desired course and strong corrective action GAME AND may be necessary. CANOE TRAIL PARKS COMMISSION From Schramm to Louisville SRA is PO Box 30370, Lincoln, NE 68503 4.9 river miles (1 hour). It has nice modern 402-471-0641 • and primitive camping facilities. Fees vary GENERAL INFORMATION according to the facilities used. Snowmelt from the Rockies Recommendation: Please read the An access site is at the Nebraska 50 at the Continental Divide is the initial water General Canoeing Introduction pages before bridge, about 10-20 minutes downstream source for both the North and South Platte beginning. They are a good review for the from Louisville SRA. There is easy access rivers. They converge at the city of North avid canoeist and a quick lesson for the with a concrete boat ramp on the northwest, Platte forming the Platte River proper, and novice, and may make the difference upstream, left side of the bridge. end at the River near Plattsmouth. between an adventure and a nightmare. From Louisville SRA to the Shilling From the Colorado to State Wildlife Management Area is 16 river Plattsmouth, the combined rivers flow a ACCESS SITES AND miles (3-6 hours). Exit on the south, right total of 900 miles; more than 580 miles POINTS OF INTEREST side of the river before converging with the . A road leads from this access within Nebraska. Launch from the bridge south of North area to Plattsmouth. Primitive camping is The Platte River was first named by the Bend along Nebraska 79, from the west or permitted. Open fires are not allowed. related languages of the Omaha and Oto upstream side of the bridge on either the Indians as the “flat water.” Later the river north or south side of the river. On the was named “Platte,” a French word meaning north side you can drive down a dirt road SCENERY “flat.” This river was a source of water for to the river’s edge. On the south side you The Platte River Valley from Fremont cuts wildlife, and food for the Indians who must portage a short distance to the water. through rolling hills consisting of glacial hunted near the river’s edge. French trappers From the Nebraska 79 bridge to till mantled by loess slopes. The hills have sought fur-bearing mammals along the Hormel Park in Fremont is 15 river miles rounded ridge crests with moderate to steep river. Lewis and Clark camped near the (3-5 hours). Hormel Park is a good launch slopes ending abruptly in the river. From confluence of the Platte and Missouri rivers, site with a concrete boat ramp. The park Fremont to the I-80 bridge, riparian wood- now known as Plattsmouth. They explored boundary starts approximately one mile lands consist of cottonwoods and willows the mouth of the Platte on their journey west of the U.S. 77 bridge, on the north or while on the ridge crests between North northwest. In 1830, the Platte River Valley left side of the river. Watch for the U.S. 77 Bend and the Shilling State Wildlife route quickly replaced the Missouri River bridge; when in view, cross to the north Management Area are upland deciduous route to the Pacific Northwest. Many side. Primitive camping, restroom facilities forests consisting of oak overland trails, including the Oregon and and two parking lots are available. Fees and hickory trees. Mormon trails, converged in the valley and vary according to facilities used. followed the river, which became known From Hormel Park to Platte River as The . As many as Landing, is 9 river miles (2-4 hours). The 350,000 immigrants made the journey to landing is on the southeast or downstream settle in the West. The lower Platte River, corner of the Nebraska 64 bridge. Facilities receives most of its summer flow from the include pit toilets, picnic areas and an access , as it converges into the lower ramp. The city of Valley is 4 miles east on Platte River, southeast of Columbus. Nebraska 64. COMMUNITY INFORMATION: From the Nebraska 64 bridge, (Platte Fremont Park Offices (402) 727-3290, SECTION DESCRIBED River Landing) to Two Rivers State Mahoney State Park (402) 944-2523 North Bend to the Shilling State Recreation Area (SRA) is 7.4 river miles (3-4 Two Rivers SRA (402) 359-5165 Wildlife Management Area (just west hours). Here two campsites are available Schramm Park SRA (402) 332-3901 of the Missouri River) — 71.3 miles. by the river. Watch for the sand and gravel (402) 234-2217, operation on the east side of the river just Louisville SRA (402) 234-6855 CHARACTERISTICS before the Nebraska 92 bridge. When in Cass County Sheriff (Plattsmouth) The Platte River channel is broad, view, cross to the east side before venturing Non-Emergency (402) 296-9370 reaching from a few hundred feet to over a under the Nebraska 92 bridge. Two Rivers Sarpy County Sheriff (Papillion) thousand feet in places with many sandbars SRA has modern restrooms, showers, and Non-Emergency (402) 593-4111 used by waterfowl and shorebirds. From caboose cabins. Douglas County Sheriff (Omaha) above, the river appears braided with From Two Rivers SRA to Schramm Park Non-Emergency (402) 444-6641 shallow rivulets and usually one deeper, SRA is 19 river miles (6-7 hours). This is a darker channel, suitable for canoeing. day-use area with restrooms and a picnic MEDICAL ASSISTANCE: Except at its lowest levels, the Platte’s flow area. This is an interesting place to stop for Memorial Hospital (Fremont) is gentle, varying from 3-5 miles per hour. a break with the Ak-Sar-Ben Aquarium and (402) 721-1610 The water is fairly clear but does carry Outdoor Education Center located at this site. Numerous hospital facilities are in sediment. With controlled discharges from The Lied Platte River Bridge Hike/Bike the Omaha metro area. For directions to upstream reservoirs, the river’s water flow Trail formerly known as the Rock Island the closest facility, call a Sheriff’s Dept., is continuous, but hot, summer weather Railroad Bridge is 15 minutes downstream as listed above for further information. can reduce water levels and narrow the from Schramm Park SRA. Plan ahead as you navigable channel. approach this bridge. The upstream current Dial 911 to reach emergency may be running perpendicular to your personnel in the area. Printed on recycled paper with soy ink. 4/04D