an k,,II 0.h N ew Brltalh R. Main Straet, Rorkvllle Ml Mata Street-rAII S-U3I on will be dlseiisaed. Mrs. Norman W. .Smith. Ave,, W est Hartford. a price bre*k in some down- it Ice approvi'l town Washington parking Cut House lots. The move Is a switch from the recent talk In such plades Harana, Nov. 6 pP)-..Af Ten wumaii wera on the passen­ Hartford, Nov. 6 (JP)— Now as New York and 9t. Louis miaaing Cuban airliner was ger lis t that the Democrats have caj> about special high rates for The plan* xnrried a craw of tured control of the Connecti­ the longer end wider Ameri­ seized in flight by rebels, is three; Pilot ArmahdpPledra, skin- can 19.59 models. parked on a rebel airstrip and cut House of Representatives diving champion of Culya; co-pilot for the first time in 82 years "Pure economics,” said l<. B .' all 28 aboard are safe, a quali­ Guido Kohly and' stewahA.^mado Doggett, Jr., president of the fied source said today. Cantlllo. son of the mlUtar^-^hief they are committed to initiate Washington Parking Assn. of Orlente Province. '■ legislation that Would cut the The message said the rebels Doggett figured 40 of the The plane was on a flight from size of the House by 110 little fellows .will fit Into the would turn over all the 25 Havana to GuanMnamo, with stops space needed for 28 of what acheduled at Manzanillo, on the melnl^rs. All Caught passengers — including one The 'pgrty .pIsLforrn, dratted are now considered normal American — to International southeast coast and Holguin. All size American cars. No car ... tA m -' tt 3 stop* were in OHente Province, several m d i^ s ago when no one Cross representatives as had- the vagifest Itlrs (he Demo- larger than 6Si by 14 feet the stronghold of activity by reb­ qualTTiea. On Wrong soon as possible. Apparently, els led by Fidel Castro. The plane c als would wrest the long con­ ■vS left Manzanillo at 4:30 p.m. but trol of the Hous> Irom the GOP. the rebels will hold the .3-man propo.qed that steps be taken to crew, never arrived at Holguin, about 70 miles to the northeast. provide "annual sessiona- of the Half of Floe Although government soldiers General Aa.aerably and reduction LaF)or lo Seek Havana, Cuba, Nov. 6 (iT)^ hold Holquin, rebel bands are ac­ in the size of the House to one Anchorage, Alaska, Nov. 6 A Cuban airliner carrying 28 tive throughout the area. member for each town.” Since the constitution now pro­ Age Bias Ban > i.f \ i I (/P)—Twenty-one men, ma- persons vanished in eas,tern Castro has embarked upon a sys­ I rootled when a violent polar (4 tematic campaign to disrupt trans­ vides two representatives for each T.-'V Cuba last night and was pre­ portation In an effort to overthrow town with a population over 5.- storni broke their bleak, Arc- GREEN STAMPS THURSDAY, NOV. 6th sumed to have been seized in President Fulgenclo Batista's re­ 000, the giant size House now has 111 Work Field! j tic Ocean ice i.sland in half, flight by rebel agents. gime, Castro also opposes Presi­ 279 mei. bera. I awaited rescue today as howl- A constitutional amendment Tw'o other Cubana airline planes dent-elect Andres Rivero Aguero, Hartford, Nov. 6 (/P)—The State : ing winds tore at their tiny, have been diverted in flight since a Bastista choice^ .who is to take would be required to change the CIO-AFL' served notice today It provision to one member of each I exposed floe. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WITH ALL CASH SALES! Oct. .81 by'rebel gunmen posing as office Feb. 24, will pu.sh for enactment of a law passengers. One crashed, killing 17 The first plane to disappear was of the 169 towns in the stale. ! "The Alaskan Air Command, PLUS DOUBLE banning employment discrimina­ of the 20 persona aboard. a Cubana DC3, which was seized With the Democrata holding a i ucHdy lo make Its rescue move aa Among the 25 paagengera aboard on a flight from Cayo Manibi to seven vote margin in the House tion because of age when the new 1 soon a.s the storm abates, said the the DCr3 which duiap^ared laat Moa Bay. site of an American- di.ring the coming session atart­ Democi-atic-controlled legislature ; 'll men who made up the comple­ Teen Dept. Specials ing in Januaiy they will be in a ment of the International night was an American listed with­ owned nickel and cobalt mining takes office Jan. 7. out address as Robert Mont­ enterprise. It had 14 persons position to start the ball roiling 1.physical Year station were In n * WOOL GLOVES gomery. He was believed to be a aboard, including the crew of for Biicti a change, which in the Ally. Margaret C. Driscoll, , immediate danger, DRESSES Union conn.sel and head of its leg­ i The ice island, known aa D nft- DRESSES sailor or Marine fl.ving to the U.S, past haa been repeatedly blocked Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay. (Continued on Page BIxteen) by the Remiblican dominated islative committee, said such leg­ j mg Station A, broke in two Sun- House. islation is needed to assist many dny under the relentless pounding Teen dre».ee In new fnll .ly le., A good aelertlon Imported glovea in aolid colora or with trim of an nnseasonal polar storm. The of print, end .olid. .Ir.r. A to I ft. Cotirt Reform qualified persons over age 40 in obtaining employment. island wa,s 960 miles northeast of tm cufLa. Al.ao white. Si/.ca: Small, medium The platform also calls Mr the Valuea $5.98 to $10.98. TREMENDOUS "elimination of out-worn and out­ "Employment agencies tend to Barrow, Alaska, and 600 mile* stress younger people on their , northwest of Thule, Greenland. IN HALE'S FABRIC DEPT. and large. f moded county government,” which Nixop Takes Charge has been perpetuated by Republi­ rolls and that isn’t good," Mrs. The 21 men were on the camp­ Ma in r i.o o it. hf.a r S-. ->'N can office holders over the years. Driscoll said site half of the island when it 'X'.’ broke apart The rescue was com- Take The Thrifty Way ' »5 00 To *8.00 AS to court reorganization, the One provision In any Connei!!- ONLY PAIR SAVINGS! cul law on this would be the elimi­ pltraled because the 2.000-font air- Democratic platform ss.ys "-.ve I raft runway was on the other To R urll-drcsscd fnll and winlfi . . . shop our sale nf * propose the complete elir. Irtation nation of the age stipulation In job 1.00 notices. She said that New York lalf of the mile long, mile wide yardgoods now I ^ ou'll find fiishinn nr«s a-plcnty . . , GROUP OF DRESSES of our minor courts ard trial jii.s- ■loe. Our di.splav ol fine fabrics is nilhotil a doul'l Ihc tice courts and 'he establishment State now has such a law. SWEATERS The union official said that Before the rescue can be com­ largest in Ibis area and rrasonably priced, tool I o, state-maintained courts presid­ pleted, th# I I Air Force men, mn* ' VALUES M $«.«• B y JA C K BEUX ^nor race hinges' on a count: of mall ed over full-time career judges •solution to the problem of hiring TrA-t^Ao ^ *nA< k long aIaa$a AHAHtArA, In bhits THURSDAY ONLY! Washington, N.)v. 6 (JT — Vice ballots, which could upset the lead those over age 40 must come scienllaU and Father Tom Cun­ TThltA« pAd nnd R4|iiii. ^Ip.aa to 14. President Nixon la taking charge Democrat Ralph G.,x Brooks now through the Joint efforts of ed­ ningham, a noted Barrow expert Policeman Uses Cane on Woman on the polar -region*, will have lo of'efforts to rejuvenate the disor­ holds over Republican Gov, Victor (Conttnoed on Page Sixteen) ucation plus law. Y'alue.s to $1.98. """*5.00/ ganized Republican party. He is E, Andersoii. A Brooks victory A policeman swings hiz can* hard to chase an African woman away from Johannesburg. South Afri­ make a dash by small boat across "But basically it Is an educa­ ca, court on opening day of trial of 128 Negro women demonatralors. The defendants are part of likely to put the accent on youth would give the Democrats 34 state tional Job," she said, explaining open water from their half of the NOW ...... *3.00 a group of 3,000 arrest^ In week-long demonstrations against a new regulation requiring Negro island'to the runway half,- where YARD NYLON HOSIERY in doing so, governorships to’ 14 for Repub­ that employers must be sold on GROUP OF PRESSES licans. women to carry Identification passes. The 128 women today wars fined *8.60 each, (AP Pho- rescue planes can pick them up. Although Nixon xron't bear any the hiring of older persons who tofax). SPECIAL such official designation as party Looking -' toward 1640, Nixon is AIsop, Friends T7i* two chunks of Ice Store at last often prove more stable in their report a mil* and a hai^part. eonunander. President Eisenhower expected to bear down in attempts SALE! VALUK^ $14.M Jobs than others. Employers should The huge Ice floe dwis firat Regular $1.19 and $1,79 Values e'oviously 'Is stepping gladly out to get attractive, youthful aspir­ also be told that their Insurance NEW FA LL of the way to let hts second man ants into nice* for congrsssional G>nfer on New Who Wdn\ Fight? manned as a floating, Arctic acien- rates for older persons are only tlflc station In the spring of 1957.' Firat quality sheer dark diract the drive. Its aim is to lift and state offices as a means bf State Trooper REGULAR $1.19 36" CROMPTON S FINE WALE C O R D U R O Y...... 97c Yd. """ .;d*i^.oo slightly higher. They mu.st resi- At that Urn* It was located ftSO awun do gauge lull faah- ^ the. party back Into contention in helping the national ticket- He was ize, she sdded, that experience and miles north of Barrow. Since then REGULAR $1.29 45" COHAMA RONDERA T W EED ...... 97e Yd. Inned hosiery. All with re- th* 1040 preeidential contest, after privately lest than enthuMkatic GOP for State other qnallficaUons are what HANDBAGS Inforeed heel end toe for It*' ahattering defeat In Tuesday's About-the- caliber of som* o f the count.- •. In Tire Cutting Its. location has been determined REGULAR $1.29 36" LOWENSTEIN’S FOULARD PRIN TS...... 97e Yd. only by wind and watwcdBiova- extra .wenr. ^ O U P OF PRESSES election. candidates for whorii h* cam­ Nov. 4 (/h—John Al She said the .State Employment paigned this year. .. . OOP gubernator- n m i. REGULAR $1.19 45" MALLINSON’S "KN ITN A C"...... 97e Yd. leArgA AAAnrtniAnt of lAniilnA lAnthAr hagt; aIao Pr. At his news conference yester­ Service Is working to this eiid but Nixon knows well that the GQP izl nomlhiition to Fred . R. Zeller, Resigns Force The huge floe, 10 feet thick, has REGULAR $1.1945" MALLINSON S "PINCHECK" ...... 97c Yd. I1 AU plAAtIr rnlf. Mahv Afyltt In rhnoAA from. ^ VALUES M SIV.VE day, Elsenhower endorsed Nixon's needs more help on a state-wide call on party members to start candidate who won the most spe'e- met with friends at his home last basis. served as a base for a great var­ KolotA: RAd, hinrk, nlmond, hronn. n®\y and iety of scientific observations and nnhirnl. now to campaign for 1960. The tacular of the few GOP Victories night and set off talk todny of A law banning age dl.scrimlna- Hartford, Nov, 6 iSh--State Po­ had youth and a pleasing personal­ With Angry Roman lice Commlsaioner John C, Kelly studies, including weather obser­ action apparently g" 'f a hardly possible reorganization moves In tion, she said, would he a useful ""'*15.00 needed go-ahead to the Vice ity going fer him. That would be GOP party organization. said today he haa accepted the rea- vations, micrometeorology, ocean­ ography. earth magnetism and President to take over the GOP Nelson Rockefeller, who won the But Alsop said today the gath­ (Continued on Page Five) ’ ignalion of S t * t e Policeman PLASTIC CALF $2.96 UNDERWEAR poliUoal throttle. As a top GOP governorship of New York and ering at his home was only a meet­ ^London, Nov. 6 (4h- Field M ar-“igauntlet had been thrown down in Charles A, Mansfield of Groton, seismic sounding stiidiea. YARD KNIT DRESSES presidential prosi'ect, Nixon has thus moved Into ranking as ing of a few persona Interested In ahal Viscount Montgomery turned Rome by Vmcenzo Oapiilo. de who wa* involved lit a recent tlre- ,9ft CLOSEOUT TABLE! a personal Interest there. Nixon’s top potential opponent for what could be done to help the down today a challenge to a duel scribing himself as "national pres­ slaahlng episode. He had been a (Oonttnued on Page Tea) LEATHER BAGS IS^^to $10 VALUES $e $39.98 liOat IS Senate Seats the 1960 presidential nomination. "situation at this point.” with an Italian 'eager to avenge ident nf the Italian Nationalist member of the departmant for 11 Returns from the balloting Nixon also may bring some in­ The situation confronting the Recounts Loom the honor of Italy. Aaan." years. Regular 99c Values l.4Mik for our Clnaeoul Table of ehortle gowns, J FRB8S 11 In Nluntic, thing for everyone! ^ ing a atill tentative upset In nor- the MIdwestero farm belt, could the General Assembly. ters on the field of honor, said he at Isington Mill in Hampshire. JlKBCVnON RTAY*D *1 59 t»*2.59 I-ast Thursday he was convicted t_ally Republican Nebraska.. contribute to some change in farm Alaop said he did not feel free Recounts of vote* cast In Tiies- would be "delighted to receive the Montgomery commented: Hartford, Nov. 4 (iFI-idiei-. challenge." in East Lyme Justice Court of REG 69c 36" DRIP DRY I.IN«iKRI»>—81AIN FLOOR. Rr.AOt -TO-WK.AR DKPT— SK(.(>M1I FI.OOR. The Demans. ill next Agrtl 37 to permit the Itcg. SI.till. I'l” U ('.SCO \\ o> on dHp-ilry. Yard O # C Fall Values share In the defeat of GOP candi­ race for state representative w what weS’pons?" he inquired po­ " ^ e * he say what weapons he Tinker was also fined 825 in the New .Brl(aai man to carry out ing today dttermUtes whether Rep. He added, however, he "was not case. Charles W. Vu^l (R-Ill) or dates like Sen. William F- Know- in dispute with the Republican In­ litely when a reporter told him of Intends to use? " an nppstU of hi* oomletlon to Figured Kay on Flannel...... yd. f 1.17 interested In recriminations or The car involved belonged to Democrat GepCge fc. Shipley tx'on a land, who lost his try for the gov­ further party bickering.” cumbent claiming he Is th# winner the challenge. Th* usual practice, he was re­ the, U.S. Clreolt Ooort of Ap­ Keg, Sl.ii!l. I.'i" K ('. Vcel.hle and nip-and-tuck contest. .Unofficial re­ ernorship in California, and Sen. by seven x'otes. London newspapers said the minded, was to leave the choice Frank T. Horan of Groton, opara- peals. Wojcttlewiex waa sched­ FROM HALE'S The Important thing, he said, is tions manager of the Electric Boat Colton Nidiby T\\eed ...... yd. ,S 1.1 7 turns'show Shipley leading. that “all Republicans realize they Rep. William Kielwaaser, th* Re­ of weapons to th# r n challenged.' uled to be oxeented Nev. 17. Tho 36" DAINTY PRINTED Th* undecit^ Nebraska gover- ((tontliiD^ on Page Three) publican, claimed that a 10-vot# In this case that man was Monty. Division of General Dynamic* must get together to fight this Corp. Groton. paralyzed slayer ha* ewmped Ftf •ptniR|s to 32' battle.” error In his favor had bean dis­ Did he have any partieulr >• pref­ the electric chair at W#thera. REG. 59c A.B.C. RUNJAB-QUADRIGA »4i. 10" lvi|H. HOUSEWARES DEPT. covered on the m-chjnes. In his post-election comment, erence 7 field state prtooa for six yetara FLANNELETTE Complete unofficial return* News Tidbits "No comment to that. Besides. *Hpavpiia, No, JiidgR^ through various legal move*. Ho TnWWroUg....^ Alsop. a former state representa­ showed ftjrs. Mary W. Kenny, a FINEST QUALITY PRINTS M any |>AUrni« And (Mi|ortng% In ro^rlMnU, tive and president of an insurance Culled from AP Wires I thought dueling, was iltegsl in wae injured In a 1951 gua battlo MAJESTIB BATHBOOM SEAT Democrat, the winner Hy three this country?" Denver, Nov. 6 i/P) Mr*. In New Britain. It followed a rhlMrnn'A And HaHv drAlgTiA. Tsrrt ■ ♦ • ft company, predicted a "sweeping On^ Ijiltlo III diniirt pnllrmia (oi tlrr«bnr*h. votes. She polled 8.820 votes'' to Th* Field Marshal was asked Cor* Belle Cox, 80. won a robbery In which a poUceman Solid, .sturdy, reorganization" In the Republican Kielwasser's 8,817. Uprnn^. ilrnpr^. rto. 3R*' ultin. VatiI J IC party. Mrs. Mary Florsheim Picking about Italy as a possible location. divorce In court yesterday by aad a bystaader were kllM . White only. ^ ^ 5 , 9 5 "It Is pretty clear that the par­ Democrats w-on control of tiva Jones, 38, the htireaa wife of singer "No comment to that either." anaw!ering Just one question. Ike Seen Puzzled Oaneral Assembly for the first tima. In his recently pel llshed mem­ KOREAN EXECUTED Asked Judge 3( a r a h a 11 ty needs reorganization," Alsop Allan Jones has emerged from a sjnee 1876 In Thieadav's election. Seoul, KorejL, Nov. g (fL—Pms told newsmen, 8-dny ««ma».Mo*t of Mrs. Carrie oirs Montgomery said Italian Quial: "Did .vo'ir husband \Alsop lo ll a state nominat­ They won the Senate 29-7 and th* troops were "unreliable when it ever abuse you?" mer fiouto Korean Air Forco BATHROOM SCALE 6op House 143-136. Bistelle Doheny'a *25-milllan estate Special Sale ing convention battle for the gu, came to haro fighting" and de- Said Mrs. Cox: "Leavena, CauL CTm I Jung’ 11 died before a If Kielwasser's claim is upheld goes to charity.. .President Rtaen- iR $6.98 value. Weighs up to 250 lbs. $>1 A O By Defeiat of GOP hewer la going duck shooting with no. Judge. He waa always too firing squad today lor trying to the . Democratic margin. In , tha (^Unued on Pag* Wxtoen) (3eorge Humphrey, hls first secre­ (Continned on Pnga Sixteen) drunk." ^ hijack a C-tS transport to Com. MILLINERY DEPT. Special ^ .^ O House would be cut to 143-187. niiinlsl. North Korea last April. Toiletries, Etc. tary of the treasury. Kielwaaser anld Town Judge The 33-yeair-old captain killed a t I,l,\ F T \ .M » .xi|.ltt IN FOLDING By JAMBS MARLOW ♦thought caused the Republican de­ Jam es P. Doherty would check the Navy to launch balloon to 8o,ooo crewman and wounded the pilot PLASTIC STORM WINDOWS (AP New* Anslyst) feat. machine totals today. feet Sunday carrying two scientists before hr wa# overpowered by H9r I'ep.aoHenI Tonlhpn..(e Wasiungton, Nov. 4 UP) — rres- But he said ht agreed with Judj^e O rders "If Judge Doherty fails to ce. in effort to learn whether there I* Ihe crew In a slniggle aboard the HEADBANDS \Mlb Hair Brush ...... ,\ll For fi9c Fits any window up to 51 x 70. A A Idsnt Eisenhower —: in his .first Vice President Nixon that the Re­ tify that’ I am toe winner.” Kiel­ eMugb water os planet M sr* to Device to Hold Rocket Air Force transport en route A M , ( O l.O lt.'t lIM .I I.AIt $'!.!»a Waterpnjof, wild proof, storni proof.' I t j£ ,w news conference after .the Repub­ publicans "arc prone to campaign waaser aald, "I win file a petition support plant Itf* :, Francis Card­ from Taegu to Seoul April 19. New .lergen'H YY’ilh Dispenser ...... $1.25 licans' smsafilng defeat Tuesday— very hard toe last week or two Goldfine Bare for a recount" ins] Spellman and James Francis Till K.S-. O.M.Y gava no Indication he knows how weeks, or two months of «n elect State law requires that such a Cardinal McIntyre return from REP. HALLECK RE-RLBCTEn ' (i!)e .Si|uibb's Denial (’ream ...... 2 for 9Sc , WILD BIRD siib to revitalize the party or even that tion, and they don't fight between )>etitlon be filed with a Judge of Itome conrlave after helping On Right Road to Moon Indianapolia, Nov. 4 iti—Rep. "THE SASTkRNER" ha’ll be active In trying to. elections.” « ■ All on Checks the Superior Court within three chooea new Pope. Charles A: Halleck (R>iMd),. oflra 9.'i Kibulol N’ilamin With He not only' sqipeared puaaled as day* after th* election. Tomorrow Mother and two children led to called President Etsetth^er’s Special formula. * T A Then.ihe added he agrees with Washington, NbV, 4 srr.f lAi, ,v,ssoit niK\T o r $I.9S Sige Free ...... Ml For $.V9.5 to why the Democrats won by a Republican Chairman Meade AI- Boston, Nov. <\ (iP)—Boston mil- is the deadline in tliia case. Safety ttuough heavy sihoke by (A5—Th*|sl*ge'i •nglpe until auffldent right-hand man In Congress, waa by 5l.h, Bag / “ C landslida. but at times in his .meet­ cqrn that: llonalre Bernard\ Goldflnc today After a hearing, the Superior flrtmen who douto closet fire In Air Force's new nioon rocket — thrtist and velocity had been de­ re-elected Tuesday bv his small- F>onpmy .'Ai/.e \5'ondbury Shampoo ...... S9c ing vrith"''pewsmen yesterday "If the Republicans don’t start was under court order to tell all Court could order a recount. If I^rtford apartment .. America's which may go aloft early tomor­ veloped possibly to compensate for , eat, margin. Halleck's margin ever pollUcaily unknown (leorge BETTER HATS Bsemed ' to contradict hls- .S.'r.DR. Large .lohnaon Baby Powder ., ...... 59e believe this is true throughout the 'nie matter of the chechi came : ■-« f - . , • Such a deviation was a key' But the hope would be that the Adjustable. Sit or stand. 0 « see In the election returns any­ country.” toMMIrol dlsrnsaloiis with Com­ sdded speed would enable jt lo by 37,893 Votes snd In 1954 hy V ; veatertay - in U,R. Diafrlct | rO B C irlV eS P re S S munists on wide ran^e of complex factor In heaping the last moon 33.721. 3 00 Large Liaterine .Vnliseplie ...... S9c thing that indicates the people of Right here is where he showed Court, wher* Gojdfine ' and \wo _ • , _ . '. - zoom its Instrumented payload "-to the country'W*Mlb his adminlstra- military problems. rocket, fired Oct. I.', from reach­ oohtrsdicUons. compshiea he controls \— Elaat * n i * n t h f ‘ t*1 V A n V I S* s* ing the viclntt.v of Iht moon. a point In Zpac# whare the grav­ I-AST .M.A.N, 72. S.AFE Large Ban Deodoiant ...... 9Se COCOA DOOR MAT Uon to do anything differently. Boatoh Co. and Boston P w t De- J /RUVICC 'Royal Industrial Union reports ity of th# moon might take over. He added: "If I’m wrong. I'd The very fault he found with that by action of. some 3.000 of its But even with th# new device, Rancroft,. Malqe, N n . 4 uPi— Protects your rugs and the Reiiiibltcana—that they qght velopmcnt Co.—soug-ht s^ ro v a l chances of success in the coming Ai'tually, the radio device Is a \3llllam .Nealy, 72; of Wdod- Ttvni Permanent ...... $2.00 like to know what It is." of s compromUe settlement in a By niANK BRVrro members, employe* at Royal Me- modification of one to be carried Baby and Tot Shop Asked what he thought caused only the last few weeks before an BSe In Hartford, a company pro­ moonshot are related no belter stork. Conn, walked to safety fltmr.H. 2.49 palnorily stockholder's suU. .' V atican -city, Nov. 4 (>F,i -Poi>e in the payload of toe fiinar probe.' Nen Max Facinr Hi-Fi Llp.stick ...... $1..50 the Democratic victory, he said election and not between elec­ posal for 8 per I'cnl prodiicllvlly than I in 2,5. today after spending 18 hours « l tions is the same course he has •J'lie enij wa* brought by George John XXIII ■ received some 6«« The new wrinkle is a -apecial The latter type also waa carried lust In the wtH^s where be went CHILDREN'S PANTS the people apparently didn't pay hike haa keen Ivuted down . .Day. In I ’iuiieer t last month. followed himseir. B Hrddemlorf of Fayette, Maine, tepresenliitlves of the world preM' long wildcat strike that partially n odiflcatlon of the moon, rocket's hunting yesterday. The >8'arde« Nox/.ema Skin (’rettm ...... i...... 89c any attention to hls warning about alleging miemanagenient, ^nd de­ Kino > riiiioii in rust'hiMl ami Llttral prItOs. C A Cotton Knit Jerseys, We welcome charge aecounts! iJ.'W’' (Jteen Trading Stamps are feiyen the "spender wing” of . the DSm-^ — Between elections he has taken in a jovial special audience today cripples Kaalern Greyhound Line*’ radio system. Its function is to Both radios employ the "dop- ttervipe. said Nealy ntule hls with cash .sales and also to customers who p6y theiir charge account within a position above the political manding compensation. and urged them to write truth­ o^rations In K northeastern slates encourage more speed If the rocket pler" principle. Thfy can pick up way out near the spot where Sl/fs to HM'lirs. Viilurs to . Karh 3 w C (tOc ,\|ka Sell/.er ...... 5le ocratlc party.. He' renewed his Under the proposed compromise, fully. fifteen (15) days after billing date. 1 . piqdge to fight'unnecessary f^ - strife, trying to get along with appear* to b^At Sad In Claveland. deviates from its planned tin^eo «/. radio signal transmitted from he. went In yestepday. He waa RKt;. $2.98. VA Ll’KS. Democrats and Republicans alike, Goldflne and other officers ,of-the •nie Pope chuckled aa he com­ tory In toe early atageq .of flight. Earth and Then send one of their relid'hut otberwlac faa good eon- K\TKA XKK( IAL: 7.5c Bayer’s Aspirin 1’a|)les...... >07c eral sending. comrsnies oi.eret, to ps'^ $4«8,006 Anna Maria Alb*r)LhetU, Italian A sk ^ Reetwd'SpetMUag Twice and to avoid partlaan political mented on reporters' efforts to nry actress and singer, aays she la not In the Oct. 11 ahol, tlie rocket., own hack. dltlon after hls oveiilght or­ NOW ...... ; ...... to minority shsreholdsrm •iftto the secrets of the conc'/ve I nicap .Multi 5 itumins .. . .l.’l.tl and s o il *2.29 But It was IBiaenhower himself bickering. Mairrytaig songwriter Buddy Berg­ began it* trajectory SJ-L-’ degree*. The ilm# between to# aending of deal. . BOYS' C O n O N FLANNEL SHIRTS U.S. District (3ourt Judge that elected him the 342nd Pontiff RK(i. $.').»8 VALIJKS. Ample Free Parking Rear Of Store whb in 1957 and again'In 1958 Active .Before Rlectlen man and that she Is not quarreling Higher than inlandad. The' result the Earth -eignal and th* receipt of Large I’idaylin ...... $4.19 Charles E. Wyxsnakl Jr. refused of the Roman Catholic Church on with her mother about it. . . was it bad a toughar fight with’ toe a signal fronfi th# rocket—together «T.\TE EDITATWR QUITS Plaldx ami Klrl|M'x. .Suiiforlzeil to roiitcnl ahrlnk- NOW' ...... aakad the Democratic-nm Cton- Then, just before oach- elecUom yesterday to sppros* toe-ecompiio- Oct. 38. *2.79 gresa,.to approve record .peace- he gets vary active'and goes out Syrian posiaans apaaied rifle aad aarth'a gravltatiqnal- pull. Its ul­ with other fectora—providea a Hartford, Nov. 8 (JP) Ing. Slrra .S to 6x, Regular *1.08 Karh V Woolile M'ool M’a .sh ...... $L00 and $1.50 mise uaUI Goldflne ends hi* si­ "Tlis .sfforts of to* press have aaitoiaaMr fire at a tractor oper­ timate speed (hiia fail seme 500 measure of the speed of the rocket, Charlea F. RItch of'ffiaeky time spending budgets. to caqipalgn. lence •qout the checkd, 'drevm by Choice of blnuEoq or tnck-la ttjrto*. IMrtlo neck, wqr.k turtio,. ARwmgh he hammarad rs- A few minutes-aftor MyinF toe been formidable, but the rileiicc ating Inside Israeli tarritory south mite* an hour short of whgt it ft' was by thi* method, that the chief of the State Edaicati^ SPKCIAI. .SAKE! New Tempo Hair Spray. . him OR the two oampzntea. (i*f ;ih s conclave) Ilua been «vim of Huleh RerlamaUon Area, an needed to reach the vlCIn'Uy of the speed of Pioneer waa clocked In its Departmeafa BuroM of ...... $1.50 V-aeek. PUMa, print* or aollda. Small, medlnm, large alaea. peataffly on his detormhiaUbh to RepuMicaniS ou gh t'to aU rt right W >auukl 'gave OfUttlM unUl r*duab UMpdlng and m s re- Iwfbri* -MMLlhe Tikywr-eM Poas- Israeli larmy spokesman an- moon, aom* 333,090 ml)** away, ,79.130 mile flight. 'ServLoee, haa been agg elU ed , BOW flghUag to win toe IgW elec- Dec. 6 teP *m p^ toff infom uon tlff. i CHIX DIAPERS Large Anacin Tablets"^.-...... il.li* ThE JW . l U U COItit Pfatadlp^iiked wbare he’d make Uon, he was aahe4 what itotliought naUBi;!**. . . Th*' United Arab Ra- Tha new corrective device will The radio ayatem In the moon New SPORTS\VEAR DRPARTMKNT-SKCON’D F U K ^ Or (Usspprovsl a t toe com- TitoM raaen IstqilFd with Uai pUhlic'* amMaaaador, Gan, Abdel ride In to* second of to*' four *< iilmeMaia. Dr. RItch wOl aa- the cuts — he didn’t name a aln- hls rol* In the 1940 promlee DteMesL Folds easy 'lo fli any al*f! Ituby. Slight. ■ T 'O MANCritSTgR gla area that would feel, the ak. would ha. H« a*id; f atthsf.-.-’ . Hamid Qhaleb' who was declared dottoa :1k#e.. airiy. Irregulara. it diaper, lb each pk*. Pjcg.Qdt*/ e He m M frankly ha didn’t know tt wa* the mav Seiitoa 4m to* throny Ml to* pppotma non grato during the for- day iritm (eaiiilM r hto W coaNm MAW Ml oAg siaHTS i^.-Aakad what factora he m a rTpglliWi ^ F n q M tat OsmiUp .(OmMIm u I Mk Paga Vwe) Chanioua, aaMnw taJM swl toff^.