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IN THE EL QRIOAL WORLD. We ofer One Hundred DoUars a at1esbe a gleeaus caara •s -• • .ea•. , one cup -The sparks which in cold weather for aso caseof Catarrhthat manobe S"Shave your Sap s'!v,'butit won't be taken as of sugar, one quart of milk, one table- by Hial's CartarrhCare: fy from the fingers when a metallic ob. F. J.Cla~rm & Co., Pps.,Toladq O. -so the soap makers say, es- froe hot saetew.--hester (Pa.) spoonfuoft corn starch, one teasponful ject is touched are due to the electricity vanila, a small p of alt. We the undersalgnd. have now F. dr. L' Specially if your washing delicate Beat the produced by the friction between the Choney for the last 1 •years, an beie -:. =aa never realises how much sugar and eggs toyether; mix in the soles of the shoes and the carpet. The him perfectly honorable in all business things. Now, in the name of other Ingredients .ewlUeandbake S'~iriture he owns until he tries to on one electricity is not formed in the body at transact•on and fnancially able to carry common sense, what's the whalk raepdly through his house in the crust This makes two ples.-Boston out any obligation made by their firm. Budget all and has nothing to do with the vital Wast & TauAz. Wholesale Druggists To- get dark-Etoile Belge. processes. ledo, O. WALDINro.- KStaxxA MaIvsw, use? When you can Boiled Apple Dumpling.-Prepare Is, noei tU 070'0 -If men were as ungallant during -The students at Harvard university Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Pearline, S in powder form eourtship as they are after marriage, it your paste. Cut into squares, and fill Hal's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, as for baked dumplings, chopping finely have reorganized the Harvard electrio acting directlyupon the blood and mucous for this very reason, why is doubtful if more than one in ten club. Prominent electricians will ad- surfaces of the system. Price ISo. per bot. the apples that they may cook more tie. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials work over thousand could ever get a wife.-Ram's dress the club and members will read do you want to Process Horn. readily. Pat each dumpling into a bag free. for Unlike he Dutch or cloth and tie, leaving room for it to papers before it. The club is not to be o soap, which, if it's good -- "Thatwas an awfully queer thing IT is better to say: '*This one thing Ide " swell. Drop the bag into boiling water, a purely social organization, but its ob- than to say : "These forty things I dabble anything,gets very hard and difficult to cut. No Alkalies Watson's marriage." -"What -or• aboutJack and boil steadily for an hour. Serve ject is to promote knowledge of elec- in."-Washington Gladden. mean?" "'Why, he married the Besides, Pearline is vastly better than any :do you the dumplings hot with sauce. A good tricity and kindred subjects Other Chemicals girl for love, when she had lots of -A great sensation has been caused Tna WVOItLD'S MAMMrOT HOTEL Is the 1.100 powdered soap could be. It has all the good properties of are aused la tle saunce is made by mixing butter, brown room. fireproof, summer hotel, the "GREAT o money." sugar and cinnamon.-Ladies Home in Jerusalem by the introduction of the something in it preparation abuse this world EsrasTE.'" t St. Lawrence Ave. and 60th any soap-and many more, too. There's -The people who Journal. electric light into a new and flourish- St., Chicago. two blocks from Midway Plai- & CO.'S most vehemently while enjoying all its that does the work easily, but without harm-much more W. BAKER -Vegetable Soup~For this I always ing flouring-mill lately started close to sance World's Fair entrance and overlook- privileges are generally the ones who the Damascus Gate. The Arabs and ing famous Washington Park. World's Fair easily than any other way yet known. raise a great fuss over dying.-Wash- buy a "ten or fifteen-cent shin" of beef, visitors can avoid annoyance and extortion because there is so much marrow; put Jews are much puzzled to account for of sharks by engaging rooms now at $1.50 a Peddlers and some unscruapulous grocers will tiell la rcaksCo: coa ington News on to cook in cold water at nine o'clock; a light in a lamp in which there is no day, each person (European) by addressing this is as good as" or the sme as Pearline." IT -Bacon -"So you have been up to oil, and gaze upon it with wonder. Copeland Townsend, Manager, (formerly Bew are mfr.psa e lt eesabte. at half-past eleven o'clock have ready is peddled. if your sends you hear the mirr. Palmer House), 4f Rookery Building, FALSE-PeRv. never It4has aanahrteemr tftt Niagara falls? Did four potatoes quartered, or smaller if -The experiment of electrically Chicago, Ill. an be honest-rsrd il i. JAMES PYL w r of Cocoa mixed of the cataract?" Egbert yot imitation, mighty roar preferred, two onions, a double handful lighting omnibuses in London has -"No; I had my wife with me."- WHEN a person considers himself as "one M fa mrce ec.- of cabbage chopped fine, one carrot proved so generally satisfactory that all in a thousand,'; he naturally regards the Yonkers Statesman. grated, two tomatoes, and a small red the vehicles of the two leading com- others as ciphers. e ourisitaig, sad E Ts -Cattle Dealer (looking at an oil pepper. Lift the beef out on your meat panies are to be so lighted. Two lamps Yoe Needn't Live In a Swamp "Would you know w1,y with pleasure Two thou- Bell b7 oterers everywhere. painting)-"Alle Wetter! platter, and serve the soup at twelve.- are used in each omnibus, the power To have malarial trouble. It is as wide Our faces so beam? sand marks for the two oxen! That is a Ohio Farmer. being supplied from a storage battery. spread as it insidious. But you do need Hoe- W.AKaan Aoo..Dorchmbr .Earn, lot, and they are lean into the bar- -Molasses Cup Cake.-One teacupful Portable electric lamps for the use of tetter's Stomach Bitters to get over it gain!"-B umoristisches. soeedily and completely. Persistent use of Our Servalts each of sugar and sweet milk, two the ticket in spectors are also in success- this professionally commended remedy and Our life -Florence--"Do you know anything eggs, three teacupfuls of flour, half a ful use. preventive will floor it, though you have in vain. Tackle it at -IRON about swingingng:dumb-bells?" Charley teacupful butter, a pinch of salt and -Incandescent lamps of a special tried other medicines -"Well, I guess I do; I had to dance the outset. The same advice should be .ILe'er is a C AST IN8SOR one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in one character are now being made for elec- taken in cases of dyspepsia, debility, liver four times with that horrid Miss Flintly teacupful molasses; flavor with a tea- tric railway lighting. These lamps are and kidney complaint, rheumatism and neu- last night."-Inter-Ocean. spoonful each of cinnamon and ginger. designed so as not to break by vibra- ralgia. grumble, dream. Machinery and Machinery Supplies. -The idea of employing pretty wom- Bake in shallow cups or gem pans. Try tion. In the single loop form the fila- some people go forth to bury their en-for bill collectors looks feasible, but it and see if WHEN there is enough flour; if ment is anchored to the point of the prejudices they merely plant them.-Dallas XINOOsmPOATD 1601. Iemph, Teas. it would not work. The delinquent not, add as much as needed, but they lamp, while in the spiral form the fila- N ews. debtors would all want them to call lose their excellence if too stiff.-Orange ment is made in three close spirals Foa BRONCaIAL', ASTHMrATIC AND PUL.O- again.-Somerville Journal. Judd Farmer. mounted on a long, heavy glass center, NARY COMPLAINTs, "Brow's Bronchialle No TRErs of first quality can ever be sent -Workman- "Are you in favor of -Potato Pats.-Make mashed potato giving great steadiness of filament. Troeche" have remarkable curative propor. by mail Meyhap you know it. By freight, the eight-hour movement, my friend?" into thin pats while it is warm, and ties. $old only in boza. prepaid if preferred, we ship safely 4. 5 or -A new scheme of signaling for Roses I war 6 ft. trees; 2-year of rare excellcUence Tramp (in tones of disgust)-"Do these can be fried in various ways-by. purposes, by flashing Morse signals TnEaTaIrCAL managers ipqy act as though CLAIRE SOAP -everything! You actually pay less than as was in favor of any LAUD acres Nurseries. look like a chap dipping in beaten egg and fry- from incandescent lamps inclosed in a they want the earth, but iis really the stars for the puny stuff. 1,000 kind of movement?"-Comic Cuts. ing in butter, by dipping in egg they are after.--Inter Ocean. aIRL .•1 20,000 acres Orchards. Exact information balloon made of translucent material, Louis- wealth, I dare and then in corn meal and about trees and fruits. STAnS Btos., -Hicks-"Smiddle's was exhibited to military experts in Do.'T Neglect a Cough. Take some Hale's iana, Mu. say, is wholly due to his own unaided frying in butter, or simply frying London last week by the inventor, Eric Honey of Horehound and Tar instater.