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achievementsMM BUREAU Gokulpuri assembly take action against those New Delhi/April 29 constituency and is dominated who raised anti-national As soon as the Bharatiya by Dalits, Brahmins and slogans in JNU. These are Janta Party’s (BJP) candidate Muslims. Tiwari is contesting not assembly elections or from North East Delhi against Congress’ Sheila MCD elections. You have to constituency Manoj Tiwari Dikshit and Aam Aadmi elect a Prime Minister who reached to address a public Party’s (AAP’s) Dilip Pandey. can protect you from our meeting in Saboli on Sunday To connect with the local dushmans (Pakistan).” evening, a group of teenager Purvanchali population, At one point, a group of started shouting “rinkiya ke which has a strong presence locals started questioning papa agaye”, referring to one in the constituency, Tiwari Tiwari about some of his of his popular songs. elected to pepper his speech 2014 pre-poll promises. The Bhojpuri singer and with Bhojpuri words such “Everything will get sorted if actor turned politician is as “electionwa (elections)” Modiji comes back in power. and “kya haal ba (how are Chalo bhaiya sab Modiji ke seeking re-election from the (JNU) campus when anti- Metro till the Gokulpuri seat. He spoke about his work you)”, and sang patriotic liye tali to bajao,” he replied India slogans were allegedly metro station — Atal Bihari songs during his address. Meanwhile, sitting next to in the constituency, former raised. Vajpayee in 2002 and then prime minister Atal Bihari Alleging that Delhi the stage from where Tiwari “I have brought metro Manoj Tiwari in 2018. I also chief minister Arvind was addressing, 47-year-old Vajpayee, called Pakistan “an services to your doorsteps made sure that the Signature A polling official administering indelible ink to a voter, at a polling booth, enemy” and even reminded Kejriwal did nothing for Sumati Raj said, “Tiwari is as I had promised in 2014. Bridge project was completed the constituency, he said, a good singer. We have come during the 4th Phase of General Elections-2019, at Jodhpur, in Rajasthan voters of the evening at the There are only two politicians during my tenure,” he said. on April 29, 2019. Jawaharlal Nehru University “This Delhi government is here to listen to his songs. We who have ever travelled in Saboli is located in not even letting the police do not know about his politics. In East Delhi, parties Songs and selfies light up singer offer development 2.0 MM BUREAU New Delhi/April 29 “Parking is the biggest problem here,” says Atar Singh Nagar, RWA president of Ganesh Nagar Pandav Nagar Complex—an unauthorised colony awaiting Hans Raj Hans’s campaign stops regularisation—in East Delhi’s Laxmi Nagar. The MM BUREAU and action,” Hans, originally and BJP supporter said. He colony, despite its unauthorised New Delhi/April 29 a resident of Jalandhar in added that the voting would Punjab, said. be conducted in the name nature has all the basic civic Hans Raj Hans, facilities of a planned area in ’s Hans’s musical campaign of Modi not Hans.Hans’s revolved around Prime motorcade, comprising at Delhi. That may have something candidate from North West to do with its location — opposite Delhi, swayed voters on Minister Narendra Modi, as least three SUVs, then left he along with Mehndi sought for Bhera Enclave in Paschim the high-profile residential Sunday through his popular neighbourhood Commonwealth numbers with improvised votes in the PM’s name and Vihar where a crowd of over sang songs in his praise. 100 people was waiting for Games Village sports complex, lyrics to suit his campaign. which was developed to provide People jostled to click selfies At Defence apartments in him. “I came here to serve you Paschim Vihar, Hans started all on the directions of Prime accommodation and training with the Punjabi pop and Sufi facilities to athletes during the singer and requested him to his campaign with a song Minister Modi ji. I am here for “Dil Modi Modi Ho Gaya”, an clean politics. Support me and 2010 Games.The Akshardham Metro station is just a sing songs. few metres away. As the city gears up for the Hans is pitted against improvised version of his hit vote for me to make Modiji song - -Dil Chori Sada ho gaya. the Prime Minister again,” elections, scheduled for May 12, Nagar’s complaint is Congress’s two-time MLA reflective of the changing development needs of East Delhi Rajesh Lilothia and Aam The crowd demanded more. In Hans said. Rohini Sector-3, he struggled Among the crowd, not parliamentary constituency. In Ganesh Nagar Pandav Aadmi Party’s Gugan Singh, Nagar Complex, for example, development around it has led a former legislator from to stand on the stage as the everyone was happy with crowd pounced upon him the celebrity taking over as to a real estate boom in the colony over the years with rental Bawana. rates as high as ₹18,000 to ₹20,000 for a two-bedroom house. In Swaroop Nagar, to click a selfie. “This is the the politician. “It is strange biggest disadvantage when that a singer from Punjab, “Rent is one of the major sources of income for property Hans was joined by popular owners here. But increasing number of tenants has resulted Haryanvi singer Sapna a celebrity is given a ticket. who has no Delhi connect, is were over, Hans — clad in a that he had bought a home It is not so. The day I filed Most of the time is finished contesting from here. Hans in a major parking problem in the area,” said Mukesh Choudhary. Later in the beige colour kurta and white in Delhi. my nomination papers, I Gupta, a property dealer. From water and sewerage which afternoon, Punjabi popsinger in welcome and selfies. There might manage to get votes trousers — insisted that he “A rumour is doing the bought a house in Rohini so is hardly any time left for the in the name of Modi but used to be the key poll issues a decade back, the discourse Daler Mehndi, who has was not an “outsider” as his rounds that people of this I am not going anywhere as has moved to parking, better sanitation service. recently joined the BJP, interaction. How will he now this is not the right politics,” opponents were claiming. At constituency will have to I will remain here in the city interact with people and come said Rahul, an engineer, and too joined Hans. When the several campaign stops on come to Mumbai to get their for all of you. I will fight for selfies and the song requests to know the problems of the resident of Bhera Enclave. Sunday, the singer told people works done if I am elected. your cause with both music area,” Praveen Singh a voter 10-yr-old kidnapped in Delhi MM BUREAU Atishi counters ex-MLA’s New Delhi/April 29 A 10-year-old boy, kidnapped on late claims over her religion Saturday night from his MM BUREAU talks of fraternity. Does he home in Modinagar, was agree with this statement? found murdered around New Delhi/April 27 eight kilometers away in AAP’s East Delhi Will he apologise to me? What Niwari on Sunday. Police candidate Atishi on Sunday action will he take against suspect Aditya Bansal, the responded to the controversy Asif Mohammad Khan?” she only son of a businessman, surrounding her caste, saying asked. Asked about his stand was kidnapped for ransom she belongs to a Hindu on , Khan and later murdered as the Punjabi family and is not a on Sunday said, “It is my suspects feared he would Jew as claimed by former understanding that she is reveal their identities. Congress legislator Asif a Jew and this information According to the police Khan. is making rounds on social complaint, Aditya, a class VI “I belong to a Punjabi media.” student, was playing with his Hindu family, and despite Coming to Atishi’s friends and cousins outside knowing it, former Congress defence, Delhi Deputy Chief his house at Manavtapuri MLA Asif Khan is lying about have told a poll campaign Minister locality when two men on me and dubbing me as a Jew,” meeting in East Delhi that warned both the BJP and a motorcycle arrived and she said in a press conference Jews have no place in India Congress to beware of her, kidnapped him at around on Sunday. and the people have to saying “she is a Rajputani”. 8pm. The police said that Khan, who, in a message send this message to every “I am sad that the BJP Aditya’s body was recovered on social media, has been household. “You may vote and Congress together are from the fields near the allegedly dubbing Atishi as AAP, you may cast your vote spreading lies about the forensic science laboratory in a Jew and asking Muslims for broom. But if you vote for religion of our East Delhi Niwari on Sunday morning. not to vote for her. “Hindu- a Jew, I will mind it,” he is candidate,” said Sisodia in a Muslim-Sikh Issai (Christian) reported to have said. tweet. “The BJP and Congress Bhai Bhai but not a Yahudi. A Countering Khan, Atishi men ! Be aware that her full Jew has no place in India,” he sought an explanation from name is Atishi Singh. She is heard, purportedly saying Congress chief Rahul Gandhi. is a Rajputani. A hardcore in a video. “I have three questions to Kshatrani... the Queen of Chairman of @TataCompanies Shri Natarajan Chandrasekaran casts his vote in Mumbai. Khan is also reported to ask from Rahul Gandhi who Jhansi. Lok Sabha elections 2019 Rising heat dictates campaign plans MM BUREAU When most Delhiites for candidates to make their New Delhi/April 27 chose to stay indoors to avoid mark. The triangular election the scorching sun, candidates On Sunday, while contest in Delhi has another braved the heat to hold the day temperature at scorching dimension — the election rallies and went Safdarjung, which is taken rising day temperature. As from door-to-door to seek to be a representative of the campaign for Lok Sabha votes. While some candidates Delhi’s weather, was 41.2 election 2019 picks up pace, such as Congress’ New Delhi degrees Celsius, at least the rising mercury is forcing candidate, Ajay Maken, have three degrees above normal, the candidates rethink their divided their daily schedule the night temperature was strategy. into two slots – morning till 25.4 degrees Celsius, one While the day 11:30 and in the evening – to degree above normal. “The temperature was hovering avoid the heat, others have day temperature is likely above 41 degrees Celsius incorporated changes in their to remain above 40 degrees on Sunday, the India daily diet to avoid falling ill Celsius over the next one during this crucial phase. party worker’s house,” said chawal. He said he drinks week at least, as there are Meteorological Department Brijesh Goyal, the Aam Admi lots of water and butter milk (IMD) has forecast that there “I store water in a copper hardly any chances of a rain. utensil overnight and drink Party candidate from New and meditate to keep up the There are possibilities of a would be no respite from the Delhi constituency. energy levels. He said he heat over the next one week. at least four glasses every dust storm around Tuesday morning besides carrying The concerns of the prefers to wear khadi and and Wednesday but that The mercury could even hit candidates are not unfounded cotton kurtas to keep himself 43 degrees on Tuesday, the a water bottle and glucose. would hardly bring any During midday I take either as city doctors said that this cool. respite. The mercury could IMD said. Sunday was also also the time when water- As Delhi goes to polls on the first weekend after all coconut water or chhachh touch 43 degrees by Tuesday,” (butter milk). I try to avoid borne and food-related May 12, the campaign would said a senior official of the political parties finalised and diseases such as jaundice, get over on the afternoon of announced their candidates fried food and make sure to regional weather forecasting have at least two bananas typhoid and gastroenteritis May 10. The last 48 hours centre. And it is not just about for the coming elections. spread. Manoj Tiwari, sitting is called the silence period For complete coverage every day. Besides this, I the candidates. The parties make sure that either I bring MP and BJP candidate from and no political campaigns are also ensuring that their of Lok Sabha elections, click North East Delhi, prefers a are allowed. This leaves just here packed food from home or workers also remain fit. Light have cooked food in some light diet, comprising dal and 13 days (starting Sunday) snacks.